Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 38/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 07. 10. 2012 27. NEDELJA MED LETOM 27th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Izvirna zvestoba V pogovoru o zakonski ločitvi se Jezus vrne na začetek, ko so stvari bile zastavljene drugače. Namreč: »V začetku ni bilo tako.« Pri tem sklicevanju na začetek pa nima pred očmi zgolj časa. Začetek ni mišljen le kot nekaj, kar je bilo, sedaj pa ne obstaja več. S pojmom začetek je mišljeno tisto izvirno, osnovno, temeljno, ki bo ostalo za vedno. Tako je na začetku Bog ustvaril človeka po svoji podobi, za skupnost. Prvega odmeva na svoje iskanje človek ni našel v nobenem bitju, dokler ga Stvarnik ni soočil z nekom, v katerem je prepoznal meso od svojega mesa in kost svoje kosti; v katerem je našel dopolnitev sebe. Tako je bilo na začetku in takšno danost začetka nosi človek v sebi še danes. Tudi danes, ko se zavedamo, da živimo v družbi, kjer je vedno več zakonskih kriz in ločitev. Takšna izkušnja pa ne more iz-ničiti ali izbrisati izvirnega in pristnega hrepenenja po enosti. Ob žalostni statistiki o zakonskem življenju v našem času ni čudno, če se mlademu človeku porajajo dvomi, ali je to izvirno srčno željo mogoče uresničiti. Zakaj pa je potem Mojzes uvedel prakso zakonske ločitve? Razlog temu vidi Jezus v »trdnosrčnosti« ljudi. Izraz trdosrčnost izreče tisto bistvo, zaradi katerega ljudje izgubijo notranji čut za vse, kar ljubezen zmore in hoče. Človek se lahko odtuji tisti osnovi, ki jo je Bog v začetku postavil vanj. Posebno ko se pojavijo težnje posestniškega in gospodovalnega vedenja. Tako se je zgodilo, ko je moral Mojzes, v skrbi za urejenost, izbrati manjše zlo ... Tudi danes zakonodaja računa s človekom, kakršen je. Ob veljavni zakonodaji pa želi Jezus usmeriti človeka k izvirom, da bi človek mogel spet zaživeti z novim, nekamenitim srcem, kakršnega je naznanjal prerok Ezeldel: »Dal jim bom novo srce in novega duha bom položil v njihovo notranjost. Odstranil bom kamnito srce iz njihovega telesa« (Ez 11,19). J 5i Win ii V soboto, 29. septembra 2012 je v dvorani župnije sv. Gregorija Velikega v Hamiltonu potekala II. Konvencija Slovencev v Kanadi. Namen konvencije je bil, da bi izbrali novega predstavnika Slovencev v Kanadi, ker g. Stanetu Kranjcu letos poteče mandat. Po predstavitvi vseh navzočih predstavnikov in razpravi, so izbrali volildni odbor, ki je predstavil tri kandidate za to funkcijo: Milana Vinčeca, Magdaleno Razpotnik and Marjana Kolariča. Volitve, ki so potekale tako v dvorani kot tudi po elektronski pošti ali telefonu, so dale novega kandidata in sicer Marjana Kolariča. Ker so bile zaradi časovne stiske volitve izpeljane zelo na hitro, so sklenili, da bi se drugo leto dobili na nadaljevanju konvencije. Vse čestitke novemu predstavniku. ZAHVALNA NEDELJA_ Ob vsakoletnem praznovanju zahvalne nedelje gre zahvala v prvi vrsti Bogu za vse, kar dobrega prejemamo od njega. Naj bo vedno hvala na naših ustih. - Prav tako zahvala tudi vsem vam, ki ste del naše župnijske skupnosti za sodelovanje in pomoč. Le s prizadevanjem vseh, zmoremo ohranjati skupnost živo. Hvala Olgi za lepo okrašeno cerkev. Sunday's Readings 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Genesis 2:18-24 The second creation story reminds us of the intimacy of human love: "they become one body". Response: May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives. Second Reading Hebrews 2:9-11 Jesus shared our human nature and our suffering and death, so that we might share his glory. Gospel Mark 10:2-16 Jesus refuses to be waylaid by the Pharisees on the subject of divorce. He takes us back to Genesis and reminds us to trust him like little children. Illustration "This is why a man leaves his father and mother and joins himself to his wife, and they become one body." Julia was excited at the prospect of her new job, teaching 15- and 16-year-olds a variety of subjects, including religion. She had passed her 300 | VESTNIK 2012 own exams at college with flying colours. She was young and attractive and was familiar with the culture of the day. She was looking forward to the challenge of helping other young people fulfil their dreams and she was especially excited at the prospect of trying to share her faith with them, when it seemed that so many others saw the teaching of religion as an impossible burden. Nevertheless, nothing could have prepared her for what she was actually to encounter. The young people did indeed find her attractive and soon began to confide in her. There was Maria, the tormented soul who sat at the back, her face etched with frustration and anger: it transpired she had been appallingly abused by a close member of her family from early childhood. There was Stephen, a sullen and disruptive student, who countered his innate shyness by asserting himself whenever