Gamifica ti on is a rela ti vely new concept that refers to the use of game elements in non ‐game produc ti ve ac ti vity. It also can be implemented as a behavioral modeling tool influencing behavioral change in an organiza ti onal context. A remaining challenge in gamifica ti on is the absence of measurement focus to empirically quan ti fy gamifica ti on at ‐ tributes. This paper measures key behavioral changes that gamifica ti on influence among employees and assesses their theore ti cal founda ti on. We combined validated measurement tools to empirically measure behavior changes, especially engagement, performance, and sa ti sfac ti on. The combined measurement tool includes the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), the Individual Work Performance Ques ti onnaire (IWPQ), and the Minnesota Sa ti sfac ti on Ques ti onnaire (MSQ). Research results proved that there is a significant behavioral di fference between employees that were influenced by gamifica ti on and employees that were not. Employees that were exposed to gamifica ti on demonstrated higher engagement and sa ti sfac ti on levels and verified the potency of gamifica ti on. Research results evidenced no significant di fferences between the two groups in terms of performance levels. This research paper will guide prac titi oners to be tt er evaluate gamifica ti on a tt ributes and improve gamifica ti on organiza ti onal assimila ti on. Keywords: gamifica ti on, engagement, job performance, sa ti sfac ti on, organiza ti onal behavior EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF GAMIFICATION ON EMPLOYEES’ BEHAVIOR Ibrahim Hamza Faculty of Economic and Social science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Sarolta Tóvölgyi Faculty of Economic and Social science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 71 logical experiences as games generally do (Huotari & Hamari, 2012). Gamifica ti on is portrayed through and defined by game elements, the choice of which di ffers from one researcher to another. However, the most iden ti fied ones in the literature are points, badges, leader boards, avatars, quests, performance graphs, and cer ti ficates (Scheiner, 2015; Cardador, Northcra ft , & Whicker, 2017; Mekler, Brühlmann, Opwis, & Tuch, 2013). With its potent game design aspects, gamifica ‐ ti on s ti mulates individual incen ti ves and drives user behavior. Therefore, to be tt er understand gamifica ‐ ti on, it is of supreme importance to acknowledge and fully comprehend user behavior, specifically user be ‐ havioral changes in organiza ti onal contexts. These changes are induced by interpersonal and organiza ‐ ti onal factors. 1 INTRODUCTION Gamifica ti on can be defined as embedding game elements into ac ti vi ti es that are not themselves games (Werbach & Hunter, 2012). This engaging phe ‐ nomenon helps in implemen ti ng mo ti va ti onal a ffor ‐ dances in services to evoke game ‐like experiences and improve behavioral results. Gamifica ti on processes are being applied today in numerous fields, including educa ti on, health, business, and management (Bozkurt & Durak, 2018). This e ffec ti ve problem ‐solv ‐ ing and goal ‐achieving tool (Zainuddin, Chu, Shujahat, & Perera, 2020) also is implemented for behavioral change by influencing and promo ti ng desired learning behavior ( Ērgle & Ludviga, 2018; Buckley & Doyle, 2017), and invoking in individuals the same psycho ‐ Abstract Vol. 11, No. 2, 71 ‐78 doi:10.17708/DRMJ.2022.v11n02a05 Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 72 Ibrahim Hamza, Sarolta Tóvölgyi: Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Gamifica ti on on Employees’ Behavior Behavioral change is the abandonment of certain behaviors and the adop ti on of new ones (Prochaska & Velicer, 1997). Changing behavior is not about changing one act; it is about altering the behavioral rou ti nes in which the acts are embedded (Heimlich & Ardoin, 2008). Behavioral change is saturated with complexi ti es, and for that reason there is no single theory that can fully account for it. However, such a change could be well described when it is caused by gamifica ti on. Self ‐determina ti on theory and flow the ‐ ory could be classified as principal theories that eluci ‐ date how gamifica ti on influences behavioral change (Krath, Schürmann, & von Korflesch, 2021). According to self ‐determina ti on theory (SDT), relatedness, autonomy, and competence are three primary psychological needs that all individuals as ‐ pire to fulfil. SDT is applicable to the se tti ngs of learning and games because it explains the social