Z butarami v cerkev - Palm Sunday Traditions ZARJA‘DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 4 APRIL, 1974 VOLUME 46 ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 4 APRIL, 1974 VOL. XLVI Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription $5.00 — naročnina $5.00 letno For Social members, $4.00 — za družabne članice $4.00 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All Communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. F.ditorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 DATES TO REMEMBEK... APRIL 5 — "MOTHERS” DAY DINNER, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. APRIL 18 — MISC. CARD PARTY, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. 7:45 p.m., St. Mary's. APRIL 21 — CARD PARTY, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wise. APRIL 21 — CORPORATE COMMUNION, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. 9 a.m. St. Joseph’s. APRIL 25 — CARD PARTY, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio MAY 4-5 — BAKE SALE, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. MAY 6 — COMMEMORATIVE MASS, Down Choral Group, St. Christine’s Church, 7 p.m. MAY 8 — 45th ANNIVERSARY OF BR. 28, Calumet, Mich.; also Mother’s Day Party MAY 12 — CORPORATE COMMUNION & MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. MAY 19 — MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST, Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. MAY 26 — MOTHER OF THE YEAR MASS & DINNER, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., O. MAY 29 — ANNUAL CARD PARTY, Dawn Choral Group, Euclid Park Clubhouse JUNE 21 — REUNION OF ALL OHIO DRILL TEAM CADETS, Cleveland, Ohio JULY 21 — ZVEZA DAY AT LEMONT, ILL., Br. 2, Chicago, III. hostesses. OCT. 17 — MISC. CARD PARTY, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis., 7:45 p.m. St. Mary’s. OCT. 18 — CARD PARTY, Br. 50, Cleveland, O. OCT. 27 — 45th ANNIVERSARY, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio OCT. 29 — CARD PARTY, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio, Euclid Pk. Clubhouse. DEC. 28 — FOURTH S. W. U. DEBUTANTE COTILLION BALL S.N.D., St. Clair, Cleveland, Ohio DEC. 28 — OHIO.-MICH. STATE CONVENTION. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN APRIL National Officers: April 21 — HERMINE DICKE, Secretary of the Scholarship Committee, Madison, Wis. April 27 — ANGELINE KARISH, State President of Minnesota, Biwabik, Minn. Branch Presidents: April 1 — FRANCES KOROŠEC, Br. 59, Burgettstown, Pa. April 2 — EMMA PLANINŠEK, Br. 20, Joliet, III. April 10 — JEANETTE KILLORAN, Br. 6, Barberton, Ohio April 10 — VIOLA PISONI, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. April 11 — JOHANNA CHESNIK, Br. 61, Braddock, Pa. April 21 — CATHERINE POLLACK, Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. • I Secretaries: Aprii 2 — FRANCES NOVAK, Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio April 7 — STELLA DANCULL, Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio Aprti 8 — ANGELA KOZJAN, Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio April 8 — LUCILLE SMITH, Br. 71, Strabane, Pa. April 10 — ANTOINETTE LUCICH, Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn. iiibiiiiibiibiii nniiniHii MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! a US U D a a n n § d SA\ Visit Beautiful Slovenia In Spring Depart May 11 — return May 26 Round trip from Pittsburgh or Cleveland to Ljubljana with two day tour of Dalmatian Coast with Split, Zadar, Opatija and one night in Kranj at Hotel Creina with dinner and folklore ONLY $368.00 Plus optional 7 day tour of Slovenia including entire program of KMEČKA OHCET — PEASANT WEDDING from May 20 to May 26 for $186.00 For reservations call: Kollander World Travel, Ine. 589 East 185th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Tel. (216) 692-2225 l|]!!!Bi:i!iW!»!BllliailllHllilHlilllBllini!l!!BII 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, III. 60608 Tel. (312) 847-6679 !JEi!;i!:Bi!,aii.a!:!i!0!:i:iBii!iiBi:NiBi:iiisi;:!!E]!;;iiSiiiiilBi;ii'E3i:i!;B! 1 ■ i 3 a lllttt. \\ Rounding it out" Membership Campaign Let s all get busy and help our membership totals increase! The new campaign for members is on now! It will last until the end of the year! Cash prizes will be awarded to all individual workers and credits given as usual. But, we want to remind you that our branches can and should do more to get their state membership totals UP! So, we're asking you to “round out” your state membership total to the next highest 50! Here’s each State or group of States (as we have them consolidated in our Zveza) with the membership totals and vour goals for 1974: State: Members now: Needed: 1st Goal: Needed: 2nd Goal: Ohio-Michigan 3582, 18 3600 50 3650 Illinois-Indiana 1946 54 2000 50 2050 Minnesota 1300 50 1350 50 1400 Pennsylvania-N. Y. 1121 29 1150 50 1200 Wisconsin 1060 40 1100 50 1150 Colorado-Kansas-Mo. 711 39 750 50 800 Cal.-Wash.-Oregon 304 46 350 50 400 Total Present Membership 10,024 276 10,300 350 10,650 Individual cash prizes will be gi ven as follows: For every new member in Class B, one point, $1.00 cash For every new member in Class A. Vi point, 50c. cash For every new member in Junior Class, lA point, 25c. Transfers from Junior to Adult Class will be counted as new members. Remember, they can be transferred from age 14 to either Class A or B. New member applications must be accompanied by a full year’s dues payment to the branch secretary to entitle the worker to the cash prize. New members enrolled since Jan. 1st, 1974 will be counted in the campaign and entitle workers to prizes. Campaign will conclude Dec. 31, 1974. States or groups of States will be awarded a special prize for reaching their goals! 1st Goal Desk set of your State Flag or Flags 2nd Goal Desk Set of your State Flag plus American and Slovenian Flags These can be displayed at the State Conventions! Let’s all help to “round out” the odd numbers and reach for bin, solid numbers this i/ear in our membership totals! ASSESSMENTS FOR NEW MEMBERS IN THIS CAMPAIGN: Class A, 50 cents per month, Class B, 80 cents per month; Junior Class 10 cents per month! New membership blanks are available at your Branch Secretary’s office. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARO OF DIRECTORS HOME OFFICE, FEBRUARY 25-26, 1974 The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America was held Monday and Tuesday, February 25 and 26, 1974 at the Union's Home Office in Chicago, Illinois. The Executive and Auditing Committees met at 9 a.m. Monday to begin the complete audit of the ledgers in the Home Office, namely, the Secretary's and Treasurer’s books and the financial reports of the Scholarship Fund and Publisher's Fund. Monday afternoon the committees visited the Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company to check on the records kept there in the Union’s Safety Deposit Box and conducted a thorough check and verification of the documents representing the Union's investments. The full day’s audits were completed and committees adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday morning, the president opened the meeting at 9:30 a.m. with prayer. Present were the Board of Directors as follows: President, Mary Bostian, Secretary, Fanika Humar, Treasurer, Olga Ancel, President of Auditing Board, Anne M. Kompare, Second Auditor Barbara Rosandich and Third Auditor, Marion Marolt, also Nat’l Vice-President, Marie A. Floryan and Editor, Corinne Leskovar. Mrs. Leskovar assumed the position as seventh member of the Board of Directors due to the absence of Honorary President and Founder, Marie Prisland, in accordance with Mrs. Prisland’s wishes. The president welcomed the officers with hopes for a successful and fruitful meeting. Her report was the first given. REPORT OF THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT Greetings to one and all. My time is well-taken up with all the work that is involved with Zveza. I received many letters from different branches inquiring about their problems and interests. These things must be answered and I try to do my best. I attended a special meeting with Cleveland branches nos. 14 and 41, along with State President, Sophie Ma-gayna. We held discussion with the officers and members in regards to increasing activity so that new members will sign up. We received their promises that they will work for this. I have made some progress by repeating my views on the above with as many branches as possible and will continue to do so. Some branches do not have monthly meetings any more. Nevertheless, we must continue to find ways of interesting our members and increasing the membership. I was also invited to a meeting of Br. 50 and enjoyed attending it as well as the card party of Br. 14., On May 30th, the Dawn Choral Club held their annual card party which was very entertaining for their families and friends. The Combined Branch meetings are also attended by me regulary and I am happy that we have such great interest in the local branches to keep this committee going. My correspondence with the branches and State Presidents is, I believe, very important. They like to hear from us and know that we are thinking of them on various anniversaries and other doings. With Mrs. Magayna, we also attended a meeting of Br. 101 since they are a little farther away from the metropolitan Cleveland area. Theirs is a family-like relationship which is very commendable. They perform many good deeds and raise money for worthy causes. It was very interesting for us to hear about how they are now raising money to help a little 5 year old girl who is mentally retarded and they are paying for her hospital expenses for a year. As president of Br., 32, I preside at the monthly meetings as well. The Ohio and Michigan State Convention was held on Oct. 14th in connection with the 45th anniversary of Br. 25 I was happy to be asked to be emcee of their program. On Oct. 19th I also attended the Ethnic Leaders reception where all nationality groups were represented and believe me, I was proud to tell them I was from the S.W.U. Mr. Theodore Andrica, a well known nationalities leader, spoke on the subject and announced his new book dealing with the ethnic groups of our area. It is a special pleasure for me to write each month in my special column in ZARJA., There I can keep up v/ith current news and subjects. The 60th anniversary of our Ohio fraternal S.D.Z. was celebrated in Oct. and I was pleased to represent the members of our S.W.U. at this function. Oct. 29th I called a special Board meeting for important matters. I mailed all National Board members an invitation and all were present. At the end of the year I was happy to attend the Dawn Choral Group concert and it was a beautiful performance. All the lovelly singers should be congratulated. Before Christmas I mailed a letter to each branch with the greeting of the season. Being in touch with the members gives me a special happiness. Thank you and my heartiest wishes to each and everyone of you. MARY BOSTIAN The report was accepted as given. The president called for reports of all officers present as follows: REPORT OF THE NATIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT National President, Mrs. Bostian, and members of the Executive Board. My sincerest greetings to all of you present here at this annual Board Meeting. I hope that this meeting will be successful! in all its plans and decisions. Congratulations to the branches and individual workers in the Post-Convention Campaign who enrolled 300 new members. I wish to congratulate Rose Kraemer our W;sc. State Pres, for enrolling 36 new members and to Br. 43. for 56 new members. My wish is to encourage ail members to keep the good work going. Get new members if there is a drive on or not. Our Br. 17. was hostess for the Wise. State day convention which was held on September 23, 1974 with Wisconsin, 5 branches attending: Sheboygan and Willard branches each came by bus, were very proud that so many attended this convention. It indicates that members are interested in activities of other branches in order that improvements can be made. In conjuction with our State Day we also celebrated the 45th Anniversary of our branch. Wo honored our organizer, Mrs. Josephine Schlosar and 4 charter members; also Mr, Frank Ermenc, "Ambassador Of Good Will’’. Among our honored guests were: Marie Prisland, Corinne Leskovar, Elizabeth Zefran, Rose Kraemer and Ann Lustig. Due to illness of our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. C. Okorn, he was unable to attend our function. Branch No. 17 will always remember this great and me-moraDie day. We were honored that State of Illinois was represented by Br. 2, Chicago members and Br. 16, So. Chicago, a busfull, a.so from LaSaiie, III., a bus with members led by Theresa Savnik — this group also representing Ugesby. ihese laaies all attended the Convention and Banquet. A bus was chartered for October 14, 1973 for the lUnois-lndiana State Convention held in South Chicago, Illinois. Here again showed fraternaiism and interest in activities of a sister branch. I attended the special board meeting on October 29, 1973 regarding the resignation of Elizabeth Zefran. With deep regret we accepted her resignation. Her loyalty to Zveza and her abundant interest in the SWU Bowling Association will be deepiy missed. Congratulations are in order to the new directors appointed to their respective offices. Our branch will again participate in the Midwest Bowling Tournament to be held in Milwaukee. From all reports this indicates this sport is still the major activity of the Union. Sincere thanks to all of the National Directors for theii hard work in performing their duties throughout the year and also to the scribes for writing the interesting articles in Zarja. May God bless you all. MARIE A. FLORYAN, National Vice-President The report was accepted as given. REPORT OF THE NATIONAL SECRETARY It is indeed a pleasure to welcome you at this yearly meeting in the Home Office where we present one more year of our work of Slovenian Women's Union in numbers and words. Nineteen seventy-three was a working year in true sense. Time will show if it was a successful year. I will not list all the activities as you could read about them in our monthly publication, Zarja Our concert last February in Chicago is worthy to be 'ncluded in this report, as it was a demonstration of cooperation among the branches from Sheboygan, Wise., to LaSalle, III., and even Si. Louis, Mo. At our 16th National Convention in May, we did not move any mountains in regards to our future. We did not bring up-to-date many things that were due. Through these two main functions last year, I did get a very clear idea what a tremendous potential and strength we have in our membership. Our members know very distinctly, right from wrong and that is a lot to work for at a time where these two words have a gloomy line between them in our Political and economical world all around us. On us, dear members of the Board, lays the responsibility to put those virtues to work for the benefit of our organization. It is you, all present here, who will go to Ohio, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois and all over the States and let people know for what we stand, when we speak of Slovenian Women's Union. Board members are the pillar of the structure and each one of us has her burden to carry, but because there are more of us, the structure does not collapse if one pillar gives up and that is the beauty and a lesson for us in the organization. We are elected to do the work designed by the position we occupy and it is an honor and a duty to fulfill the responsibility we pledge before our membership and God. 1973 FINANCIAL STATEMENT INCOME: Assessment Class A $20,935.85 Ciass B 25,129.54 Juniors 2,720.10 Socials 649.40 Miscell. 148.20 TOTAL: $49,583.09 Interest on Investm. 32,962.97 Rental Income 2,520.00 Tax Deposit 7.95 TOTAL INCOME 1973: $85,074.01 iURSEMENTS: Death Claims: Class A 195 $19,500.00 Class B 18 3,850.00 Juniors 3 225.00 $23,575.00 Zarja Printing 19,821.32 Salaries 13,638.51 Administration 5,608.00 Travel & Per. Diem. 2,270.00 Postage & Telephone 862.49 Convention Cost 5,956.90 Real Estate & Corp. Tax 1,230.24 F.I.C.A. Tax 791.07 Unemployment Tax 209.11 Electr. Fuel & Water 435.94 Stationary & Advertising 427.85 Fidelity Bonds 275.00 Building Insurance 216.00 Bowling League 377.00 Secretary’s Awards 499.10 Accrued Interest 540.24 Donations 221.50 Office Rent 900.00 Miscellaneous 831.48 TOTAL: $78,686.75 INCOME 1973: $ 85,074.01 DISBURSEMENTS: 78,686.75 GAIN: $ 6,387.26 BALANCE, DEC. 31, 1972 $567,132.17 GAIN IN 1973: 6,387.26 BALANCE, DEC. 31, 1973: $573,519.43 FANIKA HUMAR, Sec’y We lost many members during the past year through death and many more through cancellations. Our campaigns were not something to brag about and through these factors we come to the main point and pillar to any structure — that is money. In today’s world we can not function without money. It is that "money" which makes people angry at one another and that word will have a decisive function in our future. Several months ago I wrote in Zarja how much we will need to pay the Death benefits in the next few years. I received no response to this day, not even from our Board Members. We do have to start to plan our expenses and not spend just as it comes. We can not afford unplanned payments. You all present here are managing household budgets and in today’s world that is the only experience you need. If you are solvent in your home than you must know what are we tc do. We, most seriously, owe the same management to our organization and its future. You do not need to be told how the cost of everything went up and where we stand with our income? The answer is right there, where I used to pay $3.50 to fill up my economy car tank and today I pay $6.00 for the same. We will have to move somehow out of this unrealistic circle. I have given my most serious attention to this matter throughout the year, tightened all expenses possible, managed all re-investments to transfer without losing one day of interest. Most of you realize, I did not make friends — not even among some of you present here — because of this tightness with money. This is the problem — next is the solution! The biggest expense is ZARJA. Its cost for 1973 was way over what we have planned in the assessment. We will have to stay in our income circle or find new ways to finance it. Our office is functioning with minimum expenses possible. My neighbors know how many times I go home after working hours and take work with me to finish it "today”. What else can we do? More members is the answer! Meybe reorganization? We will and we have to move now. We have to revitalize the branches, make new ones, gain the interest of young people, give more attention to successful functions. We all have witnessed the backfire of the youth who have had everything, have seen the resentment of their parent’s values. What did we do? Paid our youngsters dues and that is what brought us the 500 cancellations last year. How about turning that "giving” trend? Let’s make the young ones contribute, teach them to pay their own dues. We have to give them guidance — let’s make them feel useful and adequate! Many of you have already answered that famous quote, many years ago, and now is time we all ask ourselves: WHAT CAN I DO FOR OUR ZVEZA AND NOT WHAT ZVEZA CAN DO FOR ME. P. S. A special greeting to our Founder and Honorary President, Mrs. Marie Prisland, who could not be present today! FANIKA HUMAR The report was accepted as given. REPORT OF THE NATIONAL TREASURER As a result of the 1973 May convention I was elected notional auditor. But quite unexpectedly I was cast into a new role a few months later and thus my responsibility to the membership increased. I am gradually becoming acquainted with the transactions and activity of the home office during my monthly or bi-monthly visits. Even though it was granted me last October ten dollars per trip to Chicago, it is my wish that this be paid only after the treasurer's salary is used up, which is unlikely at present. For the Staten Island museum I received two visas dated 1898 and 1902 from Frances Gnegorich, a Joliet member and naturalization papers dated 1912 from Otillia Kurnik of San Francisco, Cal. President Mrs. Bostian and vicepresident Marie Floryan are also making their contributions. 