596 ANAESTHESIOLOGY, INTENSIVE CARE Zdrav Vestn | November – December 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3086 Copyright (c) 2021 Slovenian Medical Journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. The incidence of chronic postoperative pain after major abdominal surgery Incidenca kronične pooperativne bolečine po velikih abdominalnih operacijah Matej Jenko, Neva Požar-Lukanović, Vesna Novak-Janković, Alenka Spindler-Vesel Abstract Background: Chronic postoperative pain, pain that cannot be explained by other causes and that persist more than 2 months after surgery, occurs in 10-50% of patients after major abdominal surgery. Its subgroup, chronic neuropathic pain is very resistant to treatment. Intraoperative application of epidural analgesia and infusion of dexmedetomidine may infl- luence the incidence of chronic postoperative pain. Method: Adult surgical patients from the Clinical Department of Abdominal Surgery, UMC Ljubljana, who were planned to undergo one of the following procedures: stomach surgery, pancreas surgery or large intestinal resections, were included in this prospective study. All patients had epidural analgesia and intraoperative dexmedetomidine infusion. Three months after the procedure, structured questionnaire was sent to the patients. The intensity and quality of pain were assessed. DN4 (Douleur Neuropathique 4) and painDetect questionnaires were used. Results: We have received 42 (50%) properly filled DN4 questionnaires and 45 (53%) pain detect questionnaires. The in- cidence of chronic pain in our study was 25%, 7.1% of them had features of neuropathic pain (3 patients met criteria for neuropathic pain according to DN4). Conclusion: Our prospective study suggests a possible favourable impact of intraoperative epidural analgesia and dexme- detomidine infusion on the incidence of chronic postoperative pain. Izvleček Uvod: O kronični pooperativni bolečini govorimo, kadar ne najdemo drugega vzroka za njen nastanek in ko traja dlje kot 2 meseca po operaciji. Pojavi se pri 10-50 % bolnikov po velikih abdominalnih operacijah. Podskupina kronične bolečine, ki jo je najtežje zdraviti, je kronična nevropatska bolečina. Medoperativna epiduralna analgezija in infuzija deksmedetomidi- na lahko vplivata na incidenco kronične pooperativne bolečine in na incidenco nevropatske bolečine. Department of anaesthesiology, Division of Surgery, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Correspondence / Korespondenca: Matej Jenko, e: matej.jenko@kclj.si Key words: dexmedetomidine; neuropathic pain; abdominal surgery Ključne besede: deksmedetomidin; nevropatska bolečina; abdominalne operacije Received / Prispelo: 18. 5. 2020 | Accepted / Sprejeto: 11. 11. 2020 Cite as / Citirajte kot: Jenko M, Požar-Lukanović N, Novak-Janković V, Spindler-Vesel A. The incidence of chronic postoperative pain after major abdominal surgery. Zdrav Vestn. 2021;90(11–12):596–602. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3086 eng slo element en article-lang 10.6016/ZdravVestn.3086 doi 18.5.2020 date-received 11.11.2020 date-accepted Anaesthesiology, intensive care Anesteziologija, intenzivna nega discipline Short scientific article Kratki znanstveni prispevek article-type The incidence of chronic postoperative pain after major abdominal surgery Incidenca kronične pooperativne bolečine po velikih abdominalnih operacijah article-title The incidence of chronic postoperative pain after major abdominal surgery Incidenca kronične pooperativne bolečine po velikih abdominalnih operacijah alt-title dexmedetomidine, neuropathic pain, abdom- inal surgery deksmedetomidin, nevropatska bolečina, abdom- inalne operacije kwd-group The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest present. Avtorji so izjavili, da ne obstajajo nobeni konkurenčni interesi. conflict year volume first month last month first page last page 2021 90 11 12 596 602 name surname aff email Matej Jenko 1 matej.jenko@kclj.si name surname aff Neva Požar-Lukanović 1 Vesna Novak-Janković 1 Alenka Spindler-Vesel 1 eng slo aff-id Department of anaesthesiology, Division of Surgery, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Klinični oddelek za anestezijo in intenzivno terapijo operativnih strok, Kirurška klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija 1 Slovenian Medical Journallovenian Medical Journal 597 SHORT SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE The incidence of chronic postoperative pain after major abdominal surgery 1 Introduction A significant amount of research is focused on the study of chronic postoperative pain, that is, pain that cannot be explained by another cause and that lasts for more than two months after surgery (1). Transient yet persistent pain caused by nerve damage can appear af- ter surgery, however, other factors must also be present. Nerve damage will occur with each surgical procedure, but not all patients will develop persistent chronic pain. The following conditions increase the risk of chronic postoperative pain: previous pain (tolerance to opioids, hyperexcitability of the central nervous system), physical nerve damage (location of surgery, surgical technique), severe postoperative pain (inadequate analgesia, exten- sive tissue damage), depression, gender, genetics, delayed nerve regeneration (chemotherapy, radiation) (2). Severe postoperative pain can cause hormonal and metabolic stress reactions, potentially leading to cardio- vascular or other complications (3). Therefore, it is nec- essary to optimally treat perioperative pain early, inhibit the injury-induced transmission of the pain stimulus, and reduce the autonomic and somatic reflex response to pain. Epidural analgesia is optimal for major abdom- inal operations, as it has a lower endocrine and meta- bolic stress response compared to intravenous analgesia (4-10). In chronic postoperative pain, the neuropathic com- ponent of pain is often present. It is characteristic of this form that transduction (change of a nociceptive stimulus into an electrical impulse) is missing in the physiological process of pain formation. This type of pain is difficult to treat due to changes in neurotransmitter and recep- tor characteristics along somatosensory and descending modulatory pathways (11). After abdominal surgery, chronic pain occurs in 10-50% of patients, of which up to 25% display the characteristics of neuropathic pain (12,13). Metode: V prospektivno raziskavo smo vključili odrasle kirurške bolnike, sprejete na KO za abdominalno kirurgijo, pri katerih je bila načrtovana operacija želodca, operacija trebušne slinavke ali operacija črevesja. Vsi bolniki so imeli epidu- ralno analgezijo in medoperativno infuzijo deksmedetomidina. Tri mesece po operaciji smo bolnikom poslali vprašalnike. Ocenjevali smo jakost in vrsto bolečine. Za oceno smo uporabili DN4 (Douleur Neuropathique 4) in vprašalnik painDetect. Rezultati: Prejeli smo 42 (50 %) pravilno izpolnjenih vprašalnikov DN4 in 45 (53 %) vprašalnikov painDetect. V naši razi- skavi je bila incidenca kronične bolečine 25 %, nevropatske bolečine 7,1 % (3 bolniki so izpolnjevali merila za nevropatsko bolečino po vprašalniku DN4). Zaključek: Rezultati naše prospektivne raziskave nakazujejo, da bi lahko medoperativna uporaba epiduralne analgezije in infuzije deksmedetomidina zmanjšala pojav pooperativne kronične bolečine. Chronic pain appears most frequently after amputa- tions and inguinal hernia, breast, gallbladder and lung operations, but it can also appear after other types of surgery (14). Perioperative epidural analgesia in combination with ketamine infusion has a beneficial effect on the reduc- tion of acute postoperative pain and on the occurrence of chronic postoperative pain 12 months after surgery in patients who have undergone abdominal surgery (15). The usefulness of epidural analgesia itself has been con- firmed by other studies (16). Dexmedetomidine, a selective alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonist, reduces the interoperative use of anaesthetics, reduces the perioperative release of catecholamines and has anti-inflammatory activity (17-19). Peripheral ad- ministration of dexmedetomidine reduces mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia and postoperative pain (20). Several studies have confirmed the beneficial effect of epidural analgesia or dexmedetomidine on the inci- dence of chronic postoperative pain in major abdominal surgery. The purpose of our study was to determine the incidence of chronic postoperative pain and neuropath- ic pain in patients who underwent major abdominal sur- gery and also received epidural analgesia and intraoper- ative dexmedetomidine infusion. By monitoring various major abdominal operations, we could infer whether there were any differences in the incidence of chronic pain with respect to specific laparo- scopic abdominal operations, the duration of surgery or complications. 