z A R J A JAt D A W N URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 4 APRIL, 1969 Volume 41 fife’. M. Gaspari: Velikonočni motiv št. 2 PLANT for more BEAUTIFUL HIGHWAYS POST CARD ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 4. Vol. XLI April, 1969 Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročnina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 - za družbane članice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago III. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izd'ajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W.Cermak Rd, Chicago, 111. 6060S Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 DATES TO REMEMBER: April 7—Bowling Banquet, Br. 20, Joliet, 111. April 9—Guest Night, Br. 28, Calumet Mich. April 13—Anniversary Mass, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts, O. April 17—Misc. Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. April 18—Card Party, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts, Ohio April 20—Corporate Communion, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. April 26—Bake Sale, Br. 42, Maple Heights, Ohio April 27—Breakfast, Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. May 7—Card Party, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. May 10-11—Bake Sale, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio May 20—Luncheon, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. May 25—Dinner, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio June 2—Cook-out, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio Sept. 10—Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 14—OH IO-M ICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio Oct. 12—Card Party, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio BOWLING IN HOME STRETCH inrry birthday ii\ ai’rii. Supreme Officer: April 21—Hermine Dicke, Secretary of S.W.U. Scholarship Comittee Branch Presidents: April 2—Emma Planinšek, Br. 20, Joliet, III. April 10—Jeanette Killoran, Br. 6, Barberton, Ohio April 10—Viola Pisoni, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. April 11—Johanna Chesnik, Br. 61, Braddoclc, Pa. April 21—Catherine Polach, Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. April 26—Mary Debevec, Br. 41, Cleveland, Ohio April 15—Jennie Zoker, Br. 52, Akron, Ohio Secretaries: April 2—Frances Novak, Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio April 7—Stell'a Dancull, Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio April 8—Angela Kozjan, Br. 40, Lorain, Ohk> April 8—Lucille Smith, Br. 71, Strabane, Pa. April 10—Antoinette Lucich, Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn. April 16—Anna Frankovich, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! STaW PRESIDENTS’ MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN New Members This Report Previous Total Elizabeth Zefran—lllinois-lndiana 20 16 36 Mary Bostian—Ohio-Michigan 9 15 24 Mary Tomsic—Pennsylvania 19 3 22 Barbara Rosandich—Minnesota 14 2 16 Rose Scoff—Calif.-Wash.-Oregon 2 8 10 Rose Kraemer—Wisconsin 5 4 9 Anna Pachak—Colo.-Kansas-Mo. 2 5 7 71 53 121 24 MEMBERS ENROLLED SO FAR! No. 2, Chicago, III. Bowling News. That cushion that Marquette Service Station had at the top of the Chicago S.W.U. bowling league, had the air taken out of it during February—it “flattened” to only one game. As of Feb. 25th, their record was 46 wins and 29 loses. Reliance Federal, coming back after a bad month, had 45 wins and 30 losses. Dr. Grill, now in third place with 43 wins and 32 losses, can also be considered a serious contender for the top spot as they continue to come up in the standings. Zefran Funeral Home (40-35) dropped to fourth place and Barbara’s Beauty Shop (39-36) held onto fifth place. Team and individual handicap leaders have remained the same for the past few months, but Reliance, with a 2766 series, came close to knocking off Marquette’s leading series of 2782. Reliance Bowlers also took individual handicap honors during February. Leading them all was G. Schiffler, a 154 average bowler, who bowled a 614 series. M. Reinholz, who averages 139, had a 604 series. M. Zefran, much improved over last year with a 130 average, rolled a 592 series with handicap. Close behind was E. Kroschel’s 588. High handicap games included G. Niedzielko’s 219 and F. Zefran’s 218. Each month I express surprise at the number of railroads and splits picked up and February was no different. But what really makes it unusual is that most of them this month were very tricky and difficult ones: M. Buikema, 4-7-9-10; J. Meden, 5-8-10; K. Esposito1, 4-7-10; S. Gorka, 3-7-10; M. Zufan, 2-5-10; C. Gospo, 6-7-10,’ 5-10, 2-7-10; M. Persa, 3-7-10, 5-7; 1.. Hasek, 3-10, 5-7; M. Reinholz, 2-7; E. Kroschel, 5-6-10, 3-10; E. Statkus, 5-6-10; M. Zefran, 4-5-7; A. Persa, 5-7; D. Ceska, 2-7, 5-8-10; L. Ovnik and G. Schiffler, 3-10; A. Wagner and A. Kovacs, 2-10. Happy bowling! Barbara Zurek No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling News. Well girls, by the time you read this article, bowling season will be over for Joliet SWU’s. The champs will be announced in the May edition of Zarja. It surely is a close race, with top team as of 3-3-69, Northwest Recreation Club. They won 48 Ms and lost 29%. Not far behind is Dames Funeral Home, winning 45% and losing 32%. Then we have Rluth’s Sausage, what a team! They must have strings on all the pins because those girls sure know how to knock them down. In fourth place we have Shep’s DX Service Station who won 35 and lost 43; fifth place is American Slovenian Home who won 22, lost 46, and then, we have Merich-ka’s Restaurant with 30 wins and 48 losses. These girls have really so fa r with a series, call up i kotile been trying hard but the pins just won’t fall for them. Don’t worry, girls, there’s always next season, so save your strikes for then! High game for the season was bowled by Rose Kroviak 224. Jo Mlakar bowled a 568 this is high so far. We have a few girls we should “Dead-eye”; these girls picked some beautiful splits. Betty I, tich and Millie Ellena picked up 5-10. Jo Mlakar and Agnes Verbiscer picked up the 5-7-9 and Marg. Waj-chert the 6-7-10. Keep it up girls! We were awfully sorry to hear of Bernice Susk’s father’s illness and all of us would like to wish hint a speedy recovery. The Spring Banquet will be April 7th. All the girls would like to wish Ann Sternisha’s youngest son, Wally, loads of luck and all our prayers as he enters the Marine Corps. All of Ann’s sons enlisted in the service so Wally is carrying on a family tradition. We had a few young visitors at the bowling alley this season. Ann Papesh’s grandsons came to root for her and her teammates. Agnes Verbiscer’s grandchildren did the same. We have two small ones: Marilyn Nemanich’s handsome son and Virginia Guertin’s handsome son. Very proud mothers. Well girls, I ill round-up time nexl month. Gen. Klainsek SUPREME PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Congratulations to the three branches which will be celebrating their 40th anniversaries this month of April. Br. 27 N. Braddock, Pa., on April 17, 192<9 was organized by Ursula Pierce Br. 28, Calumet, Mich., on April 20, 1929 was organized by Mary Kocjan Br. 29, Broundale, Pa., on April 28, 1929 was organized by Caroline Kotar * * » Campaign for New Members! Each month in my articles, it’s the same old story: try and get a new member! Some one has to remind you, so I feel it is my duty to do so>! If each branch would keep this in mind and try to get at least 10 new members, this would help to increase the membership in your branch plus helping your State President in this current campaign. Spring is here and with it comes the nice warm weather which enables you to get out more and visit your neighbors and friends. May this be just the reminder you need to hunt up some prospects and get them to join your branch. * * * Dawn Choral Club. The first concert of the Dawn Choral Club was held here in Cleveland on Sunday, March 9 th and it was a great success. The audience which filled the hall to capacity were very impressed with the beautiful singing and the selection of songs they rendered. Director, Frank Gorensek, is to be commended for his excellent service he has performed in teaching the ladies to sing so well. Mines. Tillie Spehar and Mimi Režonja sang two numbers in duet and the audience was so impressed they were called back for an encore. The final song on the program, God Bless America, was also repeated by the group after long applause. The singers were dressed in their royal blue choral gowns wearing the Zveza emblem proudly on a gold chain. They looked beautiful and sang with their whole hearts. Lovely Editor, Corinne Leskovar, dressed in her Slovenian costume, was Mistress of Ceremonies and explained the songs and their meanings to all present to add interest. After the concert, in the name of the Slovenian Women’s Union, she presented Director Gorensek with a beautiful trophy and also to State President and organizer of the choral group, Mary Bostlan. Little Mimi Režonja dressed up in her native costume presented Mr. Gorensek with a huge basket of flowers from the singers and to Mary Bostlan, a huge bouquet of red carnations from the Combined Branches of Cleveland. Again, a very successful concert and I’m sure everyone Is looking forward to another such event soon. In particular, we will have the pleasure of seeing and hearing them at the National Convention to be held in Euclid next year. * * * Chapel Fund. Very happy as I write today that we received a nice check in the amount of one thousand dollars from the American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ). This helps immensely toward the final goal of $10,000.00 which we hope will be soon collected. think we are doing very well and this amount will soon be realized. Thanks to all the good people who have donated. Zveza branches have sent in the following amounts in the past month: Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio, $191.00, collected by Mary Otoničar Br. G3, Denver, Colo., $50.00, from the branch; Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio, $5.00: Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio, $5.00 and Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. $5.00. At this time, I would like to mention the help of our member of Br. 10, Dorothy Ferra who is also secretary of St. Joseph’s lodge of KSKJ. She has sent in donations amounting to $1,000.00. * * * Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen. The cookbook is again available in its new printing and with weddings and showers coming up this spring, this book is very nice to give to the new bride. Order your copy now! Price of the book is $3.25, including postage. * * * From Slovenia to America. This history book edited by Marie Pris-land, our Founder, is now on the market. This book is printed in English and is recommended for the new generation that has been born here in America. This history is very interesting and nice to add to your family library. A perfect gift. Cost of the book is $4.25 including postage on single orders. Secretaries have a supply or write directly to me. * * * Happy birthday to all celebrating this month and especially to my mom Antonia Gornik of Chisholm who will be 83 years young on April 5th. Speedy recovery to all ailing and, HAPPY EASTER TO ALL! Toni Turek ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III. A