23. FEBRUAR 2006 23 FEBRUARY 2006 št./No 44 15 KMETIJSTVO IN RIBIŠTVO AGRICULTURE AND FISHING št./No 2 INDEKSI CEN INPUTOV V KMETIJSTVU, SLOVENIJA, 2005 AGRICULTURAL INPUT PRICE INDICES, SLOVENIA, 2005 Cene inputov v kmetijstvu so se v letu 2005 v primerjavi s cenami v predhodnem letu zvišale povprečno za 1,3 % (cene proizvodov in storitev za tekočo porabo v kmetijstvu so v povprečju ostale na enaki ravni kot v letu 2004, cene proizvodov in storitev za investicije v kmetijstvu pa so se zvišale povprečno za 4,3 %). In comparison with the previous year, in 2005 agricultural input prices increased on average by 1.3% (on average prices of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture remained on the same level as in 2004, while prices of goods and services contributing to agricultural investment increased by 4.3%). 1. Indeksi cen inputov v kmetijstvu, Slovenija, 2004 in 2005 Agricultural input price indices, Slovenia, 2004 and 2005 Indeksi Indices 2004 2000 2005 2000 2005 2004 Proizvodi in storitve za tekočo porabo v kmetijstvu (input 1) 131,8 131,8 100,0 Goods and services currently consumed in agriculture (Input 1) Semena in sadike 128,1 130,2 101,6 Seeds and planting stock Energija; maziva 121,9 146,5 120,2 Energy; lubricants Gnojila in sredstva za izboljšavo tal 145,1 151,5 104,4 Fertilisers and soil improvers Sredstva za varstvo rastlin 111,7 115,8 103,7 Plant protection products and pesticides Veterinarske storitve 136,8 142,0 103,8 Veterinary expenses Krmila 136,6 116,0 84,9 Animal feedingstuffs Vzdrževanje opreme 127,7 135,4 106,0 Maintenance of materials Vzdrževanje zgradb 123,1 129,5 105,2 Maintenance of buildings Drugi proizvodi in storitve 161,1 164,0 101,8 Other goods and services Proizvodi in storitve za investicije v kmetijstvu (input 2) 131,4 137,1 104,3 Goods and services contributing to agricultural investment (Input 2) Oprema 124,1 131,1 105,6 Materials Zgradbe 147,9 150,7 101,9 Buildings SKUPAJ (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) 131,7 133,4 101,3 TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) Slika 1: Letne stopnje rasti cen inputov v kmetijstvu, Slovenija, 2001-2005 (Ø 2000=100) Chart 1: Annual growth rates of agricultural input prices, Slovenia, 2001-2005 (Ø 2000=100) © SURS Leto Skupaj Total Proizvodi in storitve za tekočo porabo v kmetijstvu (input 1) Goods and services currently consumed in agriculture (Input 1) Proizvodi in storitve za investicije v kmetijstvu (input 2) Goods and services contributing to agricultural investment (Input 2) % 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Statistične informacije, št. 44/2006 2 Rapid Reports No 44/2006 2. Indeksi cen inputov v kmetijstvu po skupinah in glavnih podskupinah proizvodov in storitev, Slovenija, 2004 in 2005 Agricultural input price indices by groups and main subgroups of goods and services, Slovenia, 2004 and 2005 Indeksi Indices Uteži Weights 2004 2000 2005 2000 2005 2004 200000 PROIZVODI IN STORITVE ZA TEKOČO PORABO V KMETIJSTVU (INPUT 1) 69943 131,8 131,8 100,0 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1) 201000 Semena in sadike 4328 128,1 130,2 101,6 Seeds and planting stock 202000 Energija; maziva 13419 121,9 146,5 120,2 Energy; lubricants 202100 Električna energija 1073 116,4 114,1 98,0 Electricity 202200 Goriva za gretje 4620 117,8 151,2 128,4 Fuels for heating 202300 Motorna goriva 7189 124,4 148,8 119,6 Motor fuels 202400 Maziva 537 134,4 139,8 104,0 Lubricants 203000 Gnojila in sredstva za izboljšavo tal 6054 145,1 151,5 104,4 Fertilisers and soil improvers 203100 Enostavna gnojila 2845 154,1 163,3 106,0 Straight fertilizers 203110 Dušikova gnojila 2803 154,5 163,8 106,0 Nitrogenous fertilizers 203120 Fosfatna gnojila 42 128,5 128,5 100,0 Phosphatic fertilizers 203130 Kalijeva gnojila ... ... ... ... Potassic fertilizers 203200 Sestavljena gnojila 3209 137,0 141,1 103,0 Compound fertilizers 203210 NP gnojila ... ... ... ... NP fertilizers 203220 PK gnojila 161 121,9 123,5 101,3 PK fertilizers 203230 NPK gnojila 3048 137,8 142,0 103,0 NPK fertilizers 203900 Druga gnojila, sredstva za izboljšavo tal ... ... ... ... Other