60 Avgust Rudolf Grisebach Henrih in njegov doprinos k poznavanju flore Pelistera, Makedonija. Avgust Rudolf Grisebach Henrih and his contribution to the flora of Pelister, Macedonia ni k o l a d. hr i S T o v S k i , di j a n a Bl a ž e k o v i č , el e n a M i l e v S k a , lj u p c e ko c o v S k i , Ðu l i j a N a t o M o v S k a University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Biotechnical Sciences, Bitola, Macedonia; hristovski_fbn@yahoo.com au g u S T r u d o l F g r i S e B a c h h e n r i h (1814, Hannover - 1879, Göttingen, Germany). He has studied botany and medicine in Berlin and Göttingen, Germany and became doctor of Science in 1836. He was a German Botanist, Professor of Botany and Plant Geography at University in Göttingen, Germany and manager of Botanical Garden. He is the founder of Plant Geography – Phytogeography. He was searching the flora at different part of the Europe, Asia Minor, Caribi, South America etc. On his journey and researching of Balkan Peninsula’s flora in 1839, he visited Rumelia, which belonged in Ottoman Imperia at that time, in a period between June 29th and July 8th he visited Bitola and Pelister where he was much respected although he was 25 years old only. He was admitted by Bitola Pasha and other high officials in that time. At the beginning he has thought that it was Pinus cembra .After the revision in 1843, he definitely determined systematically status and published as a new species in the science under the name Pinus peuce Grisebach (1843). English and Italian names are Macedonian Pine. Later in 1871 Cvijic gave it a name Molika, which is now most commonly used name. Besides this pine, he has described several new species with typical location (locus classicus) at Pelister: Sempervivum marmoreum, Sedum erythaeum, Dianthus myrtinervius. Ranunculus psilostachys etc. The authors of this work, this year have visited Grisebach Herbarium in Göettingen and had an opportunity to see allotype material of Pinus peuce collected from locus classicus at Pelister. In 1969, under the organisation of Science and art Society in Bitola, National Park, Pelister and Forest Faculty in Skopje, organised The First International Symposium for the Molika at Pelister. On this Symposium, the first author of this work had honour to be in company with Prof. Dr. Tone Wraber and Academic Ernest Mayer from Slovenia. ni k o l a d. hr i S T o v S k i eT al.: Avgust Rudolf Grisebach Henrih…