Radiol Oncol 1997; 31: 187. Early pyriform sinus cancers removed by vertical partial pharyngectomy with preservation of the larynx J. ÉIô, Zs. Balatoni, T. Tar Dept. of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Uzsoki District Hospital, Budapest, Hungary Hypopharyngeal carcinomas belong to the most aggressive tumors. The anatomical and functional features of the region as well as high grade of malignancy contribute considerably to the invasion and spread of cancer cells and to its unfavourable prognosis. Most of the hypopharyngeal tumors are - due to their hidden location and lack of early symptoms - so advanced at the time of diagnosis and therapy that it is impossible to preserve the larynx or a part of it. In spite of these facts, in a smaller part of careful selected patients -15-20 percent -can be treated by conservation surgety. Between 1986 and 1995, at our department, vertical partial phaiyngectomy was performed in 35 patients with carcinoma of the pyriform sinus. The tumors involved the upper part of the pyriform sinus - its lateral wall and/or the pharyngoepiglottic fold. After ipsilateral neck dissection, cancers were eradicated either by extended horisontal or in 13 cases vertical partial resection. In these cases, the access to the primary tumors was carried out through lateral phaiyngotomy. It must be emphasized the careful TNM classification of tumors, the rigorous keeping of oncological principles and importance of one stage reconstruction. Good functional and survival results show that conseryation surgery of early hypopharyngeal cancer is a reasonable approach. Key words: hypopharyngeal neoplasms-surgery; pharyngectomy-methods; survival rate Correspondence to: Dr. J. Elo, Dept. of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Uzsoki District Hospital, Uzsoki u.29,1145 Budapest, Hungary. UDC: 616.327.4-006.6-089