165 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers 1 Received: 6th July 2023; Accepted: 20th February 2024 An Analysis of Methods and Techniques Used for Business Process Improvement Eva KRHAČ ANDRAŠEC, Benjamin URH, Matjaž ROBLEK, Tomaž KERN University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kranj, Slovenia, eva.krhac1@um.si, benjamin.urh@um.si, matjaz.roblek@domel.si, tomaz.kern@um.si Background: More than 50 process-based approaches, methods, and techniques have been developed in recent decades to achieve more efficient operation of organizational systems. Due to increasingly rapid changes in the business environment, the question of which method or technique will have the most significant impact on increasing the organizational system’s competitive advantage is becoming increasingly important. Purpose: In the presented research, we focused on identifying methods and techniques often cited in the literature and most often used in practice as efficient for improving business processes. Methods: We prepared a 4-phase structured review of the available literature and supported the findings with sur- vey research. Results and Conclusion: Based on the results, we designed a set of appropriate, most frequently used, and effi- cient methods and techniques for improving business processes. The completed research can serve as a starting point for answering the question about the appropriate methods and techniques for the chosen approach. In continu- ing the research, it would be reasonable to check other properties and the use of methods and techniques. Keywords: Business Process Management, Business process improvement, Approaches, Methods, Techniques DOI: 10.2478/orga-2024-0012 1 Introduction In business processes, added value and simultaneously a significant share of costs are created. As a result, they became the core of the demanded changes in the organi- zational system. Business Process Management is a dis- cipline with which we focus on improving business pro- cess efficiency (Harmon, 2007, in Lahajnar and Rožanec, 2015). Its purpose is to support the modeling, managing, and analyzing the business processes (Weske, 2007). It is a complex discipline that includes a set of principles, approaches, methods, techniques, and tools and combines the knowledge of management, industrial engineering, and information-communication technologies sciences (Weske et al., 2004; van der Aalst, 2013; van der Aalst et al., 2016) and psychology (Lahajnar and Rožanec, 2015). The life cycle of Business Process Management con- tains six phases, i.e. (Dumas et al., 2013): • business process identification, • business process discovery, • business process analysis, • business process improvement, • business process implementation, • business process monitoring and control. In the last decades, over 50 approaches, methods, and techniques to improve business processes have been developed (Vila, 2006; Mežnar, 2021; Krhač Andrašec, 2022). They have more or less unified goals: reducing 166 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers the processes’ business cycle, increasing the added value in the processes, and gradually increasing the quality of products and organizational system’s services, reducing the processes execution’s costs while maintaining suitable quality and needed time ratio, increasing reliability and consistency of the process implementation and the quality of products and services. Simultaneously, they differ in the terms of business process execution improvement: • the improvement’s ambitions aspect (major or mi- nor gradual improvements), • the nature or characteristics of the improvement aspect (an analytical or creative approach to im- provement), • the process view aspect (an internal or external view of the improvement). The Business Process Management phases use a varie- ty of approaches, methods, and techniques. However, they are not consistently named in the literature. For example, Lean is commonly used in literature as a method (Kim et al., 2006), an approach (Massingham and Al Holaibi, 2017), or in combination with techniques (Warner et al., 2013). Often, it is also mentioned as Lean Six Sigma, rep- resenting a combination of two approaches (Crema and Verbano, 2013). Non-unified naming causes confusion and unsuitable use by the users. In our study, we use individual terms in the sense as they are explained in the Oxford Eng- lish Dictionary (2021): • an approach is a way of dealing with a situation or a problem; for example, we need an entirely new approach to work; • a method is a special systematic procedure for achieving or getting closer to something; for ex- ample, labor-intensive production methods; • a technique is a way of performing a particular task, especially in executing an artwork or a sci- entific process; for example, it is a skillful or effi - cient way of working. Based on the basic terms’ meaning and their uses over- view in the available literature, we perceive that approach- es are slightly wider than methods and techniques. These are selected in the concept phase because their purpose is to realize the chosen approach. In literature, we can come across different methods and techniques for improving business processes; however, their use and combination are left to the managers’ ideas in individual organizational systems (Debevc et al., 2018; Galof and Balantič, 2021; Maletič et al., 2023). The research aimed to identify the most commonly used and relevant approaches, methods, and techniques of business process improvement. Additionally, we investi- gated the potential differences in the usage of individual methods or techniques of business process improvement between the organizational systems based on different cri- teria for their classification 1 (e.g., predominant purpose, size, etc.). 