v „ A m 'e Holy Manger scene is a focal point in many churches at Christmastime as it is at St. Mary Assumption church in Pitts-Urgh. With this view taken during last year's holiday, we extend wishes for a happy Christmas to members and friends. (Slovenian motifs by Emilija Razman-Bucik) ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 12 DECEMBER, 197« VOLUME 48 ZARJA - THE DAWN NO 12 DECEMBER, 1976 VOLUME 48 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $5.00 — naročnina $5.00 letno za nečlane. For Social Members, .40 per month za družabne člamce.40 mesečno Publisher: ZARJA, 431 No. Chicago St. J-oliet, 111. 60432 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, ill. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editorial Office: 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone 847-6679, Area Code 312 ON TKE COVER Beautiful main altar cf St. Mary Assumption Church in Pit'sburgh, Penna. is all decked out in Christmas finery and greens. This church was the scene of the 17th National Tri-ennial Convention of Slovenian Women’s Union lest May. To Pastor, Fr. Ferdinand Demshar, the parish family and all members of Br. 26, our hearty wishes for the Christmas hoit’ayo end th nks for everything. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN DECEMBER ... BRANCH PRESIDENTS: Dec. 4 — Frances Glavic, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio Dec. 6 — Stella Ctocioni, Br. 70, W. Aliquippa, Pa. Dec. 15 — Victoria Volk, Br. 99, Emhurst, III. Dec. 17 — Fannie Hrvatin, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa. Dec. 18 — Victoria Sporis, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Dec. 21 — Mary Mihe'ich, Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Dec. 30 — Jennie Gerk, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio Dec. 31 — Frances Vidmar, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. SECRETARIES: Dec. 11 — Wilma Framciskovich, Br. 45, Portland, Ore. Dec. 11 — Mary Pahula, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. Dec. 20 — Elizabeth Birk, Br. 84, Ridgewood, New York Dec. 23 — Mary Meadows, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Dec. 30 — Mary Jermene, Br. 85, DePue, III. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE MANUAL (UČBENIK SLOVENSKEGA JEZIKA) Toplo vsem članicam proporočam novo knjigo. Krasno, razumljivo, natamčo spisano. V pomoč bo vsakomur pri-pouku slovenskega jezika.— Marie Prisland. (Primero da-ri'lo za Božič in rojstni dan. Slovenski ameriški institut — The Slovenian Research Center of America, Inc., je v svoji seriji učbenikov pravkar izdal odličen Učbenik slovenskega jezika — Slovenian Language Manual, ki sta ga napisali dve izkušeni poklicni učiteljici jezikov, gospa Milena Gobec in njena sestra, gospa Breda Lončar. Učbenik je z izjemnim uspehom v razmnoženim preizkusilo več slovenskih jezikovnih programov v Velikem Clevelandu, v Pennsylvaniji, Minnesoti, Wisconsonu in drugod in sta ga pri pouku slovenščine uporabljala tudi dva vodilna slovenska univerzitetna programa v Ameriki na Kent State University v Kentu, Ohio in na University of Southern Colorado v Pueblo, Colorado. Učbenik slovenskega jezika, z raz'agami v angleščini, obsega 333 strani velikega formata in stane samo sedem dolarjev s poštnino vred. šo'e in organizacije, ki kupijo po deset izvodov ali več, dobijo pri vsakem izvodu dolar popusta. Naroča se na naslovu: Send your orders to: Slovenian Research Center of America 29227 Eddy Road, Willoughby Hills Ohio 44092. CHRISTMAS PARTIES & DATES TO REMEMBER Dec. 1 Dcc. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 2 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 8 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 12 Dec. 12 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Dee. 19 — Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio and Yearly Meeting — Br. 38, Chislwlm, Minn., 6:30 p.m. — 'Br. 81, Keewatin, Mian. — Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. 6 p.m. -— Jun or’s Christmas Party at St. Clair Recreation, Cleveland, Ohio for members of Combined Branches. — Br. 24, LaSalle, IT. 2 p.m. — Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio — Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Juniors, 1:30 p.m. — Br. 22, Bradley, III. at Lustig Heme, 2 p.m. — Br. 50, Oeveland, at K'olmes Ave. 1 p.m. — Br. 59, Burgettstown, Pa. — Br. 42. Maple Hgts., Ohio — Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio — Br. 2, Chicago, W. 50th ANNIVERSARY BANQUET j EC EST xs IjIjDmSI'j From the Cascade Mountains of Washington State, 1 we bring you Volume IV in our "International Ethnic Series" of Collector's Albums. STEIERMARK RECORDS is, p!ecsed to pressnt . . . Volume IV (SR-105) "SLAVIJA": This brilliant new I Recording contains the mo:t unique collection of Slavic favorites to be recorded on a single Album. Features beautiful vo els in both Slovenian & Croatian. Happy * Polkas & Waltzes from Slovenia, Bohemia & Poland, I beautiful folk & love sonrs from Croatia & Dalmatia on the Adriatic Cocst of Jugoslavia. Features three new selections from Slcvenia. Tc mburiza is also featured on f the Croatian/Dalmatian songs with the traditional ac-v cordions of "The Steiermark Band". OTHER ALBUMS IN OUR “INTERNATIONAL ETHNIC SERIES” Volume I (SR-101) "SLOVENIAN ECHOES": A collection of the all-time favorite Polkas & Waltzes from | Slovenia. Volume II (SR-103) "A BAVARIAN MUSIK-FEST": A collection of old Bavarian & Austrian favorites. Features vocals in German with a yodel Landler from Austria. Volume III (SR-104) "RETURN TO SCANDIA": A col-' lection of old favorite Polkas, Waltzes, Schottisches & Hambos from Scandinavia. Happy music from "The Land Of The Midnight Sun". Albums are also available in 8 Tracks Tapes. All re-' cordings are in "Full-Range" Stereo. Albums are $5.50 I and Tapes are $6.50 ea. postpaid. Catalog available listinq all recordings by "The Steiermark Band". Send Check or Money Order. Please order by Serial number. Order yours today from: STEIERMARK RECORDS INC. P.O. BOX 591, AUBURN, WASH. 98002 APPEARANCE OF GOD ^ Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. The birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ is the visible appearance of God in human history, in our midst. The fact 'S overwhelming. The Evangelists, Matthew, Luke, Mark a*id John are all reporting the fact. They are witnesses a supernatural revelation. They are imparting religious truth. Their preoccupation is not with data but with meaning Especially the report of St. Luke on the birth of Jesus is very inspiring and detailed. God came down to His world in personail poverty to attract all. Also, amid difficulty (There was no room tor them in the inn) and in an outcast state (He was laid in the manger). Anyone who seriously professes to tol'ow Christ will draw certain conclusions. No one can be expected to like poverty and hardship. Not a few people must live with both. But there is a Christian way of thus living. The only cnes who are informed of the wonderous birth are the poor, obscure and shabby men. Otherwise the cosmic event of the birth of God into the world goes completely unnoticed. Here we can consider the meaning of true values. We heve to take the things as they are and not as they seem to be. It is comforting to consider that what is splashed on the front pages of news papers or given by other media not actually matters very much ?nd that simple people can add real meaning to life quite often more than stars of screen and television. It is always saddening to acknowledge that the Nativity of the world’s Savior did not transform the world. Not everywhere and by all men is glory currently given to God, and peace on earth seems no easier to come by after Christ than before Christ. Yet, the believer in Christ wiU not get discouraged. If men, that are God’s friends really mean business, the coming of God’s son among men, us, can still do wonders. Wlerrtj Clriitmcii to you. add PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ★ Mary Bostian December is a very busy month for all branches and 's the most important month o>f the year. For the Slovenian Women's Union, this month is the 50th anniversary month of incorporation. At the branches, elections are being held and many of the older officers will be giving up their posts. We hope the younger members replace them willingly. Please cooperate and do your part and remember to do a good deed. Dcn’t leave your branch minus any officer as this a bad habit. To have happy activites, you must have a ^rnp'ete staff of officers. Help your branch if it needs officers. It depends a lot on the members not to let your branch down. Please keep it up and especially this month — do your part! We had a wcnderful 17th National Triennial Con-v&nticn last May in Pittsburgh, the Gateway City of Ameri-Ca in the State of Pennsylvania. Next it was Cleveland for the beautiful Debutante in Jiune which was out of this world and it was organized by Frances Sietz with the help of former Debutantes. It was set up with good taste in all arrangements . How many of you are doing you bit for the Young Heart Campaign? Please try your very best. Invite friends to your meetings! Give the members something to do so won't be boring. Don’t get disappointed when some will refuse. They all won't. This is the way the young baton friers groi'p got started. Now I would suggest a youth owiing team or league to get started and at the end the year, they could have a Bowling Tournament which have always planned to do sometime. This would make he chi'dren happy and interested. I am very much for howling. Are you? Let's get the ball rolling! Also this year, we had busy times among the branches holding their State Conventions. Nos. 1, 2, and 3 ad their 50th anniversaries held in conjunction with the state days. Our compliments to the State Presidents for heir super jobs, done well. The branches, too, deserve °Ur greatest salute for their cooperation in all the planned afiquets, etc. They almost all had some sort of Bicen- invited as their speaker. The Prisland Cadets had a special drill which was most beautiful. Sophie Magayna, our State President, conducted the State Convention in a most unique way and it was beautifully done with a special memorial service for our departed members. Four Cadets and four Batcn Twirlers each held candles for this cere-mcny as the names of the branches were called out. Marie Beck was our gracious recording secretary and you'll be reading the Minutes of this Convention in Zarja. I hope all will remember that this is the anniversary mcnth and the month we can honor Zveza with new members. Congratulations to all branches celebrating their anni vers erics and I’m sure you are ready to start the new year with a "new leaf” in the book of history. At this time, thanks to our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Claude Okom, all National Officers, Branch Officers and Members for their splendid cooperation throughout the year. My wishes to you all for a very Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, with good health, happiness and God’s blessing. Happy Birthday to all December celebrants. Our wishes to Founder, Marie Prisliand, our one and only! May the Good Lord look after her and help her to feel strcng again very soon. Also, speedy recovery to the president of Br. 5, Mary Kolegar who is very ill. Br. 25 lost their hard working secretary, Mrs. Chris Zivcder suddenly last month. May she rest in peace and let the perpetual light shine upon her. Our sympathy to the family. God bless you all. MARY BOSTIAN tenni lal celebrations which I am very proud of as I realize that it took a lot of effort. Now I hope you will make the same effort for this campaign. The Ohio Michigan State Convention was held in con-IUr|ction with the 45th Anniversary of Br. 50 and it was a'Hother successful event. It pleaned me very much to be i SHEBOYGAN BRANCH 1 MARKS 50th ANNIVERSARY Slovenian national costumes were worn for the first time at St. Cyril & Methodius Church in Sheboygan by national officers of Slovenian Women's Union, Oct. 3rd. Pictrred here are the six in native dress with Sheboygan Mayor, Richard Suscha whose grandmother is a charter member of the Union. From left, Nežka Gaber, Millie Pucel, S.W.U. Founder, Marie Prisland, Mayor Suscha, Olga Ancel, Marie Malnerich and Corinne Leskovar. Top right photo was taken during the banquet at which time over 3C0 persons enjoyed a fine cultural presentation as described in the accompanying article. Bottom left shows National Officers during the Banquet: Anna Modiz, Marion Marolt, Hermine Dicke, Anne Kompare, Janet Maurin of Br. 1, Mary Marolt and Patric Ziegenhorn, director of the church choir. Right photo was taken during the 50th Anniversary Ritual; from left, Mrs. Donna Suscha (member of Br. 1), the Mayor, Mrs. Leskovar, Mary Jo Grabner, Mrs. Prisland and Olga Saye, Br. 1 Fresidsnt. “The Past, Present and Future” was the theme of the program marking the Wisconsin State Convention and 50th anniversary of the Slovenian Women’s Union, Branch 1 in Sheboygan, Sunday, at Grand Executive Inn. Mrs. Marie Prialand, founder and long-time president of the national women’s group, was honored guest and emcee for the dinner program. She was commended by local, state and national officers of the Union, which has grown to 10,000 members throughout the United States, for her foresight in organizing women of Slovenian heritage for the preservation of Slovenian culture, and their assimilation into the mainstream of American life. In her tribute to the past of the organization, Mrs. Prisland recal'ed that most Slovenian immigrants came to the United States for personal liberty and economic improvement, but they needed the encouragement and friendship of relatives and friends. The SWU was formed in December, 1926, to provide this bend of friendship and assist in the transition to American life. She honored the pioneering spirit of the charter members who attended the 50th anniversary event. They are Mrs. Mary Godez, first president; Mrs. Margaret Fischer of Kohler, Mrs. Prisland’s daughter; Mrs. Frances Ribich, Mrs. Anna Zavrl, Mrs. Antoinette Brulla, Mrs. Mary Brezo-nik and Mrs. Anna Modiz, current state president. Another charter member, Mrs. Johanna Suscha, was unable to attend. Mrs. Olga Saye, current president of Branch 1, rede-dicated the organizaticn to the ideals of the founding fathers of the US in her portion of the program, the Present. She noted the progress of the SWU in spanning the country from New York to California with 10,000 members in 14 states. The hope of the Future was presented by Mary Jo Grabner, Mrs. Brulla’s granddaughter. She paid tribute to mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers of young peop'e in SWU and pledged their dedication to the continuation of their ideals. Mrs. Prisland recounted accomplishments of the SWU in its 50-year history. They included the publication of Zarja (the Dawn), a Slovenfcn magazine; the publication of several books cn Slovenian cooking and culture; scholarship benefits totaling $80,000 and