December, 1959 - Number 12 • Volume 31 ZARJA -DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, 111. Vstanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, IU. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State oj Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor— REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. Honorary Convention Delegate—BARBARA KRAMER, 430 Kansas St., San Francisco, Calif. * * * HOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND. 10.54 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin /’resident—JOSEPHINE LIVEK. 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, III. Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 E. 66th Street, Cleveland 3, Ohio Auditor—KATIE TRILLER, 1724 Stanton Ave., Whiting, Indiana Auditor— ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. * * * DlRECTORS o) Recreational and Sports Activities: Women's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8. Illinois Juvenile Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * * * Managing Edit or—COR IN N E LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois ZARJA THE DAWN Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Vice-President—FRANCES GLOBOKAR, 19192 Abbey, Euclid 19, Ohio State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. State President of Ohio-Michigan— ANTOINETTE TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. Stale President of Illinois-Indiana— MARY MULLER, 1846 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: JOSEPHINE LIVEK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y., ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; JOSEPHINE LIVEK, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ★ * Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communication• for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu. HAPPY BIRTHDAY l/V DECEMBER! Dec. 13 — Bara Kramer, Honorary Delegate, San Francisco, Calif. Branch Presidents: Dec. f> — Stella Ciccione, Br. 70, West Aliquippa, Pa. Dec. 8 Mary Pristavec, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa. Dec. 15 — Margaret Naizer, Br. 6, Barberton, Ohio Dec. IS — Victoria Volk, Br. 99, Elmhurst, 111. Dec. 21 — Mary Mihelich, Br. 79, Eninnclaw, Wash. Dec. 2G — Mary Pavelesic, B*. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. Dec. 28 Anna Zgonc, Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! On the Cover . . . Homes all over the country will extend a warm holiday welcome to friends and callers with gay and brightly lit Christmas decorations beginning at the front door. It says Merry Christmas before you walk in — and greets the world with the spirit and happiness of the people living within. May this be the symbol of our Christmas 1959, warm, gay and bright! A Christmas Tree Skirt! Bright idea, one of many, found in this issue. ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXI — No. 12 DECEMBER, 1959 LETO XXXI — Št. 12 Let us pause amid the preparations of Christmas, to participate in the membership campaign which honors our states and their presidents. By enrolling a new member now, you can be sure our splendid organization will begin 1960 strengthened in number, and in spirit. COLORADO m&m. r iA ftie time »# -m**. ft« 'p ^ ^ < /CL/e//ieitie.'i.) .3». 1» »? tL *4? ^ State — President Membership Campaign — until Dec. 31st! See your Secretary for application blanks. And remember, the “S.W.U. Birthday Special” for December is directed especially to new junior enrollments with assessment at $1.00 for the entire year. A Joyful Season to you all! Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary !*(» 3) V.} . *tr S)' MINNESOTA CELEBRATES STATE CONVENTION IN GRAND STYLE State President Rosandich calls the state convention to order! Supreme Secretary Novak, presidents and delegates of 15 Minnesota branches convened for an interesting meeting on Sept. 13th at Ely, Minn. The second State Convention of Minnesota was represented by 13 branches of this state, namely: Aurora (14 members present); Biwabik (1)5); Chisholm (37); Duluth (42); Eveletli (22); Gilbert (12); Hibbing (34); Keewatin (5); Kitzville (22); Gheen (5) and Tower-Soudan (5). It was a pleasure to have you with us! The most honored guest of the celebration was Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak to whom go our sincere thanks. As presiding officer of the meeting, the first order of business was to call for the minutes of last year’s convention, Sister, E. Smolnikar read the report. The recording secretary selected for this meeting was sister, Mary Shikonya A congratulatory card and note from Supreme President, Josephine Livek was read and a letter of greetings from the Ely Chamber of Commerce as well. Then followed reports from each delegate and the names were called of each charter member. Mrs. Novak gave a complete report of the standing of the Union and also presented awards to the branches most outstanding in the membership campaign. As our final decision, the site of next year’s meeting was chosen, as Eveleth. A word of praise must go out at this time, to the committees in charge of all the arrangements. The banquet presented no problem to the good cooks we have here in Ely. The program was in the capable hands of Miss Mary Hutar, who, with her directing, can make us forget all our troubles in song. John Erzan accompanied on the ac-cordian. Our thanks to president of branch 23, Mrs. Katherine Grahek, for her address of welcome. The remarks by Pr. Mihelčič, in addition to his invocation, were well received. The vocal selections by Mrs. I). Formans, Mary Hutar, Bernard Hutar and Frank Shepel delighted all. A wonderful address was given by Fr. LaPatka, our assistant at St. Anthony’s. As state president it was my pleasant duty to introduce our special guests at the banquet and also the presidents of the branches attending. The wonderful talks and inspiring messages ended with the singing of “Angelsko Češcenje” a favorite everywhere. On Monday evening, our extended week-end holiday came to a close with a pot-luck supper held by the Dawn Club in honor of Mrs. Novak’s visit. With her, we were able to really look over all possibilities for the national convention in 1961 which will be held right here in Ely. At this time, I would like to thank each and everyone who made this event a success. Without the cooperation of every one of you, it would never have been possible. Barbara Rosandich, State President On Sunday, Sept. 13th, the Minnesota Day Celebration at Ely, began and ended a great success. Over 300 persons attended with 5 buses coming from the range towns of Virginia, Eveleth, Aurora, Biwabik, Gilbert, Hibbing, Chisholm, Kitzville and Duluth. Members came from far off places, as Gheen and other towns. When you have such a wonderful attendance, any function becomes extra special, and so it was with us. These events are what make our S.W.U. so unique and significant; and believe me, we in Ely were proud that our whole town took notice! Our state convention had as special guest, our charming Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak of Chicago and also our dear supreme auditor, Ann Podgoršek attended from Duluth. The day started with a special Mass at the new St. Anthony’s Church at 10:30 a.m. The beautiful mass was offered in the name of our living and dead members and was sung by the high mass choir under the direction of Miss Mary Hutar. Rev. Gerald Da Patka officiated. The altars were ornamented with colorful gladiolas, making the picture complete. The delicious chicken dinner at 1 p.m. delighted everyone, and dessert was in the form of delectable pastries such as potica and krofe, baked by our good cooks. The invocation and benediction at the banquet were given by ltev. Frank Mihelčič, our spiritual advisor of branch 23. Toastmaster was Hon. J.P. Grahek, M.D. and Mayor of our city. He also extended the official welcome from our Chamber of Commerce, and said how happy they were to have this celebration in Ely. In charge of the program which supplied us with an entertaining hour of quartette and community singing was Miss Hutar. our energetic and musical member. We then got down to some serious discussion at the state convention meeting which followed the banquet and program. It took place at the Auditorium with Albina Novak as guest speaker and our state President, Barbara Rosandich presiding officer. Before the members departed for their homes, a coffee social was held with warming refreshments for all. Place of next year’s state day has been selected as Eveleth and, we said good-bye to our sister-members with “see you In Eveleth" as our last word! On behalf of the members of branch 23, most sincere thanks to everyone who helped make the event such a grand success. First of all, thanks to Mrs. Novak for ranking the trip and to Mrs. Podgoršek as well. Thanks to all members who came by bus and cars and to those wonderful ladies who worked in any way. Fraternally yours, Mary M. Shikonya, Recording Secretary Rev. Claud Okorn, O.F.M. 0u* I »1106 0llkacL 'he story of the first Christmas night gains sweetness and charm each succeeding year. We never tire of the simple Gospel’s narrative. We follow our Blessed Lady and St. Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem, we wander about with them seeking shelter, we sadly retire to the cave in the hills, we kneel with them in adoration before the new bom King. The world overflows with happiness today, bec;mise today more than any other day in the year is the spirit of charity of Christ manifested in the world. The poor rejoice because they see in their poverty the earnest hope of salvation. The life trials, necessities, struggles are eno-bled, since C.od did not disdain to share them. The world flees from distress in horror. Christ replaces this natural aversion with love. Only the spirit of charity can inspire the kindness and Good will. The spirit of charity is the spirit of Christmas. In the Christmas spirit men think kindly of the other men and strive to soften their misfortunes and increase their happiness. The charity sees in every man the image of God, it sees the pleading figure of Christ wherever there is suffering and distress. Today it is in our hearts. Keep it there. The sun of Christmas day will set but the sun of charity must never set in our hearts. By this has appeared the charity of God in us, because God has sent his only begotten son into the world that wre might live through Him. — Merry Christmas to you all. A Very Merry Christmas To You! IIow appropriate it is at this time of year, when the days are the shortest and often the darkest, we brighten our homes and our houses of worship with many lights and from hearts overflowing let the light of our spirit shine forth on all our fellow men. Many of you I know, both through your branches and individually help make Christmas happier for less fortunate. Blessings on these acts of kindness, and I do hope they will be continued throughout the year. All of our service projects are to some extent an expression of the sisterly kindness that we feel so strongly at Christmastime. May we all gain from this season renewed strength and courage and wisdom for the work that needs to be done. We have accomplished a lot this year through valuable experiences and sacrifices for which we thank God for guiding us through our days and our work. This month of December, you will elect your officers and committees who will assume the responsibility of their respective offices. Be loyal to them, respect them and promise to give them your untiring support; your future success lies in what you will do jointly for only then will you achieve success and reach your goal. The state president’s campaign is still on; you still have time to build up your membership in every branch. Deadline is December 31st. Please cooperate. In expressing my season’s greetings to you I want you to know that I am both appreciative and proud of the good work done by you everywhere this past. year. I wish God’s richest reward be bestowed on you for the good deeds performed i'or the growth of the organization. T-et’s work together in the future as in the past in intimate friendship and love. God bless you all! Josephine Livek, Supreme President State President of Ohio-Mich. Reporting The November meeting of our combined Cleveland branches was well represented; however, we missed branches 14 and 15. Mrs. Filipovič of no. 15 was on the sick list and was excused. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Pugely of no. 47 was also excused since she had no means of transportation. We hope all the ladies will be able to come to our January meeting on Jan. 13th at the St. Clair Rec. Center at 1 p.m. Everyone is asked to help us make plans for the observance of Ohio State Convention on Oct. 2, 1960 and also to participate in the Queen contest. The contest will be held on the same basis as before. Election of state officers was held and the results are the following; president: A. Tanko (br. 50), vice-president: Pauline Stamfel (br. 25), recording secretary: Dorothy Sternisha (br. 25), secretary: Mary Iskra (br. 14), treasurer: Ella Starin (br. II), auditors: Millie Novak (br. 10), Frances Novak (br. 15), and Nettie Strukel (br. 18). I wish to thank all the past officers for the wonderful work and cooperation they have given me in the past year and I know that the officers for 1960 will be as efficient. The Juvenile Christmas party has been changed to Dec. 6th due to many other parties taking on our previous date, the 13th. All news and pictures will be in the January report. Discussion was held in regards to more activity for our juveniles. We have hit upon a good idea for discussion at next year’s convention, and that is to give scholarships on the basis of juvenile activity. Our bowling tournament will be held in March, time and date to be announced later. Get your teams lined up now so you will have them: completed by February 1st. Zveza Fair and Bazaar is still in the planning stage. Due to holiday rush, everyone is too busy to work on it now, but we will resume the project after the first of the year. The campaign is almost over. Are you getting any new members? Don’t forget the juvenile member special — dues only $1.00 for 1960. Christmas and the new year will be here in just a few days and everyone is busy shopping, baking, wrapping gifts and making holiday plans. Here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and hope your new year’s resolution will be to attend your branch meetings and give new suggestions for more activity and progress. Fraternally, Antonia Tanko No. 1, Sheboyga-v Wise. - President, Anna. Zaverl opened the November meeting with prayer followed by the report of our card party and bake sale, which was a wonderful success. Thanks are extended to one and all for the good cooperation. Please note that our December meeting is on the 6th, the first Sunday of the month, instead of the second. After the business session, a Christmas party will be held at Smil-ings. We are sending get-w'ell wishes to our members who were in the hospital Mines. Marie Prisland, Anna Matzdorf, Jennie Ribich and all our sick members at home. Memorial services were held for our departed sisters, Mines. Josephine Klancer, Anna Bushner and Mary Fale. May they rest in peace. Thank you cards wer» sent from Rev. Claude Okorn, Spiritual Advisor, Mrs. Josephine Livek, Supreme President, and Mrs. Marie Floryan, Secretary of branch 17, West Allis, on our first State Convention. Wishing you all a very Happy Holiday Season, and may God bless you and keep you in the best of health until we meet again. Mary Vertacic, treas. No. 2, Chicago, III. —■ On the day of our November meeting, we had our first cold, snowy day, and we Attention fill Members of Illinois and Indiana! from the editor ... This will be the last call for new members in our present campaign. Are YOU doing YOUR part, ladies? Let me encourage everyone of you to try to sign up at least one new member. In recent months, we have lost several faithful, old-time Zveza members in death. As a result, our membership has dwindled. We need all the support we can get; so if we all exert ourselves, I’m sure we can bring this drive to a close with the satisfaction that we have all done our best. Your cooperation is requested, not only for the good of our individual branch, but also for the Slovenian Women’s Union as a national organization. Each of us has children, grandchildren, or friends who are not as yet enrolled; so if you scout around a little, you can surely bring in one new member. Remember, when you bring in a new member, it is not only to my credit — as your state president, but it is a tribute to your loyalty to the sisterhood of the Zveza. Thank you all in advance. Mary Muller, State President especially thank the loyal members who came in good number to the meeting. The closing month of the membership campaign is upon us and it is the firmi hope of all our officers, that it will end successfully with a good increase in members. We have lost some of our faithful members through death, and it is up to us now to fill the ranks with new members. This month we lost three fine members, namely: Frances Grill, Anna Boncha and Magdalena Persa. Our deepest sympathy to the bereaved families and we will hold them dear in our memories and prayers. On Dec. 20th, in celebration of the birthday of our Zveza which falls on the 19th ,our branch will offer a Holy Mass in honor of our living and deceased members. You are all urged to attend the mass at 9. a.m. at St. Stephen’s church. Our sick members this month comprise a long list ,and to them, our most sincere wishes for quick and complete recoveries. They are: Mathilda Sever, Mary Poldan, Mary Puhek, Mary Garbais, Mary Mravla, Mrs. Sedaj and also, a word of cheer to Mrs. Lil Kozek. The yearly meeting of our branch will be held on Thursday evening, Dec. 10th and after the meeting a Christmas social will be held, with Christmas exchange of gifts, valued at $1.00. Sister, Frances Gomilar is in charge of the Gift Tree. Please join us in a friendly evening together. Best wishes for happy holidays to all. Albina Novak No. 7, Forest City, Pa. — At our November meeting, which was well-attended, we were sorry to have our vice-president, Molly Bechy absent due to illness. Hope she’ll be with us lor December, as well as many other members whom we’d like to have join us for a Christmas party. This will be on Dec. 13th at Zvon Hall. Don’t forget to come, and bring an exchange gift for Santa. Some lucky lady will be given the Ham at this party, too. I^et’s see you all, at least at this time of the year. Election of officers will No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. — San Francisco celebrated Branch #13 Zveza Day on October 11th. It is most regretable this could not have been our State Day as State President Rose Scoff received answers to her letters to various Californian branches informing her it would be impossible for any delegate to attend. The distances out west are extreme and the various branches invited could not be in attendance. To say the day was a success is putting it mildly; the cooks performed miracles in the kitchen and the food was excellent as one could see by the empty dishes. Mrs. Mary Stariha chairman of the Kitchen had expert help from Katie Plut, Mary Plut, Anna Stark, Anna Stich, Agnes Kamnik and others. To name each and every helper would take the entire magazine but humbly our chairwomen can say “Thanks” as the support given was limitless. A statue of our Blessed Mother Mary adorned the stage thus reminding us to say thanks to HER for all her grace and kindness to each. Thanks to Betty Doherty for the loan of the gorgeous statue. The lovely flowers which our help wore, and the flowers that added much beauty to our tables, stage and entrance hall were once again the DONATION of our beloved Florist 8 be held — so, come on ladies and get an office — not much money, but lots of fun! Our sincere thanks to all who have attended all the meetings of the past year and helped in many ways to make it a good year. To all sick members our fondest wishes. Congratulations to new parents, new members. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We wish all our members, far and near, a holy and Merry Christmas and may God bestow on you His richest blessings through the New Year. Pray for our sick and departed. The annual children’s Christmas party will be announced in the local papers, so watch for the date! With kindest fraternal regards, Christine Menart IT’S BIRTHDAY TIME FOR S.W.U. The years have rolled quickly around! This December 19th it’s the 33rd birthday of our Union. To the pioneers who x made the dream come true, our £ grateful thanks. To the officers and members whom we serve, a fond wish that the 33rd is only a fraction of the lifespan of this organization which will thrive and prospet kJ with your help and care! .... Once again we greet you at Christmas time. It’s in a spirit of good cheer and of thankfulness... good cheer because of the wonderful holiday season we are entering and and thankfulness because of the loyal support of good members, officers and associates. In this Issue of ZARTA, there are many new features, and many old — those that are of interest to some, and those which we take for granted. I hope the appeals given by many conscientious officers for the success of the present membership campaign are not taken too lightly. The efforts of those who will work diligently should not be slighted or forgotten, because that provides new sources of revenue, and a new market for ideas. It would be an admirable achievement if more of us became cognizant of the necessity of getting new members. The present campaign will end on the 31st. Do your best! The things which are new in this issue are many suggestions for making your holiday happier and an interesting history of one of the oldest churches in Minnesota. Many followers of the life story of Anton Schubel will be pleased to read of his musical accomplishments in this issue. And in between the stories, are several pages of advertisement, solicited by the most conscientious and loyal set of members there ever walked on the face of this earth. To those cherished officers who took time out of their busy household schedules to send in an ad or two, my heartfelt gratitude. I hope the good Ix>rd will bless you a thousand-fold. And, to you whose good will and interest has helped to keep the wheels turning I say thank you and may you enjoy a joyful season and a Merry Christmas. Corinne Leskovar IVAN CEPERNICH owner of Ivan's Flowers at 1718 A Polk St., Ordway 3 7501. By the way Ivan has his lovely Christmas Display of table decorations, center pieces, fireplace decorations, candle and flower arrangements priced to fit the smallest budget. It Is a pleasure to visit Ivan’s shop WEST COAST HOLDS GALA CELEBRATION! Here in San Francisco we are enjoying beautiful weather for this time of the year. At night our City by the Golden Gate is like a jeweled Christmas tree. Report on our 2nd Annual Zveza Day - Branch No. 13 - which was held on October 11, 1959: Mass was held at 9:30 at the Church of the Nativity and was said by Father John Micovilovich as Father V. Voduseck was away visiting his sick father in Ljubljana. The choir sang beautiful Slovenian hymns under the direction of Alex Simec. The Banquet was held in the evening at our Slovenian Home, 2101 Mariposa Street, San Francisco, where many members and their friends enjoyed a full course turkey dinner. The Banquet was opened by the Star Spangled Banner sung by our lovely Mrs. Ann Judnich, accompanied at the piano by her niece Diane Fabian. Prayer was said by Father John Micovilovich. Congratulations were received from our founder Marie Prisland and Supreme President, Josephine IJvek. Charter members present were Barbara Nemenich, Mary Hugel, Kate Radovich and Mary Rauh. Mrs. Mary Bodner and our Mother of the Year, Mary Slance, could not attend as they were ill. Congratulations to our six Junior members, Diane Eastman, Nancy Troy, Carol Jelenich, Shirley Sterbenk, Marilyn Pavlisich and Nancy Zuver. Thanks to the cooks and committee for a wonderful job done -— and also the husbands who helped a lot. Thanks also, to our teenage boys for the music everyone enjoyed dancing to — Jerry Skube, Joe Nanut and Rudy Troy. What a trio! Last but not least, thanks again for the fine job done to make this event a great success it was. I am certain that the memory of our Second Annual Zveza Day will be with us for a long time. No plans as yet have been made for the next Zveza Day. With the cooperation of Oregon, No. 45, Washington No. 79 and Fontana, No. 100, I hope they will be able to take over the next onei and be as successful. How about making it a State Day with more branches?! To all a Merry Christmas and may the New Year bring us closer together. Rose Scoff, State President and simply look around at the beautiful arrangements even if a purchase is not planned. It will be, I promise, an impossibility not to be tempted into buying. Last year Ivan had open-house, making is possible to meet friends and compare ideas on Christmas flowers. Thanks again, Ivan and Katie, without your thoughtfulness our day would not have been so beautiful. To the entire committee we extend our thanks for working so dil-ligently and in harmony. Frances E. Chiodo, President No. 14, Euclid, Ohio — Due to the fact that election day fell on meeting day, our President, Amalia Legat and vice-president, Mary Stražišar were unable to attend. Both of them were working at the voting booths. Therefore, Frances Globokar, supreme vice-president, ably took over the job. The meeting was short because of my late arrival. But we covered and solved all problems. We also decided what we are going to eat at our December meeting, which is the celebration of quarterly birthdays. After all the business was taken care of we played our popular games and then closed the evening till next month. On our sick list this month was .Jennie Boiko (Jaksetic). We hope she is well and around by now. Sister Frances Primožič has been bed-ridden for quite some time now. She is being well taken care of at the home ■of her daughter in Wiilowick. Happy Birthday to the following members who will celebrate during the busy month of December: Anna Burjak, Mary Gervan, Faye Clapacs, Agnes Dragolic, Jennie Erjavec, El-berta Erzen, Frances Gorse, Mary Iskra, (Our Treasurer), Alice Marie Kausek, Frances Kolar, Anna Korošec, Vera Krajic, Olga Klancliar, Rose Maruich, Frances Modic, Jennis Mandel, Jennie Novak, Lucille Ogrinc, Josephine Plesničar, Frances Plevnik, Jean Pluth, Mary Rolili. Jennie Rome, Mary Smerdel, Frances Srpan, Stef-i'ie Petrie, Antonia Sterlekar, Josephine Strnad, Dorothy Strasky, Mary Stražišar (Our Vice-president), Antonia Tanko, Mary Gregoricli, Jennie Travnikar, Anna Troha, Rose Zalar, Josephine Žnidaršič, Josephine Čebulj, Antoinette Wichich, Josephine Hlebak, and Lorene Lourin. A Blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all members. Pauline Cesar No. 17, West Allis, Wise. — Attention Members! Our annual meeting date is Dec. 20tli at 1 p.m. sharp. Dues will be collected from 12:30 on at the St. Mary’s Aud., So. COtli and Madison Ave., in Room 3. The time of our party is early due to the KSKJ children’s party. It is important that all members attend this annual meeting. There will be election of officers for the year 19G0, and other important business topics to discuss. Wisconsin State Day which was held at Sheboygan turned out to be a great success. Our branch was well represented and we enjoyed the delicious dinner served by the hostesses of branch no. 1. They entertained us with an enjoyable program after which the business meeting was held. To all in Sheboygan, many thanks for your wonderful hospitality. It was decided that in 1900, the State Day will be held in Milwaukee and hostesses will be for. 43. From the time our bus left West Allis, bound for Sheboygan, the ladies broke out in song and a very cheerful atmosphere remained throughout the trip. The day itself and the somewhat rainy weather did not tire or dampen their spirits coming home, it was one continous round of song in Slovenian and English. Needless to say, we arrived home relunctantly after spending such an enjoyable day. Mr. & Mrs. Louise Miklicli of Dous-man, Wise, were surprised by their many friends and relatives on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Soon after this happy event, Mr. Miklicli passed away. Our deepest sympathy to Frances Miklich and the family in their bereavement. Another couple, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Marolt of West Milwaukee, were pleasantly surprised with a party in their honor on their golden wedding anniversary on Sat. Oct. 10th. The party was held at St. Mary’s Aud. and was attended by their many relatives and friends. Congratulations and best wishes for many more happy years. A hearty welcome to our new members, Ane Wisniewski and Rose Schubert. Congratulations to the proud parents, Mr. & Mrs. George Marcec on the arrival of a baby son. Speedy recovery to all the sick members and all members are urged to attend the annual meeting, Sun. Dec. 20 th at 1:00 p.m. Greetings to all. Marie Floryan, sec’y No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — A cordial invitation to all our members to attend the yearly meeting and Christmas social on Wednesday evening, Dec. 9th at 7:30 p.m., regular place. It will be an important meeting, and I will be there at 7 p.m. in order to accomodate those wishing to pay their dues before the meeting. I do hope every member will make it a point to attend and to offer her suggestions and help in many important matters which will be before the assembly. The election of officers will take place as well as other reports on the year’s progress. We will have special plans to make for this year’s Minnesota State Day, which will be held in Eveleth next fall. We are happy to have this opportunity, as it’s the first time since 19 years ago when such an event took place here. With successful meeting in December, many of our problems will be solved. After the business session, a real, home-style party will take place with singing and refreshments in honor of Christmas. See you ADD there! This is the time of year when we close our books, and our work of the past year is settled. 1 wish to thank all who have cooperated to make this year a happy one and successful for our branch. To all our good members, a wish for the new year: Come to every meeting and give us your help so that everything we do will be easier, happier and better. The merriest Christmas to our officers, the supreme officers, our members from far and near and especially, to all our sick members. To those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, the best of wishes! See you Dec. 9. Christmas gift suggestion: a copy of Woman's Glory cookbook. I have them on hand. Mary Lenich, sec’y No. 20, Joliet, III1. — Our condolences to the Krall family upon the great loss of their husband and father, Mr. Mathew Krall. Mr. Krall was, as we all knew him, very sincere, helpful and an ardent worker for the societies and parish. He was an officer in the St. Anthony society for 45 years. We recall seeing him at our various activities in Demont and here in Joliet. Always willing to help,he was so dependable. We all will miss him greatly. Mrs. Jennie Krall, his wife, is also our member of a number of years, and as her husband always offers a helpful hand at all activities in our societies and parish. He is also survived by one son and three daughters, ten grandchildren and many other relatives. May he rest in peace and be crowned in heaven for his good deeds while a-mong us. Our member Mrs. (Josephine) Walter Dustik also lost her father Mr. Joseph Vidmar, who was well known here. Besides his daughter, he is survived by his wife, Mary, three brothers and a sister, Mrs. Frank Hibler. May he rest in peace and our conde-lences to the bereaved family. Our well-known Mr. Joseph Buchar from Ottawa St. also passed away recently. He was the husband of the late Clara Blaess Buchar who passed away some eight years ago and was an officer of our brajich. Mr. Buchar Faithful Friends Mr. & Mrs. Anton Lenich of Eveleth, Minnesota are a couple who have so many friends there is no way to count them. Perhaps, it’s because they themselves are always giving a large measure of friendship away. Mrs. Mary Denich is not only a charter member, secretary and zea- was a friend of our branch and attended our activities. For the past five years he was totally blind. At the time of his death he was 70 years of age. May he rest in peace. Welcome home to our member Mrs. Agnes Verbischer and her husband Math, who recently returned home from a visit to Yugoslavia and to eight other countries. They enjoyed their visits especially as this was their first trip to Europe. It’s not the last one, as they both relate having wonderful experiences abroad. Welcome home also Rev. Father Aloizij Sinski, pastor of the Croatian parish, St. Mary’s Nativity, the church of many of our members. Father Sinsky saw many places in Europe and also Egypt and Yugoslavia. While in Ljubljana and Zagreb he visited the families of many of his parishioners. As stated in the church bulletin, he enjoyed his stay in Yugoslavia and was glad to be able to visit the country of his parishioners. He also traveled to Czecho slovakia the home of his parents. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to our officer, Mrs. Theresa Munich who spent some time in the hospital; also to Mrs. Kirincich, Summit St. Our organizer of Zveza and honorary president, Mrs. Marie Prisland from Sheboygan, underwent a major operation in Sheboygan. We all join and wish her a speedy recovery. Silver wedding anniversary was celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Dopyinsky and a golden anniversary by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stimac from Center St. Our congratulations! Wishing a Merry Christmas to all members and may you celebrate this holy event in the best of health. Hoping to see you all at our December meeting the 3rd Sunday, where election of officers will take — The Leniches! lous worker for our Union, but also one of the most loyal Zarja supporters. In this issue alone, Eveleth is represented by two pages of ads, all collected by Mrs. Denich. Mr. Tony Denich is a robust man, and has the admiration of all his co-workers because of his energetic way of doing things. Tony is Ev-eleth’s “cestni komisar” ■— a title which has stayed with him ever since your editor found out that his job is to keep the streets and roads open and in good repair. Tony is 81 years old — but you'd never know it! We think it's really wonderful that such fine people as the Deniches are on our “team” and we know that their contributions to our Union have earned for them our grateful thanks and admiration. Bog Vaju živi, Mary in Tone! C. L, place and many other important items will be discussed. Attention Branches of S.W.U. If you have organized a drill team at your branch, or if you intend to organize one, we have a least five dozen of various uniforms to sell you at a nominal cost. They are the beautiful green with gold braid, and red white and blue for the junior teams, and these we have two different kinds of uniforms, also a number of twirler uniforms. You will save yourself money if you will write to us for these uniforms. For more particulars write to my address. Josephine Erjavec 527 N. Chicago St., Joliet, 111. No. 23, Ely, Minn. — October being the Hallowe’en month, the ladies came in costume to our meeting and “Hard time” party. We made plans for our Christmas dinner party to be held at Vertin’s Blue Room. After the short business meeting, a games party was enjoyed by all with many prizes given away. A nice lunch was served by the committee: Mrs. Jos. Starkovich, Mrs. Joe Godec, Mrs. Mike Tolyan, Mrs. Frank Zgonc and Mrs. Frank Polyner. Mrs. Jos. Starkovich took the door prize. We wish a speedy recovery to all who are ill. Ann Rowe, Reporter No. 23, Ely, Minn. — At our November meeting, wo decided on having a program and lunch. Each member will be asked to donate a lOtf gilt for the card party and 25(* toward i he lunch. We would like to have a large attendance as election of officers will lake place at the December meeting. We wish our sick members a speedy recovery: Mrs. Margaret Grahek, Mrs. Mary Stubler, Mrs. Mary Skufca, Margaret Pecha and Mrs. Frances Pirtz. Mary M. Shikonya ROLLING ALONG IN JOLIET No. 20, Joliet, III. Now that the preliminaries are over, the Joliet League swings into top-notch championship bowling with all the teams bunched up around first place only seven games separating them. There is no doubt about the matter that the 1960 champion team will be the one that gets the sensational breaks; since all the teams are so evenly matched in averages. Leading the parade ol' champions as of Oct. 26th are the break-getting Shep’s D X Service — who only broke even in the last four weeks, 6 of 12 games. It was the initial spurt in the e;irly days of the season that holds them in the top spot by 2 games. Captain Jean Nickleski’s consistent over 400 and one 500 series is the reason. Mary Rudman and Fran McCarthy helped a lot. Dot Nemanich and Therese Pavnica distinguished themselves with 153 scores. Id second place we find Joliet’s up and coining Papesh Funeral Home. Even though Captain Lill Berge slipped from the magic eight and the absence of Ann Papesh —- the team will go on (len Gasmovic’s and Shirley Goron’s timely hitting. To get them when they’re needed is the theme of cohorts Therese Trishner and Ann Papesh. , The Northwest Recreation Club and the American Slovenian Home are tied for the third spot. With Captain Jo Mlakar hitting her regular 460’s and Tillie Sorg about the s;ime, the rest of the team can stand off and cheer for the Northwest Recreations — Sophie Stiglich, Joyce Flynn and MaryAnn Theobald make a swell cheering section. Since Helen Golobic joined the A-merican Slovene Home five she gave a lot of assistance to Captain Marj Wajchert and Dian Mrozek. Were beginning to feel the presence of Ann Cex and Agnes Koerber. They had 107 and 141 respectively in recent games. The 5th place Mericka’s Restaurant have always been slow starters. Captain Ann Savol distinguished herself recently in taking lead in high series with a 530 tally. Heavy hitters, the two Bee’s — Kostelc and Zobel give notice to all competitors that this year it's got to be Mericka’s on top. Bernice Suski and Marie Senffner are beginning to find the number 7 and 10 pins. Since the Northwest totally demolished the Gth place Clarence Ellena Builders they're starting to climb on Captain Gen Klaisek’s and Ann Ste-fanlch’s powerful arms. Jo Goron and Ann Sternisha can’t get started -— once they do, lookout everybody and when Millie Ellena herself gets started, its going to be curtains for us all. Half a bakers dozen is 6 Vi and not 7 as the place of Horvaths dough kneaders. Captain Marge Rachor reports that since Edna Grohar and Hose Mary Horvath found the groove in the alley it ought to be easy to get to the top and especially with great expectations from Mitzi Mrozek and Vicki Bernikas. With all the horsing around on Halloween party night Captain Lorraine Rotlilisberger’s “Kraus TV and Radio” took two games to make it 7 14 for last place. Nobody can under- stand why this star-studded five is in the cellar. Maybe Ann Mahkovec, Rita Mitchell Mary Rezick and Jo Sumic are busy making wine. Now that the juicy stuff stopped bubbling, watch this powerhouse forge to the top. The Standings Won Lost 1. Sheps DX Service Station 14 7 2. Papesh Funeral Home 12 9 3. Northwest Recreation Chib 11 10 4. American Slovenian Home 11 10 5. Mericka's Restaurant 10 11 6. Clarence Ellena Builders 10 11 7. Horvath’s Bakery 9 12 8. Kraus Radio and TV 7 14 We find that our best bowlers are in the last four teams in the standing -— once the snow flies it will be interesting to watch them slam-bang their way to the front gate. High team games Horvath Bakery 794 Sheps DX Service 789 American Slovenian Home 789 High team series Shep’s DX Service 2196 Horvath Bakery 2185 Mericka’s Restaurant 2172 Individual Gamesters Lorraine Rot.hlisberger 220 Gen Klainsek 209 Marj Wajchert 204 Individual Hi 3 games Ann Ramuta Savol 530 Marj Wajchert 525 Jean Nickleski 504 Averages (The Magic Eight) Marj Wajchert 156 Jean Nickleski 153 Gen Klainsek 152 Jo Mlakar 150 Lorraine Rothlisberger ]48 Dian Mrozek 147 Marge Rachor 145 We had a whale of a Hallowee’n party Monday, Oct. 26th. Twenty of the girls masked in the most grotesque, ludicrous and elegant ways. The horse (Rothlisberger and Klainsek) took first place in a furor of inerryment they were good. Hill-Billy Family (Golobic and Sumic) slid into second 011 the merits of a bottle of 10 high. Geisha Girl (Gasmo-vic) in all her elegance and petite charm took the fancy of the judges to come in. In fact, for originality and uniqueness all the masqueraders were so good that it was a virtual toss-up to see who got the honors. The judges must have drawn lots to determine the winners. Everybody liked Red Riding Hood (Rudman) as they got a kick out of Beatnik (Flynn). Sissy Boy (Nickleski) and Outrageous (Koerber) were a riot. The Varieties displayed by Kostelc, Wajchert and Mitchell were equally wonderful all in all we had a hilarious time. It was so good that Rothlisberger shot a nifty 370. The episode that tore the house down was the girls’ repeated ejecting of the flannel long drawers hill billy out of the girls rest room. Chairman, Mary Rudman and the commltte for the Christmas party: Nickleski, Sternisha and Wajchert, report that this year’s affair will he held in the Rivals Club Rooms after the bowrling session Monday, Dec. 14. The program for the occasion will be filled with the most interesting features. The menu planned will be a delight for the most particular gourmet. A special invitation is tendered to all our S.W.U. members to join us each Monday night at 7 o’clock at the Rivals Club Alleys. The girls make a grand spectacle in their championship competition — I don’t believe that there is a better good-sport aggregation anywhere than the one we have, all Branch 20 members should be proud of the girls. We also need the members and everyone of you to help us in planning the MidWest S.W.U. Bowling Tournament which will be held in Joliet the week-end of Saturday and Sunday April 2 & 3, 1960 at the Rivals Club Alleys. We want all the visiting teams from distant parts to have the time of their lives, and this it will be with the help of all the membership of Branch 20 — and who will help 11s to show the visitors that Joliet is the S.W.U. Town of the year. Josephine Sumic No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — Twenty-five members turned out for the October meeting of Branch 34, and after the business session presided over by our president, Mrs. Edward Dra-gavon, a social hour was enjoyed with Coote and “500” being played. In the former, winners were Mmes. Joseph Zupanlch and Victor Tonko and in ‘1500” Mmes. Anthony Yapel and John Pahula. The hostesses, Miss. Rose Zollar, Mrs. Angela Stepan and Mrs. Anton Zollar served a delicious lunch from a buffet table centered with Halloween pumpkins and covered with a lace cloth. Our meetings are such friendly gatherings that the attendance is always large and everyone has a good time. Since practically all of our members are affected by the Steel strike no activities are planned until it is over and the men folks are back at work for a while. Greetings to all SWU members from Branch 34. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, Reporter Frank Ambroshes Celebrate 50th Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ambrosh No. 37, Greaney, Minn. — My trip to Kansas was a most pleasant experience. With my son, Joe and his wife, Dorothy, we left Minnesota in a cold and wintery atmosphere. We arrived in Kansas where the weather was like early fall, moderate and sunny. There we visited with my daughter, Alice and her husband James England and family. We made plans to go to California to visit my two sisters and their families who live in Sacramento. James, Alice and the children and I drove there and spent a most delightful week. I hadn’t seen my sisters in 12 years, so the reunion was indeed pleasant. In California, we enjoyed the sunny weather and beautiful flowers and fruit which grows so abundantly. Homeward bound, we stopped off in Phoenix, Arizona, to spend a few days with my daughter, Margaret, who is a supervisor for the telephone company there. She took us sightseeing and we met many friendly people and saw many beautiful sights. A Minnesota family we visited showed us their ranch and fruit tree groves which was very interesting. We were shown real western hospitality by everyone we met. Son, John and his wife, Madeline came for me in Kansas and together, we drove home with another stop in Minneapolis to vist my son, Henry and his family. In Duluth, I have another son, Louis and daughter, Mary (Mrs. Ernest Carpentier) who both have families. There, we were able to tell therm of all the wonderful sights the western trip had brought. My large family is scattered all over the country, as you can see, and I have still another daughter, Sophie (Mrs. Harry Verlinde) living in Milwaukee. At home in Greaney, there are three of my children, Helen (Mrs. Tom Shuster) and John and Joe, all of whom have families. The Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ambrosh, Sr., celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday, Oct. 25. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrosh were married Oct. 25, 1909, in St. Patrick’s church in Eveleth by the Rev. Fr. Bilban. They settled in Gilbert in 192G. They are the parents of six children and have six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Among them are, Mr. and Mrs. Louis (Mary) Stolar of Minneapolis; Frank Ambrosh and daughters, Beverly and Patti Jo of Gilbert; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ambrosh and daughter, Sandra, Hibbing; Mrs. Everett (Agnes) Tolle of Hoopeston, 111.; and Miss Terry and Ernest at home. Friends and neighbors extended their congratulotions and best wishes throughout the day. Mrs. Ambrosh is a fine member of branch 31. To them we extend hearty felicitations. youngest of the boys was Albert, whom we remember in our daily prayers, since his loss as a result of a fatal auto accident last year. I’d like to wish all the members of the Greaney branch, and all members who read Zarja, the best wishes for a happy Christmas holiday. Frances L. Udovich No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio — At this Lime, the officers of branch 50 wish to extend season’s greetings to all our members. We have had a very good year. Our meetings were attended well all year and we hope this keeps on, because nothing pleases an officer more than to see a good attendance. We work so much harder when we know the members are behind us and appreciate our efforts. At our December meeting we will have the usual gift exchange — it is so much fun to open packages and find unusual gifts! Elections will also take place, so please make plans to attend and bring along a new member as a Christmas Present to our state president, Antonia Tanko. To make Mary Loushin, our secretary, a happy person, be sure your dues are all paid up for 1959, if not, just mail in your payment to Mary Loushin, 25511 Chardon Rd., Cleveland 17, Ohio. Olga Slapnik is still on the sick list, and I’m sure a cheery card with a happy message would help her get better so much faster. So, be sure to let her know we are all thinking of her. See you at the Dec. meeting? Frances Sietz, Pres. No. 52, Kitzville Loc., Minn. — The year 1959 is nearing the end, and at our last meeting on Nov. 4th we discussed our holiday party for December. You are all asked to attend the affair, combination meeting and party on Dec. 2nd, at the Little Grove. A committee was appointed to prepare the lunch and expenses for the party will bo taken care of by the members. A dollar gift exchange will be held, too. We would very much like to have a big turnout. Election of officers takes place then, too, so please come along and bring some more members, and new members will be more than welcome. President, Josephine Oswald closed the meeting with prayer. The social of the evening followed with a delicious luncheon served by: Genevieve Zidarich, Carmella Bonaz-za, Connie Lucente and Laura Man-cuso. Prizes were awarded to Rose-Chiodi, Celia Palitano, Mildred Bar-batto, June Jerulle, Margaret Jerulle, Gertrude Kochevar and Angeline Horvat. This brought the delightful, evening to a close. We wish sister Frances Bachnik gods-speed to a rapid recovery, and also to all of our sick members. In observance of their silver wedding anniversary, Mr. >& Mrs. Malt. A. Kochevar enjoyed an open house celebration making their day a memorable one. They wish to thank all the relatives and friends who attended and to those who presented them with lovely flower bouquets, telegrams, lovely cards and gifts. Special thanks to the hostesses, Mrs. John Rotar, Sr., “mother”; Mrs. John Rotar, Jr., “sister-in-law”; Mrs. Margaret Kochevar, “mother and family”, son Victor and wife and Mrs. Tony Strazishar who worked so hard to make it a day (o remember. Many, many thanks to all. What more can be said, when words don’t seem e-nough — but, you can be sure Mr. & Mrs. Matt Kochevar will never forget the friendship shown to them. God bless you and keep you all in best of health. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — We were-very happy to see our long time member Katie Furin back in our midst. After living for many years in Illinois she is baick in Hibbing to make her home. Welcome back, Katie Furin! Mary Meadows, in behalf of our Union No. 56, was presented the second prize for having obtained the second highest number of new members. The following committee was selected for the Christmas meeting to be held on December 8, 1959: Dining: Angela Genac, Mary Meadows, Agnes Barkis. Beautiful Slovenia Beckons Tourists The 1960 excursion to Europe of S.W.U. on May 25th ■of which I will be the leader, will be a very interesting .and well organized one, offering its participants a great variety of side trips and excursions. The group will start from New York on May 25th on “QUEEN ELIZABETH" and arrive at Cherbourg on May 30th. Prom there the group will proceed to Paris where it will arrive late in the afternoon. Special agent of the August Kollander Travel Bureau, which is organizing this trip, will meet the group in Paris and take to the station from where the Orient Express train is leaving for Yugoslavia. The group will have reserved seats in the first class. The arrival of the train in Ljubljana is scheduled at 7:30 P.M. on May 31st. At the Yugoslav border the group will be met by “Slovenska Izseljeniška Matica” and the representatives of agency “Putnik” Slovenija, who will welcome the passengers and help them clearing through custom house, if any problems should arise. Upon arrival to Ljubljana, the participants are free to spend the time as they choose, as most of them will wish to visit their relatives. On June 8th, the first excursion will start around Slovenija lasting seven days. Excursion will take participants all over beautiful Slovenija. Second excursion will be around Austria, Germany and Switzerland. It will start from Ljubljana on June 25th and will last 9 days. If any of the participants wish to visit the place of Oberammergau and see festival of Passion plays, known all over the world, a stay of 24 hours will be organized for them with slight increase in the price of the trip. Final excursion to Italy will start on July 8th. The participants will visit all the well known and historic places in Italy with a three days stay in Rome. All these excursions will be by buses with special guides and organized by agency “Putnik Slovenija”. The price for Slovenian excursion is $63.00 — the Austrian, German and Swiss excursions are $87.00 — and the same price is for the Italian excursion. The price of these excursions is not included in the price of the trip itself. Kollander Travel Bureau will furnish folders for each excursion with details. The choice of the excursions is optional. You can take all three of them or any of them that you like. Kollander Travel Bureau would arrange also for your hotel accomodations during your stay in Yugoslavia if you wish so. The date of the return trip is not set and it is up to the individual. If you would like to travel in company, there will always be small groups of Kollander passsengers returning on different dates and you can join one of them. As the interest for this group is bigger than we expected and the bookings with the Cunard Line ships are expected to be heavy next season, I would advise you to make reservations as soon as possible and send a deposit of $80.00 as required by steamship company. Deposit is refundable in case of cancelation. You can send it either to me, or direct to: August Kollander Travel Bureau, 6417 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland 3, Ohio. There are tourist and cabin class accomodations available. The latter one is more expensive, but offers better accomodation. Cabin class: New York - Cherbourg - Ljubljana is $G46.8I5 — round trip. Tourist cl.: New York - Cherbourg - Ljubljana is $540.35 — round trip. As for passport the procedure is simple. Go to your nearest passport office and ask for passport application form. Fill it out. Take with you your citizen paper if not born in USA), if born in USA, your birth certificate, and two pictures 2 Vs by 2% inches with white back ground. Tell photographer that you need picture for passport. And a check for $9.00. Cash is not accepted. Before your trip, you must take small pox vaccination, but nothing else. For any additional informations that you may want, please, feel free to write either to me, or contact the A. Kollander Travel Bureau. Antonia Tanko Kitchen: Frances Puliek — Chairman, Rose Majerle, Rose Bauer, Sophie Garmaker, Amanda Butorac, Anna Berklich. Serving: Amelia Domen, Mary Ayotte. We are looking forward to a large attendance. Remember, members, our Christmas party, December 8, 1959 — please be there. We also have beautiful Christmas cards on hand. It was suggested that every member buy at least a box. We have several different assortments. After the usual meeting and selection of committee, luncheon was served and games played. We are happy to report that Mayme Valeri is recuperating at home after being hospitalized at Hibbing General Hospital and also at Rochester. We all hope to see you at the Christmas party. Wish to express condolences to Mary Adams on the recent loss of her husband. We were shocked to hear of the sudden death on one of our most beloved charter members, Mrs. Michael (Mary) Basta .Mary will always be remembered as one of our most .faithful, congenial, chariatable mem- bers. Indeed we will all miss her at our meetings. We sincerely express our sympathy and condolences to her husband and family. Mary was born in Yugoslavia in 1888 and had been a resident of Hibbing for the past 40 years. She was also a member of the Little Flower Circle, Slovenian Mothers’ and Daughters’ Club and the Blessed Sacrament Church. Besides her husband, she is survived by: two sons, Joseph, Hibbing and Michael, California; four daughters, Mrs. Clifford (Mary) Olson, Crane Lake, Mrs. J. H. (Ann) Mc-Cluskey, Guam, Mrs. Louis (Amelia) Toscano, Hibbing, and Miss Julia Basta, at home; one brother, Frank Grill, in Yugoslavia, six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. May she rest in eternal peace. Mary Ayotte No. 57, Niles, Ohio — In November, our meeting was held at the home of Theresa Racher. She has been so kind to let us use her home for the past three meetings, so we thank her, most heartily. Our attendance has been very good with many members present every month. After our meeting, election of officers took place. All the officers remained in office to do another good job for 1960. They are: president: Frances Yerman, vice-president: Jerry Spoljaric, secretary: Mary Macek, treasurer: Mary Strah, recording secretary: Frances Hribar, and auditors: Jerry Spoljaric, Pauline Logar, and Liz Havaich, reporter for Zarja: Frances Hribar. Few changes were made in the by laws. Congratulations to Agnes Kermic on the arrival of a baby boy. Our condolences to Mary Jerina and her family whose mother, Mrs. Nemet of Newton Falls passed away recently. Our Christmas party will be held at the home of our president, Frances Yerman at 2110 Robbins Ave. on our regular meeting night. We will have a covered dish supper starting at 6:30 p.m. Please be on time. There will liave also be a dollar gift exchange. See you all there. Frances Hribar, reporter No. 63, Denver, Colo. — My dear sisters, a warm greeting to all and an Invitation to attend the annual meeting on Sun., Dec. 27th at 2 p.m., Slovenian Home. 4468 Washington St. MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL MUTZ, SR., 409 Schiller St., Baden, Pa., celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on October 4tli. They were honored at a mass on Saturday, October 3, at 10 a.m. at St. John the Baptist Catholic church in Baden. Celebrant at the service was Fr. Joseph Cvelbar ot Washington, Pa. At the celebration, 50 years ago, Nick Tomac or Steelton was best man and Anna Filak of Pittsburgh, the bridesmaid. Mr. Tomac attended the anniversary observance in Baden. A family dinner was held after the mass, and a reception in the evening for relatives and friends. The former Mary Kohanic and Michael Mutz were married in 1909 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Steelton, Pa. They have lived in this area since 1910. Both are natives of Slovenia. Mr. and Mrs. Mutz are the parents of twelve children, four sons and eight daughters; they have 2G grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Mrs. Mutz is a member of branch 74, Ambridge for many years. God’s blessing to them for continued good health and happiness. May they live in happiness and celebrate their diamond wedding in the same way. Mary Habich Election of officers will take place at this meeting and preparations will begin on the celebration of our 25th anniversary in 1900. We especially invite all charter members to attend and give us their ideas on how best we can celebrate. It’s up to every member to help keep our organization strong, and I hope you will take it upon yourselves to enroll new members for our branch. That way, we can really do many good things in the future. All this will be discussed at the yearly meeting, so please attend. To all members and supreme officers, best wishes for a Merry Christmas season. Mollie Svigel GOLDEN YEARS — HAPPY OBSERVANCE No. 72, Pullman, III. — Here we are, working and planning for Christmas again. Our Christmas meeting will be held on December 16th at 1:30 p.m., at the usual meeting place —■ the home of Mrs. Orazem. We do hope we will have an extra large number of mennbers present. As is the custom, we are planning a little party after the meeting. We will have some fine home-made refreshments, and you know how good they always are. But it is discouraging to prepare for a large group and then only a small numlber turns out. So come on, ladies! Reserve that date and spend a couple of hours together with your fellow-members. Contributions of any sort — either in the refreshment line or for prizes — will be welcome. But it isn’t the contribution we want at Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mutz the meeting it’s YOU! At our last meeting II was voted that each member pay $1.00 into the treasury. Will you please take care of this at your earliest opportunity? Best wishes to all for a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wilma Zagar No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio — There were 27 members in attendance at our November meeting and hostesses for that month were: Sally Kunka, Kay Juratovac and Catherine Papez; these ladies were also celebrating their birthdays in November. The childrens’ Christmas party will be on I>ec. 18 at 7 at Josephine Turk’s home. Santa Claus will be there to give each junior member a Christmas gift. The adult Christmas party will be on our regular meeting night, Dec. 7th. A pot-luck supper will be served before the meeting, to be held at Josephine Nowak’s home, Green, Rd. Three of our good members celebrated wedding anniversaries in November. They are: Henrietta and Walter Hensse, Sally and John Kunka and Helen and John Dusek. At Helen and John’s silver anniversary party, their son Timothy announced his engagement to Gloria Nowak, whose mother, Josephine is our good member, too. Congratulations and best wishes. A load of good wishes, too, to member Mary Shamakiar who had a new baby boy arrive at her house. Best to baby and mother. Visiting with her family is Elinor Pesek. For the past year and a half, she’s been living in Texas with husband and baby daughter. They will now make their home in Felecily, Ohio. A very happy birthday to all members celebrating this month and best wishes to those celebrating anniversaries. To those who may be on the sick list, a very speedy recovery. To each and everyone, a very happy Thanksgiving. Rosemary Mauer, reporter No. 74, Ambridge, Pa. — Here it is, the month of Christmas, with a very busy schedule for us all. First off, don’t forget to come to the meeting on Dec,. 13th. I’m sure we will celebrate the holiday in grand style. To all our sick members, very speedy recoveries and to all who are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, best wishes. To all the officers and members of all branches, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and here’s hoping it will bring more happiness than the old one. Mary Habich, pres. No. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. — All members are kindly asked to chock their dues standing and make payments before the close of the year. Then, we will have a clean slate for 1960. Best wishes to all for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Pros- perous New Year. Best wishes to our sick members, too. We hope that better health is in store for you in the new year. Happy birthday wishes to all who will celebrate this month. God bless you all. Minka Chrnart, sec’y No. 79, Enumclaw, Washington — Members of Society No. 79 enjoyed their last meeting at the home of Fannie Ramshak — delicious apple strudel and all. The main order of business was the Christmas party and meeting which is to be held the second Sunday of December, the 13tli fn tJie afternoon at the home of Mary Mehilieh. There will be an exchange of gifts for adults, not to exceed $1.00, and mothers oL' juvenile members are to bring gifts for their own children. Candy sacks will be made up for all the juveniles present. Since this will be a pot luck luncheon, every lady please bring one thing for lunch. Sister Mrs. Jack Richter and her husband celebrated her 50th anniversary, and the lodge presented her with a small rememberance. r>et’s all try to get to the Christmas meeting and make it a huge success. Mary Bratovich, Reporter No. 83, Crosby, Minn. ■— Greetings from Crosby! It has been a long time since 1 have written in the Zarja. 1 had a wonderful time this summer as I enjoy all the out-door sports. We did have our first snow fall back in October but fortunately it melted soon. A very nice time was had at our November meeting at the home of Antoinette Vukelich. Alter the meeting popular games were played and some of the members received lovely gifts. What a lunch we had! The walnut potica was delicious. Thank you Antoinette! We decided not to have a Christmas supper this year but we will exchange gifts at our December meeting which will be held at Margaret Perpich’s home on December 7th. A mass will be said for our deceased this month. All members should try to attend this mass. At the September meeting our treasury donated $5.00 for the new altar which was built in Baraga home in Lemont. Best Wishes and a Happy Thanksgiving to all. Molly Domin, Reporter No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. — Our lodge held its regular meeting, Sunday Nov. 1 at 7 P.M. at. the home of Miss. Aurelia Welch. Plans for our annual Christmas party were made. The banquet will be held at Frank’s Cafe on the 13th of December at t> P.M. We will also exchange gifts. Hostesses for this evening were Mrs. William Lacy and Mil's. George Krizmanich. All the officers who held office the past year were again re-clected for the coming year. We all extend sincerest sympathy to Mrs. Frances Greenfield as well as all the members of the family in the loss of their mother, Mrs. Theresa Krizmanich who passed away the 15th of Nov. May the infant Savior whose birthday we will soon celebrate bring to each and every one of you a very happy and pleased Christmas and may the New Year bring you the very best in life. God bless you all, your reporter, Helen Cobai No. 105, Detroit, Mich. ■—• We were invited to Jennie Vldmar’s home for our October meeting as it was her birthday month as well. Jennie entertained us royally. Her daughter, Dorothy, an expert on cake baking and decorating did a beautiful job with a cake for Jennie’s birthday. It served also as the birthday cake for two other members, Mrs. Dorothea Hatala and Mrs. M. Zimmerman. Thank you, Dorothy, the cake was as good as it looked. We all want to say thanks to Jennie, too, for the nice luncheon she served and for being such a grand hostess. The gift donated by the hostess was received by Mrs. Zimmerman. Our long-absent member, Mrs. Kappus brought another gift which was then received by Mrs. Ault. Dorothea Hatala was able to be with us after quite spell at home taking care of her sick mother. We enjoyed having her with us. Our member, Mrs. Gail Simon, reported a grand time this summer visiting in Butte, Montana. Her husband accompanied her and their son on the trip. They also toured other states in the west. Good for you, Gail! Mrs. Alice Kocjan had guests from Warren, Ohio. Her mother visited her for a few weeks and so did her niece and husband from Warren. See you at Mrs. Simon’s home for the next meeting. A worthwhile poem for all: DON’T QUIT When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care i3 pressing you down a bit — Rest. If you must, but don’t you quit. Rose Jamnik, reporter Slovenian Choir Boys Bring Folk Songs To Us! Young boys, students of the Slovenian High School who board in Mohorjev Dom in Celovec, Carinthia (Austria). They take great pride in traditional Slovenian folk songs and have prepared four of their most popular numbers for the American public to enjoy. The conductor of this famous boys’ choir is Rev. Franc Cigan, who is a renowned authority in Slovenian folksongs. These students are in need of financial help, therefore the proceeds of the sale of this record will go to them. We hope that our record-loving friends will order it for their own enjoyment. This record is an exclusive offer, for sale by Slovenia Records, Box 8184, Chicago 80, Illinois The four songs on the record are: Sijaj sončece; Na planincah luštno biti; Lepo mi poje črni kos and če študent na rajžo gre. The price of the record is only one dollar, plus .25 cents for postage and handl- ing. It is a 45 RPM unbreakable record, and is an appreciated, lasting gift for your family and friends. Please enclose money order, check, stamps or cash with each order. HISTORY OF ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH, ELY, MINN. Of interst to all and of historical significance to its city, state and country, is the story of a community’s great accomplishment. St. Anthony de Padua church in Ely was founded and supported by Slovenian people first under the guilding influence of one of the greatest pioneer priests, Msgr. Joseph Buh, who toiled as a missionary in the northern wilderness and lived a life of service all his 90 years. The history of this achievement is a story of people, most of them our Slovenian pioneers of Minnesota, and for this reason we reprint this story. St. Anthony’s parish, founded in 1888, is considered the daughter of the oldest parish on the Vermilion range, St. Martin’s, in Tower, Minnesota. When Monsignor Joseph F. Buh was appointed pastor of St. Martin’s in Tower, he extended his zealous care to the souls of the 177 people then living in the tiny settlement of Ely, located about 22 miles to the north. Religious services were first held in the lumber office operated by Thomas Fottrill. The earliest recorded baptism was that of Catherine A. Byrne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Byrne on November 27, 1888. Mr. Byrne was a mining captain here. Monsignor Buh visited Ely once a month and services were held at the Frank Lozar home on Camp Street until the first St. Anthony's church was built. The first St. Anthony’s was situated on the site of the new rectory and administration building. It was dedicated November 27, 1890 by the Most Rev. James McGohick, bishop of Duluth. Installed in the small tower was a bell weighing G65 pounds and it was blessed that same afternoon. According to the inscription the bell was cast by the McShane Foundry, Baltimore, Maryland and was dedicated to the blessed Virgin Mary. The old church was later used for a meeting hall and religious instruction classes were conducted in it. It was sold In 1924. Early missionaries and parishioners reported that there was a real spirit of living faith among the Ely people. The miners attended mass nearly every morning on their way home from the night shift at the mines. The parish grew rapidly. Monsignor Buh was able to attend the mission only once a month, so he succeeded In getting the Rev. Mathias Bilban, (later Monsignor Bilban) into the Diocese of Duluth to assist with the work. Father Bilban had been among the number of Slovenian students whom Father Buh had brought into this country to work in the mission territory. Father Bilban came in 1893 to Ely and took care of the Ely parish until 1897. In that year the Rev. Andrew Smrekar was appointed resident