7. NOVEMBER 2006 7 NOVEMBER 2006 št./No 182 9 IZOBRAŽEVANJE EDUCATION št./No 11 ZAVODI, DOMOVI IN DRUGE USTANOVE ZA OTROKE IN MLADOSTNIKE S POSEBNIMI POTREBAMI, SLOVENIJA, 2005 INSTITUTIONS, CHILD AND YOUTH HOMES AND OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, SLOVENIA, 2005 V letu 2005 je bilo v Sloveniji: In 2005 in Slovenia there were: 8 centrov za otroke in mladostnike s težjimi in težkimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju, 8 centres for seriously and very seriously mentally handicapped children and youth, 5 zavodov za slepe in slabovidne, gluhe in naglušne ter gibalno ovirane otroke in mladostnike, 5 institutions for blind and weak-sighted, deaf and partially deaf, and physically handicapped children and youth, 11 zavodov za vedenjsko in osebnostno motene otroke in mladostnike ter 11 institutions for behaviourally and personally handicapped children and youth, and 11 zavodov, domov in drugih ustanov za otroke in mladostnike z lažjimi in zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju. 11 institutions, child and youth homes and other establishments for slightly and moderately mentally handicapped children and youth. V prvih je bivalo 577 otrok in mladostnikov, za katere je skrbelo 620 zaposlenih, v druge je bilo vključenih 332 otrok in mladostnikov, za katere je skrbelo 230 zaposlenih, v tretjih je bivalo 412 otrok in mladostnikov, za katere je skrbelo 399 zaposlenih, v zadnjih pa je bivalo 275 otrok in mladostnikov, za katere je skrbelo 129 zaposlenih. In the first group there were 577 children and youth and 620 employees taking care of them, in the second group 332 children and youth and 230 employees taking care of them, in the third group 412 children and youth and 399 employees taking care of them and in the last group 275 children and youth and 129 employees taking care of them. Slika 1: Število otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami, ki bivajo v zavodih, domovih in drugih ustanovah, Slovenija, 1995–2005 Chart 1: Number of children and youth placed in institutions, child and youth homes and other establishments for children and youth with special needs, Slovenia, 1995–2005 Slika 2: Število otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami, ki bivajo v zavodih, domovih in drugih ustanovah, glede na vrste motenj, Slovenija, 2005 Chart 2: Children and youth with special needs placed in institutions, homes and other establishments as to different kinds of disturbance, Slovenia, 2005 z ovirami pri gibanju physically handicapped 16 % z motnjami vida blind and weak-sighted 2 % vedenjsko in osebnostno moteni behaviourally and personally disturbed 26 % z motnjami v duševnem razvoju mentally handicapped 53 % © SURS Statistične informacije, št. 182/2006 2 Rapid Reports No 182/2006 1. Centri za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo otrok in mladostnikov z zmerno, težjo in težko motnjo v duševnem razvoju, Slovenija, 2005 Centers for training, work and protection of children and youth with moderately, seriously and very seriously mentally disturbances, Slovenia, 2005 Centri1) 8 Centers1) Otroci in mladostniki Children and youth skupaj 577 total ženske 232 women Otroci in mladostniki po starosti Children and youth by age do 5 let 8 up to 5 years 6 do 10 let 43 6 to 10 years 11 let 22 11 years 12 let 19 12 years 13 let 24 13 years 14 let 24 14 years 15 let 25 15 years 16 let 40 16 years 17 let 26 17 years 18 let 30 18 years 19 let 34 19 years 20 let 40 20 years 21 let 68 21 years 22 let in več 174 22 years and more Otroci in mladostniki glede na starše Children and youth according to their parents brez staršev 8 without parents z enim od staršev 101 with one of them z obema staršema 452 with both parents v rejništvu 16 in fosterage Otroci in mladostniki, ki so od 1. 1. 2005 do 31. 12. 2005 zapustili zavod Children and youth who left the institution beetwen 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2005 skupaj 23 total odšli k staršem 9 they went to their parents napoteni v drug zavod 3 they were refered to another institution odšli k skrbnikom - they went to guardians drugo 11 other Otroci in mladostniki po trajanju bivanja v zavodu Children and youth by duration of staying in the institution do 4 leta 114 up to 4 years 5 - 9 let 160 5 - 9 years 10 - 14 let 136 10 - 14 years 15 - 20 let 146 15 - 20 years 21 let in več 21 21 years and more Zaposleni Employees skupaj 620 total ženske 555 women varuhi - negovalci 211 guardians - nurses vzgojitelji 1 educators