Nakasone M.: ELEMENTS DEVELOPMENT ON HORIZONTAL BAR IN MEN'S ARTISTIC ... Vol. 7 Issue 3: 95 - 106 ELEMENTS DEVELOPMENT ON HORIZONTAL BAR IN MEN'S ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS IN JAPAN LITERATURE Moriatsu Nakasone Biwako Seikei Sports College, Kitahara, Japan _Original article Abstract More recently a total of 800 elements have been recorded in the Gymnastics Code of Points. However few of theses elements made gymnastics history. As such we wonder by whom, when or where these various elements are performed. The purpose of this study was to collate data elements on the Horizontal Bar (HB) in men's artistic gymnastics and to suggest new elements in the future. The method of study was undertaken by bibliographic analysis. This article refers mainly to journals that were published by the Japan Gymnastic Association, and a list that was made regarding the occurrence of new elements on HB in Men's artistic gymnastics. From the analysis, the author gatherd data regarding various elememts that were performed. For example, Swing forward and vault backward straddle to hang (Tkatchev) was performed by Tkatchev A. in the 1979 World cup. A Tkatchev stretch was performed by Liukin V. and Nishikawa D. in the 1988 Seoul Olympics. In conclusion, developments of HB elements are greatly influenced by the improvement of apparatus, rules of the era. In the near future, directions of new occurring elements on the HB may add twists to the existing elements. Keywods: men, artistic gymnastics, history. INTRODUCTION The first gymnastics world championship was held in Antwerp in Belgium in 1903, however artistic gymnastics was already at Olympic Games in Athens 1896. As gymnasts took part at international level at the very beginning of competition era, at national level wer competitions organized even earlier. Rules how to evaluate changed since very beginning, and the last major change was in 2006 when single ten-point systems was changed into score of difficulty (open ended) and performance (still 10 points maximum score). New elements may have been presented by gymnasts at the competition. For example, the salto forward with three turns and the salto backward with 4 turns on floor exercise were performed by 17-year-old Sirai. K. (Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG), 2014). Recently 800 elements is in the Code of Points (CoP), more than 100 on horizontal bar (FIG, 2013). In the past there were already attempts to provide historical information (Atikovic, 2014; Abie, 2010, Science of Gymnastics Journal 95 Science of Gymnastics Journal Nakasone M.: ELEMENTS DEVELOPMENT ON HORIZONTAL BAR IN MEN'S ARTISTIC ... Vol. 7 Issue 3: 95 - 106 2014) and historical information about elements development on horizontal bar (Anton, 1997; Kinoshita, 2001; Kurihara, 1982). However per each element is not known by whom, when or where these various elements are performed. If we must summarize development of the elements in the past, there is possibility to predict new elements in the future. The purpose of this study was to collate data elements on the horizontal bar (HB) in men's artistic gymnastics. METHODS Elements are described with CoP (FIG, 2013). The method of study was undertaken by bibliographic analysis. This article refers mainly to journals that were published by the Japan Gymnastic Association (JGA), and a list that was made regarding the occurrence of new elements on HB in Men's artistic gymnastics. Additionally, we handle video of different World Championship. Today we can obtain information of new elements by FIG Newsletters (FIG, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015). New elements are named after the gymnasts that was first performed by (FIG, 2013). The new element must be performed successfully in order to be recognized as a new element in FIG regular