reminder to attend our next meeting, April 10th at the usual place, lower St. Stephen Hall. Members who haven’t as yet, are asked to take care of dues payments for 1909. We will have a short program of movies after the meeting, showing the really old days of our Zveza. These movies even show our “Urna Nežika” as she was in action in the 1930’s with the bowlers! Come to have a laugh with us viewing the good ol’ days! The committees for Zveza Day in Lemont will be selected soon. Each year we enjoy a bigger success, so, please, members do help us by volunteering your services. The date is Sunday, July 20th at St. Mary’s Hill in Lemont, III. Mother’s Day will be celebrated by our branch on the regular meeting night of May 8th when we will have evening devotions at St. Stephen’s church beginning at 7:30 p. m. Our mothers are invited along with their daughters and members of the flamily to this yearly observance. Afterward we shall have refreshments In the lower hall and the guest of honor will be our distinguished Mother-of-the-Year. Hats off to Illinois! Our State President, Liz Zefran, is cheering because she is holding first place in the State Presidents’ campaign due to the fine work of our local branches, especially South Chicago neighbors at Branch 16! Congratulations to them! X^et’s keep Liz in first place! Our very best wishes to all members ill or hospitalized. God bless you. See you on April 10th. Corinne Leskovar No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Spring is slowly creeping into Milwaukee and the ladies are getting ready to spread their wings. Our president, Frances Plesko, is going on her annual Florida vacation. I hope she and her husband have a good time in the land of sunshine. The ladies of Br. 12 are planning on a trip to the Lady of the Snows shrine near St. Louis. The week-end trip is planned for May 24th and anyone wishing too go along is asked to contact Frances Plesko. The phone number is 384-4705. We made plans for our March 22 card party and thank Frances Zagar for donating a beautiful pair of pillow cases. The ladies have all been very generous In their donations, not only for the card parties, but also to the Slovenian Chapel Fund for Washington, D. C. We have quite a few ladies on our sick list: Mary Jeray, Mary Rajšter, Molly Werner, Frances Herold and Antonia Gotechnik. A number of ladies are also con- fined to their homes because of those plain old miseries that come with old age. To one and all I wish them the best of health and happiness. We had a nice turnout at our last meeting. The weather was in our favor, and we played games and enjoyed cake and coffee. Wishing you all “Vesele Velikonočne Praznike. Theresa Sukys No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. Br. No. 13 lost a wonderful friend, officer and worker with the death of our 30 year marshall, Mary Plutt. It had been my pleasure to have had M'ary as a personal friend. She worked on all my committees, as she was my right arm, ever ready, wiling and able, to do more than her share. The Slovenian Hall will miss our Mary as she was active in all the various organizations. When there was work to be done, it was always: Mary, will you do it? knowing her answer would be yes. Adored mother of Mary Coppinger and Dorothy O’Connor, grandmother of seven (eighth to be born any day now), mother (and not mother-in- law) to her two sons-in-law and life companion to her husband, Mark, who will now be lost without his Mary. Mary truly knew the meaning of the word mother. Her life was devoted to her adored family. Her constant conversation was about her family. She was a help-mate to all and spent many happy hours in the company of her grandchildren. My dad told me many years ago: one who passes away easily is holding God’s hand. Our Mary, after an evening of dinner and good time at the Slovenian Hall, went home and while getting undressed for bed, sat down and simply walked with God into Heaven. That heaven will be a nicer place because you are there with many of your friends who have waited to see you once again. A great part of Mary has stayed behind in her two wonderful daughters. All we can say at this time to this family is that tho being a mother was a ful time job with her, Mary’s work was finished and she answered God’s call. Be happy in the knowledge that your mom was “one in a million." Agnes Lovrin was elected our Mother of the Year for 19G9. We are having our breakfast to honor the Mothers on April 27th as May is so crowded with events. Agnes is truly deserving of this honor. Daughter Margie was our officer for a while. Agnes’ fine family certainly have a pal in mom. Son, Kenny is just back from the service and has made his mom really happy. Seems we all like to have our chicks at home. Grandson is the apple of Agnes’ eye. Pete and Agnes have certainly enjoyed their baby grandson. It’s so cute to see grandpa pushing the stroller. More on Agnes to follow next month. Let’s all be happy during 19G9. Time passes so swiftly and happiness is our richest gift. On sale now is FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA by Marie Prisland and you can obtain your copy through Rose Scoff. Fran Chiodo, Reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — The officers of Branch 14 would like at this lime to wish all the members and their families a very Blessed and Happy Easter. The March meeting was also our quarterly celebration of all birthdays that accured during the first three months of the year. Frances Pluth and Jennie Fitzthum were our hostesses and with the help of some of the other ladies they planned a very gracious and enjoyable evening. Excitement about the First Concert of the Dawn Choral Group was very evident since the Choral Club has a large number of Branch No. 14 members singing with it. Many members were planing to attend. Best wishes from all the Branch members, to all the singing members, Mrs. Mary Bostian, the founder of the singing group and to Mr. Frank Gorensek, who so ably teaches them. Mrs. Louise Reya donated to our treasury and Mmes. Frances Erzen, Josephine Poje, Frances Zaller, Frances Kog, and Agatha Zajc contributed to the “Good Time” treasury. Many, many thanks to all. After the meeting, Mrs. Amelia Povirk brought some delicious Krofe. Other mouth-watering desserts came from Frances Pancliur who made strudel and Vera Bajec and Mrs. Fitzthum baked cakes which all enjoyed. Our next social will be in May after the meeting. Please plan to attend; you really will enjoy it. Mrs. Antonia Sustar donated a lovely apron for a door prize and it went to very delighted, Amelia Povirk. Again thanks to all the ladies for their generous donations for the evening. Mitzi Globokar, Reporter No. 17, West Allis, Wis. Now that we have started a new year, and we are having a State President Membership Campaign in full swing, it is nice to see that there are some diligent workers writing up new members. My plea is: let’s all get out on the band wagon and enroll the daughters, sisters, granddaughters, grandsons, nieces and neighbors and friends in the Slovenian Women’s Union. Make this the banner year, a most successful drive for members! As usual, a High Mass will be offered on Mother’s Day for members and be sure to receive Holy Communion on that day at your choice of the many Masses. It has been a few years now since our group went by bus to Lemont for Zveza Day and the reason was not getting enough passengers with everyone off on vacations. For this year, we would like to have a bus, so please, if anyone is interested, give a call to the president, Marion Marolt, EV. 414908. It would be nice to have a full bus. Because of the KSKJ Bowling Tournament in Indianapolis, Ind., we will dispense with the meeting April 20th until Sunday, May 18th at 2:00 p. m. which will be the last one before the summer vacations in June, July and August. The meetings will resume again Sept. 21st at the usual time and place. The Misc. Card Party is to be on Thursday, April 17th at 8:00 p. m. at St. Mary’s Hall at So. 00th and Madison St., all members and neighboring branches and friends are most cordially invited to attend. The proceeds will go to the new St. Mary’s Church Fund. All donations are most welcome. We shall hold a Misc. Card Party for our own treasury on Thursday, Oct. 23rd, same time and same place. Anyone interested in the favorite Slovenian dishes can become good cooks and bakers with the recipes in Woman’s Glory—the Kitchen cookbook. Order one today. They make spendid gifts for the bride, birthdays or weddings. The long-awaited book, FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA, written by our Marie Prisland is available now and costs $4.00. It is well written and tells our Slovenian history and culture ... a must for everyone. Contact the president, Marion Marolt or me for the purchase of the lovely, delightful book. They also make a perfect gilt. To the sick and shut-ins, a speedy recovery. Members who are in arrears please bring your books up to date. Once again, please bring in some new members, O. K? Cod bless you. Marie A. Floryan, Sec. No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Our branch mourns the loss of member, Louise Kamnikar who died Jan. 24th. She was 77 years old and a long-time resident of Eveleth. She was our member also for many years. Many members attended her funeral and wake and escorted her on her last journey. We extend our deepest sympathy to the family, her husband and three sons, Joseph, William and Leonard, also three sisters and six grandchildren. May she rest in e-ternal peace. Mary Lenich, Secy No. 20, Joliet, III. — The branch wishes to express their condolences to the family of Joseph Mutz who lost their mother and wife, Mrs. Anna Mutz, a 40 year member of our branch and good parishioner. She Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: PRESS, THE DEVIL’S WEAPON (This is the continuation of the February article) At five o’clock in the evening, a dense crowd swarmed out of the shops and factories into the streets. Work was over and men and women, old and young, rushed eagerly to the nearest newsstand. Journals broadcasting the latest sensetional news, gaudy magazines filled the sensational stories fresh from the pen of a notorious writer of the day, were quickly handed out to the impatient crowd. Satan gloated over the scene. “My books and papers,” he said, “and my readers. And that poor priest does not see how I can succeed. He has just preached to a congregation of four hundred people — but what is that? I preach to millions! His parishioners were convinced before hand, but mine become convinced after reading. First it is the pictures and headings that attract them. He addresses his flock once a week; I preach to my people every day of the year. Every day I snatch souls from the holy man of God, yes, even souls of innocent children. Oh, these people all have their eyes blindfolded. It is a case of the blind leading the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both fall into the pit,, says your Scripture.” There was fiendish exultation in the devil’s voice as he continued: “Yes, I, the angel of darkness, see clearly, for I have no bandage over my eyes. By means of my papers my voice is heard in every corner of the land. It is heard on the street corners, in boats, in subways, in buses, in railway coaches and and in high flying planes. It goes from city