Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 43/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 11.11. 2012 32. NEDELJA MED LETOM 32nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Darovati vse Ko evangelist Marko opisuje Jezusovo javno delovanje, postavi na konec prizor, ki se je zgodil ob tempeljski zakladnici, v katero so ljudje polagali svoje darove. Dogajanje je preprosto, a nam sporoča nekaj zelo pomembnega. Govori nam o tem, kako Jezus opazuje ljudi, ki izročajo o a • .>< ea svoje prispevke za tempelj. Opazuje ženo, ki vrže v zakladnico le mali drobiž, s katerim razpolaga. Ob tem dogodku Jezus opozori učence na vrednost njenega dejanja: Bogu je izročila vse, kar je imela; zase ni pridržala prav ničesar. V evangeliju je to dejanje zapisano kot dar uboge udove. V luči Jezusovega opozorila učencem je tudi nam mogoče ustrezno vrednotiti, kaj darovanje zares pomeni. Jezus je namreč prineseni dar primerjal s premoženjem darovalca. Enkratna vrednost daru uboge vdove je bila v tem, da je darovala vse, kar je imela. Drugi so sicer lahko dali mnogo več in veliko, vendar so to storili iz obilja, celo iz preobilja. Še naprej so lagodno živeli, medtem ko je bilo vdovino zaupanje v Boga večje, saj mu je darovala celo tisto, kar je nujno potrebovala za preživetje. Kljub različni obdarovanosti in neenakih možnostih je mogoče »vse darovati«. V tem smo pred Bogom vsi enaki. Spomnimo se opozorila, zapisanega v Matejevem evangeliju: »Resnično, povem vam: Bogataš bo težko prišel v nebeško kraljestvo« (19,26). Toda pri Bogu je vse mogoče. V duhu krščanstva lahko rečemo, da le v daru ljubezni lahko postane vsaka obdarovanost človeka izhodišče za to, da človek odgovori Bogu in se mu zaupa z vsem, kar je in kar ima. Ubogi vdovi je bilo od Boga dano, da se mu je lahko povsem izročila. Uboga vdova je tako postala vzor človeka, ki vse od Boga sprejema in mu nezadržno vrač: »Vse si mi dal Ti, Tebi, Gospod, zdaj to vračam.« Ta tedem smo pokopali našega dolgoletnega zvestega farana LUDVIKA HULLA. Malo je takih faranov, ki bi tako s srcem in z dušo skrbeli za dobro župnijske skupnosti. Iskrena mu zahvala za vso požrtvovalnost in skrb, tako pri gradnjah kot tudi pri urejanju in vzdrževanju okolice, kar je dolga leta z veseljem in skrbno opravljal. V imenu župnijske skupnosti se mu je pri pogrebni maši zahvalil predsednik župnijskega sveta Milan Ferletič. Objavljam celotno besedilo. Dear Family Hull and Members of the faithful of our Slovenian community at St. Gregory the Great Parish. I have been asked by Father Drago to represent the parish at the funeral of our friend and loyal parishioner, Ludvik Hull. Death in human experience has never been easy; whether it comes suddenly or after a long illness, whether it comes in youth or in old age, it always leaves in its wake sorrow, tears, longing and loneliness. May the cooling hand of God touch your hearts to accept this great loss. Ludvik was a man of hard work, honesty, dependability, cheerfulness and generosity. He was, in short, a living, breathing example of what it means to be a person of "good character". Walt Whitman said: "When you give, you give yourself." Ludvik knew the art of giving and he gave of himself cheerfully and joyfully. Ludvik was deeply involved in the Slovenian Community and St. Gregory the Great Parish. He was a member of the Fund Raising Committee which resulted in the construction of this church in 1982. He was a strong man and assisted in much of the physical construction around the church, including acquiring railway ties and other items for landscaping. His reply when asked where some of these materials came from - "Don't ask so many questions". While serving as a member of the parish council several years later he was instrumental in the construction of the bell tower adjacent to the church. He was a member of the Society of St. Joseph and became involved with the construction of the senior citizens residence Villa Slovenia next door. For many years, he served as the i groundskeeperfor the parish. With the assistance of his wife, he kept the grass green, the trees trimmed, the flowers bright and the garden full of vegetables. His efforts on the site were rewarded twice with a Trillium Award from the Province of Ontario. Ludvik was an excellent maker of home made wine, competing annually at the