36 KINESIOLOGIASLOVENICA 1995: 2 (1): 36-43 INFLUENCE OF TWO DIFFERENT CYCLIC LOADS ON THE MUSCLE FATIGUE AND THE MUSCLE ENDURANCE ABILITY Branko Škof• UČINEK DVEH RAZLIČNIH CIKLIČNIH OBREMENITEV NA MIŠIČNO UTRUJENOST IN VZDRŽLJIVOST ABSTRACT On the basis of a selected sample of 8 middle and long distance runners and the chosen measurement method, we tried to determine the influence of a 6- km long continuous run at the speed V08LA and in- terval anaerobic lactate running loads of S x 300m in sub-maximal velocitywith one minute breaks, on the endurance ability of the neuromuscular system. The most significant conclusions are: 1. The decrease in the endurance ability of the neuromuscular system is, after a continuous dura- tion of aerobic load, greater than after a more inten- sive anaerobic lactate interval loading. 2. The effect of central mechanisms on the state of muscle fatigue increases after cyclic monostructural loading, but in well trained subjects the influence of central fatigue does not dom i nate u nder any cond i- ti on. Key words: endurance, running, fatigue, neuromus- cular system • Faculty of Sport, Ljubljana POVZETEK Na podlagi izbranega vzorca osmih kakovostnih tekačev na srednje in dolge proge in izbranega meril- nega postopka smo ugotavljali vpliv 6km dolgega neprekinjenega teka pri hitrosti V08LA in intervalne anaerobno laktatne tekaške obremenitve S krat 300m v submaksimalni hitrosti z minuto vmesnega odmora na vzdržljivostno sposobnost živčno­ mišičnega sistema. Najpomembnejša zaključka sta: 1. Zmanjšanje vzdržljivostne sposobnosti živčno­ mišičnegasistema je po neprekinjeni dolgotrajni ae- robni obremenitvi večje kot po intenzivnejši anae- robno laktatni intervalni obremenitvi. 2. Vpliv centralnih mehanizmov na mišično utru- jenost se po ciklični monostrukturni obremenitvi poveča, toda pri dobro treniranih preiskovancih vpliv centralne utrujenosti v nobenem primeru ne prevladuje. Ključne besede: vzdržljivost, tek, utrujenost, živčno­ mišični sistem Branko Škof INFLUENCE OF1WO DIFFERENT CYCLIC LOADS ON THE MUSCLE FATIGUE ANO THE MUSCLE ENDURANCE AB!LITY 37 1. INTRODUCTION The decrease in muscle function efficiency (de- crease of different motoric abilities: strength, speed, endurance, etc.) during intensive sport activity is the result of biochemical changes in the central nervous system (central mechanisms of fatigue), biochemi- cal and biop,hysical changes in efficiencyofotheror- ganic systems (7,9, 12, 18). The condition of muscle fatigue is a complex biological phenomenon influ- enced by various and numerous physiological and psychological factors. Different types of sport acti- vities (regarding intensity, duration, technical com- plexity, etc.) not only cause different degrees of mus- cle efficiency (fatigue) decrease, but consideri ng da- ta and finds of lab researches (2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 1 O, 11, 15, 20), in which the principles of muscle fatigue were studied on the population (notselected) under non-typical sport loads, muscle fatigue, after various exertions, also has different origins (influence of cen- tral and peri pheral mechanisms of fatigue is different under d ifferent loads). In this paper we want to establish the degree of the neuromuscular system endurance abilities drop caused by different cyclic monostructural (running) loads - a continuous 6-km long run at the speed of the anaerobic threshold (criterion VoBLA) and an in- terval run of 5 times 300 m in sub-maximal speed with one minute breaks. We also wantto determine the effect of the neuromuscular activity of central mechanisms on the decrease in endurance abilities. Our pointof interest are also the possible differences between individual characteristics of muscle fatigue (degree and origin) aftertypical sport loads. II. METHODS Subject sample The subject sample comprised 8 well trained mid- dle and long distance runners. Their average age was 25.3 ± 4.1 years, bodyweight 62.5 ± 4.1 kgand body height 176 ± 3.6 cm. Ali are experienced ath- letic runners, being in trainingfrom 5-15 years, in av- erage 9 ± 3 years. Process and organisation of the experiment The experiment was executed in two phases. The initial phase of the experimental procedure was car- ried out in a laboratory as preparation for further field measurements. The first task of