31. AVGUST 2011 31 AUGUST 2011 Št./No 15 3 NACIONALNI RAČUNI NATIONAL ACCOUNTS št./No 1 BRUTO DOMAČI PROIZVOD, TEMELJNI AGREGATI NACIONALNIH RAČUNOV IN ZAPOSLENOST, SLOVENIJA, 2007-2010 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT, MAIN AGGREGATES OF NATIONAL ACCOUNTS AND EMPLOYMENT, SLOVENIA, 2007-2010 BDP je po prvi letni oceni v letu 2010 v tekočih cenah znašal 35.416 milijonov EUR, to je nominalno za 0,3 % več kot v letu 2009 (35.311 milijonov EUR). Nova ocena vrednosti BDP v tekočih cenah za leto 2010 je za 558 milijonov EUR nižja od prve ocene po četrtletnih računih. According to the first annual estimate, GDP 2010 at current prices amounted to EUR 35,416 million, and was 0.3% higher than in the previous year (EUR 35,311 million). The new estimate of the value of GDP 2010 at current prices is EUR 558 million lower than initially estimated by quarterly accounts. Gospodarska rast je bila v letu 2010 1,4-odstotna (prejšnja ocena 1,2 %). Nove ocene stopenj rasti obsega BDP za leta 2007, 2008 in 2009 so: 6,9 %, 3,6 % in -8,0 %. Economic growth in 2010 was 1.4% (former estimate 1.2%). New volume growth rates of GDP for years 2007, 2008 and 2009 are: 6.9%, 3.6% and -8.0%. Cene proizvodov, ki smo jih uvažali, so rasle bistveno hitreje kot cene proizvodov, ki smo jih izvažali (zelo negativni pogoji menjave, indeks 96,2). To je vplivalo na bistveno hitrejšo nominalno rast vmesne potrošnje v primerjavi z nominalno rastjo proizvodnje. Skupna dodana vrednost je torej nominalno rasla počasneje (0,1 %) kot v obsegu (1,7 %). Pozitivna realna rast BDP v letu 2010, ki je sledila velikemu padcu v letu 2009, je bila zlasti posledica večjega izvoza. The prices of imported products grew significantly faster than the prices of exported products (very negative terms of trade, index 96.2). This had a significant impact on faster growth of intermediate consumption in nominal terms compared to nominal output growth. Total gross value added in nominal terms (0.1%) grew slower than in volume (1.7%). Positive real GDP growth in 2010, following a sharp fall in 2009, is mainly due to higher exports. Obseg izvoza se je v letu 2010 glede na prejšnje leto povečal za 9,5 %, obseg uvoza pa za 7,2 %. Obseg bruto investicij se je zmanjšal za 0,1 %. Skupna končna potrošnja se je v letu 2010 zmanjšala za 0,1 %. Compared to 2009, the volume of exports grew by 9.5%, and imports by 7.2% in 2010. The volume of gross capital formation decreased by 0.1%. The volume of total final consumption decreased by 0.1% in 2010. Obseg bruto dodane vrednosti se je v letu 2010 najbolj povečal v dejavnostih promet in skladiščenje (za 11,1 %) in predelovalne dejavnosti (za 7,4 %); v gradbeništvu se je dodatno zmanjšal (za 19,9 %); manjši kot prejšnje leto je bil tudi v dejavnosti kmetijstvo in lov, gozdarstvo, ribištvo (za 4,6 %). The volume of gross value added in 2010 increased the most in the following activities: transportation and storage (by 11.1%), and manufacturing (by 7.4%). In construction it decreased further (by 19.9%); it was also lower in agriculture, forestry and fishing (by 4.6%). Od leta 2007 naprej se delež stroškov dela v BDP veča (v letu 2007 je znašal 49,8 %, v letu 2010 pa že 53,6 %), delež neto poslovnega presežka gospodarstva v BDP pa se manjša (v letu 2007 je znašal 13,9 %, v letu 2010 pa 10,1 %). From 2007 onwards the share of compensation of employees in GDP is increasing (from 49.8% in 2007 to 53.6% in 2010), the share of total net operating surplus of the economy in GDP is decreasing (from 13.9% in 2007 to 10.1% in 2010). Primanjkljaj v transakcijah s tujino se je s 6,9 % BDP v letu 2008 zmanjšal v letu 2009 na 1,3 % BDP in v letu 2010 na 0,8 % BDP. The external deficit of Slovenia decreased from 6.9% of GDP in 2008 to 1.3% of GDP in 2009 and further to 0.8% of GDP in 2010. Skupna zaposlenost se je v letu 2010 glede na predhodno leto zmanjšala za 2,5 %. Število zaposlenih se je zmanjšalo za 3,1 % (na 786,1 tisoč), število samozaposlenih pa se je povečalo za 0,3 % (na 172,7 tisoč). Total employment in 2010 decreased by 2.5% compared to the previous year. The number of employees decreased by 3.1% (to 786.1 thousand) and the number of self-employed increased by 0.3% (to 172.7 thousand). Tabela 1: Bruto domači proizvod, Slovenija Table 1: Gross domestic product, Slovenia 2007 2008 2009 2010 Mio. EUR Tekoče cene 34562 37280 35311 35416 Current prices Stalne cene preteklega leta 33178 35803 34294 35798 Previous year prices Stopnja rasti obsega (%) 6,9 3,6 –8,0 1,4 Volume growth rate (%) Vir / Source: SURS / SORS Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 2 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 BDP je v letu 2010 znašal v tekočih cenah 35.416 milijonov evrov, gospodarska rast je bila 1,4-odstotna In 2010 GDP at current prices amounted to EUR 35,416 million, economic growth was 1.4% Po prvi letni oceni je BDP v letu 2010 znašal v tekočih cenah 35.416 milijonov EUR (17.286 EUR na prebivalca), to je nominalno za 0,3 % več kot v letu 2009 (35.311 milijonov EUR). Nova ocena vrednosti BDP v tekočih cenah za leto 2010 je za 558 milijonov EUR nižja od prve ocene po četrtletnih računih (za 1,6 %). Nove ocene vrednosti BDP v letih 2007, 2008 in 2009 se ne razlikujejo bistveno od tistih, ki so bile že objavljene. According to the first annual estimate, GDP 2010 at current prices amounted to EUR 35,416 million (EUR 17,286 per capita), and was 0.3% higher than in the previous year (EUR 35,311 million). The new estimate of GDP 2010 at current prices is EUR 558 million lower than initially estimated by quarterly accounts (by 1.6%). New estimates of GDP in 2007, 2008 and 2009 do not differ significantly from previously published figures. Gospodarska rast je bila v letu 2010 po novi oceni 1,4-odstotna; od prve ocene po četrtletnih računih je za 0,2 odstotne točke višja. Novi oceni stopnje rasti obsega BDP (realna sprememba) za leti 2007 in 2009 sta za 0,1 odstotne točke višji od ocen, ki sta bili že objavljeni; v letu 2007 se je tako obseg BDP povečal za 6,9 %, v letu 2009 pa se je zmanjšal za 8,0 %. Ocena gospodarske rasti za leto 2008 je nižja za 0,1 odstotne točke (3,6 %). Economic growth in 2010 was 1.4%, 0.2 of a percentage point higher than in the previous estimate by quarterly accounts. New volume growth rates of GDP (real change) for 2007 and 2009 are 0.1 of a percentage point higher than previously published figures; in 2007 the volume of GDP grew by 6.9%, in 2009 it decreased by 8.0%. The estimate of economic growth for 2008 is 0.1 of a percentage point lower (3.6%). Leto 2010 so zaznamovali zelo negativni pogoji menjave Very negative terms of trade in 2010 Na gospodarske razmere v letu 2010 so vplivali zlasti zelo negativni pogoji menjave (indeks 96,2). To pomeni, da so cene blaga in storitev, ki smo jih uvažali, rasle bistveno hitreje kot cene blaga in storitev, ki smo jih izvažali. Cene uvoženih blaga in storitev so se tako v letu 2010 v primerjavi z letom 2009 povečale za 6,6 %, cene izvoženih blaga in storitev pa so bile višje za 2,6 %. To je povzročilo, da je bila nominalna rast vmesne potrošnje bistveno hitrejša kot nominalna rast proizvodnje. Vmesna potrošnja se je nominalno povečala za 4,7 %, proizvodnja za 2,7 %, skupna dodana vrednost pa je bila nominalno za 0,1 % višja kot v letu 2009. Posledično je implicitni deflator BDP znašal 98,9 (v letu 2010 se je torej BDP realno povečal bolj, kot se je povečal nominalno), kar je najnižja vrednost v zadnjih petnajstih letih. The economic situation in 2010 was influenced particularly by the very negative terms of trade (index 96.2). This means that the prices of goods and services that were imported grew significantly faster than the prices of goods and services that were exported. The prices of imported goods and services in 2010 in comparison to 2009 increased by 6.6% and the prices of exported goods and services increased by 2.6%. This had a significant impact on faster growth of intermediate consumption in nominal terms compared to nominal output growth. Intermediate consumption in nominal terms increased by 4.7%, output by 2.7%, the total value added was nominally 0.1% higher than in 2009. Consequently, the implicit deflator of GDP was 98.9 (in 2010 GDP in real terms increased more than in nominal terms), which is the lowest value in the last fifteen years. Pozitivna gospodarska rast zaradi izvoza, vpliv bruto investicij v osnovna sredstva že drugo leto zapored negativen Positive economic growth due to the exports, negative impact of the gross fixed capital formation Pozitivna realna rast BDP v letu 2010, ki je sledila velikemu padcu v letu 2009, je bila zlasti posledica večjega izvoza, v manjši meri pa tudi posledica ponovnega ustvarjanja zalog. Negativni vpliv na realno rast BDP so že drugo leto zapored imele bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva in končna potrošnja gospodinjstev. Positive real GDP growth in 2010, following a sharp fall in 2009, is mainly due to higher exports, and, to a lesser extent, a result of re-stocking. For the second consecutive year gross fixed capital formation and final consumption of households had negative impact on real GDP growth. Delež izvoza blaga in storitev v BDP se je v letu 2010 povečal na 65,4 % (leto prej 58,4 %), prav tako se je povečal tudi delež uvoza blaga in storitev, in sicer na 64,9 % (leto prej 57,0 %). Ob 9,5-odstotnem povečanju obsega izvoza in ob 7,2-odstotnem povečanju obsega uvoza je presežek v menjavi blaga in