fertilizers, soil improvers 204000 Sredstva za varstvo rastlin 5173 111,7 115,8 103,7 Plant protection products and pesticides 204100 Fungicidi 1759 118,0 118,2 100,2 Fungicides 204200 Insekticidi 517 95,1 101,5 106,7 Insecticides 204300 Herbicidi 2897 110,9 116,8 105,3 Herbicides 204900 Druga sredstva za varstvo rastlin ... ... ... ... Other plant protection products 205000 Veterinarske storitve 4258 136,8 142,0 103,8 Veterinary expenses 206000 Krmila 24316 136,6 116,0 84,9 Animal feedingstuffs 206100 Žita in drugi proizvodi 3480 135,4 108,3 80,0 Straight feedingstuffs 206110 Žita in mleti proizvodi 2091 143,0 112,2 78,5 Cereals and milling by-products 206120 Oljne pogače ... ... ... ... Oilcakes 206130 Proizvodi živalskega izvora 562 111,8 99,7 89,2 Products of animal origin 206190 Drugo 827 132,1 104,5 79,1 Other straight feedingstuffs 206200 Močna krmila 20836 136,8 117,3 85,7 Compound feedingstuffs 206210 Krmila za teleta 537 121,2 110,0 90,8 Compound feedingstuffs for calves 206220 Krmila za govedo (brez telet) 6020 133,7 113,2 84,7 Compound feedingstuffs for cattle (excluding calves) 206230 Krmila za prašiče 3732 143,5 129,8 90,5 Compound feedingstuffs for pigs 206240 Krmila za perutnino 9357 137,7 115,3 83,7 Compound feedingstuffs for poultry 206290 Krmila za ostalo živino 1190 130,6 118,2 90,5 Other compound feedingstuffs 207000 Vzdrževanje opreme 5812 127,7 135,4 106,0 Maintenance of materials 208000 Vzdrževanje zgradb 3457 123,1 129,5 105,2 Maintenance of buildings 209000 Drugi proizvodi in storitve 3126 161,1 164,0 101,8 Other goods and services 210000 PROIZVODI IN STORITVE ZA INVESTICIJE V KMETIJSTVU (INPUT 2) 30057 131,4 137,1 104,3 GOODS AND SERVICES CONTRIBUTING TO AGRICULTURAL INVESTMENT (INPUT 2) 211000 Oprema 20839 124,1 131,1 105,6 Materials 211100 Mehanizacija in druga oprema 10836 126,4 132,9 105,1 Machinery and other equipment 211110 Prekopalniki in druga dvokolesna oprema ... ... ... ... Rotovators and other 2 wheel equipment 211120 Mehanizacija za pripravo tal, setev, nego in zaščito rastlin 3055 124,2 132,9 107,0 Machinery and plant for cultivation 211130 Mehanizacija za spravilo pridelkov 5863 128,5 136,2 106,0 Machinery and plant for harvesting 211140 Mehanizacija in druga oprema na kmetiji 1918 123,6 123,2 99,7 Farm machinery and installations 211200 Transportna oprema 10003 121,5 129,1 106,3 Transport equipment 211210 Traktorji 10003 121,5 129,1 106,3 Tractors 211290 Druga vozila ... ... ... ... Other vehicles 212000 Zgradbe 9218 147,9 150,7 101,9 Buildings 212100 Kmetijske zgradbe (nestanovanjske) ... ... ... ... Farm buildings (non-residential) 212900 Druga dela razen izboljšave tal (druge zgradbe, gradnje inp.) 9218 147,9 150,7 101,9 Other works except land improvements (other buildings, structures, etc.) 219000 Drugo ... ... ... ... Other 220000 SKUPAJ (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) 100000 131,7 133,4 101,3 TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) Statistične informacije, št. 44/2006 Rapid Reports No 44/2006 3 STATISTIČNA ZNAMENJA STATISTICAL SIGNS - ni pojava - no occurrence of event ... ni podatka ... data not available Ø povprečje Ø average 0 podatek je manjši od 0,5 dane merske enote 0 value not zero but less than 0,5 of the unit employed 0,0 podatek je manjši od 0,05 dane merske enote 0,0 value not zero but less than 0,05 of the unit employed 1) označba za opombo pod tabelo 1) footnote x spremenjena kakovost x change of quality ( ) nezadostno preverjen ali ocenjen podatek ( ) incomplete or estimated data ↑← zajeto s podatkom v smeri puščice ↑← covered in the datum in the direction of the arrow METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS V tej publikaciji objavljamo letne indekse cen za leti 2004 in 2005 za skupine ter glavne podskupine proizvodov in storitev, medtem ko so letni bazni indeksi za leta 2001, 2002, 2003 in mesečni bazni indeksi za obdobje 2000–2005 ter za tekoče obdobje na voljo na oddelku za statistiko kmetijstva oz. so objavljeni tudi na spletni strani Statističnega urada RS v podatkovni bazi SI-STAT. In this publication we are publishing annual indices for 2004 and 2005 for