the experiment was to acquaint the subjects with the measurement technology and methods, to come to know and get accustomed to the sensation of electrical excitation of the muscle as well as to determine the fundamental parameters of loads of current intensity stimulation impulses at the chosen frequency of 100 Hz. Determining the parameters of the current intensity of the high frequency electrical impulses trains was done by gradual increase of current intensity. Such intensity of electrical impulses of frequency 100 Hz was chosen that each individual subject could just tole- rate. The second significant task in this phase of the ex- periment was the establishing of the basic functional and motoric parametersof the runner's presentcon- dition. The results of these measurements were used for an objective starting point in planning of indivi- dual subject's suitable- relatively eq ual test loads. The second phase of the experiment presented the measurements on an athletic stadium. Each subject was measured by a series of experimental methods (functionally-biochemical and biomechanical) in the rest phase, after warm-up-preparation for loading - and 5 minutes after test loading on the athletic track (the functional and biochemical parameters were followed also duringthe test load itself and al- so after its termination). Each subject had to perform two measurements; once with interval and once with continuous long lasting running test load. Between the two tests of the same subjects at least 3 days passed. Tests, measurements and criteria for formation of individual parameters Determining the subject's running condition For the assessment of the present efficiency of run- ners, two tests were used: a) 400-m run test: The test was performed on the athletic stadium on plastic tracks. The subjecttried to run the 400-m track as fast as possible. The run du- ration was measured with accuracy of up to± 0,1 second. b) testof repetitive S-minute runs with gradual speed increase. The testwas performed ona treadmill and consisted of 5-8 five minute runs. The speed of indi- vidual runs was regular and constant, but gradually increased from run to run for 0,2 m/sec. With the help of the Beaver & collaborators (1,22) method , on the basi s of the lactate kinetics (LA) in the test of repetitive 5 minute runs, we can calculate the run- ning speed which is defined by the lactate (LP) and the anaerobic (Onset of Blood Lactic Acid - OBLA) thresholds criterion. 38 Branko Škof INFLUENCE OFTWO DIFFERENT CYCLIC LOADS ON THE MUSCLE FATIGUE ANO THE MUSCLE ENDURANCE ABILITY For the experimental aerobic load, a continuous 6 km long run, at the speed of the anaerobic thresh- old (V 0 8LA) was selected, and measured for each in- dividual subjecton a treadmill. Forthe test training of the lactate anaerobic load we selected repetitive 300-m runs. The load decided on was 5 x 300 min sub-maximal speed with short, one minute intervals. The tirne of repeated runs was longer for 1 O o/o than three quarters of the 400-m test run tirne. T300 m = (T 400 m / 4) x 3 + 1 O o/o (eq uation 1) Functional and biochemical parameters a) Heart rate The heart rate frequency was measured by pulsime- ters PE 3000 (Pol ar Electro, Finland). The values were recorded every 1 5 seconds. b) Lactate concentration in the blood after the run- ning load The concentration of lactate in the blood was mea- sured by Konton 640 Lactate Analyser (Kanton, Austria) always directly after taking a blood sample from the earlobe. In interval loading the blood sam- ple was taken after every 300-m run, whi le in the 6- km long continuous run it was taken at 3600 m and atthe end of the run. Biochemical parameters of different muscle con- tractions The efficiency of muscle contractions was measured by the torque in the knee joint with a suitable sup- port. For measuring the torque with a constant han- dle we used a compress-strain tensor and an alter- nating voltage amplifier (both constructed by MES, Maribor) Electrical stimulation A two-channel currentstimulator (home made) was used. Ali impulses were bi-phasal and rectangular in shape. The followingexperimental procedure by use of electrical stimulation was performed: Procedure presentation: During maximal isometric contraction of the quadri- ceps femuris muscle, which lasted for 25 seconds, the