Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! Serving American Slovenians for 110 years Vol. 110, No. 5 American Home Ameriška Domovina' SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 6, 2008 Phone: (216)431-0628 nn E-mail: ahn@buckeveweb.net ^ EU Presidency is Big Test for Small Slovenia by Frederick Studemann Financial Times Slovenia has reached another milestone in its journey from the wreckage of socialist Yugoslavia to the International mainstream when it assumed the rotating presidency of the European Union on January Is'. For the small Alpine republic of 2 million people that did not even exist as an independent state 20 years ago, it was quite an achievement. Slovenia is the first of the EU’s “class of 2004” of new members from formerly communist central and eastern Europe to take charge of running the political machinery of the 27-state bloc. But the honor of the six-month presidency - which follows earlier milestones of EU and NATO membership, entry into the euro-zone this year and, joining the Schengen open border regime - is also a big and very public test for one of the union’s newest and smallest mem- Joe Cimperman Speak: at Heritage Forum ^ I f~\ X t •-% A . VT7 • t »—. . _ The Slovenian-American Heritage Foundation invites all to attend the first talk in our 2008 Lecture Series. The Foundation is extremely pleased that Ward 13 Councilman from the City of Cleveland, Joe Cimperman, will be our featured speaker. In his presentation Joe will talk about the future of Downtown Cleveland, the St. Clair Slovenian neighborhood, and how they fit into the broader discussion of regionalism in Northeast Ohio. The program, which is free and open to the public, will take place on Tuesday, March 11 at 7 p.m. in the Lower Hall of the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Rccher Avenue in Euclid, Ohio. A coffee and strudel social will follow the lecture. Since 1997, Joe Cimperman has been the Councilman of Cleveland’s 13th Ward which include St. Clair, Superior, Payne, Sterling, Midtown, Downtown, Tremont, Ohio City/Near West Side, Duck Island, an the Forest City Par neighborhoods. Joe was born and raised i the St. Clair neighborhoot where his family was activ in the Slovenian community Councilman Cimpermai graduated from St. Ignatiu High School and earned ; degree in English from Johi Carroll University where hi was Student Council Presi dent. Councilman Cimper man is currently the Chair o the City Planning Commit tee, Vice Chair of the Finance Committee and a member of the Community and Economic Developmenl and Legislation Committee. He also represent Cleveland on the Landmarks Commission, the City Planning Commission, and the Northeastern Ohio Area-wide Coordinating Agency (NOACA). Joe lives with Nora, his wife of two years, in the Tremont neighborhood of Cleveland. 018*010****************l>***S-DtGIT 44081 MARIAN MCMAHON 3933 OHIO ST PERRY OH 44081-9662 bers. In the words of Janez Janša, prime minister, Slovenia is “a small country with a big challenge.” The most important test is the issue of Kosovo. Slovenia had hoped that some resolution to the question of Kosovo’s future might have been found before it was handed the presidential baton. But now as the EU takes over the role bequeathed by the United Nations of holding the ring in Pristina, Ljubljana faces the tricky task of helping to broker a common EU response to the former Yugoslav province’s ambitions for independence. It must do this while not damaging its own interests in the Balkans. Even before Kosovo returned to the headlines, Slovenia had committed itself to using its presidency to put the western Balkans and their prospects for enlargement back on the EU agenda. In particular, it hopes to see each of the countries of the former Yugoslavia advance at least one step in their respective accession journeys. Serbia, for instance, should progress from having initialed a “stabilization and association agreement” with the EU to actually signing it. As well as acting as advocate for its neighbors, Slovenia’s other priorities include overseeing the ratification of the EU’s Reform Treaty, giving a renewed boost to the Lisbon strategy for improving the competitiveness of the European economy, and continuing efforts to try to craft a common stance on energy and climate change policy. The sheer logistical task of organizing a presidency has been daunting. For one of the EU’s smaller countries it is a task that diplomats have likened to towing a 747 jumbo jet with a bicycle. (Continued on page 9) Daylight Savings Time Daylight Savings Time begins the weekend of March 8/9. Move clocks AHEAD one hour. Former Slovenian P.M. Janez Drnovšek dies Former President and Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Janez Drnovšek, died on Saturday, Feb. 23, 2008 at the age of 57. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has ordered that Monday, Feb. 25 be an official day of mourning in Slovenia. Dr. Drnovšek began his political career in 1989 when he presided the former Yugoslavia for one year. In 1992 he became Prime Minister of independent Slovenia. In December, 2002 he was elected President of Slovenia and completed his five year term. He was politically active in many international spheres, most notably in solving the Sudan crisis. He stopped appearing in public after Danilo Turk, his successor, became President in December, 2007. Senator George V. Voinovich, left, is presented the Golden Order of Merit of the Republic of Slovenia in May, 2005, from former President Janez Drnovšek at the presidential palace at Brdo. Senator Voinovich Mourns Passing of P.M. Drnovšek WASHINGTON, D.C. -Senator George V. Voinovich (R-OH) a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement regarding the passing of former president of Slovenia Janez Drnovšek: “Janet and I are saddened to learn of the passing of our friend President Janez Drnovšek. As the prime minister and president of Slovenia, Janez Drnovšek contributed greatly to the stability and continuity of the Slovenian government, and he helped make Slovenia a greater nation. During my career in the Senate, I got to know President Dmovsek in his official capacity, and as a fellow Slovene and dear friend. I met with him on several occasions throughout his career. “I will never forget the warm hospitality he extended to my wife and me. One of my greatest memories is from my visit to Slovenia in May, 2005, when President Dmovsek presented me with the Golden Order of Merit of the Republic of Slovenia. “He held a wonderful reception and lunch for Janet and me, our Slovenian relatives and special guests at the presidential palace at Brdo. I considered Janez Dmovsek to be a dear friend and an important leader in Slovenia’s history. “He will be remembered in Slovenian history as one of its early and influential leaders, and for his hard work in bringing the young country into NATO, the European Union, and the transatlantic alliance. “I would like to express my condolences to his family, the people of Slovenia and to Slovenians around the world as we mourn the passing of a great leader. President Dmovsek’s legacy of service to his country and to the world will not be forgotten.” AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 6, 2008 ^ AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike: $35 letno Kanada - $3.00 na izvod po redni pošti (ZD valuta) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (ZD valuta) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $35 per year Canada: $3 per issue in U.S. currency (1st class mail) Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published twice a month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 5 March 6, 2008 Bad Taxes vs. Good Life by RUDY FLIS In the Tuesday, Feb. 26 edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, in the business section, p. C5, I read in disbelief an article on the drug Lipitor, a drug that is supposed to lower cholesterol. Was this article about lives lost? Was this article to reveal greed of the inventors and manufacturers? No, none of that. It was about who and how they advertised the drug “Lipitor.” Can you imagine the Pfizer Co. using Dr. Jar-vik, who messed around with artificial hearts as part of his past. According to this article Dr. Jarvik holds a medical degree, but he didn’t get all of the certification he needed to practice medicine. For this reason, Pfizer cut the ad. Two congressmen, Reps. John Dingell and Bart Stu-pak said Pfizer made the right decision. Viagra had better watch their advertising, or these sleuths will be knocking on their door. Our tax dollars at work. The Pfizer Co. made $12 billion last year. That’s down right sinful, even if they didn’t steal it. Part of that $12 billion is my hard earned money out of my pocket, as I have used Lipitor for years, having had two heart operations, and it seems to prolong my life, a healthy life I enjoy. So I gladly give my hard earned money to them in exchange for a quality life. Now, let’s see, what have Reps. Joihn Dingell and Bart Stupak done for me that might come close to matching the Pfizer Co.? Well, they take my hard earned money out of my pocket, and it’s legal because they call it taxes and they give me waste for my hard earned money. Not nuclear waste, not chemical waste, but stupid waste. A giant of a company like Pfizer has to answer to idiots as these two who did nothing more than to hamper the progress of companies doing our people a great service. What have they done for mankind? I know that all our representatives are on a retirement plan that is not social security, as you and I have and that tells me they don’t feel my pain and they are better than me because they deserve more than the peon such as myself. Our country is at war, like it or not. Some in our Congress seem oblivious to this fact, but I pray over this war every day and beg God to protect our nation and those defending. I don’t have an easy feeling with representatives such as those mentioned here. 1 can’t believe the waste that must have cost so much time and money, and for what? BUREAUCRACY will be the fall of this great nation, especially if we have only people as the ones who set Pfizer straight on how to advertise an effective drug that has helped many people. God help us. If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers. -Edgar W. Howe The World of Polka Happenings by Tony Petkovšek POLKA GRAMMY AWARDS: Over the years since 1986, a number of polka artists including Canada’s Walter Ostanek have been winners in the polka category of the big-time Grammy (for gramophone) Music Awards, but no one comes close to New York’s Jimmy Sturr. Flis great big band sound of Polish style music was again recognized as tops in February in Los Angeles by members of the National Association of Recording Arts and Sciences -NARAS. At the 50lh Anniversary CBS show Sturr won for his “Come Share the Wine” album. Other groups competing besides W. Ostanek and the Western Senators were Brave Combo, John Gora, and Alex Meix-ner-Bubba Hernandez. Some 12,000 members of this music association determine the members of each music category. By the way, for those that qualify, membership is $100 a year. MUSICIAN DAVE WOLNIK PASSES: He was a dedicated polka drummer of Polish and Ukrainian descent who excelled in his musicianship. Dave Wolnik appeared with numerous Cleveland groups but a major claim to fame was his playing on Frank Yankovic’s first ever Gramy winning album, 70 Years of Hits.” He subsequently also appeared on the NBC Tonight Show hosted by Johnny Carson. SAUSAGE FEST SET FOR SEPTEMBER: Saturday, Sept. 27, the Sausage contest will take place at the SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio sponsored by the National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame as a major benefit for this polka organization. SEPTEMBER SIGNALS SEVERAL SLOVENIA TOURS: Kollander Travel (800-800-5981) in Cleveland has a number of European tours scheduled in Septem- ber including with the Genealogy Society; KSKJ -American Slovenian Catholic Union fraternal society; and Fairport Harbor Slovenian club. Another fraternal, SNPJ, is planning a polka cruise early in 2009. Don Wojtila has committed already, and other musicians are expected to join the all-star happening. Speaking of cruises, we’ll be aboard the Carnival Valor March 9-16, with 150 going to the Caribbean. Musicians include Adam Berthalt NY; Seiberts California; Mike Schneider Wisconsin; Jack Tady PA; Hank Thunander Minnesota; and Cleveland’s Joey Tomsick. POLKA RADIO 47,h YEAR: We continue broadcasting daily on WELW-1330-AM and worldwide at 24/7 Polka Heaven. Com, Monday - Friday, 2-4 p.m., and Saturdays noon - 2 p.m. since 1961 from either Kollander Travel or Harbertown Point studios in greater Cleveland. Slovenian film at Chicago Fest The Gene Sistel Film Center welcomes you to the 1 l’h Annual European Union Film Festival, the largest showcase for the cinema of the European Union nations in North America. This is our largest festival yet, with 61 feature films, all Chicago premieres, representing 26 nations. The festival opening celebration each year is presided over by the nation currently holding the presidency of the European Union. On Friday, March 7, our honorary host Dr. Zvone Žigon, Consul General of Slovenia, will introduce the opening night film Estrellita, an affecting story of healing and renewal centered on a 12-year-old boy and a priceless violin. Slovenia’s presidency is additionally celebrated by its official Oscar entry Short Circuits, a slyly humorous compendium of three tales triggered by an abandoned baby. --Slovenian Catholic Center All You Really Need Is SLOUEnia The diatonic accordion, also known as the “Cajun” accordion, was adopted as Louisiana's official musical instrument in 1990. Tony Petkovsek's Polka Radio America’s longest running daily show since 1961 2 Hours Daily 2-4 p.m. / Saturdays 12 to 2:00 p.m. WELW 1330 AM Kollander World Travel, 971 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119 and Harbortowne Point, Fairport Harbor Simulcast worldwide 247polkaheaven.com (216) 481-8669 or (216) 952-8669 TONY PETKOVSEK’S over 45 Years on Radio “Greatest Polka Music Variety” “At the pulse of an ever busy polka and Slovenian Community” Offering complete Community News Daily