pastor of the Ely parish. The congregation was growing and the original church was unable to hold the crowds. The parish then included 1900 souls. It was under Father Smrekar’s direction that building funds were raised and the church built. It was constucted in the summer of 1900. It is the present St. Anthony’s church which has served the parish faithfully, but not adequately, until now. It was one of the largest frame churches in the Northwest. It is 90 feet long and 50 feet wide and has a seating capacity of 500. Rising above the front and main entrance is an imposing steeple 125 feet high. Installed in this steeple was the small bell from the first church, and two larger bells weighing 2,500 pounds and 1,400 pounds respectively. Some of the older parishioners recall when the bells were installed and report that the steeple had to be reinforced to take care of the tremendous weight. Names inscribed on the bell which were recorded at the time of its removal to the new church were probably the donors. They included: J. Butala, Frank Lozar, Števe Preshiren, J. Preshiren, J. Rauh, J. Koce, J. Agnich, M. Rev. Frank Mihelčič, is pastor of St. Anthony's since 1917. It was under his direction and supervision, that the new church was built. The pastor is assisted by Rev. Gerald LaPatka. St. Anthony's School of Religion-is conducted by the Benedictine Sisters whose convent was the home of Frank Lozar, a parish founder, where the first masses were offered in Ely in 1888. Three adult choirs including a Slovenian Women’s Choir are ably conducted by Miss Mary Hutar, organist and choir director. The loving and devoted care of Father Mihel-cic for his flock has a history of over 40 years, the duration of time he has served in Ely. In every phase of church activity, his hand has guided wisely and well. The cooperation and respect of 900 grateful parish families go out to him, their spiritual leader. Agnich, Steve Agnich, J. Bartol, M. E. Gleason. J. Globokar, J. Govze, J. Butala, Jr., J. Smuk, S. Skala, M. Muhvic, J. Ixivsin, Jr., A. Kochevar, W. Smrekar, ,T. Šarabon, E. Skubic, J. Rožic, L. Virant, Frank Wagner, M. Weinzierl and Steve Zgonc. Also there appears the names of a number of lodges, Monsignor Buh, and the pastor, Rev. Smrekar. The cost of the building was approximately $20,000. The-dedication of the new church took place November 30, 1900. Shortly thereafter Father Smrekar was transferred to Tower and Father Buh came to Ely as resident pastor. He paid off the parish debt and bought additional equipment including a new oruan which has served satisfactorily down to the present time. MSGR. BUH, ELY’S GUIDING SPIRIT Ely and St. Anthony’s parish claims the distinction of having been home to the Rev. Msgr. Joseph Francis Buh. beloved pioneer northern Minnesota missionary, for 21 years, the longest period of time that he spent in one locality In his entire lifetime. Characterized as a man of flaming zeal, Father Buh, as lie was commonly known in the early days of the 1900’s was venerated and loved and this bond of affection has been passed along to the present generation. Monsignor Buh was sent to Ely as pastor in 1900, but he served this parish as a mission while at. Tower in 1888. Having spent much of his early life with th» Indians, he shared their privations. He was right at home with the Chippewas of the Vermilion range, learned their language, thaught their children and, even conducted missions in their native tongue. Monsignor Buh ordered a clock for the church steeple-which was handmadei in Jugoslavia in 1902. During July, 1908, the Rev. John Schiffrer came to Ely to assist Mon-signor Buh. He also took charge of the parish for eight months while the missioner returned to his home in Europe. ] (More of Father Buh’s adventures and good works in the January issue.) ANTON ŠUBEU - SLOVENIA’S SINGING AMBASSADOR IN AMERICA By Dr. Jože Felicijan — Translated by Joseph Zelle (continuation) In Washington, Capitol of America In 1949, Šubelj established The Opera Workshop, his own school for solo singing and opera in Washington. This venture, too, was a success. With his students he was soon able to appear at concerts and on television. However, as Šubelj himself says, he was attracted to his people in Cleveland, where he found quarters for his studio and opera school in the Slovenian National Home 011 St. Clair Ave. However, he continued to commute between Cleveland and Washington for two more years where he was a professor at the Washington Institute of Music. Every Thursday after practice at the Glasbena Matica in Cleveland he took off for Washington to teach for 3 days. Then on Monday morning he returned to Cleveland. Despite the fact that he made most of his trips by air, such a life was very trying, because he traveled mostly by night and thus lost about 100 nights of sleep per year. Therefore, after two years, he stopped teaching at the Washington Institute of Music and settled permanently in Cleveland. Among Cleveland Slovenes As early as 1934, Šubelj organized a young people’s singing chorus in Cleveland in which 500 Slovenian children sang. Their appearance in the Slovenian National Home was a great event and out of this choir grew several youthful choirs. Unfortunately Šubelj could not stay in Cleveland at that time because his contract bound him to the Metropolitan Opera. I11 1910 the independent singing choir Zarja (Dawn) was re-organized and took on the new name of Glasbena Matica. The directorship of the choir was divided between the late poet, Ivan Zorman, who drilled the choristers for the spring concert and Anton Šubelj who supervised the fall opera performance during the summer. The first Glasbena Matica concert took place on Sept. 8, 1940. It was a great success which is still remembered by the people. On Nov. 3, 1940 the choir gave Sattner’s cantata: Assumptio. Then the Glasbena Matica under the directorship of Šubelj, presented "The Barber of Seville”, “The Bat”, and “The Gypsy Baron”. In order to appreciate the importance of the work which Anton Šubelj has been doing among Slovenes in Cleveland, a few facts should be enumerated: Since 1950 the Glasbena Matica has enacted the operetta, Mamselle Nitouche, the Opera La Traviata (3 times), Rigoletto (twice), Caval-leria Rusticana, Pagliacci, Mignon, Tosca, Marriage of Figaro, Carmen, and Massenet’s Opera, Mary Magdalen (twice). This last opera constituted a kind of record for the Glasbena Matica, for it was the first to sing this opera in America. If we consider, that all America barely has two permanent opera houses, — we can be proud that 40,000 Cleveland Slovenes have their own opera attributable to the efforts of Anton Šubelj and the singers of the Glasbena Matica. In addition to the operatic performances we must not forget the numerous concerts in which Subelj’s singers participated. However, Subelj’s choral work is not limited to the Glasbena Matica. In addition to the Glasbena Matica, Šubelj conducts “Triglav”, “Slovan”, youth choir of the SNPJ, two Serbian singing choirs, the American — Slovak singing choir. Only a few of these facts testify to the importance of the work which Anton Šubelj is doing among Cleveland Slovenes, A Singer’s Mission In the life of nations often insignificant causes have great consequences. We also read the autobiography of Mikhail Pupin and discover the interesting story of how Mikhail Pupin as a young lad came to New York and was accepted by a Slovenian family. Many years later Mikhail had returned the kindness by pleading with Wilson that Bled, which the Italians wanted to grab, be assigned to Yugoslavia. Mikhail Pupin, in a most beautiful way returned the services once rendered to him, a poor immigrant a-lone in a large city of the New World, by a Slovenian family. This family did more for the Slovenians than trained diplomats at the peace conference. Every good and honest Slovene is the best ambassador of his nation. Among these ambassadors we must also include Anton Šubelj. In other words, with his work he has again confirmed the well known fact, that a nation’s future and its spiritual life, in the last analysis, is always decided by self-sacrificing individuals. He sang to the wealthy Americans who had hardly ever heard of Slovenes. He sang to Slovenian men and women scattered across America, singing to them about home, just over the hill, about mother, brothers and sister, and the old homeland. The young lad from Rodice suddenly appeared on the stages of great cities, with a song on his lips, speaking of the nation w'edged in between the Alps and the Adriatic Ocean, a-bout the Slovenes, about their joys and sufferings, and also about their limitless confidence in the victory of justice and finer days. Anton Šubelj, singing ambassador of the Slovenian Nation in America. Slovenian Song First Time on Television Anton Šubelj has his “first” in the history of television. In other words, he appeared during the fourth transmission of the first television station in New York. He was also the first to sing Slovenian songs on television. Glas Naroda on Sept, 18, 1931 printed the following report: “On Monday at 9:45 p.m. one of the largest New York stations, the Columbia Television Brodacasting station transmitted Slovenian national songs. Our good acquaintance, bariton Anton Šubelj sang. Since he could be seen as well as heard, he was dressed in the Slovenian national costume and he accompanied his singing with facial pantomime. At the piano was Miss. R, J. Hall, likewise dressed in national costume, explaining the content of the song in English. “First, narrator Miss, Erskin described the beauty of Slovenia and presented Šubelj as the best exponent of Slovenian songs. Then she asked him to greet the public in the Slovenian language. After that he sang the following songs: “Zagorski zvonovi”, (Bells of Zagorje), “Megla v Jezeru”, (Mist in the Lake), "Uspavanka”, (Lullaby), “Bod’ moja”, (Be Mine), and others. “The television program can be seen in Europe too. since Station W2XAB has a frequency of 2750 kc. In New York alone there are some 30,000 private television sets. The program was so well received that the management immediately signed up Tony Šubelj for the great autumn exhibition in Madison Square Garden, New York. He will sing the same program on television as he did last Monday.” (To be continued) SREČEN boZiC in veselo novo leto vsem odjemalcem, odjemalkam, prijateljem in članicam Slovenske Zenske Zveze, želi OBLAK FURNITURE COMPANY 6612 St. Clair Avenue CLEVELAND, Ohio ki se vsem priporoča za nakup pohištva in opreme Maple Heights Poultry & Catering 17330 Broadway Maple Heights, Ohio Naznanjamo, da bomo odslej nudili kompletno postrežbo (catering service) za svatbe, bankete, obletnice in druge družabne prireditve. Za prvovrstno postrežbo prevzamemo popolno odgovornost. Na razpolago vseh vrst perutnina. Se priporočamo: ANDY HOČEVAR IN SINOVI Tel.: v trgovini MO 3-7733 — na doimi MO 2-2912 VESELE BOZlCNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Zeli ZAK FUNERAL HOME (5016 St. Clair A ve. CLEVELAND, Ohio MERRY CHRISTMAS! CIMPERMAN’S FOOD MARKET 1115 Norwood Rd. CLEVELAND 3, Ohio Phone: ENdicott 1-0566 LYON DAIRY, extends Christmas greetings! Tony & Cecelia Žnidaršič and Sons 1166 East 60th St. CLEVELAND, Ohio HE. 1-8492 SEASON’S GREETINGS! MATT F. INTIHAR COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE 630 East 222nd Street RE 1-6888 EUCLID 23, OHIO iHULA-HOOP MAKES GOOD AS CHRISTMAS WREATH An easy-to-make, inexpensive, and permanent Christmas decoration can be made from the children’s old hula-hoop and a few spools of red and green ribbon. The out-sized ribbon wreath can be used in a picture window, to dress up a blank wall, or even hung outside the house on a wall or a door. The wreath is made by tying emerald green “Magic Bows” made of shiny “Sasheen” ribbon to the hula-hoop. The candles are made of smaller bows of red “Sasheen” fastened to thin wires tied diagonally across the hoop. The ribbon wreath can be further dressed up by adding clusters of pine cones or artificial holly berries. The wreath can be stored and used year after year. VESELE BOZlCNE PRAZNIKE! JOSEPH L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. MI 1-004« Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE! PO VAŠI ŽELJI! HEARTY SEASON’S GREETINGS! TURK'S TAVERN 969 No. Holmes Ave. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. Beer and Liquor SEASON’S BEST! Tomsic Brothers Auto Dealers JAMES - Chrylser, Plymouth BILL - DeSoto, Plymouth FRANK - Oldsmoltile, Cadillac STRABANE - CANONSBURG Pennsylvania * Gold Foil Christmas Tree Materials: Dennison Gold Foil Paper, White Petaltone Flower Material, White Mat jstock. #7 Gold Stars, Den-*nison #10 wire, Spool Wire |#1. Mailing tube, paste, cellophane tape, small blue Christmas balls and a blue <■ bead chain, styrofoam circle 4” in diameter. Tree: Make a 15” cone from White Mat Stock. Fasten with cellophane tape and cover cone with gold foil paper. Cut strips of white Petaltone across the grain 2V-s” deep. Open strip and refold to 4 thicknesses, slashing one edge into 2” deep fringe. Use paste on one end of a #10 wire. Wrap uncut edge of fringed strip around the wire in a spiral fashion, twisting the wire with one hand and guiding it with the other. Start at tip of cone, wind t.lie fringe covered wire around in circular fashion. Hold wire in place with spool wire. Trim tree with blue balls and gold star. Base: Cover a mailing tube with gold foil paper and the styrofoam circle with White Petaltone. Place one end of tube in styrofoam base, then place tree on top of tube. Use bead chain circle at base of styrofoam. Place Mats: Cut tree shape from white mat stock. Cover with gold foil paper and trim top and ends of branches with gold stars. For a sparkle effect add a colored sequin in the center of each star. MNOGO BOŽIČNE RADOSTI IN BLAGOSLOVA V LETU 1960! LESKOVAR REALTY & INSURANCE Notary Public & Overseas Legal Service 2032 W. Cermak Rd„ CHICAGO. III. Chicagoland’s SLOVENIAN RADIO HOUK Every Saturday Lud & Corinne Leskovar, your hosts S.W.U. BRANCH 2 IN CHICAGO EXTENDS HAPPIEST HOLIDAY GREETINGS TO OFPICERST, MEMBERS AND ALL READERS OF ZARJA! Josephine Železnikar, Pres. Mary Muller, Sec’y Mary Hozjan, Vice-Pres. Mary Tomazin, Treas. Auditors: Sophie Petrovič, Jen Kovacic and Liz Zefran VESELE IN BLAGOSLOVA POLNE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽELI VSEM PODRUŽNICA ŠT. 41 CLEVELAND, OHIO Rose Pujzdar, preds. Mary Markel, podpreds. Mary Debevec, blag. Nadzornice: Mary Cerjak, Rose Strumble, Nellie Pintar Ella Starin, taj. Anna Rebolj, zapis. SEASON'S BEST! THE MEMBERS OF BRANCH 50 CLEVELAND, OHIO Frances Sietz, pres.; Antonia Tanko, vice-pres. Mary Loushin, sec’y-Meetings on third Monday, St. Vitus Club Rooms V1CSEL BOŽIČ IN SREČNO NOVO LETO gl. uradnicam In vsem članicam S.Ž.Z. PODRUŽNICA ŠT. 32 EUCLID, OHIO WITH GREETINGS FOR A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! MRS. MARY MR VAR MRS. PAULINE TURK members of Branch 110. 5 960 N. Holmes Ave. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. THE LEGEND OF MISTLETOE I11 millions of homes throughout the Western world, Christmas is a time to hang a curious-looldng sprig of green with white berries in the living room. It’s mistletoe of course, Nature’s “license” for kissing any preety girl who stand beneath it. But mistletoe means different things to many other peoples. To the superstitious, it’s an allhealing plant... it wards off poisons ... keeps animals healthy. In voodoo rites, it’s an antidote for apoplexy, palsy and epilepsy. Some people think it comes from the sun ... others think it’s a gift of Jupiter. The latter also believe it “helps old ulcers and the corrupt humors.” There are elders who expect it to soothe what alls them. Actually, modern researchers find that its active principle (guipsone) does indeed relieve hypertension — often an old-age ailment. It’s valuable, too, in treating nervous disorders! But to most of us it’s just plain mistletoe — a “kissing plant.” And, mighty important to the spirit of the Christmas holidays. WITH BEST WISHES FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON! ROSE SCOFF ;State President of California, Oregon, Washington SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO želimo PRIMC DELICASSEN 15508 Holmes Ave. CLEVELAND, Ohio GL. 1-7487 THE HAPPIEST CHRISTMAS! Send Flowers by Wire JELERCIC FLORIST 15302 WATERLOO ROAD Telephone IV. 1-0195 HANDY HINTS FOR HOLIDAY PACKAGING That gay expectant holiday feeling is already beginning to pervade the atmosphere. Santa has made his arrival in the department stores, colorful windows catch the ,eye of holiday shoppers and presents are already being hidden from the prying eyes of the young fry. The firm resolution made by many to shop and wrap packages early, somehow manages to get lost in the excitement of the season and invariably the task of wrapping presents itself. When using bow accents to finish a package, always remember to consider the size of the box. Small packages will be overpowered with a huge fluffy bow no matter how pretty it may be. Select your ribbon color by picking up a predominant color in the paper. If the pattern of the paper is such that a bow smack In the middle of the box will detract from the design, tie the ribbon around the edges and mak« a bow or place it off center or down ■one side of the box. The bow should be made separately. Loop a length of ribbon back and forth several times keeping the center pinched in tightly between the thumb and fingers of the left hand as ribbon is formed into loops with the other. Use spool wire around the bow’s center and twist the •ends of the wire together tightly. There are so many ways to say Merry Christmas and many gift packages require a little special treatment because they are lor such special people. Mom’s should be a pretty one. Feathery fir trees on a holiday green background makes a truly feminine package when highlighted with a white and gold bow. An added filip is the addition of shiny gold stars on the loops of the fluffy bow. Dad will have no difficulty in telling what’s inside his May (ill the happiness of this holiday season hriiahtcn all your days! A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR I960! Miners National Bank OF EVELETH, MINNESOTA The First National Bank EVELETH, MINN. EXTENDS THE BEST WISHES OF THE SEASON TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF S.W.U. and A MOST PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! I gift. An alarm clock wrapped in silver foil paper with a white mat stock face joyously proclaims Noel to Pop. The letters are cut from a patterned paper and silver stars and toothpick are used to form the hands of the clock. Sister Sue’s perfume Is uniquely disguised as a gay choir girl. A Styrofoam with ribbon hair and trim wears a bright green mat stock bonnet and carries a carol book. Facial features are easily made by using gold notarial seals. A rocket type package holds stockings for Aunt Matilda. The stockings are packed in a loll wrapped towel core fastened to a star base. Cut wire decorated with stars VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO želi vsem članicam Podružnica Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Rev. J. Jershe, (lull, vodja; Antonia Nemgar, preds.; Jennie Vrhovnik, podpreds.; Mary Lenich, tajnica in blagaj.; nadzornice: Frances Sterle, Catherine Pollack in Anna Shrinar. SEASON’S GREETINGS! BIWABIK STATE BANK Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. BIWABIK, iMinn. Mrs. Louise Nisen, Pres-Miss Mary R. Lushene, Exec. Vice-Pres. & Cashier MERRY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR WISHES! SEDEY's Fairway Find Food 317 Grant Ave. EVELETH, Minn. Fresh, home-smoked meats, fresh vegetables ajid groceries! We deliver! MERRIEST WISHES FOR THE HOLIDAYS! GEORGE J. BRINCE BEVERAGE SALES, INC. EVELETH, Minnesota Plione: Evleteh 93 Hibbing 822 SEASON’S GREETINGS! BETTER FOODS MARKET ‘•Primozic’s Red and White Store" Phone SH 1-5895 511 Grant Ave. EVELETH, Minn. Home-cured, smoked meats - free delivery! A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! FRANCES BEAUTY SHOPPE 418 Jones St. Ph. SH EVELETH, Minnesota "If your hair Is not becoming to you — you should be coming to us!” 1-8181 spirals around the towel core and a ribbon bow on its top comipletes the novel effect. Mrs. James, Johnnie’s favorite teacher, is not forgotten. Her gift, a jar of homemade preserves is wrapped in gaily striped red and green holiday paper. Gold foil paper, slashed in deep v’s is placed over the top of the jar. A frothy ribbon bow tops the package with a snappy effect achieved by curling spool wires and attaching tiny bells to their ends. Grandmother’s gift is both gay and pretty. A sweater in her favorite shade is wrapped in white glazed paper. A bowed Christmas tree made from stripped ribbon decorates the box front with bright green Christmas balls forming the trunk of the tree. A gold star topper and a stripped base made from strips of gold crepe paper complete the effect. Red and white candles gleam brightly on a package slate417 St. Clair A ve. CLEVELAND 3, Ohio Phone: HE, 1-4148 Vabi vse članice in prijatelje S.Ž.Z., da se pridružijo enemu izmed velikih izletov v Slovenijo: — Z ladjo “Queen Elizabeth” 25. maja I960 (izlet vodi \lrs. Antonia Tanko, drž. preda. S.Z.Z.) — Z letalom “Jel” Boeing, Air France, 17. junija 160 (izlet rodi Mrs. Albina Novak, gl. tajnica Zveze) Vsem članicam želimo vesel Rožič in srečno Novo leto! Marie Prisland: Na zadnji seji Zvezinega gl. odbora je bil pogovor o skupnem potovanju v staro domovino prihodnje leto. Ideja je že rodila eno voditeljico potovanja. Državna predsednica gospa Antonia Tanko iz Clevelanda vabi članice v ok-toberski številki ZARJE na skupno potovanje , ki ga bo ona vodila prihodnjo pomlad. Vse potrebno za potovanje bo uredila Kollandrova potniška pisarna. Ker so me nekatere članice vprašale, kako sem bila zadovoljna s postrežbo g. Kollandra, ki je naše letošnje potovanje organiziral, naj tu navedem nekaj podatkov: G. August Kollander nam je za potovanje vse najlepše uredil. Vsem potnikom je pisal posebej in jim dal potrebna navodila. Po njegovem posredovanju smo bili lepo sprejeti v Amsterdamu in Parizu. Sitnosti in neprilik ni bilo nobenih. Kollandrovo potniško pisarno toplo priporočam našim članicam, najsi potujejo z ladjo ali letalom. Prepričana sem, da bodo tudi one zadovoljne s Kollandrovo dobro postrežbo. Soproga g. Kollandra je Zvezina članica. Vprašana sem bila kako je vožnja z letalom. Nam se je dopadlo. Letalo potuje mirneje kot vlak ali ladja. Kot bi sedeli doma v sprejemni sobi se nam je zdelo. Postrežba je bila vljudna in dobra. V New Yorku smo ob šestih zvečer stopili v letalo in drugi dan smo bili v Parizu. V nedeljo zjutraj sem imela zajtrk doma v Slieboyganu, v torek pa večerjo v Ljubljani. Človek kar verjeti ne more, da je taka hitrica mogoča. Vožnja z letalom stane okrog $50.00 več kot z ladjo. Na letalu mo jo zanimalo kako hitro potujemo, kako visoko gremo, koliko kuriva nosimo, itd... Za podatke sem se obrnila na strežnico, ki me je peljala v kabino h kapitanu. Tam so me posadili na stol pomožnega pilota, odkoder je bil veličasten razgled po vsemirju, ter mi razložili zanimivosti potovanja. Potovali smo 298 milj na uro. Leteli smo 19.000 čevljev visoko. S seboj smo imeli 37.000 funtov kuriva. Ko smo dospeli na Irsko so gazolinske tanke znova napolnili. Na Irskem smo pristali ob desetih zjutraj (evropski čas), v Amsterdam smo dospeli ob enih popoldne, v Pariz pa ob treh popoldne. Potovali smo s Holandsko linijo KLM. Ime našega letala je bilo The Flying Dutchman. Letalo je od konca ene peruti do druge merilo 137 čevljev. Vožnja je bila mirna in krasna. Noč je bila jasna; zvezde svetle in zelo velike, pod nami pa kot volna mehki, beli oblaki. Luna je bila tako blizu, da bi jo lahko z neba snela — se mi je zdelo— če bi roko skozi okno stegnila. Lunini žarki so od letala odsevali, da se je bliščalo kot bi bilo s srebrom pokrito. Hitrice nismo čutili, le brnenje motorjev nas je opozarjalo, da smo v letalu. Ako potujete z letalom direktno iz New Yorlca v Pariz, boste tja dospele enkrat dopoldne. Nam se je dopadlo potovati na Holandski liniji, ker smo tako videli Irsko in Holandsko, kar ne bi mogli, če bi potovali naravnost v Pariz. Dospevši v Pariz nas je na letališču čakal Kollan-drov agent, ki je vse lepo za nas uredil. Istotako nazaj grede. Vsem, ki boste prihodnje leto potovale v rodno domovino, želim prav prijetno potovanje in mnogo zabave. Ponesite našim lepim domačim krajem tudi od nas gorke pozdrave! * * * Znano je, da Črnogorci niso najboljši prijatelji težkega dela. Iz tega je menda nastala naslednja anektoda. Po zadnji vojni je organizacija UNRRA poslala ladjo napolnjeno s hrano v Jugoslavijo. Ladja je pristala v črnogorskem pristanišču. Ko so pristaniški delavci hrano razkladali, so rekli: “Znajo brača Amerikanci, šta je nama Črnogorcima treba.” l>ospela je druga ladja napolnjena z obleko: “Bogami, opet znajo brača Amerikanci, šta je nama Črnogorcima treba,” so dejali delavci. Ko so s tretjo ladjo Amerikanci poslali krampe in lopate so Črnogorci rekli: “Što so Amerikanci pametni ljudi. Kako dobro znajo, šta je Slovencima treba.” Krampi in lopate so romali v Slovenijo. * •!