1 look forward to more willing contributors and to those who already gave my sincerest thanks for your generosity. My only contribution as Junior Activities director is Regina. This chairmanship, as you know was accepted reluctantly at the convention, since the need of Juniors and theii interests is a very difficult task, but a very important one for Zveza’s growth. It is a challenge, to which I say tc one and all: Help! and place my trust in God. OLGA ANCEL The report was accepted as given. The officers will try to secure more contributions for the Museum at the Statue of Liberty. Mrs. Ancel also read a letter from the first contributor to the Slovenian Exhibit. Mrs. Tillie Kurnik. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE AUDITING COMMITTEE National Pres. Mrs. Bostian and members of the National Board of Directors of the Slovenian Women’s Union: Greetings and best wishes to all of you present here at the annual Board meeting and audit, called to order on February 25th and 26th, 1974, at the home office in Chicago, Illinois. As chairman of your auditing committee, I am happy to report that, after a comprehensive examination, of the Union’s transactions, the Scholarship Fund, and the Editor’s account, all have been found in proper order for the year 1973. Income from branch assessments, interests, and other sources were checked, and disbursements were reviewed as to issuance of vouchers. Bank deposits and records of our National Secretary, Mrs. Fanika Humar and National Treasurer Mrs. Liz Zefran, (up to October 9, 1973) and succeeding National Treasurer, Mrs, Olga Ancel, were also checked and verified. A general review was made of all other items on record. On Monday. Feb. 25th, 1974 a visit to the Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co. was made by the entire Board, and a complete accounting was made of all bonds and other securities on deposit in the bank safe box. The committee wishes to express its sincere appreciation for the assistance and cooperation of our National Secretary, Mrs. Humar, and to compliment her for her excellent and efficient work. The undersigned members of the Auditing Committee hereby certify that, based on our review, the Slovenian Women's Union records for the year 1973, are correct and true. Slovenian Women’s Union Auditing Committee: Chairman: ANNE M. KOMPARE Auditor: BARBARA ROSAN DICH Auditor: MARION M. MAROLT National Pres. Mrs. Bostian and members of the National Board of directors.. I would like to extend sincere greetings and a hearty welcome to our new officers at this annual Board meeting for 1974. I especially would like to give my best wishes to the new members of the auditing committee, Mrs. Barbara Rosandich and Mrs. Marion Marolt. As a member of this Board, I am submitting the fol- lowing report of my activities during the year 1973: On Sunday, Feb. 25th, 1973, I attended the 45th anniversary celebration dinner of Branch 16 of So. Chicago, and also was present at their March meeting as a guest, and was able to discuss convention plans and the procedures for electing a delegate. In May 1973, I attended all sessions of our 16th Tiiennial convention held at the Bismarck Hotel in downtown Chicago. During the convention, I was appointed chairman of the Salary and Per Diem committee. With my husband and family members, I was present at the Convention Grand Banquet and Cotillion, a beautiful and un-forgetable event. In June 1973, I had the pleasure of attending the annual dinner of Branch 16, So. Chicago, during which a worthy member was honored. On July 15, 1973, war. present in Lemont, III. tor our "Zveza Day”, hosted by Branch 2, of Chicago. On Monday, July 16th, attended a Board of Directors meeting presided over by our new National Pres., Mrs. Mary Bostian. On Sept. 23rd, I attended he 45th Anniversary celebration of Br. 20 in Joliet, III. As invited guests, Nat'l Sec’y Mrs. Fanika Humar and I attended a beautiful Mass at St. Joseph Church, which was followed by a sumptuous dinner with music and dancing climaxing the event. Mrs. Humar and I extended the greetings of the Slovenian Women’s Union. The lllinois-lndiana State Convention was held on October 14th in South Chicago and hosted by Branch 95. I served on the convention committee with officers and members of the branch. The convention was presided over by State Pres. Mrs. Ana Lustig. Besides the regular proceedings, the day’s events also included a beautiful Mass at the Sacred Heart Croatian Church, which was followed by a delicious dinner served at a local restaurant appropriately decorated for the occasion. It was a very successful meeting, and the attendance was one of the largest ever experienced. Guests attending included National Officers, Marie A. Floryan and Rose Kraemer of Wisconsin, Corinne Leskovar and Olga Ancel of Illinois and officers and members of branches in both states. I attended a special Board meeting called on October 29th, 1973 due to the resignation of our treasurer, Mrs. Liz Zefran. With regret, the resignation was accepted, and Mrs. Olga Ancel was elected as the new treasurer. During the year. I attended all meetings of branch 95, and participated in all its programs and events. Our meetings were always interesting, as our President, Mrs. Mildred James arranges programs of eventual and timely significance. We are now in the process of obtaining new insured members, and we hope that we can attain the goals we are striving for. At this annual meeting, I am happy to report, as chairman of the Auditing committee, that the audit of the S.W.U. reports for the past year of 1973 has been completed, and that a signed report has been submitted to the executive board. Respectfully submitted by ANNE M. KOMPARE The Auditing Committee’s report was accepted for file and Mrs. Kompare's report accepted as given. REPORT OF THE SECOND NATIONAL AUDITOR National President, Mrs. Bostian and members of the Executive Board. I am very happy to report this is my first time as a participant in the Board meeting. Our senior member of the Auditing Board, Anne Kompare was a great help to us. Examining the books of the Secretary, Treasurer, Editor of Zarja, Scholarship and the investments in the Safety Box at the Metropolitan Bank was done Monday and everything found in order. Thanks to the National Officers for their efficiency. I am amazed at how much work there is to get everything ready for auditing. Since the last convention, I have attended the Minnesota Day in Chisholm as a representative of the National Board. The most important agenda at the meeting was, of course, new members; without which it's impossible to advance. As of today I have enrolled 8 Class B members and one Junior in the post-Convention campaign. Angela Karish, State President of Minn, presided with approximately 350 members in attendance. We were sorry that Ann Podgoršek was not able to be present due to ill health., Hope she’s feeling better. On Oct. 25th I was notified of a special meeting at the Home Office which I attended. Liz Zefran, National Treasurer, resigned her position and it was accepted with regret. Thanks, Liz, for the wonderful job you did while in office. The month of December was extremely cold in the north, so we did not have regular meetings. Our branch did conduct the election of officers and ran a money-making venture for our Easter gifts to the shut-in members. At this time, I would like to thank Dr. and Mrs. Humar tor the wonderful hospitality they showed me while I was a guest at their home during the Board meeting. In conclusion, my best wishes for a successful session. Respectfully, BARBARA ROSANDICH The report was accepted. REPORT OF THE THIRD NATIONAL AUDITOR My heartiest greetings to all the directors. May we convene with success and may our deliberations meet with approval from our members. We have examined the books of the National Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor, checked the investments at the bank, and found everything in perfect order. Wisconsin State Day Convention held in Wtest Allis, Wis. in October, 1973 was a very successful affair. Many thanks to all members and branches who helped to make this day such a huge success. We again will participate in the Midwest Bowling Tournament which will be held in our fair city of Milwaukee. May God bless the S.W.U. organization in all its endeavors. MARION M. MAROLT The report was accepted. REPORT OF THE EDITOR OF ZARJA Greetings all members of the Board of Directors at this meeting. We had a fine year 1973 as far as Zarja is concerned. Activities abound in our Zveza, perhaps even more than we realize. And it continues to be important that we have many writers representing branches from east to west, north to south, giving their views, reports and opinions. Recently we have a great improvement in the quality of writing which makes me very happy, as I fee! our Zarja is more than just a monthly messenger to our homes — it is a journal and as such, can be highly rated as to literary content. I urge all our reporters to keep on the good work and frequency of their writing. The biggest Zarja in the history of Zveza was printed in May, 1973 in connection with the 16th National Convention in Chicago. With the approval of the local Br. No. 2, hostesses of the Convention, an extra 32 pages was added and paid for by the advertisements secured within the organization, that is, branches, officers, their friends and business contacts. In this way, we presented a 64 page issue that contained not only the above mentioned ads, but a lot of information pertaining to the history and traditions of SWU. a complete convention program and highlights and Mother of the Year feature. I think everyone enjoyed receiving that edition and are keeping it for a souvenir of a very happy occasion. As chairman of the 16th National Convention if S.W.U. in Chicago, it was my pleasure to see all the wonderful officers and delegates and guests enjoying the convention arrangements which were planned not only for the pleasure of our members but also for the best atmosphere in which to conduct the important business of the convention. Hopefully, this Convention will remain a memorable piece of S.W.U. history. In 1973 we printed Zarja once on 16 pages, twice on 20 pages, 4 times on 24 pages and 4 times 32 pages with covers. This proves that the material received in my office Is still gaining and we need our publication more and more. I have tried my utmost to economize insofar as space is concerned and to print only what is meaningful for the membership. In doing this, I have had to forget the stories and space-taking other features that we used to carry in the years back. Now, I must be sure that every page is well spent and concise with material that is pertinant to the membership. As your editor I have participated in many functions of the organization including local activities, such as the lll.-lnd. State Convention in So. Chicago last fall, and beer invited to attend the Wisconsin State Convention in West Allis, Wis. Both these events were important and h:ghly successful. They were well organized and conducted by the officers and committees in charge. I am advised by the Secretary that we have many inquires as to the points covered in the Minutes of the last convention printed in Zarja and urge ail officers and members to read these items carefully in Zarja as they are published. In this way we can further use our publication for the purpose it was intended for. The Membership Campaign results before and after the last convention were given in Zarja also as all other financial and officers' reports I urge all our officers to try to give us in Zarja any and all suggestions that would make ours a better organization and one in which we will understand the needs eno desires of the membership and go ahead by following the best plan to make our present members happy and encourage new members to join. I will have some imortant information to bring before this board at this meeting concerning the cost of Zsrja and projected increase. It is now three years since we are printing at the Croatian Franciscan Press and in al! this time, we have had the best cooperation from the printing shop in all matters. I hope we can continue in the same way in the future. I appreciate all their considerations of the past. As you know, it is so much more successful to have good working relations. In this type of work, there is not only the work of preparing the reports, etc. that are sent in, but there is the creative side of it, too, where I must look for inspiration and ideas to make Zarja more attractive. With good spirit, I can find this inspiration just by working with al' the officers and members who contribute to Zarja and this is all I ask — that this will continue. My financial statement of the Publishers Fund is presented today and you will see that we have had some increase in income due to the advertisements and other donations., Br. 20, Joliet, III. has twice donated to this fund during the year and I received a substantial dona-t'on from Olga Ancel, our National Treasurer. Two Memorial Contributions in the name of my late Mother, Albina Novak were received and several were brought by delegates to the last convention. The Fund, at the end of the year, contributed $648,00 to the cost of the December Zarja from monies received thru ads and donations thru the year. My hearty thanks to all. I hope that our membership will continue to write thoughtfully and discriminate^ in Zarja. I have not sent out many forms for the Mother of the Year May feature, as I have been hoping that each branch which sends in their Mother’s picture and story will take a little more in consideraion and have their reporter or relative or friend write a more comprehendsive and thoughtful resume of her life than a few answers on a from letter can provide, I am looking forward always to receiving worthwhile material and pictures. In conclusion, please accept my grateful thanks for a'l your kindness, assistance and cooperation in the year and hopes for more of the same in the future. RESUME OF PUBLISHERS FUND BALANCE, Dec. 31, 1973 $ 660.96 INCOME: Total Convention Advertisements $ 2,264.00 Total Christmas Advertisements 217.00 Total Regular Yearly Adv. 644.00 Total Donations 73.00 Total Subscriptions 17.50 Total Donations for Cuts 72.50 Total Other Adv. 72.00 Total Memorials 20.00 Miscellaneous 8.50 $3,388.50 $4,049.46 EXPENSES: Contribution to cost of Dec., 1973 ZARJA $ 648.00 Contribution to cost of of May, 1973 ZARJA 2,030.00 Postage 57.70 Return Postage Charges 30.39 Office Supplies 63.82 Photos & Art Work 43.50 Photocopy service 24.85 Bowling Sponsorship 20.00 Commission paid on advertising 15.00 Convention Expenses 266.98 Subscription 18.00 Miscellaneous 23.62 $3,241.86 Balance, Dec. 31, 1974 $ 807.60 CORINNE LESKOVAR The report was accepted as given. The president called for the written reports of the National Officers sent by mail. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Dear Sisters: I am sorry to be unable to accept the invitation of the National President, Mrs., Bostian, to attend your Board of Director’s meeting. I sincerely hope that you will have a pleasant conference and make plans for more good programs which will bring further success to our organization. SCHOLARSHIP REPORT Our scholarship project, now in its 25th year, is progressing most satisfactory due to the cooperation of many branches and our good friends. Many new contributions swelled the Scholarship Fund. It was heartwarming to receive a sum of $100.00 from Mr and Mrs. Frank Ermenc of Milwaukee who have already donated $500.00. Cynthia Jagodnik, a member of Branch 50 and one of last year's scholarship winners made a lovely piece of handwork which was given at the meeting with all the proceeds of $58.00 benefiting the Fund. Olga Mesojedec, state president for Colorado, distributed Scholarship Memorial cards at one of their Branch’s meetings realizing a total of $24.00 in memory of their loved ones. Contributions for the late Mary Shikonja, past president of Branch 23, Ely, Minnesota, amounted to $40.00. A total of $40.00 was received in memory of John Sever of Chicago and Branch 20 of Joliet contributed $31.00. We are most grateful for all the contributions, large of small. We appreciate them all! Since last September I have been corresponding with educational authorities in Ljubljana to establish a scholarship program there for one of our top winners for further study and knowledge in Slovenian culture. The correspondence has been most disappointing. We sincerely hope that satisfactory arrangements can be made for the next scholastic year. BY-LAWS Please include in your agenda the piinting of the revised By-laws as proposed and accepted at the last convention. Since no authorized perscn was appointed to make ready the revised By-laws for print, I took it upon myself to prepare for print —free of charge— almost all the revisions then mailed them to the Home Office with the direction that the part-time helper in the office finish the project. Since secretaries are inquiring about the Bylaws I am concerned about whether or not they have been printed. If the project is completed then I’m satisfied. It is difficult for the secretaries to operate when they don’t know what the newly revised By-laws contain. If the Bylaws are not important then why have a convention? I attended the July 16th meeting of the Board-and the Wisconsin State Convention. It is always a great pleasure to see and talk to our good members and hear nice progress reports. February’s ZARJA was especially pleasing because so many of our Branches reported active piograms with enthusiastic future plans. It’s refreshing to read such reports. A hearty welcome to the 300 new members joining cur ranks in the last campaign! With warm greetings and best wishes to all, MARIE PRISLAND The report was accepted as read and placed on the agenda for later discussion. The Board was unanimous in its regets that Mrs. Prisland could not attend the meeting in person and hoped that she will approve the decisions of this meeting as if she herself were present. Her counsel will be asked in the future as in the past. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE AND COLUMNIST OF “POTS AND PANS" IN ZARJA DEAR NATIONAL OFFICERS: Dear National Officers: Greetings and best wishes for a successful Board meeting on February 25th and 26th. The following is my annual report for the Scholarship Fund and POTS AND PANS AND PASTIME. SCHOLARSHIP FUND A six month financial report has been mailed to Fanik? Humar, executive secretary, and Corinne Leskovar, editor, for your meeting and publication in Zarja. The recording and bank books will be mailed to the Home Office for the auditors to examine. I am sorry to report that fewer scholarship applications have been requested than during the past years at this dr.te. Two factors for this decrease might be: That male students must also be members (previously they were ele-gible if their mothers were members), and the dead-line •for mailing the required information was extended two weeks. Please urge the high school graduating seniors in ycur branches to send for application forms as soon as possible. In your agenda please consider two questions pertaining to the scholarship program: 1. Should the future amount for individual scholarships be increased, and if so, how much? $200.00 scholarships have been always awarded, but the number has increased from two to five each year. 2. Should satisfactory arrangements be made with educational authorities in Slovenia so that one of the scholarship winners might attend the University of Ljubljana for one or two semesters, would you propose financing the transportation to Slovenia or pay an additional given amount over and above the $200.00 scholarship award, and if so, how much? The generous contributions to the scholarship fund have been most gratifying and they along with the high interest from the excellent investments have added substantially to the Fund. The 1973 scholarship winners have expressed their deep appreciation for the financial support and congratulate the Slovenian Women’s Union on this worthwhile project. Enclosed please find several copies of the revised application form as suggested at the national convention last May. Respectfully submitted, HERMINE DICKE, Sec., Scholarship Committe The correspondance with the members through this “cooking column” has been heartwarming. For example, one member wrote: "The day the Zarja arrived I was getting apples ready to bake; had to look at your POTS AND PANS first, as I always do, then I tried the “APPLE PUDDING”, it was delicious — from now on it will be APPLE PUDDING instead of just Baked Apples”. ■Many complimentary letters have been received. A few have reported that new members were obtained because of the recipe page. My only request is that more members send me their family favorite recipes because they rtceive priority reading. I make all the recipes before submitting them for publication. It helps me to sometimes discover errors or forgotten ingredients in the recipe. Happy Cooking to all, HERMINE The report was accepted as read and subject matter put on the agenda for later discussion. REPORT OF THE STATE PRESIDENT OF WISCONSIN National President, Mrs. Bostian, and members of the Executive Board. I would like to take this opportunity to extend greetings and wishes for success and progress in our Slovenian Women’s Union. Since the National Convention in May, there is not much to report. 