Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovemans vol. 105, USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X American Home Ameriška Domovina* ^SLOVENIAN MORNINO NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 11, 2003 phone: (216) 431-0628 e-mail: ah@buckeyeweb.com OSMICA - 200-Year Slovenian Custom by ALJA KOTAR Slovenija OSMICA is the term given to the practice of sell-ing wine at the winegrowers’ home at a certain time. Literary sources tell us that the right to sell wine from the barrel was in practice already during the reign °f the German emperot Karl the Fifth. The right was preserved during the reign of i^aria Theresa and the Aus-trian Emperor Joseph the Second. In 1784 a decree allowing 'vine-growers to sell their "'ine in this way for eight days in a year was passed -hence the name osmica or ‘eight.” Wine-growers were now ahle tc sell what was left of lhe previous year’s wine free tax in a so-called wine shop under the bough. To show that an osmica was in Progress, they hung a bow of lvy at the front door. Next to filing their crops this was e farmers’ only source of Profit. Today, osmica is a form retail wine trade where the armers and wine-growers Can sell bottled wine or wine Srown jn thejr own vineyard the barrel. It is usually e d in the wine-cellar where e 'vine is kept or out in the armyard. Slovenia from WW2 Until the 70s during this period people ^ 0 frequented these events tLere mostly inhabitants of 0j.e, nearby villages. Because e ,etter traffic connections, ta^dua**y visitors from dis-j?a 1 .to'vns started to appear. Cilies ^rorn t*le city came a during weekends of!r t*le'r Sunday trip to one ^Karst plains. few ”ere used t0 be very nearLlsi,tors> just people from Can a woman from Pis-fe^1 t(dd me. In the first f°lk 80 he a beer for each of us drank them all. Monday, May 5,1947 desi„WaS Working on a lace five^n at 9 a-m- today when sea P°licemen arrived to arriv °Ur rooni- When they e^’ they said, “Show us do typewrite, we need to an investigation.” I told them we had nothing to hide and pointed to the typewriter on the table. Mire bought it for me a year ago with our hard-earned money. They insisted it must be stolen and confiscated it. Then they spent the next 4 hours going through our room and the neighboring barracks (the laundry). They took some canvas that belonged to Mire, 18 cans of food which the Kokelj brothers had received as payment for their logging work, and 50 pounds of flour. And they confiscated some English underwear, some auto parts, and saccharin tablets - all on suspicion of being stolen or black market. While they were going through everything, Cilka lay in bed, sick. When Mire, Franc and Pavle returned from their jobs at 5 p.m., they were very upset and immediately went to the police station. Franc was able to get his cans of food back, but that was all. I realized later that probably the reason why they came for my typewriter is that I had used it to help a friend write letters to the UNRRA director, alleging corruption among the camp leadership. Jože Zorko would come to me very day and ask me to type letters for him in German. “My complaints will be more effective if they are typed,” he said. He had evidence to back up his allegations. I’m sure they matched the typing on those letters with my typewriter. The refugee camps are supposed to be “out of bounds” for the Austrian police, but they come frequently. They do their searches, and take whatever they want. I wouldn’t be opposed if they took things that had truly been stolen. But what can we do when they take food and other things that we have earned with our hard work? To whom can I complain? To God? The police say we couldn’t possibly have so much extra food, it must be stolen. But often, that is how our men get paid for their work - they get cans, flour, and so on. The camp food is very unreliable, so we save as much of our own food as we can - for those frequent days when the camp food is inadequate. In the evening, we had no electricity, so we sat in our room in the darkness and talked. Cene said he won’t work so hard any more. There is no point in saving anything - the police will just come and take it. (To Be Continued) LAVRISHA Construction & Repair BUILDING IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 6507 St. Clair Ave. - Cleveland, OH 44103 216 / 391-0035 OPEN HOUSE St. Vitus Parish is extending an invitation to everyone to come and visit their beautiful Village garden on Sunday, September 14th from 10am to 1pm. Coffee and donuts will be served in the garden area. A second open house will be held on Sunday, September 21st during the St. Vitus Altar Society’s annual benefit dinner at St. Vitus Auditorium. The Village garden will be opened from 10am to 2 pm. Staff will be available to answer any of your questions concerning residency. Brochures of the Village will also be available. St. Vitus Village is located 6114 Lausche Ave, which is one street South of St. Clair Ave and East 62nd Street, Cleveland. Plenty of parking is available. Elderly Targeted in Investment Scams Often living on fixed incomes and sometimes desperate about money, older investors, are being targeted with complex investment scams promising huge returns as the stock market chums and health care costs climb, state securities regulators said. Kenneth Reusser of Beaverton, Ore., an 82-year-old former Marine aviator and decorated veteran of more than 200 combat missions in three wars, says he lost $262,500 in a high-yield investment scheme he learned about from friends he met through a club called “Life After 50.” . Reusser and his wife, Trudy, filed a personal bankruptcy petition last week, a step ahead of the anticipated foreclosure of their hand-built home worth more than $1 million. “I’m here as a very em barrassed individual,” Kenneth Reusser said at a news conference with state regulators. “We just trusted the people.” The North American Securities Administrators Association is alerting seniors to the dangers of investment fraud and urging them to take control of their finances. Scams currently targeting older investors involve sales of unregistered securities, bogus promissory notes and charitable gift annuities, early settlements in which terminally ill people sell their life insurance policies for up-front cash, and Ponzi schemes that pay some investors returns with money raised from later investors. Cities where scam cases were specifically cited are in Arizona, Delaware, Maine and Massachusetts. But seniors are getting scammed in every state. St. Clair Pensioners Club Yes, it is that time of year when the days are getting shorter; the air feels a little more brisk and the leaves start turning gold and brown. It is also the time of year when the St. Clair Pensioners will be taking their trip to Amish country, which we always look forward to. Am sure we appreciate getting away from the everyday hustle and bustle of city life and even for just one day, enjoy the scenic beauty of the Amish countryside. The trip is scheduled for next month on Wednesday, October 15. The bus will depart Orr Arena at 7 a.m. and the Slovenian National Home at 7:30 a.m. The cost is $29.00. Please make your check payable to St. Clair Pensioners Club and send to Jeanette Ruminski, 25801 Zeman Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44132. Phone (216) 261-1667. Indicate on your check whether you will be at Slovenian National Home or Orr Arena. Will look forward to seeing you at our Picnic-rn-the-Park to be held on Thursday, Sept. 18. This will take place in the Kenik Room and is for members only. New members are most j welcome. Our meetings are held every third Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. in the Kenik room of the Slovenian National Home. —Sylvia Plymesser Don’t let winter get you down! Rent a condo out-of-town. Call 1-216-261-1050 now for the best price and selection. 22078 Lakeshore Blvd Euclid, Ohio 44123 1-216-261-1050, 1-800-659-2662 euclidtravel@aol.com travel@euclidtravel.com ai ■ m n m CondoCentre ;i DuKuum.i Kl Cl.ll) TKAV]-;i. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 11, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 11, 2003 4 HAPpy News © © © © © Our August 20. meeting (postponed on account of Federation picnic), opened with "guest" speaker Marie Dular fielding questions about Slovenian language. We did manage to stump her with a few; guess she forgot to bring her dictionary. Everyone enjoyed the little "Half pa pol" skit, presented by her and Matt Zabukovec. What a laugh! But so true to life in our old neighborhoods. We had two months of birthdays and anniversaries to catch up. 15 July, and 21 August celebrants were serenaded with a resounding "Happy Birthday". July anniversaries were celebrated by Rose and Ed Lah, 56 yrs; Mary and John Obat, 56 yrs; and Grace and Frank Sechnik, 54 yrs. August couples honored were Helen and John Kozlevchar (their day was right on the 20th!), 48 yrs; Dorothy and Joe Kravos, 53 yrs; Ruth and Ed Morel, 56 yrs; Hermine and John Mramor, 56 yrs; Stefi and Albie Somrak, 45 yrs; Eleanor and Frank Zernic, 41 yrs; and Mildred and John Žnidaršič, 51 yrs. We sang Happy Anniversary, and wish many happy returns to all celebrants! On a sad note, a silent prayer was said for our deceased members and friends: Carl Koenig (Lou's brother);Catherine Hop-. kins (Lou Pibernik's sister); Helen Pibernik (Lou's wife); so sorry about your losses within just days, Lou; Stella Szimansky (sister of Eleanor Princic); and Ed Turocy brother of Eleanor Zernic). May they all rest in God's peace. Ann Eichler was busy sending get-well cards, too, to a slew of ailing members: Joe Drobnich, Marie Dular, MaryAnn Francis, John Habat, Mary Jackson, Elsie Jacobs, John (Gutch) Kustich, Gus Petelinkar, Vicki Skarbez, Al Terček, and Dorothy Zitko. It was a pleasure to see at least some of them recovered enough to attend the meeting. Welcome back; and the rest, please get well soon, and stay well! Like Gus says, enough is enough- he wants to go HOME... Fran Kajfez reported 156 members were present. We still have 68 on the waiting list, and 110 honorary members. The trips for this year are all filled, but there is a wait-list, so somebody could still get lucky. If not, you'll just have to sign up quicker next year! The Federation picnic at SNPJ Farm was a great success. Over 320 dinners were served, in record time, too. People had a good time enjoying food, fellowship, and music. A big THANK YOU to all who helped with this affair; that's what cooperation is all about. Special thanks go to Julie Zalar and her crew, who fed us so well and so fast, despite setbacks in the kitchen. What troupers you are, ladies! We bow in gratitude. Plan on attending the September 10. meeting: it will be soo special. We are having a LUAU- Mary Blatnik's brainchild. Wear something, anything Hawaiian: grass skirt, coconut bikini, hula hoop.... If you don't, it'll cost you 25 cents for a lay - ooops! I meant LEI, LEI, LEI... Our guest speaker will be a doctor of ophtalmology (that's eye doc) from Cleveland Clinic. Will he make us see the light, I wonder? We are bound to learn a lot about eye health. See you around! Penny Pal. 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Are you ready to enjoy your retirement? Well then, St. Vitu» Village may be the place for you. The village is a pleasant, relaxing environment with a large, beautifully landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are complete with appliances, including a washer and dryer. The facility has surveillance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency monitoring, cable TV and much much more. Feel free to contact Rudy Sterk at (216) 361-0300 with any question on how you or a family member can become a resident in our very special community. Genealogists Gather The Ohio Chapter of the Slovenian Genealogy Society International (SCSI) will hold its fall meeting as follows: West Side Group: Monday, Oct. 6 at the Parma Regional Library, 7335 Ridge Road, Parma, 7 - 8:30 p.m. East Side Group: Tuesday, Oct. 7 from 7 - 8:30 p.m. at the Euclid Public Library, 631 E. 222nd St., Euclid. Learning how cemetery records can be a valuable tool in researching your family history, you will hear Gail Meyers, a volunteer, independent genealogists for the City of Cleveland, Cemetery Divisions, will present the topic, “Researching Local Cemeteries.” She will share with us valuable information about different kinds of cemeteries, the records that are maintained, and how to research these records. If you have any questions call Rose Marie Jisa at 440— 230-2251. The SCSI is a non-profit organization incorporated under 501 3(b) regulations. All donations are tax deductible and are used primarily to preserve Slovenian ancestral records. St. Vitus Adult Slovenian School Ready to Resume The St. Vitus Adult Slovenian Language School class will resume on Saturday morning, Oct. 11 in the school basement at 9:15. Students will continue to expand upon grammar, vocabulary, oral interaction, reading comprehension, writing, and appreciation of Slovenian culture and traditions. For further infonnation call the instructor, Marie Burgar at 216—249-3703. Newburgh-Maple Pensioners Meet Meetings of the Newburgh-Maple Hts. Pensioners Club will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 24 and Wednesday, Oct. 22 at the Slovenian National Home, 3563 East 80th. Meeting time is noon. --Mrs. Olga A. Dorchak Secretary- Treasurer Nutrient Found In Tomatoes May Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk (NAPS)—Higher intake of the nutrient lycopene, found in tomatoes, has been associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. A new observational study funded by the National Cancer Institute found an inverse relationship between the blood levels of lycopene and risk for the disease. The research showed that men with highest serum levels of lycopene—a measure of the amount of the nutrient absorbed from the diet—had a 35 percent reduction in risk of prostate cancer. An even stronger association was seen in men with aggressive prostate cancer; those men with the lowest serum levels of lycopene had a 63 percent greater chance of aggressive disease than those with the highest serum levels; The study also highlighted differences in lycopene blood levels between white men and African-American men. Prostate cancer incidence is twice as high among African-American men, when compared with whites. Researchers identified that serum lycopene levels were 18 percent lower among African-American men than white men, which may help explain the racial disparity in incidence of the disease. According to an analysis of a government intake survey, half of the U.S. population is getting 3.6 mg of lycopene or less per day. Intake levels associated with the highest protection from prostate cancer are 6.5 mg/day or more, which can be achieved with 10 or Reduced risk for prostate cancer has been linked with lycopene, a nutrient found in tomatoes. more servings of tomatoes or tomato-based products per week. Across the U.S., prostate cancer is the second-leading cancer killer. Approximately 189,000 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed and approximately 30,000 men will die from prostate cancer this year, more than 20 percent of whom may be African American. To help reduce your risk of prostate cancer, speak with your doctor about ways to reduce the risk of developing the disease. In addition, the American Cancer Society recommends annual checkups for men aged 40 and older. Scientists have also shown that increased lycopene intake leads to a rise in scrum lycopene levels, so one simple change would be to eat more lycopene-rich ibods such as tomato juice, sauce and soup or by adding lycopene supplements to your diet. OF nutrition Ginkgo Extract May Help Memory And Concentration In Older Adults (NAPS)—The population is living longer. People 80 years and older are the fastest growing group among the elderly. As people age, they tend to forget more. Age-associated memory impairment (AAMI) affects up to 38 percent of people over 50. One way to reduce AAMI is ensure adequate blood flow to the brain by supplementing your diet with ginkgo leaf extract. Ginkgo extract counteracts some of the symptoms of AAMI by improving circulation to the smallest blood vessels in the body and the brain. Ginkgo’s antioxidant properties also work to protect cell nerve membranes. A standardized extract of ginkgo leaf is one of the most frequently used plant-based medicines in Europe, and it has been one of the 10 best-selling herbs in the U.S. for nearly fi%re years. There arc over 120 clinical trials that have been published testing various benefits of ginkgo. According to an upcoming research report by the nonprofit American Botanical Council that examines 35 of these studies, there is strong evidence that the use of ginkgo extract is an effective treatment for individuals who suffer from mild to severe attention and memory loss in conditions like early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Ginkgo extract is recognized by the World Health Organization as a way to improve short-term memory and concentration, poor circulation in the lower legs and ringing in the ears. I t - * 1 v.k v 4 nawaH* ^ vmV >• H A , Ginkgo (Ginkgo blloba) |S more than 225 million years old, making it the oldest living W®® species on earth. __ The German government* Commission E recommends gin^S® supplements for a minimum oi eight weeks. Ginkgo is generally considered safe, with only relatively mild side effects noticed in clinical studies. While there is debate about the positive effects of ginkgo f°r healthy people, there is clear evidence that it is beneficial for memory loss that occurs with condition* such as Alzheimer’s disease and poor circulation. In fact, a recent international review of 33 studie* on memory and concentration Pr0"j lems found ginkgo extract safe and beneficial for several conditions. Consumers and health profes' sionals can find more information about the clinically documented benefits of ginkgo from the American Botanical Council, a nonprop research and educational organize1 lion, at www.herbalgram.org (Photo courtesy of Steven Foste, at www.steoenfoster.com,) SWU #25 Meets Slovenian Women’s Union Branch #25, Cleveland, Ohio, will meet on Sunday, Sept. 14 at 1:30 p.m. in St. Vitus Village. All members are invited to attend. --Fran Gazvoda Mario’s International Program now on WKTX - 830 AM Saturdays - 3 to 5 p.m. Archbishop Rode Critical of Anti-Catholic Rhetoric LJUBLJANA, Slov. -The archbishop and metropolitan of Ljubljana criticized a professor’s attempt to gloss over evidence of the anti-Catholic intolerance in this country. “We witness with consternation the misrepresentation of the facts of events that leftist thinking can effect in the reality of our nation -to say nothing of the consequences deriving from a university culture that is still strongly ideological,” said Archbishop Franc Rode. He was censuring an interview that Sreeko Dragoš, Professor of the sociology of religion at the city’s Faculty Social Sciences, gave Aug. 22 on the Pop TV network. The Italian bishops’ SIR agency reported that during *ne interview, Dragoš said ^at in no way did he have foe impression “that the threshold of religious intol-erance in Slovenia was increasing.” He also said that he could n°t remember “any fact prodded in the last years by Public opinion surveys that cnionstrated bigotry toward Catholic citizens, that is, toward the majority of the Population.” Such an affirmation, SIR said, differs from an earlier complaint of Auxiliary Bishop Anton Stres of Maribor, the president of the Slovenian bishops’ Justice and Peace Commission. The bishop expressed his concern about the growing prejudice against the Catholic Church in Slovenia. In particular, Bishop Stres complained about various profanities against Marian images and crucifixes, acts of vandalism against churches and sacred buildings, and the fact that in Koper a municipal councilman blocked the ringing of the cathedral’s bells on Aug. 15, solemnity of the Assumption and a public holiday. Heading the list of profanity is a picture of the Virgin of Brezje, venerated by Slovenian Catholics. A distorted image of this Virgin appears on the CD cover of a music group. According to Church officials in Slovenia, none of the government’s representatives has condemned these actions explicitly.