30. NEDELJA MED LETOM 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 44/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 28. 10. 2018 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK »Bodite sveti ...« V Stari Zavezi je pojem »sveti« najodlicnejša opredelitev za Boga. Izrael se torej posvecuje, zato da bi pripadal Bogu in bil srednik med Bogom in cloveštvom, ki še ne veruje: »Bodite sveti, kajti jaz, Gospod, vaš Bog, sem svet«. Sveti niso toliko izjema kot norma kršcanskega žiovljenja. Zato tudi v Novi zavezi slišimo, da je svetost ponudena vsem, ker moramo vis biti popolni, kakor je popoln naš Oce, ki je v neberih, beremo pri Mateju. Do svetosti pa nas more voditi zgolj zvestoba tistemu sporocilu, ki je zapisano v Blagrih. Na gori jezus kot novi Mojzer razglasi svoj poziv h graditvi nove skupnost svetih. To je vabilo, ki želi prodreti do krenin clovekovega srca in nam za model postavlja nikogar drugega kot model Oceta in Sina. Pred clovekom mora biti vedno podoba Jezusa »krotkega in ponižnega srca«. lz takšne zasnove življenja se rojeva novo »božje sinovstvo in otroštvo«, kakršnega riše Janezovo pismo. Za svetos je potrebno dvoje: resnica, to je vera v Kristusa, in kršcanska ljubezen. S tema dvema bistvenima potezama se verujoci »posvecujejo«. Ta proces je podoben rasti drevesa, ki je svetopisemski simbol za opisovanje izkustva pravicnih in svetih. Zato evangelist Janze zapiše, da »bomo, ko se prikaže, njemu podobni, ker ga bomo gledali, kakršen je.« Izvoljeno ljudstvo, o katerem govori, pa ni le skupina priveligiranih mistikov, temvec »velika množica, ki je nihce ni mogel prešteti, iz vsakega naroda in rodu in ljudstva in jezika.« To so vsi verniki, ki so »verovali v Sina in imajo zato vecno življenje«, torej delež pri božjem življenju. To so vsi verujoci, ki so oprali svoja oblacila v Jagnjetovi krvi. V teh 144.000 »zazna-movanih« se torej skriva vsa Cerkev, božje ljudstvo, verujoci v Kristusa. Simbolicno število popolnosti nam danes predstavlja radostno mogocost, ponudeno vsem verujocim kakor vsem, ki delajo za mir in pravicnost. Sveti«, ki so že dosegli polno »podobnost« z Bogom, nas danes spominjajo na to skupno poklicanost. Prisluhnimo vabilu cudovite knjižice iz casov prve Cerkve: »Vsak dan išci družbo svetih, da se opreš na njihove besede« . 477 | VESTNIK 2018 479 | VESTNIK 2018 481 | VESTNIK 2018 483 | VESTNIK 2018 485 | VESTNIK 2018 487 | VESTNIK 2018 Nedelja, 28 oktober, 2018 ob 11:00 a.m. VSTOPNINA $10 (vkljucuje tudi kavo in prigrizek) St. Gregory the great hall - 125 Centennial Pkwy N, Hamilton Za vec informacij poklicite: Heidy Novak, tel.: 905-317-6002 VESTNIK 2018 | 478 VESTNIK 2018 | 480 VESTNIK 2018 | 482 VESTNIK 2018 | 484 VESTNIK 2018 | 486 TRIGLAV - LONDON: V nedeljo, 21. oktobra, smo se zbrali v društveni dvorani za sveto sveto mašo po maši pa so pripravili še nekaj za pod zob. Pa tudi kakšen rojstni dan smo proslavili in zaželeli slavljencem vse najboljše. Ker bo drugi teden Halloween, so se nekateri otroci že danes oblekli. CWL - KŽZ JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY Preparations for our Jubilee Anniversary as a Catholic Women's League are in full swing. You are cordially invited to our 50th CWL Anniversary celebration at St. Gregory the Great on Sunday, Novem-ber 25th. We will mark this occasion with a Mass in English at 10:00 a.m. The main celebrant of the Mass will be The Most Rev. Anthony F. Tonnos, D.D., Bishop Emeritus of Hamilton. This will be followed by a luncheon reception and cele-bratory program. Please reserve luncheon tickets with Mrs. Terezija Sarjaš at 905-560-1218 by November 18th. Luncheon is compli-mentary for CWL members and $20 for guests. We look forward to your presence. MASS FOR ††BISHOPS, PRIESTS, DEACONS As per Bishop Crosby's Decree (November 17, 2016), one Mass is celebrated by the Pastor of every Parish in the Diocese of Hamilton on November 3rd for the repose of the souls of all Deceased Bishops, Priests and Deacons who have served in the Diocese of Hamilton. May the annual celebration of this Mass for our deceased brothers in every Parish be an expression of our gratitude for their ministry and may our prayer accompany them as they return to their Creator. ONE SOUL CAPITAL CAMPAIGN FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Over the next 2˝ years, the Diocese of Hamilton will be con-ducting the One Heart, One Soul Capital Campaign to raise money for every Parish in the Diocese and for shared ministries. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions will appear in Parish bulletins regularly. A compilation of all questions that have been pub-lished will be available throughout the campaign at one-heartonesoul.ca. What is a capital campaign? A capital campaign is an effort to raise money in a fairly short time (three to five years) to pay for a significant project or build up an endowment or heritage fund for future use. For a Catholic Diocese or Parish, this refers to gifts and pledges over and above a parishioner’s regular giving to the Sunday collection. Parishion-ers who make pledges to the Diocese of Hamilton’s campaign will have three years to fulfill their commitment. Who will be asked to give? Over the course of the campaign, every parishioner in every Parish in the Diocese will be asked to make a sacrificial gift. When will the campaign take place? Campaign preparations are ongoing, and the active cam-paign will take place in four “waves,” beginning with a pilot wave that will begin in February 2019. The campaign will con-clude when the last wave finishes in early 2021. Why do the campaign in waves instead of all at once? With nearly 120 parishes in the Diocese, it will be more effec-tive to break up the campaign into smaller pieces over time, to give each Parish as much support and direction as possible from the Diocese and the Parishes’ consultant, the Steier Group. It also provides options as parishes are assigned to waves. For some Parishes, conducting the campaign in an early wave will allow them to get started on needed projects. Other Parishes will need more time to weigh what projects need to be a priority and to prepare for the campaign. DIOCESAN NEWSLETTER The Pastoral Offices of the Diocese of Hamilton offer a wide range of workshops and educational opportu-nities during the course of the year. These activities and events are open to all interested parishioners throughout the Diocese. If you would like to keep informed regarding these opportunities for growing in your faith, you are invited to subscribe to a weekly online newsletter by going to the Diocesan Website (www.hamiltondiocese.com) and click the “Subscribe to our Newsletter” but-ton on the right side of the homepage. Your email address will be used solely to provide you with Diocesan Newsletter and will never be shared with any third party. 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy. First Reading Jeremiah 31:7-9 God promises salvation for the scattered remnant of Israel, return from exile and a joyful homecoming. Second Reading Hebrews 5:1-6 Jesus is for ever our great high priest, a kingly priesthood bestowed by God the Father. Gospel Mark 10:46-52 A blind beggar cries out to Jesus in faith and out of need, and Jesus cures him. “Go; your faith has saved you.” Illustration A religious education teacher used to ask teen-agers about the role of Jesus in their lives and some-times got unexpected answers. One day, as the kids were packing up and leaving class, a fifteen-year-old girl turned and made a final remark to him, say-ing: “You know, when I think about the Lord and us I think that we’re all in this together – God wanting to save us and us hoping to be saved.” This relation-ship is reflected in today’s Gospel where the key words are: “Go; your faith has saved you.” Gospel Teaching Jesus is going to Jerusalem during the final week of his earthly life and passes through Jericho. He has much on his mind as he is facing confronta-tion with religious and Roman authorities. Then he hears one blind beggar, Bartimaeus, crying out. Bar-timaeus recognises Jesus as no ordinary prophet. Even though the crowd tries to silence him, Barti-maeus will not be silenced and he asks Jesus to let him see again. When Jesus calls Bartimaeus to him, he leaps up and runs to Jesus. Bartimaeus knows that a major change is about to happen in his life and he anticipates it with enthusiasm, joy and hope. He is healed of his blindness. Bartimaeus is a special figure in Mark’s Gospel. For a start he has a name, unlike many others healed by Je-sus. Also he takes the initia-tive after grasping who Je-sus is. Bartimaeus, despite his blindness, sees the royal and divine dimensions of Jesus’ identity, and he dis-cerns that Jesus is compas-sionate and able to show mercy and to heal. He per-sists despite hindrances. When the crowd rebukes Bartimaeus for calling out, demanding that a blind beggar with no social status must be silent, Bartimaeus yells “all the louder” until Jesus hears him. And Bartimaeus expects a transfor-mation. When he is summoned by Jesus he tosses aside his cloak. He clearly expects to regain his sight, for a blind beggar would ordinarily do well to keep his possessions close at hand. He obviously expects a change in his status. Bartimaeus confi-dently expects that he will no