2 Methods The study involved 84 adult patients with an ASA (American Society of Anaesthesiologists) physical sta- tus classification score of 2-3 who underwent major 598 ANAESTHESIOLOGY, INTENSIVE CARE Zdrav Vestn | November – December 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3086 abdominal surgery (laparoscopic gastric, intestinal or pancreatic surgery) at the Department of Abdominal Surgery at the Medical Centre Ljubljana. Prior to sur- gery, a team member spoke with the patient obtaining their written consent. Patients with contraindications to epidural anaesthesia or planned postoperative ad- mission to the intensive care unit (ICU) were not in- cluded in the study. Upon admission to the operating theatre, an ECG was recorded, a cuff for non-invasive blood pressure measurement and pulse oximetry were set, intravenous cannulation was performed and a dexmedetomidine infusion (0.5 µg / kg / hour) was set. The epidural cath- eter was inserted in the left lateral position (Th 7-8, Th 9-10 for low anterior resection). For the introduction of anaesthesia, we used fentanyl or sufentanil, propofol or etomidate and rocuronium. During surgery, we maintained normocapnia, nor- moxemia and normothermia. Anaesthesia was maintained intravenously (with propofol and dexmedetomidine). The amount of propofol was titrated according to the value of the bispectral index (BIS). Analgesia was maintained with an epidural dose of levobupivacaine and sufentanil. If no additional analgesia was required during surgery, the epidural block was effective. Patients with insuffi- cient epidural block were excluded from the study. A continuous epidural infusion of a local anaesthetic was set up during surgery, which the patients could self-reg- ulate after surgery (patient control epidural analgesia, PCEA) (0.125% levobupivacaine 200 mL, morphine 4 mg, clonidine 0.075 mg; infusion rate 5 mL/h, bolus 5 mL, lockout time 30 minutes). Muscle relaxation was monitored using TOF (Train of Four) and rocuronium dosage was administered as required. All patients received an intraoperative antiemetic. The muscle block was interrupted with sugamma- dex or neostigmine at the end of surgery, according to the measured TOF values. Toward the conclusion of surgery during the lap- arotomy closure, the dexmedetomidine infusion was stopped. After surgery, the patients were monitored in the post-anaesthesia care unit and later transferred to the Department of Abdominal Surgery ICU. Three months after the procedure, we sent each pa- tient a DN4 (Douleur Neuropathique 4) and a pain- Detect questionnaire (20,21) to assess the intensity and quality of pain. We compared the responses of the painDetect questionnaire with the SF 36 questionnaire, which allowed us an approximate assessment of chron- ic pain (22). The collected responses were statistically processed with the IBM SPSS software 25 (New York, USA). The value of p <0.05 was deemed statistically significant. The study was approved by the Republic of Slo- venia National Medical Ethics Committee (number 107/10/13, date of approval: 06.12.2013) and was regis- tered on ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02293473). laparotomy. Laparoscopic surgeries were not included in the study. The incidence of chronic pain was 25% (11 patients), the characteristics of neuropathic pain were reported by three patients 7.1%. 4 Discussion Chronic postoperative pain was present in 25% of patients in our study, which is consistent with data from the literature (22). The incidence of neuropathic pain was 7.1% and none of the patients rated their pain at more than 7 on a numerical scale of pain, which is a slightly lower propor- tion in terms of intensity and proportion of neuropathic Description of the type of pain or sensory dysfunction Number of patients with a positive response (%) Burning pain 3 (7.1) Painful cold 2 (4.8) Electric sock 1 (2.4) Tingling 11 (26.2) Pins and needles 4 (9.5) Numbness 2 (4.8) Itching 4 (9.5) Hypoesthesia to touch 0 (0) Hypoesthesia to pinprick 0 (0) Pain increased by brushing 0 (0) Presence of four or more signs in the same patient (meets the criteria for neuropathic pain) 3 (7.1) Table 1: Sensory dysfunction frequency, answers to the DN4 questionnaire. Variable Mean (standard deviation), minimum - maximum Pain intensity at a particular time 1.2 (± 1.4), 0 - 5 Most severe pain in the last four weeks 5.3 (± 2.7), 1 - 10 Average pain in the last four weeks 2.2 (± 1.6), 0 - 7 Table 2: The painDetect questionnaire analysis (numerical scale from 0 to 10). Variable Frequency (%) Persistent pain with slight fluctuations 12 (26.7) Persistent pain with pain attacks 19 (42.2) Pain attacks without pain between them 6 (13.3) Pain attacks with pain between them 4 (8.9) Missing answers 4 (8.9) Table 3: Type of pain according to the painDetect questionnaire. Type of surgery Gastric surgery Bowel surgery Number of patients 16 26 Total 42 Duration of surgery 123 min (IQR 35 min) 130 min (IQR 40 min) p=0.122 (Mann - Whitney U test) Number of patients admitted to the ICU 1 0 p=0.381 (chi-squared test) Number of patients re-admitted to the ICU 1 5 p=0.380 (chi-squared test) Number of patients with insulin- dependent diabetes (number of these patients with neuropathic pain) 3 (0) 2 (1) p=0.352 (chi-squared test) Average length of hospital stay 9 (IQR 3) 9 (IQR 4,5) p= 0.651 (Mann - Whitney U test) Number of patients who met the criteria for neuropathic pain 2 1 p=0.547 (chi-squared test) Table 4: Results for a subset of patients in the study. Legend: IQR – interquartile range. 