to city, from town to town, it flies through the air; it even is dropped from the sky. It is heard in the schools, in private homes and in the public square. My voice will never be silent until the last soul is infected. Yes, I am winning on every side.” (To be continued) P. S. Easter is round the corner. It calls for the spiritual renewal. Only when we are spiritually prepared for Easter will it mean something to us. In the time of confusion, as is ours, we need even more to lean on God. We need His guidance more than ever. Happy Easter to you all! passed away after a lengthy illness at the age of G9 years and is survived by 5 sons and 2 daughters. Before marriage, she was a Greg-orash girl and this family has a large relationship in our parish. This was proven at her funeral where they showed their great love for their relative, Anna Mutz. She also has one sister, Mary Mutz from Cora St., a-nother of our 40 year members. The deceased was recommended as a member by Anna Pluth, our first secretary. Those attending the funeral were: Emma Planinšek, Josephine Muster, Emma Nosse and yours truly. Another member, Mrs. Rose Bobek mourns the loss of her husband, age 74 years, who was ill for a few years. There are also 4 brothers surviving. Our sergeant-at-arms, Theresa Muhich, lost her husband, John, age 65 years who was ill in the hospital for 4 months. John was a charter member of the Ravens Club on Bluff St. He was a member of the Holy Name Society, too. Survivors include two marrried daughters, our members, and her son and many other relatives. May our departed rest in peace. Those who are ill are recuperating now, munely: Frances Stiglitz from Dell Park, Lockport, Lillian Berge, Anna Mahkovec, Catherine Pavesich, Mary Schmidberger (President of the Altar and Rosary Society), who underwent surgery on her eyes. From Wedron Resort went into St. Joseph’s Hospital Anna Lenovich and Mary Ann Gregorich and Mary Maren from Center St. Also ill at home are Margaret Mulia and Rose Jagodnik in Rockdale. We hope they will all recover very soon. Ill at home is our banner sponsor, Mrs. Mary Pe-rush. Our first auditor, Frances Hubert, gave a yearly report and the branch’s financial statement was read. Also, it was reported that we had four cancellations, 7 deceased members and 43 new members in 19G8. In all we have at present 377 members. It was reported that the son of Marty and Marie Gregorich has returned from Viet Nam after spending 14 months there. Marty, Jr., is also the grandson of our Mrs. Mary C. Terlep who is well remembered for the many new members she signed into our branch through the years and he is a grandson of Justine Gregorich, another long-time member. Mary Terlep Gregorich was at one time, a cadet of our Joliet championship team. She attended the recent funeral of former drill master, Fred Pearson, who is not forgotten by the girls he drilled and devoted so much time and effort in their behalf. Mr. Pearson is remembered as a person who unselfishly led the girls to victory. At his bier there was a reunion of many of the former cadets who had not seen each other for years. Wishing you all a very Happy Easter and please keep in mind the date of our next meeting April 20th. Josephine Erjavec No. 23, Ely Minn., Dawn Club. — Our Febuarary meeting was well-attended even if the weather was miserable. President Emma Pucel opened the meeting with prayer. Sunshine chairman reported that there were no sick members at this time which we were happy to hear. Mary Starkovich is the chairman. In January we began the year by remembering our deceased members with prayers for the reposed souls —namely Frances Colarich, Mary Pucel, Sophie Pryatel and Helen Kovali. After the meeting the lunch and entertainment committee took over with “Help Your Neighbor” game and a delicious lunch was served. The following were scheduled for the March meeting lunch committee: Ann Merrill, Mayme Stoll, Christine Grahek, Ann Miklaucich and Jennie Zupančič. Theres Koschak won the attendance prize. Mary M. Shikonya, Reporter No. 24, LaSalle, III. With the end of winter and coming of spring, we are all happy and looking forward to seeing one another at the meetings. We are sad to report that we have been visited by death and we express condolences to our member Olga Fric who mourns her husband, Harold who died suddenly. Also surviving are a son, daughter and grandchildren. The family of Josephine Pohar grieves for their husband and father, John. He died after a lengthy illness. There are 4 daughters and 2 sons, also brothers and sisters, Kristine Vilek and Theresa Kreskov-ski. Our member, Barbara Cass lost her husband Fred after his long illiness. There are also a daughter and two sons surviving. We lost a member, Mary Savnik who died after lengthy suffering and leaves a daughter, Mary Vaskovjak. Young Maxine Peterson, only 17 years old, passed away — she was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jan Peterson. Grandmother is Karoline Močnik Trompinski. The family is deeply grieved over their loss. To all our departed, may God grant you eternal rest and our deepest sympathy to the families. We hope our members are feeling well and that they will have a happy Easter. Angela Strukel, Sec No. 28, Calumet, Mich. — Plans are now in the making to celebrate our 10th anniversary on Wed. May 14tli. Charter members and our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Agnes LaMuth, will be honored at that time as well as the mothers of former years. We are going to sponsor “guest night” Wed. April 9th to raise money for the coming event. Hope to see see you all there along with your guests. To all our sick and shut in members, a speedy get well and best wishes. Anne Heinemann HAPPY EASTER! VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE! EUCLID-RACE DAIRY & ICE CREAM CO 503 East 200 St., Euclid, Ohio 44119 481-4700 SPEND EASTER SUNDAY DINING WITH US! IVANHOE RESTAURANT 16378 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Tel. 451-9540 Open from 8 to 8 daily. Closed Saturday Home-made Apple, Cheese and Cherry Strudel! SPECIAL EASTER WISHES TO ALL! ST. CLAIR SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 813 East 185tli St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 481-7800 We’re as near as your phone!” BRANCH NO. 32 EUCLID, OHIO BIG BOUQUET ^ Flower and Gift Shoppe ^ 480 E. 200 St. 0m Cleveland, Ohio 44119 jff f/~j% wishes all S.W.U. members a HAPPY ^ FASTER! Special greetings to all our Supreme Officers and Founder, Marie Prisland!.. 'Pleasing you is our pleasure!’ Ben DiGiovanni FRIENDLY DRUG CO 562 E. 185tli St. Cleveland, Ohio No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. Just to keep you informed on a lew items, here’s the latest news. Our hearts are sad-dended by the loss of Anna Mayer, who passed away Feb. 24th. We sympathize with the family. May she rest In peace. To Aurora, Minn., went Josephine Novak to help her father celebrate his 80th birthday. That is really nice. She is from Edgecliffe. Theresa Potokar became grandma as Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potokar are the proud parents of a baby, bom Feb. 9th. God bless them and congratulations to all. David and Myra Gustinčič are the proud parents of a baby girl born in January. Congratulations to them and Mr and Mrs. Jack Gustinčič, being grandparents once again. David is in Vietnam, his profession is dentistry. To our treasury came $2 from Nettie Pristov, to our birthday kitty. $2 from Frances Grjevic. To all who had a birthday this year, we wish you a happy day. Let's see you at our meetings and let’s get some progress toward the good of our branch. Bear in mind that our 40th anniversary is coming up in September, on the 14th and Ohio-Michigan State Convention the same day. Let’s help our president and work with her. This being lent, Easter Greetings to all and God bless you. Anne Tekavec, Rev. Sec. No. 33, Duluth, Minn. — A wonderful attendance of G8 members were present at the March meeting. New members were enrolled: Dorothy Hinnenkamp and 5 children; Loretta Immerfall and 3 children and Betty Kreske. Congratulations and a warm welcome to our midst, girls! Our branch will celebrate their 40th anniversary in October. Since the date is so close to the annual Minnesota Zveza Day, we have asked Keewatin, who were to have it this year, to grant us permission to host the Minnesota branches. We are grateful to Keewatin for agreeing to this and so now, we shall have our sister branches help us celebrate our birthday. Frances Blatnik, our president, has accepted to be the general chairman of the event. Frances Danko is the kitchen chairman and other chairmen have been selected so that as time goes on, each member will be assigned to a committee. Following the meeting, decoration of cakes was demonstrated by member, Dorothy Jacobson, which was enjoyed by all. One was a layer cake and after being decorated, it went to Mary Shubitz. Another, a sheet cake, was decorated and then, to my surprise, presented to me for my birthday. A personal thank you to Dorothy for her kindness. This cake was cut and served with a nice lunch served by the committee. Prizes were awarded. Everyone enjoyed the evening. See you all at the April meeting. Hilda Burger is confined to St. Mary’s Hospital at present. We hope and pray she has a speedy recovery. If there is anyone else on the sick list unknown to us, God’s speed to recovery to all! Ann Podgoršek, Reporter No. 38, Chisholm, Minn. We had a very good attendance at the Dec. 4th meeting despite the cold weather. Our officers for 1969 are as follows-: President, Frances Hren; vice-president, Sylvia Petrich: financial sec. and treasurer, Anna Trdan; auditors: Rose Dropp, Jennie Adamic (newly appointed) and to you, sister Agnes Kochevar, a thank you for so many happy and faithful years as auditor and never missing a meeting. After our meeting, we all joined in taking part in the annual Christmas party. Mrs. Mary Sinko took home an apron that I made and donated and Mrs. Johanna Perkovich. the door prize. By the way, may I add that we are sorry that Mr. John Perkovich passed away on Nov. 11th at the Chisholm Memorial hospital. He was the husband of Johanna. He reached the age of 82 years. His requiem Mass took place on a most beautiful November day and the celebrants were his son, Father Frank Perkovich, with Fathers Centa, Sku-mac, Marcinel and McDowel. There were 72 priests from the entire Range in attendance. The Mass was at St. Joseph’s church. Survivors include his wife, two sons, (Father Frank is now serving a parish in Duluth and Louis lives in Chisholm) and five grandchildren. May I add in Slovenian, these were Father Perkovich’s last words: “Naj ti bo lahka črna ameriška zemlja v kateri boš počival” (in te besede, katere je govoril za zadjni pozdrav očetu, so bile ganljive do srca vsem ljudstvu v cerkvi). Our next meeting will be May 7th at which time we decided to have a card party and also honor the oldest and youngest mothers of our branch. As of today, we are sorry to report sister Margaret Palsich on the sick list. It’s only February as I write, and we already lost two members, sisters Mary Milclovich, age 84 and sister Mary Cimmermancic, age 71. We extend our condolences and may their souls rest in peace. Now, a Happy Easter greeting from all our officers and members. God bless you all. Frances Jelenlc, Reporter No. 50, Cleveland, Ohi. The