and phone-in Polka Opinion every Monday. Featuring: ALICE KUHAR (Recipes and Traditions) DUKE MARSIC (Strictly Slovenian News) PATTY SLUGA (Women’s Interviews) ED OSTRY (Guest co-host) _______________MARK TOMC (Alternative Music)_________ St. Mary’s of the Assumption 15519 Holmes Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44110 (216) 761-7740 FISH FRY Every Friday during Lent (4 p.m. to 7p.m.) Not Serving on Good Friday $8.00 FRIED FISH, home fries, coleslaw or applesauce, dessert, coffee - ($4 Vi meal) $9.50 - BAKED FISH Dinner $9,50 SHRIMP, home fries, coleslaw or applesauce, dessert, coffee - ($5.00 Vi meal price) $9.50 - CRAB CAKES, home fries, coleslaw or applesauce, dessert, coffee ($5.00 - 'A meal price) $9.50 COMBO MEALS $4.00 MACARONI and CHEESE dinner SOUP ~ $1.50 $2.50 Extra - 1 piece fish or 3 shrimp or 1 crab cake (Available with full dinner purchase only) Holmes Avenue Pensioners News © 3 Matej Andraž Vogrinčič Erector Set Boats in New Haven Canal Slovenian Artist’s Work Erected in New Haven Canal By Vassiliki Giannopoulos NEW HAVEN, CONN. -The Farmington Canal is filled with boats again. Slovenian artist Matej Andraž Vogrinčič is using the historic waterway as the site of his American debut installation centering around 50 boats constructed from giant Erector Set components, which were originally manufactured by New Haven’s A.C. Gilbert Co. Vogrinčič was invited to New Haven by Site Projects, Inc., a community based non-profit organization that commissions site-specific, art projects in public places in New Haven by internationally-recognized artists. As with all his work, once Vogrinčič finds a specific location, he allows the history, resonances and emotions linked to the site to inspire his creation. “With my work, I start with the space -that’s the thing that grabs me in the first place,” says Vogrinčič. In this case, it was the abandoned Farming-ton Canal cut in the middle of the city’s busy legal/-financial center and awardwinning arts district that caught the artist’s attention. During a visit to The Eli Whitney Museum, he learned of another icon of New Haven’s industrial heritage: the Erector Set. Within days, the artist had identified the tools and the place to create a striking site-specific, temporary work of art. While Vogrinčič was in Slovenia producing the oversized Erector Set pieces, Site Projects worked on the preparation of the abandoned canal, which included a major clean up from the City of New Haven Livable .City Initiative and the Department of Parks, Recreation and Trees. - Vogrinčič arrived and began the installation in April. He subsequently decided the iron boats would need a more prominent setting than the lining of the Canal. Within a few weeks, over 160 cubic yards of biodegradable wood chips arrived and Vogrinčič began working steadily, assembling the boats and filling the ends with shells, bricks and gravel.__________________________ Thanks to Lawrence J. Hočevar for providing this interesting article. but Wednesday, Feb. 13 HAP meeting was still quite well attended. After Pledge of Allegiance, we remembered Frank Urankar’s brother ‘G* Stanley, last residing in North Carolina, and all our departed members and friends with a moment of silent prayer. Three new members were welcomed to our club: Elsie Frank, Evelyn Jean Proell, and Margie Rys. Hope you spend many happy hours with us. Elsie was invited as guest of Dorothy Lamm, and joined the club at the same time. Another guest was Milan Dular who accompanied his lovely wife, Marie. Had to drag him along, huh? He did say he enjoyed visiting... 146 HAPpy “recycled teenagers” attended the meeting. We have 144 on Honorary Roster, and NO waiting list. Matt Kajfez collected $3.50 in badge fines, and $1.00 was donated by a generous soul (Thanks, Ivica). Myra Jerkič is enjoying a winter respite, so Helen Kozlevchar ran the 50/50 raffle, with help of Jeanette Yert. Very successfully, too, as usual. Besides numerous money prizes, some lucky members won tasty Valentine candy, brought in by Bill Zabukovec. Thank you, Bill. Donations of any kind are always welcome. Sunshine Lady Ann Eichlcr sent cherry cards to Ann Dus, Vic Koncilja, Elsie Lavrenčič, John Plutt, Mary Stragisher, Art Tibyash, Ed Trader, and Elsie Zalar. Get well soon, everybody. Frank Sadar reported his wife, Julie, is back in the hospital; keep her in your thoughts and prayers. We sang “Happy Birthday” to several members. Anniversary wishes were sung to Marie and Milan Dular, 59 years; and Ruth and Frank Korelec, 28 years. Congratulations, everyone. Fran Kajfez and Helen Kozlevchar have some trips in the works: Friday, March 28 to Scncca-Allcghany (ALL FILLED), sorry, folks, Wednesday, May 7 to Riverside Dinner Inn, to see “The Bermuda Triangle Comedy”; and a 3-day trip to Rochester, NY in September. More details at next meeting. Any suggestions for future trips are very welcome. If you prefer to remain anonymous, just use the ‘Suggestion Box’; it is gathering cobwebs, February is our “Special Celebrations” month. Birthday proclamations were presented to Frank Sadar, 90 years young; Evelyn Pipoly, 85 years (get outta here, Ev, you’re lookin’ good; and Matt Kajfez, 80 years young. Gotta wait another year, Matt, before you get to be Honorary. Anniversary proclamations were given to Julie and Frank Sadar, 65 years; Josephine and Joseph “Bill” Klein, 60 years and Vicki and Hank Skarbez, 60 years. Many more happy years are wished to all. Bog vas zivi. Our traditional “Mock Wedding” followed. Helen and Bill Wujnovich were the designated couple to “renew” their vows, but could not make it to the meeting. Twinsburg, where they reside, is part of the snow-belt, and they got “belted.” Joan and Bob Jamison stepped up to the plate to pinch hit and what a lovely couple they were. Bob said they had something similar staged at their actual wedding cere-moriy 3 years ago and had so 2 much fun, he was ready to po do it again. He also said even their bandleader was so impressed with the skit he almost gave Bob his money back. (Of course, being Slovenian, there wasn’t too great a chance of that.) “Bridesmainds” were Alice Ourednik, Doris Pokopac, and Lori Sicrpi-towski. Matt Zabukovec was the shotgun-carrying “best man.” John Kovelan stepped nicely into the role of “Bishop,” and Adolph “Stash” Kocin was the “Priest” eagerly “blessing” all assembled. Rich Cesen and Tony Spendal accompanied the ceremony and singing with lively accordion music. Lots of fun all around. Hope the “Singing Bridesmaids” bring their lovely voices to the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Road after the April 9 meeting, when we entertain the residents. Some notes on coming attractions: March 12 meeting: bingo will be back by popular demand. The “Forever Young Tappers” will entertain us May 14. The spry ladies in their 60s, 70s, and 80s are truly aweinspiring. Don’t miss the fun. A sad postscript: wellloved and lovely lady frJulie Sadar went home to the Lord on February 21, and was laid to rest on Feb. 25. Our deepest sympathy to Frank, and all the family. She will be truly missed by all. —Wanda PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster --------------------J Support America...Support American Made Products Catholic Cemeteries Association DIOCESE OF CLEVELAND The Catholic Cemeteries Association introduces the American Values program. This program offers high quality, American made grave markers, burial vaults and the graves of your choice to Catholic Families. EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY AT AN EXCEPTIONAL PRICE! If you have considered acquiring a burial package for yourself or a family member don’t miss this special opportunity. FOR INFORMATION STOP AT YOUR CATHOLIC CEMETERY OR MAIL THIS COUPON TO: Catholic Cemeteries Name_____________________________ attn: Family Services - AF Address' 10000 Miles Ave. City__________ State Zip Cleveland, Ohio 44105 Phone___________ ŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 6, 2008 MARCH 6, 2008 4 St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club Early members of the St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club walk to the shooting range on a beautiful fall afternoon. Some of the Slovenian shooters wait their turn at skeet shooting competition. Note the formal attire and the 1940s cars in the background. r~JJ)cin L^odic Funeral Home 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Director Our Slovenian Family Serving Yours Left to right, kneeling, Paul Antonin, Ed Pozelnik; back row, left to right, Antonin, Tony Baraga, Frank Kramer, Ed Petrie, Tony Novak, Tony Bozic, and Bill Kazen. (Part II) In 1978 Frank Zorman had friends in Canada and they invited our Club to visit them at their Club in Everett, Canada for a friendly trap shoot. In turn, we started inviting them to our Club to trap shoot. About that same time, Barberton and Rainbow gun clubs, as mentioned in the past history, had to shut down and that left only Euclid Gun Club to trap shoot against, of the original four clubs. St. Clair and Euclid had a final shoot-off in 1980 with the winner keeping the flag that started in 1934. St. Clair beat Euclid and kept the flag. That same year, 1980 we started to shoot against three Canadian clubs, Slovenian Hunters and Anglers, Kitchener and Planica. We started a new flag trophy with the club winner keeping the flag for one year until the following year’s competition shoot. We alternate the Flag Shoot every year so that each club has a chance to host the shoot. When our Club travels to Canada for these shoots, they always have a big picnic. We recently celebrated our 25lh year trap shooting anniversary with the Canadians in 2006. During the last 30 years, our Club has two social events per year, a steak roast and a clambake. They are very well attended and everyone has a good time. We recently added 10 acres to our property for a total of 100 acres and had two gas/oil wells dug with a third well to be started this year (2008). Money received go to keep up our recreational grounds. Our families enjoy fishing in our pond, kids play- ground, balinca alley, dance hall pavilion, two trap shooting ranges, and hunting ducks, deer and turkey that roam our property during the hunting season. Our Club makes its own sausage and venison which is served at our meetings that are held the 2nd Sunday of the month. We have a trap shooting league for our members starting in April and ending in September. This past year we invited the Council General of the Republic of Slovenia, Zvone Žigon, to our steak roast, and he and his wife, Irena, had a good time. He enjoyed meeting with the Canadians that weekend and stated, “The club is the best kept Slovenian secret.” --Richard A. Beck, President, St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club In 1937 Slovenian folks gather for a picnic at Good Hope Farm in Mentor ni,i« a * some refreshments at the pavilion shelter. ’ 0h,° and gCt Our Blessed Land - Slovenia by MIRA KOSEM Our Blessed Land - Pozdravljena Zemlja is very close to my heart. It inspired me in 1961 when the cantata was first introduced and stayed imbedded in my sub-consciousness all these years because of the message it contains and projects. The work was resurrected again for Korotan’s 50lh anniversary and became the gift we singers carried to independent Slovenia as we returned to our homeland for the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Slovenian exodus and holocaust in 2005. The creators of the cantata, Metod Milač and Pavle Borštnik, have worked tirelessly for more than half a century promoting Slovenian cause, as have others that will be mentioned in future articles. Our Blessed Land generated many human interest stories, especially the last three years through the DVD with the same name. It is one idea that came full circle culturally and ideologically and, hopefully, will continue to bring a message of hope, while keeping alive the memory of multitudes that suffered and died through the horrors of war and revolution in our beloved homeland. Our Blessed Land When it became obvious after the war that there will be no room in Slovenia for democratically, anti-com-munist-oriented Slovenes, they realized they must seek new existence in the world. The first one to open the door to them was Argentina. Thousands emigrated there and later to Canada and America. The largest of these groups of noncommunist Slovenes, found itself in the city of Cleveland in the United States. As Tito’s communists tried to convert all South Slav people, no religiously educated person felt safe. “Whoever is not with us is against us,” -that was the order of the day and whoever was “against us” had to be destroyed. Thus hundreds of intellectuals opted for exile. When I arrived in Cleveland in 1955 I found the cultural life among the Slovenes in full bloom. The sculptor Gorse was here, the prolific writer Karl Mauser and poet Marjan Jakopič, two dramatic clubs were very active as were Korotan singing choir as well as Kres the folkdance group and later on the “Nightingale,” the children’s singing choir. College students had their own “Sava” association and many other organizations also thrived. Cultural activities were very lively. Each day we could listen to Slovene language radio broadcasts and there was something for everyone. We, the youngsters, were given a chance to participate in many a venture. (Marjan and I, for instance met as members of the Youth section of Lilija dramatic club.) It was all a veritable paradise for us. Each week something happened. As I joined Korotan soon after my arrival, many of these events remain forever in my memory. The genesis of “Our Blessed Land” cantata Human spirit is forever seeking a homeland, free and prosperous, looking after the rights of its citizens and protecting the rights of everyone. Slovenes have through their turbulent history, suffered as sub-servants to many different masters, seizing our blessed land. Our forefathers probably enjoyed a measure of freedom of sorts electing and installing their counts in the land of Karinthia. After the First World War hope grew that we will be equal partners in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, but obstacles soon appeared, especially at the time of the dictatorship of King Alexander. When Germans