54788 ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 7 JULY, 1967 VOLUME 39 paring a Hrratlj at Arlington A treasured memory of the Convention was ut Arlington National Cemetery and President Kennedy’s grave. IMrs. I’risland led the group of 350 officers, delegates and visitors to place a wreath of red carnations near the pink granite gravesite as a token of remembrance. ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina 52.00 letno For SVVU members $1.20 annually. 7.a članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher-. ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Entered as second class matter November 13. 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicago, 111. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All Communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. VOL. XXXIX—NO. 7 JULY, 1967 LETO XXXIX—ŠT. 7 YOU ARE INVITED TO . . . ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT, ILL. SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1967 Slovenian Franciscan Fathers Beautiful Estate, Leinont, Ill inois SHRINE OF MAKIJA POMAGAJ Members of Itranch No. 2, Chicago, III., hostesses PROCESSION TO THE GROTTO 10:30 A. M. (ASSEMBLY AT BARAGA DOM) HOLY MASS AT GROTTO OF LOURDES 11:30 A. M PICNIC IN THE AFTERNOON AFTERNOON VESPERS AT GROTTO 2:00 P. M. Charter bus leaves St. Stephen Church at 9:00 a. m.—make reservations by calling Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, VI. 7-6891 or Mrs. Elizabeth Zefran, VI 7-11688 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JULY Supreme Officer: July 28—Rose Scoff, State President, San Francisco, Cal. Branch Presidents: July 2—Anna, Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. July 3—Anna Trontel, Br. 20, Pittsburgh, Pa. July 4—Ann Heinemann, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. July 7—Angela Bezlaj, Br. 72, Chicago, 111. July 21—Pauline Adamic, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. July 25—Mary Messersmith, Br. 8, Steelton, Pa. July 29—Ann Petanovich, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. July 31—Kathryn Pauline, Br. 94, Canton, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! i —-----------------------—™-------------------------- — CONVENTION EXPENSE PROJECT PRIZE WINNERS The following were the winners announced at the 14th National Convention Grand Banquet for cash prizes: $300.00 Justina Valentini, Chisholm, Minn. $100.00 Joseph Prosen, Cleveland, Ohio $100.00 Frances Okorn, Cleveland, Ohio The prizes were forwarded to them by members present at the Banquet. Congratulations! —. ____________________________________________ DATES TO REMEMBER . . . July 7—Departure for Slovenia, S.W.U. Excursion Group July 16—Trip to Canadian Shrines, departure Chicago, 111. July 16—Lemont Illinois Zveza Day Aug. 3—Picnic at Riverview Park, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh Sept. 6—Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 2l4—OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION, Barberton, Ohio Sept. 24—PENNA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 26 Pittsburgh, Pa. Sept. 28—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 17, W. Allis, Wis. Oct. 22—Card Party, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio WORDS OF WISDOM This span of life was lent for lof- 5 ty purposes, not for selfishness—but ~E to improve ourselves and serve man- r kind. Aubrey De Vere Learn 'as if you were to live for- 5 ever, live if you were to die to Ft morrow. —Gandhi Blessed is the generation in which 2 the old listen to the young; and X 5 doubly blessed is the generation in ¥ 38 which the young listen to the old. Slovenian Women’s Union of America Supreme Officers Elected at the 14th National Convention at Washington, D. C., Spiritual Adviser—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 8500 W. Cold Spring Rd., Greenfield, Wis. 53228 Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave. Sheboygan, Wis. President—ANTONIA TUREK, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZN1KAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago, Illinois 60608 Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave., W. ■Duluth, Minn. Auditor— MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 East 66th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Auditor—ANN KOMPARE, 9132 So. Constance, Chicago, 111. 6017 Alternate Auditor—THERESA SKUR, 18223 LaSalle Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44117 Alternate Auditor—FRANCES GASPICH, 609, Nicholson St., Joliet, 111. Director oj Women’s-Sports Activities—• ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Director of Youth Activities—MARY BOSTIAN 19617 Mohawk Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Managing Editor—COR1NNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, 5830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President oj Wisconsin—- ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K. K„ Cudahy, Wis. State President oj Ohio-Michigan— MARY BOSTIAN, 19617 Mohawk Ave., Euclid 19. O. State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President oj California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Calif. State President oj Illinois-Indiana— ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, 111. 60608 State President oj Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * » Finance Committee: ANTONIA TUREK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, Pres. HERMINE DICKE, Sec’y ANTONIA TUREK 3717 Council Crest ALBINA NOVAK Madison, Wis. 53705 OHIO DELEGATES AND VISITORS WITH SENATOR LAUSCHE AT GRAND CONVENTION BANQUET Supreme President's Message Dear Members: Slovenian Women’s Union will be going into a New Era of progress now, which means we are in the 41st year of existence and before we know it, we will be celebrating the Golden Jubilee. With the Convention past, we still have to keep on working and working — to see to it that our Zveza keeps growing. We dare not sit back and reflect 011 what we have done, but keep moving ahead. And so we shall! Our ranks have been growing. "New Era Campaign” Our Pre-Convention Campaign was quite successful; and Supreme Officers and Delegates responded exceptionally well by presenting our Founder, Marie Prisland 170 new members at the Convention. For all this effort I wish to extend my hearty thanks. The NEW ERA CAMPAIGN SHALL START JULY 1, 1967 and end OCTOBER 31, 1968! So get ready, and contact your prospects now! Prizes will be announced later. 14th NATIONAL CONVENTION NOTES Credential Committee reported that there were fifty-two delegates and nineteen officers seated. All former officers were re-elected with the exception of two new Supreme Auditors: Mary Otoničar, sec. of Br. 25, Cleveland, O. replaced Vicki Faletič as second Auditor and Ann Kompare of Br. 95, So. Chicago, 111. replaced Frances Gaspich as third auditor. Liz Zefran is the new State President of Illinois-Indiana replacing Mildred James and also is Director of Women’s Activities. State President of Ohio-Michigan, Mary Bostian is also Director of Youth Activities. Salary and Per Diem Committee recommended that all salaries of the Supreme Board be raised slightly due to the high cost of living and to insure future progress in our organization. The majority voted for this recommendation and it was passed. Time-saving mimeographed copies of the recommendations to the By-Laws, Financial Reports, Resolutions, Scholarship Report. Secretaries Report, Cookbook Report, Zveza’s History and Editor’s Report which each delegate received at her desk, in order for them to study and consider them, eliminated a lot of writing and questions. Also each delegate received with the Secretary’s Report, the Membership Age Statistic which was compiled by Albina Novak and was of great interest to all branches and delegates. With all these written reports all delegates will be able to take to their respective branch complete reports on the Convention procedures. Times are changing and we have to abide by the current regulations in order to progress. For instance, all of you who were present for the large photo of the group were amazed that in a few short minutes it was completed, whereas at the last Convention there were fewer people and it took two hours! Reason for this, newer equipment and modern know-how! All committees are to be congratulated on their diligent work as performed at the Convention making it all a very pleasant meeting wtih all busines transacted in the shortest of time. All of our Delegates and visitors who attended the 14th National Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America should be very proud as each and every one of you have not only made our Convention very successful but also, helped to make a new record for Slovenian Women’s Union, being the first Slovenian society to convene in our Nation’s Capital, Washington, D. C. To our Honorable United State Senator, Frank J. Lausche of Ohio, U. S. Representative of Illinois, Frank Annunzio, U. S. Representative of Minnesota, John A. Blatnik, Civil Service Commissioner, Ludwig J. Andolsek, Minnesotans on photo represent U. S. Government and S.W.U. From left, Civil Service Commissioner Ludwig J. Andolsek, Supr. Pres., Antonia Turek, Supr. Auditor, Ann Podgoršek, Congressman John A. Blatnik and State Pres., Barbara Rosandich. Congressman Blatnik’s scretary, Jim Oberstar of Minnesota and Capt. of U. S. Navy, James Laurich, on behalf of all the delegates a great big thank you all for your kind co-operation and graciousness. You gave our stay in Washington a most distinguished quality. Coming to the beautiful city we found such a mixup of rooms that many of us did not get our rooms until 6. p. 111. At 7 p. m. we again boarded buses to take us to Black’s House of Beef for dinner. Well, I was one of the late ones, and two other ladies and I had to take cabs to where we met the rest of the weary sisters. After the luscious dinner, we went on a night tour of Washington which really was beautiful, especially at the Lincoln Memorial and other statues which were all lighted up. By this time, we were really bushed and ready for bed. You would be suprised, tho, how after a good night’s sleep we were all ready and rarin’ to go again! The Thursday and Friday schedules were again very busy and wonderful. But, most of us will remember most the Banquet on Saturday night. It was elaborate to say the least! Most of the ladies were in evening gowns and everyone looked very lovely. Irene was in her gorgeous mint green gown and after a few short words of greeting, turned over the program to cliairlady, Corinne, who looked charming in her chartruese colored gown. Guest speaker of the evening was Senator Frank J. Lausche of Ohio and he brought with him the first Zveza songbook, Zapojmo and he spoke on Slovenian culture and the rebirth of: Slovenian cultural life in America. After the banquet, Senator Lausche went home with a potica under his arm given to him by Mary Otoničar ol’ Cleveland! Congressman Blatnik, another of our guests also gave a very interesting speech and kept the whole audience happy with his remarks and stories! Congressman Annunzio of Illinois gave a brief history on the Slovenian people from their first years. Some of his information was very new to us and all of it very interesting. Present also was U. S. Civil Service Commissioner Ludwig Andolsek of whom we are also very proud. He is a Slovenian of Chisholm and was appointed to this high office by the late President Kennedy. His mother, Mrs. John Andolsek and sister, Frances Schaffer are both members of the Chisholm branch, No. 38. Congressman Blatnik brought along his lovely wife, Gi-zella, his secretary, Jim Oberstar and lovely wife and last of all, I cannot forget Jim Laurich a Captain in the CONGR. ANNUNZIO, SUPREME OFFICERS AND ILLINOIS DELEGATION Navy who was born in Yukon, Pa. and is part owner of the Free Press in Chisholm, Minn. Good thing I did not have on a dress with buttons otherwise they surely would have been popping off as I was so proud that all the above dignitaries were from my home town of Chisholm, and Cleveland. Ohio, m.v present home. The Junior group of Br. 103 in Washington, D. C. stole the show with their appearance in Slovenian costumes Final arrangement—delivery of flowers—occupies Irene Planinšek, pres, of hostess Br. 103. and their beautiful singing. After they rendered their few songs in Slovenian, which we enjoyed immensely, the little girls each introduced herself and one little girl said “My name is Kay Johnson.” We all laughed at this and wondered how a girl with a Norwegian name would be singing Slovenian songs. Well, we learned that her mother happens to be Slovenian. Director of this group was Marija Mejac. The mixed choral group of Washington, D. C. rendered many beautiful songs under the direction of Miro Pregelj. We all had the opportunity to again hear Maria Kranjc Fiscliinger sing and she looked darling in her Slovenian costume. Baton twirlers form Cleveland were wonderful and are to be complimented for coming out to Washington such a long distance, to perform for us. They showed a perfect training and made a very grand showing. They looked beautiful, too, in their uniforms. In all there were 2(> of them. To all the performers, a big thank you from all of us! Founder, Marie Prisland, when called upon to respond to her gift of a memory book with the names of 170 new members enrolled as a tribute to her, was almost too surprised to speak! All these new members were obtained by the Supreme Board Officers, and delegates and their names written in this book were prepared by Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak. With tears in her eyes, she said: “This is the best present I ever got!” Now, you all see that she never forgets that Zvefca is her baby and still worries over our organization, even after 40 years. We’ll be looking forward to reading the impressions of all our Conventioneers in Zarja. To all Birthday celebrants in July, a very happy day and to the ailing, a speedy recovery. Toni Turek Miss Dorothyann Zakrasek Pueblo, Colorado SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS ANNOUNCED! The Slovenian Women’s Union wishes to extend its warmest congratulations to the two 1007 scholarship winners: Miss Dorothyann Zakrasek and Mr. Anthony Shuster. We are indeed proud to honor these two talented and extremely qualified students. Any university or college in the country would welcome their enrollment because of their outstanding scholastic record, high ideals, endeavor and integrity. Miss Dorothyann Zakrasek, 310 E. Mea Ave., Pueblo, Colorado is a member of Branch No. 3. She ranked as the No. 1 student in her senior class at Seton High School. She is planning to study pre-medicine at Creighton University in preparation for a future career as a doctor of medicine. Mr. John Anthony Shuster, 36 Nevada Avenue, Gilbert, Minnesota is the second winner. His mother has been a member of Branch No. 31 for 18 years. John has been an “A” student all through high school. He wishes to study in the field of mathematics and become a teacher or researcher. Again, congratulations to you and your parents who must be proud of your accomplshments and potentialities. Hermine M. Dicke, Secretary Scholarship Committee (Further information on these two students can be found in my report to the Convention.) “LASTING FRIENDSHIP' Friendship -— one of man’s greatest assets — is truly a gift to be treasured by the persons who possess it. True friends are in each others affairs and common interests hold the attention of those involved. Just such a friendship was developed through the “Zveza’s Junior Page” way back in 1944 between me and Mrs. Marie Dye, nee Bombach. Through these years many pleasant correspondences took place. My friend, Mrs. Marie Dye, holds the distinction of receiving the very first scholarship which the Slovenian Women’s Union olfered in 1949. She attended the University of Detroit with the help of the scholarship and obtained a degree in English and Latin Literature’ and a Master Degree in Psychology. You may be prompted to ask why this article? At the book fair sponsored by SS. Cyril and Methodius School, Mrs. Marie Prisland and I began to discuss the past and Mrs. Dye’s name came up in our conversation. Mention was made about her being the first recipient of the scholarship given by the Slovenian Women’s Union. Since Mrs. Marie Prisland is involved in the Scholarship Program she asked if I would write an article to that effect. With this article than 1 would like to recommend your most ardent support of the Scholarship Fund so that more of our promising members will be added in their pursuit of higher education. With this financial aid many a High School Senior is encouraged to study harder in order to reach his or her goal in life. At present Mrs. Marie Dye is teaching in La Porte, Indiana, and I am teaching the first grade at SS. Cyril and Methodius School in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. A short flash back of my life will help to identify myself. As a member of Branch No. 77 I enjoyed participating in Lodge activities. I graduated from Saint Nicholas Grade School, Mount Alvernia High School and shortly upon graduation from high school I entered the Novitiate of the* School Sisters of Saint Francis of Christ the King at Lemont, Illinois. I received a B. A. degree in Education from De Paul University in Chicago, Illinois. The primary child is the scope of my teaching experiences and my teaching assignments have been in Chicago, Kansas City, Euclid and Cleveland, Ohio. Each day in a classroom is a joy because I behold ‘what the Lord has made is grand.” Working with the young child is a rewarding experience because what greater involvement can we have in the work of the Church than drawing all to Him? In the words of our Divine Master, “What so ever you do to the least of my little ones you have/ done to Me.” Mrs Marie Dye and I still have the same common interest in teaching and exchange idqas in this field. Our friendship has matured during these many happy years of correspondence. We try to expand our knowledge in the field of education and share what we have discovered. I have recently completed work at the University of Wisconsin and Mrs. Marie Dye is working with the exceptional child on the La Porte School Board. I would like to thank the “Zveza’s Junior Page” for providing me with a “True Friend.” Sister Mary Helen O. S. F. SS. Cyril and Methodius School 812 New Jersey Avenue Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081 m... Mr. John Anthony Shuster Gilbert, Minnesota ACTIVITIES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis.— Officers and members ’alike enjoyed our May meeting and honored our Mother of the Year, Mrs, Frances Plesetz. She attends our meetings regularly and contributes generously. Mrs. Olga Saye, our president, was chairman. Mrs. Marie Prisland was the co-chairman. Mrs. Dorothy Brezonik and her committee served a delicious lunch after the program. Mrs. Plesetz, your potica was yum, yum and girls, when you go by her lovely garden you can see the results of her "green thumb!” Beautiful! Congratulations to several of our members. At; a week-end visit to St. Catherine in the Province of Ontario, Canada, Miss Barbara Schmidt, drill instructor of Ihe Buccaneers, won top honors for general effect and third place for marching and maneuvering in a colorful instrumental contest. Miss Mary Ann Bruns received a. nurse’s scholarship through the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. Miss Mary Vertaicic was chosen Girl of the Year by the Lambda Chapter of Beti Sigma Phi. REV. CLAUDE OKORN, OFM: AUTHORITY TO GUIDE Lust for power is the strangest of all the passions. In the hands of good men, the authority to guide the lives of other people has led to the fruitful development of those, who were subject to it. In the hands of ill-prepared and mal-intentioned, authority has led in many instances not only to the ruin of those who were to be led but also to the perdition of those who led. History is replete with tragedies that show that power is a more overwhelming intoxicant than drink, drugs, sex, and money. Sooner or later, most men are entrusted with the bit of authority to guide the life of others, if it be nothing else than the direction of children through their years of development. But no exercise of authority can be intelligent and responsible, if he who is in authority does not know the meaning of authority and how it should be used. Authority is always given for the good of others, and never to the profit of those who have it. Kings, presidents, and other civil officials are truly the public servants of their people. Likewise, parents have authority from God not as the reward for bearing children, but as the moral power to assist the full development of their children. Bishops, pastors, and religious superiors share in the authority that Christ gave his Church, not because they are the best of their kind, but in order to help others reach happiness and salvation. Ultimately, the excercise in genujne charity, for those in authority are dedicated by their office to the welfare of others. Christ gave His disciples an example the Church has never forgotten. After He had taken His last meal with them, He knelt down before them and washed their feet, reminding them that if He, their master and lord, could perform such a menial task for them, then they must learn that they were being given an authority that was to be used in the service of men and not to be lorded over them. He insisted that those who would be first among the brethren must be the servants of all. That is why the Holy Fathers, since Pope Gregory I, have called themselves “the servants of the servants of God. Authority is given for the care of others. If we still recognize the Commandments of God we should accept the Fourth Commandment teaching us to respect the authority of parents and any other authority. Our Card Party will be Wednesday. Sept. 13. Keep the date in mind. The place, Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church Hall. Get well wishes to Mrs. Mary Champa and Mrs. Josephine Kotnik who had surgery at St. Nicholas Hospital and to> all of our sick members at home. Two of our members passed away recently. Mrs, Barbara Zlodi and Mrs. Josephine Sheck are both missed very much. We wish to express our sincerest sympathy to their families. Twelve members from Sheboygan enjoyed the trip to Washington, D. C. Happy Birthday to all the birthday gals of the month! Mary Vertacic, Reporter No. 2, Chicago, III. This month we invite everyone to our annual pilgrimage to Lemont, 111., ZVEZA DAY ON JULY lGth! There will be a special chartered bus leaving from St. Stephen church at 9 a.m. and reservations may be made by calling Mrs. J-Z or Mrs. Zefran. The bus will return early in the evening. This is to accommodate those members who have no means of transportation to Lemont now since the regular bus has been discontinued. The program for the day is as usual, with procession at 10:30 a. m., followed by Mass at the Grotto and picnic in the afternoon. Afternoon vespers will be at 2:00 at the Grotto. Come one and all! We extend our deepest sympathy to members Angeline Blatnik and Josephine Urkovich on the death of Louis Blatnik, their brother-in-law and brother respectively. He passed away very suddenly in May. Our Branch was saddened by the passing of member, Jennie Pogačar of May 14th. She had a solemn funeral with many members attending and prayers offered. Deepest sympathy to her family. On June 10th, our member, Jennie Primozich passed away. Her funeral was attended by many members and prayer was held at her bier. We express sincere condolences to her family. Mrs. Primozich was a pioneer resident on West 2'2nd Place. On a happier note, we congratulate Mr and Mrs. Anton Tomazin on their 45tli Wedding Anniversary in June Mary Tomazin Is a former Supreme Officer and branch officer here in Chicago. Many more years of health and happiness to them! Again, see you all in Lemont for another wonderful Zveza Day! Corinne Leskovar No. 13, San Francisco, Cal. — Our branch is planning a wonderful Social Night on our September Meeting night so that our delegates, Rose Scoff and Margaret Fager can give us a complete report on the Convention. As we will not have a meeting in July or August I’m sure many of you will want to attend the meeting on September 7th, at S p. m.; this will give you enough time to make plans to attend. The Committee: Rose Bianco, Doris Lovrin, Ruth Zwyssig and myself are planning a nice Social which will follow the meeting. A delicious spread will be promised as this committee has always tempted our taste buds with excellent home-made goodies and this Social will even be better. See you September 7th, 8:00 p, m. It is with great pride we report on our friend and sister member Margaret Krsak-Koesen, who has for many years been active in political matters both here in California and elsewhere. Margaret, a real friend of the late Bara Kramer, has long been a civic worker and has been President of the Bataan-Corregidor Society since its inception. At the 25th Anniversary of the Bataan Society, Margaret has given of herself in so many occasions it would be too numerous to quote all—so, all we can say is we are proud of our Margaret and hope she will continue in her fine work. We are proud to have her in Zveza. Mother’s Day is now but a memory but it is necessary to thank our Chair-lady for the wonderful job she did to make everyone happy and satisfied, to Doris Lovrin we say Thanks so much! We expect a perfect job from you as that seems your trade mark! Past president (and my friend), Geri Adami has been honored by being elected President of the Loyola Guild here in San Francisco. This organization is a worthy one and works for the betterment of man through our Catholic teachings. This is a large and successful organization and to be elected to any office is a real conquest but our Geri went one better and became President. Capable and understanding, we know from our own experience just how successful Geri will be. Congratulations Gal, we are all proud of you. Wishes for quick recoveries to all our members whoi are ill at this time. We hope Mary Slanec will enjoy a nice summer and quickly gain her strength so she can attend our functions again, we all miss her so. This will be all for this time but don’t forget September 7th. My husband Joe, son, Steve and 1 are departing for three weeks in the Caribbean, our first stop being Trinidad. Will show movies on our return. Have a nice summer and lets all work hard to make each and every day a happy one . . . Fran Chiodo, Reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. The biggest part of our June meeting was spent discussing the Convention at Wash ington, D. C. Theresa Skur, our delegate, gave a rundown on the events of the meetings. There will be no branch meeting in July, so our nexl meeting will be held Aug. 1st. Ladies please try to attend for we will be planning our card party for October and will need all of your help. After 'a few other items of business we closed our meeting with a prayer as usual. Refreshments were served by our hostesses, Mary Fakult and Vida Kuhar. Thank you, ladies, the Ice cream and cake was delicious. Just a few words on what a wonderful time we had in Washington. I went 'as a visitor. We attended Mass at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, which is the most beautiful church 1 have ever seen. We were kept busy seeing the sights from morning till night. 