Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home newspaper 100 Years of Service i Americ ot^t mv Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Nationwide, over 200.000 American-Slovenians VOL 101 - NO. 5 (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 4, 1999 ISSN Number 0164-68X 60C Slovenian Girl who missed the Titanic Lived Life of Hardship Pope John Paul II gives Holy Communion to Hermine and Ambassador Dr. Karl Bonutti Exciting and Rewarding Experience in Rome By Joe Popper Kansas City Star KANSAS CITY, Mo. -Early last Dec. 30, Mary Santoro, who is 94, left her apartment, boarded a bus, got off at a shopping center and went inside to view a noon screening of the film “Titanic.” “I wanted to see what I missed on that boat,” she said later. “I’ve always wondered about that.” Her curiosity is not idle. She and her mother, Klara, were booked to sail for New York aboard the Titanic on April 10, 1912. At the time she was 8, and her name was Mariea Ratkaj. Her father, Petar, whom she had never seen, had won the money for their passage playing cards in a saloon in Kansas City, Kan. But luck kept Mariea and her mother off the ship. They had left their tiny village in Slovenia a few days earlier, journeying first to Zagreb. There a doctor found that Mariea had an eye infection and refused to sign her immigration papers until the infection was cleared up. “And so,” she said, “that’s how I missed the Titanic. We had to stay in Zagreb for a week, and then we went to France and took another boat. I don’t even remember its name. All I remember is that I was seasick the whole way.” “I never knew nothing at all about the Titanic until we got to Ellis Island in New York. Then we saw some of the sick survivors there. My mother was dumb-founded when she heard the news. She kept saying, ‘My God! (Continued on page 5) Mary Rotter is 104 American Home subscriber Mary Rotter, of Cleveland, Ohio was 104 years old on January 31st. Mary is still living in her home of 79 years and plays bingo once a week and is still very alert. All her family wishes her many more happy and healthy years. By Dr. Karl Bonutti 'X 'V Torking in Rome is X/%/ very exciting and T V rewarding. The opportunity to meet individuals I never thought I will ever have a chance to meet -let alone work with, is humbling. But obviously, the greatest satisfaction is to be able to represent the Republic of Slovenia in its relations with the Holy See by promoting a better understanding and trust. In this regard I see a definite willingness to formalize these relations. The first bilateral agreement - if all goes well will be signed in the near future. We also look forward to a second visit to Slovenia by the Holy Father for the official beatification of Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek in Maribor. As you probably know, since I came to Rome in July, the foreign Minister of Slovenia, Dr. Boris Frlec, had a successful working" visit to the Holy See in October. He met with Cardinal Sodano who holds a position similar to Prime Minister of the Holy See and with Archbishop Jean Louis Tauran -Secretary for relations with the States - a function similar to a Foreign Minister. I paid several “courtesy visits” to a number of cardinals who head various Congregations and Councils like Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, Cardinal Paul Poupard, Cardinal Pio Laghi (who for several years was an Apostolic nunzio in Washington at the time of the appointments of Bishop Pilla and Bishop Pevec). Of the American prelates working in the Vatican, the most prominent are Cardinal Edmund Szoka - formerly Archbishop of Detroit (who heads the Papal Commission for Vatican City), Archbishop James Harvey of Milwaukee; (Prefect of the Pontifical Household) who is in daily contact with the Holy Father, Archbishop John Foley, (President of the Council for Social Communications.) In the Secretariat of State there are several American diplomats among others, Msgr. Joseph Marino from Alabama who heads the section that includes Slovenia and last, but not least, highly regarded is Msgr. Timothy Broglio from Cleveland who is also the personal secretary of Cardinal Sodano - the Prime Minister of the Holy See. One is really impressed with the high level of professionalism and friendliness by all these officials. (By the way, they have regular working hours also on Saturday mornings). Similarly, it is an honor to be able to regularly interact with the members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited at the Holy See - 167 in all - but about 40 in residence here. They are mostly veteran diplomats, like the Russian Ambassador - whose offices are next to ours. - He has held ambassadorial positions since the days when the Soviet Union was at the peak of its power, is a personal friend of the Russian Prime Minister, and is highly regarded in the Vatican. I must say, though, that the greatest honor is to be able to personally meet with the Holy Father, feel his greatness, his wisdom, firm-ness, kindness and wittiness. Dr. Karl Bonutti is Ambassador for the Republic of Slovenia to the Holy See. He is formerly a Professor of Economics at Cleveland State University. Christianization of the Slovenians The Slovenian American Heritage foundation invites you to the sixth in a series of lectures featuring topics with local and international interest for the Slovenian American Community of Cleveland. The Foundation is extremely pleased that Rev. Jože Černe will present a discussion on the Christianization of the Slovenians and the early history of Catholicism in Slovenia. The event which is free and open to the public, will take place on Wednesday, February 10 at 7 p.m. in the Lower hall of the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Re-cher Avenue in Euclid. A coffee and strudel social will follow the lecture. Father Černe, from Bled, Slovenia, was ordained a priest in 1992 after completing his Bachelor Degree in Divinity from the University / Seminary of Ljubljana. During his final year at the Seminary, he was the Assistant Liturgical Coordinator for the Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Ljubljana. Father Černe later served as an Associate Pastor in Kranj and was the Spiritual Director for the Boy Scouts and Catholic Educators in the Kranj Deanery. From 1995 to September, 1998, Father Černe was a Priest in Residence at St. Mary’s Church in Collin-wood, where he served as the Spiritual Assistant to the “Prayer Warriors.” He is currently a Priest in Residence at St. Rose Parish on Cleveland’s West Side, where he is an Assistant Religion teacher for the S1*1 and 7th Grades. Father Černe will be completing his Masters Degree in Church History at John Carroll University in May, 1999. His Masters thesis is on the topic of The Counter Reformation in Slovenia. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 4, 1999 2 Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec I receive all sorts of communication. People mail letters, fax letters, call on the telephone, compute e-mail messages, send telepathic signals. The last category is the best. You don’t have to figure out how large a stamp to put on a letter. The Postal Service knew they were going to raise postage rates a half-year ago. And they did. So you go into a post office and ask for the 33 cent stamp. Guess what? They don’t have them. They give you something else. It says “US H.” What the heck is that? I also have penny stamps. It doesn’t say 1 cent. It doesn’t say anything. Now I go into my drawer and there are two stamps with no money value written on them. One is worth a penny, the other 33. Which one’s which? I try to remember. But when you reach September, you can’t even remember why you opened the drawer. Speaking of money, did you see where they want to make another dollar coin1? The Susan B. Anthony coin didn’t go over very well. It looked too much like a quarter. So they claim to have solved the problem by making another. It’s supposed to be a little bigger and of a different color. -Just goes to show, some people never give up, especially the government. I can just see the teen-age boys with a load of the dollar coins in their pockets. Some wear their pants so low now I don’t think they can accommodate any extra weight. To get back to the communications subject. — Sometimes I’ll be sitting at the computer when all of a sudden I’ll start to think about someone and a few seconds later the telephone rings and that someone is on the phone. How does that work? Usually somebody pushes a bunch of buttons on one telephone which causes a second phone to jangle. Anyhow, last week I received an envelope with a stamp of Uncle Sam’s hat affixed on it. Upon opening and reading it, I was astonished that someone had taken the trouble to write a letter inquiring if I needed extra income? With the Christmas bills filling the mailbox, this surely is a masterful bit of timing. The first sentence said to read this CAREFULLY. Why they capitalized it, I don’t know. But the sender said he earned $200,000 the first year. (That surely will pay a lot of holiday bills.) All I had to do was mail $1 to each of the five names listed below. Then it says to remove the first name, move the other four names up, and stick my name on the bottom and wait 20 to 60 days for all that money to flow into my mail box no matter what stamp is being used. It also says to make 100 copies and mail them to your friends. And if you don’t have 100 friends, send $13 and they’ll send you 100 names of their friends. Or better yet, send $55 and they’ll mail you 500 names to which you can send copies of the letter. They say it is legal and does not violate the postal or lottery laws. Well, there you are. Sounds as if someone is trying to fool your crafty ‘Journal’ correspondent. They had an interesting film on the Biography channel a couple of weeks ago. It was about a man from Bos- Why do this? When you can do this (through Feb. 28,1999) Book Now! Any Norwegian Cruise Line shio ‘Receive a two category upgrade. [H ‘Second person half-off or better. NORWLGIAN C R U I W I I N f EUCLID TFtAVEl**** 21 6-261 -1 050 22078 Lakeshore Blvd., Euclid, Ohio 44123 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina ALL THOSE FLAGS! I have seen it daily as I drank the morning coffee, but it meant nothing to me. A small flag here and there, two or three at the most, following no pattern, dotting the fields of words, phrases, sentences and columns. It was definitely there, a regular occurrence, missed by most, not making an impression that it should have made. But this last Sunday was different. Taking the time to look over the columns, I counted the eighteen flags placed next to the names. These were American flags and these were American men and women whose names were next to the flags. Barely out of their teenage years, the youngsters left for places unknown to them many years ago and some never returned. Still others returned home as grown men and women and visited as tourists, one last time, the God-forsaken fields that molded them into adults. The generation that fought for the freedoms that we enjoy today is slowly passing away. The parade for these heroes is in the form of a funeral procession. The American flags signify that these men and women are the military veterans and the vast majority of them are veterans of WWII and Korea. As these men and women pass on the torch, is the new generation ready to receive the torch? ton named Charles Ponzie. He took in money and promised huge returns. At first he was successful by giving the older investors money sent in by new investors. Even though he was eventually thrown in jail, to this very day we still refer to that type of operation as a “Ponzie Scheme.” The best correspondence is a message from my lovely Valentine of 35 years. Communicate to Jim’s Journal, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103; fax: (216) 361 -4088, or e-mail j im@buckeyeweb.com it’s eooL To Be SLOVENIAN! A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. —Frances Bacon “The Polka Priest” Rev. George Balasko, welcomes everyone to Corpus Christi parish in Cleveland. Happy Music of Polka Mass By Rudy Flis In this century God wanted to do something special for the Slavic people. What he wanted to do was to fill their churches with a happy music, their happy music, polkas and waltzes and at Mass. As a child, I remember pitchers of wine coming up from our fruit cellar and dried smoked klobase coming down from our attic, both meeting on our kitchen table. It was Saturday night, and my mom and dad, with their friends, ate klobase drank wine, and sang the beautiful songs of Slovenia. How I loved hearing them sing those beautiful melodies of Slovenia, and the Polka Mass takes me back to those memorable Saturday nights. How was God going to give us a Polka Mass? He chose a young Croatian priest from the Youngstown diocese to pioneer this idea. A priest steeped in love of God, love of faith, and love of his heritage. And who would help this priest in this difficult endeavor? God chose a group of people from the Cleveland area, “The O Ja’s.” They were brought together at SNPJ Farm, Enon Valley, PA. Fr. George and the O Ja’s are fast friends to this day. Fr. George is tireless in his efforts to promote our beautiful Polka Mass, which at times will include an Irish or Italian tune to sing the praises of the Lord. How can you imagine anyone, in their right mind, agreeing not once, but twice, to come to Cleveland, Ohio on the shores of Lake Erie in the month of January for a Polka Mass? Father George did. But both times, Jan. 31, 1998 and Jan. 30, 1999, the sun was shining, and the snow was elsewhere on Polka Mass Day. And it gets better. A bus full of “O Ja’s came to our Polka Mass, as did Jim and Madeline Debevec, Madeline’s Mom and their friends, both Robert Mills Senior and Junior and their lovely wives. You do not need a special imagination to realize how I was feeling with all these special people at our Mass and Dinner-Dance. If you were present at our Dinner-Dance and you are reading my thoughts, thank you for being there, and I pray you enjoyed your evening with Fr. George, the Orcades Band and we of Corpus Christi Parish. Fr. George’s next Polka Mass will be at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine off Chardon Road in Euclid, Ohio in the warm month of June with the Orcades Band. And 1 hope you and I, too. More to come about this event. Life of Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek (Continued from last week) XV.