competition as Olympic Games, World Championship, World Cup, etc (FIG, 2013). RESULTS HB Elements in CoP 2013 (FIG, 2013) have been classified into five groups: 1. Long hang swings and turns 2. Flight elements 3. Elements near the bar ("in-bar" elements) 4. El-grip and dorsal hang elements 5. Dismounts Long hang swings and turns Various types of one arm giant swing were characterized by the 1970s and 1980s. For example, the one arm giant swing backward (360°) that was performed by Tong Fei in the 1979 (JGA, 1995) and the giant swing forward with one arm in under grip (360°) was performed by unknown Soviet gymnast in Soviet Cup in the 1978 (Kurihara, 1982). The one arm giant swing forward with 1/1 turn to el-grip and 1/1 turn to undergrip was performed by Zou Li Min in the 1985 World Championship. At that time, various types of the one arm giant swing had a major impact in combination with flight elements. In recent years, new elements performed in this group are the giant swing backward with hop 3/2 turns to double el-grip or the flying giant swing backward with 2/1 turns (JGA. dep. S, 2004). The giant swing backward. with hop 3/2 turns to double el-grip was performed by Rybalko (KAZ) in the 1993 World Championships. The flying giant swing backward with 2/1 turns was performed by Mizutori (JPN) in the 2004 japan national NHK Cup. And I earned information that Filip Yanev (BLU) applied this element in the 2004 Olympics. But I can't be made confirmation that did he perform. The flying giant swing backward with 1/1 turn that many gymnasts perform was first performed by Thomas (USA) in the 1979 world cup (Kurihara, 1982). Flight elements Recent years, this group was most promoted in men's artistic gymnastics. Dynamic flight elements had captivated not only gymnastics officials but also the audience. The back uprise and piked vault with 1/2 turn to hang or the back uprise and rear vault with 1/4 turn to hang were the mainstream until the 1970, but Jäger (DDR) performed the swing backward and salto forward straddled to hang in the 1974 World Championships (Kurihara, 1982). In response to this event, new flight elements were performed one after another by improvement of the protector and apparatus, and development of skills. In 1977, Markelov (URS) performed the back uprise and straddled hecht with 1/2 turn to hang (Kurihara, 1982), Tkachev (URS) performed the swing forward and vault Science of Gymnastics Journal 96 Science of Gymnastics Journal Nakasone M.: ELEMENTS DEVELOPMENT ON HORIZONTAL BAR IN MEN'S ARTISTIC ... Vol. 7 Issue 3: 95 - 106 backward straddled hang (Kurihara, 1982) and Deltchev (BLG) performed the swing forward and salto backward straddled with 1/2 turn to hang (Kurihara, 1982). The double salto backward tucked over the bar was performed by Kovacs (HUN) in the 1979 further (Kurihara, 1982). In 1980, Yamawaki (JPN) performed the Markelov with legs together in Japan national NHK Cup, Gaylord (USA) performed the salto forward over the bar in the USA Inter College Competition (Kurihara, 1982). Also the czech giant and vault backward straddled to hang were perfprmed by Jonson (USA) (Kurihara, 1982). Development of flight elements were accelerating 1980s. Deff (FRA) performed the Gienger 1/1 turn in the 1981 World Championships (Endo, 2000) and Winkler (DKP) performed the salto forward stretched with 1/1 turn (JGA, 1995). Pogorelov (URS) performed the salto forward stretched with 1/1 turn from el grip in the 1982 (Japan Gymnastics Association of department of study (JGA. dep. S.), 1982b), Gaylord (USA) and Balabanov (URS) perfprmed new elements in the 1984 each other (jGA, 1995; JGA. dep. S. 1985). Pineda (MEX) performed the Gienger with 1/2 turn over the bar in the 1985 World Championships and Xiao Ruizhi (CHN) performed the swing forward and counter salto forward straddled to hang in the 