the preparation of an English-Slcvenia.n dictionary. Featured speaker was Corinne Leskovar of Chicago, editor of Zarja, who was in native Slovenian costume. She referred to her pride in her Slovenian heritage and commented on the special quality of life, present in the SWU and which is fostered throughout the organization. She termed this Slovenian "soul”. In her tribute to Mrs. Prisland, she described her as “a women’s li'bertationist spiced and mellowed by her Slovenian heritage.” Membership in SWU was opened to men at the last convention and Mrs. Leskovar invited the Sheboygan group to attend the 50th anniversary celebration of Branch 2 in Chicago in December. Mayor Richard W. Suscha, whose wife, Donna, is an SWU member, welcomed the group. Mrs. Prisland paid tribute to the mayor and introduced other elected officials of Slovenian descent. She introduced current officers of Branch 1 and national officers from Milwaukee, West Allis and Willard, Wis., and from Chicago and Jtoliet, IM. Mrs. Hermine Dicke of Madison, another daughter of Mrs. Prisland, made the family’s response to her mother's tribute. Her daughter, Kathy Dicke of Madison, sang a Slovenian song to guitar accompaniment. Mrs. Godez responded for charter members and Mrs. Modiz presented greetings from the Wisconsin state group. Music was presented by Janet and Paul Maurin in the dinner program. Slovenian and American vocal music by the choir of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church, emphasized the rich heritage of Slovenian choral music. Patrick Ziegenhom, choirmaster, accompanied the group and Pauline Rupar directed. Featured soloist was Frances Grabner. The Maurins and Mrs. Saye played Slovenian polkas to conclude the dinner program. Prior to the dinner, the state convention was held at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church Hall, conducted by Mrs. Modiz. Mass was celebrated at the church to mark the anniversary event by the Rev. Claude Okom, spiritual director of the SWU. He paid tribute to the strong faith of the Slovenian people in his homMy. He was honored at the dinner for his 40th ordination anniversary. During the Mass, traditional Slovenian hymns were sung by the church choir. The Rev. Joseph Safiejko, pastor of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church, gave the benediction at the dinner and Father Okorn, the invocation. Reprint from Sheboygan Press. gjg ft® * \ 'j v«i. ■ * jsk • i f 'Ss ACTIVITIES No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WISC. At the September meeting plans were made for the 50th Anniversary and State Convention. A motion was made and seconded to make a donation to the United Fund. A letter from National President, Mrs. Mary Bostian, was read on enrolling new junior members. Let us ail try and enroll a junior. Mrs. Anna Modez, chairman of the Junior Bowling League presented several "cute” trophys to the winners in the last Bowling Tournament held in West Allis. A letter was read from the Mead Public Library, Sheboygan, thanking our branch for the American Flag snd plaque for the meeting room and Praising the two former Library Board members Mesdames, Marie Prisland and Agnes Knaus. Our condolences to the Joseph Turk and Mrs. Frances Skufca families upon •oss of their dear ones. At the meeting November 21st we honored all past branch presidents. Congratulations to our Pastor Rev. Joseph Safiejko who was elected co- MRS. MARIE PRISLAND, founder and first president of the Slovenian Women’s Union, left rear, with charter members of Branch 1, Sheboygan, during a 50th anniversary celebrat'on, Oct. 3rd. Mrs. Anna Modiz, current SWU state president, is at right rear, and cfther charter members are left to right, Mrs. Margaret Fisher of Kohler, Mrs. Antoinette Brulla, Mrs. Mary Godez, Mrs. Frances Ribich, Mrs. Anna Za.vrl and Mrs. Mary Brezonik. (Sheboygan Press Photo). •jsx. 'Z. '-Z/ZZ-tz,'?. 'zis 'Z • ste ,;s'z:z ~z g!c ’g ig tg tg get new members; We need a good attendance at our meetings. Happy holidays to all. God bless you. MITZI, Reporter ordinator of the Sheboygan County Priests Ass’n. MARGARET FISCHER Secretary No. 6, BARBERTON, OHIO Belated Happy Thanksgiving to all. Ladies, don’t forget our Dec. 12th meeting at 2 o'clock at the Slovene Center. Please attend for we hope for a good meeting. Will have a little party afterwards — some games — perhaps a little surprise! Three of us attended the Convention in Cleveland on Oct. 3rd. Happy to have met the wonderful ladies. The meeting was very interesting and we teamed a lot from it. The dinner and program was very enjoyable. We will have a few new members. Would like very much, mothers, if we could get new young members not only "young”, but ladies of any age. We can also have men join, too. Let’s No. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO We had no meeting in October but we wiJI meet in November and December. Our yearly meeting Will be in December, election of officers and plans for 1977 will be discussed. You all know we will be celebrating our 50th anniversary in March of 1977 as I mentioned before and I will keep you posted. It has been a yearly situation for years past that dues are collected cn the 25th of each month at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. from 6:00 until 7:30 p.m. This coming year of 1977 I will be collecting only 4 times a year, that is January 25th, April 25th, July 25th and October 25th. Almost all the members pay December, 1976 3 by the year or for six months, so please try to remember the changes for the new year. In the month of August, our member, Mary Rakovetz sold her home, packed her suitcase and bid us farewell. She flew back to Slovenija to spend her remaining years with her sister and relations. We will miss her as she was a good member and we wish her good health and happiness. This past year some of our members have lost their dear ones: Agnes Polanz, her husband, Frances Tom-sich her husband, also and Olga Novosel, her sister. We would like to express our deepest sympathies. In the hospital at the present time are Marie Sterle and Pearl Mooney. We wish them a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Rose and Jack Marolt on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Rose has been our member for many years. (See page 9.) When you will be reading this article, it will be December and so I’ll wish you all a very happy and healthful Christmas. SOPHIE MAGAYNA No. 12, MILWAUKEE, WISC. It’s so good to walk into the meeting hall and see so many smiling faces and the tables all set up for the treat that follows each meeting. The tables were all set up with the Halloween spirit in October. The meeting started with prayer and an extra prayer for our recently deceased members Mary Dobnick and Theresa Olich. Mrs. Plesko lead the prayer in Slovenian for both., Our prayers and sympathy go out to the families and relatives of these fine members. Even though Theresa lived in Buffalo, New York before her last years she was always generous and remembered us. That’s real loyalty! Mrs. Dobnick was our flower lady, and we surely are going to miss the lovely floral displays she would donate for our special events as well as the nice flowers she would put up for the deceased members. We will miss their kindly spirits but we can remember them in our prayers. The usual business was discussed but the biggest discussion was for the State Convention in 1977 of which we are to be hostesses. We are now looking for ideas and places. It’s a good thing we have such nice volunteers, Christine Bojance took it upon herself to give several places a call and will report her findings at the next meeting. Of course, Mrs. Plesko being the veteran at such things, volunteered her services, also. Let’s all try to attend the future meetings for continued ideas and your suggestions. IN MEMORIAM on the + JOSEPHINE SUSTERSIC Member of Br. 10, Cleveland, Ohio It wouldn’t be fair not to mention the Sheboygan Convention. Ann Modiz did a very geed job especially since it was her first as State President. The meeting went along beautifully and the Mass with the very capable choir singing certainly was a treat. The dinner, and the program that followed was also very, very good. It was good to see Mrs. Prislamd, our Founder, so surprised on her recognition for the 50th anniversary. Congratulations to you all in Sheboygan and we are happy the convention went so well. We did enjoy it! The meeting ended a ittle late because of all the discussion but it was worth it. No one won the attendance prize so it is quite a sum now. Prizes were donated by Mrs. White and Stavia and a homebaked com bread by Mrs. Ruppee. The Birthday Cake was donated by our president, Jo Wilhelm and twin sister Anne Meier and coffee and such by LaVerne Korpnik. Theresa Sukys and Mary Brechan and Mrs. Ruppee all very generously donated for expenses. Ha>ppy Birthday was sung for the Birthday Girls and after a hurried clean-up with Sukys, Stampful and Anne Meier doing the dishes as they usually do, we played our favorite game and it seemed no one cared how late it was. Proved they were all enjoying the afternoon. There are still cookbooks tor sale as well as Slovenian dictionary which should prove to be a big help to a lot of us. It could be a good Christmas present for the younger folks. Remember, too, we're looking for more members. Get your friends and relatives interested. Hope you all have a good Holiday Season. MARY DEZMAN first anniversary... SAFELY HOME 1 am home in Heaven, dear ones. Oh, so happy and so bright! There is perfect joy and beauty In thiis everlasting light. All the pain and grief is over, Every restless tossing passed, I am now at peace forever, Safely home in Heaven at last. Treasured memories and sadly missed by children: Josephine M. Turner, Frances Mohorič, Rese Infalvi, Victoria Sustersic and Victor Sustersic. Also,, mother of deceased Joseph, John and Frank. Sixteen Grandchildren and twenty-three great grandchildren. Cleveland, Ohio No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Our November meeting was quite a short one — I guess being that it was on Election Day people probably forgot it was our meeting night. We discussed our up-coming Christmas — 3 month Birhtday Party combined, which wi'll be held at our December meeting. Members were urged to attend the Mavec School of Opportunity Christmas Sale which was to be on November 17. Members were reminded of Dawn Choral Group Concert on November 21st. We were told that the Founder of S.Ž.Z. Marie Prisland was ill and all our members wish her a speedy recovery. Our Mrs. Josephine Cebul'j is il'l and is in Richmond Heights General Hospital. Our thoughts and prayers are with her. Our member, Marilyn Fitzthum was in an automobile accident and is in very serious condition. She’s at Deaconess Hospital of Cleveland, Hurry back, Marilyn; we miss your happy smi'ling face. After the meeting we had ouir social games which we all enjoyed. I would welcome any news that you miight have; wou'ld be very glad to include your news items in this column. So please write or call me. Ladies, please don’t forget to check your dues and get them up-to-date. Hope to see you at the Christmas Party in December. God bless and take care of you all. ANTOINETTE ZABUKOVEC ril ute lliij C^livibltnciS No. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. We had a good turnout for our October meeting. Vice-president, Helen Gornick, conducted the meeting. Gladys Buck, secretary, read a note in Slovenian from Frances Haffner our member from Hollywood, California. She also sent a donation to be used for our Christmas party. Thank you, Frances. Our party will be held on December 9th at the Crowbar Restaurant. There will be no grab bag but please bring a prize for the Games party. Cocktails at 6 and dinner at 7 ’oeloc. Anna Lustig is taking reservations. The price is $5.50. Also, home made bakery will be wecome. A report was given by Anna Lustig on the trip to Sheboygan to attend the State Convention and Golden Anniversary of Branch No. 1. Father Claude Okom accompanied the ladies and led them in reciting the Rosary on the bus. Father Claude celebrated his 40th Anniversary as a priest this year. To show our appreciation for his participation in our programs as Spiritual Director, the ladies unanimously agreed to send him a gift of money. Congratulations, Father Claude. The welcome mat is out for new member, Frances Persin. Our president, Jean Bukvich, is still on the sick list but sent a hand crocheted pair of slippers for a Sunshine prize. The prizes went to Helen Gornick and Mary Fugina. Birthdays celebrated at the meeting were by Millie Skul, Dorothy Perko and Phyllis Perko. Although she was not able to attend, Edna Triller sent a cake for us to enjoy. Many happy returns to all. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Ann Ksiazek cn the death of her husband Thomas, to Mary Stone who lost her sister Rose Staruck and to the family of the late Wilma Zagar, former secretary of Pullman Br. No. 72, whose husband Stephen passed away in September. Frances Globokar, member of former Branch No. 72, recently moved to Cleveland, Ohio, but remains a member of our Branch. Keep in touch, Frances. On October 31st, Anna Lustig organized a bus trip to Chicago’s 17th Annual Holiday Folk Fair held at Navy F*ier. More than 50 of Chicago’s Ethnic groups were represented with foods, art and craft displays, bazaar booths and folk music-song and dance groups. Naturally, the Slovenian booths drew most of our attention and we thoroughly enjoyed the performance of the Slovene-American Radio Club Dancers. Anna is currently planning to take a group to the Slovenian performance of Christmas Around the World at the Museum of Science and ^achie cjCoive 3 No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Branch No. 13 wishes to extend happy holidays to all the members of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Christmas being a special time of the year, I feel the December issue of Zarja should also be special, and so I read an article in the San Francisco examiner, in the month of August, and saved it because I felt inspited and proud of our heritage after reading it. I wish to share it with you: Dedicated Mother Teresa sees God in the world’s poor — To Mother Teresa, "the poor are the great ones, the courageous, noble and kind., Such dignity, such goodness”, she says. In them she sees the Divine Image. They suffer, yes, but that too, she says, is like God. "He made himself the Hungry One, the Homeless, Naked, Unwanted One”, she says. “We meet Him in disguise in the faces of the poor". Mother Teresa, a small, fragile, slightly stooped nun of 67, whose work amcng the “Poorest of the Poor” in Calcutta, India, has grown into the world-wide Missionaries of Charity, seems to radiate that same selflessness that she finds in those who have nothing. A grieving compassion lines her face, and when she smiles, it seems as if the light we!ls up from some shadowy, unforgotten place of tears. She was repeatedly referred to as a “Saint” at the International Eucha-ristic Congress. Crowds of people trailed her about, seeking to press her hand or simply to touch her white sari, the habit of her order. Through her, that customary Eastern impuse to share or absorb the “Dharma" of some Holy Person by being near them seemed to have been transported into the West. "The poor do not want your pity,” she says; “they want your love. But do we see them? Do we know them? Are we with them? When we come Industry on Saturday, December 11th. Get well wishes are sent to Josephine Krai. Lena Kalfka, Mary Fugina, Edna Triller and Jean Bukvich. Greetings go out to them, to our shut-ins and to al'l our members for a Blessed and Peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year. MARGE SPRETNJAK Reporter No. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISC. We attended the Wisconsin State Day combined with the 50th anniversary of the Slovenian Women’s Union and Br. No. 1 at Sheboygan, Wis- before God, He will judge us on what we have done to the poor." At the Congress, a global gathering of Roman Catholics centered cn faith in Christ’s Real Presence in the Bread and Wine of the Eucharist, or Holy Communion. Mother Teresa gave several talks and interviews. "People have told us that we spoil the poor with ccur work,” she said. "It is good to have at least one congregation that spoils the poor because everybody is always spoiling the rich.” Mother Teresa, bom in Yugoslavia, MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA is of Croatian Nationality began her work in Calcutta in 1946, and the Order she founded now has 1,300 Sisters working among the poor in 66 countries, with 76 Lepro-sariums, 28 Children’s Homes, and 32 Hospitals for the dying. "Injustice,” she said, “is done to the poor because they are poor." About women’s rights, she remarked, "Perhaps women are not so good at being great, but can be great at doing good.” May the peace and joy of the true Christmas Spirit fill your heart with profound joy on Jesus’ Birthday. JACQUELINE LOWE, Reporter consin with a bus of 36 adults and 2 junior members. Our heartiest congratulations and best wishes are extended to the founder, Mrs. Marie Prisland. May God keep you in good health for many more years that you will continue to guide the organization along its rightful ways. Congratulations are also in order to Br. No. 1 and its charter members who had faith in her ideals and worked with her untiringly thru these years, to help build the organization to what it is today. The Wisconsin State Day Convention convened Sunday morning and was (Continued on Page 8) tgfetgtgtgtgictg-cieigteictctgtcig A TRIBUTE AT MARY’S SHRINE s NATIONAL YOUTH BOARD REPORT FOR DECEMBER Hurry, hurry, hurry! There's only th'is month left to sign up new members in this "Young at Heart” Membership Campaign! We need Juniors Their Mothers and Dads! Who wi'll be the winner of the following prizes? $25.00 First Award $15.00 Second Award $10.00 Third Award An extra award of $25.00 will go to the branch with the highest count of new members, total. Will it be your branch? Increase your membership by inducing each member to enlist one other member. Have a guest night at your Christmas Party — the outcome might turn a guest into a good S.W.U. member Good buck! FRAN MERRY CHRISTMAS JUNIORS <£ 1 1 1 The Slovenian Women’s Union National Youth JS Beard wishes to send out greetings for the coming « a holidays to all our active Junior members and to ^ I? all our Junior League leaders, our “former De- ^ «? butants”! YOUTH BOARD MEMBERS « FRANCES SIETZ, Advisor JANE KAPLAN, President MITZI GLOBOKAR, Secretary MADELINE DEBEVEC, Publicity a> us 11‘lemj C^lriitmai 0? -Jlapfty flew year 1977 Founder of Zveza, Marie Prisland placed a bouquet of red carnations at the Shrine of Marija Pomagaj in St. Joseph’s Church at the III.—Ind. State Convention last September. It was in tribute to departed members of the Union. Lower photo shows part of the crowd that attended the Banquet held at Joliet’s St. Joe’s Park. In the background is a replica of the church and Slovenian costumed dolls that formed the stage decoration. GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES FOR CHRISTMAS AND IN THE NEW YEAR! Ti FORTUNA FUNERAL IIOME Cleveland, Ohio m Š? 5310 Fleet Avo. & MI 1-0040 Sf ; M I &is*i2i2is'.asi2,si2i2i2is'i2ia3.s.2a2!aa3iaaiaaa2i»i3sa2iaiaai)Ž TRI-STATE CONVENTION HELD AT GUNNISON, SEPT. 12 Meeting was called to order at Dos Rios by state President, Frances Simonich. First item cn the agenda was the election of recording secretary. Myrna Krizmanich, secretary for Branch No. 92, was unanimously elected. The next convention will be hosted by Branch No. 3, the details of the time and date to be decided later. Frances Simonich then asked for Branch reports. Josephine Reems, recording secretary and delegate for Branch No. 3, gave the report for that Branch. “Branch No. 3 at the present time has a total of 256 adult members and 121 Junior members. They sold 343.50 worth of tickets for the cash prizes at the National Convention. We have enrolled several new members: Mrs. Simcnich — 6 new members, Mrs. Pachak — 9 new members. Five members have passed away. May they rest in peace. “We have no fund raising projects at the present time. We are going to celebrate our 50th anniversary the last Sunday of this month. No plans have been made at this time. We have cur meeting the first Wednesday of eech month in the afternoons. The meetings aren’t very Wel'l attended. We pay “B” and have a little social after the meeting. The prizes are groceries. “Congratulations to Sister Frances Simonich for being elected Tri-State President and also for the wonderful job she is doing as Secy-Treasurer for Branch No. 3. The branch still gives for two low masses and attends the funeral when a member passes away. We donate to the church for Easter and Christmas. “We wish information on any project to raise money besides games or dinners. With the price of everything increasing it is hard to think of things that won’t tax everyone involved. “Wishing we have a successful and progressive convention. There is one more thing I have to say. Most of the members and officers make the suggestion that we have a convention every two years instead of every year, because of the small number of branches that are active in the S.W.U. It taxes the branches that are active. I would 'like your opinion cn this. “Thank You”. Josephine Reems, recording secretary and de'egate for branch No. 3. Branch No. 92 report was given by Myrna Krizmanich, secretary and delegate for Branch No. 92. “Branch No. 92, Gunnison, Colorado has a total of 30 adult members and 15 junior members making us a total of 47 members, including 2 social members. Our meetings at the present time arie on the first Tuesday of each month at the home of the members. We play canasta and enjoy refreshments after each meeting. Our October meeting was delayed because of the convention so we will convene later in thie month. It will be a Halloween costume meeting. We are selling cookbooks and candy for money raising projects at the present time. Our meetings are small as several of our members live out-of-town. We have masses and attend funerals for our members who have passed away and prepare dinner for the- family. We donate every year to the church for Easter and Christmas. Our congratulations cn the 50th Anniversary of the S.W.U. 1926-1976 founded by Marie Prisland. “Thank You.” Myrna Krizmanich Branch No. 92 Secretary and delegate. Greetings were then read by Mrs. Simonich. Denver, Colo. Branch No. 63: Best of luck and wishes; have a good convention. President Glavbitz. Kansas City, Kansas Branch No. 64: Best of luck and wishes for a successful convention. President. “The Colorado, Kansas, Missouri state convention held in Gunnison Colorado. Dear Sisters Members of the S.W.U. of America. Please accept my warmest greetings and sincere best wishes for a very successful convention. I hope that you will prepare and accept new programs which a!' the branches under your jurisdiction can accept and work cn. Pay special attention to the youth! With warm greetings and best wishes to all, Your Sister, Marie Pris- land, Hen. President.” “Madame Sis. State president Frances Simonich, officers, delegates members, and friends of Branch No. 92 S.W.U. “Today you are celebrating your State Convention, and 50th Anniversary of the S.W.U. Let's show our leader and founder, Hcnorary President, Marie Prisland how wonderfully active we can be for new members to replace those who have passed away. “The day Dec. 19, 1976 is 50 years since our S.W.U. was born. We need new members and ideas. To the State Convention I sincerely wish a very fruitful conference with many good results for continued success. “With warm greetings to all. Sincerely Yours.” Anna Pachak, Hcnorary President, Branch No. 3. Greetings from Marie Floryan past Vice-President and Marion M. Marolt, National Auditor were also received. Letter was also read and discussed from Frances Seitz cn starting Junior members on different ideas such as hula dancing, cowboy dancers, baton twirlers, drill teams and Slovenian dancers. A lovely dinner was enjoyed by all. Speech was given by Frances Simcnich. All the officers were introduced from the Branches that were present. Father Kieman had to leave right away because the assistant priest, Father Leach, had an accident and was in critical condition in the hospital and Father was naturally very concerned and worried. We all offered Father our prayers for recovery. A gift table was prepared of homemade items for any one who wished to take something home. Candy was also available. AH sorts of breads, potica, banana, zucchini, apple, etc. was sliced with ham for everyone to snack on before the journey home. Thank You. Recording Secretary MYRNA KRIZMANICH, Secretary Branch No. 92 )OOOOOOOOOOO0O(XIOOOOOOOO-OOOOOOOOO{K>OCK)O[KKKKK>OOOOOO(KKKXH'/ i SEASON'S GREETINGS from EDWARD F. KOMPARE FUNERAL HOME Chicago 17, Illinois Phones' SO 8-1111 8800 9858 South Commercial Avenue '■^OOOOOO00000-000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000^ December, 1976 7 MAR!E PRISLAND: c ^SVSVKICS f- I, WISC. STATE CONVENTION RESOLUTIONS Oct. 3; 1976, Sheboygan, Wisconsin Resolution commending Marie Prisland, exemplary Slovenian American, for good Citizenship WHEREAS, the United States owes its strength and glory to the peaceful amalgamation of numerous ethnic groups within its boundaries, and WHEREAS, it is good that ethnic groups take pride in their heritage and the contribution they have made toward the greatness of this country, and WHEREAS, Marie Prisland has fostered this pride among people of Sovenian descent by her organizational and writing talents, and WHEREAS, more specifically, Marie Prisland has exemplified love of country and ethnic pride to a heroic degree as founder of the Slovenian Women's Union and atuhor of the book “From Slovenia — To America”, and WHEREAS, by her life and example, she has un-m ista ken ly taught that ethnic pride and good citizenship go hand in hand, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Wisconsin State Convention of the Slovenian Women's Union, on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Slovenian Women's Union, Branch No. 1, that Marie Prisland is hereby officially extended the highest commendation of this convention for outstanding achievement in good citizenship. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the secretary be and she is hereby authorized and directed to certify a copy of this resolution to Mrs. Prisland. Submitted by Elsie Brager, Slovenian Women’s Union, Branch 1. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly passed by the Wisconsin State Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Unicn on the 3rd day of October, 1976. MARGARET FISCHER, Secretary OLGA SAYE, President Certified to Marie Prisland on October 3rd, 1976. Resolution on Anti-Abortion WHEREAS, we know that human life begins at the moment of conception and not at some arbitrary time, WHEREAS, as women and mothers we recognize that, all human life does not begin under ideal circumstances we are of the opinion that to give a life is better than to destroy it THEREFORE the members of the Slovenian Women's Union of America on the occasion of its Wisconsin State Convention held in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, Sunday October 3, 1976, claim the Supreme Court’s Abortion decision of Jenuary 1973 to be unconstitutional and demand an anti-abortion amendment to that Decision guaranteeing our unborn population their undeniable right to be treated as equal citizens of our Blessed Land. DOROTHY BREZONIK, Treasurer, Br. 1, j Slovenian Women’s Union, Sheboygan. i t ft I !« « ft 1 I ft ft ft 1 1 1 I I § 1 i 1 ft 1 presided by Mrs. Ann Modiz, State President. The meeting turned out successfully with a large attendance of delegates and members representing the 2 Milwaukee, West Allis and Willard branches. Hirnois State was represented by members from Chicago, South Chicago and Joliet areas. Our Misc. Card party held on October 21, for the benefit of St. Mary's Church was a success. Many thanks to the members who donated money, lovely prizes and all the delicious cakes. Thank to all the members who attended the game or played at home. Also thanks to the members of the surrounding banches who helped in making our card party a success. Last but not least, thanks to our faithful workers, who are always ready to give a helping hand. Our annual meeting will take place on Sunday, December 19, 1976 at 2:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s lower church hall. Please use the rear door. It is important thait every member try to attend this meeting, as we have business to discuss and election of officers for the coming year. We will have presentation of the children’s Christmas gifts and also have an exchange of Christmas gifts of $1.25 value aimcng the adult members. A light lunch, cake and coffee wi'M be served. So members, circle the date, Dec. 19, on your calendar now as a reminder. Members who are in arrears kindly bring your books up to date. To our siok and shut ins we wish them all the best of wishes and hope to see them attending the meetings once again. MARION M. MAROLT No. 19, EVELETH, MINN. Our Oct., 10th meeting was held at the Resurrection church hall and we had a good attendance. We offer our deepest sympathy to sister Rose Piano’s family, Dorothy and great grandchildren. She passed away Oct. 4th in California where she lived with her daughter, Sister Rose was a faithful member when she lived in Eveleth. May her sou'l rest in peace. Sympathy cards were sent to Jennie Zupec who lost her nephew and Olga Kluser who lost her aunt. A card of congratulations was sent to Veta and Frederick Lanari, proud parents of a son. Veta is one of our members as is her mother, Theresa Michelich who has 21 grandchildren — a proud grandmother. We closed our meeting with a special prayer for sister Rose and if1 remembrance of all our deceased members. The next meeting will be in Dec. OLGA KLUSER fftatclu cbAertie their tfclcfen tjear Mrs. & Mrs. James J. Marolt who were married Oct. 23, 1926, celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary with a trip to California to visit their son, Jim, Jr. and family who reside there. Mr. Marolt worked for the N.Y. Central Railroad for 50 years until his retirement in 1970. Mrs. Marolt has been our member since 1936 and was recommended by the late Mary Sluga member of Br. 10. Our best wishes to them for a long and happy retirement and many happy anniversaries to come. SOPHIE MAGAYNA No. 24, LA SALLE, ILL. This year is coming to a close. Our thanks to the Editor, all the Zveza members and branches, the National Board and al'l who participate in making our ZARJA-THE DAWN a very good magazine which is published in English and Slovenian so we can all read the interesting write ups and news of the different states. We are proud that our small towns are included. The month of December is a joyous end proper time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. All God’s blessings be with you. In God We Trust and for all He has given us, we sincerely fee1! heartfelt gratitude. Br. 24 members are we'eoming all members, new and old, to come to the meetings. Our Dec. meeting is on Sunday, the 5th at 2 p.m. We shall have a Christmas Party after the meeting. No better time than this chosen event of Christ's birth. Every heart should be open to sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers, one big family in "Golden Peace” united together with Christ, our Lord, in our midst. We will say our opening prayer that we too shall observe the holy event at the Christmas party with joyful hearts. Success and a very good year 1977 to you and everyone around the World. MICI PILETIČ No. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Greetings to all our ladies of Br. 26. We, the officers, would like to extend to everyone a Merry and Blessed Chritmas season and best Wishes for a Happy New Year. To our Elderly, sick and shut ins, may God bestow on them good health for the coming year of 1977. The annual Christmas party w'pH be held either Dec. 14 or the 16th. If you are not notified, contact one of *be officers. All members, including juniors, are we'come to attend this affair. A $2.00 grab bag gift is to be brought if you want to participate in this exchange. Also, at this meeting election of officers will take place Please come and join with us in this holiday celebration. We take this opportunity to extend to Mrs. Prisland wishes for good health or the coming year. Our luncheon he'd in October was a great success. Thanks you to all who attended. And, to the workers, who did so much to make it the success it was, special thanks. We can always count on our women. God bless you. There will be no meetings during the winter months of January and February because of the unpredictable weather. See you all in March. HELEN CESNIK Mo. 32. RICI !D, OHIO Our meeting date was one week later as the heating system broke down and it was too cold. But, we sure had a big turnout for the 4th Wed of Oct. It was our anniversary month and we celebrated Ha'loween. Our vice-president is in the hospital on observation at this time and we hope and pray that she may get better soon. We send our get well wishes also to Marge Sas, she was to have surgery in November at Euclid General Hospital Our prayers and get well wishes to our secretary also who has a prob'em with her back. May God bless them and restore their health. Our National President had a get well card ready for Mrs. Marie Prisland and we all signed it wishing her a speedy recovery. There is a Christmas party coming up Dec. 4th for the children. For information please call either Fran Sietz or J'ane Kaplan. We all planned on attending the Dawn Choral Concert Nov. 21st and know it will bo another wonderful affair. Congratulations to them on their anniversary. We had a bake sa'e in November with Mary Ster our main baker. Report on that later. We had two juniors at the meeting, Sandy Koren’s daughter and the little DiAmieo girl. They set the tables for Halloween and were selling candy. We are proud of Sandy Koren; she’s such a nice person and a very good member and hard worker. She is always getting new members, juniors and adults. The National President, Mary Bos-tian announced that she will have a bus for the trip to Lemont next summer, 1977. This is early enough now for you to make your p'ans to join the group and make your reservations. Our president decided this year to have elections of officers in Nov. so that there will be more time for our Christmas Party. It’s on Dec. 15th. How time flies; doesn’t it? Seems like it was just a Htt'e while ago we had the holidays upon us and here they are again. At the main library, the Slovenians had all kinds of articles on exhibit. They are proud of their heritage. On display you saw such talent, we are proud to be Slovenian. Some other news. Frank Cercek and Debbie Sidatti were married Oct. 9th at St. Anselm’s church in Chesterland. The bride was just beautiful. Many friends and relatives came to the reception at the Host House on Chargin Blvd. Congratulations to the couple — may God bless them! Tony and Tinea Kanalec celebrated their 20th anniversary on Nov. 3rd. Congratulations and many more. Stanley and Mary Žnidaršič will celebrate their 25th on Dec. 15th. Congratulations to both. Joe and Ann Rossman had the'ir 46th on Nov. 29th so we include them in our good wishes, too. Many more to come! These are our new members, just in case their names were not mentioned as yet: Mary Zifko, Emily Jelenič and Marge Kovacevich. Welcome. We had a very nice lunch with roast beef sandwiches and jello, plus all kinds of pastry that our good members donated and refreshments. The tables were so nicely decorated. We thank one and all who helped in any way. Our hostesses were busy but it turned out weM. Secretary, Jo Comenshek wishes to ask all to check their dues books. It is hard to wait for dues to be brought in. It's hard on her, too, you know. She isn’t feeling too well, so please contact her and take care of this. It's quite a responsibility, so she hopes all be will be lin order for the end of the year. Please come to the meeting Dec. 15th. Come to the Christmas Party and you can bring your husbands along, too. A Merry Christmas to all. ANN TEKAVEC No. 33, DULUTH, MINN. Our October meeting was held in the picturesque seeting of the “Buffa- lo House.” We all had a good time and the food was out-of-this-world. The shrimp, steak and buffalo, ribs and chicken were the most popular items ordered. It was an important meeting as some things had to be discussed on the coming National Convention. Looks like we’ll have to start rounding up committees to make plans. As the Christmas season is upon us, our wish is for peace and joy to each and everyone to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. As usual the election of officers will be held in December and hope we wi'll have a great turnout of members voting. In the hospital is Lorraine Mlodo- zyn'iec with a broken leg. Donna Carl is now home, hope they are feeling better. Get well wishes to those ill. Remember to pay your dues and extra assessments so you are not in arrears. MARY CHEPELNIK No. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. Mother and daughter were hostesses for the October meeting of Branch No. 34 — Mrs. Louise Chiabotti and her daughter Mrs. Lorraine Berg. A short business meeting presided over by President, Theresa Pa hula, was followed by a Social Hour to promote good will and friendship among the members — our meetings are most enjoyable. Winners at “500" were Theresa Pahula and Angela Tekautz, while Adeline Mustonen was the PO-KENO winner. Mary Pahula wen the door prize donated by Mollie Wilson. During the mcnth of October our Tower Soudan St. Martin’s Parish paid off the debt on our Church (St. Martin's) at a Mortgage burning ceremony commencing with Benediction at 5 p.m. cn Sunday Oct. 3 followed by the banquet and Mortgage burning Ceremony. Our new Church was started in the Spring of 1961 when Father John Golobich (now of Silver Bay, Minn.) was our pastor. The First Mass was celebrated on March 22, 1962. Father Golobich left our Parish in May, 1965 and he was replaced by Rev. Rudolph Faith who served St. Martin’s until 1971 when he was transferred to Ely. Rev. George Krys- pin came to take his place and is our present pastor. He and Mr. George Nemanich (trustee of St. Martin's Church) had the honor of burniing the Mortgage in the presence of all guests assembled. It was a happy occasion for all! MRS. ANTHONY YAPEL, Reporter No. 38, CHISHOLM, MINN. It was a cold, blustery, winter night on Nov. 3 when the Slovenian Women’s Union, Branch No. 38 held their regular meeting! But the few members who came accomplished a lot. Plans were made for the annual Christmas party which will be on December 1 at 6:30 p.m. in the Slovenian National Home. A beef roast dinner will be served — each member attending is asked to contribute $1.00 towards expenses. There will be several prizes, and entertainment will be some music on the Slovenian button box accordion! Election of officers for the coming year will take place cn Dec. 1, prior to the dinner. Since our la-st meeting, two members have passed away, Mrs. Frances Drechnik and Mrs. Mary Nosan. Our condolences to the survivors. Let us remember the souls of the faithful departed in our daily prayers. Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas and a Joyous New Year. ANN NUSICH, Sec’y No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. BOWLING NEWS Bowling members resumed their 5 man team cn Sept. 20th. First we want to thank all our sponsors who are back wi>th us as usual, and all the past bowlers; and also new bowlers which we were able to make into 5 man teams. A short meeting was held after bowling. Our new President and also a new bride is Betty Fassiotto. Congratulations to Betty and husband. She opened the meetiing reminding all bowlers to start bowling at 6:30 sharp every Monday evening. Our Christmas Party will be at Brun's Lounge and Res. in New Lenox at 6:30 p.m. cn Dec. 3rd. Exchange of gifts wiM be held. New officers for the coming season, are Pres. Betty Fassiotto, Sec. Marg Wachert, Trea. Bee Planker, Reporter Mary Rudman and Sarg. at arms Ann Sternisha. TEAM STANDINGS AS OF NOW: 1st, AMERIKA'S RES. J. Sokolawski M. Demick K. Sukle J. Burgin M. Wachert. Capt. 2nd, SLOV. HOME D. Faliganti N. Hrvatin M. Cleveland L. Anderson J. Mlakar, Capt. 3rd, TEZAK FUNERAL HOME S. Wedlowski A. Sternisha J. Fox B. Plankar M. Gasparich, Capt. 4th, CROW'S NEST LOUNGE L. Hendrick M. EHena D. Horvath C. Putrich V. Bemickas, Capt. 5th, DAMES FUNERAL HOME A. Kobe J. Fatiganto A. Papesh A. Verbischer M. Mihelich, Capt. 6th, NORTHWEST REC. M. Brisk: M. Marolt J. Getscn B. Fassiotto M. Rudman, Capt. SPLIT PICK-UPS K. Putrich, 5-8-10 and 5-7 A. Verbischer, 3-10 and 5^7 J. Burgi.n, 2-7 and 6-7-10 S. Getson, 5-7 and 5-6 M. EHena, 2-7-10 and 5-7 L. Hedricks, 2-7-8 D. Horvath, 5-10 and 3-10 D. Fatiganti, 3-6 M. BrisW, 7-5-10 and 5-10 and 2-7 M. Marolt, 3-10 M. Mihelich, 4-7-9 A. Sternisha, 5-6-10 M. Rudman, 6-7-10 Well, girls, this is it for now: maybe more next month. May God be willing. MARY RUDMAN / Merry 1 'Christmas POTS and PANS Hermine Pr'sland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 Since this is the issue honoring the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Slovenian Women’s Union I asked Mrs. Mary Godez of Sheboygan, Wis., (a national charter member and one of the first supreme committee members) to submit a traditional recipe for ZUELZE (Žo'ca), a jellied meat, which she enjoys preparing. While ZUELZE is popular in November and December in S'ovenia when hogs are slaughtered, it can be served during any season in United States since pork hocks are available year-round in most meat markets. ZUELZE is served as a "side dish” with the main meal or for lunch on thin slices of rye bread. It is also excellent as an hors d’oeuvre and would be fun to serve during the holiday season sliced into small pieces to be eaten with crackers. Mrs. Godez joking'y added that when her electrician came to repair her refrigerator he quizzical'y asked: ‘‘What’s cooking that smells so good?”. He not only was given the recipe which he asked for, but Mrs. Godez sold him a copy of our cookbook "Woman’s Glory — The Kitchen’’. Zuelze (Žolca) 6 pounds pork hocks 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon mixed pickling spices (tied in cloth) 1 large onion, finely cut 1 clove garlic, finely cut 1*4 to 2 cups white vinegar (M^ry uses the lesser amount of vinegar while some people like it very sour and use the full two cups) 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin i cup cold water 1 teaspoon salt or as desired Scant I teaspoon pepper or as desired Wash and boil pork hocks in water (just enough water to cover) adding the taiblespoon of salt, the pickling spices, onion and garlic. Boil until meat is thoroughly done — until it almost falls off the bones. Remove hocks and pickling spices from broth. When hocks are cool chop into small pieces, about % to % inches in size. Scrape fat from the skin of the hocks and discard. Cut about half of the skin into similar small pieces and add to the cut up meat. (Use as much of the skin as desired). Strain the broth in which the meat has cooked — bring to a boil. Add about li/4 cups of the vinegar and gelatin which has been softened in the cold water; salt and pepper as desired. Taste the broth to decide if it is sour enough. The meat wiM absorb some of the sour favor. Add more vinegar, if desired. If desired, add I tab'espocn chopped parsley or chives for color. Add the cut up meat and skin to the broth and pour into two bread pans — 9x5x3. Allow to cool and set. ZUELZE will keep for two to three weeks, refrigerated. ENJOY! It is a pleasure to repeat Mrs. Marie Prisland’s recipe for PINK TEA which is served with potica or cookies the year-round. However, it is especially enjoyab'e on a cold night like Christmas Eve when returning from midnight Mass. KUHANO VINO (cooked wine) as it is cabled in S'ovenia was renamed “PINK TEA” at a party 50 years ago by the members of Branch No. 1, Sheboygan — can you guess why it was renamed? This traditional drink continues to be popular amongst the Slovenians in Sheboygan and is in demand for many ethnic social functions in the community. 1 pint of red wine I pint of water 1 stick cinnamon Whole clove 1 slice lemon (cut crosswise) 1 slice orange (cut crosswise) Sugar to taste (about l/3 to \ cup) Bring above to boil, remove cinnamon, clove and fruit slices. Serve hot with cookies or potica. Mrs. Helen Cesnik, reporter for Branch No. 26, of Pittsburgh, Pa., sent an exceMent, easy to prepare APPLE CAKE recipe which should be welcomed during the holidays. Apple Cake 1 box of yellow, white or lemon cake 3 whole eggs 1 can apple pie filling £ cup brown sugar y4 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup chopped nuts Either by hand or mixer blend the cake mix with the whole eggs. Fold into the batter by hand 1 can apple pie fiMing. Put into a 9 x 13 greased oblcng pan. Mix together the brown sugar, granulated sugar, cinnamon and chopped nuts and sprinkle evenly over the batter. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes and drizzle confectioners’ sugar icing atop, if desired. QUICK WHITE ICING Sift a little confectioners’ sugar into bowl . . . moisten with cream or milk to spreading consistency. Add flavoring, if desired. May you have The gladness of Christmas which is HOPE The spirit of Christmas which is PEACE The blessing of Christmas which is LOVE and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. HERMINE As Supreme President In a 1931 photo Marie from Rečica epitamizes the immigrant who came to this country without knowing the language or the culture and availed herself of all the opportunities provided by a young developing nation. She grew into and with her surroundings, becoming a good American citizen, a leader of women, yet never forgetting her Slovenian background. Marie Prisland is an unsual woman with great strength of character, leadership, courage, energy and intelligence. Her unrelenting drive and perseverance resolved many obstacles which stood in the way of the founding and continued growth of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Despite problems which arose, the difficulties were handled with great wisdom. No undertaking was ever left undone nor did she settle for second best in any of her endeavors. One of her great loves is writing and countless of hours have been spent by her typewriter completing letters, magazine articles for Zarja and material for her book, FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA. Her life's ambition was to organize the Slovenian women confident that they could be recognized as equals among American born women. The zest with which she drove herself to accomplish this amazing feat must be admired and respected, especially during the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the SWU. Her dream has become a reality and her ambition has been fullfilled. Marie from Rečica has left her mark upon America. IMO IRENE ODORIZZI: 2362 Paddock Lane Reston, Va. 22091 THE IMMIGRANT nd to arrange an adequate interment for its deceased members." This new organization was not very popular. Men eyed it as an intrusion into their domain and as something totally unnecessary. They maintained that a woman's place was in the home, taking care of the husband, the children, and the boarders which every home had to |,y I .' Parents, Franc and Maria Cerne posed for this keepsake photo in 1890 in Trieste. augment the family income. Even the women had little faith in the new society until it started to grow and then expanded beyond expectations. The SWU became the object of many humorous comments by men, like the one made by a prominent Slovenian: "That organization is like a one-day fly. It won’t last!" But last it did, and beyond the life of an ordinary pesky household fly. Another man challenged me with, “Who called you? Are you going to tie all the women together?’’ What will we men have then?” Even women had their comments. A religious lady who kept holy pictures to mark her prayer book was probably inspired by the picture of St. Ursula who spread her cloak around ten thousand virgins, and her prediction was. "You wcn't get ten thousand women but you might get one thousand.” The organization eventually climbed to a firm membership of fourteen thousand Slovenian women. Another story is told by an active woman who was interested in securing additional members for her branch. One rainy afternoon, as she and three other women were campaigning for membership, they found the touring car struck in some muddy pot holes. Roads weren’t paved 1'jke they are now. The ladies got out and tried their best to push the car out of its predicament, to the amusement of a group of men, who were well acquainted with their new cause and stood by watching. Laughingly, the men commented about the future of any organization Which was in the hands of a group of women who could "get into such a mess.” Their prediction also proved to be incorrect. Somehow, certain men within all branches were dedicated to predicting a negative future for the SWU. The novelty of women organizing themselves was totally foreign to their thinking and education. Could it be due to the fact that men were instinctively aware of a woman's capabilities and subconsciously, their envy and rivalry were expressed by condemnation and ridicule, of any efforts she extended to establish herself as an individual? Oi was a man's security threatened by her success? It certainly was difficult to accept a woman on equal terms in the 1920s. And now, in 1976, men are not yet ready to accept a woman in a capacity greater than their own without causing “a little commotion.” The contemporary man who is "secure Within himself” will marvel at, enjoy, and accept a woman's contributions whether it be in the home, government, finance, or business, without feeling that she is a threat to his manhood. A man and woman who operate on this basis are both happier individuals and enjoy a fuller relationship and a better life together. All was not “roses” within many branches. There were bound to be personality difficulties among many of the strong-minded women. Had not the wisdom of the majority prevailed, many a branch would have fallen apart. In one instance, the secretary and president -of the branch did not agree with each other for a number of years. At one specific monthly meeting, the irate president told the secretary, "If you don't sit down and shut up, I'll hit you with this gavel!” Tales of th'is sort spread throughout the community and the men raised their eyebrows and shook their heads. In the initial stages of the development, the women would campaign cn a door to door basis, visiting with potential members and chatting about the goals of the organization. While visiting a number of homes, they marvelled at how many very religious women replied, “I won't join an organization which has cnly numbers for the branches and net the names of saints!” One branch was organized in a large Slovenian parish but was quickly dissolved when the pastor stated, ‘‘We have enough church organizations for women. We don’t need another one. Let the ladies join our Altar & Rosary Society.” To this day that city, with a large Slovenian community, does not have a branch of the SWU. In another city, a branch was refused rental of the church function rooms and had to go elsewhere for their meetings. Despite resistance from some and ridicule from others, there were still a greater number of men who cooperated with the ladies and are to be highly commended for their foresight. Even in the early stages of the organization, which was a mild forerunner of our modem women’s lib movement, there existed a few modem thinking Slovenian-Amerieen men. Long may they continue to stand in support of our organized women. And long may the banner of the Slovenian Women’s Union continue to wave in tribute to the ideals and efforts of all the Slovenian women who have pioneered during the past 50 years against seemingly insurmountable obstacles, to establish the cause of Slovenian women in the U.S. Even longer may it wave in recognition of the efforts of present and future generations, who will continue to cherish the accomplishments of the past, rededicate themselves to furthering the position of womanhood in the U.S., cherish and preserve the Slovenian heritage which they have inherited from our early Sovenian immigrants. Little did I realized when I first set foot on American soil, the direction my life would take and how greatly it would focus upon organizing women. Fifty years have been devoted to fratemalism, a cause which I have never regretted fostering. My eyes have witnessed thousands upon thousands of men, women, and children enjoy the benefits of fraternaiisim on numerous occasions sponsored by the branches; they have seen the spirit of sisterhood in fearful young women as they struggled to establish a home away from home; they have viewed the america-n'zatien of parents and families, and the success which sacrifice and hard work have brought to their lives; they have seen a sisterly spirit shown as members cared for the needy, sich, and aged; they view the support of worthy causes, by branches from the east to the west coasts; they are awaire of the anticipation and joy which our publications brought into each home; and they view with pride the encouragement and the enjoyment of the cultural activities which are being preserved. I realize that all the work, worry, and love needed to establish and continue the work of this organization was not in vain. I thank the Lord for blessing me with the energy and good health needed to realize my goal. 1 am grateful to Him as well for the opportunity to meet so many wenderfu! women in the past 50 years through the Slovenian Women’s Union. They are my friends and my treasure. “Marie From Recica” was edited with permission, by Irene Odorizzi, from Marie Prisland’s book, FROM SLOVENIA — TO AMERICA. Porticos of ‘'Fratemalism Aids Immigrants” are not statements taken from the book. Jg i£!SSS!g«!g!€tg !g«!ei£tCtg!g!g«i£tg'€i!gig>€!gs€!gig!g!g!g2g!g!e!g!e!€!S’«!S?e«€ Wtg!€!€!€^t€!S!©gf€u to grow. A friend is: a PUSH when you’ve STOPPED a WORD when you’re LONELY a GUIDE when you’re SEARCHING a SMILE when you’re SAD a SONG when you’re GLAD. Till the next time, Merry Christmas, have a nice day every day! RITAMARIE MERTLE Your Roving Reporter Z'ZZ'Z'ZZ'Z'Z.'Z'Z'Z’ZZ is«««««««*«««««««««««««?*«** n« M M CkriAttnaA (jreetinyA tc ali JtlemberA ctf KOLLANDEH WOULD TRAVEL, INC- MAIN OFFICE: 971 East 185th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Tel. (216) 692-2225 CHICAGO OFFICES: 2032 W. Cermak Rd„ 5814 W. 35th St., Chicago, III. 60608 Cicero, III. 60650 Tel. (312) 847-6679 Tel. (312) 656-8666 will have a series of direct departures by jet planes to Ljubljana Brnik Airport from Chicago, Cleveland 0 and Detroit at low prices! |j For information and reservations, please write or visit us. We have offices in Cleveland and Chicago. % m S*S»»»a»»aaaaaaaS»aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa»»a»aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;taaaaaaaaaaaaa>iaaaaaaaaaaa:t ^!glg-€'S'S’€«'C'Si'g'««^«lS»€<€’€fS!€!Ctg!glglC^161S!C!g,€!Sl,SlS,«f«'S’2'S’S,2'S'S!S;g:S:S?€’.S'’S'«>«fe?«f€?€f€!«K^®tgP€fgrglicfg^»«^ig^iS(g^pg!glgIgIg^ | VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNlK.F. IN SREČNO NOVO LETO m vsem članicam naše S.Ž.Z. posebno podružnice katere obhajate 50 letnico v tem letu. V s* ANNA PACHAK Častna državna predsednica S | COLO.—KANS.—MO. PIJEBLO, COLORADO « u ja Sataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas as? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMtaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasiSiS Christmas Gift Suggestion RELIGIOUS RECORDS recorded by ELY SLOVENIAN CHORUS, Ely, Min. & S? Stf 5? 5? (>•; | ELY SLOVENIAN CHORUS, Ely, Min. J3 S' 1st Album: HVALA BOGU, consists of English and /*5 W .... W $ Latin Hymns m | 2nd Album: BOŽIČNE PESMI, Christmas Carols in f. Slovenian and English. $5.50 per album, including postage and handling. Hi Write to: Seasons Greetings to all OFFICERS and MEMBERS! Slovenian Women’s Union No. 12 Milwaukee, Wisconsin a 8 H itji i'i h uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJ $ MARY HUTAR 826 E. Pattison St. Ely, Minn. 55731 <5 1« « 8 1 8 F!'///» /{<".?/ Wishes for the Holiday Season dcM State President of California — Washington — Oregon SA iX IRA N CISCO, CA IJFO UN IA « 8 8 1 waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasoaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajK fe’gtg^ieigieicteigwtefeiejewietsicteiejgisieig'ejetgie^^ic^ieieiesstictetgiescaaaaaaaaaa Sf if »»aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^ »aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas aaaa « v if SEASONS GREETING TO ALL! 'JrcK ~{ke GfificetA and tflernberA c( fcr. 73, WanehMille HqU.. Okie No. 105, DETROIT, MICH. Dear Members. Due to the illness of Alice Sheets, our Nov. meeting was cancelled. All the members send her our prayers and best wishes for a fast and full recovery, Alice. We know you are suffering great pain. Please, ladies, try to attend our next meeting which is our Christmas Gift Exchange. It will be held at Fulvia Rosa’s home. Knowing Fulvia, it will be a gala affair. Each of us can bring a dish or dessert and help pay for the meat dish as we did last year. I do hope we have a good attendance cn that day. Please notify Rosa what you intend to contribute in food so she can plan accordingly. It will be of great help to her. Pauline each of us sends you and your sen’s family, our very deepest sympathy in the loss of your beloved daughter-in-law, Dolores. Why one so young and with a family to raiise has to leave us, is hard to understand. Our hearts go out to them and we ask God to protect them. M 8 m i Unti'l we meet Dec. 12th at 1 p.m. sharp, at Fulvia Rosa’s home, please remember to be grateful and appreciate most of all, our families and friends. May God grand our country and countries abroad peace and good will for their fellow man (and woman!) Good health and happiness and SMILE, someone may be watching you! KATHERINE MIHELIČ MILENA GOBEC: THIS IS OUR HERITAGE! Frederic Pregl world-famous Slovenian Scientist, Father of micro-analysis and Nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry in 1923 Pregi, undoubtedly one of the greatest sons ever bom to a Slovenian mother, has not received the recognition from his fellow-Slovenians which he so amply deserves. History has often been unkind to those who leave the greatest impact cn it and by the very significance of their work antagonize smaller souls and envious rivals. Cankar and Prešeren, two giants of Sovenian literature, were ridiculed in their life time and Baraga was attacked and censored by men whose names have long been forgotten. St. Thomas Aquinas, the greatest teacher of the Catholic Church, was scornfully called “bos mutus” or "a dumb ox” by his jealous Italian rival who has never reached one-tenth of his greatness. America iis replete with similar examples. Pregl, too, has reaped contempt and ingratitude. Even the Slovenian Biographical Lexicon, a very precious reference work, gave him on'y three lines, squeezed into the article about his grandfather, while devoting several pages to relatively minor Slovenian writers, journalists, politicians, and businessmen, and to a considerable number of non-Slovenians whose work was in some way connected with Slovenia. This is why our Slovenian American Institute — The S'ovenian Research Center of America, Inc., started intensive research also on Pregl and gradually obtained important documentation cn this great scientist from Sovenia, Austria, Croatia, Germany, England, America, and Sweden. In January, 1975, my husband Eddie published a short, highly condensed article on Pregl in SRCA Bulletin and sent copies, in English and Slovenian, to