- APOSTLE OF UNITY Already as a student in the secondary school and later as a seminarian, Bishop Slomšek felt a special attraction towards the two apostles of the Slavonic people, Saints Cyril and Methodius. In the 9^ century they had brought the light of faith from Constantinople to the Slavs of Pan-nonia and Moravia, preaching the Gospel in the native Slavonic tongue. When, in 1848, Pope Pius IX issued an invitation to the Eastern Churches to repair the schism which tended to undo the work of these two missionaries, it was natural for Bishop Slomšek to turn to them for help in restoring unity to the Church. In 1851 he conceived the idea of founding the Confraternity of Saints Cyril and Methodius. He intended to announce his plan personally to his priests assembled at Brežice for their annual retreat that same year. But during the journey he fell seriously ill. He therefore sent them a letter describing the plan and urging them to become members of this Confraternity. At the same time he authorize the retreat master to receive them into the Confraternity in his name. On November 30, 1851, Bishop Slomšek wrote to Pope Pius IX as follows: What Catholic does not feel sad at heart when he considers the painful schism among the Christian nations, especially those of Slavonic origin, who had been called to unity of faith and to membership in the Church by the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius in the 9th century?... While meditating on the fate of these separated rethren and wanting to do something positive toward I eir reunion... I decided to °und the Confraternity of aints Cyril and Methodius or the return of the schismatics, especially the Slavs, t0 the Church. This desire I revealed to the priests of my ^■ocese during their recent e reat, and made the fol-,0w"tg proposals: * • - That they recite each ay one Pater, Ave, and Glo-ria for this intention, along ^lth the invocation: ‘Holy rothers Cyril and Metho- ms. Apostles of the Slavs, Pray f0r us > 2 - That on the feast of amts Cyril and Methodius he priests offer Holy Mass the laity receive Holy ommunion for the conver- Sl°n of our separated brethren. 3. - That each one endeavor to enroll others in the Confraternity. 4. - That the members practice humility as well as charity, which is the bond of unity. “This plan of mine was received enthusiastically not only in our diocese but also in the neighboring ones. We need but one thing: that Your Holiness be pleased to confirm and bless this Confraternity; and that it be pleased, moreover, to grant Indulgences at least for the Octave of the feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius. In this way I dare to hope that God will shorten the time of this painful schism, and cause the separated nations to return to the fold of that Shepherd whose farewell prayers was: ‘that they be one...’; likewise cause them to return to His Vicar on earth to whom He entrusted the office of feeding His lambs and His sheep. With a devout embrace for your Holiness, I humbly beg the Apostolic Blessing.” On June 18, 1852, Bishop Slomšek announced the Holy Father’s favorable reply in his diocesan bulletin and added: “I announce this joyful news to all the members of our spiritual confraternity, and once again invite all the priests and laity, sons and daughters of our beloved and loving Mother, including our separated brothers and sisters of good will who belong to the Russian or the Greek Orthodox Church, to unite themselves in our campaign of prayer for unity, in a spirit of true faith, of humility, and of Christian love. I invite all to beseech the Father of love and mercy with sincerity and fervor, perseveringly and confidently, that He may shorten the days of this sad division within the Church. May he remove the wall of division that separates us, for we are all His beloved children and co-heirs of Jesus Christ. The bigger our confraternity of prayer, the stronger will be the army of Christ’s soldiers in its struggle for the unity of God’s kingdom among the nations of the world. Our weapons, which are prayer and good works, together with an exemplary life, do not cause wounds but heal them. They vanquish the fiercest foes, conquering peoples and nations. They are invincible. They signify for us the certainty of victory, for ‘When a just man prays fervently there is great virtue in his prayer’.” (James V/16). He established the headquarters of the Confraternity at the church of St. Joseph in Celje and had an altar erected there in honor of Saints Cyril and Methodius. Up to the time of his death he personally directed the Confraternity. Each year he issued a special circular letter which was printed in his “Crumbs” as well as in the religious periodical Stella Matutina published in Ljubljana. In it he detailed the progress of the Confraternity. In an 1853 issue of Crumbs Bishop Slomšek included this special prayer. “Father in Heaven, assist us in our efforts! May all the earth, from the rising to the setting of the sun, unite to obtain the fall of the lamentable barrier of schism which for centuries has divided the hearts of Eastern and Western Christians. May the heartwarming sun of conciliation, unity and brotherhood shine once more upon the Christian peoples. May the frozen sea of heresy and schism be melted. May Holy Mother Church embrace once more her devout separated children who also have been washed in the waters of Holy Baptism, who have been taught dearly at the price of Christ’s blood, and who, like ourselves, bear upon their brow the salutaiy symbol of the Most Holy Trinity. May the warmth of that sun reanimate the dead children who lie in her bosom so that she can rehabilitate them and prepare them for the Kingdom of Heaven, then, through the witness of her children’s unity and charity, may all nations recognize that there is no other name by which we can be saved than the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Whom You sent to us. May all tongues soon reecho the beautiful song of the Angels: Glory to God in the highest and peace to men of good will! Amen!” The following year, 1854, Bishop Slomšek announced to his brothers and sisters that their Confraternity had grown into a strong tree. As proof he listed the existing membership in the neighboring dioceses of Ljubljana, Trieste, Goricia, and Klagen-furt, as well as his own. He also mentioned that the Confraternity had gained a foothold in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Most important of all, he showed the power of prayer by stating that 1,400 persons had come over to the Catholic Church in Hungary, and 12,000 persons in the Province of Banat. In his report of 1855 he was happy to report that the Bishop of Brixen (Bavaria), along with his clergy, had joined the Confraternity. The year after that the Austrian diocese of Linz also joined, bringing 677 members, while the diocese of Brno, Moravia, reported a membership of 6,5000. In 1859 came news of the first Russian members. Toward the end of 1860 Bulgarians were converted and joined the Catholic Church. At the time of Bishop Slomšek’s death the Confraternity numbered 34,000 members. The Bishop of Galata, near Constantinople, became a Catholic and was later appointed Archbishop of Sarajevo. The German Bishops of Munster, Hildesheim, and Paderbom founded a similar Confraternity for the union of separated Chris- tians. Interesting also is the 3 account of the visit of a certain Father Matthew Kirch-ner, successor of the celebrated missionary Knoblehar in Africa, to whom Bishop Slomšek entrusted a letter to the Bishop of Alexandria, urging him to propagate the Confraternity in the East. For the one thousandth anniversary of the arrival of Saints Cyril and Methodius among the Slavic peoples in 863, Bishop Slomšek had been preparing great celebrations, but death overtook him before the plans could be implemented. Nevertheless his ecumenical work continued. By 1864 the numbers enrolled in the Confraternity reached 75,352. (To Be Continued) Golub Funeral Homes 4703 Superior Ave. - 17010 Lake Shore Bivd. - 391-0357- Karla Golub Sodnicar and Emil J. Golub “Service To Render A More Perfect Tribute ” Membership Certificate Holders Annual Meeting Slovenian Society Home 20713 Recher Avenue Euclid, OH 44119 Sunday, February 14, 1999 at 2:00pm We invite all certificate holders and Lodge representtatives to attend. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Annual Stockholders Meeting of Collinwood Slovenian Home WILL BE HELD ON Sunday, Feb. 7,1999 at 2 p.m. in the Lower Hall Refreshments will be served after the meeting. TAX TIME IS HERE Come In or Call Us for Appointment Cleveland Accounting Service 6218 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 881-5158 MARK PETRIČ Certified Master Technician Petrie's Automotive Service Foreign G Domestic General Auto Repair 1 (440) 942-5130 33430 Lakeland Blvd., Eastlake, Ohio 44095 / LOCATED IN REAR AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, htbHUAHY 4, 1999 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 4, 1999 ^ Rare Golden Dentistry Kept Alive Buy Lolly Kaiser The Calendar KELOWNA, B.C. -Dentistry inspires Deb Zokol to create shining works of art inside people’s mouths. The president of Lake County fledging Rosary club appears to have discovered how to turn work into fun. She’s part of a small band of dentists who gather each month to practice the lost art of filling teeth with gold foil. “It’s really a dying art because it’s so expensive and difficult,” she says. Difficult because the gold doesn’t adhere to teeth as modern alloys do and she must painstakingly add each flake to ensure it fits the cavity to perfection. If it wasn’t “hooked” along a ridge, the gold filling would simply fall out, she explains. One patient each month travels with her to the Vancouver Perrier Gold Foil Study Club competitions for a free gold filling but the trade off is huge. In a competition situation the patient can be in the dentist’s chair for a grueling four hours. Compare this with the 15-minute filling common these days. Like any hobby it takes up her free time and money but Zokol is clearly fascinated by the professional challenge. She had some of these fine flakes of pure gold embedded in the plastic key chain she carries with her everywhere. Raised in Vancuver, the 39-year-old tried her hand at many other jobs including bar manager before entering dentistry school at age 25. She’s the third Zokol dentist following after her brother and father. Golf fans may recognize that another brother, Richard Zokol, instead took to the PGA circuit as a living. She’s good-natured in the “role” an adoring public has given her as the sister of a famous golfer. “When I get on a golf course my name is Smith,” says the self-proclaimed duffer. “A few years ago I was out on a course that had just opened and the whole pro shop emptied to come out and watch me. I went to hit the ball and ended up taking an eight-inch divot out of this new course that went farther than the ball.” She’s more passionate about snow-mobiling, she concedes, and just relaxing at her Kalamalka Lake home with her husband Bob Ellis. Years before Zokol opened up a dentistry practice in Kelowna four years ago, both of them would make the trek every weekend, summer and winter, to their second home here. It’s the relaxed atmosphere that draws her to the Okanagan, she says. “When I first got up here I remember there was this pot hole watch announcement on the radio and then someone would phone in about a red running shoe found at the comer of so and so. I just love it. “Vancouver ends their newscasts with the latest murders that day.” In his work as senior management with B.C. Hydro, husband Bob has had to continue the task of commuting each weekend, she says. As for Rotary she stumbled upon it at an opportune time in her life. Working in Kelowna gave her the division between work and social life that she wanted, but she felt out of touch with Lake Country, too. “I didn’t know a thing about Rotary or even other service clubs when a friend approached me about joining a year ago.” The club, which helps business people network during social events and community service, has also been a boon to her social life here, she says. “I’ve found it to be fulfilling. It’s a lot of fun and it’s a great cause... There’s something there though, she points out, that keeps her and many others willing to get out of bed for the 7 a.m. meetings. Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will have their krofe sale on Saturday, Feb. 6^ from 8 a.m. on in the Social Room of St. Vitus Auditorium. Noodles will also be available. Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 House For Sale in Slovenia Beautiful home in mts. near Ljubljana. 3 firs. On 3 acres. Call (617) 269-4315 Vladimir M. Rus Attorney ■ Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185"' Area 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services)_ "9^.