1986 World Cup (Tumura and Mori, 1986). Also in the 1988, the Tkatchev stretched and the Tkatchev stretched with 1/1 turn performed by Liukin (URS). Li Chunyang (CHN) performed the salto forward stretched from el-grip in the 1989 World Championship (JGA. dep. S. 1990b), Ambros (DDR) performed the Kovacs stretched (Goto, 1990) and Li Jing (CHN) performed the Gaylord piked in the 1989 Chunichi cup (JGA. dep. S. 1989c). Many new flight elements were performed 1990s and 2000s. Kolman (SLO) performed the Kovacs with 1/1 turn in the 1992 European Championships (Shiraishi and Takaoka, 1992), Pegan (SLO) performed the Gaylord with 1/2 turn in the 1994 European Championships (JGA. dep. S. 1994). The stoop circle forward to straddle cut with 1/2 turn and the Stalder 1/2 turn to rear vault with 1/4 turn to hang were performed by Carballo (ESP) (JGA, 1998). Cassina (ITA) performed Kovacs stretched with 1/1 turn in 2001. Now, for top gymnasts have become essential in order to win that learn the high difficulty flight elements the Cassina. In 2010, Kulesza (POL) performed the Tkatchev stretched with 1/2 turn to double el-grip (FIG, 2011), Munoz (ESP) performed the Yamawaki 1/2 turn streched to mixed grip into back uprise to handstand in the 2011 World Championships (FIG, 2012). Elements near the bar ("in-bar" elements) This group has developed around the free circle backward straddled together through handstand that was first performed Stalder in the 1952 Olympic (Kurihara, 1982) and the free circle forward straddled together through handstand that was first performed Endo (JPN) in the 1964 Olympic (Kurihara, 1982). Homma (JPN) performed the Stalder with 1/2 turn through handstand in 1973 (JGA. dep. S., 1974), and Mizushima (JPN) performed the Stalder with hop 1/1 turn through handstand in 1990 Japan national individual events competition (JGA. dep. S. 1990a). The main trend this group to combination of group 1 to the Stalder and the Endo. For example, there are elements such as the Endo with 1/1 turn through handstand in el-grip, another example there is the Stalder with hop 3/2 turn through handstand in el-grip (FIG, 2013). El-grip and dorsal hang elements Group 4 has been most developed in the 1960s. Steineman (SUI) performed the from dorsal hang, uprise forward to suppport rearward in 1933 (Kaneko and Kishino, 1970). Ono (JPN) performed the from dorsal hang, uprise with 1/2 turn to support in 1960 (Kurihara, 1982), Kerdemildi (URS) performed the giant swing rearways forward (Russian giant) in the 1960 Olympic (Kurihara, 1982). Science of Gymnastics Journal 97 Science of Gymnastics Journal Nakasone M.: ELEMENTS DEVELOPMENT ON HORIZONTAL BAR IN MEN'S ARTISTIC ... Vol. 7 Issue 3: 95 - 106 Skoumal (CSSR) performed the giant swing backward with inlocation during swing in the 1966 (Kurihara, 1982). Elements of group 4 have almost completed the 1980s. The stoop in shoot and 1/1 turn through handstand in Mixed grip was performed by Li Ning (CHN) in the 1985 World Championships (JGA. dep. S. 1986). This element has been often performed at present, because the rule that gymnast get the additional point in combination with elements of more Zhan D values and Flight elements of more than D value. Recently, Likhovitskiy (BLR) performed the Koste 1/2 turn to elgrip in 2013 European Championships (FIG, 2014). Dismounts Schwarzman (GER) performed the Hecht straddled in the 1952 Olympics (Kurihara, 1982), Endo (JPN) performed the Hecht with 1/1 turn in 1964 Tokyo Olympics (Kurihara, 1982). Soshin (URS) performed the double salto backward pike in 1965, and Lisitsky (URS) performed the salto backward stretched with 2/1 turns in 1967. This group of elements developed rapidly since the 1960s. Straumann (SUI) performed the double salto backward tucked over the bar in 1970, Tsukahara (JPN) performed the double salto backward