we Journal of JET v°lume 13 (2020) p.p. 11-26 Issue 3, November 2020 Type of article 1.01 Technology www.fe.um.si/en/jet.html INNOVATIVE GASIFICATION TECHNOLOGY FOR THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY INOVATIVNA TEHNOLOGIJA UPLINJANJA ZA KROŽNO GOSPODARSTVO Teos Perne1R, Marko Šetinc Ph.D.2, Tine Seljak Ph.D.3 Keywords: Gasification, carbonaceous, waste, tars, syngas, catalyst, circular economy, carbon, methanol Abstract This article presents a novel gasification technology process in the context of achieving carbon neutrality by establishing a sustainable circulation of carbonaceous materials with a focus on the production of virgin materials from various kinds of waste. The technology can alleviate the key limitations of existing gasification systems, which are the production and management of residue tars. The innovative technology process re-utilizes tars within the reaction itself, enabling an endless cycle of carbon. It also ensures high flexibility for efficiently handling heterogenic waste materials. Povzetek Članek predstavlja nov tehnološki postopek uplinjanja v okviru doseganja ogljikove nevtralnosti z vzpostavitvijo trajnostnega kroženja ogljikovih materialov s fokusom na proizvodnji izvornih surovin iz različnih vrst odpadkov. Tehnologija lahko reši ključne omejitve obstoječih sistemov uplinjanja, to je proizvodnja in upravljanje ostankov katrana. Inovativni tehnološki postopek uporabi katrane v sami reakciji, kar omogoča neskončno kroženje ogljika. Zagotavlja tudi visoko prilagodljivost za učinkovito ravnanje s heterogenimi odpadnimi materiali. R Corresponding author: Teos Perne, Tel.: +386 64 231 881, Mailing address: Ul. Jakoba Aljaža 18, 4281 Mojstrana, Slovenia, E-mail address: teos.perne@gmail.com 1 PLASMA NOVA, Project development, Tehnološki park 20, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2 GEOPOLIS, Teslova 30, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Aškerčeva 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. JET 11 TeosPerne,MarkoSetinc, Tine Seljak JETVol.13 (2020) Issue 3 1 INTRODUCTION Talking about global warming is talking about carbon management, which should be simple: the release of carbon into the atmosphere should be reduced as much as possible. For example: • avoiding the use of C for energy production; • avoiding biodegradation (which is also a cause of GHG emissions); • the use of biomass, as optimal and efficient circulation of GHG is possible only via biomass; • all C from carbonaceous wastes and residues should be prioritized for the production of new virgin raw hydrocarbons; With the existing technological solutions, a circular economy cannot be established. The transformation of carbon from residues to new virgin materials should be the basis of any programme. Existing methods for recycling carbonaceous materials can assure only limited cycles, after which the recycled products end up as waste in incineration plants, or, as is the case for the EU, in the landfills of southern continents, as well as (of course) in the oceans: The 5 Gyres North Pacific vj Gyre ¿é North Atlantic Gyre ^ • South Pacific S'J Gyre South Atlantic . -vj Gyre Rotating ocean currents, called gyres, carry debris into five concentrated areas Indian Ocean Gyre Figure 1: The 5 Gyres The term "recycling" should mean an endless circulation of materials, as is the case with metals. The treatment of hydrocarbons as we know it today is in reality only extending the life cycle of products, which contributes to the reduction of fossil hydrocarbon consumption; however, the material flow balance is inexorable in the end: all inputs will sooner or later become outputs. This fact calls for an appropriate and better technological solution with the possibility of processing heterogeneous carbonaceous waste and residue materials into new virgin materials. Chemical recycling based on the gasification process is one of them. Solving the major problem of the gasification process through an innovative approach, a technological solution of producing new virgin