longer sit on his gar-ment, dependent upon handouts from passers-by. The story of Bartimaeus is like a blueprint for the ideal disciple: he believes that Jesus is the Mes-siah, he is called by Jesus, he has faith in Jesus and he experiences Jesus’ healing power. The story de-scribes two energies coming together: the energy of Jesus and the energy of the believer. A blind hu- manity is searching for God and God is also looking for us. Application The story prompts us to re-evaluate our own faith. Jesus stopped to talk to somebody who was regarded as a “nobody”, and his entourage was astounded. Who are the no-bodies today? We try to si-lence the cries of the vulner-able people who embarrass us wherever they are visible. We are embarrassed by their vulnerability. In today's Gos-pel narrative, we see how indifferent followers of Jesus were to the cry of a person in distress, but Jesus acknowl-edged the presence of the blind beggar and healed him. The blindness of the crowd was exposed. We need to name what blinds us. We are called by God to radical transformation. We need to say “yes” to the di-vine invitation to see, to live more vibrant and meaningful lives and to reach out to people in need. We have much to learn from vul-nerable people. Healing stories, especially those that call atten-tion to a sufferer’s faith, can present difficulties for us. There are obvious dangers in drawing simplistic connections between faith and health. Likewise, we must reject suggestions that illness results from one’s sins. Those difficulties, however, cannot allow us to shy away from the images of faith that Barti-maeus provides or to avoid considering how faith clings to Jesus no matter what. Among other things, this story invites us to consider how faith is manifest-ed, nurtured or stunted within communities. Bled Planica Social Club Cordially invites you all HUNTER’S BANQUET NOVEMBER 17, 2018 FEATURING AUTHENTIC OURDOURVES AND BEVERAGES MUSIC BY TICKETS: Adults: $35.00 Students: (-18) $20.00 Tickets and Information: FRANK GIMPELJ (905) 531-0894 THOMAS MES (905) 971-3831 ŠIBAJŠIBAJ OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor so vsak cetrtek po vecerni maši. Prav tako ima vaje tudi angleški zbor in sicer vsako sredo po vecerni maši. Novi clani vedno dobrodošli. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 28. oktober: St. Gregory the Great Hall - Humoreska: »Vecerja za enega« - Nastopata: Jože Ekart in Manja Vinko - 11:00 a.m. . 28. oktober: Sava - Mass 2:00 p.m. . 2. november: London - St. Peter's Cemetery - Mass at 2:00 p.m. . 4. november: Obisk pokopališc ob prazniku Vseh Svetih - Holy Sepulchre Cemetery - Mass at 2:00 p.m., and after prayers at the Cemeteries: 3:00, 3:30, 5:00 p.m. . 10. november: St. Gregory the Great - Martinovanje, 6:30 p.m. - vstopnina $14. . 11. november: Triglav - Maša 2:00 p.m. . 17. november: Bled - Hunter's Banquet . 17. november: Sava - Fall Banquet . 18. november: Lipa Park - Martinovanje . 18. november: Sava - Mass 1:00 p.m. . 18. november: Slovenski park - AGM 2 p.m. . 25. november: CWL-KŽZ - 50th Anniversary GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO . 28. oktober 9:30 a.m.: Lojze in Peter Grebenc . 4. november 9:30 a.m.: Milena Volcanšek . 11. november 9:30 a.m.: Sonja P., Zorka R. VELEPOSLANIŠTVO REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE - OTTAWA Slovenian CONSULAR hours at 731 Brown's Line, in Toronto are once a month. Next date is Tuesday, November 13th from 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. WANTED - MANNEQUINS The use or loan of mannequins or dress maker forms from Thurs-day November 8 through Tuesday November 13, 2018 for display national costumes of Slovenia in St. Gregory Hall. Please call Tony Horvat 905-515-5881 if you can help. WANTED – RAFFLE PRIZES The donation of raffle prizes with approxi-mate value of $50 or more for Martinovanje on November 10, 2018. Please call Tony Horvat 905-515-5881 if you can help. PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Your Parish Council is actively looking for anyone with fresh ideas to come and join our team. If you think you may be interested in volunteering a little bit of your time to your Slovenian Community, we would welcome you, and look forward to hearing new ideas to help keep our parish current and vibrant! If you are interested, please contact Heidy No-vak at 905-317-6002 KITCHEN SECRETS COOKING CLASS Kitchen Secrets cooking class is back this fall. We will be hosting a session on Novem-ber 17th in the lower hall. The recipe has not yet been confirmed, so if you are interested or have any suggestions on what you would like to learn to