groups and main subgroups of goods and services, while annual base indices for 2001, 2002, 2003 and monthly base indices for the 2000-2005 period and for the current period are available at the Agricultural Statistics Department and they are also published on the website of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia in the SI-STAT database. Namen statističnega raziskovanja Purpose of the statistical survey S statističnim raziskovanjem Cene inputov v kmetijstvu (KME-INPUT/M) mesečno spremljamo gibanje cen proizvodov in storitev za tekočo porabo in investicije v kmetijstvu. Rezultati omenjenega statističnega raziskovanja (cene in indeksi cen) se uporabljajo zlasti za oceno vrednosti vmesne potrošnje v kmetijstvu v posameznem letu (Ekonomski računi za kmetijstvo), nadalje za razne analize stroškov v kmetijstvu ipd., cene natančno določenih proizvodov (energije, gnojil in krmil) pa se uporabljajo za primerjave ravni cen med posameznimi državami članicami Evropske unije. With the Agricultural Input Price Statistics Survey (KME-INPUT/M) we monthly observe the movement of prices of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture, as well as prices of goods and services contributing to agricultural investment. The results of this statistical survey (prices and price indices) are used in the first place for estimation of intermediate consumption value in agriculture in a certain year (Economic Accounts for Agriculture), then for different cost analyses in agriculture, etc., while prices of precisely defined products (energy, fertilizers and feedingstuffs) are mainly used for price levels comparisons among the Members States of the European Union. Enote opazovanja Observation units Enote opazovanja so trgovske organizacije, proizvodno-trgovske in storitvene organizacije, ki ponujajo proizvode in storitve za kmetijsko pridelavo. Observation units are trade organizations, production-trade and service organizations which offer goods and services for agricultural production. Viri in metode zbiranja podatkov Data sources and methods of data collection Viri podatkov so izbrane trgovske organizacije, proizvodne organizacije (tiste, ki svoje proizvode za kmetijsko pridelavo prodajajo tudi končnemu kupcu), storitvene organizacije (npr. zavarovalnice), dokumentacija Statističnega urada RS (rezultati drugih statističnih raziskovanj, npr. Cen na drobno, Statistike gradbeništva), Uradni list RS/elektrodistribucijska podjetja (cene električne energije) ter Veterinarska zbornica Slovenije. Data sources are selected trade organizations, production organizations (those which offer sale of their products for agricultural production as well to final consumers), service organizations (e.g. insurance companies), documentation of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (results of other statistical surveys, e.g. Retail Prices, Construction Statistics), Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia/electricity distribution companies (prices of electricity) and the Veterinary Chamber of Slovenia. Izbrane enote pošiljajo na Statistični urad RS mesečno (ali ob spremembi cen) cenike svojih proizvodov/storitev ali cene samo izbranih proizvodov/storitev. Selected units send to the Statistical Office monthly (or at price changes) price lists of their goods/services or only prices of selected goods/services. Zajetje Coverage V izračun indeksov cen inputov v kmetijstvu so zajeti predvsem tisti proizvodi in storitve, ki predstavljajo pomemben delež v vrednosti vmesne potrošnje v Ekonomskih računih za kmetijstvo v baznem obdobju. Pri izboru nekaterih reprezentativnih enot in proizvodov/storitev so nam pomagali tudi strokovnjaki s Kmetijskega inštituta Slovenije ter Kmetijsko- gozdarske zbornice Slovenije. For calculating agricultural input price indices, mainly those goods and services with significant share in value of intermediate consumption in Economic Accounts for Agriculture in the base period are selected. By selecting some representative reporting units and goods/services, we were assisted by also some experts from the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia and the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia. Statistične informacije, št. 44/2006 4 Rapid Reports No 44/2006 Definicije in druga pojasnila Definitions and other explanations Faza trženja Marketing stage Cene inputov v kmetijstvu naj bi po priporočilu Eurostata spremljali v zadnji fazi trženja. To načelo velja predvsem za energijo, gnojila in krmila, za ostale proizvode pa se lahko upoštevajo cene tudi iz drugih faz trženja (npr. proizvajalčeve, veleprodajne cene proizvodov) ali indeksi cen iz drugih statističnih raziskovanj (npr. indeksi cen na drobno, indeksi cen industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih…). Pri nas sledimo načelu spremljanja cen v zadnji fazi trženja pri vseh skupinah proizvodov in storitev. According to Eurostat’s recommendations, agricultural input prices should be recorded in the last marketing stage. This principle applies mainly for energy, fertilizers and feedingstuffs, while for other goods prices from other marketing stages (e.g. producer prices, wholesale prices) or price indices of other statistical surveys (e.g. retail price indices, producer price indices, etc.) can be also taken into account. In our case we follow the principle of price recording in the last marketing stage by all groups of goods and services. Obravnavanje davkov in subvencij Treatment of taxes and subsidies V ceni proizvoda/storitve so vključeni morebitni davki, neposredno vezani na določen proizvod/storitev (razen davka na dodano vrednost), niso pa vključene morebitne subvencije, neposredno vezane na določen proizvod/storitev. The price of a product/service includes eventual taxes directly linked to the product/service (except value added tax), while eventual subsidies directly linked to the product/service are excluded. Izračun povprečne mesečne/letne cene Calculation of an average monthly/annual price Povprečno mesečno ceno izračunavamo za tiste proizvode/storitve, pri katerih je to mogoče. Pri izračunu si pomagamo z ustreznimi utežmi. Le- te predstavljajo ocene tržnih deležev posameznih proizvodov/storitev ali ocene tržnih deležev izbranih enot v baznem obdobju. Where possible, we calculate the average monthly price for a certain product/service. By calculation we utilize appropriate weights. These weights represent an estimation of market shares of certain goods/services or market shares of selected reporting units in the base period. Povprečno letno ceno posameznega proizvoda/storitve pa izračunavamo z navadno aritmetično sredino dejanskih evidentiranih cen (t. i. “vlečenih cen” ne upoštevamo). The average annual price of a certain product/service is calculated by the common arithmetic mean of actually recorded prices (so called “last known quotations” are not considered). Bazno obdobje Base period Bazno obdobje je obdobje, na katero se nanašajo podatki, ki jih uporabimo: − za izračun baznih cen izbranih proizvodov in storitev ter − za izračun dveh shem uteži (prve za izračun povprečnih mesečnih cen proizvodov/storitev ter druge za izračun indeksov cen skupin proizvodov in/ali storitev). The base period is the period whose data are used: − for calculation of base prices of selected goods and services and − for calculation of two schemes of weights (first for calculation of average monthly prices of goods/services and second for calculation of price indices of groups of goods and/or services). Bazno obdobje (leto) se menja na vsakih 5 let (leta, ki se končajo na “0” ali “5”). Zdaj je bazno obdobje leto 2000. The base period (year) changes every 5 years (years which end on “0” or “5”). Currently the year 2000 represents the base period. Bazne cene Base prices Bazne cene izbranih proizvodov/storitev predstavljajo njihove povprečne letne cene v baznem letu. Base prices of selected goods/services are represented by their average annual prices in the base year. Izračun indeksov cen Calculation of price indices Indekse cen skupin proizvodov in storitev za tekočo porabo in investicije v kmetijstvu izračunavamo po Laspeyresovi formuli; to pomeni, da primerjamo cene izbranih proizvodov/storitev v tekočem obdobju z njihovimi cenami v baznem