specialne pedagogi - defektologi 132 special pedagogues - defectologists socialni delavci 6 social staff psihologi 10 psychologists učitelji praktičnega pouka 6 teacher for practical lessons zdravstveno osebje 82 medical staff drugi strokovni delavci 17 other professional personnel drugo osebje 129 other personnel vodstveno osebje 26 managers 1) Upoštevani so centri in njihove enote v sestavi. Including centers and their units. Statistične informacije, št. 182/2006 Rapid Reports No 182/2006 3 2. Zavodi, centri in domovi za nastanitev in oskrbo otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami, Slovenija, 2005 Institutions, centers, child and youth homes and other establishments for children and youth with special needs, Slovenia, 2005 Zavodi glede na vrsto motenj Institutions as to different disturbance Skupaj Total za slepe in slabovidne otroke in mladostnike for blind and weak-sighted children and youth za gluhe in naglušne otroke in mladostnike for deaf and partially deaf children and youth za gibalno ovirane otroke in mladostnike for physically handicapped children and youth za vedenjsko in osebnostno motene otroke in mladostnike for behaviourally and personally handicapped children and youth Zavodi, centri, dijaški domovi, domovi pri osnovnih šolah, ki nudijo nastanitev in oskrbo otro- kom s poseb- nimi potrebami Institutions, centers, child and youth homes and other esta- blishments for slightly and moderately mentally handi- capped chil- dren and youth Zavodi 27 1 2 2 11 11 Institutions Otroci in mladostniki Children and youth skupaj 1019 31 50 251 412 275 total ženske 375 13 20 106 137 99 women Otroci in mladostniki po starosti Children and youth by age skupaj 1019 31 50 251 412 275 total do 10 let 85 4 2 35 18 26 up to 10 years 11 let 36 - - 15 12 9 11 years 12 let 48 6 2 8 17 15 12 years 13 let 72 3 1 13 34 21 13 years 14 let 85 1 2 11 43 28 14 years 15 let 124 7 5 19 65 28 15 years 16 let 129 4 8 25 48 44 16 years 17 let 166 3 3 33 84 43 17 years 18 let 106 3 7 21 45 30 18 years 19 let 68 - 8 18 27 15 19 years 20 let 38 - 5 14 13 6 20 years 21 let 26 - 5 8 4 9 21 years 22 let in več 36 - 2 31 2 1 22 years and more Otroci in mladostniki glede na starše Children and youth according to their parents brez staršev 36 - - 7 26 3 without parents z enim od staršev 362 7 15 55 202 83 with one parent z obema staršema 571 23 35 181 161 171 with both parents v rejništvu 50 1 - 8 23 18 in fosterage Otroci in mladostniki, ki obiskujejo Children and youth attending vrtec - - - - - - kindergarten osnovno šolo 381 19 12 91 154 105 elementary school srednjo šolo 499 12 38 109 246 94 upper secondary school vključeni v oddelke za delovno 107 - - 31 - 76 attending class units for training usposabljanje (DU) of children and youth with severe druge šole 12 - - - 12 - developmental difficulties ne obiskujejo šole oz. oddelke za vzgojo 20 - - 20 - - not attending school or class units in izobraževanje (DU) for training Zaposleni Employees (za domsko oskrbo otrok) (for institutional child care only) skupaj 758 5 18 207 399 129 total ženske 557 4 15 194 227 117 women vzgojitelji, pomočniki vzgojiteljev 296 - 15 30 202 49 educators, assistant eduactors zdravstveni delavci 82 1 1 66 6 8 medical staff specialni pedagogi 37 - 1 14 - 22 special pedagogues, defectologist svetovalni delavci 28 - - 9 18 1 advisers drugi strokovni delavci 53 - - 11 42 - other professionel personnel vodstveni delavci 28 - 1 7 16 4 managers drugi delavci 234 4 - 70 115 45 other personnel Statistične informacije, št. 182/2006 4 Rapid Reports No 182/2006 3. Oddelki za delovno usposabljanje otrok in mladostnikov (DU) Slovenija, 2005 Class units for training of children and youth with severe developmental difficulties, Slovenia, 2005 Stopnja usposabljanja Šole in druge ustanove Schools and other establishments Število otrok in mladostnikov Number of children and youth Število oddelkov Number of class units Level of training Skupaj 40 839 158 Total I. stopnja - 279 59 Level I II. stopnja - 243 46 Level II III. stopnja - 317 53 Level III Vir: Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport, OR poročilo v šolskem letu 2005/2006. Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, OR Report in the school year 2005/2006. 