2 Methodology The research is divided into two parts, i.e., a 4-phase structured literature overview was designed and conduct- ed, a questionnaire was developed, and the answers were analyzed. Due to the large set of terms used in improving busi- ness processes and their various naming, we initially carried out an in-depth overview of the multidisciplinary collections. To identify relevant approaches, methods, and techniques mainly used and reflected in the wanted results, a 4-phase structured overview of the available literature was carried out. A Basic Overview of the Multidisciplinary Collections In the first phase, we focused on Web of Science, Pro- Quest Dissertations & Theses, Science Direct, and Emer- ald, where the following combinations of phrases are used: • basis: Business Process Improvement/Reengi- neering/Redesign/Optimization, • complement: principle/concept/approach/method/ technique. We searched for the relevant terms in titles, abstracts, keywords, and the entire history of the multidisciplinary collections. Due to numerous hits, we have sometimes set limits and reduced the number of hits to a manageable lev- el. Usually, we limit the year of the source’s publication, the availability of the source, and the number of citations. We examined the reduced hits and extracted the more often identified terms. In this phase, 947 hits (sources) were ex- amined, and 65 terms were extracted. When reexamining the sources, in which we discovered new terms or terms that repeat once, we excluded 18 terms from the research because of irrelevance. Defining the Narrower Set of Terms Based on the calculations of the 10% of the maximum hits in the second phase, the remaining terms were catego- rized into two groups. A closer examination was carried out for terms with fewer hits than 10% of the maximum hits in the first phase. The exclusion criteria are the year and the publication type (journal with or without the impact factor, book, conference). The term Simulation was changed to 1 1 The criteria for classifying organizational systems are predominant purpose (energy production, material production, and non-material produc- tion), business area (21 areas), size (micro, small, medium and large), technical and economic structure (mainly for business areas with production work processes - e.g., number of repetitions of execution, integration of processes...), a legal-formal form of organization (systems with prof- it-making work - entrepreneur, company with limited liability, systems with non-profit work) and location - wider, narrower and internal location (Kern, 2017). 167 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers Process Simulation to adapt the term to the field. The terms were reexamined based on the number of hits according to Web of Science. Here, the terms are reviewed accord- ing to independent hits from the first phase and the hits in combinations with “Process Improvement” and “Business Process Improvement,” where 10% of the maximum hits for the other two reviews is also calculated. Based on the selected criterion, we considered those terms relevant that have at least in two reviews the number of hits higher than 10% from the maximum number of hits. Additional exam- ination of the suitability of the relevant terms set followed, where years and types of publication and the number of citations were reexamined. Lastly, the term suitability in terms of content based on their definitions was checked. To avoid premature elimination of the relevant terms, the car- ried-out calculation process was checked additionally with a minimum of 5% hits. The second phase of the theoretical overview is thus finished with a set of 18 relevant terms to improve business processes. An In-depth Review of the Narrower Set of Approaches In the third phase, the selected relevant approaches underwent an additional in-depth review to emphasize the relevant methods and techniques. At each approach, sev- eral sources were reviewed, focusing on the impact factor, reviewed articles, and books. Following Pettersen (2009), we removed the terms with a few occurrences in the litera- ture from relevant business process improvement methods and techniques. An In-depth Review of the Remaining Terms and De- signing a Set of Relevant Methods and Techniques In the final phase, an in-depth review of the remaining terms was carried out. It encompassed: • a re-review of the frequency of the occurrence of the terms in the multidisciplinary collections (in combination with “business process improve- ment”) – the Scopus collection was also included in the review, • a review, in which phases of the business process improvement approaches is possible to use an in- dividual term, • overview of the definitions of the terms. Based on the first review, significant differences in the frequency of the occurrence of the different terms were discovered. This is why, following the second phase’s ex- ample, terms with less than 5% occurrence in their group as the most frequently used term are excluded from fur- ther investigation. To keep more possible terms, terms that scored more than 5% of occurrences in at least four hits groups were left in the set. For the remaining terms, the re- maining two reviews are carried out. In the second review, we focused mainly on the following phases of the business process improvement approaches: Processes mapping, Processes analysis, and Key processes improvement. At the end of the phase, the terms are also partially examined regarding the quality of the execution description and the possibility of application in different situations. The whole 4-phase structured literature overview was conducted from June 2019 to December 2020. Since the multidisciplinary collections have been upgraded with new sources, there is a possibility of discrepancies in cer- tain numbers. However, the same terms were consistently identified throughout all of the phases. We also confirmed the suitability of the relevant approaches, methods, and techniques of the business process improvement with the questionnaire results. A Questionnaire Survey A questionnaire survey was chosen to conduct the research due to the research’s size. A questionnaire was prepared in the Slovenian language and translated into German, English, and Croatian. It was prepared in an anonymous form (it did not encompass the respondents’ personal information) and with the help of the 1ka tool . Nine employees from various organizational systems vali- dated the questionnaire before the research. Each selected organizational system from Slovenia, Croatia, Germany, and Sweden received an invitation by e-mail to participate in international research and, in case of non-response, two reminders. We obtained a set of suit- able organizational systems, in accordance with purpose and size, with