DOMOVINA AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERICAN HOME £ SLOVENIAN MORNING DAILY NEWSPAPER CLEVELAND, OHIO, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1939 LETO XLII. — VOL. XL1I. J JpA delavci v državi New Mexico pričajo, ■*»»jih je izkoriščalo v politične svrhe 1 je I ja 'Suerque, N.M., 3. februar-Zvezno sodni jo v tsm j '1 Va l, Se zanimiva obravna-be?|ti on;^er,° J'e naperila vlada pro-' ' so WPA fonde in de- °«im, ki' ibe Okoriščali » e svrhe. P: Ko v razne politi- Ve9 tedni je bilo tozade- r So nekatere v visokih WPA L^ir« 35 oseb, izmed ka 1 pCslužujejo tolmača. °btoži igrali politiko s WPA fondi, da bi prišli do političnega vodstva v državi. Prišlo je na dan, da WPA delavci, ki so služili po $48.00 na mesec, sc morali prispevati mesečno $1.00 formanu, kar je šlo v politične svrhe. WPA delavci so bili prisiljeni kupiti po 8 tiketov, vsak po 25c za plese, katerih se nikdar udeležilo niso. Kdorkoli ni prispeval bosom pri WPA svojega deleža, je bil spoznan krivim, da je "len pri delu" in je delo takcj zgubil. O red ,„s tirs nei it0p uradih. Proti tem na-p%0 -dni nad 100 Pr°č. sami tišjih St' delavci- Mnogo izmed Pus* 6 razilmejo niti angleško | ^ pr ' nI u".loženimi je bivši go-j| _ ^ AAA „ __________0 ______ |gase^!'°dniki sedanjega zvezne-( onega, katerega je priporočil atorja Chaveza. Vsi ti sol"bos," je bil takoj ob delo. -o tler Clyde Tingley in štirje komur se je slišalo, da ni volil za jnil lseiat0 J milijon WPA delavcev bo odpuščenih ih del 1. junija. Privatne industrije da bodo sprejele te delavce feg n£ton, 3. februarja, f^eh Se Je končno zedinil v klicah in poslal pred-l0sUVQ ^°°seveltu v podpis Ho 3q ki narekuje, da se sme io '-1uiiija letos potrošiti sa- pp/ 25,000,000 za javna ne more druzega «si S,1 kot podpisati postavo, ®0,Qo0*% dovoljuje $15.0,7 ^ manj izdatkov kot je levzahteval. Ako bi aj tj 1 vetiral postavo,' te-fil* *eWpA dela sploh usta-v v°m 1. marca. L '»»o« . f,vk0 priJ'atelji predsednici gresu, enako v poslan-^jevr.nici kot v senatu, so p '' da predno bo konji b0 ne^al s poslovanjem, SMW%isiljen> da dovoli na-^^00,000,000 za WPA P* Stoter ' siCeii6 Privatne industrije « n obljubile, da bodo na-anJ poldrugi milijon ll delavcev do 30. junija, toda administracija ne veruje tem obljubam. Položaj v januarju, kar se tiče privatnih industrij, se je celo poslabšal. Statistika delavskega oddelka v Washingtonu pravi, da je bilo v januarju mesecu letos 76,870 manj oseb zaposlenih v privatnih industrijah kot v decembru mesecu lanskega leta. Radi nove kongresne odredbe pričakuje vlada, da ne bo mogla vzdrževati , več kot 1,500,000 brezposelnih pri WPA delih po 30. juniju. Danes jih je nekaj nad 2,500,000 pri javnih vladnih delih. Med državami, ki bodo najbolj prizadete glede WPA del je tudi država Ohio, kjer bo 105,000 delavcev zgubilo WFA delo. Delno se imajo za to zahvaliti novemu republikanskemu senatorju Taftu, ki je glasoval za znižanje stroškov pri WPA delih, rekoč, da bodo privatne industrije preskrbele delo. L Voščeni lekarnar R,je La* J6 lek; Dva kandidata es, 9233 Kinsman V republikanskih krogih se arnar, obenem pa pro-toiŠei Piv° v steklenicah. Pa ^ J°Hnt.nedeljc k n;iein poli" iiNic • P' ki ^ zahteval 6 fHola Pl^e> ki ima 6 odstotkov i!Shv pivQ ni dovoljeno Ptici8t j ob nedeljah. Ker je pa tJV . ^hteval tako pivo, je Pio, e}' odstranil etikete, ki L J1'1^ pivo 6 odstotkov DNiv policistu kot 6-od-fc' ^ k're"- Pa ne bodi lS ln zatoži lekarnarja, l°NiVv nedeljo prodal 6-od- INiilt0' Na sodniji je lekar-ki^Šče m zahteval> da se pi-da i' 1 res> vsebina je ka-Jj'kij ® Policist dobil le 3.2 L,elJo o OVoljeno prodajati v f\<> ^°dnik Silbert je nato f% [^hrulii policista in od-ai>narja iz sodnije. ks^iitza sebe Redile S° J'udovske žen" prominentnih C6 begu fajf^ilo 1bJnket' katerega se Je bil namenjen ,-6«lnce. Nad $10,-■Hjah ^ralo na banketu za ane Žide. ,lovHh!dbene vaje o He £ Se Vr®e godbene vaje J,, Si e Bled- Vsi člani 2c1 da Se "deleži j o, ker a iff 1 važnega. Vaje so v je bil včeraj izropan po treh mla- zadnje čase mnogo govori, da bosta novi governer države Ohio, John Bricker, ali pa novi senator Robert Taft, kandidata za predsedniško nominacijo v prihodnjem letu. Včeraj sta se Bricker in Taft sestala in sta se tajno domenila, da bo samo Bricker ali samo Taft predsedniški kandidat in da si medsebojno glede nominacije ne bosta nasprotdvala. Nekateri ljudje v resnici mislijo, da je grozdje že sladko, ko še zoreti ni začelo. šerifov urad V Columbusu delajo sedaj po> stavo, glasom katere ne bo imel governer pravice odstaviti šeri fa, ki ne spolnuje postav, pač pa bo šerif lahko odstavljen ako se en sam državljan pritoži pri Common Pleas sodniji, ki ima pravico šerifa odstaviti. Slovo članice društva St. Clair Grove št. 98 WOW naj se zberejo v pon-deljek 6. febr. ob 8. uri zvečer v Fr. Zakrajšek pogrebnem zavodu, da vzamejo zadnje slovo od umrle članice Amalije Mišic. — Tajnica. Juršek oropan Frank Juršek, ki ima na 4555 W. 130th St. gasolinsko postajo, ^rlco Rd dih roparjih za $10.00. Resna preiskava v državnih zaporih Te dni smo poročali, da so državne oblasti vpeljale preiskavo v državnih zaporih v Columbusu in da so našle precej kaotične razmere, ki prevladujejo v ječi. Jetniki so dobivali žganje, tobak in druge "poboljške," toda so morali paznikom plačevati ogromne vsote za te ugodnosti. Preiskovalne oblasti so začasno odnehale s preiskavo teh slučajov in so začele iskati politikarje, ki so vplivali baje na administracijo bivšega governerja Martina Daveya,'da je izpustil več jetnikov iz zaporov, dasi njih oprostitev nikakor ni bila upravičena. Zlasti se gre za oprostitev iz zaporov bivšega milijonarja in clevelandskega bankirja Painterja, katerega je governer Davey izpustil iz ječe, kjer se je nahajal komaj par mesecev, dasi bi moral ostati v zaporih deset let. Painter je bil izpuščen iz ječe, ko so go-vernerju povedali, da je revež tako bolan, da ne bo živel več kot par tednov. Od onega časa je minulo dve leti, a danes je Painter pri najboljšem zdravju in uživa svobodo. Bivši governer je izpustil iz zaporov mnogo ljudi, ki bi morali ostati tam, dočim v resnici priznanja vredni kaznenci niso dobili pri governerju nobene milosti. Državne oblasti nadaljujejo z obširno preiskavo. -o- Dijaki in komunisti The American Student Albance, ki jo tvorijo dijaki državne univerze v državi Ohio, je zahteval od državne zbornice, da slednja nemudoma vpelje preiskavo prčti komunističnim in marksističnim klubom v Ameriki, zlasti pa v državi Ohio. Zahtevi univerzitetnih dijakov so se pridružili številni klubi American Legion. Omenjenim organizacijam bi se morala prepovedati poraba vseh javnih šol in javnih poslopij. Dijaki so prepričani, kot so izjavili potom svojih voditeljev, da delujejo komunisti proti ustavnim določbam države Ohio. Tudi bingo obsojen? Slabi časi se obetajo tudi bingo igri, ki je zadnje čase dovoljena samo v takozvane dobrodelne svrhe. V bodoče bodo dobile permit za igranje bingo samo one organizacije, ki dokažejo, da gre 40 odstotkov prejemkov pri igranju v poseben fond, in obenem mora jo prositelji v aadovoljnost polit cijskega načelnika podati zgodovino svojega delovanja tekom zadnjih deset let. Tako se naznanja iz City Halla. Vest iz domovine Mr. Mike Sopar, 993 E. 63rd St. je