obdobju (povprečnimi letnimi cenami v baznem letu). Pri izračunih indeksov cen skupin proizvodov in/ali storitev si pomagamo z utežmi za vsak izbrani proizvod/storitev. We calculate price indices of groups of goods and services for current consumption and for agricultural investment according to Laspeyres formula, which means that we compare prices of selected goods/services in the current period with their prices in the base period (average annual prices in the base year). By calculation of price indices of groups of goods and/or services, we utilize weights for each selected product/service. Osnovni vir podatkov za izračun uteži posameznih skupin proizvodov in/ali storitev so ocene vrednosti njihove potrošnje v Ekonomskih računih za kmetijstvo nacionalne ekonomije v baznem letu. Za izračun uteži podskupin proizvodov/storitev, za katere ni bilo moč dobiti podatkov v Ekonomskih računih za kmetijstvo, in za izračun uteži posameznih proizvodov/storitev pa smo si pomagali z ocenami vrednosti njihove potrošnje v baznem letu, ki smo jih izračunali s pomočjo drugih virov (npr. podatkov drugih statističnih raziskovanj, administrativnih virov…). For groups of goods and/or services the primary data source for calculation of their weights represent the estimations of their consumption values in Economic Accounts for Agriculture of national economy in the base year. For subgroups of goods/services, for which we can not obtain data from Economic Accounts for Agriculture, and for certain goods/services we calculate their weights by estimating their consumption values in the base year concerning other sources (e.g. data from other statistical surveys, administrative sources, etc.). Cene proizvodov in storitev za tekočo porabo in investicije v kmetijstvu spremljamo mesečno. V primerih, ko za posamezen mesec cena določenega proizvoda ni na voljo (npr. pri sezonskih proizvodih), upoštevamo pri izračunu indeksov cen njegovo zadnjo evidentirano ceno. We monthly observe prices of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture, as well as prices contributing to agricultural investment. If a price of a certain product is not available in a certain month (e.g. by seasonal products), we take into account the last known quotation for price index calculation. Statistične informacije, št. 44/2006 Rapid Reports No 44/2006 5 Preračun indeksov cen Recalculation of price indices Zaradi menjave baznega leta na vsakih 5 let je za daljšo primerljivost serij indeksov cen inputov v kmetijstvu potreben preračun indeksov cen za predhodno obdobje. Preračun indeksov cen na novo bazno leto (bazo) zajema tri glavne spremembe: spremembo referenčnega leta, spremembo uteži ter usklajevanje konceptov in metod izračuna. For longer comparisons of agricultural input price index series due to the base year alteration on every 5 years, recalculation of price indices for the previous period is required. Recalculation of price indices on a new base year (base) consists of three main changes: change of the reference year, change of weights and harmonization of concepts and methods of calculation. Ker pa so podatki iz Ekonomskih računov za kmetijstvo za novo bazno leto razpoložljivi s časovnim zamikom, se pričakuje, da so indeksi cen inputov v kmetijstvu za novo bazno leto na voljo Eurostatu v tretjem letu, ki sledi novemu baznemu letu (leta, ki se končajo s “3” ali “8”). Because data of Economic Accounts for Agriculture for a new base year are available with temporal delay, it is expected that agricultural input price indices on a new base year are available to Eurostat in the third year that follows the new base year (years which end on “3” or “8”). Rezultati statističnega raziskovanja KME-INPUT/M (cene in indeksi cen) so na voljo od leta 2000. Preračun indeksov cen inputov v kmetijstvu za obdobje pred letom 2000 pa zaradi metodoloških sprememb (v primerjavi s predhodnim četrtletnim statističnim raziskovanjem CENE-52/ČL) ni možen. Results of the KME-INPUT/M statistical survey (prices and price indices) are available from the year 2000 on. Due to methodological changes (in comparison with the previous quarterly