materials from any kind of waste or residues is now available. According to Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (IED), the gasification technology presented in this paper may be treated as "End of Waste" technology, as the prescribed technical conditions are met. According to the R3 process (recycling), syngas is considered a new raw material. Besides the application of such syngas as a technical gas or energy source, its major importance is in acting as the first process phase in the synthesis 12 JET Innovative gasification technology for thecircular e conomy 2 GASIFICATION PROCESS Tho gasification pauoott uf tulid oranuaroouut mrroairlt it ra old rod voay woll-kauwa roonouluoa, [1], which hrt oaco rgria booomo voay rttarctivo. It aoliot ua tho pratirl oxidrtioa of gadauoranuah, by which tho gaortoa prat uf tho mrtoairl it ouavoatod iatu r oumnuttinlo pauduot grt. Such paoduot grt it utoful foa vraiout puapotot, tuoh rt oomnuttioa ia fuaaroot foa thoamrl rppliortioat, ua iatoaarl oomnuttioa oagiaot rad tuaniaot to pauduoo oloctaicita. Tho mutt rttarctivo rppliortioa of tho paoduot grt it rt haotgohih grt foa ohomiorl haargohih to pauduoo aow arw mrtoairlt utod ia tho ogomihraa oa oaoaga iaduttaiot. With thit, r poafoot oranoa oyolo (100% aooacliao) ora bo rohiovod, aotultiao ia oomplotoly aow paoductt timilra to tgoto thrt could bo paoduood faom fottil touaoot. Figure 2: Gasification tower Gussing, Austria Tho paojoot rimod to dovolop r toogaolooa thrt it tuffioioatla floxiblo rad would rllow tho uto of rll typot of pooa-qurlita niomrhh, tuoh rt loggiao aotiduot, aotiduot of paimray paooottiao of wood rad otgoa kiadt of utod wood. At tho fiatt voaifiortioa of ttrto-of-tgo-rat roogaolooa, tovoarl brtio toogaiorl onhtrcloh thrt woao aot huffioioarla tolvod rpporaod. Tho ottoaoo of tho paoblom it bott illuttartod by R.W.R. Zwrat't aopoat, [2]: Grtifiortioa of niomrhh aotultt ia r paoduooa grt cootrioioo aumoaout ooatrmiaratt liko dutt rad tra. Although ooaooararrioah could bo aolrtivoly low dopoadiag oa tho foodttook utod rad tho typo of grtifioa rppliod, rt lortt tomo of thoto ooarrmiararh hrvo to bo dottauctod oa aomovod upttaorm tho fiarl rppliortioa of tho paoduooa grt, whotgoa it it r boiloa, grt oagiao oa tuabiao, fuol coll oa haargorio rppliortioa. Hoaoo, grt oloraiag it iaovitrblo ia goaoarl, whotgoa it it oa tra compoooott oa ooo-tra compoooott. JET 13 Teos Perne,MarkoŠetinc, Trne Seljak JETVoi. 13 (2020) Issu e 3 Still not many gasifiers are operating commercially on biomass feedstock, in particular when not taking into account those gasification systems (co-)firing the product straight into boilers. The need for gas cleaning, and in particular tar removal technology, for CHP or synthesis purposes is still the Achilles heel of biomass gasification and gas cleaning. Standard technology has proven to be insufficient for tar destruction or removal and has led to years of (still ongoing) R&D on thermal and catalytic tar cracking as well as (advanced) scrubbing technologies. For the moment, the latter ones seem to have made the biggest progress, with operating biomass-based CHP plants at e.g. among others Harbo0re and Gussing, and water as well as organic liquid (RME, oil) based technologies being commercially available. Figure 3: Tho cemputor schomo ef Gussieg gasificr ie operation, Austria A step by step approach could be considered in which technology is scaled up gradually. There has been a tendency to construct large (demonstration) facilities hoping that these are operated successfully and due to scale are commercially attractive as well. The risks are high though, as solving unexpected issues will require enormous budgets. The risk that such a plant becomes mothballed instead of a commercial success has been proven to be relevant. Examples of this are the 180 ton per day Battelle gasification plant in Burlington, USA, and the 8 MWel ARBRE combined-cycle plant in Eggborough, UK. Tars are still considered to be the major bottleneck or even stumbling blocks in the application of biomass