dobil iz domovine sporočilo, da je v vasi Knezovec, fara Št Jurij, Medjimurje, preminu ljubljeni brat Ivan Sopar, star 51 let. V domovini zapušča soprogo in pet otrok. Naj mu bo lahka domača zemlja! K molitvi Članice Oltarnega društva fare Sv. Vida in ženska Marijina družba so vabljene k molitvi za pokojno Amalije Mišic v soboto popoldne ob 2. uri. Zberejo naj se v Frank Zakrajšek pogreb nem zavodu. Kokošja večerja Pri Flaišmanu, 6400 St. Clair Ave., dobite nocoj izvrstno ko košjo večerjo. Igrala bo tudi fina godba. Mati in hči Bucarest, Romunska, 3. februarja. Oblasti v tem medu si belijo lase z izrednim slučajem, ki se je pojavil na sodniji, 42-tetna vdora Ioha Trachem toži svojo 18-letno neporočeno hčer Judito, da ji je odpeljala njenega (vdovinega) otroka, rekoč, da je otrok od hčere, ne od matere. Torej si mati in hči lastiti istega otroka. Oblasti pričakujejo Salomona, ki bo znal v tej zadevi razsoditi. Manj gostilen Državna administracija v Columbusu se peča te dni z vprašanjem če ni preveč gostilen v državi Ohio, zlasti pa v Clevelandu in v okolici. Pomožni generalni državni pravd-nik Aiken je dobil naročilo, da dožene to zadevo, število gostilen se glasom postave določuje po številu prebivalstva, toda republikanci v Columbusu trdijo, da je izdanih veliko več gostilniških dovoljenj kot jih predpisuje postava na podlagi prebivalstva. Današnja postava določuje, da mesto v državi Ohio, ki ima nad 50,000 prebivalcev, ne sme imeti več kot eno gostilno na vsakih 1,500 ljudi. S tem se misli gostilno, v kateri je dovoljeno prodajati pivo, vino in žganje. Včeraj je odpotovala iz Clevelanda komisija za kontrolo ofcojne pijače, ki je položaj preiskovala. 15 gostilničarjem je bila vzeta licenca, in pričakovati je, da bodo zgubili licenco številni drugi gostilničarji, ki prodajajo 3.2 pivo, toda se sumi, da prodajajo poleg tega tudi žganje, dasi nimajo dovoljenja za o. Direktor javne varnosti Eliot Ness je obljubil, da bo sodeloval z državno komisijo, da se reši "neljubih" mu gostilničarjev. ' General Franco bo tožil Zedinjene države Washington, 3. februarja. Vlada Zedinjenih držav je tekom lanskega leta kupila od lojalistične vlade v Španiji za približno $10,000,000 vrednosti srebra. General Franco, poveljnik nacionalistov, je sedaj vložil tožbo, da prisili ameriško vlado, da vrne srebro ali temu primerno vrednost. Tožene so tudi kompanije, ki so srebro vozile iz Barcelone v New York. Državna španska banka, katere prvotna lastnina je bilo dotično srebro, trdi, da lojalisti niso imeli nobene pravice prodati srebro v tujezem-stvo, ker je bilo srebro last španske vlade za izrecno španske namene, dočim so lojalisti s kupno ceno za srebro najemali komuniste in anarhiste, da so služili v njih armadi. Generalni zvezni pravdnik se bo moral tozadevno zagovarjati na zvezni sodniji, kjer je vložena tožba. Smrtna kosa < Danes zjutraj je po kratki bolezni preminula Marija Russ, stara 57 let, stanujoča na 1365 41st St. Ranjka zapušča devet otrok, Mary Fink, Sophie Doseburg, John, Mollie Pečjak, rances Lunsman, Ano Zack, Rose, Antcnete in Albert. Zapušča tudi brata John Kožarja in druge sorodnike Pokojna je bi-a rojena v vasi Carešce, fara Sv. Vida pri Stični, kjer zapušča več sorodnikov. Tu je bila 36 let. 'Bila je članica društva Marije Magdalene št. 162 KSKJ, društva St. Clair Grove št. 98 WOW in podružnice št. 25 SŽZ. Pogreb se vrši iz hiše žalosti v torek zjutraj v cerkev sv. Pavla in na Calvary pokopališče pod vodstvom Jos. žele in Sinovi. Bodi dobri in skrbni materi ohranjen blag spomin. Preostalim naše i skreno sožalje! 527 odslovljenih Mestna vlada je tekom zadnjih mesecev vodila obširno preiskavo, ki naj dožene, kdo je v resnici upravičen do WPA del in kdo ne. Zlasti se je preiskalo 4,890 dvomljivih slučajev. Pronašli so, da je med temi slučaji 527 takih, ki nikakor niso potrebni javne podpore v obliki dela, ker imajo sami dovolj sredstev, da se preživijo To pomeni, da je bilo omenjenim 527 takoj vzeto njih WPA delo in bati se je, da bodo klicani na sodnijo, kjer., se bodo morali zadovarjati radi izkoriščanja. Na drugi strani se je pa pronašli, da je v mestu 487 slučajev, ko bi družinski glavarji v resnici morali dobiti de lo, toda do dela niso mogli ali radi politike ali pa radi nemarnosti uradnikov, ki nadzirajo WPA dela. Dotični bodo sedaj prišli v prvi poštev, da dobijo delo in zaslužek. Kako se bere časopis V Clevelandu se mudi znana govornica, pisateljica Miss Ade laide Stedman, ki je včeraj opozarjala čitatelje časopisov, da či ta j o v časopisih predvsem novice ki imajo zelo male naslove. Napi si v kričečih velikih črkah prec novicami, ne povedo ničesar za nesljivega, dočim se skriva v ma> lih novicah največkrat prava resnica. , * Prvič' tekom zadnjih pet let r.naša število brezposelnih v Ameriki manj kot 10 milijonov. Grozote španskih lojalisličnih tajnih zaporov. Ameriški časnikarji lahko pričajo o njih Barcelona, 3. februarja. Ge- nikarjem, da so bili njih možje od- neral Franco, vodja nacionalistov, je pozval vse tujezemske časnikarje, ki se mudijo v Španiji, da si na lastne oči ogledajo strahovite ječe, katere so vzdrževali lojalisti za svoje nasprotnike. Med navzočimi časnikarji, ki so si ogledali kakih ,štirideset teh tajnih, neznosnih zaporov, se je nahajalo tudi precej dopisnikov ameriških časopisov. Očividno je, da so komunisti in marksisti najraje uporabljali bivše samostane za tajne zapore. Kc so komunisti zadnji teden izpraznili Barcelono, so odpeljali s seboj kakih 800 svojih najhujših nasprotnikov. Več kakor 1,-200, katere komunisti niso mogli radi naglice odpeljati s seboj, jih je ostalo v Barceloni, a jih je gen. Franco nemudoma izpustil iz zaporov. V neznosnih zaporih so dobili tudi mnogo žensk. Jokajoč so pripovedovale tujezemskim čas- peljani neznano kam kakih 48 ur, predno se je Barcelona morala podati. Celice, v katerih so se nahajali jetniki, so bile osem čevljev dolge in pet široke. Bile so brez postelj in skoro nikjer ni bilo desk po tleh. Celice so bile podobne kokošnjakem. Jetniki niso mogli niti ležati v nekaterih. Ako kateri jetnik ni hotel izdati kake tajnosti, ker sploh ni vedel za njo, so obrnili v njegove oči'močne električne žarnice, tako da ni mogel spati, življenje v celicah je bilo tako, da je človek tudi pri trdnih živcih moral v kratkem zblazneti. Celo otroci so se nahajali v teh celicah. Neka ženska je povedala, da je dobila 5 let zapora, ker so dobili v njenem stanovanju skritega duhovna. Vse te celice so bile pod nadzorstvom anarhistov in komunistov, kot pripoveduje ameriški časnikar Wm. Carney, ki si je vso stvar na lastne oči ogledal. Republikanci v kongresu predlagajo, da se orožje in streljivo prodaja tudi diktatorjem Washington, 3. februarja. Republikanski člani vojaškega odseka senatne zbornice so danes odobrili prodajo vojaških zrakoplovov tujim državam, toda so izjavili, da mora Amerika prodajati enako orožje diktatorjem kot demokracijam. Republikanski senatorji so bili močno razburjeni, ko so slišali, da Zedinjene države prodajajo orožje samo Franciji in Angliji. Republikanci so mnenja, da če vojna oprema prodaja eni državi, se mora pro-j dajati tudi drugi. republikanci v poslanski zbornici kongresa, ki so izjavili, da so proti vsaki tajnosti v tuje-zemski politiki, zlasti kar se tiče vojaških