storitev s tujino v letu 2010 k realni rasti BDP prispeval 1,5 odstotne točke. Leto prej je bil ta prispevek 2,3 odstotne točke. The share of exports of goods and services in GDP 2010 increased to 65.4% from 58.4% in 2009, and the share of imports increased to 64.9% from 57.0% in 2009. At a 9.5% increase in the volume of exports and a 7.2% increase in the volume of imports, the surplus in trade in goods and services with the rest of the world in 2010 contributed 1.5 percentage points to the real GDP growth. A year earlier the contribution was 2.3 percentage points. Delež bruto investicij v BDP se je v letu 2010 povečal za 0,1 odstotne točke, in sicer z 22,5 % v letu 2009 na 22,6 % v letu 2010. Bruto investicije so se v letu 2010 realno zmanjšale za 0,1 %; pri tem se je obseg bruto investicij v osnovna sredstva zmanjšal za 8,3 %. V letu 2010 smo zabeležili ponovno rast zalog, nominalno za 360 milijonov EUR. Pri tem so se zaloge dokončane in nedokončane proizvodnje povečale za 228 milijonov EUR, zaloge surovin in materiala za 89 milijonov EUR ter zaloge trgovskega blaga za 43 milijonov EUR. Merjeno v obsegu je sprememba vrednosti zalog k realni rasti BDP prispevala 1,9 odstotne točke (v letu 2009 –4,0 odstotne točke). The share of gross capital formation in GDP increased by 0.1 of a percentage point; from 22.5% in 2009 to 22.6% in 2010. Gross capital formation decreased in real terms in 2010 by 0.1%, while gross fixed capital formation decreased by 8.3%. In 2010 a renewed growth in inventories was recorded, EUR 360 million in nominal terms. Inventories of finished goods and work-in-progress increased by EUR 228 million, inventories of raw materials and supplies by EUR 89 million and inventories of trade goods by EUR 43 million. Measured in volume terms, changes in inventories contributed 1.9 percentage points to real GDP growth (in 2009, -4.0 percentage points). Domače končno trošenje se je v letu 2010 podobno kot bruto investicije realno zmanjšalo za 0,1 %. Na upad domačega končnega trošenja je v največji meri vplivala končna potrošnja gospodinjstev (ta je bila realno nižja za 0,6 %); realno povečanje končne potrošnje države (za 1,5 %) pa Domestic final consumption in real terms, like gross capital formation, decreased by 0.1%. This was influenced mostly by final consumption of households, which decreased in real terms by 0.6%, while final consumption of general government grew in real terms by 1.5%. The Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 3 je ta upad ublažilo. Delež domačega končnega trošenja v BDP se je povečal s 76,1 % v letu 2009 na 76,8 % v letu 2010 (nominalno za 1,3 %). share of domestic final consumption in GDP increased from 76.1% in 2009 to 76.8% in 2010 (in nominal terms by 1.3%). Povečanje obsega bruto dodane vrednosti v predelovalnih dejavnostih Increase in gross value added in volume terms in manufacturing Obseg bruto dodane vrednosti se je v letu 2010 najbolj povečal v dejavnostih promet in skladiščenje (za 11,1 %), predelovalne dejavnosti (za 7,4 %), druge raznovrstne poslovne dejavnosti (za 5,1 %), finančne in zavarovalniške storitve (za 5,0 %), strokovne, znanstvene in tehnične dejavnosti (za 4,8 %) in v dejavnosti oskrba z električno energijo, plinom in paro (3,6 %). Obseg bruto dodane vrednosti v gradbeništvu se je zmanjšal še bolj kot v letu 2009 (za 19,9 %, v 2009 za 15,5 %), manjši je bil tudi v dejavnosti kmetijstvo in lov, gozdarstvo, ribištvo (za 4,6 %, v 2009 za 7,0 %) ter v dejavnosti trgovina, vzdrževanje in popravila vozil (za 1,0 %, v 2009 za 9,0 %). Gross value added in volume terms in 2010 increased the most in the following activities: transportation and storage (by 11.1%), manufacturing (by 7.4%), administrative and support service activities (by 5.1%), financial and insurance activities (by 5.0%), professional, scientific and technical activities (4.8%) and electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (3.6%). The volume of gross value added in construction decreased even more than in 2009 (by 19.9%, in 2009 by 15.5%); it was also again lower in agriculture, forestry and fishing (by 4.6%, in 2009 by 7.0%) and in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles (by 1.0%, in 2009 by 9.0%). Vedno večji delež stroškov dela v BDP Share of the compensation of employees in GDP is increasing Od leta 2007 naprej se delež stroškov dela ali sredstev za zaposlene v BDP veča: v letu 2007 je znašal 49,8 %, v letu 2008 50,8 %, v letu 2009 53,2 %, v letu 2010 53,6 %. Delež neto dobičkov ali skupnega neto poslovnega presežka gospodarstva v BDP se je po zmanjšanju v letu 2009 (s 13,3 % v letu 2008 na 10,6 % v letu 2009) zmanjšal tudi v letu 2010, in sicer na 10,1 % (nominalen padec za 5,2 %). Delež davkov na proizvodnjo in uvoz v BDP se je v letu 2010 povečal za 0,2 odstotne točke (s 14,4 % v letu 2009 na 14,6 % v letu 2010). Delež subvencij v BDP je ostal nespremenjen (2,6 %). From 2007 onwards the share of compensation of employees in GDP is increasing: in 2007 49.8%, in 2008 50.8%, in 2009 53.2% and in 2010 53.6%. The share of net profits or the total net operating surplus of the economy in GDP since 2009 (from 13.3% in 2008 to 10.6% in 2009) decreased to 10.1% in 2010 (nominal decrease by 5.2%). The share of taxes in GDP in 2010 increased by 0.2 of a percentage point (from 14.4% in 2009 to 14.6% in 2010). The share of subsidies in GDP remained unchanged (2.6%). Primanjkljaj v transakcijah s tujino vse manjši External deficit is decreasing Z redno letno revizijo plačilne bilance za obdobje 2008–2010 je Banka Slovenije revidirala dosedanje ocene nekaterih transakcij s tujino (npr. oceno potrošnje nerezidentov v Sloveniji, oceno reinvestiranega dobička). Po tej reviziji je ocena skupnega primanjkljaja v transakcijah s tujino za leto 2008 znašala 2.568 milijonov EUR (pred revizijo 2.483 milijonov EUR), za leto 2009 469 milijonov EUR (pred revizijo 540 milijonov EUR) in za leto 2010 268 milijonov EUR (prva ocena po četrtletnih računih 371 milijonov EUR). Primanjkljaj Slovenije v transakcijah s tujino se je zmanjšal s 6,9 % BDP v letu 2008 na 1,3 % BDP v letu 2009, v letu 2010 pa dodatno na 0,8 % BDP. Primerjava primanjkljaja z bruto investicijami kaže, da je vse manjši delež bruto investicij financiran z zadolževanjem v tujini: v letu 2008 21,6 %, v letu 2009 5,9 % in v letu 2010 3,3 %. With the routine annual revision of the balance of payments data for the 2008-2010 period the Bank of Slovenia revised the estimates of certain transactions with the rest of the world (e.g. estimate of non-resident expenditure on domestic market, estimate of reinvested earnings). The revised external deficit amounted to EUR 2,568 million in 2008 (before revision EUR 2,483 million), to EUR 469 million in 2009 (before revision EUR 540 million), and to EUR 268 million in 2010 (first quarterly estimate EUR 371 million). External deficit decreased from 6.9% of GDP in 2008 to 1.3% of GDP in 2009 and further to 0.8% of GDP in 2010. Compared to gross capital formation it shows decreased financing of gross capital formation by borrowing abroad: in 2008 21.6%, in 2009 5.9%, and in 2010 3.3%. Bruto nacionalni dohodek v letu 2010 je bil ocenjen na 34.894 milijonov EUR ali 98,5 % BDP (leto prej 34.593 milijonov EUR ali 98,0 % BDP). Bruto nacionalni razpoložljivi dohodek v letu 2010 je bil ocenjen na 34.940 milijonov EUR ali 98,7 % BDP (leto prej 34.344 milijonov EUR ali 97,3 % BDP). Ob tem se je delež bruto varčevanja v BDP povečal z 21,2 % v letu 2009 (7.487 milijonov EUR) na 21,8 % v letu 2010 (7.737 milijonov EUR) ali nominalno za 3,3 %. Gross national income in 2010 was estimated at EUR 34,894 million, which is 98.5% of GDP (EUR 34,593 million the year before, or 98.0% of GDP). Gross national disposable income in 2010 was estimated at EUR 34,940 million, or 98.7% of GDP (EUR 34,344 million the year before, or 97.3% of GDP). The share of gross saving in GDP increased from 21.2% in 2009 (EUR 7,487 million) to 21.8% in 2010 (EUR 7,737 million), in nominal terms by 3.3%. Skupna zaposlenost po nacionalnih računih za 2,5 % manjša Total employment according to national accounts 2.5% lower Skupna zaposlenost v letu 2010 je po nacionalnih računih ocenjena na 958,8 tisoč oseb, to je za 2,5 % manj kot leto prej (983,7 tisoč). Pri tem se je zmanjšalo število zaposlenih za 3,1 % (na 786,1 tisoč), število samozaposlenih pa se je povečalo za 0,3 % (na 172,7 tisoč). Po posameznih dejavnostih se je skupna zaposlenost leta 2010 še naprej zmanjševala v predelovalnih dejavnostih (za 6,4 %, na 195,2 tisoč), v gradbeništvu (za 9,9 %, na 82,3 tisoč) in v dejavnostih prometa in skladiščenja (za 4,0 %, na 51,4 tisoč). Prvič po letu 2001 se je zmanjšala skupna zaposlenost v dejavnosti trgovina, vzdrževanje in popravila vozil, in sicer za 2,7 % (s 123,3 tisoč na 120,0 tisoč). Prav tako se je zmanjšala tudi v gostinstvu (za 2,2 %, na 34,5 tisoč). Najbolj pa se je zaposlenost povečala v kulturnih, razvedrilnih in rekreacijskih dejavnostih (za 3,4 %, Total employment according to national accounts in 2010 is estimated at 958.8 thousand, or 2.5% less than the year before (983.7 thousand). The number of employees decreased by 3.1% (to 786.1 thousand) and the number of self-employed increased by 0.3% (to 172.7 thousand). By activities, the total employment in 2010 further decreased in manufacturing (by 6.4%, to 195.2 thousand), in construction (by 9.9%, to 82.3 thousand), and in activity transportation and storage (by 4.0%, to 51.4 thousand). After 