February meeting was very well attended. As there were no prospective mem- bers present at this time, our main topic was on the State President Campaign. Sign up all your relatives and friends. Let’s make the Ohio State President the winner. A gold star to Rose Želodec for interesting minutes reports and to Marie Dolinar, “Sunshine Girl” who never forgets a birthday. Happy to know that Julia Horvat, Zora Kramer and Carolyn Budan are off the sick list, but Josephine Debevec must stay another month at Euclid General Hospital and Cecelia Žnidaršič is at the Charity Hospital. Send them a cheer up card. Rummage sale will be here soon. Members will be notified by the telephone committee. A lucky member on the attendance sheet was none other than our new bride-to-be, Nancy Beck. Because our branch donated towards the St. Vitus 75th Anniversary, we were presented with a full history book of all the years that have passed at St. Vitus parish. This book will be on display at each meeting so members can glance thru after the meeting. Reminders to attend the first concert of the new Dawn Club were made as eleven of our members belong to this group, namely, Ann Hočevar, Frances Nemanich, Frances Somrak, Frances Stariha, Jo Trunk, Marie Beck, Nettie Leslie, Sophie Zagorc, Julia Gorencic, Rose Roesh and Bernice Somrak. The Charter members will present a skit on how our branch was organized in the near future. After the meeting, hostesses Marie Azman and Josephine Siewiorek served a lunch of pohanje, apple strudel and coffee. Toni Turek acted as mailman for the Valentine Cards. She really put in a lot of humor in all her deliveries, calling all first names in real Slovenian style. Two members were awarded prizes on receiving the most valentines. Marie Beck reported half the members are paid up for the entire year. Let’s keep her happy. Just mail in your dues book with payment to Marie Beck, 25854 Highland Rd., Richmond Hgts., Ohio 44142. We received a nice “thank you” call from our Valentine Girl, Evana Mandel. Nex meeting night, April 21st at 8 p. m. sharp! Please attend. Be seeing “you all’’ at that time. Frances Sietz, Pres. No. 52, Kitsville, Minn.— Dearest sisters: Our meeting was held at the Little Grove on March 5th at which time we held a White Elephant Sale. Our auctioneer, Rose Trombly, did a nice job of auctioning off the articles and it netted us quite a profit. Sister Margaret Andrican also donated some baked goods which were sold. Thanks to all the members for making our sale a profitable one! We also are very sorry to have to report on another deceased member. Sister Gertrude Dimatteo passed away and left two boys orphans as her husband passed away before her. We surely feel the deepest sympathy for the boys, Richard and Thomas, on their loss. To all friends and relatives, there isn’t much more to say. We hope and pray that in some way this may help to sustain the loss which we all feel in her departure. She had carried a heavy burden, but we hope and pray that the good Lord will find 'a place for her in heaven. May her soul and all souls of our faithful departed rest in peace. We thank all the women who helped out in time of great distress and we are sure that the good Lord will repay you for your kindness! We also draped the charter and sister Josephine Oswald, our president, led us in prayer for the dearly beloved Getrude Dimatteo. We have congratulations for sister Angeline Hrovat who became a grandmother again to a little baby girl. We hope that the mother is doing fine and will soon be home to attend her family. Congraulations to all. We then closed our meetings with a prayer led by president Josephine Oswald. After the business meeting, we had our social and hostesses were sisters Margaret Andrican, Alice Baratto, Celia Politano, and Josette Malci. Prizes were given to sisters Margaret Kochevar, Jennie Crea, Alberta Russo, Angeline Russ, Ivana Prelesnik, Mildred Barbatto, Julia Mancuso. Door prize went to Delores Woline. The meeting was closed with all of us looking forward to coming together again. We are also looking for seme new faces. It seems we are losing so many members so fast. We must replace them with new members. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health until we meet again. The meeting of April 2nd is just before Easter at the Little Grove. Wishes to all for a happy holiday. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter No. 54, Warren, Ohio. Last month we held our meeting at the American Legion Hall for the first time and it was fairly well-attended. We hope having it there will be more conducive to better attendance. Bringing refreshments for the evening were our president, Rose Racher and Betty Vadas. Our annual Mother-Daughter covered dish dinner will be held there at 6:30 p. m. on Tuesday, May 20th. It’s the American Legion Hall on High St., next door to the Notre Dame Convent. There is parking in the front and rear. You are reminded to bring a covered dish and your own table service to the dinner. Please try to attend and enjoy yourselves. There will be plenty of good and tantalizing food. Welcome home to Anne Savor who was in California visiting her aged father. She said they could hardly keep up with him. Also back from a Florida vacation are Anne Mlakar and Carolyn Bersin. Carolyn is now a great grandmother and nobody would believe it. She looks great! In June we are planning a card party and there will be more about it in the issue next month. Our prayers to those of you ailing and have to be hospitalized. It seems everybody has had their share of colds and coughs and I for one, am certainly looking forward to spring and nice weather. We hope you all have a blessed Easter time. Joanne Ponikvar, Sec. No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. More members attended the February meeting which was opened with prayer by our President, Anne Satovich. Anne Voiavick, a transfer member from Aurora, was introduced and welcomed to our midst. Cards were played following the business meeting with honors going to Mmes. Nick P. Maras, Mel Phili-plch, Dan Skorich, William Spolar, Amelia Doman and Louis Drobnik. Hostesses for the meeting were Mmes. Joseph Passino, Joseph Mas-sich, Rose Kukich and Louis Putzel. Mary Meadows won the jackpot. Our deepest sympathies are extended to the family of Mrs. Joseph (Rose) Zajic Jr., a long-time member who passed away on the 14th of Feb. She leaves a husband, 5 sons and fifteen grandchildren to mourn her loss along with her father, brother and sisters. Members of the branch will miss her, too. Our President’s mother, Anna Ye-lenich (No. 65, Virginia) also passed away Feb. 1st. Expressions of sympathy on behalf of all the members go with the Yelenich family. IN MEMORIAM In the book of life, on its pages old. Their virtues are traced in letters of gold; Each kindly act and good deed done, Is there recorded, one by one. In a memory sweet, like a ribbon gay, Entwine the record, and lay it away; Rev’rently, sadly, bow the head For our beloved and honored dead. It will be Easter by the time this gets to you so have a Happy and Blessed Easter and we want to see you at the meeting with your new Easter bonnets. Margaret Skorich, Reporter No. 57, Niles, Ohio. — We had no meeting in February, so hope to see you in good numbers attending the meeting at the home of Mary Opal- kas on Russel St. It will be there due to our president Frances Yerman being on a two month vacation in Florida. Have fun, Frances. We also want to congrateulate Frances on her retirement from General Motors. A few of us had the pleasure of attending her retirement party. We surely had a nice time! She received many lovely gifts. We all wish a speedy recovery to Vera Halko and Frances Kosance. So glad that Theresa Racher is doing so well. We see where we are having a beautician in our group. Good luck to Mary Demalia. Right in my neighborhood, too. Get well wishes to all flu vicitms. See you all at the next meeting. Mary Mol'er, Rec. Sec’y No. 73, Warrensville Hgts. Ohio -— Another cold meeting day, and only 12 gals braved the weather. A short meeting was held, we played games and had refreshments. J. Turk is the only gal who made a perfect attendance in 19G8; good job. Helen Hoerl’s son, Tom joined the Coast Guard Reserves. He is the grandson of Ann Gyrcick. Good luck, Toni. Anna and Joseph Rogel celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, God bless you both and many years of wedded bliss. On our sick list, Mary Szabo had a car accident and heart attack. We all pray she is getting better. Dorothy Hrovat is home from the hospi tal and feeling better. Josephine Turk’s sister is very sick. We pray for their speedy recoveries. The names of our Florida vacationers; Louise Godec, Ann Predovic, Helen Dusek, Jennie Nosse and Martha Herak. How are your sun tans holding out in our cold Ohio weather? Ha, Ha? Don’t forget our Card Party April 18th, 8 p. m. at Isse Hall on Richmond Rd. next to St. Jude’s church. See you all there — bring along your friends! A new baby boy for Hetty Lepp. Congratulations and prayers that both are fine. Also, a grandmoin, 7t.ii time, is Helen Kunka. Very nice and hope the family is well and happy. Louise Eppley received Marie Pris-land’s book, FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA and a very interesting book it is with lots of lovely pictures . . . price is $4. See Louise and buy it. Don’t forget, in May is our pot luck dinner and Mother of the Year celebration. Betty Bayus, Reporter' t t No. 81, Keewatin, Minn. — The Slovenian Women’s Union met on January 28th at the home of Mrs. Josie Schutte. Assisting hostess was FROM SLOVENIA tion of officers was held and the fol-1 0 lowing ofifcers were elected: Mrs. . . . TO AMERICA Mrs. Ann Preshiren. The annual elec- Now is the time to place your order for the S.W.U.’s proud book on the history of Slovenian immigration in America, authored by Marie Prisland, SWU Founder, and being distributed by all our branches throughout the country. The coming gift-giving season is the perfect time for you to select this book as the most meaningful and worthwhile gift for any family or individual, adult or student. Each and every Slovenian family should have this book for their children to read and leam. Eveiy library and university should have it for further study by the generations to come. Anything that can be done to promote FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA will be a real contribution to the future education of young American-Slovenians. The book is now selling for $4.00 with ■a charge of 25 cup chopped nuts Mix all together. Grease an Angel-Food Cake Pan or torte pan. Pour in % of the batter. Sprinkle % of streusel on batter. Repeat with re-maing batter and sprinkle remaining streusel on top. Bake at 350 degrees for about 50 to 55 minutes. Cool in pan. * * * Mrs. Christine Konte, President of Branch G6, Canon City, Colo., also sent a very excellent recipe. I served the Party Cranberry Salad for my daughter’s birthday dinner and everyone loved it. PARTY CRANBERRY SALAD 1 can crushed pineapple — 8% oz. 1 pound can whole cranberry sauce 2—3 oz. packages raspberry jello or 1 large package 8 oz. package cream cheese 2 tablespoons salad dressing 1 cup heavy cream or l-2oz. package dessert topping, whipped VS cup chopped nut meats 1 tart apple, peeled and chopped Drain pineapple, save liquid. Add water to pineapple juice