• >(« Nekje na jugu Jugoslavije med primitivnimi ljudmi, so uradne oblasti prišle do zaključka, da bi bilo dobro in koristno narod nekoliko prosvetliti in izobraziti. V ta namen so bila prirejena razna predavanja o vseh mogočih predmetih. Nekoč je bilo predavanje o higijemi, torej snagi. Videlo se je, da navzoči niso razumeli, kaj je higijena. Predsednik shoda prosi predavatelja za besedo, češ, da bo on ljudem prav po domače razložil, kaj je higijena. Pričel je takole: “Slušajte sad vi mene: Što je higijena. Ja ču vam to kazati na dobrem primeru. Ja si perem noge jedan put u godini, pa to treba ili ne treba. Evo, to vam je higijena.” * * * Mednarodna dobrodelna organizacija — UNRRA — še vedno dostavlja brezplačno hrano šolam v Jugoslaviji. Otroci dobijo vsak dan za malico kruh, sir, marmelado, mleko ali čaj. Revni otroci prejemajo hrano zastonj, otroci premožnih staršev pa plačaj« 120 dinarjev na dan. Ta denar se porabi za kritje plač delavcev, ki hrano pripravljajo. * sit * Na ameriškem pikniku v Sloveniji 4. julija letos. G. A. Bohte iz Clevelanda; Kristina Rupnik iz Sheboy-9ana; Zinka Gregorka iz Little Falls, N.Y.; Marie Prisland in Ančka Kovačič iz Sheboygana; g. France Krajnc iz Bočne. G. Tone Marolt iz Celja; Gospodični Metka in Majda Lekšetovi iz Celja. * * * To kolono sem napisala predno sem se podala v bolnišnico 21. oktobra. Hvala Bogu, srečno sem prestala zelo težko operacijo. Zdaj se zdravim doma. Vsem, ki ste mi poslale kartice s prijaznimi voščili, cvetlice in spominčke ter ste molile za moje zdravje, stotera iskrena livala; Bolniku dobro dene, če se ga spomnijo prijatelji. Vsem skupaj želim z vsemi dobrotami, zlasti z zdravjem blagoslovljene Božične praznike! P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. 7-j v . w* • v cudez ako čudovit je božični večer in božična noč, da jih pisatelji vseh stoletij odkar Božič obstoja, skušajo opisati v najčudovitejših barvah. Rojstvo božjega otroka je prineslo upanje v obupana človeška srca. Novi svet sreče se je odprl. Ravno zato je božični praznik, praznik toplote in domačnosti tako za otroška srca kakor za velike duše. Charles Dickens je takole opisal svoje božično doživetje: Vedno sem si predstavljal božič kot čas veselja, čas miline odpuščanja in dobrote. Zdi se mi, da je božič edini dan v celem letu, ko ljudje brez vsake razlike, odpro svoja srca in postanejo otroci.. Ta zavest mi je vedno dobro dela in mi vedno bo. Zato pravim: Blagoslovljen Bog za ta sveti čas. Henry van Dyke pa pravi v pismu na nekega prijatelja: Danes mislim na tebe, ker je božič in ti želim srečo. In jutri ti bom želel srečo, ker je prvi dan po božiču. In tako bom storil vse leto. Tvoja sreča in tvoj uspeh bo moja sreča in moj uspeh. Ko ti želim vse dobro, ti to želim brez vsake hinavščine, v duhu božiča. Pravi duh božiča nam narekuje, vsaj enemu vrniti božič, vsaj enemu vrniti Boga, četudi najrevnejšemu, najbolj raztrganemu .najbolj zavrženemu, najbolj divjemu. Božja ljubezen ne gleda na lice, tudi naša ne sme. Ko bi bilo srce izgubljenega človeka tudi slabše od slamnatega zglavja, ljubeča roka bo znala vanj položiti božjo ljubezen .... .Tesus se je rodil za vse. Blagoslovljene božične praznike vsem. Preminul je Škof Gregorij Rožman Dne 16. nov. je v visoki starosti 76 let podlegel težki operaciji slovenski vladika, škof ljubljanski, DR. GREGORIJ ROŽMAN. Blagi cerkveni knez je zadnja leta živel na slov. fari Sv. Lovrenca v Clevelandu, kjer je tudi ležal na mrtvaškem odru, nakar je bil prepeljan v clevelandsko katedralo, kjer so bili žalni obredi v soboto 20. nov. Molitve je opravil pom. škof Kroll in v slovo mu je govoril župnik cerkve sv. Vida, Rev. Baznik ob številni navzočnosti Slovencev in drugih vernikov. Združeni pevski zbori so mu zapeli slov. žalostinke v slovo, nakar je bil prepeljan na amerišk-slovenske Brezje v Lemont, kjer je bil v pond, dne 23. nov. položen k večnemu počitku v skromnem samostanskem pokopališču. Slovenske govore sta imela urednik Ave Maria g. p. Fortunat in čikaški pom. nadškof Hillinger in na zadnji poti so ga spremljali slov. duhovniki iz vse Amerike in verniki od blizu in daleč. Na pogrebu je bilo tudi zastopstvo S.Ž.Z. z gl. tajnico na čelu, in druge katoliške organizacije. Blagi pokojnik je bil globoko predan svoji vzvišeni službi ter je iskreno ljubil svoj slovenski narod. Naši Zvezi je bil vedno naklonjen ter je cenil Zvezino delovanje med slovenskimi katoliškimi ženami v Ameriki, ter se mu bo tudi ZARJA oddolžila v posebnem spominskem članku v prih. številki. Naj ho pokojnemu škofu Bog veliki plačnik! Ured. DOPISI Št. 2, Chicago, III. — V novembru smo imeli parkrat zelo slabo vreme in najbolj je brila burja na dan seje, toda zveste članice so vseeno prišle, za kar jim najlepša hvala. Nahajamo se v zadnjem mesecu kampanje in upati je, da bomo v tem mesecu storile svojo dolžnost ter pridobile vsaj nekaj novih članic. Kampanja je v čast državnih predsednic in za državo Illinois je predsednica, naša tajnica Mamie Muller in se moramo že zaradi nje pokazati, da se zavedamo, kako važno je za podružnico, da napreduje. Nadomestiti je treba tudi vrzel, ki je nastal vsled smrti članic. Kakor vam je znano smo izgubile v teku enega tedna kar tri članice in sicer: Frances Gril, Anna Boncha in Magdalene Persa. Naše globoko sožalje vsem žalujočim preostalim. Pokojnicam pa naj bo Bog dober plačnik, saj so skozi vse življenje posvečale svoja dela Bogu v čast. V decembru se praznuje tudi dan ustanovitve naše Zveze in to je na 19. Kakor vsako leto, tako bomo tudi letos imele skupno sveto mašo za žive in umrle članice. To bo v nedeljo 20. decembra ob devetih. Prošene ste, da se udeležite te svete maše. Več naših članic je bolnih in med temi so: Mrs. Matilda Sever, Mary Poldan, Mary Puhek, Mary Garbais, Mary Mravla, Mrs. Sedaj in naša bivša tajnica sestra Lillian Kozek. Vsem bolnim želimi, da bi v zdravju praznovali praznike. Glavna seja se vrši v četrtek 10. decembra. Imele bomo izmenjavo božičnih daril (vrednost en dolar). Sestra Frances Gomilar bo pa pripravila božično drevesce, kakor smo imele lansko leto. Pridite drage sestre, ker nam boste s svojo navzočnostjo naredile mnogo veselja in nam dale pobude do delovanja v prid podružnice. Voščim vsem sestram vesele božične praznike! Na svidenje 10. dec. Albina Novak, zapisnikarica BIVŠEMU ŽUPNIKU PRI FARI SV. ŠTEFANA V CHICAGU Naše čestitke patru Leonard Bogolinu, ki je v nedeljo 25. oktobra obhajal svoj srebrno-mašniški jubilej. K temu lepemu jubileju mu čestitamo in obenem se mu tudi zahvaljujemo za delo, ki ga je opravljal kot duhovni vodja pri naši podružnici. Obenem prosimo Boga, da mu nakloni milosti in zdravja ,da bo dočakal tudi dan svoje zlate maše. A. N. «- 1 Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Upam, da bo podalšanje kampanje koristilo naši Zvezi. Želela bi osebno govoriti s sleherno odbornico in članico ter ji dopovedati kako važno je pridobivanje novih članic. Ker pa to ni mogoče in ker je Zarja edino sredstvo naših stikov, vas bom skušala opomniti potom tega članka. Naša organizacija dobro napreduje po svojem premoženju, toda po svojem članstvu pa ne rastemo tako številno kakor bi bilo želeti. Naša poglavitna misel je pridobivanje mladega članstva. Mlajši se bodo začeli zanimati za naše delo, spoštovali bodo delo naših mater in sčasoma stopili na naša mesta. Članice naše podr., prosim poklonite mi venček novo-pristoplih članic kot vaši državni predsednici. Mogoče mojo vrstice v Zarji ne zaslužijo priznanja, vendar vam bom hvaležna za vaš doprinos naše kampanje, ki se bo zaključila dne 31. dec. Pokličite me po telefonu kdaj naj pridem in bom rade voljo prišla na vaš dom. S tem sem vam vedno na uslugo, da vpišem novo-pristoplo sestro. Jaz sem in boni globoko hvaležna, da pomagate svoji podr. in S.Ž.Z. do napredka, kajti to je zdaj dolžnost nas vseh, da gremo na delo za našo S.Ž.Z. S potekom tega meseca bomo odbornice končalo leto svojega dela. Nove odbornice bodo mogočo mnenja, da njihov urad ni tako važen kot drugi, toda ne glede na to v kateri urad ste izvoljene boste gotovo doležne priznanja za delo svojega urada. Naša članica Frances Novak iu vsi preostali žalujejo za soprogom in o-četom Matt Novak, katerega jim je smrt rešila dolge bolezni. Pokojnemu naj Bog poplača za delo in skrb svoje številne družine, od katere se je nerad poslovil, pa tako je nebeški ukaz. Vsi sprejmite naše sožalje, pokojni pa naj počiva v miru. Čikaški Par je Slavil Zlato Poroko Mr. in Mrs. Simon Šinkovec, ki stanujeta na 1933 W. 22nd Place, Chicago stil letos dočakala njuno zlato poroko. Slavnost se je vršila v soboto 12. septembra 1959. Dopoldne ob devetih sta prisostvovala sveti maši v cerkvi sv. Štefana. Slavnostni sprejem se je pričel ob pol sedmih zvečer v Tomažinovi dvorani. Zbralo se je lepo število prijateljev, ki so slavljencema čestitali ter se skupno veselo zabavali. Gostje so prišli iz Champaign, Carlinville, Springfield, Lincoln, Lawston, Aurora, Waukegan, Cleveland, So. Bend, Berwyn, Cicero, Oglesby, La Salle, Peru in Chicago. Mr. Simon Šinkovec je doma iz vasi Lapata, fara Hinje pri Žužemberku. V Ameriko je prišel leta 1903 in se nastavil v Carlinville, kjer je dobil delo v rudniku. Žena Kristina, (dekliško ime Čop) je bila rojena v Zagrebu. Prišla je v Ameriko leta 1901. Poročila sta se 8. septembra 1909 v La Salle, Illinois. V družini so se rodili štirje otroci, dva sina John in Joe ter hčeri Frances, zdaj poročena Novinich in Annie, poročena Novak. V Chicago se je družina preselila leta 1927. Mr. Sinkovič ima že vsa leta mestno službo in je poznan po Naša sestra Mary Fabian še vedno leži bolna v bolnici. Hčerke so noč in dan pri njej in jo tolažijo v težki bolezni. Ponovno je v bolnišnici Mary Kastelic, mlajša. Jean Bajuk pa se zdravi po operaciji. Mary Beth Klune (snaha naše taj.) je tudi pod zdravniško oskrbo. Vsem bolnim naj Mati Božja olajša trpljenje bolezni; naši Zvezi pa kličem: Bog te čuvaj in razširjaj tvoja dobra dela, da boš rasla še mnogo let v čast slovenskega ženstva v A-meriki. Ob tem času gre moje božično voščilo častitemu g. Rev. Matthew F. Kebe, bivšemu duhovnemu vodji naše Zveze; (še vedno mi je blagi gospod v spominu kako poučlji-ve članke je pisal za Zarjo.) Tudi Rev. Claude Okorn sedanjemu duh. svetovalcu, vsem glavnim odbornicam in vsaki posamezni članici, vesel Božič. Naj vas Dete božje blagoslovi z zdravjem in vso srečo tega sveta. Iskreno pozdravljene, Anna Pachak, predsednica Št. 10, Cleveland, O. — Okt. seja je bila prav slabo obiskana. Vedno prosim in vabim članice, da bi prihajale v večjem številu na seje, ker bi se veliko več lahko doseglo v prid podr., toda vse zaman; vedno pridejo ene in iste. Ker so seje tako kratke smo sklenile, da začnemo po sejah z malo domačo zabavo. Vzdigovale bomo številke za lep dobitek. Redno obhajamo rojstne dneve članic. Ene prinesejo pecivo, druge darujejo v blagajno in tudi za pijačo vsej naselbini, kjer ima mnogo prijateljev. Naše iskrene čestitke in želje, da bi dočakala še mnogo zdravih in veselih let v srečnem zakonu. Mr. in Mrs. Simon Šinkovec se prisrčno zahvaljujeta prav vsem, ki so se udeležili slavnosti ter posebno še č. g. Lawrence Grum, Louis Zefran, Ludvik in Corinne Leskovar Edd.v Blatnik, Mr. in Mrs. Anton Tomažin ter sploh vsem, ki so jima izkazali naklonjenost in vsestransko prijaznost. A. N. dajo, tako, da je za vse preskrbljeno. Vsaka članica, ki obhaja rojstni dan dobi poljub od naše pod. L. Čebular, zraven jim še poda lepo deklamacijo in zapojemo vse skupaj Happy Birthday. Ali ni že vse to vredno, da nas obiščete in zraven pomagate do boljšega napredka naše podr. Torej na svidenje na prihodnji seji. Vsem našim bolnim članicam želim, da bi jim ljubi Bog dal zdravja in da bi prišle zopet na sejo in med nas. Posebno vabim članice, da bi se u-deležile dec. seje, ker bo to letna seja. Imele bomo volitve odbora in veliko drugega bo treba reševati; zato je zelo potrebno, da se udeležite te seje. Ravno tako vas vabim, da pridete na naš šivalni klub vsak torek v istih prostorih. V teh dolgih zimskih večerih ni lepše zabave nikjer za taka dekleta kot smo me sedaj vse bolj v ta zrelih letih. Joj, kako se klepeče, taka, da ena druge ne slišimo, pa ne samo to; tudi pridno štrikamo in heklamo. Katera ne verjame pa naj pride pogledat. Končno voščim vsem članicam in glavnim odbornicam po celi USA, posebno pa še naši urednici Zarje C. Leskovar in njeni ljubki družini, vesele božične praznike in blagoslova polno Novo leto 1960. Ženski Zvezi pa veliko napredka. Antonia Repič, poročevalka P.S.: Prosim vse tiste članice, katere dolgujete na a.ssessmentu, da skušate poravnati do konca leta, da bo tajnici mogoče knjige urediti za drugo leto. Ona mora vsak mesec založiti za vsako, ki dolguje in tega ne moremo zahtevati od naše odlične tajnice, katero bi rade obdržale še za naprej. Torej prosim pomagajte, da bo ostala v uradu s tem, da redno plačujete ,ker to je dolžnost vsake članice. A. R. Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wise. — Vabim vse članice na sejo dne 2. decembra v cerkveni dvorani točno ob 7:30 zvečer. Imamo več važnih zadev za rešiti na tej seji, zato pridite v največjem številu. Prosila bi tudi, da poravnate assessment, meni je zelo težko zalagati. Na bolniškem listu imamo večje število članic in to so: Mary Bucov-nik, Mary .Teray in Louise Susek. O-biskujte bolne sestre in olajšajte jim dolge ure bolezni. Vsem glavnim u-radnicam veseli Božič in mnogo sreče v novem letu, ravno tako vsem članicam pri naši Zvezi. S pozdravom, Mary Schimenz Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wise. — Naša novemberska seja je bila bolj slabo obiskana, to pa gotovo zaradi zelo slabega vremena isti dan. Kar nas je bilo smo se imele prav dobro po seji ker je bil god naše predsednice Frances. Izvrstno nam je postregla. Hvala! Bog naj te ohrani še mnogo let zdravo in srečno. Prihodnja seja bo glavna seja. Dolžnost vsake vestne in zdrave članice je, da se je udeleži ker bo volitev novih odbornic ter mnogo drugih stvari za preurediti za bodoče leto, da ne bo vedno vse po starem kot se navadno sliši na glavni seji. Bližajo se božični in novoletni prazniki; želim vsem članicam po širni Ameriki zdrave in milosti polne božične praznike ter srečno in blagoslovljeno novo leto. Mary Mesarich, zapisnikarica Št. 14, Euclid, O. —- Poročilo sejo 3. novembra. Tega večera so se vršile krajevne volitve, zato se niso udeležile seje predsednica in podpredsednica. Bile sta zaposleni pri volilnem delu. Predsednico je zastopala naša glavna podpredsednica Frances Globokar. Udeležba članic je bila sijajna. Seje so čimdalje bolj redno obiskane, kar je za odbor veliko zadovoljstvo. Naš Dom na Recher Ave. bo ta mesec obhajal 40 letnico obstoja. Direktorji Doma so za to proslavo sklenili, da pripravijo banket, ki bo spremljan z lepim petjem in godbo. Leto gre proti koncu. Kmalu bomo zopet počastili Bttžje Dete ob božičnih praznikih v domačih in cerkvenih jaslicah. Na prihodnji seji bomo imele volitve odbora in zamenjavo daril kot običajno vsako leto za Miklavža. Po seji bomo počastile 3 mesečne godo-valke s pesmijo "Happy birthday”. Drugih važnih poročil ni bilo, nakar je bila seja zaključena z molitvijo. Za božične praznike pa želim vsem članicam veselja in sreče ter božjega miru, predvsem pa ljubega zdravja. Antonija Sustar Louise Poje, št. 14, vošči vesele božične praznike vsem članicam S.Ž.Z. posebno pa še njeni sestri Jennie Eržen. Pavlina Ozbol in Jennie Ozbol, da bi jim Bog dal zdravja. Št. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), O. Drage sestre! Vljudno ste vabljene vse na glavno sejo, ki se vrši 9. dec. ob pol osmih zvečer v običajnih prostorih. Pridite vse, ker bo volitev odbora in bo več važnih točk za raz-iniotrivati. Konec leta se približuje zelo hitro. Naša dolžnost je, da pred koncem leta poravnamo naš dolg pri podružnici. Zato se opelira na vsako posamezno članico, da pride na sejo poravnat svoj zaostali prispevek, ker naša tajnica mora imeti knjige v redu do konca leta. Vabim vse članice, da se gotovo udeležite tudi januarske seje, ko bodo prebrani letni računi in bo zaprisežen novi odbor. Dne 10. oktobra se je poročila hčerka od Mi’, in Mrs. Frank Stražar, s Frank Lemut. Naše iskrene čestitke z željo, da bi jima bila bodočnost v vseh ozirih srečna in polna božjega blagoslova. Bližajo se nam prelepi božični prazniki. zato želim vsem gl. odbornicam in članicam S.Ž.Z. širom Amerike, blagoslovljene božične praznike in srečno novo leto, da bi jih vse zdrave in v milosti božji obhajale. Našim bolnim članicam pa želim hitrega okrevanja. Helen Mirtel, poročevalka Št. 16, South Chicago, III. -—■ Da ne boste mislile, da se je črnilo posušilo, se zopet oglašam. Je težko pisati, ako ni veselih novic. Od mojega zadnjega dopisa smo zopet izgubile eno našo članico, sestro Anna Makovec, sestrična naše blagajničarke Mrs. Buck. Prizadetim naše sožalje, njej pa naj Bog poplača njena dobra dela. Sedaj se pa že pripravljamo za Miklavževanje, ki se bo vršilo 5. dec. v cerkveni dvorani, kakor že več let. Mnogo je dela s pripravljanjem, a je vse poplačano, ko opazujemo otroke, kadar zagledajo Miklavža prihajati. Še me starejše se počutimo mlajše, ko se z malimi veselimo. Kakor vsako leto, bomo tudi letos me starejše izmenjavale darila. Kar čez noč je zima pritisnila in marsikatera se ima zahvaliti ravno hitri spremembi vremena, za prav hud prehlad; vse jamramo in se pritožujemo, da je taka hitra izpremem-ba vremena. Kje je le tisto indijansko poletje ostalo, katerega smo navadno deležni za kak teden v oktobru. Menda so ga bombe odpodile. Vsem bolnim članicam želim hitrega okrevanja z željo, da nam ljubi Itožieni Spomini Kako je bilo že nekoč! Prelepi časi so to bili, ko smo v adventu skozi sneg pobožno k zornicam hodili. Nato je prizvončkal Miklavž, za njim štorkljali so rogati; da niso šli otroci v koš, so morali moliti znati. In pred božičem vsak večer smo jeperge iskali za Mamko božjo z Jožefom, zavetje smo jim radi dali. Pa mah v gore za jaslice, to bilo je veselje! Pastirčke smo zrezavali in ovčke na povelje. In pred božičem tisti dan tam v hišnem smo kotičku prostorčka dali Jezuščku, voličku in osličku. Na svet’ večer ,prazničen ves, po shrambah smo kadili, prižgali luči v jaslicah in “roženkranc” molili. Potem smo z bakljami v rokah čez drn in strn hiteli k polnočnici v cerkveni hram, božične pesmi peli. Prelep je bil sam sveti dan, kadilo je dehtelo; z obrazov vseh v praznični svet veselje je žarelo. In kaj šele: Na praznik ta smo jedli z večjo žlico, saj dobra mati v našo slast so rezali potico. Na novoletni predvečer smo zopet pokadili, prižgali lučke v jaslicah in peli in molili. Prišli so Kralji v Betlehem, kamele pripeljali, in mi smo jih s spoštljivostjo na vrata zapisali. Spomini lepi naših šeg, slovenskih običajev, rojakom pravite povest domačih dragih krajev. V spominih teh zapisana božična so voščila .. . Naj bi se vsa do pičice pri Vas in nas spolnila! Zveličar prinese miru in zdravja. B’a goslovljene praznike vsem. Katie Št. 17, West Allis, Wise. - Nahajamo se v mesecu decembru ko se vršijo glavne seje. Udeležite se v polnem številu, pridite vsaj enkrat v letu, da se osebno spoznamo. Imele bomo volitev društvenega odbora in vsak dober nasvet bomo z veseljem sprejele. To bo 20. decembra, 3. nedelja v mesecu v farni spodnji dvorani št. 3, So. 60th St. in Washington St. Na seji bomo tudi izmenjale božlična darila. Vsaka je prošena, da naj prinese darilo v vrednosti $1.00. Naj omenim, da sta dne 17. oktobra slavila 50 letnico zakonskega življenja Mr. in Mrs. Marold v krogu svojih otrok, sorodnikov in prijateljev, ki so jima priredili “surprise party”. V zakonu sta imela 5 otrok in od 5 fantov živijo še štirje, eden je pa umrl v najlepših mladih letih. Udeležba je bila velika, saj se Mrs. Marold zelo zanima za društvene zadeve in rada pomaga. Obema čestitamo in želimo, naj ju Bog ohrani še mnogo let, da bi zdrava dočakala še biserno poroko. Na zadnji olctoberski seji sta bili sprejeti dve novi članici: Mrs. Ilozie Schubert in Mrs. Ana Wisnievski. V septembru smo imele prvo državno konvencijo za Wisconsin v Sheboy-ganu. Članice št. 17 iz West Ollis so se udeležile v lepem številu. Bus je bil poln, vožnja je bila povoljno kratka, sveto mašo so opravili Rev. Claude Okorn O.F.M., nakar se je vršil banket. Kuharice in strežnice so nam postregle z okusnimi in dobrimi jedili. Prav lepa hvala vsem. Po banketu se je začela konvenčna seja. Vsem želim, da bi praznovale božične praznike v miru in zadovoljstvu ter, da bi bilo leto I960 srečno in blagoslovljeno. Vse lepo pozdravljam, Angela Kastelic, poročevalka Št. 18, Cleveland, Ohio — Pozdravljene članice S.