4. Zavodi za vedenjsko in osebnostno motene otroke in mladostnike, Slovenija, 2005 Institutions for behaviourally and personally handicapped children and youth, Slovenia, 2005 Vzgojni zavodi Behavioral institutions Mladinski domovi Youth homes Prehodni in prevzgojni domovi Youth homes for behavioral rehabilitation Skupaj Total skupaj total ženske women skupaj total ženske women skupaj total ženske women Zavodi 11 6 3 2 Institutions Otroci in mladostniki po starosti Children and youth by age skupaj 412 220 44 128 66 64 27 total do 10 let 18 9 1 9 1 - - up to 10 years 11 let 12 6 - 6 2 - - 11 years 12 let 17 11 3 6 1 - - 12 years 13 let 34 20 9 14 4 - - 13 years 14 let 43 30 11 13 9 - - 14 years 15 let 65 41 3 19 12 5 3 15 years 16 let 48 20 4 21 13 7 5 16 years 17 let 84 46 8 26 14 12 7 17 years 18 let 45 16 3 10 8 19 7 18 years 19 let 27 13 - 3 1 11 4 19 years 20 let 13 6 1 1 1 6 1 20 years 21 let 4 2 1 - - 2 - 21 years 22 let in več 2 - - - - 2 - 22 years and more Otroci in mladostniki glede na razlog sprejema v zavod Children and youth according to acception in the institution po sklepu sodišča 72 37 - 2 - 33 3 by the decision of the court po odločbi centra za socialno delo 340 183 44 126 66 31 24 by order of the centre for social work Otroci in mladostniki, ki so od 1. 1. 2005 do 31. 12. 2005 zapustili zavod Children and youth who left the institution between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2005 skupaj 179 83 15 63 31 33 17 total odšli k staršem, skrbnikom, rejnikom 127 61 11 35 19 31 17 went to their parents, guardians, fosterage napoteni v drug vzgojni zavod 12 8 2 4 1 - - were reffered to another institution v stanovanjsko skupino 14 9 2 5 3 - - went to housing group v prevzgojni dom 2 2 - - - - - went in homes for behavioral rehabilitation drugo 24 3 - 19 8 2 - other Otroci in mladostniki po trajanju bivanja v zavodu Children and youth by duration of staying in the institution do 3 mesece 62 37 10 21 8 4 2 up to 3 months 4-6 mesecev 41 22 3 11 4 8 4 4-6 months 7-12 mesecev 87 57 10 25 15 5 3 7-12 months 13-18 mesecev 76 35 8 22 12 19 5 13-18 months 19-24 mesecev 42 20 2 10 6 12 4 19-24 months več kot 24 mesecev 104 49 11 39 21 16 9 24 months and more Otroci in mladostniki, sprejeti v isti zavod oz. dom Children and youth accepted in the same institution prvič 520 203 42 123 62 63 27 for the first time drugič v isto ustanovo 26 16 2 4 3 1 - for the second time tretjič ali večkrat v isto ustanovo 3 1 - 1 1 - - for the third time or more Statistične informacije, št. 182/2006 Rapid Reports No 182/2006 5 Slika 3: Otroci in mladostniki v zavodih za vedenjsko in osebnostno motene, glede na izobrazbo staršev, Slovenija, 2005 Chart 3: Children and youth in institutions for behaviourally and personally handicapped, as to the educational attainment of their parents, Slovenia, 2005 Slika 4: Otroci in mladostniki v zavodih za vedenjsko in osebnostno motene otroke in mladostnike, glede na tip družine, iz katere prihajajo, Slovenija, 2005 Chart 4: Children and youth in the institutions for behaviourally and personally handicapped children and youth, in view of the type of the family, Slovenia, 2005 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 izobrazba staršev / parentseducational attainment of število otrok in umber of children and youth mladostnikov n 160 samo z materjo only with mother 40,0 % z obema staršema with both parents 39,0 % v rejništvu in fosterage 6,0 % brez staršev without parents 6,0 % samo z očetom only with father 9,0 % © SURS METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Namen statističnega raziskovanja Purpose of the survey je statistično spremljanje otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami, ki so v oskrbi zavodov, domov in drugih ustanov za otroke in mladostnike s posebnimi potrebami, ter zaposlenih v teh institucijah. is statistical monitoring of children and youth with special needs in institutions, child and youth homes and other establishments for children and youth with special needs, and employees in these institutions. Enote opazovanja Observation units so centri, zavodi, domovi in druge ustanove za vzgojo, izobraževanje, delovno usposabljanje in varstvo otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami. are centres, institutions, homes and other establishments for education, vocational training, protection and care of children and youth with special needs. Viri podatkov Data sources so letni statistični vprašalniki SOC-ZU, ŠOL-ZU in ŠOL-MVO, ki jih pošiljamo v izpolnjevanje centrom, zavodom, domovom in drugim ustanovam za vzgojo, izobraževanje, usposabljanje, delo in varstvo otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami. Zbrani podatki o opazovanih enotah se nanašajo na stanje 31. 