1 arranged a bus to Lemont for Zveza Day and in September, the Wisconsin State Convention was held in West Allis with Br. 17 as hosts with an overwhelming attendance. In December, a Christmas Party for the adult and juvenile members was again a great success. A social evening in the month of October was held where branches 12-17-43 participated. I have also urged the branches to send teams to Milwaukee for the bowling tournament. I am trying to promote youth activities. I also attended a Board meeting in Chicago at my own expense, with a disappointed return home. I still maintain it is very important that State Presidents attend meetings and learn more about our organization as I did at that one meeting. There is a saying “The family that prays together, stays together”. This saying also applies to our Slovenian Women's Union as these words: "Work together, have fun together and grow together.” New members are needed especially youth. I don’t like to brag, but it surely is nice knowing that Br. 43 holds the lead in obtaining new members. Special thanks to the members of Br. 43. I surely would have loved to attend this Board meeting again at my own expense but due to certain diffi- culties, I could not. Congratulations to Marion Marolt on her new position as Auditor and to Olga Ancel as National Treasurer. Wishing you a successful meeting. ROSE KRAEMER Report accepted. Dear National Officers & Board Members, Greetings and best wishes to National Officers and Board members. In the year of 1973 I attended the National Conven-tcn that was held in Chicago, I enjoyed every minute. It was a great exerience and knowiegable for me. I’m grateful foi having had this opportunity. On Sept. 16, our Colorado State Convention was held in Gunnison. I chartered a bus and with the help of our Sec. we filled a bus of 46 seats. With members and guests I turned in 53 reservations from our area. Branch No. 3 is always well represented at conventions. In 1973 we had 5 deceased members, 3 transferred members, 1 Jr. into B Class, 2 Jr. into A Class. We enrolled 6 new members, 2 Jr. and 4 B Class. We had cancellations of 6 Jr. members. Our Sec. Frances Simonich tred to talk them out of this but had no luck The reasons given — they marry or leave town for college or employment. Also if Jr. members are asked to transfer in A or B Class. We hold nine meetings a year excluding June, July and August. Our two main events are Mother of the year celebration, which is held in May, the last meeting before summer vacation and our Christmas party in Dec. with our Jr members as special guests. Election of Officers are held at the Dec. meetings. Our meetings are held in good order and the attendance is fair. We make donations to our church twice a year, Christmas and Easter. After our meetings refreshments are served, then "B” is enjoyed by all present. This concludes my report for year 1973. Regards to all from Branch No. 3. Sincerely, OLGA MESOJEDEC Report accepted. REPORT OF THE STATE PRESIDENT OF OHIO-MICHIGAN My greetings to the National Officers at your annual Board meeting. Hope you are all in the best of health and may this meeting be successful especially in your discussion of plans for the betterment of the organization.. During the last half of 1973, I have presided at all Combined Branches meetings in Cleveland, Our request is that we get some new forms for our monthly reports. With all the new rates and classifications, the secretaries have problems. In October at the State Convention, we also celebrated the anniversary of Br. 25. With the help of National President, Mary Bostian, our convention was a successful one. A Banquet followed the meeting, which turned out to be a very memorable event. Present were many members of all branches in Cleveland. Br. 50 had a full house at their card party and Mary Bostian and I attended this and had a lovely time. We were also very happy to be present at the annual concert of the Dawn Choral Group. They all sing so well. The people really enjoyed hearing them and they are a real boost to the S.W.U. and we are so proud of them. I had the pleasure of attending the meeting of Br. 101 in Bedford Hgts., with our National President and met a lot of lovely ladies. Also attended a special meeting of Br. 15 on E. 80th and Union Ave. who meet at the Siovenian Home there and to Br. 41 in Collinwood. They meet at the Waterloo Slovenian Home. Was invited to attend the meeting of Br. 32 in Euclid, Ohio at the Rechar Ave. Home and later enjoyed their Christmas party. It was indeed a pleasure for me as State President to meet all the lovely ladies of Br. 32. I believe there were 80 ladies present. They had such nice things to say about our beloved S.W.U. especially about ZARJA THE DAWN which they all enjoy so much. 'My husband and I attended the dedication of Bishop Baraga statue in L'Anse Michigan. There I met a lot of ladies who came by bus from Wisconsin. When one sees the statue of Bishop Baraga, you can just feel all the good deeds he has done and our ZARJA has played a big part with all the wonderful articles that have been written ?nd read by many. Lots of nice things are happening in our ZARJA. Congratulations to State President, Rose Kraemer and President of Br. 43, Mary Tratnik for being No. 1 in getting so many new members. In Ohio-Michigan states we have enrolled a total of 105 new members., My thanks to all of you in Ohio and Michigan. Congratulations to Olga Ancel of Br. 20 to her position as our National Treasurer and Marion Marolt of Br. 17 as our new National Auditor. My gratitude to all national officers for all the help during the past year. A very Happy Easter to all of you SOPHIE MAGAYNA Report accepted. REPORT OF THE STATE PRESIDENT OF ILL.-IND. Sincere Greetings to all Officers attending his first Board Meeting of the new year 1974. In my capacity as State President for the lllinois-lndiana region, I have done my very best to strengthen our Slovenian Women's Union and have assisted in many activities within my local Branch No. 16. I would like to list these activities for you as follows: Our year began with the celebration of our 45th Anniversary with Mass, Banquet and Program I arranged for on Sunday, February 25th. I attended Zveza Day in Lemont in July with a group from our branch. I organized a busload of members and friends to attend the 45th Anniversary of Branch No. 17 and the Wisconsin State Convention in West Allis, Wisconsin on September 23rd. I conducted the 14th Annual lllinois-lndiana State Convention on Sunday, October 14th which was hosted by Branch No. 95 in South Chicago with the largest attendance ever recorded at a Convention in this area. I enrolled 17 members in the year 1973. I arranged a Christmas Party for the juvenile member!? which was held on Sunday, December 2nd at St. George’s Church Hall. I ended my activities for the year by playing the role of Santa Claus at the adult member’s Christmas Party which was held on the regular meeting night, Thursday, December 13th. With the conclusion of this report, I would like to add that I have enjoyed my work in the Slovenian Women’s Union and hope that together we can strive to make it a stronger organization with each coming year. May God guide you in your endeavors at this meeting. ANA LUSTIG Report accepted. Esteemed National Officers, my heartfelt greetings to all for a successful Board of Director’s meeting for the New Year, 1974. It is an honor and privilege to serve again as State President Washington, Oregon and California and for this great organization. We congratulate our National President, Mary Bos-tian for her leadership and progress for the Slovenian Women’s Union. Thank you, Mary, for keeping our Branch informed. Our Founder, Marie Prisland, we extend our sincere good wishes. Rev. Claude Okorn we send our prayers for continued good health. We are proud of our Editor Corinne Leskovar for her loyal and interesting coverage of our beloved Zveza in the pages of Zarja. I received the Memorial Sympathy cards for the Scholarship Fund which we discussed at our -meeting and agreed it was a fine idea. We added two (2) new members to our branch and am sure there will be more to follow. I regret I was unable to attend the last Convention May 1973. Sincere hope I will be able to make the next Convention, (God willing). My report for 1973 was a good year. The new officers are doing a fine job. They are interested and have many new ideas. We had our "Zveza” day which was well attended, Mother's Day, afternoon luncheon, Pot Luck dinner and Christmas Party was a happy occasion, Juniors included. After our meetings we have a social and discuss new ideas. Sincerely, ROSE SCOFF Report accepted. * * * The president called for discussion on various points brought up in the Directors’ reports. It was agreed that the juvenile contribution per member as stipulated in the last Convention Minutes is 30c. per juvenile member, not to exceed $30.00 total contribution per branch per year. Branch secretaries must send in to the Home Office a written report stating how many juveniles attended he yearly affair and when it was held. Bowling promotions that the Union is engaged in consist of two sponsored leagues, one in Chicago and another in Joliet, III. The Sports Director’s request for an increase in the team allottment and ;n money for purchase of trophies was agreed. $8.00 pr team was approved and additional $25.00 for trophies to offset rising costs. The Midwest Bowling Tournament will be held March 30 and 31, 1974 at Milwaukee, Wis.. Mrs. Marolt, a member of the Midwest Bowling Association, gave a brief resume of the bowling promotions. At this yearly tournament, bowlers from Chicago, So. Chicago, Joliet, Oglesby, LaSalle, West Allis, Milwaukee and Sheboygan are expected to enter. In accordance with the ruling of the last National Convention, the Secretary will arrange fo the printing of new By-Laws and distribute them among the branches. They will include any changes approved at this meeting as wll as all previous changes made since the last printing after the convention of 1967. The Editor read a letter from the printer of Zarja, the Croatian Franciscan Press, in which an increase of $5.00 per page is asked. The letter stated the reasons being continuing higher prices for materials and labor which they have been absorbing in the past years but cannot any longer. The Board, realizing that the Union will not find a more economic means of printing ZARJA at the present time, approved payment of the increase as requested, to take effect with the April, 1974 issue as well as approval of another projected increase of $5 per page beginning in 1975. It was the unanimous opinion of the Board that ZARJA is too important an activity for the Union to change it in any way and that we are satisfied it is being published most economically while maintaining its journalistic standards. The Board approved the payment of one month’s ZARJA costs from the Union's Promotional Fund to lessen the burden on the Expense Fund for 1974. The Promotional Fund monies are expected to increase with the continuing sales of the SWU cookbook. A thorough report was given by the Secretary as to the standing of the cookbooks and a written report was read from the former S.W.U. president. Antonia Turek who is distributing the books from her home in Cleveland. The expenses from the last printing are expected to be recovered soon and any gains will be used for further promotions such as ZARJA, sports, juvenile activities, awards, etc. The Board discussed the adviseability of increasing the yearly scholarship grants to conform with higher living costs facing students. Since the Inception of the Scholarship Fund, a yearly stipend of $200 per year has been given per student. For the year 1974-75, it is recommended by the Scholarship Committee to raise it to $250 per year. On a motion by Mrs. Rosandich and seconded by Mrs. Floryan, the Board unanimously approved this amount. Eventually, the Board is hopeful to help students on a four year basis since the cost of education is steadily rising. The Board, with lengthy discussion, reviewed the financial standing of the Union and its goals, priorities and objectives for the future. Since one third of the membership is elderly and over 75 years of age, it is expected that more and more demand will be put on the treasury for death claims. Also, operational costs, rise in ZARJA cost, and various other expenses that are essential for the sensible conduct of business have all been straining the budget. The secretary has maintained a very close accounting of all expenses and will continue to do so, however, good business operation shows that a greater contribution must be made to the expense fund so that disbursements can be paid and more money put into high interest investments. The Board regretted that the recommendation for increasing the assessment at the last convention was not passed, but felt that at this time, the Union cannot ignore the warning signs and must increase membership dues. The Adult assessment will therefore be increased 10c. per month, effective January 1, 1975. Until then, members will pay the present assessment. After January 1st, all adult assessment will be 55c. Class A and 80c. Class B per month. There is no change In Juvenile assessment or assessment for members over 75 years of age. The Board also stipulated that Social Members will pay 40c. per month straight through the year. It was also felt that with the new assessment, branch secretaries will find it easier to make their monthly reports and do their own bookkeeping. The secretary will prepare a simplified form for branch secretaries to follow in the future. It was also the Board’s recommendation that new Social Members will be accepted if they are over the present age limitations of 50 years in Class A and 60 years in Class B; also, that in accordance with the directive in 1961, juvenile members may transfer to the adult classifications at age of 14 years. A new Membership Campaign will be on until Dec. 31st, 1974, and is retroactive from last Jan. 1st. The Campaign will have as its incentive, the "rounding out” of the total number of members in each state or group of states as we have them in the Union. The membership tota' of each state or group, will be published along with the next highest number in multiples of 50 — for example: Wisconsin with 1060 members as of Dec. 31, 1973 will strive for the first ‘‘rounded out” number of 1100 members and this is their first plateau. After reaching 1100, they will strive for the second plateau of 1150 members. At each plateau, the State or group will be awarded a special prize. Individual prizes for all workers will also be given as cash awards according to points: New Class B member, 1 full point and $1.00 cash prize; New Class A member, 1/2 point and 50c. cash prize; New Juvenile member, 1/4 point and 25c. cash prize. Ail campaign prizes will be paid from the Union’s Promotional Fund. Details will be printed !n ZARJA. A committee will select commemorative pins for officers with 25 years service and the same committee will look into the feasibility of purchasing pens with the S.W.U. inscription for branches to buy at cost for their own promotions. The Secretary was authorized to renew the Union’s membership in the Illinois Fraternal Congress and attend their yearly meeting. Mrs. Humar reported on various aspects of the business operation in the Home Office. She reviewed some correspondence from branches and their emblems. The Board suggested that branches with lonsr-time members of 75 vears of acre who find it difficult to pay assessment, that they assume the pavments from their own treasuries or bv organizing some money-making activitv. In her financial resume, the secretary reported that the corporate taxes assessed to the Union for 1971 have been settled and paid as well as legal fees. The state tax board has also re-adjusted the assessment for 1973 considerably. The taxable investments which the Union still holds will be phased out as quickly as they mature w!thout losing any interest. Some changes in the procedure of filing Insurance Dept, reports were also explained. State Conventions were announced as follows: Wisconsin, Sept. 15th at Milwaukee, Br. 12; Minnesota, Sept. 8th at Eveleth, Br. 19; Penna.-N.Y. Oct. 6th at Universal, Br. 96. 111.-Ind. and Ohio-Michigan have not been announced. Correspondence from long-time officers was received and read. The Board commends these fine officers for their service and conscientious work. Mrs. Otoničar, has given up her post as secretary of Zveza’s largest branch, No. 25 in Cleveland. She served 44 years as secretary and 26 years a Supreme Officer. Her successor as secretary of Br. 25 is Cris Zivoder who has the confidence of all the members. Mrs. Otoničar brought much fame and distinction to the Union through her work and tireless efforts. The Board is indeed grateful to her and wishes her great Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: NEW BEGINNINGS Wonderful feast of Easter is here again. We celebrate it with the renewed spirit. The theme for today’s feast is new beginnings. St. Peter tells us in his sermon in the Acts of the Apostles that Christ died but his death was not the end, but only the beginning, the beginning in frendship with God. The women going to the tomb as the gospel tells us thought they were going to write the final chapter of the story of Jesus of Nazareth and discovered that the book was actually the beginning. And the epistle of St. Paul tells us that the old yeast has been thrown out and the new bread is beginning to rise. How much strength is in it. How much hope. Easter is also our celebration of hope. Just the idea that we start a new life, even if we start every thing all over again gives us a great joy. Life conquers death. The resurrection of Jesus is a sign to all of us that the strength arid vitality of the human spirit cannot be contained in any tomb, that human life forces are stronger than death, that while we continue to fear death, we will still face it bravely because we know that it is not the final word. We celebrate the feast of resurrection of Jesus with immense juy because it resolves the most terrible problem we face: It tells us that together with Jesus we will triumph over death and begin the life of happiness for all eternity. St. Paul is giving us advice: If you have risen with Christ, seek the things that are above; mind the things that are above, not the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, your life shall appear, then you, too, will appear with him in glory. What a glorious beginning. * happiness enjoying the fruits of her labors in her retirement. Another long-time secretary of a pioneer branch, Mrs. Mary Lenich of Br. 19, Eveleth, is hospitalized at this time while mourning the recent passing of her husband, who died at age of 95 years. The Board sympathizes with her deeply and wishes she will soon recover and return to her home and many friends in Minnesota. The Board was also very pleased to receive written greetings from the Honorary State Presidents, Mrs. Anna Pachak of Pueblo, Colo, and Mrs. Mary Tomsic, of Strabane, Pa. In reflecting on the work of the elderly, pioneer officers, the Board began to compile a list of officers serving the Union for 25 and more years. It is requested that a'l branches will send in the names of their long-time officers for proper recognition by the Union. An appeal was read from the editor of the Baraga Bulletin, Mrs. Agnes Rufus, asking for further support for the Cause of Bishop Baraga by members of S.W.U. It is hoped that his beatification will coincide with the 50th arriversary of the Union in 1976. Members are urged to support this Cause by joining the Bishop Baraga Association. I Meeting adjourned with prayer at 6 p.m. The president Wshed everyone a safe journey home. MARY BOSTIAN, PRESIDENT CORINNE LESKOVAR, RECORDING SECRETARY 1974 SCHOLARSHIPS INCREASED RETURNS DUE APRIL 30th Since at the February annual Executive Board meeting, a $50.00 increase in the scholarship award was approved to be effective immediately, the deadline for returning the require information is extended to ApriS 30th. $250.00 will be granted for each of the scholarships. High School graduating seniors please write immediately for application information to Mrs. Hermine Dicke, 3717 Council Crest, Madison, Wis. 53711. Scholarship Committee, S.W.U. Mrs. HERMINE DICKE, Sec. Requirements for S.W.U. Scholarships Eligibility: | 1) Applicant must be a graduating high school senior intending further education at an accredited college, university or technical institute. 