2001 total employment decreased for the first time in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles by 2.7% (from 123.3 thousand to 120.0 thousand). It decreased also in accommodation and food service activities (by 2.2%, to 34.5 thousand). The total employment increased the most in arts, entertainment and recreation (by 3.4%, to 14.3 Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 4 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 na 14,3 tisoč), v izobraževanju (za 3,0 %, na 65,3 tisoč), v zdravstvu in socialnem varstvu (za 2,3 %, na 54,8 tisoč) in v strokovnih, znanstvenih in tehničnih dejavnostih (za 2,3 %, na 66,7 tisoč). Po institucionalnih sektorjih se je skupna zaposlenost v letu 2010 zmanjšala v vseh sektorjih, razen v sektorju država (povečanje za 1,6 %, na 158,9 tisoč) ter v nepridobitnih institucijah, ki opravljajo storitve za gospodinjstva (povečanje za 2,6 %, na 6,0 tisoč); najbolj se zmanjšala v nefinančnih družbah (in sicer za 3,8 % na 529,7 tisoč). thousand), in education (by 3.0%, to 65.3 thousand), in human health and social work activities (by 2.3%, to 54.8 thousand), and in professional, scientific and technical activities (by 2.3%, to 66.7 thousand). By institutional sectors, the total employment in 2010 decreased in all sectors except in the general government sector (increase of 1.6%, to 158.9 thousand) and in non-profit institutions serving households (increase of 2.6%, to 6.0 thousand). Total employment decreased the most in non-financial corporations (by 3.8% to 529.7 thousand). Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 5 Tabela 2: Bruto domači proizvod, Slovenija Table 2: Gross domestic product, Slovenia 2007 2008 2009 2010 Tekoče cene (mio. EUR) / Current prices (mio. EUR) Proizvodnja v osnovnih cenah 71276 76709 68793 70625 Output at basic prices Vmesna potrošnja 40940 43993 38004 39802 Intermediate consumption Bruto dodana vrednost 30336 32716 30788 30822 Gross value added Plus: davki na proizvode 4420 4769 4729 4810 Plus: taxes on products Minus: subvencije na proizvode 194 206 206 217 Less: subsidies on products Bruto domači proizvod 34562 37280 35311 35416 Gross domestic product Prejšnja ocena 34550 37280 35297 35974 Former estimate Sprememba (%) 0,0 0,0 0,0 –1,6 Change (%) Stalne cene preteklega leta (mio. EUR) / Constant previous year prices (mio. EUR) Proizvodnja v osnovnih cenah 68470 73585 68265 69785 Output at basic prices Vmesna potrošnja 39327 42274 38157 38475 Intermediate consumption Bruto dodana vrednost 29143 31311 30108 31309 Gross value added Plus: davki na proizvode 4171 4678 4376 4700 Plus: taxes on products Minus: subvencije na proizvode 136 187 191 212 Less: subsidies on products Bruto domači proizvod 33178 35803 34294 35798 Gross domestic product Stopnja rasti (%) 6,9 3,6 –8,0 1,4 Growth rate (%) Prejšnja ocena stopnje rasti (%) 6,8 3,7 –8,1 1,2 Former estimate of volume growth rate (%) Sprememba (odstotne točke) 0,1 –0,1 0,1 0,2 Change (percentage points) Bruto nacionalni dohodek v tekočih cenah 33828 36232 34593 34894 Gross national income at current prices V % od BDP 97,9 97,2 98,0 98,5 As % of GDP Zaposlenost (1000) 976,7 1001,9 983,7 958,8 Employment (1000) Od tega: zaposleni 811,6 833,7 811,5 786,1 Of which: Employees Na prebivalca (EUR) / Per capita (EUR) Bruto domači proizvod v tekočih cenah 17120 18437 17295 17286 Gross domestic product at current prices Na prebivalca (USD) / Per capita (USD) Bruto domači proizvod v tekočih cenah in po tekočem tečaju 23463 27117 24123 22916 Gross domestic product at current prices and at current exchange rate Vir / Source: SURS / SORS Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 6 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 Tabela 3: Bruto dodana vrednost po dejavnostih v osnovnih cenah in bruto domači proizvod, tekoče cene, Slovenija Table 3: Gross value added by activity at basic prices and gross domestic product, current prices, Slovenia 2007 2008 2009 2010 Mio. EUR A Kmetijstvo in lov, gozdarstvo, ribištvo 743 798 750 767 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing B Rudarstvo 144 142 140 135 B Mining and quarrying C Predelovalne dejavnosti 6881 6981 5840 5967 C Manufacturing D Oskrba z električno energijo, plinom in paro 717 795 801 832 D Electricity, gas, steam, air conditioning supply E Oskrba z vodo, ravnanje z odplakami in skrb za okolje 329 347 330 325 E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities F Gradbeništvo 2451 2762 2465 1969 F Construction G Trgovina, vzdrževanje in popravila vozil 3798 4218 3932 3879 G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles H Promet in skladiščenje 1735 1894 1704 1775 H Transportation and storage I Gostinstvo 701 740 702 689 I Accommodation and food service activities J Informacijske in komunikacijske dejavnosti 1216 1294 1209 1258 J Information and communication K Finančne in zavarovalniške dejavnosti 1460 1539 1582 1731 K Financial and insurance activities L Poslovanje z nepremičninami 2151 2387 2357 2265 L Real estate activities Od tega: pripisana stanovanjska dejavnost gospodinjstev 1812 1942 1930 1850 Of which: imputed dwelling activity of households M Strokovne, znanstvene in tehnične dejavnosti 1802 2073 1987 2028 M Professional, scientific and technical activities N Druge raznovrstne poslovne dejavnosti 809 829 768 810 N Administrative and support service activities O Dejavnosti uprave in obrambe, obvezna socialna varnost 1692 1887 1976 2044 O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security P Izobraževanje 1575 1683 1753 1809 P Education Q Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 1330 1494 1632 1663 Q Human health and social work activities R Kulturne, razvedrilne in rekreacijske dejavnosti 451 479 482 494 R Arts, entertainment and recreation S Druge dejavnosti 330 351 354 358 S Other service activities T Dejavnost gospodinjstev z zaposlenim osebjem 21 23 24 26 T Activities of households as employers Skupaj bruto dodana vrednost, osnovne cene 30336 32716 30788 30822 Total gross value added, basic prices Davki na proizvode 4420 4769 4729 4810 Taxes on products Minus: subvencije na proizvode 194 206 206 217 Less: subsidies on products Skupaj - bruto domači proizvod 34562 37280 35311 35416 Total - gross domestic product Struktura (%) / Structure (%) A Kmetijstvo in lov, gozdarstvo, ribištvo 2,2 2,1 2,1 2,2 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing B Rudarstvo 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 B Mining and quarrying C Predelovalne dejavnosti 19,9 18,7 16,5 16,8 C Manufacturing D Oskrba z električno energijo, plinom in paro 2,1 2,1 2,3 2,3 D Electricity, gas, steam, air conditioning supply E Oskrba z vodo, ravnanje z odplakami in skrb za okolje 1,0 0,9 0,9 0,9 E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities F Gradbeništvo 7,1 7,4 7,0 5,6 F Construction G Trgovina, vzdrževanje in popravila vozil 11,0 11,3 11,1 11,0 G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles H Promet in skladiščenje 5,0 5,1 4,8 5,0 H Transportation and storage I Gostinstvo 2,0 2,0 2,0 1,9 I Accommodation and food service activities J Informacijske in komunikacijske dejavnosti 3,5 3,5 3,4 3,6 J Information and communication K Finančne in zavarovalniške dejavnosti 4,2 4,1 4,5 4,9 K Financial and insurance activities L Poslovanje z nepremičninami 6,2 6,4 6,7 6,4 L Real estate activities Od tega: pripisana stanovanjska dejavnost gospodinjstev 5,2 5,2 5,5 5,2 Of which: imputed dwelling activity of households M Strokovne, znanstvene in tehnične dejavnosti 5,2 5,6 5,6 5,7 M Professional, scientific and technical activities N Druge raznovrstne poslovne dejavnosti 2,3 2,2 2,2 2,3 N Administrative and support service activities O Dejavnosti uprave in obrambe, obvezna socialna varnost 4,9 5,1 5,6 5,8 O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security P Izobraževanje 4,6 4,5 5,0 5,1 P Education Q Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 3,8 4,0 4,6 4,7 Q Human health and social work activities R Kulturne, razvedrilne in rekreacijske dejavnosti 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,4 R Arts, entertainment and recreation S Druge dejavnosti 1,0 0,9 1,0 1,0 S Other service activities T Dejavnost gospodinjstev z zaposlenim osebjem 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 T Activities of households as employers Skupaj bruto dodana vrednost, osnovne cene 87,8 87,8 87,2 87,0 Total gross value added, basic prices Davki na proizvode 12,8 12,8 13,4 13,6 Taxes on products Minus: subvencije na proizvode 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 Less: subsidies on products Skupaj - bruto domači proizvod 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Total - gross domestic product Vir / Source: SURS / SORS Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 7 Tabela 4: Bruto dodana vrednost po dejavnostih v osnovnih cenah in bruto domači proizvod, stalne cene preteklega leta, Slovenija Table 4: Gross value added by activity at basic prices and gross domestic product, constant previous year prices, Slovenia 2007 2008 2009 2010 Mio. EUR A Kmetijstvo in lov, gozdarstvo, ribištvo 646 741 742 715 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing B Rudarstvo 140 143 136 144 B Mining and quarrying C Predelovalne dejavnosti 6731 6896 5793 6273 C Manufacturing D Oskrba z električno energijo, plinom in paro 691 739 749 830 D Electricity, gas, steam, air conditioning supply E Oskrba z vodo, ravnanje z odplakami in skrb za