- Will ELIA TRAVEL BIT REAL' “For All Your Travel Needa” 4118 St Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 If your intentions are to visit or maybe bring yonr loved ones to the U.S.A. on a visit, r*none (216) 431-5710 please contact us. We Are American - Slovenian Travel Agency Frank in Chrtsdnn Mihelin — 'owners Telich’s 1998 Trailing Tidbits By John Telich Sr. In February we took part in the Rotary Fellowship of Curling in Forfar, Scotland. These inventors of the game still possess keen curling skills. Our profession still keeps us busy with requirements of service and counseling clients in financial matters. Approaching 50 years of service does provide most interesting reflections. In August Jan and I flew to Istanbul, Turkey to board the Grand Princess which cruised the Mediterranean with many stopovers on our way to Barcelona, Spain where we disembarked for the return flight to the United States. This cruise allowed me to take part in the University at Sea sponsored by the American College of Chartered Life Underwriters. The Charitable Trust was the key subject of our studies. This is a most useful and interesting tool in estate planning. Late October found us testing the facilities of Euclid Meridia Hospital where we worked in selling bricks to build this valuable community asset from the early 50s. Seems I was experiencing chest discomfort, so I drove myself there and walked into the Emergency area where everyone really helped me. I had requested to be diagnosed at the Cleveland Clinic so they ordered the helicopter and I was transported there in minutes. I was in the catherization lab where it was found to reveal a 100 percent blockage of my anterior artery. They removed the blockage and performed angioplasty with insertion of a stent. After two-and-one-half days, I was released and was able to resume most of my activities. The Lord has been most helpful to myself and our family. NOTE: Mr. Telich works for Sun Life of Canada and can be reached at (216)289-7729. Drive in - or Walk In BRONKO’S Drive-in Beverage 510 East 200th St. DMH Corp. Euclid, Ohio 44119 531-8844 Imported and Domestic Beer and Wine Soft Drinks - Milk - Ice - Snacks Imported Slovenian Wines Radenska Mineral Water -=> We have all Ohio Lottery Games <= Open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wine sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Owner - David Heuer tr tl « h P h I< N ■ “ ii n E 8 C . f 11 I : J ; ■ i i i i i i i 5 t ( 5 1 I 1 c t \ Girl who missed Titanic (Continued from page 1) In Kansas City, Kan., Marica’s father, Petar Rat-kaj, also was distraught. He thought we were on the Titanic,” she said. These days you know everything right away, but back then he couldn’t find out nothing.” One of the most appalling facts that emerged from the disaster was the disparity in survival rates. Although 60 percent of the first-class passengers were rescued, only 25 percent of those in third dass, or steerage, lived through the disaster. My father went to the train depot every day for three weeks,” Santoro said. He was there so often that e lost his job at one of the packing houses. They fired him.” As she journeyed toward ansas City by train, young Mf'ea Ratkaj, called ara by her family, was ■ncreasingly anxious about meeting her father. I d never seen him. I '''asn t even born when he Ieft for America,” she said. Was so crazy to meet him. ut I was speechless when I got off the train in the old nion Depot (in Kansas c'ty, Mo.). We walked all the way from the station to his rented house in Kansas City, Kansas. For weeks I slept on the floor or on two chairs Pushed together.” on ^ension quickly devel-e between her parents 0me" her father began going ut drinking with his friends e was real good to me wh lrSt took me every-othere- At least until the ■p^er children came along. Wrong. S°methinš went arri^6 jS than a year after she Marf6 1° the ^nited States, and was^ 3 y°Unger S'Ster hone d°ln8 most of the motheW°rk because her or was pregnant again. noon hen’ 0naco,d after-l n m 1913, she ca, °me from school chjiied 1C Done. do0r^y mother had the_______ tty feet60 f°r Warmth’ and sat dow WaS 80 froze tbut I that door ""J PUt them Up 0n ’ she recalled. mother tlJat otoment, her °\^i=a's laphe ^ baby she ^ j Cou*dn’t hold her,” heaw83^ 1 was Ws y' She rolled down burn,°nt0 that Urned her neck. a “I was just 9 years old. I don’t think he meant it but I never felt close to him again. “Things wasn’t easy in those days. People were poor and starving and sick, working themselves to death just to survive. A lot of children was treated real bad.” When she was 14, Mariea Ratkaj came down with a severe case of tuberculosis. She was an invalid for three years. Her family thought she would die. In 1925 her father was killed in the Armour packing house when a chain broke and a whole side of beef fell on him, breaking his back. He was 44. Her mother lost twin babies shortly after their birth. “Now people ask how I felt when I saw that movie “Titanic.” Sure, I felt lucky I wasn’t on that boat, but I’ve seen too much hunger and meanness in my own days to be upset by a film,” she said. After her father’s death, the weight of the family fell on Mariea’s shoulders. She was 20. She worked mainly in a glove factory, operating high-speed sewing equipment. But for a while she also worked in a downtown Kansas City, Mo. dance hall. When she was 33, after supporting her family for years, she married a man named Alex Santoro. They had one child, a son they named Alex Jr. “My husband was a gambler in his brother’s saloon,” she said “He dealt cards in the back room. We had some good times in those old joints downtown, but they closed them all in 1939. Then my husband went into construction and worked hard for years.” He died of a heart attack in 1958, just after coming home from work. Her son, who had a dis- Federal Reserve Bank, died in 1993. He was 56. “Sure, I’ve enjoyed my life, Mary Santoro said. “1 had lots of good times. And I can still take care of myself. But, let me tell you, nobody wants you when you’re old.” Recently, Santoro threw away almost all of her family photographs. “When you’re young and happy you take pictures all the time,” she said. “You enjoy them. But I don’t like to see them now. “Life’s kind of funny,” she added. “I mean, I missed that ride on the Titanic, and then I had TB and survived. And now I’m all alone. My folks is gone. My boy is gone. And so I ask myself, ‘Why am I here?’ I ask that question all the time, and 1 don’t have- any answer. I really don’t.” Thanks to Mario S. Rogell of Kenner, LA for submitting this article. I am Slovenian -; eat your heart out Slovenian Radio on WCPN A wonderful Slovenian radio show is being broadcast in Cleveland on Saturday evenings, at 9 p.m. on WCPN-90.3 FM hosted by Tony Ovsenik. The program is bilingual featuring all styles of Slovenian music. For announcements call your host, Tony Ovsenik at (440) 944-2538. r- Polka Tapes, Compact Discs and Videos Mervar’s Fast, Reliable since 1921 6919 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 216-361-3628 tinguished career with the Mail Orders Only came to oven Correction In the article in last week’s paper titled “Tiger Mascot is a Roaring Success” the grandmother’s name should have been Helen Legan of Cleveland. 432-1114 Ann’s Dressmaking and Alterations Tues.-Sat.: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Same Day Serviče) Weddings, Special Occas'ns 6027 St. Clair Ave., Cleve. Ask the Travel Expert By Patricia Coil Euclid Travel Question: My family is taking our first vacation outside the United States. What advice can you offer? Answer: It is always wise to carry an emergency kit, which should include aspirin, cough & cold medicine, something for upset stomachs, first aid cream, bandages, safety pins, and small plastic bags. Put a copy of your passport numbers, date, and place of issue in your wallet in case you lose your passport. This will not replace your passport, but will make it easier to obtain a new one at the nearest American Embassy or Consulate. Before you leave, check the travel or business section of your newspaper to find the currency exchange rate for the countries you are planning to visit. Then make yourself a small conversion chart to carry in your wallet. Don’t carry more cash than you need and keep it hidden in a money belt. It is also a good idea to have one person in your group carry the cash and the other person the credit cards. When you come home, be sure to check your credit card statement against your receipts to make certain the statement is accurate. Always leave your travel itinerary with a relative or friend, so you can be reached in case of an emergency. Question: We are making our first trip to Las Vegas next month and have heard there are many free tours to Laugh I in, Mesquite, or Primm. Is this accurate? Answer: At present, there are eight different companies offering free bus tours from Las Vegas. The friendly agents at Euclid Travel, 22078 Lakeshore Blvd., can provide you with information on these tours. Question: Please tell me the formula for changing Celsius to Fahrenheit and kilometers to miles. Answer: Multiply the Celsius by 2 and add 30 degrees. For a two digit kilometer number (50) multiply the first digit by 5 -therefore 50 kilometers would be 30 miles. For a three digit number (120) multiply the first two numbers by 6, hence 120 kilometers would be 72 miles. If you have a question related to travel, write this newspaper or contact Euclid Travel, 22078 Lakeshore Blvd., Euclid, OH 44123, or call 216—261-1050 or e-mail at travel@euclidtravel.com and the answer will appear in this column. PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster SPECIALIZING IN FIRE DAMAGE REPAIR VANISH CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. William S. (Bill) Yanesh EAST 29013 EUCLID AVENUE WICKLIFFE, OHIO 44092 943-2020 943-2026 WEST 12205 SOBIESKI ROAD CLEVELAND, OHIO 44135 941-5010 941-3358 too my door and all n^y flatfler run with her WhenKWay to the doctor-to Ule ‘|efCame kack, he said Win t0 > t*lat dies, you W. MAIER DOORS UNLIMITED J Garage door repair and re- j ! placement. Entrance and [ j storm doors. Door openers j [ and electrical repairs. I Call (Slovenian) Walter J I Majer at 216 - 732-7100. ! Emergency pager: 216-I 506-8224. Since 1905 CUH6 Vumal Hem .A Distinguished Nome in... FUNERAL SERVICE tN Charles R. Davis John R. Vaughan Mitchell W. Babcock j? £ SECOND SPAULDING I ■ Drustf m Network of Family Owned«. Funeral Homes 4154 CLARK AVE. WILLOUGHBY, OH. 942-1122 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 4, 1999 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 4. 1999 6 Mlakar’s Walk Down Memory Lane [ 'W ^ T'ithout a doubt, we %/% / are far from fin- V V ished with our walk down West ISO1*1 Street or Settlement Road as it was called many years back. In my last column we finished with our memories of the JDN Hall. Across the corner from the hall was the home of Cecilia and Steve Brodnik. I can’t forget that place for I did more than my share of grass cutting there as well as for Mrs. Heidinger who lived across the street. It was cutting grass at those two homes that helped me buy rabbit food. Back in those days, the power lawnmower had not been invented, we used the old cast iron push lawnmower. It certainly gave one a workout and if one was trying to lose weight, that was the way to go. I recall for an extra nickel, I hand-trimmed the edges with hand cutting shears, something like those that were used to shear sheep. It goes without saying that doing the trimming could bring on a blister or two. Back in the early 40s I was hand-cutting grass for four or five of the old timers besides our own lawn at home which consisted of a whole empty lot, besides the lot that the house was sitting on. Across the street from Brodnik’s home is where in later years the Santas build their New Store with a parking lot and all. It is for sure that just about everyone shopped at Santa’s or Kuhar’s because you could be assured of getting quality meats. In those days meat was displayed in a show case, not like it is today, all packaged up and one does not know what they are getting until they get it home and unwrap it, only to find that in packaged meat, the nice side is always facing up. Right next to Santa’s store was one of the homes that the Flis family lived in. Wonder if Rudy Flis remembers that place. Across the street we had Spazzo’s Barber Shop. He was one of the first and only barber’s in that area for some time. A couple of doors away from the barber shop was Mlakar’s Candy Store. I remember asking Ma and Pa more than once if we were related, but unfortunately, we were not. It would have been nice to have our own Ice Cream Store...hm. That is like dying and going to heaven. Mlakar’s ice Cream Parlor was one of the few that you could actually sit down either at the tables or up on the stools to have your ice cream sundae, soda or banana split. They had a long show case with penny candy. Now that was a big chore to have three cents in your pocket and decide what you were gonna buy. Mary Janes? Black Jacks? Or those nice black licorice pipes with the red beads at the top to signify it was a pipe that was burning. Back then you could even buy a single dip ice cream cone for three cents or a double dip for a nickel. If, and I say IF, I had a nickel I would decide to have the best of both worlds, a three cent single dip ice cream cone and then two cents to blow on penny candy. I’ll bet that when young Frankie Mlakar came to the USA from Slovenia and saw that his aunt and uncle had a real ice cream store, he thought he had stepped ashore in heaven. The Mlakar Ice Cream Store always had a lot of folks there, and yes even the men, because Frank Mlakar had his own two lane bocci ball courts. They were nice courts and needed upkeep by insuring that the sand in the courts were always rolled down smooth. If the old timers could not find an open court at the JDN Hall, they could always walk down a block to Mlakar’s on the same side of the street. Next door was Steve Brodnick’s Sinclair Gas Station operated by Mr. Brod-nick