1 think we saw just about all there is to see. I was very happy to meet for the first time Corinne Leskovar, Albina Novak and Marie Prisland. Irene Planinšek of Br. 103, Washington, and all who helped her, did a marvelous job in planning our stay there. Thank you, Irene. We spent a most enjoyable afternoon an Saturday, June 3rd at the American Slovenian Club in Fairport, Ohio, where the ladies of Br. 68 prepared a delicious dinner for us — roast beef and chicken. Thanks to Rose Mickovic for planning the affair. Congratulations to the following members, Anne Snyder, grandmother of twins; Jennie Fitzum, grandmother for the first time and Rose Klemenčič a great-grandmother. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Anton Suster an enjoyable and safe journey to Europe. They -left June 22nd for Slovenia, the birthplace of the Susters where they will visit relatives. Their daughter, Mitzi, was married to Don Smerdel in May. We wish them a long and happy married life. Thanks to Helen Kusar for the donation to our good-time treasury. Get well wishes to all our sick members. See you in August. Vera Bajec No. 20, Joliet, III. ‘Our Reminesc-ence ol’ the 14th SWU Convention held at Washington, D. C.” The Convention for which there had been so much preparation has passed. The delegates, Supreme Officers and the many groups who joined us to come to Washington, I). C. each have experienced many happy moments, the days they spent at our Capital. From Joliet there were 28 members (counting also Helen Horvat who is now a member of Br. 103.) In the Zarja we read the many nice articles submitted by Irene Planinšek, whose branch was the host of this Convention. I believe there were a- 20th ANNIV. MEMOKIAM Mrs. Anna Slopko July 30, 1947 Ever loving, ever true, To the task God set for you, Mother dear He knows t’was done, So called you home, our dearest one. Sadly missed by husband, Anton, daughters, Anna Perko, Mary Uc-raan, Margaret Pugel, Frieda Miller, Ralph Slopko; and sisters, Rose Jamnik, Albina Jackson. Euclid, Ohio iBi it n ■»' i n >i »' ni m i ■<*' bout 400 women and men who came here from various states to attend this Convention and go sight seeing and especially to visit the grave of our late President, John F. Kennedy. Coming to Washington the train was late, but when we did arrive and stepped from the platform we saw Major and Mrs. Fleming, greeting us at the reception line “Welcome to Washington”. Mrs. Fleming was our Joliet member, Elaine, and our past drill team officer for many years, who now makes her home at the Capital of U. S. Her mother, Mrs. Fred Troppe, and aunt, Lil Berge, were also in this group from Joliet. After arranging our luggage we went thru the iron gate, here again to see our Joliet members, Mrs. Emma Planinšek, president of Br. 20 for 30 years and her sister Mrs. Pauline Lukančič, greeting us again, “Welcome to Washington!” They both flew to Washington two days ahead to be on hand with Irene. After passing the main gate at the entrance was Irene again greeting us “Welcome everyone to Washington.” Here she designated our buses that were standing in readiness in line to take all of us to the Immaculate Conception Basilica for Mass. The Mass offered the first day here was by Rev. Blatnik from N. J. The last day by our Spiritual Director Rev. Father Okorn. Irene was a true guide, consultant, and hostess to everyone. We are grateful to Irene who had arranged the schedule for our sight-seeing tours, for the very tasty menus at various places where she designated the large group to dine, the various entertainments, everyone was looking forward with anticipation what will our next stop bring. She was always on hand for information and co-operation. Many a time we have wondered how could she do all of this for us, as she lives at least 10 miles from Washington and she really did a loi of driving — back and forth before everything was arranged for our enjoyment. And then came the climax of the entire days and hours, the gala banquet at the Hilton Hotel, which was above our expectations. The tables, which were arranged to perfection, the music, the speakers where we met our own statesmen — speak in Slovenian and English: Hon. Frank J. Lausche, Hon. John A. Blatnik of Minnesota, Hon. Frank Annunzio from Illinois, Hon. Ludwig J. Andolselt and others. The warm welcome at the banquet, by president Irene Planinšek, the songs sung by Maria Kranjc Fischin-ger, the Washington Choraleers directed and sung by the Washington group, the Junior Choristers, members of Br. 103, dressed in their national costumes, and the various addresses given by our Supreme Ol ficers. All of those who took part at this elaborate program highlighted the evening It was an evening no one can forget; and then the Community singing and playing on her harmonika by Br. 1 President, Olga Saye. Truly we should call this a $100.00 banquet, and truly this was the most outstanding, most elaborate and elite affair ever held by our organization. I only wished the entire branch of Joliet could have been here. At our table at the banquet sat Major and Mrs. Fleming, her mother, Mrs. Troppe and aunt, Lil Berge, Mrs. Anna Mahkovec, Mrs. Frances I'kovich, Mrs. Pauline Lukančič, aunt of Irene, Mrs. Emma Planinseslt, mother of Irene and myself. The night before, this reporter was invited to the home of Major and Mrs. Fleming who are well known in Joliet. It was a most delightful evening and we later met another Joliet friend who lives here and is a member of Br. IU3 Helen Horvat, who flew to Washington to help Irene, in this manner Joliet gave Irene cooperation at this enormous task which this girl undertook, and truly she was a very good and efficient Convention Hostess. Also during the convention session Irene showed her ability as a Br. 103 delegate, as she was well based on every move made by the delegates. Young delegate as she is, and others who join in as delegates are the future of this organization. It is the youth they represent, and by keeping these, we may be assured that Zveza will grow. We must not ignore them State President of Ohio- Michigan Director of Youth Activities "RETURN FROM CONVENTION' I assume everybody had an enjoyable Convention tour of Washington, D. C. It was the greatest. I am so happy that everyone was so agreeable. Irene Planinšek will be happy to know her hard work was not useless. Corinne had her hands full with a big responsibility. We are all very grateful to them both. We cannot put enough words together to express our feelings. May God watch over them. This Convention was one of the finest experienced. Br. BO was especially honored with the presence of Mamie Marin our Campaign Winner of 19C7 who enrolled the most members in Br. 50. Now we must start working for the future and come up with some new ideas for the benefit of the organization, S.W.U. I want to call the attention of the Combined Branches of Ohio to the ieda of having youth bowling leagues for this fall. Wouldn’t that be great? Well, for those who are interested, let’s work together and see if we can sign up children for bowling, from ages 8 years and up! The Baton Twirlers were “on parade” on Memorial Day and June 4th. These children really keep hopping. Bless their hearts. Thanks to Ann Cooke and her daughters Carol and Kathy. Sept. 24th will be our State Convention held in conjunction with the 40th Anniversary of Br. 6, Barbarton, O. We will be very happy to celebrate with them! I hope many Ohio and Michigan branches will send a representative to the State Convention and make this day a big, big one! How about it, ladies? O. K.? Cleveland will have a chartered bus for Sept. 24th to State Presidents at flower-decked table, from left clockwise, Rose Scooff, Barbara Rosandich, Anna Pachak and Mary Tomsic. Center are Dorothy Sternisha and Mary Otoničar, delegates of Br. 25. Mrs. Otoničar is newly-elected Supr. Auditor. Mary Bostian, Louise Epley and Mildred James are on the right. In background are guests at head table. Barberton, so you be sure to put in your reservation with your secretary. Happy Birthday to all June, July and August birthdays and a speedy recovery to all who are ill. May God bless you all. Mary Bostian but give them courage. Again many thanks Irene from all Joliet, to whom you have been a perfect hostess and guide as well as all other delegates and groups. It was a pleasure and privilege to be in Washington at such a time. God bless you! And now news of our branch. We lost another member, Anna Ferlin from Lime St., who was ill a long time. She was recommended by Mrs. Mary Groznik. Survivors are her husband, three daughters and three sons, all married. Joseph Maren also passed away. He was the husband of our long-time member Mihaella Maren from Center St., who is a member of our singing group. He is survived by three daughters and three sons. Well-known in our community, he visited his home in Slovenia about seven years ago. Both Mr and Mrs. Maren, after many years, spent some time among relatives. They were both buried from St. Joseph’s church and laid at rest at this cemetery. Our condolences and may they rest in peace. Our congratulations to our longtime member, Mrs. Catherine Metesh, and her husband Peter who have celebrated their Golden Anniversary in church and at the parish hall on Raynor ave. among many friends. Their daughter, Beatrice, a one-time member of the drill team, whose name now is Mrs. Zobel, is our member. Also Mr. and Mrs. Val. Ambrose from Prairie ave. celebrated their 25th Anniversary. Mr, Ambrose is bed- ridden for the last nine years, unable even to move in bed but is nicely taken care of by Mrs. Ambrose. Also, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ko-ciuba from Nicholson St. who celebrated their 25th Anniversary. The day before was the wedding of their daughter, also at St. Joseph’s church. It was also a gala affair at the park hall. Our congratulations to all the couples observing this jubilee. Our popular Mother, Mrs. Theresa Marentich was nicely greeted and honored, given a corsage by the president, and placed her beside her, where she was a vice president for a number of years, suceeded by Mrs. Josephine Muster. Mrs. Marentich received gifts and well-wishes from the members who attended this meeting in May. After the meeting, community singing was on program under the directorship of Mrs. Jennie Sprengel. As our branch donated $5.00 from our treasury to the one who is so lucky by purchasing those Zveza tickets was sawon by Miss Minarich, and door prize by Mrs. Ida Rancinger. Since our next meeting will be held in September, I wish all of you a happy and healthy vacation. Josephine Erjavec, Reporter No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. — We had a lovely time at our Pot-luck dinner honoring the Mother of the Year, Ella Prisel. She received our most sincere congratulations and good wishes with a beautiful orchid corsage from the members, presented by Cecilia Brodnik. She surely was happy as were all her daugters present for this occasion. Also, congratulations to the oldest member, Mary Zeitz who received a door prize as well as Theresa Lach having the most children. Here are all the prize winners: 1st: James Hartman; 2nd winner: Frank Kosak; 3rd winner: Anna Bartel. Special thanks to chairman, Lili Lunder and all the wonderful members who helped decorate the tables, brought bakery, salads, door prizes or donated to our treasury. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pfeil celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary; the family surprised them with a party. Our sincere congratulations and best wishes for the future. Congratulations to Cecilia Brodnik who become great-grandmother again for the sixteenth time. We have two members enrolled in our branch, Antoinette Kane and Kathleen Marie Dancull, my granddaughter. Hearty welcome. We also lost two members, Mrs. Martin Oblak and Mrs. Paul Oblak. God grant them eternal happiness. — Our condolences to Mary Mismas on the loss of her husband, John. On the sick list is Agnes Zakraysek, recuperating at home after being hospitalized. Sorry to hear that our exreporter, Frances Kvac, has a broken wrist. Anna Kosak’s husband, Frank was in Lutheran Hospital for observation and we hope all are doing well. Frances Skoda vacationed in Florida with her husband, Al, visiting his sister Mollie Strle who is our member Frances Cimperman made a trip to Philadelphia. Have fun, all! I wish to express my sincere thanks to all Br. 103 officers and members for the warm welcome we received in Washington and to each and everyone of the h'ard working officers; to our Supreme Board for the fine work they have been doing for the S. W. U.; to Editor, Corinne, for the wonderful job on our Zarja; to Hermine Dicke for writing “Pots and Pans” which is enjoyed by all. Also to our State President of O-hio, Mary Bostlan, organizer of drill teams and arranger of programs and singing groups. I gave a full report of the historic Convention at our meeting. Just a reminder: no meetings during the months of July and August. Pay up your dues if you are in arrears. Have an enjoyable summer. Stella Dancull, Sec’y. No. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club. Our annual Banquet was held May 17th at Vertin’s Blue Room in the Forrest Hotel. The charter members were honored and had a picture taken before the dinner. They are: Mary Vidmar, Mary Shikonja, Stephenie Vraesich, Barbara Rosandich, Barbara Brennan and Ann Rowe. Those absent from the picture were Mary Stubler, Mary Jamnick, Amelia Mainer and Mary Skufsa. This year is our 35th anniversary since we organized the Club. There are about 75 members now. A short business meeting was held after the dinner, then “put and pick up” games were played. Many prizes were awarded the winners. Rose Novak won the attendance prize. Our meetings close this month. A happy vacation to all. See you on Sept. 29th when our meetings resume again. To all who are ill, a speedy recovery. Ann Rowe, Reporter No. 24, LaSalle, III. — Our Convention is behind us. It really was very well arranged and the wonderful service and nice atmosphere made us all happy. We saw so many interesting things and places. I’m sure there will be many details written in Zarja, so I’ll just say thanks from our LaSalle visitors, Mary Gramc and Rose Savnik and myself. We are all glad we made the trip to Washington. Thanks to my two partners for helping me as it is difficult to travel so far. Special words of thanks go to Elizabeth Zefran, Corinne Leskovar and Irene Planinšek for their arrangements and service to us during the Convention and trip. The Convention meetings were very well conducted and interesting. All the delegates were satisfied with the results. I explained all the Convention decisions at our last meelng and hope that those who did not attend, will read in Zarja about our important. Convention business. Many of our members are ill and in the hospital. Mary Sell is in the hospital now and recuperating at home is Ann Pelko To both our fond wishes for recovery. Ann is such a wonderful worker at our parish, we all wish her well. In the summer we do not have meetings and I invite you all to attend the meeting in October. To all members traveling to Europe or on vacations, my best wishes and safe return. Sympathy is extended to our member, Jennie Serman who grieves after her sister Antoinette Petek who died in Joliet. She leaves her husband and four children. There also are four sisters. To all relatives, our sincere condolences. May she rest in peace. Angela Strukel No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa The luncheon and card party held on May 16th was a big success. We thank all the members and friends who came to our luncheon and thanks for the prizes that members brought. There will be no meeting in July but we will have a meeting in August in order to make arrangements for the State Convention to be held here in Pittsburgh on September 24th. Congratulations are extended to two of our proud grandmothers, Blondie and Frances Gould, both have new little granddaughters. Also, belated congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, John Hodak, who recently celebrated their 25th Silver Wedding Anniversary with a Mass at St. Mary’s on 57th St. offered by Fr. Demshar. Immediately after the Mass, a party was held at the couple’s home for relatives and friends. Ever since I have been secretary, Mary has been a most gracious person, never refusing to help us. We are fortunate to have her for a member. God bless them on this happy occasion. We welcome a new junior member to our branch, Sharon Lynne Staydu-har, Blondie’s new granddaughter. God bless you all. Ann Frankovic, Sec’y. No. 32, Euclid, O. — May was nice and it was a special meeting that month. Mary Bostian, State President, was guest and she was happy to see how our meetings go. She praised Anne Cooke for being so active and we shall try to get her on top. Let’s try to get new members for our lodge’s benefit. We lost 4 members within three weeks, namely, Antonia Koraba, Frances Kastelec, Frances Sweet and Angela Božeglav. We should notify our secretary or editor’s office for cancellations or deaths. This is important to get the mailing list in perfect order. Mary Bostlan initiated our new member, Phyllis DAmico. Welcome to our branch! We had a lot of birthdays to celebrate and they bought tickets for the Convention project. To our birthday fund were donations of $1 each from Caroline Peck, Mary Ercul and Jennie Jagodnik. We had Z door prizes brought by Mary Bostian. Frances Sokach and Agnes Jazbeck. After the meeting, we had a Mother’s Day party and B. day combined. We thank all who baked and brought goodies and refreshments. Happy Birthday to all! Vacation time is here. Our former treasurer, Caroline Kaliope, from California, is visiting a number of our members. How nice of her! Her husband, George, is sick over two months. Mary Vodichar went to visit a sister in California and Frances Klune joined her. They will stop in Colorado on a three week vacation. From Florida, Stanley Potokar is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Potokar. Anna Godlar left for Europe on June 21st for a visit to her sister whom she hasn't seen in 45 years. We hope she has a good trip with the large excursion group and that she’ll have good health and a safe journey! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gustinčič. Their son, David, graduated June 14th from Western Reserve Dental College. Good luck to David and his wife. May the Lord bless you in your profession! Frances Perme was very sick and in the hospital. I heard she is much better now, thank God! May our Blessed Mother help her that she’ll be with us soon again. From our Convention delegate, Mrs. Josephine Ccwnenshek we heard she had a nice trip and the scenic lours were very interesting. The Convention went by so fast, she was kind of tired, but it was worth it, she said. We are all anxious to find out the results of the Convention. Read Zarja for all the news on the Convention. Remember, July and August are vacation months, so no meeting. The Lord willing, see you in September. Enjoy your vacations and may God bless you all! A. Tekavec, Rec. Sec’y. No. 34, Soudan, Minn. Members of Branch 34 commenced their May meeting with a G:30 pot-luck supper at St. Martin’s parish hall and as always we had a good attendance and an enjoyable time. After the delicious supper our meeting consisted of planning for the September Minnesota Day when our Branch will be "host” to all the Minnesota Branches. Usually we disband after tiie May meeting for the summer, but the president will call another meeting next month when reports on some of the preliminary work will be made and more planning can be done. For the Cause of BARAGA By Fred Orehek A unique and historic, pilgrimage tracing the Christianization of the Slovenes 1,200 years ago at famous “Gospa Sveta” church and the transplanting of the Catholic faith to American Indians by Bishop Frederick Baraga starts July 13th under the leadership of the Rev. Joseph Godina of Marquette, Michigan. Symbolizing the 1,200-year-old light of Slovene Catholicity, an impressive “St. Modestus-Baraga” Candle donated by Bishop Thomas Noa of Marquette, a successor to Bishop Baraga, will be ignited at “Gospa Sveta”—the first Slovene Catholic church. Father Godina, one of America’s most active workers in behalf of Bishop Baraga’s canonization, will lead this inspiring pilgrimage of Slovene Americans. “This Candle symbolizes the introduction of the light of the Catholic faith to the Slovenes by St. Modestus 1,200 years ago, and Bishop Baraga’s Christianization of the Chippewa Indians,” Father Godina explained. Historians indicate that Irish Bishop Modestus came to Slovene Carinthia and established the first Slovene Catholic church at "Gospa Sveta” about 7G7 with the cooperation of Slovene Prince Hotimir. SS. Cyril and Methodius came 100 years later. St. Modestus, a bishop who is buried at “Gospa Sveta,” or “Maria Saal,” church, followed the Irish missionary tradition which taught the monks to respect the national character of the people to be converted and to avoid forceful means. Researchers show that they were careful to use the Slovene vernacular for their preaching and for religious service. Consequently, the Irish missions, much to their credit, did not endanger the ethnic status of the Slovene converts. It is interesting to note here that Bishop Baraga followed this practice by creating the first Ojibway Indian grammar and dictionary. Baraga earned the title of "The Father of Indian Literature.” The Slovene American Pilgrims traveling to Europe with Father Godina also will light the "St. Modestus-Baraga” Candle in the Ljubljana Cathedral where Baraga was ordained in 1823. It will be lit by Archbishop Joseph Pogačnik in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. 