muscles vastus lateralis and vastus medialis were additionally stimulated by three short 0,8-second trains of electrical impulses of frequency 100 Hz. The first impulse was released in the 3rd second of the voluntary concentric muscle contraction, while the other two followed at intervals of 10.2 seconds. A contextual ly similar measurement procedure is known from the research of Biglad-Ritchie & colla- borators, 1978 (2). Position of the subject during measurement During measurementthe subject lay on the back on a special bench in such a position that the shanks fell freely (Figure 1 ). The position of the pelvic girdle was additionally fixed with a special band. Prior to the start of the experiment the subject was only leaning the push-off leg on the support (knee angle was 45 degrees) and on signal started to exert pressu re onto itwith all force, tryingto maintain the maximal force for 2 5 seconds. Figure 1: Position of subject during measurement The surface stimulation of the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis muscles was carried out by elec- trodes of 5 x 8 cm in size. One electrode was at- tached onto the motoric spot of the muscle, the other onto its distal part. Both electrodes were additionally fixed by a medica! net. The intensity of electrical impulses was determined for each subject separately according to his/her level of electrical stimulation tolerance ability and was constant all through the measurement. Analysis of the 25-second long voluntary isome- tric contraction with intermediate periodical elec- trical impulse trains Endurance abi I ity of the muscle contracti le system is described by two parameters: a) lndex of the decrease of voluntary contraction force Uz Uz = (FM3 - FM2) x FM2-1 x 100 (equation 2) The Uz index represents the dynamics of contrac- tion force decrease of the muscle during the 25-sec- Branko Škof INFLUENCE OFTWO OIFFERENT CYCLIC LOADS ON THE MUSCLE FATIGUE ANO THE MUSCLE ENDURANCE ABILITY 39 A1 A2 ___ ____, __ _ \ ___ .,,. AJ M3 Figure 2: Recording of the muscle force during the 25-second long maximum isometric contraction with an additiona/ period- ica[ electrica/ stimulation (for symbo/s see text) ond maximal isometric contraction in the interval between the 12th and 25th second. b) Contraction force at the end of the 25-second isometric contraction (F M3): The average value of the force (FM2 and FM3) in the t irne interval of O.S seconds directly before the ad- ditional stimulat ion of the muscle by a short electri- cal impulse of 0.8 seconds and of frequency 100 Hz (A2 and A3), was selected (Figure 2). The influence of central mechanisms on muscle fa- tigue is defined bythe difference between index Uz and index Us (equation 3), which represents the dy- namics of the decrease of electrically stimulated muscle force during the 35-second period. Us= (FA3 -FA2) x F A2-1 x 100 (equation 3) lcu = Uz - Us (equation 4) In case of the drop of the central fatigue index bellow zero (lcu < O), in cases when the drop of voluntary muscle force is greater than the drop of the electri- cally stimulated muscle force (in case of the presence of the decrease of muscle force - fatigue, the fatigue index has a negative fore-sign), ali points to the pre- sence and predominant influence of central fatigue mechanisms on neuromuscular fatigue. Muscle activation index The muscle activation index contributes greatly to the elucidation of the problem of the muscle en- durance ability as well as of the problem of assessing the presence of muscle fatigue central mechanisms. The index of muscle activation is expressed as the ra- t io of the size of voluntary muscle force and the mus- cle force stimulated by electrical impulse. (equation 5) Statistical methods For determiningstatistical significance among the re- sults of individual parameters in various steps of measurement and among the results of parameters of different loads, the Student T-test was used. Ali results were relativised accordingto the parame- ter value before loading-warm-up state, which we chose as criterial value. The value of the relativised parameter (Rp) was determined by the ratio of the difference in the values of the parameter at an indi- vidual pointof measurement (Rx) and before loading (Rpred), and the value before loading (Rpred): Rp = (Rx - Rpred) x Rpred-1 x 