and his son Steve. In the years that followed, they even had some of the local kids pump eas. In those days, you got service because they not only pumped gas, they checked the oil level, the radiator, the battery as well as check the tires for air pressure. Hm, when have you seen service like that today? I am sure that a lot of the gas attendants would not know how to open the hood and would need a blueprint to show them where the battery is. Guess what fellows? In today’s batteries, you do not have little knobs to unscrew to see if the battery needs water or electrolite. The car manufacturers make it easy for us today, but with the price of new cars, they have to make something easy for us. It seems that my dad’s car always had a second home. It was either at Brodnick’s gas station or at Hosta’s on Carrington because Marty knew cars inside and out. Sorry to say the gas station went by the way-side because now in its spot is a fresh fruit produce store. Can’t get the tires checked there any more. The gas stations are all gone. Across from Brodnick’s Gas Station was the original store of the Santas and perhaps where most of the old timers did their shopping. Mr. Santa had his own smokehouse in the back. His meats and especially his smoked sausage and rice or blood sausages could not be beat for Fishers and A & P did not know what smoked meats were. George Santa had a real sense of humor and always joked with the old timers. If one was buying a piece of roast beef or round steak, they would ask, “Will the meat be tuff when cooked,” and George would answer, “Tuff? No way. You will be able to eat this without your teeth.” Sometimes one would answer, “That’s good because my husband didn’t get his new dentures yet.” One can’t forget their two devoted sons, namely Georgie and Carl. Carl in his days was a good play actor, not only in high school but he was in quite a few leading rolls at the Lakewood Little Theater. After Mr. Santa and his wife Christina retired, Carl took over the business with the help of his brother George. Time has taken its toll for Georgie is the only one living. Carl died in Florida after he sold the store. Across from Santa’s old original store was Lenny Brodnik’s newly built store. It was a split store originally, half being a candy store and the other half a neighborhood tavern. When Lenny retired, it was sold to the West Park Vets who still operate it to this day, although with time a lot of the original World War II Vets have since died. But the survivors are carrying on with those who may have served in the more recent wars such as Korea and Vietnam, or Toye Williams, M.D. Toye Williams, M.D. is pleased to announce the opening of his new Internal Medicine practice in Cleveland. Dr. Williams is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and completed his residency training in Cleveland. Dr. Williams is accepting new patients age eighteen and older. He speaks fluent Spanish as a second language and welcomes Hispanic patients. I I i 1 1 < New Patients Welcome ( Call for appointment (216) 431-1500 | ^ v St. Clair Health Center <; 6407 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 s Dr. Williams accepts most insurance plans ,j ;ll including Medicare. n Tcaritas Physician Network There is “love” and “venison” in Slovenh loveniaflj FURNACES - BOILERS AIR CONBITIONERS - HEAT PUMPS GEO THERMAL SYSTEMS RADIANT FEDOR HEATING AIR CLEANERS • HUMIDIFIERS AMERICAN M STANDARD Built Tb A Higher Standard m mm ^ Gulf. In closing, may the good Lord bless and watch over you. --Ray Mlakar Residential - Commercial 30170 Lakeland Blvd. FLICKINGER TIRE & AUTO COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR ON ALL MAKES & MODELS INCLUDING 4X4’s, LIGHT TRUCKS & MOTOR HOMES h COMPUTER ALIGNMENT & BALANCE • SHOCKS • STRUTS C.V. JOINTS • RACK & PINION • BRAKES • EXHAUST Mow-fH lam-6pm Sat lam-lpm insnimi. 731-7100 939 E. 999 St. [ Death Notices NEDA MARY MIHELIN Neda Mary Mihelin taught math and German in Cleveland public schools for more than 20 years. She spent the early part of her nearly 30-year teaching career in North Olmsted public schools. Born in Trieste, Italy, the 51-year-old was raised in the Cleveland area. She graduated from Regina High School in South Euclid in 1965 and Cleveland State University, where she majored in German and minored in mathematics, in 1^69. She earned her master s degree in educational guidance, also from Cleveland State. She died Friday, January 29, 1999 at Hospice of the estern Reserve, after •ghting breast cancer for e’ght years. She taught primarily at Collinwood High School, w ere she was a volunteer ^>th the National Honor Society. She was devoted to her students and enjoyed guiding eir educational development. Horseback riding, archery and photoj P Were among her ft Pastimes. Survivors include Parents, Frank and Mai Euclid; a brothe ward of Willowick; s‘ster, Christine Miheli °f Lakewood. Services were at 11 onday, February 1, 1 L Gregory the Catholic Church, 15-reen Rd., South Eucli Memorial contrib an be sent to the Am ancer Society, 1148 I Ve'> Cleveland, Oh 44 Arrangements wer ^lub Funeral Horn Lleveland. at A MATIJA HOČEVAR Well known and well liked Matija Hočevar, 71, passed away at his home in Richmond Heights, Ohio on Friday, January 29, 1999. Matija was born in Slovenia. Mr. Hočevar was a member of Slovenska Pristava, the Belokranjski Club since 1965, Holy Name Society of St. Mary church (Collinwood) and the American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ). Matija was the husband of Marija (nee Janko); the father of Nena (Tony) Cerer, Tony (Liva) Hočevar, Marjanca “Annie” (Richard) Trivisonno and David Hočevar; grandfather of Tony and Eddie Cerer and Anton M., Andrea, and Kristopher Hočevar; brother of four sisters and four brothers. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Feb. 2 at St. Mary’s Church (Holmes Ave.). Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Zele Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Donations, in his memory, to St. Mary Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110. In Loving Memory Of Our Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, and Brother Joseph Kozina Died Feb. 2,1993 Your memory is our keepsake, With that we ’ll never part; God has you in His keeping, We have you in our heart. Sadly missed by: Amelia (Molly) Kozina, wife Mollie Kozina Vogel, (dec.) daughter; twins Anton Vincent and Andrej Joseph Vogel, grandsons; Joseph V. Vogel Sr. son-in-law; 2 sisters and brother in Canada; remaining relatives in Canada and Slovenia 2ele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL LOCATED AT ^ E. 152 Street Phone 481-3118 J'amily owned and operated since 1908 EDWIN M. POLŠAK Edwin M. Polšak, was a creator of music, machinery who cherished life and long friendships. Mr. Polšak was a 60-year member of Zarja Singing Society, often brilliantly accompanying the group on the piano. He also served many years as President. He served 30 years with the Slovene Junior Chorus (MPZ), was a former president of the Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges, President of SNPJ Lodge #147 Vodnikov Venec, and president of the Recreation Farm. He was a member of Am. Society of Professional Engineers and a 50-year member of Lambda Lota Delta Engineering Fraternity and spent 25 years in attendance at musical, theater events with family and friends. Mr. Polšak was the husband of Stephanie (nee Branisel, deceased); father of Sandra (husband, Walter Brewster) and Jim (wife, Terry); grandfather of Tory Brewster; son of Leonard and Victoria Poljšak (both deceased); son in law of Frank and Ursula Branisel (both deceased); brother-in-law of Frank and Mildred Branisel; uncle to Jeff and Ron Branisel; great uncle of 4; cousin of Metka Jurišič. Friends will be received at the Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland on Friday, Feb. 5 from 2-5 and 6-9 where Fraternal services will be held Saturday at 10:30 a.m. Interment Knoll-wood Cemetery. Donations in his memory to Slovene Home for the Aged. In Loving Memory OF THE 26th ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF OUR DEAR HUSBAND, FATHER, AND GRANDFATHER John Habat Who passed away on Oct. 30, 1973 Sadly missed by: Sons, John, and Edward Daughters, Beatrice, and Anna, and remaining relatives MARIE J. ERZETIČ Marie J. Erzetič, a 36 year resident of Wickliffe, Ohio passed away on February 2, 1999. Marie was a member of the Primorski Club, and Glasbena Matica Chorus. She was employed by The Ohio Bell Telephone Company as a Maintenance Administrator for 36 years. She retired in 1983. She is survived by her husband, Elio; daughter Melissa Connoll (husband, Timothy); grandchildren Sean Flynn and Tess Marie; and sister Victoria Duever. Deceased members of the family are brothers Tony and Frank; sisters Frances, and Ann. Family will receive friends Thursday, Feb. 4 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio. Mass of the Resurrection will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 5 at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, 1730 Mt. Carmel Dr., Wickliffe, Ohio. Minister is Rev. John Kumse from St. Mary’s Church in Collinwood. Burial in All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. Coming Events Feb. 5, 6, and 7 Eighth Slovenian Ski Weekend and Giant Slalom Championship, at Ski Windham, NY. For information call Ivan Kamin (718) 424-2711 or (212) 691-5551 fax (212)691-5553. In Loving Memory OF THE 13‘h ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF OUR DEAR FATHER, GRANDFATHER, SON AND BROTHER Herman L. Habat who passed away Nov. 25. 1986 Sadly missed by: His eleven children and grandchildren; sisters and brothers Friday, Feb. 5 Dance at West Park ^ Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. Music by Ray Polantz. Wednesday, Feb. 10 Slovenian American Heritage Foundation sponsors lecture “Christianization of the Slovenians” by Rev. Jože Černe, 7 p.m. in the Slovenian society Home (lower hall), Euclid, Ohio. Free and open to public. Friday, Feb. 12 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. Music by The Casuals. Saturday, Feb.27 St. Clair Rifle Club, Lovska Večerja, Slovenian Home, Holmes Ave. Music by Stan Mejac. Tickets call Eddy Ujcich (440) 944-2985. Fri., Sat., Sun. March 5-7 Slovenian National Home, St. Clair, celebrates 75tb Anniversary. Saturday Polka Bands -Admission $5.00 Sunday, March 7 - Cultural Program. Admission $10. For tickets call 361-5115. April 5-11 Slovenian Ski Trip to Aspen & Snowmass Colorado $825. In Cleveland call Marjan Kosem at (440) 942-2919; Toronto call (416) 922-1161; New York call (718) 424-2711 weeknights; anywhere else call Sue Har-bauer Lee at 1-888-453-2SKI. - Year 2000 Ski Trip to Whistler Mountain, Canada. Plan ahead. Sunday, April 11 Super Button Box Bash In Loving Memory OF THE 2nd ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF OUR DEAR MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER, GREATGRANDMOTHER Mary Habat who passed away Feb. 7, 1997 Dear mother; you are not forgotten, though on earth you are no more. Still in memory, you are with us, as you always were before. Sadly missed by: sons John & Edward daughters, Beatrice, Anna and remaining relatives AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 4, 1999 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 4, 1999 * Celestina Brothers Launch Software Company called TranSolutions Peter, Andy and Joseph F. Celestina started a software development company called TranSolutions in 1997. The privately held company is based in Scottsdale, AZ. Their target market is in the Logistics field, a $800 billion dollar market dealing with the supply chain. The flagship product, EZ-Claim was successfully launched in November 1997. It is the leading freight claims management system with placement in major fortune 500 companies such as Cannon Equipment, Cisco Systems, Del Monte Foods, EMC Corporation, General Electric, Hoffman La-Roche, Lillian Vernon, Monsanto Corporation, Nordstrom, Rite-Aid Corporation and many others. Overcharge followed in the summer of 1998 and the Celestina’s will launch three new transportation management software products in 1999. An article in the January 1999 Traffic World magazine features their company’s products: “Phoenix-based TranSolutions, a distribution and transportation management software company, has de- veloped EZ-Overcharge, an application to recover excess costs when a company has been overcharged by a carrier, said Pete Celestina, president of the company. EZ-Overcharge is a module that can be used as part of EZ-Claim, a claim management software suite, or by itself, he said. EZ-Overcharge automates carrier notification, letter generation, management reports and follow-up with carriers, said Celestina. The software reduces processing time and effort by 50 percent said the company. Currently over 150 customers are using EZ-Overcharge as part of EZ-Claim, said Celestina. The application is geared for users in all vertical markets and all sizes, although mainly Fortune 500 companies are using the Windows-based software he added. Other applications are also in the works at Tran-Solution three applications, EZ-Inbound Manager EZ-Routing Guide and EZ-Returns Goods Manager, are in development and will be beta tested and released next year, Celestina said. EZ-Inbound Manager, which will deal with the day-to-day operation of shipment arrival at warehouses, is to be beta tested in January and released for sale in the first quarter of 1999 said Celestina. EZ-Routing Guide, which will automate shipping specifications and policies for inbound traffic and track carriers’ compliance with those guidelines, is to be beta tested in February and released in April. EZ-Returns Goods Manager will automate the process of taking goods back from the customer. Beta testing is planned for May, with a general release date in July, Celestina said. A new version of EZ-Claim, version 3.0, which will include a new version of EZ-Overcharge, will be realized in February of next year, Celestina said. Version 3.0 will have “a change of look and feel, more like Microsoft Outlook and even easier to use,” said Celestina. The Celestinas are the sons of Mary Celestina of Richmond Heights, Ohio. The company’s email address is transolinc.