NASLOV—ADDEEaa Waailo K. 3. K. JsdnoU «117 St. Clair Aft. CLEVELAND, OHIO Največji slovenski tednik v Združenih državah ameriških The largest Slovenian Weekly in the United States of America l,Ur,« M s^M Matter D^scr l«Uu 1« .» ih« Pod O Am 1 OkW, U Um Ait •« ŠT. 14 — NO. 14. tar Maflftaf at Special Bata af Podat« PravMai far la Baattaa UN. Act af October M, 111?. Aathorlaed m May tZ4. 1111 CLEVELAND. 0., 2. APRILA (APRIL), 1935 LETO (VOLUME) XXL IZ ARHIVA K. S. K. JEDNOTE VAŽNI PODATKI O NJENEM POSLOVANJU TEKOM 41 LET (Sestavil urednik) Leto 1894—1. leto Jcdnota ustanovljena v Jolie-tu, 111., na prvi konvenciji dne 1. in 2. aprila. Navzočih 10 delegatov. 1. junija 1894 za čela Jcdnota pDslovati t 10 društvi v štirih državah. Tedaj je bilo skupnega članstva parno odraslega oddelka 330, v ■agajni pa — nič. 1895—2. leto Druga konvencija v delati za društvo;-tako bo j aprila, to je v torek pred Veliko nobenim predolgo čakati; tako kujem0 splošnega napredka, si K. S. K. Jedno-^tojb^ ja b ze,1°! da ^ n^e fiV, maAi> ki bo darovana za vse treba za mesec- apnl imenovati nočjo. To se je preložilo zaradi ^ tudi lažje za spovednika. Članstvo tega kluba se vam to- sec Torej moramo iti vsi slož j ----- — — —— * + . , , . . no in skupaj nadelo, da bo tu- vrši svoju dužnost u ovo koriz-| ^jo vas prosum da m *ei fa Jednote di naše društvo doseglo predpi- nieno doba. to jest ispoved i,ZDra" °° 0'M zj^raj navaa- x velikonočne d« pričest, koju je dužan svaki nem prostoru, da gremo potem in mrtve člane našega dru- c&nice v odbor' Pa ne B(K)sta" velikonočnih praznikov, ker pri- Fomnite pa, da prav vsak mo- „i0 priporoča za naklonjenost in rice. Glede stroškov nam je dejo ravno na tretjo nedeljo. ra ouraviti svojo versko dolž-vseeno, samo da se dela v ko- pcmoč. Ce mu ne bodo starej- vaft prosim, da >lžnosti oddaste listke Vpoštevajte to: seja se prične ,nost kar je vsak obljubil pri a člani šli na roke. se ne more točno ob 7:30 zvečer. eristopu v društvo. V slučaju, nadeiati sano kvoto. V pojasnilo: — Dosti članov j član i članica vprašuje tajnika zakaj morajo, ^.^^Ttjnfku^prt' ^dn7 m^'sej;. ^"kai^l^ Prinesite jih že na prihod plačati dOc posebne naklade. — » ceduije aa tajniku pre- ^ BBM.m{, ,ni; sejo dne 7. aprila. Prosene našpo-a društva skupaj k službi božji. Važno! našega drusna ,^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ pravočasno !n da Jih ne izgubi- Vsem tem naj bo pojasnjeno, dadu na vrijeme. fla je to članarina za Slovenski |ste vsi vabljeni; čuli boste tri- iso tudi vse naše članice s pot" n ,. • . ... * i | mesečno finančno poročilo nad- ...... . . . . , Dalje mi je napomenuti cla--kov nimi listi, da se izkažete, da Dom; vsak član dobi potem nove ko ji imadu djecu u po- velikonočne ikt ste izvršile to, kar vam pravila kartico ter postane s tem clan mladku, da gledaju malo bo,JeiVsemu jednotinemu članstvu določajo; že danes vas prosim. Sioven^kega Doma in ima s tem i točni je uplačivati pristojbe ' da mi listke pravočasno dopoš- biti prisi- 8 ,^P°^draV-ch ta nik ljete. ljen, da ji suspendiram, a ja ne; , *mlc ' aJni • j Za mesec apry imamo poseb- Sosestrski pozdrav, Ana Smrekar, tajnica. Društvo sv. Ane št. 127 Waukegan. III. Vsem članicam našega društva se naznanja, da bomo imele skupno spoved dne 6. aprila. hoditi na vsa zborova- mjesečne, pošto ču pravico nja S sobratskim pozdravom, Louis Flore, predsednik pristopu v društvo. V slučaju, nadejati kakega uspeha, da kateri član ne bi opravil ve- Tem potom že danes nazna-likonočne ali verske dolžnosti njam, da se vrši dne 11. maja (kar upam, da se ne bo zgodi- v dvorani društva SNPJ. ples-lo), se bo s takim postopalo ka* na zabava v korist naših Boo-kor določujejo Jednotina pra- sterjev; upam, da se boste te vila. stran 17 in stran 58 toc- prireditve udeležili polnoštevil-ka a. V slučaju da še nimaš no# novih Jednotinih pravil, oglasi Zaeno se lepo zahvaljujem) skupno sv. obhajilo pa 7. "apri-jse na seji ali pa pri tajniku na č. K. župniku Rev. M. Kebetu !a pri osmi sv. maši. Članice1 domu, pa jih boš dobil. Pro- jz Pittsburgha ker se je mudil naj se zberejo v šolski dvorani *»m vas tud». da prinesete seboj tukaj dne 9. marca, da so naši ob 7:45 in od tam skupno od- regalije kateri jih imate, v na- člani jn rojaki opravili svojo Društvo sv. Cirila in Metoda, št. 59, E velet h, Minn. Vabilo na igro bi rado to činlo bez velike sile. ^^ ^ ^ no nak|ado 25c za stroške pri - akam ~m . " ToreJ ,protnem siut.aju pridite vse- velikonočno dolžnost; pričakuje- ^kiT/pre^dne'I^te prošene. da se vse udeleže,eno, «une bo nihee Konil mo ga še večkrat v naši nase,- _,------ pristopimo k mizi r,r,M 7-irani Isto dajem članstvu do zna nja, da je kampanja KSKJ. o- 91, Rankin, Pa. nrioar, ki je preminuta une xo. j tvorena, i da se članstvo po- • Kakor vsako leto, tako bo tu- marca in bila pokopana tri dni ko skuPno brine tako, da svaki član pri- di letos imelo naše društvo kasneje na pokopališču sv. Jo- 'Gospodovi, pelja jednog novoga člana; bilo j skupno spoved in sicer dne 6. zefa. K društvu sv. Jožefa št. oktobra 1905. vse v Aolsko dvorano, da potem Še enkrat vas prosim, pridite ... ... . . *o u veliko društvo ili u pomla- J aprila, ter 7. aprila pri osmi sv. 2 je pristopila 31._____________ 'u.n.^x^iJ V^^j;81^-. dak, i to sada, kada je prilika jr.aši pa sv." o&Hajilo. Torej k našem društvu pa prestopila skl,Paj *remo v Gerkev Pozdrav, Frances Terček. tajnica. , . . . za pnstup. besplaten pregled,dragi mi člani in clanice, do- 3 februarja 1918. Tuka) v drusevo na Belo soboto zabavno . . ... .. ... , . . , . .. J .. . , ., „ kot Ijecnika, a lijepe nagrade bro vam je vsem znano, da mo-;j(,hetu zapušča eno hčer Mrs. igro Lazizdravnika. v prid , . , . foi^r -1 » / v ... . , " . . ( ruštvene bla a'ne e tem o- KSKJ. za novo clan- ra vsak(a) opraviti svojo ver- Clara Blaess m tri vnuke, v sta- 01 u \ene agajne, >e em po stvo Dakie na rad, bračo i sko dolžnost, ako hočete bitilrem kraju pa dve sestri. Is- tom naznanja, da vstopnice so sestre! Ne mojmo ništa okli-!člani naše KSKJ. Prosim vas.-kreno sožalje izrekam tebi Kla- ze v predprodaji Cena istih jp • .. , , . , . . . , . . j . . , . .. . ... jevati, nego samo sa radom na- da se pokazete kot vrle Jedno- ra in tvojim otrokom na izgubi Idc za otroke pod 16 leti. in 3»c , .. .. , .... . .. . , .. , . . , . . , odrasle pred. pošto sto kani biti su- tarji ter se korporativno ude- tako dobre matere, ki je skr- ras e. . tia. neka bude danas, nemojmo ležite sv. obhajila. bela za vas do zadnjega. Po- Bratje! Sezimo po vstopnicah,. ... - , ^ ... _ . . . . ... • zadnjeg dana. Toliko j Zaeno poročam, da bomo ime- kojn ci pa žehm večni mir. proč zaradi tega če nimate re-. bini, dobro nam došel! galije. K sklepu še prosim naše oia- Poročati moram tudi žalost- da bi pravočasno plačevali no vest. da je zopet smrt ob-|?,v°Je Prispevke, ne pa čakati iskala naše društvo in sicer dne Društvo sv. Družine št. 136 Willard, Wis. Članom in članicam našega društva se naznanja, da imamo skupno sv. obhajilo v nedeljo. 2. marca, ko je umrl naš sobrat Pavel Schuster. Podlegel je dolgi proletarski bolezni (jeti-ki). Pokojnik je delal 27 let I pri Kohler kompaniji, kjer si jc nakopal bolezen kot že tudi mnogi drugi: star je bil 52 let. k Jednoti je pristopil 17. sep- do zadnjega dneva v mestcu. .»sesment mora biti isti dan (i>0.) že v glavnem uradu. Z bratskim pozdravom. John Bevec, tajnik. Društvo sv. Mihalja odsj. 163 Pittsburgh. Pa. Dragi mi brati i sestre: — in privoščimo si malo kratkega časa! Smeha bo na "žaklje" na Belo soboto. Po predstavi bo pa igrala izvrstna godba "Tiny Specht" iz Virginia, Min-resotu. To bo za ta mlade v gornji dvorani City avditorija, v spodnji dvorani bo pa za nas starejše vlekel godec starokraj- rekati zadnjeg dana. Toliko članstvu do znanja. Ostajem -a bratskim pozdravom, Stanko Skrbin. tajnik. Društvo Marije Pomagaj, št. 79. Waukegan. III. Članstvu našega društva tem potom uljudno naznanjam, da _________________ dne 14. aprila (na Cvetno ne- :tembra 1913 kamor spada tudi Vam javim ovo xeč treči put li 7. aprila takoj po maši izvan- Iskreno sožajje tudi družini i del jo). Spovedovalo se bo v so- njegova žalujoča družina nam- da ne bi zaboravili za našu sku- ledno sejo; ista se vrši zaradi Louis Kosmerl vsled izgube l;0to p°p°ldne m zvečer dokler Ječ soproga. štirje sinovi in tri ,.I1U ispoved 6. aprila u večer naše društvene veselice; zato ljubljenega sina Ludvika, ki je j:*h/Slbo kftj spo^ed;i , hčere. Vsem tem izrekam v od 6. sati naprej, a 7. aprila ce prosim vse člane in članice, pridete na to sejo; trajala samo nekaj minut, pa bo vse mo par_______________________ , rešeno. Upam torej, da boste Lira ter ne dela nikake razlike odkorakamo v cerkev k prvi sv. Kakor veste, je zdaj kam pa- nirtVe člane našeg društva sv. vpoštevali to moje naznanilo in med mladimi in starimi. Zato jmaši; Vsak član mora imetl i ja za novo članstvo obeh od- Mihalja, stoga ste naprošer.i, da da umrl v najlepši mladeniški do- Clani nai se pravočasno zbe- jmenu društva iskreno sožalje, biti sv. pričest pri prvoj maši 1 bo bi star 20 let; bil je bolan sa- re->° v društvenem domu. odko- l!mriemu aobratu pa večni mir nb osmih. Ista velika sv. ma-vse mo par dni; smrt res nič ne iz- tIer z društveno zastavo skupno jn pokoj- ^ bu darovana za sve žive i hko harmoniko, ki je najbolj- bo društvo imelo skupno sv. ša za nas, ki nismo vajeni tako spoved v soboto 6. aprila in naglo pet sukati kot tukaj ro- skupno sv. obhajilo v nedeljo jena mladina. 7. aprila, to je na Tiho nedeljo Predstava se bo vršila istega pri osmi sv. maši. dne tudi popoldne ob 2. uri in Prosim vse člane in članice, to ker zahteva igrovodja in pa da se zberejo v šoli in sicer naj- prilika je tudi za otroke. Za kasneje 15 minut pred prošnjo. Sobratski pozdrav, F. J. Habich, tajnik. Društvo sv. Cirila in Metoda, št. 101 Lorain, O. Članom in članicam našega osmo društva se naznanja, da se bo otroke je vstopnina popoldne 10 uro zato. da ne bomo zamudili, vršila prihodnja mesečna seja v centov. Starši, pošljite otroke Torej pridite ob pravem času nedeljo, dne 14. aprila v na-k predstavi popoldne, ker je ce- vsi člani in tudi članice. vadnih prostorih; začetek neje in namesto da gre vaš ot- Ker je tretja nedelja v apri- j dveh popoldne. Ta seja . rok mogoče v kino, naj gre ra- lu ravno velikonočna, zato se menjena namesto prve nedelje jt v avditorij, ker bo imel več vrši prihodnja redna mesečna kot navadno zaradi KSKJ. keg-užitka od žive predstave kot pa seja eno nedeljo poprej, to je Ijaške tekme, ki se vrši v Cle-od suhega platna. S tem bodo 114. aprila ob dveh popoldne.; velandu dne 6 pa vaši otroci enkrat — ko do- Torej ne pozabite in se udele- kateri bo tudi rastejo — ponosni, češ, saj smo žite seje v polnem številu. stopano po svojih tudi mi nekdaj pomagali graditi Vse one člane in članice, ki j teamih, in sicer, dva moška tea z malimi prispevki našo dično so zaostali na asesmentu, pro- ma in en team članic, organizacijo K. S. K. Jednoto. sim, da kolikor mogoče dolg po- Sejo se je torej preložilo, da Zdaj pa še nekaj in upam,; ravnajo, ker tajnik ne bo več se lahko udeležite te tekme vsi da dobim priznanje. Kadar se sam nosil odgovornosti. Kdor naši kegljavci in kegljavke, ka-priredi ta ali ona predstava ali v resnici ne more plačati ases- kor tudi ostalo članstvo. Toli-slična prireditev slovenskih or- menta, naj se zgfcgi na seji in ko v blagohotno pojasnilo, ganizacij, je navada qtrok ta- ?e opraviči sam, ne pa se zana- Z bratskim pozdravom, le: nima denarja za vstopnino šati na tajnika, češ, saj me ne ir. pride k vhodu ter hoče s si- bo suspendiral. V bodoče bo lo vstopiti. To ni prav pri- tajnik vse take slučaje vsak me-jazno za onega, ki vstopnice sec predložil društvu in potem pobira, kajti navadno sliši ne- naj ono sodi. V splošnem se lepe reči. Po vsem tem se pri- ne morem pritoževati, saj član-peti. da taki uidejo k predsta- stvo še precej redno plačuje, to-; članicam našega društva, da vi pri drugih vratih ali celo daje pa tudi nekaj izjem, kjer bomo imele velikonočno spoved okno ubijejo kar se je že pri- se premalo zanimajo. v soboto popoldne in zvečer, dne petilo. Dobro in vrlo umestno Sobratski pozdrav, 6. aprila in sv. obhajilo pa 7. bi bilo. da bi se ta navada o4 1 Ignacij Grom, tajnik. aprila ob osmih zjutraj v slo- moramo biti vedno na smrt pri- ^ušivem zna* an r*K»»ju. Jelkov; torej kdor ve za kakega ste u večem broju prisutni. pravljeni, da bo prav za dušo, I Kakor vsako leto' tako so tu' lojaka, ki še ni član in je prak- Zn&m, da vam delo ne spričeva. da niso pri društvu, vpi- ./ajtrk jjj 0krepčilo, za kar če se. da moramo prav vsi priti. Aite jih zdaj, Saj vas ne stane Spominjam se še prav dobro, Lker zdravniško preiska\o da lansko leto je manjkalo sa- pja^a Jednota, poleg tega dobite rno šest naših članov; letos pa 5qc nagrade. Prosim tudi ima jih doneske za društvo in Jednoto;!cerkvi oznanilo. |za prestop v odrasli oddelek; ut»ro n« vmnrp - i«kn Radi več važnih zadev pro- rateri pa tega ne morete izvr- kega 25. v mesecu; torej katera ne plača, bo suspendirana in bo morala potem čakati do drugega meseca da bo nazaj sprejeta. Povem vam, da sem se že po- Ck °\sem naveličala vedno vas pro-! 