100 (equation 6) III. RESULTS BIOCHEMICALAND FUNCTIONAL PARAMETERS BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER VARIOUS TYPES OF CYCLIC LOADS Continuous load The average speed of the 6-km run is 4.96 m/s, for the selected sample of subjects, which is in accor- dance with the speed chosen on the basis of test loading. The average speed at the anaerobic thresh- old by the V OBLA criterion was, for the selected sam- ple of runners, 5.02 m/s. In spite of the fact that the subjects ran at the speed of the anaerobic threshold by the VasLA criterion, the concentration of lactate exceeded 4 mmol/1. After running 3600 m the aver- age concentrat ion was between S and 5.5 mmol/I, at the end of the run it increased to 6.3 mmol/I (Figure 3). lactate ( mmol/1) 14 11 .2 8.4 . 5.6 2.8 pulse (b/min.) 200 160 - - - - -. · · · 120 80 40 o.._~-----,---....,....----.----.--'-o ready rest 3600m 6000m Srnin. po J -+- lactate - + - pulse J Figure 3: Lactate and heart rate kinetics before, during and after continuous running. Interval load The planned average running speed in this test load was 6.6 m/s, w hile the actual speed of interval runs was for 0.2 m/s faster. Lactate concentration in the blood increased linearly from run to run. Ateach fol- lowing run the lactate increase was approximately 2 mmol/1. In this way, at the end of the 5th run, the lac- tate concentration reached the value of 11 , or 11 .5 mmol/I (Figure 4). 40 Branko Škof INFLUENCE DNO 0IFFERENT CYCUC LOADS ON THE MUSCLE FATIGUE ANO THE MUSCLE ENDURANCE ABIUTY )actate (mmol/1) pulse (b/min.) 14 ..-----------------.-200 . . ~ 11.2 160 8.4 120 5.6 · • · · · · 80 2.8 40 1 +- lactate - + - pulse J Figure 4: Lactate and heart rate kinetics before, during and after interval load From theviewpointofthe intensityof the metabolic processes, the two experimental loads differ (al- though the differences in lactate concentrations be- fore and 5 minutes after different loading do not reach statistical significance P = 0.125), in regard to the exercise of the card iovascu lar system, i 11 ustrated by the heart rate, there were no differences between the interval lactate training and continuous running tempo (P = 0.807). The frequency of the heart rate in both types of exercise reached its maximal values (Figures 3,4). INFLUENCE OF THE CYCLIC MONOSTRUC- TURAL EXERCISE ON THE ENOURANCE ABILITY OF MUSCULAR CONTRACTION The decrease dynamics of the muscle contraction force during the 25-second maximal isometric con- traction Uz, after the 6 km long continuous run, is 4. 7 % and is more distinct than after the interval run exercise, where the decrease in muscle endurance ability is only 2.7 % (Table 1 ). None of these diffe- rences reach the threshold of statistical significance. Also the second parameter of the endurance ability, Fm3 (%) 120 ,------------------ 100 80 60 40 20 o interval run (NS) continuous run I• before D after Figure 5: Effects of different types of loads on muscle force FM3 force FM3 is, after continuous exercise running, for 13.7 ± 12 % smaller than the force before exertion (the difference is statistically significant), while the interval load causes only 7.6 ± 21,4 % drop of the isometric force (Figure 5). The difference of 6.1 % between the influences of continuous and interval exercise on the voluntary muscle force FM3 is not statistically significant (P = 0.239). AN ATTEMPT AT ASSESSING THE PRESENCE OF CENTRAL FATIGUE ANO THE EFFECT OF CYCLIC MONOSTRUCTURAL EXERCISE ON CENTRAL FA- TIGUE MECHANISMS Dynamics of voluntary and electrically stimulat- ed muscle force before loading The index of decrease in voluntary muscle force Uz, was in the phase before the interval workout load- ing2,2 % (increase of force) and after the continuous run -4.1 % (Table 1 ). The dynamics of isometric muscle force in the inter- val between two points of isometric contraction fol- low-through, is very different from subject to sub- ject. With some, this force decreases, with others it increases. It is therefore impossible to form any ge- neral princi ples. More distinctive and much more consistent are the changes in forces of the complete muscle potential represented by the greatest volu ntary force together with the force caused by additional electrical im- pulse of high frequency alongside the biggest volun- tary contraction. With