@aol.com their web-site is www.transolutionsinc.com Fascinating Story of St. Valentine’s Day Heart shaped boxes filled with chocolates, decorative cards, and red roses, are all symbols of what we think of as Valentine’s Day. The original Valentine’s Day, however, was anything but candy and roses. As early as the fourth century B.C., the Romans engaged in an annual young man’s rite to passage to the god Lupercus. The names of the teenage women were placed in a box and drawn at random by adolescent men; thus, a man was assigned a woman companion for the duration of the year, after which another lottery was staged. Determined to put an end to this eight hundred year old practice, the early church fathers sought a “lovers” saint to replace the deity Lupercus. They found a likely candidate in Valentine, a bishop who had been martyred some 200 years earlier. In Rome in A.D. 270, Valentine had enraged the mad emperor Claudius II, who had issued an edict forbidding marriage. Claudius felt that married men made poor soldiers, because they would not want to leave their families for battle. The empire needed soldiers, so Claudius abolished marriage. Valentine, bishop of Interamna, invited young couples to come to him in secret, where he joined them in the sacrament of matrimony. Claudius learned of this “friend of lovers,” and had the bishop brought to the palace. The emperor, impressed with the young priest’s dignity and conviction, attempted to convert him to the roman gods, to save him from certain execution. Valentine refused to renounce Christianity and boldly attempted to convert the emperor. On February 24, 270, Valentine was executed. History also claims that while Valentine was in prison awaiting his fate, he fell in love with the blind daughter of the jailer, Asterius. Through his faith he miraculously restored her sight. He then signed a farewell message to her “From Your Valentine,” a phrase that would live long after its author. Valentine would later become a Patron Saint, and spiritual overseer of an annual festival. The festival involved young Romans presenting to women they admired, and wished to court, handwritten greetings of affection on February 14. The greeting cards acquired St. Valentine’s name. As Christianity spread, so did the Valentine’s Day card. The earliest card was sent in 1415 by Charles, duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was a prisoner in the Tower of London. The card is now preserved in the British Museum. In the 16^ century, cards proliferated and became more decorative. Cupid, the naked cherub armed with arrows dipped in love potion, became a popular valentine image. He was associated with the holiday because in Roman mythology he is the son of Venus, goddess of love and beauty. By the 17^ century, handmade cards were oversized and elaborate, while store-bought ones were smaller and costly. In 1797 a British publisher issued “The Young Man’s Valentine Writer,” which contained scores of suggested sentimental verses for the young lover unable to compose his own. The first American publisher of valentines was printer and artist Esther Howland. Her elaborate lace cards of the 1870s cost from five to ten dollars, with some selling for as much as $35. Since that time, the valentine card business has flourished. NOW YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CAKi AND EAT IT, TOO! (NAPS)—If you’re a baker who is trying to eat more healthfully, you can “have your cake and eat it, too” just by baking smarter! Scrumptious Cherry Almond Oatmeal Cake lets you indulge without the guilt. Low-fat yogurt cuts the fat while oats used in place of some of the flour add fiber to the cake and extra crunch to the almond topping. The swirls of cherry pie filling in each slice are a sweet surprise. Whole grain oats can pump up the fiber and impart a delicious, nutty flavor and wholesome texture to all kinds of baked products. An easy rule of thumb is to substitute quick or old fashioned oats for up to one-third of the all-purpose flour called for in the recipe. To receive more great-tasting lower-fat recipes free, send your name and complete address to: Lower-Fat Baking, P.O. Box 487, Chicago, IL 60690-0487. CHERRY ALMOND OATMEAL CAKE 12 servings Topping (See recipe method.) Cake 1 (8 oz.) container cherry fruit-on-the-bottom low-fat yogurt. Vfc cup granulated sugar 4 egg whites or 2 eggs 3 tablespoons margarine, melted 1 teaspoon vanilla W teaspoon almond extract 1V4 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup Quaker oats (quick or old fashioned, uncooked) 2 teaspoons baking powder Vi teaspoon baking soda Donations Thanks to the following who gave generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Al and Agnes Koporc,, Bratenahl, Ohio -- $10.00 Mary Cermely, Rocky River, Ohio — $10.00 John Limoni, West Allis, Wis. - $10.00 St. Anne Lodge No. 150 KSKJ - $25.00 l/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup cherry pie filling Heat oven to 350°F. Ligtf spray 8-inch square baking P811 9-inch heart-shaped pan (2 indj deep) with cooking spray. Fort' ping, combine Vi cup quick' old fashioned oats, 2 taW spoons all-purpose flour > 2 tablespoons packed brof sugar; mix well. Cut in 1 ta“ spoon margarine with '1 knives until crumbly; stir Vi cup sliced almonds. For cake, stir together first' ingredients in large bowl Uq blended. Add combined dry in? dients; stir just until moistei't (Do not overmix.) Spread hal' batter in pan. Drop Vi cup pi®f ing in small spoonfuls over ban Top with remaining batter, bjj spoonfuls of remaining pie filfj over batter; sprinkle with topF Bake 45 to 50 minutes or ul| wooden pick inserted in cF! comes out clean. Cool on wire In Serve warm. Nutrition Information (1/12 of cake): Calories 230, F? (Ig saturated), Cholesterol n Sodium 240mg, Fiber 2g. Mary Okicki, Cleveland OH -$10.00 Slavko Vuksinic, ChicaS0 - $5.00 Edward Draksler, Morf'5 IL- $5.00 Mrs. Bernard Zalar, lowick, Ohio — $ 10.00 j Frank Chukayne, Euf^’ Ohio-$10.00 Maria Ribic, Euclid, Obi1 - $5.00 John Martinc, Eud^ Ohio - $5.00 PETER J. KUHAR A CCOUNTING SER VICES & Income Tax Preparation IN-HOME CONSULTA TION 440 944-1468 Personalized and Convenient l- Specialists Corrective Hair ColoriJ tina & brenda’* HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Ro»' Richmond Hts., Ohio 441^ 461-7989 / 461-0623 {^>anč!o±LC Amjcsi tfL-r -.X: -J FUNERAL HOME Family Owned and Operated Because we care... We offer our families the option of ////im/ A///»»/' g. Niko Isajevič, je v daljšem pismu uredništvu Sobotne priloge Dela, 5. decembra 1998, najprej skušal opozoriti bralce, da ‘smo nekaj takega že videli" in to - v cerkvi pri Sv. Urhu zunaj Ljubljane, kjer je bila nekoč razstava o delovanju tamkajšnje medvojne “domobranske mučilnice”. Isajevič se trudi, da bi bil čimbolj nepristranski in Označuje ljudi, ki naj bi počeli tista dejanja pri sv. Urhu, za izprijence v domobranski uniformi”. Govoreč o masakru v Rogu, pa g. Niko Isajevič ponavlja staro “floskulo”, da so tudi Fran-c°zi s svojimi “kolaboranti” obračunali na podoben način in v podobni meri, kot slovenski komunisti. Isajevič P*še, da “so jih v Franciji, P° nekaterih podatkih usmr-dfl kar 200 tisoč”. Kočevski °g in Teharje sta torej bila - malenkost. Če upoštevamo, da je imela Francija pred vojno okrog 40 milijonov ljudi in da so slovenski komunisti pomorili okrog 10.000 ljudi, bi Franciji - “po istem merilu” - pripadlo 400 tisoč izvensodno pomorjenih ljudi. Vprašanje francoske kolaboracije, režima v Vichyju in maršala Petaina, je dodobra obdelal ameriški novinar Peter Novičk, ki je leta 1968 pri založbi Chato & Windus v Londonu izdal knjigo z naslovom” “The Resistance Versus Vichy -The Purge of Collaborators in Liberated France”. Novičk v tem delu, ki ga francoski zgodovinarski krogi priznavajo kot najzanesljivejši vir podatkov o tem vprašanju, navaja številko od 12 do 15 tisoč izvensodno pomorjenih ljudi. Novičk pa ni edini, ki je preučeval to vprašanje. Isto številko, 10 do 15 tisoč, navajata tudi Herbert Lollman v knjigi “Epuration 1946— 1953”, založba Fayard, Pariz 1986, in Alain Brassat “Liberation Fete Folle”, založba Autrement, Memoires No. 30, Pariz 1986. V eni novejših knjig, “La Liberation de la France”, založba Perrin, Pariz 1995, pa navaja Andre Kaspi - 10.842 usmrčenih ljudi, vključno o-krog polovico med samo vojno. Daleč pred njimi je samo Robert Aron, ki v knjigi Histoire de la Liberation de la France”, založba Fa-yard, 1959, navaja številko od 30 do 40 tisoč izvensodno pomorjenih ljudi. Toda Aron je bil med prvimi, ki so pisali o tem, zato so njegovi podatki po vsej verjetnosti izraz še občutene povojne psihoze in nekritičnosti. Pri tem je treba opozoriti tudi na dejstvo, da noben teh avtorjev ne govori o kakšni “formalni” masovni kazni t.i. kolaborantov. Vsi navajajo samo skupno število takih izvensodnih likvidacij in to število brez dvoma vsebuje tudi ljudi, pobite v hipnem, “osvobodilnem” razpoloženju, razne stražarje po zaporih, pa tudi dekleta, ki so se družila z nemškimi vojaki. Nikjer ni navedeno, da bi bil pokončan recimo celoten bataljon francoskih medvojnih orožnikov, ali kaj podobnega. Bataljoni so korakali v smrt samo v Kočevskem Rogu in morda “e kje v Sovjetski zvezi. Če bi torej Slovenija ravnala enako kot Francija, bi moralo v Kočevskem Rodu končati - 750 ljudi. Podatki v “Vojnem dnevniku 5. korpusa britanske 8. armade” v Avstriji (ki je sprejel slovenske begunce v Vetrinju), kot jih navaja Ian Mitchell v knjigi “The Cost of a Reputation”, Topical Books, Glasgow 1997, pa kažejo, da je bilo iz Vetrinja vrnjenih v Jugoslavijo - 11,850 slovenskih domobrancev in civilistov. Enajst tisoč osemsto petdeset. Čas je zato, da slovenski “zgodovinarji” nehajo navajati francoski primer kot izgovor za komunistično brutalnost ob koncu vojne v Sloveniji. Iz Ljubljane poročajo, da nameravajo razstavo “Temna stran meseca” zdaj prenesti v nekatera druga slovenska mesta. ■ (Op. ur. AD: Koristno bi bilo, če bi ras tava prišla tudi v ZDA in Kanado. Delo 27. jan. pa prinaša osmrtnico za Frančka Sajeta (77), avtorja knjige “Belogardizem leta! Enako tudi čestitamo naši članici Aleni Kolman-Laube, ki je 16. januarja na Loyola University v Chicagu prejela svoj doktorat (v pedagogiki oz. Education). Alena vodi oddelek za tuje jezike v Highland Park High School. Vsa ta leta je pripeljala tudi po dva avtobusa študentov na mihvauški Folk Fair in smo tako prodali vse 1 riglavske vstopnice. Omeniti pa moram še nekaj, kar je v čast vsem Slovencem. Dva brata, Stanko in Frank Gorenc, ki sta prišla v Ameriko kot majhna fantiča, stara 7 let in tri V BLAG SPOMIN 6. obletnice smrti naše drage mame, stare mame in prastare mame Jožefa Štepec ki je umrla 6. februarja 1993. V miru božjem zdaj počivaj, draga, nepozabna nam, v nebesih rajsko srečo uživaj, do snidenja na vekomaj. Žalujoči: Ciril in Tone, sinova, z družinama Pepca, Mara, Vida in Ani, hčere, z družinami, ter ostalo sorodstvo v ZDA, Kanadi in Sloveniji. Cleveland, Ohio, 4. februarja 1999. leta, sta si izbrala vojaški poklic. Polkovnik Stanko je bil lanski december napre-dovan na čin brigadni general oz. “brigadier general”, njegov brat Frank pa je polkovnik. Stanko je bil izbran izmed 3800 polkovniki ameriških letalskih sil, ki so bili usposobljeni oz. zmožni za to visoko povišanje čina. Stanko je zdaj poveljnik enote “80th Flying Training Wing”, ki je del sil NATA. Pod seboj 222 vojaških letal, skoro 2000 vojakov, to je pilotov, inštruktorjev in drugih, proračun enote pa znaša več kot 100 milijonov dolarjev. Njegove izkušnje kot pilota in v administraciji so vsestranke in občudovanja vredne. Polkovnik Frank Gorenc je tudi graduant akademije letalskih sil oz. Air Force Academy v Koloradu. Dodeljen je bil tekom kariere letalskim oporiščem po celem svetu in je služil tudi v kampanji Puščavski vihar oz. “Desert Storm”. Nad iraškim Bagdadom je naredil 25 solo nočnih poletov, seveda v vojaškem letalu, opremljenem z vso moderno opremo. Obema, generalu Stanko-tu in polkovniku Francetu, I riglavani in vsi Slovenci s ponosom čestitamo in jima želimo sreče in nadaljnjih uspehov. Bog vaju živi! Upam, da ste vsi bralci Domovine začeli novo leto pri dobrem zdravju in s korajžo! Za Triglav, Mara Kolman BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE! PRIPOROČAJTE NAŠ LIST! Kaj se dogaja v Sloveniji? Berite Ameriško Domovino in boste vedno zelo na tekočem! V NEPOZABEN SPOMIN Anton in Antonia Novak Umrla 3. februarja 1990. Umrl 15. novembra 1970. Večna luč naj njima sveti; naj počivata v miru. Žalujoči: Hčerki: Mary Petrič Olga Campbell, z družinama vnuki in pravnuki ter ostalo sorodstvo. Bliža se pust Krofi kot naslikani Ducat gostov v zdravilišču Dolenjske Toplice se je udeležilo tečaja priprave pustnih dobrot - Ričet po izvirnem receptu Ljubljana - “Prijetno sem bila presenečena, na kakšen odziv je med gosti zdravilišča Dolenjske Toplice naletelo naše povabilo na pripravo pustnih dobrot,” je dejala vodja kuhinje restavracije Rog Berta Grmek, ki je imela kar dvanajst tečajnikov, stari od 5 do 66 let. Popoldne so naredili krofe, vrtnice in ričet in narejeno zvečer družno pojedli s toliko večjo slastjo, saj je vsak prispeval vsaj mrvico. Kuhinja v Rogu je tako velika, da tečajniki niso motili kuharice, ki je morala posebej skrbeti za zahtevne goste restavracije, snežno belih predpasnikov je bilo dovolj, ker pa predpisi za amaterje, navajene domače kuhinje, niso tako strogo kot za profesionalce, ni bilo treba nositi pokrival. “Saj boste prišli vsi na vrsto,” je šefica