2) Applicant must be a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union for at least three years preceding application. Exceptions: 1) Only one scholarship can ever be granted to members of any one family. 2) Only one scholarship can be granted to applicants of the same Branch during any particular year. 3) No Branch can receive a scholarship for two successive years. Each application shall contain: 1) Name, address with zip code, local Branch number and number of years of membership. 2) A recent photograph of the applicant. 3) A transcript of high school grades including the first semester of the senior year. 4) A review of the applicant’s participation in the Slovenian Women’s Union. 5) A review of the applicants extra-curricular activities. 6) Major field of study contemplated. 7) Name and location of accredited college, university or technical institute applicant plans to attend. 8) A frank statement of the extent of financial assistance needed. 9) A letter of recommendation from the applicant's principal, advisor or teacher. 10) A letter of recommendation from the local Branch president or secretary certifying financial need, character and years of membership. All application materials are to be sent to Mrs. Hermine Dicke, Secretary Scholarship Committee, 3717 Council Crest; Madison, Wisconsin, 53711, not later than April 30. The Scholarship Committee will review the applications and make the final selections. Application materials will not be returned. Awards will be based on the competitive leve! of scholastic achievement, financial need and activities. Mrs. HERMINE M. DICKE, Sec. Scholarship Committee, S.W.U. ACTIVITIES OF OIK lUIAMIIIS No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. At the February meeting a six months report was read by the secretary. Auditors Mary Turk and Elsie Braeger examined the treasurer’s and secretary’s books which were approved. A donation was made to the Bishop Baraga Fund. Plans were made for the Bake Sale to be held in March but due to circumstances it has been postponed until the first Sunday in May. Mary Turk and Anna Modiz will be in charge. Anna Modez gave us details on the approaching Midwest Bowling Tournament in which our branch will be participating. Our belated congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolp Saye upon their silver anniversary. Olga (Mrs. Saye) is our branch president. A hearty welcome to my daughter-in-law, Mary Fischer of Sacramento, California into our branch. We express our deep sympathy to the Anton Bogolin family upon loss of their dear father and grandfather. Get well prayers are extended to all sick members. A Blessed and Joyful Easter. MARGARET FISCHER, Secretary No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. In our community we are looking forward to spring and Easter just as you are. Our St. Stephen’s church choir will enhance the church ceremonies connected with this holyday by their beautiful singing — many of the choir members belong to Br. 2. Organist, Prof. Alfred Fischinger is on hand each Sunday for mass as he is for the many occasions that find their beginnings or end under the large, life-sized crucifix that hangs above St. Stephen’s altar. Young John Arko is the choir conductor and he has only perfection in mind when he stands before the singers, demanding and getting beauiful tones from them. We hope the choir will continue for many more years to bring beauty and inspiraticn to our Slovenian services. Soon after Easter is Mother’s Day with a special Mass on the evening of May 9th. at 7:30 p.m. Come to St. Stephen’s for this occasion and bring your daughters and granddaughters. We welcome you all to mass and the social to follow in the church hall. Mother of the Year, Lil Putzell, will be accorded special honors that she will gladly share will all mothers present. At this writing, Lii’s mom, Julia Pavlin is in Florida from where she sends best wishes to all! Poticas — poticas — poticas! The famed Slovenian pastry that has been served at the White House, at hundreds of thousands of parties, banquets, weddings and at home on festive occasions, is our own delicacy. Many of you know how to make it and some, like me, do not! We are anxiously awaiting April 4th when Mrs. Fani Zibert will demonstrate her art in the making of Potica at our meeting place, lower church hall at 7 p.m. Be sure to attend and bring your young ladies so they’ll learn something, too. Spring means clean up to some folks and in Chicago as in all big cities there much to do when winter is over. The "Heart of Chicago” community council, named because we’re in the geographical heart of the city, is proud of the Slovenian community, one part of this large district, because Slovenian homes are always the cleanest In the block. It’s a fine example for others to follow. Tho it’s sometimes difficult, let’s all do our best to be good citizens, good neighbors, good mothers and daughters and good members — all will benefit us greatly! CORINNE LESKOVAR No. 3, PUEBLO, COLO. We proudly congratulate one of our young members, Miss Dorothy Ann Zakrasek, on her recent engagement to Robert L. Gagnon of San Diego, California. Dorothy Ann is a graduate from Creighton University at Omaha, Nebr. and a third year medical student at University of Nebraska School of Medicine. Her fiance was graduated from University of California and is a senior medical student at Creighton University School of Medicine. What makes us so happy is the fact that Dorothy Ann is a former S.W.U. Scholarship Student, in 1967, and is the only member we have who has reached this point in a me- dical career. Dorothy Ann was a junior member for many years and is now transferred to the adult class. To her and her family, our heartiest con- gratulations. ANNA PACHAK No. 12, MILWAUKEE, WISC. Our Feb. meeting was very well attended and because of the good re- presentation of members, a lot of business at hand in regard to the approaching Card Party on April 21st at Rebernisek’s was discussed. Also, we are planning our State Convention on Sept. 22nd at the St. Jtohn the Evangelist Catho'lic Church on So. 84th and Cold Spring Ra. It’s good to have some active members who so willingly offer their services and help and as a result, we were able to get things moving for both events. Remember, there’s still time for added suggestions and help so if you’re able, try to attend our future meetings; or if you are unable, I’m sure anycne of the officers will be able to bring them up for you. Thanks, too, for the generosity of the attending members who volunteered cash donations toward the card party expenses, being a big encouragement for the officers and entertainment committee. The meeting ended with the usual prayers as well as special prayers for Mary Susha and Mary Trobenter who passed away this month. Our deepest sympathy goes out to members of both families and their friends. Fr. Okorn’s new assistant does a beautiful job of praying the Rosary and taking over for the funeral masses and burial services. We are grateful to Fr. Bernard for his good will and pleasant personality and both families have been impressed and praised our participation as pallbearers and honorary pallbearers at the burials of the two members. Our membership is fast growing smaller and we are in need of more new members so let’s get at least one new member each. How about all these youngsters or babies? It's one way of keeping in touch with their heritage and mother country's ties and traits. The entertainment and lunch after the meeting again was srved on a nicely set table with Happy Birthday sung to Mrs. Pipan and her very active daughter, Christine B o j a n c e who furnished good sausages, cake and the rest of the lunch for the day. Our usual favorite game was played for the last 40 minutes and is always enjoyed by all the members. Hoping to see more of you members attending meetings and let’s all help to keep the "sunshine gal’’, Mary Evanich informed of any sick members or other events. Pray for the sick and those in the Nursing Homes. Good luck to all. MARY DEZMAN, 645-8771 f Theresa Skur 7here A a £kur wurned by member* The unexpected passing of Mrs. Theresa Skur, left the Cleveland ccmmunily very sad. She was a very popular fraternalist and served as president of Br. 14 for 6 years. Mrs. Skur was one of two chosen as Alternate National S.W.U. Auditors for the term of 1967-70. She was a fine singer and member of the Dawn Choral Group since its beginning afong with her sisters, Mary Gerl and Albina Techar. Beloved Mrs. Skur was the mother of nine children, had 21 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. One of her five sons is Col. Anthony Skur of the U.S. Air Force. She was the widow of Dr. Anthony Skur a distinguished physician in the Cleveland area. To her family, the members of Br. 14 and friends of Zveza offer their sincere sympathy. M.B. ^ ▼ V No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. HOWLING XKWS The Chicago S.W.U. bowling league has a third of the season to go, with Marquette Super Service still firmly entrenched in first place. As of February 19, the leaders had a record of 48^ wins and 23J losses. Lawn Fence had a good month and moved up to second place from fourth place, with 42 wins and 30 losses. Dr. Grill held onto third place with 40 wins and 32 losses. Zefran Funeral Home (39-33) fell to fourth; St. Paul Federal (36J-35J) moved up to fifth. There was no contest for the "star" of February. Helen Drobec ran away with the honors by bowling 101 pins over her 132 average. Her 497 series included games of 137, 179 and 181. Joy Nowaczyk's 401 series was 80 pins over her 107 average. Marilyn Zefran had a 470 series, which included a 197 game. This was 74 pins over her 132 average. Linda DiGiacomo’s 402 was 69 pins over her 111 average; Cassie Hurn, improving every month, had a 375 series — 66 pins over her 103 average. Other high series during February included: S. Gorka, 514 and 516; S. Melissa, 510 (192 game); H. Fitzgerald, 503 (195 game); A. Vucko, 496. L. Golen had a 199 game. The railroad "hotshots” were out in full strength again. They were: J. Ovnik, 4-5-10 and 3-10; K. Kozak, 8-10; R. Haas, G. Dellegrazie, B. Shil-iga, 4-5-7; A. Marrazzo, B. Zalik, 5-6-10; B. Hasman, F. Wnezzes, G. Nied-zielko, L. Golen, 5-7; A. Vucko, 3-10; J- Nowaczyk, 3-5-7; J. Wrezzes, D. Ceska, 5-10; K. Cepe! a k, 3-7; F. Smulski, 6-7-10; M. Zefran, 5-7-9. For the first time in 13 years I hissed the Midwest Bowling Tourn-enient, but I nope you all bowled well and had a good time. See you next month! BARBARA ZUREK No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Because of unforessen circumstances, our plans for Zveza Day have been postponed to a later date. We are proud to announce that we will be celebrating our traditional Mother’s Day Breakfast on May 19th. Mass will be held at the Church of the Nativity. Our Chairman and co-chairman will be Moreen and Doreen Sustarich. They will notify the members as to where and what time the Breakfast will be. The attendance a our Feb. meeting was great. We all enjoyed the Valentines, goodies and it was most enjoyable to share this time with members present. We hope all had a Happy Valentine's Day. Our sympathy goes out to Olga Bodner Kastellic in the loss of her husband, Tony. May he rest in peace. Hope to see more members at our April meeting. JOSEPHINE AIUTO, President No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Our combined meeting and three month birthday celebration was well attended. Plans for our Annual Card Party were discussed and it was decided that it will be held on Tuesday, October 29th, 1974, at the Euclid Park Club house at 7:00 P.M. Members are asked to bring their door prize donations to our monthly meetings as soon as possible. This will be greatly appreciated and help our committee start preparing for the card party. Goodies for our three month Birthday Party were donated by: Frances Erzen, Frances Kovach, Evelyn Kravos, Mary Panchur, Vera Bajec and Addie Humphreys. The food was delicious. Thank you ladies. A special note of appreciation to our excellent Kitchen Committee namely: Mary Fakult, Frieda Miller, Frances Plut, Addie Humphreys and Jen- DAWN CHORAL GROUP EUCLID, OHIO With heavy hearts, the Dawn Choral Group announces the loss of a second member in less than two years. Theresa Skur was called to join God's Heavenly Choir on February 10th, there to sing His praises with Frances Globokar, who was also our secretary-treasurer. She passed away on October 10, 1972. At the Grdina Funeral Home, after we sang our sad farewell songs (ža-lostinke), our director, Mr. Gorensek, led us in prayer. We then formed in single file to view her remains and each placed a red carnation, lining her casket. To you, her beloved family, we extend our deepest sympathy and ask God in His infinite mercy and His Blessed Mother to comfort and strengthen you in your great loss and to help you to fully understand His will. Dear Theresa, you are gone but you will never be forgotten. We promise to remember you in our prayers, and also to attend the Masses offered for the deceased members of our choral group. Dawn Choral Group Reporter, FRAN NEMANICH nie Fitzthum. These ladies have been our Kitchen Committee for the last two years. Congratulations to our good member, Mary Bubnic, who on March 6th. celebrated 45 years as a member of Zveza. On a sad note we report the sudden death of our good member, Theresa Skur who died on February 10th, 1974. She was our branch’s past president — she held this office for 7 years — she worked hard to obtain new members for our Zveza. She was a member of the Dawn Choral Group, too. We extend our deepest sympathy to her family, relatives and friends. May God in his mercy and love grant her peace and eternal rest. Natl President: Happy Easter To All? Happy Easter to all our officers and members. Hope you have pleasant holidays. The weeks ahead promise some exciting times to members who do gardening as their hobbies. Just like they love beautiful flowers and beautiful gardens, the S. W.U. loves to see our membership grow, too. Members join our hobby — a garden of memberships. Make this idea your hobby, bring your bouquet of members to help your branch increase their membership. May we take this opportunity to thank all who have given freely of their time to secure new members during the 1973 Campaign, which netted us 300 members, which was very nice. Let’s try to double it for 1974! Do you know we were the first Slovenian Organization to give scholarship awards? To date 74 members have received this award. Raising funds for this project was partly through the sale of. Cook Books, and through the donations from generous members and friends who know the value of helping our youthful members realize their goal in furthering their education. This fund is raised for scholarships and can only be used for this purpose. Hope this information will help to explain the money used for awards does not come from the S.W.U. Treasury. Our Youth Activities sure need a helping hand. It’s hard to understand why our branches cannot create more interest in younger members. It’s sad to hear remarks as "Oh, all our Juniors are grown up.” Naturally they are — they are now mothers and have children of their own. Wish they would remember how their parents worked to have junior activities and maybe start youth groups again. Only thru activities with young people will we be able to keep our organization going strong. Other groups do it, why can’t we. So come on ladies, "Speak Up” — "Speak Out”. Let’s hear from you. Can you try to help our junior groups? Write to me or to our Youth Director, Olga Ancel. We will be very happy to hear from you, and also try to help at all times. Marie Prisland's write up in the February Edition Slovenian Section certainly was humorous, about the husband and wife. A verse on what to do to liven their ways of life. Josephine Mezan of Branch 35, Aurora, Illinois is to be complimented for her strong belief that "Life is Good” despite her handicaps. How nice of her to let us know how much she enjoys reading our monthly issues. God biess you, Josephine. All of us love surprises. So here is one for all the Former Cadets of Ohio. A big reunion is being planned for June 21, 1974 at the Euclid Club House in Euclid, Ohio. What a glorious day that will be when friends who have not met for years will see each other again at this reunion. May I add my deepest condolences to the family of Theresa Skur who passed away so suddenly last month. She was president of Br. 14 for many years and served as Alternate National Auditor for a time. She had raised a large family and was very well-liked by all. Since we are always happy to be going somewhere, I think it’s time we planned a special pilgrimage trip to Lemont, III. to visit the Shrine of Marija Pomagaj of the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers. I would like to have all interested members and friends get in touch with me so I can arrange for a chartered bus. The most appropriate time for this Is July 21st for the annual Zveza Day there sponsored by Chicago branch. There we will meet many ether members from all over the midwestern area. For the weekend trip with one night’s stay at the Retreat House, the cost will be nominal. Call me if you are interested: (216) 481-4710. We plan another Debutante Cotillion at the end of this year and now is the time for any interested young ladies to enter. Call either State President, Sophie Ma-gayna, WH 3-0645. Fran Sietz, Co-chairman at 261-2856 or Yours Truly. This will be the Fourth S.W.U. Deb Ball and we hope it will become one of our nicest traditions. Branches celebrating anniversaries this month, "Our Congratulations”. Happy Birthday to all our April celebrants. God Bless and help all our ailing members with good health and keep your faith in prayers. MARY BOSTIAN On the sick list is our recording secretary, Antonia Sustar — who had surgery performed and is recuperating at Euclid-General Hospital. Also on the sick list are our members, Agnes Mahne and Jennie Zigmen. We wish all our shut-in members a speedy recovery., Donations to our Goodtime fund were made by: Olga Ozanich, Louise Kozely, Eileen Collins, Angie Baranowski, Antonia Ipavec and Mary Bubnic. Donations to our Sunshine fund were made by Mary Kmell and Mary Bubnic. Thank you for your generosity. A little reminder to our members, please remember to keep up to date on payment of your dues. A Joyous and Happy Easter to all. ANTOINETTE ZABUKOVEC, Reporter No. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. There was no meeting in January but we had a good turnout for the February meeting. Election of officers was held and all the present officers were unanimously re-elected. In addition, Ana Lustig was elected Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. She will be in charge of our annual games party held in March. Our meeting fell on St. Valentine’s day and Ana presented each lady with a Valentine. Josephine Krai received a heart box of candy for regularly treating us with her delicious apple strudel at our monthly meetings. At this meeting, we chose our Mother of the Year. It was decided to bestow this honor on Mrs. Mary Cholak. We will be reading about her in the May issue., Get well greetings were sent to our member in Milwaukee, Tina Ziebart, who has been ill and to Evangeline Nagoda who is in a nursing home in Michigan. Sylvia Spretnjak was hospitalized for three weeks in January and juvenile member, David Druga, spent a week in the hospital in February. Best wishes to all for improved health. Congratulations to Sharon Krai who was a first place winner in the Sacred Heart School science fair. Her project was "Crystallography”. In January, Mary Sasek and Jean Bukvich vacationed in Florida. There they visited Mary’s mother-in-law, Jennie Sasek, our long-time member who will be 92 years old in April. They brought Jennie tape recorded messages from her relatives and friends in the Chicago area. At the meeting, they played Dack a recording from J'ennie, greeting all her friends and reminiscing about her years of activity in Branch No. 16. She was delighted with the Slovenian klobase, ocvrki, noodles and kolački sent by Katie Triller. We were thrilled to hear from her. Happy Birthday, Jenniel May God bless you with many more. We have two other members who are in their nineties. Frances Kuhel, who is a shut-in, was 91 in March. Stephanie Hermanek was 90 in December. She attended several meetings last year and we hope to see her again when the weather allows. There was an abundance of refreshments for the social hour after the meeting as we had birthday celebrants from January and February. Happy Birthday was sung to Jean Bukvich, Mitzi Klobučar, Pauline Klobučar, Elsie Starcevich, Mary Krzna-rich and Draga Pavlovič. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Elsie Starcevich who lost her husband, John, in March and to Dorothy Perko whose mother, Ruth Kerr, passed away in February. Welcome to new members Mary Brozovich, Phyllis Ferko, Mary Puterko and Kathryn Rajcic. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter No. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. Our Feb. meeting turned out with a fair attendance and it is gratifying to see members taking an interest in the organization. One of the discussions was for the Misc. Card Party which will be held on Thurs. April 18th at 7:45 p.m. at St. Mary's Hall at St. 60th and W. Madison St. for the benefit of St. Mary’s church fund. Donation of 75c. will be asked, cake and coffee will be served. Prizes and baked goods for this affair are greatly appreciated. We are inviting the members, husbands, relatives and friends to come. Keep us in mind for an evening of relaxation. Again we participated in the Mid- On the cover... / ” utarami v centa’ is the title of Maxim Gaspari's painting seen at the lower left of this month's cover collage that was created especially for ZARJA's Easter issue by Emilia Razman-Bucik. "Butarice” are carried into church on Palm Sunday and blessed with the palms — families then keep them at their homes until the following year when they are burned for Ash Wednesday. Our thanks to Miss Jo Misic of Cleveland, Ohio for sending us the scenes taken at St. ViL'us Church where many of our members attend services. It's gives us much happier reading this month with these appropriate and thoughtful contributions. EDITOR vjvw^vwvyvuwwvwv w WWWiVW.WWWUWVWLVV west Bowling Tournament on March 30th-31st. in Milwaukee. Hope to be able to report a fine turnout of our members and bowlers. In the past months we welcome into the branch the following new members: Jill Gasperic, Angela, Donald, John, Kimberly, Kristen and Doreen Rossa, (daughter and grandchildren of A. Floryance), Renee Matherne, Mary Ann Ybanez, Lillian Foloron, Pamela Gasperic, (Jill and Pame'a are Ann Gasperic’s grandchildren) and Catherine Gasperic. We are very proud and happy that you are members of Br. 17. To the shut-ins, we extend best wishes. Drop them a card or when the weather will permit, drop in and pay them a visit. A reminder: Cookbooks are available at my home or at president Marion Marolt’s. Easter greetings are wished to all the officers and members. May God bless you. MARIE A. FLOYRAN, Sec’y No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. We want to congratulate the family of Marilyn Dolnak on the addition of a beautiful new baby girl. As we remember, Mr. Dolnak is one of the players on the orchestra at our Br. 20th anniversary party last fall. Also, to Mary Kay Demick, whose family increased with a son, our felicitations. Mary Kay is a good helper in our branch. Thank yc-u, Mary Kay and congrats! Also, in the hospital were Justine Gregorich and Mayme Fedo, who is related to a group of our members. Eleanore Annunzzi from Ottawa St. is home from the hospital still convalescing while her husband is at present at the Sunny Hill Nursing Home. We want to thank Mrs. Louis Sega for her donation of 2 pairs of beautiful hand-made booties used as a prize. Thanks also to Mary Weismante1! and her sister, Rose Marie Marjasevich for the beautiful hand work they have given to the branch at various times. Besides the above named, I wish to report that Tillie Artac is also at St. Joe’s where she is already well on the road to recovery. She is remembered by all as our tour enthusiast — especially since her visit to Slovenia last year to see her many relatives near Škofja Loka., Tillie was in an accident at that ime while in Slovenia but she is undaunted and plans to go back in a year. Good Luck! Our new member, Mary Stefko, recommended by Josephine Sumic, was initiated at the meeting and we hope to see her often. We had a nice attendance and a good number of bowlers also attended. After the meeting we enjoyed movies from the July 1973 trip to Slovenia shown by Joseph Erjavec. Many of the members remembered places they had seen on the trip. We know that many of you are planning to travel so we invite you to join us on our next trip there in the future. Congratulations to member Anne Kostelc who had her picture in the U.S. Steel News as a good worker since 1942 when she joined the labor force as women were needed for men’s jobs. This makes her 52 years on this job as a filler of nails into packages. Good luck, Anne, and God give you continued good health. Anyone wishing a copy of Women's Glory — The Kitchen may get it for $4 from our secretary, Olga Ancel who has a new supply at her home, 1115 Frederick St., JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC SpeciaC *Jeatuze Continuing in her feature to sketch our S.W.U. National Officers, Mrs. Prisland presents three more this month and hopes to conciude in May with the State Presidents. THE EDITOR In preparing the biography of Corinne Leskovar, editor of ZARJA — THE DAWN, my thoughts took me back to the 1939 national convention held in Chisholm, Minnesota. At that convention I recommended that we establish a Juvenile Department to embrace the children together with the mothers as Zveza’s members. Having the by-laws to govern a Juvenile Department already composed I presented them to the convention. The motion was enthusiastically accepted and Mrs. Albina NoNvak, then the editor of ZARJA exclaimed: "My daughter will be the first member!" So, Corinne became number ONE in the Juvenile Department and is number ONE in Zveza’s activities ever since. She also is number ONE to me. I have often said that Corinne and Olga Erjavec Ancel (knowing them so long) are my adopted daughters. I love them as such. They are friendly, patient, extremely devoted to Zveza and always respectful towards us elders which is remarkable in these times when it seems that the World belongs only tc the Youth. Corinne, whom we often have called “Zveza's baby”, participated with her mother in hundreds of programs, bowling tournaments, conventions and hundreds of meet-ingr before and after taking office., She was the mascot of Marie Prisland Cadets and mother's helper at every national convention, attended all Illinois state conventions and visited almost all the states where SWU has branches. She writes: “My greatest joy is knowing so many of our members and officers with no age barrier. I am “Korinca” to hundreds of older members and officers — allowing me the privilege of being almost 'ike a daughter to them”. Corinne was secretary of Branch 50 while living in Cleveland and is recording secretary of Branch 2 in Chicago since 1960. For her Branch she organizes their junior’s Christmas program every year and was chairman of the last national convention held in Chicago At that time she organized the first Midwest Debutante Cotillion Ball. Being the special event’s director for the Slovenian-American Radio Club, publicity chairman for the Heart cf Chicago Community Council, holding a State of Illinois Real Estate salesman’s license and represents Kollander’s Travel Service in Chicago and co-operates with any other Slovenian cultural program — she is the busiest person. Corinne was born in Cleveland. She attended the Colorado University at Boulder, then moved with her mother COKINNE LESKOVAli and sister, Gloria, to Chicago in 1952. She married Ludwig Leskovar on November 19, 1955 at St. Stephen’s Church. Her husband has a Doctor of Jurisprudence Degree from the University of Ljubljana and has attended the University of Loyola in Chicago., He has been in the Real Estate business for 23 years. He organized a Slovenian weekly Radio Hour 24 years ago — the only one in Chicago. (Since their marriage Corinne, with her husband, is announcing on the Slovenian Radio Hour program.) Dr. Leskovar is president of the Slovenian American Radio Club, president of Heart of Chicago Community Council, and a member of Chicago’s Mayor’s Committee on Urban Renewal and the U. S. Centennial Committee. He is also president of St. Stephen Society No. 1, KSKJ. Leskovars are the only husband and wife team that have been named Man of the Year and Woman of the Year in Chicago community in consecutive years: 1972 and 1973 — so named by Marshall Square Chicago Boys Club. At the $25.00 a plate dinner, honoring Corinne last year, proceeds of seven thousand dollars was realized which was donated to the Boy’s Club. When Corinne's mother, Mrs. Albina Novak, then the editor of ZARJA, was elected National Secretary at the convention in 1952, Corinne was elected to take her mother’s work and became the editor at an early age. She is holding this ofice for 22 years and is an excellent editor. Two years ago the combined Cleveland Branches honored her for doing her work so well during the 20 years. She also received the City of Cleveland Proclamation on the same occasion. We wish Corinne continued success in her many activities. The Leskovars have two children: Miriam Noelle, born on Christmas Day 1956, and Luddie, called “Tonči”, born In 1958. Miriam is a senior at Nazareth Academy in La Grange, III. She is first in her class and is contemplating a career in Law. Tonči is a sophomore at St. Ignatius Jesuit H'gh School and is on the varsity track team. HONORARY STATE PRESIDENTS The last national convention recognized the great organizational work of two outgoing state presidents by giving them the title "Honorary State President”. Anna Pachak, since 1935 a member of Branch 3, Pueblo, Colorado, president of her Branch 23 years, national vice-president 12 years and 15 years state president representing Colorado, Kansas and Missouri, certainly deserves the title of Honorary State President since she is fully devoted to Zveza in or out of the office. She has enrolled 304 new members, sold over 2,000 Zveza's cookbooks, gathers advertisements for ZARJA at every Christmas and Easter and is one of the top contributors to our Scholarship Fund ($635.00). While in office she has organized several tours for members visiting interesting places, and in War time performed much charity work. Mrs. Pachak was born in Slovenia, arrived in America in 1908 and came directly to Pueblo where she was married in 1911. Her husband, John, has successfully operated a large Hardware Store for the last 36 years and is continuing with the help of their son, William. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Pachak. Two died in infancy. Daughter, Ann, who passed away in 1951, taught Spanish in High School; son, John, finshed Busi- ANNA PACHAK ness College — he, too, passed away as a young man — while William, managing the family’s hardware store, is a graduate of Colorado University at Boulder. His daughter, Beth, is teaching in a High School in Germany. Anna Pachak performed some wonderful work for the good of her Branch and is also act;ve in church work. She is a member of church societies, of Daughters of Isabella, Slovan Lodge, Navy Mothers and Bishop’s Guild. ^4 4' MARY TOMS1C Mary Tomsic is also a Honorary State President a title bestowed on her by the last national convention. Born in Slovenia she arrived in America in 1906 to live with her father, J’ohn Kirn, in Strabane, Pennsylvania. (Strabane was then called ‘‘Suptan’’.) She worked in a factory for 68 cents a day until she was married in August 1907. Her husband, Ignatz, was a Road Supervisor 26 years and passed away in 1956. Tomsic family had five children; two died in infancy and Frank, an Oldsmobile & Cadillac dealer, died in 1972, leaving a wife and two daughters. Son, J'ames, director of Slovenian Savings & Loan, an 18 million dollars association, owns and operates a Chrysler & Plymouth garage, while son William is beer distributor in Canonsburg, Pa. Mrs. Tomsic was elected recording secretary at the first meeting she attended of Branch 71, then one year olo. 38 years ago she became president of her Branch, the office she still holds. In 1946 she was elected as national vice-president and in 1958 as state president for Pennsylvania and New York, holding this office 15 years. May 24, 1948 she organized Branch 106, Meadow-lands, with 25 members. Each year she has conducted a state convention always at a different Branch in Pennsylvania to deepen the members’ interest in the organization. She sold 1900 Zveza’s cookbooks. All her family and relatives are our members. She also has enrolled many friends. No. 23, ELY, MINN. We had our meeting at the Church Hall at 6 p.m. with dinner of ham, potica, krofe, and jello salad. After the dinner and meeting we played “B”. Rose Stupink donated 2 rugs for which we sold tickets. M. Diyak and Stephanie Vranesich were the lucky gals that took them home. With the cash we got for this project, we will give an Easter gift to our members in nursing homes. Donors were: F. Grahek, J. Dijak, R. Novak, T. Koscak, M. Zgonc, R. Pucel, E. Pucel, M. Preshiren and B. Rosandich. With our best wishes for a Happy Easter to all. FRANCES S. JENKO No. 24, LASALLE, ILL. The LaSalle branch of the Slovenian Women’s Union held a meeting on March 3rd, in the St. Roch’s School Gym. 21 members were present. Officers were installed at the meeting, with Emma Shimkus in charge of the installation. Officers for the coming year are: President: Mary Piletič; Vice-President: Mary Gramc; Secretary-Treasur-er: Rose Savnik; Recording Secretary: Ann Meglan; Auditors: Mary Gornac, Emma Shimkus; Sentinal: Helen Gor-gal. Rose Savnik reported to the group on her vacation in Florida, where she visited Mrs. Uranich, a retired member residing there. They spent a very pleasant day visiting. Mrs. Uranich donated an afghan to the LaSalle group. A social hour followed the meeting, and lunch was served., The refreshment committee was Mary Piletič and Ann Meglan. ANN MEGLAN Recording Secretary No. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. With the start of the year our first meeting was held March 19th. The officers were hoping for a good attendance. Hopefully, the weather will be good as it has been spring-like for the past few weeks., One of our members, Margaret Borlak, age 49 years, died. We extend our sympathy to her husband, Joseph and three daughters. Also, condolences are extended to Helen Gratkowski and her family on the loss of husband and father. May their souls rest in peace. Greetings of cheer go to all our aged, sick and shut-ins. The next big affair we are looking forward to is our annual luncheon and "B” game. This will probably be in May but more information will be given at a later date. Keep this event in mind, ladies. Hoping to see all of you soon and don’t forget to bring in a new member. HELEN CESNIK, Rec. Sec’y No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO We had an overwhelming attendance a the Feb., meeting — our members usually are very interested in our meetings, but this time we had Julia Zak demonstrating how to make French Pastry and this was fascinating to all of us! This dough is much faster and easier than the stretch dough and she made apple strudel just as easy as one, two, three. We sampled it and it’s delicious. This demonstration was very interesting and educational. The next time, I think this will be after our March meeting, Julia will make cheese strudel with the same dough and we’ll have a microphone for her to be able to tell us all the details so everyone can ~~~~ Cleveland* ycing tc Xetnctotf For the annual Zveza Day in Lemont, III. when members fiom the midwest states meet for the one day pilgrimage to the Slovenian Fran- j; ciscan Father’s Shrine of Marija Pomagaj, our National President, Mary Bostian is gathering a group to fill a charter bus from the Cleveland ; area. The date is the weekend of July 21st. Mary’s phone number is : 481-4710 for your inquires and reservations. One overnight stay will be 1: arranged at the Reteat House there. ;> The program will consist of candlelight procession Saturday night ;; and Singing Litany of Our Lady, Sunday morning mass at the outdoor Groito and altemoon vespers. The members of Br. 2 will be hostesses ; tor the picnic, games and entertainments of Sunday afternoon. You will meet many members and friends from Illinois, Indiana and iae hospital. s>ne is now recuperating at home. Due to personal reasons, iillie Ci-golle has resigned from her job as secretary-treasurer. She is to be commended for the wonderful work she has done in the past years. Mary Selak was elected and accepted in her place. I know Mary will ao a good job in this office as sne is well qualified. Again, I would like to remind everyone of our Card Party on April 25th at the Slovenian Home. Everyone is cordially welcome. See you at the next meeting. FRANCES HRIBAR No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. I’m reporting for our Jan. and Feb. meetings, Being it was below zero weather and very few showed up in Jan. we spent our evening visiting with each other. Hostesse were Kay Marolt, Mary Meadows, Amelia Doman and Agnes Barkis. Feb. meeting brought out quite a few members and we hope more will come to the next meetings. Our sick mmbers reported were Frances Fiori. Elizabeth Spolar and new reporter, Mary Johnson.. We wish you a speedy recovery and hope to see you at the next meeting. One of our older members, Mrs. Kozina, celebrated her 92nd birthday at a party given by her family. We of Br. 56 hope you have many happy returns of the day and many more years. God bless you! Prizes were given to Ann Satovich, Agnes Barkis, Amelia Domen, Barbara Dosen, Kay Marolt, Ann Voynovich, Dorothy Obestar, Mary Bavitz and Mary Putzel. Oh, by the way, one of our members, Mary Massich, is on a trip to Las Vegas with a touring group of ladies. Have a nice time, Mary. She also informs us she will be back in time to be one of the hostesses at the next meeting and will be assisted by Rose Vukich, Mary Putzel and Rose