one exception, the stimula- tion force decreased with all subjects. The index of the decrease in the complete contractile potential Us in a rested muscle was, before interval loading, -3.7 ± 4.3 % and -7.7 ± 4 % before continuous loading. From the analysis of results in table 1, it is possible to establ ish that the decrease in electrically Table 1: lndex of decrease in voluntary and electri- cally stimulated muscle force Uz and Us (AS ± SO) and the difference of the state before and after dif- ferent load types (AS ± SO) Load type before load afterload difference % p Parameter Uz(%) 2.2± 9.8 -2.7± 5.9 4 .9± 13.9 . Interval run Us(%) -3.7± 4.3 -6.5± 4.9 2.7± 5.9 NS Uz (%) -4 .1 ± 6.3 -4.7± 5.6 O.S± 5.5 NS Continuous run Us(%) -7.7± 4 -5.9± 2.5 1.9 ± 3.8 NS Branko Škof INFLUENCE OF TWO DIFFERENT CYCUC LOADS ON THE MUSCLE FATIGUE ANO THE MUSCLE ENDURANCE 41 stimulated muscle force, duringthe period of 25 se- conds, is greater in comparison to the dynamics of the decrease of voluntary isometric force. This means that the reasons for muscle fatigue are main- ly of peripheral character. The analysis of individual subjects also shows that the signs of central fatigue do not predominate in one single case. Quite the opposite. The subjects, even when tired, were able to activate the muscle even more and in this way lower the activation deficit (increase of "muscle advantage") (Table 3). Dynamics of voluntary and electrically stimulat- ed muscle force after loading The decrease in voluntary muscle force is, in the state after interval loading, 2.7 ± 5.9 %, after con- tinuous loading4.6 ± 5.6 % (Table 1 ). From the analysis of the result dynamics of individu- al subjects, we can establish that the trends of vo- luntary as well as of stimulated muscle force, after termination of the running load, are more consistent compared to the results before exertion. With only one subject the voluntary isometric muscle force increased, whilewith alf others the voluntary as well as the stimulated force decreased as expected. The index of decrease in the stimulation force is, also after the running load, higher than the index of decrease of isometric muscle force, confirming that the basic reasons forthe decrease in contractile mus- cle ability can be found mainly in peripheral mech- anisms. But the results in Table 1 show that, after the end of the running load, the difference between indexes Uz and Us grewsmaller. Before loadingthis difference was 5.9, i.e. 3.6 %, after loading itwas 3.8 (afterinterval runs) and 1.2 %aftercontinuousexer- tion. The decrease in the differences between the degree of fatiguing of voluntary and of stimulated muscle contractions after loading signifies an increase in the influence of central fatigue mecha- nisms. The index of central fatigue lcu decreased after both loads. But the values of (lcu) were, even after interval and continuous runs, distinctly greater than O, which means that the main reasons of the decrease in isometric muscle force are still mostly biochemical and biophysical changes in the muscle contractile system - therefore the peripheral muscle mechanisms (Table 2). Table 2: lndex of central fatigue (lcu) before and after loading and the difference in state before and after load of different type (AS ± SD) M easurment tirne. before load after load difference o/o p Load type 1 nterval run 5.9± 6.4 3.8± 6.2 2.2± 11.8 NS Continuous run 3.6± 4.3 1.2± 4.8 1.4± S NS Difference 1.4±6.1 2.7 ± 8.4 The confirmation of this assertion is also an increase in the index of muscle activation, the "muscle advantage" in the fatigue stale. (Table 3). IV. DISCUSSION The decrease in muscle endurance ability means an increased sensitivity of the neuromuscular system to- wards the change of the homeostatic state - the worsening of biochemical and biophysical condi- tions (fatigue) in individual organic systems (7, 14, 18). The fatigue of the neuromuscu lar system is, af- ter intensive sport burdening such as interval and continuous running, in our research, mainlythe re- sult of the accumulation of metabolic products, in- creased acidosis, also the exhaustion of the energy deposits, i.e. disturbance in the function ing of indi- vidual energetic processes (7, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21) lncreased acidosis (high leve! of H+ ion con- centration) weakens