the help of the respective countries’ statis- tical offices. For every returned e-mail (for example, be- cause of technical issues or a non-existing e-mail address), we forwarded the invitation, and in case of non-response, two remainders to a new contact. The complete research was carried out between April 1, 2021, and July 15, 2021, and the country-specific questionnaire was available for 90 days. After the data collection, at least partially completed questionnaires were included in the analysis. A response rate analysis is prepared based on the responses, show- ing the highest response rate in Slovenia (14.7%) and the lowest in Sweden (0.8%). The overall response rate of the questionnaires is 7.6%. The response rate analysis results are suitable, as a more recent evaluation of research with a response rate above 5% confirmed that research with a lower response rate is negligibly less accurate than re- search with a higher response rate (Morton et al., 2012). A calculation of the adequacy of the achieved sample size based on the freely available calculator is also prepared (Raosoft, 2004). The size of the selected population, the risk level of sampling error, the normal distribution of re- sponses, and the 95% confidence level are entered into the calculator. A sample of 196 organizational systems is rec- ommended based on the entered conditions. We exceeded the recommended sample, and with the 95% trust rate, we can claim that the achieved sample of 213 organizational systems is representative of the selected population survey. 168 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers 3 Results 3.1 Theoretical Review Results A Basic Overview of the Multidisciplinary Collections 947 hits in the four multidisciplinary collections are re- viewed in the first phase. Table 1 shows the review results in which the identified terms of business process improve- ment are included. Defining the Narrower Set of Terms As mentioned above, in the second phase, the terms are classified into two groups based on the calculation of the 10% in three combinations of the number of hits’ searches. Simultaneously, individual terms are reviewed by the year and the publication type. Table 2 shows the results of the described review, where the number of hits within 90% of the maximum number of hits is shown in grey. Based on that, a narrower set of relevant terms is designed; however, a further review of the appropriateness of the set followed, in which the year and type of publication, number of cita- tions, and the suitability of the terms to the content of the definitions were reexamined. On this basis, Risk Manage- ment and Data Mining are removed from the set, while Digital Transformation, Just in Time, and Process Simula- tion are added. Based on the content suitability, Business Process Reengineering and Business Process Redesign are joined into one term, and Business Process Modeling and Process Mapping are merged into another. Consequently, the suggested set encompasses 17 terms. The calculation procedure is repeated with 5% of hits to avoid the early elimination of the relevant terms. The two calculations differed in only eight terms: • two of the terms based on content suitability have already been added: Just in Time and Process Simulation, • two terms are a part of the approaches, reviewed in the third phase in more detail, and they will be added in the next phase: Kanban and UML. The remaining terms were additionally reviewed in terms of content; namely, all hits in combination with “Process Improvement” were reviewed. Thus, only the PDCA term is added to the set, and the second phase of the theoretical review is concluded with a set of 18 relevant terms for business process improvement. An In-depth Review of the Narrower Set of Approaches Ten relevant business process improvement approach- es with the most hits in the previous phase go under a detailed examination in the third phase. Table 3 below presents the more often identified terms resulting from an in-depth review of the narrower set of approaches (excerpt shown in Table 4). The Petri Nets, BPMN, and EPC (Amjad et al., 2018), already partially selected in the previous phase, should be added to the identified terms. It is also reasonable to add to the set terms appearing in several approaches: FMEA (in three approaches), 5 Why (in six approaches), SMED (in two approaches), and Process Simulation (in four ap- proaches). Table 1: Identified terms of business process improvement Global citation database Identified terms Web of Science Business Process Reengineering, Simulation, Lean Manufacturing, Business Process Improve- ment, Business Process Redesign, Petri Net, Business Process Modeling, BPMN, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Change Management, Event logs, Just in Time, DMAIC, Value Stream Mapping, UML, Business Process Model, QFD, Process Mapping, AHP , Integrated Enterprise Modeling, Automatization, Pareto principle, Kanban, Digitalization, Agile, Risk Management, ABC Analy- sis, IDEF, IDEF 3, Continuous Quality Improvement, Continuous Process Improvement, Ishikawa Diagram, EPC, Benchmarking, PDCA, FMEA, IDEF 0, Data Mining, Value Chain Analysis, Delphi, Product - Based Design, Big Data Analytics. Emerald Lean Management, Six Sigma, Total Quality Management, Process Mining, AHP , Simulation, Delphi, Business Process Reengineering, Agile method, and Kaizen. Science Direct Business Process Reengineering, Lean Management, Six Sigma, Value Stream Mapping, DMA- IC, and Business Intelligence. 