CENE-52/ČL statistical survey), recalculation of agricultural input price indices for the period before the year 2000 is not possible. Objavljanje rezultatov: Data publishing: Mesečno: − Prva objava. Kmetijstvo in ribištvo. Indeksi cen inputov v kmetijstvu − Spletna stran Statističnega urada RS (podatkovna baza SI-STAT) Monthly: − First Release. Agriculture and Fishing. Agricultural Input Price Indices − Web site of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SI-STAT database) Letno: − Statistične informacije. Kmetijstvo in ribištvo. Indeksi cen inputov v kmetijstvu − Statistični letopis − Spletna stran Statističnega urada RS (podatkovna baza SI-STAT) Yearly: − Rapid Reports. Agriculture and Fishing. Agricultural Input Price Indices − Statistical Yearbook − Web site of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SI-STAT database) KOMENTAR COMMENT Cene inputov v kmetijstvu so se v letu 2005 v primerjavi s cenami v predhodnem letu zvišale povprečno za 1,3 % (cene proizvodov in storitev za tekočo porabo v kmetijstvu so v povprečju ostale na enaki ravni kot v letu 2004, cene proizvodov in storitev za investicije v kmetijstvu pa so se zvišale v povprečju za 4,3 %). In comparison with the previous year, in 2005 agricultural input prices increased on average by 1.3% (on average prices of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture remained on the same level as in 2004, while prices of goods and services contributing to agricultural investment increased by 4.3%). Med cenami proizvodov in storitev za tekočo porabo v kmetijstvu (input 1) so se zvišale cene energije in maziv (za 20,2 %), proizvodov in storitev za vzdrževanje opreme (za 6,0 %), proizvodov in storitev za vzdrževanje zgradb (za 5,2 %), gnojil in sredstev za izboljšavo tal (za 4,4 %), veterinarskih storitev (za 3,8 %), sredstev za varstvo rastlin (za 3,7 %), drugih proizvodov in storitev (za 1,8 %) ter semen in sadik (za 1,6 %). Among goods and services currently consumed in agriculture (Input 1), goods and services whose prices increased were energy and lubricants (by 20.2%), goods and services for maintenance of materials (by 6.0%), goods and services for maintenance of buildings (by 5.2%), fertilisers and soil improvers (by 4.4%), veterinary expenses (by 3.8%), plant protection products and pesticides (by 3.7%), other goods and services (by 1.8%) and seeds and planting stock (by 1.6%). V letu 2005 pa so se v primerjavi z letom 2004 znižale cene krmil (za 15,1 %). In comparison with 2004, in 2005 prices of animal feedingstuffs decreased (by 15.1%). Med cenami proizvodov in storitev za investicije v kmetijstvu (input 2) so se v letu 2005 v primerjavi s cenami v predhodnem letu zvišale cene opreme (za 5,6 %) in drugih zgradb (za 1,9 %). Among goods and services contributing to agricultural investment (Input 2), prices of materials and prices of other buildings increased by 5.6% and 1.9% respectively. Sestavila / Prepared by: Helena Puc Izdaja, založba in tisk Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira - Odgovarja generalna direktorica mag. Irena Križman - Urednica zbirke Statistične informacije Marina Urbas – Področna urednica Urša Iljaš - Slovensko besedilo jezikovno uredila Ivanka Zobec - Angleško besedilo jezikovno uredil Boris Panič - Naklada 80 izvodov - ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X - ISSN podzbirke Kmetijstvo in ribištvo 1408-9335 - Informacije daje Informacijsko središče, tel.: (01) 241 51 04 - El. pošta: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si. Edited, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - These data can be used provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Rapid Reports editor Marina Urbas – Subject-matter editor Urša Iljaš - Slovene language editor Ivanka Zobec - English language editor Boris Panič - Total print run 80 copies - ISSN of Rapid Reports 1408-192X - ISSN of subcollection Agriculture and fishing 1408-9335 - Information is given by the Information Centre of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, tel.: +386 1 241 51 04 - E-mail: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si.