Robot Grasping Using an ArToolKit Library Bojan Nemec Institut Jozef Stefan, Department for Automatics, biocybernetics and robotics, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija E-mail: Abstract. The paper describes an efficient approach to robot grasping of randomly positioned and oriented objects by using a single camera. For object location and orientation estimation, an open source ArTool Kit library was used. A miniature camera was mounted at the robot gripper and an appropriate gripping pose was achieved by using visual servoing, thus eliminating the tedious calibration procedures. The overall control scheme was implemented in Matlab/Simulink using a newly developed robot programming language MatRol (Matlab Robot Language). An illustrative example is shown consisting of sorting randomly scattered cubes on the table by using a vision-controlled robot. Key words: robotics, robot vision, visual tracking, robot programming Robotsko prijemanje objektov z uporabo ArToolKit knjižnice Povzetek. V prispevku opisujemo učinkovit način prijemanja naključno pozicioniranih in orientiranih objektov v prostoru z uporabo ene same kamere. To je mogoče samo v primeru, če natančno poznamo obliko in velikost predmeta ter na podlagi slike sklepamo o legi in orientačiji. To moZnost nam omogoča javno dostopna knjiZniča ArToolKit. Da bi se izognili zamudnim postopkom kalibračije, smo kamero namestili v robotsko prijemalo in problem reševali s kamero v povratni zanki (visual servoing). Celotno regulačijsko shemo smo implemetirali v programskem okolju Matlab/Simulink. Razvili smo tudi nov robotski programski jezik MatRoL (Matlab Robot Language), ki je zelo učšinkovit pri raziskovalnem delu na področšju robotike. Opisali smo ilustartiven primer sestavljanja napisa s pomočjo raztresenih kočk na mizi, kjer pokazšemo, kako lahko enostavno resšimo sičer za robota zahtevno nalogo. Ključne besede: robotika, umetni vid, programiranje robotov 1 Introduction In robotics, we are very often faced with the problem of determination of the pose (position and orientation) of an object in the environment to be used for robot manipulation. To determine the pose of an object, we use various senors, either CCD cameras, laser scanners, RF tags or special markers. The most universal sensors are CCD cameras but they require more sophisticated algorithms for object determination and recognition. In determination of the location of an object in a 3D-space, the most common solution are stereo cameras, since it is well known that it is not possible to estimate the position of a point in a 3D-space using a single camera. On the other hand, we know that humans can grasp and manipulate with objects using only one eye. This is possible because humans know the objects and gather from their size and appearance to the pose. Also when handling with unknown objects, we can successfully manipulate with them if we can compare their appearance with known objects in the neighborhood, e.g. unknown, previously unseen object placed on a table. This ability can be imitated also with computer vision. If we know the appearance of the object and have seen it from different angles, we can estimate its pose using a single camera. If we have a complete geometric presentation of the object, the pose can be also analytically calculated using a single image. The most simple case is a square. If we know the position of the corners in the image, we can exactly calculate the pose of the square in the space assuming that the camera is calibrated. This functionality is offered also by the ArToolKit library [3, 1]. In the paper, we show how a single camera can be used in robotic applications for manipulation with objects. We used a Mitsubishi Pa10 robot. The camera was fitted inside its gripper. In order to avoid calibration and to enhance the performance, accuracy and reliability of the system, we used visual servoing. The overall control scheme was realized in the Matlab/Simulink environment. The developed framework enables to control both the real and simulated robot without any modification of the program code [8, 9]. To describe the complex robot tasks, we developed a new robot programming language MatRoL in the Matlab/Simulink environment. Namely, it turned out that the standard Simulink blocks can generate an arbitrary trajectory, but can not provide all the flexi- bility needed for the complex robot tasks, especially for experimental work. 2 ArToolKit library ARToolKit is a software library for building Augmented Reality (AR) applications [2]. These applications allow overlaying virtual imagery on the real world. The poses of virtual objects in the captured camera images are determined by the marker poses. ArToolKit recognizes multiple markers in the scene, usually composed of a pattern in a black square. For example, Fig. 1 shows a dinosaur's skeleton standing on a real card. When the user moves the card, the virtual character moves with it and appears attached to the real object. Some of the features of ARToolKit include: • Single-camera position/orientation tracking. • Tracking code that uses simple black squares. • Ability to use any square marker patterns. • Easy camera calibration code. • Simple graphic library (based on GLUT). • Fast rendering based on OpenGL. • 3D VRML support. • Simple and modular API (in C). • Other language support (JAVA, Matlab). • SGI IRIX, Linux, MacOS and Windows OS distributions. • Complete source-code distribution. The block scheme of the ArToolKit library is presented in Fig 1. The main benefit from using the Ar-ToolKit Library in robotic applications is the ability to trace the marker pose using a single camera. The ability to overlay an object over a recognized marker helps to visualize the estimated orientation of the object to be manipulated with robot. 