and Italians invaded Slovenia in 1941, and the Communists usurped this occasion to launch a campaign to seize the power under the guise of the Front of Liberation, an era of terrible terror and martyrdom spread over our land. Two of our well-known countrymen, students and cultural workers grew up in this stormy atmosphere. Metod Milac, a student of musicology, who was arrested by the Fascists, “liberated” by the Communists, recaptured and sent by the Italians to the “Island of Death,” that is the island of Rab in the Adriatic sea; liberated again only to be rearrested by the Germans and sent to the forced-labor camp of Auschwitz (see his book “Resistance, Imprisonment and Forced Labor,” in English, later translated as “Kdo solze nase posusi” into Slovenian.) Pavle Borštnik and Metod Milac met as members of the Boy Scout association in Ljubljana and were briefly fellow students at the Humanities High School, where they met Duke Marsic. Both Milac and Borštnik were active members of the Intelligence Service of the Slovene army of the old Yugoslavia, striving to help in the resistance movement against the occupiers. After numerous detours in exile, they met again in our fair city of Cleveland, by then, both were married and employed in industry, to provide for their families. Milac followed his love for music and formed the Korotan singing choir, leading it for more than 10 years, while studying music and graduating from the Cleveland Institute of Music, followed by a master’s degree in Library Sciences at Western Reserve University. This helped him to obtain a position as a librarian at Syracuse University, where he also continued his studies, eventually earning a PhD degree and a position as a Department Director of the University Library. Korotan’s singers sadly said good bye to our beloved, patient director in 1962, knowing full well he had to follow his career. But we were all very proud to see him in our midst at many concerts thereafter, thanking him for his support and constructive criticism of our work of which he wrote many articles. After the so-called “mala matura” Borštnik transferred to the Academy of Commerce in Ljubljana. He did that mostly because there he had an opportunity to study the Slovene language under the guidance of Dr. Anton Slodnjak, at that time the foremost authority in this field. Slovene language, obviously was his first love and Dr. Slodnjak’s influence was vital for his skill. When Borštnik arrived in Cleveland with his young family, he, too, like Milac, was at first employed in the industry, as his family was his first concern. But he also participated in many cultural events. I remember him as a soloist in the operetta “The Sexton’s Daughter,” (Meznarjeva Lizka), as well as a soloist in the first of Korotan’s records. Soon after the Slovene radio hour was established on WXEN-FM by Rado Menart, and we also heard Borstnik’s voice. Co-founder of this program, Dr. Stanc Šušteršič soon found a position with the Voice of America in Washington, DC and promised Borštnik to help him obtain a position there as well. But it took some 10 years. In this time Borstnik’s family grew and finally he was given the chance to go to Washington, where he stayed for 24 years. From 1990 until his retirement in 1994, Borštnik served as the first Chief of the Independent Slovene Service of the Voice of America. Since his retirement and return to Cleveland, we can read his interesting commentaries in the American Home, while he is also compiling and preserving clippings of documents and relevant articles dealing with the problems of our relations with the central homeland. For over 30 years he is also collecting the data on victims of the Slovene Holocaust. Matica Mrtvih, assembling what is most likely the most comprehensive register of the dead. He also helps unhesi-tantly, anyone interested in Slovene matters. As the 10th anniversary of Korotan approached, its past president, Dr. Stane Šušteršič, suggested something “special and original” and prepared by Metod Milac himself. His idea was accepted, and Milac, knowing about Borstnik’s literary efforts, asked him to write the verse. Borštnik came up with one, originally designated as “The Land Beyond the Sea” but later, renamed “Pozdravljena zemlja - Our Blessed Land,” which musically gifted Milac transformed into a cantata. With their work accomplished, the Korotan singers began to rehearse this monumental work. While Borstnik’s labor was by and large accomplished, there was much more left for Milac, who also had to find suitable musicians for performing this remarkable work. He found them among his school mates at the Cleveland Institute of Music. Thus Korotan’s 10th anniversary turned out to be a veritable celebration for us. We mastered the cantata, a manifestation of celebrating one’s homeland. Proud of It has been a few months since a reminder appeared in the American Home about the effort by Rich Terselic and Chuck Debevec to gain access to old 78 rpm phonograph records containing Slovenian polkas, waltzes and choral singing. It is our goal to preserve the “oldies” by converting them to compact disc (CD) format. Each reminder produces one or more new inquiries. Using modem computer technology, Chuck is able to our director, we gave the inaugural performance of the cantata at the St. Vitus Hall. I was especially impressed by the wording of the poem. I left my beloved homeland as a 16-year-old girl. True, at that time, our homeland was more like a wicked step-mother to us and I longed for it to turn into a loving mother. All these feelings found their expression in the poem: homesickness... a melody flows softly through the air... my heart stands still in joyous rapture... It reminded me of the terror I remember as a child... our forests turned to graveyards...it asserts a resistance to violence... the despair at the victory of evil... a lonely mother waits in vain,... who is to dry our tears... the spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness. But most of all I was impressed by the implied hope for freedom for our land... Singing these verses I felt rather downhearted in 1961, but thankful and in tears in 2005, when we presented the Milac-Borstnik cantata in Slovenia at concerts celebrating the 60th anniversary of our exodus and holocaust. This was our song, it repre-resented our feelings, our lives, the lives of those forced to flee their homeland, the one we shall all love until the day we die. But the deepest compliment, the sincerest vision of this love was expressed by Borštnik, when he translated his poem for the “Addendum” to our DVD and gave it the title “Pozdravljena, zemlja” - Our Blessed Land. (To Be Continued) produce excellent reproductions from even scratched or cracked discs. If you have no further interest in keeping your 78s, we will provide them a good home, or after converting them to CD format, will return them, along with a CD containing the selections from the 78s. Contact Rich do 9003 Harris Street, Frederick, MD 21704-7827. Phone him at (301) 874-2446 or email at rat@tidalwave.net Songs ’&Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Sfoiwttkn feriio AiiRify CD MtJrtC ADC Prcffam tXnrcuw WCStt 83 J I« RAtua »Dim. S»»il«y 3-l(> tun ViWlnndty 6-7 pm 28USSocm**Dir* WllldUghfor HUIv OM «4094 W TOM< wi»; www.wab.org Slovenian 78 Records Wanted AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 6, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 6, 2008 6 Monika Vidmar Chosen as Gospodična LEMONT, IL - Monika Vidmar reigns as the current “Gospodična Slovenskega Dne” (Miss Slovenia), selected by the governing board of the Slovenian Catholic Center. “We have chosen Monika because she has learned to cherish her Slovenian heritage, and because she is an inspiration to the Slovenian community based in Lemont’s Slovenian Home,” confirms Martin Hozjan, president of the organization. Dressed in beautiful Slovenian costume in her “Gospodična” role, Monika added a touch of class at the main annual event celebrating the anniversaries of the Center’s establishment and of Slovenia’s independence. As “Gospodična” she read the gubernatorial proclamation outlining the contributions of the Slovenian people to the progress and development of America. In particular, it cites the activities of the Slovenian Catholic Center in promoting cultural awareness and upholding the common interests and values of Slovenian heritage. Of her friends, she quips: “They refer to me as ‘the Slovenian one.’ They became aware of this ethnic group and country since they’ve come to know me.” Monika is a very lovely and congenial young lady, as well as an accomplished young leader, active sportswoman, generous volunteer, and an exceptional academe with an impressive cadre of awards and achievements. Growing up in Brookfield, IL, she attended Congress Park Elementary School, Park Jr. High and Lyons Township High School. Monika currently attends Dominican University in River Forest, IL, as a sophomore majoring in Math, with a concentration in secondary education. She hopes to teach math in high school. Monika states her goal in teaching is to “inspire students to find their true passion in life.” Achieving the Honor Roll every quarter during High School, she received the coveted Gold Chevron, and maintains a steady 3.934 grade point average on the Dominican University Dean’s List. Inter-collegiate math competitions netted Monika’s team 6Ih place. Monika holds offices as secretary of the Math Club and co-president of the Education Club. KSKJ Life fraternal insurance awarded her the Rev. David Stalzer volunteerism scholarship and the KSKJ Illinois Federation scholarship. She also attended the KSKJ Young Adult Leadership Conference in Kansas City. Chosen by her peers, Monika received the Fratcr-nalism Award at the Slovene Fcst of the Slovene National Benefit Society SNPJ in Pennsylvania. Avid for sports, Monika participated in Club Gymnastics and Club Volleyball, and was selected for USA Junior National Volleyball Camp at San Francisco State University, the High Performance Regional Camp at Chicago DePaul University. And she made the cut into Dominican University volleyball team, where she now assists in coaching. Looking forward to summer study abroad in Slovenia for an intense language course at the University of Ljubljana, Monika remembers a favorite story from her grandmother, “stara mama," After God spread beauty throughout the world, he had a handful left, and sprinkled more beauty over Slovenia. Volunteering in a variety of genres helped Monika develop commitment and stamina crucial to leadership skills. Monika volunteered several years in the QUEST pre-and post-confirmation activities at St. Francis Xavier Church, taught CCD, assisted in language classes at the Slovenian Catholic Center, and served as lector and acolyte at Sunday liturgies. She performs with the Slovenian Folklore Dance Group LIPA. At the university, she completed an assistant teacher internship with seventh graders, and served in positions as student ambassador at parent-student welcome weekends and leader at frosh orientation. Some of her volunteering involved fun, when helping children write letters to Santa for Holiday Write Night. Helping in the kitchen for the weekly Sunday brunch after Mass at the Slovenian Catholic Center allowed for some heart-to-heart talks, where Monika discovered how people faced personal tragedies, overcame obstacles, handled hard times, learned how to find and create joy in their lives and inspire others. “From lemons you make lemonade,” Monika quotes the adage. Asked why being Slovenian was important to her, she answers, “You don’t know where you will go in the future if you don’t know where you come from.” Support for her endeavors comes from her parents and grandparents. Monika has heard her mother say, “Material things can be taken away. But no one can take from you your faith, your education, or your culture.” Parents Dr. John and Monika Vidmar Dawn Vidmar hold responsible positions in their respective vocations. Dr. Vidmar performs ministerial duties as Deacon at the Slovenian Catholic Mission in Lemont, holds the position of senior vice-president at Synovate, Inc., and serves as president of the Bishop Baraga Association in Chicago. Dawn Vidmar serves as general manager of publications for the Archdiocese of Chicago and was elected this year to the governing board of the Catholic Press Association. --Ivanka Markun Old Quiz, New Quiz by James V. Debevec II OLD QUIZ: Leonard Slye was born in Cincinnati, moved to California where he changed his name and became a singing cowboy in the movies. He took his dentist’s name. Who is he? ANSWER: Roy Rodgers. Correct responses were given by Rudy Sterk, St. Vitus Village manager, Beatrice Jerkich of Euclid, Joe Burya of Euclid, Vida Kalin of Cleveland, Gene Kogovšek of Highland Heights, Carl Debevec from California, Rudy and Therese Flis, Cleveland, Marie Dular, Cleveland, Nick Kosir from Wooster, OH, Robert F. Dlugo from Independence, OH, Stan Žakelj, Broadview Hts., OH, Anthony Goršek, Cleveland, John Sušnik of Duluth, Minn., and Rev. Bill Jerse, Euclid, Ohio. NEW QUIZ: In the first Sherlock Holmes story, “A Study in Scarlet,” mention is made of Enoch Drebbcr, from what American city? A. - New York B - Cleveland C - Chicago D - Las Vegas E - San Francisco Send your answers to ahp@buckevewcb.net or regular mail to: James’ Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Avc., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627. Coming Events Every Friday in Lent (except Good Friday) St. Mary parish, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland — Fish Fry from 4 to 7 p.m. Every Friday in Lent Lenten Fish Fries at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Every Friday in Lent Lenten Fish Fries at Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo Rd., and all Fridays in Lent. Serving 11:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. Dine in or take outs available. Thursday, March 6 St. Vitus Alumni meets, 7 p.m. in St. Vitus Village Slovenian Room. Saturday, March 8 Federation of Slovenian Homes honoree banquet at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Sunday, March 9 St. Vitus all parish Mass, 10:30 a.m. with community Lenten lunch immediately following Mass in parish