'Pile observance “Gospa Sveta” in Austria will take place at 2 p. m. on Saturday, July 30, according to Father Godina. The "Gospa Sveta,” or “Blessed Lady” church is near the site of the "Enthronement of the Dukes of Carinthia,” one of the earliest examples of popular democracy during Slovenia’s period of freedom in history. Writings show how in this remarkable ceremony a Slovene peasant would sit on a stone throne, still preserved to this day at the site, surrounded by a tremendous gathering of free peasants. The newly-designated Slovene Duke of Carinthia would approach the stone throne. The seated peasant would inquire: "Is he a just judge? Will he care for the welfare of the land? Is he of free birth? Is he faithful to the Christian faith and a protector of that faith? ...” The surrounding populace would reply: "He is and will be always.” Whereupon the peasant would give the Duke the throne. Then the free peasant and the new Duke would descend down the plain into “Gospa Sveta” church for a solemn mass followed by a big banquet. Famous “Gospa Sveta” twin-spired church is in the area of the Salzburg diocese, scene of the great “Sound of Music” story. Father Godina said that Joseph and Josephine Stupar, Slovenes of Marquette, will carry the Candle as representatives of Bishop Noa during the itinerary in Europe. They will return Augst 3 and appropriately will place the Candle in the Marquette Cathedral, Bishop Baraga’s final resting place. Following the meeting a social hour was enjoyed and winners at “500” were Mmes. Louis Cliiabotti, and John Zavodnick and Mrs. Mary Pahula. Our President, Mrs. John Pahula won the prize at “cootie” and Mrs. Edward Dragavon at "Scrabble”. Mrs. William Volleiulorf was awarded the attendance prize which was donated by Mrs. Anthony Yapel. Hostesses for our September meeting which will come after “Minnesota Day” will be Mmes. Joseph Skala and Joseph Gornick and the attendance prize will be donated by Mrs. John Zavodnick. Branch 34 members hope all members of the SWU have a happy and accident free summer vacation—and to our Minnesota members we hope to see you here on Minnesota Day! Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, Reporter No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — The meeting in June was the last for a two month vacation period; no meetings in July or August and on Sept. 12th W'e will resume our monthly meetings. I still have a few “Vigilantes” left for sale. Anyone interested can get in touch with me. They are ideal for ladies key-rings with a light and whistle, all in one. They cost $1.00 each. Deepest sympathies to several of our members. The John Heinrihar and Natali families on the loss of their mother and wife; the Reberni-sek-Zinko-Bistan families whose nepli ew was just killed in Vietnam; Anne Konczal whose husband passed away recently and Vicki Sporis on the loss of her brother-in-law. In conclusion, please check your dues and if you are in arrears, tako care of this matter as soon as possible. Rose Kraemer, Sec’y. No. 45, Portland, Ore. — Meeting in May opened with prayer. Attendance was only 7 members which was just enough to open the meeting. Appointment was made for a tour of the Portland Memorial Mortuary on Aug. 24th at 7:30 p. m. This will give us $1 per person for everyone going through. It will also help us to build up our treasury. I hope we will have a good turnout and you are urged to bring your friends with you. This is the last meeting for the summer. No meetings during June, July or August. Next will be on the second Tuesday in Sept. Members are urged to send their dues on time to our secretary, Wilma Franciscovlcli, 3246 N.E. 57th, Portland, Ore , tel. 282-3403. A daughter was presented to our treasurer, Mrs. Rosemary Gordon, daughter of Mrs. Mary Roso, our president. Congratulations to the proud parents, also grandparents. Delegate to represent us at the Convention in Washington was elected from the Colorado branch of S.W.U. No other vital matters for discussion, so the meeting closed with prayer. See you in Sept. Happy vacations! Ann Carlisle, Rec. Sec’y. No. 50, Cleveland, O. — At our May meeting, Pres. Fran Sietz as the only Officer absent but we feel that she will be with us shortly. Won’t you, Fran? Supreme President Toni Turek presided at the meeting. We had Dorothy Zdesar and Steffie Polz initiated into our branch. Dorothy was picked up at our Rummage Sale by Toni. Get it ladies? When Dorothy came to the meeting she accidently slipped and made her grand entrance with a bang.” Welcome to the Club, girls. Our group surprised the members with a Mother’s Day Skit conjured up by Carole Traven. Theresa Komat read a tribute to our oldest Mother, Mrs. Jennie Mandel, and Angie Lube dressed as a MOD Mother while 'Pilile Ramos (Carole's cousin) sang a song ideal and fitting for the occasion, and we must admit that she sings just beautifully. Thank you ladies for your co-operation. (Continued on next page) Hermine Prisland Dicke: (prnnrm and * * . * During his excellent, he'art warming talk at the banquet of the Convention, Mr. John Blatnik, member of the House of Representatives from Minnesota, mentioned his mother in several humorous but endearing situations. He recalled an occasion when she and her friend visited him in Washington, D. C. after his return as an officer in the U. S. Army following World War II, “There she stood at the station with a brown bag under each arm; one containing potica and the other a jar of “hren” while her friend carried “klobase.” Later, upon inquiry, a number of l'adies remarked that they always have a supply of “hren” in the refrigerator, sometimes as much as three pints. So, as we were all enjoying the boat ride down the Potomac River towards Mount Vernon on that bright sunny Sunday, I contacted women from Chisholm, Joliet, Chicago, Cleveland, Euclid, Sheboygan 'and elsewhere to inquire how they prepare HREN or horseradish. The following is the result: HREN (Horseradish) Basic recipe: 2 fresh roots of horseradish (you can use any amount.) Pinch of salt, vinegar. Scrap and wash roots. Using fine holes, grate on grater. Add salt. Add enough vinegar to moisten and to cover horseradish (horseradish will turn brown unless covered with vinegar). Mix well. Use immediately or put in glass jar, cover and refrigerate until ready to use. Will keep indefinitely. Serve with sausages, cooked beef, tongue or most meats. The following variations were suggested : 1. Use only Heinz Vinegar. 2. Add couple drops of lemon juice to prevent browning. (Do not use if hren turns brown because of bitter taste.) 3. Add little beet juice if you like the red color. 4. Some add grated apple if too strong flavor (one suggested using unpeeled grated apple.) 5. Use % vinegar and >/2 water for less vinegary taste. 6. Add pinch of sugar. 7. Add a little inazola oil to the vinegar. S. For Horseradish Sauce: 1. 2 tablespoons margarine. About 2 tablespoons cracker meal. Pinch of sugar. Soup broth 2 tablespoons hren Brown cracker meal in margarine. Add pinch of sugar. Add enough boiling soup broth to make sauce (about consistency of gravy). Add two full tablespoons of basic recipe of hren. Remove from heat immediately (do not cook further) and let stand covered in pan until ready to serve. A few drops of wine may be added for flavor. (Excellent with beef.) 2. Without vinegar. Use plain grated horseradish and dash of salt (no vinegar). Add a little bread crumbs or about two tablespoons of crumbs torn from piece of fresh bread. (No cooking necessary.) Add 1 laddie of boiling hot soup; and serve immediately 3. With vinegar or basic recipe: to 2 tablespoons warmed hren add about two tablespoons dry bread crumbs, add hot soup and serve immediately, 4. To V2 cup plain grated horseradish add one boiled egg, cut very fine. Add little vinegar and water to moisten. Mix and serve. 9. To spread on bread; mix horse- radish (grated) with cream. 10. To serve with fish or shrimp: Add 1 teaspoon of basic recipe to 2 tablespoons catsup. If any of you have suggestions, I’d enjoy hearing from you. * * * WASHINGTON PIE Mrs. Louise Eply of Cleveland, O., submitted an old favorite recipe that goes over very big at special doings. Pastry: 3 cups sifted flour IV2 teaspoon baking powder 2 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt % cup margarine 2 egg yolks % to % cup water (depending on the size of eggs) Mix, sift dry ingredients, cut in shortening. Beat yolks and water, add to first mixture, mix well, divide in half. Roll 1 part for bottom of greased cookie sheet. Filling: M cup raisins % cup currants 2 cups apples, peeled and chopped 2 teaspoons cinnamon Vi teaspoon ginger 1 cup sugar 2 beaten egg whites Mix good, add beaten egg whites. Spread over dough. Roll other dough to fit top, press edges together. Bake in preheated oven at 375 degrees for about 35 minutes. Top with sifted powdered sugar or make a butter frosting. This is delicious, easy to serve; cut in any size. SUN TEA 4 tea bags 2 quarts of cold water Use large enough glass jar to hold two quarts water. Add tea bags. Cover. (Prepare early in morning if to serve for lunch or at noon to serve for evening meal.) Place on picnic table in sun or any sunny spot. Let stand at least -1 hours. Add ice cubes, sugar and lemon if desired, and serve. For larger quantities add more tea bags and dilute with water when ready to serve. Tea seems clearer and the orange pekoe prettier in color. (Have fun whenever you serve it.) * * * Thank you Mrs. Eply for your unusual and delicious recipe. It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Convention. I enjoyed meeting you as well as attending the meetings and all the exciting activities. For the first time I saw Zveza in action. I shall never forget Olga Saye with her accordian and all that lovely singing at The Holiday Inn, in front of the Washington Hilton Hotel, in the buses, in church, at the banquet and finally as we took the boat ride down the Potomac River. Lepo pozdravlja, Hermine 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. Br. 50, Continued— Branch No. 50 is planning to charter a bus to the State Convention which will be held in Barberton, O., some time in September. So ladies, anyone interested, come to the meeting and sign up for the trip—we promise you a grand time. Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Jagodnik 011 their 25th Wedding Anniversary, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leslie on their 40th. My oh my, these ladies may be way up on their Anniversaries, but just as young as ever in keeping up with our activities. God bless you folks! Louise Križman left on a trip to Europe for 3 months on June 1st. She’s going to visit her family whom she hasn’t seen for quite a while. She will be meeting up with Albina Novak and her group, which will be a complete surprise to Albina. Bon Voyage, ladies! Now comes the time to report on the National Convention. All I can say is, it was grand—grand—grand! Theresa Komat, Marie Beck and myself, went on the chartered bus with the Baton Twirlers, and I must commend them on their behavior at all times. When we arrived in Washington, we were welcomed by none other than Corinne Leskovar with her usual gay smile. She was patiently waiting at the Hotel for us, and greeted each one of us personally. VVliat a beautiful hostess she makes! She is tops with Branch No. 50 — that is all I’ve to say. The tours that we took were just great. The Capital is just out of this world, with all its color and splendor. The buildings are just gorgeous and the greenery is beautiful. We all tried to take tas many pictures as possible, so we would never forget the beauty. If I had my way, I’d go right back there and start all over again with the fours. The Arlington cemetery held everyone's attention as the beauty is indescribable. The headstones are all alike and in perfect rows with one another. We also had the opportunity to see the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which was breathtaking. Then in the group or some 400 or more ladies, we marched to President Kennedy’s grave and our Supreme Officers placed a wreath with cameras flashing like I’ve never seen before. Ladies, you have to see all of this, to appreciate it. The Banquet that took place Saturday night in one of the Hilton’s nine Ballrooms, was by far the nicest I’ve ever seen. The gowns and dresses were very colorful and the tables decorated nicely. All Supreme Officers wore corsages of orchids, which added to the splendor. Of course our Ohio ladies had their picture taken in a group with the U. S. Senator FRANK J. LAUSCHE, and again I have to say, I never knew that we had such beautiful ladies in Ohio. Toni Turek, Mary Bostian, Rose Zelo dec, Mamie Marin, and myself, wore floor length gowns to grace the occasion. It was a great pleasure to be amongst such lovely ladies if 1 must say so myself. Of course the most important thing that took place was the re-election of Toni Turek as Supreme President' Congratulations, Toni, from all of us! Mary Bostian was also re-elected as State Pres, of Ohio and Michigan, and congratulations are in order for her also. It’s just too bad that Toni’s husband, Frank, couldn’t be with her on such a happy occasion, as I’ve never seen her so happy and relaxed. Her beauty was just shining, believe me. The speeches were very nice, but I must show some partiality to IT. S. SEN. FRANK J. IJUJSCHE’S as he addressed the audience in Slovenian. Ladies, that goes to show you that Senator Lausche is not a-shamed of his nationality by no means. Well after all, he is tops with Branch No. 50 anyhow. Irene Planinšek was by far the loveliest hostess I’ve seen in many a year and cordial as well. Irene, I must say that it was a great pleasure to be in your company. We, the members of Branch No. 50 would like to wish you much happiness with your new branch No. 103. Wherever you went, you couldn’t help but see the two1 Hostesses, Irene and Corinne, trying to help in any way that they could. You have got to admit, our younger ladies are following in the footsteps of the older ladies, and doing a very good job of it too. So let us all give thanks and show these ladies that we’re behind them 100%! To Anne Cooke and her Baton Twirlers from Euclid, O., a hearty thank you, as Anne worked so hard and diligently for these children getting them prepared for the Convention. Anne, our hats are off to you and the girls! Well, ladies—keep posted on all e-vents by reading your Zarja and for sure—attend meetings. Anglie Lube No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. — Our meeting was held at the Little Grove on June 7th at which sister Josephine Oswald, our president presided. She also took over the secretary-treasur-er’s seat and that of sister Rose Trombly, our recording secretary, who was confined to the Hlbbing General Hospital at that time. We wish her God’s speed to a rapid recovery and also to all our other members who are on the sick list. Sister Rose Chiodi, our delegate to the Convention in Washington is back home again after making a short trip to her daughter-in-law’s graduation and also to be on hand for the birth of a new grandchild. We extend congratulations to her. Our last meeting for the summer was well attended. We will resume again Aug. 2'nd at the Little Grove. Josephine Oswald, our president, led us in the concluding prayer. Please have a nice vacation members and we will be looking forward to seeing you all in August. If traveling, drive safely as the life you save may be your own. Our Social of the evening took place with a delightful lunch served us by our hostesses, sisters Veronica Križman ich, Margaret Pogorels, Patricia Mancuso, and Patricia Hrovat. Games were played with honors going to sisters, Angeline Russ, Josephine Oswald, Mary Techar, Josephine Palita-no„ Gertrude Kochevar, Mary Mu-sech, Margaret Andrican, Carmella lionazza and the door prize went to Margaret Kochevar. It was a very delightful evening and we wish you each a very pleasant summer season. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health until we meet again. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter No. 55, Girard, O. — Mrs. Barbara Umeck, president, welcomed members, daughters and guests to a Mother-Daughter covered-disli dinner. The table was centered with a crowned Madonna surrounded by colorful tulips and jonquils. The table cover was of white linen cut work. Pink HONOR MOTHER OF YEAR Mrs. Maria Cvetnic and Mrs. Biscan and blue candy-filled hats were the favors made by Ann Catone; she al so made programs with menu and songs. There were forty-four members present. Mrs. Maria Cvetnic was honored Mother of the Year. She was crowned by Mrs. Helen Biscan, who held the same honor last year. A traditional tribute to mothers and daughters was presented by Mrs. Alice Cernicli and daughter, Paulette. Poems to Mother were recited by Mary Bradish and Ann Catone. Nettie Juvančič provided accordian accompaniment for group singing. She also presented several solo selections. A hilarious fashion show took place, Ann Catone serving as the commentator of the show. She introduced each of the lovely models and gave a complete description of garment and the approximate cost of each outfit.. Virginia Bestic modeled a miniskirted tent dress accented with gold shoes, gold streamers, sparkling cigarette holder and an over-effective wig. She did an excellent job of imitating Phyllis Diller. The approximate cost of her outfit was 98 cents. Another stylish dress was a charming gunny sack modeled by Gala Hlasta. She carried an onion sack for a bag and also had a picture hat; value, estimated at 39 cents. Patricia Kren modeled a black cotton garment clustered with cotton balls, estimate cost at 9S cents. Kathy Bradish displayed an unusual money dress and hat made of play money, estimated at the value of 59 cents. An undentified model appeared in a beautiful long gold robe, upon removal of which the audience roared with laughter to find the young lady vlad in a union suit which was short of a few buttons in the wrong places. No price was quoted on that outfit but it will be worn by the best dressed, said Mrs. Catone. A gift was presented to Maria Cvetnic as our Mother of the Year. Gifts were also presented to Matilda Cigolle, being organizer of I3r. 55 and Theresa Lozier for holding office as president for 25 years. Prizes went to Ann Krivak, oldest mother present. Mary Ellen Ceplice, youngest mother and Mary Bradish, as the mother with most daughters, six of them and all were present. An afghan made by Josephine Perusek was a-warded to Patricia Kren. Door prizes were awarded to Barbara Umeck, Theresa Lozier, Mary Gabrovšek and Mary Ann Bestic. Dinner and program arrangements were made by Ann Kren, Anna Kalan, Virginia Bestic, Virginia Rostan, Mary Rostan and Margaret Tripoti. At this time, I want to wish our oldest and dearest member, Anna Kren, a very happy birthday. May God bless you with many more, Anna! She will celebrate on July 15th with 83 candles on her cake! Bless you! On our sick list we have Josephine Gorence, and Josephine Perusek. May God send them a speedy recovery. Our deepest sympathy was sent to Dorothy Magill on the loss of her beloved brother. Hope you 'all are enjoying a wonderful vacation. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — Our May meeting was held on May 9th in the Assumption Hall clubrooms. At that time we honored Mrs. Mary Meadows as “Mother of the Year”. She has been a member of the Branch for 25 years and is now serving as financial secretary. If you ever want to meet a sweet person, that is Mary. She is also the mother of two sons, Larry and Robert, both of whom reside in Hibbing. Three darling grandchildren 'add to her pleasure. She was presented with a corsage and a gift from the Branch. Entertainment was presented by Mark Matonich, a ninth grader, on the piano who also dedicated a song to Mrs. Meadows 'and Mr. Anthony Babich presented toe-tapping accord-ian selections. Lunch was served from a tea table which was centered with a Madonna figurine surrounded by blue net and roses. Mrs. Meadows’s daughter-in-law, Mrs. Larry Meadows presided. Numerous gifts were awarded for games played later on. Hostesses for the affair were: Mines. John Puhek, Frank Puhek, Joseph Passino, James Passino, Rose Vukich, Charles Hattam, Sr., Joseph Majerle, Louis Putzel, Dan Miskulin, Anna Homa, John Chernugal, Mary Gruden, Anthony Selvo and Miss Jean Passino. One of our members, Mrs. George Muhvich and her husband celebrated ther golden wedding anniversary on April 16. The jubilarians were married in Sheboygan, Wis. in 1917 and moved to Hibbing the same year and have lived there since. He is a retired railroad worker. They are the parents four daughters and two sons and the proud grandparents of 17 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The f'amily attended Mass in the morning and their children hosted a reception for them in the afternoon at which their many friends and relatives greeted them. (Hi, Rose!) Mrs. Barbara Dosen was reported ill in the hospital. We missed her at the meeting and hope she is well by the time this is read. This was our last meeting of the summer. Kope to see you all in Tower in September to celebrate Minnesota Day. Have a wonderful summer from all of us at Branch No. 56. Liz Draskovich, Reporter No. 57, Niles, Ohio. — Our Mother’s Day banquet was held at Albertini’s and we had a very nice time. Our Mother of the Year, Jerry Spoljeric, was presented with a gift. The door prizes, a lovely hand-crocheted purse, donated by Nancy Segreto, was won by Frances Stanec and the hand-made pillow cases donated by Mary Moler went to Barbara Popovich. She then presented them to her mother, Mrs. Frances Hribar for Mother’s Day. Games were played 'and many nice gifts were won by the members. We wrere all waiting for the report of Convention events by our delegate Frances Yerman and her companion Mary Strah. Know they had a nice time. We wish a speedy recovery to all our sick members and to those who have birthday this month: Happy Birthday! See you all at the next meeting. Mary Moler, Rec. Sec’y. No. 66, Canon City, Colo. — Con gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bandi and their son, Rev. Bonaventure Bandi, O.S.B., who celebrated his 25th Jubilee as a Benedictine priest. He was our pastor at St. Michael’s church and most of us all know him well. We certainly miss him now. We haven’t received too much in the line of news about our members. It’s time for fishing, traveling and picnicing. Our best wishes to the sick. Pray for peace! Cecile Adamic No. 68, Fairport Harbor, O. — Our President, Mrs. Jennie Mohorčič opened the meeting with prayer. It was decided at the meeting that $10 would be donated 'at the Convention toward the Scholarship Fund. Mrs. Rose Zuzak won the sunshine prize for this month. Our sincere sympathies to Mrs. William Ulle and the rest of her family on the death recently of her father. The men of the American Slovenian Club then honored the Mothers of our branch with a delicious dinner which they prepared themselves. I would like to say thanks to the fellows from all of us who attended the dinner for a job well done. Even though the evening was rather chilly, some of the braver members went out and played balina for a while. A good time was had by all. Betty Pirman, Reporter No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., O. Oil, what a lovely five days in Washington! Better than a honeymoon (only my husband didn’t go!) We saw so many things of interest, especially the White House and President Johnson getting into his helicopter. Many thanks to the girls for such a job well done. The planning and tours were excellent. Six of us went from Br. 73, including R. Zbasnik, L. Epley, S. Goda, F. Travnik, M. Turk and myself. Our last meeting till Sept. 11th, our picnic then. We all hope you have a very safe and happy vacation time. Betty Bayus, Reporter No. 89, Oglesby, III. •— The June meeting brought out a good attendance. Mrs. Frances Nemeth, delegate to the National Convention, gave a detailed report on the business and sightseeing during their five days in Washington, D. C. Birthday song was sung to one of our dearest and most loyal members Mrs. Antoniette Muhich, on her 93rd birthday, June 2'7th. Refreshments were served and prizes given by the committee in charge of Mrs. Sophie Papesh. Half the year gone and those not caught up on their dues payments are urged to do so Mary Kernz, Reporter No. 101, Bedford, O, — There is not much to write about this month, as we have not had our monthly meeting yet at the time of this writing. Glad to see that Mary Bradac has finally moved into her new home. God grant Mary, her husband Joseph, daughters Linda and Leanne, health and happiness in it. It is really a beautiful home. Good luck to the many graduates. May they be lead to the road of success. Hope everyone enjoyed a safe and happy holiday. Birthday wishes to all celebrants, along witli anniversary wishes. Betty Matjašič, your reporter A CONVENTION TO REMEMBER Now that our National Convention has come to a close, we trust that all of the travelers made a safe and pleasant trip home. How wonderful it was to meet in person so many friends from all over the country. We hope that you feel your trip to our beautiful city was well worth your time and effort. We here in Washington feel that it was a tremendous success. Many days and long hours were spent in preparation and despite the fact that Branch No. 103 is relatively small, the conscientious efforts of our committees helped to make it a success. It was surprising that this Convention attracted twice as many visitors than was expected. Even though a few difficulties were encountered during the 5 days, all of our apparent obstacles were worked out, making it possible for everyone to have a wonderful time. The sightseeing tours were as interesting and complete as we could have made them. How fortunate we were to have such wonderful guides and also such beautiful weather during the entire five days. It may be interesting to note that it rained the day before and the day after the Convention, so we indeed have much for which to he thankful. Diane Drnjevich Moffit, Kay Parsons and Matilda Pod-borsek announced that our art and needlecraft sales for the benefit of the scholarship fund was more than a success. The handmade articles donated by the ladies were more beautiful than had ever been expected, so is it any wonder that the articles were sold before they could even be displayed! The tickets for the lovely doll with layette were purchased quickly, thanks to the excellent salesmanship of our salesladies. Many thanks to the lady from Minnesota for sending this lovely gift. Compliments to Miro Zupančič and Joseph Vodlan, the New York artists for arranging such a lovely art exhibit. The beautiful scenes of Slovenia were nostalgic and it was a pity that we could not have enjoyed them even longer. They graced the walls of our banquet room and we all felt a little bit of Slovenia was in the room with us. Despite the full schedule of tours, it was a delight to observe the fun and happiness enjoyed by so many of our guests. Olga Plesetz Saye from Sheboygan contrib- uted to this excitement by entertaining with her ac-cordian. I am sure the revelers will long remember dancing and singing outdoors at the Hilton Hotel Terrace entrance. The excitement was so contagious, strangers were joining in the fun. And how can wre forget the social evening at the Holiday Inn, the Banquet and the Boat Ride down to Mt. Vernon? Whenever Olga had her accordian there was always fun for all. The climax of our busy week was of course, the Banquet on Saturday evening, held in the International Ballroom East—a very elegant setting indeed! Everything from the Menu to the Program was excellent. What a memorable event this evening was! We, of Branch No. 103, were so proud of our Junior members who, under the direction of Mrs. Maria Mejac and Mr. Bogomir Chokel, sang Slovenian melodies wearing the authentic native costumes. We think they performed beautifully and with a minimum number of rehearsals. The Washington Chorallers, also a newly formed group, under the direction of Mr. Miro Pregelj, surprised us all with a number of Slovenian melodies sung in 4 part harmony. After only 2 months of rehearsals they were prepared to make an outstanding debut. We hope to hear more from them in the future so that the long hours of work will not be in vain. Mezzo-soprano, Maria Kranjc Fischinger, charmed us all with a number of classic selections performed beautifully. We are indeed fortunate that she so graciously took time out of her busy schedule to make our program so much more enjoyable. Serenading the Banquet guests, Mrs. Olga Saye, delegate from Br. 1 and their president, provided just the musical background for the festive evening. The crowd’s spontaneous singing was heard to resound in the banquet hall before the main course was served! Guests seen at the head table in background are, from left, Congressman Annunzio of Illinois; Convention Campaign-Winner, Mamie Marin; Supreme Vice-Pres., Marie Floryan; Supreme Treas., Josephine Železnikar; Supreme Auditors Ann Podgoršek and Frances Gaspich (partly hidden). In the forefront, more happy guests. To further add to our entertainment, we were pleasantly surprised by the clever performance of the baton twirling Junior Cadets from Cleveland. They contributed greatly to our program and we wish to thank the Juniors and their director, Ann Cooke for a enjoyable exhibition. How fortunate we were to be honored with the presence of several distinguished guests: the Honorable Frank J. Lausche U. S. Senator from Ohio; the Honorable John A. Blatnik, U. S. Representative from Minnesota; the Honorable Frank Annunzio, U. S. Representative from Illinois; Honorable Ludwig J. Andolsek, the U. S. Civil Service Commissioner. Their speeches were both warm and inspiring, reaching the hearts of everyone present. To the many committees that functioned during this Convention and to the visitors that lent a helping hand, during busy hours we send a “thank-you.” My special thanks to Corinne Leskovar, who is a perfect dear and a joy to work with. Combined efforts enabled us to plan the Convention from beginning to end. I have only the highest regards for her capabilities. Sincere appreciation also to Miss Matilda Ausicli who was always there whenever help was needed the most. Tillie stayed at the hotel the length of the Convention and her duties before and during the Convention were too numerous to mention in detail. Her dependability and efficiency are a real asset to our branch and organization. Again, thanks to Corinne and the key ladies of our Convention committee, Matilda Ausich, Helen Krotec, Matilda Podborsek, Diane Moffit. Now we have all returned to our normal routines with only memories of the happy days and the friendships formed. We hope that your memories are as pleasant as ours. If you should ever return to Washington in the future, be sure to contact the members of Branch No. 103 and renew acquaintances. Irene M. Planinšek MINUTES OF THE I4TH NATIONAL TRI-ENNIAL CONVENTION MAY 24-28, 1967— WASHINGTON, D. C. The 14th National Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union is being held at the Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, D. C. from Thursday, May 25. 1907 through Saturday, May 27, 1967. The Convention is opened on Thursday, May 27, 1967 at 2:30 p. m. at the Crystal Room of the Washington Hilton Hotel. The following Supreme Officers are present: Founder — Honorary President, Marie Prisland Supreme President, Antonia Turek Supreme Vice-President, Marie A. Floryan Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak Supreme Treasurer, Josephine Železnikar Supreme Auditing Committee, Ann Podgoršek, President Supreme Auditor, Prances J. Gaspich Director of Women’s and Sports Activities, Eliz. Zefran Director of Juvenile Activities, Louise Epley Editor of ZARJA-THE DAWN, Corinne Leskovar State President of Colo. Kansas- Missouri, Anna Pachak State President of Wisconsin, Rose Kraemer State President of Pennsylvania-New York, Mary Tomsic State President of Calif.-Wash.-Oregon, Rose Scoff State President of IHinois-Indiana, Mildred James State President of Minnesota, Barbara Rosandich State President of Ohio- Michigan, Mary Bostian Secretary of Scholarship Fund, Hermine P. Dicke The Convention is also honored in having Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. present. After her greetings to the assembly, the President calls the Color Guard of the Marie Prisland Cadets of Cleveland, Ohio, namely, Mamie Marin, Mary Bostian and Nettie Leslie, to post the American and Slovenian flags and lead the Pledge of Allegiance. The Invocation is given by Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M., Supreme Spiritual Advisor. The President then calls on the Credential Committee. REPORT OF THE CREDENTIAL COMMITTEE Members of the Credential Committee are as follows: Marie Floryan, President (17) Rose Želodec, (50) Josephine Kolar, (43) Christine Konte, (66) The President of the Credential Committee makes the following report. The 14th National Convention of Slovenian Women’s Union of America, Credential Committee, hereby authorizes the seating of 19 Supreme Officers and 52 duly verified Delegates, making a total convention of 71 members. The Roll Call is as follows: Branch 1. Sheboygan, Wis. 2 Chicago, 111. 2. Chicago, 111. 3. Pueblo, Colo. 5. Indianapolis, Ind. G. Barberton, Ohio 7. Forest City, Pa. 10. Cleveland, Ohio 10. Cleveland, Ohio 12. Milwaukee, Wis. 13. San Francisco 11. Euclid, Ohio 15 Cleveland, Ohio 16. So. Chicago, 111. 17. Milwaukee, Wis. 19. Eveleth, Minn. 20. Joliet, 111. 2-0. Joliet, 111. 21. Cleveland, Ohio 23. Ely, Minn. 24. LaSalle, 111. 25. Cleveland, Ohio DELEGATE Olga Plesetz Saye Sophie Petrovič Mary Polden Frances Simonich Josephine Turk Jeanette Killoran Josephine Gostisha Mwry Camloh Anna Markovich Frances Plesko Margaret Fager Theresa M. Skur Antonia Stokar Josephine Krai Marlon M. Marolt Antonia Erklautz Emma Planinšek Josephine Erj’aver Stella Dancull Mary Shikonya Angela Strukel Mary Otoničar 25. Cleveland, Ohio 25. Cleveland, Ohio 26. Pittsburgh, Pa. 31. Gilbert., Minn. 32. Euclid, Ohio 33. Duluth, Minn. 38. Chisholm, Minn. 39. Biwabik, Minn. 10. Lorain, Ohio 41. Cleveland, Ohio 43. Milwaukee, Wis. 47. Cleveland, Ohio 50. Cleveland, Ohio 52. Hibbing, Minn. 54. Warren, Ohio 5G. Hibbing, Minn. 57. Niles, Ohio 63. Denver, Colo. 64. Kansas City, Kans. GG. Canon City, Colo. G8. Fairport Hbr., Ohio 71. Strabiane, Pa. 73. Warrensville, Ohio 84. New York City, N. 89. Oglesby, 111. 90. Presto, Pa. 91. Oakmont, Pa. 95. So. Chicago, III 96. Universal, Pa. 103. Washington, D. ('. Mary Kolegar Dorothy Sternisa Anna Trontel Antoinette Lucich (62-94) Josephine Comenshek Frances Blatnik Sylvia Petrich Ann Paulisich (77-80) Angela Kozjan Anna Rebol.i Josephine Kolar , Jennie Pugely Rose Želodec Rose Chiodi (37-81-83-86) Rose Raclier (55) , Anne B. Satovich Frances Yerman (70-74) Mary Kvas Regina Cop (46-100-102) Christine Konte (4-45-78-79-92') Jennie Mohorčič (42-49-51) Lucille Smith Rose Zbasnik Y.Angela Voje Frances Nemeth (22-30-72-85) Johanna Aubel (88-8) Amalia Sorch (59-97-106) Ann Kompare Mary 10, O’Block Irene Planinšek (67-103) In accordance with the By-Laws, the President appoints Recording Secretaries of the Convention: Secretary Albina Novak and Editor Corinne Leskovar. They will transcribe the Minutes daily and distribute copies to the delegates. The President names the following committees to serve at the 14tli National Convention: Greetings Committee: Rose Kraemer, Pres (43) Ann B. Satovich (56) Mary Kvas (63) Johanna Aubel (90) Irene Planinšek By-Law Committee; Marie Prisland, Pres. (1) Anna Pachak (3) Rose Scoff (13) Theresa Skur (14) Barbara Rosandich (23) Emma Planinšek (20) Mary Tomsic (71) Nominating Committee: Mary Otoničar, Pres. (25) Mary Polden (2) Frances Simonich (3) Mary Camloh (10) Josephine Krall (16) Antonia Erklautz (19) Mary Debevec (41) Josephine Kolar (42) Frances Nemeth (89) Scholarship Committee: Hermine Dicke, Pres. (1) Josephine Železnikar (2) Olga Saye (1) Marion Marolt (17) Stella Dancull (21) Ann B. Satovich (56) Mary Oblock (96) Zarja (Publicity Committee: C Leskovar, Pres. (?) Josephine Turk (5) Jeanette Killoran (G) (>03) pranCes Gaspich (20) Mary Shikonya (23) Mary Kolegar (25) Amalia Sorch (91) Youth Committee: Irene Planinšek, Pres. (103) Hermine Dicke (1) Josephine Gostisha (7) Josephine Comenshek (32) Frances Blatnik (33) Rose Kraemer (43) Mary BO'Stian (50) Louise Epley (73) Mary O’Block (96) Convention City Committee: M'ary Bostian, I’res. Anna Pachak Rose Kraemer Mary Tomsich Mildred James Barbara Rosandich Rose Scoff Resolutions Committee: Women’s Sports Committee Marie Florjian, Pres. (17) Eliz. Zefnan, Pres. (2) Anna Markovich (10) Antonia Stokar (15) Josephine Erjavec (20) Marion Marolt (17) Dorothy Stmisha (25) Frances Anzelc (39) Sylvia Petrich (38) Rose Želodec (50) Jennie Pugely (47) Rose Chiodi (52) Jennie Mohorčič (68) Lucille Smith (71) Rose Zbasnik (73) Sal. & Per Diem Committee : Mildred James (95) Ann Kompare, Pres. (95) Sophie Petrovich (2) Appeals Committee: Margaret Fager (13) Frances Plesko, Pres. (12) A. Podgoršek (Aud.) (33) Angela Strukel (24) Angela Kozjan (40) Anna Trontel (26) Rose Racher (54) Antoinette Lucich (31) Christine Konte (66) Frances Yerman (57) Regina Cop (64) Mary Kvas (63) Angela Voje (84) Reports of the Officers are the first onier of business. REPORT OF THE SUPREME PRESIDENT Sincere greetings, Father Claude Okorn, Supreme Officers, Delegates, Members and Friends. Welcome to the 14th National Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union held here in the Capital City of Washington, D. C. First, I wish to thank President of 103, Irene Planinšek and all the members of the branch for their untiring services they have given to make our stay here an enjoyable and memorable one. My convention report was in the April issue of Zarja and also all my activities and services are in my column each month. I am doing my utmost for Zveza as she always has been close to my heart ever since I joined. Many of you may be wondering how we can do three days work in only 14 hours during this Convention — other Conventions have been for three full days. Well, it can be done very easily if each and everyone of you concentrate before you speak, make your decisions and be business-like in your discussions. All Convention business can be taken care of in this short time. My sincere thanks to Congressman Blatnik for his gen- erous message of welcome to us and his personal invi-tatoin to join him at the U. S. Capitol this morning. I'm sure you will never forget the thrill of being welcomed in the House of Representatives by him. Every delegate shall be assigned to a committee at this Convention and she is expected to faithfully perform her duty. In all deliberations and decisions you will have to consider what is best for members now and in the future. We must preserve what is good and change that which you feel will make the organization better. Committees shall hieet after today’s session and if your work is not finished, again Friday morning. Wishing you all a wonderful time and I am sure you will see all of Washington during the short stay here. Have fun. Antonia Turek TRI-ENNIAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF FINANCE BOARD AND PRESIDENT OF SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Rev. Spiritual Advisor, Supreme Officers and Delegates of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America! It is a great pleasure for me and a joy to see you gathered here in the Capitol of the United States to conduct the 14th National Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America. My warmest greetings to all of you and a sincere welcome to the newest “baby” of our Union — the host of this convention. Our special thanks to the Washington branch and to its dedicated president, Miss Irene Planinšek, and her committee for preparing the convention program and for receiving us so graciously. It is also a pleasure to meet with the many visitors who came with us as our guests and who wish also to see this historical city. I am sure that they will be very gratified and will take with them never-to-be-forgotten memories. My report for the three years will include the Investments statistics together with a hearty thanks to the officers and members for their devotion and dedication to Zveza. It’s heartwarming to read in ZARJA the many activities and developments that are taking place in the many branches. These are of enormous importance to the progress of the Union and require a great deal of work and personal sacrifices. A sincere welcome to the thousand new members who joined our ranks since our last convent-iion, and are already participating in our programs. Now to the Investment Statistics. Since the last convention several bonds matured which were purchased for $09,740.00 and for which we received $72,676.73 realizing a profit of $2,936.73. New investments were made into government, public utility and Catholic institutional bonds in the amount of $123,256.00. All the bonds are rated AA, except government bonds which have no rating. Some accounts were withdrawn to be re-invested at higher interest. The Treasury gain in three years amounts to $30,579.91. In view of the many death benefits paid and the high cost of printing ZARJA, the gain is substantial. I will not read the details of our investments since you do have a copy, but will give you the total amounts at this time. Financial Statistics Matured bonds cashed Profit on matured bonds Withdrawals from Savings and Loans Depreciation of real estate New investments Balance Balance January 1, 1967 Balance January 1, 1964 Gain in three years Treasury Assets U. S. Government bonds State bonds Catholic Institutional bonds Savings and Loan deposits Public Utility debentures Savings Deposits in banks Real estate (fully depreciated) Account with Metropolitan bank Total Assets January 1, 1967 Standing of Funds Class A Fund Class B Fund Junior Department Fund Total in all Funds Investment yield is 4.30%. Scholarship Fund Assets Catholic Institutional bonds (6V*%) Savings Certificate (4%%) Savings and Loan deposit (4%%) Total Assets January 1, 1967 Total Assets January 1, 1964 Gain in three years $ 5,000.00 2,000.00 2,060.70 $ 9,060.70 $ 7,454.59 $ 1,606.11 $ 72,676.73 2,936.73 20,000.00 1,018.12 123,256.00 $521,460.20 490,880.29 $ 30,579.91 $ 93,140.00 38.558.00 101,174.00 210,000.00 23.562.00 35,000.00 10,640.59 9,379.61 $521,460.20 $298,804.00 167,220.00 55,436.20 $521,460.20 WASHINGTON, Supreme Officers, Delegates and Guests Before U.S. Capitol at SWU Tri-ennial Convention in Washington I am also very grateful for the interest in the scholarship program. Special donations held in honor of our 40th anniversary amounted to $1,600.00. Our scholarishp fund — now in its 18th year of existence — provided a total of $8,600.00 granting 43 scholarships. Many varied careers were thereby aided including teachers, theologians, doctors, medical technicians, engineers, nurses, biologists, musicians, dentists, accountants and sociologists. The eight most recently awarded winners include an accountant, biologist, psychologist, business administrator, elementary teacher, lawyer, nurse and one very interested in aeronautics. It is most, gratifying to know that these fine students will remember our Zveza for a long time to come. Money spent for an education is a rewarding investment. I sincerely hope that you will support this program also in the future. It was a pleasure to attend the state conventions in Wisconsin and Illinois; also the varied program of combined branches of the state of Ohio. Hoping that someday our organization will have a small historical library, I have prepared many articles of historic significance which pertain to Zveza and other nationality groups which will benefit future historians. Many of these articles I have sent to the Ljubljana University Historical Center where a book on Slovenian history is planned. I am grateful for the nice comments on my column “Oh, Ta Svet” from the readers. It's fun writing it knowing that the articles are appreciated. The friendship and co-operation I have received from the officers and members has been most gratifying. I am also very proud of them and very proud of our organization. This world would certainly be a more lonesome one without the activity, vigor and pleasure our Zveza provides. Yes, it is an honor to be a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union and a special honor and a source of pride to be a member of its Supreme Board. To the Convention Assembly I wish a very successful conference. I know that you will be conscientious in the many decisions you will have to make for the future progress of the Union. Before I give you the Investment statistics I would like to mention the Insurance Examiners of the State of Illinois who come to the home office every three years. The examiners are of great importance to the organization’s business and also to all the members who are assured that the administration is being properly conducted and according to the by-laws. The examiners with their wide range of experience, audit not only the Union's assets making certain that they are invested in safe securities, but they also carefully check all income and disbursements. The examiners read all minutes of the Board of Directors as well as national convention procedures. They also give valuable advice on ways to improve our business methods. We appreciate their help. Respectfully submitted, Marie Prisland, Secretary Finance Board President Scholarship Committee REPORT OF SUPREME VICE-PRESIDENT Madam President, Rev. Okorn, Founder, M. Prisland, Supreme Officers, Delegates, and Guests: Warmest greetings to each of you! As Vice-President of the S.W.U. organization 1 would like to present my report from July 1964 to the present Convention. In 1966 I attended the 35th anniversary and state convention at Branch No. 43 in Milwaukee. In August of 1965 I was present at Minnesota State Day Convention at Aurora. In 1966 it was impossible for me to attend Br. No. 1 Sheboygan’s 40th Anniversary and State Day on account of sickness. I was very sad that I was unable to be present but our branch was well represented there. These banquets and conventions all turn out very successfully and during these affairs I found that a person meets with individual members and you have the opportunity of learning all the problems and desires of the membership. The state conventions being held throughout the nation are worthwhile and rewarding. The state presidents are doing a marvelous job. Our Branch No. 17 was highly honored that we had a winner in the 1966 SWU Scholarship. It took S.W.U. to be the