3 Visual servoing using kinematically redundant robots Let us consider n degrees of freedom (DOF) of kinemat-ically redundant serial manipulators, having more DOF than needed to accomplish the task, i.e. the dimension of joint space n exceeds the dimension of task space m, n > m and r = n - m denotes the degree of redundancy. Joint positions of the manipulator are described with n dimensional vector q and the end effector position (and orientation) is described with m-dimensional vector Figure 1. ArToolKit block scheme x. The relation between the joints and the task velocities is given by the following well known expression x = Jq (1) where J is the mxn manipulator Jacobian matrix. The solution of the above equation for q can be given as a sum of a particular and homogeneous solution q = Jx + where J = W-1JT (JW-1 JT )-1 (2) (3) Here, J is the weighted generalized-inverse of J, W is the weighting matrix, N = (I — JJ) is an nxn matrix representing the projection into the null space of J, and £ is an arbitrary n dimensional vector. We will denote this solution as the generalized-inverse based redundancy resolution at the velocity level [4]. The homogenous part of the solution belongs to the null-space of the Jacobian matrix. The control law for the velocity-controlled robots can be derived from Eq. 2 by assigning and x = Kp(xd - x) + xd + Kf (f - fd) (4) £ = Knq. (5) Eq. 4 represents control law P in the task space with the velocity compensation and force control term, and Eq. 5 describes the null space control [5]. Vectors xd and Xd are the desired task position and velocities of the robot, fd is the desired task force and f is the force measured from the force sensor mounted in the robot wrist. Kp, Kf and Kn are appropriate positive definite matrices representing the position, force and null-space control gains. In our case, we chose the most simple null-space control law, which simply preserves the joints of the robot as close as possible to 0. Null space control is required in order to assure conservative motion of the redundant robot during manipulation and depends on the current configuration of the environment. Obviously, we can not restrict all joints to be zero. In our case it is preferable to keep only the first joint close to zero and therefore matrix Kn has the form Kn kn 1 0 .. 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 .. 0 Note that the control law (4) feeds the desired velocities to the control unit of the Pa 10 robot which already incorporates velocity control. Therefore, Eq. 4 does not incorporate velocity control. Visual tracking control is implemented as a pose control with appropriate xd and xd. We will describe positions and rotations using homogenous matrices, T R p 0 1 where R is a 3 x 3 dimensional rotation matrix and p is a 3-dimensional position vector. Obviously, in order to grasp the desired object, robot-gripper homogenous transformation matrix Tr has to be aligned with desired transformation matrix Td which defines the object gripping pose (Fig. 2). Assuming that the camera was in the gripper, the transformation required to align current robot pose Tr with desired pose Td is the transformation among the camera transformation Tc and the desired transformation Td. Hence, visual control law is where Kg is a positive definite diagonal matrix of the video feedback gain and Tx is a new reference transformation. For the control purpose, orientations are described with quaternions in order to avoid singularity of the roll-pitch-yaw angles. In this case, the control law (4) has the form [6, 7] Kp Px - p Q x Q + xd + Kf (f - fd), (7) where Q and Qx denote the corresponding quaternion representation of rotation R and Rx, respectively. Note that only the vector part of quaternion product QxQ-1 is used in the control law (7) while the scalar part of the product is omitted. Tx TrKg TcTd i (6) Figure 2. Coordinate systems in visual tracing 4 Experimental setup The experimental setup consists of a 7-DOF robot arm Mitsubishi PA10, robot hand Barret Hand, inexpensive Logitech USB camera and PC computer [9]. The PC computer communicates with the robot power electronics using ArcNet with the frequency of 700Hz. ArToolKit was modified in order to communicate with Matlab/Simulink via the UDP protocol. The basic communication protocol between ArToolKit and Matlab/Simulink consists of commands for selecting the observed object and data with the position and rotation matrix of the detected object. The communication speed between ArTollKit and the Simulink is determined with the maximal camera frame rate, which in our case was 30Hz. Note that the UDP protocol permits to implement vision system on a separate computer as well as on the computer used in robot control. In our case, a Laptop computer with a Pentium dual-core 1.833 Mhz processor was fast enough to handle both tasks on a single computer. Figure 3 shows a Figure 4. Simulink control scheme Figure 3. Block scheme of the experimental setup block scheme of the whole setup. The control scheme implemented in Simulink is shown in Fig 4. Note that the basic position and force control were implemented in Simulink (Quaternion Task Controller block), while the visual tracking algorithm was implemented in MatRoL due to the low camera frame rate (Task Scheduler block). Signals from the ArToolKit (ArToolKit block) block were fed to the MatRoL using global variables (SaveRot and SavePoint Matlab function blocks). 5 Robot programming language MatRoL When designing and testing complex robot tasks, it turned out that standard Simulink blocks, which can generate an arbitrary trajectory, can not provide all the flexibility needed for complex robot tasks, especially for experimental work in service and humanoid robotics where the desired motion depends on the system/environment states. A commonly used solution for the definition of robot tasks are robot languages. Therefore, we developed a MATLAB/Simulink block which can interpret the robot language. Included in the simulation it serves as a robot motion generator and supervisor. The developed interpreter module for the Matlab Robot Language (MatRoL) is BASIC like programming language extended with special commands for the robot control and supports all the Matlab interpreter commands. In this way we took advantage of the simple robot task definition and benefits of Matlab computation capabilities. The usage of the robot language is also advantageous for the educational purposes. Students can learn and accomplish their laboratory exercises much faster by using a robot language and the integrated environment allows safe testing of their algorithms on models and final tests on the real robots [8]. MatRoL is entirely written in Matlab. It has common instructions for the program flow (IF THEN ELSE, FOR NEXT, REPEAT UNTIL, GOTO