Z B I RA N J E IN P O S R E D O V A N J E BI BL I OG RA FS KI H P O D A T K O V V K NJ IŽ NI CI INŠTITUTA Z A K R I M I N O L O G I J O IN N J E N O V K L J U Č E V A N J E V M E D N A R O D N E R A Č U N A L N I Š K E I N F O R M A C I J S K E SISTEME M arija M ile n k o v ič , K njižnica in š titu ta z a k rim in o lo g ijo , L ju b ljan a UDK 659.2:02:343.9(497.12) Povzetek Knjižnica se je prvič vključila v m ednarodno informacijsko mrežo 1. 1988 s sodelovanjem v ICPIN (International Crime Prevention Information Network - Mednarodna mreža za pretok informacij o kriminalni prevenciji). Namen mreže ICPIN je pospeševati in olajšati mednarodni pretok znanstvenih, statističnih in upravnih informacij o preprečevanju kriminalitete, delovanju organov kazenske­ ga pravosodja, o pomoči žrtvam kaznivih dejanj ter drugih temah skupnega interesa. Žal je delo te mreže v 1.1992 zamrlo. Druga pomembna mreža, v katero se je vključil Inštitut za kriminologijo, pa je Svetovna organizacija knjižnic s področja kazenskega sodstva (World Criminal Justice Library Network). Tu je zlasti zanimiva mreža oz. baza UNCJIN (United Nations Criminal Justice Information Network), v kateri se zbirajo informacije s področja kriminalne prevencije in kazenskega pravosodja. UDC 659.2:02:343.9(497.12) Summary The library joined an international network for the first time in 1988 by active participation in ICPIN (International Crime Prevention Information Network). A design of ICPIN was to prom ote and facilitate the international exchange of scientific, statistical and adm inistrative information on crime prevention, adm i­ nistration of criminal justice, assistance to victims of crime and other topics of common interest. Unfortunately this network ceased to operate in 1992. The second important netw ork in which the Institute of Criminology has taken part is the World Criminal Justice Library Network. Through it the library has also the access to UNCJIN (United Nations Criminal Justice Information Network) which provides information on crime prevention and criminal justice. MILENKOVIČ, Marija: Information Management and Access to International Information Systems in the Instituteof Criminology Library. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 37(1993)3,155-160