the re-phosphorisation (pro- cesses of glycolysis) and by this causes the obstruc- tion of the restoration of ATP (14,19,21). The de- crease in pH also causes, through the weaken ing of the Na+K+ATP-iasis functioning, a changed elec- trolytic balance which provokes disturbances in circulation of action potential into the muscle cell (8, 16,21 ). lncreased concentration of H + ions, which develops during the formation of lactate, with glycogenolysis inhibits certain active parts of myosin and through this directly lowers the efficiency of muscle contraction (19, 21 ). In different intensity of run loading, the activity of various motoric units with different muscle tissues, differs. Due to this, the magnitude of biochemical and biophysical changes - disturbances, in indivi- d ual m uscles varies. The resu lts of the research show that the decrease in the endurance ability of the muscle contractile sys- tem, after long and continuous aerobic burden ing, is greater than after more intensive anaerobic lactate exertion. Table 3: lndex of muscle activation IMA (AS ± SD) and the d if- ference in state before, after loadi ng and load of different type (AS ±SD) Loadtype before load after load difference p Parameter M 2/A2 68 8%± 21.8 68%± 23.7 1.1%± 4.4 NS Interval run M J/A3 71.9%± 21.3 71.8%± 26.2 0%± 7.7 NS Difference 3.2%± 4.1 3.8%± 4.6 M2/A2 74.6%± 15.5 66.6%± 13.8 9.8%± 13.9 . Continuous run M3/A3 77.2%± 14.9 67.8%± 15.9 11.1 ± 12.1 . Difference 2.5o/o± 3.2 1.2%± 2.6 42 Branko Škof INFLUENCE OF TWO DIFFERENT CYCUC LOAOS ON THE MUSCLE FATIGUE ANO THE MUSCLE ENOURANCE ABILITY O n the basis of the research resu lts and data from other studies (3 , 4, 5, 8, 15, 16), it appears that the continuous 6-km run and the sustainment of maxi- mal isometric contraction over a longer period of ti me, cause fatigue of motoric units with a similar fre- quency of triggering and those differing from the ones in more intensive interval runs. At the beginning, electrical impulses of h igh fre- quency take care of maintaining the 25-second max- i mal isometric contractions, at the end of the load, when the value of the muscle force FM3 and the decrease in the contraction force Uz have been measured, by lowering the frequency of the action potential, muscle force is sustained by electrical impulses of lower frequency. Jones and Bigland-Ritchie & collaborators, in thei r researches, found, with the aid of electromyogra- phic technology (3, 4, 15, 16), that the maximal isometric contraction of the adductor pollicis mus- cle is achieved by the nervous impulse with a fre- quency of about 60 Hz. The frequency of nervous impulses rapidly diminishes afteronly a fewseconds of maximal contraction. Bigland-Ritchie (4, 5) dis- covered that, during maximal isometric contraction, the frequency of motoric units' stretching decreased in less than one minute by 50 % (from 27 Hz to 14 Hz). With the lowering of the excitation frequency, muscle force decreases as well, but not in complete interdependence. Maximal isometric forces are triggered by high fre- quency nervous impulses. Lasting sustainment of maximal force on the same leve! is prevented by a relatively fast fall of the action potential (lower fre- q uency) as well as by changes in the muscle cell (changes of the Ca2+ accumulation in the T-tubules and inter-tissue space of the muscle, changes of ion concentration in the extracellular fluid (12, 13, 14). Taking into account that in both types of running loads, the motoric units with low triggering frequen- cy are probably more active, these motoric units, due to fatigue under special running loads, by the end of the 25-second isometric contraction, when the force FM3 and the index Uz are measured, con- tribute a lesser part to the common contractile force. lf this hypothesis holds then the following question is in place: is the frequency of motoric units' stretch- ing in both running loads and during the 25 second maximal isometric contraction really completely equal (about 20 Hz - low-frequency peripheral fa- t igue)(20)? By use of available experimental tech- nology, we could notassess these differences in our research. Regarding a greater decrease in voluntary muscle force after continuous lasti ng load, it is pos- sible to conclude that, in continuous lasting run, as well as after the end of the 25 