Multiple Antenna Techniques in WiMAX Systems T. Celcer1, S. Plevel12, T. Javornik1, C. Fortuna1 and G. Kandus1 1 Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Telsima, d.o.o., Trzin-Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: Abstract. Multiple antenna systems can offer significant improvements in system performance due to their ability to exploit multipath signal propagation and take advantage of its random nature in order to achieve diversity or spatial multiplexing gain. As such, they are very suitable for implementation in WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) systems to improve its performance in harsh urban and indoor environments. WiMAX physical layer is based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), which is very robust to multipath propagation and enables straightforward usage of MIMO techniques. In this paper multiple antenna techniques and their use in Fixed and Mobile WiMAX systems are discussed. We present test results, collected with field measurements during a Fixed WiMAX system deployment, and describe results obtained by applying a channel simulator whose parameters are tuned according to field measurement data. A performance comparison between STC (Space-Time Coding) and non-STC operation mode is analyzed for different coding and modulation schemes specified in the standard. Keywords: multiple antennas, WiMAX, space-time coding, spatial multiplexing, OFDM Uporaba vecantenskih sistemov v omrežjih WiMAX Povzetek. Večantenski sistemi omogočajo znatno izboljšanje učinkovitosti brezžičnega komunikacijskega sistema, saj izkoriščajo lastnost, kot je širjenje signala po več poteh, v svojo korist, tako da izrabljajo naključnost oziroma nekoreliranost teh poti za prostorsko ločevanje sočasno poslanih signalov. Kot taki so ti sistemi zelo primerni za implementacijo v sistemih WiMAX, ki na fizični ravni uporabljajo tehnologijo OFDM, odporno proti širjenju signala po več poteh. V prispevku sta podana pregled tehnik v več-antenskih sistemih in njihova uporaba v fiksnih in mobilnih sistemih WiMAX. Predstavljeni so tudi rezultati meritev na terenu in laboratorijskih meritev. V laboratorijskih meritvah smo uporabili simulator radijskega kanala s parametri radijskega kanala, pridobljenimi z meritvami na terenu. Izvedli smo primerjavo učinkovitosti dveh načinov delovanja, in sicer z uporabo in brez uporabe prostorsko-časovnega kodiranja. Primerjavo smo opravili za različne kodno-modulacijske sheme, ki so predpisane v standardu. Ključne besede: večantenski sistemi, WiMAX, prostorsko-časovno kodiranje, prostorski multipleks, OFDM (ortogonalno frekvenčno multipleksiranje) 1 Introduction The main attributes that are desired in a modern communication system are high spectral efficiency and high data rate, along with high quality of service (QoS) - meaning low outage probability, low bit error rate, etc. - and wide coverage. However, a wireless channel presents a very hostile and difficult environment for provision of such attributes. There are various Received 21 November, 2007 Accepted 4 February 2008 drawbacks, such as signal attenuation due to path loss, limited bandwidth, co-channel interference (CCI) due to the presence of other users and, most importantly, severe fluctuations in signal level, referred to as fading [1]. Fading is a result of multipath propagation and the Doppler spread which is caused by the mobility of the user as well as variations in the environment. Two main solutions to the above problem are typically proposed by modern standards. The first is adaptive coding and modulation (ACM), which is based on the concept that the coding and modulation scheme adapts dynamically to the channel conditions. The second is the use of multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver. While ACM can cope with slow fading, multiple antenna techniques can also combat fast fading. Optimal performance can be obtained by taking advantage of both solutions. Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems exploit multipath propagation and random signal fading to increase the system performance without extra bandwidth and power costs. There are four different benefits offered by MIMO systems: diversity gain, spatial multiplexing gain, array gain, and interference reduction. The use of MIMO techniques is also included in Fixed and Mobile WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) system profiles. Several multiple antenna options are supported, enabling the exploitation of all the above stated benefits. The paper is organized as follows: first we present a short overview of multiple antenna techniques and their main benefits. In Section 3, the IEEE 802.16 standard is discussed briefly and in Section 4 the use of multiple antennas in WiMAX systems, as described in the standard, is explored. In Section 5, results obtained from field and laboratory measurements are compared with those from theory, as discussed in previous sections. Conclusions are presented in Section 6. 