auditorium. Guest speaker is Father Thomas Harcn, Mdiv., pastor, St Monica Parish. Sponsored by parish pastoral council. Friday, March 14 Fish Fry, Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80,h St., Cleveland from 5 to 7 p.m. Donation $9. Music by The Culkars from 6:30 to 8:30. Reservations call Anna Mae (216) 341-6136. Tuesday, March 11 Cleveland Councilman Joe Cimperman speaks at Heritage Foundation forum, 7 p.m., in Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio. All invited to free talk on Downtown Cleveland and the St. Clair Slovenian neighborhood. Saturday, March 15 Butare making in lower church hall sponsored by St. Vitus Slovenian School. Note: Bring scissors, greens, etc. Sunday, March 16 Annual St. Vitus Palm Sunday benefit dinner in auditorium. Breaded pork chops or chicken and all side dishes. Cost $ 12 for adult, $6 for child. Tickets at parish house or at the door. Sunday, March 16 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Corporate Communion. Thursday, March 20 Social in Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland. Doors open at 6 p.m. For information call (216) 481-5378. Tuesday, March 25 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Reverse Raffle in Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Avc. Wednesday, March 26 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Avc., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Saturday, March 29 Primorski Klub Dinner-Dance at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. March 30 thru April 5 Slovenian Ski Trip 2008 to Sun Valley, Idaho. $1299. For information call John Kamin (718)424-2771. Sunday, April 6 Super Button Box Bash 26 from 1 to 9 p.m., Slovenian Junior Chorus concert at 3 p.m. at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. Friday, April 11 Radio Slovenia from Ljubljana will host an evening of music and fun in St. Mary’s parish hall. Ansambel “Veseli Svatje” will entertain. Events of the evening will be recorded and broadcast in Slovenia. The group will then travel to St. Catharine’s and Toronto. Friday, April 18 Night at the Races for Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., in joint effort with St. Vitus Slovenian School. Saturday, April 19 Korotan Concert, Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Saturday, April 26 Zarja Concert, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. “Slamnati vdovec” (The Grass Widower). Dinner 5 p.m., Program: 7 p.m. Dancing to Jeff Pecon Orchestra at 8 p.m. For tickets ($23) donation, visit Polka Hall of Fame, or call (216) 531-5542 or at the door. Wednesday, April 30 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Sunday, May 18 St. Vitus Slovenian School graduation, during 10:30 a.m. Mass in church. Sunday, May 18 Maksim Gaspari Print “Mother Slovenia” will be raffled off at a special event in the Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Tickets $10; or 3 for $25. Sunday, May 25 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Memorial Mass, 9 a.m. in St. Vitus Church. Wednesday, May 28 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Sat., Sun., June 21-22 St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club celebrates 80lh anniversary Steak Roast. July 20 St. Vitus parish Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Death Notices LILLIAN B. NOVAK Lillian B. Novak (nee Kozorog), passed away on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2008. Beloved wife of Raymond J.; dear sister-in-law of Nor-bert L. Novak (deceased) (wife Jean), and Dolores Krause (husband Thomas); daughter of Anton and Stephanie (nee Neubauer) Kozorog (both deceased); dear aunt of John (Jinni), Tom and Marie Krause, Carol and Jim (Teresa) Novak; great aunt of Holden, Kevin, and Connor; cousin of many. Lillian was secretary of St. Anne’s Lodge No. 4 AMLA, and a member of KSKJ St. Vitus Lodge 25. She was a staunch fratemalist having served on the national board of the American Mutual Life Association. She was an active participant of the St. Vitus parish in Cleveland. Lillian loved to travel, especially out West, and was a loyal supporter of Slovenian activities in the Greater Cleveland community, and helped her husband, Ray in his stamp business. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. on Friday, Feb. 29, from 2-8 p.m. Family and friends met for services on Saturday, March 1 at 11 a.m. in St. Vitus Church. Eloquent eulogies were given by Rev. Joseph Boznar, Joseph Ambrosic, and husband Ray. Donations to St. Vitus Church, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, or St. St. Joseph Church, 12600 Pearl Rd., Strongsville 44136 in her memory would be appreciated by her family. ANTHONY M. GORIŠEK Anthony M. Gorišek, 54, passed away on Feb. 15, 2008. Loving father of Amanda (mother, Janet) Ploenzke; son of the late Karl and Anna; brother of Boris (Diane) and Karl P. Gorišek and Olga (Frank) Merela; uncle of Jennifer (Kevin) Young, Kristen Gorišek, Frank G. and Eva Merela; great-uncle of Abbigale Young. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Funeral Service was at 8 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2008 at Monrcal Funeral Home, Visitation was from 5-8 p.m. Wednesday. CONRAD PETER MEJAC On February 4, 2008 Conrad P. Mejac died after an extended stay at the Col-lingswood Nursing Home, Rockville, MD. Mr. Mejac was born in Savna pec, Slovenia in 1922. After graduation from elementary school in Zidani most, he attended gymnasium in Maribor. His college studies in Ljubljana were interrupted by the outbreak of WWI1 and imprisonment at Gonars, Italy. After release and a brief return to Ljubljana, he fled to Rome where he was employed with a United Nations Agency and later the Vatican. In 1950 he immigrated to New York City area and completed a masters degree at St. Johns College. He accepted a position with the U.S. State Department and moved to Washington, D.C. Shortly after moving there he transferred to the Voice of America, Slovenian Radio Service where from 1960 he served as its chief, retiring in 1992. He is survived by his wife, Mary (nee Grill), three children (Peter, Helen and Maria) and several grandchildren. JULIA SADAR Julia Sadar (nee Bencelic), age 92, passed away Thursday, Feb. 21, 2008. Beloved wife of Frank. Loving mother of Jim (Deborah) and Ted (Sandy); grandmother of Scott, Natalie, Julie, Lisa and Jennifer (Brent). Sister of Amelia Ovsek. Julie was a member of Holmes Avenue Pensioners, Euclid Pensioners, Klub Ljubljana, St. Mary’s Seniors, KSKJ Lodge #169, S.W.U. #50, and United Slovenian Society. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Sunday, Feb. 24 from 3-8 p.m., where services were held Monday at 9:15 a.m., and St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.) at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Donations to the charity of your choice in her memory would be deeply appreciated by the family. A thing of beauty is a joy forever; Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness. —John Keats DUŠAN “DUKE” ŽITNIK Mass of Christian Burial for Dušan “Duke” Žitnik, 73, of Cleveland was at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, Jan. 19, 2008 at St. Paschal Baylon Catholic Church, 5364 Wilson Mills Road, Highland Heights, Ohio. Mr. Žitnik died unexpectedly on Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008 at his residence. He was bom on May 14, 1934 in Slovenia. Mr. Žitnik was a machinist for the Lincoln-Electric Company in Euclid where he was named Man of the Year in 1973. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and served as a faithful usher at the noon Mass at St. Paschal Baylon Church. He was a member of K.S.K.J. and the Retirees of Slovenska Pristava. He was a bowler and an avid out-doorsman, especially enjoying hunting. He was an accomplished musician, playing the accordion, trumpet and drums and was an original member of the Duke Marsic Band. He was devoted to his family, and especially loved being a grandfather, always attending his grandchildren’s sporting events and all family celebrations. Survivors are Slavka “Stansa” (Povirk); children, Duke Jr., Elizabeth (Brian) Thelen, Barbara, Margaret (Thomas) Pilon, Nicholas (Tracee), Catherine (Bert) Mechenbier and Christine (Robert) Foell; grandchildren Stephanie, Martha, Matthew, Rachael, Olivia, Lindsey, Samantha, Katelyn, Christopher, Andrew, Abilgail, Daniel, Grace, Jonathan, Julia and Nicholas; sister, Poldi Bojc; and many nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, John and Lcopoldina (Holozan); brother John; sister-in-law Barbara; and brother-in-law Joe Bojc. The family received friends at The DeJohn-Flynn-Mylott Funeral Home of Willoughby Hills. Father Roger Bourgeois, S.S.S., and Father Donald Jette, S.S.S., officiated at the Mass. Burial services were held following the Mass in All Souls Cemetery Mausoleum. Contributions are suggested to the St. Paschal Baylon Building Fund, 5384 Wilson Mills Road, Highland Heights, OH 44143 or to Catholic Mission Aid (M.Z.A.). STEVEN MERVAR Steven Mervar, age 23. Beloved son of Deborah (nee Marinch) (Mark) Habat and Edward Mervar (deceased); brother of Anthony (deceased); nephew of Toni and Dough Kamerer; cousin of Zach Kamerer. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Tuesday, Feb. 19 from 2-8 p.m., where services were held Wednesday at 11 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. LOUIS DROBNIČ Louis Drobnič, age 79 of ' Willoughby, Ohio, beloved husband of Milena (nee Lavrenčič); loving father of Nancy (Raymond) Malone and Daniel (Michelle) Drobnič; cherished grandfather of Ashley and Nicole Malone and Danny Drobnič; dear brother of Ludvik Drobnič of Slovenia, Tina Kanalec and the following deceased: Frank, Mirko and Marija. Funeral Mass was at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 28, 2008 at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Wickliffe. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., (between Bishop Rd. and Rt. 91), Willoughby Hills, on Wednesday, Feb. 27 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. In Memory Thanks to Vinko Kaplan of Richmond Heights, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of John and Mary Semen. On the 15tn Anniversary of the death of Anton J. (Tony) Petkovšek Sr. Passed away on March 2, 1993 A lasting memorial is the perpetuation of the daily Slovenian and Polka RADIO Program of 46 years, plus the station itself as conducted by Tony Petkovšek on WELW 1330 AM In Loving Memory of Joseph E. Nosan Sr. Died: March 8, 1998 “A Beautiful life that came to an end, He died as he lived, everyone’s friend. In our hearts a memory will always be kept, Of one we loved, and will never forget. ” Loved and missed by: Wife, Olga and Family Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 onriz ‘o ‘wmt a ruAinn VMCm^rlAIV AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 6, 2008 In Memory Thanks to Olga Kalar of Mentor, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of her husband, Ludvik Kalar. In Memory Thanks to Linda Plečnik of Willoughby Hills, OH who donated $100.00 to the American Home newspaper in memory of her husband, Matija Plečnik. In Memory Thanks to Joseph S. Baškovič of Willoughby Hills, OH who sent in a $100.00 donation in memory of his wife, Josephine Baškovič on the third anniversary of her death. In Memory Thanks to Stansa Žitnik of Richmond Heights, OH who donated $63.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of Dušan Žitnik. In Memory Thanks to Jeanette Yert of Wickliffe, OH who sent in a $35.00 donation in memory of her husband, Anthony M. Yert. Memorial Mass The 34th Memorial Mass in honor of the late Felix A. Danton, Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop #250 will be held at St. Casimir’s Church, 8223 Sowinski Avenue on Sunday, March 16 at 12 noon. All former Scouts and friends are invited to attend. Donation Thanks to Antonija Bucik of Norridge, IL who renewed her subscription and added a $29.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Evelyn Pipoly of Euclid, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $32.00 donation. She writes, “Truly enjoy reading this newspaper from beginning to end. Emilee’s articles are very enjoyable. God bless you.” Donation Thanks to Julia Miller of Kirtland, OH who donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina newspaper. Donation Thanks to Milka Odar of Richmond Heights, Ohio for the $26.00 donation. Donation Thanks ic Charles D. Bizilj of Bloomfield, CT who renewed his subscription and added a $29.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Val Burnside of Coconut Creek, FL who renewed her subscription and added a $19.00 donation. Val writes, “Even though 1 don’t know anyone in Cleveland, I do enjoy the newspaper. Don’t understand today’s “Slovenčina,” the language as we learned it was “kmetska” Slovenčina.” Donation Thanks to William Skerl of Parma, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $21.00 donation. Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Al and Betty Orehek, Cleveland, OH - $9.00 Josephine Kastigar, Euclid, OH - $9.00 Ivanka Pretnar, Cleveland, OH - $9.00 Franc Markun, Joliet, IL -$10.00 Olga M. Horvath, South Euclid, OH -$15.00 Frank Kosir, McMurray, PA -$10.00 Frances Opeka, Green Oaks, IL — $9.00 Marie Oravec, Bethlehem, PA — $9.00 Ivanka Matic, Euclid, OH - $5.00 Stane and Frances Mrva, Willoughby Hills, OH -$5.00 John Jasbinsek, Ontario, CA - $4.00 Ivan and Zdenka Zakrajšek, Kirtland, OH — $9.00 Mary Doles, Painesville, OH -$10.00 Anna Mae Mannion, Cleveland, OH — $10.00 Walter Oswald, Cleveland Hts., OH - $4.00 Donation Thanks to AMLA Lodge 12, Carole Czech, Secretary, who renewed their lodge roster and added a $70.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Dr. Joseph and Marjeta Z. Novak of Whitefish Bay, Wis., who renewed their subscription and added a $29.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Marie and Rudy Pivik of Middlcburg Hts., OH who renewed their subscription and added a $19.00 donation “For coffee to keep you warm on cold winter days.” Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Štepec of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $30.