first organization of the Slovenians to establish a scholarship fund. What an achievement! These a-wards are given each year and it is because of the generous contributions made by you and friends that it is possible. The aim of this scholarship fund is to help these young people a little so they can further their education in their chosen field, which brings joy and satis- faction to them and certainly to us. Let us keep this in mind and keep that light burning brighter thru the years. Our organization has kept up in all of its ventures, travels, activities, sports; espcially in bowling, which each year brings larger team entries. It shows that not only do the young and older group participate in this sport, but we are also encouraging the juveniles, as they are our leaders of tomorrow. The Campaigns for new members have been successful and may I say let us not stop when one ends, but be alert at all times and continue to get that new member for S.W.U. It is a fine organization and we are all proud of it. What a lovely tribute it is to the Founder, Marie Prisland and to each supreme officer ,even your own officers of a branch when they learn another new member was enrolled. Congratulations are extended to the winners as well as to the branches, officers, and members who participated in the enrollment of the new members during these years. Congratulations ot Branch No. 103 for organizing a new branch here in Washington, D. C. and the S.W.U. or-ganzation should be very proud that again they were the first of the Slovenian group to ever liald a convention in the city that is the backbone of our nation. May you prosper thru the years! I was very happy to attend in the many events of the S.W.U. thru the years and for the opportunity to work with such fine officers and members who have this organization at heart. I would also like to compliment them for their excellent work they have performed thru the years. May God shower you with His choicest blessings for many more years. In conclusion, a sincere wish that this Convention will be successful and that all of its decisions will be for the benefit of the members and for a greater and stronger S.W.U. Marie A. Floryan SECRETARY’S CONVENTION REPORT Sincere greetings to all the Officers and Delegates assembled at the 14th tri-ennial convention. It seems only a short time since we decided at the 13th National Convention in Chicago, to meet at our Nation’s Capitol, Washington, D. C. At our parting in Chicago, almost everyone expressed the desire to be blessed with life and health to be together again in May, 1967 which at that time seemed so far away. But, here it is! May, 1967 and we are gathered at the beautiful Washington Ililton Hotel. The years, however, did not really age any of us, if we show any signs of aging, it is all in our minds and not in actual appearance because we Slovenian women do not age but become easier to get along with and more understanding in our home life and in organization work. During the past three years there were many changes, the most noted of which is, in the cost of living and in keeping up with our every day financial problems. However, in the operation of our organization business, things were in many aspects similar to other years and have remained stable. Those of us who are dedicated to the promotion of fraternalism, find it rather difficult to cope with the fast moving so-called progress among the youth of today. Many of us have worked for many decades to make S.W.U. interesting to the growing youth, but have not as yet found the key to such success. I hope, most sincerely, that this convention, with an increased number of younger delegates, will be able to solve this problem. We know that the organization’s future depends on our younger members who will some day soon assume our duties and obligations. In the early years, it was all up-grade work which we did w'ith so much enthusiasm to build the solid structure that we have today. To keep it on a sound basis and extend its years of existence, it is of utmost importance to get the younger members in office so that they’ll follow the footsteps of their mothers, grandmothers and sisters. I remember very vividly how many times we repeated in our meetings: “Let’s work hard to pass an organization to our posterity which will be a pride to them. I think I can safely say that we did our best and now wre hope that our daughters and their children will find it as great as we have during our many years. May God’s Blessings always be with them! In the past three years, the financial standing has been increased as of December 31, 1966 to the amount of $30,579.91. Our ledger assets as of December 31, 19G6 amount to $521,460.20. We have passed the half million dollar mark! This gain should make us all very proud. The total income for the three years was $235,326.35. The disbursements for the same period were $203,728.32. As you see, we have an average of $80,000.00 business annually. The greatest part of our disbursements in years 1964, 1965 and 1966 were the funeral benefit claims. We had 525 deaths in Class A; 29 in Class B; and 6 juveniles, for which we paid $59,150.00 in funeral benefit claims. Our S.W.U. is the only organization among our nationality which has something really worthwhile to give the living members and that is our official organ, Zarja. Some may think that too much is spent for our Zarja, the Daw'n which has cost us $54,377.18 in these three years. Here is where we should stop for a moment and consider how many homes in the Slovenian communities in the U.S.A. enjoy reading the Zarja! It comes like a gift to the members month after month to read brief notes on current events from approximately 100 localities. This pleasure cannot be compared in dollars and cents, because it is priceless. The diligent reporters contribute much to Zarja’s popularity, and I’m certain that you will agree that our Editor is ‘‘tops” in distributing the contents in a most interesting style. Page after page seem like a monthly Souvenir Book. I know that members keep Zarjas for years and years and enjoy reading about the activities of the past years. MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGNS! During the past three years, we had three major campaigns for new members. The Founder's Campaign brought in 328 new members. Branch No. 1, Sheboygan, the home of our Founder, Mrs. Marie Prisland, ended in first place and our ambitious President, Mrs. Antonia Turek, was highest among the workers. Ruby Campaign in honor of our 40th Anniversary followed. We gained 266 new members. Branch No. 50, Cleveland, came through in first place and State President, Mary Bostian, won highest honors among the individual workers. The third was the Pre-Convention Campaign ending Dec. 31. 1966 with 300 new members. No. 50, Cleveland, again made the biggest gain in adult members and Mamie Marin procured the most new members. Our Auditor, Ann Podgoršek, of Branch No. 33, Duluth, Minnesota was a very close second place winner. Ann Cooke of Branch No. 32, Euclid, Ohio enrolled the biggest number of junior members. She and her two lovely daughters are devoting much time in the Juvenile activities in Cleveland and Euclid, Ohio. We will have the opportunity of seeing a part of her group in action Saturday. These juniors have worked hard to make the trip possible, and we hope that it’ll fill their hearts with beautiful memories of our Nation’s Capitol. We have members who do not pass up a chance to enroll a new member also between the campaigns. We are deeply grateful to each and everyone. The most helpful advice that can be offered to our secretaries is how to get the members to pay their assessment regularly. We know that the biggest percentage of drop-outs are members who owe dues. It is regrettable to lose members because of non-payment and in most cases, the branch or the secretary are money out. If anyone has a good idea, please let us hear it. We have compiled a complete age record of all members. In going over the ages, you will note that w7e have over a thousand members who have reached the 75 year mark when they start to pay twenty cents (20c) per month. They are free of the actual assessment for the funeral benefit and the twenty cents (20c) they pay is for the general fund to which every member in good standing has to contribute. There was an exception made at the last convention to retain free members who reached 80 years before July 1, 1964. However, it must be understood that we are governed by the State Insurance Department and they do not recognize free assessment as long as some service is being given from the Home Office such as beneficiary changes, and the payments of claims when death comes, etc. Therefore, the twenty cents (20c) they pay cannot be discontinued because the State Insurance Department has to protect all organza-toins and a general rule and law has to be applied to all funeral benefit organizations. We have a number of recommendations from branches to restore free assessment to those reaching 80 years but this cannot be changed by a convention or otherwise. As for members in Class B, which has a very sound, financial standing, we cannot offer more benefits. Maybe by the next convention, the regulations of the State Insurance Department will also be changed. Bear in mind that all regulations are based on factual findings by the State Examiners. We are now in their good graces, therefore, let us not violate it by free offers, but hard work to make our meetings so interesting and enjoyable that it’ll not be difficult to enroll new members. Department of Insurance Department had the examination of our conditions and affairs in August, 1966. The previous examination was in September, 1962. The report we received from Hon. John P. Bolton, Jr., Director of Insurance, is here if anyone wishes to look it over. The findings of the examination were satisfactory in all respects. (The examiners are paid by the organization. It was $25.00 per day but since January, 1967 the per diem is $50.00 per day. The examination is held at 3 lo 5 year intervals. This time it was 1 years for us.) * * * No doubt every delegate will appreciate knowing what the age standing is in the branch (or branches) she represents. Therefore, we have compiled a complete record of all ages which will give you a true picutre of what the future holds for us. It will also make us all realize how important it is for us to encourage young members to join. We need young members very much and I hope, most sincerely, that you will carry home the message and do all in your power to enroll your young friends and relatives. We know that we have a large field open to us, so let’s make a promise at this convention that we will really work for the progress in young membership. This is a very important message from the Home Office where we are devoting every possible interest in behalf of S.W.TJ. MEMBERSHIP AGE STATISTICS AS OF MAR. 31, 1967 Birth to 19 years . 20-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years 51-60 years 61-74 years 75-79 years 80-85 years 86-93 years (1966-1947).................... 2,355 members (1946-1936)...................... 537 members (1935-1926)...................... 662 members (1925-1916).................... 1,442 members (1915-1906)................... 2,062 members (1905-1893).................... 2,128 members (1892-1888)..................... 921 members (1887-1881)...................... 562 members (1880-1873)....................... 71 members 10,740 members Most of our secretaries are cooperating with the Home Office to the fullest extent. They send us the annual list of addresses which helps us to have an up-to-date record. Sorry to say that we are still waiting for a complete check up from some of the secretaries although we have made several requests. The problem arises from time to time from secretaries who do not have a complete birthday record. A member becomes 75 years of age without their knowing and then comes the plea for a refund for the overpayment. Knowing what a problem the secretaries have, we have tried our best to reimburse them. This would definitely be avoided if every secretary would send us an annual list of members to be checked. We hope that this situation will be taken into earnest consideration by all in the future. The duties of the Supreme Secretary are many more than are covered in our By-Law book. I have tried my very best to be helpful and make the job of our secretaries as easy as possible. To this fact I’m certain that the secretaries present will agree. Our office was very fortunate in finding an assistant who is very intelligent, patient and has a full business background. She is Mrs. Sophie Bogolin, daughter of our Supreme Treasurer, Mrs. Josephine Železnikar. To say it briefly would be: she is a perfectionist in office work. The work in the office has a wide range and she knows how to cope wtih situations and wants to be helpful to all the secretaries. She has charge of the recapitulation of our monthly branch reports and the notes you get on your reports come from her desk. She is the happiest when she gets a monthly report that is correct. We now have a new 4th page on the report w'hich Mrs. Bogolin compiled and she hopes that it will assist the secretaries in making out the form correctly in the future. The Board of Directors meetings are very interesting and every one tries her very best to be of service. I am deeply grateful to all for whatever assistance they offer in carrying on the business of our organization. The Directors are honestly dedicated to their duties and deserve to be complimented for their untiring efforts. The job of attending state conventions and other important functions has been spread among the Directors and the assignments were graciously carried out. We realize the importance of official visits, therefore, we have tried to comply with the invitations. In closing of this convention report, may 1 tell you that this is my 13th one. Every convention has left memories which will never be forgotten. I hope that this convention, which has been prepared in the best way possible, will add much to the history of S.W.TJ. which will be a pride to all. Washington, D C is a great city — so let’s work hard to leave impressions honorable to the assembly and especially to Slovenian Women’s Union. May Our Heavenly Mother, whom we honor especially this month, guide our deliberations so that they will benefit the entire membership and organization! Sincerely and Fraternally yours, Albina Novak The Supreme Treasurer’s Report was given in Zarja. At this time, Mrs. Železnikar greeted the Convention warmly and offered her hopes for a successful outcome. REPORT OF PRESIDENT OF AUDITING BOARD Reverend Father, Supreme Officers, my dear friends and sisters—greetings and best wishes to all of you. My Convention report was in May Zarja.. I have enjoyed my work as Supreme Auditor and attending the well-organized board meetings every six months. They were very educational. In the nine years of being a Supreme Auditor, I have met many wonderful people and attended many functions for the Zveza. I helped in various projects for the Supreme Office and for our Branch. In all of our membership campaigns, I have always enrolled new members. In this pre-convention campaign, I have again come in second place, signing up 18 adults and 17 juvenile members. With the help of our State President, Barbara Rosandicli of Ely, Ann Satovich, Pres., of Hibbing branch and Frances Kosanovicli in charge of plane reservations, we have made plans and reservations for 57 guests to be present at this Convention from Minnesota! Our Minnesota Zveza Day celebration is bigger and more interesting. Each year, we are guests in a different city. The Branches of Minnesota very graciously take their turn to host the delegation. As reporter of our branch for Zarja, each month I have written about our many activities which I am sure contribute to our large attendance at our meetings. It is wonderful to see more and more articles from the various branches. It was a pleasure to work with the other two auditors— Vicki Faletič and Frances Gaspich, who were always so pleasant and co-operative in every respect. I was sorry to hear Vicki wouln’t be able to attend this Convention because of illness. We will surely miss her, as she always had new' ideas and lots of vitality — a Godspeed recovery, Vicki. We should be proud of the Supreme officers who work so hard to please the membership. May we have a successful and memorable Convention. Ann Podgoršek Supreme Auditor, Vicki Faletič was not present due to illness. Supreme Auditor, Frances Gaspich made a brief verbal report stating her best wishes to the assembly. EDITOR’S REPORT My Dear and Esteemed Officers and Delegates to the 14th National Convention! We find ourselves in the beautiful city of Washington, D. C., our Nation’s Capitol and the center of democracy. I’m sure you feel as I do that the great history and inspiration of this city is something that every American should experience. I hope that some of the greatness of Washington will stay with us during our convention deliberations, so that it will be an even bigger success than we hoped for. For the past year and a half, I have been working along with our officers in the Home Office and here in Washington, to make this convention and the excursion for our members a very worthwhile and meaningful visit. It would be superfluous to go into the details of the countless calls, letters, and hours that have gone into the realization of these plans. Our main concern all along has been to give ourselves enough time and the proper atmosphere for the important work of the Convention, while trying to utilize every moment to its fullest. We hope that you will enjoy yourselves and at the same time bear with any inconveniences. As for me, I know it will be a wonderful week ■— as was the beginning of our visit here. And, may I extend my thanks to the local committee and all of you for your wonderful co-operation. Among our most important discussions is our publication ZARJA-THE DAWN, the voice of Slovenian Women’s Union, as we like to call it. It really is just that, a true sounding board for a combined chorus of over 100 writers, from all parts of the States, from many different circumstances, all vitally interested in one thing, the activities and progress of their branches and the Union. ZARJA can take credit for being very successful all these years as an important force for the increase in popularity and new business for Zveza and it should continue to be so in the future. At this Convention we are celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Slovenian Women’s Union, although we are actually in our 41st year. ZARJA now, in 1967 is approaching its 40th year, also. I have a copy of the first publication entitled, ‘Ameriška Slovenka,” a book which is a lovely and treasured first edition published by this organization in 1928. In its present form as a magazine, the first ZARJA is dated July, 1929. These are here for you to look through if you wish. May I take this brief moment to express appreciation to the founding officers who supported the idea — a new idea at that time 40 years ago, for our own journal for American Slovenian Women. And, it’s importance and value can be supported by the fact that although many similar publications have fallen by the wayside, S.W.U. continues to have great respect and confidence in her own publication. I often think of the comment I heard once from a printer who was comparing ZARJA’S mailing list to those of other organizations. He said: “How is it that your ZARJA keeps its number up there? You always seem to keep your enrollment high.” I answered: “It’s because we are women and have three natural attributes at work for us. First, we are by nature curious — we like to read what the others are doing; second, we like to show off a little — tell others w'hat we are doing; and thrid, we like to relax in good company, because reading ZARJA is like being with good friends!” Do you think I wras right? It pleases me so much to hear comments from people about their enjoyment in reading ZARJA. I can’t take full credit for it, of course, but I do love to take the compliments. At this time, may I forward them all to you, as you represent the talent and abilities that have gone into all the many Issues of ZARJA in its 39 years. Expression of Gratitude Perhaps now, when we are talking of the years of ZARJA, we should recall the pioneers who began it all during the fraternal movement of the 1930’s. Without their energies and foresightedness, we could not have come so far. Seated right here with us are people vitally interested in ZARJA since its beginning. Mrs. Marie Prisland was first, to support the idea for ZARJA. She a diligent writer of O, TA SVET, that has given many hours of enjoyable reading to our members and other columns that have benefited and educated us all. Mrs. Albina Novak is certainly the most influential of all our former editors who is still an important guide and leader of this organization. For the past two terms, we have had an industrious and enterprising president, Mrs. Antonia Turek, whose writing echoes her true enthusiasm for Zveza. Spiritual Advisor, Father Okorn, has always given us worthwhile thought and common sense approach to the problems of today’s living. Among our finest officers is Mrs. Anna Pachak, so considerate and helpful in securing financial assistance for ZARJA; and her cosolicitor, Mrs. Mary Lenich, one of the best of all ZARJA supporters. Christmas and special issues just wouldn’t be right without the festive ads from Pueblo and Eveleth. More than 10,000 readers unanimously agree that ‘Tots, Pans and Pasttimes” has become the prime target for reading when ZARJA comes to their homes. Pots and Pans, a good title for a good column, was originated by Mrs. Prisland and is carried on by her daughter, Mrs. Hermine Dicke — not only an exteremely capable writer, but very disciminating in choice of material. Our Youth movement has gained considerably witli the fine writing of Regina who prefers to be incognito, but when thanks are due, we must extend them to Mrs. Olga Ancel, another of the people that Zveza has kept her side for many years. As a mother herself, she is dedicated to all children and provides them with good reading for their leisure hours. And, how many more of you there are today, officers and members, in the room, who have long years of service to ZARJA behind you and I hope, just as many ahead. My thanks to you all, fine and thoughtful writers. Management In this report on the three years from 1964 thru 1966, 1 would like to discuss two phases. The first is the management of ZARJA which entails the business part and the second is the editing. In the past 15 years, since I have been editor ,the costs of things have grown and among them ZARJA’S. We are fortunate to have a printing shop that is holding a reasonable price and this has helped us to keep going in the same fashion to which we have become accustomed. Printing ZARJA costs us approximately $1,635.00 an issue— an average based on 61 issues at 16 pages and 6 at 32 pages per year. The Benedictine Press has given us an estimated cost for the next year comparable to that of the past year, wre’re happy to say. From the Editor’s or Publisher’s Fund, the cost of small expenses are paid, such as cuts, photos and postage for my office. These expenses are very real and must be paid from the monies collected through your donations and advertising. Most of the time, we are working with income and expenses at the same level, and occasionally, at a deficit. All of you will realize that donations and advertising is hard to solicit while expenses grow, therefore, the small fund is never too secure. However, I am very grateful for all the support given by our branches and members in this regard. Advertising Advertising in ZARJA has been for many years confined to one page monthly at extremely low rates. We are very satisfied that our advertisers are loyal, therefore, the rates have not Deen Increased in the past. Only the newer advertisements have been slightly raised. Ads create a lot of interest and help substantially with the expenses as I have mentioned before. Now, I think some thought and planning must be given to the possibilities of increasing the advertising rates, and/or increasing the amount of advertising. We have not the space to accomodate many new ads unless other material is cut down. This is difficult to do and any new policy for more advertising should recognize this situation. Subscription rates are also very low, and some extra funds could be realized with a nominal increase. Editing I have never taken the time to count lines, count pages, or count hours, but I can assure you that editing ZARJA has become a full time operation. Consider the various operations for a complete edition of ZARJA and you will see how many working days and weeks are used before a finished product is turned out. I would like you to realize that we are working with a very small staff, one person to a job. To begin, when ZARJA material is submitted by you, it is re-copied and corrected by the Editor. Then, the typesetter, only one man in this case, sets the copy and this takes many hours. He also must set the Slovenian type, a much slower process than the English. Proofs are made and corrections read. The Editor then makes from all the material a paste-up version of the compete ZARJA which is followed exactly page by page by the compositor at the printing shop. After further corrections, the printer takes over and runs off the forms, eight pages at a time. When we have a 32 page issue, four forms are printed, plus cover. The actual printing time is a full working day for each form. Have you been counting the days? By now, it’s almost three weeks and even after all the printing is done, we have not counted the 3 days needed for addressing and mailing — and the delays with postal delivery of 2nd class matter. I have a reason for outlining all this, and that is to impress upon you the necessity for observing the deadline for reports and articles. As you can conclude, the later we begin, the later the process ends. I can count on the fingers of one hand the reporters who do observe the deadline, the fifth of the month, and so, with all the delays mentioned here, you can see why your ZARJA occasionally is delivered later in the month than you would like it. When the finished copy finally rolls off the press, we sigh a deep sigh of relief, and roll up our sleeves to being over again, the next issue. Mailing List Our ZARJA mailing list is undergoing a constant change. People are moving all the time — and many names must be added or cancelled. We are cross-checking our mailing lists with the secretaries’ lists and as the names are checked branch by branch, we are making the necessary changes in the office and printing shop. In some localities there is no problem but in bigger cities and overlapping communities, we are often given many postal changes that must be verified by the secretary. This year we have completed the zip coding of the entire mailing list according to postal regulations. In all matters concerning the mailing of ZARJA, I ask for your continued help and understanding. Future Policies When the ZARJA committee meets, 1 hope that any further questions will be discussed and perhaps a new and forward-thinking policy can be suggested for the future. I would like to encourage more writers in specific topics, to give members new interests, in both the Slovenian and English sections, such as literature, American and Slovenian history, national issues, handcraft and other hobbies. 