Kolmpten. Girls, let’s get out and make a drive for new members. Hostesses for the meeting, Mrs. Pawn, Mary Bill, Ann Karkash and Rose Maras. Congratulations, Ann Satovich, on being grandmother to twin girls have lots of fun. Two new members? Best wishes to the family. ROSE MARAS, President No. 73, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, 0. Due to illness, hospitalizations and vacations, elections for officers of our branch did not take place until our February meeting, but we are happy to report that all former officers were re-elected. Our 38th Anniversary Mass will be held at St.. Jude’s Church, Warrens-ville Heights, Ohio, on April 21, 1974 at 9 A.M. We hope that as many members as is possible will attend. In writing about our charitable activities, especially about the "cancelled stamps” for the Jesuit Fathers, I should have instructed the members that it is necessary not to remove the stamps from the envelopes, but also to leave from lA” to 1/3” of the envelope around the stamp. The reason for this is that it makes for easier counting, as stamps removed from the envelopes tend to curl. Our birthday girls for the month of February were: Betty Adamovich, Ann Fike and Ann Yoger. I’m happy to report that Irene Chase is feeling much better after her recent hospitalization, and also glad to hear that Mary Chesnik is now home from the hospital and recuperating nicely. On February 16, 1974, Carl Bayus, son of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bayus (Betty), was united in marriage to Jan Allen of Midland, Michigan. The wedding and reception took place in Midland, Michigan, and the young couple are making their home in Parma, Ohio. MILDRED D. ROBERTS, Reporting Secretary ; A LITTLE MISS ! SAYS HELLO! • L « My name is Julie Tankovich. I am years o.d and the aaugnter oi Mr. & Mrs. I nomas Tankovich. I have a brotner, Ua- \ via wno is 3 years oid. Through the generous contribution oi S.w.U, Brancn lul in Uedtord Hgts., Onio, I have been ■, abie to attend tne Children hor-^ ever Classes for the retarded in Parma, Onio since September of last year. The branch paid for my year’s tuition and transportation. I attend school four days > a week from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and I enjoy school very much. I rea.iy like my teachers and the children in my classes. ' We have lots of fun and I have learned many new things. Before school started, I wasn’t walking and now I can walk all i around by myse.f and I am also learning how to make new sounds. At school, we are learning how to feed ourselves, dress ourselves and also how to use the potty. We do finger painting, work puzzles and read storybooks, ail fun things. Children Forever Classes is a privately run school operated through tuitions, fund raising projects and private contribu-’ tions. It is a school for the train-able retarded, many of whom have multiple handicaps. It is a school operated by teachers and vo,unteers who are dedicat- j ed and have genuine interest in the needs of the retarded. It is a school filled with lots of LOVE and I am very grateful to be able to attend. i The first meeting of the year was held on February 20th. Hostesses were Mrs. Joseph Marolt, Mrs. Joseph Boben, Mrs. Mary Marolt, and Mrs. John Mestrick. Chosen "Mother of the Year" is Mrs. Milo Prebeck. She will be honored on May 12th, “Mother’s Day” in Fr. Federick Hall after mass when there will be a communion breakfast. Our meetings will be held on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in Fr.. Federick Hall. In June and July there will be no meetings. The next meeting will be April 24th. The attendance prize was won by Mrs. Margaret Cernjar. CLEM BOLF, Reporter No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. 32 members braved the wintery blasts and attended our February meeting. After all the reports were given by the various committees, the most important one was of our Secretary Mildred Ftoropat who reported that three of our very good members transferred to Br. 16, Phyllis Perko, Katherine Rajcic and Mary Brozovich, I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your loyal support in all of our endeavers, As a result of your generosity you three ladies have made our branch what it is today. May happiness and success continue to follow all of you, I know we will maintain our longstanding cordial relations in the years ahead. After the business session, we were fortunate in having Mrs. Carolyn Meyers from American Airlines as our guest speaker and her subject was on the “Art Of Packing a Suitcase" and showed scenic slides on "Hawaii” of which she was exceptionally qualified to speak. Refreshments were served by Virginia Kwiatkowski from a table decorated in a Valentine motif with a heart-shaped cake by yours truly and Julie Hansen, Bernise Morrison and Virginia Kwiatkowski with delicious home made goodies. Cash donated by: $5-Helen Spelich, $2-Helen Yura-tovac, Rosemary Cacich, and Ann Po-'anclc, $1-Marge Simunlc, Bernice Morrison, Madeline Zart, Mary Malcic, Eva Starcevich, Helen and Marie Zef-firo. Thanks ever so much for your kind and generous contributions. We have on our sick list, Helen Chorak who was recently hospitalized and Ann Plesha who suffered a fall 9fid broke her arm. Hurry up and get well, ladies, so that your may be with us again. Attendance prizes of heart-shaped boxes of candy were awarded to the lucky winners; Lucille Nosich, Mary Malcic and Madeline Zart. Birthday Greetings to the following celebrating in April: Mary Nicksic, Rose Kmeta, Regina Buchanan, Marge ln-nis, Mary Pavelich, Rose Kovacevich, Matilda Quinn, Cecelia Kolavo, Barbara Sambol, Andrijana Bandera, Mary Aikovich, Rosalie Rozek, Ann Laski, and Helen H. Willis Jr. In conclusion, A Joyous Easter to all of you, and don’t forget that our membership drive is on, and continue to keep up the good work that we are set out to do and try to attend one of our interesting meetings when we will have some thing of interest planned for you. We need your help and suggestions. See you at our next meeting. MILDRED JAMES No. 103, WASHINGTON, D. C. Our first meeting of the year on February 2 was a two-fold occasion. Father Blatnik officiated at the installation ceremony of our newly elected officers as he nas done since the inception of the Branch. After the installation ceremony, the room divider was drawn open and Father Blatnik was pleasantly surprised by many Washington area Slovenians who joined members of the Branch in singing “Happy Birthday" to him on the occasion of his 75th birthday which he had celebrated a few days before. Mary Lou Terselic’s cake decorating talents drew many compliments and calorie counting was soon forgotten as guests and members enjoyed the delicious repast prepared and served by hostesses Jana Bevec, Mara Cho-kel, Antonia Cigale, Ida Gregorič and Helena Špacapan. The Washington Slovenian Choral Club, under the direction of Vladimir Pregelj, repeated the song dedicated to Father Blatnik which they sang after the 11:00 A.M. Mass at the Slovenian Chapel at the Shrine. Mr. Pregelj composed the lyrics and music and Mr. Chokel collaborated with him on the harmonization. Jana Bevec, Mara Chokel and Molly Thomas are members of the Choral Club. Despite the threat of sleet and icy roads, many members and guests remained to play "B”. Many thanks to Matilda Podborsek’s son, J’ohn, who is always so accommodating in coming to our meetings to call the games. Our prayers and best wishes for improved health go to Mary Lipar and Frank Baloh. Although Mary was unable to attend the meeting, she furnished many of the lovely prizes. We miss you very much, Mary, and hope your health is soon restored. We had high hopes that 1974 would be a good year, health-wise, for members of our Branch and their families but these hopes were short-lived. On Saturday, February 16, president Freda Michelitch was injured at home when she fell head first into the basement through the opening in the floor from a furnace register. After several days in the hospital, Freda is recuperating at home with many bad bruises., Our best wishes for a speedy recovery. Freda — bruises can be more painful than broken bones. “Happiness is a thing to be practiced, like the violin” — John Lubbock. MOLLY THOMAS, Vice-President No. 105, DETROIT, MICH. Sorry this reporter missed the meeting at Catherine Musick’s in Feb. Thank you, Pauline for filling me in on the meeting. There were 12 members that attended. A thank you note from Fr. Leonard Bogolin was read for our donation to the Slovenian church. Also, thank you notes from Bette Kares and Stephanie Hometz for the cards and remembrances during their illinesses. Both are doing beautifully and keeping up their good health once again. Mother of the Year is our gracious president, Pauline Adamic, who deserves much praise and is a most wonderful person. Her untiring efforts and work keep our club together. Our next meeting will be at Angie Jenkins’ home April 7th at 1 p.m. Happy birthday to our March and April girls. You aren’t getting older, just better. May you all enjoy a Blessed and Happy Easter. As of this writing, I just received word of Catherine Musick’s great sorrow on the loss of her son, Michael. Our deepest sympathy and heartfelt sorrow go to Catherine and her family. ANN POBANZ MARIE PRISLAND OH, TA SVET Srčna kultura Srčna kultura se odraža v tem, da vedno ob pravem času in na pravem mestu ter ob pravi priložnosti povemo to, kar se spodobi in nikogar ne žali. Mnogim ljudem ni treba premišljati kaj naj povedo, kako se naj ravnajo, marveč jih njih srčni takt vodi, da zadenejo pravo v besedi in dejanju. Kdor po naravi nima tega srčnega takta si ga mora s samovzgojo pridobiti. Srčni takt nam diktira biti do ljudi prijazen, prizanesljiv in čuteč. Oholo in netakno zadržanje je pomankanje olike. Brez takta n: lepe harmonije pri glasbi; brez srčnega takta pa tudi ni lepe skladnosti v človeški družbi. Moška zvestoba Dve prijateljici sta se pred leti pogovarjali o moški zvestobi. "Nobeden mož, ni ženi zvest", trdi soseda svoji prijateljici eno leto srečno poročeni gostilničarki Mary. ‘‘Čimbolj zatrjuje, da te rad ima, bolj te goljufa. Vsi moški so enaki, le verjami mi!” "Kaj pa ti slabega veš o mojem možu”, nejevoljno leče gostilničarka. "Ne primerjaj mojega Frenka s Tvojim Tonetom. On je zaposljen v tovarni in njegova pot ga vodi naravnost domov, če ne pride ob pravem času, že misliš, da hodi po krivih potih. Moj Frenk je gostilničar, trgovec in je tajnik velikega podpornega društva zato mora večkrat zvečer iti zdoma. Preveč se trudi za ta naš ljubi narod”, sem mu rekla že večkrat “a pošten je skozi in skozi, to ti rečem!” "Misliš kot sem jaz mislila nekdaj. Zdaj vem drugače!” pravi soseda in odide v hišo. Peklenski izkušnjavec, ki tako zavistno opazuje srečo mladih ljudi ni miroval; vrgel je peščico strupa v Mickino srce, dasi je bil zakon med njo in njenim Frenkom dotlej po vseh postavah pravilen. Neke vroče nedelje je bilo ko se je v gostilni kar trlo ljudi. Mary, Frenk in dekla Francka so imeli polne roke dela, da so vsem gostom postregli. Francko, ki je bila fejst dekle, je nekaj mladih pivcev hotelo zapeljati v pogovor. Gospodar to videč, je zaklical: "No, Francka, le hitro! Ljudje čakajo!” Nato udari Francko po polnih bokih in se glasno zasmeje. Mary se je ravno t-krat ozrla; moževo vedenje jo je kar malo zapeklo. Vendar pa ni bila ena tistih žena, ki za vsako malenkost vzkipijo. Niti z besedico ni Frenku omenila, ker zato je bila tudi preponosna. Čudno pa je bilo, da se odslej vedno večkrat spominjala besed svoje sosede; "Noben mož ni ženi zvest!” Sicer ni dvomila nad zvestobo svojega moža — a priložnost, pravijo, lahko včasih najbolj pametnega zmeša. Premišljevala je njegovo preteklo obnašanje. Da, prijazen je bil z deklo, tisto že. . . Druzega pa prav nič, kje neki! Toda... aha... ojej. . . sicer ne sme soditi, pa pred kakim mesecem je bilo, ko se je mož vrnil domov ob polnoči. Čula je odpiranje vrat, v spalnico ga pa dolgo ni bilo. Rekel je, da je šel v klet pogledati kako fumez gori, kar se ji je takrat zelo verjetno zdelo. Ali zdaj? .. . Francka, kaj ko bi... ne, ne. To pa že ne! Njen Frenk že ne! Ljubosumnost, ta strašna pošast srečnih in ljubečih se ljudi, se je vsesala vanjo in ji pričela piti srčno kri... Zaslediti sicer ni mogla ničesar nepravilnega. Velikokrat je sama sebe obsojala in bili so trenutki, ko bi se rada možu vrgla okrog vratu in mu vse razodela. . . ali ni mogla, ni si upala in tudi ni hotela. Frenk pa je bil kot vedno. Vsled prevelike zaposljenosti včasih malo nervozen, s posli včasih tudi zadirčen, z njo pa vendo prijazen. Ubožica, kako naj dožene. .. In vendar je dognala! Neki večer je Frenk povedal, da ga ne bo kmalu domov. Ima zelo važno sejo, ki se bo dolgo zavlekla. Naj ga ona ne čaka temveč mirno gre spat. Mary je ostala sama. Začutila se je zelo osmaljeno in zapuščeno. Ta njen ljubi Frenk je odšel in kdo ve kdaj se vrne in kod bo hodil. • • V tem grenkem razmišljanju jo najde sestra Pepca. Glede zakonskih zadev je bila Mary kot zaklenjena pred tujimi ljudmi. Ali v tej hipni zmedenosti je pa čutila potrebo, da b' komu zaupala svojo skrito gorje. Sestra ji je prišla ravno prev. Kakor pri spovedi ji je vse razodela in pokazala črva, k: jo grize noč in dan. Pepca je bila resolutna ženska. Sestro je takole tolažile: "Res je, Mary, dedci so vsega zmožni, ampak kar lopniti po njem. .. Bog ne daj! Je, a i pa ni. Gotovega ne veš še ničesar. Prepričaj se prej!” Pepca se zamisli, dalj časa študira, nato se krepko poči po čelu in reče: "Jo že imam!” Sestri sta se stisnili druga k drugi in sledil je dolg skrivnosten pogovor. Ko se je Pepca vračala domov je zaklicala dekli Francki: "Čuj Francka, nekaj bi te prosila. Moj mož ne bo dva dni doma, pa me je tako strah same, ali bi prišla k nam spat”? "Zakaj pa ne, če gospodinja dovoli”, pravi Francka. "Kar pojdi”, reče Mary.—Voščile so si lahko noč in se razšle. Tiste večer pa Mary ni spala v svoji postelji. Skrivoma, kakor tat, se je spravila v Franckino posteljo, kakor ji je sestra svetovala. Zaspala seveda ni. Srce ji je preveč razbijalo. Trenutki so se ji zdeli kot cela večnost. Oh, da bi bilo že konec teh muk. Da bi se Frenk že skoraj vrnil. Toda... kaj bo če pojde naravnost v njuno spalnico. . ■ kaj mu bo rekla? Eh, bo že našla kak izgovor. Nič ne bo vedel, če pa ima res kaj s Francko, jo bo nocoj obiskal in potem ga ima. Gorje mu! — Aha — zdaj se odpirajo vrata. Nekdo prihaja.. . Stopinje so počasne, negotove. To je Frenk.. . kdo pa drug. Počasi in previdno hodi, da bi ga ona ne slišala. Mary zaklopoče srce še glasneje. "Rssrk!” zakškripljejo vrata, nato se nalahko in pri-držema odpirajo. Mary zastane kri po žilah. On je, Frenk! V temi ga sicer ne vidi, pa ve, oj še predobro ve, da je on. že misli napraviti luč, ko se primisli.,.. Zdaj še ne! Lahko bi rekel, da se je zmotil in prišel Francki kaj povedati radi dela prihodnji dan. Naj le pride bliže, naj se le izda... "Francka, ali že spančkaš?” se oglasi iz teme. Mary ne more odgovoriti, ker jo je že zgrabilo dvoje močnih in mladih rok in nato. . . cmok, cmok, na usta, na čelo, na vrat. .. Z največjim naporom se je Mary podjetnega vasovalca osvobodila toliko, da je lahko prižgala nočno lučko. Lučka je posvetila in — Bog in vsi svetniki! Vsa trda in preplašena zre Mary v obraz nič manj začudenemu in preplašenemu — sosedovemu borderju! UJ, in zadouoine velikonočne praznike vdem članicam in njihovim družinam! DOPISI... ST. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Prodaja peciva, ki jo naša podružnica ima v programu za to leto, se bo vršila prvo soboto in nedeljo v me-secuj maju. Oskrbnici bosta dve dobri in v takih stvareh izkušeni delavki, Mary Turk in Anna Modiz. Vse članice ste prošene, da se povabilu odbora odzovete in prispevate pecivo za to prodajo, ki je prva po več letih. Naše članice so izvrstne pe-karice, zato smo uverjene, da bodo napekle vseh vrst dobrega peciva, po katerem zlasti Amerikanke rade segajo. Torej, se lepo priporočamo! Predsednica podružnice, Olga Saye in njen soprog Rudolph sta meseca januarja praznovala srebrno poroko. Vse članice jima iskreno čestitamo ter želimo še mnogo srečnih in zadovoljnih let! Vesele Velikonočne praznike vsem skupaj želi, Odbor No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Pomlad je prišla. Sonce že toplo sije in ogreva vse okoli nas. Trava je zazelenela in grmičevje že poganja prve pomladne poganjke. Na vrtovih že cvetejo narcise, in trobentice., Res je prava pomlad. Pa tukaj v mestu je ne občutimo tako kot na deželi. Tu so ceste iz asfalta, pa visoke hiše. Le malokatera hiša ima kaj zelenja okoli. Zato se mi posebno sedaj misli vračajo nazaj med slovenske vasi, niške griče in visoke planine, polne pomladnega zelenja. Ptice so priletele nazaj z južnih krajev. Lastovice si spletajo prva gnezda, povsod je pomlad. Pri vsaki hiši se pripravljajo na Veliko Noč. Dan Kristusovega vstajenja, dan veselja. Vsi hite in pospravljajo. Iz kuhenj prihaja prijetenj vonj po poticah. Starejši otroci barvajo pirhe. Ene zelene, pa rdeče, druge zavite v čebuli-no perje, da .zgledajo narejeni iz marmorja. Pri nekaterih družinah so jih celo popisali in narisali lepe rože in srčke, še posebno lepe so pa Belokranjske pisanice. Na Veliko Soboto pa je mama zložila vse dobrote v velik jerbas. Bila je potica, pa šunka pirhi, hlebec kruha, pa hrena ni smelo manjkati. Jerbas je pokrila z lepim doma vezenim prtičem, na katerem so se šopirili nagelj, in srca. Nato pa je bil že čas da se odpravimo v cerkev. Mati je posadila jerbas na glavo in vsa družina je odšla. O to so lepi spomini. Pa ni treba, da bi bili samo spomini. Pripravimo se za to Veliko noč. Naredimo si res nas domač praznik. Naj praznik Kristusovega Vstajenja posije tudi v naše domove. Vsem Vam želim Veselo ALELUJO! Članice! Pripeljite svoje hčerke na naš “Večer potic” ko bo iskušena kuharica Mrs. Frances Zibert predvajala pripravo in pečenje pristne slovenske potice. Pridite vse, 4. aprila ob 7 uri zvečer v spodni svetoštefanski dvorani. Pozdrav, BREDA MODIC ŠT. 3, PUEBLO, COLORADO Drage sosestre: V mesecu januarju ste izvoljene uradnice sprejele svoja mesta in dolžnosti, katere nam narekuje naša Zveza. Z dobrimi izkušnjami preteklih let, gledamo z zaupanjem na leto 1974, da bomo pri naših podr. imele še večje uspehe in lepšo bodočnost. Naše drž. konvencije narede lep vtis in čla. se strinjajo, da je veselje se srečati vsaj enkrat na leto iz raznih krajev. V febr. Zarji beremo, kako nekatere podr. spretno pridobivajo nove čla., zato upam, da bo tudi naša podr. šla krepko na delo. Kar je nas starejših, kot izgleda, smo svoje delo že dokončale. Vseeno se še kaj pobere, kakor "slepa kura”. Zaročila se je Dorothy Ann Zakra-sek, hčerka Mr. in Mrs. Nick in Dorothy Z. Poroka bo v juniju. Dorothy Ann je verjetno edina Slovenka, ki bo v času enega leta postala zdravnica za notranje bolezni, kakor tudi njen zaročenec, Louis R. Gagnan. Z njim se je spoznala na Creighton Univer- zi School of Medicine, Omaha, Neb. Dorothy Ann je naša članica, kakor tudi njena mamica in sestrica. Prejela je šolnino od naše Zveze. V tem času imajo Zakrajškovi 3 na univerzah: 2 hčerke in sina. Njena mama poučuje in vodi cerkveni pevski zbor naše fare. Frances Klun iz Clevelanda, je njihova sorodnica. Vsi smo Bogu hvaležni, da je to dekle tako nadarjena in čestitamo mlademu paru z željami za srečo v življenju. Tudi jaz sem ponosna na mojega nečaka Larry Pugel, ki je bil povišan v čin kapitana (Captain) v vojaški službi. Svoje izpite je opravil z odliko kot administrator ali upravnik vojaške bolnice v Wuzber, Nemčija. Več let je upravljal bolnišnico v Asmara, Afrika. Vsem dobro poznani čla. Sandra Schnieder, sedaj poročeni z Dr. Raymond M. Costello, želimo božjega blagoslova ter mnogo zdravih let in uspehov v njunem odličnem poklicu, ker sta oba zaposlena v bolnišnici v San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Costello ima sorodnike v Salida, Colo. Hitro nam tečejo leta, nič ne vemo, kedaj bo konec našega življenja. Naša taj. se pritožuje, da nekatere čla. ne plačujejo redno, tako da mora zalagati za celo leto in vsi opomini ne pomagajo. Prosim, bodite bolj točne v tem pogledu in plačajte svoj prispevek v naprej, ne nazaj, ker Zveza čaka samo 3 mesece za plačilo. Naša podr. izroča sožalje družinam, ki so izgubile