169 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers Identified term The first phase hits Year of publication The term independently The term and “Business Process Improvement” The term and “Process Improvement” ABC Analysis 2 2000, 2015 458 0 4 Agile methods 3 1998, 2018, 2019 1 173 0 75 AHP 3 2009, 2009, 2017 25 950 3 34 Automatization (Automatisation) 2 2016, 2018 4 572 (705) 0 4 Benchmarking 1 2000 44 498 19 178 Big Data Analytics 1 2017 4 142 1 8 BPMN 9 1 722 10 25 Business Intelligence 1 2016 5 975 7 24 Business Process Improvement 19 389 Business Process Model 3 1 544 15 27 Business Process Modeling 9 833 10 19 Business Process Redesign 14 298 9 23 Business Process Reengineering 88 1 454 28 72 Change Management 5 2011, 2017, 2017, 2018, 2018 7 499 11 131 Continuous Process Improve- ment 1 2010 303 4 303 Continuous Quality Improve- ment 1 2010 3 974 1 86 Data Mining 1 2009 111 500 19 139 Delphi 2 2015, 2019 24 501 0 25 Digitalization (Digitalisation) 2 2018, 2018 7 070 (1 179) 1 7 DMAIC 5 724 7 110 EPC 1 1999 14 576 0 8 Event logs 4 2015, 2016, 2017 1 378 8 19 FMEA 1 1997 3 111 0 35 IDEF 2 2010, 2014 350 1 6 IDEF 0 1 2018 28 1 11 IDEF 3 2 2015, 2018 3 0 1 Integrated Enterprise Modeling 2 1996, 1997, 2018 14 0 0 Ishikawa Diagram 1 2014 198 1 12 JIT 4 2005, 2014, 2015, 2016 8 312 4 37 Kaizen 1 2015 816 3 61 Kanban 2 2015, 2017 1 556 2 25 Lean Management 32 942 2 52 Pareto principle 2 2017, 2018 459 0 1 PDCA 1 2017, 2017 1 197 3 38 Table 2: Overview of terms by hits and years of publication 170 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers Table 2: Overview of terms by hits and years of publication (continues) Identified term The first phase hits Year of publication The term independently The term and “Business Process Improvement” The term and “Process Improvement” Petri Net 10 11 858 3 22 Process Mapping 2 2016, 2018 945 8 47 Process Mining 16 1 900 13 58 Product-Based Diagram 1 2010 10 0 0 QFD 3 1997, 2007, 2016 2 720 2 25 Risk Management 2 2013, 2017 87 644 4 201 Simulation (Process Simulation) 23 2 610 359 (12 072) 31 (2) 686 (110) Six Sigma 16 4 265 24 454 TQM 7 1998, 2011, 2015, 2018, 2018, 2019, 2019 4 672 6 138 UML 3 2012, 2016, 2017 13 632 8 44 Value Chain Analysis 1 2010 561 1 1 Value Stream Mapping 5 756 6 49 Table 3: Identified terms by approaches Approach Identified terms Business Process Reengineering IDEF0, Benchmarking, Process Modeling/Mapping Change management Flowchart Continuous Process Improvement Flowchart, Pareto Diagram, Check sheet, Control Chart, Histogram, Scatter Plot, Cause and Effect Diagram, 5S Just in Time Kanban, Level schedule (Heijunka) Kaizen 5S, PDCA Lean Management Kanban, Poka Yoke, Heijunka, Visual Control, 5S, VSM, Autonomation (Jidoka) Process Mining Heuristic miner (approach, mining), Conformance checking, Genetic mining (algorithms), Dependency graph, Alpha algorithm, Inductive miner, Split miner, Transition systems, Region-based mining (state-based regions, language-based regions) Six Sigma DMAIC, Cause and Effect Diagram, Statistical Process Control, Process Mapping, Design of Experiments Total Quality Management Control Chart, Cause and Effect Diagram, Pareto Diagram, Histogram, Statistical Process Control (SPC), QFD, Benchmarking, Quality circles, Brainstorming, Check Sheet, Scatter Diagram, Run Chart, Flowchart 171 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers Table 4: Identified properties by approaches and references Approach Reference Identified properties Business Process Reengineering Chiarini (2011) Mapping, Benchmarking, Brainstorming, Cause and Effect Diagram Habib and Shah (2013) IDEF 0, task elimination, task composition, integral technology, empower, or- der-assignment, specialist–generalist, integration, parallelism, numerical involve- ment, Benchmarking, Business Process Modeling Xiang et al. (2014) – redesign Eliminating unnecessary tasks, combining or dividing tasks, re-sequencing tasks in processes, paralleling tasks, integrating business processes, empowering work- ers with more decision-making authority, assigning workers to perform as many steps as possible for single orders, making human resources more specialized or more generalized, minimizing the number of departments, groups, and persons Change Management Inês Dallavalle de Pádua et al. (2014) Process Modeling, BPMN, Flowchart, Lanes, EPC, Value Chain, Root Cause Analy- sis, Current Reality Tree (CRT) Al-Haddad and Kotnour (2015) Lewin’s method, Judson’s method, Kanter, Jick, and Stein’s method, Leading change, Luecke’s method, the Insurrection model Noori and Latifi (2018) Mistake Proofing, Six Sigma - DMAIC, Design of Experiments, Control Chart, Cause and Effect Analysis, Flowchart, Brainstorming, Pareto Analysis, Process Capability Analysis Lean Management Pettersen (2009) Kaizen/continuous improvement, Setup time reduction, Just in Time reduction, Kanban/pull system, Poka Yoke, Production leveling (Heijunka), Standardized work, Visual Control, 5S, Andon, Small lot production, Time/work studies, Waste elimination, Inventory reduction, Supplier involvement, Takted production, TPM, Autonomation (Jidoka), Statistical Quality Control, Teamwork, Workforce reduction, 100% inspection, Layout adjustments, Policy deployment, Improve- ment circles, Root Cause Analysis (5 Why), VSM, Flowcharting, Educational/cross training, Employee involvement, Lead time reduction, Multi-manning, Process synchronization, Cellular Manufacturing Al-Tahat and Jalham (2015) Variability reduction, Visual Control, Poka Yoke, Quality at the source, Kaizen, 5S, Root Cause Analysis, TQM, Kanban, Small lot sizes, Pacing by tact time, Heijunka, VSM, Point-of-use materials Stevenson (2015) Cellular layouts, Kanban, Heijunka, Kaizen, Autonomation (Jidoka), SMED, Balanced system, Poka Yoke, Andon, Activity-based costing, Level loading, Visual system, Preventive maintenance, 5S, VSM Total Quality Management Hellsten and Klefsjö (2000) QFD, Design of Experiments, Control Chart, Process maps, Tree Diagram, Ishika- wa Diagram, Pareto Diagram, Histogram, ISO 9000, Benchmarking, Quality circles Jafari and Setak (2010) Cause and Effect Diagram, Pareto Analysis, SPC, Quality costing, Departmental Purpose Analysis, Flowcharting, FMEA, QFD, Check Sheet, Histogram, Scatter Plot, Graphs, Mistake Proofing (Poka Yoke), Task lists, Brainstorming, PDCA, Con- trol Chart, Run charts, Why-why Diagram 172 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers Table 5: Frequency of occurrence of related terms by global citation databases Web of Science (topic) ProQuest Disser- tations & Theses (anywhere) Science Direct (all fields) Scopus (title, abstract, or keywords) Emerald (all content) The term in combination with “business process improvement” All the y ear s Since 2010 Since 2010 1 All the y ear s Since 2011 All the y ear s The last 10 y ear s All the y ear s The last 10 y ear s All the year s The last 10 y ear s Autonomation (Jidoka) 1 1 31 191 102 53 50 139 92 157 112 Benchmarking 557 180 34 473 27 852 15 089 15 591 11 613 41 441 26 481 > 20 000 > 11000 Brainstorming 29 23 2 730 37 295 14 849 758 536 