all Slovenian newspapers in America. The artic'e was published only by papers in Chicago, Pueblo, and Toronto and we have received numerous requests for copies from heritage-con-scios Slovenians who happened to learn about it. Pregl was also included in a series of our Institute’s Bicentennial exhibits in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Canada, and elsewhere., Thousands of visitors, including many foreign notables, among them the Canadian deputy minister for multiculturalism, viewed hundreds of photographs, historic documents, books, articles, and artifacts, and have become increasingly conscious of the richness of Slovenian heritage and surprised by the magnificence of Slovenian contributions to the world. A large poster featuring Pregl’s photograph which we bought in Sweden, and an enlarged Austrian stamp with Pregl on it which we obtained from our tireless associate, Ing. Lado Kham, also contained the following paragraph: If one wishes to sum up the significance of the field to which Pregl's work belongs, one could say that without this organic elemental analysis there would be no organic chemistry in the scientific sense, neither would we possess the extensive chemical industry that has arisen out of it. The above statement was made by Professor Ham-mersten, chairman of Nobel Committee for Chemistry of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science. Yes, without our Slovenian compatriot Pregl, chemistry, science, medicine, and industry would be poorer and less developed and the wheels of progress would turn at a much slower rate. Pregl was born in 1869 in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, which Austrians tried so hard to germanize into Laibach, yet his baptismal documents still list him as Friderik Mihael Pregelj, a full-fledged Slovenian, whose an- cestors were known for leadership in Slovenian cultural affairs. Friderik studied under Slovenian teachers and professors in Ljubljana and then went to Graz where he received his doctorate in medicine in 1884 and became Dr. Fritz Pregl, very much as the Slovenian immigrant Janez Kovač -becomes John Kovach, or even John Smith, in America. Pregl acquired further —- postdoctoral — education at Universities of Tuebingen, Leipzig, and Berlin. He then taught briefly at the Universities of Prague and Innsbruck and, in 1905, returned to Graz where he became a professor of physiology, histology, and medical chemistry. He developed a short, but impressive practice of medicine and also served as chief forensic (criminalistic) chemist for the entire District of Graz whinh comprised the lands of Styria, Carinthia, Carn olia, Istria, aid Dalmatia. At the university he rose rapidly to the positions of full professor, chairman, dean, and rector. Pregl's immortality in history rests, however, on his scientific research and discoveries in areas of physiology and chemical compounds, in particular in analyses of bile acids. Until Pregl, very large quantities of materials were needed for such chemical analyses and the process was difficult, slew, and very expensive. Pregl developed new techniques by which it has become possible to conduct valid research with as little as tiiree mil'grams of matter. He designed his own apparatus arid microscales and soon revolutionized research and subsequent discoveries in chemistry and medicine. Dr. Frederic Preg! COURTESY OF NOBEL FOUNDATION, STOCKHOLM Increasingly recognized by the scientific world as the father of micro-analysis, Pregl was awarded the Lieben Prize for Chemistry by the Imperial Academy of Science in Vienna, in 1914. Six years later, he received an honorary doctorate m philosophy from Goettingen University. In 1921, he was elected corresponding member of the Academy of Science in Vienna. And in 1923 he was awarded the Nebel Pribe for Chemistry. Pregl died in 1930, at the age of 61. During the last years of his life, chemists from all over the world came to the Medico-Chemical Institute in Graz to study under his guidance. Among Pregl’s many disciples were the r oted German scientist Kuhlman who, following Pregl’s des v,n, perfected his microscale; Henrik Dam from Nether-ilaros who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1943 for hi discovery of vitamin K; and P.A. Levene who, accord-in to Asimov’s Biographical Encyclopedia of Science (1372), brought "Pregl’s world-famous methods to the United States.” Although Pregl, the father of micro-analysis and one (Continued on Page 32) v^J^g’g^gig’gvf^iglS^gig^’.g’g'g^gtgig^’g'g'gStg’g'g^’.gSg^tg-’.g’g^g^'gtg'g-'g'g'g’glgir.g'gC g’S'g!€S'-€!e,.S'g«g«;!€!gVg’€,-g’-€^g'€,S,c’'€£€l€’g,«!€!€,.g’.g«lg!C!g!g!e*SlS!SlC!£-l€!eigtgi£!g!gietg!€«!g’€tg!giZ^!€!€«!g,Si€!€*€«.K''; jcts^^'stg'gfgs’grctg'sfg'cfg’g'.gsgsgsgs'gsg'gtgtc^^ g'.g,gr3>s!gte!i’«ts>s’g^?-s^f«ts^^’s's’.s^«6^'sic'£:st«ic!3«=:igfg'€:tefe^.’gtg,gie’tg5ste[gisigtg^<-; Oil, TA SVET ★ Maric Pristan«! k Srečna sem, da mi je dobri Bog dal zdravje napisati prvo poslanko slovenskemu f$ žemstvu v Ameriki, ko se je 19teiga decembra 1926 ustanovila Slovenska Ženska |j Zveza im srečna sem, da la'hko ob 50 letnici naše tepe organizacije napišem iskrene čestitke. ^ Ne bom omenjala, kaj vse je naša Zveza storila dobrega za svoje članice im |f za slovenski narod — kdor ima oči, lahko vidi; kdor ima razsodnost — bo razumel. Omenim le, da bi brez S.ž.Z. bilo naše narodno življenje precej drugačno. M Slovenskega ženskega društvenega pcncsa bi ne bilo, češ. — to je naše delo, to so maši uspehi — lepe sestrske ljubezni, ki nas ob vsaki priliki povezuje, bi v tako veliki meri me bilo. m Koliko koristi je Zveza prinesla naši rodni domovini po vojni, koliko je dobrega ^ storila za slovensko narodnost in našo mladino . . . naj sodi narod sam. Vse, kar je Zveza lepega storila je kredit naših pionirk. Le jaz, ki sem bila z <| njimi skozi pol-stoletja ooznam navdušenost za Zvezo, njih žrtve, skrb in požrtvovalnost ob vsaki članiskii kampanji. Naše vcdite'jice so skrbele, da se Zveza v svetu dobro izkaže, teimu so sledile tudi c ste le podružnice..,, im uspeh je bi'1 tu! Zveza ni samo vodila kot organizacija, ogromo delo so storile tudi posamezne podružnice; — za svoje fere, za civilne organizacije in sveje okoliše. Povsod se naše članice uveljavljajo s svojim delom. Potrdim, da vsaka članica je lahko ponosna biti članica S.Ž.Z. V tem času imamo 3 narodne Zvezine ustanovne članice: — Mary Godez, Sheboygan, Wis., podružnica št. 1.; Katie Triller, South Chicago, podružnica št. 16; Marie Prisland, Sheboygam. Letos nam je smrt vze'a dve narodni članici, namreč: — Jennie Okolish in Jtnnie Ožbolt. Obe sta bili takoj navdušeni, ko smo pričele po časopisih razmotrivati o Ženski Zvezi. Kako hvaležna sem jima bila! Obe sta bili velik steber Zveze; —- sestra Okolish kot predsednica im sestra Ožbolt dolgoletna tajnica podružnica št. 6, Barberlcn, Ohio, katero sta ustemovili. Naj obenem bo hvaežem spomin, kakor tudi vsem, ki so šle ipred mami im gra- dile Zvezo. Posefcmo je naša doznest omemiti pionirko, Albino Novak, bivšo narodno Zvežimo tajnicc, ki je vedno imele dobre ideje, ter jih s svojo izredno priljubljeno osebnostjo tudi izvedla. 45 let svojega najboljšega življenja je poklonila Zvezi. Blag ji spomin! Prisrčna voščila Zvezi, k 50 letnici in senečno bodočnost! Vsemu članstvu pa vesele božične praznike in blagoslovljeno Novo Leto! Gl, AVNE ODBORNICE IN DEl.EGATINJE PRVE KONVENCIJI-' S/Z, S ■ . K ki se je vršila 7. in 8. novembra v Chicagu. ^ /K ftsja&aiajiajsiaaaaa&aaaaaaaaaaaaaa via.aaaaassasja&aaaaaas.a&aaaaaaaaaaasiaaaaastaaaaaaaaaaaiv 26 ZARJA-THE DAWN 19. DECEMBER, 1926 je USTANOVNI DAN ZVEZE in tega dne sta bili ustanovljeni prvi dve podružnici-, Št. 1 v Sheboyganu in št. 2 v Chicagu. Istega meseca sta bili ustanovljeni tudi podr. št. 3 v Pueblo in št. 4 v Oregon City. Chicago bo slovesno proslavil 50 letnico z banketom in programom v veliki sveto-stefan-ski dvorani prav na dan ustanovitve, dne 19. dec. Št. 1, je imela lepo uspelo proslavo v oktobru in Št. 3 v septembru. SREČNI ZVEZI N ROJSTNI DAN! Naša organizacija je 50 let mlada in vemo, da bomo slavile ne samo pol stoltja, ampak več stoletij! Bog živi SŽ Z. UR ED. s? PRISRČNA HVALA M V Podružnicam, glavnim odbornicam, posameznim članicam in prijateljicam se iskreno zahvalim za dobre želje v moji zadniji bolezni. Hvaležna sem za obiske, kartice, cvetlice in darila.. Paeg tega se iskreno zahvalim moji pcdružnici, kakor tudi vsem podružnicam države Wisconsin seveda najprvo Zvezi za darilo k 50 leitnici, proslave. Silno sem presenečena nad dobrobitnostjo naših članic. Najlepša zahvala in Bog Vas blagoslovi! Hvalžena Icirie :,a,2<2jat»aa2i2)a!sti9»2ja3i3s3j3»asia»iaaaiaaaaa2 M ,!■) 15 K m « m g /!■) O M H Wari, PUnul 1 Čestitke glavnim odbornicam izvoljenim na konvenciji lefa 1933, ki so še vse med nami. Stojita Josephine Schlossar, in Mary Otoničar, nadzornice; sedijo: Josephine Erjavec, nadzornica, Marie Prisland gl. preds., Jjsephine Racic, gl, taj. in Mary Tomažin, gl. blag. 4H ovci L Na sliki na levi, sedijo: Matilda Duler, gl. blag., Frances Jazbec, publikacijski odsek, Marie Prisland, gl. preds., Julia Gottlieb, gl. tajnica in Kati Triller, gl. pod-preds. Vse prve gl. odbornice razen preds. so bile čika-žanke. Na konvenciji leta 1933 je bila tudi izvoljena Albina Novak za urednico Zarje in je bila izvoljena v glavni odbor vse do njene prerane smrti 6. aprila, 1971. Bila jc urednica 19 let, gl. preds. 9 let, gl. taj. 19 let. V času njenega uradovanje je Zaveza zabeležila največiji napredek. Organizirala je tudi prvo angleško poslujočo podr., št. 50 in vežbalne krožke. Bodi ji ohranjen najlepši spomin! DOBROTA BOŽJA ★ p. Klavdij Okorn, of m Za dan rojstva Gospodovega lahko rečemo s psalmistom: “Kaj naj povrnem Gospodu za vse, kar mi je dal?” Bog nam je skazal dobroto, ki jo nikoli ne bomo mogli vrniti. Svetu je zasijala nova doba, novo upanje. Globoko v ves svet je seglo angelovo oznanilo: “Ne bojte se, zakaj czncnjam vam veliko veselje, ki bo vsemu ljudstvu. Rodil se vam je danes v mestu Davidovem Zveličar, ki je Kristus Gospod.’’ Z rojstvom Gospodovim se je začel preobrat za ves človeški rod. Beg, ki vodi usodo narodov, se je usmilil človeka. Danes, ko človek izgublja pogled v nadnaravnost, je potrebno, da zopet nastopi pot ponižnih pastirjev in poseduje vero treh modrih, da se znajde in upa v boljšo bodočnost. Že v stari zavezi je Bog opozarjal judovsko Ijustvo po prerokih, da je usoda narodov in držav v božjih rokah. Božji načrti veljajo pri razvoju človeštva. Nihče ne uide božji pravici.. To morejo razumeti le ljudje, ki so dobre volje. Le upanje in ljubezen, ki jo božič oznanja, bo zbližalo ljudi, bo pomagalo, da bo življenje postalo znosnejše, da bo mir posta1! stvarnost, da bo rastlo razumevanje, ki ga sedaj ni. Boga ne moremo izključiti ne iz življenja posameznikov in ne iz življenja narodov. Blagor narodu, ki se tega zaveda. To zavest dobro izraža psalmist, ko pravi: "Blagor narodu, čigar Bog je Gospod; z nebes se ozira Gospod in vidi vse človeške otroke. On, ki je vsem njih srca ustvaril, pazi na njihova dela. Oči Gospodove so uprte v nje, ki se ga boje, ,na nje, ki upajo na njegovo m Host. Naša duša kliče in čaka Gospoda. On je naš pomočnik in ščit. Njega se torej naše srce veseli, v njegovo sveto ime zaupamo. Tvoje usmiljenje bodi nad nami kakor zaupamo v tebe. Rojstvo Gospodovo in naša pripravljenost sta nam priča, da to niso prazne besede. Tisti, ki je velik, je postal majhen, tisti, ki je močan, je postal slaboten, tisti, ki je bogat, je postal ubog, tisti, ki je Bog sam, je postal človek, da bi lažje prišli k Njemu. Zares, čudovit je ta praznik rojstva Gospodovega. Blagoslovljene praznike vsem. ZAPISNIK DRŽAVNE KONVENCIJE ZA 0HI0-M1CHIGAN Dne 3. oktobra, 1976, na lep sončni dan, se je vršila državna seja s proslavo 45 letnice podr. št. 50 v Slov. domu na Holmes A ve. Navzoče so odbornice podr., drž. predsednica Sophie Magajna, gl. preds. Mary Bostian, direktorica mladinskega oddelka, Frances Seltz, Jane Kaplan in zapisnikarica Marie Beck. Sejo je pričela drž. preds. Sophie Magajna z molitvijo in pozdravom odbornic, delegiatinj vseh podružnic ob pol dveh in 4 mlade “Twirletts” so nas vodile izjavi "Pledge of Allegiance” z malimi zastavicami. Zapisnik zadnje konvencije, maja 1975 je bil pre-čitan in sprejet. Št. 6, Barberton ima 3 odbornice navzoče in Janette Killoran poroča in prosi pomoči za pridobitev novih mladih članic, ki bi radevolje prevzele uradniška dela. Št. 10 je zastopana po 3 članicah in Ella Terezin pove, da imajo petkrat na leto dobro obiskane seje. 10. marca bodo praznovale 50 letnico Zveze s sv. mašo pri cerkvi St. Mary's. št. 14 ima 5 delegatinj. Preds. Pauline Kroli poroča, da bodo praznova'e 50 letnico ustanovitve podr. dne 23. oktobra 1977. Recher hali je v najemu. Letno prisostvujejo sv. maši za žive in umrle članice. Vsake tri mesece praznujejo rojstane dni članic. Ob Božiču pa darujejo v korist šote, za dom ostarelih ter za dom neozdravljivih. Št. 20 ima 4 zastopnice. Rose Nuško pove s težkim srcem, da so v enem mesecu izgubile 17 mladih članov. Imajo 3 družabne članice, ki večkrat pomagajo na sejah. Št. 25 je imela 5 odbornic navzočih. Podpreds. Ann Mavec nadomešča bolno preds. Mrs. Kolegar poroča, da jim je smrt ugrabila 19 članic. V maju imajo mašo za umrle sestre pri Sv. Vidu. Seje se vrše ob torkih pop. in za zabavo igrajo priljubljene igre. Št. 32 ima 12 odraslih in 5 mladinskih članic prisotnih. Jo Comenshek pove, da so 3 ustanovne članice v Slov. domu za starješe in želi, da jih večkrat obiščete. Št. 41 ima 3 zastopnice. Taj. Jane Kaplan pove, da dobro napredujejo odkar je društvo reorganizirano in rabijo nove mlade članice. Počastile so mater Rose Pujždar in Beth Opalich kot princes. Št. 42 je zastopana po tajnici Mary Lou Prhne, ki oprosti druge, da so bile nujno zadržane istega dne v Maple Hts. Vsako poletje ima svoj Slovenski dan. št. 47 ima 4 zastopnice. Jane Herts poroča, da je tajnica Jennie Pugel bolana. Mrs. Kresevic se zahvali za šolninsko darilo, ki ga je dobila njena hčerka. Št. 50 ima 14 delegatinj. Preds. Ann Terček poroča, da imajo vsaki mesec kaj novega in s tem pridobijo veliko zanimenje za seje. Danes praznujemo 45 letnico podružnice, ki jo je organizirala pok. Albina Novak. Darovale so vsoto za šolninski sklad in za dom starejših itd. št. 73 ima 3 navzoče. Taj. Louise Epply poroča o lepem napredku. V aprilu imajo mašo in nato zajutrek. Socialni krožek pa daruje izdelek posameznim organizacijam. Pismene čestitke so bile prebrane od nas'ednjih osebnosti: ustanoviteljica Marie Prisland, Marion Marolt, Pauiline Adamich, Detroit, Marie Florian, Milwaukee, Janette Kiloren, Angie Karish, Minn, in Rose Kramer, Wis. Preds. materinskega krožka “Twirletts”, Mrs. Koren poroča, da imajo 50 otrok v starosti od 5 do 18 let. Pevski zbor Dawn je podaril blago, da so naredile nove uniforme. Udeležile so se 3 parad in dobile 3 nagrade in pokazaile svojo umetnost tudi na konvenciji v Pittsburghu. Pevski zbor Dawn pove, da so dobili novega voditelja, Mr. Frank Zupan ter vabijo vse na koncert dne 21. nov. v Recher dvorani. Za ples bo igral Jeff Peecn orkester. Gl. Predsednica Mary Bostian pozdravi vse navzoče in čestita odbornicam in delegatinjam. Zahvali se lepi družbi in pcnov.no poziva naj vse skupno delujejo za uspeh naše Zveze. Povdari tudi, da je lepo če se več članic udeleži pogreba, ako umrje ena izmed članic. Frances Seitz in Jane Kaplan priporočata razne načine za pridobitev novih članic. Priporočata naj podr. priredijo kaj novega za mladino, da bo zanimanje za Zvezo. Predstavila je Mrs. Karish, ki je slikarska umetnica in bi za malo svoto učila mladino umetnosti. Vsaka podr. naj poskuša, da ima mladina dostop do plesanja, petja, kegljanja itd. Ob koncu so se vse navzoče poklonile spominu umrlih članic vseh podr. in gl. odbornic s prižganimi svečami in kratko molitvijo. Seja je bila zaključena ob 3:30 pop., ko nas je čakala okusna večerja slovenskih kuharic. Kraj in čas prihodnje konvencije bo določen pozneje. Na svidenje in pozdravljene, — naj vas vse Bog ohrani, da se srečamo na prihodnjem zborovanju. Vaša hvaležna zapisnikarica, MARIE BECK ZARJA-THE DAWN DOPISI PODR. 3, PUEBLO, 0CL0RAD0 Čestitke naši najbolj zaslužni Slovenki, ge. Marie Prisland, ob 50 letnici ustanovitve naše S.