tucked with a 1/1 turn in the 1972 Olympics, and Andrianov (URS) performed the triple salto backward tucked in the 1974 World Championships. In 1980, more high-value elements emerged. Watanabe (JPN) performed the double salto backward stretched with 2/1 turns in 1983 World Championships, Hoffmann (DDR) performed the triple salto backward tucked over the bar in 1984 Moscow and Riga Competition. Elements of forward somersault dismounts were also developed during time. Rumbutis performed the triple salto forward tucked in the 1986 Chunichi Cup. Bell (DDR) performed the triple salto backward tucked with a 1/1 turn in the 1987 European Championship. Moreover, Fedorchenko (KAZ) performed the double salto backward stretched with 3/1 turns in 1995 World Championship. All competitors performed the Watanabe in the event finals of the 2012 Olympic Games. Fardan (DEN) performed the triple salto backward piked in the 1996 European Championship. Improvement of equipment and hand guards The advancement of horizontal bar techniques in gymnastics closely corresponds to the development of equipment and hand guards. The horizontal bar of the Olympic Games in 1924 had a diameter of 32mm, a height of 230cm, a width of 220cm; but by the end of 1980, the bar improved with a diameter of 28mm, a height of 255cm, a width of 240cm (Ichiba, 2005, pp.171-172). These changes were made possible by more advanced mechanisms for changing the height of the horizontal bar; therefore flight duration became longer. In addition, the wire supporting the horizontal bar changed to a double wire from a single wire to ensure resilience and stability. Today, the bar is highly elasticity, durable, thinner, and easier to grip all of which make it easier to execute more movement-rich swings. The role of improved hand guards in the advancement of horizontal bar technique should not be dismissed. Changes in hand guards in the late 1970 have been confirmed to have played an important role in the development of horizontal bar technique, along with the official changes in equipment standards for the rings and horizontal bar in particular (Ichiba, 2005, pp.96-97). According to Ichiba " hand guards were originally used so as to protect performers' palms. At that time, they were still small and used on their palms adherently. They were shifted from the stage of passive and protective function to the next stage that provided the supportive function against oscillation by making a cuff near the finger hole (This cuff sometimes includes padding). Hand guards became larger as well as longer to create folded, but also more robust protection in the belted portion of the wrist. The larger hand guards not only provided passive protection but also served Science of Gymnastics Journal 98 Science of Gymnastics Journal Nakasone M.: ELEMENTS DEVELOPMENT ON HORIZONTAL BAR IN MEN'S ARTISTIC ... Vol. 7 Issue 3: 95 - 106 to support swing by strengthening swings and swing support while supporting the wrist and strengthening the grip by creating a core, a folder and a robust belt section. In other words, technological development of equipment and hand guards is directly related to the development of more challenging elements. We aren't supposed to forget Pits. Pits are the facilities where a chip of urethane and a sponge was filled in one serving in the hole opened in a landing part. Even if these facilities fall from the beginning, the impact is absorbed sufficiently. Safety started to be secured. Fear to a fall was taken by development in a pit, and a change had occurred to practice method. A challenge to new elements which weren't considered up to now became possible. Besides, development of Landing mat were changed to more soft more thicker to make absorbing an impact landed. The trend toward more difficult moves Future trends in horizontal bar elements should