5 437 2 918 > 3 000 > 1 000 Conformance checking 2 2 432 5 3 13 12 1 1 3 3 Design of Experi- ments 39 19 19 733 4 850 2 039 1 610 1 244 2 836 1 841 656 352 DMAIC 106 78 673 861 592 1 414 1 202 557 389 697 531 Genetic (mining, algo- rithms) 2 (0,2) 1 (0,1) (19, 59 879) 88 (0,24) 42 (0,12) 31 (1,20) 22 (1,15) 2 (0,2) 2 (0,2) 30 (0,15) 21 (0,12) Heijunka 1 1 39 160 92 68 62 122 95 109 87 Heuristic (approach, miner, mining) 2 (0,0,0) 1 (0,0,0) (3 732, 33, 13) 130 (6,1,0) 67 (2,1,0) 38 (3,5,2) 24 (2,4,1) 6 (0,1,0) 5 (0,1,0) 36 (3,1,0) 23 (1,1,0) Kanban 24 16 893 1 735 611 1 319 1 058 1 413 751 > 1 000 607 PDCA 45 35 1 018 1 500 718 576 507 1 062 715 702 430 Poka Yoke 4 3 132 371 165 267 197 306 191 357 241 Process Mapping 68 50 855 1 615 758 777 529 865 510 > 1 000 764 Process Modeling 287 186 6 163 4 235 1 986 6 313 4 270 10 424 6 018 > 5 000 > 3 000 Process Simula- tion 94 50 8 256 1 935 784 1 302 916 1 622 1 025 245 143 QFD 62 33 1 889 1 830 642 2 779 1 838 1 533 768 > 1 000 692 SMED 5 5 1 018 672 280 442 342 423 260 363 250 Statistical Process Control 113 38 4 651 3 460 896 2 113 1 291 2 033 725 > 1 000 595 Visual Control 1 1 2 395 1 002 392 102 76 286 161 250 176 VSM 48 46 821 784 532 2 168 1 945 757 633 924 804 5S 24 19 23 257 39 160 7 051 923 823 1 583 680 > 1 000 674 Max. number in the column 557 186 59 879 39 160 15 089 15 591 11 613 41 441 26 481 20 000 11 000 5 % of the max. number 27.85 9.3 2 993.95 1 958 754.45 779.55 580.65 2 072.05 1 324.05 1 000 550 1 The number of hits by the searched independent term. 173 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers An In-depth Review of the Remaining Terms and De- signing a Set of Relevant Methods and Techniques In the last phase, the final in-depth review of the re- maining terms is executed: • a review of the frequency of occurrence of the terms (in combination with “business process im- provement”) – Table 5, Table 6: Usability of terms in individual phases of Business Process Improvement approaches Preparation for improvement Processes mapping Processes analysis Key processes improvement Solution implementation/ System adapta- tion Processes monitoring and control Benchmarking M 2 in DMAIC (Zare Mehr- jerdi, 2011; Antony, 2006) A 3 in BPR (Habib and Shah, 2013) D 5 in DMADV (Soković et al., 2009) Brainstorming D 1 in DMAIC (Antony, 2006) and in DMADV (Soković et al., 2009) Determination of change requirements (Nickerson, 2014) A 3 in DMAIC (Soni et al., 2013; Antony, 2006) I 4 in DMAIC (Zare Mehrjer- di, 2011; Soni et al., 2013; Antony, 2006) Process Mapping D 1 in DMAIC (Antony, 2006) M 2 in DMAIC (Soni et al., 2013) A 3 in DMAIC (Soković et al., 2009), process evaluation (Shin and Je- mella, 2002) Process Modeling Process dis- covery (Dumas et al., 2018), business envi- ronment mod- eling (Valiris in Glykas, 1999) Business Environment Analysis (Valiris in Glykas, 1999), analysis of business processes (Habib and Shah, 2013) Streamlining (Valiris and Glykas, 1999) Process Simulation Analysis (Dumas et al., 2018), process evaluation (Shin and Je- mella, 2002) I 4 in DMAIC (Zare Mehrjer- di, 2011) VSM D 1 in DMADV (Soković et al., 2009), identification of the target product/ser- vice (Boutros and Cardella, 2016) Identification of activities and other parts of the process (Boutros and Cardella, 2016) Process Anal- ysis - waste identification (Boutros and Cardella, 2016) I 4 in DMAIC (Soković et al., 2009), devel- oping a list of opportunities (Boutros in Car- della, 2016) Lean Implemen- tation phase (Bhamu and Singh Sangwan, 2014) 5S I 4 in DMAIC and D 5 in DMADV (Soković et al., 2009) 1 D – Define; 2 M – Measure; 3 A – Analyze; 4 I – Improve; 5 D – Design; 6 C – Control; 7 V - Verify 174 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers • a review of the terms’ use in the phases of busi- ness process improvement approaches (with em- phasis on Processes mapping, Processes analysis, and Key processes improvement) – Table 6, • an overview of the definitions of the terms. Based on the review of the occurrence of terms’ fre- quency in the multidisciplinary collections and the calcu- lation of the 5% maximum number of hits, the following terms were excluded from the set: PDCA, SMED, Hei- junka, Visual Control, Poka Yoke, Autonomation (Jido- ka), Heuristic (approach, miner, mining), Conformance checking, Genetic (mining, algorithms), 5 Whys, Pareto Diagram, Check Sheet, Run Chart, Dependency graph, Alpha algorithm, Inductive miner, Split miner, Transition systems, Region-based mining (or state-based regions, language-based regions). The following two reviews are carried out for the re- maining terms, and the partial results are shown in Table 6. Based on the last two reviews, the following are ex- cluded from the set of relevant terms: • DMAIC and Statistical Process Control, as they are broader terms regarding content and are clas- sified as an approach, type of approach, or meth- odology, • QFD, Control Chart, Histogram, and Scatter Di- agram, as they are more suitable for use in other phases of improvement approaches and support business process improvement methods and tech- niques, • Kanban, as it is a consequence of the way of the improvement realization, • Design of Experiments because it is a statistical methodology enabling the practitioner the statis- tical correlation examination between the input variables and outputs from the system or process (Astakhov, 2012). Based on the executed full 4-phase structured review of the available professional and scientific literature, the relevant and most often used methods and techniques of business process improvement are identified: • methods – Benchmarking, Brainstorming, Pro- cess Mapping/Process Modeling, Process Simula- tion, Value Stream Mapping, and 5S, • techniques – BPMN, Cause and Effect Diagram, EPC, Flowchart, FMEA, and Petri Nets. 3.2 Questionnaire Results Basic Characteristics of the Sample The overall analysis is based on descriptive statistics, where different possibilities of analyzing and visualizing the data based on the question type and the response op- tions were used. 213 respondents completed the questionnaire. The respondents were classified according to three criteria of organizational systems classification: size, predominant Table 7: Enterprises by size, purpose, and country Frequency Percentages