1110raJ° Priti še da bomo vsi. v,e one člane (starše), ki ima da bi plačale in poravnale i'v<* 0 lem se vam 60 že se v:te že 16 letne otroke, vpišite jil 00; 1762 Marie Pyszka R: 29 $250. Spr. !eb. K dr. sv. Valentina št. 145 Bcaver Falls, Pa.. 1763 Thomas G. Pavlinich R. 19 $1000. Spr 25 feb. • K dr. sv. Ane št. 156 Chisholm Minn., 1756 Anna Mehle R. 16 $500 Spr. 24. feb. K dr. sv. Jožefa St. 169 Cleveland. O.. 1760 Prank Kocin R 18 $500. Spr 21. feb. K dr. sv. Helene St. 193 Cleveian.l O.. 1753 Sophie Urbas R. 17 $500. Spr 21. feb Razred MD" K dr. sv. Cirila in Metoda št. 4 Soudan. Minn j D-1332 Anthony Yelenc, ml. D-1333 Steve Salajko C-1804 Matilda Cigolle D-1327 John Cigolle D-1328 Mary Rose Zupec D-1329 Matilda Rostan D-1330 Jacob Zupec D-1331 Clara Gantar R. 21, za v. za R. 22, zav. za R. 25, zav. za R. 31, zav. za R. 32, zav. za R. 34, zav. za R. 39, zav. za R. 43, zav. za $ 250.00 250.00 500.00 1000.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 Imena članov in članic mladinskega oddelka: 27498 Joseph Gorenc, 27499 Edith Gorenc, 27500 Dorothy Gorenc, 27501 Louise Gorenc, 27502 Pauline Zupec, 27503 Rosemary Zupec, 27504 Agnes Cigolle, 27505 John Cigolle. Društvo šteje osem članov in članic odraslega in osem mladinskega oddelka. Skupaj 16 članov in članic. Za gl. urad K. S. K. Jednote: Josip Zalar, glavni tajnik. Spi. 27. leb. .metz R. 44 $1000 : 31600 Anton Skerl K dr Knights of Trinity St. 2381R 16 $1000 : 21543 Antcn Zrimsek R. Biccklyn. N. Y., 1261 Paul Gaspericj21 '$500; 18161 John Godec P 25 R. 25 $1000 Spr. 26 feb. >500; 8716 Mary'Gcdec R. 24 $500; K dr. sv. Veronike St. 242 Boawr Falls. Pa., 1223 Joseph Sermag R. 23 $500 Spr. 13. feb. Razred "F" 26152 Martin Hiovat R. 3*2 $000; 12329 Anna Hrovat R. 25 $500, 24169 Lcuis Kastelic R. 35 $500 . 26161 Qeorge Zakrajsek R. 38 $500, «8 K dr. sv. Jožefa Stt 7 Pueblo. Co.o, Ralph Stemberger R 39 $500. 12343 Pauline M. Shustar R. 26 31000 Spr 1. feb. K dr. sv. Ane St. 120 Forest City. Pa.. 4 Mary Gerchman R 13 $500. Spr. 17. feb. Suspendirani zopet sprejeti Pri dr. sv. Frančiška SaleškeRa št 1214 Agnes Brula R. 171 JoUet. IU., 2496 Katherine Bahor $500. 8pr 16 feb. K dr. t>v. Janeza Krstnika St. Biwabik. Minn.. 1243 Roae Spchar R. 18 $500 Spr. 3. feb. K dr. sv. Vida St 25 Cleveland. O. 1215 John Ignatius Pajk R. 16 $1000 Spr. 5. leb K dr. sv. Alojzija St. 42 Stceltoa. Pa. 1266 George Sukle R. 18 $1002. Spr. 25. feb. K dr. sv. Alojzija St. 52 Inam.-.a-pclii. Ind.. 1216 Mary Zupančič R. 17 $500. Spr. 5. feb K dr. sv. Lovrenca St. 63 Cleveland O.. 1218 Andrew Čolnar R. 16 $100-). Spr. 10. feb. K dr. sv. Antona St. 72 Ely, Minn 1217 Jennie Skeryanc R. 21 $500. Spr 12 feb. K dr. Marije Čistega Spočetja si. 80 So. Chicago. 111., 1236 Josephine Franko R. 17 $1000. Spr. 21. feb. K dr. FridJiik Baraga St. 93 Clii-eholm, Minn.. 1265 John Mlaka; K. 19 $500. Spr. 1. feb. K dr. sv. Družine St 109 W. Aii- quippa. Pa . 1239 Mary Hribar R. 22 $1000: 1240 Katherine Ecimovic R. 41 $1060. Spr. 1. mar. K dr. sv. Družine St 136 Wiilard, Wis.. 1237 Albert Bukovec R. 18 $500. Spr. 3. leb. K dr. sv. Cirila in Metoda st. 144 Sheboygan. Wis.. 1278 John Versey Jr.. R. 27 $250; 1279 Louis I. Francis R. 28 $250. Spr. 3. mar. K dr. sv. Jožefa St. 148 Bridgeport. Conn.. 1220 Mary K. Pachynyck 11. 16 $1000. 8pr 21. fetx K dr. sv. Mihaela St. 152 So. Chicago. IU., 1258 Tony Baharlch R 22 $250; 1259 John Kovacevich R. 21 $250. Spr. 1. feb. K dr. sv. Ane St. 156 Chisholm. Minn., 1238 Mary Gas-voda R. 17 tfOO Spr. 24 feb. K dr. Kraljica Majnika St. 15 < She boygan. Wis.. 1241 Anna Mrvar R. 22 toOO; 1242 Olga Skrener R 13 $>00. Spr. 13. feb. K dr. Marije Pomoč Kristjanov it. 165 West Altis. Wis., 1262 CtcllU: Im-perl R. 18 $250. Spr 3. feb. K dr. Presv. 8rca Jeausovega št. 166 So. Chicago. IU., 1221 Mary Gia-hovac R. 18 $500. Spr. 2 feb. K dr. sv. Jožefa št. 168 Betlilehem. Pa.. 1260 Stephen Skraban R. 17 $1000. Spr. 17. feb. K dr. Marije Pomagaj št. 174 Wil-lard. Wis.. 1277 Mayme Pekolj R 16 $000. Spr. 2. mar. K dr. Marije Vnebovzete St. 203 Ely, Minn.. 1222 Josephine Kastelec R. 22 $500; 1263 Anna SJogar R. 41 R 34 $1000 : 81947 Michael Klobu-13 char R 17 $1000. Zopet spr. 28 feb. Pi i dr sv. Jožefa št. 41 Pittsburgh, Mary Stemberger R. 26 $500; 18161-A John Godec R 39 $500. Zopet *pr. 27. feb Pri dr. sv. Alojzija št 161 Gilbert. Minn.. 22837 George Umolac R. 40 «1000. Zopet spr 24. feb. Pii dr sv. Jožefa št. 169 Clevtland, O- 11920 Rozalija Stanger R 17 $600; 11921 Angela Stanger R 18 $500. 10465 Jennie Music R. 19 $500: 33720 Frank Jtvnikar R 22 $200; "40,12 Pa.. 17772 Mollie Zelnikar R. 16 $5G0.jJcann« Jevnikar R. 22 $50C; :il269 Zopet tpr. 1. feb. i Frank J. TTrbanic R 23 $500: 1262» Pri dr. sv Alojzija št. 47 Chicago, j Angela Skeil R. 30 $1000: 17610 Ca-1U.. 27167 Stanley F. Kutin R. lS.rtline Urbancic R. 34 $500 ; 28416 Ni-$1000. Zopet spr. 14. feb. kolas Urbanek R 40 $1000: 25215 Pri dr sv. Cirila in Metoda St. 59 j Jc eph Ostanek R 43 $500: WC43 Eveleth. Minn.. 30891 Rudolph Drcl; iMaiy Nachtigal R. 47 $500; 195 Franc liich R 17 $1000. Zopet spr. 1» feb. Pri dr. sv. Lovrenca št 63 Cleveland, O., 17482 Mary Fabjan Fv. 16 $1000; 13274 Anton Čolnar R. 35 S1030 Zopet spr. 10. feb Pri dr. sv. Jan^a Evang. št 65 Milwaukee. Wis.. 29620 Julius Uhan H. 17 $1000: 21777 Joseph Povbic R. :il $1000; 25637 Frank Selan R 20 $10W; 33o51 John Zortr R. 19 $1000; 12943 Prank Zortz R. 35 $1000: 28472 Stanley Baboshek R 16 $1000 ; 23739 Matt Zimerman R. 30 $500 ; 21976 Ivan P.i-bt,schek R. 29 $500. Zopet spr ;-5 leb. Pri dr. sv. Jožefa št. 103 Milwaukee. Wis. 30505 Adolf Sekula R. 16 $1000 ; 24593 Joseph Klauzar R. ?2l Urbancic R. 16 $500: 386 Jchn Urbancic R. 33 $1000 ; 30845 Frank Rud-man R. 16 $500; 1^646 Mary Itackar R. 21 $250: 4741 Frances Rudman R. 25 C500 ; 805 Helen Tekavec R. 27 $500: 1242 Edward Verbanek R. 18 KS)0; 1247 Anna Urbancic R 19 «000-124C Elizabeth Urbancic R. Jv S5«0; 50 Mary Ostanek R. 39 $000; 159 Lcuir E. Grdina R 22 $1000: 1241 Adolph A Rudman R 18 $500; 1235 Michael Pinculic R. 18 $1000; 1329 Getrgc Vraneza R. 20 $500. Zo|x?t *-pr. 21. f?b. Pi i dr. Presv. Srca Jezusovega št 172 West Park. O.. 28417 Frank Kauc R. 16 $500. Zepet spr. 4. feb. Pri dr. Vnebovzetje Marije Device $1000; 17495 Mary Kerznar R. 16 550t.jst. 181 Steelton. Pa.. 34724 Catherine 19982 John Seme R. 26 $500 : 24733' Kialjic R 18 $500. Zopet spr 26. jar.. Anton Florjancic R 28 $500 : 22»"0f>; Pri dr. sv. Helene št 193 Cleveland, Math Kutnar R. 32 $500 Zopet sp:. 0. 12312 Anna Tedescc R. ltf $1000. i. fel« | Zopet -pr. 28. feb. Pri dr. Marije Čistega Spočetja št. j Pri dr sv. Štefana št. 197 Kice. 104 Pueblo. Colo.. 12661 Mae Novak R. j Mvrin.. 35606 John A. Kapus R. 18 19 $1000. Zopet cpr. 12. feb. : $500 Zopet spr. 8. feb Pii dr. sv. Genovefe št 108 Joilet , Pri dr sv. Družine St 207 Maple IU., 8944 Anna Papesh R. 38 $1000. He.ghts, O.. 14305 Vida Pečjak R. 18 riopet spr 28. feb. t'»00: 14307 Mary Zabukovec R 23 Pri dr. sv Ane št. 120 Poreot City. $500 ; 30853 Frank Gorshe R 22 $1900. Pa.. 17505 Rose Gerdin R. 43 $1000. Zcprt spr. 24 feb Zcpet spr. 17. feb. Pri dr. sv Kristina št. 219 Euclid, Pri dr. sv. Ane št 123 Bridgeport. O.. 14814 Josephine Fink R 19 $1000: O. 9782 Marija Due R. 21 8101X). Zo- €343 Ursula Urh R 34 $1000: 1*7V» pet spr. 17. feb. > Jennie Intihar R 33 $250: 31224 John Pri dr. sv Valentina št. 145 Leaver! Veih R 47 $500; 17077 Mary Kolrirn Falls. Pa,. 13792 Gjud Zlata R. 23 R. 43 $50O; 1452 Edward Coleman R. $1000; 10091 Afata Trgovac R. 16 i 10 $1000; 16678 Mary Fier R 26 $1000. 41000; 26494 Michael Trgovac R. 22 Zopet spr. 26. feb $1000; 17422 Barbara Pavliiac R. 301 Pri dr. sv Terezije št. 225 So Chi-$500; 30914 Jakcb Pavlir.ic R. od $500. ca-o. IU.. 34021 Marie Grepo R. 15 Zopet spr. 28. feb. ;i000; 18189 Matilda Grepo R 16 Pri dr sv. Jožefa št. 146 Clev2lan4. C1000 ; 35544 Elizabeth Planinac R 24 U. 25558 Jakob Trs.lar R. 38 $1500; $500. Zopet spr. 6 jan 24457 Dominic Kastslic R. 16 $1000; Pri dr. Kristura Kralja št 226 Cle-26872 Stanley Kuznik R. 10 S1000; veland. O.. 24991 Edward Hoge R 1« 26496 Anton Stimetz R. 16 $1000; $1C00 : 28855 Joseph Adamič R. 23 18137 Ignac Vidmar R 26 $1Q0'*j: 18153 $1C00; 35004 Frances Modic R. ^ Jcrcph Globokar R. 26 $1000; :>1875 $1000: 15507 Angela Nosan R 22 $500; Frank Kastelic R. 32 $1000: 29703 33653 Pauline Prelich R 16 $10^0: John Trsinar F. 33 $1000 ; 24547 Mi- 14659 Mary Novak R 45 $500 35rH ton Hrovat R. 33 $1000 ; 21164 John Inne F. Mailers R 24 $500 17720 Sftric R. 35 $1000; 10724 Frances IV- Helen Prelich R 39 $250 32296 Frank trlch R. 37 $1000; 18172 Joseph 3. Kotnik R. 30 $1000; 11972 Anna Kot-Perko R. 38 $1000; 26170 Joseph Stl-i (Dalje na 5. strani) flPPiw -^Slilf : zm POMODKI - I«*««« ¥ 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 23 25 29 30 32 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 69 70 K. mL Jednote u ftbrutr 1935 Wyneltl leyrt of K. 8..J, 73 ..... 74 ..... 75 ..... 77 ..... 78 ..... 79 ..... 80 ..... 81 ..... 83 ..... 84 ..... 85 ..... 86 ..... 87 ..... 88 ..... 90 ..... 91 .... 92 .... 93 .... 94 .... 95 .... 97 .... 98 .... 101 .... 103 .... 104 .... 105 .... 106 .... 109 .... 110 .... 111 .... 112 .... 113 .... 114 .... 115 .... 118 ... 119 ... 120 ... 121 ... 122 ... 123 ... 124 ... 126 ... 127 ... 128 ... 130 ... 131 ... 132 ... 133 .. 134 ... 135 ... 136 .. 139 .. 143 .. 144 .. 145 .. 146 .. 147 .. 148 .. 150 . 152 . 153 . 154 . 156 . 157 . 158 . 160 . 161 . 162 . 163 . 164 . 165 . 166 . 167 . 168 . 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 193 194 195 196 197 198 2G2 203 204 1,202.75 v^89.88 340.88 266.14 926.71, 162.66 29.10, 207.78 346.05 .1 99.99 262.64 282.401 •i 137.13 .i 35.54 . 207.15 179.95j 205.16 . 1,040.96 .] 817.59 . • 140.00 214.60 20.75 •I 287.75 .j 390.58 .