Berta mirila najbolj neučakane, med njimi najstnika Aljošo s Primorskega, ki so se skoraj stepli za metlico, s katero je treba penasto umešati maslo in sedem rumenjakov, in potem, ko so nekateri že začeli loviti sapo, pokazala, kako to delajo strokovnjaki. Ročaj metlice je trdno prijela na vrhu in jo potem z odprto dlanjo naglo premikala sem ter tja. Bolj naporno je bilo ume-šanje kvašenega testa. “Ne dvigujte kuhalnice previsoko, da ne boste vtepli v testo preveč zraka,” je opozarjala Berta Grmek tečajnike, “sicer bomo imeli prevelike V BLAG SPOMIN NAŠE LJUBLJENE SESTRE IN TETE, NIKOLI POZABLJENE Micke (Mary) Ivec ob peti obletnici smrti Umrla je 3. februarja 1993 Srčno ljubljena nam Micka, šla prezgodaj si od nas. Dobra, skrbna si nam bila, kako brez Tebe je dolg čas. Spomin na Te je naš zaklad, saj vsak od nas Te imetje rad. Žalujoči ostali: Angela Hutar — sestra Nečaki in nečakinje v Ameriki in Sloveniji, ter ostalo sorodstvo. luknje v testu, ocvrti krofi pa bodo v sredini votli.” Opozorila so zalegla, zato pa je mešanje trajalo nekoliko dalj časa, kot si ga lahko privoščijo tam, kjer naredijo po dvesto, tristo krofov naenkrat. Ko je bilo testo vzhajano (vsaka gospodinja ima pri tem svoj način ugotavljanja, po občutku ve, kdaj je pravi čas za nadaljnjo obdelavo, predvsem pa testo ne sme toliko vzhajati, da bi počilo, svetuje vodja kuhinje), so valjanje prevzele izkušene roke. Kmalu je bilo testo za prst debelo, iz njega iztisnjeni mehurčki zraka, model pa je pričaral petnajst lepih krogov. Medtem ko so vzhajali -ni jih bilo treba pokriti, ker je bilo v kuhinji res toplo - je Berta Grmek iz odrezkov testa naredila ptička (zrnci popra sta bili kot nalašč pri roki za to) in to je petletno Gajo iz Ljubljane tako navdušilo, da bi bila vse popoldne pripravljena delati ptičke. Manj zahtevni so se zadovoljili z izdelavo mišk, nastalo je tudi nekaj mehkih flancatov. Medtem ko so krofi vzhajali, je bilo treba v kozico vliti za tri prste olja in ga segrevati (ne pozabite na pokrovko, da se bo grela skupaj z oljem, je spet izkustveno svetovala Berta Grmek). Čez čas je šla v olje ena izmed mišk kot poskusna miška - olje je bilo ravno prav vroče. Ko so slišali: “Zdaj si zapomnite dvoje,” so tečajniki še pozorneje prisluhnili: “Krof obrnite v roki tako, da pride vrhnja, bolj vzhajana stran najprej v olje, in drugo, posodo pokrijemo in počasi cvremo. Ko krof na spodnji strani porumeni, ga obrnemo in ocvremo še po drugi, vendar tokrat v nepokriti posodi,” je svoje bogate izkušnje s pustno dobroto prenašala na ljubitelje kuhe Berta Grmek. In kako se za vsak primer prepričati, ali je krof res pečen? Od strani zabodemo vanj pletilko. Če se je testo ne prime, je krof pečen. Še en nasvet: pravilno vzhajan krof se v olje potopi le do polovice, potem ko ga obrnemo s penovko, pa naredi na obodu lep venček (pri skupnem delu v restavraciji Rog so bili venčki za zgled ali za na razstavo). Zato je dobro najprej poskusiti z enim krofom, da lahko druge gospodinja pusti še malo vzhajati, če se prvi ni posrečil. Ne zgolj sladke pustne dobrote Berta Grmek je iz kovinskih predalov pričarala pladnje, jih pokrila s papirnatimi prtički (da se odcedi še tisto malo maščobe, je dejala) in prepustila glavno delo Alojzu, klenemu Primorcu, nekdanjemu čevljarju in železničarju, ki je obračal krofe in jih jemal iz olja, kot bi vse življenje delal samo s kuhalnicami, penov-kami in drugimi kuhinjskimi pripomočki. Sklepno dejanje, vbrizg marelične marmelade, je bilo spet v strokovnih rokah, posipanje s sladkorjem pa ni zahtevalo posebnih prijemov. “Pustne dobrote ne morejo biti samo sladke, zraven se prileže ričet s kuhanim suhim mesom ali z rebrci. Recept ni zahteven, vendar naj vas opozorim, da izvirno narodno jed pripravljamo brez prepražene čebule, če-sn in jušne zelenjave, prav tako ne dodamo paradižnikove mezge,” se trudi Berta Grmek, da bi ljubiteljski kuharji (ce) upoštevali pravilo naših prababic, ko so za pusta kuhale ričet. Pri bogatejših je “v ričet stopil prašič”, reveži pa so lahko samo mislili nanj, ko so jedli ješprenj. Zvečer so gostje restavracije Rog v Dolenjskih Toplicah (ponaša se tudi s priznanjem Dela, da je uvrščena med sto najboljših v Sloveniji po izboru Borisa Kuharja) kar z zavistjo ozirali k zaključeni družbi, ko so po ričetu in svinjskih rebrcih prišli na mizo krofi z venčki, kot bi jih bili naslikali, miške in vrtnice flancati. Tečajniki pa so ponosno pospravili, kar so popoldne s pomočjo izkušenih rok Berte Grmek pripravili kot uvod v pusta, do katerega ni več daleč. Vlado Šlamberger Delo, 28. januarja 1999 Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Lemontski P. dr. Vendelin Spendov Mesec februar pričenjamo s praznikom Jezusovega darovanja, s svečnico, 2. februarja. V evangeliju beremo, da sta Marija in Jožef prinesla Jezus v tempelj, kjer ga je starček Simeon vzel v roke, zahvalil Boga in zapel pesem “Zdaj odpuščaš Gospod svojega služabnika v miru; na svoje oči sem videl Zveličarja, ki si ga poslal vsem ljudstvom”. Pri tem je Mariji napovedal trpljenje: srce ji bo presunil meč bolečin. V preteklosti je bil to Marijin praznik. Na svečnico po cerkvah blagoslavljajo sveče, ki naj bi gorele pri sv. maši in drugih bogoslužnih opravilih, prav tako sveče za domove. Družinsko blagoslovljeno svečo naj bi prižgali, kot pride duhovnik obhajat bolnika, ob smrtni, ali ob hudi uri. Zato naj bi vsaka družina imela poleg križa tudi blagoslovljeno svečo. Po Sloveniji, tudi ponekod drugod, še vedno obdržijo jaslice do svečnice, kakor je bila to dolgoletna tradicija. Posti čas bomo pričeli na pepelnico, 17. februarja. Postna postava je dandanes zelo enostavna: na pepelnico in na veliki petek je strogi post, ostali petki v postu pa so brezmesni za vse od štirinajstega leta dalje. Ker je to edino, kar Cerkev za postni čas zapoveduje, pa pričakuje, da odrasli verniki sami naložijo kako dobro delo ali pokoro, zlasti več molitve: premišljevanje ob odmevi... žalostnem delu rožnega venca ali ob Križevem potu. Tisti pa, ki imajo možnost in priliko, naj bi se udeležili vsakdanje sv. maše. Na žalost se večkrat zgodi, tudi v postu, da smo pripravljeni porabiti čas za razne nepomembne stvari, za Boga pa je navadno čas skopo odmerjen. Tudi v naši cerkvi Marije Pomagaj bomo v postu vsako nedeljo opravili križev pot in zaključili z blagoslovom z Najsvetejšim. Božične praznike smo letos lepo obhajali. Cerkev je bila primerno okrašena in razsvetljena. Da je bilo mogoče jaslicam dodati več o-zadja, so bile letos postavljene v stransko kapelo. Petje pri polnočnici, in na vse božične praznike, je bilo izredno lepo. Pevovodji Janezu Arku, organistu Filipu Arku in vsem pevcem in pevkam iskrena zahvala za lepe izvedbe primernih skladb in za ves trud in čas za vaje. Prepričani smo, da je Bog vse to z milostjo bogato nagradil. Božič je bil brez snega, pa zato mraz ni prizanesel. Sneg je sicer nekaj dni pred prazniki pobelil, pa ni obstal. Zato nas je pa toliko bolj zasul na novega leta dan. Od sobratov v tem mesecu obhaja rojstni dan p. David Šrumpf, rojen 7. februarja 1964, goduje pa p. Blaž Chemazar, 3. februarja. (dalje na sir. 16) V drag in ljubeč spomin ob peti obletnici, ko je po odločitvi Božje volje zaspal v Gospodu naš dragi mož, ata, stari ata, tast, svak, brat in stric DAMIJAN ZABUKOVEC ki ga je Bog poklical k sebi dne 4. februarja 1994. + Večna luč naj Ti sveti. V naročju božjem se odpočij! Žalujoči: Lojzka (roj. Koželj), žena Lojzi Frank, Mitzi Sejnowski in Michele Alter, hčere Larry in Tom, zeta Danny, Gregory, Michael, Laura, T.D., Jessica in Scotty, vnuki in vnukinje Nežka Tomc, svakinja z družino Jože in Lojze Koželj, svaka z družinama, Toronto in ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki, Kanadi in Sloveniji KANADSKA DOMOVINA Steber slovenstva in vere Iz življenja največje slovenske župnije je ob koncu petdesetih let torontski nadškof kardinal McGuigan naložil nekdanjemu slovenskemu misijonarju na Kitajskem lazaristu Janezu Kopaču, naj pripravi novo slovensko župnijo v jugozahodnem delu velikega Toronta, najbrž še zdaleč ni pomislil, da bo to eez nekaj let največja slovenska župnija v Kanadi in v vsej Severni Ameriki. upnija Marije Bre-zmadežne s čudodel-no svetinjo ni le fersko, marveč tudi pomem-b"° narodno središče, saj ° njej dandanes lahko naštejemo kar nekaj ustanov, kl Imajo v njeni bližini svo-jf se(^eže, ali pa se tu nji-0V1 elani srečujejo, v ^§°dovina nastanka te 2uPnije je povezana s prvim Preseljevanjem Slovencev iz okolice župnije Marije Po-na aveniji Manning v olj ugodno okolje. Prav na Področju, ki so mu takrat Pravili New Toronto, danes Pa Etobicoke, se jih je naselilo največ in najbolj strnjeno. Prihod novih eko-; nomskih emigrantov je to levilo še povečal. Tu še ^noanes večina vztraja, če-Prav se mladi selijo naprej, 'n to še dlje iz mesta. Ugodna lega v bližini ve-‘kih prometnih poti, bližina ,etališča, lahek dostop in °nec koncev za ameriške razmere, kjer brez avta ne ri-e skoraj nič, veliko parki-Ce s skoraj 200 parkirni- kar RleSti’ Je danes tisto> dela župnijsko cerkev j ,r^e Bruzmadežne s čudo- SrediščeSVemnj0 23 privlačno Toro t' ^ovencev velikega cesti Brown’s Line, inenav Sl°J1’ ne bo nič sko T nega slišati sloven-escdo ali brati kakšno naše ime. Ob tej cesti in v bližini je več sedežev podjetij in ustanov. Prav v bližini imata svoji hiši obe “slovenski banki”: Slovenska župnijska hranilnica in posojilnica in Hranilnica in posojilnica Janeza Evangelista Kreka, ki simbolično ob cerkvi (duhovnem stebru), nakazujeta tudi gmotni steber slovenstva v Kanadi. Seveda pa to še ni vse. Ob cerkvi, ki so jo začeli zidati 2. novembra leta 1960, nekaj mesecev kasneje, 28. maja 1961 pa jo je škof Allen že posvetil, stoji tudi slovenska dvorana (leta 1974 so jo povečali zaradi vse večjih potreb), kjer se vse leto vrste številne ne le verske, ampak predvsem družabne prireditve, ki povezujejo rojake v Torontu in velikem delu Ontaria. Takrat, ko je župnija dobila svoj župnijski dom, je bilo v njej 120 družin, danes jih je osemkrat več. Vsako nedeljo, posebno pa ob praznikih, pa se zbere v cerkvi veliko več ljudi, kakor pri pričakovali, saj pridejo rojaki od blizu in daleč, po sto in več kilometrov prevozijo, da so lahko pri slovenskem bogoslužju in prisluhnejo domači cerkveni pesmi. Za zadnjo duhovno pripravo na božične praznike se je vsak dan od 21. de- Prijatelju v slovo Fronto ^ skih ’ Unt' ~ V M‘dlandu v Kanadi, v kraju kanad- ; °četu Cencev’vje 16- decembra 1998 odšel k nebeškemu kojni Pr° Zasluženo plačilo Franc Lajner, star 83 let. Po-Pern Prg3)!10 Se rodd v Melincih, v beltinski fari v prele-piistiti r Kot mn°gi Slovenci je tudi on moral za- ? Preživel ° ^ ,^raj v ^etu 1945. Skupaj z ženo Marijo je i tlrdi v ai let v avstrijskih begunskih taboriščih, delal 1957 2 3 eziianski skupnosti na Kamnu, dokler ni leta 6lT1*griral2600 *n Marijano - rojeno v Avstriji - del0ni a V ^anado. V Midlandu si je s težkim, ročnim dno in 3 rokami ustvaril prijeten dom, kjer je ve- došej 7° vsalcern času vsak Slovenec bil nad vse dobrotno v akad' oddaljenosti od slovenske skupnosti, se je re-na mesecih udeleževal najrazličnejših prireditev ^oko06^611' pa na prdcmorsld pristavi, hlož, i”' Pranc je vse svoje življenje ostal veren, ljubeč had vse f Cn °^e 1° s*nu> ponosen Prekmurec in l°Žiij v ^Veden Slovenec. K večnemu počitku smo ga po-Prijateij , *d*andu. Pogrebne obrede je opravil družinski Udeležb| anads|cl jezuit Fr. Carl Matthews, S.J., ob lepi l^aj p-v. priJateljev iz Toronta, Hamiltona in drugih krajev. ,Va v miru! Prijatelj F.P. v Severni Ameriki cembra do svetega večera zbralo po petsto rojakov pri molitvi, maši in spovedi. Na sam božični praznik je pri petih mašah bilo vsaj 2000 Slovencev. Nekaj takega je tudi za slovenske razmere zelo spodbudno. Župnija Marije Brezmadežne, kakor jo okrajšano i-menujejo naši rojaki (včasih pa rečejo kar po ulici Brown’s Line), je bila od vsega začetka v upravi slovenskih lazaristov. Prav lazaristi imajo ob duhovni tudi največ zaslug za dobro narodno organiziranost naših rojakov, saj že vse od prihoda dr. Jakoba Kolariča v Toronto leta 1948 oskrbujejo slovenske skupnosti v Kanadi. Posebna, skorajda karizmatična osebnost v tem, kar je pri organiziranosti naših rojakov v preteklosti naredil, je bil pokojni župnik Jakob Kolarič, seveda ob sodelovanju sobratov lazaristov. Njihov predstojnik je zdaj Valentin Batič, župnik pri Mariji Pomagaj. Sedanje delo svoje družbe je takole predstavil: Lazaristi v Kanadi oskrbujemo tri slovenske župnije, za duhovne potrebe Slovencev v Hamiltonu in okolici pa skrbijo salezijanci iz župnije sv. Gregorija Velikega. Po trije duhovniki delujemo v obeh torontskih župnijah, en duhovnik pa v Montrealu. Do nedavnega je naš duhovnik živel tudi v slovenski župniji v Winnipe-gu- Skrbimo za redno duhovno oskrbo v starostnem domu Lipa, poleti mašujemo tudi v petih slovenskih letoviščih v bližini Toronta, poleg tega pa oskrbujemo tudi slovenske skupnosti v Ottawi, Sudburyju, Oshawi, Windsor-ju, Thunder Bayu, Saskatoo-nu, Edmontonu, Calgaryju, Lethbridgeu, Kelowni, Victo-riji, Port Alberniju, Vancouvru in Prince Georgeu.” Obsežno področje del -pokrivajo skoraj vso Kanado - je zahtevno in naporno, a srečanja z našimi ljudmi, ki so hvaležni za obisk, so najlepša nagrada za napore. Sedanji župnik v župniji Brezmadežne je Ivan Pla-zar. Z veliko srčnosti, pastoralne modrosti in potrpljenja se loteva dela, ki sredi tolikih različnih verskih ponudb in križanja idej in kultur še zdaleč ni lahko ne za naše slovenske kristjane in ne za njihovega dušnega pastirja. V oporo so mu trije du- hovniki: Tone Zrnec, ki u-reja tudi revijo Božja beseda, kaplan Tone Ovtar, ki je več let deloval med Slovenci v Winnipegu, obenem pa študiral, ter starosta naših duhovnikov v Kanadi Jože Časi. Prav v božičnih dneh pa se je gospod Časi odločil, da se poslovi od župnije in sprejme pozorno oskrbo v slovenskem starostnem domu Lipa, kjer sta tudi že dva njegova nekdanja sodelavca Franc Sodja in Ivan Jan in