Size Micro-sized enterprise (0-9 employees) 0 0.0% Small-sized enterprise (10-49 employees) 5 2.3% Medium-sized enterprise (50-249 employees) 119 55.9% Large-sized enterprise (250 or more employees) 89 41.8% Predominant purpose Energy production 6 2.8% Material (physical) production 129 60.6% Non-material production (services) 78 36.6% Country Slovenia 129 60.6% Croatia 61 28.6% Germany 18 8.5% Sweden 5 2.3% 175 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers purpose, and the country of business. Table 7 shows that the main respondents to the survey were: • medium-sized organizational systems (55.9%) and large organizational systems (41.8%), • material production (60.6%) and non-material production (36.6%) organizational systems, • organizational systems from Slovenia (60.6%) and Croatia (28.6%). The respondents also provided information on the business area of the organizational systems, the results of which are shown in Table 8. Most of the participants com- pleted the questionnaire for the following business areas: Manufacturing (41%); Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles (13%); Construction (12%), and Transportation and Storage (11%). The rest of the business areas are covered to a lesser extent. Information on the Improvement Method or Technique Used The central part of the questionnaire asked about the method or technique used in business process improve- ment. Firstly, we were interested in the approaches used to improve the business process (Figure 1). Continuous Process Improvement (62%) was chosen the most, fol- lowed by Change Management (44%), Business Process Reengineering/Redesign (37%), and Digital Transforma- tion (32%). Lean Management (25%), Total Quality Man- agement (16%), and Just in Time (11%) are slightly less often selected. The remaining approaches are used in less than 10% of the cases. The respondents added a few oth- er terms: a combination of various practical knowledge; ZKP; MIFA; Ishikawa, 5 Why, and Quick Response Man- ufacturing. Table 8: Enterprises by business areas Responses Percentages of cases N 1 Percentages Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing 9 2.9% 4.2% Mining and Quarrying 3 1.0% 1.4% Manufacturing 87 27.8% 40.8% Department of the manufacturing activity 75 24.0% 35.2% Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning Supply 6 1.9% 2.8% Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management, and Remediation Activities 1 0.3% 0.5% Construction 26 8.3% 12.2% Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehi- cles and Motorcycles 27 8.6% 12.7% Transportation and Storage 23 7.3% 10.8% Accommodation and Food Service Activities 2 0.6% 0.9% Information and Communication 11 3.5% 5.2% Real Estate Activities 1 0.3% 0.5% Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities 15 4.8% 7.0% Administrative and Support Service Activities 4 1.3% 1.9% Human Health and Social Work Activities 2 0.6% 0.9% Other Service Activities 21 6.7% 9.9% Total 313 100.0% 146.9% 176 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers Figure 1: Used Business Process Improvement approaches Figure 2: Used Business Process Improvement methods Questions about the method used (Figure 2) or the technique used (Figure 3) in business process improve- ment followed. The respondents most frequently used Brainstorming (67%), Benchmarking (54%), and Process Mapping/Process Modeling (43%); the least frequently used was VSM (10%). A few respondents also selected the answer “other” (3%), where they added the Six Sig- ma methods, basic quality methods; SWOT, materiality matrix, PESTLE, Porter’s Forces, VRIO, Boston Matrix; PDCA; SWOT and Poka-Yoke, PDCA. An overview of the techniques used (Figure 3) followed. The most used ones are Flowchart (56%), FMEA (29%), BPMN (29%), and Cause and Effect Diagram (28%). The Petri Nets tech- nique (2%) is the least frequently used. The answer “other” is chosen several times (6%), and the following are added: creative team thinking; MIFA; Focus Groups – interviews; taking account of industry developments and global DSV policies. 177 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers Next, we looked at which used methods and tech- niques, according to the respondents, contributed the most to business process improvement efficiency. Brainstorm- ing (30.1 %) and Benchmarking (19.4 %) (Figure 4) are the most frequently chosen, and the least chosen is Petri Nets (0.5 %). Once the option »other« (0.5 %), where PDCA is added, is also chosen. In this part of the questionnaire, we wanted to gain more information on the method or technique selected: • the purpose of implementing the selected methods and techniques, • the consistency of the execution of the selected method or technique, • the use of the selected method or technique by business process improvement phases. Figure 3: Used Business Process Improvement techniques Figure 4: The most effective term for business process improvement 178 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers Figure 5: The purpose of implementing the selected term Figure 6: Consistency in the execution of the selected term Figure 5 shows that the methods and techniques were most frequently implemented to improve process quality (80%). The remaining purposes were relatively evenly chosen. An answer was added a few times, such as Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma, include all of the above; strategic marketing, communication improvement be- tween business processes; transparency; customer service improvement; ensuring process transparency; reducing the risk, and achieving a high level of involvement. 