gasification. This holds for fluidized as well as updraft fixed bed-based gasification performed at temperatures well below 1000°C, as tar contents in the raw gas can be up to several tens of g/Nm3. A description of tars and the main associated issues are included in the appendices. The cleaning from these organic species down to values that are acceptable for different downstream processes is of crucial importance for successful implementation of biomass gasification technology. Tar reduction measures can be classified in three main categories, being: i. tar cracking aed rofermieg (thormal er catalyst), ii. mochaeical tar romeval aed iii. physical tar romeval (emphasis added). Many sophisticated technical solutions have been developed to solve the tar problem. However, most (if not all) solutions go at the expense of process flexibility, which should be the most important advantage of gasification technology. The purpose of gasification should be the 14 JET Innovative gasification technology for thecircular e conomy ability to process all challenging materials, such as worthless biomass (wet or contaminated with dust), or any kind of municipal and industrial waste. The use of high quality dry and dustless wood chips or even pellets for gasification is not in line with sustainability criteria and waste hierarchy. Losing upstream flexibility does not aid in avoiding losing downstream flexibility. An example of this is the Gussing CHP plant: the use of dustless wood chips for gasification did not prevent the need for a sophisticated filtering system, which led to high operational costs. The plant was not profitable without subsidies; hence production was halted in 2016, [3]. 3 A NEW APPROACH A new approach to the tar problem has led to successful results with many benefits: using tars as a necessary element in the process eliminates the need for tar removal - more tars results in a better process. The developed technological solution is based on the selective catalytic conversion of complex hydrocarbons into CO and H2, supported by the Catalytic Partial Oxidation (CPOX) process. The system considers tars to be a reactant, and by increasing tar concentration in the product gas, the efficiency of the CPOX process also increases. Such catalyst reactors are well known in the petrochemical industry, where they are used for cracking long and heavy hydrocarbons into short hydrocarbon chains. The partial oxidation process taking place in the reactor differs from thermal cracking. The best example of this type of reaction is the decomposition of methane, CH4: • Example A, full oxidation: CH4 + 2 O2 = CO2 + 2 H2O (803 kJ/mole) • Example B, partial oxidation occurring at thermal cracking: CH4 + 0.5 O2 = 0.25 CO2 + 0.5 H2O + 0.75 CH4 (201 kJ/0.25 mole) • Example C, partial oxidation in CPOX: CH4 + 0.5 O2 = CO + 2 H2 (36 kJ/mole) Figure 4: Schematic representation of the device JET 15 Teos Perne,MarkoSetinc, Trne Seljak JETVoi. 13 (01020) Issue 3 In CPOX, the exothermic reaction is taking place inside the reactor. Partial oxidation releases significantly less heat than full oxidation, but still enough to get the catalyst up to working temperature. Another advantage of the CPOX is its compactness, as the residence time ranges from 0.14 to 0.08 sec, while the residence time in full oxidation systems can reach up to 10 s. In order to reach higher tar concentrations in the product gas, heterogeneous and poor-quality gasification materials may be used, with less drying and sieving (to remove dust). The quality of the material used depends on the type of gasifier. For basic CPOX testing, a specially designed multi-fuel updraft gasifier was used, which can accept all kinds of heterogeneous carbonaceous materials, except for very fine dust or explosives. It can operate on sawdust, all kinds of waste, sludge, coal, charcoal, plastic, wood chips and agricultural residues. The gasifier produces product gas with up to 20% tar content, which is optimal for the CPOX catalyst system. Gasification takes place in two reactors. In the