| 148.88 424.03 107.53 .1 109.12 153.67 683.66 63.22 526.02 481.84 522.94 70.00 160.54 783.59 37.51 211.44 34.55 538.65 265.60 448.65 83.88 179.91 425.74 22.87 . . 160.69 85.18 727.90 234.26 344.06 319.99 51.00 154.80 161.88 242.86 61.10 71.21 210.57 154.19 514.55 82.23 119.20 38.83 176.67 i I J « « B 1 8 2 O. Q 00.90 124.10 66.10 63.75 67.80 61.50 33.85 12.25! 62.90 54.25 77.65 330.70 38.00 80.10 37.00 32.25 191.70 163.85 68.30 26.30 243.05 10.50 155.00 26.50 154.05 |l 35.50 24.75 295.35 $ 1,000.00 3,000.00 ŠMj=L $ 100.00 75.00! 100.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 800.00 1,000.00 200.00 100.00 75.00 100.00 1 100.00 250.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 430.00 279.03 119.63 586.20 127.52 237.18 220.01 302.60 211 -03 277.60 44.59 131.14 1,000.00 11.25 il I 55.55 55.55 59.25 15.95 45.00 1,000.00 155.00 28.80 32.35 9.00 •48.10 106.75- 38.10 107.20 47.05 109.75 200.00 100.00 M 5.00 I 250.00 100.00 100.00 8.35 32.70, 52.17 H 75.00 27.05 . 209.50 48.15 33.52 9.05 14.89 4.50 ; 92.14 >i 13.44 3.05' 193.52 63.40 44.28 11.25 134.40 5120r 198.46 51.95 192.56 !i 187.40 29.60 256.44 70.20 314.85 j| 394.26 ti 123.34 28.50 385.91 il 255.84 t ■ i 375.71 119.10 238.50; 91.40 429.49 130.25 260.41 ii 35.46 11.40 185.56 57.75 , 203.48 69.60 1,362.00 407.65 , 556.17 102.68 31.70 39.75 ' 15.85 1,000.00 „ 100.(K) 200.00 100.00 1,698.95 161.46 150.67 211.09 86.03 59.87 257.04 61.10 26.50 121.96 200.00 11.45 119.33 63.61 16.03 • 81.76 91.46 37.34 79.61 40.35 91.21 170.21 18.30 627.40 26.00 39.30 i II m 15.00 72.25 I 18.00 8.25|; 44'45< 5.25 30.80 I 24.55 ; 23.80| I 44.15!! 9.85 29.65 8.30 1 j 34.50 71.60 500.00 1,000.00 200.00 500.00 1,000.00 125.00 133.00-70.66 41.00 141.00 76.00 106.00; 92.00 84.00 28.00 364.11| I 176.75! 27.00! 1,000.«) 100.00 I I 100.00 $ 6.56 i|fi tin 43.50 71.79, 38.00s 35.00 160.00 271.45 175.00 89.00 29.00 214.79 182.50 17.00 ! 127.33 13.00 117.00 32.13 56.32 39.23 63.50 50.00 9.33 63.00 48.24 65.00 129.33 16.00 99.00 25.00 139.00 132.66 109.91 52.50 63.1H 30.66* 93.67 93.50 78.00 18.00 48.00 35.01 36.33 238.83 114.00 100.00 370.00 75.00' 100.00 16.40 $ 754.92 $ 15.00, •I 344.94 15.00 15.00 327.09 i 16.40 J 1 $275.81 381.83 336.26 52.52 210.66 52.00 469.90 92.50 82.66 11.00 31.00 I 111.33 26.42 102.99; 74.OO; 55.00 15.10' 38.00* 30.00 12.00 72.00 161.00 82.00 46.00 20.00 17.00| I 35.00 26.00 55.50 18.00 89.00 209.65 15.00 7.50 37.8$ 60.85 10.90 22.60 22J0I 21.20 20.45 0.001 13.45 4*45 10.10 9.00 10.60 25.50 35.75 81.20 8.25 47.45 68.00 15.75 8.25 37.55 5.40; 10.55 100.001 100.00 100.00 40.00 180.00 40.00 127.00 11.66 117.00 36.00 31.00 41.42 74.00 X 38.61 / 50.00 200.00 61.00| Skupil^m1 £130.49 $66.00 $2,354.69 si ■"410 14« 157 138 » 14 100 221 60 121 143 61 12 95 79 92 498 608 227 gj J Preostanek 1. februarja 1935.....................................................*...............$3,276 134 _ Prejemki tekom meseca februarja 1935 11 82 Ml 209 83 273 47 Skupaj .................................................................................................$3,321,542.36 500 . i Izplavali 54 Posmrtnine ..............-...........................................................$18,700.00 25H Poškodnine ......................................................................................................................................................3,500.00 310 I 60 in 70 let starostne podpore..........................................................................2,354.69 126 Odpravnine ................................i..................................................275.81 265 Asesment za 70 let stare člane(ice)....................................................................130.49 ]|l Izredne podpore ................................................................................................60.00 50 | Centralne bolniške podpore................................................................................................8,243.33 385 Upravni stroški ................................................................................................................................9,019.71 23! 134 23 424 194 212 36,15710 Anna Lenarčič R. 17 $1000; <>i 15652 Josephine Foyer R. 1$ $1000: 154110222 Rose Misley R. 21 $1000; 14805 1° Frances Weichich R. 34 $1000. 8usp. r 30 8$. feb. Od dr. Marije Pomoč Kristjanov 32 it. 165 West Allis. Wis., 35454 Julia 31 Olcwinskl R. 55 $250. Susp> 27. fob. 29 Od dr. sv. Jožefa *t. 168 Cleveland. 78 o.. 27648 Lcuis Jevnikar R. 16 $1000; 60 13683 Louise Petrovcic R. 16 $1000; 16 2&214 Frank Petrovcic R. 18 $500; 1519 17 Frank Petrovcic R 29 $1000. Su*p. 16 21. feb. 40 Od dr. sv Elizabete it 171 New 80 Duluth. Minn. 15181 Mary Jaksa R 95 10 $1000. Susp. 25. feb * j il Od dr. sv. Cirila in Metoda it. 181 42 Cleveland. O.. 15747 Mary Gregoire 59 R. 18 $500. Susp. 28. feb. [ 117 Od dr. sv. Družine it. 207 Maple 22 Heights. O.. 34886 Anthony Koracin 23 R 17 $500 ; 34894 Mary Koracin R. 16 36 $500. 8usp. 26. feb. 13 Od dr. sv. Ane it. 208 Butte. Mont, 54 15672 Antonia Lacy R. 46 $250. Susp. 30 24. feb. 12 Od dr. sv. Antona it. 216 McKees 20 Rcsks, Pa.. 14686 Catherine Barano- U7Š.81 22,842 Vlc* * 21 Susp. 26feo^ --5— Od dr. sv. Kristine it. 218 Euclid, Prejeli od društev................................................................$35,273.31 Obresti ............................................................................ 8,345.41 , Upravni stroški..... 128.75- 1,638.03 ?_r^73® Nosse R. 17 $1000; 658 77 j 1 «C3o Antonia Lourin R 18 $1000: Preostanek 28 feb 1915 $144 156 93 •« 1.65 $i000. Su:p. 17 feb Od dr. Kristusa Kralja št. 226 Cle- Od dr. sv. Cirila in Metoda št. 59, veland. O., k dr sv. Jožefa .št '10 p-, 0?|Evcieth. Minn.. 18579 Frank Mrvic Barberton. O.. 32286 Frank Kotnil: R. 9.45 28.50 22.35 25.95 2.55 .45 13.05 10.05 .60 42.45 16 95 11.25 1.80 11.70 21.90 .30 3.30 .75 10.50 10.50 11.25 14.10 19.95 .15 7.50 9.00 174 175 176 178 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 193 i 94 195 196 197 198 20 2 203 204 206 207 208 210 i 211 43 93 ..............................................................124 20 94 ..............................................................26 116 i 95 ..............................................................32 816 1 98 ...........................;... 78 70 101 ..............................................................44 10.80 .30 6.30 11.55 3.45 18.90 5.10 4.80 11.85 73 111 113 83 '33 120 32 13 60 103 104 104 105 108 109 110 111 112 102 113 7 ! 114 42 j 15 41 118 32' 119 17 120 52,121 39 122 20 123 83 124 61 107 6 152 63 90 117 51 157 14 51 15 34 176 2 7 85 5 213 214 216 217 218 219 219 220 221 222 224 224 „ 225 10.20 226 ;335 16 50 236 •90.237 24.60 j 237 9 90 239 13.351241 17.40 242 9.15 243 j 24« 2.55 249 7.051 2.40 5.55 .30 .90 13.95 .75 112 127 ............................... 132 22 7 61 ........... ...... 25 ......... ...... 1 ...;... 57 .................. -28 .......... ......... 72 .......... ........ 38 162 128 48 130 .. 23 131 .. 75 132 .. 53 ,33'. 42 134 . 24 135 . 91 136 . 10 139 . 3.00 1.05 9.15 63 9.45 9.301 51 . I 54 70 11.10 49 7.35 I 61 9.60 1 38 6.45 | 19 2.85 1 32 6.00 89 30.00 9 1.35 j 64 10.35 1 5 55 8.55 j 5 .75! 76 12.55 37 5.55 1 10 1.65 85 1 75 | 83 56 8.85 1 20 3.001 29 29 7.05 20 33 5.551 20 3.30 134 59 9.45 61 10.65 24 4.80 20 3.15 44 6.75 26 4 5U 40 6.30 5 .90 * 3.75 13.65 88 7 1.05 11 2.40 18 2 70 - 5.70 38 63 62 9.75 41 35 8.55 1.20 5 17 2.40 92 27 3.90 41 6.15 18 3.30 10 1.80 . 11,808 $1,647.80 H. 26 $1000 ; 34478 John Mervich R. 17 $f»00; 34469 Frank Mrvic R 18 $500 : 35420 William Skrinner R 19 $300. Susp 2» feb. Od dr. sv. Janeza Krstnika št. 60 Wenona. 111.. 17287 Jennie Jackson R. 17 $1000 ; 34175 John Kovatch R. i1000. Odstop. 10. feb. Od dr. rv. Alojzija št. 88 Mohawk. 42 $1CCJ Odstcp. 13. feb. fJ^ o^ioo"** .""""V —ViftfJv Od dr. Marije Zdravje Bolnikov št $500 ; 34488 Anton Hrdvat R. 22 $1000 Kcmmerer. Wyo.. 1707 Mary Helen R 8 Marehc k R 26 $1000. Odstop 21. leb 33^7 o?.« ^ K J Od dr. Marija sv. Rožnega Venca $500. 24735 John Kastelu5 R. 31 «J00, Aur0ra. Minn.. 20 Edward Ho- 17409 Joseph Medvesh R. 3o $1000. odstoD 25 feb 26852 Joseph Chandek R. 36 $300: 16 ** H? 28478 Frank Giicar R 19 $1000. Susp TrSm Kovnic 28. feb . r 18 $1000. Odstop 35. feb f?dT>,drl , MaI1J,e CSa Od dr. Marija Pomoč Kristjanov ir. L^JVI- 327°22 Marv ScR 165 WfSt AlUs' WiS" 13144 JulU SU- R. 28 $1000. 32*22 Man Težak R. 10 R 52 $25Q ^ 27 feb $1000. Susp. 20. feb. sy Alojsl1a h 179 Elm. Pa^ 8914 RemCC R M 17682 May Planinshek R. 19 SJWO. ^ Martina it. 213 Colo- 8889 Anna Aubel R 181 $10» 15329 ln Mer. Mary Poloncic R. 16 $1000. Susp. 17 J*00^- ®500 odstop 14. feb feb. Od dr. Knights of Trinity št. 233 Prejeli od društev Skupaj ...........................Jl45,794.96 Izplačali Posmrtnine ...........$470.00 Nagrade za nove člane(ice> ......... 2l{*> Kredit za presto-.15, ple v aktivni od Od dr. sv. Ane št. 134 Indianapjlis. u N Y n48 p™* P Ce Ind.. 674 Mary Turk R. 16 $500 Susp. ^^ (Mstop 26. feb. Izločeni Od dr. sv. Valentina št. 145 Bcav^ Fallf Pa.. 32253 Joseph Eurich R. 16 feb. . ^ „ „ w: uu ui. vincenca it 182 Eik-port. Conn.. 2/730 John Zelicc R 16 h£rt Ind 26433 Louis Vidmar R. 50 26. feb. Od dr sv Družine št. 13C WillaiU. Wis.. 27064 Ludwig Jordan R. 16 Preostanek 1. feb. 1935......$144,147.16 $1000. Susp. 3 feb. — Iziot 2B freosiancK 1. ^ 1647 80 Od dr sv. Jožefa st. 148 Bridge- Pre e od društev................ i,ot/.w> Qd $v $1000. Susp. 21. feb Od dr. sv. Ane št 156 Chishalm Minn.. 31953 Frances Ann Richter R 18 $1000; 16284 Anna Perush R. 16 $500. Susp. 25. feb SiSO. Izlcč. 27. feb. Od dr sv Helene St. 193 Cleveland. G.. 16832 Julia Henkel R. 31 $1000. Izloč 28. feb. Shcboyuan, Wis. 32261 Mary Versa.v R 16 $500. Susp 25. feb. 9.15 4.20 10.95 5.40 delek ....................................120-87 Prenos W< *ses: menta v aktivni oddelek ............................»91-41 Od dr Kraljica Majnika št 157 Sprememba zavarovalnine it rasreda ----- ----- ..------------jn g- v razred "C" Pri dr sv Jožefa št. 2 Joliet. lil. Od dr Marije" Magdalene št. 102 i764 John Lilek R. 27 $1000. Spre- Cleveland O.. 15583 Josephine Pirnat memba izvršena 1. mar R 16 «1000; 15080 Angela Maver R 17 Prt dr. sv. Jožefa št. 7 Pueblo, Co4o., $1000; 15584 Mary Pirnat R. 17 $1000; tDalje na 6. strani) . vi J -« - ■ g •> "' '" . IL' ,-- V ^ !