to make 2 cups, bring to a boil. Dissolve gelatin in hot liquid. Chill until partially set (about 40 minutes). Beat softened cream cheese and dressing together until fluffy. Gradually beat in gelatin, fold this mixture into the whipped cream or topping mix. Set aside 1% cups of this mixture. Add the drained fruit, cranberries, nut meats and apple to remaining cheese gelatin mixture. Pour into mold or pan and refrigerate until surface is set (about 20 minutes). Frost with the reserved topping. Refrigerate several hours. Serves 12. * * * Thank you Mrs. Champa and Mrs. Konte for your treasured recipes. May all of you be enjoying the signs of Spring. Fondly, Hermine No. 103, Washington, D. C. — Announcing two new members! Mrs. Amelia (Molly) Thomas and her daughter, Mary Lynn, from Arlington, Va. joined our group and we are happy to welcome them. Molly is already active and volunteered her services as hostess for February. Isn’t that marvelous? For the members who were not able to attend our February meeting, here is a quick review. Discussion centered around the approaching Mother’s Day Event which will consist of a Mass, Brunch and Program. This will replace our usual May meeting and will be held the first Sunday in May. Members will be notified of time and place. The June picnic was also considered, briefly, as this e-vent is expected to be another big activity for our branch. Committees will be formed to handle the details of both events. Speaker for the afternoon was Mr. A. Cervio, of the Georgetown Univ. Speaker’s Bureau, who spoke on “How To Deliver a Baby in an Emergency.” The topic proved to be a very informative and interesting one. Hostesses, Molly Thomas and Dora Voyatzis provided refreshments after the meeting. The table was covered with a lovely white lace tablecloth which combined with the vivid red basic cloth beneath, achieved an artistic effect in the Valentine motif. Refreshments were exceptionally good as they were baked with tender loving care, by Dora and Molly, — their Valentine rememberance to the members in attendance. Recalling some of the goodies, especially the apple-walnut cake, makes one’s taste buds take notice. Greeting from Buenos Aires arrived from Ida Gregorič who is vacationing in Argentina. Ida is basking in the sunny south while we are shivering in the cold north. We hope her days there are enjoyable ones. April birthdays will be celebrated by Bryan Nagel (Jr.) 9th, and his mother, Becky Jo, lGth. Kristina Antolin (Jr.) 17th is celebrating her very first birthday, as is Bryan Nagel. In March there were Matilda Au-sich 11th, Matilda Podborsek 14th, Minka Zalar 2lst. Happy wishes, all. And now the thought for the month, which is taken from the play AS YOU LIKE IT by William Shakespeare: “All the world’s a stage And all the men and women merely players, They have their exits and entrances; And one man In his time plays many parts.” Raster Blessings! Irene M. Planinšek No. 105, Detroit, Mich. Our hostesses for the February meeting were Ann Anzick and Rose Jamnik, meeting held at Ann’s home. It was well represented with 21 members and a guest who is a cousin of Betty Karas, namely, Helen Troha. Very nice to have her with us. We had some Interesting discussions and suggest-tions. Also, donations for our “kitty". Hostess prizes were received by Betty Karas, a Christmas address book which is certainly nice to have Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: KRISTUS — NOVI ČLOVEK Po besedah vatikanskega koncila: V resnici samo v skrivnosti učlovečene Besede res v jasni luči zažari ski'ivnost človeka. Prvi človek, Adam, je bil namreč podoba prihodnjega, to je Kristusa Gospoda, Kristus, novi Adam, ravno z razodetjem skrivnosti Očeta in njegove ljubezni človeku v polnosti razodeva človeka in mu odkriva njegovo najvišjo poklicanost. Vse resnice najdejo v njem svoj vir in dosegajo svoj vrhunec. On, ki je podoba nevidnega Boga, je tisti polni človek, ki je Adamovim otrokom vrnil bogopodobnost, popačeno začenši s prvim grehom. Ker je v njem človeška narava privzeta, ne pa uničena, je že s tem samim tudi v nas dvignjena k dostojanstvu brez primera. Kajti on, Božji sin, se je s svojim učlovečenjem na neki način združil z vsakim človekom. S človeškimi rokami je delal, s človeškim razumom je razmišljal, s človeško voljo je deloval, s človeškim srcem ljubil. Rojen iz Marije Device je v resnici postal eden izmed nas, v vsem nam enak razen v grehu. Kot nedolžno Jagnje je svobodno prelil svojo kri in nam s tem zaslužil življenje; v Njem nas je Bog spravil s seboj in med nami ter nas iztrgal iz suznosti hudobnega duha in greha, tako da vsakdo izmed nas more reči z apoštolom: “Božji sin me je vzljubil in dal samega sebe. Ko je trpel za nas, nam je dal ne samo zgled, da bi hodili po njegovih stopinjah, ampak nam je tudi odprl pot: Ce po njej hodimo, postaneta življenje in smrt posvečena ia dobita nov smisel. Upodobljen po Sinu, ki je prvorojenec med mnogimi brati, prejme krščanki človek “prvine Duha”, ki ga usposabljajo za spolnjevanje nove postave ljubezni. Po tem Duhu, ki je ara za našo dediščino, je ves človek notranje prenovijen, pravdo “odrešenja telesa”: Če prebiva v nas duh njega, ki je od mrtvih, tudi vaša umrljiva telesa oživil po svojem Duhu ki v vas prebiva. Gotovo kristjana bremeni nujnost in dolžnost, da se za ceno mnogih bridkosti bojuje zoper zlo in da pretrpi tudi smrt; toda pridružen velikonočni skrivnosti bo šel, potem, ko je bil upodobljen po Kristusu v njegovi, smrti, okrepljen z upanjem, vstajenju nasprotu. To velja ne le za kristjane, ampak tudi za vse ljudi ki so dobre volje in ki v njihovem srcu milost na neviden način deluje. Ker je namreč Kristus za vas umrl in ker je poslednji človekov poklic v resnici samo eden, to se pravi božji, moramo biti prepričani, da sveti Duh, na način ki je znan Bogu, vsem ljudem povdarja možnost, da se pridružijo velikonočni skrivnosti. Takšna in tolikšna je skrivnost človčlca, skrivnost, ki verojočim sije iz krščanskega razodetja. Po Kristusu in v Kristusu je uganka bolečine in smrti osvetljena, tista uganka, ki nas zunaj njegovega evangelija pogreza v potrtost. Kristus je vstal, S svojo smrtjo je učil smrt in nam v obilju podelil življenje, da kot sinovi v Sinu kličemo v Duhu: "Aba, Oče.” Vesele velikonočne praznike vsem! and Ann Anzlck made a white apron with red polka dots and the lucky lady was —Josephine Kriser. Very pretty, indeed! We wish to extend our sympathy to Mary Zimmerman and her family in the passing of her daughter-in-law. She left Z children in care of Mary. She was quite a young woman, only 40 years of age. Sympathy to Pauline Adamic whose nephew, 24 years of age, was killed in Vietnam. She and her husband, John, flew to Milwaukee for the funeral. We wish to welcome another new member, Kathryn Mihelich. Ann McGee is our Mother-of-the-Year. Birthday congrats for April to Alice Sheets and Fulvia Rosa. Anna Anzick and Zorka Maisel for May and Ann Senko. Very happy birthdays to all of you. Our meeting in March was set for Josephine Kriser’s with Alice Becker assisting. We have been having very good attendance at our meetings and let us continue to have them in the future. The February meeting was adjourned to be followed by a delicious lunch with štrukle, goulash with Chinese noodles, hot rolls, gelatin salad with whipped cream and potica and coffee. I think I ate too much štrukle and Could not bowl worth a darn later. Thank you, Ann and Rose, for the delicious lunch! We hope Gail Simon is feeling better and will be able to attend our next meeting. Good luck and good health to all. Stephanie Hometz, Reporter NEVER BEFORE PRICES! $299.00 — Jet Fare to Slovenia! Have the lowest air fare traveling in a group of 50 or more passengers as members of the organization. This way you will pay only $314.00 * for a round trip New York-Ljubljana Brnik airport. Children under 12 pay half fare. Those using 3 week departures will pay only $299.00 * for round trip New York-Ljubljana Brnik (plus $70.00 for land arrangements which can be used either for tours or car rental, etc). Exciting side tours, which are optional, can be included during your stay in Slovenia, such as; 9 day tour of Austria, Germany, Switzerland; 9 day tour of Italy; and 8 day tour of Adriatic and Slovenia. * Subject to government approval The following departures have been arranged for our members and their families: 8 week departures: JUNE 16—returning AUGUST 12 JULY 7—returning SEPTEMBER 2 4 week departures: JUNE 9—returning JULY 8 AUGUST 4—returning SEPTEMBER 9 3 week departures: JUNE 7—returning JUNE 28 JULY 9—returning JULY 30— leaders Mr. and Mrs. Lud Leskovar of Slovenian Radio of Chicago AUGUST 3—returning AUGUST 24 Luxury trip via S.S. United States is scheduled for May 28, 1969; for costs and other information contact Hollander or Mr. & Mrs. Frank Turek, of Wickliffe, Ohio. Assure your seat reservations now! Write to the home office of Slovenian Women's llnion, to the Supreme Secretary, Mrs. Albina Novak, 1937 W. Cermak ltd., Chicago, III. 60605$ Travel arrangements by: KOLLANDER WOULD TRAVEL, INC., 589 E. 185 St., Cleveland, O. 44119 Phone, Area 216—531-1082 Marie Prisland Dekanija Gornjegrajska (Nadaljevanje.) Knjiga z zgorajšno glavico popisuje stare cerkve in znamenite kapelice gornjegrajske dekanije pričenši s Solčavo, zadnjo faro v Zgornji Savinjski dolini. Prva farna cerkev Marije Snežne v Solčavi je bila postavljena med leti 1461-1485. Cerkev je 2®. junija 1485 posvetil ljubljanski škof Žiga Lamberg. Cerkev sv. Lovrenca v Lučah so pričeli zidati leta 1426. Sedajna cerkev je iz šestnajstega stoletja. Visoko na gori Ojstrici stoji znamenita kapelica, posvečena sv. Cirilu in Metodu ter spad'a v lučko faro. Župnijška cerkev sv. Elizabete v Ljubnem je imela svojega dušnega pastirja že v 13tem stoletju, cerkev se pa prvič uradno omenja leta 1426. Cerkev ima krasno renesansko monštranco, ki je v vsakem oziru umetniško delo ter znamenit liturgični spomenik velike vrednosti. Monštranco sta darovala Andrej in Helena Reich. Andrej Reich je bil cerkveni ključar ter je z lesno trgovino (s plavanjem flosov) precej ol>ogatel. Poleg župnijske cerkve ima Ljubno podružnico na Ra-suljah. V tej cerkvi, posvečeni Materi Božji, se nahaja gotski kelih z letnico 1512 ter krasen bakrorez sv. Jožefa iz 12tega stoletja. Župnijska cerkev sv. Frančiška v Radmirju je bila leta 1569 postavljena kot cerkev sv. Barbare. Leta 1715 je bila v gornjegrajskem okraju velika beda, lakota in živinska kolera. Hrane je primajnkovalo. Kruh so ljudje pekli iz drevesne skorje, hrušk in mladik vinske trte. Mnogo ljudi je pomrlo od lakote. Dekan gornjegrajski Ahacij Steržiner je pomagal ljudstvu v gmotnem oziru kolikor je mogel, premišljeval pa je, kako bi prišel do izboljšanja takratne ljudske duhovne bede. Odločil se je v svoji cerkvi postaviti oltar sv. Frančišku Ksa-veriju, ki je bil ravnokar prištet med svetnike. Domačini so se vpraševali kdo je ta nov svetnik, ker o njem še niso slišali. Z trdno vero in globokim zaupanjem v novega svetnika, so se prigodila skoro čudežna uslišanja in romanje k sv. Frančišku je zaslovelo. Med leti 1729-1758 je izšlo pet knjig o svetem Frančišku. Temeljni kamen cerkvi sv. Frančiška je bil položen 8. junija 1721. Zanimalo me je zakaj je ravno mala zakotna cerkvica, daleč odmaknjena od slavnih evropskih cerkva, od raznih kraljevih dvorov prejela tako lepe darove kot zlate plašče, kelihe, itd. Rev. Joseph Falež, bivši