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Helen G. Urbas of Lorain, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to the Richard Beck Family of Kirtland, OH who donated $25.00 to the American Home newspaper. Everyone can master grief except those who have it. In Loving Memory 15,h Anniversary Anthony M. Yert 1916-1993 In our memories you are always near. - Loved and remembered - But we miss you more as time goes by. Your loving family wife - Jeanette daughter - Patricia granddaughters: Emily and Jennie In Loving Memory Of the 15th Anniversary Of Our Beloved Mother, Grandmother and Sister * Josephine A. Godic (Died March 19, 1993) Two dear bright eyes, a tender smile, A loving heart that knew no guile. Deep trust in God that ad was right, Her joy to make some other bright. If sick or suffering one she knew, Some gentle act of love she’d do. No thought of self, but of "the other" / know He said, "Well done, Mother. ” Sadly missed by children: Rev. Frank & Roger Godic — Sons Bonnie Simmons (deceased) Clare Miller — Daughters Christina and Michelle Simmons — and Josephine Miller, Granddaughters, and Relatives Donation Thanks to Mary L. Lampe of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $22.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Donna Prime of Mentor, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation. In Loving Memory Of the 3rd Anniversary Aloysius F. Arko Died March 1, 2005 Loving husband, faithful father. How we miss your presence here. Home and world for all cherished, Darkened since your passing, dear. Sadly missed by: Wife, Betty Daughters.Diane Morgan, Arlene Primiano Son-in-law John Morgan Jeffery Primiano Grandchildren Frank, Jeffrey, ____________Alyson and David____________ Donation Thanks to Dorothy Lamm of Mentor, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation. She writes, “Good luck to you. You have done a great job serving all of us. What will happen to the Slovenian community when you leave. That will be a sad day.” IN LOVING MEMORY Of the 15Ih Anniversary Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik Died March 7,1993 It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not go alone; For part of us went with you, The day God took you home. Edward Baznik, Brother (deceased); Eileen and Mary Baznik, sisters-in-law; his nieces: Helen Marinič, Brandon, Fla., Dorothy Dever, Cincinnati, Esther Martin, Blanche Jones, Largo, Fla., Lois Mentel, Carol Dougherty, Mary Lou Moyen, Kentucky Sr. Edwardine Baznik, S.J.S.M., Louisville, Ohio, Mary McCafferty, Dayton, Ohio; his nephews: Dr. Charles Baznik, Robert Baznik, Boston, Mass, Richard Baznik, Edward J. Baznik, and remaining relatives in U.S., and Canada EU Presidency is Big Test for Small Slovenia (Continued from page 1) The foreign office in Ljubljana has tripled its staff in Brussels while back in Slovenia skeleton teams plan for the 150 meetings of EU ministers and bureaucrats due to be held in the country, many in a purpose-built center just outside of the capital’s airport. Slovenia plans to run with what officials candidly call a “Commission presidency” in which the Brussels bureaucracy will have a significant say. Assistance is coming from other member states, particularly Germany and Portugal, which preceded Slovenia as holders of the presidency, and France which is set to follow in mid-2008. Paris will, in effect, lend Slovenia its embassies for use as EU presidency outposts in those countries round the world where it has none. The presidency has also dominated government time. “I and my colleagues are every day somewhere... Seeks Old Photos The St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club is looking for old photographs to display at the celebration of their 80lh anniversary. Call Richard Beck at 440-942-4025. dealing with European issues,” Mr. Jansa said in December. “And in the first half of 2008 the situation will be even worse.” To focus on the presidency, Mr. Jansa brokered a cross-party peace deal. With elections due late this year the prime minister did not want the “national project” of the EU presidency to be undermined by domestic electioneering. Last month that deal threatened to come unstuck. Rising public dissatisfaction with his government culminated in a humiliating setback for the prime minister when his preferred candidate for Slovenian president was roundly rejected by voters. Mr. Jansa sought to regain the initiative with a vote of confidence. He won the vote but did little to improve his credibility - which has declined over the last year. Despite such domestic challenges, most observers believe Mr. Jansa will survive the EU presidency. However, with all eyes on the elections later in the year, such stability is unlikely to last. “The moment the EU presidency comes to an end, the knives will be out. It will be terrible,” forecasts one Zarja Singers Rehearse their ‘Spring Fling’ As of January 9th, Zarja Slovenian Singing Society, in existence for 92 years started rehearsals for its annual “Spring Fling,” this year it is entitled “Slamnati vdovic,” (The Glass Widower), to be performed Saturday, April 26 at the Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio. The weather has affected rehearsals as it affected everything else. We’ve had snow storms, blizzards, and two days later 45 degree temperatures. It seems that the cold weather occurs only on rehearsal nights. Officers were elected at our Annual Meeting. They are Dick Tomsic, President, Jim Kozel, 1st Vice President, Joe Bradač, 2nd Vice President, Kathy Matas, Secretary, Barbara Elersich, Treasurer, and Doug Elersich, Director. Zarja can now be reached by e-mail at zarja singers@sbcglobalnet. Although Zarja Membership has stayed reasonably IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 constant, there are changes. Jo Rotter and Mimi Stibil have retired, Stephen Matas and Milan Tomsic have joined. That makes three Matas’, mother Linda, daughter Kathy, who have been joined by brother Stephen. The Tomsic’s now number four, father Dick, sons Matthew, Michael and Milan. . The family-style dinner, as prepared by Joe Tavčar, will be served in the lower hall from 5 - 6:30 p.m. The performance will begin at 7 p.m. Following the perfonn-ance, the Jeff Pecon Orchestra will play for dancers and listeners. Tickets are available for a $23 donation per person. Children under 10, are $10. Tickets for dancing only can be purchased at the door for $10. Tickets may be obtained at the Polka Hall of Fame, 605 E. 222 St., Euclid, or from all Zarja members, or by calling (216) 531 -5542 or(440)257-2540. —Jim Kozel Stimbirrys Accounting Accounliiio & Income Tax semiceš 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://stimburysf::ccounUng.com EnmIM ft; Practice Sefdte ff.e Intrmai Revenue Senice Servicing IndmJuals CcrporaHcrs S SmH&Jsiressei. Ljubljana-based western diplomat. Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will hold a krofe and noodles sale on Saturday, March 8 in the auditorium social room. Coming Activities at St. Vitus Parish Sunday, March 9 - All parish Mass and Lenten Luncheon, Mass at 10:30 a.m. with community Lenten lunch immediately following the Mass in parish auditorium. Guest speaker will be Father Thomas Harcn, Mdiv., pastor. St. Monica Parish. Sponsored by parish pastoral council. Saturday, March 15 - Butare making in lower church hall. Sponsored by St. Vitus Slovenian School. Note: Bring scissors, greens, etc. Sunday, March 16 - Annual parish Palm Sunday benefit dinner. Breaded Pork Chops or Chicken and all side dishes. Sponsored by Altar & Rosary Society, Holy Name Society, and participating Families in parish Mihevc Scholarship Program. A matching grant program through KSK.I with St. Vitus Lodge #25 as sponsoring lodge. Cost is $12 adult and $6 child 12 years or younger. Tickets available at parish house. Call (216) 361-1444. Stations of the Cross during Lent: Thursday at 4 p.m., then Mass (Slovenian) Saturday at 4:45 p.m., following 4 p.m. Mass (English) Sunday at 9:45 a.m., following 9 a.m. Mass (English) Sunday at 11:30 a.m., following 10:30 a.m. Mass (Slovenian) Adoration of Blessed Sacrament: Each Friday during Lent. From 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., followed by Benediction with Blessed Sacrament at 2 p.m. Anyone willing to participate in this Adoration call the parish house at (216) 36101444. Confessions. Sacrament of Reconciliation. Refer to the weekly parish bulletin for times during Lent. Fish Fry at Shrine Fish dinner, baked fish, choice of two types of potatoes, coleslaw or apple sauce, bread and butter, pasta fagioli and coffee (skewer of shrimp $2.50) on Friday, March 14 at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine from 4:30 to 7 p.m. (5 p.m. Mass). Tickets are $8. Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine is located at 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, OH (216)481-8232. Slovenian Library Meeting March 9 The members of the Slovenian Library (Čitalnica) located in the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland will have a very important meeting on Sunday, March 9, at 1:30 p.m. in the library. Franc Kovacic, for many years the librarian and secretary of the Čitalnica, passed away earlier this year and the future of this now century old institution will be the main topic of discussion. President Joseph Valencie will chair the meeting. Individual members and the representatives of lodges and organizations that support the library are urged to attend. Hold a friend with both your hands -Irish Proverb I. KSKJ Jp/has a Final Expense Plan that we could afford! f ' .. '4 - *"v ry The SlmPlus plan provides for up to $25,000 of tevol final expense Insurance and level premiums, There are no medical exams to qualify. Simply answer a few questions with one of our representatives. Call 1-800*843*5755 today and receive your FREE Personal Health Record. "f used to get a 1099 for my Bank CD, until I found KSKJ ua,inttn cxtMxt: Their Fixed Annuities helped my money grow tax-deferred and even gave me options so I would never outlive my money. With rates as high as 5.40%*, KSKJ Ule was the right choice. Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for an agent near youl “ft*!* ouaranc***for 12 rr«rl*m.an m ;-»•*» pftarv s*m nr** cHe** ■rOW.notc*, ...I would like to sell my REAL ESTATE in SLOVENIA, but how ? We are here to help YOU to sell (or buy) your real estate in SLOVENIA • Land, house, Apartcment • Flat, Farm, holiday house,... CALL US, send a fax or c mall! ___ FFe have family tradition___ PALAČA NEPREMIČNINE d,o.o. Ul. 6. Junija 12A SI-1295 Ivančna Gorica GSM: 00 386 41 56 00 68 Tel/fax: 00 386 I 78 78 040 c mail: palaca@siol.nel AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 6, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 6, 2008 EASTER 2008 Church of St. Mary of the Assumption Cerkev Sv. Marije Vnebovzete yEUKA mč2m 15519 Holmes Avenue - Cleveland, OH 44110 Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Mary’s, Easter is a time of rebirth and renewal, the time to celebrate with hope, the gift of eternal life. In order that we might all enter more fully the Paschal Mystery -The Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Savior, we invite you to join us in prayer throughout this Holy Week. Witnessing the faith of the people of our parish is a source of joy and a sign of hope for our future. Even in darkness, there is a light, in sin there is grace and forgiveness, in death is the promise of life. We are a people of hope who rejoice in the victory of Christ Jesus, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of our faith. With firm faith and a lively hope, we wish you a veiy Blessed Holy Week, and the joy and glory of Easter. Yours in the Risen Christ, Fr. John Kumse Fr. Stephen Spisak Deacon David Kushner Dragi župljani in prijatelji Marije Vnebovzete, Velika noč je čas prerojenja in obnove, čas praznovali z upanjem dar večnega življenja. In zato, da bi mi vsi vstopili bolj popolno v Velikonočno skrivnost - trpljenja, smrti in vstajenja našega Odrešenika, vas vabimo da se nam pridružite za obrede Velikega tedna. Dokaz vernosti naših ljudi v župniji je vir veselja in znak upanja za našo bodočnost. Tudi v temi je luč, v grešnosti je milost in odpuščanje v smrti je obljuba življenja. Mi smo ljudje upanja, ki se radujemo v zmagi Jezusa Kristusa, Alfa in Omega, začetek in konec našega prepričanja. S trdno vero in veselim upanjem vam želimo blagoslovljeni Veliki teden in veselje in slavo Velike noči. Vasi v vstalem Kristusu, Fr. Janez Kumše Fr. Stephen Spisak Diakon David Kushner MONDAY OF HOLY WEEK, March 17, 2008 6:00 p.m. Seder Meal VELIKI PONEDELJEK, 17. marca 2008 6:00 p.m. Starozavezni velikonočni obed HOLY THURSDAY, March 20, 2008 7:30 p. m. Mass of the Lord’s Supper 9:00 - 10:00 p.m. Slovenian Holy Hour 10:00 - 11:00 p.m. English Holy Hour 11:00 p.m. - midnight Quiet Adoration VELIKI ČETRTEK, 20. marca 2008 7:30 p.m. Slovesna maša zadnje večerje 9:00 - 10:00 p.m. Slovenska ura molitve pred Najsvetejšim 10:00 - 11:00 p.m. Angleška ura molitve pred Najsvetejšim 11:00 p.m. - polnoči Tiho češčcnjc pred Najsvetejšim GOOD FRIDAY, March 21, 2008 12:00 noon English Stations of the Cross 3:00 p.m. Slovenian Stations of the Cross 7:00 p.m. Celebration of the Lord’s Passion HOLY SATURDAY, March 22, 2008 1.00 p. m. Food Blessing 3:00 p.m. Food Blessing 8:00 p.m. Solemn Easter Vigil EASTER SUNDAY, March 23, 2008 7:00 a.m. Procession and Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection (Slovenian) 9:30 a.m. Mass in English 12:00 noon Mass in English VELIKI PETEK, 21. marca 2008 12:00 opoldne Sv. križev pot v angleščini 3:00 p.m. Sv. križev pot v slovenščini 7:00 p.m. Slovesno opravilo v čast Gospodovem trpljenju VELIKA SOBOTA, 22. marca 2008 1:00 p.m. Blagoslov jedil 3:00 p.m. Blagoslov jedil 8:00 p.m. Slovesna velikonočna vigilija VELIKA NOČ, 23. marca 2008 7:00 a.m. Vstajenska procesija in slovesna maša Gospodovega vstajenja v slovenščini 9:30 a.m. Slovesna maša v angleščini 12:00 noon Sv. maša v angleščini Newspaper Schedule The American Home (Ameriška Domovina) newspaper will continue to be printed twice a month. Deadline for all copy is a week before publishing date. The next American Home newspaper will be dated March 20. In April the American Home will be published on April 10 and 24. In May, publishing dates are May 8 and 22. In June the American Home