____ This news was submitted by Bogomir Kuhar. Dark Chocolate May Be Good For You A small study suggests that eating dark chocolate can lower your blood pressure - a delicious instance in which something that tastes good might, for a change, be good for you, too. A German study appeared in a recent Journal of the American Medical Association. Thirteen adults with untreated mild hypertension got to eat 3-ounce chocolate bars every day for two weeks. Half of the patients got white chocolate, half received dark chocolate. Dark chocolate contains plant substances called polyphenols - ingredients scientists think are responsible for the heart-healthy attributes of red wine. Polyphenols also have been shown to lower blood pressure in animals. Blood pressure remained pretty much unchanged in the group that ate white chocolate, which does not contain polyphenols. But after two weeks, systolic blood pressure - the top number - had dropped an average of five points in the dark-chocolate group. The lower, or diastolic reading fell an average of almost two points. St. Mary’s Slovenian School Returns St. Mary’s Slovenian School in Collinwood begins its school year on Saturday, Sept. 20. Registration will be held in the school meeting room at 9 a.m., followed by a regular session of classes from 9:15 to 12 noon. Children from ages S'/i through eighth grade are all welcome. New workbooks “Ucimo se Slovensko” - “We Leam Slovenian,” volumes I, II, and III have been purchased and will be used for some of the age groups. These books were written for non-Slovenian speaking students, as well as those with a foundation in the language. We welcome new and returning students. Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the American Home newspaper: Ivan Mavrovich, Venise en Quebec - $5.00 Marjan Strancar, Broadview Hts., OH - $15.00 Angela Janesch, Euclid, OH - $5.00 Mary McMurray, Euclid, OH -$15.00 Milena Ferkul, Richmond Hts., OH - $5.00 Katica Dreu, Cleveland, OH -$10.00 r_ Apple-Sage Dressing 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 medium onion, chopped 1 cup chopped celery 2 Vi cups low-sodium chicken broth 2 medium Red Delicious apples 2 teaspoons chopped fresh sage 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme 'A teaspoon salt Freshly ground pepper, to taste 6 cups cubed stale bread, about 1 pound '4 cup flat-leaf parsley, chopped 1 egg white, lightly beaten k T. - Preheat the oven to 400°F. Spray a 9x13-inch dish or large casserole with nonstick spray. 2. - Meit (he butter in a large skillet over medium heat; the onion and celery, and cook until softened, about 5 lrUites. Add the broth, apples, sage, thyme, salt, and PPer, bring to a boil. Remove from heat and cool briefly. T - Combine the bread cubes, vegetable mixture, rsley, and egg white in a large bowl. Spoon into the king dish. Bake until golden brown on top, about 45 •P'nutes. c Chef Tip: If you only have fresh bread on hand, cut into es and spread on a baking sheet. Bake the bread cubes in - ®°F- oven until dry, 15 to 20 minutes. Cool completely - _ Proceed with the recipe as directed. --------------------------------------------- : Slovenian Apple Cake j 2 cups unsifted enriched all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon V* teaspoon iodized salt 1 V* cups sugar 1 cup vegetable oil 3 lightly beaten eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla j 4 cups diced, peeled apples, such as Jonathan, Golden I Delicious, McIntosh, Wealthy, Melrose, Winesap Vi cup chopped nuts I Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 13x9x2-inch pan. J Stir together flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. i In second bowl, beat together sugar and oil; beat in eggs j and vanilla. Beat in dry ingredients. Fold in apples and nuts. i Turn into greased pan. j Bake in preheated oven for about 1 hour or until cake I pulls away from sides of pan. Cool in pan. Cut in rectangles i to serve. ; Sour Cream Peach Pie i Crust: 10 whole graham crackers crushed V* lb. melted margarine 2 Tbls. sugar i Mix together and press into ungreased pie plate on sides , and bottom. i Filling: i/2 CUp SUgar i 1 Pint sour cream l tsp. vanilla i 1 large can sliced peaches (drained) i Leave 6 slices of peaches out and cut the rest into small i pieces. Mix sour cream, sugar and vanilla. Fold in peaches i and mix. Pour into crust and garnish with whole peach i slices. Bake 25 minutes at 350 degrees. |___--Brother Richard — Gilmour Well Seasoned Recipes Dieting Should Make You Go Bananas by Elizabeth Pivonka, Ph.D., R.D., President, Produce for Better Health Foundation (NAPS)—Bananas are the most popular fruit in America and not just because of their taste. Think of the endless ways you can enjoy a banana: blended in a low calorie smoothie, sliced into a fiber-rich cereal, packed in a lunch or eaten LI pi V- dtlU booster. Sure the; taste good but the; also supply essentia nutrients and carbo hydrates your body ■ ^ needs to perform at V; j , . © its peak. Pivonka One medium banana, with its smooth, tropical flavor, packs a whopping four grams of dietary fiber and a healthy dose of potassium and vitamins C and B6 into a mere 110 calories. Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. Fruits contain carbohydrates, fiber and a wide variety of nutrients. Fiber helps you feel full, so you eat less; and fruits, like bananas, are portion-controlled—a big help to dieters. High protein, low carbohydrate diets, on the other hand, often contain too much unhealthy fat and restrict foods that provide variety, flavor, texture and essential nutrients. People lose weight simply because they are eating fewer calories than they are expending; there is no magic metabolic transformation. Hundreds of large scale studies have demonstrated better health with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. So, whether you want to shed a few pounds or maintain a healthy weight, remember to go bananas, and include a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet every day. Banana and Spinach salad is a colorful salad featuring creamy white bananas, green spinach, red cranberries and orange citrus fruit. It shows you how easy it is to toss together the colors of health. Color is an easy way to think about variety, which is central to good nutrition. By including a mix of colors in your low fat diet—at least 5 to 9 servings daily—you can help maintain (or reach) a healthy weight and obtain a wide range of vitamins, min- erals, fiber and phytochemicals. For more banana recipes and information, visit the Web site www.eatmorebananas.com; and for more information about 5 A Day The Color Way, visit the Web site www.5aday.org and www.aboutproduce.com. Banana and Spinach Salad ^ cup pecans 1 tablespoon coffee flavored liqueur or coffee *6 cup dried cranberries 2 tablespoons cranberry juice cocktail % cup fat-free raspberry vinaigrette dressing 3 bananas, cut into slices 1 cup orange sections 2 packages (6 oz. each) baby spinach hi red onion, thinly sliced Line shallow' pan with foil, stir together pecans and coffee liqueur. Bake at 300°F., 12-15 minutes stirring twice, until toasted. Set aside. Combine cranberries and juice, cover and microwave on HIGH 30 seconds, let sit 5 minutes. Finely chop cranberry mixture in food processor; stir together with vinaigrette. Toss together cranberry vinaigrette, banana slices and orange sections. Line plates with spinach and onion; top with banana mixture. Sprinkle pecans over salad. Serves 4. Nutritional information per serving; calories: 353, total fat: 10.5g, saturated fat: l.lg, % calories from fat: 25%, protein: 5g, carbohydrates: 62g, cholesterol: Omg, dietary fiber: 8g, sodium: 469mg. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 11, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 11, 2003 Visiting the Old Country in 1937 by JOE GLINŠEK (Conclusion) A terrible storm hit us on the second day out, and the North Atlantic passage became ‘the trip from hell.’ We bought large photos taken by the ship’s photographer but they hardly do justice to the awesome power of the towering seas. It was said to be the worst storm in many years, and photos from the bridge makes our huge ship look like a toy among the gigantic waves. The bow is pitching and plowing down into the valley of a mountain of water, and as the waves crash with terrible force across the bow, the ship is also rolling from side to side at frightening angles. The captain of the ship was celebrating 25 years with the Lloyd Lines, and a rumor was buzzing around that even he was seasick in his cabin. Possibly he had other reasons for not appearing in the dining room that day, but believe me, this was no ordinary storm. Passengers were forbidden anywhere on deck, and even after the worst of the weather abated the following day, most areas of the desk were roped off. I was one of the few eating regular meals during the tempest, a fact which should come as no surprise. Other than two bad days, the return trip was without incident. The first sighting of the New York skyline and the Statue of Liberty will remain permanently etched in my mind. Our album has a photo of this scene taken over the hats of well-dressed ladies in the 1937 fashions. We were all prepared and eager to disembark well in advance of the actual docking. Our luggage had been packed and ready for the cabin-boys to haul up to a staging area in First Class. We would see how the ‘other half lived for the second time in our voyage; first day on, and the last day off. The entire ship’s passenger baggage was gathered on the top decks, arranged with Germanic precision for transfer to the customs building on the dock. Once again we saw tapestry, marble, leather, paintings, polished brass, mirrors, oriental rugs, and every trapping of luxury that First Class passengers enjoyed. I’ve often wondered how much more they had paid than we, and if the food was different. I thought our meals were marvelous, and I’m sure we would have felt out of place where passengers routinely dressed for dinner. Black tie every evening was certainly not our style. The luggage was handled efficiently for all passengers, regardless of class. It was arranged in neat alphabetic order in the terminal on the dock, and customs was quick and painless. It was morning when we docked, and anxious to be back home, we didn’t spend any time in New York on the return trip. After clearing customs, we took a cab to Grand Central Station with hours to spare. After a dreamy night’s sleep on the train, we were home the next morning and slept in our own beds that night -there’s no bed like your own. The brief mention of New York reminded me of something in Ljubljana, also a city of culture and fine arts. One evening I was left in the care of my grandparents while Mom and Dad went to the opera. I had seen the exterior of the opera-house on one of our excursions. It was a beautiful building and a regular stop on the European tour. Ljubljana was arguably the cultural center, not only of Slovenia, but of Jugoslavia. Besides the opera, there were universities, art museums, theaters, choral groups, and a symphony orchestra. Sculptures of historic figures dotted the city, few on horseback. Many were poets, artists or writers. Men like France Prešeren and Ivan Carkar were household names and important figures in Slovenian history. I like to think that this is a good measure of the civility of our people. It brings to mind an old saying about the major ethnic groups in Jugoslavia, the last line of which says, “and if you get three Slovenians together, you’ll have another glee club.” No matter how exciting the trip, after nearly four months abroad it was a joy to be home. Uncle Mike and Grandpa Anzlin had been ‘batchin’ it, and looked a little thinner. They were happy to see all of us back, but my mother had been missed most of all. Her return insured good cooking on the near horizon. I had already missed a month of school, but was hardly upset over this gap in my education. Without a doubt, I’d learned a great deal in a short time. I had noticeably more confidence in myself and felt somehow older than my classmates. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all youngsters at this most impressionable age, could not just visit, but live in a foreign country for one summer. I feel very fortunate for having had the opportunity and experience. To my knowledge, no other child in my school had been on a trip of this scope, and it was not just a matter of means. Granted, there were kids in large families with only one wage earner, usually the father, and during the hard times in the ‘30s, many lost their jobs and had to work at anything they could find and barely made ends meet. But we were all in the same economic class, working at dirty, low-paying factory jobs. None of the kids I knew came from a ‘white-collar’ background, Earlier this year, St. Mary’s parish (Collinwood) in Cleveland announced construction plans for a multipurpose parish community center to be built adjoining the school. The 18,500 square foot building will not only enhance the educational facility of the school, but is for the enjoyment of the parishioners. The design includes a combination social hall/school gym, meeting room, stage, full catering kitchen, atrium, and storage areas. Planned uses for the social hall are dinners, bereavement luncheons, various celebrations, as well as gym and practice facilities for sports, folklore, and choir groups. The meeting room, which will have a Slovenian motif, will fill the needs of numerous parish organizations. Our vision is that the new building will provide a gathering place for our parish community. Our parish serves as an anchor in the revitalization of the Collinwood community. The parish community center will help guarantee the longevity and stability of our parish. Capital campaign Of the projected $1.8 million building cost, we currently have $700,000 on hand. This includes $250,000 that was left over from the old church demolition budget, and the but most had the necessities of life. There were a few destitute families that relied on the kindness of friends and relatives. We were lucky in that respect. Dad had worked and saved since his early teens, and at 35, was late to marry. I was an only child because of the complications of a difficult birth. These circumstances made it possible for my dad to fulfill his dream. For a long time, he considered it very important to see his parents again, and for them to see his family. He $100,000 check from the recent Lausche Foundation grant. The rest has come from pledge payments, gifts and fund-raisers since January. So far we have responses from about 180 of 700 families who received pledge request letters. Additional pledge cards are available at the church entrances. We need to have the participation of all of our parishioners to meet our goal. The parish center Finance Committee has begun talking with banks and fraternal organizations about a construction loan. We also welcome any offers of interest-free loans. Recognition Those who have made or will make significant contributions to the building Fund will be acknowledged based on their giving level. Donors’ names will be memorialized in the new building based on gifts at levels over $1,000, over $3,000, and over $5,000. Larger gifts will be given special recognition. Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation Grant At our parish picnic, we received a generous pledge of a grant of $215,000 for the construction of the parish community center from The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation. Foundation president James V. Debevec presented a check in the amount of $100,000 with the knew it would be our last chance before the war. Although the cost of the trip seems trivial now, in that time and place it would have paid nearly half the price of a modest bungalow in our neighborhood, yet he never owned a home of his own. Seen in that perspective it may seem an extravagance, but it was one of lasting and immeasurable value. My fountain of mental images has run dry. Sixty-odd years later, it still retains its title as The Trip of My Lifetime. Thanks, Dad. rest being pledged over five years. We thank the foundation trustees for their support of this project and honor the memory of Frank J. Lausche, Ohio’s Slovenian statesman, for his vision in setting up this foundation, which has made it possible for many organizations to continue their work. Construction Schedule The building design by architects Ziska and Associates have been finalized. They have been given full approval by the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. We held discussions with numerous firms and have selected Panzica Construction as our project management firm. The last parcel needed to be cleared before groundbreaking is on E. 156 St. The house on that property is scheduled to be tom down. Any future demolition will be to improve church parking. Cleveland Public Power is reviewing rerouting the parish’s utility lines to eliminate some of the existing poles. Groundbreaking Date The date for putting the first shovels in the dirt is set for Sunday. Oct. 12. The Most Reverend Roger W-Gries, Auxiliary Bishop of Cleveland, will celebrate the 10 a.m. Mass, followed by the ceremonial groundbreaking. —Rev. John M. Kumse, Pastor __ _ Christmas Cards St. Mary’s (Collinwood) announces that pictures taken of the church are now avail' , able as Christmas cards. Posters about ordering the cards are in all of the entrances of the church. Order the cards as soon as possible as time has a tendency of slipping away. Slovenians: A Class Fact Age Eraser How to get fit as a kid in just six months. Couch potatoes, listen up: New research shows you can fix decades of inactivity in a surprisingly short time. To measure fitness potential, UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas trained five men, ages 50-51. Thirty years earlier, doctors had recorded each man’s aerobic fitness level. Could they get it back? The guys started slowly, choosing a modest jogging, walking, or cycling program, and setting a fitness target of 75 percent of maximum heart rate. Week one featured two 15-minute workouts. After that, exercise time increased 5 to 10 percent per week. At six months they were up to 4.5 hours a week - and they regained their aerobic fitness levels of 30 years earlier. St. Mary’s Community Center Update 7 STORYOF LJUBLJANA CASTLE by Darinka kladnik Slovenija There are more than 600 castles in Slovenia and at least 100 of them are well worth visiting even though they are often in bad condition. Some have been pre-served, while others are little m°re than ruins. A few have witnessed attempts at renovation but preservation work has stopped. Many are ^waiting their turn but some ave been successfully reno-vated and given new functions. Therefore, it would be •fficult to decide which lovenian castle is the pretti-esti the most important or the ■tiost grand. Some would choose Predjama Castle and enjoy the legends that sur-^ound it, others would favor TH) Castle with its well.or-ered museum collection, or Perhaps Bled Castle because j3 the wonderful view of the ahe and the island that it a fords. A few might find the ^astle of Grad in Goričko, 'th as many rooms as there are days in the year, more 'Pteresting and some might Prefer the romantic Otočec ^'th its island castle sur-roimded by the Krka River. Castle Bogensperk, once PWned by the famous poli-vlstorian Janez Vajkard Val-a'jSor’ has a huge number of .hirers as does the castle in Prska Sobota in Prekmurje *ch also hosts a museum, an ^0Wever, most Sloveni-fjj whl put Ljubljana Castle beSt' Ljubljana Castle has W n secon<^ most popu-Slo t0Ur'st attraction in nowVe"ia for quite some time pe0 ’ anc^ more ^an 170>0°0 yea^e come to visit every djJ^y also come to attend cas.?renr events which the thane hosts. There are more eVen a hundred of these tllrouShout the year, the ere more once TheCast'e *s fully renovated. 'he ^ast*e *s truly becoming and °Ca* P0'nt of the city e*De CUltUrally exceeds all itig ^tahons. Indeed, judg-^ the cultural events of Ljubljana 1 the castle tower. that take place there, it can be compared with many capital cities of the world. Ljubljana Castle is the symbol of the capital showing its tower on top of the hill. The castle plateau, the promenade, Stance and the tower offer a^great view of the city. Ljubljana is situated on a plain surrounded by hills and mountains. On a fair day one can see all the way to the highest mountain in Slovenia — Triglav. The castle hill is crisscrossed with paths where strollers can be spotted in any weather. On Saturdays the place is swarming with wedding guests - there are two wedding halls. There will be even more visitors when a cable railway is installed. The beautifully situated Castle Hill is one of Ljubljana’s three hills. Huddled on its skirts is the old city center whose history begins where written sources first mention it in 1144. This was also the first written evidence of the town itself, though latest research is now pushing the date further back, to somewhere between 1112 and 1125. However, the area over which Ljubljana and its surroundings are spread has been inhabited for a long time. Traces of human habitation stretch back 40,000 years. The first settlement was placed on the banks of a lake which gradually subsided and became a marshland, part of which is now the Ljubljana moor. The oldest crannog (structure) that we know of dates back to 5000 BC and the most recent one to around 1000 BC. The archaeologists believe that the castle hill, whose official name is Ljubljana Castle, the same as the building itself, was inhabited during the early bronze age, but it’s not known how the original settlement looked. The continuity of habitation on Ljubljana Castle can be traced from that time onward, except during the period of Roman Emona, the forerunner of Ljubljana. Though they can’t indisputably prove it, archaeologists are convinced that the hill was inhabited during that period as well, but the settlement wasn’t as eminent as the castle building was later on. Many gravestones and other stones dating from the Roman period have been used to build the castle. Some antique objects were also discovered but, they haven’t yet been able to unravel the riddle of votive altars consecrated to the preroman goddess Aequoma which were found on the hill. The pentagonal tower of Ljubljana castle. (Photographs by David Kladnik) Belvedere tower, one of the castle’s five towers. The Ljubljana castle is said to have been standing before Ljubljana’s first documentation. The first known owners were the feudal lords of Ljubljana, the Spanheims. They had a mint there between 1215 and 1269 which, according to some sources functioned in the castle. The castle changed hands but there were no royal or crowned heads among the owners. Some emperors and kings did visit Ljubljana and up to the 17th century may have stayed in the castle’s chambers but not later because by then the castle dwellers had moved to the city. At first, the people living in the castle were the governors — stewards of the owners of the castle. There are murals of the arms of all the stewards who served in Ljubljana from 1221 to 1742 in the castle chapel. Some of them played an important role in Slovenian history and the history of Ljubljana. The castle chapel is the only architectural monument painted with heraldic motifs in Slovenia preserving memories of former feudal governments. Emperor Friedrich the 3rd formed a beneficiary on the castle in 1489 in honor of St. George, who is the patron saint of the castle and the city. There used to be celebrations in the castle on St. George’s day and 10 years ago the habit was revived. Today, the castle has little in common with the 12th century building. It evolved gradually, with many adaptations. Its present day structure was formed in the 1511' century during the reign of Fredrich the 3rd. He ordered the town and castle be fortified against the Turkish threat. Some wooden castle tracts were replaced by stone walls and towers. The castle walls reached all the way to Sance on the other side of the hill, where a bourgeois fort or a Bastille stood. The remains of this building were transformed by the famous architect Jože Plečnik in the last century, when he designed Sance. Most of the castle’s buildings were given their present form during the 16lh or 17th century. In the year 1783 the city walls were tom down and things didn’t look too bright for the castle. They even suggested • that it be tom down too, but it didn’t come to that. Since there were dungeons in the castle already and it needed a new function, it became a gaol (jail). It formally opened in 1815 and was pronounced to be one of the most modem and well ordered in the monarchy. Among the inmates were some eminent Slovenians and the famous Italian Carbonaro. In this way, the jail found its way into world literature - it was described by the Italian poet Silvio Pellica. The castle remained a prison until the great earthquake in 1895 when even its solid walls shook. In 1905 the castle was bought by the city. Ivan Hribar, the mayor of Ljubljana had intended it for a museum but unfavorable circumstances foiled this and many other plans. So the rooms of the castle were used as flats for the poorer burghers. In 1926 there were more than 500 of them. They became known as the “Castle republic,” they organized various cultural activities and published their own newspaper. The castle was used in this way until 1966, though there was some renovation work going on before that. The most daring plans concerning the renovation of the castle were hatched by the architect Jože Plečnik who envisioned a “Slovene Acropolis” on the castle hill. However, the plans were never realized and only minor works on and under the hill were carried out according to his plans. (Continued on page 8) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 11, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER & | Death Notices | rn ^ FREDERICK SKOLARIS A Mass of Christian Burial was held for Frederick Skojaris on Saturday, Sept. 6th at Holy Cross Church at 10 a.m. Mr. Skolaris, age 87, passed away in Euclid Hospital on Tuesday, Sept. 2. Mr. Skolaris was bom in Cleveland on January 23, 1916. He was a U.S. Army veteran of WWII and served in Northern Europe. He was employed as a machinist at Parker-Hannifin. He was the husband of Jean (nee Baudek); the father of Karen (Ronald) Tumbry and Fred (Linda); grandfather of Chris (Becky) Sko-laris, Kimberly, Ryan, Ronald (Rachel) Tumbry and Jennifer, Katie, and Michael Skolaris; great-grandfather of Alexis Skolaris; and sister of Emma Pretnar. Mr. Skolaris was a member of Jadran for 60 years, Waterloo Pensioners, and SNPJ #604. He was a parishioner of Holy Cross Church. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, on Friday from 4-8 p.m. JANE A. PRIJATEL A Mass of Christian Burial for Jane A. Prijatel was held Friday, Sept. 5th at 11 a.m. at St. Vitus Church, 6019 Lausche Avenue in Cleveland. Jane was bom Feb. 16, 1912 in Cleveland to John and Mary Plut. She was a resident of Bratenahl for 45 years. Survivors are her niece Shirley (Edward) Higgins of Amherst, nephews Richard (Mary Ann) Pryatel D.D.S. of Mentor, and Robert Pryatel of Lorain; Cousin Allen Perse and devoted friend Violet Bosiljevic. She also had many great-nieces and great-nephews. Jane was preceded in death by her husband Stanley M. who died in 2000; brother Fred Plut and sisters Maiy, Anna and Helen. Friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland on Friday morning from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Burial in All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. The family suggests contributions in her memory to Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. GODFREY ANZIC Godfrey (Miro) Anzic was bom on Nov. 26, 1936 in Ljubljana, Slovenia and passed away on Sunday, Sept. 7, 2003 at Metrohealth Medical Center after a short illness. Mr. Anzic resided in North Royalton and was employed at NASA-Glenn Research Center. He is survived by his wife Teresa, stepdaughter Kathy; his children: Tony (Danielle) of University Heights, Judy Long (Martin) of San Diego, Lisa Davis (Tom) of Pine-ville, NC; and grandchildren Aaron, Adam, Eileen and Ella. He is also survived by his sisters Emily Sleme (Vid) and Ann Žakelj (John) of Willoughby Hills; his nephews Alex and Chris, and niece Becky, along with many relatives in Slovenia and Canada. Friends were received at Rybicki and Son Funeral Home, 7906 Broadview Rd., North Royalton on Wednesday, Sept. 10. Mass of the Resurrection was at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 11 at St. Albert the Great Church, 6667 Wallings Road, North Royalton. Burial at Holy Cross Cemetery. Donations in Godfrey Anzic’s memory may be made to the General Scholarship Fund at John Carroll University, 20700 North Park Blvd., University Heights, OH 44118. Funeral arrangements by DeJohn Funeral Home. In Memory Thanks to Matilda Simčič of Franklin, WI who donated $44.00 to the American Home in memory of her beloved husband, Martin Simcic. Donation Thanks to Natalia Stojana of Tequesta, FL who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation. She wrote, “Thank you so much for all the interesting articles that you are publishing. I know it involves lots of work, but your readers are eternally grateful for it.” CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” . Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the American Home: Pavel Lenassi, Brideview, IL - $5.00 Frank Rot, Cleveland, OH - $5.00 Jim and Louise Sulecki, Mentor, OH -- $15.00 West Park Slovenian Home - $20.00 Amalie Kolenko, Willoughby Hills, OH -- $15.00 Helena and Peter Dragar, Mentor, OH -- $10.00 Joseph Rigler, Kirtland, OH -$15.00 Stanley Modic, Paines-ville, OH -$15.00 Louis and Mary Mohar, Wickliffe, OH -$15.00 In Loving Memory Mary Baznik Died Sept. 24,1994 Anton Baznik Died Aug. 19,1961 Joseph Baznik Died Sept. 2,1993 Gone from ns but leaving memories, death can never take away. Memories that will always linger, while upon this earth we stay. Sadly Missed By: Anthony (Tony), son Jolan, wife of late Joseph and Anthony W., son and other relatives. In Loving Memory Of the 12,h Anniversary of our Dear Husband, Father, Grandfather and Brother Died Sept. 17,1991 Sadly missed by: Josephine - wife Irene and Margaret -daughters Art and Andrew -sons-in-law grandchildren; Stan and Paul - brothers, deceased: Evana Metroka, Frank & Tony Ljubljana Castle (Continued from page 7) Time was slowly consuming the castle and the inhabitants, bad maintenance and inappropriate attitudes contributed considerably to its deterioration. Instead of an exemplary monument, a public disgrace stood on top of the hill, until the city authorities decided to renovate it. It was estimated that renovation would be finished in a few years, but it was not to be. The work progressed very slowly and the renovation dragged on and is even now not yet finished. Still, many castle tracts have been restored and given new contents which attract visitors. The most popular is the tower, which, like other parts of the castle, has a very lively history. Before the tower we see today, there was a town piper’s tower which stood there until 1813. Perhaps they’ll rebuild it someday; they have given it some serious thought. You can see what it was like in the virtual museum which is situated in a room above the castle chapel. This is the only museum of its kind among more than 150 Slovenian museums and one of a few in Europe which are not commercially inclined. It offers visitors a journey into Ljubljana’s past and allows them to choose what they wish to see. They Donation Thanks to J. Esther Pod-boy of Richmond Heights, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation. She says, “Thanks for keeping our Slovenian heritage in the news.” can zoom on to the object of their choice via a virtual mobile. There is also a 20 minute representation of Ljubljana’s squares and markets where visitors can participate actively with the help of a navigational interface which enables them to move freely through virtual space. The advantage of this museum is that it enables comparison between the virtual and the reality as you can see on the spot, the changes which occurred during the long years of the castle’s history. All the details about the castle complex, its inhabitants throughout history, the armories, the pipers who used to play on their tower, about the legends that were preserved, the roman stone quarries and tunnel, castle wells and paths, the most beautiful archaeological finds and about lots of other things can be found in the book Ljubljanski grad written by yours truly. It was published at the end of 2002 to fill a void - there has never been such a thorough and detailed work about Ljubljana Castle. The large format book contains many photographs by David Klad' nik. It was published by Zavod za intelektualno produkcijo (ZIP) where readers can order the book. Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal. -Henry Ford^ It’s Cool To Be Slovenian Make the gas company wonder if you’ve moved. Our Freedom 90 gas furnace is one of the most efficient you can buy. Over 90% efficient - compared to around 65% for most older furnaces. You can shrink your monthly gas bill to a fracUon of its former self. And enjoy greater peace of mind, thanks to the Freedom 90 s lifetime limited warranty. So see your American-Standard dealer about the Freedom 90. and give your neighborhood meter reader something to wonder about. \\ \\h I ivi* \ \ \ 1 I / / / Built To A Higher Standard GORJAN (440) 944-9444 vy ' ' 'ekie'*/ 207 Alpha Park “E™33 Highland Hts. OH 44143J A Name For AH Season«* Bob Hope’s Classic 1-Liners On Turning 70: “You can chase women, but only downhill.” On Turning 80: “That’s fte time of your life when even your birthday suit needs pressing.” On Turning 90: “You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.” On Turning 100: “I don’t feel old. In fact I don’t feel anything until noon, ‘hen it’s time for my nap.” On Giving Up Early Boxing Career: “I ruined my hands in the ring. The referee kept stepping on them.” On Never Winning an Oscar: “Welcome to the Academy Awards or, as it’s ^lled at my home, Passover’.” On Golf: “Golf is my Profession. Show business is JUst to pay the green fees.” On Presidents: “I have Performed for 12 presidents and entertained only six.” On Why He Left Eng land: “When I found out I couldn’t be king, I decided to try my luck elsewhere.” On Why He Chose Showbiz for His Career: “When I was bom, the doctor said to my mother, ‘Congratulations. You have an eight-pound ham.’” On Receiving the Congressional Gold Medal: 1 feel very humble, but I think I have the strength of character to fight it.” On his six brothers: “That’s how I learned to dance... waiting for the bathroom.” On His Early Failures: “ I would not have had anything to eat if it wasn’t for the stuff the audience threw at me.” On Going to Heaven: “I’ve done benefits for ALL religions. I’d hate to blow the hereafter on a technicality” Thanks to Henry Stalzer for submitting these memories of Bob Hope. Comments Made in 1957: “I’ll tell you one thing. If things keep going the way they are, it’s going to be impossible to buy a week’s Worth of groceries for $20.” “Have you seen the new Cars coming out this year? It Won’t be long when $5,000 Will only buy a used one.” “If cigarettes keep going UP in price. I’m going to ‘Mt. A quarter a pack is ridiculous.” “Did you hear the post ^fice is thinking of charging a dime just to mail a letter?” “If they raise the mini-wage to $1, nobody ^'il be able to hire help at the store.” “When I first started driving, who would have thought gas would someday cost 29 cents a gallon. Guess we’d be better off leaving the car in the garage.” “Kids today are goofy. Those ducktail haircuts make it impossible to stay groomed. Next thing you know, boys will be wearing their hair as long as girls.” “I read- the other day where some scientist thinks it’s possible to put a man on the moon by the end of the century.” -St. Mary’s School Alumni bulletin different Between You and Boss . ^hen you take a long llle> you’re slow. I ^hen your boss takes a nS time, he’s thorough. When you don’t do it, you’re lazy. , ^hen y0Ur boss doesn’t 0 h, he’s too busy. t, ^hen you make a mis-you’re an idiot, hen your boss makes a ' ^es 0n^ ^uman-'Vitu Cn ^°‘n8 something °ut being told, you’re ^tepping your authority. sa ken your boss does the filing, that’s initiative. Vou’ 1160 you take a stand’ being bull-headed. he> ,hen y°ur boss does it, a being firm. ri,| 1,611 y°u overlooked a ing ^ ehquette, you’re be- your boss skips a ha] ru*es> he’s being origi- When you please your boss, you’re apple polishing. When your boss pleases his boss, he’s being cooperative. When you’re out of the office, you’re wandering around. When your boss is out of the office, he’s on business. When you’re on a day off sick, you’re always sick. When your boss takes a day off sick, he must be very ill. When you apply for leave, you must be going for an interview. When your boss applies for leave, it’s because he’s overworked. This bit brought to Hrvatin. of humor is you by Phil Saturday, Sept. 13 Over 100 Folklore Dancers Kres performance at Slovenian National Home, Cleveland, 7 p.m. Music by Veseli Godci. Tickets $10. Call (216) 486-0713. Saturday, Sept. 13 Wine and Cheese Festival at Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80lh St., Newburgh. Tickets ($12) call (216) 662-3339. Sunday, Sept. 14 Wine festival (Stan Mejac Band) at Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Sept. 20 Pristava Campers annual steak ($15) / chicken (12) dinner from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Tickets (216) 529-0579 or (440) 942-4688. Sunday, Sept. 21 St. Vitus Altar Society annual dinner. Saturday, Sept. 27 Slovenian radio program “Songs and melodies from beautiful Slovenia” celebrates 50th anniversary with banquet at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. Sunday, Sept. 28 Slovenian Cultural Society (Triglav) in Milwaukee, WI Wine Festival at Triglav park in Wind Lake, WI. Sunday, Sept. 28 Matching funds dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium, E. 61 and St. Clair Ave., Cleveland sponsored by Christ the King 226 and Sacred Heart of Jesus 172 KSKJ for benefit of Bishop’s School in Slovenia. Serving 11 a.m. to 1:30. Adults $12, children $6. All welcome. Sunday, Oct. 12 Koline dinner (Retirees Slovenska Pristava) at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Oct. 19 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) School Alumni annual banquet following 12 noon Mass. St. Mary’s Alumni Meets St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Alumni will meet on Thursday, Sept. 18 at 1 p.m. in the school auditorium to finalize plans for the October 19lh Homecoming Mass and Banquet. Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. Wed., Oct. 22 Fall Card Party, sponsored by Progressive Slovene Women’s Circle #7 at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., from 1 to 4 p.m. Donation $3 Saturday, Oct. 25 Stajersko-Prekmurski Club 45th anniversary “Martinovanje” at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. Dinner 6:30. Music by Stane Mejac Orchestra. Everyone welcome. For tickets call 440-256-6716 or 216—531-4817. Sunday, Oct. 26 St. Vitus Alumni Honoree Day. Sunday, Nov. 9 Slovenian Junior Chorus Fall Concert, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH. Saturday, Nov. 15 Glasbena Matica Fall Concert. Sunday, Nov. 16 Rev. Victor Cimperman celebrates 60th anniversary at 10:30 a.m. Mass in St. Vitus Church. Reception to follow. Sunday, Nov. 23 30,h Annual Artists & Crafts Show, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, OH 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Free admission. Contact person: Justice Skok 1- 216-261-1253 Saturday,Jan.24 Pristavska Noč at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. A female alligator carries her newly hatched young to water In her mouth. Flower Power 2003 Seasonal Planting and Pruning, Grass cutting, edging, and planting flower beds and displays. Fertilizing and soil amendments available mulches, manure, and soils). Bird feeders, feeds, and bath fountains. Landscape Design tailor made for you... Call Michael J. Mivsek for appointment (216) 361-9909 Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St.. Euclid, OH 44119- (216)404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://stimburysaccounting.com Enrolled to Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service ServibnttodMduals Corporations & Small Businesses. For Rent E. 200 & Neff Large one bedroom apt. New appliances and carpet. No pets. $450 a month. 440-951-3087 IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-731-9780 PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts. Mills Road 5., Ohio 44143 || Realty 6396 Mentor Ave I Mentor, oh 24060 4 I rL^-* Office: 440-951-2123 11 Fax:440-255-4290 "The Lucas Team" Roger Lucas v.m. 440-974-7207 Donna Lucas v.m. 440-974-7217 email: r.lucas@reallyone.com d.lucas@realtyone.com AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 11, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER H, 2WE Roster of Organizations------------- ---------- Imenik slovenskih društev Slovenski narodni'domovi Slovenian National Homes FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES President: Pat Ipavec Clarke; lsl Vice President: Tony Mannion; 2nd Vice President: Robert Royer; Treasurer: Lou Grzely; Recording Secretary: Chris Hammond; Corresponding Secretary: Chris Hammond, Robert Hopkins; Auditors: Anna Mae Mannion and Evelyn Pipoly, and Ed Gabrosek. Historians: Joe Petrie, Ed Gabrosek. SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6417 St. Clair Ave. (216) 361-5115 E-mail: SNH6409@worldnet.att.net President Emeritus: Edward Kenik; President: Robert A. Hopkins; Vice President: Dale Lunder; Recording Secretary: Sylvia Plymesser; Business Secretary: Geraldine Hopkins; Treasurer: Alex Spinos; Members: Joanne Fordyce, Patricia Ipavec-Clarke, Lawrence Hočevar, Antonia Zagar, David Hočevar, Deborah Davidson, Charles F. Ipavec, Marjanca Hočevar, Ellen Lunder, Shelli March, Richard Godic, Ann Opeka, Richard Trivisonno, Jeff Zabukovec, Healther Davidson, John Leonard. Alternates: Charles T. Ipavec, Scott Lunder, Zoeann Zak Morrell, Nick Vertosnik. COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME President: Evelyn Pipoly; Vice President: Deanna Miklich; Treasurer: Joyce Segulin; Financial Secretary: Alba Plutt; Recording Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Corresponding Secretary: Karen Richard; Auditors: Michael Pipoly, John Plutt, Mary Podlogar, Alternates: John Hozjan, Arlene Martin. House Committee: Domenic Cekada, John Plutt, John Hozjan; Alternate: Steve Richard; Directors: Ann Dagg, Mary Blatnik; Alternate: Tony Miklich. SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44110 216-481-5378 President: Tom Čebular; Financial Secretary: Celeste Frollo; Recording Secretary and Sunshine: Eleanor Godec 440—944-3281; Board Members: Fred Nevar, Audit; Joyce Plemel, Trustee; Philip Čebular, Trustee; JoAnn Heinz, VP & Audit; Millie Bradač; Treasurer; Dorothy Gorjup, Audit; Ken Kleinhenz, Properties; Gordon Luce, Trustee; and Pyramid Accounting, Inc. -CPA. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME President: Esther Podboy; Vice President: Stephanie Segulin; Secretary/Treasurer: Chris Hammond; Recording Secretary: Marion E. Bocian; Audit Chairman: Henry Kapel; Auditors: Donna Helmecy, Frank Korelec; House Committee: Max Jeric, Joe Bergoč, Valeria Korošec; Membership/Sunshine: Mary Frank. LADIES AUXILIARY OF S.N.P.J. FARM - Heath Rd. President: B. Rotar; Vice President: S. Matuch; Recording Secretary: D. Dobida: Financial Secretary: V. Zak; Auditors: H. Sumrada, F. Mauric, E. Godec. WEST PARK SLOVENIAN HOME 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, OH 44135 President: Robert Royer; Vice President: Theresa Krisby; Recording Secretary: Marian Royer; Hall Treasurer: Rudy Pivik; Dances: Marie Pivik; Auditors: Ruth L,ach and Michael Bartunik. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN SENIOR CITIZENS President: Matt Kajfez; Vice President: Larry Hočevar; Secretary: Matt Zabukovec; Treasurer: Pat Nevar, 2071 Miami Rd., Euclid, OH 44117; Auditors: Harry Brule, Dorothy Gorjup, Grace Marinch. ST. CLAIR PENSIONERS CLUB 6409 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 President: Sylvia Plymesser (216) 391-9453; Vice President: Helen Snyder; Recording Secretary: Marcie Mills; Financial Secretary: Lawrence Hočevar, 1364 E. 43 St., Cleveland, OH 44103; Sunshine: Irene Toth; Auditors: Anthony Brodnik, Emilee Jenko, Antoinette Krajc; Tour Coordinator: Jeanette Rumanski. Meetings held on the third Thursday of each month at 1 p.m., in the Kenik Room of the St. Clair S.N.H. SLOVENIAN PENSIONERS CLUB OF EUCLID, OHIO President: Esther Podboy; Vice President: Jackie Ulle; Recording Secretary and Reporter: Lori Sierputowski; Financial Secretary and Membership: Jeanette Yert, 1854 Empire Rd., Wickliffe, OH 44092-1137 (440) 944-8939; Treasurer: Frank Kosten; Historian: Marion Bocian; Sunshine Chair: Doris Pokopac, (440) 286-9627. Meetings held every first Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m., Recher Slovenian Home. HOLMES AVENUE PENSIONERS Honorary President: Gus Petelinkar; President: John Kozlevchar; Vice President: Matt Zabukovec; Recording Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Corresponding Secretary: Ann Beck-ert; Financial Secretary: Louise Fajda; Ser-gcant-at-Arms: Frances Kajfez; Sunshine: Ann Eichler (731-9433); Auditors: Helen Pavšek, Hank Skarbez, Stan Bohinc. Meetings held the second Wednesday of the month at 12:30 p.m., at Collinwood Slovenian Home. WATERLOO PENSIONERS CLUB President: Pat Nevar; Vice President: John Prhne; Recording Secretary: Grace Marinch; Treasurer: Dorothy Gorjup; Auditors: Joann Heinz, Josie Kapla, Al Marinch. Meetings held every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. at Waterloo Hall. CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS BARAGA COURT No. 1317 Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; Chief Ranger; Robert W. Mills Sr.; Past Chief Ranger: Dr. Anthony F. Spech; Vice Chief Ranger: Albert Marolt; Financial Secretary: Angelo W. Vogrig, 17220 Tarymore Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119, Ph: 531-2662; Treasurer: John J. Hočevar; Trustees: Albert Marolt, Frank J. Branisel, Robert Mills Sr.; Youth Director Angelo W. Vogrig; Field Rep. Richard Kuhar (Ph.: 838-1889). Meetings held the 2nd Friday of the month. Call Fin. Sec. for location of meeting. BARBERTON SLOVENE PENSIONERS CLUB 114 - 5 OH 44117, tel (216) 383-1212 ''fusnikarica: Rosemarie Zupančič, nadzorn p 0r: Anthony L. Rigler, John Zupančič it tjvUck Potenga. Direktorica mladinskih ak Post: Judy A. Ryan; šports referent: Ron d^ak; vratarica: Bob McDonough. s Seje društva vsako drugo nedeljo v me-P,Ca °b 12. uri v SND, 6417 St. Clair Ave. Poland, Ohio. KSKJ vam nudi mnogovrstno življenskc Po^nio 23 vsote od $lk,000 naprej n e8 Zivljenskega zavarovanja vam KSKJ Pod' tUC*' vedvrstne naložbe >annjties<. Vse (jr Ze*° ugodnimi pogoji. Za podrobnosti se eZobvezno obrnite na tajnika društva. OUR LADY OF FATIMA Lodge No. 255 KSKJ ^resid'™1131 Advisor: Rev- John Kumsi Jackjp611/, ^°^ert A- Schulz; Vice Presiden $chU|, J?anks; Secretary-Treasurer: Conm 44095 ’-T908 Uxbr'dge Dr., Willowick, 01 kpgfian 'n 944-2015; Auditors: Larr tVle„ ’ TJonna Duggan; Athletic Directoi Schulz, 6 30 J*1'"85 2nd Wednesday of month i »n- at Secretary/Treasurer home. KRAS No. 8 President: Vida Zak; Vice President: Celeste Frollo: Secretary / Treasurer: Anton Lavrisha, 1076 E. 176 St., (216) 531-3413, meti@aol.com; Recording Sec.: Sophie Matuch. Meetings the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., at Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue in Cleveland except July and August. LODGE CLEVELAND NO. 9 AMLA President: Albert R, Amigoni; Vice President: Robert Menart; Secretary-Treasurer: Patricia C. Amigoni, 21051 Arbor Ave., Euclid, OH 44123, Ph: 216-531-8468; Recording Secretary: James Pavlik; Is' Auditor: Roseanne Jerina; 2nd Auditor: Gertrude Menart, F.A. Coordinator: Patricia Amigoni; Lodge Reporter: Mary Ziherl. Meets AMLA Home Office first Sunday of month at 10 a.m. LODGE No. 12 RIBNICA ST. CECELIA AMLA President: Louis Silc; Vice President: James E. Czeck; Secretary Treasurer: Carole Czeck; Lodge Reporter: Carole Czeck; Recording Secretary: Gina Ilacqua; President Audit Committee: Gina Ilacqua; lsl Auditor: James E. Czeck; 2nd Auditor: Philip J. Yan, Sr.; Alternate: Jaime Lončar. Lodge Representatives: Slovenian National Home: Philip Yan, Slovenian Society Home - Recher: Lillian Bratina, James Czeck, and Philip Yan; Slovene Home for Aged: Philip Yan. Meetings July 14, Oct. 13 and Dec. 15 at 30417 Oakdale Road (president’s home). QUEEN OF PEACE Lodge No. 24 - AMLA President: Francis Cazin; Vice President: Dorothy Cabat; Secretary: Rosemary Poza-relli; Recording Secretary: Angie Musil; Auditors: Dolores Hrovat, Bernice Novak, Hattie Fashinpaur. A good idea that is not shared with others will gradually fade away and bear no fruit, but when it is shared it lives forever because it grows as it goes. -Lowell Fillmore SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA National board 1999 - 2003 National President: Kathleen J. Dorchak; Vice President: Marjorie Church; Secretary: Bonnie Prokup; National Treasurer: Jonita Ruth; Scholarship Director: Mary Turvey; Junior Activities Director: Angela Stare-Auditors: Beverly Menart, Beverly Jackson! Fran Morison; Zaija Editor: Corinne Leskovar; Women’s Activities Director: Agnes Dobczyk. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION BRANCH #14, Euclid, Ohio Vice President: Pat Habat; Recording Secretary: Diane Vamey; Secretary- Treasurer: Diane Vamey; Auditors: Stana Grill, Antoinette Zabukovec; Reporter: Alice Kuhar; Sunshine: Diane Vamey; Banner Lady: Josephine Kastigar. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 25 President: Frances M. Gazvoda; vice President: Josephine Perpar; Secretary and Sunshine Lady: Peggyann Moore, 4495 W. 62 St., Brooklyn, OH 44144; Recording Secretary: Janet Krivacic; Treasurer: Anne Clemons; Auditors: Emilee Jenko and Gene Drobnič. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 47 President: Olga Dorchak; Vice President: Ann Harsh; Secretary-Treasurer: Elsie Spel-lacy; Auditors: Kathleen Dorchak, Virginia Kemmerling; Reporter: Dorothy Squire. Meetings held first Saturday of the -month. May and December, second Sunday of the month, March, Sept., Nov. at 1 o’clock at Maple Hts. Library. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch #50 Meetings held 3"1 Wednesday of the month at Euclid Public Library, 1 p.m. President: Rose Maiy Toth; Vice President: Cookie Maxim (Cathy); Treasurer: Mary E. Miller; Recording Secretary: Mary Maxin; Auditors: Dorothy Winters, Fran Kajfez; Dawn Reporter: Allison Hrovat. Mother of the Year: Mary Maxin. PSWA NATIONAL BOARD Headquarters: 15335 Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44110 President: Florence Unetich; Vice President: Joyce Plemel; Sec’y./Treas.: Vida Zak; Recording Secretary: K. Tomsic and L.’ Krashina; Auditors: A. Turk, M. Sterle, and M. Vogrig; Education and Welfare: Helen Joca (also historian); Julie Main, E. Rižnar, and M. Gombach. National Board meetings are held the second Monday of January, March, April, July, September and November at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland, OH 44110 at 7:30 p.m. PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA CIRCLE 1 President: Betty Rotar; Vice President: Dorothy Gorjup; Recording Secretary: Sophie Matuch; Financial Secretaiy: Vida Zak; Auditors: E. Rižnar, M. Meglich, A. Zak; Education and Welfare: E. Godec, J. Heinz D. Gorjup. PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA #2 President: Agnes Turk; Recording Secretary: Florence Zalokar; Financial Secretary: Karen Tomsic, 25571 Glenbrook, Euclid, OH 44117 (216) 481-1379; Sunshine: Chris Ujcich; Cookbooks: Agnes Turk (216) 531-7168 PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA #3 President: Dorothy Lamm; Vice President: Mary Sterle; Recording Secretory: Diane Vamey; Financial Secretary: Karen Tomsic, 25571 Glenbrook Blvd., Euclid, OH 44117 (216) 481-1379; Cookbooks: Karen Tomsic. P.S.W.A. Circle #7 President: Lucy Glavač; Vice President: Jean Dragar; Recording Secretory: Pauline Krall; Treasurer: Lucy Glavač; Auditors: Esther Larabee, Frances Forsythe, Lillian Ribarich; Sunshine Lady: Elvira Wamick; Bingo Chair: Pauline Krall. Collectors Are Singing To A New Tune With U.S. State Birds (NAPS)—If you’re a collector, you’ll find lots of company. The National Association of Collectors estimates there are more than 200 million people in the U.S. who collect everything from butterflies and postage stamps to antique dolls and Pez dispensers. Most recently, a craze developed around newly minted state quarters released at specific intervals over the past two years. Each quarter represented one of the 50 states. Now there is another collectible state item that has many people, including children, singing a new tune—plush U.S.A. State Birds by Wild Republic. The Audubon Birds State Bird Collection by Wild Republic, which includes 28 collectible beanbag birds representing all 50 states along with our national bird, the Bald Eagle, emit authentic bird sounds when squeezed. The prestigious Cornell Lab of Ornithology recorded these sounds, some more than 40 years ago. “Collecting as a hobby is truly a part of our national pastime. While Americans eryoy hunting for pieces to complete an entire collection, such as stamp sets and the state quarters, they can now also have fun scouting for specific state birds and building the entire set of 28 to represent all 50 states. This can be an enjoyable activity for children, adults, and especially bird enthusiasts,” says John FLOCKING TO COLLECT BIRDS—Is your state bird in this bird collection? This flock includes 28 collectible beanbag birds representing all 50 states. Trenta, a spokesperson for Wild Republic. Part of the joy of collecting is the research and education. Often, entire programs evolve around collecting a specific item. For example, collecting plush beanbag birds can be combined with nature walks for the entire family. “Do some research first, then hike along paths looking for specific birds. When you find one, record its habits or take a photo, and then compare the actual sound and appearance to our plush bird. It’s a great learning experience,” says Trenta. To find your state bird, visit www.wildrepublic.com. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 11, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER II, 2003 12 ' Roster of Organizations — Imenik društev — ST. VITUS HOLY NAME SOCIETY 6019 Glass Ave., Cleveland 44103 Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph Božnar; President: Charles Winter; Vice President: John Hočevar; Recording Secretary: Frank Cerar; Corresponding Secretary: Joseph Hočevar. Group Mass & Communion 9:00 a.m. Mass on second Sunday of month. Meeting follows in church hall. LOZKA DOLINA President: Charles Zgonc; Vice President: John R. Telich Sr.; Secretary: Louis Zig-mund; Auditing Committee: Matt Zabukovec, Adolph Kotnik, Joe Arko. Representative to lodges with St. Clair Slovenian Home and Collinwood Slovenian Home: Albert Marolt. Annual Meeting in January and Annual Social. ST. VITUS ALUMNI President: Danny Reiger; Vice President: Josephine Perpar; Recording Secretary: Dan-iella Avsec; Treasurer: F. Raymond Gobec; Corresponding Sec’y.: Daniella Avsec; Sgt.-at-Arms: Louis Shenk; Trustee: Joseph Zelle. Meetings, 7 p.m., on the first Thursdays of January, April, July, and October in the Social Room of St. Vitus School. Dues are $5 per year. Officers are nominated in October and sworn into office in January. BELOKRANJSKI CLUB The annual meeting of the Belokranjski Club was held on January 24 at the Slovenian National Home. The following officers were elected for 2003: President: Theresa Smuk; Vice President: Marjanca Hočevar; Secretary: Amelia Maslac; Recording Secretary: Tony Smuk Jr.; Treasurer: Alenka Winslett; Refreshment Chair.: David Hočevar; Hospitality Chair: Milena Dovic. Auditing Committee President: Mark Blanchard; Auditing Committee: Ann Marie Morrison, Frank Smuk. STAJERSKO-PREKMURSKI KLUB President: Mimi (Kozina) Cupar; Vice President: Roman Vitulich; Secretary: Anita Klepec; Treasurer: John Cupar; Board Members: Jožica Vitulich, Kristina Ferlinc, Tonica Simicak, Mimi Kozina, Martina Simicak, Majda Rožic, John Kozina Jr., Jože Ramšak, Frank Fujs. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION President: Anthony W. Hiti; Vice President: Dr. Alexander Ukmar; Secretary: Joan Chermely; Treasurer: Dana Leonard; At-Large: August B. Pust, Dr. Rudolph M. Susel, Ann M. Opeka; Past Presidents: Dr. Karl B. Bonutti, Frederick E. Križman, Esq., Hon. August Pryatel, Dr. Vladimir J. Rus, Edmund J. Turk, Esq., Joyce Ann Hribar, Esq. BALINCARSKI CLUB SLOVENSKA PRISTAVE Častni Pred.: Felix Breznikar; Predsednik: Lojze Mohar; Pod. Pred.: Janez Švigelj; Taj,-Blag.: Tone Škerl. Odborniki: Ani Breznikar, Mici Mohar, Tončka Švigelj, Tone Vogel, Janez in Rezka Breznikar, Tone in Cilka Švigelj, Vera Žnidaršič, Marija Vrhovnik, Lojze in Angelca Debeljak, Tončka Berkopec, Zdenka Kavčič. Nadzorni odbor: Lojze Hribar, Vinko Vrhovnik, Jože Sojer. DRUŠTVO SLOVENSKIH PROTIKOMUNISTIČNIH BORCEV (D.S.P.B. Cleveland, Ohio Predsednik: Viktor Tominec (Tel.: 531-2728): Podpredsednik/Tajnik: Anton Oblak; Blagajnik: France Šega; Tiskovni referent: Lojze Drobnič; Nadzorni odbor: Stane Vidmar in Frank Kuhelj. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN PRIMORSKI CLUB President: Kristjan Sedmak; Vice President: Joseph Jenko Jr.; Treasurer: Silva Ramšak; Secretary: Angela Stropnik. Board Members: Srečko Grdina, Mery Grdina, Joseph Jenko Sr., Joseph Hrvatin, Aldo Milavec, Sabina Milavec, Joakin Mejak, Joseph Slokar, Vera Udovič. Board of Review: Srečko Grdina, Sabina Milavec, Joseph Slokar. SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA UPRAVNI ODBOR 2002/2003 Predsednik: Milan Ribic; 1. Podpresed-niča: Mary Ann Vogel; 2. Podpredsednik. Metod Ilc; Tajnica-rezervacije: Metka Zalar, Tajnica: Ani Sterle; Pomožni tajnik: Edi Sedmak; Blagajnik: Marjan Perčič; Zapisni' Cerer, Tony Champa, Frank Ferkul, UJO Frank, Matija Golobic, Jože Grčar, Pavel Intihar, Tony Jarem, David Kogovšek, BenjJ' min Košir, Michael Košir, Mimi Kozina. Verena Krištof, Staley Krulc Jr.; Margie Le-den, Emie Luzar, Joakin Mejak, Jože Nova Filip Oreh, Branko Pisom, Branko Pogačnik. Mimi Režonja, Valentin Ribic, Frank R°'c’ Mike Rus, Ron Rus, Stane Rus, Krist) Sedmak, Janez Semen, Vid Sleme, Tom e pec, Martin Tominc, Edward Veider, »on“ Vogel, Jr., Anton Vogel Sr., Vinko Vrhovn* Ivan Zakrajšek, Frank Zalar, Jr., Eliza Žalik, Tomaž Žnidaršič, Joe Žnidaršič. Nadzorni odbor: Janez Sršen, Vi Kmetic, Frank Zalar; Rezsodisce: Ivan Be, lec, Frank Urankar, Tom Štepec. Zast0]®L slovenskih sol: Sv: Ana Perčič, Sv. M Vnebovzeta Kristjan Sedmak. SLOVENSKA PISARNA Predsednik: Fr. Jože Božnar; porip1^ sednik-blagajnik: Anton Oblak; nadzorni o bor: Viktor Tominec in Frank Šega; bomiki(-ce): Zalka Likozar, Milka °aar' Ivanka Vidmar in Mara Cerar-Hull. Seje s po potrebi, v prostorih Slovenske pisarne n« 6104 Lausche Ave., Cleveland 44103. Te 216-361-1603; fax: 216-361-1608. Pisarna) odprta ob sobotah od 10.00 do 12.00 ure > ob nedeljah od 9:30 do 12:00 ure. karica: Kati Cup. Odborniki in odbornice: Jože Cerer, Tom ST. VITUS CATHOLIC WAR VETS POST 1655 Commander: Robert W. Mills Sr.; First Vice Commander: Robert W. Mills Sr.; Second Vice Commander: Thomas Kirk; Third Vice Commander: Raymond K. Jasko; Officer of the Day: Edward Arhar; Welfare Officer: William Lipoid; Treasurer: Steve Pior-kowski; Historian: Bernard T. Bedingaus; Service Officer: Joseph Grdina; 3 Year Trustee: Frank Ljubi; 2 Year Trustee: Joseph S. Baškovič; 1 Year Trustee: James Logar; Adjutant: Thomas Kirk; Liaison Officer: Joseph Mismas; Judge Advocate: Albin Lipoid; House Chairman Richard Mott; Chaplin: Rev. Richard Evans, Rev. William Jerse, Rev. Joseph P. Boznar. ST. VITUS ALTAR AND ROSARY SOCIETY President: Mrs. Ivanka Matic; Vice President and Recording Secretary: Mrs. Gabriela Kuhel; Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Julka Smole; Treasurer: Mrs. Maria Leben; Auditors; Mrs. Ivanka Pretnar and Mrs. Ann Arhar. KRES FOLK DANCERS President: Mark Tome; Vice President: Mark Sedmak; Treasurer: Erik Kobal; Public Relations: Lisa Ovsenik; Secretary: Franci Sever; Costumes: Sonia Domanko; Member-at-Large: Niko Percic. SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED President: Robert Klancher, Vice President: Philip Hrvatin; Treasurer: Celeste Frollo; Recording Secretary: Florence Unetich; Corresponding Secretary: Agnes Turk. Trustees: Douglas Elersich, Sutton Gi-rod, Rudolph Kozan, Jean Križman, Vera Marsic, Milan Ribic, Richard Tomsic, Edward Unetich, Frank Zak, Scott Zele; Alternates: Dale Luzar, John Pestotnik; Honorary Trustees: John Cech, Frederick Križman, Ronald Zele; Administrator: Anthony L. Ro-tolo, Ph.D.: Assistant Administrator: Jeffrey Sas. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN NATIONAL ART GUILD President: John Streck; Vice President: Patricia A. Habat; Treasurer: Lillian Bratina; Auditors: Ann Opeka and Dorothy Dybzin-ski; Sunshine: Eleanore Rudman; Historian: Emilee Jenko; Heritage: Doris Sadar; Membership: Millie Sray (216) 261-3263; Newsletter: Patricia A. Habat; Circulation: Dorothy Dybzinski. Meetings held the 3rd Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. AMERICAN SLOVENE CLUB President: Gene Drobnič; Vice-President: Emilee Jenko; Secretary: Terry Hočevar; Cor-res. Sec’y.: Emilee Jenko; Treasurer: Agnes Koporc. Meetings: 4 times a year. SKD TRIGLAV, MILWAUKEE Spiritual Leader: Rev. Dr. Jože Gole; President: Leon Sagadin; Vice President: Joe Omik; Treasurer: Anne Sagadin, Luke Kolman - taxes; Eveline Maierle: dinner sales; Recording Secretary: Marija Kadunc; Secretary: Mary Ann Sulik; Park Manager: Janez Mejač; Assistant Park Manager: Craig Frohna; Kitchen: Helen Frohna; Assistant Kitchen: Marta Mejac; Bar Manager: Dan Mejac; Choir Director: Mara Kolman; Sports Director: Frank Mejac; Delegate for Uspeh: Christina Carroll; Reporter for Ameriška Domovina: Mara Kolman; Auditors: Kathy Kaye, Joann Limoni, Vicky Schneider; Judges, Court of Arbitration: Mike Carroll, John Levičar, Tony Limoni. Slovenians Are Cool ODBOR DRAMSKEGA DRUŠTVA LILIJA Predsednik: Peter Dragar; Podpredsednik: Matija Grdadolnik; Podpredsednik: Srečo Gaser; Tajnik: Ivan Hauptman, 25922 Highland Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143; Zapisnikar: Frank Hren; Blagajničarka: Marija Maršič; Programski odbor: Matija Grdadolnik, Srečo Gaser, Peter Dragar, Ivan Hauptman, Ivan Jakomin, Mojca Slak, Zdenka Zakrajšek. Oderski mojster: Slavko Štepec; Kuhinja: Ani Nemec, Julka Zalar; Točaja: Tone Štepec, Rudi Hren; Reditelji: Jože Tomc, Ivan Tomc, Lojze Zupančič; Športni referent: Matija Grdadolnik; Nadzorni odbor: Marija Tominc, Frank Zalar, Štefka Smolič. C h r e n' s E F Health Helping Children Manage Their Weight (NAPS)—Keeping your youngster’s weight under control may not seem like child’s play, but doctors say it may be more important then ever. The U.S. Surgeon General reports, on average, American children are heavier today than any time in the past, with one out of every eight children overweight. T^pe 2 diabetes in children, which is most often a result of obesity, is at an all-time high among school-age kids. However, according to Liz Ward, a registered dietitian and author of the books Healthy Foods, Healthy Kids and Pregnancy Nutrition: Good Health For You And Your Baby, there’s good news. Getting your family to turn over a healthy new leaf can be easy. She offers these tips: • Don’t skimp on breakfast, it’s the most important meal of the day. A hearty breakfast is filling, offers health benefits and keeps junk food at bay. Eggs, among other foods, are a great choice. Confirming this, the American Heart Association (AHA) recently changed its guidelines on egg consumption and no longer limits the amount of eggs people eat as long as one keeps cholesterol levels normal. Eggs are also rich in choline, a nutrient needed for proper brain development and function. In addition, eggs contain lutein and zeax-anthin—antioxidants that help prevent age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in seniors. • Make your time count. Trade in traditional time-consuming meals for easy, healthy recipes. Tteam pasta i'«u Kidding—It’s important for parents to encourage their chi'-dren to eat healthy diets.______ or fish with fresh vegetables and start meals off with soup. Researc shows people who start their meal with soup eat less. Try a soup bef«r® lunch or dinner that offers a ft* serving of vegetables. • Got the munchies? Trade ijj the soda and chips for iced tea an fresh fruit. Slice an apple or car rot for a nutritional after-schoo snack, or try unbuttered popcorn^ According to Ward, hard-boiled eg& are a good snack option as we.n “Not only does each egg contai only 75 calories, they are also con venient and easy to prepare when you’re looking for a q so uick> VVI1CI1 JUU. IC lUUIYlUg ^ f f healthy snack or meal, think ’ think eggs,” says Ward. .,v • Get moving. Start a “a|jy exercise routine with your faial f It doesn’t have to cost a lo ^ money or take a lot of time. la the dog for a walk, buy an exerc ^ video or join a community gy111 j sports club. Proper nutrition regular exercise are crucia maintaining a healthy lifestyle- National Geographic magazine as H.W. Largelamb, which is gram of his name. FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina Sa XVI a ri r i a AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, September 11, 2003 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Dennis Hastert, predsednik Predstavniškega doma Kongresa na obisku v Sloveniji Republikanec Dennis Hastert iz Illinoisa je postal prvi predsednik spodnjega doma ameriškega kongresa, ki je Slovenijo obiskal. V Slovenijo je prišel v okviru krajše turneje po Evropi. V nedeljo se je na Bledu sestal s predsednikom slovenskega parlamenta Borutom Pahorjem, v ponedeljek pa so ga v Ljubljani sprejeli še predsednik države Janez Drnovšek, premier Anton Rop in zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel. Ko je bil govor o Iraku, je Rop dejal, da Slovenija podpira prizadevanja za vključevanje najširše mednarodne skupnosti v reševanju krize. To naj bi omogočila predvsem nova resolucija varnostnega sveta OZN. Šele po njenem sprejetju bi se tudi Slovenija lahko aktivneje vključila v obnovo Iraka. Hastert je poudaril pomen Slovenije v Jugovzhodni Evropi. Dr. Anton Saje novi tiskovni predstavnik Slovenske škofovske konference Teolog in duhovnik dr. Anton Saje, lani je v Rimu doktoriral iz kanonskega prava, je novi tiskovni predstavnik Slovenske škofovske konference. S 1. septembrom je na tem mestu zamenjal dosedanjega šfefa urada dr. Janeza Grila, ■ ki je to delo opravljal skoraj osem let. Gril pa še naprej ostaja direktor Družine, d.o.o. Dr. Anton Saje je bil v letih 1994-1997 osebni tajnik nadškofa Alojzija Šuštarja. Častni konzul v Torontu dr. Zlatko Aurelius Verbič razrešen Slovenska vlada je pretekli teden razrešila vrsto dosedanjih častnih konzulov. Med njimi je dr. Zlatko Aurelius Verbič v Torontu, ki je bil od vsega začetka tarča močnih kritikov s strani vidnih članov torontske slovenske skupnosti. Častni generalni konzul v Torontu je sicer še vedno g. Jože Slobodnik, dr. Verbič pa naj bi bil imel dolžnosti na področju pospeševanja ekonomskega sodelovanja med provinco Ontario in Slovenijo. Častna konzula v An-twerpnu v Belgiji, brazilskem Sao Paulu, zaprt pa je konzulat v nizozemskem Haagu, kjer je bil častni konzul Rulof J. H. Kruisin. Medicinski strokovivjaki NATA se zbrali v Ljubljani Na mednarodni medicinski konferenci NATA (300 udeležencev iz 38 držav članic oz. partnerskih držav) so govorili tudi o biološkem orožju oz. njegovi uporabi v teroristične namene. Predstavljene so bile izkušnje, ki so jih pridobile misije na različnih območjih, na primer v Afganistanu, BiH ter Iraku. Beseda je tekla tudi o pripravljenosti Slovenije na večje nesreče. ■' je ^ SUŠE IN VROČINE - Po dolgem, zelo suhem in vročem poletju v Slovenci se ^ vreme vs^j začasno bolj radikalno spremenilo, posebej na Obali in Gorenjskem. Dne tta’ av8usta je bilo hudo neurje na Obali, žrtev je bila jadrnica, ki jo je morje odložilo sfaro semedelsko vodnico (zgoraj). V Ratečah pa so se borili z naraslo Trebižo. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Kres natopa to soboto— Folklorna skupina Kres vabi to soboto zvečer ob 7h v SND na St. Clair Ave. na svoj celovečerni nastop. Nato bodo za ples in zabavo igrali Veseli godci. Pridite tudi vi! Zlata poroka— Jutri, 12. septembra, bosta g. ing. Marijan Štrancar in ga. Fani, rojena Mrak, obhajala 50-letnico svoje poroke. Uglednima, spoštovanima, v slovenski skupnosti Clevelanda dejavnima slavljencema prijatelji iskreno čestitajo in želijo še mnogo let zdravja in zadovoljstva. Čestitkam se dolgoletnima, zvestima naročnikoma lista . pridružuje tudi Ameriška Domovina! Balinarjem— Balinarski klub Slovenske pristave vabi to nedeljo na SP na tekmovanje. Dopis na str. 14. Novi grobovi Miro (Godfrey) Anžič V nedeljo, 7. septembra, je po kratki bolezni v Me-trohealth Medical centru v Clevelandu umrl Miro (Godfrey) Anžič, rojen 26. novembra 1936 v Ljubljani, sedaj živeč v North Royalto-nu, O., zaposlen 31 let v NASA Glenn Research Center. Za njim žalujejo žena Teresa in njena hčerka Kathy, njegovi otroci: Tony (Danielle), Judy Long (Martin), Lisa Davis (Tom), vnuka Aaron in Adam, vnukinji Eileen in Ella, sestri Milena Sleme (Vid) in Ana Žakelj (John), nečaka Alex in Chris, nečakinja Becky ter sorodniki v Sloveniji in Kanadi. Pogreb je danes, 11. septembra, v oskrbi De-John pogrebnega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Alberta Velikega in pokopom na Sv. Križa pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojnikov spomin “General Scholarship Fund” na univerzi John Carroll 20700 North Park Blvd., University Hts., OH 44118. Marija Samsa Umrla je 81 let stara Marija Samsa, rojena Ovča-rič, vdova po Louisu (Slav-kotu), mati Joanne (Ivanke) Eurich, 1-krat stara mati, sestra že pok. Antona. Pogreb je ^ bil 8. septembra v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete, in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. (dalje na str. 18) Vinska trgatev— Prišla je konec poletnih piknikov in veselic na Slovenski pristavi. Zadnja prireditev, Vinska trgatev, bo to nedeljo, 14. sept., pop. Ansambel Staneta Mejača vas bo zabaval od 3.30 dalje, kuharice vam bodo postregle s suhimi klobasami in drugimi dobrotami. Seveda bo za pijačo poskrbljeno. Gospodinje odbor SP lepo prosi za pecivo. Vsi vabljeni na vinsko trgatev! Kosilo Oltarnega društva— V nedeljo, 21. septembra, vas Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida vabi na kosilo. Na razpolago bodo pečeni piščanci in pečena govedina. Nakaznice imajo članice in jih dobite tudi v župnišču, na voljo bodo na dan kosila. Cena za odrasle je $10, za otroke pa $5. 