župnik fare sv. Frančiška, pojasnuje: ■'Sv. Frančišek Ksaverij je bil Jezuit. Jezuitje so bili v oni dobi vplivni možje, saj so vršili službo dvornih spovednikov in duhovnih vodnikov skoraj na vseh dvorih Evrope. Jezuitski Frančišek je bil malo prej prištet med svetnike. Bil je torej moderen svetnik. Za svojega Frančiška so se Jezuitje radi zavzeli, zlasti še zato, ker je bila cerkev sv. Frančiška v Radmirju prva v Evropi njemu posvečena. Po vrhu se je na tem lepem kraju zgodilo mnogo izrednih uslišanj, odkar so vpeljali češčenje sv. Frančiška. Kaj je bilo Jezuitom na evropskih dvorih lažje kot priporočati svojim duhovnim sinom in hčerkam ter varovancem, da kaj darujejo in store za novo, neopremljeno cerkev jezuitskega sv. Frančiška v Radmirju, ker takrat še ni bilo v vsej Evropi cerkve, ki bi bila posvečena ‘‘našemu’’ sv. Frančišku ...” Kot v ZARJI pretekli mesec omenjeno so tej cerkvi bila naklonjena krasna darila neprecenljive zgodovinske vrednosti. Darila so dobro ohranjena. — Dalje prihodnjič. * * * Mlad fant se je poročil z mladenko perzijske narodnosti. Poročne obrede je opravil perzijski svečenik, ki jima je za poročno darilo poklonil malo stekleničko z neko svetlo tekočino, rekoč: “Hranita to steklenico! tekočina v njej je magična! Dokler bosta drug drugemu zvesta, bo tekočina svetla kot je zdaj; če bi pa kateri izmed vaju postal nezvest, se bo tekočina takoj spremenila ter postala temna kot črnilo.” Poročenca sta steklenico vzela ter jo pozneje postavila na polico v sprejemni sobi. Mož sicer ni verjel magični moči steklenice, žena pa je bila lahkoverna kot so vsi Perzijci. Bila je prepričana, da je tekočina v steklenici svedok zakonske zvestobe. čez par tednov pravi mlada žena, da mora obiskati prijateljico izven mesta in bo odsotna nekaj dni. Mož je porabil to priliko, da povabi svoje prijatelje na obisk. Eden. teh je zapazil steklenico na polici ter vprašal kaj vsebuje. Mladi mož veselo pripoveduje o čudežni tekočini, ki je svetla, dokler sta zakonca drug drugemu zvesta in postane črna, če bi eden zvestobo prelomil. Ko je mož odšel v kuhinjo, da pripravi za, prijatelje zakusko, so ti iz steklenice izlili tekočino ter jo napolnili s črnilom. Vsem je bil ta postopek v veliko zabavo. Mladi mož je imel najboljši namen črnilo iz steklenice izliti ter jo nadomestiti s čisto vodo, da ne bi žena, pri-šedši domov mislila, da ji je bil njeni odsotnosti nezvest, pa je v veselem prijateljskem krogu na to čisto pozabil. Ko se drugo jutro zbudi, se takoj spomni kaj ima za storiti. Hitro vstane, da bo črnilo z vodo zamenjal. Ko vstopi v kuhinjo, da bi dobil sveže vode, v svoje veliko začudenje vidi ženo, ki se je že vrnila in je pripravljala zajuterk. Žena ga zelo prisrčno' pozdravi, nežno objame in poljubi ter zatrjuje, kako ji je bilo dolg čas po njem. Mož se z veliko skrbjo ozre na stekleničko na polici ter obstane kot ukovan. Tekočina v njej ni bila več temna kot sinoči, pač pa svetla kot prvi dan . . . Saj uganete zakaj. Luče v Zgornji Savijnski dolini “KAMPANJA DRŽAVNIH PREDSEDNIC” To bo naša najbolj uspešna kampanja, če se bomo potrudile in delale skupno za povečanje članstva v vsaki podružnici! Prični danes — pridobi novo članico in postani del Članske kampanje državnih predsednic; Nagrade so naslednje: Razred A, nova članica, V2 točka in 50c v denarju; Razred C, nova članica, 1 točka in $1 denarne nagrade; Mladinski član, % točke in 2'5c. Glavna nagrada v znesku $25 bo podeljena državni predsednici tiste države, ki bo vpisala največ novih članic. KAMPANJA SE ZAKLJUČI DNE 31. JULIJA, 1968 — — ------------------------------------------------- DOPISI Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Težko mi je ko moram ponovno pisati o smrti v naših vrstah. Nepričakovano nas je zapustila članica Elisabeth (Betty) Prijatel, ki je podlegla srčni bolezni. Čas odmika in jemlje mladost. Pokojna je ogrevala svojo ljubezen soprogu in dvema hčerkama, ki težko žalujejo za njo. Betty je bila komaj 52 let stara in bila je zvesta čla. naše podr., saj je bila skoro na vsaki seji navzoča, kakor tudi njene 4 sestre. Bila je aktivna in dobrosrčna do vseh. Članice smo jo častno spremile na zadnji poti do groba. Ostala nam bo vedno v lepem spominu. Vsem preostalim naše sožalje. Po mučni bolezni je umrla tudi poznana Cecile Adamic, tajnica podr. št. 6G. Bodi ji blag spomin. Christine Konte in Julia Skrabec sta izgubile sestro Anno Kočjan, ki se je smrtno ponesrečila v San Franciscu. Iskreno sožalje. Umrl je tudi Viktor Miklich sorodnik Mary Kristan. Smrt ga je dohitela v 56 letih starosti. Umrl je za srčno hibo. Tako se mladi po mikajo od nas. Za žalostjo posije tudi sonce veselja ,tako je bilo 22. febr. ko sta John in Mary Gruden obhajala slo vesno 50 letnico zakonskega stanu. Slavnost se je pričela s sv. mašo, katero je daroval župnik Pr. Daniel v cerkvi Marije Pomagaj. Veselo razpoloženje je trajalo do poznih ur. Nam vsem bo ta dan ostal v prijetnem spominu. Grudnova sta ljubitelja plesa in lepo sta zaplesala valček na čast “I love you truly". Hčerka Elsie Barker je naša čla. Zlata nevesta je hčerka že davno umrlih Kralovih, po domače Lenčkov na farmi. Vsi jima čestitamo in želimo, da bi dočakala še mnogo let družinske sreče in božjega blagoslova. In hvala za povabilo, bilo je res lepo biti z vami tega večera. Tukaj v Pueblo se nahaja pri svoji teti Mrs. Marjanovič, Francka Germ. Na obisku je za nedoločen čas. Doma je iz vasi Zagorice v Sloveniji. Vesela je tistih, ki ste od tam doma za prijazne obiske. Pri nas smo obhajali pomenljiv čas sv. misijona, posebno sedaj v postnem času je prav primerno za duhovno obnovo. Pet dnevni misijon vodijo č. gospod Fr. Ayoslus Farrell iz Layton, Utah. Misijonar je prijazen in sposoben govornik, kakor da je rojen za misijonsko delo. Ko to pišem so resno bolane naše članice Mary Zupančič in Anne Slobodnik se zdravita na domu. Bile so v bolnišnici. Vsem želimo hitro zdravje. Pravkar sem prejela sporočilo, da je umrla čla. Rose Skube. Rešena je trpljenja in hude bolezni, ki jo je mučila več let. Vse prehitro je odšla od nas. Mirno in sladko naj počiva. Ohranjen ji bodi najlepši spomin! Zelo mi je žal, da se je podr. v I.eadville razpustila. Vsem odbornicam in čla. želim vesele velikonočne praznike, ker z Veliko nočjo prihaja pomlad in toplo sonce, ki bo ogrelo zemljo in nam okrepilo zdravje. Članice prosim pripeljite novo pri-stople članice na prihodnjo sejo, ker sedaj smo v kampanji državnih predsednic. Poklonite mi dar v tej članski kampanji z novo članico. Ne pozabite na našo sejo dne 7. maja ko bomo proslavile naše matere. Skupno se bomo spomnile umrlih in živih mater in s pesmijo bomo počastile našo nebeško mater. Torej na svidenje! Anna Pachak Št. 13, San Francisco, Cal. Tukaj imamo letos mnogo dežja in poplav, zdi se kot, da nas bo zalilo. Imamo 40 stopinj Celzija, kar je precej mrzlo za naše milo podnebje. Zadnji teden smo izgubile ses. Mary Plut, ki je bila marshall pri Zvezi mnogo let. Umrla je nenadoma, kar je za družino zelo hudo. Zapušča moža Marko, 21 hčeri in 8 vnukov in vnukinj. Osmi vnuk, sin od hčere Dorothy je bil rojen 2 dni po pogrebu stare mamice. Torej Bog vzame in takoj pošlje nadomestilo. Prizadeti družini ob smrti žene, matere in stare mamice, naše iskreno sožalje. Obenem pa čestitke ob novorojenčku. Pokojna je bila pridna in aktivna v naših društvih, je tudi veliko storila v prid slovenskih društev. Naj v miru počiva! Možu Marku pa tolažbo v njegovi trdni veri in ljubezni do Boga, kakršno je redko videti med nami. Tista stara ukoreninjena vera, ki jo nobena sprememba, cerkvena ali svetna ne zruši, ker ima podlago, cilj ln ideal. Seveda se moramo prilagoditi novim spremembam, ker moramo s časom naprej. Ali zakaj je toliko nemira in zmešnjave v novem svetu danes, ker starost ni več spoštovana in postave tudi ne. Okusna moda, dekliška čednost je tudi prav iz mode. Ni čudno, da slišimo opombe, da bomo završili kakor stari Rlmljami, ki so sami sebe ugonobili z nemoralnim življenjem. Imam tudi veselo novico, da je hčerka od sestre Stich in soproga, Judy Weiner rodila sina. Čestitke mladi mamici in vsej ugledni družini. Jacqueline Stich je bila bivša pevka v našem cerkvenem zboru. Te dni se spominjamo naših svetili bratov Sv. Cirila in Metoda, ki sta delovala za vero med našimi predniki pred 1100 leti. Njima se imamo Slovenci zahvaliti za našo abecedo in slovnico staroslovanskega jezika, posebno pri sv. maši, ki so jo naši duhovniki brali kot eden prvih narodov na svetu v staroslovenskem jeziku. V Rimu je bila posebna proslava in sam sv. oče Paul je Imel sv. mašo v spomin na sveta brata. Slovenci se menda premalo zavedamo in ne cenimo dovolj veliko delo naših svetnikov. Naj končam z verzom v spomin umrlih: Tako vedno v življenju našem, najsvetlejša luč ugasne; ko z zlomljenim srcem in solzo v očeh, završimo pot življenja, vsak drugače. Pozdravlja, Poldica Podgornik, poročevalka Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Naša marčeva seja je bila še kar dobro obiskana. Lahko bi jih prišlo še več, ker je bil ta dan izredno lep. Mogoče ste pozabile, da se naše seje vršijo vsaki prvi torek v mesecu. Prosim, da si zapomnite in pridite na prihodnje seje, da nas bo več in kaj novih članic pripeljite s seboj. Mrs. Sočja je odšla s skupino na Havaje na izlet. Želimo ji, da bi se dobro imela ln srečno vrnila domov. Mrs. Stani Gril, ki je bila zadnji mesec operirana, je že doma iz bolnice. Lepo se je zahvalila s kartico, ko je bila obiskana po Frances Globokar in Mary Iskra. V tem času je precej bolana in se nahaja v bolnici Mrs. Olga Ozanovič. Želimo ji, da bi se čimprej pozdravila. Na razpolago Imamo še Kuhinjsko knjigo, katera jo še nima, jo lahko dobi pri naši tajnici ali preds. The-resi Skur. Dne 25. maja ko bomo imele večerjo skupnih društev, bomo tudi med od št. 14 sodelovale. Večerja bo $2.50. Vse, ki se zanimate za to večerjo, naj pokličejo Mrs. Rozi Mickovič. Ta večer smo imele tudi 3 mesečno godovanje in sestre so prinesle v jestvinah: Vera Bajec, Mary Pančur, Amalija Povirk, Rozi Mickovič in v denarju so darovale: Frances Česen, Josiplna Poje, Franca Zalar, Franca Kog, Agata Zajec, a v društveno blagajno je darovala Alojzija Keja. Vsem darovalkam se iskreno zahvalim in želim, da bi vam Bog naklonil ljubo zdravje, da bi dolgo živele in delile dobrote. Ob koncu vas in vse sestre, iskreno pozdravljam. A. Šuštar, poročevalka Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Januarja in februarja smo odložile sejo, ker je bilo vreme premrzlo in preveč snega. Toda v marcu je bilo boljše vreme, odslej naprej bo gotovo toplejše in bolj vabljivo za ven iti. Drage sestre, lepo vas prosim, da bi vse prišle na sejo v maju. Slišale boste važna poročila in čas je tukaj, da se pomenimo glede Zvezinega dne, ki bo letos v Dulutliu pri št. 33, ki bo praznovala 40. letnico obstoja ob istem času. Vsem je poznana gostoljubnost tamošnjih članic in letos se bodo pa še bolj pridno zavzele, ker to ne bo kar navadna prireditev, ker 40 let obstoja bo gotovo važna slovesnost. Od Duluthsko podružnice pridejo vsako leto v velikem številu na Zvezin d'an, zato se bodo gotovo vse podružnice iz države odzvale in izkazale hvaležno priznanje. Smrt se je v kratkih mesecih o-glasila štirkrat med nami ter nam vzela odbornici, namreč predsednico Antonijo Nemgar, zapisnikarico Frances Sterle ter Mary Hoppa in Alojzijo Kamnikar. Članice so se v lepem številu udeležile molitev ob krsti in tudi spremile pokojne sestre na zadnji poti. Bog jim daj večni mir ter