first reactor, the inorganic and organic compounds are separated. Inorganic compounds leave the system in the form of ash, while the organic part flows in a gaseous phase to the second reactor - the catalyst. After the cracking process, the tar-free synthesis gas is cooled, and water is extracted. If waste materials are used as feedstock, an adsorbent is added to remove S and Cl compounds from hydrocarbons. The separated S and Cl are deposited into ash and removed from the process. Figure 5: Precoss eporetieg schomo Based on tests on fixed-bed downdraft gasifiers, the prototype gasification line was designed with a new thrusting stream updraft gasifier, which delivers tar rich product gas to the CPOX reactor. Testing at the TRL6 level (System Adequacy Validated in Simulated Environment) lasted from 2015 until 2017. Significant optimization of technology has been achieved. Biomass was primarily used as feedstock for gasification in this period. In 2017, tests on municipal waste were carried out as well. Compared to biomass, mixed wastes 19 12 12 (mix of light and heavy fractions) yielded more optimal results. 16 JET Innovative gasification technology for thecircular e conomy Figure 6: Prototype eatiVioo with 600 kWth ioput pswoo General specifications of the testing device are as follows: • Grid: 0.7 m2 • Input power: 700 kWth • Gasification material consumption: 150-200 kg/h • Oxidant: air • Synthesis gas production: 650 Nm3/h • Outputs: Ash: 1 - 40 kg/h, Condensate water: 77 kg/h, • Composition of synthesis gas: CO: 28.6 %, CO2: 5.8 %, CH4: 2.1%, O2: 1.7%, H2: 20.1 %, N2: 41,7 %; HHV: 7.0 MJ/Nm3 JET 17 Teos Perne,MarkoŠetinc, Trne Seljak JETVoi. 13 (2020) Issu e 3 1 Gasification material input 11 Starting gas inlet 2 Cell barrier 12 Catalyst 3 Inlet transportation system 13 Heat exchanger 1 (gas/gasifier) 4 Grid 14 Heat exchanger 2 (gas/air) 5 Ash output system 15 Heat exchanger 3 (gas/water) 6 Air and water inlet 16 Condensate water collector 7 Ignition system 17 Condensate water outlet 8 Gasifier 18 Demister 9 Product gas outlet 19 Main process valve 10 Air inlet for CPOX 20 Synthesis gas outlet Figure 7: Tocheelegical lieo composition In 2015 and 2016, the CPOX 2400 catalyst system was developed for the Ruše CHP project as an independent unit, which was installed on the gasification line. The gasifier used was an Ankur gasifier with an input capacity of 3.000 kWth. The design of the CPOX 2400 was modular, so that it could be easily adjusted for different gas flows. One standard reactor element can process up to 200 Nm3/h of product gas. For the Ruše CHP, a system with 12 catalyst units was developed. CPOX 2400 has an air supply via a rotary vane compressor to assure an independent reaction air inlet. CPOX 2400 can operate in over-pressure or under-pressure mode. The catalyst itself presents a pressure resistance of 20-50 mbar. CPOX 2400 is equipped with a heat exchanger. The product gas is mixed with the oxidant (air) as it enters the reactor. It enters the reactor at 400 °C, reaching up to 800/900 °C in the reactor zone, then dropping to 500 °C in the collector. After exiting the reactor, it passes through the heat exchanger, where it is used to heat the input air, and the temperature drops under 400 °C. 18 JET Innovative gasification technology for thecircular e conomy Figure 8: CPOX 2400 catalyst donico 4 WASTE CARBONACEOUS MATERIALS AS FEEDSTOCK FOR GASIFICATION Gasification is a slow thermochemical process in which materials are heated to 600 °C, which is the temperature at which the majority of hydrocarbons break down. The process is generally determined by the amount of C and H (as well as other contaminants) added to the process, while the structure of the molecules in which the elements are arranged is not of importance. In the case of using waste as the feedstock, the fraction of Cl and S should also be determined. Limitations are presented only by clean materials in the shape of dust, or rapidly combustible materials which must be diluted. Liquid hydrocarbons must be mixed with a solid