second maximal iso- metric contraction, motoric units with similar fre- quency of stretching, which is lower than the stretch- ing of motoric units in faster interval runs, are pro- bably activated. The improvement of the experimental method for assessing the endurance functions of the muscle contractile system is certainly in the extension of the follow-through period of isometric force dynamics and in searching for a possibility to follow the influ- ences of fatigue of individual sport loads with atest exercise which is, regardingload method,similar or equal to the sportexercise. A more distinct decrease in voluntary muscle force after continuous lasting loading is also the result of an increased influence of central mechanisms. Muscle fatigue is a very complex state, which not on- ly depends on biophysical, biochemical and other changes in the muscle itself, but also changes in oth- er organic systems exert strong influence on this state, especially CNS (2, 9, 10, 12, 17). The decrease in muscle efficiency has, beside physiological and neurophysiological, also its psychological back- ground (7, 14). By the mentioned experimental method we tried to assess the presence of central mechanisms (mechanisms of fatigue outside the muscle) and their influence on muscle fatigue after various running loads. The increase of central mech- anisms influence upon muscle fatigue ensues from the physiological and psychological factors. The fun- damental recognition of this paper is that the influ- ence of central mechanisms on the degree of mus- cle fatigue in fact increases after the runn ing load, but in the sample of selected runners it does not exceed the influence of peripheral local mecha- nisms. Mechanisms of central fatigue are represented most- ly by the decrease in activation abilities of motoric centres in the CNS (Central Nervous System) and the drop of efficiency of the corticospinal connect ion (conductivity speed of nervous impulses through the nerve tissue and across the synapses) (12). The con- sequences of intensive or continuous running exer- tion are reflected in the oversaturation of the central nervous system by very intensive flow of signals from the proprioreceptors and chemoreceptors from ac- tive areas of the organism (12, 13, 14, 18, 19).Most probably also the high leve! of acidosis, that is trans- ferred by the blood from the active muscle groups into the CNS, influences the decrease in the activa- tion efficiency of the motoric centres of the CNS, as well as the speed of nervous impulses transfer (12, 14, 19). Quite certainly the psychological barriers have a signif icant effect on the leve! of central fa- J Branko Škof INFLUENCE OF1WO DIFFERENT CYCLIC LOADS ON THE MUSCLE FATIGUE ANO THE MUSCLE ENDURANCE ABILITY 43 tigue. Ali these mechanisms presenta physiological and biochemical basis for certain psychological func- tions and can cause motivation decrease. Although the differences in central mechanism's in- fluence on muscle fatigue, after different running loads, do not reach the threshold of statistical signi- ficance, they are stili interesting and worthy of com- ment. The portion of central fatigue in the degree of muscle efficiency decrease is, after a continuous load (run), in regard to the value after interval runs, greater (Table 1,2). Also after lasting aerobic loading, the increase in muscle advantage at the end of the 25-second isometric contraction, is smaller than after interval loading (Table 3). Although the acida- tion of the organism after a 20 minute run, at the speed of Srn/s is, in comparison to the 45-second long run, at the speed of 6.8 m/s, with one minute break, quite lower, a lasting exertion and its monotony can cause a certain leve! of saturation ("numbness" of the nervous system motoric centres), the decrease in the runner's motivation and by this a fall in muscle contractile ability. From the viewpoint of psychical demand, a lasting, continuous and intensive workout is more fatiguing than a repetition of shorter workouts even if these contain more intensive loads with interval breaks. In planning workout units, especially with young sportsmen/women, it is sensible to avoid frequent use of long, continuous and highly intensive loads. It is better to use interval form of workouts. 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