1 also recommend that ZARJA contnues in its present form, as a journal, with the interesting reading matter that our members provide plus the specialized columns that we have grown to love and appreciate and all official S.W.TJ. material. Although the trend is still prevalent for less and less interest in the foreign language press, I have done all in my power to keep our Slovenian section popular. We have fewer Slovenian reporters since those able to read and write in Slovenian are decreasing; but, there are still a number of fine officers and reporters who do great work telling of the activities of their branches. I would appeal to you all to help us continue to keep our Slovenian language used, written and read. This is one of our proudest possessions, the beautiful Slovenian language. In conclusion, 1 wish to thank you again for the great confidence you have shown in my judgment these past years and hope that you will always love ZARJA and work for its success which means success for S. W. U. PUBLISHER’S FUND 3 YEAR RECAPITULATION Balance, Dec. 31, 1963 ......................... $ 133.40 Income: Yearly Advertisements Other Advertisements Subscriptions ......... Donations for cuts . . . Donations ............. Total Expenses: Engravings . ............................. Postage ................................... Supplies .................................. Other ..................................... Balance, Dec. 30, 1966 .................. Respectfully submttedi, Corinne Leskovar REPORT OF SEC. OF SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Warmest greetings to all the officers and delegates! Permit me to thank the Board for inviting me to this Convention. It gives me the opportunity to participate in the activities of the convention and the pleasure to meet many of you personally. I am indeed pleased to report on my column “Pots and Pans” and as secretary of the Scholarship Committee to report on its financial status and announce the 1967 winners. First of all: “How do I go about preparing Pots and Pans?” Recipes come from various sources. I now have 20 cookbooks, women’s magazines come to my house regularly, food bulletins are mailed to me from the University of Wisconsin nad the TJ. S. Department of Agriculture and a metal file of about 60 folders contains varieties of recipes: for each month of the year, for every season, for all holidays like Christmas and Mother’s Day, for meats, salads, breads, all kinds of fruit, vegetables, etc. Neighbors and friends are always giving me recipes knowing my need for something new, simple and delicious. However, above all, I like most to use those that you send me: favorite recipes that you enjoy serving your families. It gives the column a more personal and interesting appeal. As a rule, I pretest all of the recipes, not because I don’t trust you, because I think you are the best cooks in the world, but it helps me to become familiar with what I am reporting and to do a better job. I do this with recipes from cookbooks also. When it comes to potica, I need my mother’s help. Either she comes to Madison or 1 drive to Sheboygan. For the May issue, my father also got into the act. During a recent visit and dinner with my parents, I jolted them a little at two in the afternoon when I announced that I had a new potica recipe that I would like to try for this month’s column. My mother made the dough; my dad ground the walnuts for the filling, and I with notebook and pencil jotted down all the steps. With yardstick in hand we $932.00 532.50 102.70 87.50 20.20 $1,674.90 $1,808.30 $968.03 302.79 195.20 316.86 $1,782.88 $ 25.42 measured the rolled out dough. By 8 o’clock that evening we took out a beautifully browned potica from the oven and completed our study with a taste test. Other recipes I try 011 my family. My family knows when I’m working on an article for we’re apt to have stroganoff, cherry cobbler, liver dumplings, pickled mushroom or what have you with our dinner. They tell me quite frankly if it’s delicious, fair or not so good. One of the unusual, recent recipes that my husband especially enjoyed was Mrs. Kompare’s caraway seed soup. I had my misgivings since among other things, the recipe called for browned caraway seed and later ketchup. But it is absolutely delicious; look it up in the March issue. I want you to know that I do appreciate greatly the recipes you have sent me, but won’t you please send me more of your favorites to share with others? And now the Scholarship Fund. With three of my children in college and our youngest in high school and my husband teaching at the University, I know only too well the meaning of good grades and the effort and ability that goes into an excellent record. The results of some of our high school studets is astounding. We have members that have truly bright and energetic children. These are the young men and women that we must recognize by our annual scholarship grants. As you all know, $200.00 is given to two worthy applicants each year (on a few occasions four candidates were recognized in one year.) They are members, if girls, for at least six months; in the case of boys, their sister, mother or grandmother are members. They are elegible if financial aid is necessary, have a high scholastic record and plan to enroll at an accredited college or university in the fall. The Scholarship Fund has been wonderfully supported by your contributions, and from interest gained at the bank and from bonds. At this time may I thank you most sincerely for whatever you have brought in handwork to the Convention, the profit of which will go entirely to the Scholarship Fund. Thank you also for purchasing these hand made articles. As secretary to the Scholarship Committee, may I report on the financial status from January 1, 1964 to January 1, 1967: January 1, 1964, Balance on hand $7,454.59 Income and Interest 3,6'18.81 $1,073.40 Disbursements: Scholarship grants: $2,000.00 New ledger 4.90 Accrued interest 011 purchased bonds (will be re-imbursed 7.80 Total: $2,012.70 January 1, 1967, Balance on hand: $9,060.70 The Scholarship Committee wishes to make it’s announcement of the 1967 winners at this time. It is a real pleasure to report that the winners this year, as last year, have fantastic records. When a contestant loses out because she has one “C” and the other grades are “A” during her entire four years of high school we are not being partial by giving the scholarship to somone else, but it is because the two winners are better. For instance, one of the scholarship recipients this year is a student who is first academically in her high school class — she has a grade point average of 3.975, an almost perfect record for four years. In addition, these are but a few of her accomplishments from a two-page report:National Honor Society 2, 3, 4 pres. 4; First place in Mythology at Junior Classical League State Convention, 2; First place in Latin III, second place overall in vocabulary contest, 3; Homeroom President, 1. Awards: National Merit Scholarship Program Letter of Commendation, 4; Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow, 4; Bausch and Lomb Science Award, 4; Third place winner, Math 3, Archdiocesan Math and Science Tournament, 3; Dr. J. B. Farley Grant, 3; Scholarship to Culbreath Speed Reading School, 1; Honor Roll, 1, 2, 3, 4; Golden Anniversary Award, Colorado State Speech Festival, 2; Alternate to Girls’ State, 3; Silver Medal Winner — A.P.S.L. Nationwide Examination 2, Gold Metal, 3; First place, original oratory, superior, Tenth Trinidad Second place trophy winner, superior, Roncalli Invitational Speech meet National Piano playing auditions, National winner 1, 2, 3, 4 St. Mary’s Choir, 1, 2, 3,4, organist Second place winner Lion’s Club Peace Essay Contest, 4 Slovenian Women’s Union 1, 2, 3, 4 She writes: I would like to attend Creighton University because it is an established Catholic institution, offering courses designed to equip a student for a successful future career, especially in the field I am interested in -medicine. Can there possibly be more? The young lady with this tremendous record is our first winner and she is Miss Dorothyann Zakrasek of Pueblo, Colorado of Branch No. 3. This year, five of the 13 applicants were young men, and we are happy to report that one of these men is our second winner. He also comes with an astounding record : a straight “A” student during his entire four years of high school. He, too, participated in drama and debate, won the Bausch-Lomb Science Award, and was C011-test-winner of the VFW essay on “Voice of Democracy”. He worked on the school newspaper and participated in stage crew, chorus, football, and basketball. He was a member of the National Honor Society for all four years besides participating in the Catholic Youth Club and church activities. His High School principal writes: “John has been an A student all through High School. In the ninth grade he was chosen as the Best Boy Citizen, The faculty picks this student for scholastic ability, leadership, and citizenship. The American Legion picked him as the representative to Boys’ State. I am sure you know the qualities they look for in a junior boy for Boys’ State. Mr. H. Anderson, his mathematics teacher, has told me that he has never had a student as good as John. No matter what I can say about John, it would not be enough. I sincerely mean it when I say I never wrote a letter for a more deserving young man.” This deserving young man and our second winner is Mr. John Anthony Shuster of Gilbert, Minn, of Branch 31. We all wish to extend our warmest congratulations to these two talented students and the winners of our 1967 scholarships. May I wish you a very successful Convention, Respectfully submitted, Hermine Dicke REPORT OF STATE PRESIDENT OF ILL.-IND As State President of Illinois and Indiana may I extend a very warm welcome to all of our distinguished guests, delegates, and members who are gathered here today in the beautiful city of Washington, D. C. I can hardly realize that it has been three years ago that we all met. I would like to summarize briefly the events that have taken place in the past 3 years. In 1964 011 Aiigust 30, Br. 89 of Oglesby, III. hosted the 111. and Ind. State Convention, whcli was very -well attended and successful. All the Supreme officers were present, with Branches 2, 20, 24, 89 and 95 attending this session. Most impressive was the Mass and the inspiring sermon given by the Rev C. A. Mayes of Holy Family church, which was a great comfort to all of us. After Mass dinner was served at the Garzanelli Supper Club; their fine food, service, and homey atmosphere made the picture complete. I would like to mention that the following members of Br. 89 who have given much of their time and energy for having made all this possible are: Mary Yazbec, Br. 89 Founder, Frances Meglicli, Pres, and chairlady; Mary Kernz, Vice-Pres. and Co-chairlady; Mary Kleczewski, Sec’y; Angie Nico, Rec. Sec’y; Sophie Frank, Treas.; Josephine Livek, and Frances Nemeth. Entertainment; Josephine Morrison, Emma Casserly and Helen Komater; Refreshments; and last but not. least, Frances Gorišek, and Helen Dawson. Frances Gasplch of Br. 20 has rendered a most articulate service as Rec. Sec’y; I must say I cannot appraise adequately the values of her services. It far exceeds the compensation we pay her. 1 can assure you that the session was stimulating, exciting, and rewarding, where you can see the fruits of our labor enjoyed in many ways. Greetings and good wishes were sent by our beloved Marie Prisland, Hon. Pres, and Founder of our organization, also greetings from Br. 99 of Elmhurst. The visitors who attended this session were; Marie Flory-an, Ann Podgoršek and Vicki Faletič. Again, I thank Br. 89 for their wonderful hospitality. In 19G5 on August 29, the State Convention Illinois-Indiana was held at Joliet, 111. and Br. 20 hosted. The day began with 12:00 o’clock Mass at St. Joseph’s church in Joliet, 111. The Mass was offered for the living and deceased members. Dinner was served at the famous and exclusive D’Amico’s Supper Club, and it was here in this glamorous atmosphere, we held our State Convention. Msgr. Butala addressed the entire delegation with the most constructive and thoughtful speech on a subject of major interest, that has been delivered in many years. The following women who have taken the job and responsibility of running the convention are: Josephine Muster in opening and closing the convention: Frances Gaspicli for her skill and enthusiasm as our Rec. Sec’y; Jo Sumic led the entire delegation in saluting the American Flag. Might I also add the cordiality of our beloved Founder and Honorary Supreme President Marie Prisland, Sup. Pres. Antonia Turek, Sup. Sec’y., Albina Novak, Sup. Treas., Josephine Železnikar, Ann Podgoršek, Vicki Faletič, Auditors; Corinne Leskovar, Editor, Past Sup. Pres., Josephine Livek, and Rose Kraemer, State Pres, of Wisconsin and her guests who accompanied her to Joliet. Believe me, their support made my tasks somewhat easier. It was here that Br. 2, 20, 24, 29, 89 and 95 threw a revealing light on some of the strangest things that have happened in their branches, the ideas just have been made clear that their determination to be noticed makes their opinions worth noticing. For this the members of Br. 20 have been a grand group, and to all of you I owe my affection, gratitude and respect. Again, I thank Br. 20 for their generous hospitality. Greetings and best wishes were sent by Mary Bostian, Ohio-Mich. State Pres. The meeting was ajourned at 5:15 with a prayer. 1966. I am sorry to report that health was somewhat of a problem to me and Br. 24; that is why we were unable to have our State Convention, which made me feel discontented. But by curbing my feelings, I feel that I have done my work to the best of my ability and willingly. I am happy to say that all of the Illinois-Indiana branches blososmed and with increasing new members and attendance. We have several varied events to raise money that each member is asked to participate. For activities, a diversified program is scheduled for each meeting. Members are asked to bring along something in the line of bakery goods. Get well cards are sent to our sick and pay dues for those who cannot afford it. Last but not least, all members are jolly, mature, capable women blessed with outgoing personalities and who could operate on any level. Josephine Turk, delegate from Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. lias informed me that their branch is small and very sound. Their primary concern is focused on the elder members and they with to continue to function in the same manner as in previous years. In conclusion, I hope that, no matter what the future holds, God will always shower His blessings upon all of you. Respectfully submitted, Mildred James REPORT OF THE STATE PRESIDENT OF WISCONSIN Reverend Father Okorn, Supreme Officers and delegates of the 14th National Convention. I herewith submit my report for your consideration. During my term in office, I have endeavored to be worthy of the great honor you have conferred upon me. The welfare of the Slovenian Women’s Union has been my sole consideration. I have tried to serve my office to the best of my ability and to fulfill any and all duties as Wisconsin State President. The able assistance given me by Marie Floryan and all Wisconsin branches has been greatly appreciated, for without your co-operation I could not have performed my duties. Our Honorary President, Marie Prisland, Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, Supreme Treasurer, Josephine Železnikar and the rest of the Supreme Board are to be commended for their untiring efforts and progress, and on behalf of the Wisconsin branches, I would like to express my thanks to them, Reverend Okorn for his excellent articles, Hermine Dicke for Pots and Pans, and to Corinne Leskovar for the fine coverage given in the Zarja, on all reports. It is gratifying to have our work known and to have it accurately reported. Also, thanks to our Athletic Director, Liz Zefran for her untiring work. I have outlined the suggestions made by branches at the last two state convention meetings. Branch No. 1, Sheboygan: 1. World Wide Activities 2. State convention meetings in the fall 3. Boys transferred from junior to senior department, and also accepted as adult members. 4. Article 102 in the by-laws to read: All women and children of Slovenian descent as well as other women and children, all being practical Catholics, and in good health, shall be accepted into the organization. Branch No. 12, Milwaukee: 3. What to do with male juniors when they reach the age of 21? 2. No raising in monthly dues. 3. No state convention when National Convention is held. Branch No. 17: 1. Members and non-members asking for higher death benefits. 2. Raising age-limit of adult membership. 3. Youth members after they reach 21 years of age. 4. National Convention slated every 4 or 5 years, because of expense. Branch No. 43: '1. To raise the age limit on Class B (70c) to 60 years. 2. A space in Zarja, once a year, for change of addresses. 3. Against raising dues and not the death benefit. 4. Male members when they reach 21 years of age. Branch No. 102: No disapprovals. In conclusion, I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to all, for the willing co-operation and assistance during my term as State President of Wisconsin. It has, indeed, been an honor and pleasure to serve you. Lastly, but not least, congratulations to the officers in charge of the excellent work at this Convention which was handled by Irene Planinšek and her local branch and Editor, Corinne Leskovar. Respectfully submitted, Rose Kraemer. REPORT OF THE STATE PRESIDENT OF CALIFORN IA-WASHINGTON-OREGON Rev. Father, Supreme Officers, Members and Friends. As State President, I offer my sincere greetings to you ail from the officers and members of Br. 13, SanFrancisco. This is my 5th Convention and am honored to serve as Supreme Officer. Since the last Convention in 1964 and to date, there have been many changes and difficulties, due to most of our members getting along in years. The reason for State Presidents is important. They are the ones who have to think up new ideas and activi- A HEARTY THANK YOU The Scholarship Committee wishes to thank very sincerely all the Supreme Officers and Delegates who contributed handwork for the exibiton and the sale at the Convention. The handwork sale amounted a total of $473.30; the cash donations were $159.50. A GRAND TOTAL OF $632.80. With this amount the Scholarship Fund will greatly improve its standing. Individual names and amounts are published in the column OH, TA SVET ... in this issue. ..Again, a hearty thanks to all the donors as well as to the Washington branch committee who supervised the sale. Gratefully, Marie Prisland, President Scholarship Committee ,------------------------------------------------------—J ties to make it attractive for the young people today and to continue for the betterment of the organization. We have three Juniors and one adult member present at this Convention, Christine Slattery and Carol Fager, granddaughter of our delegate, Margaret Fager. It was a great idea of the Slovenian Women’s Union to sponsor the selling of tickets to help defray the expenses of our delegate. A big thank you to Editor, Corinne Leskovar for the continued publication of Zarja in its most interesting and progressive form. May God bless you all and a safe return home to each of you. Rose Scoff REPORT OF THE STATE PRESIDENT OF OHIO-MICH. Greetings to the members of the Supreme Board. Delegates and visitors from all branches of Ohio and Michigan. I have read closely all the reports received from our branches 6. 