contexts that can either boost or lessen intrinsic mo ‐ ti va ti on (Kam & Umar, 2018). On the other hand, flow theory delineates the state in which users be ‐ come entangled in a certain ac ti vity and lose their sense of ti me (Csikszentmihalyi, 1991). When indi ‐ viduals are fully engaged in an ac ti vity, they perceive the intrinsic nature of hoped ‐for rewards (Csikszent ‐ mihalyi, 2014). Flow theory illustrates one of the principal goals of gamifica ti on, and the recent liter ‐ ature has examined the e fficacy of using gamifica ‐ ti on elements to retain users in a flow experience (Huang et al., 2018). Empirically evalua ti ng the behavioral changes imposed by gamifica ti on on employees has re ‐ mained a hurdle. There are no studies that clearly show how such a measurement can be quan ti fied exclusively. In our work, we applied a combined tool that is formed by three validated measurement tools to empirically measure employees’ engage ‐ ment, performance, and sa ti sfac ti on, because these are important factors of organiza ti onal behavior. 2 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Hypotheses Previous research addressed the importance of implemen ti ng gamifica ti on in business and its po ‐ ten ti al posi ti ve influence on employees’ engage ‐ ment (Robson et al., 2016; Ponis et al., 2020), performance (Nacke & Deterding, 2017; Hosseini et al., 2021) and sa ti sfac ti on (Nacke & Deterding, 2017; Schöbel et al., 2020). Gamifica ti on is a kind of tech ‐ nology that influences change without enforcing it (Liu, Santhanam, & Webster, 2017). We developed a novel approach that validates gamifica ti on e ffects on employees’ behavior, and which can quan ti ta ‐ ti vely measure behavioral aspects. Gamifica ti on is a behavioral ‐change modeling tool when tailored ad ‐ equately. In this research, the hypotheses are as fol ‐ lows: H1. Gamifica ti on has a posi ti ve e ffect on employees’ behavior. H1 ‐1. Gamifica ti on has a posi ti ve e ffect on employ ‐ ees’ engagement. H1 ‐2. Gamifica ti on has a posi ti ve e ffect on employ ‐ ees’ performance. H1 ‐3. Gamifica ti on has a posi ti ve e ffect on employ ‐ ees’ sa ti sfac ti on. 2.2 Measurement To address these hypotheses, we constructed a measurement tool that can analyze employees’ key behavioral changes in an organiza ti onal context. Our measurement tool is a combina ti on of three self ‐re ‐ por ti ng validated tools: the Utrecht work engagement scale (UWES), the Individual Work Performance Ques ‐ ti onnaire (IWPQ), and the Minnesota Sa ti sfac ti on Ques ti onnaire (MSQ). We name this novel theore ti cal contribu ti on EPS, which highlights the three variables measured: engagement, performance, and sa ti sfac ‐ ti on. We applied the Utrecht scale to measure empir ‐ ically how gamifica ti on implementa ti ons influences engagement. The method consists of 17 items and provides a more concrete overview of employees’ vigor, dedica ti on, and absorp ti on (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003; Seppälä et al., 2009). Vigor refers to energy lev ‐ els and mental resilience while working. Respondents answer the scale using a 7 ‐point Likert in which 0 in ‐ dicates Never and 7 indicates Always. The second ap ‐ plied measurement tool is the IWPQ, which incorporates task performance, interpersonal perfor ‐ mance, and counterproduc ti ve work behavior (Koop ‐ mans et al., 2012; Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, De Vet, & Van Der Beek, 2014). Originally the IWPQ consisted of 47 items, however, to address our re ‐ Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 73 search aim we selected a shorter 25 ‐item version. The items were scored on a 5 ‐point Likert scale in which 1 indicates Strongly disagree and 5 indicates Strongly agree. Finally, we applied the MSQ to measure the ef ‐ fect of gamifica ti on on employees’ sa ti sfac ti on. The measurement tool is used widely in the literature (Gillet & Schwab,1975; Weiss, Dawis, England, & Lofquist, 1967; Inayat & Khan, 2021) and provides ac ‐ tual evidence of any changes in employees sa ti sfac ‐ ti on levels. The MSQ is a 5 ‐point Likert ‐type scale formed of 20 items and is a ti me ‐stable instrument. 