okolje 305 376 315 332 E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities F Gradbeništvo 2301 2569 2333 1973 F Construction G Trgovina, vzdrževanje in popravila vozil 3487 3944 3839 3894 G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles H Promet in skladiščenje 1682 1823 1703 1893 H Transportation and storage I Gostinstvo 648 669 655 708 I Accommodation and food service activities J Informacijske in komunikacijske dejavnosti 1199 1335 1234 1252 J Information and communication K Finančne in zavarovalniške dejavnosti 1582 1581 1581 1661 K Financial and insurance activities L Poslovanje z nepremičninami 2093 2272 2317 2384 L Real estate activities Od tega: pripisana stanovanjska dejavnost gospodinjstev 1768 1848 1927 1968 Of which: imputed dwelling activity of households M Strokovne, znanstvene in tehnične dejavnosti 1680 1952 1936 2082 M Professional, scientific and technical activities N Druge raznovrstne poslovne dejavnosti 743 775 761 807 N Administrative and support service activities O Dejavnosti uprave in obrambe, obvezna socialna varnost 1632 1746 1938 2046 O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security P Izobraževanje 1533 1584 1729 1806 P Education Q Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 1289 1362 1517 1641 Q Human health and social work activities R Kulturne, razvedrilne in rekreacijske dejavnosti 427 449 459 484 R Arts, entertainment and recreation S Druge dejavnosti 314 334 347 358 S Other service activities T Dejavnost gospodinjstev z zaposlenim osebjem 20 21 24 25 T Activities of households as employers Skupaj bruto dodana vrednost, osnovne cene 29143 31311 30108 31309 Total gross value added, basic prices Davki na proizvode 4171 4678 4376 4700 Taxes on products Minus: subvencije na proizvode 136 187 191 212 Less: subsidies on products Skupaj - bruto domači proizvod 33178 35803 34294 35798 Total - gross domestic product Letne spremembe obsega (%) / Annual volume changes (%) A Kmetijstvo in lov, gozdarstvo, ribištvo 3,0 –0,3 –7,0 –4,6 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing B Rudarstvo 3,6 –0,5 –4,8 2,7 B Mining and quarrying C Predelovalne dejavnosti 8,4 0,2 –17,0 7,4 C Manufacturing D Oskrba z električno energijo, plinom in paro 0,7 3,1 –5,8 3,6 D Electricity, gas, steam, air conditioning supply E Oskrba z vodo, ravnanje z odplakami in skrb za okolje 6,1 14,3 –9,2 0,5 E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities F Gradbeništvo 17,6 4,8 –15,5 –19,9 F Construction G Trgovina, vzdrževanje in popravila vozil 5,7 3,9 –9,0 –1,0 G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles H Promet in skladiščenje 11,1 5,1 –10,1 11,1 H Transportation and storage I Gostinstvo 3,5 –4,5 –11,5 0,8 I Accommodation and food service activities J Informacijske in komunikacijske dejavnosti 9,0 9,8 –4,6 3,5 J Information and communication K Finančne in zavarovalniške dejavnosti 15,0 8,3 2,7 5,0 K Financial and insurance activities L Poslovanje z nepremičninami 4,3 5,6 –2,9 1,2 L Real estate activities Od tega: pripisana stanovanjska dejavnost gospodinjstev 1,4 2,0 –0,8 2,0 Of which: imputed dwelling activity of households M Strokovne, znanstvene in tehnične dejavnosti 4,7 8,3 –6,6 4,8 M Professional, scientific and technical activities N Druge raznovrstne poslovne dejavnosti 11,6 –4,2 –8,1 5,1 N Administrative and support service activities O Dejavnosti uprave in obrambe, obvezna socialna varnost 1,5 3,2 2,7 3,5 O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security P Izobraževanje 1,6 0,6 2,7 3,0 P Education Q Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 2,8 2,4 1,6 0,6 Q Human health and social work activities R Kulturne, razvedrilne in rekreacijske dejavnosti –2,3 –0,4 –4,3 0,3 R Arts, entertainment and recreation S Druge dejavnosti 2,5 1,1 –1,1 1,3 S Other service activities T Dejavnost gospodinjstev z zaposlenim osebjem 2,9 1,9 2,2 2,4 T Activities of households as employers Skupaj bruto dodana vrednost, osnovne cene 7,0 3,2 –8,0 1,7 Total gross value added, basic prices Davki na proizvode 5,5 5,8 –8,2 –0,6 Taxes on products Minus: subvencije na proizvode 2,2 –3,6 –7,3 2,7 Less: subsidies on products Skupaj - bruto domači proizvod 6,9 3,6 –8,0 1,4 Total - gross domestic product Vir / Source: SURS / SORS Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 8 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 Tabela 5: Bruto domači proizvod in primarni dohodki, tekoče cene, Slovenija Table 5: Gross domestic product and primary incomes, current prices, Slovenia 2007 2008 2009 2010 Mio. EUR Sredstva za zaposlene 17212 18956 18792 18989 Compensation of employees Bruto plače in prejemki 14782 16303 16130 16308 Wages and salaries Socialni prispevki delodajalcev 2430 2653 2662 2681 Employers' social contributions Davki na proizvodnjo in uvoz 5154 5362 5093 5172 Taxes on production and imports Davki na proizvode 4420 4769 4729 4810 Taxes on products Drugi davki na proizvodnjo 734 592 365 362 Other taxes on production Minus: subvencije na proizvodnjo 754 765 915 916 Less: subsidies Subvencije na proizvode 194 206 206 217 Subsidies on products Druge subvencije 560 559 709 699 Other subsidies Bruto poslovni presežek 9306 9917 8927 8837 Gross operating surplus Potrošnja stalnega kapitala 4514 4968 5168 5272 Consumption of fixed capital Neto poslovni presežek 4792 4949 3759 3565 Net operating surplus Bruto raznovrstni dohodek 3644 3810 3413 3333 Gross mixed income Potrošnja stalnega kapitala 525 546 538 496 Consumption of fixed capital Neto raznovrstni dohodek 3118 3263 2875 2837 Net mixed income Bruto domači proizvod 34562 37280 35311 35416 Gross domestic product Struktura (%) / Structure (%) Sredstva za zaposlene 49,8 50,8 53,2 53,6 Compensation of employees Bruto plače in prejemki 42,8 43,7 45,7 46,0 Wages and salaries Socialni prispevki delodajalcev 7,0 7,1 7,5 7,6 Employers' social contributions Davki na proizvodnjo in uvoz 14,9 14,4 14,4 14,6 Taxes on production and imports Davki na proizvode 12,8 12,8 13,4 13,6 Taxes on products Drugi davki na proizvodnjo 2,1 1,6 1,0 1,0 Other taxes on production Minus: subvencije na proizvodnjo 2,2 2,1 2,6 2,6 Less: subsidies Subvencije na proizvode 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 Subsidies on products Druge subvencije 1,6 1,5 2,0 2,0 Other subsidies Bruto poslovni presežek 26,9 26,6 25,3 25,0 Gross operating surplus Potrošnja stalnega kapitala 13,1 13,3 14,6 14,9 Consumption of fixed capital Neto poslovni presežek 13,9 13,3 10,6 10,1 Net operating surplus Bruto raznovrstni dohodek 10,5 10,2 9,7 9,4 Gross mixed income Potrošnja stalnega kapitala 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,4 Consumption of fixed capital Neto raznovrstni dohodek 9,0 8,8 8,1 8,0 Net mixed income Bruto domači proizvod 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Gross domestic product Vir / Source: SURS / SORS Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 9 Tabela 6: Izdatkovna struktura bruto domačega proizvoda, tekoče cene, Slovenija Table 6: Gross domestic product by expenditures, current prices, Slovenia 2007 2008 2009 2010 Mio. EUR Domača potrošnja skupaj 35158 38480 34804 35216 Total domestic consumption Končna potrošnja 24113 26575 26857 27203 Final consumption Gospodinjstva 17842 19544 19434 19577 Households NPISG 282 273 270 263 NPISH Država 5990 6758 7152 7362 General government Individualna potrošnja 3593 3983 4256 4382 Individual Kolektivna potrošnja 2397 2775 2896 2980 Collective od tega: dejanska individualna potrošnja 21716 23799 23961 24223 of which: actual individual consumption Bruto investicije 11044 11905 7947 8013 Gross capital formation Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva 9604 10730 8268 7651 Gross fixed capital formation Spremembe zalog in vrednostni predmeti 1441 1175 –321 362 Changes in inventories and valuables Saldo menjave s tujino –595 –1201 507 200 External balance of goods and services Izvoz proizvodov 24041 25030 20618 23171 Exports of goods and services Blago (fob) 19798 20032 16167 18386 Goods (fob) Storitve 4242 4998 4450 4785 Services Minus: uvoz proizvodov 24636 26231 20111 22971 Less: imports of goods and services Blago (fob) 21490 22703 16903 19624 Goods (fob) Storitve 3146 3528 3207 3346 Services Bruto domači proizvod 34562 37280 35311 35416 Gross domestic product Struktura (%) / Structure (%) Domača potrošnja skupaj 101,7 103,2 98,6 99,4 Total domestic consumption Končna potrošnja 69,8 71,3 76,1 76,8 Final consumption Gospodinjstva 51,6 52,4 55,0 55,3 Households NPISG 0,8 0,7 0,8 0,7 NPISH Država 17,3 18,1 20,3 20,8 General government Individualna potrošnja 10,4 10,7 12,1 12,4 Individual Kolektivna potrošnja 6,9 7,4 8,2 8,4 Collective od tega: dejanska individualna potrošnja 62,8 63,8 67,9 68,4 of which: actual individual consumption Bruto investicije 32,0 31,9 22,5 22,6 Gross capital formation Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva 27,8 28,8 23,4 21,6 Gross fixed capital formation Spremembe zalog in vrednostni predmeti 4,2 3,2 –0,9 1,0 Changes in inventories and valuables Saldo menjave s tujino –1,7 –3,2 1,4 0,6 External balance of goods and services Izvoz proizvodov 69,6 67,1 58,4 65,4 Exports of goods and services Blago (fob) 57,3 53,7 45,8 51,9 Goods (fob) Storitve 12,3 13,4 12,6 13,5 Services Minus: uvoz proizvodov 71,3 70,4 57,0 64,9 Less: imports of goods and services Blago (fob) 62,2 60,9 47,9 55,4 Goods (fob) Storitve 9,1 9,5 9,1 9,4 Services Bruto domači proizvod 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Gross