2 Overview of multiple antenna techniques MIMO systems are wireless systems equipped with multiple antennas at the receiver and transmitter. The great interest in MIMO systems is due to their ability to increase system capacity or reliability without any increase in transmitting power or bandwidth. MIMO technology makes use of the spatial dimension by taking advantage of multipath propagation channel characteristics. Spectral efficiency can be increased by the simultaneous transmission of data over different antennas using random fading as the means of signal separation. On the other hand increase in system reliability is achieved, with the insertion of redundancy, by transmitting multiple copies of the same signal over different propagation paths, thus achieving spatial diversity gain. Suppose we have a MIMO system with M transmit and N receive antennas, then there are M*N subchannels between the transmitter and the receiver. Assuming frequency non-selective or flat fading, the received signal can be expressed as: y=Hx + n, (1) where H is the N*M dimensional channel matrix with complex coefficients hij that represent the channel response between the j-th transmit and i-th receive antenna, y and x are the received and transmitted vectors respectively, and n is the noise vector. In Single Input Single Output (SISO) systems, capacity grows logarithmically with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In [2], Telatar has shown that the capacity of MIMO systems, compared to SISO systems, grows linearly with the number of independent subchannels, which equals the rank of channel matrix H and can be at most min(M,N). The increase in capacity, compared to that of the SISO system, is referred to as spatial multiplexing gain. Alternatively, a diversity gain of M*N can be achieved by assuming M*N random fading propagation paths [3]. Diversity techniques are based on the assumption that there is low probability of all paths being in a deep fade. Hence, diversity gain decreases the fluctuations in received signal power, which mitigates fading effects. Diversity gain d tells us how fast the decoding error probability Pe decays with the increase of SNR: Pe 6 tr E 4 a. z 2 o Illllllllllll 1 234567891011 1213 14 1516171819 2021 222324 Location Index Figure 3: Average STC gain in CINR High gains of average CINR can be achieved with STC (Figure 3); however, the gains measured at different locations can vary significantly. For some locations a gain of only 2 dB is achieved, while for other locations it is over 8 dB. This can be explained by the fact that, at some indoor subscriber station (SS) locations, the signal from the primary BS antenna is stronger than the one from the secondary antenna, while for other locations the signal from the secondary BS antenna is much stronger. Since the STC or MRC gain is actually a gain in dBs relative to the received CINR when only a primary transmit antenna is used, the gains are very different. Even a small change of the indoor modem antenna position results in a significant variation in gain. However, the most important observation in the field was that variation of the signal quality is much lower when STC or MRC is used. It was also established that the gains of STC and MRC are highest in locations where CINR is lowest, since at these locations the primary antenna signal is low. 5.2 Laboratory measurements with a channel simulator Based on the observations of signal variation, frequency selectivity and correlation in the field, we modified a standard SUI-3 channel model in order to simulate the non-LOS (NLOS) indoor Bangalore channel that was observed in Telsima's actual WiMAX network. There are three taps in the developed channel. The first is Rice distributed with Rice K factor 9. The second and third taps are Rayleigh distributed, with 5 dB attenuation relative to the first tap, and are delayed by 300 ns and 900 ns, respectively. This results in a strong frequency 0 selective channel. The correlation of the channels corresponding to each BS antenna was set to 0.2. An Elektrobit Propsim C2 Wideband Radio Channel Simulator was used in the Telsima laboratory to simulate the channel. The Packet Error Rate (PER) versus average input signal level (RSSI), for STC and normal non-STC (SISO) operations for different coding and modulation levels, is demonstrated in Figure 4. A channel bandwidth of 3.5 MHz was used and the packet size was 1460 Bytes. As shown in (2), the difference in gradient of the PER curves represents the diversity gain. The measurement results prove that high diversity gains are achieved, since the PER decay is much faster for STC operation. For the 16QAM % scheme it can be seen that the gradient of the slope is nearly doubled, meaning that in this case a diversity gain close to 2 is achieved, which is the maximum possible gain achievable with two antennas. From Figure 4 it can be estimated that for PER 10-2 the gains of STC are around 5 dB for QPSK !