pa lanski jubilant, biseroma-šnik Anton Vukšinič. O gospodu Časlu bi se splačalo pisati knjigo, saj je kot misijonar prehodil bogato duhovniško pot od rodne župnije sv. Frančiška Ksave-rija na Straži pri Gornjem Gradu prek Makedonije, Kosova do Kitajske (v Pekingu v semenišču sta delovala tudi Janez Kopač in Karel Wolbang). Ko so bili misijonarji leta 1949 izgnani iz Kitajske, je odšel v Združene države in v petdesetih letih prišel med Slovence v Toronto. Naši rojaki ga poznajo, ker je vedno dobre volje. Njegovo redno vsakdanje “opravilo” je hoja. Sam pravi: “Kdor veliko hodi, dolgo živi!” Res si je naložil že devet križev, a kdor ga prvič vidi, mu jih še zdaleč ne bi pripisal, saj je živahen, čil in bister. Slovenske župnije si brez dobrega petja ne moremo predstavljati. Tudi v Torontu je tako. Pri Brezmadežni imajo bogato tradicijo dobrih pevovodij vse od prvega, ki je bil lazarist Franc Sodja, do organistov, kot je Ignac Križman ali najmlajši Andrej Pahulje. Dobri cerkveni mešani pevski zbor se je že večkrat proslavil. Pevsko kulturo v cerkvi nada-(dalje na str. 14) Preminula dva člana skupnosti Janezu Prelogar v spomin! Dne 14. januarja letos je v svojem 64. letu preminul Janez Prelogar, v bolnici North York. Janez je bil iz kroga lovcev STZ. Če je kdo sedel pri ognišču v “Slovenija Trust” koči, ko sem se pripeljal v Bancroft, je bil to Janez. Vnet lovec, še bolj pa ljubitelj narave in naše lovske farme “Slovenija Trust”, Janez je bil zelo dobrega srca in je divjačino bolj občudoval kot streljal. Bil je zelo dober strelec in je večkrat osvojil prva mesta s svojo risarico na 200 ali 350 m. V zeleni lovski obleki se je udeleževal STZ banketov in vseh drugih prireditev. Bil je dober pevec in vesel v slovenski družbi. Po poklicu je bil strojni ključavničar, a zadnja leta pred upokojitvijo je bil zaposlen pri pošti. Doma je bil iz Ljubljane. Na parah je bil 15. januarja v Jerret Home v Scarboroughju, pogrebna maša je bila naslednji dan v Mariji Goretti cerkvi na Kennedy-Eglinton, sv. mašo mu je bral poljski duhovnik. Zapušča ženo Slavko, sinova Petra in Božota, hčerko Jenny in tri vnuke, kak r tudi STZ lovce in številne prijatelje. Mi lovci se ga bomo vedno spominjali. Naj mu bo lahka kanadska zemlja! Milki Jeraj v spomin! Dne 21. novembra lani je preminula ga. Milka Jeraj, stara 68 let. Bila je mati petih otrok in žena poznanega telovadnega učitelja iz SFO Franka. Spoznali smo se že v begunskem taborišču poleg Lienza v težkih časih takoj po vojni. Ko pa je Milka prišla v Kanado, smo mi “telovadni asi” kar pritisnili na Franka, da sta se vzela. Poroka je bila v Burling-tonu, kjer sta ostala in si zgradila svoj dom. Oba sta bila vneta slovenska aktivista in še predno se je organiziralo družabno življenje okrog današnje cerkve, je zrastel odsek STZ Hamilton, ki je dolgo sodeloval s STZ v Torontu in Clevelandu na akademijah, nastopih, slovenskih dnevih in folklori. Milka in Frank sta pomagala, da je prišlo do slovenske fare sv. Gregorija^ Velikega v Hamiltonu, iz katere je vzklilo novo družabno življenje. Pogreb je bil 25. novembra iz cerkve sv. Gregorija. Mnogo ljudi se je poslovilo od nje. Pokopana je na pokopališču sv. Jožefa v Burlingtonu. Zapušča moža Franka, hčerke Marijo, Heleno, Majdo in Ančko, sina Franka, svoje sorodstvo ter številne slovenske prijatelje. Naj ji bo lahka kanadska zemlja! Za STZ Toronto Frank Grmek Zephyr, Ontario Steber slovenstva in vere (nadaljevanje s str. 13) ljujeta tudi mladinski in o troški zbor (tega vodi Mojca Končan). Prav na sveti večer in božični praznik so ubranim glasovom obeh pozorno prisluhnili. Ob tem pa je še več drugih zborov, ki bi zaslužili omembo, čeprav niso cerkveni, a nastopajo tudi v cerkvi in povsod, kjer je treba ustvariti pristno domače počutje. Mimo Fantov na vasi pa skorajda ne smemo iti. Vodi jih Ignac Križman. Pri njih poje že vsa leta tudi Stanko Lamovšek, sicer doma iz župnije Šentrupert na Dolenjskem. S svakom Lojzetom Riglerjem (ki prihaja od Svetega Gregorja nad Ribnico) sta med ustanovitelji zbora. Medvojna usoda, ki sta jo kot pokončna Slovenca previharila, ju je pripeljala v Kanado, kjer sta si ustvarila topel dom, predvsem pa kot vsi, ki so preživeli težke medvojne in povojne dni, skušala dejavno oblikovati slovensko skupnost v svetu. Z njihovim prispevkom je slovenska skupnost postala organizirana in še danes politično dejavna. Zato se danes, ko želijo njuni otroci (bolj zradi časti in narodnega ponosa, kakor pa iz posebnih koristi) imeti slovensko državljanstvo, upravičeno sprašujetea, zakaj otrokom slovenskih staršev naša birokracija postavlja tako hude ovire, medtem ko nekaterim neslovenskim kandidatom velikodušno deli slovenske potne liste in državljanstvo. S petjem v mešanem cerkvenem pevskem zboru in pri Fantih na vasi, pedvsem pa s šolo, eno najvažnejših ustanov za narodnostno delo, je povezan tudi sedanji ravnatelj slovenske šole Blaž Potočnik. Njegovo delo je bilo deležno že več priznanj, s Tischlerjevo nagrado pa so se ga leta 1995 spomnili naši rojaki na Koroškem. O slovenski dopolnilni šoli, ki ji je predan z vsem srcem, pravi: “V šolskem letu 1967/68 smo imeli vpisanih 163 otrok, leta 1977 pa kar 243! Nato je začelo število padati in danes obiskuje šolo 85 učencev in učenk.' Ko otroci dokončajo sedem razredov, dobijo diplomo in z njo se lahko vpišejo v deseti razred (to je t.im. credit course), ki ga kanadska vlada priznava kot dvojezični predmet v višjih šolah. Skoraj 37 let smo Slovenci v Torontu čakali, da nam je ministrstvo za šolstvo dovolilo ta deseti razred.” Slovenska dopolnilna šola je za prihodnost skupnosti v Torontu izjemnega pomena. Tega se zavedajo vsi učitelji, ki delajo z mladimi. Ko se otroci učijo jezika svojih staršev, se ne uče le besed, seznanjajo se tudi s celotno slovensko kulturo, iz katere so izšli njihovi starši. Slovenska šola ni razvedrilo za kratek čas, ampak resno delo in sadovi tega so različne prireditve, predvsem pa mladi, ki lepo govorijo in berejo slovensko. Ravnatelj Potočnik in pomočnica Sonja Kolenko, ki vodi administrativna dela pri šoli, sta pri tem delu zelo prizadevna in dosledna. Slovenska šola pri Brezmadežni vsako leto pripravi Gržiničevo spevoigro Miklavž prihaja, ob koncu šolskega leta pa vsak razred nastopi na akademiji s svojo točko, deklamacijo, plesom ali petjem, da pokažejo, kaj so se naučili. “Razveseljivo je, da sprejemamo zdaj v šolo otroke naših nekdanjih učencev in učenk, torej naš trud ni bil zaman,” pravi ravnatelj Blaž Potočnik. In pri tem doda: “Slovenska vzgojna ustanova pri Brezmadežni ne bi bila mogla uspešno delovati, če ne bi imela plemenitih župljanov, ki so žrtvovali in še žrtvujejo svoje čas za vzgojo mladih. Učitelji in učiteljice se iz leta v leto obvežejo, da bodo vse sobote od septembra do sedine maja prihajali k mladini v slovensko šolo. Zavedamo se, da je asimilacija neizbežna, a storili bomo vse, da bodo bodoči rodovi deležni kulturne dediščine svojih prednikov izpod Triglava.” Župnija Brezmadežne je vsa leta zelo dejavna na misijonskem področju. Ta zavest je razumljiva, ker so njihovi dušni pastirji prav v tem “doma”. Njihov prvi župnik je bil misijonar na Kitajskem; eden od zadnjih kaplanov, ki se ga še zdaj radi spomnijo, je bil Tomaž Mavrič, ki sedaj misijonari v Sibiriji. Zato imajo dobro organiziran misijonski krožek, ki skrbi za povezanost z našimi misijonarji po svetu in podporo njihovemu delu. S posebnim glasilom povezujejo prijatelje misijonov v župniji in zbirajo sredstva ter vsakršno pomoč zanje. Nekaj podobnega je leta 1952 zastavil Karel Wol-bang, nekdanji misijonar na Kitajskem, ko je ustanovil Misijonsko znamkarsko akcijo. Sprva so, kakor pove že njen naslov, zbirali znamke, ki so jih nato sortirali in prodajali ter s tem podpirali delo misjionarjev. Ker znamke niso prinesle dovolj denarja, so sicer ime ohranili, začeli pa so z botrstvom. Član akcije se obveže, da bo s svojim darom podpiral bogoslovca v misijonih. Na ta način podpirajo 80 misijonarjev in zadnja leta tudi bogoslovce v dveh slovenskih semeniščih. Posebno pozornost namenjajo bogoslovcem v Ugandi (Kampala in Sunyami), v Vietnamu in Indiji. Ob bogoslovcih pa redno pošiljajo podporo tudi drugim misijonarji in veseli so, kadar kdo pride mednje. Kakor je bilo tudi letošnjo jesen, ko sta jih obiskala misijonarja Lojze Letonja, ki je potem odšel v Sibirijo, in Tone Kerin z Madagaskarja. To organizirano dobrodelno delo, ki je doseglo priznanje celo s strani države z davčno oprostitvijo, je bilo s smrtjo Karla Wolbanga lansko leto na preizkušnji. Po zaslugi njegove dobre sodelavke in tajnice Odbora Sonje Ferjan ter poverjenikov v več kot štirinajstih krajih v Severni Ameriki in drugod po svetu, pa se je ohranilo in tudi zdaj uspešno deluje naprej. Njihovo delo je zastonjsko, prinaša pa lep sloves in dobro ime našim ljudem v krajih in pri ljudeh, ki so deležni njihove pomoči. Sonja Ferjan, ki je “srce” dejavnosti, vzdržuje redne pisne stike z vsemi dobrotniki in obdarovanci ter redno poroča o akciji na straneh Ameriške domovine. Obenem pa zgledno sodeluje v župnijski pisarni in v različnih drugih dejavnostih. Težko bi bilo našteti in opisati še vse druge organizacije, ki delujejo v največji slovenski župniji v Severni Ameriki. Veliko dela in truda je v pestrem in bogatem mozaiku, kateremu pravijo župnija Brezmadežne s čudodelno svetinjo. Živahnemu utripu župnije pa daje poseben pečat navzočnost sestrske skupnosti, ki je tam že od leta 1967. Marijine sestre so poseben blagoslov za župnijo in naše rojake v daljni Kanadi. Njihova skupnost danes ni velika, ker se število sester vsepovsod manjša. Njihovo delo je povezano s starostnim domom Lipa, ki stoji nedaleč stran od župnijskega središča. Marijine sestre Veroni^ Saksida, Teodozija Judu* in Mirta Rezar prinašajo 5 predanostjo delu, ki jim f zaupano, sonce v vsakdanj' oskrbovancev starostnega &0 ma in s svojo molitvijo tef delom za župnijsko ccl^ spodbujajo in vabijo vse, ^ se od skrbi za vsak ^ ozro tudi k duhovnim ^ brinam in stvarnostim, ki 1,8 minejo. “Sestre so za nas kot ^ geli,” mi zaupa varovan Ana v starostnem do^ Starostni dom Lipa je e^' najboljših v Torontu. V P1^ vrsti je namenjen našim 'j jakom, vanj pa sprejem^ tudi druge. Člani sloveOČ skupnosti so njegovi lastu1^ ker so ga gradili in ga V držujejo. j Med tistimi, ki so 1^ } žrtvovali največ truda, Belokranjec, doma iz nje vasi, Lojze Babič. men, prijazen in son ,čč kakor znajo biti le pe1 saJ je g. kotH'S.UŽboval na Češkem narda P °mat šest let- Ber-Pa govori kar sedem jezikov. Glas Slovenije: Gospa Bernarda, očitno se navdušujete za klasiko, to ste dokazali tudi zdaj, ko ste si izbrali vlogo Penelope v operi “aristokratskega komponista” in “očeta moderne opere”, tako mu namreč pravioj, Claudia Monteverdija, ki je živel od leta 1567 do 1643. Se vam ne zdi, da ga v svetu vse premalo izvajajo, saj ni skrivnost, da je za zahtevnejše okuse? B.F.: Doma smo bili v intelektualni družini že zgodaj uvedeni v literaturo. Ko sem bila še mlada, sem veliko brala in tako sem prišla tudi do te glasbe, do katere čutim posebno afiniteto, ne morem razložiti zakaj. Ni da bi bila specializirana za staro glasbo, v njo sem bila vržena in sem se tako dobro počutila, zato me zdaj tudi večkrat vabijo različne operne hiše. Monteverdi je pa tisti, ki mi gre najbolj pod kožo. Prav on je napisal prvo opero v zgodovini in z njo je tako moderen, tako ne-primitiven v svojih vsebinah, Angleži pravijo, da so njegovi teksti kot Shakespeare, bogastvo njegovega jezika je neverjetno. Glas Slovenije: So vam pri srcu tudi njegove druge opere? Peli ste že v Orfeju? B.F.: Tu so še druge njegove opere kot na primer Kronanje Popeje, to je tako dramatična in bogata opera. Napisal je veliko oper, žal pa je veliko izgubljenih; znan je njegov triptih Orfej. Upa se, da se bodo še našli kakšni odlomki. Glas Slovenije: Kakšen je vaš odnos do drugih, rekla bi popularnejših oper, na primer Madam Butterfly, Tosca, Aida, Nabucco, La Traviata, La Boheme in drugih? Ste jih kdaj peli in ali si jih želite peti? B.F.: So čudovite in popularne, saj so najboljše, rada bi pela tudi kakšno opereto. Za moj glas pa žal nista Puccinijevi operi La Boheme in Tosca, te so primerne v glavnem za sopran. Pri Verdiju bi se lahko našlo kaj, toda nimam tipičnega verdijanskega gla- su, pela sem samo rekvi-jemsko mašo, pri Traviati pa tudi nič ni za mezzo glas. Pojem pa rada Mozarta, Rossinija sem rada pela, in v francoskem repertoarju je veliko lepih, čudovitih stvari. Opero peti je zame ne samo fenomen glasu, treba je iti globlje v interpretacijo, v igro, v teatrski napor, zato me velikanski odri ne zanimajo in zato izbiram, kje pojem in s kom pojem. Monteverdija lahko zapoje skoraj vsak, toda interpretirati ga pa je drugo, moraš recitirati ko poješ, pravilno moraš izgovarjati besede... Glas Slovenije: Naj vam mimogrede poveva zanimivost, prav včeraj sva brala, da dr. Franceta Rodeta, Iju-bjlanskega nadškofa in slovenskega metropolita najbolj navdušuje prav Monteverdi, tudi zanj je velik glasbenik, velik komponist. BF.: Tega pa nisem vedela. Krasno. Moram še enkrat povedati, da je Kronanje Popeje tako nekaj izrednega in modernega, je na nivoju oper Traviata, La Boheme ali Madame Butterfly. Glas Slovenije: Posneli ste tudi veliko plošč? B.F.: Nabralo se je okoli 30 CD-jev (zgoščenk). Na njih sem posnela različno glasbo od Handlove opere do druge stare glasbe, tudi Bacha, drugo leto pa bom snemala z velikim dirigentom Nicholasom Harlobur-gom. Glas Slovenije: Vedno si želite kaj posneti tudi v slovenščini? B.F.: Še nisem prišla do tega. Z bratom se že pogovarjava, da bova skupaj nekaj naredila. Glas Slovenije: Je Marko Fink, ki zdaj živi že tri leta v Ljubljani, vaš brat? B.F.: Ja, seveda. Ima mednarodno kariero. Slišala sem, da namerava priti tudi v Avstralijo... menda je bil tukaj tudi Juan Vasle... Glas Slovenije: Kdaj pa? O tem nič ne vemo, saj bi nam takšno novico vendar sporočil njegov brat Mirko Vasle, ki pripravlja v Buenos Airesu slovenske