odnošajev. Republikanci bodo pritisnili na zbornico, da sprejme predlog, da se začne z javnim zaslišanjem gotovih odredb predsednika Roosevelta, glede indi-rektne pomoči, k.i jo daje Amerika Angliji in Franciji. "Mi nismo proti prodaji orožja katerikoli deželi, s katero živimo v prijateljskih od-nošajih," se glasi izjava republikanskih članov poslanske Značilno je, da so med sena- zbornice, "smo pa proti vsaki Pokojna Mrs. Mišič Včeraj smo poročali, da je umrla Amalija Mišič, rojena Kilmer, stara 70 let. Doma je bila iz fare Prečna pri Novem mestu. V Cleveland je prišla pred 34. eti. Tu zapušča žalujočega soproga Ferdinanda, dve hčeri Mrs. Mary Brose in Mrs. Ano Požar in dva sinova Alberta in Josepha. Pokojna je bila članica sledečih društev: St. Clair Grove, št. 98 W. O. W., društva sv. Neže št. 139 C. K. of O., podružnice št. 25 SŽZ, Marijine družbe in Oltarnega društva pri far i sv. Vida. Pogreb ranjke se vrši v torek zjutraj ob 9. v cerkev sv. Vida in na Calvary pokopališče iz Frank Zakrajšek pogrebnega zavoda. Naj bo ranjki rahla ameriška zemlja! Preostali družini naše globoko sožalje! Zveza Najsv. Imena Slovenska zveza društev Najsv. Imena ima sledeči odbor za leto 1939: duhovni vodja kanonik Rt. Rev. J. J. Oman, predsednik Jakob Resnik, podpredsednik Matt Tekavec, tajnik Frank Kochevar, blagajnik Lawrence Bandi, zapisnikar Anton torji, ki zagovarjajo to idejo, nekateri, ki ob vsaki priliki govorijo o svetovnem miru, kot je na primer senator Austin iz države Vermont. Senator Austin je včeraj izjavil, da ga ni prav nič sram, ako se dožene, da Zedinjene države prodajajo orožje Japoncem kot Kitajcem, da-siravno so njegove simpatije na strani Kitajcev. Medtem so se pa oglasili tudi tajnosti v občevanju s tujezem-skimi državami, ker smo prepričani, da nas enake tajnosti lahko zapeljejo v vojno." Med kritiki predsednika glede njegove tujezemske politike je zadnje čase najti tudi mnogo demokratov, toda bi predsednik Roosevelt še vseeno dobil večino v kongresu, ako bi prišlo do odločilnega glasovanja. ! Smrtna kosa Danes zjutraj je .preminul Mike Rakich, 3.121 Superior Ave. Bolehal je 2 leti. Star je bil 60 let in je bil rojen v Liki, Hrvatsko. Zapušča soprogo Milko in dva otroka, Sophie in Eli. Bil je član društva Sv. Sava št. 1. Pogreb se vrši iz hiše žalosti v pon-deljek popoldne ob 1. uri pod vodstvom A. Grdina in Sinovi. Bodi ranjkema miren počitek! K molitvi članice pddružnice št. 25 SŽZ so prošene, da se udeležijo skupne molitve v nedeljo ob 2. uri pop. za pokojno Molly Mišič v Fr. Zakrajšek pogrebnem zavodu. Vež-balni krožek ji obenem izkaže tudi zadnjo čast. članice naj se v Meljač. Nadzorni odbor: WmJ obilnem številu udeležijo pogreba Tome, John Urbas in John šuš-jv torek ob 9. zjutraj taršič ter Anton Gregorač glavni maršal. Prihodnja seja te plemenite organizacije se vrši dne 30. Listnica uredništva "Naročnik." Oseba, ki je stara 18 let, lahko dobi prvi papir in aprila v šolski • dvorani župnije; lco je prvi papir star dve leti, se Marije Vnebovzete v Collinwoo- j lahko prosi za drugega, toda ose-du. Slovenci so vabljeni k obil- ba rnovii biti tedaj najmanj 21 nem pristopu. ' let stara. Z dinamitom nad led V Chagrin reki v sosednjem mestu Willoughby se je v Chagrin reki nakopičilo toliko ledu, da je pretila povodenj, kakor hitro se otaja led. Delavci so včeraj porabili nad 100 funtov dinamita, da so razstrelili led, predno pridejo resne posledice. Chagrin reka je sedaj skoro prosta ledu. A Zrakoplovni rekord Še v nobenem mesecu v nobenem letu doslej ni dospelo v Cleveland toliko potniških zrakoplovov kot v mesecu januarju. Kot naznanja ravnatelj zrako-plovnega pristana je prišlo v Cleveland tekom januarja meseca 1755 zrakoplovov, ki so pripeljali sem 10,648 potnikov. Skupna molitev članice društva sv. Neže, C. K. of O., so prošene, da se udeležijo skupne molitve v soboto večer ob 7:30 z,a pokojno Amalijo Mišič v Fr. Zakrajšek pogrebnem zavodu. v r AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA" AMERICAN HOME — SLOVENIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ■117 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio ^______ Published dally except Sundays Mid Holidays NAROČNINA: Za Ameriko in Kanado, na leto $5.50. Za Cleveland, po poŠti, celo leto $7.00. Za Ameriko ln Kanado, pol leta $3.00. Za Cleveland, po pošti, pol leta 43.50 Za Cleveland, po raznašalclh: celo leto $5.50; pol leta $3.00. Za Evropo, celo leto, $7.00. Posamezna številka, 3c. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: U.S. and Canada, $5.60 per year; Cleveland, by mall, $7.00 per year. U.S. and Canada, $3.00 for 6 months Cleveland, by mall, $3.50 for 6 months Cleveland and Euclid, by carriers, $5.50 per year, $3.00 for 6 months. European subscription, $7.00 per year. Single copies, 3c JAMES DEBEVEC and LOUIS J. PIRC, Editors and Publishers Entered as second class matter January 5th, 1909, at the Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, under the Act of March 3d, 1878. No. 29, Sat., Feb. 4, 1939 Relif in tujezemci V kongresu Zedinjenih držav so se prepirali tri tedne, predno so dovolili nekaj preko sedemsto milijonov dolarjev za nadaljevanje WPA del in za relif v splošnem. Predsednik Roosevelt je sicer zahteval, da kongres dovoli $850,000,000, toda so padli po njem z izgovori, češ, da se WPA denar rabi v politične svrhe, da industrije odpirajo vrata in končno: da je vse preveč tujezemcev v Ameriki, ki dobivajo pomoč in relif od ameriških državljanov. Žal, da je v kongresu Zedinjenih držav danes še vedno dovolj, takih zagrizenih zastopnikov, ki mislijo, da tujeze-mec nima ust, da bi vžival potrebno hrano, ki so prepričani, da bi bilo najbolje vse tujezemce pregnati iz dežele. Ti zagrizeni postavodajalci so mnenja, da par stotisoč tujezemcev v resnici pogoltne vse tisoče milijonov dolarjev, ki jih je dal kongres na razpolago v petih letih za ljudi, ki so brez zaslužka in se ne morejo samostojno preživljati. Eden izmed teh zagrizenih kongresmanov je Wade H. Kitchens, ki prihaja iz države Arkansas. Mora biti to skrajno omejen možakar, ki ne pozna druzega kot svoje omejene države Arkansas, fn ki gotovo zametuje Kristov nauk, ki pravi, da ljubi svojega bližnjega kot samega sebe. Pretekli teden je dotični Kitchens govoril v zbornici poslancev sledeče: "Zadnje čase se je pojavila v Zedinjenih državah precej močna agitacija, katere namen je, da se ukinejo naselniške kvote in da se dohod tujcem v Ameriko odpre na široko. Kot vzrok navajajo strahovite razmere, ki prevladujejo v tuje-zemstvu, kjer baje ni mogoče več dostojno živeti. Kar se tiče mene bom seveda glasoval proti vsaki dopustitvi tujezemcev v Zedinjene države. "Da, še več," je nadaljeval Kitchens, "v nekaj tednih bom predlagal, da se prežene iz Zedinjenih držav vse tuje-zemce, ki so prišli sem, da se vsak dan do sitega najedo na stroške ameriškega naroda. Predvsem pa morajo iz dežele vsi oni, ki bivajo pri nas že dolga leta, pa vse do danes niso niti izjavili, da bi radi postali ameriški državljani. Žive tja-vendan in mislijo, da jih mora Amerika rediti, dasi jih nihče ni klical, da pridejo k nam v goste ali na delo. Meni se zdi strašno, ko moramo posegati v žepe ameriških državljanov in jim jemati denar, da nasitimo tujezemce, ki se niso nikdar zavedali dolžnosti, da