the opportunity arose. There was Brian, a confused young man with a chip on his shoulder, who had all the answers. She calculated that almost 50 per cent of her pupils were living either with a single parent or with a step-parent. Among the many subjects to be covered in that first term was Christian marriage. How on earth could she broach the subject with this group of people, many of whom were already scarred for life because of the unhappy marriages of their parents? Gospel Teaching Thank God, Julia was bright and capable. She quickly realised that before she looked at Jesus' teaching on marriage, she would need to convince these young people of his unconditional love for each of them and their families in all the mess that surrounded them and the society in which they were all struggling to cope and, hopefully, one day to make their mark. They looked at how Jesus dealt with people who came to him with different afflictions - physical, mental and spiritual - and they noted how he responded to them with love and compassion. What Julia may not have realised was that the person of Jesus was having a real influence on these youngsters, not so much because of what they learnt about him, but because of the love and compassion they realised she had for them. When the time came for her to talk to them about Jesus' teaching on marriage, she was able to put it into context. Jesus was not going to be caught out by the Pharisees, but neither was he going to short-change his listeners. He stood by the teaching of the ancient scripture in Genesis that men and women were made for each other: they are called to be united as one body. But this would not be something that they could or would achieve by themselves. Such unity comes when we are also united with Christ and can treat each other with his love and compassion. As today's reading from the letter to the Hebrews reminds us, this was why Jesus lived among us: to share our sufferings so that we might become holy and share his glory. Application Although many in her class told Julia that they would never get married, saying that in their experience it was a recipe for disaster, deep down some of them were promising themselves that they would not make the same mistakes as their parents. In reality they dreamt of finding someone who would make them happy and with whom they could share their life and their love. In this community gathered for Mass today, there are a thousand untold stories. We rejoice with those of you enjoying the ups and downs of life in stable and happy marriages, and pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen you and bless your homes and families. For those of you who are struggling to cope with the aftermath of divorce or separation, or who find yourselves in far-from-perfect circumstances of one kind or another, we hope and pray that you discover in this community the understanding and compassionate face of Christ. For him, no situation is beyond redemption. Perhaps we might usefully spend a few quiet moments reflecting on how we as individuals and as a community could better support the families of our parish. Likewise we might ask whether we could be doing more to help those who are trying to rebuild their lives and families after the breakdown of their marriages. Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR_ 0 Q V četrtek, 11. oktobra NE bo ¡J^j^A^ pevskih vaj zaradi bogoslužja v /HmV < katedrali ob začetku leta vere. (y1O^typi DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA -SLOVENIAN SOCIETY OF ST. JOSEPH ♦ Kitchener Octoberfest v Sava Clubu, V soboto, 13. oktobra bo opoldne avtobus odpeljal izpred cerkve sv. Gregorija Velikega na Oktoberfest. Paket $55 na osebo vključuje vstopnino, kosilo in napitnine. Čimprej se prijavite da boste doživeli veliko lepga. Prijave s polnim plačilom sprejemajo: Frank Erzar 643-0285 ali Jerry Ponikvar 33-5813. Ček napišete na: St. Joseph Society. SLOVENIAN CANADIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION_ The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation will hold its 16th Annual Scholarship Banquet at Bled Hall on October 20th, 2012. Reception at 5:30 PM and Dinner at 6:00 PM. We will honour and recognize our 2012 scholarship and bursary recipients. Our guest speaker will be John Doma, Honorary counsel, Republic of Slovenia. Dance music will be provided by the Matija Lebar Band. Tickets are now on sale: Adults-$40. and Students-$25. (An official tax receipt will be issued for the donation portion of the ticket price). For tickets you may call: Rob Letnik: 837-1918; Karl Ferko: 578-5890; Jerry Ponikvar:333-5813. Join us for this wonderful evening where we honour and recognize our youth! CWL - KŽZ_ Our October General Meeting will be postponed to Wednesday October 10, 2012 immediately following 7pm mass. We will be encouraging members to