Ž.Z. Stekla si je res mnogo zaslug za naš narod v Ameriki. Slovenska ženska Zveza naj nam bo vedno ideal sesterske vzajemnosti. Ga. Marie Prisland pa naj tudi v bodoče vodi našo dično organizacijo. V času mojega pisanja je naša Mrs. Prisland v bolnišnici in upam, da si je v tem času že okrepila svoje zdravje, saj pregovor pravi, da korenina ne pozebe. Bog jo živi! Božični prazniki se bližajo. Da bi bili srečni in blagoslovljeni! Pred prazniki je na vseh koncih in krajih polno skrbi in dela. V mesecu decembru so članice vabljene na letne seje, posebno, da se izvoli odbor za prihodnje leto. Matere, pripeljite svoje otroke, ki so včlanjeni v Zvezo, ker bodo darila in prigrizek za vse. Na programu bo tudi izmenjava božičnih daril. Pridite vse! Zadnje poletje je me obiskala naša čla. Johana Klun, ki sedaj živi pri hčerki v Chicagu, toda še vedno rada obišče svoje sinove in hčerke v Pue-blu. V septembru je umrl naš osebni prijatelj, Lawrence Bandi, oče č. g-opata Bonaventure Bandi. Nenadoma je umrla moja sorodnica, Mary Pugel za srčnim napadom. Bodi vsem častni in nepozabni spomin! Vsej družini naše SŽZ želim vesele božične praznike in božji blagoslov. ANNA PACHAK PODR. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO V mesecu oktobru nismo imele seje, toda v nov. in dec. se zopet zberemo v navadnih prostorih. Glavna seja se bo vršila v decembru in se bomo pripravile za leto 1977. Kakor sem že omenila, bo v marcu naša 50 letnica. Razumljivo, da bomo odslej vsaki mesec največ razpravljale o pripravah za to slavje, da bo vse poteklo v naj lepšem redu. Nadalje vam sporočam, da bom drugo leto pobirala asesment štirikrat na leto in to samo dne 25. januarja, 25. aprila, 25. julija in 25. oktobra. Doslej sem pobirala vsaki mesec, toda največ članic plača kar za celo leto, ali pa vsaj za pol leta. Prosim, da si zapomnite imenovane datume za asesment prihodnje leto. V avgustu se je naša čla. Mary Ra-kovetz kar na hitro odločila; prodala je hišo, spokala Si kufre in šla nazaj v Slovenijo, da bo kar tam ostala za zaton njenega življenja. V Sloveniji ima sestro in druge sorodnike, želimo ji zdravje in srečo mnogo let! Pred par meseci so naše članice Agnes Polenz in Frances Tomsich iz- kubile svoje soproge in Olga Novosel, svojo sestro. Naše globoko sožalje ostalim sorodnikom. Naj pokojnim sveti večna luč! V tem času se nahajajo v bolnici čla.: Maria Sterle in Pearl Mooney. Njima in vsem bolnim želim naj jim Bog naklcni ljubo zdravje. Čla. Rose Marolt je s soprogom Jackom praznovala 50 letnico zakonskega življenja, čestitke obema. Naj jima Bog da zdravje še mnogo let! Ko boste čitale ta dopis, bo že zima in v decembru se nam približajo božični prazniki, zato vam vsem želim vesele dneve, ko se zberete v krogu vaših dragih. Pozdrav vsem in na svidenje. SOPHIE MAGAYNA PODR. 14, EUCLID, OHIO V zadnjem mesecu so se pripetile dve hude nesreče. Ena v Genevi, ko sta se dve mladi dekleti vračali iz koncerta in otoli tretje ure zjutraj na poti domov, je njun a uto zadel močan predmet in ju vrgel v graben ob cesti. Mlada Leri, stara komaj 19 let je bila na mestu mrtva, a druga je bila dolgo v nezavesti. Mlada Leri je vnukinja poznanih Antona in Mary Gril, ki je naša članica. Globoko sožalje vsem, posebno staršem in starim staršem. Leri pa naj vživa pri Bogu večni mir. Druga nesreča se je tudi pripetila nekje na Freeway, toda ne vem točno kje. Zvedela pa sem, da je naša članica Mrs. Fizem hudo pobita. Molimo za njo, da bo hitro ozdravfla. Bolane so v tem času: Mrs. Jospina čebul, ki se nahaja v Richman Hts. bolnišnici. Dne 17. okt. so imeli open house. Vsem bolnim članicam želimo hitro okrevanje. Predno končam, voščim vsem Vesele požične praznike in sreče polno Novo leto 1977. Prosim, da pridete v lepem številu na prihodnjo sejo. Vsem lepe pozdrave, A. ŠUŠTAR PODR. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISC. Bil je krasen dan v nedeljo 3. oktobra, ko je SŽZ imela državno konvencijo v Sheboygnu za Wis. Kakor smo razvidele iz poročil 'podružnic, Zveza pri nas lepo napreduje. Veliko je bilo razmotrivanja kaj bi še ukrenile in storile, da bi SŽZ še izboljšala svoje delovanje. O programu Zvezinega dneva, naj omenim krasno petje med sv. mašo. Bilo je kot da se je nebo samo od-prifo ter da poslušamo petje z nebes. Toplo mi je bilo pri srcu, saj spomini mi gredo vedno nazaj v mladost, ker tako lepo petje tukaj malokdaj slišimo. Slovenci v Sheboygnu ste lahko ponosni, da kaj takega zmorete. Sv. mašo je daroval naš duhovni vodja Fr. Okorn. Zelo nas vse veseli, da se DVESTO LET PRAZNUJEMO Dvesto let odkar si se rodila, dežela ti prelepa — vrata odklenila; množice ubogih — si v naročje vzela, kot dobra mati si zanje skrbela. Bratje in očetje so šli po svetu z dušo bolečo, podali se čez morje iskali svojo srečo; v neznano to deželo so hrabro se podali, ter novo krušno mater globoko spoštovali. Mnogim ljubezen domovine, bila je prehuda, zvabila jih nazaj je draga rojstva gruda; oni pa, ki so za stalno tu ostali, kulturo so sejali pridno ter ledino orali. Danes je Slovenec nove domovine res ugleden, penosni član Amerike — je spoštovanja vreden; zato za prednikov naših — nikar ne pozabimo, s hvaležnim srcem jih danes proslavimo. Mi smo danes delež nove domovine, ponosni smo na naše vse rojake ter njih sine; mnogi so življenje zanjo darovali, da mi bi bili srečni — dobroto uživali. Slovenci vsi se z narodi združimo ter radostno, hvaležno 200 let slavimo; razvijmo spoštovano USA zastavo, Bog živi in ohrani te — pojemo ti v slavo! MARY MURN *«w««!€*ie!€!g!eiet€!«ies!e!€i5!s mu je zdravje izboljšalo. Bog ga ahrani med nami še mnogo let! Iz srca čestitamo ge. Marie Prisland ter njeni podružnici za 50 letnico ustanovitve, katero smo tako lepo proslavile z vami. Program je bil izvrsten: "PreteWlost, Sedajnost in Prihodnost” je bil zelo lepo podana. Naj še omenim odlični banket in nad vse dobro potico. Kakor slišim je ga. Prisland kmalu po konvenciji zbolela, — želimo ji hitrega okravanja ter prosimo Boga naj jo še dolgo ohrani med nami! Dne 3. oktobra je bila tudi card pa>rty v konist cerkve in je bil zelo lep uspeh. Hvala vsem dobrim dušam, ki ste darovale dobitke in torte. Imele smo res lep večer. Glavna seja se bo vršila dne 1 dec. ob 2 popoldne. Vse članice ste vljudno vabljene, da pridete na sejo. Ne bo vam žal, kakor po navadi, bomo po seji imele lunch ter letno izmenjavo daril. Katere pa nočete tega špasa, pa pridite vseeno, da se malo pogovorimo. Vsem bolnim članicam želim blagoslovljen Božič. Naj vam nebeško I/, %/ Jh dJZA& MYV 'jjctor' Dete prinese ljubega zdravja in mir srca. Mary Christmas Slovenkam širom Amerike! MARY MURN PODR. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Naše sožalje čla. Christine Stimac, roj. Rozich in družini ob izgubi so-progra Francis, sta rege komaj 66 let in stanujočega na N.C. Center Str. Poleg žene zapušča tudi dve hčerke, ena redovnica ses. Kathryn, OSF in Judith, Mrs. Gary Mayer iz Hyatsville, Md., vnukinjo Karen Mayer, 4 brate William, Joseph Raymond in Ralph v Jolietu ter 4 sestre: Mrs. Herman Vefran, Mrs. Marie Cherven, Bernardine (Frank) Boštjančič ter Carol Be-bar, kakor tudi več drugega sorodstva. Rojen je bil v Minonk in pred leti je lastoval Sti-mac grocery trgovino na Center St. Zadnjih 11 let je bil zaposlen pri Jewel Food co. do upokojitve 1. 1969. Bil je preds. Meat Cutters Union, član Presv. Imena in Sv. Frančiška št. 29, KSKJ. Pogreb je bil iz cerkve sv. Jožefa na pok. Matere Božje. Pokojniku večni mir. Vsej družini naše sožalje. Čestitke Joyce Walzak, študentki St. Francis akademije, ki je bila izvoljena za Home Coming Queen, kar je bito častno priznano tudi v paradi. Joyce je tudi zelo dobra pevka i.n je tudi večkrat nastopila na seji naše podr. Njena stara mama, pok. Frances Pikush, je bila zelo priljubljena med nami. Naše čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Frank Terlep iz Oakland Ave., ki sta praznovala 60 letnico poroke v družbi prijateljev in z njimi tudi sin in 2 hčerke. Mary Terlep vedno pomaga pri vezanju preprog, kakor tudi pri Klubu starejših pri in fari. Čestitke tudi Martin in Mary Go-vednik iz Cora St., ob njihovi 60 letnici zakonskega življenja. 25 letnico sta praznovala Mr. in Mrs. Frank Jamnik. Marge je tudi pri kegljaški skupini. Dalje Geo in E'sie Toth, sta tudi slavila srebrno poroko. Senior parish:cners so slavili 20 letnico. Ta skupina je bila ustanovljena na pobudo Msgr. M. J. Butala. Sestanejo se vsako sredo i.n igrajo zanimive igre. Vsem slavljencem iskrene čestitke in želje za bodočnost. V bolnišnici se nahaja Mary Gerl. Vest, da se nahaja naša organizatorka Mrs. Marie Prisland v bolnišnic1! nas je vse izmenadi'-a in globoko potrla. Upamo, da se čimprej pozdravi in deluje med nami kakor verno prej. Nje in vsem c'anioam želimo hitro okrevanje, še vedno imamo v lepem spominu sijajni useph proslave ustanovitve št. 1 v Sheboygnu. Čestitke veljajo tudi mladim plesalcem v narodnih nošah, ki so predvajali lepe slov. ljudske plese s petjem v dvorani sv. Štefana v Chicagu pod vodstvom Dr. Lud Leskovar in Corinne Leskovar, ki je voditeljica te mladine. Fetsival Slovenskega Dneva se je vršil 23. okt. pod okriljem slov. rad'ijo kluba v proslavo 26 letnice slov. oddaj in 200 letnice Amerike. Gdč. Barbka Remec, študentka Barat college je prečitala županovo in guvernerjevo proklamaoijo slovenskega dne za Chicago in Illinois. Dvorana je bila nabito polna. Tudi iz Jo lie ta nas je bilo nekaj prijateljev, ki ljubimo slov. petje in nastope. Bila je res lepa prireditev. Isti večer so imeli Slovenci v Jolietu "Ethnic program”, kjer so se obiskovalci zelo pohvalno izrazili o lepih slov. narodnih nošah, katere so imeli za to priliko naši cerkveni pevci. Zastopniki naše slov. fare so prejeli mnogo priznanja. Vabimo ves članice, da pridete na prihodnjo sejo v dec., ko se bo tudi volilo odbor za prihodnje leto. Torej na svidenje! Vas vse lepo pozdravljam, JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC PODR. 24, LASALLE, ILL. Ko boste čitale te vrstice v naši Zarji, bo naša seja v novembru že za nami, toda vas vse lepo vabim, da se nam pridružite na naši letni seji v decembru. Sedaj se zopet obračamo na vse članice, da se potrudimo in pridobimo nove člane za nešo podružnico. Kličemo in vabimo nove članice in člane, mlade in stare, otroke, fantiče, dekleta, žrne in može, da pristopijo v naše društvo. Zavedati se moramo, da v skupnosti je moč in zato naj se naši ljudje vključijo v našo Zvezo, ki deluje po vsej Ameriki. Cene v našem društvu so izredno nizke, saj je mesečna članarina samo 55 centov in največ samo 85 centov, zavisi kakšen insurance imate. Sprejmemo pa tudi družabne ali social članice brez zavarovalnine. Pridite, pridružite se našemu prijateljskemu krožku, kjer je veselo in vlada sesterska ljubezen. žal nam je kadar nas brat ali sestra za vedno zapusti. Brat Mrs. Emma Shimkus je bil poklican v večnost. Naše iskreno sožalje Emma in prosimo Boga za mirni pokoj njegove duše. Brat je živel v New Yorku. Naša čla. Josephine Pohar je šla k špecialistu za očesno operacijo. Molimo za njeno hitro ozdravljenje, kakor tudi ses. Mary Furar, ki je bila v bolnišnici v septembru. Naj vsem bolnim Bog podeli Ijuibo zdravje! Imeli smo naš rummage sale pri ses. Shimkus v korist domače blagajne. Hvala vsem za pomoč društvu, posebno tudi Emma za gostoljubje. Pravkar smo proslavili Zahvalni dan in smo imeli priložnost se Bogu zahvaliti za vse dobrote, katere nam deli v tej b'agos'ovljeni deželi. Drage članice: kmalu bomo praznovale Sveti Božični čas. Vsem našim članicam želim vesele Božnične praznike in srečno Novo leto. Bog naj vas blagoslovi in varuje. To so moje srčne želje vsem članicam Zveze, naši urednici in vsem, ki delajo za lepo ureieno Zarjo. V nedeljo dne 5, dec. bo naša seja v šolski dvorani ob 2 uri. Pridite in pripeljite nove e'anice. Po kratki seji bomo ime'e Christmas party ali božičnico. Več kot nas bo, lepše je! Vsem bolnikom želim potrpljenje in božto tolažbo. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! MICI MARY PILETIČ P0HP, /M I0RAIM OHIO Odlašam se s par vrsticami v naši priMub'jeni Zarji, toda ko boste čitale to Zarjo, bo že vse listje odpadlo in pred vratmi bo mrzla zima. To poletje smo imele bolj malo vročine in tudi sonca nismo videli prepogosto. Zime se pa posebno starejši ljudje bojimo, ker nas rado zebe. Pri naši podružnici imamo navado, da imamo glavno sejo in volitve odbora že v mesecu novembru, tako, da je pri naši podr. leto že poteklo. V decembru pa bomo imele večerjo in tudi več drugih stvari za ukrepati. Leto prav hitro mine. V zadnjem letu smo doslej izgubile 2 članici: dne 5. oktobra je umrla naša ustanovna članica Berta Anzelc, ki je bila vsa leta res dobra članica in je zmeraj rada pomagala, kadar sem jo vprašala. Zapustila je moža Franka, hčerko in zeta ter 4 grandchildern. Dosegla je lepo starost 79 let in z možem Frankom sta ime'e 55 let skupnega zakonskega življenja. Bila je tudi predsednica Oltarnega društva ter jo bom jaz zelo pogrešala. Naj ji bo miren počitek v večnosti! Pri naši podružnici gre vse lepo naprej. Posebno moram pohvaliti vse tiste članice, ki pridejo vsaki mesec na naše mesečne seje. Imamo lepo zabajo, saj nas slavljenke rojstnih dnevov v mesecu vedno res lepo postrežejo. Zdaj pa lep pozdrav vsem glavnim uradnicam in vsem našim članicam, bolnim pa ljubega zdravja! AGNESJANČAR, predsednica PODR. 77. N.S. PITTSBURGH, PA. Zopet se nam je približal mesec december in vas vse vabim na letno sejo, ki se bo vršila dne 8. dec., to je drugo sredo v mesecu. Začetek točno ob 8 uri zvečer pri sestri Mary Fortun, 1626 Lourie St., Troy Hill. Za rešiti imamo več važnih zadev v prid nas vseh, nato bodo volitve novih uradnic za prihodnje leto, zato vas prosim, da se v velikem številu udeležite te važne seje! Po seji bomo imele Christmas party in izmenjavo daril v vrednosti $1 ali več. Jestvine bodo brezplačno. Smrt nam tudi ne prizanaša. Letos smo izgubile kar dve dobre članice in to so bile: Mrs. Marie Strauss in Mrs. Mary Pečjak. Bile sta ustanovne članice in rade sta se ude'eževale naših sej in prireditev pri naši podr. Ne bodo nikoli pozabljene. Bog jima daj v miru počivati. Imamo tudi več članic, ki so bolj pri slabem zdravju, želim vsem hitrega okrevanja in ker smo vse bolj v poznih letih, se tudi bolj počasi zdravimo. Torej ne pozabite naše prihodnje seje dne 8. dec. pri Mrs. Fortun na Troy H Ml. Vse lepo pozdravlja, MINKA CHRNAT, tajnica PODR. 84, NEW YORK, N.Y. Pri naši podr. smo imele prav lepo sejo in po seji smo se dobro zabavale in pogovarjale, ker se že dalje časa tg!g!