2.3 Par ti cipants and Procedures Our sample was formed of 62 European em ‐ ployees who were pursuing their higher educa ti on in Hungary. Our data were obtained using ques ti on ‐ naires. The surveys were distributed using Google forms, emails, and social media. Because gamifica ‐ ti on is not yet a widely recognized concept, we con ‐ veniently conducted this research among employees who were con ti nuing their higher edu ‐ ca ti on at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Our sample comprised 56.5% males, 41.9% females, and 1.6% who iden ti fied themselves as other; 54.8% of our ques ti onnaire respondents were between 18 and 25, 37.1% were between 26 and 35, and only 8.1% were between 36 and 45. Most of our respondents were university graduates; 48.4% had finished their bachelor’s degree, and 33.9% had completed their master’s degree. The level of work experience also indicated that 53.2% of our respondents had 1–5 years of experience, whereas 24.2% had less than 1 year. Our demographical data can help us unravel employees’ percep ti on factors, which are examined in the Analysis and Results sec ti on. Table 1 presents our sample’s age distribu ti on, Table 2 presents their educa ti onal distribu ti on, and Table 3 presents our respondents’ years of experience. Table 1: Age distribu ti on Table 2: Educa ti onal level distribu ti on Table 3: Employment years distribu ti on 3 ANALYSIS AND RESULTS Our research data indicates that 21% of our respondents were never exposed to gamification at work, whereas 79% acknowledged being ex ‐ posed to gamification and game design elements in an organizational context. Furthermore, 41.9% of the respondents acknowledged a high level of familiarity with the concept of gamification and procedures, and 27.5% of respondents indicated low familiarity levels. The collected data demon ‐ strate that most of our sample had a good level of familiarity and understanding of gamification in an organizational context. Our population was divided into two groups: Group 1 (G1) is the em ‐ ployees that were not exposed to gamification, and Group 2 (G2) is formed of employees that were exposed to gamification in an organizational context. Our research goal was to empirically measure the effects of gamification and compare Groups G1 and G2 in terms of engagement, per ‐ formance, and satisfaction levels. Firstly, we con ‐ ducted Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Shapiro–Wilk normality tests to address our sample distribution better. Age Percentage 18 ‐25 54.8% 26 ‐35 37.1% 36 ‐45 8.1% Educa ti on levels Percentage Elementary school 1.6% High school graduate 11.3% Bachelor’s degree graduate 48.4% Master’s degree graduate 33.9% PhD graduate 4.8% Employment years Percentage 1 24.2% 1 ‐5 53.2% 6 ‐10 17.7% 11 ‐15 4.8% Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 74 Ibrahim Hamza, Sarolta Tóvölgyi: Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Gamifica ti on on Employees’ Behavior According to the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, our data on sa ti sfac ti on and engagement are not nor ‐ mally distributed (0.0113 < 0.05, and 0.153 < 0.05). Our test results analysis indicates that performance levels are normally distributed (0.150 > 0.05). We also conducted a Shapiro–Wilk normality test to val ‐ idate our results further (Table 5). The Shapiro–Wilk test indicates the same results as the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Our data on sa ti sfac ti on and engagement are not normally distributed (0.0113 < 0.05, and 0.153 < 0.05), and, in contrast, our perfor ‐ mance levels are normally distributed (0.150 > 0.05). Based on our results, we conducted Mann– Whitney U tests on our variables of sa ti sfac ti on and engagement levels, and an independent T ‐test on our variables of performance levels. These tests allow us to determine if there were any di fferences between Groups G1 and G2. Table 6 presents the re ‐ sults of the Mann–Whitney U test. Data analysis in Table 6 indicates moderate to strong di fferences between Groups G1 and G2 in terms of engagement levels (0.023 < 0.05), with a Mann–Whitney U value of 450.0 and a standard error of 57.792. Examining the data results carefully led us to conclude the validity of our first sub ‐hypothesis, H1 ‐1. Moderate to strong di fferences exist between employees that were exposed to gamifica ti on and employees that were not in terms of organiza ti onal engagement. The same di fferen ti ated result was ev ‐ ident when we replicated the data analysis on our sa ti sfac ti on variable as indicated in Table 6. There were moderate to strong di fferences between Groups G1 and G2 in terms of job sa ti sfac ti on (0.020 < 0.05), with a Mann–Whitney U value of 452.5 and a standard error of 57.78. Based on this analysis, we can conclude that Hypothesis H1 ‐3 is accepted: mod ‐ erate to strong di fferences exist between employees that were exposed to gamifica ti on and employees that were not