obilno plačilo v večnosti. Vsem preostalim izrekamo iskreno sočutje nad veliko izgubo! Več naših članic se nahaja na bolniški listini. Med temi so: sestre Stimac, Rose Ilharslch, Strahan, Steblaj, Mihavc, Setnikar, Mary Pogorelec, Indihar, Jerome, Frantar. V bolnišnicah je iskalo zdravje tudi več mož od naših članic. Vsem bolnim želimo, da bi kmalu okrevali, saj se približuje prelepa pomlad in dostikrat toplo vreme vpliva za boljše zdravje bolnikom in to želimo prav vsem. Vsem novim mamicam pošiljamo prisrčne čestitke in isto vsem ponosnim starim mamicam. Bog daj vsem novorojenčkom kot mamicam ljubo zdravje, ter jim kličem: dobrodošli v našo podružnico! Lansko leto se je podala na obisk v staro domovino naša sestra Mary Menart, doma iz Otave pri Ribnici. Z njo je šel tudi 10 let stari sinček Anton, ki je užival lepe kraje. Starši so ga lepo naučili govoriti slovensko, kar mu je zelo prav prišlo. Sestra toplo priporoča vsem, ki imate žive starše in sorodnike, da jih obiščete, ker veselje je na vse strani nepopisno lepo. Na rokah imam krasne knjige, ki so zgodovinskega pomena in nekaj kar dozdaj še ni bilo na trgu. Naša ustanoviteljica Mrs. Marie Prisland je posvetila mnogo truda in časa pri ureditvi te mične knjige, ki bi jo morali imeti v vsakem domu. Spisana je v angleščini, da bo za vse, ki zastopijo samo angleški jezik zelo zanimiva. V branju te knjige bodo posebno mladi dobili mnogo zgodovinskih podatkov. Toplo priporočam vsem staršem, da si nabavite to knjigo “Od Slovenije do Amerike” — Stane samo štiri dolarje in jo lahko dobite pri meni. Na rokah imam tudi kuharske knjige, ki so posebno ob praznikih velik pripomoček vsem gospodinjam, ki bi rade postregle z okusnimi poticami, štrudlji in vseh vrst pecivom. Kuharska knjiga stane tri dolarje. Ako ni veste kaj bi dali svojim za pirhe, potem vam priporočamo te knjige, ker bolj zanimivega darila ne boste našli po trgovinah. Želim vsem skupaj prav lepe praznike najbolj pa ljubo zdravje. Članicam pri št. 19 ponovno poročam, da bomo imele zelo važno sejo v maju. Praznovale bomo Materinski dan. Čas bo objavljen v lokalnem časopisu. Vdanostno pozdravljam, Mary Lenich, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Podružnica žaluje za izgubo svoje tretje 40 letne članice, Anne Mutz iz N. Broadwaya, ki se je poslovila od nas v starosti 69 let. Zapušča moža Josepha in 5 sinov ter 2 hčere in 12 vnukov ter sestro Mary Mutz iz Cora St., ki je tudi naša 40 letna članica. Pokojna je bila tukaj zelo poznana. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Gregorash, ki imajo tukaj veliko sorodstva. Priporočena je bila po tajnici Mary Bluth. Imela je veličastni pogreb, katerega so se udeležile za Zvezo, Emma Planinšek, Emma Nosse, Josephine Muster in Josephine Erjavec. Dalje je izgubila soproga Johna Muhicha, naša rediteljica Theresa M. Bil je štiri mesece v bolnišnici sv. Jožefa. Pokojni je pohajal v našo domačo šolo v mladih letih ter je bil ustanovni član Ravens Kluba ter član društva Presvetega Imena. O-menjena društva so opravila molitve in se udeležila pogreba, ravno tako tudi odbornice naše podr. Ženi Thresi sinovoma in dvema poročenima hčerkama, ki sta tudi naše čla., izrekamo iskreno sožalje. članica Rose Bobek je tudi izgubila soproga po dolgih letih bolezni. Umrl je v starosti 74 let in za njim žalujejo poleg žene, tudi 4 bratje in drugi sorodniki. Naj vsi imenovani počivajo v miru in večna luč naj jim sveti. Vsem preostalim sorodnikom pa naše sožalje. Na bolniški listi so tudi Frances Štiglic iz Dell park, Lockport, Lillian Berge, Mrs. Anna Mahkovec in v bolnišnici so tudi Cath. Pavesich, Mary Schmidberger, ki je imela o-peracljo na očeh; dalje iz Wedron okrevališča je bila prepeljana v bolnišnico sv. Josefa, Anna Lenovich, Mihaela Maren, Gregorlcli Mary Anne, na domu v Rockdale so še vedno rahlega zdravja Margaret Muha in Rose Jagodnik. Bolna je tudi Mary Perush, ki je botra zastavi naše podr. Na seji je prva nadzornica Frances Hubert poročala, da smo med letom izgubile 4 članice, ki so bile črtane, nato 7, katere so bile poklicane v večnost in novih je bilo sprejetih 43. Skupaj imamo sedaj 377 članic. Taj. Olga Ancel doda še poročilo o premoženju podr. Predse. E. Planinšek je povdariia, naj si dobimo nadomestilo novih članic, katerim je umrla mati, naj sedaj pristopijo hčerke. Pred več tedni se je vrnil iz Viet Nama, sin Mr. in Mrs. Martin Gre-gorich in to po 14 mesecih od doma. Marty Jr. je vnuk naše dobre dekav-ke Mary Terlep in pa tudi vnuk Justine Gregorich, ki je tudi dolgoletna članica. Marie Terlep se je tudi poslovila od pok. drill master, Fred Pearson, ko so ostale kadetke skupno pristopile k njegovi krsti. Mnoge se niso videle dalje časa, saj pot življenja in usoda jih vodi v razne smeri. Spominjale so se pok. Pearson, ki se je nesebično žrtovo-val, da so dekleta prinesla domov prvenstvo. Tako se vsega tega po tolikih letih zopet spominjalo. Voščim vam vsem Vesele Velikonočne praznike. Vabim vas na sejo 20. aprila. Vaša poročevalka, Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, West Park, Ohio. — Naše društvo dobro napreduje. Z veseljem sporočam, da se bliža materinski dan in se že lepo pripravljajo', da se ta dan najlepše proslavi. Tukaj imamo tepo pomlad, toda tudi v tem času imamo žalostne novice. Več sester je bolanih: Ana Vuk, Mary Galik, Mrs. Kmet, — Rozi Kostko pa se je podala na Havaje ter ji vse želimo zdravo vrnitev. Sedaj smo v postnem času, ki je čas premišljevanja in pokore, toda Velika noč in božje Vstajenje bo že tukaj ko boste prejele to Zarjo. Vsem želim veselo obhajanje velikonočne Aleluje. Naj Vas Bog blagoslovi. Zbogom, Frances Kave, poročevalka Št. 24, La Salle, III. — Zima se je poslovila od nas in zopet smo sredi lepe zelene pomladi, da se bomo o-grele na toplem soncu. Upam, da se boste tudi naše članice ogrele, da boste prišle v večjem številu na naše seje, ker imamo več važnih zadev za rešiti. Žal pa imamo tudi več žalostnih novic, ko moramo poročati o smrtnih slučajih med nami. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo članici Olgi Fric, ki žaluje za njenim možem Heraldom, ki je nepričakovano preminul. Prišel je iz dela ter se zgrudil. Poleg žene zapušča tudi hčer, sina in vnuke. Nadalje izrekamo sožalje družini Josephine Pohar, ki žaluje za možem NA LETNI SEJI V PITTSBURGHU Johnom. Bolehal je več mesecev. Poleg žene zapušča 4 hčere in 21 sinova, 3 brate in 4 sestre. — Enako izrekamo sožalje Kristini Vitek in Theresi Kreskovski, ki žalujeta za bratom Johnom Pohar. — Sožalje Barbari Čas ki žaluje za možem Fredom, ki je preminul po dolgi bolezni. Poleg žene zapušča tudi eno hčer in 2 sinova. — Nadalje smo zopet izgubile eno članico, Mary Savnik, ki je umrla po dolgi bolezni. Pokojna zapušča žalujočo hčer Mary Vaškovjak. — Naj bo vsem pokojnim Bog dober plačnik in vsem družinam pa naše sožalje. — Nadalje je umrla Maksin Peterson, stara komaj 17 let. Bolehala je več časa. Bila je edina hčerka Mr. in Mrs. John Peterson. Pokojna zapušča žalujoče starše in staro mamo čla. Korlina Močnik. — Vsem pokojnim naj sveti večna luč. Naj jim bo Bog dober plačnik. Družinam pa naše globoko sožalje. Vsem bolnim članicam želimo ljubega zdravja in prav vsem veselo Veliko noč in obilo lepih pirhov, predvsem pa zdravja in sreče v krogu vaših družin. Vas pozdravlja, Angela Strukel', tajnica Št. 25, Cleveland, O. — Zopet se je približala lepa pomlad, ker so že trate ozelenele in zopet bomo imele delo z našimi vrtovi in cvetlicami. Sporočani vsem članicam, da bomo imele bake sale dne 10. in 11. maje v šentviških šolskih prostorih, kjer zborujemo. Prosim vse članice od blizu in daleč, da nam priskočijo na pomoč z dobrim domačim pecivom in same kaj prinesejo, ker ves dobiček gre v našo ročno blagajno za naše društvene stroške. Prav lepo prosim! Tudi v soboto bomo delale krofe, da bodo v prodaji isti dan, zato prinesite pecivo v soboto od ene ure pop. dalje in v nedeljo zjutraj po sedmi uri. Seje imamo sedaj drugo nedeljo v mesecu ob 2 uri pop. v šoli sv. Vida. Ob tej priliki bomo praznovale materinski dan in tudi izvolile kraljico za to leto, katero bo sreča doletela, da dobi ta častni naslov. Potem imamo dober prigrizek in domačo zabavo. Pridite, zato smo spremenile seje, da vas lahko več pride in se skupno malo poveselimo. Marie Kovačič je bila v bolnici, sedaj se zdravi na domu. Mary Zupan se je podala v bolnico, Mrs. Strniša in- Mrs. Stampfel se zdravita doma, Mrs. Strnad je še vedno v bolnici, Mrs. Zakrajšek se ravno tako zdravi v okrevališču. Vsem bolnim, imenovanim in neimenovanim želimo ljubega zdravja. V blagajno so darovale naslednje sestre: Ubic, Meglic, Steklasa, Zust, Jamnik, Razinger. Bog naj vam povrne za vaš dar. Želim vam drage članice prav vesele Velikonočne praznike in vsemu glavnemu odboru ter našemu duhovnemu svetovalcu Fr. Klavdij Okoren. Naj vas vse Vstali Zveličar blagoslovi! Naj še to omenim: katera ni še nič darovala za Slovensko kapelo v Washingtonu, je prošena da mal’ daruje dar Mariji na oltar. Saj veste, da še naprej pobiram. Darujte, da se bo naša podružnica stoprocentno odzvala z darovi. I^epo pozdravljene vse in na svidenje na seji 11. maja v nedeljo popoldne. Mary Otoničar Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Ko pišem te vrstice je še nekoliko mrzlo, toda predno pride ta dopis do nas bo že lepa pomlad, ko se vsa narava razcveti in se tudi človek karnekam poživi, da je zopet dočakal zeleno pomlad. Tako bi bilo lepo tudi pri naši SŽZ, če bi se malo oživele z delavnostjo in pridobile kaj novih članic, da vsaj nadomestimo vrzeli. V kratkem času smo izgubile kar tri članice. Prva je umrla Kati Favla-kovic, potem Frances Valečič in njej je sledila Anna Migalič. Gospod daj jim večni mir in pokoj in večna luč naj jim sveti. Vsem žalujočim družinam naše iskreno sožalje. Pred kratkim je naša odlična članica, izgubila dobrega soproga Louis Skerlong, katerega bo težko pogrešala in vsi, ki smo ga poznali, ker je bil zelo priljubljen in povsod je rad pomagal. Bil je tudi dober pevec in je spadal v tukajšnjemu pevskemu društvu Pittsburgh Slovenian Oktet in je tudi rad igral na harmoniko, da je bilo veselo kamor je prišel s harmoniko. Njegova žena Mary je tudi zelo aktivna in je tudi oznanje-valka na Slovenski uri na radiju. Pokojni jo je vsako nedeljo popeljal na radijsko postajo, zato bo teško po grešan. V imenu društva naj v miru počiva. Njegovi soprogi in dvema sinovoma in njihovim družinam naše iskreno sožalje. Vljudno vas prosim članice, da bodete pomagale prodajati tikete za naš luncheon, katerega bomo imele 20. maja ob 12:30 pop. v Slovenski dvorani na 57 cesti. Vsaka članica ima svoje prijateljice, katerim ponudite tiketse in pripeljite jih na kosilo. Odbor ne more vsega sam storiti. Vam bomo hvaležne, če nam greste na roke. Želim vsem gl. odbornicam, našemu duhovnemu vodju Fr. Klavdiju in vsem članicam vesele Velikonočne praznike. Bog vas blagoslavi! Anna Trontel, preds. Odbor za to leto od leve na desno: Antonija Jaketič, podpreds., Mary Bahor, blagajničarka, Anna Trontel, predsednica, Anna Frankovič, tajnica, Jennie Tomšič, zapisnikarica, Helen Kunič, nadzornica. Druga nadz. Frances Žugel zaradi bolezni ni bila navzoča. SKUPINA ČLANIC NA GLAVNI SEJI PODR. Aurora, III. — Danes je pa res tako lep in sončen dan, me je kar sonce pripravilo k pisanju. Sicer pa imamo zimo z mnogimi sončnimi dnevi. — Imela sem lepe zimske počitnice pri sinu, lei je optometrist v Ocono-movoe, Wis. Sinalia mi je pisala, da bodo prišli po mene v soboto med Božičem