consider the perspective of the transition to the CoP. The CoP in gymnastics is the competition scoring system and is intended to guarantee fair competition through objective rules. According to Kaneko (Kaneko, 2005a, p.248), Trends in the development of elements fall roughly into two types. One is to make conventional technique more complicated, and the other is to create quite a new technique that is completely original in its form. A development of a more complex structure, for example, was the addition of 1/1 or 2/1 turns to a double somersault. Shirai (JPN) performed the salto backward with 4/1 turns in Floor Exercise (FX), and the round off, handspring backward and salto backward 3/1 turn in Vaulting Table (VT) to add difficulty to existing elements. Examples of original forms are the flair in side support performed by Thomas in Pommel Horse (PH) in the 1970s and the round off, handspring backward and salto backward performed by Yurchenko in VT in the 1980s. When new elements in recent years will be see, A almost elements are added to elements of existence or combined elements of existence and elements of existence. Its tendency was omened from 30 years ago. An incident in 1984 reflects this trend toward new elements Because of Los Angeles Olympic Games, TV and Olympic became now strongly linked and globalization was realized in gymnastics. According to Watanabe (Watanabe, 2005, p.7) "Rule to understand that everyone in gymnastics globalized, score anyone to convince". An example of such globalization is the impact of scoring system, which handles only elements described in the CoP. That is to say, judge activity was inclining toward the quantitative way that everyone knows. In 1993, the added point for by proficiency and originality were eliminated (Japan Gymnastics Association, 1993) and were replaced by added point to the combination or elements of difficulty D, E. According to Watanabe (Watanabe, 2005, p.5), "The difficulty of judging "what motion is worth bonus" had been pointed out since then. As judges in charge of evaluation in international competitions have their own physical culture from their backgrounds and moreover their judgments in these scoring areas would be reflected on the results of performers directly, there were probably many judges who insisted their opinions and wouldn't withdraw them" Additional points that are difficult to conceptually justify were also eliminated. In other words, the scoring system for competitions handles the elements described in the CoP, but some have noted that growing trend increasing the rotational speed of the elements has gained social gymnastics of the "civil rights" (Watanabe, 2005, p.5-6). Simultaneously, quantitative scoring criteria involved angle, deduction, and execution of the elements. Ishida (Ishida,1995, p.16) said that evaluation of gymnastic performance that was observed with the point of view centered on its quality, some of which only specialists could appreciate, has had the remarkable Science of Gymnastics Journal 99 Science of Gymnastics Journal Nakasone M.: ELEMENTS DEVELOPMENT ON HORIZONTAL BAR IN MEN'S ARTISTIC ... Vol. 7 Issue 3: 95 - 106 tendency to judge a performance by replacing it with physical quantity that anybody can understand. In 1997, compulsory routines were abolished (JGA, 1997). Kaneko noted, "Attracted by commercialism of the media, significant compulsory performances were thoughtlessly abolished ... Since the contents in the compulsory performance are identified to every performer, it is the only way to develop a new technique that has never seen and approach the limit of the same technique in order to win. Then there is no way but developing the technique of a performer who has ability to practice such a new technique, therefore creation of a new technique is regard as a subject at any cost" (Kaneko, 