parish St. Martin's Day Dance and winning first prize last year. We will miss his entry in this year's competition. An Arabic poet said: "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead, where there is no path and leave a trail." Ludvik's life of service and volunteerism has left us all an excellent path to follow. In First Corinthians, 3:8, St. Paul said: "Every man receives his own reward according to his own labors." Surely Ludvik's labours have earned him his reward in the eternal afterlife with our Saviour. Farewell, our dear friend Ludvik. Your memory will live on in the conscience of this parish community. On behalf of myself, Father Drago, the Parish Council and the Slovenian community, we convey to the entire HULL family and relatives our deepest sympathy. May the soul of our friend Ludvik rest in peace. Nov 6, 2012 V četrtek, 8. novembra smo se zbralo okrog 170 duhovnikov hamiltonske škofije na srečanju v Holy Family Croation Centre v Kitchenerju. Poleg domačega škofa Douglasa je bil glavni govornik nadškof James Weisgerber iz Winnipega. Iz svoje dolgoletne izkušnje kot duhovnik (50) in škof (17) je spregovoril vlogi in odgovornosti duhovnika v cerkvi. Zaključili smo z dobro večerjo, ki so jo pripravile gospodinje. Sunday's Readings 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: Praise the Lord, O may soul First Reading 1 Kings 17:10-16 In a time of famine a widow woman shows great faith in God. Second Reading Hebrews 9:24-28 Jesus offers himself for sinners and brings salvation. Gospel Mark 12:38-44 Rich scribes cheat those who are poor; and a poor widow trusts in God. "As the Lord your God lives." Illustration Vaclav Havel, poet, playwright and first President of the Czech Republic, who died a week before Christmas last year, endured a lifetime of obstruction and persecution at the hands of the communist regime that ruled his country. Born into a privileged and influential family, Havel found his way barred before him by authorities that were determined to prevent him having further influence in the affairs of his land. He was barred from pursuing his studies after completing his schooling. He was barred from travelling abroad when he emerged as a successful playwright, and when he became involved in political action he was, on repeated occasions, sent to prison. His longest spell behind bars was four and a half years, from 1979 until 1984. When communism fell and Czechoslovakia became free, Havel came to great prominence. He was an ardent champion of non-violence. Looking back at all the years of suffering, Havel said, "Hope is not the conviction that things will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out." And again, "Hope is the deep orientation of the human soul that can be held at the darkest times." Havel's experience of persevering against the odds, of witnessing to the human right to freedom, reveals to us what a powerful thing hope is. Not some wishful thinking, not any kind of wishy-washy optimism, but a strong and deep conviction that right will prevail. As he said on another occasion, "There is only one thing that I will not concede: that it might be meaningless to strive for a good cause." Gospel Teaching When drought and famine come upon the land of Israel, a widow woman finds herself down to her last handful of meal. She and her son are facing a certain death. As she prepares to make their final meal she finds a man of God wanting to sit at her table. Hospitality struggles with desperate poverty, and the widow makes her apologies for not being able to share her negligible store. But Elijah pleads with the widow to share the little she has, and makes a promise that all will be well. Against all the odds, the widow woman agrees. They eat together, and her faith is rewarded. A second widow meets our eyes in the Gospel story. She, too, is poor and down to her last penny. Yet, for all that, she still gives money into the wealthy Temple coffers. It seems like an obscenity, the poor woman giving to the rich, and the rich still showing off to the watching world how generous they are! Jesus is one of those watching, and he does not allow his eyes to deceive him. Appearances are often deceptive, and so Jesus makes a point of calling his disciples over, and explaining to them what is really going on here before their eyes. The