morajo tudi kaj storiti za Ameriko, ne pa samo jemati od naša države. "Mi imamo naše lastne probleme, ki pričakujejo rešitve in misliti moramo najprvo na svoje lastne ljudi. Tujezemci, ki se danes nahajajo v Ameriki, niso ničesar doprinesli k blagostanju Amerike, pač pa so dovolj naredili za svoje lastno blagostanje, dočim je račune moral plačevati ameriški državljan. Po mojem mnenju je torej popolnoma pravično, da zberemo vse tujezemce in jih odpošljemo tja, odkoder so prišli. Dolga leta je trajalo pri nas, ko so imeli industrialist! navado, da so vabili tujezemce v Ameriko v namenu, da jih izkoriščajo in jih rabijo v industriji na škodo ameriških državljanov. Jaz sem temu nasproten. Radi takega početja danes vsi trpimo in bomo trpeli še naprej. Mogoče imamo kako simpatijo tudi do tujezemca, toda pri meni je ameriški državljan prvi pri delu in pri zaslužku. Radi tega bom predlagal, da se ne daje noben relif kakemu tujezemcu, nobeno delo tujim priseljencem, dokler je še kak ameriški državljan potreben, dokler bo še ta ali oni ameriški državljan brez dela. Srce mi je utripalo, ko sem te dni čital, da je WPA administracija črtala iz svoje liste stare može, stare ženske, ki so ameriški državljani, pa morajo stradati, dočim mlad tujezemec dobi obilno podporo radi brezposelnosti. . ." Tako je govoril kongresman Kitchens v kongresu. To so odkrite besede, ki jih izgovarja nativistični Amerikanec, ki ne vidi druzega kot sebe na svetu. Hvaležni smo lahko, da kongresman Kitchens ne predstavlja večine ameriškega naroda, pač pa samo ameriško nativistično zagrizenost in into-leranco, ki ne spada v Ameriko, kajti Amerika je to, kar je, le s pomočjo tujezemcev! Pevski večer Kaj pravite! Baragov višji mladinski zbor vljudno vabi vse prijatelje petja in katoliškega mladinskega gibanja na svoj Pevski večer, ki ga priredi na pustno soboto, 18. februarja, in na pustne nedeljo, 19. februarja, obakrat zvečer, v šolski dvorani sv. Vida. To bo pol koncert, pol zabavni večer. Zbor bo nastopil v presledkih tri — štirikrat, vsakokrat s tremi različnimi pesmi. Vmes bo igral orkester, v soboto Jackie Zorčev, v nedeljo pa Louis Trebarjev, oba priznano zelo dobra orkestra, vsaki po štiri godce. In pa skupno petje vseh bo tudi na programu. Ves program bo vodil Mr. Frank Kuret, ki je znan po svoji šegavosti in dobrem petju. On sam bo tudi zapel nekaj šaljivih pesmi. Program bo torej zelo pester, raznoličen, begat in več kakor vreden vstopnine 35 centov. Cela zabava se vrši pri pogrnjenih mizah s postrežbo. Cene pijači in jedem zelo zmerne, še šaljiva pošta b'o vmes, ko si bodo Ribniča-nje lahko pisali v Žužemberk in sploh v razne kraje Slovenije. Da bo več zabave! To bc prijetna domača zabava, udeležencem v prijeten oddih in užitek, deklicam Baragovega zbora pa v ponosno zadoščenje, ko bodo lahko pokazale, kaj so se naučile tekom mesecev. In upam, da jim boste lahko dali priznanje ! Priporočam, da si kupite več znancev ali cela družina po štiri ali več vstopnic, ker si tako lahko rezervirate celo ali dvojno mizo, kjer si sami izberete prostor in bo dotična miza rezervirana za vašo družbo. Vstopnice so v predprodaji pri Novak's Confectionery. Ker jih je samo omejeno število, za v^gi veče£ samo dvesto, priporočam* dasi'jih čim preje nabavite, da jih ne zmanjka. Vsaj upam, da bo oba večera razprodano, še vedno, kadar smo priredili podobne večere, so bili udeleženci jako zadovoljni. Torej na pustno soboto ali pustno nedeljo na zabavo Baragovega višjega mladinskega zbora v šolo sv. Vida! M. Jager. novic nisem pa jaz nič kaj vesel. Zbpet bodo volitve, menda 21. marca in bo zahteval župan od državljanov osem milijonov dolarjev ali še več. Ko sem tisto bral, sem si tudi jaz mislil, da bi se obrnil na ta način s prošnjo in nekaj zahteval, ker tudi jaz potrebujem nekaj denarja, čeprav ne prav toliko kot Buron. P'omislite, dragi državljani, kam bomo prišli, ako bo šlo tako naprej. To je že nekaj let, kar se je taka razvada vpeljala in kadar se jim poljubi, pa razpišejo izvanredne volitve ter zahtevajo od državljan Slovenska moška zveza BarbertOn, O.—Vsem čla»®jK|( in prijateljem Slovenske m°5 zveze št. 1 v Barbertonu naj trie fazi; m< r 8 ena Ptv ie" M lja sledeče. V zadnjih par ljub vih sem na več krajih sli§a' • V< enega ali drugega člana, dan^ PrQ kdaj se vrši seja SMZ. Ker Je fn. nova organizacija, vemo, človek težko privadi hoditi na5 f , le vsak drugi petek v mesecu- W bodo seje za prihodnje leto cffe pl rej prihodnja seja se vrši v < ^nii tek 10. februarja ob sedmih ^nj čer. Ker je do takrat še dosti litnj sa, upam, da bo do takrat ^ ces aktiven član naše podružnic 2 bil vsaj še enega člana za s!) 1 jem na tej seji. .4 ČJ> k Tisti rojaki, kateri pa Še ^ 'Jr, člani te dobre nepristransl(tudi jaz dal na voli- V'Nalj1 naj" "Newburške novice" st?lhngU]ejo' ali Pa naj za vedno "da°''' ^ za rec*~ ' Pisalni stroj, ki je že cofl>1 svtf Hot niift' gledal ^esec dni nekako žalost- sem iz kota, je volil a." v vedi V besed"jak, kateri Da,„ ® tjk zraven, je tudi vpil iteriit °Vensko nemški slovar, rfvjeba; lePo redko pride v poti bie Jnevtralen. Moje roke 4adlo?no "proti" in tako, tu-•azniL1?1^' katera je pokrita moč bolJ nujnimi zadevami, ^ vno ugovarjala. In tako, ^ lta sem konečno moral etlaknCIti'ker Je volitev izPad" na obe strani. Zato naj odb" -ich eza m t et te" da b°do "Newburške no- [aTi0%'ale ^ nekaj časa še nada- Pust je •fV^mi, šal 9 . VSjnaznanjati nasledile'" o J*m vam povedati, kako da smo se dolga le-Spj1.0^0 sobotnim poroda i! the,, of3 pa sem prisiljen od n>sfMva pšaka, da naznanim lec4^ Por°ki da in to na nedeljo. ? naia ne boste napačno razu- > A naj Povem, da mi je žal radi v^iitav ih ^ t v° Lce^l t sp1 je ^ iKe :er1 S v3 V je m k'* tov* j ovliji V s|! k\ ml«" K n t i&h P°rok Drilike biti navzoč ^leU^Ji le zato, ker ne bom Da, dva IKšni [j nedelJo večer. Ne vem st'TWii 80 to' ker bosta obe cesti V ^ar°dnem domu na i ?Jn Se bosta vršila točno Nr *"em žemtova- taki ljudje naif Jr J°ze Smrdel, Tom Mer-' S0'p Jnes ^agar, Mary Stress * Verček, Frank Sny-in. j," Suštaršič in John Ka-mi. ynk Gliha in Anica Gli-Sl i izvrstni igravci in 1,1 čuditi, °&tii, da 'cen •v""" prošnje za prihajajo od vseh stra-p, • H^-^tH se ženijo 0. |a j^botoje postala Ozim- lr0(fa lna Anton štepicova t^ftiah/, ;"e družini sta dobro tukaj Ki cd ""Sir in veliko je bilo c. Vseh strani. Ludovik ■ V?Jfler Ct- se je zalju- O^fHug evo Julko in kaj je toe<} . ga, kakor da jo pope-satj,0 ar> da bo od tam na-Vegova. Štefan Plautz J* doli iz Ribnice (sen--uic'o mislim) in se je Nai Uc, UaV Marico Meljač tako m«gel brez nje žive- in za večno fS0leVta 86 1 Sjs g drugemu. Ko je , - c'rle srečal svojo neve-^ 'Del;.,.0 so mu Blatnikov oče K,, »i v4J^oltar,takrat Tak0j prav nenavadne-r'Ce, Za poroko Louia in _ % jj a stopila tudi starša ? Blat^'uik in Marija (Bo-anju lk Pred oltar ob pra-^ ž, SV°-ie 30-letnice. Kaj se je M 8e t'01« tO ^kt S. nismo imeli tukaj in ganljivo je bilo gle-, a klečala na eni strani hčerka s svojim m Sii ob drugi strani pa oče H obn Ponovitvi svojih po-H prJub- Ali se ne sliši to SiCeazmjjejo25, 30 in tudi Ne, in gredo skupaj skozi ti!ajija ,esto tistega pasjega z°Petnega poroče-k0ftluglm. da konečno ne ve-J-%0 ž.SpadaJo. Res je vča-JSj ^nje skupaj, toda ' ''da je Ce današnji svet StVavnašel nekaj boljšega k 1 «n0, lk uredil> potem bo S da se moti. Pa • ^foval, nič se ne boj-hko veliko napisal v'tej posojilnic Zavarovane do »5000 po Federal Saving^ & Loan 'nsurance Corpo-fatlon, Washington, D. C. ^ebne in druSt- °bre*ii po 3% av'ngs & Loan.Co. Avr- Iffind. 