50. obletnica— V soboto, 27. septembra, bo radijska oddaja Pesmi in melodije iz naše lepe Slovenije praznovala 50. obletnico ustanovitve z banketom in programom v SND na St. Clairju. Za rezervacijo vstopnic in več informacij, pokličite 440-256-2691. Zajtrk s palačinkami— Pri Mariji Vnebovzeti, v šolski dvorani, bo to nedeljo zajtrk s palačinkami. Serviranje bo od 8.30 do 12. opoldan. Poleg palačink bodo tudi jajca, domače klobasice, kruh, kava in sok. Dar je $6 za odraslega in le $3 za otroka pod 12. letom. Ta je prvi v vrsti mesečnih zajtrkov, katerih prebitek je namenjen kritju stroškov gradnje nove farne dvorane. Vas bomo sproti obveščali. Pridite pa to nedeljo! Krofi in pecivo— V soboto, 20. sept., ima Olt. društvo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti prodajo krofov in peciva, dopoldne v šolski dvorani. Pričetek šolskega leta— Slovenska šola pri sv. Vidu začne šolsko leto v soboto, 20. sept., ob 9. zj. Vpisovanje novih in dosedanjih učencev od malega vrta (4 let stari) do 8. razreda, bo ob 8.45 zj. na tretjem nadstropju šole. Slov. šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti prične s poukom 20. sept. Vpisovanje bo ob 9h zj., sledil bo pouk od 9.15 do 12. uri. Dobrodošli bodo otroci od 3,5 leta starosti do 8. razreda, tako novi kot dosedanji. Zahvala Slovenskega ameriškega sveta CLEVELAND, O. - Slovenski ameriški svet se iskreno zahvaljuje vsem tistim, ki so velikodušno darovali v spominski sklad dr. Valentina Meršola. Darovali so: Gdč. Ivanka Cerar v zahvalo, da je bil brat rešen iz Teharij ........................ $ 25 N.N. ......................................... 50 N.N........................................... 60 Dr. Paul in ga. Roška Gannon .............. 1,000 Prof. dr. Edi in ga. Milena Gobec ........... 100 G. Rudi in ga. Anica Knez ................... 100 G. Rudi in ga. Tončka Klammer ............... 200 G. Rudi in ga. Vika Kolarič ............... 250 Ga. Ivanka Košir ............................. 20 Branko in Maruša Pogačnik .................... 200 G. Janez Prosen ............................. 100 Dr. Max in ga. Meta Rak ..................... 100 Dr. Mate in ga. Pepca Roesmann .............. 300 Dr. Uroš in ga. Ljudmila Roesmann ............. 500 G. Frank Šega ............................ 100 G. Ivan in ga. Zdenka Zakrajšek ............. 100 Nabirka se še nadaljuje. Če kdo želi prispevati v spominski sklad dr. Meršola, naj ček naslovi na: Slovenski ameriški svet in ga pošlje na naslov: Maruša Pogačnik 7628 Chapin Falls Lane Kirtland, OH 44094 U.S.A. Župnija Marija Vnebovzeta Cleveland, Ohio: Novice o farnem centru (Farno oznanilo, 7. sept. 2003) ♦ Pred 50 leti odločena usoda goriškega Katoliškega doma Farni center: V začetku tega leta smo objavili načrte za gradnjo farnega centra, ki bi služil mnogim potrebam naše fare. Zgradba bi se držala sedanje šole in bi obsegala 18.500 kv. čevljev površine. Stavba bi ne služila samo za potrebe šole, temveč tudi potrebam fare in faranov. V načrtih je dvorana z odrom, ki bi služila kot telovadnica in za razne prireditve, soba za sestanke, polno opremljena kuhinja, atrij in skladiščni prostori. Dvorana bi služila mnogim namenom kot npr. kosila, pogrebščine, folklorne in pevske vaje, šport in podobno. Soba za sestanke bi bila zgrajena v slovenskem slogu, za potrebe mnogim farnim organizacijam. Farni center bi lahko bil center naše fare in obenem tudi temelj razvoja soseščine Collin wood. Frances in Jane S. Lausche Foundation: Na našem farnem pikniku smo prejeli obilen dar od Frances in Jane S. Lausche Foundation v znesku $100,000, katere- ga je izročil predsednik tega sklada g. James Debevec, obenem je še obljubil dodatnih $115,000, izplačanih v petih letih. Prav lepa hvala vsem odbornikom sklada za njihovo podporo v spomin senatorja Franka Lauscheta, ki je ta sklad ustanovil in s tem pomagal že mnogim organizacijam pri njihovem kulturnem delu. Finančna prizadevanja: Od $1,8 milijona proračuna za gradnjo imamo trenutno $700,000 že zbranega. V tem je vključenih $250,000, ki je ostalo od proračuna porušenja stare cerkve, in $100,000 dar Lausche Foundationa. Ostalo je bilo nabrano od daril, raznih denarnih akcij in obljubljenega denarja. Do danes smo od 700 družin dobili vrnjenih samo okrog 180 kartic z obljubljenim darom. Kartice za obljubljen dar se še vedno dobe pri cerkvenih vratih. Upati je, da bi vsi farani sodelovali po svojih močeh. Finančni odbor je sto- pil v stik z raznimi bratskimi organizacijami in bankami glede gradbenega posojila. Veseli bi bili tudi osebnega brezintere-snega posojila. Priznanje darovalcem: Vsak, ki je obljubil ali že daroval znatno vsoto, bo njegovo ime objavljeno na vidnem mestu v zgradbi in sicer dar $1000 ali več in $5000 ali več. Večje vsote bodo deležne posebnega priznanja. Gradnja centra: Načrt zgradbe, katerega je izdelala firma Ziska and Associates, je končan in tudi potrjen od clevelandske škofije. Po mnogih razgovorih z raznimi podjetji smo se odločili za Panzica Construction Co. Še ena hiša na E. 156 cesti se bo morala porušiti. Vse drugo bo za parkirišče. Pričetek gradnje: Datum, ko bodo zasadili prvo lopato, tj. za pričetek zidanja, bo nedelja, 12. oktobra. Prevzv. pomožni škof Roger W. Gries bo po sv. maši ob 10. dop. blagoslovil začetek gradnje. Mnogi farani ste se že večkrat udeležili zajtrka z domačimi klobasicami, palačinkami in jajci. Svetovali ste nam, da bi to priredili večkrat. S 14. septembrom bomo to pripravili vsak mesec, s tem pa finančno pomagali pri gradnji centra. Pa še prijateljem povejte! Kdorkoli ima idejo, kako in kaj narediti za zbiranje sredstev, ali če hočete pomagati pri teh akcijah, prosimo, stopite v stik z župnikom Fr. Janezom Kumšetom ali pa s katerim koli spodaj navedenim članom finančnega odbora. Vsaka pomoč je dobrodošla in zelo potrebna! Felix Gaser 216-381-2602 felixigaser@msn.com Phil Hrvatin 216-574-7371 phrvatin@.vahoo.com Dave in Marie Kushner 440-257-7799 kush@aol.com Fr. John Kumse 216-761-7740 Sylvia Pišorn 440-256-8358 spisornft/ aol.com BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! ŠE VEDNO AKTUALNO ... Gorica - Natanko pred 50 leti so predsednik, tajnik in blagajnik izvršnega odbora za gradnjo Katoliškega doma v Gorici (sedanji Kulturni center Lojze Bratuž) poslali odboru za Katoliški dom, ki je deloval v Clevelandu in je povezoval delo ameriških Slovencev, pismo s klicem na pomoč, saj je bil od clevelandskega odbora in njegove takojšnje pomoči odvisen nakup stavbe in zemljišča v Drevoredu 20. Septembra. Duša clevelandskega odbora in ameriške nabiralne akcije je bil rojak z Goriškega dr. Karel Bo-nutti. Z veliko odgovornostjo in osebnimi teža-vami je poskrbel, da je pomoč prišla pravočasno in da so bili temelji Katoliškega doma trdno postavljeni. Dr. Bonutti je bil desetletja profesor na ameriških univerzah, pred leti pa je bil slovenski veleposlanik pri Svetem sedežu. Zdaj prebiva v bližini Gorice na slovenski strani državne meje. Sledi tekst pisma, poslanega iz Gorice 2. avgusta 1953 na odbor v Clevelandu: “Odboru za gradnjo Katoliškega doma v Gorici Cleveland U.S.A. Vaše požrtvovalno delo Pristavski balincarji vabijo! CLEVELAND, O. - Na letošnji Vinski trgatvi na Slovenski pristavi, ki bo to nedeljo, 13. septembra, bodo tudi tekme v balinanju. Veliko naših članov in članic želi pokazati svoje znanje in spretnost s kroglo na balinišču. In zato ste vsi člani Pristave lepo vabljeni, da se tekmovanja udeležite. Pričetek bo ob treh popoldne. Veseli bomo vsakega člana, ki bo prišel z nami tekmovat! Posebno: Članstvo našega kluba že danes opozorimo na klubov letni občni zbor. ki bo v nedeljo, 28. septembra, na Pristavi, pričetek bo pa ob treh popoldan. Tone Škerl za slovenski Katoliški dom v Gorici zbuja v nas občudovanje in globoko hvaležnost. Vaša pomoč je edina, ki nas bodri, da vztrajamo v teh časih za slovensko katoliško stvar. Z ustanovitvijo Katoliškega doma v Gorici bomo dosegli oziroma dobili streho za naše skupno življenje. - Naj Bog blagoslovi vsa Vaša in naša prizadevanja, Vaša vztrajnost in pobuda je naša vztrajnost. Kot Vam je iz naših poročil g. Bonuttiju znano, je tukajšnji goriški odbor za Kat. dom sklenil, da kupi hišo in posestvo v ulici XX. Septembra, ki je najbolj primerno za namen, ki smo si ga postavili. Hiša in zemljišče je na kraju, ki bo imel vedno večjo gradbeno vrednost. Hiša je dvonadstropna (po a-meriško trinadstropna) s petimi stanovanji, zemljišče pa okrog 11 tisoč kv. m., kakor razvidno iz že poslanega zemlje-knjižnega izvlečka. Za ta prostor smo se odločili po daljšem premisleku, ker je po naši presoji najprimernejši. Za nakup tega smo do sedaj zbrali sami nekaj nad en milijon lir. Darovi še vedno prihajajo. Tudi v Angliji in Argentini zbirajo, po njihovih močeh, v ta namen. Vendar smo vsled svojih revnih razmer nezmožni sami to kupiti. Edino z Vašo pomočjo to lahko dosežemo. Z lastnikom hiše smo sklenili preliminaren dogovor, ki vsebuje sledeče točke: a) Cena stavbi in zemljišču je 6,5 milijona lir; b) Za aro smo dali en milijon lir: c) Kupno-prodajna pogodba mora biti sklenjena in podpisana do 31-avgusta tega leta; takrat moramo izplačati še ostalih 5,5 milijonov lir in poravnati vse stroške pro-dajnokupne pogodbe, W znašajo circa 15% prodajne cene. Če tega do 31. t.m. ne izplačamo, se preliminarna pogodba razdere in v tem slučaju izgubimo že plačano aro. (DALJE na str. 15) Iz buenosaireške Svobodne Slovenije ... Spomini podpolkovnika Emila Cofa Svobodna Slovenija, 7. avg. 2003: V tej številki pričenjamo z objavo vojaških spominov podpolkovnika Emila Cofa. Besedilo, ki ga bomo bralcem posredovali v teku treh mesecev, je gotovo eno najbolj pomembnih z zgodovinskega vidika, kar jih je bilo objavljenih v zadnjih letih. Podroben opis okoliščin in dogodkov je važen pripomoček zgodovinarjem, ki hočejo podati pravo sliko obdobja vojne in revolucije na Slovenskem. Kot poveljnik 1. (stiškega) udarnega bataljona slovenskega domobranstva in 1. polka Slovenske narodne vojske je podpolkovnik Cof gotovo najbolj verodostojna priča tedanjih dogodkov. Branje teh spominov vsem toplo priporočamo. ' ' -JI * A .-O M- * . • Ur. AD: /Sla mizi so se nabrali prvi štirje deli teh\sporpinov iz Svobodne Slovenije. Posredoval jih bom tako, kakor izidejo in dobivam številke. Lahko se zgodi, da se bo katera številka na pošti izgubila vsaj začasno (več tednov in celo nekaj mesecev se zna še zgoditi), bom pa držal red, v kolikor bo mogoče. O O O I. del 38. študijsko srečanje DRAGA 2003 Slovenski manjšini se obetajo boljši časi Uvod Mnogi prijatelji in znanci so me stalno vzpodbujali, da bi tudi jaz napisal nekaj spominov. Ker me večina pozna le iz dobe mojega dela v Slovenskem domobranstvu in v emigraciji, mislim, da je prav, da se najprej malo predstavim. Potem pa bom pisal samo o svojem sodelovanju v teku druge svetovne vojne; s čimer predvsem želim posredovati nekaj doživetij, da bi dal na razpolago neodvisnim slovenskim zgodovinarjem dejstva (poleg tistih, ki jih že imajo na Pred 50 leti (nadaljevanje s str. 14) Iz tega izhaja, da potrebujemo takoj (najkasneje do 20. avgusta) o-krog 6 mil. lir ali 10 tisoč dolarjev v vaši valu-d, ki naj bo deloma Va-še posojilo deloma že nabrani prispevki, /.../ Za jamstvo Vašega posojila naj bi se Vaš odbor vknjižil na stavbo in zemljišče. Ponovno Vas prosimo, da nam nemudoma pomagate ter se Vam že VnaPrej toplo zahvaljujejo v imenu svojem in našega ljudstva. Z odličnimi pozdravi Gorica dne 2. avgusta 1953 Predsednik: dr. A. Kacin Tajnik: dr. K. Humar Blagajnik: M. Komac Objavljen v Novem gla-Su z dne 7. avg. 2003, °P ur. AD razpolago), s katerimi bi lahko dokazali, da so nas Nemci v naši borbi proti komunizmu in za dokončno osvoboditev Slovenije od vseh treh izmov bolj ovirali kot podpirali. Vojaška vzgoja in služba v vojski 1. oktobra 1931 sem po končani Nižji šoli Vojne akademije v Beogradu, z nedopolnjenimi dvajsetimi leti postal artilerijski podporočnik. Kot tak sem služboval v Slovenski Bistrici in v Kočanih v južni Srbiji. Kot art. poročnik sem po konkurzu jeseni leta 1936 vstopil v Nižjo voj-nogeodetsko šolo v Voj-nogeografskem inštitutu v Beogradu in po končanem triletnem teoretičnem in praktičnem študiju leta 1939 postal geodetski kapetan in s tem izgubil pravico za poveljevanje v redni vojski. Vendar sem moral potem v državljanski vojni v Sloveniji sprejeti važna poveljniška mesta, ker nismo imeli dovolj aktivnih častnikov, ker so nam komunisti po grčariški tragediji (maja 1943) pomorili večino aktivnih slovenskih častnikov in podčastnikov - članov jugoslovanske vojske v domovini - slovenskih četnikov, katere bi zelo potrebovali v slovenskem domobranstvu. Kot tak sem bil v mobilizaciji leta 1941 v svoj-stvu strokovnjaka dodeljen v štab prvega polka (da(je na str. 16) Občine, Italija - Preteklo nedeljo zvečer se je končalo 38. študijsko srečanje Draga 2003, ki je dobilo spričo bližnjega vstopa Slovenije v EU posebno obeležje. Ljudje z obeh strani meje, iz širše Slovenije in italijanskega severovzhoda s precejšnjo negotovostjo gledajo na pričakovane velike spremembe in Draga 2003 jim je posvetila veliko pozornost. Srečanje je potekalo pod geslom irskega grafita “Človeka lahko iztrgaš iz domovine, domovine ne moreš iztrgati iz človeka”. Predsednik Društva slovenskih izobražencev s Tržaškega Sergij Pahor, ki že dolga leta skrbi za vsebinsko in organizacijsko plat srečanj, je uvodoma potožil, da ostaja pred vstopom Slovenije v Unijo še vedno odprto vprašanje uresničevanja zaščitnega zakona za manjšine. Hkrati je izrazil upanje, da se bo po nedavni zmagi levosredinskih koalicij na goriški in deželni ravni le kaj premaknilo na bolje. Predsednik Slovenske kulturno-gospodarske zveze Rudi Pavšič pa je napovedal bližnjo veliko re-organizacijo delovanja manjšine. Uvodno vsebinsko poročilo pred velikim dogodkom je prebral dosedanji državni sekretar za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu Črtomir Špacapan. Izrazil je prepričanje, da bo odprava administrativne meddržavne meje po vstopu Slovenije v EU spremenila življenje Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & Ei 68 St. * 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED • PRESCIPTIONS j Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik Mi 440-944-2538 na obeh straneh ter pozitivno vplivala na odnose med matico in manjšino. V tem smislu je ohranitev glavnega urada za Slovence za mejo dobrodošla. Neznanka pa je, kako se bo lahko majhen narod* neposredno soočal z velikim - zlasti na kulturnem in jezikovnem področju. Poleg tega bo morala Slovenija prilagoditi svoje standarde, ki veljajo v gospodarstvu in financah, onim, ki jih uporablja EU. Špacapan je na koncu izrazil prepričanje, da bo Slovenija, ki se prvič v zgodovini naroda vključuje enakopravno v širšo skupnost, znala v njej ohranjati svoje interese. O izzivu globalnih gibanj na majhne države in narode in s tem tudi na Slovenijo je govoril sociolog Frane Adam. Analiziral je gospodarski in družbeni razvoj držav Beneluksa in skandinavskih držav v zadnjih desetletjih in ugotovil, da so se na lestvicah uspešnosti v primerjavi z velikimi državami celo povzpele, ker so znale po eni strani slediti razvojnim trendom, pa drugi pa temeljito izkoristiti domači človeški potencial in znanje. V zadnjem desetletju sta v tem posebej zanimivi Irska in Finska. Četudi so države majhne, jim uspeva ohra-jati svojo identiteto. In Slovenija? Po sociologovem mnenju ima dobro štartno osnovo. Jo pa čakajo nekatere pasti. Ob meji v Italiji in Av- striji snujejo tehnološke parke, v katerih je veliko znanja in dela za strokovnjake. Ker Slovenija ne zna ustrezno prenašati znanja z univerz v proizvodnjo in družbeno prakso, obstaja nevarnost za beg možganov k sosedom. V Sloveniji, trdi Adam, je dialog o temeljnih razvojnih vprašanjih nesproščen, manjka demokracije, zlasti pa naj bi bil medijski prostor premado pluralen. Zato pa bo po mnenju sociologa prav odprta meja pripomogla k vnašanju evropskih standardov v demokratizacijo slovenske družbe. V vsebinsko razčlenjeni razpravi ob obeh poročilih so udeleženci iz zdomstva, zamejstva in matične Slovenije nizali dvome in kritike stanja v Sloveniji, pa tudi vprašanja, na katera ne more danes nihče odgovoriti. Lahko bi rekli, da tiste, ki sicer optimistično gledajo v bližnjo prihodnost, obvladuje skepsa kot posledica konkretnih razmer. Hkrati z Drago 2003 so v nedeljo zaključili tudi Drago mladih. To prireditev so začeli pred več kot enim mesecem, na Obali z okroglo mizo o znanju kot povezovalni moči Slovencev. Njena zaključna misel: Slovenija pri produkciji znanja in raziskav ne zaostaja za povprečjem Evrope, zato je Evropa ne bo posrkala. Lojze Kante Delo fax, 8. sept. 2003 Sprememba paslova Ko se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo naprošeni, da naši pisarni posredujete pravočasno tako Vaš ‘ nov naslov 'kakor sedanji. To omogoča, da boste brez prekinitve dobivali naš list, prihranili boste pa pisarni* strošek 60 centov, ki jih računa pošta za vsak povrnjen oziroma ne dostavljen izvod lista. Uporabljajte ta obrazec za posredovanje potrebnih informacij. Nov naslov Ime _____________ -------------------- ----- ;___________ Naslov ______________________ _____________ Mesto, Država, Zip ______________________ Star naslov Star naslov Mesto, država, zip _______________ Spomini podpolkovnika Emila Cofa - ZLATA POROKA - G. in ga. VIKTOR OBREZA sta praznovala 50-letnico poroke v krogu svoje družine. Poročila sta se bila 26. julija 1953 v frančiškanski cerkvi v Ljubljani. Imata sina Viktorja, ki živi v Kaliforniji, in hčerko Katie Pappas, ki živi v Clevelandu. Vsi prijatelji in sorodniki zlatoporočencema želijo: Še na mnoga leta! (nadaljevanje s str. 15) težke artilerije v Slavonski Požegi. Ko je Hitler 6. aprila 1941 napadel Jugoslavijo, je bil artilerijski polk že na položajih v okolici Beograda, od koder se je potem pred nemškim prodiranjem umikal v smeri proti Sarajevu. V Rogatici, nekaj desetin kilometrov pred Sarajevom, nas je 17. aprila doletela kapitulacija jugoslovanske vojske. Nekaj Slovencev (med njimi rezervni stotnik Kobenter iz Radovljice) smo imeli srečo, da nas Nemci niso ujeli in smo se mogli z vlakom mimo Sarajeva odpeljati proti severu. V Bosanskem Brodu so nas ustaši ujeli in o-ropali. Nato pa, ker smo z očenašem dokazali, da smo Slovenci in katoličani, so nas izpustili in -ker je bil most porušen - s čolnom prepeljali čez Savo v Slavonski Brod. Tam nam je poveljnik novega hrvaškega bataljona (bivši jugoslovanski major) Hrvat Globočnik dal nekaj denarja, da smo mogli kupiti civilno obleko, nakar smo se razšli. Jaz sem uspel z vlakom priti do Zagreba, sledeči dan pa do Ljub- V BLAG SPOMIN Ob četrti obletnici smrti nam dragega moža, očeta in starega očeta LOJZE JAREM Umrl 15. septembra 1999. Sonce naj na trato sije, kjer počivaš dragi Ti, Duša pa naj srečno uživa tam v rajski večnosti. Žalujoči: Štefka, žena . Rezka in Helena, hčerki Tone, sin Karen, snaha Mallory, Nicole, in Jillian, vnukinje 'In ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki in Sloveniji. Ijane, kjer so me starši z veseljem sprejeli. Žal niso še nič vedeli, kako je z mojim mlajšim bratom Ivom, ki je 1. aprila 1941 v Vojni akademiji v Beogradu prejel prvo zvezdico, ko je postal gojenec-kaplar. Šele precej pozneje smo izvedeli, da so Nemci ujeli vse gojence Vojne akademije in jih odpeljali v vojno ujetništvo