10, 15, 21, 41, 47, 50, 54 and 57. I would like to report the following activities that have been performed by these branches and submitted to me. Many methods have been used to raise money for our different activities such as playing popular games, rummage sales, Christmas parties, bake sales. Branches donate towards gifts for their own members when they have special events, such as newborn babies, anniversaries, are in the hospital; and masses are offered for deceased members. Parties for juveniles, to honor Mother’s Day and celebrations of birthdays and anniversaries are included. They also donate to worthy causes. The majority of branches would like to see assessment discontinued for a member reaching the age of 70 years of after a membership of 40 years. They would prefer that the assessments be not increased. They wish that the Supreme Officers would continue at the same salaries. They wish explanations ol' depreciation of property as included in the last December Financial Report. The cost of Zarja is very expensive and they feel if some of the less important articles were deleted, it may keep down expenses. Zarja-The Dawn magazine should not be sent to members who have been canceled and who are deceased—this also to keep the cost down. Promises issued by any members of the Supreme Board should be verified in writing so there is no misunderstanding. Cut down on traveling expenses. Br. 54 would like to know if there is anyway to supplement the 5c charge a branch makes to members as this does not cover actual expenses. Zveza should pay all expenses for delegates in the future, rather than burden branches with these expenses. The Convention be held every 4 years and in the month of June. They wish that Juniors who transfer at the age of 18 years receive a $25.00 Rider if they have been a member since birth. For sports, they wish to receive help if juvenile surplus permits. Br. 6. wishes continued success and pledges support for future progress. All reports have been very favorable on the work of the Supreme Board and of course, all hope that the next Convention will be held in Cleveland, Ohio. Wishing all an enjoyable and successful Convention. Mary Bostian (Mrs. Bostian’s report on duties performed as State President of Ohio-Mich. was given in May issue of Zarja.) REPORT OF THE STATE PRESIDENT OF COLOR ADO-KANSAS-M ISSOU Rl Esteemed Reverend Father Claude Okorn, Honorary President, Marie Prisland, other Supreme Officers, Delegates and all present in the hall. All too soon has time passed since the last Convention and during this time the S.W.U. has proudly stepped ahead to its 40th Anniversary. All credit and honor to Branch 50 which achieved first place in the enrollment of new members in the Pre-Convention Campaign. Since the last Convention I enrolled 38 new members in oui' branch and although it is a small figure, I am proud of every member. My responsibilities have been carried out to the best of my ability as State President. I have faithfully and exactly followed the directives given me and have been in constant correspondence with the Supreme Offcers and my branches. All members of my states wish to have enlargement of our publication, Zarja. We recognize the efficient leadership of our organization and the fine financial standing. In conclusion I wish for a long life for our organization and continued interest in our organ, Zarja. In Sepetmber we will have the State Convention with the observance of the 40th Anniversary of S.W.U. In 1968 hostesses to the State Convention will be Br. 92, Crested Butte. Greetings to all delegates of the 14th Convention and I am sorry that missing among you is our faithful worker, Mary Lenich of Eveleth, who cannot be here because of illness. Best regards to all. Anna Pachak REPORT OF THE STATE PRES. OF PA.-NEW YORK Greetings: Spiritual Advisor, Father Okorn, Supreme Officers and Delegates to the 14th National Convention. Since the last Convention we have had in Pennsylvania three State Conventions all successful. Thanks are extended to Supreme President, Mrs. Turek and State President, Mrs. Bostian, who led large groups of members to all our state functions. The fourth State Convention will be held Sept. 24, 1967 and we hope our Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak will be able to be present. Br. 26, in Pittsburgh, Pa. has undertaken this event and we are grateful to their president, Mrs. Anna Trontel for her help. All my thanks to the members and branches in Pennsylvania for their cooperation. They were all so very helpful and gave me their firm support. I consider it an honor to be a Supreme Officer over 20 years, as in 194(5 I was first elected to office at the Convention in Indianapolis. I have diligently presided over my branch for the past 28 years. On May 24, 1948, I organized Br. 106 with 25 members. I also have great interest in the cookbooks, although for the latest printing I haven’t had too many sales. Every house In our community already has a copy of our cookbook. In all, I sold 130 which is a lot for this small area. I have always had greatest esteem for our Supreme Officers and even my sons follow me in this respect. We all love our Founder, Marie Prisland and Supreme Secretary Albina who has been our leader for the 40 years. My compliments also to the Editor, Corinne for her work with our Zarja and I wish her continued success. This concludes my report and thank you very much. Mary Tomslc (To be Continued) P. Klaude Okorn, O.F.M.: BOŽJI KLIC V neki župniji v Sloveniji že več let ni bilo duhovnika. Otroke so nosili krščevat v mesto, nekateri pa sploh nikamor. Živeli so brez molitve. Delali so v petek in Svetek. Otroci so rastli divji, brez prave vzgoje. Zbirali so se v tolpe, ki so strahovale okolico. Vodja neke take tolpe je bil Tomaž. Bil je drzen, sposoben za organizacijo. Imenovali so ga "šef.” Ta tolpa, kateri je načeloval Tomaž je vlomila v prazno župnišče. Polomili so vrata, tako da jih je oskrbnik moral zabiti z deskami. Po več letih je bil imenovan župnik za to faro. Ko je prišel in s sekiro začel odpirati vrata od župnišča so pobalini imeli vojni posvet. Sklenili so, da mu bodo nagajali kjerkoli mu bodo le mogli. “Izgubil bo živce in odšel odkoder je prišel,” je zaključil Tomaž. Za prvo nedeljo njegovega bivanja v župniji, je mladi župnik sam pometel cerkev, pobrisal prah in pripravil vse potrebno. Sedaj moram iti zvonit. Že dolgo ti zvonovi niso vabili k sv. maši. Potegnil je za vrv. Vrv se ni premaknila. Šel je pogledat kaj je vzrok. Ko je odprl vrata v zvonik mu je bilo takoj vse jasno. Fantje so za-vezeli vrvi, da jih župnik ne bi mogel rabiti. Jasno je bilo župniku, da so mu fantje napovedali vojno. Dolgo ga je vzelo, da je razvezal vozle in mogel pozvoniti. Župnik si je pri tem mislil: bolje tako, kakor pa da bi se zame sploh ne zmenili. Ko se je vračal v župnišče, je zažvenketalo okno. “Sovražnik je začel uporabljati topništvo,” si je mislil župnik. Ostal je mirem tudi, ko so mu razbili tudi drugo okno. Nekega dne mu pridejo povedat, da neki starček v oddaljenem zaselku umira in želi duhovnika. Kar stisnilo ga je pri srcu. Le ni zaman prišel v to župnijo. Tudi fantje so zvedeli zakaj se župniku tako mudi. "Danes mu jo zagodemo da bo rdeč od jeze,” je zagotovil Tomaž. Skočil je domov, napolnil si je žepe s kratkimi žeblji z debelo glavo in posul cesto. Kmalu je vsa banda sledila svojemu poveljniku. Ko so posuli cesto so se poskrili in čakali. Župnik je malu prišel. Zavore so Rev. Klavdij Okorn, OFM, Zvezin duhovni svetovalec med konvenčno mašo pred oltarjem v kripti veličastne Marijine katedrale v Washingtonu, D. C. zaškripale in nekaj časa se je lovil po cesti s prazno predno gumo. Še tega se je manjkalo. Pogledal je po cesti in videl še več žebljev. Pilo mu je jasno. Pri tem je slišal pridušen smeh. Župnika je pograbila jeza vendar se je obvladal. Fantje so imeli zavest, da so uspeli. Tomaž je celo stopil iz svojega skrivališča. Župnik ga je pogledal in mu žalostno rekel: “Tomaž, neki človek umira, če ne pridem pravočasno bo umrl in bo morda pogubljen za večno in to boš ti imel na vesti.” Tomaž je prebledel. Na to ni mislil. Duhovnik je videl njegovo zadrego. Tomaž ni bil slab fant, le nagajati je hotel duhovniku. Župnik mu reče: “Če si zares kaj vreden pomagaj mi zakrpati gumo.” Tomaž si ni pustil to dvakrat reči. Župnik še nikoli ni tako hitro zakrpal gume. Ostali fantje so le gledali in se čudili. Tomaž pa pomaga župniku. Župnik je povabil Tomaža naj prisede. Še sta prišla pravočasno. Na Tomaža so obredi pri podeljevanju zakramentov za umirajoče napravili globok vtis. Začel je razmišljati . . . želel se je ragovarjati z župnikom in jeseni je prinesel prošnjo za sprejem v semenišče. Zares, čudna so božja pota. Najvažnejši konvenčni sklepi V angleškem delu je celotni zapisnik 14 narodne konvencije SŽZ, ki se je vršila v dnevih od 24. do 28. maja v Washingtonu, D. C. Navzočih je bilo 52 delegatinj, P' glavnih odbornic in okoli 400 gostov. Zapisnik v slovenščini bo objavljen v naslednjih številkah Zarje, a tukaj prinašamo najvažnejše sklepe: Starostna doba za pristop v razred B se zviša do 60 leta starosti. Članstvo v Mladinskem oddelku lahko ostane do 25 leta starosti, ko ima mladinski član(-ica) možnost prestopa v odrasli oddelek. Če je mladinski član(-ica) pristopil v Zvezo pred prvim rojstnim dnevom, potem je u-pravičen do $50 poviška na polici v odraslem oddelku in če je bil član vsaj 10 let, potem ima enoletno članarino v odraslem oddelku brezplačno. Sklene se, da bo glavni odbor direktoric zasedal samo enkrat na leto. Podružnicam se naroča, da imajo za letne volitve t.zv. nominacijske odbore, ki predlagajo nove odbornice za volitve pri podružnicah. Za prihodnjo konvencijo morajo združene podružnice i-meti skupno število 200 članic, da so upravičene do de-legatinje. Glede članarin ni nobenih povišic. Naročnina na Zarjo za nečlane se zviša na $3 in za družabne članice na 20c mesečno. Imena izvoljenih odbornic so na prvi notranji strani Zarje. Konvencija je soglasno sprejela naslednje RESOLUCIJE: Zahteva se otvoritev ameriškega konzulata v Ljubljani, glavnem mestu Slovenije. Odobrava se program za olepšanje Amerike. Nujno se priporoča, da se slovenske radijske oddaje Glasa Amerike zopet redno vršijo v rednem času, kakor je to bilo pred ukinitvijo nekaterih oddaj. Priporoča se poštnemu tajniku, da izda spominsko znamko ob priliki 1200 letnice pokristjanjenja Slovencev. Priporoča se, da se skupno z drugimi slovenskimi katoliškimi organizacijami in s slovenskimi farami v Ameriki, prične nabirka za slovensko kapelo v narodni romarski katedrali Brezmadežnega spočetja v prestolici. Odbori se predlog za Ameriški Mladinski teden. Marie Prisland n Gl. odbornice, delegatke in članice! Tipam, da ste se iz VVashingtona srečno in zadovoljne vrnile ter da boste Zvezo zanaprej še bolj cenile. Nekatere so bile od vsega, kar so videle, tako prevzete, da so se mi zahvaljevale, ker jim je Zveza to omogočila. Brez podružnice v Washingtonu bi konvenčni program prav gotovo ne bil tako bogat in obširen, tako pa je bilo vseh 5 dni našega bivanja naravnost čudovito organiziranih. Nikdar se ne bomo mogle Irene Planinšek dovolj zahvaliti za trud, ki ga je s pripravami imela. Vso leto je študirala program, govorila z odgovornimi osebami, pripravljala prevoze, obiske, kosila in hotelske sobe. Včasih malo pogodrnjamo, da se mladina za naše organizacije dovolj ne zanima, tu pa imamo lep vzgled dejavnosti. Irene, kot vse njene sotrudnice, so mlade; i-majo veselje do dela in so na Zvezo ponosne. Bilo mi je v čast, v veselje in zadovoljstvo jih spoznati ter se jim v imenu vseh zborovalk najlepše zahvalim. Ireni se pa zahvalimo še posebej za ustanovitev podružnice, ki tvori lepo število inteligentnih članic. Da je bila konvencija tako številno obiskana, imajo zasluge krasni zgodovinski članki, ki jih je Irene v ZARJI objavljala več mesecev pred konvencijo. Koliko nas je bilo v Washingtonu? — 72 gl. odbornic in delegatk ter 256 članic-obiskovallc in 12 moških. Lepa družba! Take konvencije Zveza ne bo kmalu imela. Moderni Washington Hilton hotel je bil naš glavni stan, kjer se je konvencija v lepem redu vršila in v zadovoljstvo pretežne večine končala. Kaj vse se je v korist Zveze odobrilo, boste brale v konvenčnem Zapisniku. Presenetila me je ideja gl. predsednice, da vsaka delegatka vpiše vsaj eno novo članico kot poklon ustanoviteljici za 40-letnico Zveze. To je bila že požrtvovalnost, ker pridobivati nove članice ni lahek opravek. Prvotna številka 150 je narastla na 171 novih članic. Pri tem me veseli, da se je država Wisconsin lepo odzvala in je pod. 43 v Milwaukee na prvem mestu z 17 članicami. Rose Kraemer, državna predsednica, je sama vpisala 14 članic. Podružnica št. 25 v Clevelandu ima 15 novih članic. Od teh je 10 pridobila tajnica in nova gl. odbornica Mary Otoničar. Prisrčne zahvala vsem skupaj, ki ste se v tem oziru potrudile in Zvezino članstvo pomnožile. Na konvenciji je bilo izmenjanih več lepih idej, kako pridobivati novo članstvo, da bo Zveza ostala močna še mnogo let. Vse se zavedamo, da je treba pridobiti mladino, da Zvezi zajamčimo bodočnost. Imele smo priliko videti aktivnost naših mladih članic. Corinne Leskovar, talentirana urednica ZARJE, ki oba jezika gladko obvlada, je kar žarela pripravljenosti; vse je vedela, vse je znala. Vsaki je pomagala na prijazen način. Poleg tega je vodila natančen konvenčni Zapisnik in sodelovala pri konvenčnih pripravah in programih. — Irene Planinšek (učiteljica višje šole) bo težko v delavnosti prekositi. Je dobra organizatorica in pisateljica ter potrpežljiva, kar je pri mladini izredna vrlina. — Moja hčerka Hermina (R. N.) se silno zanima za gospodinjsko kolono, ki jo v Zarji objavlja, kakor tudi za šolnino podano študentom. Njena prva navzočnost na konvenciji ji bo dala dodatno veselje za delo. Ni mogla prehvaliti ljubeznivosti gl. odbornic, delegatk in obiskovalk, češ, da ni znala, da so Zvezine članice tako prijazne in družabne. — Ann Cooke, ki ljubi mladino, se v Clevelandu trudi z mladinskimi krožki, ki štejejo 100 kadetk. — Regina (Olga Erjavec Ancel) piše v ZARJO krasne in poučne članke za mladino. — V gl. uradu imamo pomočnico Sophie Bogolin, ki svoje delo vestno in z veseljem vrši. Pri podružnicah je v odborih precej mlajših članic, ki se vzorno udejstvujejo. Upamo, da bo Zveza privabila vedno več zmožne mladine, ki bo naše delo nadaljevala. Obiski v Washingtonu so bili silno zanimivi in bodo nepozabljeni. V Beli hiši, v Kapitolu, v katoliški katedrali, kongresni knjižnici, v muzeju, v Mt. Vernonu in drugod, vse pa je nadkrilil obisk na grobu našega mladega priljubljenega predsednika Johna Kennedyja. Z globokim čustvom smo v navzočnosti gl. odbornic, delegatk in obiskovalcev v imenu vseh Zvezninih članic položile ob njegov grob venec slovenskih cvetlic. Obredi niso dovoljeni, a srca vseh nas so tiho molila za mir in pokoj mučeniškega predsednika . . . Zveza je s to konvencijo pridobila ogromo reklamo. Kamor smo šle so bili napisi, da je naša Zveza v Washingtonu. — Banket so posetili odlični gosti kot: Senator Frank Lausche iz Ohio; kongresnik John Blatnik iz Minnesote; kongresnik Frank Annunzio iz Illinoisa; g. Ludwig Andolšek, direktor nad 2 milijona vladnih uslužbencev (Civil Service), kapitan James Laurich, ki nadzoruje IBM računarje za vso ameriško mornarnico. Srčkana mladina washingtonske podružnice je nastopila z ljubkim petjem; iz Clevelanda je dospelo 26 kadetk, ki so s palčicami pokazale svojo spretnost. Počastil nas je moški oktet, sestavljen iz odličnih Slovencev v Washingtonu. Slišale smo našo priljubljeno članico-pevko Marijo Kranjc Fišinger. — Bil je nad vse krasen večer! Vsem, ki so konvencijo posetili, v imenu Zveze najlepša zahvala. Osebno se zahvalim washingtonski podružnici za šopek krasnega slovenskega cvetja, gl. odbornicam za lep spominček ter vsem, ki so darovale ročna dela v prodajo za šolninski sklad, kakor tudi odboru, ki je to oskrboval. Šolninski sklad je z konvencijo finančno pridobil kot sledi: Izkupiček za ročna dela $359.50 Izkupiček za “punčko” darovano po delegatki Mary Shikonja, pod 23, Ely, Minn. 27.55 Izkupiček za ogrinjalo, darovano po gl. odbornici Josephini Železnikar, Chicago, 111. 86.25 $473.30 Darovi v denarju: Podružnica št. 50, Cleveland, Ohio 25.00 Marie Prisland, Sheboygan, Wis. 25.00 Neimenovana glavna odbornica 10.50 Del. Jennie Mohorčič, pod. 68. Fairport, O. 10.00 Del. Ann Kompare, pod. 95, So. Chicago, 111. 10.00 Državna pred. Rose Scoff, San Francisco, Calif. 10.00 Podružnica št. 13. San Francisco, Calif. 10.00 Gl. podpredsednica Marie Floryan in delegatka Marion Marolt, pod. 17, West Allis, Wis. 10.00 Del. Mary Otoničar, pod. 25, Cleveland, O. 5.00 Del. Josephine Gostisha, pod. 7, Forest City, Pa. 5.00 Gl. odbornica Frances Gaspich, Joliet, Hi. 5.00 Državna pred. Mary Bostian, Cleveland, O. 5.00 Državna pred. Mary Tomsic, Strabane, Pa. 5.00 Del. Lucille Smith, pod, 71, Strabane, Pa. 5.00 Del. Margaret Fager, pod. 13, San Francisco 5.00 Del. Stella Dancull, pod. 21, Cleveland, O. 5.00 Podružnica št. 73, Warrensville, O. 5.00 Del. Frances Nemeth, pod. 89, Oglesby, 111. 2.00 Gl. presednica A. Turek v spomin Mr. Kobe 2.00 159.50 Skupno $632.80 Vsem darovalkam prav iskrena zahvala! Konvenčni Šolninski odbor je priporočal, naj bi vsaka podružnica enkrat na leto priredila kaj primernega ter prebitek izročila šolninskemu skladu, da bi sčasoma lahko poklonile 3 štipendije letno namesto sedajnih dveh. Upamo, da bo to priporočilo našlo pri podružnicah lep odziv. MINNESOTSKA DELEGACIJA je ponosna na svoje “odlične sinove” kongresnika Johna Blatni-ka, zveznega poverjenika Ludvika Andolška ter g. Jima Oberstarja, kongresnega tajnika. DOPISI Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. - Uporabljani to priliko, da se lepo zahvalim naši urednici Corinne Leskovar in njeni mami Albini Novak in vsem drugim za vse kar sta storile za tako izredno odlični potek naše konvencije. Skoro si ne morem predstavljati, da je bilo resnično, da sem bila v tako lepi družbi in v Washington!!. Bilo je kakor v sanjah. Hvaležna sem naši S.Ž.Z. ker nas popelje v različne kraje. Naplejše priznanje Corinne in Irene Planinšek za njun trud in delo, da se je vse odlično končalo. Mrs. Novak in Mrs. Prisland sta izgledale kot dve mladi dekleti. Mrs. Prisland je dobro prestala bolezen. Naša n redniea v krasni zeleni večerni obleki je izvrstno vodila točke banketa. Njeno napovedovanje in predstavljanje slavnostnih gostov z izbranimi besedami, je povečalo slavnost za nas vse. Washington ima veliko zanimivosti in zainteresirane smo bile, da vidimo čimveč in da nam to ostane za vedno v spominu. Gl. tajnica je na oddihu v lepi Sloveniji, upam, da se bo že oddahnila do dneva naše slavnosti proslave 40 letnice, ki se bo vršila 10. sept. Konvencija se je vršila v najlepšem redu in končala z zaželjenim uspehom. Vse smo odšle na naše domove z željo, da še pridemo skupaj ako nam Bog da. Naša Zveza in Zarja mi je nad vse pri srcu. Poklanjam .$20 za tiskovni sklad Zarje, ker mi je Zarja zelo ljubo berilo in ker naša Corinne Zarjo tako dobro uredi, da smo vse zadovoljne. God bless you all A. Pachak Št. 6, Barberton, O. — Umrla je članica Mrs. Elizabeth Repar. Bila je bolna precej časa. Zapustila je moža, 2 hčerki in sina. ki so vsi že odrasli. Izkrekamo jim iskreno sožalje. Umrl je tudi soprog naše zapisni-karce, John Stražišar, rojen v Zevšah pri Cerknici. Bil je dober oče in gospodar ter prjazni družabnik in športnik, ki je rad pomagal pri društvih kamor je spadal. Ženi in družini iskreno sožalje. Pred kratkim časom so obhajali v krogu svojih družin in prijateljev 50 letnico poroke, Mr. in Mrs. John in Margaret Gerbec iz Daylestom, O. ter Mr. in Mrs. I ouis in Agnes Arko. Obe zlatoporočne slavljenke sta čla- nice naše podr. Čestitamo vsem ob tej častivredni obletnici. Naša letošnja zaslužna mati je Mrs. Frances Štangar, naša prva tajnica pred 40 leti. Njej in vsem materam na čast je deklamirala majhna Marcella Maver, ki je prav luštna punčka. V mesecu juliju in augustu ne bo sej podružnice, toda v sept. pa bo seja, ker bomo v nedeljo dne 24. sept. slavili letnico ustanovitve z banketom. Nekaj bo potrebno pripraviti v ta namen, zato pridite vse na sejo 3. septembra. Prav lepa hvala tudi vsem našim pridnim in dobrim članicam, ki so toliko prispevale za Materinski dan, v denarju, jedilih, pecivu in lepih rožah. Vsaka je dobila tudi mali glažek. Iskrena zahvala vsem. 40 let je že kar dolga doba pri podr. št. 6 se je dosti lepega naredilo. Imele smo odlični drill team. O, kako so bila lepa ta naša dekleta, kadar so nastopile v javnih paradah. Imeli smo tudi mnogo lepih iger. Na odru so igrali fantje in dekleta, možje in žene, kar vse je bilo pripravljeno pomagati na en ali drugi način. Ker smo bili mladi smo imeli veselje do tega. Sedaj smo že bolj v letih in nismo več za tako delo. Nekaj jih je pomrlo, več jih je bolanih in kar nas je ostalo težko hodimo na seje, ker noge niso več, kakor so bile. Nastale so pa tudi mnoge druge spremembe. Mladina se danes drugače zabava, kakor smo se mi. Sicer pošteno, a le drugače. Danes se tudi morajo bolj brigati za šole, kolegije, kar vse stane dosti denarja in truda. Pridna mladina nekaj sama zasluži, nekaj pomagajo starši in stari statrši, pa gre naprej. Toda za kako društveno delo se jili zelo težko dobi, kar je razumljivo, ker je težko podpirati vse. Pozdravlja vse članice. Jennie Okolish, blagajničarka Podružnica št. 2 Vas vljudno vabi NA ZVEZ1N DAN PRI MAKIJI POMAGAJ NA AMEKIŠKAH BREZJAH na lepem lemontskem gričku očetov frančiškanov v NEDELJO DNE 16. JULIJA. Pričetek ob 10:30 s procesije od Baragovega doma do lurške votline Sv. Maša bo pri votlini ob 11:00 dopoledne. Popoldne piknik na prostem in večernice ob 2 uri popoldne. Posebni bus bo vozil od cerkve Sv. Štefana v Chicagu ob 9 uri zjutraj. Za rezervacije pokličite Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, VI 7-6891, ali Mrs. Elizabeth Žefran VI 7-6688. Odbor prosi, da bi članice prinesle dobitke in sicer do dneva pred romanjem v glavni urnd, ali pa na dan romanja direktno v Lemont. VIŠEK KONVENCIJE Ugledne osebnosti in glavne odbornice sedijo za glavno mizo v krasni mednarodni dvorani hotela Washington-Hilton: ustanoviteljica Marie Prisland, zvezni senator Frank Lausche, gl. predsednica Antonia Turek in kongresnik iz Illinois Frank Annunzio. Senator Lausche je navdušil vse s svojim govorom v slovenščini ko je povdaril, da je pot slovenskega naroda ne v zaton, ampak v novo zarjo., napredka in boljše bodočnosti. THE WASHINGTON HILTOf, Gdč. Irena Planinšek, preds. št. 103 je pozdravila delegatinje in goste v imenu vvashingtonskega pripravljalnega odbora. Pazljivo jo poslušata “stolo-ravnateljica” banketa, ga. Corinne Leskovar in duhovni svetovalec, Rev. Klavdij Okorn, OFM. Slika na steni “Vrba” je izvirno delo slovenskega umetnika Jožeta Vodlana, ki je skupno z slikarjem Mirotom Župančičem okrasil dvorano z krasnimi domačimi umetninami. Št. 13, San Francisco, Calif. -—• V prelepem mesecu maju, ko so naše misli rade poromale v domovino, ko smo dekleta nabirala cvetljice za Marijin kip. Zvončki, trobentice, snež-nobele šmarnice so kakor krasni biseri se blesketali med plavimi spominčicami ob nogah nebeške Kraljice. V našem mestu smo v maju proslavili Materinski dan v elitnem hotelu, kjer smo počastili zaslužno mater tega leta, sestro Kati R'adovich. Ona je neumorna delavka, čislana žena in mati, katero vsi ljubimo. Saj njen smehljaj, ki vedno sije iz njenega lica, odkriva dobro dušo. Skozi dolga leta odkar je tanica društva Sv. Marije, smo videle, kako rada napravi uslugo in nikoli ne išče povračila ali priznanja in za vsakega ima prijazno besedo. Bog jo živi na mnoga leta! Margaret Fagar, in sestra, naša deželna predsednica, Rose Scofi' sta se udeležile narodne konv. v prestolnem mestu, Washingtonu. Mož sestre Mary Slane, je v Notre Dame bolnišnici. Zadela ga je kap. On je bil vedno dober mož in desna roka naše Mary, katero tudi tare bolezen skozi leta in leta. Naše misli in molitve so z njo, da bi ji ljubi Bog pomagal in vrnil moža zdravega domov. Sestra Ana Stark je tudi v tej bolnišnici, njena bolezen tudi traja že več let. Želimo dobri ženi, ki je bila povsod pridna, zdravja in še veliko let življenja med njenimi dragimi. Pred kratkim smo izgubili rojaka Antona Ivca, doma iz Suhorja pri Metliki. Bil je trgovec v domovini in je veliko pretrpel, ko je izgubil vs-? imetje in so mu ženo komunisti ubili Zapušča 3 otroke v Sloveniji, ki so vsi izšolani, Ena hči je zobozdravnica. Tukaj pa je umrl John Ivanetich, Metličan, ki zapušča 3 otroke. Naše sožalje vsem žalujočim ostalim. Gotovo ste čitali o starokrajski Rivieri, katero menda mislijo zidati na dalmatinski obali in tudi na slovenski isterski obali, ki je še posebno lepa. To bo privabilo še več turistov. Kdor le more naj si ogleda plavi sinji Jadran, predevsem pa našo lepo Slovenijo, ki spomin na njo živi v srcu, kakor pesem čarobna in nepozabna. Kakor pravi pesem: “MAJHEN PO ŠTEVILU, VELIK