domestic product ________________ Vir / Source: SURS / SORS Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 10 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 Tabela 7: Izdatkovna struktura bruto domačega proizvoda, stalne cene preteklega leta, Slovenija Table 7: Gross domestic product by expenditures, constant previous year prices, Slovenia 2007 2008 2009 2010 Mio. EUR Domača potrošnja skupaj 33974 36607 34648 34763 Total domestic consumption Končna potrošnja 23270 25151 26739 26828 Final consumption Gospodinjstva 17141 18535 19522 19311 Households NPISG 267 260 266 260 NPISH Država 5862 6356 6952 7257 General government Individualna potrošnja 3513 3758 4122 4314 Individual Kolektivna potrošnja 2350 2598 2830 2943 Collective od tega: dejanska individualna potrošnja 20920 22553 23909 23885 of which: actual individual consumption Bruto investicije 10704 11456 7908 7935 Gross capital formation Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva 9328 10350 8228 7581 Gross fixed capital formation Spremembe zalog in vrednostni predmeti 1376 1106 –319 354 Changes in inventories and valuables Saldo menjave s tujino –796 –804 –353 1035 External balance of goods and services Izvoz proizvodov 23495 24740 20728 22584 Exports of goods and services Blago (fob) 19385 19892 16416 17950 Goods (fob) Storitve 4110 4848 4312 4634 Services Minus: uvoz proizvodov 24291 25544 21081 21550 Less: imports of goods and services Blago (fob) 21160 22141 17977 18259 Goods (fob) Storitve 3131 3403 3104 3290 Services Bruto domači proizvod 33178 35803 34294 35798 Gross domestic product Letne spremembe obsega (%) / Annual volume changes (%) Domača potrošnja skupaj 8,9 4,1 –10,0 –0,1 Total domestic consumption Končna potrošnja 4,7 4,3 0,6 –0,1 Final consumption Gospodinjstva 6,0 3,9 –0,1 –0,6 Households NPISG 12,9 –7,8 –2,6 –3,8 NPISH Država 0,6 6,1 2,9 1,5 General government Individualna potrošnja 2,3 4,6 3,5 1,4 Individual Kolektivna potrošnja –1,7 8,4 2,0 1,6 Collective od tega: dejanska individualna potrošnja 5,5 3,9 0,5 –0,3 of which: actual individual consumption Bruto investicije 19,2 3,7 –33,6 –0,1 Gross capital formation Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva 13,3 7,8 –23,3 –8,3 Gross fixed capital formation Spremembe zalog in vrednostni predmeti1) 2,0 –1,0 –4,0 1,9 Changes in inventories and valuables1) Saldo menjave s tujino1) –2,0 –0,6 2,3 1,5 External balance of goods and services1) Izvoz proizvodov 13,7 2,9 –17,2 9,5 Exports of goods and services Blago (fob) 13,9 0,5 –18,1 11,0 Goods (fob) Storitve 13,2 14,3 –13,7 4,1 Services Minus: uvoz proizvodov 16,7 3,7 –19,6 7,2 Less: imports of goods and services Blago (fob) 16,2 3,0 –20,8 8,0 Goods (fob) Storitve 19,7 8,2 –12,0 2,6 Services Bruto domači proizvod 6,9 3,6 –8,0 1,4 Gross domestic product 1) Kot prispevek k realni rasti BDP (v odstotnih točkah). As contribution to real GDP growth (in percentage points). Vir / Source: SURS / SORS Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 11 Tabela 8: Temeljni agregati nacionalnih računov, tekoče cene, Slovenija Table 8: Main aggregates of national accounts, current prices, Slovenia 2007 2008 2009 2010 Mio. EUR Bruto domači proizvod 34562 37280 35311 35416 Gross domestic product Plus: saldo primarnih dohodkov s tujino –734 –1048 –717 –522 Plus: net primary incomes from the ROW1) Primarni dohodki iz tujine, prihodki 1334 1374 734 705 Primary incomes receivable from the ROW Sredstva za zaposlene 229 238 198 233 Compensation of employees Subvencije na proizvodnjo 204 153 149 153 Subsidies on production Dohodki od lastnine 901 983 388 319 Property income, receivable Obresti 653 808 483 432 Interest Drugi dohodki od lastnine 248 175 –95 –113 Other property income Primarni dohodki v tujino, odhodki 2068 2422 1451 1227 Primary incomes payable to the ROW Sredstva za zaposlene 179 263 128 94 Compensation of employees Davki na proizvodnjo in uvoz 139 136 98 107 Taxes on production and imports Odhodki od lastnine 1750 2023 1225 1026 Property income, payable Obresti 1105 1509 821 794 Interest Drugi odhodki od lastnine 645 513 404 232 Other property income, payable Bruto nacionalni dohodek 33828 36232 34593 34894 Gross national income Plus: saldo tekočih transferjev s tujino –227 –361 –249 46 Plus: net current transfers from the ROW Tekoči transferji iz tujine, prihodki 818 562 711 961 Current transfers receivable from the ROW V tem: tekoči transferi iz EU 69 77 254 402 Of which: current transfers from EU Tekoči transferji v tujino, odhodki 1046 923 961 914 Current transfers payable to the ROW V tem: plačilo v EU iz BND in popusta državam članicam EU2) 219 277 325 278 Of which: payments to EU from GNI and rebate to EU countries2) Bruto nacionalni razpoložljivi dohodek 33601 35871 34344 34940 Gross national disposable income Minus: izdatki za končno potrošnjo 24113 26575 26857 27203 Less: final consumption expenditures Bruto varčevanje 9487 9296 7487 7737 Gross saving Minus: potrošnja stalnega kapitala 5039 5514 5706 5769 Less: consumption of fixed capital Neto varčevanje 4448 3782 1781 1969 Net saving Minus: bruto investicije 11044 11905 7947 8013 Less: gross capital formation Presežek na računu tekočih transakcij –1557 –2609 –460 –276 Surplus on the current account with the ROW Plus: saldo transferjev kapitala s tujino –50 40 –5 16 Plus: net capital transfers from the ROW Transferji kapitala iz tujine, prihodki 316 347 267 356 Capital transfers receivable from the ROW V tem: transferji kapitala iz EU 128 78 120 103 Of which: capital transfers from EU Transferji kapitala v tujino, odhodki 366 307 271 340 Capital transfers payable to the ROW Minus: nabave minus prodaje neproizvedenih nefinančnih sredstev 1 –1 5 8 Less: acquisitions less disposals of non-produced non-financial assets Neto posojanje (+), neto izposojanje (-) –1608 –2568 –469 –268 Net lending (+), net borrowing (-) 1) Rest of the world. 2) UK, NL, SE Vir / Source: SURS / SORS Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 12 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 Tabela 8: Temeljni agregati nacionalnih računov, tekoče cene, Slovenija (nadaljevanje) Table 8: Main aggregates of national accounts, current prices, Slovenia (continued) 2007 2008 2009 2010 % od BDP / % of GDP Bruto domači proizvod 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Gross domestic product Plus: saldo primarnih dohodkov s tujino –2,1 –2,8 –2,0 –1,5 Plus: net primary incomes from the ROW1) Primarni dohodki iz tujine, prihodki 3,9 3,7 2,1 2,0 Primary incomes receivable from the ROW Sredstva za zaposlene 0,7 0,6 0,6 0,7 Compensation of employees Subvencije na proizvodnjo 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,4 Subsidies on production Dohodki od lastnine 2,6 2,6 1,1 0,9 Property income, receivable Obresti 1,9 2,2 1,4 1,2 Interest Drugi dohodki od lastnine 0,7 0,5 –0,3 –0,3 Other property income Primarni dohodki v tujino, odhodki 6,0 6,5 4,1 3,5 Primary incomes payable to the ROW Sredstva za zaposlene 0,5 0,7 0,4 0,3 Compensation of employees Davki na proizvodnjo in uvoz 0,4 0,4 0,3 0,3 Taxes on production and imports Odhodki od lastnine 5,1 5,4 3,5 2,9 Property income, payable Obresti 3,2 4,0 2,3 2,2 Interest Drugi odhodki od lastnine 1,9 1,4 1,1 0,7 Other property income, payable Bruto nacionalni dohodek 97,9 97,2 98,0 98,5 Gross national income at market prices Plus: saldo tekočih transferjev s tujino –0,7 –1,0 –0,7 0,1 Plus: net current transfers from the ROW Tekoči transferji iz tujine, prihodki 2,4 1,5 2,0 2,7 Current transfers receivable from the ROW V tem: tekoči transferi iz EU 0,2 0,2 0,7 1,1 Of which: current transfers from EU Tekoči transferji v tujino, odhodki 3,0 2,5 2,7 2,6 Current transfers payable to the ROW V tem: plačilo v EU iz BND in popusta državam članicam EU2) 0,6 0,7 0,9 0,8 Of which: Payments to EU from GNI and rebate to EU countries2) Bruto nacionalni razpoložljivi dohodek 97,2 96,2 97,3 98,7 Gross national disposable income Minus: izdatki za končno potrošnjo 69,8 71,3 76,1 76,8 Less: final consumption expenditures Bruto varčevanje 27,5 24,9 21,2 21,8 Gross saving Minus: potrošnja stalnega kapitala 14,6 14,8 16,2 16,3 Less: consumption of fixed capital Neto varčevanje 12,9 10,1 5,0 5,6 Net saving Minus: bruto investicije 32,0 31,9 22,5 22,6 Less: gross capital formation Presežek na računu tekočih transakcij –4,5 –7,0 –1,3 –0,8 Surplus on the current account with the ROW Plus: saldo transferjev kapitala s tujino –0,1 0,1 0,0 0,0 Plus: net capital transfers from the ROW Transferji kapitala iz tujine, prihodki 0,9 0,9 0,8 1,0 Capital transfers receivable from the ROW V tem: transferji kapitala iz EU 0,4 0,2 0,3 0,3 Of which: capital transfers from EU Transferji kapitala v tujino, odhodki 1,1 0,8 0,8 1,0 Capital transfers payable to the ROW Minus: nabave minus prodaje neproizvedenih nefinančnih sredstev 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Less: acquisitions less disposal of non-produced non-financial assets Neto posojanje (+), neto izposojanje (-) –4,7 –6,9 –1,3 –0,8 Net lending (+), net borrowing (-) 1) Rest of the world. 