2005a, p.248). Some have argued that appearance of new elements would diminish after compulsory routines were abolished, and primary means of innovation will be adding complexity to the existing elements. Furthermore, in 2006, the 10-point system was abolished. Under the current rules, in order for the top gymnasts to earn high scores, they must perform 10 elements of as high difficulty as possible in five events without the VT. Therefore Table 1 Group 1 - Long hang swings and turns Elements Performer competitors and coaches consider it preferable to learn the skills common to all events, rather than the skills specific to each event. For example, the double salto backward tucked with a 1/1 turn can be used on the horizontal bar and the double salto backward tucked with a 1/1 turn can be used on the Ring, "Tkachev" can be used on the horizontal bar and the swing forward, straddle cut backward, and regrasp with straight body at horizontal can be used on the Parallel Bars. Hence, there is common tendency to train for skills transferable to other events, which is considered one of the reasons for the tendency for existing elements with added complexity to be performed. For these reasons, the creation of completely new forms is unlikely to occur. This is reflected in elimination of the added point for originality in 1993, the elimination of compulsory routines in 1997, and the establishment of new scoring rules since 2006. When such process is surveyed, future trends for new elements in the future are likely to involve adding extra complexity to existing elements rather than creating original ones up to now. Year Competition Reference Kinoshita, 2001 JGA. dep. S., 1972 JGA. dep. S., 1978 JGA, 1995 JGA. dep. S., 1979 video video JGA. dep., S. 1993 JGA. dep., S.2004 Swing backward and pirouette to hang Swing backward and pirouette to support Giant swing forward. with one arm in under grip (360°) One arm giant swing backward (360°) Flying giant swing backward with 1/1 turn On 1 arm, giant swing forward with 1/1 turn to el-grip and 1/1 turn to under grip Giant swing backward with hop 3/2 turns to double el- grip Back uprise to handstand with 1/1 turn also to mixt Flying giant swing bwd. with 2/1 turns Unknown 1889 Boiko (URS) 1971 Unkown (URS) 1978 Tong Fei (CHN) 1979 Thomas(USA) 1979 Zou Li Min (CHN) 1985 Rybalko (KAZ) 1993 Karbanenko (RUS) 1993 Mizutori (JAP) 2004 Paris Japan VS Soviet Union Soviet Cup Unknown World Cup World Championships World Championships World Championships Japan National NHK Cup Science of Gymnastics Journal 100 Science of Gymnastics Journal Nakasone M.: ELEMENTS DEVELOPMENT ON HORIZONTAL BAR IN MEN'S ARTISTIC ... Vol. 7 Issue 3: 95 - 106 Table 2 Group 2 - Flight elements Elements Performer Year Competition Reference Back uprise and piked vault with 1/2 turn to hang Voronin (URS) 1965 Unknown JGA, 1995 Swing backward. and salto forward straddled to hang Jäger (DDR) 1974 World Championship JGA. dep. S., 1975 Back uprise and straddled. hecht with 1/2 turn to hang Markelov (URS) 1977 Moscow News Cup JGA. dep. S., 1977a Swing forward and vault backward. straddled to hang Tkatchev (URS) 1977 World Cup JGA. dep. S., 1977a Swing forwd. and salto backward. straddled with 1/2 turn to hang Deltchev(BLG) 1977 Riga Competition JGA. dep. S., 1977a Swing forward and salto backward piked with 1/2 turn to hang (Piked Deltchev) Gienger (DKP) 1977 World Cup JGA. dep. S., 1977a Swing backward and salto forward to hang also from el-grip Krysin (URS) 1978 World Cup JGA. dep. S., 1978 Double salto backward tucked over the bar Kovacs (HUN) 1979 European Championships JGA. dep. S., 1979 Stoop circle backward to Tkatchev straddled Yogo (JPN) 1979 Japan national Competition JGA. dep. S., 1980 Markelov with legs together Yamawaki (JPN) 1980 Japan national Competition video Salto forward over