PO MOŽEH; NAROD JE SLOVENSKI, ČISLAN PA OD VSEH.” Poldica Podgornik Št. 14, Euclid, O. -— Komaj je mraz ponehal pa, so že nastopili vroči dnevi. Na naši seji je bila udeležba članic kar povoljna. Predsednica Thresa Škur nam je imela veliko povedati iz konvencije, ko je bila delegatinja za naše društvo. Dne 3. junija smo se zbrale z našimi možni in se odpeljale v Fairport-Painesville na večerjo. Bilo nas je za cel bus. Vožnja je bila kar prijetna in zabavna. Med potjo smo pele naše lepe narodne pesmi. V juliju ne bo seje, toda v avgustu se bodo naše seje zopet redno nadaljevale. Sestra Močnik je prestala operacijo na očesu in želimo ji, da bi se kmalu pozdravila. Mrs. Ana Snajder je nedavno kar naenkrat postala dvakrat stara mama. ko so pri sinu kupili dvojčke. Jennie Fitzem je tudi postala stara mama in Rozi Klemenčič iz Marcele Rd., ki je postala dvakrat pra-stara mati. Vse te stare mamice prejmite naše čestitke. Ta večer so sestre darovale v blagajno: ses. Globokar, ses. Tomažin in v good tajni blagajno pa so darovale sestre: Kušar in Kuhar. Bog vam vrni na vašem zdravju. Vsem lep pozdrav. _______A. Sustar, zapisnikarica Št. 15, Cleveland, O. — Majniška seja je bila lepo obiskana. V blagajno so darovale: Mary Novak, Jennie Resnik, Helen Mirtel, Antonija Stokal’ in Ana Habjan. Srčna hvala vsem. Po seji smo imele materinsko proslavo. Bilo je vsega v izobilju kar spada k taki pireditvi. Vse smo bile pmv vesele in smo dolgo prepevale SLAVNOSTNI BANKET Osebnosti pri glavni mizi pozorno čitajo lepo programsko knjižico, ki obsega tudi Zvezino zgodovino. Od leve proti desni so: Mrs. Jim Oberstar, Hon. Ludwig Andolšek, Mrs. John Blatnik, kongresnik Blatnik in gl. tajnica Albina Novak. Kongr. Blatnik, je v svojem zanimivem govoru počastil Zvezo, svoje pok. starše in slovenske pionirje v Minnesoti. lepe slovenske Marijine pesmi. Dne 14. maja smo pa imele sv. mašo, ki se je biala za žive in mrtve članice. Udeležba je bila prav lepa. Več članic je bolanih ene že dolgo. Vsem želimo naj jim ljubi Bog skoraj zdravje podeli Pozdravljam ves glavni odbor in vse članice SŽZ in na svidenje na prihodnji seji. Frances Lindič, poročevalka Št. 20, Joliet, III. Naši utisi zadnje 14 konvencije SŽZ, Washingtonu, D. C Konvencija za katero je bilo toliko pripravljana, je minula. Delegatinje, gl. odbornice in one, ki so se nam pridružile, bodo imele veliko povedati iz svojih izkušenj, kaj so doživele in kaj so videle v naši ameriški presto-lici. Iz Jolieta jih je šlo 28 izletnic. V Zarji so vsaki mesec čitale interesantne članke naše Irene Planinšek, ki je vse lepo opisovala, kaj bodo videle, da je odziv bil dober. Iz vseh delov Amerike nas je prišlo nad 400. V Chicagu smo se dobile iz raznih držav in se skupno odpeljale z vlakom v Washington. Ko tani izstopimo iz vagona, zagledamo našo prejšnjo jolietsko kadetko in dolgoletno članico, ki sedaj živi v Washingtonu z možem, Majorem Harold Fleming. Njen mož je prej služil z a-meriško armado v Havani, toda sedaj je vsa družina v našem glavnem mestu. Ko sta nas Elaine in Major Fleming zagledala, sta nas veselo pozdravila s klicem "Welcome to Washington”. Srečanje je bilo res veselo Elaine je sedaj prestopila v novo podr. v Washington, št. 103, katero je ustanovila Irena Planinšek, dve leti pred konvencijo in v Elaine ima tudi dobro pomočnico. Z nami na konvencijo sta prišla tudi mama in teta Lil Derge. Ko uredimo našo prtljago na peronu, gremo nadalje do vhoda, kjer nas že čakajo naše jolietčanke, Mrs. Rma Planinšek, ki je naša presednica 20 let ter teta Irene, Mrs. Pauline Lukančič. Tako so bile ravno jolietčanke, ki so nas pozdravile in nam izrekle dobrodošlico v imenu podr. št. 103. Pred postajo nas je čakala in nas pozdravila Irena, ki nam je od-kazala kateri bus naj vzameno. Imela je vse dobro urejeno. Bila je prava voditeljica, vsem na uslugo in postrežbo. Njena mama Mrs. Planinšek ter teta Mrs. Lukančič sta prišle že par dni prej v Washington z avijonom, da sta ji pomagale. Irene je vse izvrstno uredila, posebno za ture in kosila po mestu, nila je z nami na vseh turah pri ogledu mesta. Gotovo ji gre zahvala, da je ustanovila podr. št. 103, ki je bila gostiteljica konvencije. Banketa se je udeležilo več sto oseb in gotovo nam bo vedno ostal v nepozabnem spominu, saj je nadkriljeval vse dosednaje bankete. Bilo je res čudovito slišati našega senatorja in slovenske predstanike v kongresu govoriti v slovenskem jeziku. Slišali smo govornike, pevce, umetnike in druge osebnosti, katerih govorom smo pazno in s ponosom sledile. Videli smo tudi vežbalni Mladinski krožek iz Clevelanda in druge nastope. Pri naši mizi so sedeli Major in Elaine Fleming, njena mama Mrs. Troppe in teta Lil Beige, Anna Mahkovec, Frances Ukovic, Mrs. Planinšek in Irene ter njena teta Pauline Lukančič. Ta banket je bil urejen tako perfektno, kakor da bi bil $100 a plate dinner. Le prehitro so ure potekale ta večer in tudi tega je moralo biti konec. Konvencija je dobro potekala in tudi tokrat se je Irena izkazala kot razumljiva delegatinja in zastopnica svoje podr. št. 103. Dokler bodo prihajale na konvencijo naše Zveze tako izobražene mlade delegatinje bo Zveza ras tla. Hvala njej za vse, kakor tudi hvala Elaine in soprogu za njuno gostoljubnost, ko smo en ve- čer bile na njunem domu in preživele lepe ure v njihovi sredi. Naj še omenim, da oba rada preči tata vso Zarjo, ker se zanimata za rast podr. št. 103. Iz Jolieta je z avijonom prispela tudi Helen Horvat, ki je tudi pomagala Ireni. Helen ima tukaj v Jo-lietu svoj dom, toda je članica pod. št. 103. Sedaj pa še nekaj drugih novic: Umrla je po več letni bolezni Anna Ferlin iz Stone St. V podr. je pristopila priporočena po Mary Groznik. Zapušča soproga, tri sinove in tri hčerke, ki so vsi poročeni. Naše članice so šle moliti h krsti in jo spremile na zadnji poti, iz slov. cerkve sv. Jožefa na domače pokopališče. Umrl je tudi Joseph Maren iz Center St., mož članice Mihaele Maren, ki tudi poje v našem pevskem zboru. Pokojni je bil dobro poznan in je bil član raznih organizacij. Zapušča poleg žene, 3 hčerke in 3 sinove. Pokopan je bil iz farne cerkve na domače pokopališče. Naj oba mirno spavata v miru božjem. Žalujočim pa naše sožalje. Čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Peter in Catherine Metesh na Elizabeth St., ki sta imela veliko slavnost 50 letnice na farnem parku. Catherine, je naša članica mnogo let, enako njena hčerka Bernice Zobel. Imajo lepo odraslo družino. Mrs. in Mrs. Val Ambrose na Pra-rie Ave., pa sta praznovala 45 letnico poroke. Naša dobra članica Uršula Ambrose lepo streže svojemu soprogu, ki je priklenjen na posteljo že 9 let. 25 letnico zakona sta obhajala Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Kociuba. Imela sta veliko slavnost na farnem parku. — Vsem trem slavnostnim parom želimo še mnogo let in jim iskreno čestitamo. Na zadnji seji v maju, smo lepo počastile našo zaslužno članico Thre-so Marentič, ki je to leto bila deležna te časti. Predsednica ji je pripela krasni šopek ter jo posadila poleg sebe. Prejela je tudi lepa darila. Po seji je bilo petje in lunch. Door prize je dobila Ida Rancinger in $5 nagrado naše podr. pri prodaji tiketov za konvencijo je dobila Miss Minarich. Imejte se lepo med po-čitnicemi. Vas vse skupaj pozdravljam, Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O. — V mesecu maju smo obhajale Materinski dan in dne 3. maja smo počastile zaslužno mater leta, Mrs. Prišel. Imele smo lepo zabavo in prigrizek, katerega so darovale nekatere članice. Naša tajnica, Stella Dancull je bila na konvenciji. Le pridite na seje, da pove kaj je novega. Ravno tiste dni sem bila v Washington, D. C. s skupnim izletom Kluba Upokojencev za Newburgh okrožje. Zgleda, da smo bili vsi zaposleni, da se nismo srečali. Kdor še ni bil tam, naj si ogleda to mesto od zunaj in znotraj. Bo vesel, kol smo bili mi. Umrla je čla. Mary Oblak v lepi starosti 80 let. Bila je ustanovna članica pri podr. št. 53 in preds. dokler ni šla v dom ostarelih na Neff rd. Sedaj je pri naši podr. in smo ji izkazali čast na dan pogreba. Mož Pavel je umrl 1. 1943. Meseca aprila je nagloma umrl Mr. Mismaš. Njegova žena Mary je naša čla. Sožalje vsem! Mr. Frank Košak je liudo zbolel, a se sedaj počuti boljše. Naša tajnica Stella Dancull je postala v tretjič granma. Čestitke. Upam, da se v lepem številu udeležite koncerta Triglava. Hvala in pozdrav vsem! Anna Jesenko, poročevalka Št. 24, LaSalle, III. - Naša konvencija je zia nami. Bilo je res vse lepo urejeno, lepa postrežba prenočevale smo v lepem hotelu. Videle smo res veliko reči in vse je bilo nadvse zanimivo. Ne bom podrobno opisovala, ker bodo gotovo drage poročale, ki bolj lahko pišejo kot jaz. Bilo je navzočih tudi veliko gostov iz vseli krajev Amerike, tudi od naše podr. so bile z nami Mary Gramc in Rosi Savnik. Obe sta vesele, da so se lepo imele in ne bodo nikoli pozabile koliko lepega sta videle. Tudi meni sta bile v pomoč, da sta mi pomagale, ker je za nas stare težko potovati. Lepa hvala dekletom in ravno tako hvala Lizi Žefran in Corinne Leskovar ter Ireni Planinšek za tako lepo postrežbo. Naša konvencija je zborovala prav lepo in složno. Vsi sklepi so bili sprejtei v najlepši slogi in vse de-legatinje so bile zadovoljne. Razložila sem našim članicam skle pe kar sem najbolj mogla, seveda katere se niste udeležile seje, pa boste čitale konvenčni zapisnik v Zarji. Več naših članic je bolanih. V bolnišnici se nahaja Mary Sell. Na svojem domu se pa zdravi Ana Pelko. Želimo jima hitrega zdravja, ker one se mnogo trudita za našo cerkev. V poletnih mesecih ne bomo imele sej do oktobra. Vsem članicam, ki odhajate na počitnice v domovino Slovenijo, ali pa tukaj, želim, da se vse zdrave vrnete med nas. Sožalje izrekamo ses. Jennie German, ki žaluje za svojo sestro, Antoinette Petek, ki je preminula v Jo-lietu. Zapušča moža, 4 otroke in 4 sestre. Sorodnikom naše sožalje, pokojni pa večni mir. Pozdrav vsem članicam. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 25, Cleveland, O. —• Naša 14 konvencija je za nami. Bila je res lepa in složna, mogoče zato, ker se je vršila v ntašem glavnem mestu, Washingtonu, D. C. Miss Irene Planinšek je imela res dosti dela, da je vse tako imenitno uredila s pomočjo naše urednice Corinne Leskovar in gl. taj. A. Novak. Bile smo v res imenitnem hotelu in v vseh restavracijah so nam postregli z izvrstnimi jedili. Katera je bila tam, si bo vse dobro ohranila v spominu. Delegatinje in cela konvencija je dosti koristnega ukrenila. Res, nismo mogle doseči, da bi bile 80 letne članice proste, ker državni pregledovalci ne puste proste članarine. Sicer pa tako malo plačajo, dobivajo pa Zarjo v kateri je vedno dosti zanimivega bianja. Saj je Zarja vredna 3 dolarje letno in poleg tega imamo še druge ugodnosti. Tudi se udeležimo pogreba in izkažemo preminuli članici poslednjo čast. Gl. odbor in delegatinje so tudi o-dobrile lep korak, da bomo Ameriški Slovenci kupili posebni oltar v cerkvi Brezmadežne v Washingtonu. Podružnice bomo začele zbirati denarne prispevke, čim bo glavni urad vse točno obrazložil kako in kaj se bo dajalo. Naša ustanoviteljica, Mrs. Marie Prisland, je bila najbolj vesela lepega šopka 150 novih članic, katere so pridobile delegatinje in gl. odbornice. Vidi se, da se vse da doseči, če je malo dobre volje. Ko bi se vse Slovenke zavedale, pa bi bile vse pri naši Slovenski Ženski Zvezi, ker je to edina naša ženska zveza v Ameriki. Delajmo skupno, pa bo lep napredek. Pri naši podružnici imamo kar nekam mnogo smrtnih slučajev. V zadnjih par mesecih so preminule Helen Gobec, Mary Prijatel, Mary Kolarič, Mary Bartol, Frances Zigmund, Rose Lampert. Naši ses. Juliji Paucek je preminul soprog, Justine Zakrajšek oče, Ignas Verbič, Sophie Rahne, brat Frank. Vsem blagim pokojnim daj Boj večni mir in pokoj. Prosim vas drage sestre, ki še niste poravnale svojega asesmenta, da bi to čimprej storile, da Vam ne bo treba pošiljati posebnih opominov. Saj vem, da čitate Zarjo in ene pra-viji, da vedno najprej pogledajo, če je kaj od naše podr., zato vas kar tukaj opominjam. Še enkrat prav lepa hvala vsemu pripravljalnemu odboru, ki je konvencijo res dobro pripravil. Čestitamo sestri Katarine Sršen, ko je njen sin Anthony prejel red diakona. Prihodnjo leto bo pel novo mašo v cerkvi Sv. Vida. Ima tudi sestro seda N. ])., ki poučuje po farah. Lep stan sta si izbrala. Bog in Marija naj vaju spremljata na poti vašega življenja. Vabim vse članice na sejo v juliju. Na svidenje.__________Mary Otoničar Št. 42, Maple Hts., O. — Tri mesece v poletnem času ne bomo imele seje, kakor je to že navada. Začele bomo s sejami zopet v oktobru in to v sredo 25. Zapomnite si ta dan in pridite na sejo, ker bomo morale kaj ukreniti radi Bake sale, kakor smo govorile na zadnji seji, a dneva nismo mogle določiti. Priljubljeni par, Fred in Mary Filips sta v maju praznovala 40 letnico zakona. Mary je naša dolgoletna članica. 13 letnico zakona pa sta obhajala Ed in Lillian Sadowski. Tudi Lillian je naša agilna članica. Obema paroma želimo še mnogo-, mnogo zdra- vili in srečnih let. Vsem članicam, ki se boste, ali pa ste se že podale kam na počitnice, želim, da se imate dobro, vrnite se zdrave zopet med nas, ki bomo ostale doma. Happy birthday vsem članicam, ki bodo slavile svoje rojstne dneve v l oletnili mesecih. Do nadaljnjega ostanite zdrave in lepo pozdravljane, A. Kastelic Št. 71, Strabane, Pa Upam, da so se vse delegatinje in izletnice, srečno vrnile na svoje domove po lepo uspe- li 14. konvenciji S.Ž.Z., ki se je vršila v Washingtonu, D. C. To je gotovo bila ona izmed najlepših konvencij. Vse se je vršilo mirno in v najlepši slogi. Bilo je tudi veliko razvedrila. Videle smo vse najbolj zanimive točke, kar jih je v naši ameriški prestolici. Najlepša hvala Ireni Planinšek preds. št. 103 in urednici Corinne Leskovar, ki sta vse tako lepo uredile, s čemer sta imele veliko dela in skrbi. Hvala tudi Senatorju l.ausche-t.u za lep slovenski govor. Dne 3. maja je umrla naša dobra članica Gertrude Tornsic. Iskreno sožalje soprogu in hčerkam, Josephine in Agnes, ki sta obe naši članici. Sožalje tudi sinovom in vnukom. Naj blaga počiva v miru. Lepa hvala duhovnemu vodju Rev. Okorn, ki so darovali sv. mašo vsak dan za nas v času konvencije. Vsem, ki potujete v domovino Slovenijo to poletje, želim veliko razvedrila in srečni povratek, posebno še naši gl. taj, Mrs. Novak. Bog daj ljubo zdravje njej in vsem za srečno vrnitev. Boljšega zdravja želim tudi Mrs. Prisland. Pozdravljam vse, Mary Tomsic, preds. Št. 77, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Res se vsi staramo, toda nihče ni tako star, da ne bi užival nekaj veselja v prijetni družbi. Članice podr. št. 77 bomo priredile lep izlet (ali piknik) na prijaznem Riverview Park v takozvanem Activities Lodge, ali Shelter, dne 3. avgusta. To pade na prvi četrtek v avgustu. Razvedrilo in prigrizek bo vse prosto za člane in članice. Nečlani bodo pa prispevali malenkost za kritje stroškov. Ker ta prireditev ni namenjena za dobiček, zato se še posebno obeta vsem lepo razvedrilo. In vi vsi veste, da je razvedrilo najbojše zdravilo za podaljšanje življenja, zato vas res lepo vabim, da pridete vse. Na letni seji smo sklenile, da letos ne bomo imele mesečnih sej v juliju, avgustu in septembru. Prva prihodnja seja bo 12 oktobra. Katere dolgujete svoje mesečne prispevke, bi prosila, da poravnate kajti asesment l>i rada poslala na gl. urad za prihodnje 3 mesece. Katere boste šle na počitnce, ali pa boste potovale to poletje, bodite previdne, ker nesreča nikoli ne počiva, da se bomo ja vse videle na seji v oktobru. Vsem članicam in njihovim družinam pa želim ljubega zdravja. Minka Chrnat, taj. Washington v dnevih štirinajste konvencije SŽZ Mladinske članice podr. št. 103 v Washington so na slavnostnem banketu krasno uspele s petje slov. pesmi. Spredaj sedi mala Bernadetka Kovačič. Od leve proti desni so: Helena Antolin, Vida Antolin, Jane Ellen Johnson, Helen Mejač, Ivanka Antolin, Lydia Bevec, Maria Mejač, Mariana Zebot, Jelka Mejač in Anna Antolin. Ves slovenski ženski svet širom naše nove domovine se bo gotovo zanimal, kako je poteklo pet dni v Washingtonu delegatinjam in vsem, ki so prišli te dni v naše mesto. Vsem tem bodo ti dnevi vsekakor ostali nepozabni. Mesto, katero je samo skoro milijonsko je postalo v teh dnevih skoro slovensko. Kamor koli se je človek obrnil je slišal slovensko govorico. Posebnoi pri tukajšnji zanimivostih in spomenikih te je obdal poseben občutek, saj tukaj nas je Slovencev tako malo, da se sami zgubimo kot kapljica v morju. Začetna slovenska sv. maša, katera je bila v kripti največje cerkve v Ameriki je bila nabito polna. Sami Slovenci, sami katoličani! Kaj takega naše mesto še ni doživelo. Ko so slovenske Marijine pesmi donele po veliki cerkvi ni bilo mogoče zakriti prenelcaterih solza, ki so spolzele po licih zavednih Slovenk. Podrobnosti o konvenciji sami mi niso toliko znane, ker nisem bila na zasedanjih, gotovo boste te slišale od samih dele-gatinj. Zdi pa se mi pametno, da vse članice naše organizacije širom Amerike zvedo o zunanjih slovesnostih v zvezi s konvencijo. Višek in uradni zaključek je bil vsekakor veliki banket v soboto 27. maja v najlepšem in najmodernejšem Washington Hilton hotelu, kateregn se je udeležilo preko 500 Slovenk in Slovencev. Za častno mizo gostov smo poleg glavnega odbora. Slovenske ženske zveze imeli priliko posebno videti in osebno spoznati Mrs. Marie Prisland iz Sheboygan, Wis , našo častno predsednico in ustanoviteljico Slovenske ženske zveze, Rev. Klavdija Okorna, duhovnega voditelja SŽZ, zavednega ameriškega Slovenca senatorja Franka J. Lauscheta, kongresnika iz Minnesote Johna A. Blatnika z gospo soprogo, Civil Service Commissioner Ludwiga J. Andolška in kongresnika iz države Illinois Franka Annunzio. Po pozdravih in nagovoru predsednice washingtonske podružnice SŽZ Miss Irene Planinšek je sledil zanimiv in pester program. Najprisrč-nejša točka programa so bile vsekakor slovenske deklice iz Washingto-na v slovenskih narodnih nošah (s katerimi smo imele mamice dosti dela, da smo jih sešile in napravile čim bolj slovenske). Niti rdečega nage ljna z rožmarinom in roženkravtom v slovenskem cekarju in na prsih deklic se ni manjkalo. Vse to je or-ganizinala in osebno preskrbela Mrs. Maria Mejač. — Mrs. Marija Kranjc Fischinger se je v slovenski narodni noši zopet nadvse lepo predstavila s svojim čudovito' lepim glasom. Junior Cadets iz Clevelanda in Eu-clida so spretno nastopile z dvema točkama “Baton Twirling Skills”. Vidimo, da si SŽZ pridno pridobiva tudi naše najmlajše pod vodstvom Mrs. Ann Cooke. Ne morem preko, da ne bi omenila še na novo' organiziranega slovenskega pevskega zbora, katerega sestavlja devet washingtonskih Slovencev. Zapeli so cel venček zbranih slovenskih narodnih pesmi. Če bodo še v naprej tako pridno nadaljevali, pod vodstvom gospoda Mirčeta Preglja, i-majo veliko možnost, da se bodo u-vrstili med najbollše slovenske pevske zbore. Zia skupno petje pa je najlepše poskrbela Olga Saye iz Sheboygan, Wis., ki nas je posebno no koncu prav mojstrsko zabavala klavirsko harmoniko. Pri nagovorih mi je posebno ostala v spominu Mrs. Antonia Turek, naša glavna predsednica, s slovensko in angleško besedo, pravtako Mrs. Albina Novak, naša glavna tajnica v zadnjih petanajstih letih. Kako lepo čuti za slovenstvo in je ponosna, da zna tudi njena hčerka Mrs. Corinne Leskovar, urednica “Zarje" že dolgo vrsto let, prav tako dobro slovensko, kot da bi ravno prišla iz Slovenje. Mrs. Marie Prisland mi je bila do sedaj znana samo po svoji redni koloni v Zarji. Ni samo ustanoviteljica in "First Lady” SŽZ, kot smo jo imenovale, je v resnici tudi plemenita gospa in “zelo velika po duhu.” V veliko čast si štejem, da sem jo imela priliko osebno spoznati in malo pokramljati z njo. Na banketu mi je bila celo dana možnost, da sem Mrs. Prisland izročila šopek krasnih rdečih nageljnov in jo pozdravila s slovensko besedo v imenu celotne zveze. Posebnoso so nas navdušili nagovori Hon. Annunzio, ki je govoril o pomenu Slovencev za Ameriko, Hon. Blat- nik, ki se je najlepše spominjal Slovenk iz Minnesote, naš Frank pa je na koncu tudi “stegnil svoja stegna”, kot je sam v svojem zabavnem začetku izjavil. V nagovoru nam je citiral Zormanove in Gregorčičeve slovenske pesmi in ponovno dokazal kako živo ljubezen čuti do slovenske besede, katero ga je naučila njegova mati. Banket se je pričel z večerjo ob sedmih zvečer. Preden se je končal je bilo že zgodnje nedeljsko jutro. Posebna pozornost med občinstvom je bil prav gotovo največji živeči slovenski kipar gospod France Gorše, ki je nalašč za slavnostni banket prišel iz New Yorka. Prav tako sta prišla iz New Yorka prava moj-stra-umetnika gospoda Vodlan in Zupančič z lepo zbirko prekrasnih u-metniškili slik, katere sta razstavila. Če katera želi lepo sliko o domačem kraju, ali pa prav moderno, naj se kar na njiju obrne. Konvencija se je zopet zaključilo s slovensko sv. mašo v isti cerkvi, kjer je bila tudi začetna. — Ko smo tako zopet sledile slovenski maši, je marsikatera dobila občutek zbližanja domače prisrčne povezanosti. Oh odhodu iz cerkve se mi kar ni dalo ven, kot da bom zgubila nekaj kar sem ravno našla. Bile smo tesno povezane v istih željah, molitvah in pesmih! V tem kratkem premišljevanju sem opazila, tam spredaj pred oltarjem gospo, “Iti je tako velika po duhu”, ko je lavno polagala svoj šopek rdečih nageljnov na oltar. Mogoče so bile moje misli v tistem trenutku najbližje gospej Prislandovi v vseh teh petih dneh odkar sem jo spoznala. Nika B. Kovačič Št. 99, Elmhurst, III. — Iz naše podružnice moram poročati samo žalostne novice. V enem letu smo izgubile tri dobre članice. Lansko leto je umrla Frances Komel, letos v mesecu aprilu je preminula sestra Frances Lisjak in dne 18. maja je na tragični način izgubila svoje življenje sestra Mollie Remec. Šla je na pokopališče popraviti grob pokojnega moža in na poti nazaj domov je tako nesrečno prišla pod Northwestern železnico. Za njo žaluje hči in štirje vnuki. Sina pa je izgubila v zadnji vojni v Nemčiji. Naj zavedna žena počiva v Bogu. Žalujočim naše iskreno sožolje. Pozdrav vsem članicam. Theresa Krkoch Št. 100, Fontana, Cal. Našo zadnjo sejo odpre predsednica ob 7 uri s precej veliko udeležbo. Najprej smo stoje izrazile sožalje, ker smo izgubile dobro članico, sestro Lukanich, ki jo je Bog poklical k sebi po večno plačilo. Ona je že dalje časa bolehala na srcu, bila je naša večletna poročevalka. Za njo žaluje soprog, ki je tudi revež v okrevališču, 2 sinova in 2 hčere. Naše globoko sožalje vsem žalujočim sorodnikom. Ker je bila to zadnja seja pred počitnicami, smo kar precej hitro končale. Sklenjeno je bilo, da se opozori članice, da bomo v septembru imele rummage sale in se vas prosi, da prinesete kar ne rabite, ali pa ne marate. Vse pride prav za to priliko. Sprejele smo novo članico, Mrs. Mentog, sestro od Mrs. Anderson. Kličemo ji dobrodošla med nami. Zelo nas je veselilo, da so po dolgem času zopet prišle med nas, sestra Peri in njena hči Eda Dravnikar. Eda je bila v automobilski nesreči pred 3 meseci, pa še vedno nosi o-vratnik. Hvala Bogu, da sta se vsaj malo pozdravile ter jima želimo skorajšnje popolno zdravje. Na tej seji nam je zbolela na srcu Anna Petrich in soprog jo je odpeljal v bolnišnico, kjer je malo boljša. Želimo ji, da bi se kaj kmalu vrnila domov. Sestrat Strnat je še vedno v okrev-lišču, Viki Jelašik se zdravi pri sestri Sušel. Vsem bolnim želimo, da jim ljubi Jezus in Marija ljubo zdravje povrne. Prosimo tudi, da bi tiste, ki morejo obiskovale bolne sestre. Po seji smo se zabavale z igro in petjem. Hvala vsem, ki ste se udeležile in vsem, ki ste darovale za okusno okrepčilo, — posebno praznovalke rojstni obletnic. Dog vas živi še mnogo let zdrave in srečne. Tore j, upam, da se vidimo zdrave in zadovolnje črez 2 meseca v septembru. Veliko zabave med počitnicami. God bless you all! Kristine Filips, poročevalka FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1967 FINANČNO PORODILO ZA MESEC FEBRUAR, 1967 Branch Assesments Membership 84 59 5 & 1 $103.25 180 59 85 11.10 26 4 2 206.70 354 168 86 11.95 21 — 3 150.85 272 163 88 22.00 35 10 4 5.15 15 — 89 35.35 76 28 5 — 109 28 * 90 22.95 47 22 G 50.55 114 9 91 35.40 58 13 7 59.45 105 88 92 15.50 24 2 8 21.35 51 — 93 — G4 — 9 31 2' 94 15.00 16 1