will be dated the 5Ih & 19. July publishing dates are July 10, 24. The last two Ameriška Domovina’s (American Home) newspapers will be dated Aug. 7 and 21. The most important things arc the hardest to say because words diminish them. -Rudy Flis LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor Golub Funeral Homes 4703 Superior Ave Suburban facilities available 216-391-0357 Karla Golub Sodnicar and Emil J. Golub “Service toRender a More Perfect Trbute ” SCHEDULE FOR THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION M URNIK SPOVEDOVANJA V VELIKEM TEDNU WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2008 I VELIKA SREDA 7:00 a m - 7:30 a m 7:30 p.m. - 8.00 p m. HOLY THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2008 1 VELIKI ČETRTEK 9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p m GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2008 VELIKI PETEK 12.30 p m. - 1 30 p m 3:30 p m. - 4.30 p m Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, March 6, 2008 _ - Vesti iz Slovenije - Dr. Janez Drnovšek, bivši predsednik Slovence in bivši predsednik vlade, umrl za rakom 23. februarja V soboto, 23. februarja, je v 57. letu starosti umrl dr. Janez Drnovšek, nekdanji predsednik in ministrski predsednik Slovenije. Drnovšek je že več let kljuboval bolezni rak in je bil pred leti tudi operiran, vendar se je bolezen povrnila in je ni bilo mogoče ustaviti. Čeprav še vedno sorazmerno mlad, je imel Drnovšek dolgo in pomembno politično kariero v Sloveniji. V nekdanji SFRJ je prišel v ospredje, ko je kot član takratnega kolektivnega predsedstva države leta 1989 služil kot predsednik Jugoslavije za eno leto. To predsedovanje pa je bilo ravno v času, ko se je pripravljalo oziroma dozorevalo slovensko osamosvajanje ali pa, drugače rečeno, razpad Jugoslavije. V letu 1992, v že neodvisni Sloveniji, je postal ministrski predsednik in bil na tem položaju v sicer različnih vladnih sestavah, večino časa do leta 2002, ko je bil izvoljen za predsednika Slovenije in služil vseh pet let tega mandata, do decembra lani, ko ni kandidiral za možno ponovno izvolitev in je bil tako izvoljen sedanji predsednik dr. Danilo Turk. Že očitno zelo bolan, po svoji upokojitvi Drnovšek ni več nastopal v javnosti. Vlada Slovenije je odredila, da je bil ponedeljek, 25. februarja, uradni dan žalovanja po državi in v vseh diplomatskih pred-stavništvah po svetu. V vseh teh predstavništvih je bila javnosti na voljo knjiga žalovanja, tako tudi v Clevelandu, in se je bilo mogoče vpisati vanj od 25. do 29. februarja. Takšna knjiga je bila v veleposlaništvu Slovenije v Washingtonu, D. C., tam se je med drugimi vpisal zvezni senator Tom Harkin iz lowe, sen. George V. Voinovich pa je objavil svojo izjavo na internetu, vpisali v knjigo so tudi bivša ameriška veleposlanika v Sloveniji Johnny Young in Allan Wendt, izjavo je podala bivša ameriška državna sekretarka Madeleine K. Albright in bivši vojaški poveljnik NATA gen. Wesley Clark, sen. Harkin pa je o Drnovšku govoril tudi med zasedanjem zveznega senata. Predsednik George Bush je naslovil pismo na predsednika Tiirka. O smrti Janeza Drnovška sta med drugimi uglednimi časopisi poročala New York Times in Washington Post. Janez Drnovšek je bil drugi predsednik neodvisne Slovenije. Prvi je bil Milan Kučan, tretji, sedanji, pa je dr. Danilo Turk, ki bo po ustavi na tem mestu vsaj do decembra 2012. Proglasitev neodvisnosti Kosova utegne imeti gospodarske posledice za Slovenijo Ko so pred nedavnim Albanci v Kosovu, kjer predstavljajo veliko večino prebivalcev, proglasili neodvisnost te pokrajine, so sledili obsežni nemiri po Srbiji. Večina držav Evropske zveze je neodvisno Kosovo dokaj hitro priznalo, med njimi ZDA, ki že ima v načrtu več kot 200 milijonov dolarjev pomoči. Slovenski zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel je izjavil po začetnih težavah, da se je Evropska zveza dobro obnesla v tej krizi. Zaskrbljeni so baje bili predvsem slovenski gospodarstveniki in poslovneži, ki imajo ekonomske interese v Srbiji. Ti so baje apelirali na slovensko vlado, naj se do Srbije obnaša previdno. Še pereče je vprašanje v zvezi s hrvaško ekološko cono na Jadranu. EZ zagovarja stališče, da je hrvaško stališče nesprejemljivo. Predsednik Danilo Turk obiskal papeža Benedicta XVI. - Papež je Tiirka sprejel v avdienco 6. februarja. I^ava za javnost tiskovnega urada Sv. sedeža po avdienci se je glasila: “Pogovor je bil priložnost za izmenjavo pogledov na številne zadeve, ki se dotikajo sedanjih mednarodnih razmer, zlasti še stanja na Balkanu, tudi v luči slovenskega predsedovanja Evropski zvezi. Kar zadeva medsebojno raven sta sogovornika omenila dobre odnose med Slovenijo in Svetim sedežem, pogovarjala pa sta se tudi o še nerešenih vprašanjih med državo in Cerkvijo. Izrazila sta željo po ugodni rešitvi.” Med še odprtimi vprašanji so mdr. vojaški ordinariat v Sloveniiji, nove prostore apostolske nunciature v Ljubljani, vračapje v Italijo med prvo in drugo svetovno vojno odpeljanih umetnin, ki so krasile primorske cerkve in druge ceerkvene prostore in pa Primož Trubarjeva Cerkvena ordnunga, ki jo hrani Apostolska knjižnica v Vatikanu, Slovenya pa bi jo radi videli na razstavi v letošnjem, Trubarjevem letu. Na svojem obisku se je Turk srečal še z italijanskim predsednikom Giorgiom Na-politanom in zunanjim ministrom Massimom D’Alemo, isti zvečer pa je na Kvirinalu udeležil slavnostnega koncerta v čast slovenskemu predsedovanju EZ, na tem sta nastopila glasbena umetnika mezzosopranistka Bernarda Fink in njen brat basbaritonist Marcos. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Poletni čas se začne— To nedeljo zjutraj bo že v veljavi tkim. “poletni čas” in bo treba v soboto zvečer, predno greste spat, kazalce na svojih urah premakniti za eno uro naprej. To je prvo leto, da tako zgodaj začenjamo s tem časom. Ribje večerje— Te so vsak petek v Postu v župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti od 4. do 7. zvečer. Na jedilniku so cvrte in pečene ribe, škampi, “crab cakes”, kombo večerje in tudi makaroni s sirom. Priloga k večerji je pražen krompir, zeljnata solata, sladica in kava. Vsi lepo vabljeni. Podobne večerje imajo tudi v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clairju in to od 5. do 8.30 zv., pa še v Slovenskem delavskem domu na Waterloo Rd. Novi grobovi Lillian B. Novak Umrla je 79 let stara Lillian B. Novak, rojena Kozorog, žena Raymonda J., svakinja Dolores Krause in že pok. Norberta, hčerka Antona in Stephanie (roj. Neubauer) Kozorog (oba pok.), teta in prateta, dolgoletna članica glavnega odbora AMLA ter predsednica nadzornega odbora AMLA, tajnica društva sv. Ane šte. 4 AMLA. Pogreb je bil 1. marca v oskrbi Želetove-ga zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin župniji sv. Vida, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 ali pa župniji sv. Janeza, 16271 Pearl Rd., Strongsville, OH 44136. Louis Drobnič Umrl je 79 let stari Louis Drobnič iz Willoughbyja, mož Milene, roj. Lavrenčič, oče Nancy Malone in Daniela, 3-krat stari oče, brat Ludvika (Slov.), Tine Kanalec ter že pok. Franka, Marka in Marjie. Pogreb je bil 28. februarja s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebov-zete s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Mary Taucher Umrla je 95 let stara Mary Taucher, rojena Bubnič, vdova po Johnu, mati Ginger Kcmmerling ter že (Dalje na str. 16) Primorski klub vabi— Ameriško slovenski Primorski klub prireja svoj vsakoletni pomladanski banket v soboto, 29. marca, v SND na St. Clairju. Večerja se bo pričela servirati ob 6. uri zvečer. Za ples in zabavo bo igral ansambel Staneta Mejača. Za vstopnice in več informacij, pokličite Kristino Sedmak na 216-383-7091. Vsi ste vabljeni na ta vedno lep večer. Krofi in rezanci— Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima prodajo krofov in rezancev to soboto, 9. marca, dopoldne, v društveni sobi. Pridite! Joe Cimperman bo govoril— Prihodnji torek, 11. marca, ste vabljeni od Slovenian American Heritage Foundation na govor, ki ga bo imel mestni svetnik Joseph Cimperman in sicer o načrtih za mestno središče Clevelanda (del njegove varde) ter St. Clairsko naselje in o tkim. “regionalizmu”. Radi zgodnjega tiska še ne vemo za izid njegove kampanje za zvezni kongres proti Dennisu Kucinichu. Njegov nastop v torek se bo pričel ob 7h zv. v spodnji dvorani SDD na Re-cherjevi, vstopnine ni, po programu bo družabno srečanje. Stoletnica požara— Nedeljski Plain Dealer je obsežno in dostojno poročal o tragičnem požaru pred 100 leti v Collinwoodu, ko je zgorela javna šola in pri tem terjala kakih 175 življenj, v veliki večini mladi šolarji in šolarke. Lahko bi sicer več poudarili, kako hudo je bila v tem prizadeta takratna še sorazmerno mlada slovenska naselbina. Naši dobrotniki— G. Joseph S. Baškovič, Willoughby Hills, O., je daroval $100 v podporo našemu listu, ob 3. obletnici smrti žene Josephine. Dr. in ga. Edi in Milena Gobec z Willoughby Hillsa sta darovala $35. Richard Beck družina iz Kirtlanda, O., je darovala $25. Društvo Ribnica št. 12 AMLA je darovalo $70. Ga. Milka Odar, Richmond Hts., O., je darovala $26. Ga. Olga Kalar iz Mentorja, O., je darovala $20, v spomin na moža Ludvika. Charles D. Bizilj, Bloomfield, CT je daroval $29. G. in ga. Thomas Štepec, Willoughby Hills, sta darovala $30. Iskrena hvala vsem za podporo! Velikonočna obzorja Na pomlad se mladim zaiskrijo oči, žena se veseli rasti, mož pospeši korak, bolnikom odleže, starec na soncu pregreje kosti in spomine. “Na pomlad se začenja nova zgodovina, ne nova, zgodovina sploh, ko so bile pred tem vse pripovedi le posamezne zgodbe" (Vinko Ošlak). Zakaj ima pomlad na človeka tako čudežno moč? Ker je konec dolgih in mrzlih noči, ker popki pričujejo o moči življenja, ker vračajoče ptice veselo žvrgo-lijo v domačem gnezdu, ki jih je priklicalo nazaj. Morda pa zaradi obnovljenega upanja, zaradi praznika življenja, zaradi velikonočne procesije? Gotovo je eden najlepših pomladnih prizorov pogled na gruče praznično oblečenih sredi travnikov, ki kipijo od zelenja, pogled na slovesno plapolajoče bandera in na zlato Sonce v spoštljivo povzdignjeni mon-štranci. Ljudem, ki se tisto praznično jutro bolj množično kot katerikoli drugi dan v letu zbirajo v cerkvah in okrog njih, pravimo velikonočni kristjani. Četudi je lahko v tem izrazu nekaj prikritega očitka, češ da se nekdo spomni na to, da je kristjan samo na veliko noč, z druge strani za kristjana ne bi mogli najti primernejšega naziva. Velika noč, praznik Kristusovega vstajenja, praznik zmage življenja nad smrtjo, je izbor kristjanove vere in temelj njegovega upanja. Za to priča na svoj način tudi utrujeni moderni kristjan, ki je ob množici ponudb z zaslonov in “ev-roparkov” izgubil čut za misterij in za svet nevidnega, in ga v cerkev zanese le ob blagoslovu velikonočnih jedil. Človek hrepenenja po življenju, ki ne želi biti životarjenje in je zato lahko samo hrepenenje po večnosti - po vstajenju, kljub kričanju reklam, da ga nadomesti z vodilom, uživati in imeti več, v sebi ne more zatreti. Po noebni, še tako lepi zabavi ali raz-burjljivi tekmi ne bo rekel: “Tukaj končam, izpolnil sem svoje življenje in srečo." Drama njegovega hrepenenja se odvija naprej. Velika noč je oznanilo o “velikopoteznosti duha in trdoživosti mesa” (J. Muhovič), je oznanilo o Kristusu, ki “se je spustil do izvora človekovega odpada od Boga” (M. Bizant). Tega oznanila smo še danes potrebni kot suha zemlja dežja. Potrebno smo zagotovila, da nismo naključno v tem trenutku na tem koščku obljubljene dežele, da ima naše jutranje vstajenje smisel, da nas nekdo pozna po imenu, da nas ljubi, čeprav sami za to ne vidimo razloga, da nas pričakuje, čeprav smo sami že nehali pričakovati. “Bog je namreč svet tako vzljubil, da je dal svojega edinorojenega Sina, da bi se nihče, kdor vanj veruje, ne pogubil, ampak bi imel večno življenje” (Jn 3,16). Brez tega zagotovila bi nehali vstajati. Velika noč je ogledalo radikalne prihodnosti, pred katerim umeščam v red smisla svoje odločitve, dela, bolezni, upe, strahove, veselja, je oznanilo, ki “pretvarja spoznanja v cilje in cilje v odločitve" (J. Muhovič), ki končno zagotavlja dopolnitev tukaj začetemu. Velikonočni kristjan hrepeni po vstajenjskem naporu, ki prepozna v pomladi obljubo novega začetka, v trpljenju moč, ki očiščuje, v starcu upanje, ki ne kloni, v grobu znamenje... “Velikonočni vernik je sicer umrljiv, a s hrepenenjem po življenju, po nesmrtnosti” (A. Rebula). Velikonočni kristjan zre preko bander vstajenjske procesije in Sonca v povzdignjeni mon-štanci v obzorja večnosti. Maksimilijan Matjaž AVE MARIA, marec 2008 Pesmih inMelodije iz Naše Lepe Slovenije Raiijiki Družina Onvbtrd IDI MEJAČ Mftfyr fciAirih# Draii™ WCSB8 ).J r.M Nrdet}] 9-10 »n Sredi C*7 pra HM Scaindt Drive Wllloughbr Hilli, OH 44094 44(WJJ'IWtuA** viti: www.Mcifc.nig Umrl je Rado Menart PERRY, O. - Iz Los Angelesa je prišlo sporočilo, da je tam, po dolgem bolehanju na srcu, umrl Rado Menart. Vsaj starejši člani naše srenje se ga bodo spominjali kot slovenskega radio pionirja v povojnem Clevelandu. Takoj po prihodu v mesto, v 50ih letih, se je pričel ozirati za možnostmi, da bi vzpostavil slovensko radijsko oddajo, pri čemer mu je pomagal pok. Jože Suhadolnik. Ko sta prišla v stik še s Stanetom Šušteršičem, ki je imel s seboj precej slovenskega glasbenega materiala, sta kmalu uspela in pričela oddajati na postaji WERE. Rado sam pa se je tudi odločil za poklicno delo na področju radia in je kmalu dosegel potrebno kvalifikacijo za funkcijo radio inženirja. To mu je omogočilo sodelovanje v združbi drugih priseljenih ljudi, ki so se zanimali za radio oddaje v svojih jezikih in tako je nastala korporacija, ki je v eni od obstoječih radio postaj vzela v zakup ves oddajni čas in ga razdelila med posamezne narodnostne skupine. Tako so nastale oddaje na postaji WXEN-FM. V naslednjih desetih letih so te oddaje postale osrednja postavka slovenskega radijskega življenja v Clevelandu, posebej še, ko je dobil svoj “čas v tem sklopu tudi Tony Petkovšek, ki je obstal vse do današnjega dne. Rado si je v tistih desetih letih pridobil tudi sloves prijaznega, umirjenega človeka, zanesljivega sodelavca in prijetnega družabnika. Ko je po desetih letih odšel v Kalifornijo, v nova obzorja, je za njim zazijala v naši družbi vrzel, ki pravzaprav ni bila nikdar izpolnjena. V Kaliforniji se je uspešno udejstvoval v svojem