5670 proti divorsu in onim, kateri premenjavajo može, kakor svoje obleke; vsako leto imajo drugačni "model." Upam, da bodo ti mladi pari ostali skupaj, pa naj pride kar hoče. želimo jim prav veliko veselja in sreče. Pa tudi nekaj naraščaja je čeravno dandanes veliko ljudi gleda na otroke, kot na nekaj kar je popolnoma odv*eč, je vendar še nekaj ljudi na . svetu, oženjenih ljudi mislim, kateri vedo, da je Bog zato ustanovil zakon, da se pomnožuje človeški rod. Zato zamoremo omeniti nekaj naraščaja. Družina Louis Champa iz Granger Rd. se veseli male Marije, Alojzije. Matt Balos in Kristina Lenich sta jo prinesla v cerkev. Frank in Angela Perko iz Maple Heights sta prinesla malo Ivanko, Marijo hčerko družine Ignar Perko. Patricia, Jean je ime mali deklici, ki se je udomačila v družini Frank Flak. Stric Stanley in pa Stella Kwas-ny sta botrovala. Helen, Teresa Novak se imenuje prvorojenka družine Rudolph Novak Jr. kateri sta priča pri krstu Mr. in Mrs. Mike Mauer. Rudolph Levar in Josephine Sadar sta pa za pričo mali Ančiki Furlan, katera je prišla v družino John Furlan. To se same punce. Moški spol sta zastopala pri krstnem kamnu ;amo Richard Srebernak, sin Johna in Marjete. Temu sta bila sa botre Anton in Alojzija Gla-van, John, Robert Zavoda je pre-stolonamestnik družine John Zavoda in Anice Petelin. Prinesla •sta ga pa v cerkev Jožef in Rose Blaž. Vsem atekem in mamicam, xakor tudi malim, izražamo naše čestitke. Botrom in botream pa naš poklon. Kaj se vse pripoveduje Pripoveduje se, da je bil pred kratkem aretiran eden izmed naših mlajših avtomobilistov, ker je prehtiro vozil. Sodnik, resen mož in mož postave, se osorno obrne k obtožencu, kateri se je tresel od strahu pred tem kaj ima priti, in zarohni: "Koliko milj na uro si vozil?!" "Moj speedometer je kak-ka-zal š-š-šesdeset. Pa ker sem bil pijan in sem toraj videl topit, bo potemtakem samo tri-trideset, gospod sodnik." "Dobro. Pa naj bo trideset — dni v work house." Smo mislili, da nas je smrt pozabila Dolgo časa se ni oglasil naš zvon s svojo mrtvaško pesmijo. Toda meseca januarja se pa glasi dan za dnem. Prva je bila Nettie Telatko, soproga Jos. Telatko. Zadnji teden je odšel v večnost Dominik Kastelic po dolgi in mučni bolezni. Takoj za njim smo odpeljali na mirodvor Kal-vario komaj 27-letnega Matt šuš-taršiča. Zadnji četrtek sta pa iopet odšla dva moža, August Marikioli in Fortunat Rus. Sami moški odhajajo, kakor da je vojna in padajo vojaki. Markioli je bil hipno poklican, dočim je Rus bolehal že štiri leta. Oba sta bila še v dobrih letih in bila radi starosti še dolgo lahko živela. Toda, kadar Bog kliče, ne praša koliko si star. "Pridi, daj odgovor od svojega hiševanja. Tvoj čas na zemlji je potekel, tvoja večnost se odpira, taka kakoršno si si pripravil." Kako pretresljiv mora biti ta klic za onega, kateri se v svojem življenju ni brigal za svarjenje božje: "bodite pripravljeni tudi vi, ker ne veste ne ure ne dneva, kdaj pride Sin človekov." Za kristjana ta prehod ne bo težak. Vsak rad živi, to je res. Ali, če pa pride naš klic, potem kristjanu še vedno ostane tolažba v Bogu. "Oče, v Tvoje roke izročim svojo dušo." Gospod, daj jim večni pokoj. Naj v miru počivajo. Amen! Važno naznanilo Kakor je bilo povedano, se bo vršila naša farna seja 12-tega meseca to je drugo nedeljo v februarju popoldne cb 3. Takrat 'hočemo imeti dvorano polno fa ranov iz vseh krajev. Imamo načrt po katerem, mislimo, bi se dalo iti naprej z našo zidavo. Vse je odvisno od farnov, od VAS FA RANOV. Zato pa bodite gotovo VSI na seji. Mi ne bomo zidali, če ni večina za to, da se zida. Zidati je lahko, toda plačevati je teško. Zato je bolje, da naberemo sedaj vsaj za polovico tega kar bo stala cerkev. Denar na> bran za gradbo poprej, veliko več zaleže, kot pa izposojen denar, na katerega se mora plačevati teške obresti. Je pa tudi to: ko enkrat cerkev stoji, pride večina skrbi, za odplačevanje dolga le na župnika. Gotova fara je postavila krasno novo cerkev. Vsi so bili za to, da se zida Celo škof je zahteval, da postavijo novo cerkev. Ali sedaj, ko cerkev stoji, ni pravega in vsestranskega zanimanja. Nekateri delajo na vse moči, drugi pa pravijo: "Saj je župnik sam delal cerkev, pa naj jo še plača." Tako ni prav. Sedaj se zanimajte. Pridite na sejo in tam se bomo pogovorili in bomo videli ali bomo šli naprej, ali bomo čakali. Mogoče je iti naprej. Na seji bomo povedali kako. Ali še držite svoje novoletne sklepe ? Novoletni trdni sklepi se navadno prav kmalo omehčajo. Toda zjase vem, da se svojih še prav močno držim. Trdno: sem namreč sklenil, da z avtomobilom ne bom več na drevesa plezal in pa, kadar se bom v svojem avtu peljal, bom tudi sam držal za kolo — in nihče drugi! Toraj, koga smo slavili? Mr. in Mrs. Louis Simončič sta vsa veSela in zadovoljna pripeljala Johna, našega janitorja, zadnjo soboto večer v dvorano Narodnega doma, kjer je bila skoraj dvorana polna gostov. John je imel praznovati desetletnico svojega službovanja pri sv. Lovrencu, vsaj tako sta mislila. Kako pa sta se začudila, ko se je zadeva na enkrat zasukala in sta spoznala, da je'vsg^l^vljenje le njima v počast, k njuni petin-dvajsetletnici poroke. Louis Simončič je predsednik več tukaj-šnih društev, kakor tudi dolgoletni cerkveni pevec. Prav iz srca jima čestitamo in upamo, da bosta še dolgo let delala za vsesplošen napredek med nami. Ad multos canos sanos annos! Vreme za bodoči leden Nisem študiran v tej stroki, pa vam lahko vreme naprej napo-vem. En dan ali kaj bo snežilo. Par dni bo kopnelo. Nekaj dni pa bo zmrzevalo in ledene ceste in hodniki bodo pošiljali ljudi v bolnice, avtomobile pa garaže v popravo. Take so naše zime teden za tednom, dokler se konečno meseca aprila zopet ne pokaže sonce toliko, da vemo, da še ni otem-nelo za zmeraj. Pa kaj se če? Vsa naša hvalisana veda, na katero se toliko sklicujejo "napredni" ljudje, še ne premore tega, kar je storil Jezus, ko je "zapove-dal vetrovom in morju." Na svidenje v nedeljo v dvorani, da vidimo kako se bosta dva para ženila. DNEVNE VESTI prisiljeni, da resignirajo, pri če mur se bo spremenila tudi francoska zunanja politika. Četvorke v Texasu ostanejo najbrž pri življenju Galveston, Texas, 2. februarja. Mrs. Ellis Badgett, stara 36 let, je včeraj dobila obisk štorklje, ki je pustila bogato darilo — štiri deklice. Kot so izjavili zdravniki, sp novorojenke zdrave in je upanje, da ostanejo vse pri življenju. Oče je baje pričakoval, da bo mati dobila trojke, tojda da bi bile četvorke — je nekoliko preveč, kot se je izjavil Mr. Badgett, Vse štiri četvorke so ob rojstvu tehtale nekaj več kot šestnajst funtov. Nemčija utrjuje otoke na Pacifiku Washington, 2. februarja. Mornariški odsek poslanske zbornice kongresa je slišal danes pritožbo kongresmana Mass iz Min-nesote, ki je trdil, da mu je znano iz najbolj zanesljivih virov, da je Nemčija začela utrjevati Karolinške otroke na Pacifiku. Japonska je v to privolila. Omenjeni otoki se nahajajo pod mandatom Lige narodov in pod japonskim pokroviteljstvom. Mornariški častniki zvezne