in Novim letom, ker so bili študentje — sin in hči sta na univerzi v Madisonu — doma in tako mi je pisala, da pridejo dne 7. jan. Odšli smo 8. jan. Tam je bilo dosti snega, posebno v mestu so bili velikanski okopi ob cestah, ker so ljudje morali napraviti velike kupe odkidanega snega, da so lahko šli z auti na ceste, ki so bile očiščene. Pa mi reče sinalia Elaine, Ti imaš rada rože, pa pojdimo popoldne v Milwaukee v Conservatory, tam boš videla vsakovrstne rože. Res rože so bile v najlepšem cvetju sredi januarja. In kako krasni kaktusi, kar obloženi s cvetjem. Najbolj pa se mi ja dopadla stena okoli rož. Med krasnimi kamni pa cvetoči nasadi, ker naredi vse še lepše! Drugo popoldne pa sva šle v muzej in živalski vrt, kjer smo videli od najmanjšega ptička do slona. V tistem času so krmili živali in je res bilo smešno, kako je en slon skušal vzeti krmo izpred rilca drugega, če ni pomagalo, pa ga je skušal udariti s tistim dolgim rilcem. Zadnjo nedeljo mojega obiska smo izrabili, da nas je Edward peljal v Madison obiskati hčerko Barbaro, ki študira zadnje (4) leto in sin pa tretje leto. On ima dovoljenje, da konča študije, potem pa bo moral iti za 2 leti k vojakom. Četudi pride Zarja par dni pozneje, že danes želim in voščim vesele Velikonočne praznike in dosti pirhov vsem članicam in Vašim družinam. Vse lepo pozdravjam, Frances Kranjc Št. 41, Cleveland, O. — Zadnja seja je bila prav povoljno obiskana, želimo, da bi tako nadaljevali. Februarja meseca sta preminuli ses. Emily Fabian in Eva Svastovich. Vsem žalujočim izrekamo naše iskreno sožalje, pokojni sestri pa naj počivata v miru in večna luč naj jima sveti. V balgajno so darovale: ses. J. Dermaša, D. Ferra, F. Karis in U. Ponikvar. — V šolninski sklad naše organizacije je pa darovala ses. Frances Zakrajšek v spomin pokojnega soproga Antona. — Vsem naša iskrena hvala. Dne 9. marca smo se udeležile koncerta pevskega zbora naše org. "Zarja”, kjer smo imele par ur lepega užitka poslušati naše prelepe pesmice. Zboru iskreno čestitamo in želimo še mnogo uspehov. V tem mesecu obhajata rojstne obletnice ses. presednica, Mary Debevec in podpreds. Rose Pujzdar. O-bema iskreno čestitamo in jima že- limo še mnogo srečnih in zdravih obletnic. Enako želimo vsem, katere godujejo v tem mesecu. Vsem našim bolnim sestram želim čimprejšnjega okrevanja in najboljšega zdravja v bodočnosti, posebno pa želimo popolnega okrevanja ses. Juliji Makuc in Ann Koželj. Dobrodošla kličemo ses. Marian Rolih. Upamo, da bo pridno posečala naše seje. Po zadnji seji smo praznovale rojstni obletnici ses. Frances Zakrajšek in podpisane. Prisrčna hvala ses. Debevec in ses. Zakrajšek za izvrstno pecivo. Pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo. Iskrene pozdrave vsem, Ella Starin, taj. Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. — Trije meseci čmernega in mrzlega vremena so za nami in danes 2. marca nam že sonce prijazno sije. Gotovo bomo še imeli zimo, toda vseeno se veselimo ker se nam bliža topla pomlad. Pri zadnjih volitvah v jeseni, so bili tudi trije Slovenci izvoljeni v precej vsoke urade v našem mestu: Julius Novak, sin pok. Fred in Anne Novak, je bil izvoljen za County Assessor našega mesta in okraja. Joe Mulich je bil izvoljen za državnega poslanca, ali state representative 34 okrožja, njegov brat Bill pa za 32 distrikt. Tako se je zgodilo prvič, da bosta 2 brata delovala kot zakono dajalca iste poslanske zbornice (House of Representatives). Njun pok. oče Frank Mulich je bil doma iz Rakeka in je barval cerkve in vsa velika poslopja. Mati Amalija je pa doma iz Drage. Tudi vsi sinovi so v slikarski obrti. Vsem trem čestitamo k njihovi izvolitvi in naj jih Bog vodi, da bi dobro delali za napredek Amerke in da bi bili v ponos našemu narodu. V hrvatski cerkvi Janeza Krstnika sta se poročila Matthew J. Skradski in Miss Helen A. Gray. Poročne obrede je izvršil msgr. John Horvat, ženinov ujec. Ženinovi starši Mr. in Mrs. Matt Skradski vodijo prav uspešno pogrebni zavod. Njegova mati je tudi naša dobra članica Zveze. Čestitamo in želimo mnogo sreče mlademu paru na skupni življenski poti. Mr. in Mrs. Martin Mootz, sta imela obisk iz Denverja, Colo. Prišla je najstarejša hčerka Mrs. Leonard O’-neill, ki še vedno izgleda brhka in mlada. Sedaj imam zopet kuharske knjige, kdor ji želi naročiti. Končno pa voščim vsem uradnicam in članicam Zveze, vesele Velikonočne praznike. Antonia Kostelec Št. 68, Fairport Harbor, Pa. Zopet nas je bilo na seji kar lepo število, pa vendar bi jih lahko bilo še več, toda le pridite prihodnjič, vse, ki nimate res važnega zadržka. Predsednica, Jennie Mohorčič je od- prla sejo z molitvijo, potem je bila na dnevnem redu razprava glede dela v dobrobit podružnice. Spomnile smo se todi bolnih članic, to je Jennie Zalek, ki je vedno rada redno hodila na seje dokler je ni bolezen pridržala doma. Zadel jo je strok na levo stran, da ji je onemogla roka in noga. Zravje se ji počasi zboljšu-je in upamo, da bo v kratkem zopet lahko prišla med nas, kakor tudi Ana Svigel, ki je ena prvih ustanoviteljic naše podružnice, pa jo je sedaj prizadela bolezen, da ni mogla priti na našo zadnjo sejo, saj je vedno rada prišla. Predsednica je predlagala, da pri vsem našem delu potrebujemo razvedrila, zato naj bi imele kard party ob sobotah. Smo se strinjale z njo in sklenjeno je bilo, da bomo imele card party vsako soboto zvečer, da bomo dale nekaj v blagajno. Pridite v Klubove prostore. Katere ste srečne, da imate soproga, jih tudi pripeljite. Upam, da bom drugič i-mela kaj dobrih novic za poročati. Pozdrav vsem čitateljem Zarje. Angela Godec, poročevalka Št. 81, Keewatin, Minn. Pozdravljene vse sestre širom amerike, kjerkoli deluje naša SŽZ. — Bom nekoliko poročala, kako deluje naša novo oživela podružnica. Vidi se, da je bilo treba mlade moči, ker ta starejše se več ne zanimajo, kakor nekoč. Vse novo pristople se zelo zanimajo in seje so lepo obiskana. Pridejo na seje, čeprav je vreme pod ničlo. V januarju je bila seja z volitvami odbornic. Vse so še ostale, jaz sem pustila kot presednica, ker nisem pri dobrem zdravju. Naj imajo mlade, tudi podpredsednica je novo izvoljena. Žal se nisem mogla udeležiti zadnje seje, ker me je napadel flu in sedaj zopet ozdravela. Imena novih odbornic so bila objavljene v angleškem delu, kar je ses. Bolf lepo opisala. Vse so tukaj rojene, zato rajše čitajo v jeziku, ki ga bolje zastopijo. Imele smo Valentine card party, ki je prav lepo izpadel in nam malo napolnil blagajno. Hvala vsem, ki ste bile na delu in prodajale vstopnice. Pokazalo se je, kjer je volja, je tudi moč. Sklenjeno je bilo, da bodo seje vsako tretjo sredo v mesecu. Doslej smo klicale po telefonu kdaj bo meetinga, tako pa bo sedaj vsaka članica vedela kedaj in kateri dan so seje, ki so vedno na domu pri članicah. Starejše sestre želijo, da nekoliko poročam v slovenščini. Starka zima je nas obiskala in nam nametala mnogo snega, da nismo vedeli kam z njim. Tako veliki kupi snega so bili, da smo komaj videle črez cesto. Ob koncu še lep pozdrav članstvu in vsemu glavnemu odboru. Mary Kolar, poročevalka FINANCIAL REPORT FOR DECEMBER, 1968 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC DECEMBER, (968 Br. No. Assessment . Adult Jrs. Br. No. Assessment . Adult Jrs. 1 $ 96.90 168 57 86 12.40 22 — 2 204.45 354 160 88 21.20 45 10 3 148.95 265 166 89 33.55 76 23 4 — 13 — a 90 22.00 47 22 6 — 107 26 a 91 33.00 53 12 G 46.25 106 8 92 18.00 28 2 7 54.35 98 70 93 24.90 59 1 8 20.40 50 — 94 — 15 7 9 30 2 b 95 215.85 176 23 d 10 141.40 324 31 96 24.35 48 — 12 72.70 176 48 97 8.30 17 — 13 55.00 111 20 99 6.40 17 — 14 143.90 291 31 100 25.30 44 8 15 106.75 215 10 101 21.55 29 15 16 66.25 122 76 102 43.35 29 3 j 17 81.10 155 77 103 19.80 30 13 19 58.40 122 25 104 7.30 19 — 20 145.30 327 47 105 16.25 27 6 21 61.90 116 47 106 27.80 22 2 d 22 18.70 19 — Totals $4,505.95 8,294 2,353 23 107.60 226 53 a pd. in Nov- b May; g Oct; h Sept.; 24 76.10 152 80 1 Feb; j Jan. Feb. Mar.; c Dec Jan; 25 350.70 656 173 d Nov. Dec.; f Aug. Sept. Oct Nov. 26 43.25 99 13 Dec. 27 28 29 30 31 42.75 11.60 7.40 88.80 53 76 28 17 95 3 9 5 28 c Assessments $4 Rent Interests 3 Misc. 505.95 165.00 807.75 24.27 32 72.00 123 88 Total 18 502.97 33 118.40 195 139 December — Death claims paid to 34 18.55 36 6 the following: 46 31.90 55 40 Br. 2, Chicago, Emma Meglin $100.00 37 17.00 24 3 d Br. 3, Pueblo, Olga Cemac 100.00 38 49.80 130 — Br. 6, Barberton, M. Valenchek 100.00 39 20.10 46 10 Br. 10, Cleveland, Alice Pertz ‘B’ 200.00 40 54.00 103 3 Br. 14, Euclid, Anna Prince ‘B’ 200.00 41 86.65 215 32 Br. 15, Cleveland, L. Zupančič 100.00 42 22.95 47 — Br. 19, Eveleth, A. Nemgar 100.00 43 84.05 143 78 Br. 21, Cleveland, K. Železnik 100.00 45 22.10 48 7 Br. 25, Cleveland, Mary Erzen 100.00 46 14.45 30 5 Br. 25, Cleveland, M. Tekaucic 100.00 47 55.15 108 33 Br. 32, Euclid, Cath. Skrobot 100.00 49 _ 34 — a Br. 32, Euclid, Josephine Janes 100.00 50 124.15 190 101 Br. 33, Duluth, Katica Raje 100.00 51 7.25 15 — Br. 38,Chisholm, Mary Slemsek 100.00 52 31.05 53 17 Br. 47, Cleveland, Jos. Meserko 100.00 54 35.10 65 47 Br. 49, Wlckliffe, Fran. Mihevc 100.00 55 32.55 64 5 Br. 77, Pittsburgh, Anna Tutek 100.00 56 40.85 96 10 Br. 84, N. Y„ D. Holeselc ‘B’ 150.00 57 37.85 64 35 Br. 96, Universal, Jennie Pivik 100.00 59 32.40 31 2 d Zarja—The Dawn, Dec. 32 pp. 2,041.75 61 28.20 8 — Salaries and administration 1,800.00 62 30 — a Woman’s Glory, cookbooks 63 285.50 110 34 f printing and freight 4,080.39 64 48 2 g Campaign awards “New Era” 319.25 65 52 24 a Junior activities and awards 238.50 66 39.25 69 10 Secretaries’, postage and 67 26.20 48 14 supplies 268.65 68 39.55 60 18 Fuel and repairs .plumbing 182.17 70 — 14 3 h Monthly rent of Home Office 75.00 71 56.15 114 23 Total $11,156.24 72 — 26 1 a Bal. of assets Nov. 1968 $523,433.76 73 62.15 112 78 Income in December, 1968 8,777.97 74 — 35 — i $532,211.73 77 25.G5 52 32 Disbursements in Dec. ’68 11,156.24 78 16.25 25 16 $521,055.49 79 80 81 83 16.60 15.40 10.55 31 21 30 21 20 a — d Increase in property valuation 1,200.00 $522,255.49 Depreciation on property 345.63 84 25.80 60 2 Led. assests Dec. 31, ’68 $521,909.86 85 18.20 39 2 Albina Novak Sec’y III BOYS AND GIRLS! For this month of the Easter Season I thought perhaps you would enjoy a story filled with warmth and goodness—a story of Lucius and his great faith. May Our Lord bless you with that same faith and love that the little boy in the story possessed. Your friend, REGINA * * * LUCIUS FINDS A FIUEND by Jack Polcyn The night was cold and wet and big muddy puddles were forming at the sides of the Great Appian Way in ancient Rome. Close to one of the great stone slabs that formed the road, someone had built a rude shelter for the protection of travelers on just such a night as this. To Lucius Sextus, a young Roman boy, it was a welcome sight as he limped painfully along the road in the wind and rain—which now seemed worse than ever. His feet were hurting, and his frail little body was hardly a match against the bitter slashings of the great raindrops which seemed bent on piercing his very skin. He felt cold all over except for a little wriggling patch of warmth near his heart. This he had elapsed tightly to his breast. It was his dog Vigil, a small bundle of brown fur with a long pink tongue. It kept trying to squeeze out from under the thin flaxen cape that Lucius was wearing—the better to lick its young master’s chin. “Be still, ungrateful dog,” Lucius scolded him. “Had I not thought you wo