• ' ■ • ... -i Šel je vprašat v župnišče. toda tam niso vedeli še nič o tem. Gospod župnik mu je rekel, da je umrl Lovrenc Ščetina prav lahko tako kje na samem, da o njegovi smrti ni zvedelo nobeno oblastvo, in vsled tega bi tudi župnijskemu uradu ne bilo prišlo nikako naznanilo o njegovi smrti. Pismonoša je hodil potrt o-koli, kajti on ni prišel na to, da si je zvita butica Grčarjeva bila izmislila to novico. Pozve-doval je zdaj še natančneje po tistih drvarjih, ki so bili baje nekdaj videli Lovrenca nekje na jugu. "Če zvem, kje se je nahajal," je mislil sam pri sebi, "potem tudi lahko doženem, je li še živ, ali pa je res umrl." In res se mu je naposled posrečilo, da je prišel v neki gorski vasi onim ljudem na sled, ki so bili neki z Lovrencem tr- zaradi svojega otroka. Komaj je bila torej prišla pomlad m so se začeli vračati drvarji domov, pa je Grčar znova zvedel, da je pismonoša zopet na delu. Nekaj časa je mirno čakal, kakor da bi še vedno upal, ,da pismonoša odjenja, a ko je le vedno slišal in slišal, kako vztrajno in dosledno si ta prizadeva, da bi prišel Lovren cu na pravi sled, se je prepričal, da ima opraviti z odločnim nasprotnikom, proti kateremu mu bo uporabljati vse svoje moči, in s katerim se bo moral boriti na življenje in smrt. la-čel se je torej pripravljati na ta boj Kadar je Grčar namerjal koga ugonobiti,. tedaj je bil kakor kak vojskovodja, ki natan ko vse preračuna in preudari, kako bo na eni strani odbil sovražnikov napad, in kako bo na čili skupaj. Koliko truda ga je drugi strani sam nasprotnika stalo, koliko povpraševanja je bilo treba, kolikokrat ga je kaka laž, ali pa tudi nenatančnost v pripovedovanju spravila na napačno pot, predno je naposled vendar le zvedel za one lju-tii, ki so ga imeli rešiti večnih dvomb in ga privesti dO gotovosti! Toda ko je hotel z do-tičniki govoriti, je zvedel na svojo veliko žalost, da so isti najlažje prijel in potolkel Kako previden je bil Grčar, in kako je znal braniti svojo kožo, izpričuje najbolj to, da že tistikrat, ko niti še slutil ni, da bi se znal kdaj med njim in pismonošo vneti boj, ni oddal na domači pošti nobenega pisma na Lovrenca Ščetino. Rajši se je peljal celo uro daleč v trg in je odposlal od ondod nanj že zopet odšli na delo, in da se pismo ali denar, da bi v nje vrnejo šele drugo pomlad. Tako je moral pismonoša hočeš nočeš odložiti vse to, kar se je bil namenil ukreniti zoper Grčarja, na poznejši čas. Prišla je bila zima z vsemi neprijetnostmi, ki jih je občutil zlasti pismonoša pri svoji težavni službi. Po letu in o lepem vremenu se že še raznaša-jo pisma in opravlja služba občinskega sluge, toda po zimi, ko mete noč in dan, to ni kar govern kraju ne zvedeli, da je v kakšni zvezi z onim človekom. Da bi lažje oviral pismono-ševa prizadevanja, poizvedoval je tudi on natanko po onih. ki so se vračali s Hrvatskega al Srbskega, kjer so detail čez zimo. Kakor hitro pa je slišal, da je dospelo kako krdelce domov, hitel je do posameznih drvarjev, povpraševal jih po tem in onem, zlasti kod so vse hodili, in še le tedaj se je pomiril. si bodi. Pismonoša je bil za- ko se je do dobra prepričal, da radi negotovosti, v katero ga 0 Lovrencu ničesar ne vedo je spravila ona vest, da je Lov- j pri tem je Grčar tudi dognal, renc umrl, vso zimo nekako po-lna katere može Vse pismonoša trt, in žena se je morala jako truditi, če ga je hotela razvedriti. Nekoliko izpremembe in veselja ' mu je prineslo le to, da se mu je okoli novega leta rodil čvrst deček. Odslej res ni nekaj tednov mislil na drugega, kakor na svojega otroka in na to, kako bi vse potrebno pre-skrbel, da ne bi ne materi, ne otroku ničesar ne manjkalo. Roza sama pa je bila tudi zelo srečna, ko je videla moža tako veselega in zadovoljnega. Nadejala se je zdaj za trdno, da popusti za vselej ono nesrečno misel, da dokaže Grčar ju njegovo sleparstvo, ono misel, ki mu je težila noč in dan srce, ki pa se po njenem prepričanju ni mogla nikdar u-resničiti. Da' pismonoša več ne misli na to, da bi svoji ženi pripomogel do njenega nekdanjega doma, o tem je bil prepričan zdaj tudi Grčar. Imel je povsod ljudi, ki so pazili na pismonošo in mu poročali, kaj je tu in tam govoril, a že vso zimo ni zvedel od nobene strani, da bi bil pismonoša kje napeljal govor na Lovrenca Ščetino. Grčar je bil u ver j en, da je pismo-noši popolnoma zmedel račun s tem, da je razširil vest o Lov-renčevi smrti. Mel si je roke od veselja, da je imela njegova zvijača nepričakovano dober u-speh. Toda Grčar se je varal, in varala se je pismonoševa žena. Pismonoša ni bil mož, da bi bil vsled vsake neprilike izgubil pogum in odstopil od svojih naklepov. Ravno zato pa, ker mu je bil Bog dal otroka, je še bolj hrepenel po tem, da bi izvil Grčar ju krivično pridobljeno premoženje. Poprej je mislil, da vrši s tem samo dolžnost do svoje žene, zdaj pa je bil uver-jen, da je dolžan to storiti tudi posebno zanaša, in ni se malo prestrašil, ko je čul, da' so tisti res nekje tam doli, odkoder so njemu prihajala Lovrenčeva pisma. Da je moral priti Lov renc zares s kom iz svojega domačega kraja v dotiko, je tuui pričalo eno njegovih zadnjih pisem, iz katerega je Grčar posnel, da je tisti zdaj do dobra poučen, kaj se je zgodilo s K!i-narjem in njegovo rodbino. Tudi je bil nekaj časa sem pre-drznejši v svojih terjatvah. Tako ni bilo zanj več dvombe, da je pismonoša na pravem sledu. Toda na svoje veliko veselje je Grčar tudi zvedel, da oni drvarji, katere je pismonoša tako željno pričakoval, delajo v gozdih doge, in da so dobili toliko opravila, da ostanejo tudi čez celo poletje tam. Na ta način še ni bila nevarnost tako blizu. Grčar pa je bil zadovoljen, da je le imel dovolj časa, ker se ni bal, da bi sčasoma ne našel sred stev, s katerimi bi spravil ob uspeh vse pismonoševe napore in uničil njegove namere. Peklo ga je najbolj to, da ga je Lovrenc tako pestil, in da se mu ni mogel ubraniti. Vsekakor je moral preprečiti, da bi se ta vrnil, ker drugače bi bil izgubljen. Grčar je dobro vedel, da se na takega človeka ni dosti zanesti, in da bi ga, če bi mu še tolikokrat zamašil usta, prej ali slej vendar ie izdal, in sicer tem prej, ker Lovrenc ni imel vzroka, bati se preveč kazni, ako bi bil razkril krivico, ki se je zgodila Klinar-ju. Bilo mu je treba samo reči, da tistikrat niti vedel ni, kake vrednosti je oni papir, ki ga je izmaknil Klinarju, in da se je zdaj ravno zaradi tega ovadil, da bi popravil kolikor mogoče krivico; v* takem slučaju je smel vselcakor upati zelo mile sodbe. ^tlilllillilililll^« V Saultu je moral odsloviti ondotnega novega duhovnika in vso zimo je moral zopet biti sam za vse. Še sluga Gašpar je imel toliko neprilik, da se je menil, da bo šel proč. Baraga bi bil v Saultu lahko nastavil Flannigana ali pa si od drugod vzel duhovnika v pomoč, pa so se mu ljudje povsod smilili. Za Baragovo škofijo so bili samo tisti duhovniki porabni, ki so znali vse potrebne jezike. Takih je pa le malo dobil, ker so morali biti prežeti tudi z ljubeznijo do apostolskega uboštva. Leto 1863 Leto 1863 se je za Barago slabo začelo. Obolel mu je sluga in si je moral sam kuriti in kuhati, niti cerkovnika ni več imel. Bil je torej škof, župnik, cerkovnik, kuhar in sluga obenem, čeprav je bil star in bo-lehen. Dne 2. aprila je v žalost-ni razpoloženosti pisal na Dunaj : "To mi je spričo moje starosti jako težavno. Tako n. pr. sem moral oni dan iti k neki bolni osebi celih 20 milj daleč ; po ledu in snegu in v silnem mrazu sem šel tja in nazaj. Imam več vasi, ki so 10, 12 ali 15 milj daleč. Najbolj žalostno pa je, ker ne vem, kdaj bo konec tega, ko ga nimam duhovnika, da bi ga mogel poklicati semkaj. Vsak od mojih 15 duhovnikov je na svojem mestu tako potreben, da z mimo vestjo nobenega ne morem proč vzeti. Danes, na veliki četrtek, sem moral sveta olja čisto sam posvetiti. To se sme seveda le v skrajni sili, katera ne pozna nobene zapovedi. Morebiti se je danes to zgodilo še kateremu zapuščenemu škofu na Kitajskem ali v kaki drugi deželi Azije. Naj bo Bogu poto-žena moja stiska!" Tudi sosedne škofe je moledoval za enega duhovnika vsaj za eno leto. Spomladi bi bil šel tako rad na misijonsko pot, pa ni mogel. Izročil je Sault za nekaj časa jezuitu o. Kohlerju, sam pa se je odpravil v Detroit, trdno odločen, da se ne vrne brez duhovnika. Pa ga tudi tam ni dobil. Naposled so mu jezuiti za čez poletje poslali enega od svojih. Dne 16. maja je izlil svojo potrtost v pismo do prijatelja Ja-ckerja: "Moj preljubi sin v Kristusu ! Vi ste moja največja, po večini edina tolažba v mojih vsakovrstnih skrbeh in ponižanjih. Posebno me je v dno srca razveselila junaška beseda, katero sem danes bral v Vašem pismu: 4Ce pa ne bom dočakal, da bo moje mesto prevzel drug duhovnik, moram biti tu zadovoljen.' Da, zares, biti popolnoma zadovoljen z odredbami Vašega škofa, ki jih z vso gotovostjo lahko sprejmete kot božje odredbe: to je najbolj zanesljiva pot proti Vaši večni sreči. Zdaj Vam dam vse na izbiro; moje odobrenje in moj šibki blagoslov imate nad vsem, kar boste ukrenili. O, da bi bil jaz svetnik, da bi Vam mogel podeliti močan blagoslov! Svojega uboštva in svoje nezmožnosti nisem še nikoli tako občutil kot sedaj. Vendar hvala Bogu za vsa ta ponižanja, ki mi jih pripusti! Dobro mi je, Gospod, da si me ponižal!" Iz kako potrtega in ponižanega srca so privrele te besede! Leta 1863 je še Andolšek, katerega je Baraga imel tako zelo rad, odšel v škofijo San Francisco. Leto po Baragovi smrti se je pa zopet vrnil v marquet-sko škofijo in umrl 1. 1882 v Eagle Harboru. Pač pa se mu je 7. julija prišel dijak Janez Vrtin osebno ponudit v Sault za njegovo ško- fijo — tisti torej, ki je za Mrakom postal Baragov naslednik v škofovstvu. Rodil se je 17. julija 1844 v Dobličah v Beli Krajini. Oče se je bil 1. 1852 odpravil v Ameriko in se je po petih letih z dobrim prislužkom vrnil domov. Dal je svojega najmlajšega sina Janeza v novomeško frančiškansko gimnazijo. Leta 1863 se je pa vsa družina preselila v Ameriko, in sicer v Houghton na Gornjem Michiganu. Janez se je odločil za duhovstvo in Cebulj, očetov prijatelj, ga je napotil k Baragi. Ker so bila zaradi še vedno divjajoče . državljanske vojske bogoslovna semenišča zaprta, ga je moral Cebulj začasno vzeti v pouk in šele po sklenjenem miru je šel v milwau-keejsko semenišče. Dne 4. avgusta piše Baraga iz Cincinnatija na Dunaj, da je prinesel indijanski molitvenik zopet v tisk. Leopoldinska družba mu je poslala 1000 goldinarjev, katerih je še tembolj vesel, ker mu darovi jako redko prihajajo, draginja pa vedno le še raste. Cincinnati je bil poln vojaštva in topov in Baraga si je prav zaželel svojega mirnega doma. V tem pismu mu pridejo prvič bolj trde besede o Indijancih izpod peresa. Gotovo je moral zadnja leta veliko pretrpeti zaradi njih, ko pravi: 'Poznam Indijance; 23 let sem preživel med njimi in bi bil še sedaj pri njih, če bi me ne bila božja previdnost drugam poklicala. Pa tudi še sedaj jih nisem prost in jih tudi ne bom, dokler bom živ." Zato svojih 5 indijanskih misijonarjev še prav posebej pomiluje. Med temi indijanskimi misijonarji je bil še vedno Ignacij Mrak. Po vrnitvi iz Evrope se pa v La Croixu ni mogel več videti in se je hotel za vselej vrniti v ljubljansko škofijo. Ko je Baragi to sporočil, mu je povzročil veliko skrb in bolest, saj je Baraga Mraka, čeprav je bil včasi preveč neupogljiv, jako cenil, zlasti ker je znal tudi in-dijanščino. Prisrčno ga je pismu rotil, naj ga ne zapusti, in je tudi škofa Lefevra iz De-troita prosil, naj ga pomaga pregovoriti. Baraga je škofu Lefevru pisal dne 26. decembra izredno ostre besede zoper vse one, ki mu odvračajo duhovnike: "Ko so ladje prihajale in odhajale, sem vedno upal, da se mi bo pripeljal duhovnik, za katerega sem bil pisal preč. rektorju de Neve; sedaj pa vidim, da ga ne bo. Kdor mu je odsvetoval v to škofijo, bo z menoj vred nosil odgovornost za maš-niško posvečen je, katero sem podelil bogoslovcu, ki se še ni mogel dovolj pripraviti. Na nekaterih krajih moram imeti duhovnike. Ta škofija ni, kot so druge, kjer so župnije blizu skupaj in je stik poleti in pozimi lahak. Tukaj so pa duhovniki ponekod po več sto milj vsaksebi, občevanje je težko ali pa sploh nemogoče, zlasti pozimi. Tu imam bogoslovca, ki še ni dovolj pripravljen; prisiljen sem, da ga bom poleti posvetil; in oni, ki z nasveti odvrača duhovnike, da ne pridejo k meni, naj z njimi deli krivdo!" Tisto leto je država morala iz indijanskih trdnjav poklicati večino svojega vojaštva, ker ga je potrebovala za vojsko; kajti že 700,000 mož in mladeničev je obležalo na bojiščih. Država je bila tudi v velikanskih denarnih stiskah in že par let ni več mogla Indijancem izplačati običajnih podpor. Zato je »jih gnev vzkipel, zlasti divji rod Sioux se je ob Mississippi ju strahovito znesel nad belimi: moril je in skrunil, otročiče