Ž.Z. po celi Ameriki, posebno pa pri št. 18. Zahvalim se za tako lepo udeležbo na seji; toda lepše bi bilo, če bi vse prišle, ker nas je presenetila z obiskom naša Flo-ridčanka Mrs. Pepca Praust. Res smo je bilo vse vesele, posebno pa ker smo toliko let skupaj delale. Prisrčna hvala za njen dar v blagajno. Živijo Pepca, in zdrava ostani! Drugo leto pa se spet vidimo. Na seji smo sklenile, da bomo zopet imele “Christmas exchange” v vrednosti $1.00. zahvala sestram Millie Marolt in Mrs. Albina Malovasic za pregled knjig in za dar v blagajno in še Mrs. Praust za darilo “Good time” blagajno. Naši dve članici sta tudi slavili svoj svoj birthday in sicer: Ivanka Grebec in Albina Malovasic. Hvala lepa za pijačo in jestvine. Jaz sem jih pa s krofi počastila, namesto keka. Katere niso prišle jim je lahko žal. Potemi smo še zaigrale priljubljene igre; da je čas kar hitro minil. Hvala lepa naši Ann Strukel za res lepo delo, kar dobro se bo privadila, čeprav nas že zdaj straši, da bo pustila. Upam, da ne bo. Še enkrat vse pozdravljam, tudi ves odbor, posebno pa članice pri naši podružnici. Nettie Strukel, predsednica (Photo courtesy of Chisholm Pree 1'ress) (Photo courtesy of Chisholm Free Press) Obisk v Minnesoti in od teh sem gostovala najmanj pri desetih se razume, da je bilo snidenje prisrčno. Nova cerkev sv. Antona stoji na enem najbolj razglednem prostoru kar sem jih do zdaj videla po Ameriki. Težko bi bilo opisati cerkev in prostor brez slik, zato bom v prihodnjih Zarjah skušala to storiti skupno s slikami. Povem le toliko, da se je meni ves prostor, cerkev kot župnišče zelo vse dopadlo. Ves čas sem imela v mislih, da se bo vršila naša prihodnja konvencija v tem lepem kraju in kako velik bo užitek naših delegatk, ki bodo prišle iz vseh krajev inesotski Zvezin Dan .ki se -*e na v nedeljo 13, septembra je bil zopet KaStsMUl velik praznik za nas. Udeležba je bila letos presenetljivo lepa. Zveste odbornice in članice so prišle od oddaljenih in bližnjih krajev, da je bilo veselje. Najdaljša pot je bila za članice iz Duluth, Minnesota, ki so se zbrale pod pridnim načelom glavne nadzornice Anne Podgoršek nad 40 po številu in se pripeljale v posebnem busu. Ljubezniva sestra Podgoršek me je povabila na svoj dom za prenočišče v soboto zvečer in mi preskrbela prostor na busu in tako sem imela veselo in prijazno družbo iz Dulutha na Ely. Na busu se je prepevalo in smo prehitro prispele na Ely; okrog tri ure vožnje. Vreme je bilo krasno. Bilo je že ob začetku jeseni in razgledi po pokrajinah so bili očarljivi. Listje na visokih brezah je že začelo rumeneti in skoraj ob vsej poti se vidijo košate smreke in jelke, ki te pozdravljajo prijetno, in še posebno nas, ki pridemo iz držav , kjer vidimo jelke in smreko samo ob božičnem času. Mnogokrat sem vzdihnila: kako lepo bi krasila ta ali ona smreka moj vrt in seveda posebno ob Božiču. Tam sl lahko zbirajo smreke po mili volji za praznike. Na Ely smo dospeli ob desetih dopoldne. Ustavili smo se pred novo cerkvijo sv. Antona, kjer je bila že zbrana velika množica članic. Prostor preko ceste je bil napolnjen z avtobusi in avtomobili v katerih so se članice pripeljale. Težko je najti besed s katerimi bi popolno izrazila občutek, ki prešine človeka, ko sega v roke prijateljic in znank. Ker je bil to že IS letni Zvezin dan v državi Minnesota Predsednica podružnice v Ely, Mrs. Katherine Grahek in Fr. Gerald LaPatka od slovenske fare Sv. Antona v zanimivem razgovoru med slovesnim banketom. Minnesotske odbornice se prijazno smehljajo po dobro uspeli drž. konvenciji. Od leve proti desni: Mrs. E. Smolnikar, št. 33, Duluth in Mrs. Katherine Grahek, predsednica št. 23. Sedijo: Mrs. Mary Lenich, tajnica št. 19, Eveleth, Mrs. Albina Novak, gl. tajnica, Mrs. Barbara Rosandich, državna predsednica in Mrs. Ann Podgoršek, gl. nadzornica, Duluth. Amerike, ker vem, da tako krasnega kraja se sploh ne more najti po naših slovenskih naselbinah v Ameriki. Notranjost cerkve je isto mično opremljena; vse je zelo preprosto, obenem pa umetno postavljeno. Sveto mašo je daroval pomožni župnik Rev. Gerald LaPatka. Podal nam je gin-Ijivo pridigo, katera vem, da je segla mnogim do srca. Petje pod vodstvom Miss Mary Hutar je bilo isto užitka-polno kot ves cerkveni obred. Lepo število članic je pristopilo tudi k obhajilni mizi. Miss Hutar ima svoje cerkvene pevce izvežbane v slovenskih in ameriških nabožnih pesmih, tako je bilo vsem ustreženo, ker med navzočo mladino se razume, da jim je bilo ameriško petje bližje, dočim je bilo slovensko petje nekaj posebnega za starejše, ki so prišle iz naselbin, kjer ne slišijo svoj jezik v pesmi. Po sveti maši se je vila dolga vrsta članic proti Community Center, kjer je bil serviran slavnostni banket. Sto-loravnatelj je bil župan mesta Ely Dr. J. P. Grahek, ki je nečak predsednice podružnice št. 23 sestre Katherine Grahek. Bdi je izvrsten govornik. Župnik Rev. Frank Mihelčič kot zvest prijatelj Zveze je imel v svojem lepem govoru tudi mnogo poklonov za nas, kar rade slišimo. Njegov asistent Rev. Gerald LaPatka pa je govoril v izbranih besedah, posebno materam ter podal nekaj dobrih naukov o do-raščajoči mladini, ki beži od starejših vse prehitro. Miss Mary Hutar, kot priljubljena voditeljica skupnega petja pa nas je vse spravila v dobro voljo in se postavila tudi v kvartetu, da je bilo veselje poslušati. Banket je bil zelo dobro organizi- Št. 18, Cleveland, O. — Z veseljem sporočam, da mi je bilo dano prisostvovati društvenemu sestanku št. 18, S.Ž.Z. v torek 3. nov. Prisrčno se tem potom zahvaljujem vsem navzočim za njih poset, in iskrena mi je želja, da si ostanete zveste med seboj in skrbite za društveni obstoj tudi v bodočnosti, ker je vedno le družabnost najboljši vpliv in garancija vseh ciljev. Tu v “moji” Floridi je dovolj vsega, ali slovenskih src in domačih prireditev se pogreša. Zato obdržite širom krajevnih podružnic to, liar je bilo pridobljeno s S.Ž.Z., v svoj lastni ponos! Iskrena zahvala za gostoljubje tem potom našim dragim prijateljem, Mrs. Josephine Markel. K bližajočim božičnim praznikom vam kličem prav vsem: božjega blagoslova in vse zemeljske dobrote! Josephine Praust Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Vljudno vabim vse članice na letno in glavno sejo v sredo 9. dec. v običajnih prostorih. Začetek je ob 7:30 zvečer. Jaz bom v dvorani ob 7 uri, da lahko plačate assessment pred sejo. obenem prosim tudi vse tiste, ki ste zaostale z assessmentom, da poravnate, da bom lahko zaključila knjige za leto 1959. Drage sestre! Lepo bi bilo, da bi se vsaj enkrat v letu udeležile seje, izjema naj bi bila le bolezen, ali pa nujno delo. Sestre, to bo zadnja seja v tem letu. Na dnevnem redu bo volitev odbora. Pridite sestre, izvolite si odbor, da bo v zadovoljstvo vsem. Sklepale bomo o društvenih pravilih tikajočih se podružnice in poslovanja za prihodnje leto. Posebno bo še treba razmotrivati o Zvezinem ran. Jedila so bila izvrstna (to besedo bi najrajši dvakrat podčrtala), ker je bilo res vse tako dobro in lepo servirano. Po programu so pa članice “Dawn kluba” postregle s pecivom, kavo in čajem, tako, da so šli gostje zadovoljni domov. Konvencija ali takorekoč sestanek zastopnic od podružnic se je vršil v avditoriju po banketu. Državna predsednica Barbara Rosandich se je pridno potrudila imeti vse v lepem redu pripravljeno. Tipati je, da začetek s sestanki po državah bo prinesel mnogo dobrega Zvezi, ker to je v glavnem namen obdržati državne konvencije. Čas bo najboljše pokazal koristi. Ponosna sem bila na podružnice, ki so imele nove članice za predstaviti; med najbolj pridnimi je bila št. 33 v ]>uluth in za njo pa št. 56 v Hibbing. V ponedeljek sem se posvetovala glede prostorov za prihodnjo konvencijo, najprej pri župniku, ker sedaj imajo krasne cerkvene prostore za zborovanje, kakor tudi v Community Center, kjer imajo tudi zelo pripravne prostore. Zvečer sem pa imela sestanek s članicami ter jim ustno pojasnila o pripravah zn sprejem delegatk, dnevu, kateri bo 19 letih zopet v Eveleth. Drage sestre, z vašo navzočnostjo in pa dobrimi nasveti se še mnogo lahko naredi v prid podr. in Zveze. Zato nobenega izgovora, vse na sejo 9. dec. Po seji bomo imele malo prigrizka in kavo ter zapele vesele božične pesmi. Bliža se konec leta in ob tem času se vam vsem zahvalim za vašo sodelovanje. Skušajmo vse skupaj delovati za dobrobit podr. in Zveze. Vsem bolnim želim, da bi kmalu ozdravele in veselo praznovale božične praznike. Spominjajmo se tudi naših umrlih sester, katere so odšle v večnost. Našim dragim sestram bi pa svetovala, da bi prišle na vsako sejo v novem letu vse zdrave in vesele. Potem bomo imele veselje do dela in lahko pričakujemo marsikatero korist od skupnega zanimanja. Ne pozabite, za Božič je kuhinjska knjiga najlepše darilo. Sezite hitro po njih dokler jih še imamo. Na tem mestu voščim vsem gl. odbornicam, našemu duhovnemu svetovalcu ter članstvu S.Ž.Z., da bi bili božični prazniki za vse veseli ter Novo leto polno dobrot, katerih si vsak želi in naj bi mir vladal po širnem svetu. Vsem pa, ki boste ta mesec obhajale rojstne dneve, želim še na mnogo let zdravja in veselja. Pozdrav vsemu članstvu S.Ž.Z. Mary Lenich, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Žalost se je naselila v družinah naših članic, katerim je smrt polbrala njihove najdražje. Na vseh vernih duš dan je izdihnil Mr. Matthew Krall, soprog naše dolgo-letne članice Jennie Krall iz No. Hickory St. Mr. Krall je bil bolan dolgo časa in je zelo voljno prenašal kakor tudi o pripravah za čas konvencije. Ker so večinoma vse mlade in sposobne, lahko rečem, da brez dvoma bo naša prihodnja konvencija ena najbolj srečnih, kar se tiče kraja in tudi gostoljubnosti ljudi, ker za takrat nam je župan obljubil, da bomo me gospodarile čez mesto in nam bodo vse udobnosti na razpolago. Kaj več sploh ne morema pričakovati. Hvala že v naprej za ponudbe! Najsrčnejša hvala vsem za gostoljubnost in še posebno Barbari Rosandich pri kateri sem stanovala in sestri Katherine Slogar za kosilo, kakor tudi sestri Barbara Matusa za prijazen sprejem v uradu Ameriške Bratske Zveze, kamor sem bila povabljena. Na potu nazaj sem se ustavila pri Leničovih na Evelethu in kot vselej, sta me Tone in Mary prisrčno sprejela in potem tudi peljala v Duluth, kjer sem se zopet ustavila pri Podgorškovih za čez noč in potem drugo jutro me je peljal Mr. Špehar, brat od Ane na kolodvor ter me spremil prav do prostora na vlaku. Vsem skupaj: Bog plačaj za vaše dobrote! Albina Novak svojo bolezen. Ob smrti je bil star 71 let ter je bil tajnik dr. Sv. Antona, KSKJ 21 let, prej pa več let predsednik. Imel je razne urade pri KSKJ 45 let ter bil vnet in zanesljiv delavec na društvenem in cerkvenem polju. Mr. Krall je bil tudi desna roka pri naši podružnici in nam ni nikoli odrekel pomoč kadar smo ga potrebovale, tako za Zvezin dan v Lemontu, kakor drugod je vedno rad pomagal in zato je bil cenjen pri podružnici. Bil je lojalen prijatelj in odkrit ter je vedno imel dobro besedo za vsakega. Prišel je v Joliet pred 47 leti, ter delal v Phoenex Mfg. Co., dokler ni šel v pokoj leta 1956. Mr. Krall je bil tudi član DSD, Triglav, Presvetega Imena pri naši fari ter Northwest Recreation Club. Tudi njegova soproga Jennie je vedno agilna ter je vedno vprežena pri delu za faro in pri društvih. Tudi nam je vedno priskočila na pomoč. Res pokojnega Mr. Krall bomo vsi pogrešali. Poleg soproge Jennie zapušča edinega sina Edwarda ter tri hčerke Mary, sedaj Mrs. Edward Plankar, Bernice, sedaj Mrs. Andrew Scutari; obe v Jolietu ter Frances, sedaj Mrs. Michael Ki-rnark in 10 vnukov ter eno sestro v Sloveniji. Dalje je umrl Mr. Joseph Vidmar star 72 let. Bil je v Jolietu zadnjih 40 let. Član Dr. Svete Družine. Bil je upokojen pri Ruberoid Co. Poleg soproge Mary, zapušča tudi hčerko Josephine Mrs. Walter Lustik, katera je naša članica, ki je prestopila iz mladinskega oddelka v odrasli oddelek pred par leti. Zapušča tudi tri brate in eno sestro Mrs. Frank Hiibler. Umrl je tudi Mr. Joseph Bučar, mož naše pokojne članice, ki je umrla pred osmimi leti. Pokojni Joseph Bučar je bil popolnoma slep zadnjih pet let ter je trpel zelo vdano svojo nesrečo. Njegova pokojna soproga Clara je bila zelo agilna pri podružnici. Tudi pokojni Joseph je rad obiskoval našo prireditve. Naj v miru počivajo sorodniki naših članic in večna luč naj jim sveti, vsem preostalim sorodnikom pa naše sožalje. Bolna se nahaja sestra Mrs. Ki-rincich iz Summit St. V bolnišnici se je nahajala par tednov naša agilna nadzornica in rediteljica Mrs. Theresa Munch iz Vista Lane, vse članice jima želimo, da čimprej okrevata in prideta na naše seje. Naša častna gl. predsednica in ustanoviteljica Zveze Mrs. Marie Prisland se je morala podvreči težki operaciji. Vse ji želimo, da čimprej okreva. Kakor je razvidno iz Zarje, se je vršila državna konvencija v Slieboyganu. Tam je podala resolucijo Mrs. Marie Prisland, ki se mi zdi osebno zelo važna ter se strinjam z njo. Je na strani 227. Srebrno poroko sta obhajala Mr. in Mrs. Lopynski. Zlato poroko pa Mr. in Mrs. Frank Stimac. Obema paroma želimo ,da bi dočakala še mnogo let v zdravju in sreči. Naše čestitke! Ko bo izšla ta Zarja bo minul že tudi cerkveni Card Party skupnih društev, pri kateri tudi naša podružnica sodeluje. Vsem, ki ste pomagale naša zahvala. Pred par tedni sto se vrnila naša članica Mrs. Agnes Verbischer in soprog Math iz potovanja po Evropi. Obiskala sta osem držav. Mudila sta se nekaj časa tudi v Jugoslaviji, zlasti v Ljubljani in v Beli Krajini. Dasi-ravno je to bila njuna prva pot v domovino staršev pa ni zadnja kakor sta izjavila, ker se jima je v Sloveniji zelo dopadlo. Župnik hrvaške cerkve Rev. Alojzij Sinski se je vrnil te dni s potovanja po Evropi. Obiskal je Egypt, Čehoslovaško in tudi Jugoslavijo, kjer je ostal nekaj časa v Ljubljani in Zagrebu, in ob tej priliki videl krasne kraje Slovenije in Hrvatske. Obiskal je sorodnike svojih faranov. Kakor čitomo iz tedenskega buletina, se mu je v Jugoslaviji zelo dopadlo. V Ljubljani je daroval svete maše v frančiškanski cerkvi. Bliža se Božič,ki se mi zdi najlepši praznik celega leta. Želim, da vse članice obhajajo te praznike v zdravju in sreči v svojih družinah in naj nebeško Dete rosi svoj blagoslov na njihove družine. POZOR PODR. S.Ž.Z. Ako imate pri vaših podružnicah vežbalne krožke in, ako jih nameravate ustanoviti, se obrnite na moj naslov radi uniform ker jih imamo v zalogi kar pet ducatov razne vrste in velikosti. So zelene z zlatimi porti, dalje rdeče, bele in modre za mlajše deklice; teh imamo dve vrsti in nato pa še Bataan twirlers oblekce. Vse boste dobile po zelo zmerni ceni. So še ohranjene in vam bodo gotovo dobro služile, ako imate dekleta, ki jih veselijo vežbalni krožki. Pišite na moj naslov: Josephine Erjavec 527 N. Chicago St., Joliet Št. 21, Cleveland, O. — Zadnja seja je bila prav dobro obiskana in sedaj ste vse vabljene, da se gotovo udeležite naslednje seje in vsaka je na-prošena, da prinese malo darilo in za prigrizek. Ker bo to glavna seja, se bodo vršile tudi volitve odbora za prihodnje leto, ki bo po vaši volji. Tajnica tudi prosi,da vse, ki ste v zaostanku z assessmentom, da sedaj poravnate, ker morajo biti ob koncu leta v redu zaključene. Na zadnji seji smo tudi o tem razmotrivale in sklepale o pripravah za Božič. — Vse iskreno čestitamo sestri Mary Ganter, ki je drugič postala stara mama. Pri njeni hčerki so namreč kupili punčko. Želimo ljubega zdravja mladi mamici in blagoslova novorojenki na pot življenja. — Sin sestre Jennie Kmet se je poročil, ter so imeli lepo svatbeno slavje. Želimo mu sreče in zdravja v zakonskem stanu. — Sestra Ivana Zalar se je vrnila iz bolnišnice in se sedaj zdravi na domu. — Že precej časa pa se nahaja v bolnišnici Sv. Družine, Ana Avguštin. Vabimo vas, da obiščete bolne so-sestre. Bolana je tudi Mary Hosta st., kakor tudi njen mož. Vse priporočamo v molitev, da bi se kaj kmalu pozdravili. — Dne 10 dec. obhaja svoj rojstni dan s. Mary Hočevar in ji vse želimo zdravja in dolgo življenje, kakor tudi vsem drugim, ki bodo obhajale svoje rojstne dneve. — Ta mesec moramo pa še posebno veliko moliti za naše drage. Čas teče naglo naprej in ne vemo, kadar tudi nas čaka božja poslanka. Vse najlepše pozdravljam in želim veselo obhajanje božičnih praznikov. Frances Kave, poročevalka Št. 24, La Salle, lil. — Leto gre k zatonu in kmalu bo zasijalo Novo leto, katerega upam, da bomo vse dočakale v zdravju. — Žal moram poročati več žalostnih novic; sožalje naši članici Mary Sever nad izgubo svojega moža Aleksa; nadalje sožalje Mary Mravicki nad izgubo svoje matere Mary Berstajdes; dalje sožalje članici in naši bivši nadzornici Carolini Horvat nad izgubo njene hčere Jenie Kup. Vsem pokojnim naj bo Bog dober plačnik in žalujočim sorodnikom naše iskreno sožalje. 25 letnico zakonskega življenja sta praznovala članica Anna in njen soprog Dominik Seerij. Njune hčerke so jima pripravile domačo zabavo. Želimo jima zdravja in še mnogo srečnih let. — Več naših članic se nahaja pod zdravniško oskrbo. Težko operacijo je prestala Dorothy Okup; v bolnišnici se je nahajala naša blagajničarka Mary Kastigar, dalje članice Ana Derganc, Audrey Prokuski, Loretta Strukel, Ana Oklejsen in Mary Ann Kobav. Sedaj se vse zdravijo doma. Vsem bolnim želim ljubega zdravja. Upam, da se boste hitro pozdravile in da se bomo videli na naši seji, ki bo G. dec. v nedeljo popoldne. Kakor vam je znano bodo tudi volitve odbora za 1. 19G0. Torej članice pridite vse na sejo .Vsaj enkrat na leto bi se je lahko udeležile prav vse, da bi vam lahko osebno voščila vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto. Vse tiste, ki ste zaostale z assessmentom prosim, da poravnate prodno bo leto vzelo slovo, ker bi rada imela knjige v redu, tako bodo tudi nadzornice imele lažje delo pri pregledovanju. Lep pozdrav vsem. članicam in gl. odbornicam. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 25, Cleveland, O. — I^eto se zopet nagiba k zatonu in približujejo se prelepi božični prazniki, ki so polni nebeškega veselja, ker se spominjamo rojstva našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa. Ta dan praznujemo z veliko ljubeznijo in tudi z molitvami za vse tiste, ki ga še ne poznajo, da bi jim Bog dal priliko ga spoznati in častiti. — Pri nas se ravno sedaj nahaja na obisku naš faran g. llev. Francis Re-bol, ki je nad šest let deloval na For-mozi, in kateri zna veliko povedati koliko je še ljudi nepoučenih v veri in kako je potrebno darovati za misijone. Prihodnje leto se bo zopet vrnil med svoje farane in kdor 'bi želel kaj darovati naj pošlje na naslov: Rev. Francis Rebol, 1217 Addison Rd., Cleveland 3, O. Prav hvaležen bo tudi za vsak mali dar. Njegova mama je naša dobra članica. — Pri naši podr. smo zopet praznovali zlato poroko Mr. in Mrs. Frank Majer, 6732 Edna. Sv. maša je bila dne 25 nov. ob 10 uri. Cerkev je bila nadvse lepo okrašena, kajti ta dan je bil praznik Kristusa Kralja. Mrs. Majer je naša zvesta članica. Vse jima želimo še mnogo let zadovoljstva v krogu svojih dobrih otrok. Slavje se je vršilo v S. N. Domu ob lepi družbi, katera jima je čestitala. Bog vaju živi še na mnoga leto! — Sestre, sedaj se bliža čas, ko se bo dne 31. dec. zaključila naša kampanja in zato apeliram na vse, da se potrudite, da bomo zopet pridobile vsaj toliko novih, kolikor nam jih smrt pobere. Sedaj ko to pišem je zopet smrt posegla v naše vrste in naše sestre ležijo na mrtvaškem odru, to so naše: Mary Plut Iz 72 ceste, katero je mučila dolga bolezen in Mrs. Justina Verbič iz (ifiOl Bonna Ave. in Frances Judnic. Bog jim daj večni pokoj! Žal moram poročati, da je več naših sester v bolnici: Mary Hlad iz Bonna, Albina Frančič, ki je v Alex. SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA VABI ČLANSTVO NA ROMANJE — IZLET V SLOVENIJO LADJA HANS1CATIC — 22. maja iz New Yorka. LETALO TWA — Iz New Yorka dne 6. junija 1960. New York - Lisbon - Fatima - Lurd - Rim - Venice - Ljubljana IN NAZAJ. CENA $795.00 VKLJUČUJE: Hotele I. razreda s hrano, vse prevoze, izlete po mestih, avdijenca pri sv. Očetu, ogled Lisbone, Lurda ,Rinia, Benetk. Letalo na celi poti, železnica: Bienetke-Ljubljana in nazaj. Informacije daje - prijave sprejema: BLED TRAVEL SERVICE p 6113 St. Clair Ave. - Cleveland 3 - Ohio. a Plošča, ki je krasno božično darilo, stane le $1.00 (in 25 centov za poštnino) ter jo naročite pri: SI.OVENIA RECORDS P.O. Box 8184 Chicago 80, Illinois Hos., Ivanka Oberstar, je bolana na domu, Jennie Hlad iz Lake Shore, Mary Zgonc, pa se že pet let muči na bolniški postelji na domu. Bog daj vsem potrpljenja. Teta štorklja se je tudi oglasila pri Mr. in Mrs. T. Stupica in jima pustila krepkega sinčka prvo-rojenca in pri James Slapnik tudi sinčka, ki bo delal družbo sestricama.-—Drage sestre, lepo vas vabim na decem. sejo, da bi se je udeležile v velikem številu, ker imamo več reči za urediti za prihodnje leto. Vsemu članstvu in duhovnemu vodji želimi prav vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto, da bi bilo za vse polno blagoslova. M. Otoničar, tajnica P.S.: Izlet in romanje — v staro domovino, ko bomo obiskale Lurd^. Fatimo, Rim, Benetke, Nice inšedru-gfi kraje,~sG—Bo—vTšilo dne BI~junija z letalom. Do takrat si boste že vse svoje vrtove posejale in oplele, tako, da bo res najbolj pripraven čas, da poromamo v te svete kraje. Prosim vas, da se prijavite kar hitro, ker sedaj se vam nudi ugodna prilika. Vabimo tudi članice iz drugih krajev in tudi žene, dekleta, može in fante, ker večja družba nas bo, boljše bo za vse. Vozile se bomo v prvovrstnem razredu, hoteli bodo že povsod rezervirani in druga postrežba. Stalo vas bo malo v primeru z draginjo, za vso vožnjo, hoteli, jed trikrat na dan in prevoznina: $735.00. Za vsa nadaljna pojasnila se obrnile na Bled Travel 6113 St. Clalr Ave., ali pa tudi 'na mene. Mary Otoničar_____ 1110 E. GGth St., CievT~37TSETa Št. 29, Broundale, Pa. — Naglo beži čas in v veselje bodo božični prazniki z vsemi običaji po slovenskih naselbinah. Daj Bog vso srečo, da M vsi rojaki lepo uživali božične praznike po širnih planjavah tukaj in onstran morja v stari domovini. Članstvu naše S.Ž.Z. želim vesele praznike in srečno novo leto 1960, da bi vse zdrave obhajale v krogu svojih družin. Posebno še ta želja velja vsem članicam pri naši podružnici. Bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja, predvsem naši Frances Rižman in Ani Vrbajs, da bi se hitro pozdravile in se udeležile decemberske seje, da bomo skupno lepo zapele Mariji na čast. V novembru smo imele party na čast sosestre Mrs. Frances Jereb, ki se vsem zahvaljuje za darila, enako našim sosestram iz Forest City in vsem sosedam. Ob priliki bo že vrnila po svojih močeh. Smrt tudi tukaj pri nas ne prizanaša, pobira tudi med mlajšimi. Kakor ste čitale sta zapustila to solzno dolino Josip Telban, sin članice iz Forest City in John Nagode iz naše vasi. Enako mlada žena Šemrov, hčerka naše sosestre. Iskreno sožalje vsem žalujočim družinam. Še enkrat prosim, da se udeližite decemberske seje v obilnem številu, če ne bo preveč ledeno v moji hiši. Lep pozdrav vsem članicam naše podružnice! Mary Pristave Št. 31, Gilbert, Minn. — Mr. in Mrs. Frank Ambrosh sta dne 25. okt. obhajala zlato poroko sredi svojih 6 otrok in 6 vnukov ter mnogoštevilnih ostalih sorodnikov in prijateljev. Mrs. Ambrosh je doma iz Dobrega Polja in njen soprog iz Česnice. Oba sta bolj slabega zdravja, saj sta dosegla visoka leta; Mr. Ambrosh je star 79 let in Mrs. 71. Vse jima želimo iz vsega srca, da jima Bog nakloni boljšega zdravja in še mnogo srečnih let. Ravno tako so imeli veselo družinsko snidenje pri Mr. in Mrs. John Presheren, ko so imieli 20 letnico in združenje vseh otrok. Imajo namreč 7 sinov in 3 hčerke, tako, da jih ji' bilo 50 samo od otrok, vnukov in nečakov. Vsi smo veseli, da je hčerka Elsie tako dobro ozdravela. Komaj je končala 8 razred in potem ni mogla več hoditi v šolo in hvala Bogu, da je po več letih zopet ozdravela in se je izučila za učiteljico ter sedaj poučuje 3 razred v Virginiji. To je velika sreča ne samo za njo, ampak tudi za starše, brate in sestre. Mrs. Presheren je doma iz Sent Turške gore, a njen mož pa še naprej pri Kriški planini nad Cerkljami. Oba sta prava planinska rojaka. Strma je pot navzgor in težko je priti na hrib, toda ko si tam pa je krasen razgled na mesto FARNA CKRKEV SELE NA KOROŠKEM Slovenska Koroška je posejana s cerkvicami v katerih se bo kakor že tisoč let in več tudi letos glasilo slovensko božično petje. Cerkveni pevci iz Sel Vam prinašajo slovensko božično pesem v Vaše domove. Za letošnji Božič je izšla nova gramofonska plošča, (izdelana je za br-zino 4(5 RPM in je nezlomljiva), na kateri je vsem dobro znana “S V E T A j NOČ” in pa prelepa pesem “ANGEL GO-' SPODOV”. To je prava ljudska, narodna pesem iz sel-slte fare in nikjer je ne znajo zapeti tako lepo, kot ravno pevci domače Bare Sele na Koroškem. Kamnik vse do Ljubljane in Kranja, Šmarno goro prav do Triglava so vidi. Lepo je pogledati vse naokoli v tako čistem planinskem zraku. Dvakrat sem bila v domovini in obakrat sem šla na planine, ker tam je rjes lepo. Na Krvavcu imajo tudi hišo s prenočišči in kapelo za novo-poročen-ce in vse ugodnosti in dobrote si lahko privoščite na teh visokih planinah. Bog vaju živi Mr. in Mrs. Prešeren in želimo vama, da bi šla še enkrat pogledat vaš planinski raj. Bog naj vas ohrani še mnogo, mnogo let in blagoslovi tudi vašo družino. Sedaj pa še nekaj od našo podružnice. Zadnje loto so bile odbornico prizadete tu in tam zaradi bolezni in tako se letos ne počutijo vse najboljše kar pomeni, da se staramo In, da bo treba novih nnoči pritegniti. Vabimo vse ta mlade, da pridejo na sejo in da prevzamejo eden ali drugi urad. Torej gotovo se prav vse udeležite seje dne 9. dec. in še druge pripeljite s seboj. Več nas bo, lepše bo na seji. Na svidenje! Antoinette Luclch Št. 32, Euclid, O. — Ke nismo imelo v nov. seje, bo tudi to dopis bolj kratek, ker nimam dosti novic. Antonija Nemec jo postala drugič stara mati, ko so dobili pri sinu punčko, bo delala družbo bratcu. Našo čestitke! Frances Korenčič je 17. okt. izgubila ljubljenega moža, ki je umrl v ItOZlČISO DARILO ZVEZI Nahajamo se v mesecu decembru, v času ko se pripravljajo naše podružnice za Božič in zaizmenjavo daril. Še je čas, da pridobite kako novo članico .kot božično darilo Zvezi. Jaz sem sedaj vpisala v Zvezo svojo vnukinjo Carol, vnukinja Mary Ann je pa tudi že članica, lipam, kadar bodo starejše, da bodo tudi delovale v dobrobit Zveze. Na temmestu voščim vsem gl. odbornicam, urednici, našemu duhovnemu svetovalcu ter članstvu S.