the bar Gaylord (USA) 1980 USA Inter College Competition JGA. dep. S., 1981 Czech giant and vault backward straddled to hang Jonson (USA) 1980 USA Inter College Competition JGA. dep. S., 1981 Swing forward and salto backward with 3/2 turn to hang Deff (FRA) 1981 World Championship Endo, 2000 Salto forward stretched with 1/1 turn Winkler (DKP) 1981 Unknown JGA, 1995 Salto forward stretched with 1/1 turn from el grip Pogorolev (URS) 1982 International Invitation Cup JGA. dep. S., 1982b Gienger stretched over the bar Gaylord (USA) 1984 Unknown JGA, 1995 Salto forward stretched Balabanov (URS) 1984 Chunichi Cup JGA. dep. S., 1985 Gienger with 1/2 turn over the bar Pineda (MEX) 1985 World Championships video Swing forward and counter salto forward straddled to hang Xiao Ruizhi (CHN) 1986 World Cup Tumura and Mori, (1986) Tkatchev stretched Liukin (URS) 1988 Olympic Game Kinoshita, 2001 Tkatchev stretched Nishikawa (JPN) 1988 Olympic Game Kinoshita, 2001 Tkatchev stretched with 1/1 turn Liukin (URS) 1988 Moscow News Cup Kinoshita, 2001 Kovacs stretched Ambros (DDR) 1989 World Championships Goto, 1990 Gaylord piked Li Jing (CHN) 1989 Chunichi Cup JGA. dep. S., 1989c Kovacs with 1/1 turn Kolman (SLO) 1992 European Championships Shiraishi and Takaoka, 1992 Tkatchev straddled with 1/2 turn to mix el-grip intoback upraise to handstand Lynch (USA) 1992 '92 Phar-Mor U.S. Gymnastics Championships Gaylord with 1/2 turn Pegan (SLO) 1994 European Championships JGA. dep. S., 1994 Stoop circle forward to straddle cut with 1/2 turn Carballo (SPA) 1996 Olympic Game video Gienger from Czech Giant Swing Sapronenko (LAT) 1997 World Championships FIG, 2014 Stalder 1/2 turn to rear vault with 1/4 turn to hang Carballo (SPA) 1998 European Championships JGA. dep. S., 1998 Kovacs stretched with 1/1 turn Cassina (ITA) 2001 World Championships JGA. dep. S., 2002 Carballo with 1/2 turn to mixed el-grip Quintero(COL) 2002 World Championships JGA. dep. S., 2003 Quintero to el-grip Quintero(COL) 2002 European Championships JGA. dep. S., 2003 Pegan Pike Maras (GRE) 2006 European Championships FIG, 2014 Science of Gymnastics Journal 101 Science of Gymnastics Journal Nakasone M.: ELEMENTS DEVELOPMENT ON HORIZONTAL BAR IN MEN'S ARTISTIC ... Vol. 7 Issue 3: 95 - 106 Tkatchev stretched with 1/2 turn to mix Moznik (CRO) 2007 World FIG, 2008 el-grip into back upraise to handstand Championships Piatti stretched with 1/2 turn to mixed el- Kierzkovski (POL) 2009 World FIG, 2015 grip and back uprise to handstand Championships Tkatchev stretched with 1/2 turn to Kulesza (POL) 2010 World FIG, 2011 double el-grip Championships Gaylord from el-grip Maras (GRE) 2011 World Championships FIG, 2012 Yamawaki 1/2 turn streched to mixed Munoz (SPA) 2011 World FIG, 2012 grip into back uprise to handstand Championships Kovacs with 2/1 turns Bretschneider (GER) 2014 DTB Team Challenge FIG, 2015 Table 3 Group 3 - Elements near the bar ("in-bar" elements) Elements Performer Year Competition Reference Free circle backward. straddle through handstand Stalder (SUI) 1952 Olympic Game Kaneko, 1976 Free circle forward. straddled together through handstand Stalder with 1/2 turn through handstand Endo (JPN) (William Bill) 1964 -1958 Olympic Game (Intercollege competition) JGA. dep. S., 1965 (Abie Grossfeld, 2010) Endo in el-grip through handstand Stalder with hop 1/1 turn through handstand Honma (JPN) Gienger (DKP) Mizushima (JPN) 1973 1974 1990 International Invitational Competition World Championship Japan national individual Events JGA. dep. S., 1974 JGA. dep. S., 1975 JGA. dep. S., 1990a Competition Table 4 Group 4 - El-grip and dorsal hang elements Elements Performer Year Competition Reference From dorsal hang, uprise forward to suppport rearward Giant swing rearways forward (Russian giant) Steineman (SUI) Kerdemildi (URS) 1933 1960 Gymnastics Festival in