so pribijali na stene hiš, ali so jim pa sekal! ude. Leto 1864 Leta 1864 je Baraga poslal dve poroči)! na Dunaj, ki pa ne vsebujeta posebnih novic. Cez zimo je bil sam v Saultu, poleti so mu pa zopet hodili de-troitski jezuiti pomagat. Naposled so se za stalno domenili in po treh letih je o. Menet zopet prevzel dušno pastirstvo v Saultq. Ljudstvo si je po neprestanih menjavanjih že tako zaželelo stalnega dušnega pastirja, da so mu ob prihodu doneli topovi v pozdrav. Od takrat naprej jezuiti do danes zdržema oskrbujejo sault s ko župnijo. Svoje decembrsko poročilo je Baraga zaključil: "Kljub svoji starosti se vedno prav dobro počutim in upam, da bom še tiolgo v naših misijonih služil Gospodu. S svojimi duhovniki sem prav zadovoljen. Vneto in iskreno služijo Bogu in voljno nosijo pomanjkanje in težave. Pomagam jim, kolikor pač morem. Glede denarnih zadev sem povsem odvisen od Evrope; kar prejmem od tam, to imanr. Moja škofija nima prav nobenih dohodkov, niti beliča ne." Poprej je vlada dajala majhne prispevke za indijanske šo-ie. Zdaj je pa še ta vir useh-nil. In vsa draginja vojske je težila Barago! Zato je naslednje leto (8. junija 1865) v toplih besedah izrazil veselje nad sklenjenim mirom, katerega so južne države, v tridnevni bitki težko poražene, morale podpisati. Ko se je država umirila, so se tudi Slovenci trumoma začeli naseljevati v njej. X. BARAGA PREMESTI ŠKOFIJSKO STOLICO V MARQUETTE. BOLEZEN IN SMRT Premestitev škofijske stolice v Marquette (V maju 1866) Še ena naloga je čakala Barago: da poišče svoji škofiji bolj ugodno središče, kot je bil Sault Ste. Marie, ter ji s tem omogoči lepši razvoj. To misel so sprožili duhovniki ob Gornjem jezeru, ki so i-meli do škofa zelo daleč, zlasti Jacker je silil Barago. Baiaga se je pomišljal, ker bi petem bil preveč oddaljen od indijanskih misijonov detroitske škofije, katere je oskrboval. Poleti 1865 je pa tudi on pristal na selitev. Eni so mu svetovali Negaunee, drugi Hancock itd. Naposled se je odločil za Marquette na vzhodnem delu južne gornjejezerske obale in je pozneje, 24. marca 1866, Leo-poldinski družbi obrazložil s\o-je nagibe: (Dalje prihodnjič.) (Nadaljevanje iz 5. strani) 1748 Rose Germ R. 24 $1000. Sprememba izvršena 1. feb. Pri dr. sv. Janeza Krstnika št. 14 Butte. Mont., 1765 Virginia K. Fla-nich R 16 $1000. Sprememba izvi -šena 1. mar. Pri dr. sv. Petra št. 30 Calumet. Mich., 1749 Nick Badovinac R. 32 $1000. Sprememba izvršena 1. feb. Pri dr. Marije Device št. 50 Pittsburgh, Pa., 1743 Angela Cadonic R 20 $1000; 1744 William Cadonic R. 21 $1000. Sprememba izvršena 1. feb. Pri dr. Marije Pomagaj št. 78 Chicago, ni , 1745 Anna Krush R. 19 $1000; 1746 Josephine Kennedy R. 34 $1000. Sprememba izvršena 1. feb. Pri dr. sv. Genovefe št. 108 Joliet, 111.. 1750 Mary C. Kadunc R. 37 $1000. Sprememba izvršena l. feb. Pri dr. sv. Mihaela št. 163 Pittsburgh, Pa., 1766 Nicholas Orehovich R. 36 $2000; 1767 Agnes Orehovich R. 24 $2000. Sprememba izvršena 1. feo Pri dr. sv. Jožefa št. 169 Cleveland, O., 1752 John Kausek R. 29 $1000; 1751 Alice Kausek R. 22 $1000. Sprememba izvršena 1. fetx Sprememba zavarovalnine iz razreda -A in B" v razred "D" Pri dr. sv. Jožefa št. 2 Joliet, lil, 1197 Prank Lokar R. 40 $1000. Sprememba izvršena 1. feb. Pri dr. sv. Jožefa št. 7 Pueblo. Colo., 1198 Daniella Nerone R. 16 $1000; 1199 John Bozich R. 28 $1000; 1224 John W. Sabo R. 34 $1000» Sprememba izvršena 1. feb. — 1267 Theodore A. Bozick R. 24 $1000. Sprememba izvršena 1. mar. Pri dr sv. Vida šb 25 Cleveland, O, 1226 Rose Smrke R. 23 $1000; 1225 John Smrke R. 36 $1500. Sprememba 1. feb. Pri dr. sv. Frančiška Šaleškega al. 29 Joliet, 111.. 1232 Mary Muster I 36 $250; 1200 Jerry Krasovlch R 10 $1000; 1201 Jacob Skala R. 16 $1000; 1202 Anna Kranevec R. 18 $500; 1327 Joseph Muster R. 23 $500; 1204 Frances Benedick R. 31 $1000; 1228 Frank Petan R, 33 $1000; 1229 Theresa Petan R 34 $1000; 1207 Math Benedick R 37 $500; 1230 Ignac Borosic R. 43 $1000; 1231 Katherine Borosic R. 46 $500; 1203 Martin C. Slack Jr.. R. 23 $1000; 1206 Leopold Flander R. 33 $1000; 1206 Anna Flander R. 36 $1000. Sprememba izvršena 1. feb. Pri dr. Marije Device št. 50 Pittsburgh. Pa.. 1233 Joseph Cadonic R 27 $1000. Sprememba izvršena 1. feb Pit dr. sv. Lovrenca št. 63 Cleveland, O., 1208 Louis Fink R. 17 ilOOO Sprememba izvršena 1. feb. Pri dr. sv. Janeza Evang. št. 65 Milwaukee, Wis.. 1209 Joseph Boshel R. 33 $1000. Sprememba ; izvršena 1. feb ; Pri dr. sv. Antona Padov. št. 87 Joliet. m.. 1268 Frank Okoren R. 30 $1000; 1269 John Korelc R. 42 $1000. Sprememba izvršena 1. mar. Pri dr. sv. Alojzija št. 88 Ah meek, Mich, 1234 Matt Grgurich R. 25 $1000. Sprememba izvršena 1. feb.. Pri dr. sv. Cirila in Metoda št. 101 Lcrain, O., 1210 Stephen Cerne R 16 $1000; 1271 Anthony Zaletel R. 13 $1000; 1270 Frank Zaletel R. 16 $1000. Sprememba izvršena 1. feb. Pri dr. Marije sv. Rožnega Venca št. 131 Aurora. Minn.. 1211 John Champa R. 21 $1000. Sprememba izvršena 1. feb. Pri dr. sv Ane št. 156 Chisholm Minn, 1274 Jennie Trnsek R. 17 {500; 1273 Frances D. Rupar R. 19 $500. Sprememba izvršena 1. mar. Pri dr. sv. Jožefa št. 169 Cleveland, O., 1235 Matthew Tekavec R. 29 $500. Sprememba izvršena 1. feb. Pri dr. sv. Helene št. 193 Cleveland. O., 1212 Barbara Zevnik R. 48 $500 Sprememba izvršena 1. feb. Pri dr. Matere Božje Sinjske št. 235 Portland. Ore., 1275 Matija Lju- bich R. 30 $1000; 1276 George Kereto R. 49 $250. Sprememba izvržena 1. mar. i Sprememba zavarovalnine 1« razreda "A in B" v razred "F" Pri dr. sv. Petra in Pavla »t. 38 Kansas City, Kans, 3 Louis Dercar R. 24 $1000. Sprememba izvršena I. feb. Sprememba zavarovalnine iz nwrda "D" v razred "C" Pri dr. sv. Mihaela št. 152 So Chicago. HI., 1768 Steve Patrick R. 23 $1000. Sprememba izvršena li feb. Sprememba zavarovalnine iz razreda "K" r razred "D" Pri dr. sv. Štefana št. 1 Chicago, 111.. 1213 Katarina Kenig R. 44 $1000. Sprememba izvršena t feb. Josip Zalar, gl. tajnik. ŽELITE POSTATI AMERIŠKI DRŽAVLJAN? Tedaj naročite najnovejšo knjigo, ki ima vse podrobne podatke za državljanstvo, in ki se dobi samo pri Ameriška Domovina 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, O. Cena samo 20e VAŽNO ZA VSAKOGA KADAR potujat« denar v stari kraj; KADAR at« namenjeni » atari kraj; KADAR telite koza is starera kraja: KADAR rabite kafro pooblastilo ali kako Ia-Javo sa stari kraj ae obrnite na nas. KARTE prodajamo aa vse bolj*« parnike po najniiji eeni ln aeveda tudi aa »s« izlete. Potniki so a naiim posredovanjem vedno aadovoljni. Denarne pošiljke izvršujemo točno ln zanesljivo po dnevnem kurim JUGOSl-AVIJO | V ITALIJO CENA ELEKTRIKE Za * 2.75 Za 6.85 Za Za Za Za 200 Din 7.50 S00 Din 12.00 600 Din 23.86 1,000 Din 47.60 2.000 Din 100 Din Za f 9.35 , 100 Lir Za 18.25 200 Lir Za 44.C0 60o Lir Za 88.20 1.000 Lir Za 176.00 2,000 Lir Za 263.00 «.000 Ur Navedene ceac sa podvrieae premembi, kakor Je kura. Pojil jamo tudi denar brzojavne ia izvršujemo izplačila V dolarjih. V Vaiem lastnem interesn Je. da piiite naas, predno se drngje poeluiite, sa eene in pojasnila. Slovenic Publishing Co. (Olas Naroda IH West IS Si. -Travel Bureau) New York. N. t. Velikanoč se bliža Cene velikonočnih pošiljk: Za t 3.00 110 Din Za $ 9.35 100 Lir Za 5.00 liTO I>in Za 18.25 200 Lir Za 11.90 500 Din'Za 44.50 500 Lir Za 23.75 1,000 Din Za X«.2o 1.000 Lir Za 47.30 2.000 Din'Za 176.00 2.000 Lir Pošiljamo tudi v ameriških dolarjih. Navedene cene so podvržene spremembi gori ali doIL Skupna potovanja v stari kraj. Velikonočno potovanje se vrši 6. aprila na parniku Champlain na Havre. Majsko potovanje bo 9. maja na parniku Berengaria preko Cherbourga. Potovanje na Trst se vrši 17. maja na parniku Saturnia. Posebno potovanje, bo 15. Junija na parniku Champlain preko Havre. Glavno potovanje se vrši 22. junija na novem parniku Normandie. Pišite po naš vozni red in cene kart vseh parnikov in linij. Pošljemo • ga zastonj. Notarski posli Ako rabite pooblastilo. ]x>godbo ali J kako drugo listino za stari kraj, ali, ako imate kak drug posel s starim krajem, je v vašem interesu, da se cbrnete na: LEO ZAKRAJŠEK General Travel Service, Inc. 302 E. 72nd St. New York, N. Y. ♦ . I ' t I i j i « » pri raznih napravah in za razno v po rabo v Lorainu je sedaj NAJNIŽJA v zgodovini The Ohio Public Service O I^orain. Ohio lio > RCSE BEAUTY SHOPPE Ohio Public Service Bids. Lorain, Ohio Telefon 6643 in striženje las za ž?nskc. (Frederic Permanent Waving) In vse kar se tiče lepotičja. McMAHON TISKARNA 617 Broadway, Lorain. O. Telefon 4501 Se je preselila v svoje nove prostore na 647 Broa&way. Pridite in oglejte si jo, ali pa telefonirajte če imate kako naročilo. Postregli vas bomo točno in v zadevoljnost. Obiščite Slovenijo IN EVHARISTIČNI KONGRES V LJUBLJANI presnem parniku preko Cherbourga in Pariza Ta izlet bo vodil izkušen potniški spremljevalec. Listi se lahko kupijo po Cun-ard White Star odplačilnem načrtu. Sijajne udobnosti, postrežba in zabava. Za informacije vprašajte pri MIHALJEVIC BROS. 6033 ST. CLAIR AVE. Cleveland, Ohio CUNARD WHITE STAR LIMITED OFFICE or PUBLICATION •117 St. Ckir Av*. PAGE ¥ »4 The Spirit of a*Renated KSKJ" •ALL FOR FAITH, HOME AND NATION" NO. 14 — VOL. IX. GLASILO K. S. K. JEDNOTE, APRIL 2ND, 1935 * * » * * STAGE SET FOR EASTERN BOWLING TOURNEY PUNS SET FOR MIXED DOUBLES TOURNEY BOOKED FOR APRIL 14 BY ST. JOSEPHS Waukegan, Ill._pians foi and the committee had to be ITS COMING, FOLKS the mixed doubles bowling tournament, sponsored by the St. Joes KSKJ Sport Club, are all set. The date is Sunday, April 14, at the Mother of God Parish bowling alleys, beginning at 2:30 p. m. Entry fee is only 50 cents. The prize list has been arranged so that at least 18 contestants will share in the prize fund. In addition to prizes for good bowling, good-fellowship prizes will also be awarded. And, of course, if you bowl the lowest score you'll get a prize just the same as the man or woman who bowls the highest (nuff said!). This event has been one of the most interesting aftairs in the past, and every effort will be made to hold its pace along with its past records for a day of real sport. The last champions in this tournament were Frank Artac and Tillie (Dolence) Artac. In- Pittsburgh, Pa.—Being the cidentally, Frank and Tillie one and onl>' original bowling were both single in those days,!bu* in these Parts» iVs «ot me' - pals, so much that I've takin' to dreaming about this vice presidential bowling tourney of lours. matchmaker in the bowling doubles, but it took old Dan Cupid to be matchmaker in the matrimonial doubles which followed later. So-o-o-o, perhaps (as old Ed Wynn would say), there is a possibility of other doubles being made up in this mixed doubles affair. It's all in fun, and there's going to be lots of fun. Sign up now. Boys and men with Joseph Zorc or Frank Drassler, girls and women with the Misses Mary Cepon and Mary Traven. Final entry date is April 11. Another big day coming— Saturday, April 27. The St. Joes' big spring benefit dance as a starter for its baseball teams. La Salle, 111.