exposed to gamifica ti on in terms of or ‐ ganiza ti onal sa ti sfac ti on. Owing the results of the normality tests in Tables 4 and 5 that proved the nor ‐ mality of our performance variable distribu ti on, we conducted an independent T ‐test to validate our sec ‐ ond sub ‐hypothesis. Table 7 demonstrates the inde ‐ pendence of performance from the influence of gamifica ti on. No significant di fferences existed be ‐ tween Groups G1 and G2 in terms of organiza ti onal performance (significance value of 0.082 > 0.05, and a T ‐value of 1.731). Elabora ti ng on our results, we conclude that our second sub ‐hypothesis is rejected. We repeated our tests on sa ti sfac ti on and engage ‐ ment levels using the independent T ‐test to validate the achieved results further. Table 7: Performance: independent T ‐test The T ‐test measurements demonstrate a signifi ‐ cance value of engagement: (0.039 < 0.05, and a T ‐ value of −2.236), which also validates Sub ‐hypothesis H1 ‐1. Employees that were exposed to gamifica ti on Sta ti s ti cs df (Sig) Sa ti sfac ti on 0.135 62 (0.46) Engagement 0.150 62 (0.007) Performance 0.113 62 (0.001) Sta ti s ti cs df (Sig) Sa ti sfac ti on 0.980 62 (0.398) Engagement 0.914 62 (0.000) Performance 0.915 62 (0.000) Sa ti sfac ti on Engagement Total N 62 62 Mann ‐Whitney U 452.500 450.000 Wilcoxon W 1677.500 1675.000 Test Sta ti s ti c 452.500 450.000 Standard Error 57.786 57.792 Standard Test Stat 2.319 2.275 Asympto ti c Sig. (2 ‐sided test) 0.020 0.023 Table 4: Test of normali ti es: Kolmogorov–Smirnov Table 5: Test of normali ti es: Shapiro–Wilk Table 6: Mann–Whitney test sta ti s ti cs t df Sig. (2 ‐ tailed) St. Error Differences Equal Variances assumed ‐1.731 60 0.089 0.19277 Equal Variances not assumed ‐1.519 16.298 0.148 0.21974 Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 75 demonstrated higher engagement levels than em ‐ ployees that were not. Our results also were signifi ‐ cant (0.037 < 0.05, and a T ‐value of −2.268), which validates our third research sub ‐hypothesis, H1 ‐3. Employees demonstrates higher sa ti sfac ti on levels in a gamified work environment. Furthermore, as ex ‐ plained by Pallant (2016) we applied the eta ‐squared rule to measure how significantly game elements in ‐ fluenced employees’ engagement and sa ti sfac ti on. In the following equa ti ons, N1 is the number of re ‐ spondents of Group 1, and N2 is the number of re ‐ spondents of Group 2. Engagement analysis indicates that gamifica ‐ ti on exposure had moderate to strong e ffects on employees’ engagement levels. Results demon ‐ strate the e fficiency of gamifica ti on in changing em ‐ ployees’ behavior. We applied the same formula to measure employees’ sa ti sfac ti on levels. The analysis of sa ti sfac ti on levels also indicates that gamifica ti on had moderate to strong e ffects on employees’ organiza ti onal sa ti sfac ti on levels. We can conclude that gamifica ti on changes employees’ behavior by improving their engagement levels and sa ti sfac ti on levels. Because of the importance of ini ti al or accumu ‐ lated percep ti ons, we inves ti gated employees’ per ‐ cep ti ons of the gamifica ti on concept and if they realised its poten ti al nega ti ve a tt ributes. Results in ‐ dicate that only 4.3% of the respondents stated that gamifica ti onis a source of nuisance, and 8.5% indi ‐ cated no nega ti ve or posi ti ve a tt ributes. The solid majority of our respondents—precisely 87.2%—in ‐ dicated posi ti ve e ffects a ft er being exposed to gam ‐ ifica ti on. Posi ti ve responses included be tt er psycho ‐ logical well ‐being, improved interdepartmental communica ti on, knowledge sharing, and higher mo ‐ ti va ti on levels. 4 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 4.1 Theore ti cal Contribu ti ons Our research methodology was based on a hy ‐ brid ‐type approach that u ti lized three scales to mea ‐ sure and compare employee’s engagement, performance, and sa ti sfac ti on. Combining the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, Individual Work Performance Ques ti onnaire and Minnesota Sa ti sfac ‐ ti on Ques ti onnaire enabled us to conduct a holis ti c analysis of gamifica ti on behavioral influence. Con ‐ sistent with the previous literature (Huang et al., 2018; Krath, Schürmann, & von Korflesch, 2021) self ‐determina ti on theory and flow theory are two of the most important theories in the field of gami ‐ fica ti on, and our proposed measurement tool, EPS, incorporates them both. Gamifica ti on influences be ‐ havior change rather than manda ti ng it, and every game element can be categorized according to its own influence and phycological e ffect. Therefore, game element selec ti on is crucial in promo ti ng the desired behavioral change. 