Stuttgart Olympic Game Kaneko and Kishino, 1970 Kaneko, 1976 Steineman uprise with 1/2 turn to support Ono (JPN) 1960 Olympic Game Kaneko, 1976 Giant swing backward with inlocation during swing Skoumal (CEZ) 1966 World Championships JGA. dep. S., 1967a Endo in el-grip through handstand Gienger (DKP) 1974 World Championships Kurihara, 1982 Stoop in shoot and 1/1 turn through handstand in mixt grip. Stoop in shoot and hop 1/1 turn through handstand to mixed el-grip or Adler hop with 1/1 turn to mixed el-grip Li Ning (CHN) Baldauf (AUT) 1985 2012 World Championships Cottbus World Challenge Cup JGA. dep. S., 1986 FIG, 2015 Koste 1/2 turn to el-grip Likhovitskiy (BLR) 2013 European Championships FIG, 2014 Science of Gymnastics Journal 102 Science of Gymnastics Journal Nakasone M.: ELEMENTS DEVELOPMENT ON HORIZONTAL BAR IN MEN'S ARTISTIC ... Vol. 7 Issue 3: 95 - 106 Table 5 Group 5 - Dismounts Elements Performer Year Competition Reference Hecht straddled hecht Schwarzman (GER) 1952 Olympic Game Kaneko, 1976 Hecht with 1/2 turn Ono (JPN) 1956 Olympic Game Kaneko, 1976 Hecht with 1/1 turn Endo (JPN) 1964 Olympic Game JGA. dep. S., 1965 Salto backward piked with 1/1 turn Watanabe (JPN) 1965 Japan VS Soviet Union JGA. dep. S., 1966 Double salto backward piked Soshin (URS) 1965 Japan VS Soviet Union JGA. dep. S., 1966 Salto backward stretched with 2/1 turn Salto forward. piked with 1/2 turn Lisitsky (URS) Hayata (JPN) 1967 1968 European Championships Japan National NHK Cup JGA. dep. S., 1967b JGA. dep. S., 1969 Double salto backward tucked over the bar Straumann (SUI) 1970 Universiade JGA. dep. S., 1970 Double salto backward tucked with 1/1 turn Tsukahara (JPN) 1972 Olympic Game JGA. dep. S., 1972 Double salto forward tucked Schubert (DDR) 1973 International Berlin Cup JGA. dep. S., 1973b Triple salto backward tucked Andrianov (URS) (Mark Davis) 1974 1971 World Championships (NAAU Championships) JGA. dep. S., 1975 (Abie Grossfeld, 2010) Double salto backward stretched Roschukin (URS) 1974 Chunichi Cup JGA. dep. S., 1975 Double salto backward tucked with 2/1 turn Kajiyama (JPN) 1976 Olympic Game JGA. dep. S., 1976b Salto backward stretched with 3/1 turn Morisue (JPN) 1976 Japan National Competition International Shanghai Cup International Strasbourg Cup World Championships World Championships Moscow and Riga Competition JGA. dep. S., 1976a Double salto backward tucked with 1/1 turn over the bar Double salto forward. tucked with 1/2 turn Kitagawa (JPN) Shimizu (JPN) 99 00 00 JGA. dep. S., 1978 Kurihara, 1982 Double salto backward stretched with 1/1 turn Double salto backward stretched with 2/1 turn Triple salto backward tucked over the bar Unknown (CUB) Watanabe (JPN) Hoffmann (DDR) 1979 1983 1984 JGA. dep. S., 1980 JGA, 2007 JGA. dep. S., 1985 Triple salto forward tucked Rumbutis (URS) 1986 Chunichi Cup JGA. dep. S., 1987a Triple salto backward tucked with 1/1 turn Double salto backward stretched with 1/1 turn over the bar Double salto backward stretched with 3/1 turn Belle (DDR) Hayden (USA) Fedorchenko (KAZ) 1987 1988 1995 European Championships American Cup World Championships JGA. dep. S., 1987b Video JGA. dep. S., 1996 Triple salto backward piked Fardan (DEN) 1996 European Championships Takeda, 1996 Science of Gymnastics Journal 103 Science of Gymnastics Journal Nakasone M.: ELEMENTS DEVELOPMENT ON HORIZONTAL BAR IN MEN'S ARTISTIC ... Vol. 7 Issue 3: 95 - 106 CONCLUSIONS This paper was to collate data elements on the horizontal bar (HB) in men's artistic gymnastics and summarized the history of their occurrence, which has not been done in recent years. I think that new elements of chronological table in HB should be corrected by a formal document many times. We have to carry gymnastics history in the next generation. REFERENCE Atikovic, A. (2014). 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