—Yes, folks, that big minstrel show, sponsored by St. Roch's Parish, is on its way, and it has a great treat in store for you. Dad and mother, come and hear many of your old favorite son^s revived again. Young ladies, don't miss | meeting Sambo, the world's gift to the ladies, and banana peel's equal—Slippery. They have innumerable stories to tell you. Boys and girls, come and see that man on the flying trapeze perform for you. There are treats galore for everyone. The most outstanding orchestra in the Illinois valley will also be there to entertain you. Don't miss it, folks. You can't afford to let a treat like this slip past you. Make plans now to see that gigantic minstrel show which will be ready to entertain you on April 24 and 25 at St. Roch's Parish hall. BANQUET WILL SIDELIGHT EASTERN MEET BOWLING BUG DREAMS ABOUT VICE PREXY BOWLING TOURNEY TOURNEY PRIZES NOW DISPLAYED In many dreams I view this year's tournament as being the Attractive Awards Grace greatest spectacle of real Kay Window of Cleve- Jay enthusiasm and color. In land Store one dream I recollect the --scenes at the tourney. Such a Cleveland, O.—The prizes mob! (Shoe horns are used to' donated by the KSKJ Athletic crowd it in.) Jays from every-Board for the Eastern KSKJ where and anywhere—Bridgeport, Conn., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Forest City, Pa.; Canonsburg, Pa.; Cleveland, O.; Beaver Falls, Pa.; Ambridge, Pa.; Etna, Pa.; Bethlehem, Pa.; Steelton, Pa.—What a mob— bowling tourney to be held in Cleveland April 6 and 7 are now on display and are in every sense of the word beautiful. The entire list of awards is on display at Grdina's Furni- ture Store, 6019 St. Clair Ave. all Jays—all strangers once, No doubt when the bowlers j now all friends, will eye the awards there will J0e Piczko's Connecticut be a reaction that will stupefy Yankees just pulled in. They them, or it will make the score'traveled in Joe's gunboat, horn-soar into the sky. Taking for;ing around the gulf. Johnny granted that the awards will Ribic's Brooklyn Dodgers are spur the bowlers, one can look 3till laughing at the Giants as they're spinning the maples at a fast clip. There's no cooling forward to some tall pin-spilling. WAUKEGAN1TES PLAN INDOOR down the Forest City loggers. Maleckar's serious aggressiveness keeps urging them on. The __Tony Grdina's Cleveland In- Waukegan, 111.—The Mother dians must think it a regular of God Boosters met last week pow-wow the way they're to-and laid plans for the coming mahawkin'it up. The Ambridge indoor season. Although it is j "I beams" with Pete Svegel's quite earlv for this sport, many and Rudy Kosela s hard labor attended ihis meeting. -the pins are toppling. Rock- Last season the team came in let Ball" Rudy and his Roxians second place in a local league, are whizzing away There s big lake Repp led the team in bat- commotion somewhere — any-tin* with a 417 percentagewhere there's the Canonsburg Manager Bill "Ki" Mozina was Jays everywhere. Tony B«vec well Pleased with last year's is surely makin"em step. Skra-showing and predicts a bigger bin of Etna isn't saying much; and befter season for his boys, he's saving it for the banquet. •__Above some of the spotlight the Midwest has been weltering in. Three cheers for the Midwest for their initiative and encouragement. We, the Easterners, promise if not to surpass the Midwest at least to come up to the ideal par. What dreams! Now I'm going to stop dreaming and will pinch in with the Jays to see that the dreams will come true. Let's go, East! Bowling Bug. -o—- , JOLIET PINSTERS WILL TRAVEL TO CLEVELAND BOWL IN A. B. C. all there's our supreme vice president, Math Pavlakovich. Is he all smiles? Joliet, 111.—The local boosters will be represented at the Eastern KSKJ bowling tourney to be held in Cleveland this week-end, according to word coming from the Joliet Booster Club headquarters. Those who will make the trip to the Lake Erie city include A1 Juricic, Mike Papesh, Frank Ramuta, Ludwig Kuhar, Anton Golobitch. Frank Gospodaric, Joseph Zalar and Anton Ll'lek. Joseph Zalar and Frank Gospodaric are supreme officers. • The boosterets include Mrs. A1 Juricic, Mrs. Anton Lilek, Florence and Genevieve Benedick. WILL SPONSOR BOWLING MEET St. Marys, Waukegan, Set Date for 1 April 13 Waukegan, Hi.—St. Mary's • Cleveland, O.—Tony Grdina took time out in making preparations for the-coming Eastern tourney to take a team to Syracuse for the ABC meet. Tony will also send a team to A grand fellow, folks. This;Athletic Club will sponsor a bowling tourney is his boost\ bowling tournament April 13 and his treat from the Eastern at the Mother of God alleys. Cleveland, O.—The banquet April 7 will be the one and only social activity given as a sidelight to the Eastern KSKJ bowling tourney to be held here April 6 and 7. Knaus' Hall, E. 6?d St. and St. Clair Ave., a few doors east of the scene of the tourney, will be the place for the get-together, according to the report of the committee. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p. m. and will be followed by the presentation of awards. Tickets will be 75 cents per plate. Each bowler will receive a complimentary ticket. For reservations call HEn-derson 1572 or HEnderson 3912 not later than Friday. Due to the fact that the banquet promises to be a regular KSKJ reunion, the committee advises all to make reservations early. In addition to ■ the many boosters coming from all parts of Ohio, Pittsburgh will come with a contingent of 25 boosters and at least 12 boosters and boosterets will come in from Joliet. The committee is working hard to assure everybody a pleasant evening. — o.. i .— THANK YOU Detroit St. Josephs Augment Membership Detroit, Mich.—St. Joseph's Society is steadily increasing in its campaign for new members. On Sunday, March 10, Agnes Znidarsich and Bill Gorshe were introduced to the members of St. Joseph's Society. Every member is urged to bring in at least one new member or more. The society will hold a bingo party and dance in honor of our first anniversary Sunday, May 5. A good time will be had by all.J Reporter. DOWLERS, BOWLERETS READY TO ROLL FOR JAY HONORS; BANQUET TO FOLLOW MEET BULLETIN The Eastern pin tourney will start Friday evening, April 5, making it a three-day event because of the large number of entries. The Cleveland teams will roll first. Cleveland, O. — Plans are complete and a mass of pins await the onslaught of KSKJ bowlers and bowlerets when the Ohio KSKJ Booster Club stages the Eastern KSKJ bowling tourney here April 6 and 7 on the Norwood Alleys, 6125 St. Clair Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa.—The Pittsburg KSKJ Booster Club extends its sincerest gratitude to all who aided in making the . . 0 . D ^ minstrel show, held March 4,1 Lorain Society Postpones for the beneft of St. Mary's Meeting to Attend Assumption Church, a success. It is with great pleasure that the booster club announces the profit of the affair was $316.46. The club thanks the directors, the chorus, the committees, entertainers and all our parishioners and friends for the cooperation extended. Sincere thanks is also extended to our out-of-town friends. CANT BE TOO GOOD IN PITT BOOSTERETS' BOWLING LEAGUE Pittsburgh, Pa.—The recent because she was a bit timid, but session of the Pitt KSKJ boost- Helen Mravinc is now one of er girls' bowling league showed the regular bowlers and is seen that one just can't be too good with the Pitt Jays when they in bowling, for Mary Sumic, a hold their matches, newcomer in the league, trip- Following the recent roll-ped 130 pins to lead the scor-jojf, the girls were the guests of ers. She was awarded the prize, Angeline Cadopic, who treated set up by Frances Balkovec. them with a very tasty and se- Catherine Fortun, also a new- lective luncheon, comer, is also placing high in Joseph Kobe, manager of the the score column, and the local Lawrenceville Ajleys, has been lassies are contemplating a a great pal to the Pitt girls, and change in classification. It is has always been ready with his possible that the term "experi- generosity to help them. The erced bowlers" will be applied girls are highly appreciative, to the newcomers. All girls are urged to get It required a bit of coaxing ready for the tourney to be held here April 28, and no one is to think she is not a good enough bowler. Each bowler will be put in the proper class, so there will be no chance of being outclassed. Plans are under way to have a group of spectators go to Cleveland for the Ohio tourney, April 6 and 7, to give the locals a chance to meet the members of the teams they have been reading about—also to make new acquaintances. To the KSKJ people in general : Support the tournaments in your locality and boost the KSKJ! Reporter. -o- WILL ATTEND CLEVELAND MEET Bowling Tourney Lorain, O.—On account of the Eastern KSKJ bowling tournament which is to be held in Cleveland April 6 and 7, the regular lodge meeting of SS. Cyril and Methodius' Society of this city has been postponed until April 14. Society No. 101 will be rep- resented by two men's teams Enumeration of the individ-jand one women's team in the uals would require the listing forthcoming tourney, which of the entire community, for W ! promises to be one of the most was really the community that successful events of its kind in co-operated in this successful,this part of the country. FLORIANS BOW TO ST. MICHAELS venture. Pitt KSKJ Boosters. -o- PLAN TO ATTEND EASTERN BOWLING MEET APRIL 6-7 CLEVELAND, O. PRIZES! ALL EVENTS! The interest event by the South Chicago, 111.—The St. shown in the | Michaels of South Chicago de-members haslfeated their old rivals, the St. reached such proportions that Florians, by the score of 37 to It also marked the first defeat for the Florians, who have the committee decided it best 23, in a game played recently, to postpone the lodge meeting so as to enable the keglers as well as the rest of the members not lost a game in the KSKJ the opportunity to participate and witness the first Eastern KSKJ bowling tournament. Kay Jays. The above is just an air castle of mine, but I see how it can Jays, t h p Mid westbow ling meet, as become the real thing, the M.dwest bow g ^ ^ yQur bugim representatives of the St. Vitus Society, No. 25. -o-- DEADLINE NOTICE The regular Our Page dead lin« is 8 a.m. Friday. Get the New Deal Habit! business and Any member who wants to bowl and all teams entered in thl coming KSKJ bowling meet should turn in their names to John Hladnik before 6 o'clock point of honor to be there. You | April 13. A surprise awaits cannot afford to miss , this each one entered in this event, greatest means of binding us. Eight teams from St. Mary's the Eastern Kay Jays, in a tie j Society will bowl in the Mid-of friendship and co-operation west bowling tourney, .^ccord- that will enable us to share ing to latest reports. A thousand times "YES A thousand times "yes" would mean $2,000 for you, if you received the answer to the following question: "Willyou join our active KSKJ?" Of course, to make the answer binding, it would require a signature on the dotted line, provided the prospective member was qualified to join our organization. "YES" means $2 for you— every time a person signs up for $1,000 insurance - through your solicitation. "YES" means $3 for you— . every time a person signs up for $1,500 insurance through your solicitation. "YES" means $4 for you— every time a person signs up for $2,000 insurance through your solicitation. "YES" means money to you— a good turn for a friend, and a good deed for the organization—YOUR organization. SEE YOUR LOCAL SECRETARY FOR PARTICULARS. competition. The game was a rough affair, the Florians being the chief offenders, which also caused their downfall. They had 24 personals chalked against them, of which 16 were made while the Florians made seven out of 15. Zieminski led the St. Michaels with 13 points, while Gornick stood high for the Florians. -o- EASTER DUTY NOTICE Sheboygan, Wis.