12. tekočega leta. are annual statistical questionnaires SOC-ZU, ŠOL-ZU and ŠOL-MVO, which are sent to the centres, institutions, child and youth homes and other establishments for education, training, work and protection of children and youth with special needs. The data are collected for each observation unit as of 31 December in the current year. Zajetje Coverage je popolno. is complete. Definicije in pojasnila Definitions Otroci s posebnimi potrebami so po Zakonu o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami (Uradni list RS, št. 54/2000) otroci z motnjami v duševnem razvoju, slepi in slabovidni otroci, gluhi in naglušni otroci, otroci z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami, gibalno ovirani otroci, dolgotrajno bolni otroci, otroci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja ter otroci z vedenjskimi in osebnostnimi motnjami, ki potrebujejo prilagojeno izvajanje vzgojnih in izobraževalnih programov (z dodatno strokovno pomočjo) ali prilagojene oziroma posebne vzgojne in izobraževalne programe. Children with special needs are according to the Placement of Children with Special Needs Act (OJ RS, No. 54/2000) mentally handicapped children, blind and weak-sighted, deaf and partially deaf children, children with problems concerning speech, physically handicapped children, children with long-term illnesses, children with a deficit in some fields of education and training, and children with behavioural and personal disturbances who need special implementation of programmes of education and training (with additional professional help) or special programmes of education and training. Statistične informacije, št. 182/2006 6 Rapid Reports No 182/2006 Zavodi za otroke in mladostnike s posebnimi potrebami usposabljajo in izobražujejo otroke, mladostnike in mlajše polnoletne osebe, ki zaradi motenj v duševnem in/ali telesnem razvoju potrebujejo posebne oblike vzgoje, izobraževanja in usposabljanja (Uradni list RS, št. 12/96). Institutions for children and youth with special needs educate and train children, youth and young, disabled adults who, due to physical and/or mental handicap, require special forms of education and training (OJ RS No. 12/96). Usposabljanje otrok in mladostnikov v oddelkih za vzgojo in izobraževanje (delovno usposabljanje – DU) v okviru zavoda ali osnovne šole poteka na treh stopnjah: Pri usposabljanju na prvi stopnji je poudarek na razvijanju samostojnosti, govornih sposobnosti in osnov socialnega vedenja in ročnih spretnosti (z zaznavanjem, gibanjem in igro). Pri usposabljanju na drugi stopnji je poudarek na oblikovanju otrokove samostojnosti, poučenosti o okolju, sporazumevanju, govornem razvoju, razvijanju ročnih spretnosti, pridobivanju delovnih navad. Vzgoja in izobraževanje na tretji stopnji sta usmerjeni k orientaciji in stikom z okoljem, k oblikovanju delovnih navad, osvajanju tehnik, k navajanju za proizvodno delo v posebnih okoliščinah in k socialni povezanosti z okoljem. Training children and youth in class units for training of children and youth with severe developmental difficulties within the institutions or elementary schools takes place at three levels: The goal at the first level is to develop independence, talking and basic social behaviour and manual skills. The goal at the second level is to form child's independence, learning about the environment, communication, talking, evolving manual skills and acquisition of working habits. Education and learning at the third level are aimed at orientation and contacts with the surrounding world, at evolving manual skills, assimilating techniques, accustoming to the manufacture work under specific conditions and social connection with the surrounding world. Objavljanje Publishing Letno: Statistične informacije. Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije Yearly: Rapid Reports. Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia KOMENTAR COMMENT V letu 2005 je bilo v Sloveniji 8 centrov za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo otrok in mladostnikov z zmerno, težjo in težko motnjo v duševnem razvoju; v teh zavodih je bilo 577 otrok in mladostnikov, zanje pa je skrbelo 620 zaposlenih. V omenjenih zavodih so prevladovali mladostniki, stari do 20 let (58,0 %), glede na dolžino bivanja v teh ustanovah pa je bilo največ takih otrok in mladostnikov, ki so v njih bivali od 5 do 9 let (27,7 %). In 2005 there were 8 centres for training, work and protection of children and youth with moderately, seriously and very seriously mentally