poklicu in pri tem pogosto naletel na razne bolj ali manj poznane osebnosti iz ameriškega filmskega sveta. V isti poklic pa je uvedel tudi sina Borisa. Pri vsem tem pa tudi ni nikdar pozabil na svojo osebno zgodovino in na zgodbo svojega naroda. Ostal je zvest načelom demokratične družbe in mladostnim idealom, ki jih je prevzel v rojstnih Domžalah. Za njim žalujejo žena, sinova in hčere, mi pa ga bomo ohranili v lepem, hvaležnem spominu. Naj v miru počiva! Pesmi dveh domovin Ljubljana - V Kulturnem domu Franca Bernika v Domžalah so imeli 22. januarja številni obiskovalci priložnost spoznati pesmi dveh domovin, kot je vodstvo Kulturnega doma poimenovalo ta dogodek. Pravzaprav je šlo celo za pesmi treh domovin, saj sta pevca, brat in sestra Bernarda in Marcos Fink, ter pisanistka Carmen Piazzini v koncert uvedli z Brahmsovimi u-glasbitvami štirih starih nemških pesmi. Sledilo je pet slovenskih (tri Prešernove, dve Župančičevi), ena Gimene-zova ter ena ljudska pesem (Oj, le šumi ...). Uglasbilo jih je šest različnih skladateljev. V drugem delu koncerta so poslušalci spoznali bogato zakladnico argen- t Konrad Mejač Dne 4. februarja je po daljšem bivanju v negova-lišču Collingswood v Rock-villu, Md., umrl Konrad P. Mejač, rojen leta 1922 v Sloveniji. Pokojni je obiskoval osnovno šolo v Židanem mostu, gimnazijo pa v Mariboru in nato Univerzo v Ljubljani. Med 2. svetovno vojno je bil nekaj časa v italijanskem taborišču Gonars, pozneje je odšel v Rim, kjer je bil v službi v agenciji od Združenih narodov in pozneje zaposlen v Vatikanu. Leta 1950 Je imigriral v mesto New York, prejel magisterij od St. John’s College, dobil službo pri State Departmentu in se preselil v Washington, D.C. Nato je bil zaposlen pri Glasu Amerike, pri slovenski radijski oddaji, nekaj časa je sekcijo tudi vodil. Upokojil se je leta 1992. Pokojni zapušča ženo Mary roj. Grili, otroke Petra, Helen in Marijo ter vnuke in vnkinje. P-B. (DALJE na str. 13) ERIK A. KOVAČIČ V NEPOZABEN IN LJUBEČ SPOMIN NA ERIKA A. KOVAČIČA KATERI NAS JE ZAPUSTIL PRED 18 LETI 13. MARCA 1990 NEIZREKLJIVO TE POGREŠAMO IN V NAŠIH SRCIH IN SPOMINIH ŽIVIŠ NAPREJ NASVIDENJE V VEČNEM ŽIVLJENJU TVOJA LJUBEČA DRUŽINA SILVER SPRING, MD. MARCA 2008 “ \ Cleveland Public Radio WCPN 90.3 FN Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-253« e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LJUBLJANA lyyJ \ v ** Saturdays 9-I0pm Petnajsti Windhamski smučarski izlet CLEVELAND, O. - Prvi vikend v februarju smo se zopet srečali s slovenskimi rojaki iz Severne Amerike na smučišču Windham, ki se nahaja dve uri severno od mesta New York. Tam smo dobrodošli po zaslugi Ivana Kamina in Petra Jenka, ki vsa ta leta prisostvujeta pri smučarski patrulji smučišča Windham. V dokaz temu je stalno plapolajoča slovenska zastava pri koči “Wheelhouse Lodge". Vreme nam ni bilo najbolj naklonjeno, ker pa nas - kot pravijo o poštarju - ne ustavi ne dež, ne sneg in ne led, smo smučali kot da bi bili pogoji idealni, tako da je značaj pravega športnika prišel do izraza. Prvi večer po smučanju smo bili gostje Ivana Kamina in žene Barbare. Pri tem snidenju smo predvsem pogrešali naše vsakoletne prisostvovalce iz Kanade. Letos namreč se nam niso utegnili pridružiti. Sicer nam je to kar prav, ker ko jih vidmo leto osorej, bo- do celih dve leti starejši. Tradicionalni veleslalom nam je ded pobudo, da smo v soboto (2. febr.) zgodaj vstali in prekrižali smučišče v ogrevanju mišic za boljše rezultate na "Na-star” progi. Najmlajši tekmovalec je bil Brandon Puc, malo bolj starejši pa Franček Toplak. Najhitrejša med ženami je bila Renata Weber, med moškimi pa se je zelo hitro peljal John Košir, ki bi bil še hitrejši, če bi Kanadčani prisostvovali. Zvone Žigon je diplomatsko prevozil progo v 35 sekundah, žena Irena pa prav za njim malo počasneje. Na sobotnem banketu nas je pozdravil dr. Žigon, sicer generalni konzul Republike Slovenije v Clevelandu, in nam dal pobudo k bodočim smučarskim izletom v okviru smučarske panoge. Šli smo na pot za razvedrilo, fizično uteho in srečanje prijateljev iz raznih predelov ZDA, doživetje pa nas kliče, da se zopet snidemo leto osorej. Metod Ilc SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES ... Izjava ob smrti bivšega predsednika Republike Slovenije dr. Janeza Drnovška V Blas Svomin desete obletnice Francke Stanonik Šopek rožic smo nabrali, na gomilo tvojo dali, zraven svečko smo prižgali in v tišini s tabo pokramljali. Le kdo pozabil bi gomilo, v kateri zlato spi srce, ki neskončno nas ljubilo do poslednjega je dne. Ko tvoje zaželimo si bližine, gremo tja v ta mirni kraj tišine. Tam srce se tiho zajoče, saj verjeti ono noče, da te več med nami ni. Žalujoči mož Maks ter sorodniki v Sloveniji Ljubljana - V svojem imenu in v imenu Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa se pridružujem vsem, ki se z bolečino v srcu, a hkrati z najglobljimi izrazi hvaležnosti poslavljamo od dr. Janeza Drnovška. V zadnjih dveh desetletjih je močno zaznamoval zgodovino slovenskega naroda. S svojim treznim in premišljenim delovanjem, s svojimi sposobnostmi modrega politika je bil močan gradnik osamosvojitve Republike Slovenije in njene relativno hitre uveljavitve na mednarodni ravni. Bil je politik velikega svetovnega ugleda, na kar smo vsi lahko zelo ponosni. V velikem je blažil pritiske, ki jih je na novo porajajočo se državo izvajala SFRJ. Na svoj način in po svojih močeh je krojil pota do miru in iskal rešitve ob nemirnih dogodkih na območju nekdanje SFRJ in tudi na “vročem” slovenskem političnem parketu. Dr. Drnovšek je zvesto spremljal konference slovenskih strokovnjakov in znanstvenikov iz sveta in domovine Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa ter bil pripravljen sprejeti častno pokroviteljstvo nad temi dogodki. Na teh konferencah je, po začetni zadržanosti, kmalu začel sproščene pogovore z našimi rojaki, kot bi jih že od prej dobro spoznal. Marsikoga je vključil v Pogovore o prihodnosti pri Predsedniku Republike. Za to gesto smo mu še posebno hvaležni. Slovenci smo tako izgubili spoštovanja vrednega človeka in državnika, ki je močno prispeval k priznanju in uveljavitvi Republike Slovenije v svetu. Naj nas spomin nanj okrepi v našem trudu za povezovanje in spravo slovenskega naroda. dr. Boris Pleskovič predsednik Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa A VE MARIA Verski mesečnik izdajajo v Lemontu. Naslov je: Ave Maria Printery, 14246 Main St., P.O. Box 608, Lemont, IL 60439-0608. Letna naročnina je za ZDA $20, izven ZDA pa.$25. BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! Pesmi dveh domovin (nadaljevanje s str. 12) tniskih ponarodelih in umetnih pesmi različnih avtorjev in skladateljev. Za dodatek po burnem aplavzu so zapeli še eno argentinsko in eno slovensko (koroško) narodno pesem. Svetovno znana operna pevca, mezzosopranistka Bernarda Fink in basba-ritonist Marcos Fink, sta rojaka iz Argentine, ki sta se sredi osemdesetih in v začetku devetdesetih let preselila v Evropo in sta potemtakem res kva-lifiricana za predstavitev tako slovenskega kakor argentinskega melosa. Vsak zase sta odlična pevca, v duetu pa nepre-kosljiva, kot da bi bilo tisto, kar pride do poslu-šalčevih ušes, seštevek obeh izjemno lepih glasov. Nekaj pesmi sta namreč zapela v duetu, nekaj pa posamezno. Med temi nam bo še dolgo v ušesih zvenel ganljivo in pretresljivo zapet Župančičev in Pavčičev Ciciban. Tomaž Štefe Moja Slovenija Februar 2008 V BLAG SPOMIN 56. OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠEGA LJUBLJENEGA IN NEPOZABNEGA OČETA IN STAREGA OČETA JAMES DEBEVEC ki je v Gospodu zaspal 6. marca 1952. Minila bo 56. obletnica, odkar si se ločil od nas; kako otožno je življenje, ker Te več med nami ni. Čas beži, a rane nam ne celi, spomini dnevno nam hite -k Tebi - dragemu očetu, ter nove nam odpirajo solze. Le počivaj v božjem miru, kjer ni gorja, kjer ni solza, in trudapolna pot na svetu naj nas pripelje k Tebi vrh zvezda. Žalujoči ostali: SINOVI in HČERI, SNAHE, ZETJE, VNUKI in VNUKINJE Cleveland, Ohio, 6. marca 2008. Moja Slovenija, rubrika “Uspešni rojaki” Februar 2008 Jacqueline Widmar Stewart Jacqueline Widmar Stewart (na fotografiji skupaj z možem Blairom) Ljubljana - Jacqueline Widmar Stewart je potomka Slovencev, ki so se v Združene države Amerike priselili na prelomu prejšnjega stoletja. Po poklicu je pravnica, v letih obraževanja, ki so jo vodila v različne dele Združenih držav ter tudi v Grčijo, Nemčijo in Slovenijo, pa si je pridobila diplomo iz nemščine in francoščine. Svojo izobrazbo je nadgradila z ma-gisterium iz francoske literature in doktoratom iz prava. Njena velika strast zadnjih let je postalo pisateljevanje o tistih temah in deželah, ki jih še posebno ljubi. Otroštvo na obalah jezera Michigan Tako Jacquelinin oče kot mama sta se rodila slovenskim staršem, ki so se v Združene države Amerike priselili na začetku prejšnjega stoletja. Spoznala sta se v slovenskem društvu v Chicagu ter se poročila zelo mlada - mama jih je imela komaj 16, oče 21. Kmalu sta zapustila Chicago in se naselila v Beverly Shoresu, naselju na obali jezera Michigan, ki je sedaj del narodnega parka. Tam sta si zgradila hišo in nekaj časa vodila črpalko in majhno gostišče. Čeprav sta oba imela le osnovnošolsko izobra- zbo, jima je študij njunih treh hčera zelo veliko pomenil. Jacqueline (njuna najmlajša hči) se je najprej odločila za študij francoščine in nemščine, ki ga je zaključila leta 1967 na fakulteti v Koloradu. Naslednje leto je na univerzi v Michiganu pridobila še magisterij iz francoske literature. Prvi obisk Slovenije Prek programa študijske izmenjave, ki ga je omogočala fakulteta v Koloradu, se je Jacqueline podala tudi na študij v Bonn (Nemčija). Ko sta jo v Evropi obiskala njena starša, je dozorela odločitev, da skupaj odpotujejo v Slovenijo. Jacqueline je tam našla prelepo pokrajino in sorodnike, v katerih je odkrila manjkajoči delček sebe ter odsev svojih ko- renin, pa čeprav takrat še ni poznala slovenskega jezika in se z njimi ni mogla sporazumevati. Odločila se je, da se jezika svojih starih staršev čim prej nauči. Najprej je poskušala na univerzah v Združenih državah, vendar nobena od njih ni ponujala te možnosti. Zato je stopila v stik s takratno jugoslovansko ambasado v Chicagu (op. ur. AD: dejansko konzulat SFRJ v Chicagu), ki ji je omogočila študij slovenščine v Ljubljani. Leta 1969 je tako odšla v Slovenijo ter se naslednje leto na Univerzi v Ljubljani izpopolnila v slovenščini. Kariera v svetu prava Leta 1970 se je vrnila v Združene države in se poročila z Blairom Ste-wartom, ki jo je navdušil za svet prava. Oba sta kasneje na univerzi Stanford iz prava tudi diplomirala ter si nov dom ustvarila v Kaliforniji. V BLAG SPOMIN 50. OBLETNICE, ODKAR JE UMRL USTANOVITEU NAŠE POTNIŠKE PISARNE August Kollander Preminul je dne 12. marca 1958. Gospod, daruj mu mir, naj večna luč mu sveti, ker si dobrote vir, uživa raj naj sveti. Žalujoči: MR. in MRS. AUGUST KOLLANDER Po doktoratu iz prava (leta 1976) se je Jacqueline sprva zaposlila v odvetniški pisarni Wylie, Leahy, Blunt & McBride v San Joseju, kasneje pa jo je poklicna pot vodila do položaja pravne zastopnice mesta San Jose, delovala je tudi kot svetovalka pri organizaciji Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District ter kot sodnica pro tempora na sodišču pokrajine Santa Clara. Od Michigana do Slovenije Jacqueline se je šele po dolgih letih ob ponovnem obisku rodnega kraja zavedla, da jo je otroštvo na obalah jezera Michigan za vedno zaznamovalo. Ljubezen do narave in tamkajšnjih ljudi jo je vodila do načrta, da o jezeru napiše knjigo. Delo, ki nosi naslov The Glaciers' Treasure Trove, predstavlja celovit vodnik skozi pet parkov na južni strani jezera Michigan. Združuje tako geološki, zgodovinski kot kulturno-etnološki vidik tega območja. Pisanje te knjige pa je ni povezalo le z otroštvom, temveč tudi s svojimi slovenskimi koreninami, saj se je zavedla neverjetne podobnosti med tamkajšnjo pokrajino ter deželo svojih starih staršev. Svojo drugo knjigo je tako posvetila Sloveni- (DALJE na str. 15) Čestitke! 1 KIRTLAND, O. - Melissa Žnidaršič je v decembru 2007 graduirala od Bowling Green State University z naslovom “Master’s Degree in Early Education with Specialization in Early Child Development. Melissa ima dva brata in sestro. Brat Stan je tudi graduiral od BGSU leta 2003 z naslovom B.S. in Science Technology. Mlajši brat Anthony pa študira na University of Akron. Sestra Jessica obiskuje Lakeland Community College. Melissa je hčerka Staneta in Lori Žnidaršič iz Mentorja, Ohio, in vnukinja Marije in pok. Stanislava Žnidaršiča iz Kirt-landa. Graduantki Melissi ob zavidljivem uspehu čestita in ji želi vse najboljše družina Žnidaršič in ostali sorodniki, znanci in prijatelji. V Blag in Nepozaben Spomin Ob Obletnicah Naših Staršev Cilka Žakelj Anton Žakelj Umrla 19. marca 2004 Umrl 13. januarja 2006 V miru božjem počivajta, Draga, nepozabna nam, V nebesih rajsko srečo uživajta V ljubezni božji vekomaj. Žalujoči: Sinovi Janez (Bonnie), Tony (Jan), Jože (Polonca) Hčerka Marija Vnuki in vnukinje Mihelca, Tončka, Ani, Janko, Chris, Steve, Lauren, Johnny in Cecelia Cilkina sestra Manica, Tonetov brat Janez in ostali sorodniki v Kanadi in Sloveniji Z Ameriško Domovino ostajate na tekočem ž'dogajanjem v naši slovenski skupnosti ter s celotnim slovenskim svetom! V Ljubeč in Nepozaben Spomin! Trinajste obletnice, od kar nas je mnogo prezgodaj zapustil moj ljubi mož, skrbni ata, stari ata in brat Ludvik Kalar Umrl je 4. marca 1995 Ničesar ni, kar bi zapolnilo praznoto po Tvojem odhodu, ničesar, kar bi ublažilo težko bolečino. Bog Ti daj sv. raj in večna luč naj Ti sveti. Ludvik, vedno bolj Te pogrešamo. Žalujoči: Kalarjevi, Klavžarjev! in Peklajev! Mentor, 6. marca 2008 Ustanovljena v Sloveniji prva zasebna katoliška osnovna šola Ljubljana - V lanskem septembru je bila v Sloveniji ustanovljena prva zasebna katoliška osnovna šola z javnim programom, poimenovana po pokojnem ljubljanskem nadškofu dr. Alojziju Šuštarju. Akt o ustanovitvi te šole je podpisal ljubljanski nadškof in metropolit Alojz Uran. Nova devetletna zasebna katoliška osnovna šola Alojzija Šuštarja, katere ustanovljiteljica je ljubljanska nadškofija, se pridružuje dosedanjim enotam Zavoda svetega Stanislava: Škofijski klasični gimnaziji, Jegličevemu dijaškemu domu, Glasbeni šoli, Študentskemu domu Janeza F. Gnidovca in Slovenskemu domu. Za