svoje drage: Barabara Rosandich iz Ely, Minn., žaluje za prerano umrlo ses. Mary Shikonja. Na hitro so nas zapustili tudi: Albert Galich, Anton Delac, Angela Kerns, Paulina Perše, ses. pok. č. g. D. Gnidica. V Zarji sem čitala tudi, da je umrla Antonia Gornik, mati naše biv. gl. preds. Toni Turek, ki naj sprejme sožalje. Prijateljica Mary’ Dolgan tudi naroča izraze sožalja Tončki. Moje osebno sožalje za pok. Paulino Perse, posebno rodni ses. M. Težak in redovni ses. Liocadia, ki uči na šoli v Chicagu. Podr. št. 66 v Canon City, je izgubila čla. Hanna Adamich. Naj vsi počivajo v nepozabnem spominu. Kako so fletna dekleta na slikah prve strani Zarje, posebno gospa Otoničar in njen "boy friend”. Prejela je zasluženo priznanje mesta Cleveland kot pionirka in neutrudljiva Zvezina delavka. Mestni župan gospod Ralph Perk, je kot ugledna osebnost počastil našo SŽZ. p. Klavdij Okorn, ofm: ncio jmi Velika noč Vstajenje. Kako globoko odmeva to v naših dušah. Pravici je zadoščeno po krvi Pravičnega. Nebo je potolaženo. Kako ne bi peli. Je to prelomnica s starim. Začenja se novo življenje. Jesus je vstal in z njim smo vstali tudi mi. če ste torej vstali s Kristusom pravi sv. Pavel Kološanom in z njimi tudi nam: "Iščite kar je zgoraj, kjer je Kristus.” Hrepenite po tem, kar je zgoraj in ne potem kar je na zemlji. Slekli ste starega človeka z njegovimi slabimi deli in oblekli novega., Postali smo nov človek. Naj bo ta novi človek poln usmiljenja, dobrotljivosti, ponižnosti. milobe in potrpežljivosti. Prenašajte drug drugega in si odpuščajte kakor je Gospod vam odpustil tako tudi vi. Na vse to pa oblecite ljubezen, ki je vez popolnosti. Zares nov človek. Danes Gospod slavi zmago nad grehom in smrtjo. To je dan, ki ga je naredil Gospod. Po njem je stoletja hrepenelo človeštvo. Obljuba božja izvoljenemu narodu o odrešeniku je izpolnjena. Veselimo in radujmo se nam kliče sveta Cerkev. O vstalem Kristusu je spregovoril sv. Peter takole: Mi smo vsemu priče, kar je storil v judovski deželi in v Jeruzalemu, on, ki so ga celo razpeli na križ in umorili., Bog pa ga je obudil tretji dan in je dal, da smo ga videlii mi, ki smo z njim jedli in pili potem, ko je vstal od mrtvih in nam je naročil, naj oznanimo in izpričamo, da je tisti, ki ga je Bog določil za sodnika živih in mrtvih. O njem spričujejo vsi preroki, da dobi v njegovem imenu odpuščenje grehov osak kdor vanj veruje." Kako velika tolažba za nas, ki smo še podvrženi preiškuš-njam in upamo na veliki dan, ko bomo z Gospodom v večnem veselju. Hvala ti Gospod za tvoje vstajenje. Vesele praznike vsem. '13» Imamo več bolanih članic: Angela Roitz zelo trpi v njeni bolezni, čla. Ann Burns je tudi resno zbolela; Mary Poder je še vedno pod zdravniško oskrbo doma, kjer ji hčerka Mary z izredno ljubeznijo streže. Marie Bra-dish se zdravi na domu. Vsem želimo ljubo zdravje! Moja prijateljica Angela Derganc, mi je opisala svojo nesrečo, ki se je pripetila v vasi Gorna Straža, kjer je zaposlena. Stroj ji je odrezal 4 prste roke. V tovarni izdelujejo fine deske in papir s čemer pokrijejo najboljše pohištvo. Ona je doma iz češče vasi, ki je tudi moj rojstni kraj. Če jo katera pozna, bo vesela vaše tolažbe. Opozarjam, da se seje naše podr. vršijo vsaki prvi četrtek v mesecu! Bliža se Velika noč. Kako smo se nekdaj veselili pirhov in dobrih potic. To so bila zlata leta v očetovi hiši-Danes je vse drugače, toda lepi spomini ostanejo. Hvala za Božična voščila vsem gl. odbornicam, č.g. Klavdij Okoren, ki upam, da je boljšega zdravja. Hvala za voščila č.g. Leopold Mihelič, Denver in č.g. Franc Blatnik. Veselo Alelujo vsem! ANNA PACHAK ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Zopet je mesec na okoli in društva se oglašajo z novicami. Žal nam je naša poročevalka, Antonia Šuštar zbolela in se nahaja v Euclid Gen. Hosp., zato bom jaz malo napisala, da ne boste mislile, da smo zaspale. Seja v mesecu marcu je bila kar lepo obiskana, saj smo imeli tako lepo gorko vreme. Zvončki že poganjajo, kar je gotovo znak pomladi., Na žalost smo zcpet izgubile eno članico, to je bila Theresa Skur, žena pok. Dr. Skur. Bila je dolgoletna zvesta članica in dve leti tudi preds. Bila je dobra in spoštovana od vseh, zato jo bomo zelo pogrešale. Ohranile pa jo bomo v trajnem spominu. Naj počiva v miru. Ostali družini pa izrekamo globoko sožalje. Naše obiskovalke, Mary Stražišar, (Arrowhead) in Mary Stražišar (Ke-wanec) poročajo, da so obiskale bolne članice v Domu ostarelih na Neff Rd. Zelo so vesele obiska, če imate kaj časa obiščite naše bolne sestre in s tem storite dobro delo.. Obiskale so tudi našo poročevalko Antonio Sustar, ki se je podala na operacijo. Bolane so tudi Jennie Zigman in Agnes Mahnič. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Mrs. Šuštar je dobila pismo od bivše naše članice in preds. Mary Strukel, ki se nahaja v Calif, in pošilja pozdrave vsem članicam št. 14. Hvala za pozdrave in istočasno sprejmite tudi najlepše pozdrave od vseh članic št. 14. Pri naši podr. se zopet pripravlja za card party, ki bo v mesecu oktobru. članice so že začele nositi skupaj, kakor čebelice so pridne, ena bolj kot druga. Naši preds. Pauline Kral se kar samo smeje, ker ima tako dobre in zveste članice. Obhajale smo 3 mesečno godovanje. Godovalke so prinesle dosti dobrot in naše kuharice so se kar hitro sukale in obložile mize z vsemi dobrotami. Potem smo zapele “Happy birthday’’ in se tako zabavale. Pri nas se imamo vedno lepo, zato vabim vse tiste, ki ste doma, da pridete in se poveselite z nami. Ta večer so darovale v blagajno: Mrs. Pirc, Louise Kozel, Olga Ozanic, Angie Beronowski, lleen Collins, Antonia Meklan, Mary Bubnič, Mary Dolšak in Mary Krmel. Godovalke so prinesle dobrote: V. Bajec, A. Humphrey, Louise Kožel, F. Kovač, M. Koljat, M. Panchur, J. Kravos in Fran Eržen. Najlepša vam hvala! Bog .naj Vam povrne na vašem zdravju! Vsem bolnim članicam, želim ljubega zdravja, da bi se kmalu udeležile naših sej. Sejo smo zaključile z molitvijo za vse umrle čla. št. 14. Lep pozdrav vsem članicam SŽZ po širni Ameriki. MARY STRAZISAR ST. 19, EVELETH, MINNESOTA Drage članice: Moram Vam sporočiti žalostno novico, da je sestra Mary Lenich za vedno izgubila nadvse dobrega moža Toneta, že par tednov prej se ni dobro počutil in moral je v bolnico na operacijo. Po težki operaciji so nastale komplikacije in je dne 8. februarja umrl v visoki starosti 95 let. Mary je bila vedno v bolnici pri Tonetu. Ni se je dalo pregovoriti, da naj gre počivati, ker je bila potrebna počitka. Do Konca je bila pri njemu — sama mu je za vedno zatisnila oči. Žalujoči Mary Lenich in vsem preostalim iskreno sožalje. Rajnemu Tonetu pa naj dobri Bog da milost, da vživa večno veselje v nebesih. Sporočam še drugo žalostno novico, da se sedaj Mrs. Lenich sama nahaja v bolnici. Skrb in žalost sta jo izčrpala do skrajnosti in je dobila pluč-nico. Obiski v tem času niso dovoljeni, ali upam, da se ji bo zdravje kmalu izboljšalo, članicam jo priporočam v molitev za njeno zdravje. Lep pozdrav vsem članicam. MARY MENART ST. 20, JOLIET, ILLINOIS Naše čestitke družini Marilyn Dolnak ob rojstvu zale punčke. Oče od Marilyn je poznan igralec v godbi, ki je igrala za našo 45 letnico lansko jesen. Dalje čestitke Mary Kay Demick in soprogu, ki so dobili krepkega sinčka. Mlada mamica je dobro poznana zaradi njene pomoči pri podružnici, kadarkoli je potrebno. V bolnišnici se je nahajala Justine Gregorich in Eleanore Annunzi iz Ottawa Str.; njen soprog se pa nahaja v Sunny Hill Nursing Home. Iskrena hvala Mrs. Louise Sega, ki nam je prinesla lepo štrikane šolnčke (booties) in pa Mary Wfeismantel in Rose Marie Marjasevich za lepo izdelane prevleke za blazine. Vsi dobitki so bili oddani srečnim za darila prisotnosti (door prizes). V bolnišnici se nahaja Mary Fedo, teta in sestra več naših članic, Dalje Tillie Artač, ki je bila lansko leto z našo skupino v Sloveniji in še upa obiskati svoje sorodnike v Škofji Loki. Tillie je bila v nezgodi zadnje leto. Zaprisežena po preds. Emma Planinšek je bila Mary Štefko, predi. p° Josephine Sumic. Na tej febr. seji smo imele lepo udeležbo, med njimi tudi večje število kegljačic. Vabim jih, da pridejo večkrat na seje. Po seji so bili prikazani filmi posneti lansko leto na obisku v Sloveniji od Joe in Josephine Erjavec. Mnogo članic je obujalo spomine na izlete. Upam, da se še pridružite. Po kazanju filmov smo imeli prigrizek. Pomagala je tudi podpreds. Mary Iva-nich. Hvala! V časopisu Amer. Steel and Wire Co. smo čitali lep opis naše članice, Anne Kostelec iz N. Broadway. Slika jo prikazuje na delu ko polaga žeblje v škatljice. To delo je pričela že 1. 1942, ko je med vojno primanjkovalo delavcev. Iskrene čestitke, Anne! Poročam tudi, da je taj. Olga An-cel prejela novo zalogo Kuharskih knjig, katere ima na razpolago za nakup. Pokličite 723-0882, ali pa se oglasite na njenem domu, 1115 N. Frederick Str. za to odlično knjigo. Ko bo ta Zarja dospela v Vaše domove, bo naša kegljaška tekma že za nami. Zmagovalkam naše čestitke! Pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo dne. 21. aprila. Pripeljite kako znanko ali prijateljico kot novo članico na sejo, da se nam pridruži. Na veselo svidenje! JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC ŠT. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO Tiskarski škrat je obiskal tudi našo Zarjo, da se je v februarski izdaji vrinila neljuba pomota, o smrti v Ko-želovi družini. Pravilno bi moralo biti zapisano, da je umrla sestra od Helen Konkay iz Akron, Ohio. Naj Helen Konkay to pomoto oprosti, saj take pomote se pripetijo v vseh listih, a v Zarji je tokrat bila prvič. Hvala za popravilo. ANNA JESENKO Kotiček urednice: APRILSKI SPOMINI Ko pride april, vemo, da je pusta zima za nami. Tudi kislo in včasih vlažno aprilsko vreme nam ne more zadušiti vedrega pogleda na svet, ki je v aprilskem jutru svetlejši in poln prijaznega sonca. Ko se bližamo Velikonočni nedelji to leto, nam spomin uhaja na velikonočni teden pred tremi leti, ko smo izgubili mojo ljubo mamo, Albina Novak. Odkar je odšla iz naše srede, 'ahko opazimo mnogo sprememb v svetu okoli nas. čeprav ona ni bila stara, vendar je bila njena generacija polna izredne žilavosti in neutrudljivega dela, posebno na bratskem polju. Organizirala je mnogo delavnosti za Zvezo, da je organizacija rastlja "kot gobe po dežju.” Vsakdo, ki je bi' delaven v tistem času, se bo spomnil mnogih dosežkov v 40-tih in 50-tih letih. Toda, svet je bil tudi drugačen tedaj, kot je sedaj. Ali se bo Zveza s časom spremenila in prijagodila novim razmeram? Se vedno mislimo po starem načinu in je včasih težko spremeniti. Skrbi nas bodoči razvoj naše organizacije, posebno v časih ko izgubljamo tako potrebne voditeljice, katere nam je pobrala smrt ali bolezen, ali pa tudi izčrpanost naših pionirk, '°ripravijene moramo biti, da dobimo nove talente in nove voditeljice, ki bodo sposobne voditi z razumom in iskušnjo našo organizacijo iz prejšnjega roda z razumevanjem in vljudnostjo v novi rod. Dne. 6. aprila bo tretja obletnica njene smrti in prosim, da se spomnite moje mame v molitvi. Vem, da ne bo nikoli pozabljena. EVELETSKI STAROSTA JE UMRL Nt Valentinov oan je preminul poznani, 95 letni mladenič, Mr. Tone Lenich, ki ni bil nikoP bolan v vsem svojem življenju. Meni bo vedno ostal v spominu kot "cestni komisar”, kakor smo ga klicali pred mnogimi leti, ko smo njega in njegovo drago ženo Mary, obiskali v njunem domu v Eveleth, Minn. Ko je šel zjutiaj na delo, sem ga vprašala kako delo opravlja, mi je odgovoril, da nadzoruje delavce, ki polnijo luknje v cesti. Bil je že takrat 71 :et m'ad in tako se ga je prijelo ime “cestni komisar mesta Eveleth”. On je meščan tega mesta od 1902 in vsi ga poznajo in bil je priljubljen od vseh z?radi njegove vedre in vesele narave. Globoko sožalje njegovi ljubi ženi in vsej d.užn1. Tone je bii tako vnet za Zvezo, kakor Mary, ki je vedno posvečala mnogo časa, truda in ljubezni za našo organizocajo od vsega početka v železnem Okrožju. BOG ŽIVI MRS. OTONICARI Podr. št. 25 bo sedaj nadaljevala svoje delo ob budnem očesu dolgoletne voditeljice, MRS. MARY OTONIČAR, ki je sicer opustila tajništvo, vendar bo tudi v bodoče kot "Angel varuh” vzpodbujala članice k delu, kakor zadnjih 4 desetletij, ko je bila tajnica in gl. odbornica ter je vedno uživala največje spoštovanje vseh. Upamo, da bo imela mnogo časa za oddih, čeprav ona nikoli ne miruje. Vam, Mrs. Otoničar, naše najboljše želje in prisrčna zahvala za veliko delo za Zvezo v Clevelandu. NOVA ČLANARINA Najvažnejši sklep letne seje gl. odbornic, je bil zvišanje asesmenta po 1. ;anuarju, 1975 za odrasle članice razreda A in B ter družabne članice. Dodatni prispevek je potreben, ker naše članstvo, ki z leti postaja starejše, nalaga s tem večja bremena na blagajno zaradi pogostejših smrtnih slučajev. Zveza potrebuje vaše zaupanje in dobro razumevanje, da je Gl. odbor po dolgem razmotrivanju prišel do zaključka, da je ta korak potreben v skladu s časom in vsesplošnim podraževanjem. Vsekakor je naša članarina še izredno nzka v primeru z drugimi organizacija in za mnoge ugodnosti, katere nam nudi naša organizacija. V skladu z današnjim gospodarskim stanjem in splošno inflacijo, smo prepričani, da bodo vse članice ta korak, ki ga je odbor s težavo storil, širokogrudno sprejele. Računamo na Vas, kakor vedno! ŠT. 23, ELY, MINNESOTA Naše seje se je udeležilo 85 članic v cerkveni dvorani ob 6 uri zvečer. Po seji simo imele okusno večerjo s šunko, potico, krofi in jello solato. Nato smo igrale priljubljene igre. Ses. Rose Stupnik je darovala dve preproge, katere smo dale na srečke in srečne so bile M. Dijak in Stefani Vranesich. Izkupiček je šel za velikonočne spominčke članicam, ki so bo-lane, ali pa v nursing home. Darovale so naslednje članice: F. Grahek, J. De-jak, R. Novak, T. Koschak, M. Zgonc, R. Pucel, E. Pucel, M. Presheren in B. Rozandich. Vsem iskrena hvala. Z lepimi pozdravi, Vaša poročevalka, FRANCES S. JENKO ST. 24, LASALLE, ILLINOIS Drage članice; spomnimo se malo, kako je bilo lepo, ko smo imele prve seje v letu 1972. Hitro smo napredovale, vsaka je rada pomagala in blagajna si je hitro opomogla, ko smo razprodajali listke, čeprav ni nobena bila srečna pri dobitkih, vendar ni nihče prigovarjal.. Korajža in dobra volja res pomaga napredku. Še vedno imamo dobre članice, ki rade darujejo in tako smo dobile iz sončne Floride od naše članice, Mary Uranich krasni afgan, katerega bomo dale na listke in če bo vsaka vzela za 1 dolar, pa bo uspeh in ne bo treba niti drugih društev motiti, ker vsak ima svoj račun. Naše sožalje hčerki Lillian čavich in družini, katerih zlata mati, Mollie je lepo v miru božjem zapustila ta svet in svoje drage. Lepe pogrebne slovesnosti je vodil č. g. Rev. John Mat-theisen od St. George Orthodox Catholic Church, Spring Valley. Pokopana pa je bila na pokopališču v DePue. Naše članice smo molile rožni venec in šle kot častne pogrebnice. Sin od naše taj. blag. Tereze Savnik, je v bolnici v Iowa City, Prosimo Boga, da bo mladenič kmalu hodil. Tudi naša Frances Putz je bila na hitro operirana. Bog daj, da kmalu ozdravi. Mary Gremc prosi, da ji sporočite o bolezni med prijatelji, da pošlje voščilno karto. V nursing home v Ot-tawi so: Margaret Pirc in K. Spitzmi-ler. Anne Meglen in Mary Piletič sta stregle članicam jabolčni in sirov štrudel po seji. Novi odbor je bil instaliran po Em mi Shimkus. Naslednje so bile zaprisežene: Preds. Mary Piletič, podpreds. Mary Gramc, taj. in blag. Terezija Savnik, stražarka Helen Gorgal in zapisnikarica Anna Meglen. Za preglednice računov sta: Emma Shimkus in Mary Nova tajnica pri št. 25 Mrs. Christine Živoder ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, OHIO Drage članice št. 25: Želim vam predstaviti našo novo tajnico, Mrs. Christine Zivoder. Ona je dobro poznana društvena delavka iz odlične Ko-minove družine iz 73 ceste. Njena mama in vsa Kominova družina je spadala k naši podr. Njena pok. sestra Dorothy Komin, ki je pred tremi leti tako nepričakovano umrla ob priliki konvencije ABZ v Ely, Minn., je tudi znala igrati na harmoniko in je bila pri vsaki naši prireditvi, da nas je razveselila z lepim valčkom. Bog daj naši novi tajnici uspešno delovanje in vse ji obljubimo našo pomoč. Vse smo ponosne tudi na našo dobro predsednico, Mrs. Mary Kolegar, ki pride na vsako sejo, čeprav je oddaljena in vedno tudi prinese kak dober prigrizek in peleje druge bolj oddaljene članice na sejo. V marcu bo slavila svoj rojstni dan in ji vse želimo: “Se na mnoga leta, da bi v zdravju in zadovoljstvu delovala v korist naše podr. št. 25. Bog jo živi!” V decembru so imele svoje rojstne dneve Jennie Feme in Antonia Mihevc. Obema prisrčne čestitke, da bi še dolgo pregledovale naše knjige kot nadzornice podr. živele! Gornik. Slovenska zapisnikarica, Mary Piletič. Aprila ne bo seje in v marcu smo imele bunco, katero so vodile Mary Gramc in Terezija Savnik. Mary Predan ich bi rada prišla na sejo, če bi jo katera bližnja poklicala in ji dala vožnjo. — Lep pozdrav vsem! MARY MICI PILETIČ Na naši februarski seji smo se piav dobro imele, ker smo praznovale moj rojstni dan in naslednjih sester: Mrs. Molly Dezelan. Mrs. Bakar, ki zaradi let in onemoglosti ni mogla priti na sejo, toda slavila je častivredno 90 letnico. Lepe čestitke! In naša ljuba Vikica se tudi ne počuti dobro in ni mogla priti. Vicki, iz srca Ti želimo ljubega zdravja, da boš zopet prihajala na seje. Vicki je izredno pridna za naše mladinske aktivnosti. Nepričakovano so nas zapustile naše sosestre; Mrs. Sophie Možina in Marija Zorenč. Obe po kratki bolezni Žalujočima soprogoma iskreno sožalje posebno še Mr. Zorenč, ki je sam bolj bolehen. Z blago pokojno svo skupno delale pri Oltarnem društvu. Bila je mirna žena in delavna za cerkev in narod. Umrli so tudi soprogi naših članic: J'oseph Grdina, ki ga je vsak poznal zaradi njegove delavnosti za katoliška društva. Bil je tudi dober pisatelj in preporotoval je Sveto Deželo in druge države po svetu, kar je lepo opisal v svojih knjigah. — Umrl je tudi soprog Therese Ogrinc. Bi! je dobro poznan, ker je nad petdeset let vodil mesarijo v naši šentklerski naselbini. On je bil prvi mesar pred 64 leti, ko je bila govedina 5c. en funt, pa še jetrca je navrgel. Kje so tisti časi, čeprav so se plače zboljšale, pa je vse toliko bolj drago., Želim se na tem mestu iz vsega srca lepo zahvaliti za lepo presenečenje in tako lepo darilo in vse lep« čestitke za moje dolgoletno delovanje. Vsem prisrčna zahvala za tako številne kartice na katere je vsaka pripisala svoje želje. Posebna zahvala prejšnjemu senatorju FRANK LAUSCHE za 'le-po voščilo, naši drugi gl. tajnici, J°' sephine Racic za lepo voščilo in Frances Zulic, moji dolgoletni prijateljici’ Nisem pričakovala tako lepih presenečenj. Posebna zahvala tudi County Auditor, George VOJNOVIČ za prijazna voščila . Bog in Marija naj Vam svem obilo povrne z dobrim zdravjem, ki je edino bogastvo na tem svetu. Sledeče so darovale za prigrizek: Christine Zivoder, Jennie Feme, Mary Otoničar, Angela Trček, Angela Kovar, Josephine Golinski in Mally Deželak Prinesle so toliko dobrot, da smo se res odlično imele, zato vabim prav vse, da pridete na prihodnjo sejo, ker bomo zopet imele dober prigrizek. N® zadnji seji nas je bilo kar lepo število’ le tako naprej, da bo naša tajnica ve' sela. Asesment bo pobirala pred sej0 ob eni uri na 25, ali pa pošljite P° pošti, ker ona podnevi dela. Na svidenje na prihodnji seji. MARY OTONIČAR ZAPISNIK LETNE SEJE GL. ODBORA S. Ž. Z. Letna seja direktoric Slovenske Ženske Zveze, se je vršila v pondeljek in torek dne 25. in 26. febr. v prostorih glavnega uradu v Chicagu. Izvršni in Nadzorni odbor je pričel svoje delo v pond, ob 9 uri ter pregledal knjige tajnice, blagajničarke ter finančne knjige Solninskega in Tiskovnega sklada. Nato je pregledal vse vrednostne papirje v Metropolitan Banki ter investicije. Seja je bila zaključena ob 5:30 pop. V torek je preds. pričela sejo ob 9:30 z molitvijo. Navzoče so bile naslednje gl. odbornice: preds. Mary Bos-tien, taj. Fanika Humar, blag. Olga Anoel, preds. nadzornic Anne Kompare in nadzornice: Barbara Rosandich in Marion Marolt, gl. podpreds. Marie Floryan in urednica Co-rinne Leskovar. Mrs. Leskovar je zavzela mesto v odboru Direktoric, mesto odsotne častne preds. in ustanoviteljice Marie Prisland na njeno izrečno željo. Nato preds. in vse gl. odbornice podajo svoja poročila, ki so v celoti objavljena v angleškem delu Zarje. Po razpravi, so direktorice napravile naslednje sklepe m priporočila: Sklenjeno je bilo, da je bilo poročilo zapisnika zadnje konvencije glede Zvezine pristojbine mladinskim aktivnostim pravilno, to je 30c. na m'adinskega člana in da ne sme preseči svote $30 na podružnico. Tajnice naj pošljejo pismeno poročilo na gl. urad glede sodelovanja mladinskih članov na letni priredbi. Športna direktorica priporoča, da se dvigne prispevek zri kegljaške skupine, posebno za nakup trofej. Odobri se $8 na skupino in dodatno $25 za pokale zaradi rastoče draginje. Mrs. Marolt poroča o Srednje-Zapadni Kegljaški tekmi v Milwaukee. Sodelovale so članice vseh naselbin osrednje Amerike. V skladu s sklepom zadnje konvencije, naj tajnica uredi tiskanje novih pravih in jih razpošlje podružnicam. Nova pravila naj vključijo vse spremembe. Urednica oita pismo tiskarne Hrvatskih Frančiškanov, ki z obžalovanjem sporočajo o zvišanju stroškov materiala 'n dela, zato morajo dvigniti ceno Zarje za $5 od strani, ker ne morejo več sami nositi zvišane stroške. Odbor je ugotovil, da ne bi mogel dobiti cenejše tiskanje Zarje v drugi tiskarni, zato zvišanje sprejme, kakor tudi predvideno zvišanje v začetku 1975 še za $5 Soglasno mnenje direktoric je bilo, da je Zarja izredne važnosti za napredek Zveze in vseh aktivnosti, zato naj ostane v dosedanji obliki, ki je privlačna. Odbor odobri plačilo Zarje za en mesec iz izkupička kuharskih knjig, da se olajša splošni stroškovni sklad. Kuharske knjige gredo dobro v prodajo in tako si bo ta sklad opomogel. Tajnica proča o stanju knjig in pismeno poročilo bivše gl. preds. Antonije Turek je bilo prečrtano. Čisti dobiček izkupička je namenjen raznim aktivnostim, ki oglašujejo Zvezino delo; Zarja, športne in mladinske aktivnosti, odlikovanja itd. Odbor je razpravljal o potrebi dvigniti letno šolnino na $250, ker se vse dviga v ceni. Odbor sprejme soglasno to povišanje. Upanje je, da se bo v bodoče podelilo šolnine za 4-Ietno dobo, ker stroški šolanja stalno rastejo. V daljšem razpravljanju in pregledu finančnega stanja Zveze in njenih ciljev za bodočnost, je bilo ugotovljeno, da imamo eno tretjino članic, ki so nad 75 let stare in se pričakuje večji zahtevek za smrtna izplačila. Prav tako se dvigajo stroški poslovanja, tiskanja in drugi nujni stroški, ki stalno naraščajo. prHa dateCalka %a Mode^ko raftati c Ses. Frances Gregorich, čla. št. 20, iz Jolieta, III., je aarova.a potni list njenih staršev, slovenskemu oddelku muzeja Staten Island. Potni list je datiran 189a in 1902. Zadnja konvencija je pozvala nase cianice, ua prispevajo. Druga darovalka je biia Mrs. Tillie Kurnik iz San Francisca, ki je pos.ala državljanske papirje njenin staršev iz 1. iy 12. živeli so v Oregon City, Oregon. Na sliki z Mrs. Gregorich sta Mrs. Josephine Erjavec, in Mrs. Emma Planinšek, odbornice Podr. št. 20. Vsakdo, ki ima stari zgodovinski material, kot so knjige, dokumenti, slike, časopisni izrezki, ki kažejo na emigracijo Slovencev v Ameiiko, naj piše Mrs. Olga Ancel, taj. št. 20, 1115 Frederick St., Joliet, ih. 60435. 