a Assoc. Prof., Ph. D., M. Sc.., B. Sc., Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, P. O. Box 95 b B.Sc., M.Sc., ibid Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 95 - 2, julij 2010 str. 207 - 209 CONTENT ANALYSIS OF THE PAPERS IN THE ACTA AGRICULTURAE SLOVENICA VSEBINSKA OBDELAVA PRISPEVKOV V ACTA AGRICULTURAE SLOVENICA let. 95 št. 2 Tomaž BARTOL a , Karmen STOPAR b , SUBJECT INDEX BY AGRIS CATEGORY CODES VSEBINSKO KAZALO PO SKUPINAH ZNANJA (PREDMETNIH KATEGORIJAH) Rural sociology (E50) 199 - 206 Consumer economics (E73) 199 - 206 Crop husbandry (General) (F01) 175 - 181 Plant genetics and breeding (F30) 183 - 192 Plant structure (F50) 183 - 192 Plant physiology and biochemistry (F60) 157 - 162, 163 - 173 Protection of plants (General) (h01) 175 - 181, 193 - 199 Pests of plants (H10) 129 - 140, 141 - 148, 149 - 156 Agricultural machinery and equipment (N20) 175 - 181 Food composition (Q04) 157 - 162, 163 - 173 Feed contamination and toxicology (Q53) 121 - 128 SUBJECT INDEX BY AGROVOC DESCRIPTORS PREDMETNO KAZALO PO DESKRIPTORJIH AGROVOC alternaria 121 - 128 alternative methods 157 - 162 antioxidants 157 - 162 aphidoidea 193 - 198 application rates 141 - 148 aromatic compounds 157 - 162 aspergillus 121 - 128 bacillus thuringiensis 129 - 140 barley 121 - 128 biological contamination 121 - 128 biological control 141 - 148 buckwheat 157 - 162 caffeine 129 - 140 carbohydrates 163 - 173 cereal crops 121 - 128 cereals 121 - 128 consumer behaviour 201 - 208 consumer surveys 199 - 206 crop yield 175 - 181 cultivators 175 - 181 cultural values 199 - 206 data collection 199 - 206 decision making 199 - 206 disease resistance 175 - 181 ecosystems 193 - 198 Tomaž BARTOL, Karmen STOPAR Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 95 - 2, julij 2010 208 efficiency 129 - 140, 141 - 148 environmental protection 199 - 206 fagopyrum esculentum 157 - 162 fagopyrum tataricum 157 - 162 feeds 121 - 128 feed production 121 - 128 field experimentation 175 - 181 flavonoids 157 - 162 food chains 193 - 199 foods 199 - 206 fusarium 121 - 128 ga 163 - 173 genetic markers 183 - 192 genetic variation 183 - 192 genotypes 183 - 192 grapes 163 - 173 grapevines 163 - 173, 183 - 192 herbivores 193 - 198 hordeum 121 - 128 host pathogen relations 193 - 198 hosts 193 - 198 identification 183 - 192 insect nematodes 141 - 148 keeping quality 163 - 173 laboratory experimentation 129 - 140, 141 - 148 lacanobia oleracea 149 - 156 mamestra brassicae 149 - 156 market research 199 - 206 marketing 199 - 206 meteorological elements 175 - 181 microsatellites 183 - 192 monitoring 149 - 156 mortality 129 - 140 motivation 199 - 206 moulds 121 - 128 mycotoxins 121 - 128 natural enemies 149 - 156¸, 193 - 199 noxious animals 129 - 140 noxious molluscs 129 - 140 organic acids 163 - 173 oulema melanopus 141 - 148 parasitoids 193 - 198 penicillium 121 - 128 pest control 129 - 140, 141 - 148, 149 - 156 pests of plants 129 - 140, 141 - 148, 149 - 156 phenolic acids 157 - 162 phenolic compounds 157 - 162 pirimicarb 129 - 140 plant anatomy 183 - 192 plant protection 129 - 140, 141 - 148, 149 - 156 polymorphism 183 - 192 potatoes 175 - 181 provenance 183 - 192 proximate composition 157 - 162, 163 - 173 quality 163 - 173, 175 - 181 ridging 175 - 181 seasonal variation 149 - 156 semiochemicals 193 - 198 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 95 - 2, julij 2010 209 slugs 129 - 140 solanum tuberosum 175 - 181 spacing 175 - 181 stimuli 193 - 198 storage 163 - 173 tillage 175 - 181 tillage equipment 175 - 181 toxic substances 121 - 128 tubers 175 - 181 value systems 199 - 206 varieties 175 - 181, 183 - 192 vegetables 149 - 156, 157 - 162 vitis vinifera 163 - 173, 183 - 192