—The members of SS. Cyril and Methodius Society, No. 144, will receive as to time they bowl Being the first venture of its kind for the Ohio boosters, the Jays have every reason to believe the affair will be a succesful one. Entries were trumped up at the last minute to assure a larger list of participants. The meet is scheduled to get under way at noon Saturday and will extend to Sunday evening 6 o'clock. Following th<» tourney bowlers and friends will meet in Knaus' Hall for a dinner-banquet. Prizes will be distributed and prominent nationally known KSKJ supreme officers will be introduced. The meet wiH decide champions in the following divisions: Five-man, doubles, singles, men's; five-lady, doubles, singles, women's, and all-events champions, men and women. One of the outstanding features of the event will be the appearance of a supreme officers' team composed of the Ohio members of the Supreme Board. The team will be made up of Joseph Leksan, Dr. M. F. Oman. George Panchur, Mrs. Mary Hochevar and Ivan Zupan. The team is scheduled to bowl Sunday afternoon. The prize list of trophies, medals, placques will be well worth bowling for in the meet. The awards are displayed in the ' Grdina Furniture Store, 6019 St. Clair Ave. The event, though labeled as the Eastern KSKJ bowling tourney, will be mainly an Ohio affair, though the entry lists show that two teams will represent Joliet, a ladies' and a men's quintet. Pittsburgh is also listed with a team. Lorain, Barberton, Nottingham will increase the representation. John Gornik, vice president of the St. Vitus' Society, called a special meeting and increased his society's entry to five teams, while St. Joseph's of Collin-wood, under the guidance of John Pezdirtz, rounded up four men's teams and one boosteret team at the last minute. Due to the limited space at the alleys there will be a 15-cent admission charge for spectators for each session. Bowlers will be exempt from the charge. The banquet which is to follow the tourney promises to be a reunion of KSKJ sports, featured by the attendance of active KSKJ sport boosters. Official business regarding the tourney will be transacted at the alleys. All team captains are urged to have their teams ready on time to assure a smooth-running schedule. All teams will be notified by mail holy Communion in a body Sunday, April 7, at the 8 o'clock •j Mass. Every member must sign the slip which he received from the secretary and turn it in at the Communion table as proof that he performed the Easter duty. Secretary. The Ohio KSKJ Booster Club, through its president, Michael Cerne, extends a thank you to all who aided in planning the event. To the societies participating, he extends commendation for the co-operation. To all visitors and guests he extends a congenial welcome. BARAGITES ASK CO-OPERATION IN STAGING MIDWEST PIN MEET Milwaukee, Wis.—Elsewhere cially urge the out-of-town višin this section is an open letterlitors to get to Milwaukee as to all KSKJ members which,'early as possible on Saturday we hope, will serve as a formal invitation to everyone to attend so that we'll all have more time in which to have our "glad- this great Midwest tourney and |ness." its accompanying features on j Don't forget to send in those May 4 and 5 £t Milwaukee, team entries! Wis. j Don't forget to get those ads! . . , . . Don't forget to come to the As has been stated in previ- Lanceaj Don't forget the fine ban- To Discuss Important Topics at La Salle St Ann's Meeting La Salle, 111.—St. Ann's Society, No. 139, will hold its regular monthly meeting on Sunday afternoon, April 14, in St. Roch's Hall on Sixth St. All members are urged to attend as many items of importance will be brought up. A general social time will be enjoyed after the meeting, with Mrs. John Baznik, Mrs. Anna Klopcic and Mrs. Frank Bruder in charge of the entertainment. Mrs. Charles Shimkus, president, will be in charge of the meeting. ous issues, we Baragites hope to make this the biggest and best tourney held thus far, but|^uet! ~ and above a11— we cannot do so single-handed.! Don't forget to come to the We must have full co-opera-1tourney! tion, not only from our fellow- _Tourney Booster. _ members, but also from the ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ —— — - — - outside lodges. Therefore, large turnouts at joliet all vou KSKJ members and pons boosters k ve us a meetings; add to memder list big hand by lendjng us all as- * distance possible in promoting this tourney? You may rest assured that anything you may do to help us will be greatly appreciated and we will welcome an opportunity to reciprocate. The general committee for the tourney earnestly requests that the officials of the Mid* west Bowling Association give a helping hand by giving tourney correspondence their early attention. Naturally, we realize that these officials do not'grand opening. Joliet, 111.—Even before the business session was called to order a large attendance was on hand for the March 25 meeting of the Joliet KSKJ Booster Club. The membership list is increasing steadily, which may be due to the fact that some type of program usually follows every meeting. The clubroom will be remodeled,, and the members are already looking forward to the have their full time to devote to tourney arrangements, etc., but any undue delay in the reply of mail causes a loss of time and a general setback in the procedure of plans—so, may we count on you to do your best? Thank you. We have had numerous requests as to the entry fees, hotel accommodations, and the like. For bowling information, etc., kindly write Frank. P. Kosmach, 1804 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. For housing, hotel accommodations, dance information, advertising queries, etc., kindly address George M. Kotze at 1808 W. National Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Attention, everyone! On Sunday, April 7, tune in on WISN, Milwaukee, at 1:45 p. m. for announcements regarding this tourney. WISN is operated on 1120 kilocycles and should be an easy station for everyone to tune in. Those ads aren't coming in as fast as they should. All members are requested to make reports to Joseph Matzelle, advertising chairman, as soon as possible and contact him,as to possibilities for getting new ads. Get going! One of our scouts recently covered a dance at which the orchestra of Alvin Kelbe was featured, and our scout came back with glowing reports of this fine band. We know that both orchestras, Albin Kelbe and Gene Jason will give praiseworthy performances at both dances and we cannot urge strongly enough to purchase dance tickets for BOTH nights. Each evening will have different features, and those of you that think that one evening of dancing is sufficient will be missing something. We espe- Following the recent meeting refre shments were served, while a few inspirational speeches were sandwiched «in to fill the evening's bill. All lady members of the club are urged to get in touch with Florence Benedick, director of the newly formed sewing circle. The members will do all types of needlework. The ladies are asked to bring their hook and ^needle; thread and the goods will be furnished by the club. All the work will be offered as prizes at one of the club's card parties to be held shortly. The sewing circle is scheduled to meet every Friday night. Any change of date will be announced by the director. Reporter. six jay teams wind up play in waukegan knights close cage season with 45-18 win COMMUNION NOTICE South Chicago, 111.—Members of the Immaculate Conception Society, No. 80, are hereby notified that we will perform our Easter duty in a body. Confessions will be heard Saturday, April 6, in the afternoon and evening, We will receive Communion at the 8 o'clock Mass Sunday, April 7. All members t are urged to meet at 7:30 a. m. at St. George's Church hall. Louise Likavich, Sec'y. Waukegan, 111.—Six KSKJ teams ended the basketball season March 24 in the Mother of God gym. In the first tilt the St. Mary's lightweights took an early lead and tripped the St. Joseph team, 32 to 15. Both squads of the winning team were put in action, Joe Repp leading the I scorers with six goals and one (free toss, followed by Red jGrom with four field goals. F. iDrasler was the scoring ace for St. Joes, with four goals, while Zupec tallied four points. Taking a 10 to 4 lead at the half, the St. Anne girls continued their pace and won, 15 to 8, over the St. Mary's team. Terchek, Chamernik and Za-ler each scored four points for the winners, while Rose Tre-ven outpointed her teammates with two goals and two charity tosses. M. Hladnik scored the other lone goal for St. Marys. In the final game of the card the St. Mary's heavyweight team doubled over the St. Josephs, 50 to 24, in a tilt that found every player on the St. Mary's team in the scoring column. Stupar paced the winners with six goals and three free tosses. F. Smotnik, with four goals and six free throws, and J. Treven, with five goals, followed. For the Joes, F. Tersar, with four goals and three free throws, and J. Moore, with two goals and two tosses, were the highpointers. Good sportsmanship prevailed throughout the three-game cilrd. The tilts leave, the St. Annes as parish champs in the girls' division, and the St. Mary's heavy and lightweights as leaders in the boys' competition. The St. Mary's heavyweight team may enter the Gold Medal tourney to be held in North Chicago, April 2 and 3. All St. Mary's players are asked to turn in their suits by April 10 to John Cankar. Brooklyn, N. Y.—Leading at the half by only one point, the Knights of Trinity spurted in the final quarters and swamped the Ridgewood Rams, 45 to 18, to bring down the curtain on their 1934-35 season. < The score at the half was 11 to 10. Whether or not it was the thought that it was the Knights' last game of the current season or not, something inspired the Jays and they went on a scoring spree. The offensive of the Kay Jays was the best of the year, and the game showed that the Knights can look forward to an even more powerful team for the next season. Though the Knights wound up the season with a .666 percentage, what they lacked in games they made up in experience in playing teams of wide experience. In the 15 starts during tha season the Knights won nine. Of the six games lost, thrco were lost by one-point mr.rgin3, showing that the Knights were at no time outplayed by a large margin. In the preliminary game a team composed of Knight rookies lost, 25 to 18, to the Consolidated Lithograph Co. The Knight juniors gave a good account of themselves, considering it was the first game for three of the players. The boys who played were Toncic, W. Klun, Kavic and Sme. Suplina of the regular squad filled in to make the team. KNIGHTS—45 G F T'l Mauren, rf ................ 6 0 12 Sawicki, If ................ 113 Bruder, c .................. 6 0 12 J. Staudohar, rg........ 6 0 12 Suplina, lg ................ 3 0 6 RAMS—18 G F T'l Studwell, rf................ 2 0 4 Hall, If ...................... 2 0 4 Scherf, c .................... 2 15 Myers, rg .................. 10 2 Childs, lg .................. 