4.2 Prac ti cal Implica ti ons Our research elaborated a new approach in in ‐ ves ti ga ti ng the influence of gamifica ti on on employ ‐ ees, and is a cost ‐e ffec ti ve and fast empirical approach. Furthermore, the results of this study can help prac titi oners scien ti fically quan ti fy behavioral changes in an organiza ti onal environment. Research results proved the usefulness of gamifica ti on in in ‐ fluencing organiza ti onal behavior. Our results also indicate gamifica ti on assimila ti on among employees between 18 and 35. Gamifica ti on exposure moder ‐ ately to strongly increased employees’ organiza ‐ ti onal engagement and sa ti sfac ti on. Moreover, the research findings indicate that in this sample, gam ‐ ifica ti on had no significant influence on employees’ organiza ti onal performance, which is a notable ex ‐ cep ti on. Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 76 Ibrahim Hamza, Sarolta Tóvölgyi: Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Gamifica ti on on Employees’ Behavior 4.3 Limita ti ons Because gamifica ti on is a rela ti vely new con ‐ cept, measuring gamifica ti on influence among blue ‐ collar employees proved di fficult, which is a notable limita ti on. Therefore, the implementa ti on processes should include a comprehensive gamifica ti on de ‐ scrip ti on. We planned to assess the impact of gam ‐ ifica ti on on employees’ turnover rates, but acquiring such data contradicted corporate regula ‐ ti ons. Our combined measurement tool is accurate; nevertheless, owing to its hybrid nature, it was paired with a lengthy ques ti onnaire, making it more di fficult to obtain employees’ responses. 4.4 Future Research Direc ti ons Our research was conducted among employees residing in Hungary, from di fferent cultural back ‐ grounds. Selec ti ng a more homogeneous sample would enable researchers to detect a media ti ng role of culture in gamifica ti on and should provide cultural percep ti on of integrated game elements by applying the same hybrid measurement tool. Researchers’ in ‐ terpreta ti ons of what cons ti tutes “gamifica ti on” varies depending on the game elements they select to include. Therefore, we recommend u ti lizing a larger sample of employees to evaluate the e ffects of game elements individually and collec ti vely. The aforemen ti oned method would provide empirical evidence of the appropriate game element combi ‐ na ti ons based on organiza ti onal objec ti ves. Employ ‐ ees did not provide consent before par ti cipa ti ng in a gamified process, which is a noteworthy observa ‐ ti on. Gamifica ti on incorpora ti on in on ‐site job tasks adds a fun layer to organiza ti onal ac ti vi ti es. Never ‐ theless, employees’ awareness of the process and its goals should be addressed. EXTENDED SUMMARY/IZVLE ČEK Igrifikacija je razmeroma nov koncept, ki se nanaša na uporabo elementov igre v neigrnih pro ‐ duk ti vnih dejavnos ti h. Prav tako se lahko uporablja kot orodje za vedenjsko modeliranje, ki vpliva na vedenjske spremembe v organizacijskem kontekstu. Izziv, ki ostaja povezan s tem konceptom, je po ‐ manjkanje empiri čnih meritev lastnos ti igrifikacije. Prispevek meri klju čne vedenjske spremembe, na katere vpliva igrifikacija med zaposlenimi, in ocenjuje njihovo teore tič no podlago. Združili smo že prej potrjena merska orodja za empiri čno ugotavljanje sprememb vedenja, predvsem zavzetos ti , us ‐ pešnos ti in zadovoljstva. Skupno merilno orodje vklju čuje Utrechtsko lestvico delovne zavzetos ti (angl. Utrecht Work Engagement Scale; UWES), vprašalnik o individualni delovni uspešnos ti (angl. Individual Work Performance Ques ti onnaire; IWPQ) in Minnesota vprašalnik o zadovoljstvu (angl. Minnesota Sa ti sfac ti on Ques ti onnaire; MSQ). Rezulta ti raziskave so pokazali, da obstaja velika ve ‐ denjska razlika med zaposlenimi, na katere je vplivala igrifikacija, in zaposlenimi, na katere ni. Za ‐ posleni, ki so bili izpostavljeni igrifikaciji, so pokazali višjo stopnjo zavzetos ti in zadovoljstva ter tako potrdili mo č igrifikacije. Glede ravni uspešnos ti pa rezulta ti niso pokazali sta ti s tič no zna čilnih razlik med obema skupinama. Ta raziskovalni članek bo v praksi vodil k boljšemu ocenjevanju lastnos ti igri ‐ fikacije in k izboljšanju uporabe koncepta v organizacijah. Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 77 REFERENCES Bozkurt, A., & Durak, G. (2018). 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