carrier, such as sawdust or a heavy fraction of waste. Technical conditions for gasification materials preparation: - material should be heterogeneous; - material should be wet; - density must be 200 kg/m3 (mix of light + heavy fraction); - material should be crushed to G50 - G70; - metals and minerals must be removed as much as possible; - dust or moisture removal not needed; - removal of materials with S and Cl elements not needed (according to S and Cl content, the appropriate amount of adsorbent is added); - separation of fractions by waste type not needed. JET 19 Teos Perne, Marko SeOnc, Tine Seljak JETVo1. 13 (2020) Issue 3 Main parameters of the innovative gasification technology: - gasification efficiency: 80% of energy from input materials is converted into chemical energy of syngas; - outputs consist of inert ash without organic carbon and condensate water; - no tars, water or particles are present in the syngas; - according to technical standards from Directive 2010/75/EU, syngas has the same or better purity as natural gas and is classified as a new raw material, even if waste is used as feedstock; - syngas may be used as technical gas, as energy source or as a feedstock for chemical synthesis of new virgin products (such are synthetic methane, methanol, or FT products); According to article 42/1 of the Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (IED), the conditions for a classification as "End of Waste" technology is assured. The implementation procedure of the above statutory provision is determined by the non-paper document prepared by the EU Commission [4]. According to the aforementioned document, the following list of combustible wastes will be tested in the gasification process: • Non-hazardous combustible wastes: 02 01 02, 02 01 03, 02 01 04, 02 01 07, 02 01 09, 02 02 02, 02 02 03, 02 03 01, 02 03 03, 02 03 04, 02 03 05, 02 05 01, 02 05 02, 02 06 01, 02 07 02, 02 07 03, 02 07 04, 03 01 01, 03 01 05, 03 01 99, 03 02 99, 03 03 01, 03 03 02, 03 03 05, 03 03 07, 03 03 08, 03 03 10, 04 01 08, 04 01 09, 04 02 09, 04 02 10, 04 02 21, 04 02 22, 05 01 10, 05 01 13, 05 01 17, 07 01 12, 07 02 12, 07 02 13, 07 02 15, 07 02 17, 07 03 12, 08 01 12, 08 01 14, 08 04 10, 08 04 12, 09 01 07, 09 01 08, 10 01 25, 12 01 05, 15 01 01, 15 01 02, 15 01 03, 15 01 05, 15 01 06, 15 01 09, 15 02 03, 16 01 03, 16 01 19, 16 03 06, 17 02 01, 17 02 03, 17 03 02, 18 01 04, 18 01 07, 18 01 09, 18 02 03, 18 02 06, 18 02 08, 19 02 03, 19 02 06, 19 02 10, 19 03 05, 19 03 07, 19 05 01, 19 05 02, 19 06 04, 19 06 06, 19 08 01, 19 08 05, 19 08 09, 19 08 12, 19 08 14, 19 09 04, 19 09 05, 19 11 06, 19 12 01, 19 12 04, 19 12 07, 19 12 08, 19 12 10, 19 12 12, 20 01 01, 20 01 08, 20 01 10, 20 01 11, 20 01 25, 20 01 28, 20 01 30, 20 01 32, 20 01 38, 20 01 39, 20 01 40, 20 01 41, 20 03 01, 20 03 02 and 20 03 07; • Hazardous combustible wastes: 02 01 08*, 03 01 04*, 04 02 14*, 05 01 09*, 07 01 11*, 07 02 11*, 07 02 14*, 07 02 16*, 07 03 11*, 08 01 11*, 08 01 13*, 08 04 09*, 08 04 11*, 15 01 10*, 15 02 02*, 16 03 05*, 17 02 04*, 17 03 01*, 17 09 02*, 17 09 03*, 18 01 03*, 18 01 06*, 18 01 08*, 18 02 02*, 18 02 05*, 18 02 07*, 19 02 05*, 19 02 08*, 19 02 09*, 19 03 04*, 19 03 06*, 19 08 10*, 19 08 11*, 19 08 13*, 19 11 05*, 19 12 06*, 19 12 11*, 20 01 26*, 20 01 27*, 20 01 29*, 20 01 31* and 20 01 37*; The need for the heterogeneousness of gasification materials leads to a much simpler waste preparation process, compared to today's separation methods into fractions or even separate waste types. A new and simpler system of waste treatment could be implemented, employing cheaper methods, leading to a much more effective transformation of carbonaceous materials into new virgin materials. Landfilling of useless wastes and GHG emissions will decrease significantly, and a large part of fossil carbon can be replaced with carbon circulation in a true recycling cycle. 