179 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers The question about the consistency of the execution of the selected method or technique offers four answers to the respondents (Figure 6). The third statement (68.1%) about the method or technique execution adapted to the user’s needs was the most frequently chosen one. The remaining statements were chosen significantly less frequently. The least frequently selected statement was about not knowing a method or technique (5.9%). The respondents used the chosen method or technique the most (60%) in the phase of the Key processes improve- ment (Figure 7) and the least frequently in the phase of Processes monitoring and control (22%). Other business process improvement phases were chosen fairly evenly. The Suitability of the Selected Method or Technique to Improve Business Processes and Organizational System The last part of the questionnaire asks the respond- ents about their opinion on the suitability of the selected method or technique to improve business processes and, consequently, the organizational system. We wanted to know whether the chosen method or technique was useful for achieving the purpose the respondents had set at the beginning of the business process improvement. Most of the respondents answered affirmatively (55.7%), and the least of the respondents answered negatively (0.7%). The rest of the respondents chose the answer that the selected method or technique was partially useful in achieving their purpose. The end of the questionnaire assessed the difficulty level of the method or technique for the respondents’ or- ganizational system. Each difficulty could be rated from 1 to 5, where 1 meant the method or technique was very non-difficult, and 5 meant it was very difficult. On average, the technical difficulty of the method or technique used is rated 3.29, the time difficulty 3.62, and the cost difficul - ty 3.03. Therefore, the respondents rated their methods and techniques as the most time-consuming and the least cost-consuming. An Analysis of Differences in the Methods and Tech- niques Use We also wanted to know the potential differences in the use of individual methods or techniques of business pro- cess improvement between organizational systems based on three criteria of their classification: purpose, size, and country. The analysis of differences contained analyses of all 13 selected terms. The tests were carried out with the help of the χ2 test on the sample of 186 respondents. The theoretical frequencies of the initial tests were less than 5. Consequently, the interpretation of the χ2 test was not reliable because the test requires theoretical frequen- cies to be more than 5 in all of the table’s cells. Conse- quently, individual categories are appropriately grouped, i.e., individual variables were re-coded before conducting all the tests again. Small and medium-sized organizational systems were combined in SME organizational systems, and the energy production was combined with material (physical) production. These mergers make sense consid- ering the categorization of other existing organizational systems and the survey sample. For the third criterion, a sensible merger was impossible to perform, and the test was repeated in countries with theoretical frequencies of more than 5 in at least half of the initial tests (Slovenia, Croatia, and Germany). The theoretical frequencies of the repeated tests are larger than 5 in all cells. Consequently, the x2 tests’ in- Figure 7: Use of the selected term according to the phases of business process improvement 180 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers terpretation is reliable. The test results, for which we can confirm the statistically significant association, are shown in Table 9. In these cases, we thus confirm that the method or technique used differs concerning an individual criteri- on for classifying the organizational system. Table 9 also shows a contingency coefficient, showing a low correla- tion in all cases can be confirmed. Table 9: Results of χ2 tests for the use of methods and techniques according to purpose, size, and country of enterprises The predominant purpose of the enter- prise Size of the enterprise Country of the enterprise Brainstorming p-value 0.024 χ 2, 1 7.438 C 2 0.198 75 % Slovenia, 17.9 % Croatia, 3.6 % Germany, 3.6 % Sweden ,P . Mapping/ P . Modeling p-value 0.006 χ 2 10.324 C 0.231 44.4 % Slovenia, 33.3 % Croatia, 22.2 % Germany VSM p-value 0.013 0.025 3 χ 2 6.209 7.352 C 0.198 0.197 88.9 % material production, 11.1 % non-material production 44.4 % Slovenia, 22.2 % Croatia, 33.3 % Germany 5S p-value 0.013 χ 2 6.192 C 0.192 71.4 % material production, 28.6 % non-material production BPMN p-value < 0.001 χ 2 14.366 C 0.270 45.5 % Slovenia, 18.2 % Croatia, 36.4 % Germany FMEA p-value < 0.001 0.010 χ 2 17.556 6.612 C 0.305 0.197 92.3 % material production, 7.7 % non-material production 53.8 % medium-sized, 46.2 % large-sized 1 χ 2 – the value of the test statistic 2 C – contingency coefficient 3 16.7% of cells (1 cell) have a theoretical frequency less than 5 (up to 20% is acceptable). 181 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers Based on the analysis, we can confirm that the differ - ences in the use of individual methods and techniques of business process improvement between the organizational systems according to the different criteria of their classifi- cation do not exist: • The use of two methods (out of seven) differs con- cerning the organizational system’s purpose. • The use of methods does not differ concerning the organizational system’s size. • The use of three methods (out of seven) differs concerning the organizational systems’ country. • The use of one technique (out of six) differs con- cerning the organizational systems’ purpose and size. • The use of one technique (out of six) differs con- cerning organizational systems’ country. 4 Conclusion The research aimed to identify the relevant approach- es, methods, and techniques of business process improve- ment and to research the potential differences in their use between the organizational systems according to different criteria of their classification. Below, we highlight the key findings of the conducted survey: • Based on a 4-phase structural review of the availa- ble literature, relevant and most frequent methods and techniques of business process improvement were identified, o methods - Benchmarking, Brainstorming, Pro- cess Mapping/Process Modeling, Process Simulation, Val- ue Stream Mapping, and 5S, o techniques - BPMN, Cause and Effect Dia- gram, EPC, Flowchart, FMEA, and Petri Net; • The most frequently used in practice (Figures 1, 2, and 3), o approaches - Continuous Process Improve- ment (62 %), Change Management (44 %), Business Process Reengineering/Redesign (37 %), and Digital Transformation (32 %), o methods - Brainstorming (67 %), Benchmark- ing (54 %), and Process Mapping/Process Modeling (43 %), o techniques - Flowchart (56 %), FMEA (29 %), BPMN (29 %), and Cause and Effect Diagram (28 %); • The findings of the relevant terms from the litera- ture and questionnaire are in accordance, as only a few respondents wrote an additional term (meth- ods - 3 % and techniques - 6 %); • The most efficient methods for improving busi- ness processes, according to the respondents’ opinion (Figure 4), are Brainstorming (30.1 %), Benchmarking (19.4 %), and Process Mapping/ Process Modeling (9.7 %); • Methods and techniques are most frequently (Fig- ures 5, 6, and 7), o implemented to improve the quality of process- es (80%), o adapted to the user’s needs (68.1%), o used in Key processes improvement phases (60%) and the Processes analysis (56%), o useful to achieve an intended purpose (55.7%), o time-consuming (3.62) and least cost-consum- ing (3.03); • The use of individual methods and techniques of business process improvement does not differ between or- ganizational systems according to their classifying ranking criteria (Table 9), o individual methods and techniques are often used in manufacturing organizational systems (for exam- ple, VSM, 5S, and FMEA). Gálová et al. (2018) support the findings and characterize VSM and 5S as business do- main-dependent methods, o individual methods and techniques are often used in large and medium-sized organizational systems (for example, FMEA); however, no limitations in their use concerning their size in literature are detectable, o the most differences in the use of methods and techniques are noticed concerning the organizational systems’ country (for example, Brainstorming, Process Mapping/Process Modeling, VSM, and BPMN). We can conclude that different aspirations of organizational sys- tems from various countries according to the use of spe- cific methods and techniques; however, we cannot define a generalized conclusion about the use of different types of methods and techniques from the results obtained. The purpose of the research was achieved entirely. 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She received her master’s degree in organization and management of business and working systems at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, in 2016. In 2023, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on business process improvement methods and techniques and their impact on the efficiency of organizational systems. Her main research interests are business process management and quality management. She actively participates in international scientific conferences and research projects and is the co-author of several scientific and professional articles on business process management. Benjamin URH is an assistant professor habilitated in business and operating systems engineering. He has a degree in mechanical engineering, a master’s degree, and a doctorate in organizational sciences. He has been employed at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor, since 2001. He lectures on new product and process development and organization of production processes. Benjamin Urh is the author or co-author of over 100 scientific, professional, and other publications. He performs research work mainly within the Laboratory for Enterprise Engineering, especially in business systems redesign and business process efficiency. Assistant Professor Matjaž Roblek, PhD. obtained his doctoral degree in 2003 from the University of Maribor in the field of simulation of supply chains. He initially held positions at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, where he taught courses New Product Development, Production Planning, and Supply Chain Management. Throughout his career, he has actively exchanged knowledge with various industries, starting from Iskratel in 1997 to Domel, where he became employed in 2018. Currently, he serves as the Director of Information Technology and Supply Chain Management. He actively contributes as a researcher within the scientific research group at Domel, focusing on the development of business and production processes. Currently, his focus is on the challenges of 184 Organizacija, V olume 57 Issue 2, May 2024 Research Papers artificial intelligence in production planning in a real- world environment. Dr. Tomaž Kern is a full professor in organization and informatics. He has a degree in mechanical engineering, a master’s degree in informatics, and a doctorate in organizational sciences. Since 1990, he has been employed at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor. He lectures business process management and multi-project management. He runs the Business Systems Engineering Laboratory. He was vice-dean, head of the Institute, vice-rector, and university board member. He is a member of the University Senate. Tomaž Kern is the author or co- author of more than 500 articles and other publications, an invited lecturer at international conferences, and a leader of research projects. He has also led projects in BPM and PM in many companies. He is a founding member of the Slovenian PMI Association. Analiza metod in tehnik uporabljenih za izboljšanje poslovnih procesov Ozadje: V zadnjih desetletjih je bilo razvitih več kot 50 procesnih pristopov ter metod in tehnik za doseganje učinkovi - tejšega delovanja poslovnih sistemov. Zaradi vse hitrejših sprememb v poslovnem okolju postaja vse pomembnejše vprašanje, katere metode ali tehnike bodo najbolj vplivale na povečanje konkurenčne prednosti poslovnega sistema. Namen: V predstavljeni raziskavi smo se osredotočili na identifikacijo metod in tehnik, ki so v literaturi najpogosteje citirane in so v praksi najpogosteje uporabljene ter se izkažejo kot učinkovite za izboljšanje poslovnih procesov. Metode: V ta namen smo pripravili 4-fazni strukturiran pregled dostopne literature in ugotovitve podprli z anketno raziskavo. Rezultati in zaključek: Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov smo oblikovali nabor ustreznih, najpogosteje uporabljenih in učinkovitih metod in tehnik za izboljšanje poslovnih procesov. Opravljena raziskava lahko služi kot izhodišče za odgovor na izpostavljeno vprašanje o ustreznem naboru metod in tehnik za izbran pristop. V nadaljevanju raziskave bi bilo smiselno preveriti še druge lastnosti in uporabe metod in tehnik. Ključne besede: Obvladovanje poslovnih procesov, Izboljšava poslovnih procesov, Pristopi, Metode, Tehnike