Occupationa/ alopecia Case report OCCUPATIONAL ALOPECIA IN V ARIOUS WORKERS AFTER EXPOSURE TO CHEMICAL AGENTS. C. Frati, B. Bevilacqua, M.O. Battisti and G. Pizzutelli ABSTRACT It is pointed out that the importance of professional alopecia may sometimes be underestimated. Different types of professional alopecia depending on the causal agent are distinguished: physical, chemical, biological, and phaimacological. In 48 out of 51 patients we found no professional aetiology. On the contrary, in 3 out of 51 patients we were able to detect an exogenous professional agent causing alopecia. The agents involved in our 3 cases of professional alopecia were: boric acid salts, thallium salts, and colchicine. In ali 3 patients there was no evidence of inflammatory lesions, telangectasia or scars. The complete resolution of the disease after removing the specific causal agent confirmed an exogenous aetiology. Treatment with cystine seems to have been beneficial. KEYWORDS occupational alopecia, boric acid, thallium salts, colchicine, cystine INTRODUCTION Alopecia indicates a pathological absence of hair in a restricted area, but this term is used also to illustrate a mild and widespreadreduction ofhair (1). We wouldliketo point 124 out that the importance of professional alopecia is sometimes underestimated. Professional alopecia can be grouped, depending on the acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 2, 93, No 4 Occupational alopecia causal agent, into: physical (trauma, bums, radiations); chemical (thallium, boric acid, chloroprene); biological (tubercolosis, tinea); and pharmacological (antimetabolites, anticoagulants) (2). Traumatic alopeciais due to a physical traumaon the scalp. Severa! authors described traumatic alopecia caused by caps or strings wom over long periods at work (3). Burns may be responsiblefor cicatricial alopecia, especially in: radiologists, surgeons, orthopaedists, dentists, and radiology technicians due to exposition over long periods to small doses of radiation without sufficient protection. These radiations can damage the germinative Iayer of epidermis and cause a dilatation of blood vessels in dermis with release of histamine that provokes erythema (4). Several chemical agents may be involved in professional alopecia (5) . Thallium is one ofthemost irnportant. It is used inglass and optical (lens) industries, fireworks manufacturing, preparation of phosphorescent paints, insecticides, and the like. Alopecia develops after 3 to 4 months in patches but it may suddenly become widespread if large quantities of thallium are ingested (6). Boric acid is utilized in several industries: glass, nuclear, textile and pharmaceuticals. It is also used as a bleaching agent. Persons exposed to this chemical may gradually develop widespread alopecia (7). Chloroprene is a colourless Iiquid used in the manufacture of tyres, carry ribbons, waterproof products, as well as of brake linings, welding machine tu bes, etc. Chloroprene may provoke a gradually developing widespread reversible alopecia (7) . Biological agents may occasionally cause a professional alopecia in medical personnel, e.g . doctors, nurses, technicians who are exposed to infections like tuberculosis or tinea (8). Antimetabolites like colchicine may produce a widespread pharmacological alopecia. Colchicine is an antirnitotic drug contained in lily bulbs, so professional exposure is possible, especially in florists (9). Anticoagulants, like coumarin, contained in rat pesticides, can develop a widespread alopecia 2 months after exposure (9). The airn of this report isto discuss "professional alopecia" among patients with hair loss. MA TERIALS AND METHODS In our service we observed 51 subjects frorn 11 to 72-year- old , of whorn 27 were wornen affected by alopecia (androgenetic alopecia and kerion celsi were previously acta dermatovenerologica AP.A. Vol 2, 93, No 4 excluded). All patients were submitted to a questionnaire with the airn of detecting endogenous and exogenous causal agents. Laboratory tests and clinical examinations to evidence the anagen/telogen ratio were performed. RESULTS In 48 subjects we found no professional aetiology. In these patients severa! agents were irnplicated to determine alopecia: in 12 stress, in 10 drugs, in 5 endocrine diseases, in 5 seborrhea of the scalp, in 4 autoirnrnune diseases, in 2 iron deficiency, in 2 sudden loss of weight, in 2 trichotillornania, in 2 cosmetics, in 1 insect bite, in 1 anorexia, in 1 dornestic bum, and in 1 tinea. In 3 out of 51 patients we were able to find an exogenous professional agent which provoked alopecia. CASEI A 40-year-old man, in good condition, with normal alirnentary habits, not a drug user, was a worker in pharmaceutical industry during five years. A container of boric acid salts broke accidentally so that the worker's vertex of the scalp became exposed to a Iarge quantity of this substance. The patient developed an acute intoxication with headache and rnyalgia resolving in a few days. After a short period he noticed a widespread alopecia and consulted our service. The clinical examination revealed a gradually spreading alopecia of the vertex area and an anagen hair type of alopecia. The patient was removed frorn his job and in a few rnonths a cornplete regrowth of his hair took place. CASE2 A 34-year-old man, a farrner, arrived to our observation 1 month after the occunence of alopecia. The anamnestic data disclosed the use ofpesticides containing several substances capable of developing alopecia. An interesting finding was the elevated concentration of thalliurn salts in 24-hour urine (0.9 mg). Alopecia was evident on the scalp and the anns. CASE3 A 35-year-old man, in good condition, with normal alimentary habits, not a drug user, was a worker in a flower garden. His duty was to pick, pack and water flowers. While working in shorts he fell accidentall y ona Iarge amount of lily bulbs so that his limbs came into contact with them. After about one month he developed an acute and widespread alopecia of the limbs. It is relevant to note that lily bulbs contain large quantities of colchicine, an antirnitotic agent capable of causing alopecia. 125 Occupationa/ alopecia DISCUSSION The authors' observations support the data of other authors who noticed that alopecia is a disease implicating numerous other factors in addition to the constitutional predisposition and heredity. In 3 out of 51 patients an exogenous agent was evidently the reason of hair loss. Laboratory tests and anamnestic examination revealed no other factor that might have been responsible for alopecia. All 3 patients had an anagen type of alopecia, and there was no evidence of inflan1111atory lesions, teleangectasiaorscars. Acompleteresolution ofthe symptoms following the patients' removal from contact with causative agents confirmed the involvement of anexogenous substance. It is interesting to note that case 3 had been previously affected by gout and treated with colchicine which fact contributed to the development of alopecia. In ali 3 patients, when kept away from the substance involved and treated with cystine, the symptoms disappeared as described previously (12-13) . REFERENCES 1. Rook A, Wilkinson DS, Ebling FJG: Textbook of Dermatology. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1982. 2. Lanwerys R: Manuale di tossicologia industriale e delle intossicazioni professionali Milano, Casa Edri tice Ambrosiana, 1980. 3. 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