'V ■ V WWWWVW irt> U V n «-■»' W .-'.V .-k1 n - Tajnica se trudi, da drži stroške poslovanja kar se da nizko, vendar je temelj vsakega dobrega jx>slovanja, da se ne dopusti prenizko blagajno in da je denar pri rekah za izplačilo obveznosti. Odbor je z obžalovanjem ugotovil, da zadnja konvencija ni povišala članarine, ker vse stvari se dvigajo, zato je sklenil, da Zveza ne more več spregledati dejanskega stanja in mora zvišati mesečni asesment za 10 centov na mesec od 1. janjuarja prihodnjega leta naprej. Do takrat vse dosedanje članice plačajo, kakor doslej. Po. 1. jan. bodo vse odrasle članice razreda A plačale 55c. in 80c. v razredu B na mesec. Nobene spremembe ni za mladinske člane in za članice nad 75 iet stare. Odbor je tudi sklenil, da bodo Družabne članice plačale 40c. mesečno skozi vse leto. Odbor nadalje pojasni: Nove Družabne članice morejo biti sprejete potem ko so prekoračile redno omejitev starosti v odraslem oddelku, namreč 50 let za razred A in 60 let za razred B. Mladinski člani prestopijo v odrasli oddelek ko dopolnijo 14 leto svoje starosti. Direktorice so bile mnenja, da bo nova članarina pomagala pri delu tajnic pri njihovem mesečnem poročilu in knjiženju. GL taj. bo pripravilo poenostavljen obrazec za tajnice podružnic. Nova članska kampanja je v teku do 31. dec. 1974 In sega nazaj od 1. jan. Kampanja bo skušala doprinesti do "zaokroženega” števila članstva v posameznih državah, kar bo objavljeno v Zarjo skupno z najvišjo številko naslednjega množilnika številke 50, na primer: Wisconsin s 1060 članicam z dne 31. dec. 73, bo skušal zaokrožiti svoje število s prvim "zaokroženjem" števila 1100 članic. Po dosežku števila 1100 članic, bodo skušale doseči drugo višino s številom 1150 članic. Ob vsakem dosežku “za-okroženja” bo država, oz. skupina prejela posebno darilo. Poleg tega, bodo posamezne delavke prejele denarne KAMPANJA “ZAOKROŽENJA” ČLANSTVA V teku je nova članska kampanja! Tra|ala bo do konca leta! Denarne nagrade bodo podeljene posameznim delavkam, kakor tudi običajni krediti. Posebno želimo povda-riti, da morejo posamezne podružnice dvigniti število c.anic v posameznin državah. Naprošene ste, da “zaoKrožue" število cianstva v vaših državan, da bo ceiotno število dvignjeno do naslednjega višjega steviia 50! Število članstva sedaj: Potrebno: Prvi cilj: Drugi ciij: Država: OHIO-MICHIGAN ILLInOiS-INDIANA MINNESOTA P£NNSrLVANIA-NEW YORK WISCONSIN COLORADO-KANSAS-MISSOURI CALIhORNIA-WASHINGTON-OREGON 3582 1946 1300 1121 1060 711 304 18 54 50 29 40 39 46 276 3600 2000 1350 1150 1100 750 350 10,300 3650 2050 1400 1200 1150 800 400 10,650 Skupno število članstva: 10,024 Posamezne denarne nagrade so: Za vsako novo članic razreda B. ena točka, in en dollar. Za vsaki novo čla. razreda A, pol točke in 50c. nagrade in za mladinske elane četrt točke in 25c. Prestop iz mladinskega oddelka v odrasli se šteje kot nova ' čla. Prestop je dovoljen s 14 letom v razred A ali B. Države oz. sKupme držav bodo nagrajene s posebnim darilom za dosego kvote1 Za prvi cilj: Namizni okrasni podstavek z zastavo vaše države, ali skupine držav. Za drugi cilj: Namizni okrasni podstavek z državno zastavo in dodatno tudi Ameriška in Slovenska zastava. Te zastave bodo razstavljene na častnem mestu ob priliki državnih konvencij! Pomagajmo vse zaokrožiti številke in dosežimo veliko, solidno število našega članstva to leto! i ASESMENT ZA NOVE ČLANICE V TEJ KAMPANJI: Razred A, 50 centov na mesec, Razred B, 80 centov mesečno in mladinski oddelek, 10 centov na mesec. Prošnjam novih članic mora biti priložen asesment za celo leto tajnici podr. Nove oanice, ki so pristopile od 1. jan. 1974, se štejejo v kampanjo, ki se zaključi 31. dec. 1974. nagrade: Za novo članico razreda B, celo točko in $1 v denarju; nova članica v razredu B, pol točke in 50c. denarne nagrade in v mladinskem oddelku, točke in 25c. za novega mladinskega člana. Podrobnosti bodo še objavljene v Zarji. Odbor bo izbral posebno spominsko nagrado za odbornice z 25 letno službo in isti odbor bo tudi preštudiral možnost nakupa peresa z napisom S.Ž Z. Tajnica se pooblasti, da obnovi članstvo v lllinoiskem Bratskem Kongresu in se udeleži letne seje. Ga. Humar poroča o raznih problemih poslovanja gl. urada in o korespondenci, katero dobiva od podr., ki imajo probleme. Odbor priporoča podružnicam, ki imajo dolgoletne čianice nad 75 let stare, ki težko plačujejo asesment, aa jim podr. pomaga, bodisi iz lastne blagajne, ali pa z organiziranjem posebnih dejavnosti, ki so dobičkanosne. V finančnem poročilu, tajnica objasni, da so Družbene takse za leto 1971 bile poravnane, kakor tudi pravni stroški. Državni taksni odbor je precej zmanšal takso za 1973. Taksne investicije, katere ima Zveza, bodo čimprej spremenjene, kakor hitro dozorijo, da ne izgubimo obresti. Spremembe v poročanju na Zaravovalninski Oddelek so tudi bile pojasnjene. Državne konvencije se bodo vršile, kakor sledi: Wise. 15 sept. v Milwaukee pri podr. 12. Minnesota: 8. sept. v Evelethu pri podr. 19. Penna-N.Y., dne 6. okt. pri podr. 96 v Universal. Ill.^lnd. ter Ohio-iMich. še niso določile njihove datume. Prečitana so bila pisma naših dolgoletnih odbornic. Odbor je izrazil pohvalo tem odličnim delavkam za njihovo zavedno delovanje mnogo let. Mrs. Mary Otoničar je opustila urad tajnice št. 25, ki je največja Zvezina podružnica. Ona je služila kot tajnica 44 let in kot gl. odbornica 26 let. Njena naslednica je Chris Zivoder, ki ima zaupanje članstva. Odbor izrazi zahvalo Mrs. Otoničar za njen trud in požrtvovalnost za napredek Zveze« Žal se nahaja v bolnišnici tudi poznana dolgoletna tajnica podr. št. 19 v Eveleth, Minn., Mrs. Mary Lenich, katero je potrla smrt njenega ljubega soproga Antona Lenicha, ki je umrl v visoki starosti 95 let. Odbor upa, da bo Mrs. Lenich kmalu okrevala in se vrnila na njen dom med prijatelje iz vse Minnesote. Odbor je z hvaležnostjo vzel na znanje pozdravna voščila od častnih državnih predsednic, Mrs. Anna Pachak iz Pueblo, Colo. ter Mrs. Mary Tomsic iz Strabane, Pa-Odbor bo sestavil listo naših pionirskih odbornic, ki so služile Zvezi 25 let ali dalje. Podr. se naprošajo, da pošljejo na gl. urad imena njihovih dolgoletnih odbornic, da se jim izkaže primerno priznanje. Urednica Baragove Buletina, Mrs. Agnes Rufus priporoča nadaljno podporo za Zadevo Škofa Barage od strani SŽZ. Upanje je, da bo Baragova proglasitev blaženim sovpadla s 50 letnico Zveze leta 1976. članice so vabljene, da pomagajo s pristopitvijo Društvu Škofa Baraga. Seja je bila zaključena z molitvijo ob 6 uri pop-Predsednica želi vsem varno vožnjo na domove. MARY BOSTIAN, Predsednica CORINNE LESKOVAR, Zapisnikarica Financial Report - Finančno Poročilo, Feb. 1974 INCOME — DOHODKI: FEB. 1974 Br. No.: Amount: Adults: Jr. R.: 1 $109.25 181 70 2 258.40 413 200 3 148.25 250 141 4 — 11 — a 5 — 81 15 a 6 49.95 110 18 7 46.00 89 29 8 — 38 — b 9 — 20 1 10 118.10 276 20 12 64.40 150 58 13 59.65 108 19 14 143.85 286 43 15 27.20 175 7 16 100.10 156 69 17 85.55 152 104 19 — 98 14 20 182.25 356 103 21 60.85 109 47 22 15.50 15 — c 23 101.80 210 27 24 55.45 120 35 25 280.40 537 141 26 61.85 113 30 d 27 — 37 2 28 90.30 69 28 f 29 9.55 22 4 30 — 9 — 31 — 75 24 a 32 105.80 178 68 33 122.30 185 147 34 20.45 35 4 35 32.80 52 29 37 — 17 1 38 34.70 92 — 39 26.00 42 4 40 57.15 105 2 41 136.90 175 29 f 42 — 50 2 43 — 176 124 45 17.90 36 11 46 13.55 31 3 47 55.30 101 38 49 — 27 — 50 — 275 53 52 32.05 52 21 54 25.30 49 31 55 29.85 54 19 56 41.25 88 7 57 31.95 57 15 59 — 26 — 61 — 5 — 62 — 20 — 63 241.10 86 23 e 64 32.70 40 1 c 65 37.60 41 20 d 66 — 56 21 67 40.70 69 8 68 37.95 58 26 70 — 13 1 a 71 56.65 114 38 72 — 20 — a 73 52.25 95 56 74 175.60 26 1 g 77 19.45 40 28 79 19.75 36 18 april, 1974 Br. No. Amount: Adults: Jr. Re.: Assessment: $4,139.20 Interest: 3,308.76 80 4.65 13 — f Rent; 210.00 81 14.00 28 1 Books sold: 184.50 83 6.60 15 — Miscell.: 15.00 84 33.40 42 2 c Tgx De^jt; 30.62 85 — 35 2 a ----------- 86 — 19 — $7,888.08 88 — 49 6 Saving Cert. 89 28.00 65 26 Withdrawn $15,000.00 90 16.30 39 8 Bond 2,000.00 91 — 41 7 -------------- Asesment in izplačila 92 19.45 27 11 $17,000.00 93 — 49 3 (Book Va|ue $1,602.50) 94 15.00 6 Qajn on Bond 397.50 95 223.10 173 24 f -------------- 96 44.70 43 — $8,285.58 97 6.20 14 — 99 4 60 13 “ DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI — 100 33.70 46 15 101 22.05 30 11 FEB- 13/*‘ 102 17.05 36 2 103 14.05 20 14 Claims pd.—Plačane zavarovalnine: 105 17.65 29 6 1nfi 53 05 24 1 Br. 10, Antonia Chervan $100.00 _ _ ______________________________________ Br. 14. Jennie Drmastja 100.00 Total: $4.139.20 7,744 2,237 gr 25, -Mary Zorenc B 150.00 Remarks: Pd. in Jan. a; Pd. to Dec. Br. 26. Margaret Barlak 100.00 b; Feb. & Mar. c; January d; Oct. to Br. 29, Jennie Rebernik 00.00 Feb. e; Jan. & Feb. f; Jan. to Dec. g. Br. 41, Barbara Polov,ch 00.00 Br. 45, Mary Molek 100.00 Br. 63, Anna Urbančič 100.00 Br. 95, Mary Matijevich B 100.00 . . Salaries — plače 1,225.00 članice so deležne vseh pravic in Trave, & per Diem 790.00 ugodnosti, ki jih organizacija po moz- Admjnistration 715.00 nosti deli. Za umrle članice Zveza skrbi p ( c A Tgx n g6 na sledeči način: _ Jan. & Feb. 3,288.50 a) Potom svojih podružnic poskrbi za Qffjce Rent 75.00 dostojen pogreb Post. & Teleph. 47.52 b) Za pokritje stroškov pogreba Zveza ^ 64.60 plača stedece vsote: Accrued int€rest 408.01 Razred A: $25 za umrlo od pristopa _ obveznice 35 219 69 do dveh let volanjenja in $100 za da- ______________ nico, ki je bila včlanjena nad dve leti. 42 g54 Q4 Razred B: $50 za umrlo članico, od „ . . . . ocoioeo . . . , . v, . . Bond investm. asset: 35,219.69 casa pristopa do dveh let volanjenja. Za umrle, ki so bile članice Zveza nad dve leti, se plačajo siledeče vsote: Tota ?'S Ur^‘7A. - 7 fi-^5 29 $300 za one, ki so v ta razred pri- stroskl ' F®b’ ™ $ 7,635.29 stopite med 14. in 30. letom; Loss °" Bond Eold 1973: 25560 $250 za one, ki so v ta razred pri- qn gg stopile med 31. in 40. letom; $200 za one, ki so v ta razred pristopile med 41. in 45. letom; Balance Jan. 31, 1974: $576,283.28 $150 za one, ki so v ta razred pri- Feb. Income - dohodki: 8,285.58 stopile med 46. in 56. letom. --------------- $100. za one, ki so v ta razred pri- $584.568.86 stopile med 57. in 60. letom. Feb. Disb. stroški: -7,890.89 V razred A se sprejema članice od 14 do 50 let. V razred B od 14 do 60 Balance Feb. 28, 1974: $576,677.97 let starosti. Mesečni asesment znaša: FANIKA HUMAR, Sec'y Razred A — 50 centov Razred B 80 centov Note: Correction in Jan. Financial Mladiniski oddelek — 10 centov Članice, ki so dopolnile 75 let sta- RePort is- rosti plačajo 20 centov mesečno v raz- Br. 29 9.75 23 red A in 35 centov v razred B. instead of iine printed for Br. 26. TOR THE YOUNG AT HEART" »wmuiiHimtifliiwiWiuttiiuiiiiiimuiiiutiHwaituiiMHiHHwiwiifflrawiuHinr? From FOUR SEASONS fun and activity book 1964. Member Wants to Help Others! SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS All of us have heard about various types of diseases as leukemia, muscular dystrophy, multiple scelerosis, heart, arthritis and tuberculosis. Yet very few have heard about systemic lupus erythematosus. S.L.S. is an uncommon disease of connective tissues. It is a complex condition and is difficult to describe because the onset is so sly and it mimics a variety of illnesses. The connective tissue of the body is involved and most of the symptoms stem from the skin, muscles, Joints and the blood vessels as well as the kidneys, heart and internal organs. The skin and joints usually are affected initially. The typical outward sign is a red eruption over the bridge of the nose and cheeks shaped like a butterfly. When the musculoskeletal system is affected, arthritic like pains occur in the ankles, hands, wrist, shoulder and knees. When kidney involvement symptoms resemble those of Brights disease, the heart, lungs, nervous system, liver and spleen and gastrointestinal tract are involved in a smaller percentage. Enlargement of the lymph nodes is found in more than 50% of the cases. The disease usually is diagnosed through blood test. Blood changes also suggest a possible cause of abnormal immunologic reactions. Muscle biopsy is another diagnostic aid. Exposure to sunlight may produce a violent skin reaction, followed by more generalized symptoms. Many victims tell of being overly sensitive to ultraviolet. Other triggering agents include infections and emotional stress. Certain medications can cause a flareup. Aspirin, bedrest and the steroids are the best remedies. A Lupus Erythematosus Society has been organized. The primary purpose is to better inform their members about the disease, so that they can better cope with the problems that may arise in the future. The second aim is to raise funds for Lupus research. I have a personal interest in this uncommon disease. And if anyone wishes to Join us from the Jollet-Chicago Area, you’ll see me and other Lupus sufferers every second Sunday of the Month. Our meeting place is Greenwood Park at 3711 W. 111th Street, Chicago. Thank you for "listening". Marie (Mrs. Steve) Malnerick Member Branch No. 20 HI BOYS AND GIRLS! The great American game opens its season this month. Baseball had its beginnings over 100 years ago and its popularity spread very rapidly. It is the most highly organized professional sport and a very popular amateur sport. I do hope you will enjoy the guessing picture and riddles and jokes. My Easter Prayer for all of my readers: May God, in His goodness send blessings your way Sunshine to cheer you and brighten your day Faith to inspire you — hope to impart A feeling of gladness and peace in your heart. Your friend, REGINA MRS. JONES: (Indignantly) "My son was thrown off the team because he was too honest." MRS. SMITH: "What was the matter?" MRS. JONES: "He wouldn’t steal bases.” She: (At her first baseball game) "What’s the man running for?” He: "He hit the ball, silly.” She: "But does he have to chase it, too?” She: “Who is the man in the blue coat?” He: “That’s the umpire, silly." She: “Why does he wear that funny wire thing over his face?” He: (Giving up) "To keep from biting the ballplayers.” Jim and his sister Joan didn”t get to the ball game until the beginning of the fourth inning. “What’s the score?" Jim asked the man next to him. “Nothing to nothing,” he replied.. "Good!” cried Joan, “We haven’t missed a thing.” COACH: (After another defeat) “What this team needs is life!!” MANAGER: "Oh, no, thirty days is enough.” What has 18 legs and catches flies? A baseball team. Answers to: Fiiad tlic Mistakes in This 1*14*4 ■■■'«" 1. Pitcher is throwing a football instead of a baseball. 2. Batter is swinging a tennis racket instead of a bat. 3. The catcher has no mask. 4. First baseman is wearing a catcher’s mask. 5. There are four men in the outfield (one too many). 6. There are no coaches in sight. 7. There are no umpires on the field. 8. One infielder is wearing long trousers. 9. A player is running from first to second base in a football uniform. 10. There is no base at second base. 11. Score board is misspelled SCORE BORED. 12. There are too many innings indicated. 13. Restaurant is misspelled as RES-TURANT on billboard. 14. Foul line is crooked beyond third base. 15. Third baseman is wearing a bit catcher's mitt. Riddle — Why is a baseball game 'like a cake? I depends on the batter. ★---- "I don’t believe your dog can talk,” said the waiter, “but if he can, I’ll give you each a free meal.” The man turned to his dog. "What's the top of a building called?” he asked. “R-r-roof,” growled the dog. “Now let me ask him something,” said the waiter. "Who is the greatest baseball player who ever lived?" “R-r-roof,” growled the dog. “Just as I thought,” cried the waiter, "he can’t talk. Now get out, both of you.” With that, the waiter tossed the man and his dog out into the street. The dog picked himself up, looked up apologetically at his master, and asked, “Do you think I should have said 'Mickey Mantle’?” yjii ■ »■»** »•511 m * Ul' j 1 l„ll< ^,1 CQ Qi CL, CL V co ______I ______I 'C5 I < CQ >~ < El 5® UJ r\ - PATRONIZE FRANC G0R3E % studia slovenica BOX 2 york4 IF YOU MOVE, HERE’S WHAT YOU 00: Please fill out this coupon and mail to the Home Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Illinois 60608: Name .................................. Br. no: OLD Address: ................................... NEW Address Zip code Zip code Save with ST. CLAIR CLEVELAND, OHIO 813 EAST 185th ST. 6235 ST. CLAIR AVE. 25000 EUCLID AVE. 6135 WILSON MILLS RD. 7481 CENTER ST., MENTOR 26000 LAKE SHORE BLVD. 29001 CEDAR ROAD 27801 EUCLID AVE. "at St. Clair ... we care" GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN. WISCONSIN 530S1 A. GRDINA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 70 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 3, Ohio ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST Company 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 FDI€ Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin LISTEN TO CHICAGO’S SLOVENIAN RADIO PROGRAM! LUDWING A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, III. 60608 VI 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688 Send $4.00 for your postpaid copy to: Mrs. Antonia Turek 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 RECIPES! KITCHEN TESTED! cjofmrs GCOM The; Kitchen