599 SHORT SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE The incidence of chronic postoperative pain after major abdominal surgery 3 Results Of the 84 patients who were sent questionnaires, we received 45 (53%) responses. 42 (50%) patients returned both the DN4 and painDetect questionnaires fully com- pleted. The results are presented in Tables 1, 2, and 3. Of those who returned both, the mean age was 65 (± 12) years; average weight 64 (± 10 kg). 17 had an ASA score of 2, and 25 had an ASA score of 3. 20 (48%) were male, and 22 (53%) were female. Two of the 84 patients had pancreatic surgery but did not return the questionnaires. The results for the other two subgroups of patients (pa- tients after gastric surgery and after bowel surgery) are in Table 4. All patients included underwent surgical laparotomy. Laparoscopic surgeries were not included in the study. The incidence of chronic pain was 25% (11 patients), the characteristics of neuropathic pain were reported by three patients 7.1%. 4 Discussion Chronic postoperative pain was present in 25% of patients in our study, which is consistent with data from the literature (22). The incidence of neuropathic pain was 7.1% and none of the patients rated their pain at more than 7 on a numerical scale of pain, which is a slightly lower propor- tion in terms of intensity and proportion of neuropathic Description of the type of pain or sensory dysfunction Number of patients with a positive response (%) Burning pain 3 (7.1) Painful cold 2 (4.8) Electric sock 1 (2.4) Tingling 11 (26.2) Pins and needles 4 (9.5) Numbness 2 (4.8) Itching 4 (9.5) Hypoesthesia to touch 0 (0) Hypoesthesia to pinprick 0 (0) Pain increased by brushing 0 (0) Presence of four or more signs in the same patient (meets the criteria for neuropathic pain) 3 (7.1) Table 1: Sensory dysfunction frequency, answers to the DN4 questionnaire. Variable Mean (standard deviation), minimum - maximum Pain intensity at a particular time 1.2 (± 1.4), 0 - 5 Most severe pain in the last four weeks 5.3 (± 2.7), 1 - 10 Average pain in the last four weeks 2.2 (± 1.6), 0 - 7 Table 2: The painDetect questionnaire analysis (numerical scale from 0 to 10). Variable Frequency (%) Persistent pain with slight fluctuations 12 (26.7) Persistent pain with pain attacks 19 (42.2) Pain attacks without pain between them 6 (13.3) Pain attacks with pain between them 4 (8.9) Missing answers 4 (8.9) Table 3: Type of pain according to the painDetect questionnaire. Type of surgery Gastric surgery Bowel surgery Number of patients 16 26 Total 42 Duration of surgery 123 min (IQR 35 min) 130 min (IQR 40 min) p=0.122 (Mann - Whitney U test) Number of patients admitted to the ICU 1 0 p=0.381 (chi-squared test) Number of patients re-admitted to the ICU 1 5 p=0.380 (chi-squared test) Number of patients with insulin- dependent diabetes (number of these patients with neuropathic pain) 3 (0) 2 (1) p=0.352 (chi-squared test) Average length of hospital stay 9 (IQR 3) 9 (IQR 4,5) p= 0.651 (Mann - Whitney U test) Number of patients who met the criteria for neuropathic pain 2 1 p=0.547 (chi-squared test) Table 4: Results for a subset of patients in the study. Legend: IQR – interquartile range. 600 ANAESTHESIOLOGY, INTENSIVE CARE Zdrav Vestn | November – December 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3086 pain than in comparable studies (1,12,13). The DN4 and painDetect questionnaires indicated that most pain pat- terns are not of neuropathic origin (Table 3) (23). Dif- ferent studies have used different, directly incomparable methods, which, however, describe a higher incidence of chronic postoperative pain than in our study. In a study by Joris et al., the incidence was 17% after laparoscopic colorectal surgery and similarly after laparotomies (12). In laparoscopic gynaecological operations, the report- ed incidence of clinically significant neuropathic pain is low at approximately 5%. It occurs due to damage to the iliohypogastric-ilioinguinal nerve when suturing the fascia, which occurs less frequently than in open surgery (24). Persistent postoperative neuropathic pain remains a poorly recognized clinical problem. The chronicity and persistence of this type of pain is often very limiting and has a strong impact on the patient, both psychologically, physically, economically and emotionally (25). The results of other