mornarice so izjavili, da jim ni o tem ničesar znanega. gj CHRISTINE'S NEWS All Around Town HELLO, COLLINWOOD The Prances Susel Cadets are reporting again—this time it is about the Valentine Dance we are holding on February 11 at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. This is an affair that can't be excelled in Collin-wood, for it will not be lacking in gaiety and excitement. Neither will a romantic side be lacking for you will be able to send valentines to your best beaus and gals—just drop a valentine in the box and the postman will deliver it. (No you don't have to bring your own, for we will have plenty of valentines there to supply al.) The high spot of our dance will be the awarding of two waltz prizes —one for an elderly couple and one for a young couple (let's see who can glide most gracefully across the floor). Oh—and the orchestration will be provided by Chuck Smith and his Swingsters, one of Collinwood's most popular dance orchestras—loved by young and old. Yes, they have everything—smoothness, rhythm, and melody, it's an orchestra for waltzers, jitterbugs, shag(ers) and for everyone else, so there really is no excuse for your not coming and the price is only 35 cents. This invitation is extended to all cur sister cadets, and to the girls from Barberton—I'll be seeing you there! Frances A. Susel, Reporter. -O- Frank Klemenčič 1051 ADDISON ROAD Barvar in dekorator HEnderson 7757 PODPIRAJTE SLOVENSKE TRGOVCE MALI OGLASI Pes se je izgubil V nedeljo popoldne je šel iz hiše pes takozvane špic pasme; bel, dolgo dlako, dolg rep, kratka ušesa, star eno letofc Za vratom je imel zeleno plav nov ovratnik. Ker pes ni bil vajen iz hiše, se je gotovo zatekel h kaki družini v bližini. Zelo bi bila hvaležna, da bi mi ga nazaj pripeljali proti odškodnini. Ali pa pokličite telefon HEnderson -6156. M. B. 1048 Addison Rd. Soba se odda možu ali ženi; vhod zase; kuhinja na razpolago. Vprašajte na 1167 Norwood Rd. (31) Shoppe Norwood Sweet ^ Mrs. France* Kraiovio 6201 St. Clair Ave. (zraven Norwood gleda»lSCa) NAJFINEJŠI CANDY. SLADOLED Naprodaj je restavrant po jako zmerni ceni. Jako primeren prostor na vogalu. Pri-pravn'o za izvrstno pivnico. Poceni rent. Vprašajte na 20491 Euclid Ave. Tel. KEnmore 4406. (29) Kupijo se bančne knjižice North American banke. Gotov denar. Zglasite se na 5500 Superior Ave. med 6. in 8. uro zvečer. (29) Slovenka ki je dospela iz domovine, išče hišno delo pri slovenski družini.' Vprašajte na 17710 Grovewood Ave. (30) FR. MIHčIč CAFE 7202 ST. CLAIR AVENUE ENdicott 9359 Night Club 6% pivo, vino, žganje in dober prigrizek. Se priporočamo za obisk. Odprto do 2:30 zjutraj gllllllllllllHIIMIIIUIIIIIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIli^ 1 ZA DOBRO PLUM BIN GO I I IN GRETJE POKLIČITE 1 mm I A. J. Budnick & CO. | = PLUMBING & HFATING 7207 St. Clair Ave. Tel. HEnderson 3289 976 E. 250th St X Res. MUlberry 114G 3iiiiimmiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimmš V najem se da stanovanje šest sob. Vprašajte pri John Gornik, 6217 St. Glair Ave. Tel. HE-2395. (Febr. 2. 4. 7. 9. 11. 14. 16. 18) ST. JOSEPH S SOCIETY PRESENTS MAMMOTH MINSTREL SHOW The St. Joseph Society KSKJ No. 169 this Sunday presents its Blackface Minstrels in a gigantic show that should be played to a full house according to reports. The show, which shall feature Blackface Boys, St. Joseph's Band Iliirija Men's Choir and The Melody Club Orchestra, is headed by Dr. James W. Mally, Director of the production. • The Minstrel shall feature Dr. Mally as interlocutor, with Joe Kczar, Frank Dolenc, William Struna and Stanley Brodnik as end or "gag" men. Martin Rakar, shall direct the chorus, composed of the Men's Chorus of Ilirija. The St. Joseph's Band under the direction of Louis Opalek and Charles Tercek shall play an important part in the show. Louis Grdina, well-known for his songs, is on the program as a special feature. A bit of specialty is the "J". 1 o^orf,, Slnvo^c, hv HVarvl, A/Tc. £h0rt ^StOry. Continued from Page 4 drew Repasky not taking any back seats for anybody at Shore. And we wonder if many of you know that Annt Presen is quite a luminary at Villa Angela; she's one of the "big shots?' on their school paper. Nor can we, neither dare we, forget to mention Dorothy Switaj whose fine work at Notre Dame Academy is making her teachers wish that more graduates from St. Christine's would enrcll there in the future. Similar statements are made by the Ursuline Sisters of Villa Angela. They are really anxious to get more of our girls, which may be due to the excitingly encouraging fact, that Mary Hcchevar finally crashed into their henor roll. Which makes it necessary to mention in this chronicle of cur Alumni achievements the fact that Mary's brother Frank just made his first profession at Lemont' 111., thus completing the first definite step towards becoming a "brother," "frater,' in the Franciscan Order. Congratulations, Frank, and Mary, and Dot, and Aggie, and Annie, and all the rest of you, who are so nobly carrying in forefront the colors of St. Christine's, thus partly, at least, covering up the shame and disgrace of a few backsliders and renegades whose names we must needs slur ever in the rolls of even our school's comedy in Slovenian by Frank Ma-toh and Frances Dolinar. Tap dances, solos, etc, shail augment the show. "Mladi Vojaki"—shall be the contribution of the KSKJ Cadets. The show shall be at 3 p. m. for children with 10 cents admission and at 7:30 with 50 cents general admission. Following the show there shall be dancing to the sweet strains of music furnished by those newest of finds in melody—"The Melody Club Orchestra" which has been captivating dancers—with swing, polkas, etc. Gee—whatta goodtime you'll miss unless you come! -O- SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION BRANCH NO. 15 Hello, everybody! How are you after the fine spring-like day of Jan. 7? Well, all things must come to an end, and that is just what happened to the "Spaghetti Supper" sponsored by Lodge No. 15, SŽZ. It was a lovely evening. Music was played in a fashion that made everybody just dance away. Bowlerettes express their thanks to the cocks: Mesdames Theresa Lekan, Mary Hrovat (who is always on the job), A. Glavic and F. Kovach, and also to the efficient bartenders: Mr. J. Kovac, Mr. J. Glavic and Mr. A. Skufca. The girls deserve great compliments for their fine work in selling tickets for the supper and also girls' and Junior teams Joe and Rudy, finally, wonder What all the hurrying and scurrying is about among some of the grads during past few weeks. It is rumored that there is to be ... ? Well, Jarc and Krall have bought up all de-tcctive magazines on Mary Roytz's stand to brush up on Hawkshaw's technique and find out all about it by next week, when they promise to crash all front pages with astounding and sensational last minute flashes about these mysterious go-lngs-on. Just remain tuned in on their station! BASKETBALL The authors will pardon us for shortening this phase of their fine composition because our effusion has become quite lenghty and we fear the honorable editors will use their shears. Our absence.from these pages has been so long that there is apparently no end to items clamoring fbr mention. Well, we have several teams. There is the first team with more or less Ecasoned players of 21 years and under. Then we have what the C TO calls an intermediate team; and Juniors are just rounding into some sort of a presentable shape. The Euclid school beard and Dr. Grover, superintendent, have been very kind to us, and we have obtained the use of Rcosevelt gym on Wednesday nights for young mens games and Noble gym on Thursday nights for Naprodaj je čedna hiša za dve družini, 5 sob za vsako družinci. 