€lgl€tgtgtg!g!gtg!gf€tg!g^!gtgIC!glg!S[g!StCt? ŽALOSTNI BOŽIČ BOŽIČ — božič bliža se, £ima pritiska ■— da nam pove, Kje si bratec — in kje so sestre? Kje so mamica ■—- da se vidite? Oh, preljuba naša domovina, Ko si nas tako razskropila, Kje ste zdaj — in kje so vsi, Spomin na vse —- še tu živi. Ta preljubi božič — kje si ti? Ko včasih smo tak’ luštni b’li. Smo sladko vince pili vsi, Tako smo tudi lepo prepevali. Zdaj samo so še spomini, Ko premišlujemo v dolgi zimi. Kam le kam — so vsi odšli? Ni jih tu — so ko prvo b’li. Ja, prav žalostno je vse to, Ko jemlje od nas slovo, Ker že malo nas je vseh bilo, Slovencev naših bo zmankalo. MARY A USI CII Woodward, Iowa Čanica podr. 103 nismo videle. Posebno smo bile vesele videti med nami Ano Cerar, ki je prišla 50 milj daleč. V juliju je izgubila moža Jacka, ki je umrl v lepi starosti 80 let. Bil je zaveden mož, ki je vedno rad pomagal pri društvih. Bil je tajnik podr. KSKJ mnogo let. Doma je bil iz Jarš pri Domažalah. Poleg žene žaluje za njim sin in hčer ter 11 grandchildren. Naše iskreno sožalje! Umrl je tudi Joseph Kepič mož naše čla. Ane Kepič, doma iz Loke pri Domžalah. Poleg žene zapušča tudi 3 hčere in eno graddaughter. Bil je 88 let star. Obema družinama naše sožalje. Veliko naših članic je bolanih. Dve sta v nursing home ena v Rest home v Fcntani, to je Paula Shute in gornje dve sta: Josephine Kukovec in Mary Mo'etz (Rode). Imamo tudi 92 let staro Mrs. Križel, šivilja, ki kljub izredno visokim letom še vedno šiva obleke, ali pa popravlja. Več nas je nad 75 let starih, da je teško hoditi na seje. Na seji smo izvolile novi odbor za prihodnje leto 1977. Nova predsed- nica bo Bernarda Mishe, 5817, 70 Ave., Ridgewood, N.Y., podpredsednica pa Mary Curtin, 1825 Woodbine St., Ridgewood, N.Y. 11227. Tajnica in blagajničarka je Betty Birk, 6120, 67st. Middle Village, N.Y.,, 11379 zapisnikarica pa Evelyn Barrese, Wood-side, N.Y. Jaz zaradi bolezni nisem mogla več sprejeti, toda vem, da bodo nove odbornice dobro delovale za napredek društva in Zveze. Želim j i'm mnogo uspehov. Članice, prosim, da Si zapomnite, prihodnja seja bo 22. jan., 1977 v h'iši Slovenske Katoliške Lige na Ca-talpa Str., v drugem nadstropju. To je v seboto popoldne ob 1 uri. To opozorilo naj velja, da ne bo treba tajnici pošiljati kart. Jaz bom mora'a zapustiti svoj dom in se seliti v Fontano, Cal. zaradi zdravja. Bila sem 4 tedne v bolnici, srce mi nagaja in druge bolezni, zato se moram seliti v toplejše kraje. Hvala vsem članicam , ki ste me obiskale v bolnišnici, na domu, ali pa ste me razveselile z voščeno karto. Hvala za številne te'efonske klice in darila. Zelo bom pogrešala naše dobre članice in razvedrila na sejah. Naj se lepo zahvalim našim dobrim sestram, ki so prinesle razne dobrote na zadnjo sejo, posebno Feni Kerk, ki je prinesla okusno špehovko, kot vedno na vsa ko sejo, da lje vina, ha m cookies, flancate, skoro na vsako sejo ene in iste prinesejo odlične domače reči: Ana Cerar, Ivanka Svet, Eve'lyn Barrese, Mary Curtin, Frances Hočevar, Betty Birk in jaz. Imele smo res lepo zabavo in so bile članice žalostne, da ne bo več sej pri meni. Pa je že tako, da je nemogoče, meni se zdravje počasi vrača, toda upam, da bom v Fontani bo'j zdrava. Moj sin Stanley in žena Joan sta me prišla obiskati iz Port St. Luce, Florida za 4 dni, česar sem bila zelo vesela. Upam, da jim bom na poti v Cal. v dec. zopet videla. Obiskala me je tudi njegova hčer Pavla z možem Billom, ki so prišli po mene. Bila sem pri njih 4 dni skupaj, kakih ICO milj daleč od tukaj v L.l. Jaz sem prav ponosna na vse moje vnuke in vnukinje, saj imam sedaj že tudi 8 great grandchildren, žal so oddaljeni, da jih ne vidim dovolj pogosto, samo hčer Betty živi kakih 5 milj od mene in mi je v veliko pomoč. Sedaj veščim vsem odbornicam in članicam vesele Božične praznike in srečno zdravo Novo leto, posebno našim članicam, ki so bolane, da se jim zdravje izboljša v letu 1977. želim novim odbornicam dober uspeh, da bi dobro delale za podružnico in upam, da bo Bernarda predsednica toliko let, kot sem bila jaz, to je 28 let! Lep pozdrav vsem članicam naše dične organizacije. ANGELA VOJE, predsednica of the giants of science and medicine, belongs to the entire world, he never forgot his native Ljubljana, the lovely capital and cultural and educational center of Slovenia. Before his death, he wKled his most precious possession, the apparatus for organic -micro-analysis which Ivo had designed and which brought him world wide fame, to the University of Ljubljana and thus built for himself a lasting monument in his native Slovenia. No doubt he fully understood that in spite of a few petty souls in decisive positions who us.ed the hatcher of silence, distortion, and misrepresentation to protect their insecure status and influence, the Slovenians at large were a great and wonderful people, worthy of loyaity, dedication, and love. ■ZX-iXXKiX ZZZ:XZXZ'ZXISLXXZ>ZZXxwez'xx%x*f®cz L E r H U N < ; D E S N' O n K L .» I- u I r v. r< -i j ‘J a11 ^ >i i >• < "n » u u a f»: < Austrian Stamp commemorates Nobel Prize to Slovenian scientist Frederic Pregl COURTESY OF ING. LADO KHAM rOR THE YOUNG AT HEART HI BOYS AND GIRLS "Washington Crossing the Delaware” is Emanuel Leutze’s best known work, which now hangs in the Metropolitan Museum in New York City. While on a return trip to Germany to study.. Leutze painted this famous picture with the Rhine River as a background in the year 1851. The picture brings to mind the riddle: When crossing the Delaware, why did George Washington stand up in the boat? And the answer is that if 'he sat down they would have given him an oar. Humorist Richard Armour writes that ‘‘Washington stood up during the rough crossing in order that his portrait might be painted by a famous artist in an accompanying boat.” The events preceeding the crossing had their beginnings prior to 1776. Printed at the beginning of that year Thomas Paine’s COMMON SENSE pamphlets provided a strong boost toward the founding of the first nation in the history of the world based on the idea that free men could govern the m selves. The struggles for independence were many and great. The British thought that George Washington could easily be defeated. After his defeat at the battles of Long Island. Washington escaped with his army, chased by the British all the way across New Jersey. Everything seemed lost for the American cause. Appearing on the scene almost at the close of 1776 were another series of pamphlets by Thomas Paine titled THE CRISIS, which were written to bo'ster the morale of the Continental Army. This work became immortalized by the famous first sentence, "These are the times that try men’s souls.” Washington was planning a surprise. On Christmas two hundred years ago he reorossed the Delaware with a force of two thousand men. ‘‘The river was blocked witti floating cakes of ice. He had few boats, but those he had were rowed or paddled or poled across by the skillful New England fishermen. It took ten -hours to get the entire force across the river and bitter was the suffering of the officers and the men — many of whom were poorly equipped to with- stand the intense cold and biting sleet. “When the men landed on the other side, snow was falling. Even so, they began their nine-mile march to Trenton. When the shivering troops reached the city, they found the enemy asleep after a merry feast. Surrender came quickly and the daring Americans won large stores of ammunition and food. This Christmas victory inspired the Patriots with new courage.” The Bicentennial Era officially opened March 1, 1975 and closes this month. In 1966 Congress set up a commission which included four senators, four congressmen, five members of the cabinet including Presi- de wsae* dent Johnson, as well as five historians, five educators, four businessmen, three publishers, two broadcasters, two lawyers, one judge, one popular entertainer, four women, four blacks, one Mexican-American and four under the age of 25. Three years ago this month congress -issued a mandate that the Bicentennial administration act as a e'earing house of information on the thousands of projects being planned or carried out in communities across the country. There were commemorative stamps and medals and items as silverware, guidebooks, paperweights and tr-i-comered hats. Many, many- companies donated money to non-commercial Bicentennial projects as the American Freedom Train — a 25 — car train carrying historical memorabilia to many oities or the repair of the Statue of Liberty. There were parades, fairs, fireworks and community projects giving everyone the chance to participate in our Bicentennial celebration. At the close of this grand Bicentennial era we recall the many ways we celebrated our nation's 200th birthday. During this important event in history — a once in a lifetime affair — we looked at and appreciated the past and its heroes and we had a chance to study the national heritages of alii our country’s peoples. At the close of our nation's birthday celebration, we pray to the Little Babe whose birthday we are celebrating this month. May He bless our world, our nation and our homes with peace, joy, understanding and love! Your friend, REGINA NEW HOME OFFICE ADOIIESS: The S cvenian Women's Union new Home Office is located at 431 N. Chicago, St. Joliet, III. 60432. All c«1’ lesccnrience should be directed to the National Secretary, Mrs. Olga Ancel at this address. The material for ZARJA, Charges cf Address, etc. are to be sent to the Editor, M is. Ccrinne Leskovar, at 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 6. 608. FINANCIAL REPORT - FINANČNO POROČILO September, 1976 Dr.; :o. Amount Adults: Jr. Re.: Cr. lie. Amount Adults: Jr. Re.: l $121.00 176 65 74 25 1 2 188.75 306 112 77 31 17 3 169.65 256 121 79 38 15 4 9 0 CO 11 0 5 76.50 74 10 * 81 17.35 29 1 6 52.55 95 17 83 6.15 24 0 7 83 24 84 30.80 36 2 * ❖ 8 14.70 36 0 85 35 0 10 125.00 251 17 S6 19 0 12 135 57 88 21.14 41 1 13 62.10 101 21 ^9 59 17 14 156.65 266 37 90 14.85 32 0 15 81.65 146 2 91 74.75 37 5 b 16 109.00 157 57 92 73.75 30 15 bb 17 100.55 151 109 93 42 3 19 47.00 80 8 94 5 0 20 250.45 399 149 95 161 8 21 63.75 104 30 96 53.60 42 Q * # * 22 15 0 97 6.50 12 0 23 127.75 215 27 99 11 0 24 56.70 104 22 100 44.05 53 19 25 282.70 478 117 101 26.35 32 10 26 113.20 162 53 102 35 2 27 33 2 103 19.45 22 18 28 42.25 63 26 105 49 16 29 8.95 19 2 106 15.45 24 0 30 31 0 31 68 14 Total: $4,207.19 7395 1953 32 126.15 189 57 * Sept -Oct. 33 34 35 128.85 22.75 29.80 174 35 42 117 4 16 n ** Aug-*** July-b Oct-'! Sept. -Aug. Nov-Dee. 37 38 44.10 16 93 u 0 bb June-July-Aug. 39 47 3 INCOME — DOHODKI 40 65.05 105 1 Assessment $4,207.19 41 59.55 130 21 Interest 150.00 42 33.10 56 4 43 160.85 208 120 $4,357.19 45 20.85 39 11 46 15.35 29 3 47 68.75 108 40 DISBURSEMENTS — STROsKI 50 244.25 311 55 Septembe r 1976 52 50 12 Death C'aims — Zavaroval- 54 30.10 47 30 nine $3,150.00 55 40.15 60 22 Sa la res • — place 1,246.00 56 49.55 87 4 Sccial Security . 71.79 57 65.40 52 13 >Jc * Zarja — The Dawn 2,708.00 59 31.70 26 0 # * Administration 510.00 61 2 0 State ccnvsntions perdiems 62 20 0 and traveling exp« inses . 385.00 63 72 9 Postage, utilities, an d mis- 64 31.60 34 0 * cel la neo us 211.79 65 38.60 34 18 66 33.45 49 12 $8,282.58 67 44.00 64 7 less taxes not deposited 14.44 63 39.40 53 22 70 12 0 $8,268.14 71 63.25 102 38 73 65.55 101 65 OLGA ANCEL, , Secretary f In Me mori am \ V BLAG SPOMIN 7 BERTHA ANZELC Br. 40 At age 79, she passed away Oct. 5th, 1976. She wa a charter mcmbar and officer of Slovenian Women's Union, Br. 40. Sur-vivers include her husband, Frank, daughter, Bertha and 4 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren. Our sincerest sympathy. ANN GLIVAR Br. 42 Passed away Oct. 15, 1976 and is survived by four daughters, Ann Kramel, Josephine Jaskolski, Mitzi Champa and Millie Rizzo and a, son, Joe. She was grandmcther of 11 and great grandmother of 20. She was 85 at the time of death and was a member for 42 years. AGNES VERCEK Br. 42 Died at age 82 on Oct. 17th. She is survived by a, son and daughter, Agnes Snyder and several grandchildren. She was a member for 36 years. May God grant them eternal rest! ARE YOU MOVING? Please advise the ZARJA publication office if you are moving so you won’t miss a ringle issue. Use the form below. Your cooperation will be gratefully appreciated. — EDITOR NAME & OLD ADDRESS (Clip out the address portion cf your ZARJA 'and tape above to show the exact currcnt mailing address.) NEW NAME & ADDRESS Send this information to: ZARJA — THE DAWN Corinre Leskovar, Editor 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, 111. 60608 J H UNION NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. OF JOLIET JEFFERSON & OTTAWA STREETS PHONE: 727-5222 DRIVE-IN BANK — 50 N. Bluff St. / f lemj C It riilmaS A n •om our FREE PERSONAL CHECKS MEMBER F.D.I.C. FREE CHECKING kV.: METROPOLITAN B i TRUST Company 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 ANk FDIC ZEFKAIM FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688 GERE^D - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53981 Save with ST. CLAIR 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 29001 Cedar Rd. 6235 St. Clair Ave. 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. 6135 Wilson Mills Rd. 7481 Center St./Mentor 4936 Darrow Rd./Stow FSLIC g§ji 27801 EUCLID AVE. CLEVELAND, OHIO A. GRDINA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POOREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 70 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našrga podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Pod užnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Pogrebni zavcd: 1053 E. 62nd. Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland, Ohio 44103 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland, Ohio 44119 ZELE FUNEMAL HOMES, ll\IC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin rln! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ iiiiibiiiiii ■ ■ i:b 11 biiiiibhiiib lb 1 e b b b d b b b d b ci i n 10 d a a a a a ts a a Fr. Frank Perkovich Presents... SONGS & HYMNS FROM THE POLKA MASS Celebrated at Resurrection Church, Eveleth Minnesota With JCE CVEK and the VARIABLES ORCHESTRA AND CHORALEERS. Stereo record: $6.00 8—Track: $7.00 Cassette: $7.00 Postage and handling included For orders: Write to: POLKA MASS BOX 586 Eveleth, Minnesota 55734 u a B □ ■ □ a C3 TEZAK FUNERAL HOME JOLIET, ILL H "First in service since 1908” 459 North Ottawa Street 1 Phone: 722-0524 IIIBIIIIiBWI IIIIIBIillll llil; Blliill IIBIIHBIIIIBIII HiB.SS riJlllllBIIIIIBIillBlillBIIIIBIIIIiailUIBIIIIlBllillBIHIIBIIIIBIIIIIB