2) UK, NL, SE Vir / Source: SURS / SORS Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 13 Tabela 9: Zaposlenost, Slovenija Table 9: Employment, Slovenia 2007 2008 2009 2010 1000 Vse osebe / All persons A Kmetijstvo in lov, gozdarstvo, ribištvo 85,8 84,0 82,6 80,9 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing B Rudarstvo 3,7 3,5 3,3 3,0 B Mining and quarrying C Predelovalne dejavnosti 231,5 230,4 208,5 195,2 C Manufacturing D Oskrba z električno energijo, plinom in paro 7,9 7,9 8,1 8,2 D Electricity, gas, steam, air conditioning supply E Oskrba z vodo, ravnanje z odplakami in skrb za okolje 8,7 9,1 9,3 9,4 E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities F Gradbeništvo 82,1 92,1 91,3 82,3 F Construction G Trgovina, vzdrževanje in popravila vozil 118,2 122,9 123,3 120,0 G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles H Promet in skladiščenje 51,6 54,4 53,5 51,4 H Transportation and storage I Gostinstvo 34,1 34,6 35,3 34,5 I Accommodation and food service activities J Informacijske in komunikacijske dejavnosti 22,5 23,8 24,8 24,8 J Information and communication K Finančne in zavarovalniške dejavnosti 24,0 25,1 25,5 25,2 K Financial and insurance activities L Poslovanje z nepremičninami 4,7 5,2 5,4 5,2 L Real estate activities M Strokovne, znanstvene in tehnične dejavnosti 58,5 63,1 65,2 66,7 M Professional, scientific and technical activities V tem: zaposlenost na podlagi pogodbenega dela in dela po avtorskih pogodbah 13,2 14,0 13,3 13,3 Of which: employment on the basis of contract work and honoraria payments N Druge raznovrstne poslovne dejavnosti 49,9 48,0 45,3 45,6 N Administrative and support service activities O Dejavnosti uprave in obrambe, obvezna socialna varnost 51,6 52,2 52,8 53,4 O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security P Izobraževanje 60,5 61,5 63,4 65,3 P Education Q Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 51,0 52,4 53,6 54,8 Q Human health and social work activities R Kulturne, razvedrilne in rekreacijske dejavnosti 12,7 13,4 13,8 14,3 R Arts, entertainment and recreation S Druge dejavnosti 16,1 16,6 17,2 17,1 S Other service activities T Dejavnost gospodinjstev z zaposlenim osebjem 1,5 1,5 1,6 1,6 T Activities of households as employers Skupaj 976,7 1001,9 983,7 958,8 Total S.11 Nefinančne družbe 556,2 570,8 550,5 529,7 S.11 Nonfinancial corporations S.12 Finančne družbe 21,5 22,1 22,3 22,0 S.12 Financial corporations S.13 Država 150,1 154,2 156,5 158,9 S.13 General government S.14 Gospodinjstva 243,4 249,0 248,7 242,2 S.14 Households S.15 NPISG 5,6 5,7 5,9 6,0 S.15 NPISH Zaposleni / Employees A Kmetijstvo in lov, gozdarstvo, ribištvo 7,4 7,3 7,1 7,0 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing B Rudarstvo 3,7 3,5 3,2 2,9 B Mining and quarrying C Predelovalne dejavnosti 220,4 219,3 197,3 184,4 C Manufacturing D Oskrba z električno energijo, plinom in paro 7,7 7,6 7,8 7,8 D Electricity, gas, steam, air conditioning supply E Oskrba z vodo, ravnanje z odplakami in skrb za okolje 8,6 9,0 9,2 9,3 E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities F Gradbeništvo 69,0 78,2 77,0 68,7 F Construction G Trgovina, vzdrževanje in popravila vozil 105,3 109,7 109,2 105,8 G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles H Promet in skladiščenje 44,6 47,3 46,5 44,8 H Transportation and storage I Gostinstvo 28,1 28,7 29,1 28,3 I Accommodation and food service activities J Informacijske in komunikacijske dejavnosti 20,4 21,4 21,8 21,4 J Information and communication K Finančne in zavarovalniške dejavnosti 23,1 24,0 24,3 23,9 K Financial and insurance activities L Poslovanje z nepremičninami 4,1 4,6 4,8 4,6 L Real estate activities M Strokovne, znanstvene in tehnične dejavnosti 41,0 43,7 44,8 44,9 M Professional, scientific and technical activities V tem: zaposlenost na podlagi pogodbenega dela in dela po avtorskih pogodbah 5,3 5,5 5,1 4,7 Of which: employment on the basis of contract work and honoraria payments N Druge raznovrstne poslovne dejavnosti 47,6 45,4 42,2 42,2 N Administrative and support service activities O Dejavnosti uprave in obrambe, obvezna socialna varnost 51,5 52,2 52,8 53,4 O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security P Izobraževanje 59,3 60,1 61,6 63,2 P Education Q Zdravstvo in socialno varstvo 48,2 49,4 50,5 51,5 Q Human health and social work activities R Kulturne, razvedrilne in rekreacijske dejavnosti 10,8 11,3 11,3 11,3 R Arts, entertainment and recreation S Druge dejavnosti 9,3 9,4 9,5 9,4 S Other service activities T Dejavnost gospodinjstev z zaposlenim osebjem 1,5 1,5 1,6 1,6 T Activities of households as employers Skupaj 811,6 833,7 811,5 786,1 Total S.11 Nefinančne družbe 556,2 570,8 550,5 529,7 S.11 Nonfinancial corporations S.12 Finančne družbe 21,5 22,1 22,3 22,0 S.12 Financial corporations S.13 Država 150,1 154,2 156,5 158,9 S.13 General government S.14 Gospodinjstva 78,2 80,8 76,5 69,5 S.14 Households S.15 NPISG 5,6 5,7 5,9 6,0 S.15 NPISH Vir / Source: SURS / SORS Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 14 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 Tabela 10: Letne stopnje realne rasti temeljnih agregatov ponudbe in povpraševanja, Slovenija Table 10: Annual real growth rates of main aggregates of supply and demand, Slovenia 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Bruto domači proizvod 3,8 2,9 4,4 4,0 5,8 6,9 3,6 –8,0 1,4 Gross domestic product Domače povpraševanje1) 2,8 4,9 4,9 1,8 5,6 8,9 4,1 –10,0 –0,1 Domestic demand1) Zasebna potrošnja 2,6 3,4 3,0 2,1 2,8 6,1 3,7 –0,1 –0,7 Private consumption Državna potrošnja 3,3 2,3 3,3 3,5 4,0 0,6 6,1 2,9 1,5 Government consumption Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva 0,3 7,6 5,0 3,0 10,4 13,3 7,8 –23,3 –8,3 Gross fixed capital formation Izvoz blaga in storitev 6,8 3,1 12,4 10,6 12,5 13,7 2,9 –17,2 9,5 Exports of goods and services Uvoz blaga in storitev 4,9 6,7 13,3 6,7 12,2 16,7 3,7 –19,6 7,2 Imports of goods and services 1) Skupaj s spremembo zalog. Together with changes in inventories. Vir / Source: SURS / SORS Tabela 11: Implicitni deflatorji temeljnih agregatov ponudbe in povpraševanja, Slovenija Table 11: Implicit deflators of main aggregates of supply and demand, Slovenia 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Predhodno leto = 100 / Previous year = 100 Bruto domači proizvod 107,6 105,5 103,3 101,7 102,1 104,2 104,1 103,0 98,9 Gross domestic product Domača potrošnja 106,5 105,1 103,9 102,9 102,4 103,5 105,1 100,4 101,3 Domestic demand Zasebna potrošnja 107,5 105,2 103,0 102,3 102,4 104,1 105,4 99,6 101,4 Private consumption Državna potrošnja 106,8 105,7 103,6 102,9 102,7 102,2 106,3 102,9 101,5 General government consumption Bruto investicije 103,8 104,3 105,9 104,4 102,3 103,2 103,9 100,5 101,0 Gross capital formation Pogoji menjave 101,9 100,8 99,0 98,0 99,5 100,9 98,5 104,3 96,2 Terms of trade Izvoz blaga in storitev 104,4 102,9 103,0 102,9 102,8 102,3 101,2 99,5 102,6 Exports of goods and services Uvoz blaga in storitev 102,5 102,1 104,1 105,0 103,3 101,4 102,7 95,4 106,6 Imports of goods and services Vir / Source: SURS / SORS DRUGO ZNAMENJE OTHER SIGN , decimalna vejica . decimal point KRAJŠAVE ABBREVIATIONS BDP Bruto domači proizvod GDP Gross domestic product EUR evro EUR Euro mio. milijon mio. million NPISG Nepridobitne institucije, ki opravljajo storitve za gospodinjstva NPISH Non-profit institutions serving households SURS Statistični urad Republike Slovenije SORS Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Viri in metode zbiranja podatkov Sources and methods of data collection Glavni viri podatkov so letni zaključni računi in bilance gospodarskih družb ter drugih poslovnih subjektov, letni podatki o poslovanju fizičnih oseb, statistična raziskovanja, davčne evidence, finančna statistika, plačilna bilanca Banke Slovenije in še nekateri drugi. The main sources of data are annual final accounts and balance sheets of companies and other business subjects, annual data of unincorporated enterprises, basic statistical surveys, tax records, financial statistics, balance of payments of the Bank of Slovenia and other sources. Zajetje Coverage V obračun so zajete vse dejavnosti v skladu s konceptom proizvodnje po Sistemu nacionalnih računov iz leta 1993 (SNR 93) in Evropskega sistema računov iz leta 1995 (ESR 95). The calculation covers all activities following the concept of production by the 1993 System of National Accounts (SNA 93) and the 1995 European System of Accounts (ESA 95). Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 15 Prikaz podatkov Data presentation Temeljni agregati in kategorije so vsebinsko in pojmovno usklajeni s SNR 93 in ESR 95. Podatki pred letom 2007 so bili preračunani v evre po fiksnem menjalnem tečaju 239,64 slovenskega tolarja za en evro. Podatki po dejavnostih so prikazani po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti 2008. The main aggregates and categories are, as regards the contents and terminology, harmonised with SNA 93 and ESA 95. Data before 2007 were recalculated into euros using the fixed exchange rate 239.64 Slovenian tolars for one euro. Data by activities are shown according to the Standard Classification of Activities 2008 Definicije in pojasnila Definitions and explanations Proizvodnja je enaka vrednosti dokončanih proizvodov od začetka do konca leta. Od leta 1994 se proizvodnja po panogah dejavnosti vrednoti v osnovnih cenah. V osnovnih cenah se iz vrednosti proizvodnje izločijo vsi davki na proizvode, vključijo pa se vse subvencije na proizvode. Proizvodnjo sestavljajo proizvodnja za trg, proizvodnja za lastno končno porabo in druga netržna proizvodnja (proizvodnja individualnih storitev države in neprofitnih institucij storitev gospodinjstvom in proizvodnja kolektivnih storitev države). V skladu z ESR 95 so posredno merjene storitve finančnega posredništva (PMSFP) razporejene po končnih uporabnikih teh storitev, pri čemer razporeditev PMSFP po proizvodni metodi povečuje proizvodnjo in bruto dodano vrednost v dejavnostih denarnega posredništva oziroma v poslovnih bankah, ki proizvajajo te storitve. Output equals the value of finished goods and performed services from the beginning to the end of the year. Since 1994 the output by activities has been valued at basic prices, from which all taxes on products are excluded, but all subsidies on products are included. Output includes market output, output for own final use and other non-market output (output of individual non-market services produced by government and non-profit institutions serving households and output of collective services produced by government). In line with ESA 95 concepts financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM) are allocated to final consumers of these services. FISIM allocated to final consumers by the production approach increases both, output and gross value added of monetary intermediation services, mostly commercial banks as producers of these services. Vmesna potrošnja se vrednoti v cenah kupcev kot vrednost proizvodov, ki jih posamezni proizvajalec nabavi zato, da proizvede druge proizvode. Vključeni so vsi proizvodi z življenjsko dobo, krajšo od enega leta, in proizvodi, ki so vredni do 500 evrov in imajo daljšo življenjsko dobo, ter storitve tekočih popravil in vzdrževanja, ki ne povečujejo osnovne vrednosti in življenjske dobe osnovnih sredstev. V vmesni potrošnji so PMSFP po sektorjih uporabnikih razporejene po dejavnostih sorazmerno glede na bruto dodano vrednost. Intermediate consumption is given at purchaser’s prices as the value of goods and services which are purchased by an individual producer in order to produce other goods and services. These comprise all goods with the life time up to one year and value up to EUR 500 if life time is over one year, and services of current repair and maintenance which do not increase the value and life time of fixed assets. In intermediate consumption FISIM is allocated by user sectors proportionally according to gross value added. Dodana vrednost v osnovnih cenah je enaka proizvodnji v osnovnih cenah, zmanjšani za vmesno potrošnjo v cenah kupcev. Dodana vrednost v osnovnih cenah je tudi enaka vsoti sredstev za zaposlene, plačanim drugim davkom na proizvodnjo, zmanjšanim za prejete druge subvencije za proizvodnjo, ter vsoti bruto poslovnega presežka in bruto raznovrstnega dohodka. Value added at basic prices equals output at basic prices, reduced by intermediate consumption at purchaser’s prices. Value added at basic prices also equals the sum of compensation of employees, other taxes on production, less other subsidies on production, and the sum of gross operating surplus and gross mixed income. Davki na proizvode so vse carine in uvozne dajatve, davek na dodano vrednost, trošarine na naftne derivate, cigarete in alkohol, davki na igre na srečo in na nekatere specifične storitve ter davki na transakcije nepremičnin. Taxes on products are all taxes and import duties, value added tax, excises on petrol, cigarettes, alcohol, taxes on gambling and slot machines, taxes on specific services and real estate transactions. Drugi davki na proizvodnjo so davki, ki jih podjetja plačujejo za uporabo določenih osnovnih sredstev, in davki na delovno silo kot dejavnik proizvodnje. Other taxes on production are taxes which are paid by enterprises for the use of certain fixed assets, and taxes on labour force as production input. Subvencije so nepreklicna plačila državnih institucij tržnim proizvajalcem. Subvencije se delijo na subvencije na proizvode in na druge subvencije na proizvodnjo. Subsidies on products are irrevocable payments to market producers, made by government institutions. Subsidies are divided into subsidies on products and into other subsidies on production. Bruto domači proizvod je enak dodani vrednosti v osnovnih cenah, povečani za davke na proizvode in zmanjšani za subvencije na proizvode. Bruto domači proizvod je tako enak vsoti dodane vrednosti v osnovnih cenah vseh domačih (rezidenčnih) proizvodnih enot in neto davkov na proizvode (davki na proizvode, zmanjšani za subvencije na proizvode). Bruto domači proizvod po izdatkovni metodi je enak skupni domači potrošnji in saldu menjave blaga in storitev s tujino. Domačo potrošnjo sestavljajo izdatki rezidenčnih gospodinjstev za potrošnjo (nacionalni koncept), izdatki neprofitnih institucij, ki opravljajo storitve za gospodinjstva (NPISG), in države za končno potrošnjo ter bruto investicije. Bruto domači proizvod po dohodkovni metodi je enak vsoti sredstev za zaposlene, neto davkov na proizvodnjo (davki na proizvodnjo minus subvencije na proizvodnjo) in bruto poslovnega presežka ter raznovrstnega dohodka. Gross domestic product equals value added at basic prices by activities, increased by taxes on products, and reduced by subsidies on products. Gross domestic product thus equals the sum of value added at basic prices of all domestic (resident) production units and net taxes on products (taxes less subsidies on products). By the expenditure approach, gross domestic product equals total domestic consumption and surplus of exports and imports of goods and services with the rest of the world. Domestic consumption includes resident households expenditures (national concept), expenditures of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) and general government and gross capital formation. Gross domestic product by the income approach equals the sum of compensation of employees, net taxes on production (taxes on production less subsidies on production) and gross operating surplus and mixed income. Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 16 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 Potrošnja stalnega kapitala je vključena v oceno BDP po podatkih zaključnih računov in bilanc podjetij in organizacij. V stanovanjski dejavnosti gospodinjstev in za sektor države se potrošnja stalnega kapitala oceni z metodo nepretrganega popisovanja. Consumption of fixed capital is in the estimation of gross domestic product taken from the data in final accounts and balances of enterprises and organisations. In households’ housing activity and for general government consumption of fixed capital it is estimated by the perpetual inventory method. Sredstva za zaposlene so bruto plače in osebni prejemki zaposlenih ter prispevki delodajalcev za socialno varnost zaposlenih. Prispevki delodajalcev za socialno varnost vključujejo dejanske prispevke delodajalcev (obvezne in prostovoljne) in pripisane prispevke delodajalcev. Pripisani prispevki vključujejo vsa nadomestila plač za čas odsotnosti z dela zaradi bolezni, nesreč ipd., ki jih izplačuje delodajalec. Osebne prejemke sestavljajo denarna nadomestila zaposlenim za hrano, prevoz na delo in z dela in regres za letni dopust. Vsa bruto plačila delodajalcev za pogodbene, začasne in enkratne zaposlitve se od vključno leta 2002 dalje prikazujejo v vmesni potrošnji. Osebni prejemki vključujejo oceno napitnin v gostinskih in osebnih storitvenih dejavnostih ter oceno zasebne rabe službenih vozil. Compensation of employees is gross wages and salaries and employers’ social contributions. Employers’ social contributions include actual (compulsory and voluntary) and imputed social contributions. Imputed social contributions comprise payments by employer to employees during the absence from work due to sickness, accidents, etc. Personal allowances comprise expenses for food, transport to and from work and reimbursement for annual vacation. All gross payments of employers for contract, temporary or part-time employment are from 2002 on included in intermediate consumption. Gross wages and salaries include tips in restaurants and personal services as well as estimation of private use of business cars. Poslovni presežek je rezidualna kategorija dodane vrednosti v finančnih in nefinančnih družbah ter v stanovanjski dejavnosti v okviru gospodinjstev. Ta kategorija se lahko prikaže kot neto ali bruto vrednost skupaj s potrošnjo stalnega kapitala. V netržnih dejavnostih je bruto poslovni presežek enak obračunani potrošnji stalnega kapitala. Operating surplus is the residual category of value added in financial and non-financial corporations and in housing activities of households. The category can be shown either as net or gross, together with consumption of fixed capital. In non-market activities, gross operating surplus equals the consumption of fixed capital. Raznovrstni dohodek je rezidualna kategorija v obračunu dodane vrednosti nekorporativnih podjetij. Ta kategorija se lahko prikaže kot neto ali bruto vrednost skupaj s potrošnjo stalnega kapitala. Mixed income is the residual category in the calculation of value added of unincorporated enterprises of households. The category can be shown either as net or gross, together with consumption of fixed capital. Zaposlenost zajema vse stalno zaposlene osebe po domačem konceptu ter samozaposlene osebe in pomagajoče družinske člane v zasebnem kmetijstvu in samozaposlene v drugih dejavnostih gospodinjstev. Zaposlenost po nacionalnih računih vključuje študentsko delo in druge oblike začasne zaposlenosti, zaposlenost v pomorskem transportu na naših ladjah in zaposlenost v naših diplomatskih in konzularnih predstavništvih v tujini, detaširane zaposlene, podjetja brez zaposlenih ipd. Employment covers all permanently employed persons according to the domestic concept, and self-employed