research show that epidural anal- gesia significantly reduces the incidence of chronic neu- ropathic postoperative pain, to 17.6% (16). This is higher with epidural analgesia than in our study, possibly in- dicating the beneficial effect of dexmedetomidine. Our patient’s mean age was higher than in other studies, and the incidence of chronic postoperative pain is increased in elderly patients. However, patients requiring postop- erative intensive care in whom the incidence of chronic and neuropathic pain is higher (26) were excluded from our study. Some studies report a comparable incidence of chronic neuropathic pain with epidural analgesia alone (22,27). The lower incidence of postoperative chronic pain could be affected by the beneficial effect of dexmede- tomidine infusion during surgery (20). Its analgesic component is mediated through spinal and supraspinal mechanisms, as α2 adrenergic receptors are found in the brain in the locus coeruleus and in the posterior horns of the spinal cord. Binding of dexmedetomidine to the α2 adrenergic receptor activates the G protein, which prevents calcium from entering the cell, inhibiting the release of norepinephrine. At the same time, potassium ions enter the cell, which reduces the cell’s susceptibility to depolarization and thus inhibits the transmission of pain stimuli (28-30). The main analgesic effect of dex- medetomidine is its action on α2 adrenergic receptors in the locus coeruleus (28,29). After nerve damage, it reduces hyperalgesia and inhibits microglia activation and signal-regulated kinase in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord (18,19). The anti-inflammatory effect of dex- medetomidine is also beneficial (31). By stimulating α2 adrenergic receptors and inhibiting necrosis factor κB, it inhibits the release of inflammatory cytokines, partic- ularly interleukin 6, interleukin 8, and tumour necrosis factor α (32-37). We did not find differences in the incidence of chron- ic postoperative pain in the individual subgroups of patients (gastric, bowel surgery). The level of epidural catheter insertion depended on the expected surgery level and maximum pain. However, the type of surgery itself, its duration and postoperative complications do not show differences in the incidence of chronic post- operative or neuropathic pain. Our sample size was too small to analyze the effect of comorbidities on chron- ic postoperative pain (13,23). The literature data shows that one in five patients (20%) with insulin-dependent diabetes develops chronic postoperative pain. 4.1 Study limitations In our study, 53% of patients returned the question- naires. There is a possibility that responses were sent on- ly by patients who had a favourable surgical treatment outcome, giving falsely positive results. Due to the small sample size, it was relatively difficult to estimate the ex- pected confidence interval of the incidence of chronic pain. Patients with chronic neuropathic pain can dis- play specific symptoms: depression, sleep disorders and similar disorders are more common, which may explain why some patients did not return their questionnaires. This could increase the incidence of neuropathic pain by a factor of 4 and, accordingly, the incidence of chronic postoperative pain. In our study, we also did not analyze psychological factors such as depression, which plays an important role in the development of chronic postoper- ative pain. Due to the observational nature of the study, it was not possible to estimate the proportional contri- butions of epidural analgesia or dexmedetomidine to the reduction of chronic postoperative pain. Compared to foreign studies, a possible beneficial effect of a different surgical technique cannot be ruled out. 5 Conclusion The purpose of our study was to assess the incidence of postoperative chronic pain and neuropathic pain after major abdominal surgery. The results of our study might indicate a beneficial effect of perioperative epidural anal- gesia and dexmedetomidine on the incidence of chronic postoperative pain. Conflict of interest None declared. 601 SHORT SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE The incidence of chronic postoperative pain after major abdominal surgery References 1. Macrae WA, Davies H. Chronic postsurgical pain. In: Crombie IK. Epidemiology of pain. Seattle: IASP Press; 1999. pp. 125-42. 2. Cousins MJ, Gallagher RM. Persistent post-surgical pain. In: Cousins MJ, Gallagher RM. Fast facts: Chronic and cancer pain. 2nd ed. Oxford: Health Press Limited; 2011. pp. 84-91. 3. Frank E, Sood OP, Torjman M. Postoperative epidural analgesia foolowing radical retropubic prostatectomy. 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