create, please contact Heidy Novak at novakh@ sym-patico.ca SAVA BRESLAU - 28. OKTOBER V nedeljo, 28. oktobra bo ob 2:00 p.m. maša pri društvu Sava. Sveta maša se daruje za pokojne clane društva; za pok. Marijo Horvat, po namenu Rozine Horvat z družino; za pokojnega Toneta Šemlak, po namenu žene z družino; za pokojno Majdo in Janka Kragl, po namenu Zinke Mirt z družino. CWL - MAŠA ZA POKOJNE CLANICE Letos se bomo pri maši, v sredo 7. novem-bra, spomnili tako clanic CWL kot tudi clanic SOD. Mnoge med njimi so bile clanice pri obeh društvih. Slovesnost bomo prilagodili novemu nacinu spomina naših rajnih clanic. Distribution and sales of banquet tickets will begin before mass this Sunday. Prepay-ment is required to reserve a spot. Od nedelje, 28. oktobra, naprej si lahko pred ali po maši, rezervirate sedež za banket ob 50-letnici KŽZ. DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad so, namesto rož na grob pokojnega Štefana Raya darovali $100 in namesto rož za pokojno Marijo Horvat $100. Za gradbeni sklad sta darovala $100 Ivan in Ana Kirec. Hvala za vaš dar. VSI SVETI - VERNE DUŠE - PRVI PETEK V cetrtek, 1. novembra, je praznik Vseh svetih. Maša bo ob 7h zvecer. V petek, 2. novembra je spomin vseh vernih rajnih in tudi prvi petek v mesecu. Zvecer ob 6h bo priložnost za sveto spoved, molitev pred Najsvetejšim in ob 7h sveta maša. Popoldne ob 2h pa je maša v Londonu na pokopališcu sv. Petra za vse pokojne iz društva Triglav. V nedeljo, 4. novembra je ob 2h popoldne maša na pokopalšcu Holy Sepulchre. Po maši se zbremo pri križu, kjer se bomo v molitvi spomnili vseh pokojnih na tem pokopališcu. Ob 3:30 popoldne bomo moli za naše pokojne na pokopališcu Gate of Heven in ob 5:00 popolned se zberemo v mavzoleju pokopališca Our Lady of the Angels na Mud St. COPING WITH THE HOLIDAYS… When you have lost a loved one: An afternoon of reflection and strategies for coping throughout Christmas. The session will take place at the Chancery Office, Hamilton, on Sunday, December 2nd from 1:30 – 3:00 pm. and will be facilitated by Dr. Wendy Hofman. It is FREE of charge. Call to reserve a seat 905-528-7988 ext. 2249. Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, sub-scribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at www.hamiltondiocese.com. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 A.M., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slovenian), 11:00 A.M. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MAR-RIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO 30. NEDELJA MED LETOM 28. OKTOBER Simon in Juda Tadej, ap. †† † † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Marija in Janez Grebenc, obl. Jožica Gimpelj Neža Stegne Za pokojne clane društva 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Lojze Grebenc Elizabeth Gimpelj Sin Maša pri društvu Sava PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 29. OKTOBER, Mihael Rua † Viktor Grobelnik 8:00 A.M. Robert in Hilda D'Alessandro TOREK - TUESDAY 30. OKTOBER Marcel, mu;. † † † † Terezija Salajko, obl. Štefan Ray Ignac Doma Ferko Elizabeth 7:00 P.M. Sin Manja Erzetic Alojz in Agata Sarjaš Mož Toni z družino SREDA - WEDNESDAY 31. OKTOBER, Bolfenk, šk. † †† Štefan Ray Pokojni iz družine Kodric 7:00 P.M. John Tonaj Štefka CETRTEK - THURSDAY 1. NOVEMBER VSI SVETI † †† †† †† † Sonya Rosmus Janko in Toncka Demšar Marija in Janez Grebenc Pokojni Šribar, Hodnik in Erzetic Ignac Korošec 7:00 P.M. Family Demšar & Scarcelli Family Demšar & Scarcelli Lojze Grebenc Manja Erzetic Žena Marija z družino PRVI PETEK FIRST FRIDAY 2. NOVEMBER Spomin vernih rajnih †† † †† †† †† †† Pokojni iz društva Triglav Martina Kolar Pokojni Vegelj in Zorcic Marija, Janez, Tomaž in Grebenc Za duše v vicah Barbara in Ivan Kerec, obl. 2:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. St. Peter's Cemetery-London Mož Štefan Ivan in Jožica Vegelj Lojze Grebenc Tone in Marija Bukvic Olga Hanc z družino SOBOTA SATURDAY 3. NOVEMBER Viktorin Ptujski, škof †† † †† †† †† † † Škofje, duhovniki in diakoni Albina Baznik, obl. Pokojni iz družine Geric Pokojni iz družine Simoncic Pokojni iz družine Pinter Marija Horvat Marija Horvat 5:30 P.M. N.N. Mož Alojz z družino Martin in Kathy Simoncic Martin in Kathy Simoncic Družina Pinter Družina Raduha Ignac in Irma Dorencec 31. NEDELJA MED LETOM 4. NOVEMBER Karel Boromejski, škof † †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Janez Kosednar Karl in Vlado Volcanšek Ed Kodarin 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Žena Hema z družino Družina Volcanšek Žena z družino Francisca Leitao SVETE MAŠE - MASSES od 28. 10. 2018 do 04. 11. 2018 For marriage of Rene & Maneja Nogueira