/, 7 dB for QPSK %, 5 dB for 16QAM /, 10 dB for 16QAM % and 7 dB for 64QAM R. It may seem surprising that the gains and the slopes are so different for different modes of operation. The reason lies in the frequency selectivity. Since higher order modulations are more sensitive to frequency selectivity, the gains of STC are higher for those modulations. But, more importantly, the Forward Error Correction (FEC) adds robustness to frequency selectivity, utilizing frequency diversity. It can be seen clearly from Figure 4 that, in non-STC (SISO) operation, curves representing higher redundancy FEC modes are steeper than those for lower redundancy ones. This is because stronger FEC coding exploits frequency diversity better. For example, comparing non-STC QPSK / and QPSK %, it can be seen that QPSK 3% performs quite poorly. Even more surprisingly, without STC at a lower PER area, the 16QAM / even outperforms the QPSK %, although it has higher spectral efficiency. The high redundancy FEC coding (e.g. /) already effectively exploits the frequency diversity gain, so the gains of STC are lower for those modes. 6 Conclusion Multiple antenna systems, their main characteristics and their use in both Fixed and Mobile WiMAX, have been briefly reviewed. The performance of Telsima's Fixed WiMAX system supporting STC in downlink and MRC in uplink has been described and analyzed. The field results show a great improvement of signal quality with STC and MRC, but the gains differ greatly for different indoor locations. The average gain in CINR observed in the field was 4.5 dB and the highest over 10 dB. Based on the results of field measurements, a dedicated channel model was developed in order to simulate the real propagation channel, either by computer or by hardware channel simulator. Laboratory measurements done with the channel simulator, using this model, showed that the gain of STC is highly dependent on the PER at which it is observed, and on the coding and modulation mode used. The measurement results proved that diversity gain is achieved in all cases, since the PER slope is much steeper in STC mode. It was also revealed that, in general in a dynamic channel, the coding-modulation modes with higher redundancy perform much better than those with lower redundancy. Since the performance of lower redundancy codes is poor in such a demanding channel, the gains of STC and MRC are greatest for those modes. The highest gain measured was for 16QAM %, i.e. 10 dB at PER 10-2 and 12 dB at 10-3. Acknowledgement This work has been supported in part by Telsima d.o.o. 7 References [1] A. Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2005. [2] I. E. Telatar, Capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian channels, European Trans. 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Tine Celcer received his B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 2005. Currently, he is a Ph.D. student and a Junior Researcher in the Department of Communication Systems at the Jožef Stefan Institute. His research interests are in the field of stratospheric and terrestrial wireless communication systems, specializing in MIMO systems, OFDM technology and WiMAX systems. Srečo Plevel received his B.Sc. degree in 2002 at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana and his Ph.D. degree at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2007. Currently, he works as a senior RF designer at Telsima d.o.o., company involved in WiMAX deployment. Prior to that, he was a Junior Researcher in the Department of Communication Systems at the Jožef Stefan Institute. Tomaž Javornik received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1987, 1990 and 1993, respectively. He joined the Jožef Stefan Institute in 1987, where he currently works as a researcher in the Department of Communication Systems. He is involved in the study of digital radio-relay systems, modulation techniques, coding, adaptive signal processing and digital mobile communication systems. Carolina Fortuna received her B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in 2006. Currently, she is a Ph.D. student and a Junior Researcher in the Department of Communication Systems at the Jožef Stefan Institute. Her research interests are in the field of stratospheric and terrestrial wireless communication systems and intrusion detection systems. Gorazd Kandus received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1971, 1974 and 1991, respectively. He is currently the Head of the Department of Communication Systems at the Jožef Stefan Institute and Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Maribor.