v Nemčijo, kjer so ostali do konca vojne. Začetek ilegale V Ljubljani sem kmalu srečal dva sošolca iz Vojne akademije, Jožeta Kuharja in Ivana Drčarja, ki ju Nemci tudi niso mogli ujeti. Bili smo prepričani, da bo vojna dolga in da jo bodo sile osi gotovo izgubile. Zato smo sklenili, da se moramo - zvesti svoji vojaški prisegi - podtalno organizirati in biti na razpolago višjemu poveljstvu. Tako smo formirali “trojko”, v katero smo, za povezavo z mlajšimi častniki, pritegnili kapetana Gabrijela Hočevarja iz sledeče promocije gojencev Vojne akademije. Naš osebni načrt je bil, da ostanemo na videz mirni, če nas bodo okupatorji (Italijani) pustili pri miru, da pa prihodnjo pomlad (1942) gremo v hribe. Kuhar je dobil zvezo z general-štabnim majorjem Karlom Novakom, katerega je pozneje general Draža Mihajlvič, minister vojske in mornarice Kraljevine Jugoslavije, imenoval za poveljnika Slovenije. Ker smo se zavedali, da bo vojna dolga in da bi vsak oborožen odpor proti okupatorjem v dobi njihove največje premoči na vojnih poljih izzval težke represalije nad narodom, bi bilo popolnoma nesmiselno in zločinsko pričeti s kakšnimi akcijami. Pač pa bi bilo zelo koristno, da bi v hribih skupine častnikov in podčastnikov, v soglasju s političnimi predstavniki, podtalno organizirali vse zavedne Slovence. Tako bi v danem trenutku, ko bi zahodni zavezniki, kakor smo upali, že premagovali sile osi in bi se bližal konec vojne, nastopila tudi v Sloveniji močna jugoslovanska vojska in napadla okupatorje. Tako bi narod v Sloveniji prestal dobo okupacije brez večjih žrtev. Pomagal pa bi napredovanju zaveznikov, posebno če bi se ti izkrcali tudi na Balkanu. Na žalost so nas komunisti s svojimi v državljanski vojni v Španiji leta 1936 izkušenimi in sfanatiziranimi člani prehiteli in že v letu 1941, takoj po prelomu zavezništva med nacistično Nemčijo in Sovjetsko zvezo, sklenjenega s paktom Ribbentrop-Molotov, odšli v hribe in brez ozira na civilne slovenske žrtve pričeli pod masko Osvobodilne fronte (OF) svojo revolucijo. (Konec 1. dela) Svob. Slov.. 7. VIII.2003 Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM II. del Kmalu potem, ko sem se vrnil v Slovenijo, mi je oče, ki je bil v službi na Direkciji pošte, telegrafa in telefona v Ljubljani, povedal, da mu je njegov mlajši kolega Šenk naročil, naj me opozori, da naj se ne vključim v Belo gardo. Ta oseba je bila po vojni zelo visok uradnik na Direkciji pošte, telegrafa in telefona. Leta 1941, ko še ni bilo nikjer vaških straž, katere so komunisti blatili z imenom Bela garda, pa je kot organiziran komunist (Šenk) že vedel, da bo njihova akcija nujno izzvala reakcijo v zaščito pred pobijanjem ljudi, za katere so komunisti smatrali, da bi jim ob koncu vojne preprečili prevzem absolutne oblasti v Sloveniji, kar je bil njihov; pravi namen pod masko Osvobodilne fronte (OF). V juliju 1941 se je pojavil v Ljubljani kapetan Jovan Derok - tudi moj sošolec v Vojni akademiji - na poti z Ravne Gore (glavni štab Draže Mihaj-loviča v Srbiji) v London. Neko popoldne smo se z njim v stanovanju mojih staršev sestali preje omenjena “trojka” in Hočevar. Zmenili smo se o sodelovanju z našimi v Angliji. Dogovorili smo se za geslo, s katerim bi nam preko BBC javil svoj prihod na cilj. Prosil naj bi Angleže, da nam z letalom pošljejo orožje, municijo in uniforme. S Hočevarjem sva s kolesi šla na Dolenjsko - Ljubljana takrat še ni bila obdana z bodečo žico - in našla v tamkajšnjih nizkih pogozdovanih hribih prilično odprt prostor, oddaljen od naselij, kjer bi nam lahko z letala s padali odvrgli zaprošeno opremo. Te podatke je Derok vzel s seboj. Dogovorili smo se tudi, s kakšnimi šiframi bi nam preko BBC mogel javiti pozitiven ali negativen rezultat. Čez nekaj dni je nadaljeval pot ali - žalibog - ni prišel na cilj. Čez dolgo časa smo zvedeli, da se je vrnil na Ravno Goro. Internacija Ker so komunisti vedeli, da je velika večina častnikov in podčastnikov redne jugoslovanske vojske protikomunistično vzgojena, so - ne vem točnega datuma -, februarja ali marca 1942, poslali po pošti vsem imenovanim odprte dopisnice s pozivi, naj se vključijo v partizane. Vse te pozive je okupator zaplenil in tako dobil v roke imena in naslove vseh vodilnih vojaško šolanih oseb. Zato nas je v noči 19. na 20. marca 1942 aretiral in po kratkem postopku odpeljal v internacijo v Italijo v Gonars, kljub temu, da nam je - vsaj meni - ob aretaciji rekel “domani a las died sere-te en časa” (jutri ob desetih boste doma). Pa ta (dalije na str. 20) ED MEJAČ Vodja Radijske Družine Pesmi "^7 j-•n Melodije WCSB 89.3 FM Nedelja 9-10 am Sreda 6-7 pm iz Naše Lepe Slovenije 2405 Somrack Drive Radijska Družina Cleveland Willoughby Hills. OH 44094 440-953-1709 ra/FAX web: www.wcsb.org Dr. Janez Drnovšek Poletni pogovor s predsednikom republike o resnih in manj resnih stvareh - I. del - pripravil BOŠTJAN TADEL ^r- Janez Drnovšek je in še vedno zelo uspešno skri-Va svojo zasebnost. Prav šolski piarovski podvig je bi-la Arturjeva medijska karier (Artur je bil do njegove Srnrti Drnovškov velik pes, op. ur. AD), ki je pravza-Pfav skrbela za odvračanje pozornosti z njegovega lastna, dramatična, a večinoma zelo dostojno predstav- liena je bila predsednikova bolezen. (Zopet ur. AD: °tezen je bila rak.) Še v času Jugoslavije se je sliša-0 0 tenisu z ameriškim veleposlanikom v Beogradu in 0 rednem teku. Vemo, da ima že odraslega sina, ki Se Začenja uveljavljati v kulturi. Zdi se, da ta napol skrivnostna podoba ustreza *°veku, ki je že dobrih 14 let z dvema kratkima pre-tokvama (čez zimo 91/92 in poletje 2000) morda na ^jbolj izpostavljenem vrhu slovenske politike. Na vr- hovih je samotno; če je prejšnji predsednik republike samoto pogosto blažil z bolj ali manj družabnimi P°hodi v slovenske hribe, jo Drnovšek s pobegi v svet 'Ped državnike svetovnega formata. To ni ravno Ijud-T10, ampak Janez Drnovšek danes še bolj kot prej aJe vtis razsvetljenega vladarja, ki ne razmišlja o Ppvni politiki, temveč o dolgoročnih procesih na ^dnarodni ravni. Za človeka, ki je petnajst let po univerzitetni diplo-^ ukvarjal predvsem s seboj v precej odmaknjenem ^urju, ni čudno, da se je naslednjih petnajst večino-1115 z drugimi. Po življenju v teh dveh, bolj ali manj ^v°jih filmih začenja novo, evropsko zgodbo. Upati je, a uiu bo zdravje pri tem služilo in da nam bo Slo-j^Pcem pri vstopu v Evropsko unijo dano enako do-fe sreče in pameti, kot smo je bili deležni pri odho-| ^ Jugoslavije. Zato se tudi ta pogovor po obisku ^"eklosti dr. Drnovška preseli v sedanjost in se na-dotakne njegovih pričakovanj za našo skupno Modnost. O O pak izkušnja je bila izjemno zanimiva, spoznal sem. delovanje takratne jugoslovanske diplomacije, kar mi je kot predsedniku države pozneje pomagalo. Poleg tega sem kar dobro spoznal Egipt. Potem sem bil v Zagorju in po nekaj letih sem začel razmišljati, kako bi naprej. Lotil sem se magisterija, ki sem ga naredil v Ljubljani, in doktorata, ki sem ga naredil v Mariboru, pripravil pa večinoma na Norveškem, v Oslu. Za to sem dobil trimesečno štipendijo. Tema je bila vloga Mednarodnega denarnega sklada v svetovni dolžniški krizi. Gojil sem tudi znanje jezikov, na štop sem obiskoval prijatelje v Franciji, leta 1982 sem vzel neplačan dopust in šel na poletni tečaj španščine v Salamanco, kar je bilo videti iz tedanje zagorske perspektive zelo eksotično, ampak to sem pač počel, Zagorje sem kombiniral z različnimi pobegi, čeprav je bilo glede denarja vse res na minimumu, vedno avtoštop in mladinski hoteli. edini način za delovanje predsednika vlade ali države in nadaljevanka je lahko po svoje poučna. Podobno sem poskušal delovati v vladi: kot predsednik vlade sem imel svoj kabinet, ki je funkcioniral podobno kot ta ameriški. Naslednji krog komunikacije z ministri, s katerimi se pogosto komunicira prek kabineta, o pomembnih zadevah neposredno z njimi. za katero je videti povsem nepripravljen, bolj spada v komedijo. Kako ste se res znašli? Bilo bi v redu, če bi bila komedija. V zraku pa je bila državljanska vojna, vsak dan se je govorilo o vojaškem puču, najbrž v svetu tedaj ni bilo bolj zapletene situacije. Značel sem se v vlogi predsednika te države, prišel pa sem iz popolnoma druge igre. Stari časi p vašem življenji letom 1989 se v< st^ma malo. Živel Zagorju, pisal j^^e, naredili ste do Vej sicer pa ste ži j. Povsem običajne ,vljenje. No te ’ to je odvisno no*: kaj imate za običaj ^ zivljenje. Imel sem ne . yadne prebliske, ki 0^asno zunaj konte ’ ^pak na konci Si vse nekako izšli &1 s tem, da sem zrna ,na volitvah in posta 7*dnlk države. 2- Sem ekonomist ^?rjU' v gradbenen hj]0 e^U’ tu iz Zagorja ji razmeroma težki (i0cj do Ljubljane ii l ^t^ih izobraževanj. Je 1977 (Drnovšei Ur U r°Jen A 1950. op dej sem npr. izve New iščejo mlade >ate ^ e’ slovensko kvot Vedno 0*h ambasadorje nlžj. -° zapolnili, me W 1 diplomati pa Sle I nl bilo dovolj, tc je zadoščala ž diploma s prava, ekonomije ali česa podobnega. Prijavil sem se in se že čez tri mesece znašel v Kairu. Čakala me je zelo posebna izkušnja. Kmalu sem ugotovil, da ni posebno privlačno biti najmlajši diplomat na tisti ambasadi: ambasador je bil bosanski prepotenten, odnosi so bili nemogoči, uslužbenci ambasade so vohunili za diplomati, pojavljale so se že nacionalne napetosti. Zelo nezdravo. Pa tudi delo. Pričakoval sem, da se bom ukvarjal z OPEČ, ki je imel tedaj sedež v Kairu, moja resnična naloga pa je bila, da sem ponoči hodil na letališče čakat delegacije iz Jugoslavije, Zveze mladine. Socialistične zveze, delegacijo žensk in jih potem vozil v hotel ter na tržnico in tako naprej. Tega sem se kmalu naveličal in šel po enem letu nazaj v Zagorje, spet v gradbeno podjetje. Am- Lahko bi rekli, da ste bili pravzaprav v svojem filmu, ne? Ja. Ves čas sem poskušal priti do tujih revij, moje glavno čtivo je bil The Economist, pa tudi kar koli drugega sem dobil, da sem vzdrževal stik z jeziki. Predvsem pa nisem imel nobenega stika s takratno politiko, z e- pa nič. Potem se je po volitvah vse nekako izšlo: znanje jezikov, tudi bolj zahodno razmišljanje, ki sem ga poznal iz spremljanja tujih revij. V nadaljevanki Zahodno krilo spremljamo najožji krog sodelavcev predsednika ZDA, “človeka z največjimi pooblastili na svetu”. Kako je z vašim notranjim krogom, verjetno se zdajšnji razlikuje od tistega prej v vladi in še prej v Beogradu? Kar lahko vidimo v tej nadaljevanki, je zelo zanimivo in blizu resnici, kako stvar resnično deluje v Ameriki. Ampaj tudi tukaj je taka ekipa Srb, zelo i;:.konornjj0 ja s poetiko Neposredna komunikacija z ministri je pri nas bplj poudarjena kot v Ameriki, kjer imajo izrazito predsedniški sistem. Če se spomnim prej v Beogradu, je bila tisto zelo posebna situacija, saj sem na volitvah zmagal čisto nepričakovano in nato prišel v okolje, ki sem ga slabo poznal, oni • pa niso poznali mene. Med nami ni bilo nobenega zaupanja, tam pa so me čakali vojni kabinet, zunanjepolitični kabinet, gospodarski kabinet, protokol in tako naprej. V tistih okoliščinah, ko je bilo med republikami že precej napetosti, se je bilo težko, . če ne celo nemogoče nasloniti na tiste, ki so bili tam. Imel sem zelo majhno ekipo dveh, treh ljudi, s katerimi sem komuniciral, nato pa le izjemno previdno in selektivno z drugimi službami, saj je bila vedno navzoča bojazen, da mi bodo kaj podtaknili ali podobno. Situacija, kjer se nekdo znajde na mestu. Bilo je, kot bi igral simultanko z zelo dobrimi nasprotniki na zelo veliko šahovnicah. Nihče ni bil na moji strani, vsi so bili potencialni nasprotniki. Z njimi sem moral delati, hkrati pa v njih videti ljudi, ki mi lahko naredijo kar koli. Tudi takratna republiška oblast je bila še eno leto partijska, na volitvah so imeli svojega kandidata s pripravljeno ekipo, saj so bili prepričani, da bo zmagal. Tako si tudi z njimi nisem mogel preveč pomagati, imel sem svojo ekipo, nekaj ljudi, ki sem jih že prej poznal in sem jim lahko zaupal. Za šefinjo kabineta sem vzel Sonjo Bauman, ki je takrat ravno odstopila kot zvezna poslanka v protest zaradi dogajanja na Kosovu. Bila je edina tudi med Slovenci, šlo je za njeno individualno potezo, ne za odločitev republiške politike. Ker sva se dobro poznala, sem Jo takrat angažiral. Pa tudi Marjana Kramarja, ki sem (dalje na str. 18) - Dr. Janez Drnovšek - (nadaljevanje s str. 17) NA AVSTRIJSKEM KOROŠKEM.. Odkrili molčečo pričo iz slovanske Karantance Škocjan - Še pred ne-kaj tedni je vest o more- -t .C- bitnem odkritju skrivnostnega keltskega mesta Noreje na Gracarci pri Grabalji vasi vzbujala pozornost med strokovnjaki, sedaj pa so na hribu ob južnokoroškem jezeru v gomili iz halštatske dobe izkopali ostanke 1,80 metra velikega karantanskega dostojanstvenika iz 7. stoletja po Kristusu. “Ni dvoma, da gre za slovanskega moža, čeprav najdbe opozarjajo na različna ozadja,” razlaga vodja izkopanin univ. doc. dr. Paul Gleirscher. Med grobnimi pridatki je najbolj opazen obrski vojaški pas, ki so ga izdelali v bizantinski delavnici, o čemer pričajo masivni medeninasti jermeni. Motiv grozdja priča o pomembnem vojščaku oz. knezu. Vojaška oprema skrivnostne priče iz karantanske zgodovine pa sestoji iz enoreznega meča, okrašenega z damaščanskim kovanjem, ki izvira iz merovinškega kulturnega kroga. Lehnjak ob glavi okostja pa je tipičen za Romane. Gleirscher: “V slovan- sko-karantanski pravni državi so potekali postopki asimilacije med ljudstvi, zato imamo raznovrstne najdbe. Z medicinskimi sredstvi poskušamo določiti, kje je ta človek preživel otroštvo.” Nesporno je ob vseh teh dejstvih, da je bila Karantanija najpomembnejša politična tvorba alpskih Slovanov od 7. do 11. stoletja. “Spričo tega položaja Karantanija je postalo ime Karantanci kot skupno ime za vse alpske Slovane prvo posebno etnično ime slovenskega ljudstva kot posebnega dela Slovanov.” (Zgodovina Slovencev, Ljubljana 1979). Nemci pa so prišli na to področje šele v 8. oz. v začetku 9. stoletja. Pri ogledu izkopanin na Gracarci je deželni glavar Jorg Haider naznanil, da bodo pripravili razstavo o nastanku Karantanije, saj da so pri proslavah ob tisočletnici Avstrije menda pozabili, da je “Karantanija najstarejše občestvo na našem državnem območju”. Gleirscher: “Za nas je važno, da predstavimo naše raziskave in jih pospešujemo. Zato upam, da bo nastalo iz ideje kaj konkretnega. Iz izkušenj pa vemo, da bodo nekateri kot pri vseh takšnih zadevah poskušali vnašati svoje interpretacije.” Ostaja še vprašanje, zakaj so arheološko senzacijo na Gracarci, ki so jo prvotno odkrili že v 60-ih letih, tedaj spet zakopali ... Tanja Gutovnik Novice, 26. avg. 2003 ga poznal iz Zagorja, in Janeza Širšeta, ki sem ga poznal iz Trbovelj. Vse sem poznal od prej in vsi so bili nepovezani s politiko. Bila je res posebna situacija, velikokrat se mi je zdelo, kot da bi hodil po vrvi, kjer lahko zdrsneš za milimeter in padeš v eno ali drugo smer. Ves tisti čas sem delal s popolno koncentracijo, nenehno razmišljal o vsaki potezi kot pri igri na več šahovnicah, ki sem jih omenil, in na srečo se je vse skupaj še razmeroma dobro izteklo. Mislim na tisto leto, ko sem bil predsednik, potem sem bil do razpada države še član predsedstva: sledile so vojna, in vrsta drugih dramatičnih situacij. Sodeloval sem na brionskih pogajanjih, pogajal sem se za umik JLA iz Slovenije. Danes je to morda videti drugače, ko vemo, kako se je razpletlo, takrat pa so bili mogoči vsi scenariji, tudi zelo slabi, krvavi. Če bi mi takrat kdo rekel, da bom čez dobrih 12 let sedel tukaj z vami kot predsednik samostojne Slovenije na pragu Evropske unije, bi se mi to zdela še večja fantastika kot leto pred tem, da bom predsednik Jugoslavije. Eno leto pred vsem tem sem bil popoln outsider. Na svojih funkcijah ste srečali vse pomembnejše svetovne politike, zadnjega desetletja in pol. Kdo vam je najbližji, tako po politiki • in filozofiji kot osebno? S tujimi državniki se praviloma bolje razumem kot z našimi politiki, med nami se včasih celo Joseph L. FORTUNA Modemi pogrebni zavod. Ambulanta na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! razvijejo prijateljski odnosi. Nismo v tekmovalnem odnosu, imamo podobne izkušnje in podobne probleme in zato se z marsikom lahko bolj odkrito pogovarjaš kot doma. Odlična prijatelja sva s kanadskim premierom Jeanom Chretienom, s katerim se poznam že približno deset let, saj je tudi on že dolgo na čelu vlade. Velikokrat sva se že srečala in imava zelo odkrite pogovore ter zelo podobne poglede na marsikaj. Tudi politično je liberalec, čeprav to v Kanadi razumejo malo drugače kot naši liberalci. Je pa tako, da ko politik odide s funkcije, se pogosto konča tudi zelo dober odnos. Včasih tudi ne, s Clintonom sva recimo še vedno v stikih in si deliva številne podobne poglede. Zelo dober osebni prijatelj je tudi islandski premier Od-sson. Pa Evropejci? Že dalj časa sva prijatelja s Solano, z nekaterimi Skandinavci, recimo s finskim premierom Li-pponenon in švedskim Perssonom, zelo dobro se razumem z Luksemburžanom Juncklerjem. Potem je vrsta drugih, s katerimi imam dobre odnose. ne pa res prijateljskih stikov. No, omeniti moram še Schuessla in Putina ter seveda španskega kralja in še bi lahko našteval. Pravite, prijatelji. Ponavadi se prijatelji redno srečujejo, se dobivajo itd.? Pri vas je to enkrat, dvakrat na leto? Tudi večkrat, trikrat, štirikrat, s kom še večkrat. Poleg bilateralnih stikov je kar nekaj večjih mednarodnih konferenc, skupščina OZN, evropske konference in NATO, kjer se redno srečujemo. Čeprav so nam urniki ponavadi zelo polni, se znamo najti: po večerji, med konferenco na kakšni kavi, zjutraj, mogoče se je dobiti. Včasih se slišimo po telefonu, tako da je komunikacije dokaj veliko. Prav s Clintonom sva se po koncu njegovega mandata videla že nekajkrat, nazadnje letos v Davosu, lani večkrat v New Yor-ku. Zasebno? Ja. On je sploh zelo simpatičen človek, zelo odprt tudi zasebno. Poleg tega ima zelo rad pse Ko je bil v Ljubljani, jo hotel videti Arturja, zaradi tega je bilo treba celo nekoliko prilagoditi protokol. Čisto se je zaljubil vanj in me je potem vedno spraševal po njem. (se nadaljuje) Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s str. 13) Frederick Skolaris Dne 2. septembra je v bolnišnici Euclid umrl 87 let stari Frederick Skolaris, rojen v Clevelandu 23. ja' nuarja 1916, mož Jean, roj. Baudek, oče Karen Tunik1}' in Fred-a, 8-krat stari oče, 1-krat prastari oče, krat Emme Pretnar, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v ameriški vojski v Evropi, zaposlen kot strojnik pri Parker-Hannifin ^ svoje upokojitve, član ve^ kot 60 let pevskega zbora Jadran ter član SNPJ 604 in Kluba upokojencev na Waterloo Rd. Pogreb je bil 6. septembra v oskrb* Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Sv. Križa 