20 JET Innovative gasification technology for thecircular e conomy Figure 9: Protect watto management nootrt SYNTECH tstrtisc 5 INCINERATION VS GASIFICATION Comparing incineration and SYNTECH gasification technology shows significant differences between the two concepts. Combustion is a quick thermochemical process in which a forced air intake is usually used. If combustion is too fast, a part of fuel does not oxidize fully. If the temperature is too low, toxic tar compounds are formed. With stronger airflow, more ash is lifted into the flue gas. However, the main problem is the presence of S and Cl elements, which form aggressive compounds that damage processing equipment, and also cause the formation of toxic compounds due to the so-called de novo formation of PCDDs and PCDFs, [5]. Therefore, incineration has to include very efficient filtering systems, and the process conditions must be managed with great precision and caution. JET 21 Teos Perne,MarkoŠetinc, Trne Seljak JETVoi. 13 (2020) Issu e 3 Figure 10: Precoss schomo ef tho iecieomtiee plant Before entering the incineration line, materials with S and Cl elements must be excluded from the waste as much as possible. Because of that, many hydrocarbon materials end up in landfills unexploited. Nevertheless, a 1% presence of S and Cl cannot be avoided. For incineration, roughly one part of waste and five parts of air are combined to release heat. After flue gases pass through a heat exchanger, the cleaning process of flue gas consumes large amounts of energy, water, and adsorbents, causing additional hazardous waste. Figure 11: Precoss schomo ef eevol gasificatiee Waste preparation for SYNTECH gasification is much simpler because there is no need for separation of materials with S and Cl elements. For gasification, one part of gasification material and one part of air (if air is used as an oxidant) are mixed in the thermochemical process, which produces lower gas flow compared to the incineration process. Because gasification is a slow process, the reaction between the adsorbent and S and Cl elements can take place in the first step of gasification, producing inert S and Cl compounds, which are removed with ash. In the end, 80% of energy from the input material converts into syngas energy and 10% into useful heat energy. The gasification process causes much fewer waste materials for landfill disposal and no releases into air (practically all gas components in syngas can be separated and used as technical gasses). 22 JET Innovative gasification technology for thecircular e conomy Comparing process efficiency, releases from the process, production safety, and costs efficiency between incineration and gasification, the facts are in favour of the gasification process. Comparison of a small incineration facility, [6], and SYNTECH gasification system shows the following: Measure SYNTECH Incineration Gasification material t/year 30,000.00 30,000.00 Investment costs EUR 15,000.000 19,500.000 Electrical power MW 4.80 0.80 Thermal power MW 8.80 9.00 Electricity production MWh 38,400.00 6,400.00 Heat production MWh 1/2 year 35,200.00 36,000.00 Efficiency % acc. to input 47% 27% Adsorbent consumption t/year 1,880.00 Ash t/year 6,360.00 Condensate water t/year 14,448.00 Selling of electricity 50 EUR/MWh €1,920,000 €320,000 Selling of heat energy 10 EUR/t €352,000 €360,000 Waste incomes 85 EUR/t €2,550,000 €2,550,000 TOTAL INCOME €4,822,000 €3,230,000 Table 1: Comparison of operational parameters between conventional incineration and gasification 6 SYNTHETIC METHANOL PRODUCTION STUDY Energy exploitation of syngas is economically the least attractive option, especially if biomass in the form of dry wood chips is used. The production of synthetic hydrogen or methane is more attractive, but even if alternative fuels such as biomass residues or wastes are used, the production cost is still higher than the price of fossil natural gas. With the production of synthetic methanol, the gasification of biomass residues and wastes becomes profitable without subsidy on the product side. Synthetic methanol also has an important advantage: it is in liquid form, so it is easy and safe to handle and store. With synthetic methanol production, the circulation of carbon materials is closed, as a wide range of different virgin hydrocarbons can be produced, as predicted by the methanol economy. A pilot project study for synthetic methanol production in a small-scale facility, [7], predicts an annual consumption of 140,000 t of alternative gasification material, of that 40,000 t of solid waste of various origin and 100,000 t of biomass restudies. The energy value of gasification JET 23 Teos Perne,MarkoŠetinc, Trne Seljak JETVoi. 