377 Hoja med knjigami, pohajkovanje po knjižnici in Faldbakknova kaotična gnezda knjig Walking among books, strolling through the library and Faldbakken’s chaotic book nests Nena Škerlj Oddano: 18. 3. 2019 – Sprejeto: 12. 7. 2019 1.04 Strokovni članek 1.04 Professional article UDK 022.3:027(481) Izvleček Knjižnica je v prispevku prikazana kot prostor osredotočene hoje v iskanju določene knjige in/ali naključnega pohajkovanja med knjigami, kot prostor reda in/ali nereda, ki pa je v obeh primerih prostor lepote in potencialne ustvarjalnosti. Razni načini siste­ matizacije znanja so prisotni že od nekdaj, poudarjanje nereda v redu pa je značilneje za novejši čas, ko se s tem ukvarjajo na primer Matias Faldbakken, Jorge Louis Borges, Alberto Manguel in kažejo na pomembnost in lepoto neurejenega v kozmosu, svetu, knjižnicah in knjigah. Ključne besede: knjižnice, arhitektura, red, nered, Matias Faldbakken Abstract The library is presented here as a space for focussed walking in the search for a cer­ tain book and/or a space for strolling among books; it can be a space of order and/or disorder, in both cases being a space of beauty and potential creativity. Various ways of systematising knowledge have always been present, while the emphasis on disorder in order is more characteristic of the recent times. For example, Matias Faldbakken, Jorge Louis Borges, Alberto Manguel and many others have addressed these issues and highlighted the importance and beauty of the unordered order within the cosmos, the world, libraries and books. Keywords: libraries, architecture, order, disorder, Matias Faldbakken