'n pokopom na Lake View pokopališču. Družina prip0 roča darove v pokojnikov spomin Slovenian Workmens Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd" Cleveland, OH 44110. Robert L. Pryatel Umrl je 73 let stari R°' bert L. Pryatel iz S. R118, ssela, mož Mary Ann, r°J' Schwartz, oče Marka, St® vena in Mary, 10-krat stab oče, brat že pok. Edward3’ veteran ameriških marince^’ odvetnik po poklicu. Po£te. je bil 6. septembra, 0^reJ so bili v kapeli Our bad; na Gilmour Academy s P° kopom v Knolhvood ^aU soleumu. Jacob J. Gruden Umrl je 91 let stari J3' cob J. Gruden iz MiHer burga, prej živeč v Men^ ju, mož Victorie, roj. ^ ’ oče Betty Schultz in sa, 2-krat stari oče, ^ Ann Stavana ter že P Frances Gruden in E>orot Gruey. Pogreb je bil 5-tembra s sv. mašo v c6f St. Mary of the Assumpb^, in pokopom na Vernih pokopališču. Jack J. Vrh Dne 8. septembra je j mrl 73 let stari JaC^ {^. Vrh, mož Alice, roj. e j. sky, oče June in Jacka> krat stari oče, brat Eugenea in Virginije dac. Pogreb je bil 10. S 0. tembra v oskrbi Brickm3 vega zavoda. Pogovor z akademikom zgodovinarjem dr. Jankom Pleterskim o o t e i- o Osamosvojitev Slovenije je bila sporazumna revolucija Študij zgodovine iz znanstvene potrebe - Pri vsakem vprašanju je v ozadju celota - 2. svetovna vojna na Slovenskem ni bila interna, ampak mednarodna ’ Pred kratkim je pri Založbi ZRC izšel več kot 11 strani (večjega formata) obsežen Zbornik Janka ■■ Pleterskega, v katerem skoraj petdeset domačih in tujih strokovnjakov posveča svoje prispevke akademiko-v* osemdesetletnici. To je bil tudi povod za nekaj 'Prašanj o nekaterih najpomembnejših raziskovalnih temah v njegovem izredno bogatem znanstvenem in Publicističnem delu. (Intervju vodil in pripravil za objavo MILAN VOGEL) m IDELO, 28. julija 2003/ - I. O Kako, da ste se za Študij zgodovine odločili Precej pozno? Prvotno sem namera-študirati medicino, vendar tega zaradi različnih okoliščin po vojni ni-Sem mogel, predvsem za-radi nalog, ki sem jih o-Pravljal v Beogradu, še 2lasti na zunanjem mini- strstvu. pri pripravi avstrijske ^Žavne pogodbe sem vi-'tel. da je znanje zgodo-^ne za stvaro samo in ^ državno življenje zelo Pomembno, zato sem se odločil za študij. Seveda Pa sem se lahko iz Beo-®"ada vrnil v Ljubljano Sam° tako, da sem tukaj Prevzel novo obveznost, sicer na Radiu Ljubno® pri novoustanovlje-^ tujejezičnih oddajah, tujejezičnih oddajah? to so bile oddaje, ki 0 n®stale kot način rea-®ranJa po sporu s Sov-ko zvezo. Zanimivo je, n med njimi ni bilo an-f«ke. bili ^Janške, pa sta poleg ki je delovala Prej, ustanovljeni še eOiška in francoska. vaš osrednjih tem ega znanstvenega zaganja je bilo sloven- del - ♦ O sko narodno vprašanje in narodna politika. Že kot študent in doktorand pa ste se posvetili narodnostnim problemom koroških Slovencev. Znanstvenega preučevanja narodnega vprašanja sem se lotil povsem iz neposrednega delovnega nagiba ob koroškem vprašanju. Je pač tako, da je pri vsakem vprašanju vedno v ozadju celota. Nobenega detajla ne morete razumeti brez širšega zgodovinskega pogleda, to se pravi koroškega ne brez slovenskega narodnega in obratno. Zato sem začel preučevati tudi slovensko narodno vprašanje v celoti: z vidika manjšine narodno vprašanje v Evropi, zlasti manjšinske situacije, z vidika koroških Slovencev kot dela naroda pa narodno vprašanje. Je bila ta tema takrat zanemarjena ali nezaželena? Nikakor ne bi mogel reči, da je bila zanemarjena. Vprašanje je le, kako je bila tre tirana. V ju- !t> Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL goslovanski državni politiki je koroško vprašanje igralo zelo pomembno vlogo v odnosih s Sovjetsko zvezo, kar se danes pozablja. Velika polemika med sovjetsko in jugoslovansko vlado je v tistih najhujših diplomatskih izrazih potekala prav okrog vprašanja o Koroški; Kdo je kriv, da je bilo koroško vprašanje pri mirovnem urejanju rešeno tako. kot je pač bilo? Vprašanje pa je, kakšen je bil koncept za naprej, šele leta 1955 je postalo jasno, da je meja nespremenljiva, da je konstanta in da Slovenci živijo na meji dveh sistemov. Lahko za drugi sklop vašega dela štejemo zgodovinski pogled na vprašanja političnega katolicizma v 2. polovici 19. stoletja, ki se nekako skoncentrira v študiji o dr. Ivanu Šušteršiču? Politični katolicizem je prišel na vrsto pozneje, saj sem se začel z njim sistematično ukvarjati šele na fakulteti, kjer sem predaval zgodovino Slovencev v drugi polovici 19. stoletja do konca prve svetovne vojne. Sem pa to vprašanje vedno o-bravnaval tudi z vidika svojih koroških izkušenj, kajti vsi vemo, da je bila na Koroškem duhovščina vedno steber slovenske zavesti, čeprav si je s tem slovensko gibanje nakopalo huda nasprotja, še posebej s strani nemških nacionalističnih liberalcev, delno pa tudi s strani koroških nemških socialdemokratov. Razmerje med slovenstvom in neslovenstvom, ki je na Koroškem sestavljeno tako iz nemškega etničnega elementa kot slovenskega, ki prehaja na drugo stran, se je potem vedno obravnavalo kot razmerje med klerikalno in napredno oz. socialdemokratsko stranjo. To je bilo za Slovence škodljivo, po drug strani pa je prav vloga slovenske duhovščine - tukaj ne govorim o škofiji oz. višjih cerkvenih sferah -pomenila, da je ta element v slovenski zgodovini nekaj zelo pomembnega in ga ni mogoče o-bravnavati samo v ideološkem odklonilnem smislu. Vse, kar sem pisal o katoliškem političnem g-banju, je bilo vedno pisano z vidika stvarnega obravnavanja, ne pa z vidika političnega nasprotovanja. Tudi knjiga o odločitvi Slovencev v času 1. sv. vojne je postavila slovensko katoliško gbanje, ki je bilo kot stranka tedaj v nekem smislu vodilno tudi v deklaracijskem gbanju, nazaj v zgodovino na način, ki je bil za tisti čas kar precej novatorski. Kaj pa politični katolicizem med drugo svetovno vojno? Tudi za čas druge svetovne vojne me je zanimalo predvsem, kakšno je bilo politično delovanje tedaj že preteklega gba-nja, saj italijanski okupator stranke ni priznaval in se je pogovarjal predvsem s škofijo, v sklopu evropskega katolicizma nasproti fašizmu in nacizmu oz. drugi strani v vojni. V tej evropski primerjavi sem prišel do prepričanja, da je slovenski politični katolicizem, ko se je razdvojil, ko so se iz stranke ločili krščanski socialisti in je prišla pod vodstvo integralne desnice, pravzaprav vodil neko svojo veliko bolj papeško in radikalno politiko, kot je bila intenci-ja Vatikana v tistem času. Obšil niste niti t. i. Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams latest In eye fashion - Contact Lenses Welcome Your Drs. Prescription ^75 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses c,eveland, OH 44119 • Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) * , ■ i --— .n , . i-j. i ■ ..—gg-—-sss BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216)481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, Ohio jugoslovanskega vprašanja, ki ste ga obravnavali v delu Prva odločitev Slovencev za Jugoslavijo. Je bila z današnje perspektive in ge-de poznejšega dogajanja ta odločitev prava? Do jugoslovanskega vprašanja nisem prišel zaradi Jugoslavije same, marveč zato, ker me je zanimalo, kako so se Slovenci usmerjali in obnašali. Jasno je, da je bilo v času prve svetovne vojne jugoslovansko gbanje gbanje za rešitev slovenskega nacionalnega problema. Zato je vprašanje, ali je bilo z današnje perspektive dobro ali ne, iluzorno, saj današnje perspektive sploh ne bi imeli. Je pa treba prem-sliti, kaj sem z naslovom hotel povedati. Prva in tudi ne zadnja kritika iz Beograda je bila prav v smislu: Koliko takih odločitev pa bodo Slovenci še imeli. Odgovarjal sem, da je bila to prva, da smo imeli tudi avnojsko, da pa bo še kakšna, v tistem času sokraj hi bilo mogoče govoriti. Toda tako se je odpiralo vprašanje, pri katerem smo pozneje tako vehementno vztrajali, da pravica do samoodločitve ne more ugasniti, da je neizčrpna in se Je ne more konzu-mirati, kot so rekli. (se nadaljuje) \ BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE > Priporočajte naš list! V BLAG SPOMIN 17. OBLETNICE FRANK ORAZEM Umrl dne 14. sept. 1986. Že 17 let Te zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mimo spiš. Srce Tvoje več ne bije, bolečin več ne trpiš. Nam pa žalost srca trga, rosijo solze nam oči. Dom je prazen in otožen, odkar Te več med nami ni. Žalujoči: Družina in prijatelji, i Gevcland, Ohio, 11. sept. 2003. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1492. V Murski Soboti se je že maja letos vršil simpozij o pokojnem duhovniku Jožetu Godinu, ki je bil rojen 1. 1898 v Dolnji Bistrici, Slovenija, in je umrl 1996. leta v Gradecu, Avstrija. Bil je ustanovitelj in urednik Katoliških misijonov v Grobljah in Maistrov borec za priključitev Prekmurja k Jugoslaviji po prvi svetovni vojni. Nečakinja g. Godine je poslala izvleček o simpoziju Knezovim: “V spomin nekdanjemu ravnatelju misijonske tiskarne in uredniku Katoliških misijonov, Jožetu Godinu! Nemalo plemenitih dejanj in misijonskih prizadevanj se me je skozi čas dotaknilo. Ta osrečujoči stik z misijonarji in njihovimi varovanci iz skoraj vseh kontinentov me je vzpodbujal k dragoceni delitvi in tudi k razdajanju, ki ga v zavetju svojih domov v socializiranih razmerah komaj razumemo. Zmoremo ustvarjati to potrebno vez. Žal, veličino spoznamo iz skopih poročil iz posameznih misijonskih središč in le deloma spoznamo celoten zanos in tveganja z bolečinami, skozi katere hodijo misijonarji in varovanci za upanje in za vsak nov začetek. Te redke spremembe zunaj našega sveta, pionirski začetek v delu naših misijonarjev pa je velikokrat zamolčan ali pa potegnjen iz boleče tišine šele po smrti. In, ker teh primerov ni malo, sem se odločila, da posredujem dogodek, vezan na prvega urednika Katoliških misijonov, publicista, duhovnika in Maistrovega borca g. Jožeta Godina. Iz ohranjenih arhivskih virov smo spoznali, da je znal prisluhniti krikom bolečine na drugi strani našega sveta. V Grobljah pri Domžalah je pred drugo svetovno vojno rav-nateljeval v Misijonski tiskarni in z dragocenimi misijonskimi sporočili v Misijonskih listih in drugi literaturi dajal upanje in zaupanji v dobro. Dne 10. maja 2003 je v Murski Soboti v okviru Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa Jožef Godina, žal že po smrti, dobil zasluženo mesto v slovenski zgodovini. Njegovo zgodovinsko obdobje nismo ovekovečili z zlatimi črkami. V njegovem, njemu tako dragem Prekmurju, v ljubljeni cerkvi sv. Nikolaja, pa smo v molitvi spletali venec spomina iz njegovih del, ki jih ne pobiramo iz vsakdanjosti. Njegov lik odgovornega, delovnega, Bogu dopadljivega človeka, njegovo duhovniško dostojanstvo, publiciteta in misijonsko uredniško delo, je navzočim enajstim sobratom-duhovnikom, sestram iz domovine in tujine, sorodnikom in prijateljem ter drugim navzočim s tenkočutnim dostojanstvom predstavil sorodnik in sobrat, duhovnik dr. Karel Bedernjak. Pevovodja Marjan Potočnik nas je s svojimi cerkvenimi pevci in odličnim orgelskim sozvočjem Handlove Aleluje popeljal v veličino velikonočnega vtisa, da smo skoraj zaneseno pričakovali popoldanske ure, v katerih se je nadaljeval program na duhovnosti in kulture. Simpozij v malem se je nadaljeval v soboški graščini. -Rdeči cvetovi divjega kostanja so se na ta dan odprli in v vonjavi cvetov se je ponujala metafora, da so se razcveteli v rožnate lestence za Jožefa Godino, velikega sina prekmurske zemlje in zaslužnega graditelja slovenskega doma, doma in po svetu. V slikovnih eksponatih in v posredovanju popoldanskega kulturnega programa smo doživeli pridih veličine, ki se vrača med korenine Prekmurja. Težka, dolga in trpka pot do Mure se je v tem popoldanskem vzdušju umirjala, saj so opisna arhivska sporočila iz zakladnice ljubeče , nečakinje mag. Karoline Godine, doktorice medicine, častnih govorov Stanislava Raščana dr. medicine, duhovnika dr. Karla Bedernjaka in prof. Viktorja Vrbnjaka odpirala spomine na slovensko Prekmurje, na nekdanje sodelovanje z Maistrovimi borci po prvi svetovni vojni, na zapise iz zaporov in ujetništva ter na nečakinjo naslovljena prijateljska pisma ameriških Slovencev, s katerimi je tolažeče obiskoval Baragov grob. V tišini tega popoldneva se je naš duhovni sprehod z Jožefom Godino nagibal v večer s polne dušo dragocenih pomnikov, na križevi poti njegovega življenja. Kulturna skupina iz Celja, člani Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa: Peter Simoniti, prof. Srečko Maček in Silva Železnik ter prof. Tone Ciglar so preživete stiske predstavili v recitalni vsebini. Operna solistka Andreja Zakonjšek in prof. Peter Napret sta se v polnosti glasovne mehkobe in žametnih zvokov citer, ujela v šepet Mure, v duh Slovenske krajine in v zatišje avstrijske Koroške, kjer se hranijo slovenske korenine in spletajo bližnjice do dobrega in kjer slovenska zemlja v vencu treh dolin čuva grob zaslužnega prekmurskega rojaka Jožefa Godino. Zapise iz avstrijske Koroške je zaradi odsotnosti obolelega Jožeta Kopeiniga predstavila provincialka šolskih sester iz Celovca, s. Regina Tolmayer. Z iskreno zavzetostjo je ■ponovila misel g. Kopeiniga, ki je ob smrti Jožefa Godine dejal, da umrli ni le za vedno zapisan v slovensko zgodovino, saj ga je njegovo delo z zlatimi črkami že zapisalo v zgodovino slovenskega misijonstva. V epilog vsega pa me je še posebno razveselilo, ko sem v cerkvi sv. Nikolaja videla tudi zastopnico misijonarjev, s. Marijo Sreš, iz Indije, ki nam je pred leti ob trdem misijonskem poslanstvu v slovenščini posredovala svojo knjigo, nagrajeno s priznanjem gudžeratske književnosti v Indiji. Ob Jožefu Godini, ki se je 10. maja 2003 v duhu vrnil na prekmursko zemljo v delu zadehtel kot majsko cvetje, smo se vračali Slovenci na svoje domove in nazaj v tujino z zanosom, da smo v spominu nanj duhovno, kulturno in zgodovinsko bogatejši.” Jožef Godina je živel tudi v Clevelandu in prvi začel zbirati otroke za Slovensko šoli v Slovenski pisarni, kar se je preselilo v župnijo sv. Vida. V župniji Marije Vnebovzete je bil nekaj let kaplan pri g. Jagru. V tem času je bilo zelo razgibano življenje. Bil je kuharski tečaj. Otroci so imeli izlete po deželi, osmi razred angleške šole je potoval v Washington in si tam ogledal muzeje ter razne zanimivosti. Večkrat je vodil romarje na grob škofa Barage v Marquette, kjer so si tudi ogledali okolico. Bil je zelo razgledan, poln zgodovine in je vse to prenašal na okolico. Imel je malo tiskarno, kjer je sestavljal razne pamflete, ki jih je potreboval pri izletih, v Slovenski šoli. Za oltarno društvo je natisnil Molitveno uro, pred Najsvetejšim, kar je še vedno v uporabi. G. Godina je bil kaplan v času 50-letnice župnije in nas je presenetil kar s celo knjigo zgodovine župnije. Po njegovem odhodu je župnijsko življenje kar utihnilo. Ohranili smo ga v lepem spominu in upamo, da se veseli pri Bogu, kateremu je zvesto služil in v skrbi za duše veliko dobrega storil. Prav lep misijonski pozdrav od vseh sodelujočih, in Marice Lavriše 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Spomini podpolkovnika Emila Cofa (nadaljevanje s str. 16) “jutri” je bil čez 11 mesecev, kak teden pred Veliko nočjo 1943. V hribih in kurir Kmalu po veliki noči 1943 nam je kapetan Berto Ilovar - tudi sošolec iz Vojne akademije -na sestanku manjšega števila aktivnih častnikov in podčastnikov v Ljubljani sporočil povelje majorja Karla Novaka, od Mihajloviča postavljenega poveljnika za Slovenijo, naj odidemo v hosto, kjer je že bila manjša edinica, katero je vodil poročnik Ratko Cotič. Večina je povelje izpolnila. Čez nekaj tednov me je Novak potegnil iz edi-nice v bosti in me uporabljal kot kurirja za povezavo z raznimi odredi jugoslovanske vojske v hribih. Tako me je italijanska kapitulacija 9. 9. 1943 doletela na terenu in sem se skupaj z ostalimi člani jugoslovanskega odreda slovenskih četnikov, ki v tistem trenutku še niso bili koncentrirani v Grčaricah (dva manjša odreda. Dolenjski in Gorenjski, bi se morala še pridružiti), in Vaških straž preko Turjaškega gradu, Zapotoka in Ljubljanskega Barja vrnil v Ljubljano, kjer nas je general Rupnik v dogovoru s prvimi Nemci, ki so v Ljubljani zamenjali Italijane, namestil v šentjakobski šoli pod poveljstvom svojega zeta, kapetana Dejana Suvaj-djiža. Ker se je ta kmalu smrtno ponesrečil z motorjem, je general Rupnik postavil mene za poveljnika grupe v šentjakobski šoli, ki je v kratkem času postala domobranska enota. Začetek domobranstva Ta domobranska enota se je kmalu preselila s sedežem v Srednjo tehnično šolo v Ljubljani in prevzela stražarsko službo na blokih v žični meji, s katero je bila Ljubljana tedaj obkrožena. Kmalu me je na tem položaju zamenjal starejši kapetan Marn - Kre-nnerjev prijatelj - mene pa je poveljnik domobranskega organizacijskega štaba, tedanji podpolkovnik Franc Krenner, poslal za profesorja na domobranski oficirski in podoficirski šoli v Mostah in kasneje še za poveljnika minometalskega tečaja. Od tam pa sem bil 18. septembra 1944 imenovan v Stično, da za- menjam dotedanjega poveljnika 1. udarnega bataljona slovenskega domobranstva, majorja La-dislava Križa. Križ je bil namreč poslan v Novo mesto, da nadomesti dotedanjega tamkajšnjega domobranskega poveljnika, čigar imena se ne j spominjam, katerega je Gestapo aretirala in odpeljala v Dachau, ker je odkrila njegovo zvezo 1 ilegalnim poveljstvom ju' sogoslovanske vojske v Sloveniji. V Stično sem prispe 19. septembra 1944 ob 16h. Poveljnik 1. udarnega bataljona 20. septembra 1 mi je Križ, potem sva obšla vso z bodeč0 žico in z bunkerji zava rovano Stično, predal P° veljstvo nad bataljonom1 in popoldne odpotoval v Novo mesto. Sestav 1. udarneg3 bataljona. Štab: P°ve^ nik podpisani, intendan1 poročnik Vovk, 6 kudr jev (trije s kolesi, PoZlie je tudi motorist z mOtc,r jem 500 cm) in tri Pe hotne ter težka četa-(konec 2. dela) Svob. Slov., 14. avg- ^ KOLEDAR SEPTEMBER 13. - Folklorna skup^ Kres ima celovečerno P_ ditev v SND na St. Cia1*} 21. - Oltarno društvo ^ Vida ima vsakoletno koSl v avditoriju pri sv. Vida- 27. - Slovenska radij*^ družina priredi ^an^6t0t)-proslavo 50. obletnice stoja oddaje “Pesmi in ^ lodije iz naše lepe Slov6 y je”, v Slovenskem nar04' Claif nem domu na St. ^ Ave. Pričetek ob 6. u^' 6-za ples igra orkester S ta Mejača. .||, 28. - SKD Triglav, Mtf. waukee, priredi Vinsk° gatev, na Parku. u 28. - Društvi KS^J ^g. 226 in 172 priredita d0^. delno kosilo v dobrob'1^.^, fovih zavodov v Sen od 11. do 1.30 pop- OKTOBER t 19. - Dramsko a’ fan> Lilija gostuje v v fo' Brezmadežne v rontu z veseloigro ptr vdova”. Pričetek ob poidne. „f' 25. - Štajersko-Pr*^ ski klub ima martm^r ob praznovanju 45. 0 ce v SND na St. ^ Pričetek ob 6h zv-’ f bo Stane Mejač orkeste •