442 E. 146th St. Blizu kopališča ob jezeru. Jako poceni. Pokličite KE-1328. _(29) Soba se odda poštenemu fantu ali dekleti, s hrano ali brez Vprašajte na 1083 E 67th St. (29) Francija zna dobiti spremembo v ministerstvu Paris, 2. februarja. Pri fran coski vladi znajo nastati velike spremembe. Socialisti so predlagali v parlamentu pomilošče-nje za vse štrajkarje, ki so 30. novembra zaštrajkali kljub temu, da je vlada prepovedala štrajk. Daladier je mnenja, da je pač pripravljen pemilostiti one, ki so sledili voditeljem in so zaštrajkali, nikukor pa ni pripravljen pomilostiti dotične, ki so-se s silo zoperatavljali policiji. Tozadevno je nastala v parlamentu ostra debata, katero vodijo socialisti in komunisti. Pričakuje se, da bo vlada zmagala, foda bo zgubila podporo levice. V tem slučaju bodo ministri, ki pripadajo' levičarskim strankam ZNIŽANE CENE TEKOM FEBRUARSKE RAZPRODAJE 2 komada za sprejemno sobo, prej $129.00, -sedaj samo $89-50 2 komada za sprejemno sobo, prej $99.50, -sedaj samo $59.50 Po 3 komade za spalno sobo-od $49.50 naprej 5 komadov za kuhinjo, breakfast sel—od $14.95 naprej Železne postelje, springs in modroci različnih velikosti -od $3.79 naprej Norwood Appliance & Furniture Co. 6104 St. Clair Ave. _819 E. 185th St. (La Salle poslopje) for the all-around assistance. Special thanks to Mrs. Jennie Zupančič for her wonderful help in selling tickets. She beats everyone when it comes to selling tickets. We'd say she is professional. Again, we say: thanks! This an' That Questions Why was everybody making goo-goo eyes at each other? — Why was the man with brass buttons having a good time? — What happened to Ann Zaletel's shoes? — Where did Mr. L. Arko, our backer, leave his heel? — Who took it off? — Why was Julia Jeric always talking to the copper? — Where was Jennie Zupančič until 5 a. m.? — Why was Angle Arko always changing from shoes to house slippers? — Why couldn't Councilman: M. Lucak stay longer? — Why were Mary Novak, Adelle Novacek and Mary Ferko in good standing? — Why were Rose Urbancic and Frances Globokar always in a circle and singing? y— Why did they put Anna Peskar and Anna Kastelic in the pigeonhole to sell tickets? — Why were Alice Tratter and Julia Gorski always together? — Where were Sophie Hočevar, Rose Hren and Frances Mauer all evening? — Why was Alice Arko always looking' for change? — Why were Frances Kovach and Antonia Gla-vich perspiring? — What made Julia Turk talk to Jewbe? — Wasn't it nice to see most of the St. Ann's bowlerettes at our supper? — Why wasn't there more room for everything? — The answers to these questions may be secured from the persons mentioned. What else coud I write but to say 'thanks for everything" and "thanks for the memories." We invite our friends to watch us bowl every Monday evening at Spear'sAlleys, Kinsman Rd. and E. 93d St.—Angela Arko, Secretary. -O- I tmn::mfflrnm»wmm»wmm»m«mtwwmmmmmmw«m>o»tttmmm» Vabilo na zabavni večer ki ga priredi društvo Collinwoodske Slovenke št. 22 S. D. Z. V SOBOTO 4. FEBRUARJA 1939 ' ; V SLOV. DOMU NA HOLMES AVE. Godba Johnny Pecon . . . Pričetek ob osmih zvečer . . . Vstopnina za ples in večerjo 50c, samo za ples 25c ALL ABOUT FRIGIDAIRE Returning last week from the annual Frigidaire sales convention, John Susnik and Jerry Bohinc expressed themselves as highly enthusiastic about the 1939 cutlook for retail business and the major applicance business in particuar. Norwood Appliance and Furniture Co. is a dealer in the lccal territory for the Frigidaire line of electric refrigerators, electric ranges and electric water heaters. All are made by General Motors Corporation. "We have been in the appliance business for quite a long period," said J. Susnik and J. Bohinc, "and we have seen refrigeratory improve from year to year, but we can say with all candor that we have never seen so amazing an innovation as is being introduced this year in connection with the 1939 Frigidaire line. We heard some whispers about it before we attended the meeting last week, but we are now entirely convinced that the new note In the Frigidaire offerings this year is unquestionably the most pronounced forward step in food preservation since the very first electric refrlgera- The first team has done quite well in its competitive endeavors so far. They've won 8 out of 12 encounters. Most noteworthy of these successes were the St. Mary's and St. Paul's tussles. Last Friday night Holy Redeemer gym was the scene of St. Mary's downfall. First quarter ended with a tight baseball score of 3 to 2 in favor of St. Christine's. It locked like it was to be a close battle belying later developments. For, as seen as our boys became familiar with the gym they began to stretch the twine with basket after basket. Final score was 38 to 19 with St. Mary's on the loser's end. The Collinwcod lads threatened dire revenge in a return engagement which, we hope, will take place soon. The second memorable victory oc-cured this past Tuesday night, when bcth cur girls and boys left Roosevelt gym with the scalps of our traditional rivals from neighboring St. Paul's. The final score was close, just two points separating victors and losers; but that very fact was gratifying because last year our lads were defeated twice by similar close margins. Frank Laurie is still smacking his lips over the pleasant taste of final victory. This game was hard fought and, therefore, terribly exciting. We knew from past experience that it would be just such a game. That's why we suggested and asked for two referees who could have easier kept roughness down to a minimum. Our boys hardly deserve to be called "farmers" Just * because they play hard to win. It's up to the officials to watch infractions of rules! Of course, there is just a possibility that seme people are considered farmers" because their names are hard to pronounce by folks who manage to master but one tongue. Where does that leave some of you readers of these columns, who insist en keeping yourselves aloof from your own kind and force yourselves on others who really just tolerate ycu as long as you can be useful to them? I've often noticed that you are pretty much out in the cold!!! That's this for today, except that you are all asked not to forget the Altar Society's social tomorrow, Sunday night. Lou Trebar and his gang will be here to tickle your toes. Nuff said! Tell your friends and don't miss it yourself. nothing else like it anywhere. "We believe also that it is genuine improvemnts like the one we have seen, not, only in our electric refri-gratcrs, but in other types of products as well, that will go far in etimujating demand and increasing consumers' orders. And of course we all knew that customers' orders are the factors which directy govern employment, and