poor widow has given more than the wealthy because her gift is an act of total trust in God. All her hope is in the Lord. The rich merely give God their spare change, big money though it may be. Their trust is in themselves and in their ability to take care of business for themselves. Application The lesson that Jesus teaches us today is to trust in God at all times and in all things. Not just at the end of life, when all hope of recovery is gone. Not just in desperate situations when no other help can be found. God is our Father, not a station of last resort. We can trust in the Lord because the Lord is faithful. The Lord is just to those who are oppressed, as the psalm says today. The Lord gives bread to the hungry and it is the Lord who sets prisoners free. When he became president of his country, Vaclav Havel took as his motto, "Truth and love must prevail over lies and hate." In witnessing to this, many people have given their lives. Imprisonment, torture and death were visited upon them. In this they followed the way of Calvary, the way of the Lord. When Jesus sat outside the Temple, watching the people, he saw clearly what was going on. For the wealthy scribes, religion came second to the enjoyment of their status. The widow, unencumbered by status, knew exactly where true power lies. She trusted in a loving God. Coping with the Holidays...when you have lost a loved one. Join us for an afternoon of reflection and strategies for coping at Christmas, facilitated by Christina Walton, Grief Counsellor. Where? Chancery Office, 700 King St. W, Hamilton When? Sunday, December 2nd Time? 2:00 -3:30 pm The event is FREE of charge. Please call to reserve a seat 905-528-7988 ext. 2249. PARENTING TIP OF THE MONTH_ Tip #65 - November is a month for remembering those that have died: all the saints and martyrs, our loved ones on All Souls Day and finally those who have died for our freedom in war. This is a month to embrace prayer with our children - for all those that have died and for ourselves too. Help them understand that prayer helps soften their hearts, which can become hardened when they don't live as Jesus has taught us. When we pray every day, God helps to keep our hearts soft. (From: Teresa Hartnett, Family Ministry Office, 905-528-7988 ext. 2250) Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR V četrtek, so zopet redne pevske vaje za mešani zbor. Naslednjič zbor poje 25. novembra, na praznik Kristusa Kralja Vesoljstva. FOLKLORNA SKUPINA VENEC Folklorna skupina VENEC represents individuals from throughout southern Ontario and unites its members with the motto of folklore, fun and friends. The next VENEC practice is Sunday, November 18th at St. Gregory the Great Hall. Practices will be twice a month (the 1st Friday and 3rd Sunday of each month). This will allow everyone to be able to attend at least 1 practice a month. For more information, contact Dave Antolin: 905.664.5980 or visit the group's Facebook page: FS VENEC for the entire schedule of practices. CWL - KZZ_ Our annual Memorial Mass will be held Wednesday, November 28 at 7 p:m. This is a very important mass where our members, our deceased members families and our parish family are encouraged to attend and join us as we honour and remember our deceased. NIAGARSKA KOORDINACIJA_ Danes ob 12:00h bo v naši dvorani srečanje predstavnikov slovenskih društev južnega Ontaria. Pogledali bodo nazaj na leto, ki se bliža koncu, ocenili Slovenski dan in uskladili dogodke, ki jih posamezna društva pripravljajo v prihodnjem letu. POGREB_ V soboto, 10. novembra 2012, je po daljši bolezni v 71. let starosti umrla naša faranka ETHEL SIMONČIČ. Od pokojne se boste lahko poslovili v Doland V. Brown Funeral Home na Lake Ave v torek popoldne in zvečer. Ob osmih zvečer bomo za pokoj njene duše opravili molitve. Pogrebna sveta maša bo v sredo, 14. novembra 2012 ob 10:00 AM, potem pa bo pogreb na pokopališču Our Lady of the Angels. Iskreno sožalje možu Ivanu, domačim in sorodnikom. Pokojna Ethel pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. SLOMŠKOVO OLTARNO DRUŠTVO_ Spominska maša za pokojne članice Oltarnega društva bo v petek, 23. novembra zvečer. Vabljeni. DAROVI_ Za gradbeni sklad je darovala $200 družina Sampl in $350 Kazimir in Anica Žižek. Za gradbeni sklad so, namesto rož na grob Ludvika Hulla, darovali: $50 Ernest Zrim, $50 Gizela Hauzar, $100 Sidonia Drvarič, $100 Zoltan in Ana Gergyek. V spomin na Ludvika Hulla sta za gradbeni sklad darovala $30 Anton in Marija Šverko. V spomin na Cirila Viranta in Ludvika Hulla je za gradbeni sklad darovala $100 Romana Novak. Katoliška ženska zveza je namesto cvetja na grob Elizabete Tanko darovala $75 za potrebe cerkve. Društvo sv. Jožefa daruje v spomin na Ludvika Hulla $50 za cerkev in $50 za svete maše. Oltarnemu društvu je za rože $50 darovala Veronika Obal. Vsem, ki ste darovali po raznih namenih iskrena hvala in Bog vam povrni za dobroto. MIKLAVŽ PRIHAJA!