ravnateljico te šole, ki bo v začetku letošnjega septembra svoja vrata odprla učencem dveh prvih, enega drugega in enega tretjega razreda, je imenovana dr. Marina Rugelj. Za prvo šolsko leto so že zbrali učitelje, ki bodo poučevali na tej šoli - teh je za prvo šolsko leto osem. Sprva bo šola domovala v prostorih Škofijske klasične gimnazije v Ljubljani, ki deluje v Zavodu svetega Stanislava. V pripravi pa so že načrti za novo poslopje katoliške osnovne šole. Učenci, ki bodo šolo obiskovali, ne bodo le iz Ljubljane, ampak tudi od drugod. Za tiste, ki jih bodo starši, ki se na delo vozijo v slovensko glavno mesto, pripeljali v šolo že zgodaj zjutraj, bo organizirano jutranje varstvo, po končanem pouku pa bodo otroci starše počakali v podaljšanem bivanju. Verski pouk kot obvezni predmet Posebnost katoliške os- novne šole je verski pouk kot kot obvezen predmet - prvo in drugo triletje imenovan spoznavanje vere, zadnje triletje pa vera in kultura. Pri verskem pouku v šoli - njegova vsebina ni enaka programu verouka, ki se izvaja v župnijah, ampak ne njegovo dopolnilo - bodo učenci na podlagi krščanskega izročila odkrivali človekovo usmerjenost v presežnost ter pomen religije za osebno in družbeno življenje. Več novosti bo šola prinesla na vzgojnem področju. Pri tem bo šola tesno sodelovala s starši, ki so prvi in nenadomestljivi vzgojitelji. Skupaj z njimi želijo vzgojiti mlade, da bodo imeli pogum in veselje do živelj enj a ter zdravo samozavest. Spodbujali jih bodo k delavnosti in odvračali od dolgočasja, apatije ter naveličanosti, tako značilnih spremljevalcev mladine ... Velika vloga glasbe Velika vloga v tej šoli bo imela glasba. Poudarek bo na zborovskem petju, saj se otroci, ki pojejo v zboru, lažje vključujejo v skupino, se ji prilagajajo in imajo bolje razvit čut za socializacijo, občutek pripadnosti ter visok kriterij moralnih vrednot. Popoldne se bodo zunaj šolskega pouka otroci udeleževali še raznih interesnih dejavnosti ter v Zavodu svetega Stanislava obiskovali glasbeno šolo. Spoznavanje okolja v praksi Šola ima v načrtu del pouka (spoznavanje okolja) izvajati zunaj šolskega poslopja, kjer bodo v okolici šoli manjše kmetijske površine. Na njih bodo zelenjavni vrtovi, kjer bodo otroci lahko delali z zemljo in spremljali rast rož in zelenjave; sadovnjak, kjer bodo gojili jabolka; manjši gozdiček, kjer bodo drevesa, značilna za slovenski prostor. In če bodo dokupili še nekaj zemlje, nameravajo postaviti tudi manjši skedenj, lopo za orodje, hlev - v njem bodo imeli domače živali. Načrtovanih dejavnosti te šole je še veliko. Lahko poudarimo še, da ima šola predvideno opremo v učilnicah, ki bo, kolikor se bo le dalo, iz naravnih materialov. Učilnice so velike, v njihovem zadnjem delu so predvideli igralne kotičke z rekviziti, ob katerih bodo otroci razvijali svoj um s pomočjo domi-šlije. Financiranje programa šole bo v višini 85 odstotkov krila država, ostalih 15 odstotkov pa bo šola pridobila iz drugih virov. Ustanovitlejica šole (Ljubljanska nadškofija) pa bo financirala gradnjo prostorov in opremo. Za socialno ogrožene otroke bo ustanovljen poseben sklad. Marija Primc Moja Slovenija, febr. 2008 Slovenci na Mount Everestu Ljubljana - Za velike ljubitelje gora veljajo tudi Slovenci in nekaj jih je osvojilo tudi Mount Everest. Prva sta ga osvojila leta 1979 Nejc Zaplotnik in Andrej Štremfelj, dva dni za njima pa Stane Belak-Šrauf. Leta 1989 se je po normalni smeri na vrh povzpel Viki Grošelj skupaj s Stipetom Božičem in Dimitrijem Ilievskim, leto pozneje pa sta vrh kot prvi zakonski par zavzela Andrej in Marija Štremfelj. Marija je pos-tala prva Slovenka in 13. ženska na vrhu naj višje gore sveta. Z njima je bil na vrhu tudi Janez Jeglič. (Dalje na str. 16) PrijatePs Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Uspešna rojakinja (nadaljevanje s str. 14) Z njo je želela prispevati delček k ohranitvi slovenske tradicije, zato ni le turistični vodnik, temveč mnogo več, je odsev ljubezni do Slovenije, vpogled v njeno zgodovino, prečudovito naravo in bogastvo ljudi. “Za prijatelje si je treba čas vzet...” Widmarjeva deželo na sončni strani Alp od leta 1988 redno obiskuje. Nadvse ceni družabnost ljudi, njih izkazano veselje do življenja ter navado, da si znajo vzeti čas drug za drugega, za prijatelje in sorodnike ter se ob dobri hrani, pijači in pesmi z njimi tudi poveseliti. Čuti se Slovenka in Američanka obenem, čeprav zaenkrat ne premišlja o stalni vrnitvi v Slovenijo. Svojemu možu, sinu Blairu Andrewu ter hčerki Julii Suzanne doma pogosto postreže z jedmi slovenske kuhinje, od katerih imajo še posebno radi njeno potico in jabolčni zavitek. EM ...Rad bi prodal svojo NEPREMIČNINO V SLOVENIJI, ampak kako ? Mi vam bomo pomagali, da prodate svojo nepremičnino * Zertilja-parcela, hiša, stanovanje • Apartma, kmetija, počitniška hiša Pokličite nas, pošljite fax ali c mail I Imamo družinsko tradicijo PALAČA tNEPREMIČNINE d-o-o. Ul. 6. Junija 12A SM295 Ivančna Gorica GSM: 00386 41 56 00 68 Tcl/fax: 00386 1 78 78 040 c mail: palaca@siol.net llSJ^’/has a Final Expense Plan that we could afford! Tho SimPlus plan provides for up to $25.000 of level final expense insurance and level premiums. There are no medical exams to qualify. Simply answer a few questions with one of our representatives. Call 1-800*843*5755 today and receive your FREE Personal Health Record. "/ used to jet a 1099 for my Bank CD, until I found KSK14&/ MviiCAu iiartHUs CAincti: Their Fixed Annuities helped my money grow tax-deferred and even gave me options so I would never outlive my ^ money. With rates as high as 5.40%*, 1 G KSKJ Life was the right choice. Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for an agent near you! vV. 'fmti tymtnMi tar U n :rf» r»i m plan »m«« t»* ctur«« »UmtrKiai. |SL"J It's Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1618. Iz Bocvane se je oglasila misijonarka s. Zora Škerlj: “Draga gospa! Iskrena hvala za pismo, vaša voščila in molitve ter velikodušno darilo. S. Fani Žnidaršič je na dobro zasluženem oddihu in obisku domačih v Sloveniji. Sama se bo oglasila, ko se vrne. V Bocvani življenje poteka mirno in letos je dežela blagoslovljena z dežjem, kar je dragocen blagoslov za vse, a še posebej za siromašnejše, da si pridelajo malo hrane v tej puščavski deželi. Božični prazniki so bili v župniji za vse globoko doživeti, še posebno, ker so mladi vložili! precej časa za liturgično pripravo—petje in božična igra—, ki predstavlja božično idilo, z odrešenjskim ozadjem. Hvala Bogu, saj smo še zmeraj v realnosti aidsa. S. Fani, ki dela med fizično in duševno prizadeto mladino, vam bo sama podelila novice o tem delu. Jaz se še vedno ukvarjam z olajšanjem aidsa. S skupino treh mladih delamo naš program in skušamo pomagati mladim v šolah, župnijah, po vaseh s tečaji in aktivnostmi, da bolje razumejo in zmorejo pristno prijateljstvo, ljubezen in spolno vzdržnost. S San ljudmi delamo razvojno tako v poljedelstvu ali vrtnarstvu za zaposlitev. Redno treniramo žene v skrbi bolnih in seveda z razdelitvijo hrane. Vaš dar bo uporabljen prav za to. Še enkrat prav iskrena hvala za vašo podporo, tako molitveno kot gmotno. Spomnili se bomo tudi pookojnih sester Marjance in Marije, v zahvali Bogu za njih dobrodelnost in v prošnji, da uživajo z Njim večno življenje. Bog z vami! - s. Zora Škerlj” Vsi, ki se oglašajo, so polni veselja, da je bilo toliko dobrote v teh dveh sestrah, da sta mislili na najbolj potrebne. Naj jima Večni Oče, ki vse vidi, iskreno poplača njihova dobra dela v skrbi za najbolj potrebne. Obilo darov v spomin Dušana Žitnika Ko je Dušan Žitnik odšel v večnost in bila osmrtnica v časopisu, je bilo napisano, da naj se ljudje spomnijo in mesto rož darujeoj za MZA, to je naša misijonska pomoč v zaledju. Hvala vsem, ki ste to namenili ter organizaciji in vsem, ki ste darovali v ta namen. Prišlo je v skupnem znesku $1240. Imena darovalcev so naslednja: A. Lamovec; R.V. Kolarič; S. Žitnik; T.K. Lavelle; M. Lamovec; T.J. Dybzinski; T.A. Maher; M.S. Grdadolnik; J. Zalar; M. Švajger; J.M. Zupančič; D.M. Marria; R.A. Knez; A. Nemec; Z.A. Novak; Z.P. Stun-gys; A.A. Turchik; E.M. Krevh; B.S. Pišorn; M. Lavri-ša; T.A. Tominec, M.T. Celestina, U. Štepec; L.L Rožman; M. Kosem; A.H. Gorshe; P.F. Omahen; T.M. Ve-gel; P.M. Domanko, I.P. Hauptman, E. Veider. Vsi so darovali v spomin pokojnega Dušana in obenem prosili za mir in pokoj njegovi duši. Naj naš Stvarnik, ki vodi naše življenje, sprejme te darove in Dušana sprejme med nebeščane, to je želja nas vseh. Bog bodi milostljiv tej duši! Dobro nas je sneg zametel, a upamo, da bo do velikonočnih praznikov se uredilo to vreme in bo po- I --------------- ---------- "1 Demokracija Tedenska revija Demokracija! Približajte si domovino svojih prednikov! Želite na 74 straneh izvedeti, kaj se dogaja v Sloveniji, zamejstvu in med Slovenci po svetu? Naročite revijo Demokracija! Z njo bo Slovenija prišla v vaš dom. Demokracija razkriva preteklost, opisue in analizira sedanjost. Mesečna naročnina na revijo, ki vključuje tudi letalsko poštnino, je 23.66 USD. Revijo lahko naročite po elektronski pošti: narocnine@demokraciia.si ali na telefon: + 386 1 230 06 66. sijalo sonce. Že danes želim vsem Veselo Veliko noč! Naj bo Jezusovo Vstajenje tudi naše vstajenje iz vsakdanjih mlačnosti v veselo pot proti večnemu življenju. Prav iskren misijonski pozdrav! Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 t Dušan Žitnik Dne 12. januarja je na svojem domu nepričakovano umrl 73 let stari Dušan Žitnik, rojen 14. maja 1934 v Sloveniji. Zaposlen je bil do upokojitve kot strojnik pri Lincoln Electric Co. v Euclidu, kjer je bil leta 1973 imenovan za "moža leta”. Bil je veteran ameriške vojske in zelo aktiven pri fari sv. Paskala Bajlonskega. Bil je član KSKJ in Kluba upokojencev Slovenske pristave. Zelo je ljubil šport in je bil kegljač in lovec. Bil je tudi glasbenik in je igral harmoniko, trobento in bobne ter bil član prve zasedbe Dušan Maršičeve godbe. V LJUBEČ SPOMIN 20. OBLETNICE NAŠEGA LJUBLJENEGA OČETA, STAREGA OČETA, TASTA, BRATA IN STRICA ALOJZ FERLINC roj. 15. junija 1927 umrl 16. marca 1988 In še in še in vedno bolj prši sneg, naletava in sam sem sredi večnih polj in noga se mi pogrezava. Kje tihi si mi dom, ti sreča moja prava?... Nocoj kedaj te videl bom ti sreča moja prava?... Prostrane dalje mrak molči, prši sneg, zamrzava... ah, v srce, zdi se, naletava. J os. M ur n-A tek sumtro v Žalujoči ostali: Christine Bartolotta, hčerka Robert Bartolotta, zet Matthew, vnuk; Jill, vnukinja ter sorodstvo v Sloveniji. Cleveland, Ohio, 6. marca 2008. Pokojnika pogrešajo žena Slavka (r. Povirk), otroci Duke ml., Elizabeth (Brian) Thelen, Barbara, Margaret (Thomas) Pilon, Nicholas (Tracee), Catherine (Bert) Mechenbier in Christine (Robert) Foell, 16 vnukov in vnukinj, sestra Poldi Bojc, številni nečaki in nečakinje. Že pokojni so starši John in Leopoldine (r. Holozan), brat John, svakinja Barbara in svak Joe Bojc. Pogreb je bil 19. januarja s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Paskala Bajlonskega na Highland Hts., sledil je pokop na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina je priporočala darove v pokojnikov spomin Misijonski Znamkar-ski Akciji ali St. Paschal Baylon Building Fund, 5384 Wilson Mills Road, Highland Hts., OH 44143. Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s str. 11) pok. Kennetha in Richarda, 8-krat stara mati, 1-krat prastara mati, sestra Josepha, Franka in Victorja, članica AM LA št. 40, SŽZ št. 47, SNPJ št. 5 in Klubov upokojencev na Maple Hts. in v Nevburgu. Pogreb je bil 19. februarja s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca s pokopom na Vseh svetnikov pokopališču. Frances Jakomin Umrla je Frances Jakomin, rojena Breskvar, vdova po Josephu, mati Garyja, 2-krat stara mati, sestra Ann Cresante in že pok. Mary Tomažič. Pogreb je bil 22. Slovenci na Mount Everestu (nadaljevanje s str. 15) Leta 1997 je Pavle Kozjek opravil prvi slovenski vzpon na vrh brez dodatnega kisika čez Severni greben (Tibet), tri leta pozneje pa je Davo Karničar kot prvi človek smučal z Mount Everesta v nepretrganem spustu. Na vrh so se povzpeli tudi Franc Prepevnik-Aco, Franc Oderlap, Matej Flis, Gregor Lačen in Tadej Golob. ■ Demokracija, 24.1.2008 februarja s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Emily I. Mestnik Umrla je 94 let stara Emily I. Mestnik iz Oak-wood Villagea, rojena Intihar, vdova po Franku, mati Franka in Josepha, 7-krat stara mati, 5-krat prastara mati, sestra Matthewa, Mary Kapudja, Louisa, Stanleya, Alice Kušar in Victorja. Pogreb je bil 1. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi Sv. Trojice in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Julija Sadar Umrla je 92 let stara Julija Sadar, rojena Bencelic, žena Franka, mati Jamesa in Theodorea, 5-krat stara mati, sestra Amelije Ovsek. Pogreb je bil 25. februarja s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Dorothy R. Lausche Umrla je Dorothy R. Lausche, rojena Hren, vdova po Franku, mati Sharon Barack, 1-krat stara mati, sestra Josephine Yurchisin ter že pok. Martina in Clydea. Pogreb je bil 25. februarja s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Victoria Lindič Umrla je Victoria Lindič, rojena Yanchar, vdova po Franku, mati Jamesa in Judith Agresta, 2-krat stara mati, 2-krat prastara mati, sestra Josephine Stupica, Dorothy Tichar, Margaret Alexander, Florence Fortuna, Paula ter že pok. The-rese Skur, Ann Supan, Albine Tichar, Mary Gerl, Mollie Vichick, Josepha in Charlesa, hčerka Jacoba in Therese (r. Zalokar) Yanchar (oba pok.), članica SŽZ. Pogreb je bil 4. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Kristine in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Valentina H. Mervar Dne 21. februarja je umrla 93 let stara Valentina H. Mervar iz Newburyja, vdova po Anthonyju, mati Therese Mervar, Val Marie Protiva in Lucy Ann Santiago, 12-krat stara mati, 17-krat prastara mati, bila je dolgoletna članica skupine “Slovenian Scholars of Geauga County” in več dobrodelnih organizacij. Pogreb je bil 25. februarja s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Helene v New-buryju. Frank T. Troha Dne 27. februarja je za rakom umrl 53 let stari Frank T. Troha, sin Franka in Ellen, roj. Jura-tovac (oba že pok.), brat Jude-a, Ramone Ramos in Marianne Rebol, stric. Spominska slovesnost je bila v nedeljo, 2. marca, v prostorih zavoda Jakubs & Son na E. 185 St.