radijske oddaje Okence v Slovenijo in se nam večkrat o-glaša po e-mailu. Govorili smo še o tem, kako je lepo, ko smo Slovenci tako povezani, zdaj preko e-mailov in interneta. Bernarda nam je povedala, da ima v Argentini teto, ki jo je pred odhodom v Avstralijo obvestila s posebnim seznamom o pomembnih Slovencih v Avstraliji. Pokazala nam je njeno pismo in izrezke iz časopisov, med drugim je bil na pismo nalepljen tudi članek o našem Stičišču avstralskih Slovencev iz Svobodne Slovenije. Steber slovenstva in vere (nadaljevanje s str. 14) o vseh zaslugah, ki jih ima za slovensko skupnost v Torontu, a zato o njem in njegovem delu raje spregovorijo njegovi prijatelji, in teh nima malo. Zaznamovalo ga je hudo trpljenje med vojno in po njej. Ko je po težkem trpljenju v nemškem ujetništvu prišel v Kanado, je moral življenje zastaviti od začetkov. Z ženo Stanko, ki je doma iz Veržeja, je ustvaril topel dom svojim trem hčeram. Pogrešal je slovensko skupnost, zato se je naselil v Torontu, da bi bil čim bliže rojakom. Vsa leta je dejaven v župniji (naprej pri Mariji Po-magaj, nato pri Brezmadežni), je med ustanovitelji Slovenskega športnega društva, pobudniki in delavci za gradnjo nogometnega igrišča, ustanovitelji društva Slovenski park in dobrodelnega Belokranjskega sklada, najbolj pa starostnega doma Lipa, za katerega pravi, da je njegova univerza. “Tu sem spoznal,” pravi, “kaj je človeška beda, v kakšnem stanju se človek lahko na stara leta znajde. Tukaj sem srečal ljudi, ki so bili dobri verniki, nekateri pa tudi ateisti, ljudi, ki so izgubili spomin, ki so jih fizične nadloge tako zlomile, da si sami ne morejo pomagati.” Gospoda Lojzeta, ki je moral prestati veliko preizkušenj v mladosti (da je iz ruske cone prešel v angleško, je prehodil, čeprav fizično izčrpan zaradi nemškega ujetništva, kar 875 kilometrov), ne stre tudi rakava bolezen, ki so jo odkrili v zadnjem času. Smrti zre v oči brez strahu in naroča svojim domačim, ki budno skrbijo zanj, kaj vse morajo storiti, ko ga več ne bo. “Torej sem že naredila domačo nalogo,” je dejala Bernarda, Florjanu pa: “A vi ste ga začeli to Stičišče...? Prijetno je tako srečati Slovence in o njih že prej nekaj vedeti. Oh, ta internet in e-mail, krasna stvar!” Z Bernardo in njenim soprogom smo potem še dolgo klepetali o tem in o-nem, Florjan je pridno pritiskal na fotografski aparat, rezultat tega je bila cela vrsta nepozabnih fotografij, tudi družinskih in posnetih v Lyric Theatru, ob izvajanju Monteverdijeve Odiseje. Vse fotografije sva zložila v majhen albumček in ga nekaj ur po srečanju z družino Fink-Inzko pustila za presenečenje pri hotelski recepciji. Pogovarjala sta se Stanka Gregorič in Florjan Auser 8. januar 1999, Glas Slovenije (po Internetu) (Povzeto iz Svobodne Slovenije z dne 14. jan. 1999, ur. AD) Njegova ljubezen je verski tisk; pozorno ga bere in o njem pripoveduje tudi drugim. Tako je še posebej naročal: “Da boste ja imeli še naprej naročeno Družinol” Trdna vera, ki jo je prinesel od doma, je vzgojila tudi duhovni poklic v družini. Hčerka Marija je redovnica pri Sionskih sestrah. Vsa družina ga ima rada in toplina doma je tisto, kar še posebej cenijo. Desetletni vnuk, s katerim se je pogovarjal o smrti, ki ga čaka, mu je napisal takole lepo pisemce: “Dragi stari ata, zahvaljujem se ti za vse, kar si zame storil. Zelo sem vesel, da te ni strah umreti. V svojem življenju si veliko dobrega naredil in tako vem, da boš šel v nebesa.” Župnija in njene organizacije so predvsem ljudje, včasih malo znani, brez akademskih naslovov, časti in uglednih položajev, a z veliko srčne kulture in predanosti delu, ki jim je zaupano, in poslanstvu, ki ga ima Cerkev. Mnogo jih je. Včasih je za tistega, ki pokliče po telefonu, dovolj že prijazen glas Cvetke Andre-jaš, tajnice župnijskega urada, ko zna s toplino nagovoriti in prisluhniti vsakomur. Čeprav je zrasla že v Kanadi in pozna domovino staršev bolj po pripovedovanju drugih kot po lastni izkušnji, njena beseda zveni domače in razumevajoče. Z možem Mihom, ki ima na skrbi župnijsko dvorano in poslovanje v njej, sta vsa v delu za župnijo in njeno dobro. Tu so številne članice Katoliške ženske lige, ki s prostovoljnim delom in z dobrodelnimi akcijami bogatijo župnijsko skupnost. Med njimi je tudi invalidka Darinka Cerar. Ob rojstvu so ji poškodovali hrbtenico in le njena vztrajnost ter znanje zdravnikov sta ji pomagala, da je ohranila optimizem, kakršnega večkrat zmanjkuje ljudem, ki imajo veliko manj bolečin ali trpljenja. Prav z optimizmom, ki nam ga v domovini včasih tako manjka, so nam naši ljudje v Kanadi spodbuda in opomin. Skorajda brez vsega so prišli v novo domovino. Prava domovina se jim je odrekla, mnoge očrnila z narodnimi izdajalci; od tam niso dobili ničesar, razen sem in tja koga, ki je povzročal notranje spore in nezaupanja. Z lastnimi rokami in vztrajnostjo so napravili to, kar imajo danes. Zdaj, ko je Slovenija postala demokratična in dom za vse, naj bi bili deležni več pozornosti in podpore tudi z naše strani oceana. Franci Petrič Družina, 24. jan. 1999 Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1266. Že v začetku januarja ste bili opozorjeni, da bo kosilo Misijonske znamkarske akcije v Clevelandu v februarju. Kosilo bo v šolskem avditoriju pri Sv. Vidu v nedeljo, 14. februarja - na pustno nedeljo. Na razpolago bo od 11. do 1. ure popoldne. Kosilo lahko tudi vzamete domov oz. “take-out”. Cena ko-silu je $10 za odraslo osebo in $5 za otroka. Kosilo vsebuje juho, govejo ali kokošjo pečenko, prikuhe, solato, kavo in pecivo. Nakaznice za kosilo dobite, če kličite 881-5163 ali 481-3768, dobile se bodo tudi pri vstopu v dvorano. Kot vedno, bodo stojnice za ročna dela, za mačka v Žaklju, za rože in za pecivo. Vse bomo z veseljem sprje-li, pa tudi z veseljem oddali, kar nam boste prinesli za te stojnice. Že vnaprej: hvala! Iskreno vas vabimo, da se udeležite tega kosila, saj gre ves dobiček v glavno blagajno. Kot veste, koncem leta vse razdelimo med vse naše misijonarje in misijonarke, da lahko delajo in rešujejo težave med bednim prebivalstvom. Naj vam vsem nebeški Oče povrne s svojim blagoslovom! Misijonarka, uršulinka s. Zora Škerlj, ki deluje v Botswani, je poslala zanimivo pismo o svojem delu (ciklostirano). “’Prinašam Vam veselo sporočilo, ki bo vzradovalo vse ljudi.’ (Lk. 2.10) Da bi tudi mi bili veselo oznanilo drugim, naši družbi in vsemu svetu... Veliko veselje je tudi biti povezan v srcih, zato tudi z radostjo podeljujem to pismo. Leto je minilo hitro. Veliko veselje za nas, uršulin-ke v Botswani, s. Frances, Emanuel in mene, je imeti v naši sredi dve indonezijski sestri-uršulinki, ki sta se nam pridružili v tem letu -Paulina in Lita. Iz ubožne, socialno nepravične in tudi misijonske dežele, prinašata dragocene izkušnje za naše življenje in delo tu v Botswani. Tudi v sami hiši in še posebno v kuhinji, je nov vonj enkratnih indonezijskih začimb! Maja meseca se je naša skupnost spet povečala s prihodom s. Fani Žnidaršič, ki je po kratki, trimesečni dobi življenja in dela z nami, zapustila močne sledi tenkočutnega pristopa in praktične pomoči z invalidnimi otroki. Zame je bil njen obisk še poseben bonus, ker sva se mogli pogovarjati v slovenščini. Julij je bil zame osebno poseben mesec. Najprej sem se udeležila skupaj s še eno uršulinko delgatinjo, konference z naslovom “Church Summit on Poverty”. Prvič so se v zgodovini dežele skupno različne cerkve z zaskrbljenostjo in odločnostjo pogovarjale z državnimi oddelki o problemu siromaštva v državi dokazanega razvoja in obilja. V novi in svobodni Južni Afriki si siromašni ljudje bolj vidni (prej je bilo siromaštvo skrito v oddaljenih podeželskih vaseh, ker ljudje niso imeli svobode gibanja in preseljevanja). Enoglasno smo se strinjali, da je moralna nujnost za cerkve, stati ob strani in delati za pravičnost vseh. Nekaj dni zatem je bil moj privilegij biti na petčlanski ekumenski komisiji, ki se je odpravila v srce Kalahari, kjer so se San ljudje morali pod pritiskom države izseliti iz njihovega naselja, ker baje ni umestno, da živijo v ogromnem parku, ki naj bi bil le za živali in turiste. Domneva se, da so tam žlahtne rudnine in se država boji, da bi San ljudje zahtevali visoko kompenzacijo, če morejo Annual Meeting Annual Meeting of the membership Certificate Holders of the Slovenian National Home will be held on Sunday, February 7, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. Eddie Kenik Room (Annex) Slovenian National Home 6417 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Belween Chardon & K. 222nd SI. — Euclid, Ohio dokazati, da je to zemlja njih prednikov,... Novo naselje je prazno, ni niti dreves za senco, ni jedilnih in zdravilnih zelišč niti ni živali za lov, medtem, ko je vsega tega v obilju v starem naselju, ki smo ga tudi mi obiskali. Srečanje s San voditelji nas je še globlje prepričalo, da se moramo po Jezusovem zgledu opredeliti za obrobne in izkoriščane. Bomo to zmogli? Kot poedinci morda, a kot verske skupnosti verjetno ne, ker bi bila cena verjetno previsoka... V avgustu spet en zgodovinski dogodek - ogromen zabojnik oblek iz Vrhpoljske župnije, posebno mladih, za San ljudi. Tudi tako se gradijo mostovi, ki nam združeno pomagajo rasti v res božje ljudstvo. In še eden zares zgodovinski dogodek - nova škofija, ali bolje, vikarijat, v Botswani, s sedežem v Francistownu, kamor tudi me v Serowe spadamo. Končno imamo v Botswani dve škofiji! Naša ima dobro polovico prebivalcev Botswa-ne, 706.000 ljudi, in le nekaj čez 20.000 katoličanov. Verjetno se vprašujete, kaj mi delamo tu..., kjer je bila prva župnija ustanovljena leta 1952. Na jugu je več katoličanov, saj so prvi katoliški misijonarji prišli že 1923. leta. Prejšnji mesec smo imeli z našimi San rezbarji prvi tečaj v risanju in slikanju, za bolj umetnške rezbarje. Nekateri so imeli prvič v rokah svinčnik, vsi pa prvič slikarsko ščetko. Božični motiv na tem pismu je delo enega njih -mojega zelo dobrega prijatelja, ki ima veliko še neodkritih in nerazvitih talentov. Torej, s tem motivom se priporočamo v posebne molitve za San ljudi v Botswani, da bi res mogli spoznati globljo in bolj osebno božjo ljubezen do njih in se odzvati tej ljubezni. In da bi se res mogli premakniti iz obrobnosti, v vsakem smislu in kot poedinci in skupina.” Posebno dodaja še: “Vaše pismo s priloženim čekom je prispelo včeraj. Bog povrni Vam in vsem članom Misijonske znamkarske akcije. Jutri odpotujem na 8-dnevne duhovne vaje, zato tu pošiljam skupno pismo domačim, sosestram in prijateljem. Potrudila se bom napisati kaj bolj specifičnega. V molitvi združena, s. Zora Škerlj.” Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVLA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS LtavvCsLo^, Božič, 1998 "uTTnaJam vam veselo spohočilo, ki bo vzhadovalo V3K LJUDI,." Lk2.10 Iz pisma lahko razberemo, da je s. Zora Škerlj zelo razgibana in vedno pripravljena sodelovati. Naj ji nebeški Oče podeli veliko milosti, da bo lahko sledila in pomagala, kjer bo potreba. Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Road Cleveland, OH 44119 Lemontski odmevi... (nadaljevale s str. 12) Sobratje umrli v tem mesecu: p. Paškal Esser, 3. feb. 1937; p. Aleksander Urankar, 9. feb. 1958; p. Alfonz Miklavčič, 10. feb. 1931; br. Fidelis Jagodic, 23. feb. 1934; p. Bonaventura Sovinsky, 27. feb. 1930. Naj počivajo v Bogu! V naši Kustodiji sv. Križa imamo sedaj tri postojanke, tri redovne hiše in cerkve: Marija Pomagaj v Lemontu, 111., Sv. Terezija Deteta Jezusa v Johnstow-nu, Pa., in Sv. Ciril v New Yorku. Neštetokrat je na vrsti vprašanje, koliko nas živi v eni ali drugi redovni hiši, zato naslednje: v lemont- skem samostanu smo naslednji (po starosti in službah): p. Leonard Bogolin (88); p. Kalist Langerholz (87); p. Beno Korbič (84); p. Martin Stcpanich (83); p. Ven-delin Špendov (77), upravnik lista “Ave Maria”; p. Atanazij Lovrenčič (76); p. Blaž Chemazar (70), kustos in gvardijan, predstojnik v Lemontu; p. Bernardin Sušnik (63), urednik lista “Ave Maria”; p. David Šrumpf (34), vikar in voditelj SVS. Vsak od patrov vsak dan daruje sv. mašo po namenih, ki jih razporedi predstojnik od tistih, ki so nam dani osebno ali jih pošljete preko Ave Marije. Poleg sv. maš v cerkvi Marije Pomagaj, opravimo vsakdanjo mašo pri Sestrah na Mt. Assisi, Alvernia Manor, v Nursing Home in pomagamo na farah, kadar zaprosijo; ponekod vsako nedeljo. V kolikor ne moremo opraviti vseh maš doma, jih pošljemo slovenskim misijonarjem. Poleg tega vsak pater, v kolikor je v njegovi moči. pomaga pri vzdrževanju lo vodi p. Atanazij. V Johnstownu, Pa., sta sedaj dva sobrata: p. Rafa^ Sešek (75), kaplan, in P Bernard Karmanocky (52)> župnik. V New Yorku Pr' Sv. Cirilu je p. KrizoM Cimerman (51), župnik. O sobratih bolnikih P1'-hodnjič. Vemo, da mnogi molite za nas. Hvaležni smo za vse molitve in žrtve, ki P1 darujete. Izročamo jih P° Mariji Jezusu. AVE MAR^ februar NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s str. 91 ja Hočevar, rojen v Sloveni' ji, mož Marije, roj, Janko-oče Nene Cerer, Tonyj3, Marjance Trivisonno in P3* vida, 5-krat stari oče, ^alj Belokranjskega kluba od 1965, Slovenske pristal DNU pri Mariji Vnebovze« in KSKJ. Pogreb je bil feb. v oskrbi Želetovega za voda s sv. mašo v ceflo Marije Vnebovzete in p0^0 pom na Vernih duš p0^ pališču. Družina bo hva^ žna za darove v pokojnik0 spomin župniji Marije ^ bovzete, 15519 Holmes AvC Cleveland, OH 44110. Neda Mihelin Dne 29. januarja je Hospice of the ",eSt61I] Reserve za prsnim rak0^ umrla 51 let stara I'"6 Mihelin, rojena v T*** hčerka Franka (lastnik % helin Travel na St. Ave.) in Marthe, Christine Mihelin-Kos, u01 j.. 3* Ijica po poklicu. Pogreb bil 1. februarja s sv. t® |j, v cerkvi sv. Gregorija v kega. Mary C. Slabe Dne 29. januarja je 11 £ la 87 let stara Marf ^ Slabe, vdova po AdO‘Py mati Adolpha in Mary jj, Weekley, 8-krat stara 8-krat prastara mati, Jean Ivec in Rose J članica SNPJ. Pogreb j° .1 L februarja s sv. J cerkvi Our Lady of ^^ v Grccnsboro-ju, NC, je bila faranka.