persons together with unpaid family workers in agriculture and self-employed persons in other household activities. Employment in national accounts also covers student work and other forms of part-time employment, employment in transport by sea on our ships, diplomatic and consular representatives abroad, detached employed persons, enterprises without employment, etc. Izdatke končne potrošnje sestavljata agregata individualni izdatki za potrošnjo in kolektivni izdatki države za potrošnjo. Individualno potrošnjo sestavljajo izdatki za končno potrošnjo gospodinjstev, izdatki NPISG in individualni izdatki države. Individualne izdatke države sestavljajo izdatki za netržne storitve države (izobraževanje, zdravstvo in socialno skrbstvo, kulturo, šport itd.) in izdatki za tržne proizvode in storitve (zdravila, ortopedski pripomočki, koncesijske pravice zasebnemu sektorju, storitve zdravilišč ipd.). Kolektivni izdatki države so izdatki za upravne, administrativne, obrambne, ekonomske, razvojno-raziskovalne in druge skupne netržne storitve države. Državni izdatki za netržne storitve in izdatki NPISG za končno potrošnjo so enaki razliki med vrednostjo proizvodnje po stroškovni metodi in med vrednostjo prodaj. PMSFP so v končni potrošnji razporejene v izdatke gospodinjstev, države in NPISG ter v izvoz in uvoz storitev. Final consumption expenditure is composed of the aggregates individual consumption expenditure and collective consumption expenditure. Individual consumption is composed of expenditure of households, NPISH and individual government expenditure. Individual government expenditure comprises payments for non-market government services (education, health, social care, culture, sport, etc.) and market goods and services (pharmaceutical and therapeutic products, concessions to private sector, health resort services, etc.). Collective government expenditure consists of expenditure on administrative, defense, economic, R&D and other non-market government services. Government and NPISH final consumption expenditures are calculated as the difference between the output value by the cost method and sales. FISIM is in final consumption allocated in household, general government and NPISH consumption and in exports and imports. Bruto investicije so sestavljene iz bruto investicij v osnovna sredstva, sprememb v zalogah ter neto nabav vrednostnih predmetov in umetnin. Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva so sestavljene iz investicij v nova osnovna sredstva, stroškov transakcij rabljenih osnovnih sredstev in povečanja vrednosti neproizvedenih nefinančnih sredstev. Gross capital formation is composed of gross fixed capital formation, changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables. Gross fixed capital formation consists of investments into new fixed assets, costs of transactions of existing fixed assets and of additions to the value of non-produced assets. Spremembe v zalogah so obračunane za nedokončano proizvodnjo in dokončane proizvode pri proizvajalcih, zaloge trgovskega blaga in zaloge surovin, materiala, rezervnih delov ipd. pri vseh tržnih proizvajalcih. Changes in inventories are calculated for work-in-progress and finished goods at producers, inventories of trade goods in stores, and inventories of raw material, spare parts, etc., at all market producers. Kategoriji izvoz in uvoz blaga zajemata izvoz in uvoz blaga v zvezi z oplemenitenjem po bruto načelu. Izvozna vrednost blaga je obračunana po pariteti FOB, uvozna vrednost je po podatkih Banke Slovenije iz Exports and imports of goods cover exports and imports of goods in connection with processing by the gross principle. The export value of goods is calculated by FOB and the import value of goods has been Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 17 paritete CIF zmanjšana na pariteto FOB. Podatki o izvozu in uvozu storitev so povzeti iz plačilne bilance po podatkih in metodologiji Banke Slovenije. reduced from CIF to FOB according to data supplied by the Bank of Slovenia. Exports and imports of services are taken from the balance of payments according to data and methodology of the Bank of Slovenia. Temeljni agregati nacionalnih računov v tekočih cenah Main aggregates of national accounts at current prices Bruto nacionalni dohodek je enak bruto domačemu proizvodu in saldu primarnih dohodkov (od dela in kapitala) s tujino. Gross national income equals the sum of gross domestic product and balance of primary incomes (from labour and capital) with the rest of the world. Bruto nacionalni razpoložljivi dohodek je enak bruto nacionalnemu dohodku in saldu tekočih transfernih dohodkov s tujino. Gross national disposable income equals the sum of gross national income and the balance of current transfers with the rest of the world. Bruto varčevanje je enako bruto nacionalnemu razpoložljivemu dohodku, ki so mu odšteti izdatki za končno potrošnjo (izdatki za individualno in kolektivno končno potrošnjo). Gross saving equals gross national disposable income less final consumption expenditures (individual and collective final consumption). Neto varčevanje je enako bruto varčevanju, zmanjšanemu za potrošnjo stalnega kapitala. Net saving equals gross saving less consumption of fixed capital. Saldo tekočih transakcij s tujino je enak bruto varčevanju, zmanjšanemu za bruto investicije. Balance of current external transactions equals gross saving less gross capital formation. Neto posojanje (+) v tujino, neto izposojanje (-) iz tujine je enako saldu tekočih transakcij s tujino, povečanemu za saldo transferjev kapitala s tujino in zmanjšanemu za neto nabave neproizvedenih nefinančnih sredstev v tujini. Net lending (+), net borrowing (-) with the rest of the world equals the balance of current external transactions plus the balance of current capital transfers with the rest of the world less net acquisitions of non-produced non-financial assets with the rest of the world. Temeljni agregati nacionalnih računov v stalnih cenah Main aggregates of national accounts at constant prices Temeljni agregati nacionalnih računov v stalnih cenah so realni bruto domači dohodek, realni bruto nacionalni dohodek, realni bruto nacionalni razpoložljivi dohodek, realno bruto varčevanje in realno neto varčevanje. Izračun teh agregatov temelji na oceni presežkov in izgub v trgovini zaradi sprememb v pogojih menjave (T); dobimo jih po standardni enačbi: Real gross domestic income, real gross national income, real gross national disposable income, real gross saving and real net saving are main aggregates of national accounts at constant prices. The estimation of these aggregates at constant prices is based on valuation of trading gains or losses due to change in the terms of trade (T) using the standard formula: ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ −−−= mx P M P X P MXT ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ −−−= mx P M P X P MXT pri čemer so T = sprememba v pogojih menjave where T = change in the terms of trade X = izvoz v tekočih cenah X = exports at current prices M = uvoz v tekočih cenah M = imports at current prices Px = indeks izvoznih cen Px = the price index for exports Pm = indeks uvoznih cen Pm = the price index for imports P = (Px + Pm)/2. P = (Px + Pm)/2. Realni neto primarni dohodki in realni neto tekoči transferji s tujino se ocenijo z implicitnim deflatorjem za agregat končne domače potrošnje, potrošnja stalnega kapitala pa z implicitnim deflatorjem za agregat bruto investicij v osnovna sredstva. Real net primary income and real net current transfers from the rest of the world are estimated using the implicit price index for domestic final consumption expenditures and consumption of fixed capital by using the implicit price index for gross fixed capital formation. OBJAVLJANJE REZULTATOV DATA PUBLISHING Letno: Annually: − Bruto domači proizvod, temeljni agregati nacionalnih računov in zaposlenost. Prva statistična objava. − Gross domestic product, main aggregates of national accounts and employment. First Release. − Statistične informacije. Nacionalni računi. − Rapid Reports. National Accounts. − SI-STAT podatkovni portal (www.stat.si) − SI-STAT data portal (www.stat.si/eng) − Slovenija v številkah − Slovenia in Figures − Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije − Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 18 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 Avtorja Simona Peceli, Anže Podnar Authors Simona Peceli, Anže Podnar Publikacija je na voljo na spletnem naslovu www.stat.si/pub.asp Informacije daje Informacijsko središče: tel. (01) 241 51 04 elektronska pošta info.stat@gov.si Access to the publication at: www.stat.si/eng/pub.asp Information: Information Centre phone: + 386 1 241 51 04 e-mail: info.stat@gov.si Izdal, založil in tiskal Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 – © SURS – Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljeni le z navedbo vira – Tiskano v 85 izvodih – ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X – ISSN podzbirke Nacionalni računi 1580-1721 Issued, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 – © SURS – Use and publication of data is allowed provided the source is acknowledged – Printed in 85 copies – ISSN of Rapid Reports 1408-192X – ISSN of subcollection National Accounts 1580- 1721 Statistične informacije, št. 15/2011 Rapid Reports No 15/2011 19 KAKO DO STATISTIČNIH PODATKOV IN INFORMACIJ? 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