THE ROLE OF THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST (TUB) IN THE INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION Imre Lebovits, Roza Frank, Gabor Remzsö Central Library o f the Technical University o f Budapest Budapest, Hungary Conditions of the intellectual work and the making of new products depend on a well organized scientific information service. Increasing political openness of Hungary provides freedom in information-flow. The Central Library of the TUB has taken part in the international exchange of publications since 1930. At that time only theses and individual publica­ tions were exchanged. Since 1955 a scientific trilingual journal has been edited: The Periodica Politechnica. Attached to this journal, and other publications of the TUB nowadays, we have 750 partners in 74 countries of the world. The main form of information exchange is the personal connection. That’s why we prefer study-tours and exchange of colleagues. The up-to-date form of the information exchange in Hungary, the Dll-program (program for Development of infrastructure in Information) was started in 1986. The main purpose of the program is to form a professional information system based on a computer network. The users joining the system can reach the online databases created in the frame work of the Dll program, and of the international information services as well. The Central Library of the TUB has taken part in the program from the beginning. Knjižnica. Tematska Sl. IA T U L 1989 27