_ Slovenska šola in Kulturno društvo Hamilton-Wentworth pri sv. Gregoriju Velikem v Hamiltonu vljudno vabita na Miklavževanje v nedeljo 9. Decembra, 2012. Po 9:30 maši, od 10:45 do 11:45 bo film za otroke. Ob 12:00 bo odlično kosilo v cerkveni dvorani, nato pa pride Miklavž s spremstvom. St. Nicholas will soon bee visiting our parish once again. The Slovenian School and the Hamilton-Wentworth Slovenian Cultural Society invites you to our annual St. Nicholas Celebration on Sunday December 9, 2012. After the 9:30am Mass there will be a film for the children from 10:45am to 11:45am. A delicious lunch will be served at 12:00 noon, after which St. Nicholas and his angels will come to visit our parish's children. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI Mesec november je mesec, ko se spominjamo naših rajnih. Tako se bodo članice Ženske zveze in Slomškovega oltarnega društva spomnili svojih pokojnih članic. 25. novembra je praznik Kristusa Kralja in potem je že pred vrati adventni čas. V začetku decembra imamo tudi Miklavževanje. Otroci Slovenske šole se že pripravljajo za nastop. V tem času boste dobili tudi pisma s programom za božično pripravo in vabilo na novoletno praznovanje. Letos nam bo v božičnih praznikih pomagal dr. Ferenčak Štefan Alojzij, salezijanec, ki trenutno deluje v Mariboru, doma iz Odranec, sicer pa velik muzik. Duhovno pripravo bomo imeli 17. in 18. decembra, po običajnem urniku. Takrat bomo začeli tudi z Božično devetdnevnico, kot neposredno pripravo na Božič. od ,,.,,. 20,2 svete maše - masses DO 18. 11. 2012 32. NEDELJA MED LETOM za žive in rajne župljane 11. November ff Marija in Aleksander Marič 9:30 a.m. Sin Franc z družino Martin, škof ff Matija in Agica Žižek 11:00 a.m. Matija Tompa z družino PONEDELJEK - MONDAY t Darinka Ferletič 7.00 p.m. Milan, Sandy in Mike 12 November t Slavko Štern Rudi in Marija Horvat . t Drago Ferk Žena Jozafat, škof-mučenec tt Viktor in Kristina Ferko hčerka Torek - Tuesday ,3. November Stanislav Kostka, red. Blaž Čulig Stane Napast Ivan Dobršek za zdravje 8:00 a.m. Terezija Dunko Žena Fanika Napast z družino Štefan in Gizella Ray n.n. Sreda - Wednesday ,4. November Nikolaj Tavelic, muč. Ethel Simončič Jože Jerič Irma Hull Ana Intihar Rozalija Ifko 10:00 a.m. Pogrebna maša 7:00 p.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa Ludvik Hull Martin in Regina Nedelko Martin in Regina Nedelko Četrtek- Thursday f Irma Hull 7:00 p.m. Toni in Marija Franc ,5. November f Irma Hull Tone in Marija Bukvič f Stanko Ferenčak Ivan in Ana Nedelko Albert, šk-c.uč. ff starši in Darinka Ferletič Julija Sagadin z družino pETEK . friday f Ivan Obal 7:00 p.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič ii„„,„r„ ff Rozalija in Franc Grobelnik, obl. Hčerka Jožica z družino 16. November i i „ u h r. - w -f Irma Hull Družina Vogrinčič Jedrt dev, Marjeta kr. f Vikca Zagorc Družina Erzar f Terezija Sukič Sobota - Saturday ,7. November Elizabeta Ogrska, redov. f f Horvat Pavla, obl. Horvat Pavla in Janez, obl. Manda in Tade Čule Martin Farkaš Ana Intihar 8:15 a.m. Ludvik Hull z družino 5:30 p.m. Veronika Obal Tone in Marija Bukvič Brat Ante Čule Žena in otroci Tony in Marija Franc 33. NEDELJA MED LETOM za žive in rajne župljane ff Regina in Franc Jerič ff Lojze Tomc in Ivan Dobršek 11:00 a.m. n.n. _n .. ff Regina in Franc Jerič 9:30 a.m. Sestra Vera z družino 18. November '' 3 pos. Bazilk svpetra in p ff pokojni člani društva Triglav 1:00 P.M. Dvorana društva Triglav-London •j • svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in ^IX Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian -11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation >on bosco (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561 -5971.