attend the Fall Regional meeting, Saturday Oct.13 ,9-3 in Dundas at St.Augustine's. Please call Sidonia at (905) 578- 8896 so we can make car pool arrangements. MAŠA NA POKOPALIŠČU - Vsi sveti Letos bom maša za vse pokojne na pokopališču Holy Sepuchre v nedeljo, 28. oktobra 2012 ob 2:00 popoldne, po tistem pa bodo molitve za rajne na naših pokopališčih, kot je to že navada iz prejšnjih let. FOLKLORNA SKUPINA VENEC Folklorna skupina VENEC represents individuals from throughout southern Ontario and unites its members with the motto of folklore, fun and friends. The next practice will be Sunday, November 18th at 2:00 pm at St. Gregory the Great Hall. Practices will be twice a month (the 1st Friday and 3rd Sunday of each month). This will allow everyone to be able to attend at least 1 practice a month. For more information, contact Dave Antolin: 905.664.5980 or visit the group's Facebook page: FS VENEC for the entire schedule of practices. F.S. 'VENEC would like to THANK: Magda Udovč, Jožica & Ivan Vegelj, Gospod Drago, Gospod Marjan and Gospod Janez, for helping us to bring our new boots from Slovenia. It is because of the sincere generosity of these people and the support of our community that we can truly continue preserving our Slovenian cultural roots. Naj-lepsa hvala! SREČANJE BOLNIKOV_ Članice Slomškovega oltarnega društvo vabijo v sredo, 10. oktobra 2012, na vsakoletno srečanje bolnikov in starejših. Ob 11:00 dopoldne bo sveta maša in med mašo priložnost za prejem zakramenta bolniškega maziljenja. Po maši ste valjeni na kosilo v dvorano. Sedaj, ko imamo dvigalo, ne bo težav tudi za tiste, ki težko hodite po stopnicah. Prijavite se pri Gizeli Hauzar: 905-573-3263 ali Jožici Velgelj: 905 -664-5240. SLOMŠKOVO OLTARNO DRUŠTVO_ Članice S.O.D. sporočajo, da si danes, v nedeljo, 7. oktobra po maši, lahko kupite strudelj. RAZGLASITEV LETA VERE V četrtek, 11. oktobra 2012, ob 7:00 zvečer bo v hamiltonski katedrali otvoritev LETA VERE. Po večerni molitvi bo predstavitev leta vere v luči drugega vatikanceka koncila, ki jo bo imel dr. Michael Attridge. Skupaj s celotno cerkvijo bomo v tem letu vere skušali bolj poglobiti svoje poznavanje vere in verskih skrivnosti in tudi versko prakso. KATERI TEKAKWITHA -MIDLAND_ Razglasitev Kateri Tekakwithe za svetnico bo v nedeljo, 21. oktobra 2012 bo vMidlandu, ob 11:00 dopopoldne, ko bo procesija z relikvijami in kipom Kateri Tekakwithe k oltarju v parku, kjer je maševal papež Janez Pavel II. Tam bo ob 12:00 sveta maša in blagoslov z relikvijami. Vabljeni! DAROVI_ Za Gradbeni sklad so darovalI: Martin in Kathy Simončič $200, Jožica Vlašič $50, Pavel in Jožica Novak $200, Bojan Milosavljevič $50, Dorothea Ježovnik $150. Novak Pavel in Jožica sta nemesto cvetja za +Ludvika Kastelica darovala $50 za Gradbeni sklad. Hvala vsem darovalcem. MAŠA ČETRTEK, 11. oktobra, ob 8:00 a.m. Maša bo v župniji zjutraj ob 8:00, ker je zvečer v katedrali začetek LETA VERE. Škof vabi, da se ob sedmih zvečer udeležimo molitve v katedrali. Ta dan ne bo pevskih vaj za mešani zbor. OD 07. 10. 2012 svete maše - masses DO 14. 10. 2012 27. NEDELJA MED LETOM za žive in rajne župljane 07. OKTOBER ff Viktoria in Marta 9:30 a.m. Sestra Zorka Rožnoveska M. Božja f Darinka Ferletič 11:00 a.m. Milan, Sandy in Mike Ponedeljek - Monday 08. OKTOBER Benedikta, mučenka f Frank Medved f Irma Hull f Ciril Virant f Irma Hull V čast Rožnovenski Materi Božji 7.00 p.m. Romarji iz Marmore Ludvik Hull Družina Šetej Frank in Pavla Pelcar 1. roža živega rožnega venca Torek - Tuesday f Jožefa Lukšič 8:00 a.m. Mama .. ,, f Ivan Sobočan Slovenia Credi Union OKTOBER ff Družina Kornhauzer Gizela Hauzar Dionizij, sk~mu-c. f Ivan Elijaš Margita Perger Sreda - Wednesday 10. Oktober Danilo, mučenec Za bolnike ff pokojni iz družine Sobočan ff Ivan in Anton Malevič f Irma Hull f Ciril Virant_ 11:00 a.m. Slomškovo oltarno društvo 7.00 p.m. Hčerka Elizabeta z družino Družina Malevič Marija Škufca _Lyn Lobo_ Četrtek- Thursday 11. OKTOBER Filip, diakon f Jože Jerič f Jože Jerič f Irma Hull f Jože Jerič 8:00 a.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa Hema Kosednar z družino Hema Kosednar z družino Jožef Ritlop Prvi Petek - First Friday f + Štefka Rihar c 7:00 PJVl J°J.n ^ AnnBožnar „ n ff Max in Maximilian Sagadin Julija Sagadin IA OKTOBER f Frank Ferenčak Jože in Albina Antolin Maksimhjan Celjski f Franc Antolin Jože in Albina Antolin f Irma Hull 8:15 a.m. Cecilija Lehner Sobota - Saturday f Blaž Culig 5:30 p.m. Marija Varga 13. Oktober f Janez Kosednar Zena z družino Koloman, mučenec f Stane Napast Zena Fanika Napast z družino f Irma Hull Frančiška Napast 28. NEDELJA MED LETOM za žive in rajne župljane 14. Oktober f Ivan Sobočan 9:30 a.m. Žena Cecilija Sobočan z družino KalistI., papež-mučenecff Jernej in Lucija Ponikvar 11:00 a.m. Družina Ponikvar svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.