1 i 13 John P. Staudohar. Lenten Play Billed For Joliet April 7 Joliet, 111,—With artful color and song, welcome but none the less fitting in this holy season of Lent, the St. Joseph players present "Everyman," the well-known morality-mystery play, now translated into Slovenian. The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality and the Young Men's Men's Holy Name Society of St. Joseph's Parish will render this new version under the title of "Slehernik," Sunday, April 7, at 3 and 8 p. m. in Slovenia Hall. "Everyman" is a cameo from the past; it is sacred to the stagecraft of every Christian faith. It is a delightful trčat for an otherwise forbidding Lent. Every nation knows the play Everyman"; nor should it long be said of any Catholic tha»t he has never seen "it. This invitation to "Slehernik" {Everyman), our Reverend Pastor, Father Plevnik, extends to young as well as old because the play can be said to "speak all' tongues." No one can fail to understand it. The cast includes Edward Svetich, Joseph Laurich, Paul Laurich, Bernard Kambich, Louis Verbich and Frank Horvat of the Young Men's Holy Name Society, and Mary Ster-metz, Dorothy Zlogar, Julia Verdnik, Mary Rolih, Helen Zlogar, Leona Simec, Lucille Umek, Mary Dolinsek, Joanne Zupančič and Catherine Stefa-nich of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality. The prelude to the new play includes Louis Ster-nisha, Joseph Horvat, Raymond Libershar and John Vidmar of the young Men's Holy Name Society. Ely to Discuss Future Plans At Next Meeting Ely, Minn.—All Ely Kay Jay boosters are urged to attend a special meeting to be held at the National Home on April 5 at 7:30 p. m. Activities of the club after Lent will be discussed^ namely, entertainment, both social and recreational. Plans of starting a baseball team will be the major topic. Recruiting of new members will also be discussed. kskj has new deal spirit, says canonsdurg rooster \ Canonsburg, Pa.—Just about has not been partial to any certain section. East, West, North and South have all been two years ago our country was struck with a "new deal" that took everybody by surprise. Somewhat similar to this new splurged with this new spirit. To prove this we have the many deal in our government is the fowling tournaments that are new deal that has established j being held by the various sec- itself among the thousands ot young members in the KSKJ. The organization of many booster clubs in the past two years has»given a new spirit to our Union. " It seems that this new deal WAITING, YOKING, YEARNING Here we are, broadcasting from the ninth floor of the Hotel Louis Joliet, Joliet, Illinois. We see all, hear all, and know all. Fred Walsh sitteth at my right hand side, and Doile is my left-hand man. I see Miss Ramutta busily sewing away at a new spring Steelton Loses Active Member Steelton, Pa.—The passing of our most beloved and dear brother, Marko Kofalt, into the great beyond is deeply and sincerely mourned by his family and the vast number of friends and members of St. Aloysius' Society. No. 42. Mr. Kofalt was well known in KSKJ circles for his unusual interests and activities in sup-|p^one 2-3580 porting this organization with the utmost preciseness. His untiring efforts have not been in vain, but rather his foresight and superior knowledge in fraternal work will undoubtedly be held in very high esteem by all, because of the ponderous medidation which he had given to the advancement of the St. Aloysius' Society. Mr. Kofalt was secretary of the St. Aloysius' Society at the time of his death and was accredited with bringing the society out of the red during the worst depression this country has ever known. He was one of the founders of the St. Peter's Slovenian Catholic Church, the St. Aloysius' Society, No. 42, and the St. George's Slovenian Catholic Society, all of Steelton, Pa. Surviving hTm are his wife Mary, sons Joseph, Anthony, George of Harrisburg and Marko of New York; daughters Mrs. George Lipak, Mrs. Joseph Simonic of Steelton and Mrs. Peter Illic of New York; a brother, George Kofalt of Beaver Falls. Reporter. -o- dress to wear to the eighth annual bowling tournament in Milwaukee. Just a good-sized month more to go! Only 31 more agonizing days of waiting and learning, yoking and yearning. Do you know what KSKJ bowling tournament means this year? A jolly good time! And going to Milwaukee to make new acquaintances, and shake hands with the old friends. I just got back from Ljubljana and they're even talking about the tourney there, only they say Bowlene. The way they talk, Mr. and Mrs. Ljubljana are thinking about entering a team in our kibitzer league. They say that the bowlers make the world go round. Maybe that's why all of our bowlers are getting dizzy. Unfortunately, the outcome of all the KSKJ bowling tourneys depends on the income. It looks like Churnovich is planning to drive up, since he rejuvenated his 1915 model. He has 16 spare tires fastened to the rear of his car. Looks like a doughnut v;ender from the rear. "We fix all tires"! the set of the pins. And shall rest at the close of the day. Let me deal as I tourney with foeman and friend Frank | In a way that no man or lady can assail, And find nothing but peace at the alley's last bend, And lie down to my dreams with a conscience at rest When I come to the end of the day. Next week I will tell you who Gamaje really is. All mysterious packages will be soaked in water for 24 hours, and will be opened under police supervision. We'd hate to see the arm of the law injured are too large, we'll send to Rudy Rudman in Pittsboig, so he can soak them in the Atlantic Ocean under supervision of the Navy. The war is on! Will soon hear from the East. tions of our organization. The East has probably had the severest blow of this new deal. Just now Cleveland has everything completed for a grand and glorious bowling tournament. And to top the matter off, we have Pittsburgh making definite arrangements for the biggest tournament it has ever held. The big point in favor of the Pittsburgh meet is the fact that the new deal spirit here is to take care of everybody whether they are bowlers or not. Those who have never bowled will be given a chance to show others just how a rookie—or dark-horse, if you care to call them that—may come to the limelight. It will certainly give a real impetus to our many members who have never participated in any sport whatever. Awards are to be made not only to our so-called experienced bowlers, but also to our rookies who will display just how ignorant they really are. From this, one can see *hat one Those packages that|member in the organization is just as important as the one who by his boastfulness may be the most ignorant of the group. Brooklyn, Forest City, Steelton, Bethlehem, Bridgeport, Conn., and Cleveland, don't Don't forget about our spe- fcr*et that a real time is in store for you. If you don't' win any prizes, we at least won't let you go home hungry, for a nice banquet is to be served to COMMUNION NOTICE Waukegan, 111.—St. Mary's Society, No. 79, will receive Communion in a body at the 8 o'clock Mass Sunday, April 1, in the Mother of God Church. Every member must be present at the school hall not later than 7:50 a. m., from where we will march to the church. Members are asked to bring their badges. John A. Cankar, Recording Secretary. During the bowling, will the calfs on our legs be able to feed on the corns on our feet? Or must we wait until after the dances? Zalar tore up three speeches already, and started all over again. Looks like his assistant, Steve, will have to help him write it. I now stretch my telescope over a couple of blocks, and see Cooky Gospodaric and his better half, Jones, arguing which bus to use to go to Milwaukee in on May 4. Mutz is privately practicing away at the Rivals, and they now have thtee new gutters. Sh! Don't tell anybody! Hello, Rosy H.! A bowling fan is not a ventilating system. It looks like May Zaversnik is going to close the store and leave on Friday night, so she can get a front seat the Plan-kinton alleys. Our station is now consolidated with La Salle, 111. La Lita is raring to go! Too bad the tourney isn't held in Jugoslavia. Francis La Lita was hoping for the next tourney to be there. It would be quite impossible to have it there, because the bowling balls would sink the boat. Up to a certain point La Lita is willing to spend his fortune at the tourney. That, of course, is the decimal point. Now I'm getting poetical: Lissen: I must travel the miles till the tourney is done, Whatsoever the turn of the way; I shall bring up at the least with cial KSKJ teams from each city to bowl in the Gamaje kibitzer league. We don't want good bowlers in these teams, as low j score counts. 'Send your entry |everyone participating. Maybe in now! with the aid of Canonsburg and ! other outside societies, we can Did you receive your entry work out some plan whereby the Pitt Kay Jays will not carry off all the awards. Let's show mak Rd., Chicago. Gamaje. blanks? If not get in touch with Mr. George Kotze, 1808 W. National Ave., Milwaukee, i them that we have not been or Mr. Kosmak, 1804 W. Cer- j hibernating, but just laying low for the arrival of the proper opportunity to bring ourselves to the limelight. Canonsburg will do its share if you will do yours. At this time a bus load of participants is assured by the Canonsburg Kay Jays. Let us make this tournament a real boost for KSKJ. Show EASTER DUTY NOTICE Bridgeport, O.—All members of St. Ann's Society, No. 123. are requested to go to confession Saturday, April 6, and to receive holy Communion at the j others that we are THE organ-8 o'clock Mass Sunday, April 7, jization among the Slovenian in St. Joseph's Church at Wolf- i unions! hurst. i Kay Jay Reporter. an open letter AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL KSKJ MEMBERS Dear KSKJ Members: The Knights and Ladies of Baraga Society, No. 237, takes pleasure in announcing the 1935 Midwest KSKJ bowling tournament and junior convention to be held at Milwaukee, Wis., on Saturday and Sunday, May 4 and 5. It is our happy privilege, as hosts, to extend to every member of your lodge, bowler and non-bowler, an invitation to take part in this sparkling affair, which annually brings together the wide-awake sports-minded KSKJ members in the Midwest area to match their skill in a sport that is doing more to create harmony, mutual understanding and good-fellowship than any other sport in the KSKJ program. Because bowling offers everyone equal opportunity, it serves to unite both young and old in a common bond of healthy competition and at the same time it is an ideal stimulant for lodge activity. Realizing this^we do not hesitate to urge your society to enter as many teams as possible in the three tournament divisions: the men's regular, men's past-40 cla^s and the ladies' division. Keep your society in step with other progressive KSKJ units by entering teams in any or all of these divisions. As is customary, the local society in the tournament city is preparing the souvenir program schedule, which is given to all of the bowlers and which contains, among business advertisements, the best wishes and compliments of sister societies, who, regardless of team representation in the tournament, desire to offer their active support by reserving space in this souvenir booklet for their society. Is your society desirous of offering this active support? If so, please notify the undersigned not later than April 20, forwarding copy desired and remittance. We shall greatly appreciate your favorable consideration. Yours for a most successful tourney, George M. Kotze, General Chairman, 1808 W. National Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.