13 (2020) Issu e 3 materials is 560,000 MWh. The input power of the high-pressure gasification line is 80 MWth. In 7,000 operational hours per year, 154,000 t of clean syngas is produced from which 67,000 t of methanol is synthesized. A 6 MW electricity power station is installed for the line's consumption (engines or gas turbine). Figure 12: Precoss diagram ef syethotic mothaeel production Total investment costs should be €97.5 million or €1,223.75 EUR per 1 kWinput, which are, according to ECN's economic study, very competitive costs, [8]. The annual revenue is €28 million, with total production costs of €13 million. The entire plant can operate with 30 staff. The amortization period is 20 years. If ROI is set at seven years, the product price (raw synthesis methanol) should be €354.62/t. Despite the favourable economic picture, some benefit from the CO2 emission market should be included in the synthesis methanol price: 1 t of synthetic methanol from carbonaceous materials from sustainable sources results in a 1.62 t CO2 emissions reduction; Pilot project specifications: • Input material: o Various waste materials: 40,000 t/year o Biomass residues: 100,000 t/year • Nominal power of gasification device: 80 MWth; • Input capacity: 20 t of raw material/h • Synthetic methanol production: 67,000 t/year • Heat energy production: 67,000 MWh/year • Energy consumption for operation: 44,800 MWh/year • Adsorbent consumption: 2,520 t/year • Process outputs: o Inorganic ash: 18,000 t/year o Condensate water: 67,000 t/year • Process CO2 emissions: 186,057 t/year • Investment costs: €97,900,000 o Gasification technology: €32,000,000 o Oxygen plant: €6,800,000 o Methanol synthesis: €40,600,000 o Electrical energy production: €6,000,000 o Waste preparation equipment: €5,000,000 24 JET Innovative gasification technology for thecircular e conomy o Location and buildings: €3,000,000 o Engineering and documentation: €4,500,000 • Price for acquiring waste: €85.00/t • Biomass price: €74.55/t • Planned synthetic methanol price: €350/Sm3 • Heat price: €10 /MWh • Number of job positions: 30 • Duration of the project: 20 years • Average annual revenue: €27,000,000 • Average annual expenses: €13,500,000 • Amortization: €4,800,000 Figure 13: Demonstration eatiVioo T2-800 with ioput pswoo sf 800 kW References: [1] Quark P., Knoef H., Stassen H.: Energy from Biomass, A Review of Combustion and Gasification Technologies, World Bank Technical Paper No.: 422, March 1999 [2] R.W.R. Zwart: Gas cleaning downstream biomass gasification, Status Report 2009, ECN, SenterNovem, June 2009 [3] Status report on thermal gasification of biomass and waste 2019, IEA Bioenergy, Task 33 special report [4] EU Commission: Gasification of waste under Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (IED), Non-Paper, January 2018 [5] Hutzinger O., Ghaus Choudhry G., G. Chittim B., E. Johnston L.: Formation of Polychiorinated Dibenzofurans and Dioxins during Combustion, Electrical Equipment Fires and PCB Incineration, Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 60, pp. 3-9, 1985 JET 25 Teos Perne, Marko Šetinc, Tine Seljak JETVo 1. 33 (2020) Issue 3 [6] Zidanšek M., Rcero Celje s toplarno Celje - primer dobre prakse, Ureditev področja ravnanja z odpadki: od urgentne do sistemske ureditve, DS RS, Zbornik referatov in razprav št. 1/2019 [7] J. Lücking L., Methanol Production from Syngas, Technische Universitet Delft, december 2017 [8] Aranda G., van dur Drift A., Smit R.: The Economy of Large-Scale Biomass to Subtitute Natural Gas (bioSNG) plants, ECN, January 2014 26 JET