Rehabilitacija - Letnik VII. 11111! . -1-(2008/ EXECUTIVE ABIL ITY ANO DAILY LIVING PERFORMANCE IN PATIENTS WITH ALS V štukovnik 1 . G. Repovš 2 , J. Zidar 1 1 Institute of Clinical Neurophysiology, University Medica! Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Department of Psychology, Washington University in Saint Louis, USA Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) was traditionally thought to affect solely the lower and upper motor neurons. Recent studies suggest that the pathogenic processes of ALS are more extensive, involving a wider dysfunction of cortical grey and white matter with clinical correlates in the impairment of cognitive abilities. Cognitive deterioration has until recently been associated almost exclusively with a subgroup of 3-5% of ALS patients with frontotemporal dementia. However, a number of latest neuropsychologi­ cal investigations demonstrated selective impairments of the executive and memory functions in nondemented ALS patients (25-75% ). The relevance of these results for every­ day life, however, stili remains in question, thus demonstrat­ ing the need for the development and use of an ecologically valid test ( 1 ). The purpose of this preliminary study was to assess the prevalence of cognitive dysfunction in ALS and also dys­ function 's impact on patients' daily activities. Wc evaluated 16 patients with ALS, according to EI-Escorial Criteria of "possible", "probablc" or "definite" ALS, and with a mean age of M = 59.6 (SO = 7.3) on a battery of standardized neuropsychological tests as well as a specially designed and ecologically valid test of executive functions called Medi­ cation Scheduling task - MST (2). With MST, paticnts are asked to coordinate multiple rules in order to create a safe daily schedule of medications. Both, standardized neuropsychological measures as well as the ecologically valid measure of executive functions, revealed important deficits in cognitive performancc of ALS patients. Using the cut-off value of the 15'" percen­ tile to mark the deficient activity (3), wc found tliat most II patients demonstrated the same kind of impaired activity. i.e. placing incorrectly the pills to the medica! schedule and neglecting to follow the rules while executing the MS1 task. The MST task's high demand for cognitive controL including the ability to coordinate multiple tasks and/01 multiple sources of information, the application of strate­ gies to a novel problem and the ability to monitor incom­ ing information for relevance to the task at hand, seems to presen! great difficulties to patients with ALS and could possibly interfere with the planning and executing of their daily activities. Further explorations of patients' daily liv­ ing performance are necded. Knowing whether or not an ALS patient has cognitive impairment brings up important considerations regarding the management of the patients, including a higher degree of involvement and supervision on the part of their caretakers. References: l. Chaytor N, Schmitter-Edgecombe M, Burr R. Improving the ecological validity of cxecutive functioning asscss­ mcnt. Arch Ciin Neuropsychol. 2006; 21 (3): 217-27. 2. Schefman J, Foster ER, Lim A, Perantie O. Repovš G, Baum C, Hearshey T. The medication Scheduling Ta sk: The development of a naturalistic executive function­ ing task. Presented at the 2006 American Occupational Therapy Association Meeting: Charlottc, NC. 3. Ocutsch Lezak M, Howieson OB, Loring OW. Ncuropsy­ chological assessment. 4'" ed. Oxford University press: Oxford, New York etc.; 2004.