Ž.Z., vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto. Da bi ljubi Bog vse ohranil v dobrem zdravju. Sestrski pozdrav, Frances Globokar, gl. podpredsednica bolnici po daljši bolezni. Naj mu bo Bog dober plačnik in vsem ostalim naše iskreno sožalje. Mož spodaj podpisane je bil tudi v bolnici, kjer je prestal operacijo; sedaj pa se hvala Bogu kar dobro zdravi. Bližajo se božični prazniki in vse odbornice naše podružnice želimo, gl. odboru ter vsem članicam vesel Božič in blagoslovljeno novo leto. Frances Perme, zapisnikarica Št. 37, Greaney, Minn. Po daljšem času se zopet oglašam, da opišem svoje potovanje v Kansas. Ko smo se odpeljale iz Minn. ,je bilo tukaj ze- lo mrzlo in tudi že nekaj snega. Moj sin Joe in njegova žena sta šofirala, da smo imeli prijetno vožnjo. Ko smo prišli v Kansas je izgledalo bolj jesensko kot zimsko vreme, ker tam sneg kar hitro skopni. Pri hčerki Al-lice in zetu James England, smo se imeli res prijetno; imajo lep dom, kjer smo uživali gostoljubnost. Spomladi smo se domenili, da obiščemo moji 2 sestri in družine, ki so v Sacra-mentto, Cal. že 12 let. James je šofiral in potovali smo z otroci in vse je potekalo najlepše, posebno smo bili veseli, ko smo pozdravili sestre in družine. Imajo lepe domove, mnogo sadnega drevja in v mesecu marcu je bilo vse vcvetju; Cal. je zares lepa pokrajina. Po enem tednu obiska smo se podali v Phoenix, Ariz., obiskat hčerko Margaret, ki je tam zaposlena pri telefonski kompaniji že več let. Omenjena hčerka nam je razkazovala znamenitosti krajev in urada, kjer je zaposlena kot nadzornica (supervisor). Vsepovsod, kjer smo bili, smo srečali zelo prijazne ljudi. O-biskali smo tudi bivše minesotčane, ki imajo tam veliko farmo z raznim drevjem ter se pečajo z mlekarstvom. Vse je bilo zanimivo in uživali smo lepoto te dežele, toda žal smo morali zopet nazaj in prepotovali smo mnogo milj brez vsake nezgode. Na dom v Greaney sem se vrnila v aprilu, kamor me je pripeljal sin John in njegova žena Madeline. Na poti iz Kansas smo se malo ustavili v Minneapolis, kjer smo obiskali sina Henry in njegovo družino. Nato smo se za par dni ustavili pri sinu Louis v Duluth in njegovi družini ter njegovi hčerki Mary Mrs. Ernest Carpentier in družina. Kakor vidite ,imam veliko družino in poleg omenjenih živi hčerka Sophie, Mrs. Harry Verlinde in družina v Milwaukee in 3 otroci živijo v Greaney: hčerka Helen, Mrs. Tom Shuster, sinova John in Joe. Vsi imajo družine. Najmlajšega sina Alberta smo izgubili lansko leto v nesreči, ki nam bo vedno ostal v živem spominu, posebno še v mojem vedno žalujočem srcu. Ker se sedaj za zimo odpravljam k hčerki v Kansas, se ne bomo za par mesecev videle. Želim vsem članicam najboljšega zdravja, lepo obhajanje božičnih praznikov in srečo v Novemi letu. Frances L. Udovich Št. 40, Lorain, O. — Naše seje so še prav dobro obiskane, vendar hi želele, da bi se nam pridružile še druge naše članice, saj je prav luštno na sejah. So kratke, vendar zanimive. Po sejah se pa vedno malo zabavamo s priljubljenimi igrami. Na oktoberski seji smo imele malo prigrizka in o-krepčila za suha grla. Na novemberski seji smo pa obhajale rojstne dneve naših članic, in izmed teh so bile navzoče: sestra Mary Virant, ki nas je pogostila zdobrim pecivom, niti ne vem kako se imenuje, vendar je bilo zelo dobro. Sestra Mary Kurjan naša nadzornica pa nam je postregla spi-jačo kakor je katera želela. Prav lena hvala obema članicama s. Virant in s. Kurjan. Obema in pa še drugim članicam, ki so obhajale rojstne dneve pa še na mnoga leta. Na seji se je sklenilo, da bomo na deceniiberski seji imele izmenjavo davil (gift, exchange) v vrednosti ,50«‘ Tudi prosimo, da bi bile članice tako dobre, da bi kaj spekle in prinesle na sejo ,da se bomo po seji malo okrepčale z dobrinami. Prav vljudno vabimo vse naše članice, da se udeležijo seje. če kaj prinesejo ali ne. Na bolniški listi so sestre: Johanna Debevec, Mary Seražin in Ella Kovach. Želimo jim skorajšnjega zdravja. Ker se bližajo božični prazniki, želim vsem članicam #40, članicam naše Zveze in glavnim odbornicam, vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto, da bi nam Bog dal svoj blagoslov v prihodnjem letu! Mary Pavlovič, blagajničarka Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio —Ker smo že v zadnjem mesecu leta in še nekatere članice dolgujete na asesmentu, ste prošene, da to poravnate pred koncem meseca, da bo možno v redu zaključiti letne račune. Na decemberski seji bomo poleg Miklavža imele tudi izmenjavo daril, v vrednosti enega dolarja; udeležite se seje v obilnem številu. Veseli nas, da se je sestra Strauss srečno vinila s 4-mesečnega obiska v Sloveniji. Kar pozna se ji, da se je dobro imela tam. Pred sejo smo se pozdravile z nekdanjo Clevelandčanko Mrs. Josie Praust, ki sta s soprogom prišla sem iz Floride obiskat svoje hčerke. Vesele smo, da je Mrs. Praust po tako resni bolezni že toliko okrevala; želimo, da ji bo bivanje med svojimi dragimi popolnoma utrdilo zdravje. Zdravje se počasi zboljšuje sestri Ann Kuhar, vse ji prav od srca želimo čimprejšnjega okrevanja. Stara mamica enajstič, je postala sestra Mary Milner, ko so pri družini sina, dobili zalo hčerkico. Vsem skupaj naše prisrčne čestitke. Na zadnji seji je bilo prav živahno, ker so naše “Micke” obhajale rojstne dneve, vseh pet spodaj navedenih slavljenk, krstna imena so Mary, in sicer: M. Markel, M. Cerjah, M. Mil, ner, M. Jurkezi in M. Zdolšek. Omenjene so nam postregle z dobrotami, ki so bile ena boljša od druge. Kapljico od zida je pa preskrbela podpredsednica sestra Markel, blagajničarka sestra Debevec pa nam je še posebej postregla s fino torto. Sestra Katie Plemel je pa 23. novembra v krogu svoje družine obhajala osemdeseti rojstni dan; ob tej priliki nam je darovala 2 dolarja v blagajno. Sestra Plemel se je preselila k družini v Kock Creek, Ohio. Torej vsem, ki ste obhajale svoje rojstne dneve, vse najboljše in še mnogo zdravih let. V blagajno so darovale sestre: S. Strauss, R. Pujzdar, K. Plemel in M. Zdolšek; vsem prisrčna hvala. Sestre, pridite vse na decembersko sejo in pripeljite kaj novih članic, da nadomestimo vsaj tiste, ki so se za vedno poslovile od nas. Vsem skupaj želim, srečne, blagoslovljene božične praznike. Ella Starin, tajnica Št. 54, Warren, O. — Deto gre h koncu, zima je pred nami in bližajo se božični prazniki v vsej veličini rojstva Gospodovega in končno začetek Novega leta 1960. Tem potem želim srečne in vesele praznike, mir, zdravje in zadovoljstvo v bodočem letu vsem članicam naše Zveze in njihovim družinam, kakor tudi g. duhovnemu vodji Rev. C. Okorn, enako vsem gl. uradnicam, S.Z.Ž. pa mnogo uspeha. Pri naši podružnici smo imele na novemberski seji volitve odbornic, ker v decembru imamo za otroke Božičnico z Miklavžem. Žal se zaradi male bolezni nisem udeležila seje. Izvoljen je bil ves stari odbor. Torej hvala za zaupanje, ki ga imate v svoje odbornice. Za božično prireditev je bila imenovana Ann Savor. Pravijo, da so se po seji prav dobro zabavale. Josephine Kassan je preskrbela za prigrizek. Darila za igro sta poleg nje še prinesli sestri: Maymie Sporich in Rose Korošec. Vsem, ki ste obhajale rojstne dneve v novembru in decembru, želim vse najboljše. Med temi je tudi gl. taj. Albina Novak, malo prej pa urednica C. Leskovar. Torej še na mnogaleta! (Hvala lepa, Rose! -Ured.) Drage sestre, prosim vas, da se po možnosti udeležite seje, saj se imamo prav dobro. Tistim, ki se vselej spomnite in z nami obhajate rojstne dneve, gre iskrena zahvala obenem prosim, da se nam tudi ostale pridružite. Sestri H. Gradishar se zdravje počasi vrača, kar je čudež po tako težki in nevarni bolezni. Vsem bolnikom želim ljubega zdravja. S sestrskim pozdravom, Rose Racher Št. 61, Braddock, Pa. — Ker že dolgo ni bilo nobenega dopisa od naše podružnice, moram poročati, da smo v tem letu izgubile 2 sestri. Mrs. Mary Junko nas je zapustila 2. junija in Mrs. Mary Ribic dne (i. novembra. Obe ste bolehali že dolgo let na srcu, čemur sta tudi podlegli. Naj jima da Bog mirno počivati v hladni ameriški zemlji. Njunim družinam pa naše sožalje. Drage sestre, prosim vas, da se udeležite seje 13. decembra in poravnate svoj dolg, ker leto se bliža h koncu. Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto želim vsem sestram širom Amerike, posebno pa moji sestri Marjeti Ahlin pri št. 25. S sestrskim pozdravom, Johana Chesnik, predsednica Št. 63, Denver, Colo. — Drage sestre članice, vse ste vabljene na glavno letno sejo v nedeljo 27. decembra ob 2 uri popoldan v domu Slovenskih-društev, na 4468 Washington st. Na seji bo volitev odbora za prihodnje leto in se bo tudi razmotrivalo, na kakšno vižo bi bilo najboljše obhajati 25 letnico podružnice. Posebno vabim vse ustanovne članice, da bi na seje prihajale in nam dale nasvete za to prireditev. Drage sestre, ako hočemo, da bo podružnica napredovala, naj se vsaka izmed nas potrudi in pridobi vsaj eno novo članico ob priložnosti 25 letnice podružnice. Več bo o tem poročano pozneje. Drage sestre, še enkrat vas opominjam, da pridete na glavno letno sejo v velikem številu. Bodite vse lepo pozdravljene. Vsem članicam in gl. odbornicam, želim vesele božične praznike. M. Svigel, taj. Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. — Tudi naše mesto je za tri dni nenadoma obiskala starka zima in po vrtovih pomorila vse žlahtne rožice. — Naša prireditev oktobra meseca je kar po-voljno izpadla ill se je naša blagajna zopet opomogla. Najlepša hvala članicam in drugim, ki so prišli na igro s pokrivanjem številk, vsem uradnicam in drugim članicam, ki so delale in prodajale listke. Čestitam g. Maja-ku, ki nam je v dvorani vse lepo pospravil in fantom ter možem mladinskega kluba ,ki so nam pomagali in vse nazaj pospravili; enako Joe Top- li- ai, lcl je ves večer klical Številka Se enkrat nnjlepša hvala vsem skupaj. Naše slov. sestre reda Sv. Frančiška so 1. nov. obhajale s slovesno sv. mašo, 50 letnico prihoda v Kansas City na hrvatsko župnijo Sv. Janeza Krstnika. Isti dan jih je obiskala č. mati Tereza Vidan iz Rima. V našo župnijo so sestre prišle prav kmalu zatem ter jim iskreno čestitamo k 50 letnici. Po kratki bolezni je 30 okt. umrla naša dolgoletna dobra članica Agnes Wolf. Zapušča 4 hčere, 2 sina, 5 vnukov in brata Michael Glad z ženo iz Garden City, Mich., ki sta prihitela na pogreb. Draga sestra, počivaj v miru božjem in me te bomo ohranile v trajnem spominu. — 12. okt. je po dolgi bolezni mirno v Gospodu zaspala, Mrs. Adolf Wolf, mati 10 malih otrok, stari komaj od 8 mesecev do 12 let. Poleg otrok zapušča užaloščenega soproga, starše Mr. in Mrs. John Swab, 2 sestri in 1 bratil ter več ožjih sorodnikov. Tudi njej naj sveti večna luč in naj počiva v miru. Vsem žalujočim ostalim obeh pokojnih izrekam iskreno sožalje in ljubi Bog naj vam pomaga v težki preizkušnji. Antonija Kostelec, preds. Št. 66, Canon City, Colo. — Naša članica Česnick in njen soprog Jack sta obhajala dne 17. oktobra t. 1. 50 letnico zakonskega življenja. Ker njen soprog boleha že več let, se on ni mogel udeležiti cerkvenih obredov zaradi česar je prišel mašnilc na njihov dom ter sta doma sprejela sveti zakrament. Zatem smo se skupaj zbra- li prijatelji in sosedje pri njihovi hčeri in zetu John in Josephine Del Monte. Priredili so zelo okusno puranovo južino. Vsi jima želimo še mnogo let življenja. Odgojila sta enega sina in eno hčer (ter štiri vnuke), kateri se vsi veselijo z njima. Za veselimi dogodki pridejo tudi žalostni. Naj omenim, da je sestra Škrjanc, ki je dolgoletna članica št. 66, Canon City, izgubila soproga. Umrl je nagle smrti dne 1. novembra. Zjutraj je bil še zdrav in zvečer že mrtev. Odgojila sta obilno družino v krščanskem duhu ,lti žaluje za svojim očetom. Naj počiva v miru od trudnega dela. Agnes Lukman, poročevalka Št. 68, Fairport, O. — Zopet se oglašam s par vrsticami. Saj sedaj imamo več časa za pisanje in čitanje, ko nimamo več dela na vrtu in ti hladni vetrovi so nas potisnili k peči. Nič rada se ne sprijaznim z verzom: "Vrata zaprite, duri in hram, da ne pripiha v hišo tud’ k nam”. Zavidam vam ženske tam na jugu, ker se še lahko grejete na soncu. Pa nič zato, bomo pa me tukaj toliko bolj z veseljem sprejele cvetočo pomlad. Na zadnji seji nas je bilo precejšnje število. Nismo imele nič posebnega na programu. Po seji pa seveda nismo pozabile na priljubljeno Igro pokrl vanja številk In se lepo razgovoriti s prijateljicami. Imele smo mali dobitek, katerega je dobila Jennie Troha. Za prigrizek sta preskrbele Josie Ulle in Theresa Ulle, kateri je bil zelo okusen. Torej sestre, upam, da se nas bo zbralo lepo število na prihodnji glavni seji in bomo imele mogoče kaj več za povedati. Ostanite zdrave in na svidenje! Angela Lunka, poročevalka Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Poletje je za nami in tudi počitnice. Upam, da ste se na počitnicah vse dobro počutile in srečno vrnile domov. Veseli me, da se je Mrs. Prisland srečno vrnila iz obiska Slovenije. Poročati moram žalostno vest, da je po več mesecih težke bolezni dne 17. okt. umrla naša članica Mary Strajnar, doma iz vasi Gorno Gradišče, fara Št. Jemej na Dolenjskem. Na pred večer pogreba smo molile rožni venec in tudi pogreba se je udeležilo veliko število članic. Zapušča soproga in tri sinove. Dne 1. okt. je umrl oče naše članice Mary Pelan. Družinam pokojnih naše globoko sožalje, i>okojnima pa večni mdr in pokoj. Drage sestre, izgubile smo zopet eno dobro članico, a v tem letu že dve; zdaj se moramo potruditi, da pridobimo nove članice, da nadomestimo vrzel pri naši podružnici. Bližajo se božični prazniki in vse se pripravljamo kaj bomo nakupile kot darila za svoje drage. Ali ne bi bilo lepo, ako vpišemo nove članice, da bomo poklonile Božično darilo tudi naši zvezi? Naša članica Mary Nemanič je bila to poletje na obisku v Sloveniji in se je srečno vrnila nazaj. Pravi, da se je odlično imela in se ji je tako do-padlo, da bo šla še enkrat na obisk v letu 1901. Z veseljem poročam, da smo vpisale dve novi članici v našo zvezo. Dobrodošle: Jennie Tomsic in Jean Tomsic. Prečitala sem poročila gl. odbornic. Najlepša vam hvala za vaša dobra dela in skrbi ter lepa hvala urednici za lepo urejeno Zarjo. (Op. ured.: Iskrena hvala, Mrs. Tomsic.) Drage članice, lepo vas vabim, da se udeležite seje v velikem številu, kajti brez članic ni zanimanja. Gl. odbornicam, ki so v noveiribru obhajale svoje rojstne dneve: Mrs. Albina Novak, Mrs. Jos. Uvele in Miss Katie Triller, želim Se mnogo let zdravja in sreče. Želim vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto 1960 gl. odbornicam in vsem članicam. Na svidenje na seji. Mary Tomsic, preds. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Težko mi je poročati, da smo pri naši podr. zopet izgubile eno članico. Po dolgi in mučni bolezni, nas je dne 17. okt. zapustila sestra Marija Strlner. Imela je veliki pogreb in iskrena hvala, sestre, da ste prišle molit rožni venec in vsem, ki ste se udeležile pogreba. Ti pa draga sestra, počivaj v božjem miru in prosi za nas, saj Ti bomo enkrat tudi me sledile. Vse sestre opozarjam, da se gotovo udeležite glavne seje, ki se bo vršila dne 9. dec. ob 7 uri zvečer v običajnih prostorih. Frances Tomsic, tajnica Št. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. — Vabim članice podr. št. 77, S.Ž.Z. na letno sejo, ki bo dne 10. dec. točno ob osmih zvečer v Javor dvorani na North Canal St. Prosim, da se seje udeležite vse članice, ker bomo isti večer praznovale tudi Božičnico ter si izmenjale darila. Darila naj ne bodo manj kot v vrednosti 1 dollarja. če pa želi katera kupiti dražji dar, je to njena zadeva. Torej pokažimo, da smo v resnici sestre, ne samo na papirju, ampak tudi dejansko. Pridite prav vse. Ukreniti moramo tudi več važnih stvari kako se bo delalo prihodnje leto. Izvolite si uradnice, da vam bodo po volji. Misli mi uhajajo nazaj na prva leta kako veselo je bilo na sejah. Imele smo vedno veliko zabave in pozabile smo na vse težave. Vsak vesel pogovor je nanesel na petje, ena je začela, pa je bilo takoj vse v petju; imele smo namreč dobre pevke, katere že krije hladna zemlja. Danes ni več tako. Ostal je samo še pogovor na sejah. Iz gl. urada nas tudi prosijo, da bi pridobile kaj novih članic, čemer se tudi jaz pridružujem. Treba je pogledati za novimi članicami, kajti naša podr. se manjša. Z vremenom se ne bom nič ponašala, ker se spreminja tako hitro, da ga sploh ne moremo dohajati. Naše sožalje sestram: Mrs. Mary Pešut in Mrs. Getrude Lokar nad izgubo možev ,ki sta preminula v oktobra. Imamo tudi mladinskega člana, ki leži v John Kane Hospital že več kot leto dni. Bil je v avtomobilski nezgodi tako močno pobit, da še danes ne more stopiti na noge. To je žalostno za tako mladega fanta, ki je poln življenja, pa mora ležati ali sedeti v bolnici že tako dolgo. Ali ne bi bilo lepo od nas, da bi se ga spomnile s kako kartico, posebno zdaj ko se bližajo Vrhovčan: Božična Noč Temna noč pokriva zemljo, vse počiva že In spi; le pastirček tam pri čredi še zatisnil ni oči. Močna luč zemljo obsije, angelci prihajajo. „Slava Bogu na višavah!” rajsko milo pojejo. „Ej, pastirčki, brž vstanite in hitite v Betlehem! Božje Dete je rojeno v odrešenje vsem ljudem." In pastirčki vzradoščenl urno v Betlehem teko. Najdejo tam božje Dete, mu darila prineso. Tam na slamci v revni štalci majhno Detece leži. V trdni veri trop pobožni na kolena se spusti. Jezušček pa blagoslavlja in nebeško se smehlja. Kdor od Njega se poslavlja, v srcu božji mir ima. prazniki. Vsaka tolažilan karta ali beseda okrepi človeka bolj kot zdravila, ki jih prodajajo v lekarnah. Njegova mati ima toliko križev in težav, pa se mi zdi, da tako mirno in potrpežljivo vse to prenaša. Vzgojila je veliko družino in izgubila moža pred enim letom. Fantov naslov je: William Feme, s/o John J. Kane Hospital, Vanadion Road, Scott Township, Pittsburgh, Pa. Bližajo se božični prazniki, zato vam vsem, katere spadate pod okrilje naše Zveze, želim blagoslovljene božične praznike in srečno novo leto, da bi nam bilo vse vse v srečo in zadovoljstvo. Vsem bolnim članicam In njihovim družinam pa želim ljubega zdravja. Bog vas blagoslovi! Minka Chrnart, tajnica Št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. — Vse, ki smo se udeležile zadnje seje naše podr. na domu Fannie Ramshak, smo se prijetno zabavale. Okusni stru-delj se je prav dobro prilegel. Glavna točka dnevnega reda je bil razgovor o Božičnici in seji, ki se bo vršila drago nedeljo v decembru dne 13. pop. na domu Mary Mihelich. Imele bomo zamenjavo daril za odrasle, ki naj ne presegajo vrednosti $1.00 in matere mladinskih članov naj prinesejo darila za svoje lastne otroke. Sladkorne vrečke bodo pripravljene za vse navzoče mladinske člane. Ker bo ta večer tudi “pot luck luncheon”, zato prosim naj vsaka prinese nekaj za kosilo. Sestra Mrs. Jack Richter in njen soprog sta obhajala 50 letnico zakonskega življenja in podr. jima je poklonila majhen spominček. Poskusimo priti vse na božično sejo, da bo kar najlepše uspela. Mary Bratovich, poročevalka kotiček urednice ... Zopet vas pozdravljamo ob božičnem času. To je v duhu veselega razpoloženja in hvaležnosti... veselo razpoloženje zaradi čudovito lepih praznikov, ki se približujejo in hvaležnost zaradi zvestega sodelovanja dobrih članic in odbornic. V tej številki ZARJE imamo več novih stvari in mnogo običajnih; nekaj novih, ki zanimajo nekatere in nekaj takih, katere vzamemo kot same po sebi umevne. Upam, da poziv vzornih odbornic za večjo pozornost in pojačeno delo v sedanji članski kampanji, ne bo ostal preslišan. Vztrajna prizadevanja vseh, ki pridno delujejo, ne bi smela biti pozabljena, ker to prinaša nove vire idej in pomnoži našo moč. Bila bi odlična pridobitev, če bi se me vse zavedale nujnosti pridobiti več novih članic. Sedanja kampanja bo zaključena dne 31. tega meseca. Storimo kar največ moremo! Stvari, ki so nove v tej številki so večinoma priporočila kako boste imele božične praznike srečnejše, kakor tudi zanimiva zgodovina ene izmed najstarejše cerkve v Minnesoti. Mnogi občudovalci Toneta Shubel-a bodo z veseljem čitali v tej številki o njegovih glasbenih slavah in uspehih. Med berilom je več oglasov, katere so nabrale naše najbolj vnete in zveste članice. Tem vzornim odbornicam, ki so si vzele časa iz svoje prezapo-selnosti ter poslale vsaj en ali dva oglasa velja moja prisrčna zahvala. Upam, da Vas bo dobri Bog blagoslovil tisočkrat. In vam vsem, ki z dobro voljo in zanimanjem pomagate nadaljevati veliko delo v prid Zveze, želim mnogo resničnega veselja za praznike In res srečen Božič. Corinne Leskovar Št. 84, New York, N.Y. — Že dolgo nisem nič poročala pa ni bilo nič veselih novic, samo žalostne. Sestra Fannie Crkovic je izgubila moža, enako sestra Ana Osolin. Obema družinama naše sožalje. Pet naših članic je izgubilo svoje može. Za vse, pa je podružnica darovala za sv. maše, ki so se brale v slovenski cerkvi na 8 st., N. Y. Umrla je tudi Mary Maček, naročnica Zarje. Stara je bila 78 let. Naše sožalje. Žal mi je bilo, da se nisem mogla udeležiti pogreba, ker sva se z možem komaj vrnila iz božje poti pri Mariji Pomagaj v Lemontu. Naš župnik, Fr. Kalist Dangerholz so spremljali kakih 25 potnikov z vlakom v Leniont in, da smo jih prehiteli, smo se, Mrs. Fannie Krch, moj mož in jaz, peljali z letalom kar nam je vzelo 2% uri do Chicaga. Ravno tako nazaj in bilo nas je 104 ljudi v letalu. Oh, kako je bilo lepo v Lemontu! Vse je urejeno in vse pripravljeno za romarje v novem romarskem domu, in cerkev je krasna. Naši slovenski (nadaljevanje ona st. 287) for family fun Half the fun of the season fills the weeks before when everybody’s busily preparing for the big day. Gather your family around and let them all share in dressing up your home for Christmas. Include the children, too, for little tots usually have more imagination than adults if provided with the materials they like to work with. iround firmly IThe i the ha construction per, draw A good idea for a family project is a gay holiday cookie cannister. It’s decorative as well as useful, easy enough for youngsters to assemble, and inexpensive, too. Starting point is a three-pound shortening can; Santa’s hat, face, and beard are made with art paper, cotton, candy, and glue. A. Wrap strip of black paper a-can; pull and glue, can forms base. Using pink pa- draw large as pictured for Santa’s h e a d. Straight sides measure 8V2 inches; the diameter is 15V4 inches; and the radius is 8V3 inches. Draw smaller outline on red construction paper for Santa’s hat. The straight sides measure 4% inches; the diameter is 8% inches; and the radius is 4% inches. Cut out both outlines. B. Form each outline into a cone and glue securely. Cut a tiny circle out of the top each cone to prevent wrinkling; glue red cone over pink cone. C. With pencil, lightly outline shape of area for beard; glue on cotton for beard and eyebrows. Glue flat candy wafer in place for nose. Split a licorice drop crosswise and glue in place for eyes. Add a fluff of cotton for tassel on hat. D. Slip Santa over top of can — and your cookie cannister is finished. Sly as he looks, we’ll bet he’ll have a hard time keeping these Almond Wafers and Butterscotch Nut Drops under his hat. Almond Wafers % cup Pream, 1 cup shortening, % cup water, 2 cups sifted flour. Combine all ingredients and blend thoroughly. Chill at least one hour. Roll about %-inch thick. Cut into rounds with 1%-inch cookie cutter or glass. Coat rounds on both sides with sugar by placing on waxed paper that has been sprinkled heavily with sugar. Place on ungreased baking sheet; prick in about four places with fork. Bake at 375° P. until slightly puffy but not brown. When cool, make sandwiches with filling below. Makes 5 dozen lVž-inch sandwich cookies. Almond Filling Combine 2 tablespoons Pream, 2 tablespoons shortening, 1 Vs cups confectioners’ sugar, 2 to 3 teaspoons hot water, and *4 teaspoon almond flavoring; blend until smooth. For Chocolate Filling, omit almond flavoring; add 1 square unsweetened chocolate, melted. (If necessary for spreading consistency, add additional water, % teaspoon at a time). Butterscotch Nut Drops % cup shortening, XVa cups brown sugar, packed, 2eggs, 3 cups sifted flour, V2 cup Pream, % teaspoon salt, % teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon soda, % cup water, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, % cup chopped nuts. Cream together shortening, sugar, and eggs. Beat until light and fluffy. Sift together flour, Pream, salt, baking powder, and soda. Combine vinegar and water. Add dry ingredients S.W.U. CHRISTMAS PARTIES Dec, 2 — Br. 52, Kitzville, Minn. Dec. 6—Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. Dec. 6 — Br. 24, La Salle, 111. Dec. 7— Br. 7, Warrensville Hgts, O. Dec. 7 — Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. Dec. 8—Br. 10, Cleveland, Ohio Dec. 8—Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Dec. 8—Br. 57, Niles, Ohio Dec. 9—Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio Dec. 9 — Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Dec. 9 — Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn. Dec. 9 — Br. 71, Strabane, Pa. Dec. 10 — Br. 2, Chicago, 111. Dec. 10 — Br. 77, N.S. Pittsbourgh Pa. Dec. 13 — Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. Dec. 13 — Br. 74, Ambridge, Pa. Dec. 13 — Br. 61, Braddock, Pa. Dec. 13 — Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Dec. 13 — Br. 85, Depue, 111. Dec. 13—Br. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. Dec. 1G—Br. 72, Pullman, 111. Dec. 20—Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. Dec. 21—• Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio Dec. 27 — Br. 63, Denver, Colo. and water mixture alternately to creamed mixture. Mix thoroughly. Stir in vanilla and nuts. Chill dough; drop from teaspoon, 2 inches apart, on lightly greased cookie sheet. Bake at 400° F. 10 to 12 minutes. Cool. Makes about 4 dozen. SOMETHIN’ GOOD? See the delicious foods listed in famous cookbook. Woman's Glory The Kitchen" Postpaid $2.25 Order your q copy now: ALBINA NOVAK, * /1937 W. CERMAK \\Xd''s' CHICAGO 8, ILL. YOUR -------- SAVINGS EARN MORE! Current Rate 4% per Annum Accounts Insured to $10,000.00 “Assets Over'$16,000,000.00’ Mue* SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION “Where Hundreds Save Millions” ROBT. R. MULLEN, Jr., President P. O. Box 60 ALICE, Tex. duhovniki delajo ne samo v cerkvi, ampak tudi na vrtu in lepo skrbijo za romarje. Hvala lepa za vso postrežbo in gostoljubnost, posebno pa ker so nas peljali z letališča v Lemont in nazaj. Hvala lepa Fr. Cagram in Fr. Jerome, oba iz N. Y., ki sta nam razkazala mesto Chicago in njegove zanimivosti. Fr. Jerome so za kaplana pri Fr. Gabrenja v So. Chicago, in mi je hudo, ko slišim, da so naš bivši g. župnik p. Gabrenja sedaj bolani. Fr. Jerome Selak, ki je moj bratranec, pa je sedaj v Lemontu. Pred 3 leti sva bila na romanju pri Mariji Pomagaj na Brezjah .Slovenija In sedaj nam bo ostalo v nepozabnem spominu še to romanje na ameriško-slov. Brezje v Lemontu. — Na poti sva se ustavila v The Martyr’s Shrine pri N. Y., ki ima 72 vrat in veliko ljudi obišče to cerkev. Dne 25. okt. smo imeli skupno sv. mašo darovano v slov. cerkvi, nato pa zajtrk v dvorani. Zahvala velja Mrs. Svet, Mrs. Krch in Mrs. Cerar, ki so spekle potice in enako vsem, ki so pomagale ali prinesle kaj dobrot. Obiskala sem mednarodno žensko razstavo .katero je res vredno pogledati in vsem priporočam, da jo obiščete. Naša letna seja bo dne 10. dec. z volitvami. Vse vljudno vabljene! Po 2-tedenskem obisku na Štajerskem, se je vrnila Mrs. Majcen, enako hčerka Betty in njen mož Ix)uis Kukovec, ki sta bila tam 2 meseca. Mr. In Mrs. Benos sta tudi na obisku v Sloveniji. Čestitke vsem starim mamicam. Vsem bolnim članicam pa ljubega zdravja. Ker ne vem za vsa imena, naj velja ta želja brezimensko. Meseca oktobra sem obiskala več sester v Penna.: Jennie Rogel v Wilkes Barre, Mr. in Mrs. Medved v Wendllng, Milko Kres v Forest City in Mrs. Grdina, (prej Kos) v Broun-dale. Hvala vsem za prijazno postrežbo in gostoljubje. Ob koncu voščim vsem gl. odbornicam, članicam in čitateljicam Zarje, vesele božične praznike in blagoslovljeno Novo leto. Angela Voje, preds. Št. 85, Depue, III. Na kratko se oglasim iz naše Depueške doline. Me veseli, da so naše seje tako dobro obiskane. Na zadnji seji smo bile skoraj vse navzoče, razen par izjem je, ki ne morejo priti. Anna K. in Karolina N. imata bolne može. Obiskujte jih, če vam je le mogoče, ker ni hujšega kot dolga bolezen pri hiši. Na zadnji seji smo sprejele novo članico Mrs. Vince Machelc. Dobrodošla v našo sredo, Frances! Na seji je bilo tudi sklenjeno, da bomo imele Božičnico ,kakor vsako leto in izmenjavo daril v vrednosti $1.00. Imele bomo tudi nekaj za zabavo in naš odbor bo za vse preskrbel. Več podrobnosti lahko poizveste pri naši predsednici Mary St. Imele bomo tudi več Finančno poročilo za mesec september 1959 Financial report for the month of September, 1959 Članarina—Assessment Number of Podružnica—Branch A & B Jun. Zarja Misc. Total Memb. Jun. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. 73.90 3.40 .10 .45 77.85 165 34 2, Chicago, 111. 180.20 16.30 1.00 197.50 373 168 3, Pueblo, Colo. 134.40 13.00 .30 3.45 151.15 309 131 4. Oregon City, Ore. 6.65 .60 7.25 23 5, Indianapolis, Ind. 117 68$ 6, Barberton, Ohio 59.70 2.50 .10 .45 62.75 143 25 7, Forest City, Pa. 65.10 20.40 .60 86.10 142 213 8. Steelton, Pa. 29.70 .50 .45 30.65 71 5 9, Detroit, Mich. 41 7 10. Cleveland, Ohio 164.85 5.80 3.30 173.95 384 58 12, Milwaukee, Wis. 258 76$ 13, San Francisco, Cal. 57.75 1.00 1.05 59.80 138 10 14, Cleveland, Ohio 146.30 4.20 .30 2.10 152.90 317 42 15, Cleveland, Ohio 125.55 4.10 1.20 130.85 263 41 16, So. Chicago, 111. 68.85 5.60 .20 1.05 75.70 144 57 17. West Allis, Wis. 56.75 .40 .10 1.35 58.60 140 5 18, Cleveland, Ohio 31.70 .70 .10 .60 33.10 80 7 19, Eveleth, Minn. 60.35 7.10 2.75 70.20 134 71 20, Joliet, 111. 186.80 17.20 3.75 207.75 479 172 21. Cleveland, Ohio 38.75 4.70 1.20 44.65 91 48 22. Bradley, 111. 27 $ 23, Ely, Minn. 103.15 6.50 .20 1.90 111.75 236 65 24, La Salle, 111. 76.95 8.30 .10 2.10 87.45 190 83 25, Cleveland, Ohio 384.00 17.00 6.75 407.75 850 172 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. 48.50 1.20 .60 50.30 115 12 27. No. Braddock, Pa. 72 7 28, Calumet, Mich. 37.05 .40 2.10 .90 40.45 82 4 29, Broundale, Pa. 18.65 2.50 21.15 43 25 30, Aurora, III. 23 1 31. Gilbert, Minn. 51.30 3.90 .30 .40 55.90 112 39 32, Euclid, Ohio 117.40 5.20 .90 123.50 126 26@ 33, Duluth, Minn. 41.00 4.40 1.05 46.45 98 46 34, Soudan, Minn. 22.60 .70 .10 23.40 49 7 35, Aurora, Minn. 42.65 5.30 .20 .75 48.90 87 53 37, Greaney, Minn. 14.40 1.30 .05 16.25 36 13 38, Chisholm, Minn. 64.30 .70 1.75 66.75 147 7 39, Biwabik, Minn. 16.25 2.00 .15 18.40 44 20 40, Lorain, Ohio 40.70 .50 1.50 42.70 98 5 ■11, Cleveland, Ohio 91.50 4.20 1.95 97.65 230 42 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio 43 43, Milwaukee, Wis. 46.65 10.00 .30 56.95 111 100 45, Portland, Ore. 23.30 .80 .90 25.00 58 8 46, St. Louis, Mo. 13.90 .20 .15 14.25 31 2 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio 43.25 1.30 1.20 45.75 108 13 48, Buhl, Minn. 5.80 .40 .10 .30 6.60 15 4 49, Noble, Ohio 20.35 .10 20.45 49 1 50, Cleveland, Ohio 78 26& 51, Kemmore, Ohio 7.80 .30 8.10 18 52, Kitzville, Minn. 24.96 .SO .15 25.90 53 9 53. Cleveland, Ohio 18.35 1.45 19.80 39 13 54, Warren, Ohio 37.25 7.00 .30 .15 44.70 86 70 55, Girard, Ohio 36.00 1.40 .40 37.SO 80 14 56, Hibbing, Minn. 53.95 1.30 55.25 125 14 57, Niles, Ohio 32.60 3.00 55.60 69 30 69, Burgettstown, Pa. 34 9 61, Braddock, Pa. 12.415 .60 13.05 28 6 62, Conneaut, Ohio 16.60 .10 16.70 34 1 63, Denver, Colo. 54.60 5.90 .30 .15 60.95 114 59 64, Kansas City, Kans. 30.65 .50 31.15 76 5 65, Virginia, Minn. 33.20 2.70 35.90 73 28 66, Canon City, Colo. 25.40 2.10 .60 28.10 55 22 67, Bessemer, Pa. 46.95 5.20 .20 52.35 93 52 68, Fairport Harbor, O. 15.35 15.35 39 70, W. Aliquippa, Pa. 13.50 .60 14.10 15 3# 71, Strabane, Pa. 51.20 1.80 .15 53.15 113 18 72, Pullman, 111. 15.65 .50 .25 16 40 36 5 73. Warrensville, Ohio 38.00 3.20 41.20 96 32 74, Ambridge, Pa. 23.35 .60 23.95 45 6 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. 48.00 6.20 .60 54.80 60 31 drugih stvari za razpravljati. Upam, da se udeležite v polnem številu. Torej na svidenje drugo nedeljo v decembru ob 6 uri zvečer v Slovenskem Domu. Jennie Fredonia, Kansas — Dne 17. okt. sem se podala z vlakom Santa Fe na potovanje in v Kansas City se mi je pridružila hčerka Rosie ter smo se peljale v Joliet na obisk mojim trem hčerkam, ki so redovne sestre. Sprejem je bil nadvse prisrčen, ker se nismo dolgo časa videle. Najprej smo se ustavile v sestrski hiši pri šoli Matere Božje, kjer so nam razkazale lepo urejeno redovno hišo. Potem smo se odpeljale v Lemont, kjer smo prenočile pri sestrah. Drugi dan smo bile pri maši v kapeli, si ogledale krasno novo šolo in po kosilu se je zbrala cela družina. Iz Chicaga sta prišla še dva sinova in dve hčerki z mojimi malimi vnuki in pravnuki. Bila sem zelo srečna ko je bilo 8 otrok zbranih in v lepem razgovoru smo se ob 5 uri udeležili slavnostnega banketa v počastitev 50 letnice slov. šolskih sester, odkar so prišle iz starega kraja. Dvorana je bila krasno okrašena in udeležilo se ga je nad 600 oseb. Mnogi govorniki so slavili veliko delo naših sester v zadnjih 50 letih. Teh lepih ur ne bom nikoli pozabila. Hvaležna sem Bogu, da so moje hčerke med njimi in, da tako delajo za vero in slov. narod ter novo domovino Ameriko. — Obiskala sem tudi Dom onemoglih, kjer je žalostno, in sem bila zelo potrta, ker morajo izprazniti prostore. Vse je žalostno, oblasti pa so prepovedale uporabo prostorov za stare ljudi. Pri tej žalosti mi je prišlo na misel, kar je že pred 30 leti zapisal naš nepozabni tajnik KSKJ Mr. Zalar, da potrebujemo dom za stare ljudi. Pred par leti je tudi Josephine Erjavec napisala članek za to idejo, pa izgleda, da ni nobenega odmeva. Toda bi res morali nekaj napraviti za naše stare ljudi, da bi bili med svojci in v miru preživljali svoja stara leta. Kako bi bilo lepo, če bi imeli svoje slov. zavetišče. Če za vse drugo nabiramo, zakaj ne bi nekaj napravili za naše pionirje, ki so si res zaslužili, da jim pomagamo. Vzdramimo se in ne preslišimo njihovega klica za pomoč. Johana Bambich CHRISTMAS IDEA “Invite" a Christmas Angel to ornament your home this holiday season. They are easy to make. You’ll have the things you need to make them in the house. Start with a large sheet of drawing paper. This should be at least 12” square. Rule off 12” along one edge and, using your Crayola crayons, make an arc. This quarter-circle piece will be the angel’s skirt. Make a simple border design, then color the skirt. Trim it with bright stars, flowers, or whatever designs (Continued on Junior page) Članarina—Assessment Number of Podružnica—Branch A & B Jun. Zarja Misc. Total Memb. Jun. 78. Leadville, Colo. 31 12& 79, Enumclaw, Wash. 17.05 2.10 .70 .15 20.00 37 21 80, Moon Run, Pa. 10.50 10.50 25 81, Keewatin, Minn. 10.40 .40 10.70 28 83, Crosby, Minn. 10.15 .60 .40 .45 11.60 20 6 84, New York City, N.Y. 31.75 .80 .80 .30 33.65 77 8 85, DePue, 111. 11.95 .50 .10 12.55 28 5 86, Nashwauk, Minn. 7.00 .30 7.30 15 88, Johnstown, Pa. 34.40 3.30 .30 .15 38.15 71 33 89, Oglesby, 111. 39.00 5.70 .30 45.60 99 57 90, Presto, Pa. 27.30 1.90 .10 29.30 67 19 91, Oakmont, Pa. 27.90 1.00 28.90 52 12 92, Crested Butte, Colo. 10.75 .20 10.95 20 2 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. 31.35 .40 .60 32.35 74 I 94, Canton, Ohio 20 7 95, So. Chicago, 111. 117.40 6.80 124.20 212 68 96, Universal, Pa. 25.10 .30 .50 25.90 54 97, Cairnbrook, Pa. 13.55 1.30 14.85 27 13 99, Elmhurst, 111. 10.30 10.30 22 100, Fontana, Calif. 19.85 1.10 .80 .25 22.00 44 11 102, Willard, Wis. 8 2& 104, Johnstown, Pa. 10.90 10.90 27 105, Detroit, Mich. 6.65 .50 7.15 16 i) 106, Meadowlands, Pa. 20 2 Totals — Skupaj $ 3,920.60 253.80 10.60 54.615 4,239.65 9,435 2 ,734 $—Assessment paid in August #—Assessment for Sept. and Oct. &—Assessment paid in July @—Assessment for Aug. and Sept. Income — Dohodki: Assessment from members — Članarina od članic ....................... $4,239.65 Rental income in Sept. — Najemnina v sept............................... 150.00 Interest on bonds — Obresti od bondov .................................. 300.00 Interest on Savings accounts — Obresti od bančnih vlog ................. 356.25 Total — Skupaj................ $5,045.90 Disbursements — Stroški: Funeral Benefit claims paid for the following deceased members — Smrtnine: Johanna Pritekel, Branch 3, Pueblo, Colorado .................................. $100.00 Katie Kastelac, Branch 16, So. Chicago, Illionis ......................... 100.00 Mary Kuhel, Branch 1G, So. Chicago, Illinois ................... 100.00 Anna Makovec, Branch 16, So. Chicago, Illinois ................................. 100.00 Mary M. Baltauzer, Branch 18, Cleveland, Ohio .................................. 100.00 Anna Perko, Branch 18, Cleveland, Ohio .................................. 100.00 Anna Agnich, Branch 20, Joliet, Illinois ................................. 100.00 Rose Jozel, Branch 21, Cleveland, Ohio ......................................... 100.00 Frances Klančar, Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio ............................ 100.00 Barbara Gasper, Branch 26, Pittsburgh, Penna........................ 100.00 Rose Mary Strah, Branch 32, Euclid, Ohio ....................................... 100.00 Mary Petkovšek, Branch 50, Cleveland, Ohio ..................................... 100.00 Josephine Bajc, Branch 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio ............................... 100.00 Benedictine Press, Zarja - The Dawn, September ................................. 739.23 Salaries and administration — Plače gl. odbornic in admin........... 861.27 Printing, telephone, postage, sundries — Tiskovine, tel., pošta, razno. . 192.11 Home office rent for September — Najemnina za gl. urad za sept 75.00 Total — Skupaj ........... $3,167.61 Balance Aug. 31, 1959 — Preostanek 31. avg. 1959 ................. $118,611.09 Income in September, 19159 — Dohodki v sept. 1959 ................... 5,045.90 Total — Skupaj .............. 423,056.99 Disbursements in Septemlber, 1959 — Stroški v sept. 1959 3,167.61 Balance Sept. 30, 1959 Preostanek 30. sept. 1959 .... $420,489.38 ALBINA NOVAK, Secretary JUNIOR'S PAGE Johnna Marie Pear Juniors! At this time of the year I know you are all very excited, busy and happy, for it's Christmas again. How time flies! Another year is nearly gone and soon, a new one. Hope you all did your very best in school, at home, your meetings. How many friends did you get to join the S.W.U.? In this message, I wish to extend to each member of the junior and adult groups, a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Hope Santa is very good to all of you and the new year full of surprises — pleasant ones! To those who corresponded with me and aided me in any way during the past year, my sincerest thanks. Let us hope our New Year will be filled with more activities and fun for everyone. Good luck, and the best of health! Christine Menart, Director of Juvenile Activities (continued from: page 288) you like. Cut out the decorated skirt and roll it Into a cone. Use cellophane tape to hold the edges together. For the angel's wings you will need two sheets of 9"xl2" drawing paper. Pleat these by folding the paper back and forth on the long edge. The pleats should be about one inch wide. Open the paper and draw several rows of semi-circles between the pleats to decorate the wings. You might have them match the angel’s skirt. Refold the two pieces of paper into pleats and tape one wing to each side of the angel's skirt near the pointed edge. The angel's head is a styrofoam ball. Draw the features on with your crayons. You will find that you can carve as well as color with Crayola crayons on styrofoam. Slip a metal sponge over the head for the angel’s hair. A few straight pins will hold the hair in place. You could make a pony tail for the angel CHRISTMAS ANGELS! On December 25th, the whole world observes the birth of the Christ Child. Not too many families have the privilege of having their own Christmas babies, but those who have, are very grateful and happy. In Milwaukee on Dec. 25, 1953, little Johnna Marie Schimenz was born. Her grandmother Mrs. Mary Schi-menz, secretary of br. 12, sent us this lovely picture of Johnna Marie who is going to be six years old this Christmas. Happy birthday! The Leskovars of Chicago happily celebrate little Miriam Noelle’s birthday oil Christmas, too, and she’ll be three .this year. She loves to dance to polkas and Is pictured in her Slovenian costume and little silk umbrella, so necessary lor every performance. by stretching the metal sponge at the back of the head. Tie a bright ribbon around the pony tail. Use a small paper doily as a halo. Punch out the center section and pin the doily to the head, or slip it a-round the pony tail. Use another doily as a collar. Punch out the center and slip it over the top of the angel's skirt. Make a hole in the bottom of the styrofoam head using the point of a crayon. Place a spot of glue in the hole and slip it over the top of the angel's skirt. Your angel is now ready to grace your liojiday table, mantel oi' tree. This simple paper construction permits endless variety. The choir boy is made the same way the angel was. His robe is made of a Crayola W 4 v .j decorated paper cone and he has yarn hair and a ribbon bow tie. Santa is similarly made. His body is a cylinder rather than a cone. His costume is drawn on with crayon, and cotton trims his hat and -makes his beard and eyebrows. What colorful, imaginative ways to express the joy and fun of Christmas your "invitation” will provide. Hi, Boys and Girls! Here is a cheery message to all our Junior members of the Cleveland branches to get ready for the big Christmas Party on Sunday, Dec. Gth at St. Clair Recreation Center at EJ. 62nd and St. Clair Ave. Oh, how much fun we are going to have! I hope all the talented juniors will be on hand to give us a line show, too. This all came about because the Cleveland branches came to our call and helped us plan a combined party for all the juniors living in this area. Hope you are all going to attend and ask mom and dad to come along! A letter has been sent to dear old St. Nick, too, asking him to attend. So, for a good time, please meet at the St. Clair Recreation Center, Sunday. Dec. (ith at 2 p.m. To all other branches celebrating with parties for their juniors, best wishes. Hope you all have a very good time. Here’s a few facts I found out a-bout Christmas: It’s one of our happiest holidays because it is the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The Idea of gifts at Christmas time comes from the story of the Three Wise Men who brought gifts to the Infant. The idea of Christmas trees came from Germany. Now, it has spread throughout the world. A little manger scene may take the place of a Christmas tree in some lands. The scene shows the Baby Jesus cradled in a manger with Mary and Joseph watching over Him. The name “Santa Claus" comes from St. Nicholas who is considered the special friend of children. In many countries, groups of children go about singing Christmas carols. There are many beautiful carols, but none can compare to the beautiful tune of Silent Night, Holy Night. So, with this message and song in your heart, I wish all the S.W.U. Juniors a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Your pen pal, DONNA Miriam Noelle JO.jr2F! 1 INS A. MIŠIC 50 1111 E. 7 2 ST. CLEVELAND 3, OHIO PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois JOHN ZELEZNIKAR and SONS FUEL OIL 2045 W. 23rd St. VI 7-6891 Chicago 8, 111. JUVENILE FURNITURE — Dial GL. 2-7711 RAMM’S FUNERAL HOME 1500 Block, S. 12th St. SHEBOYGAN, Wis. JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities Nad pol stoletja že nudi ljubeznivo bratsko pomoč svojim članom in članicam, vdovam in sirotam v slučaju bolezni, nesreče ali smrti KRANJSKO d&fc SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA JEDNOTA Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Certificates: 48,000 Premoženje: $12,000,000.00 K.S.K. Jednota sprejema moške in ženske od 1C. do 60. leta starosti; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu in do 18. leta pod svoje okrilje. K.S.K. Jednota izdaja najmodernejše vrste certifikate za odrasle in mladino od $250.00 do $5,000.00. Če še nisi član ali članica te mogočne katoliške podporne organizacije, potrudi se in pristopi takoj — bolje danes kot jutri! Starši, vpišite svoje otroke v K.S.K. Jednoto! Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev KSKJ v vaši naselbini, ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 851-853 No. Chicago Street Joliet, Illinois THE NORTH AMERICAN BANK COMPANY Rendering Sound and Conservative Banking Service Main Office: 6131 St. Clair Ave. Collinwood Office: 15619 Waterloo Rd. East 93 - Union: 3496 East 93rd St. CLEVELAND, Ohio DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST 1930 West Cermak Rd. Tel.: Bishop 7-7179 CHICAGO 8, III. PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8, ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin R. GRDIIM& SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 56 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-5890 Cleveland 10, Ohio