disturbances in Slovenia. There were 577 children and youth in these institutions and 620 employees were taking care of them. Most people in these institutions were youth aged up to 20 years (58.0%). As regards the length of stay in the institution, most of the children and youth stayed there between 5 and 9 years (27.7%). Zavodov za slepe in slabovidne, gluhe in naglušne ter za gibalno ovirane otroke in mladostnike, v katerih se otroci izobražujejo, lahko pa tudi bivajo, je bilo v letu 2005 v Sloveniji 5. V domski oskrbi je bilo 332 otrok in mladostnikov. Od teh je bilo največ gibalno oviranih otrok in mladostnikov (75,6 %). Sledili so jim gluhi in naglušni otroci in mladostniki (15,0 %) ter slepi in slabovidni otroci in mladostniki (9,4 %). V teh zavodih so prevladovali otroci in mladostniki, mlajši od 18 let. In 2005 there were 5 institutions for blind and weak-sighted, for deaf and partially deaf and physically handicapped children and youth in which children and youth are educated, besides offering also the possibility for residence. There were 332 children and youth in home’s care. Most of the children and youth were physically handicapped (75.6%), followed by deaf and partially deaf (15.0%), and blind and weak-sighted children and youth (9.4%). Most people in these institutions were children and youth younger than 18 years. 275 otrok in mladostnikov z zmernimi in lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju je bilo v letu 2005 nastanjenih v 11 domovih, zavodih ali drugih ustanovah za otroke s posebnimi potrebami. Največ otrok je obiskovalo osnovno šolo (38,2 %), sledili so jim tisti, ki so bili vključeni v srednješolsko izobraževanje (34,2 %), v oddelke za delovno usposabljanje pa je bilo vključenih 26,6 % vseh v domski oskrbi. In 2005, 275 slightly and moderately handicapped children and youth lived in 11 homes, institutions, or other establishments for children with special needs. Most of them (38.2%) were attending elementary school, 34.2% upper secondary school and 26.6% class units for training of children and youth with severe developmental difficulties. V treh mladinskih domovih, ki so namenjeni predvsem otrokom in mladostnikom, ki prihajajo iz neurejenih družin, je bivalo 128 oseb. Večina teh domov ima bivanje organizirano v obliki stanovanjskih skupin, ki otrokom in mladostnikom za določeno življenjsko obdobje nadomeščajo dom, vse do takrat, dokler ne končajo šolanja in dokler samostojno ne vstopijo v življenje. Three youth institutions which are intended mostly for children and youth that come from troubled families housed 128 people. In most of these institutions residence is organised in the form of residential communities, which substitute home to children and youth at a certain period in life until they finish schooling and until they become independent and able to live on their own. V 6 vzgojnih in 2 prevzgojnih domovih je bivalo 284 otrok in mladostnikov. 7 domov je bilo odprtega, 1 dom pa zaprtega tipa. Otroci in mladostniki so bili nameščeni v te domove večinoma po sklepu sodišča. Six education institutions and two re-education institutions housed 284 children and youth. Seven institutions were open-type institutions and one was a closed-type institution. Children and youth were placed in these institutions by a court decision. Sestavila / Prepared by: Breda Ložar Izdaja, založba in tisk Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira - Odgovarja generalna direktorica mag. Irena Križman - Urednica zbirke Statistične informacije Marina Urbas – Urednica podzbirke Tatjana Škrbec - Slovensko besedilo jezikovno uredila Ivanka Zobec - Angleško besedilo jezikovno uredil Boris Panič - Naklada 85 izvodov - ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X - ISSN podzbirke Izobraževanje 1580-1780 - Informacije daje Informacijsko središče, tel.: (01) 241 51 04 - El. pošta: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si. Edited, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - These data can be used provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Rapid Reports editor Marina Urbas – Subject-matter editor Tatjana Škrbec - Slovene language editor Ivanka Zobec - English language editor Boris Panič - Total print run 85 copies - ISSN of Rapid Reports 1408-192X - ISSN of subcollection Education 1580-1780 - Information is given by the Information Centre of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, tel.: +386 1 241 51 04 - E-mail: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si.