through employment, national prosperity.' Mr. Susnik and Mr. Bohinc indicated that within a few days Norwood Appliance and Furniture Co. will conduct a public showing in which will be displayed the new de- velopment about which they appear tcr was ready for use. We know of so exultant. SI. Mary's Spectator and Commentator did wonderfully. The Holy Name boys turned out In grand style to see the play. Joe i Novak's and Eddie Planisek's laughs 1 could be heard above all others. The boys must have a real sense of humor. Stan Perusek and Joe Kozar "Say Bam" the Minstrel Show will be held over by popular demand, tomorrow at 8:00" "That's right, Sam." ATTENTION IIOLY NAME MEMBERS The general meeting for the month of February will be held next Tuesday, February 7th. Your presence is desired for this occasioin so make a great effort to get out there Tuesday night. For cur guest speaker we will have' the. pleasure to hear a young and; .ambitious priešt who is building up the. Catholic Youth Organization of Cleveland very rapidly— Father Q'Brien. He "Vvill give you a slant on sports from the - Catholic side. Also have a few bther events for your benefit. We will be looking for you February 7. Holy Name Board THE HOLY NAME JRS INVITE YOU Last Sunday the Holy Name Juniors of St. Vitus staged their minstrel show to a full house, and did you hear of a more satisfied audience? Yss, everybody was well pleased with the show and tomorrow evening at 8:00 o'clock the Holy Name Jrs are again staging their minstrel show and all you folks who didn't have the opportunity to see it last Sunday are invited to come. For the small sum of 35 cents we really promise you a great show, a whole evening of fun, plenty of laughs and entertainment of all sorts. Don't fail to come and see the show tomorrow and if you have cares or worries see how quick they disappear at our minstrel show. Be sure to be there, the Holy Name Juniors invite you. NOCTURNAL ADORATION Band No. 6 of which St. Vitus Parish is a part meets tonight at St. Paul's Shrine on E. 40th St. and Euclid Avenue. The hour is between 12:00 and 1,:00 a. m. ST. VITUS SENIORS ARENA VICTORS In the Catholic Youth Organization Carnival at the Arena Sunday,St. Vitus outplayed the strong St. Anthony team. The final score was 44 to 31. The St. Anthony team has the reputation of being one of the fastest quintets in the CYO legaue. The first half was a close battle and St. Vitus lead 18 to 14. However, in the second half the St. Vitus team completely outclassed their- rivals. "Pinky" Prebils showed the way with 17 markers. Koncan followed with 10 points. This game was a preliminary to the John Carroll—Detroit U. battle. ,C. Y. O. SCHEDULE SENIORS St. Vitus vs. St. Francis—Monday, Feb. 6 at East High, 8 o'clock. St. Vitus vs. St. Paul—Thursday, Feb. 9 at Willson Jr. High, 9 o'clock. JUNIORS St. Vitus vs. St. Jeromes—Monday, Feb. 6 at East High, 8 o'olock. St. Vitus vs. St. Pauls—Thursday, Feb. 9 at Willson, 7: o'clock. S. PRUNE REPORTING . . . Sunday Jan. 29, the Ferfolia Undertakers took on the Svetek Funeral Home. Due to a previous engagement this reporter could not be present at. the alleys so I dent have the exact score, but the Svetek Funeral Hemes tock all the glory by CI pirn. Nice going, Collinwoodites,' and I DRAMATIC GUILD PRODUCTION Val to be held at the Holy Redee- trying to get a first row seat but SMASHING SUCCESS HIT , mer Gym at 15712 Kipling Ave this it was to no avail. Henry Bokal had The production of "Mama's Baby j coming Wednesday, Feb. 15th. There tc dash home to get his ticket which I certainly won't miss the next match. Boy" as given by the St. Mary's Dra- will be three games on this carnival he forgot. Stan Kozar had everyone matic Guild was truly a laugh riot ' the first game to start at 7:30 p. ] help him fix his bow tie. Mike Anz- and the crowd which attended the nr. The preliminary games will bring Un was chief stage hand, two shows last Sunday surely en- together St. Christine's and St. Law- DATES TO REMEMBER joyed the evenings entertainment. ; rence (Ferfolia Furnitures) and then Minnie, the colored maid, as play- st. Vitus and St. Mary's. And the FRtDAY NITE PARTY The Yugoslav (Slovene) Club is sponsoring the Friday Nite Party Feb. 10 in the St. Vitus Church 'basement.' Tickets for that night may be obtained from the members of the club. This organization is very active and a good crowd is ex> pected. All proceeds go for the bene fit of St. Vitus Church. MINSTREL SHOW As everyone knows, the Minstrel Show given by the Juniors last Sunday was a smashing success. Unprecedented numbers of people were turned away at the gate. In view of the great general demand, a repeat performance will be held at the same time and place tomorrow. Ticket holders who did not gain admittance last week may use their tickets this Sunday. Additioal ticl; ets are on sale at Grdina's Book Store and Makovec's Confectionery in the National Home Building; Jun iors also have them available. The show itself can be placed in the same category with productions that many of you have paid twice as much to see. Yet the price is only 35 cents. This will be absolutely the last performance at St. Vitus as our beys have been invited to go on tour fcr other charitable and church organizations. So don't delay—get your tickets' today. JUNIOR OURNAL EVERYBODY ENJOYED MINSTRELS; The Junior's Minstrel Show proved to be even better than its publicity said; here are just a few comments Our boys retained their hold on on the performance last Sunday, they ST. VITUS SENIORS CONTINUE LEAD first place by winning two more games the past week. This makes ten straight league victories for the fighting St. Vitus quintet. Monday they defeated the St. Thomas boys 45 to 25. "Pinky" Prebil, Al Koporc and "Beans" Intihar were the shining stars on offense. "Pinky" scored 13 points while A1 and "Beans" each tallied 8 points. Melle and Sire played great defensively. Our team started slowly but pulled away rapidly as the game progressed. This game was played at Thomas Edison gym. In the other league game St. Vitus team outscored the Immaculate Conception five 32 to 22. The first half was a close fight \yith oiu- boys leading 13 to 9. In the second half A1 Koporc got "hot" and with Pinky assisting, piled up a commanding lead. Intihar made three of his copyrighted one hand shots while Melle and Sire again were the stars on defense. ft "Remember you have to marry the whole girl." If you are tempted to gamble on speculative propositions, remember the odda are decidedly against you. Investments in this Company are also INSURED (up to $5,000.) The current interest rate is 3%. SAVE WITH SAFETY CURBW IHT SAFETY FQIV YUUK StClairft UVIHGS&lOAHCV^jgp* all recommend you to see it tomorrow night. Rev. Jager—local critic and authority on dramatics — "The Minstrel Show uncovered some real acting talent for St. Vitus." Miss Karlinger—"It's just what our parish needed, something new and delightfully different." Andy Sire—Senior Holy Name President—"Nice going Juniors, us seniors better, wake up." Father Baznik— St. Lawrence visitor—"Wish our Minstrel Show is good as this one." Michael Kolar—local Journalist — "Fine Minstrel Show, but next time reserve me a seat. I do not like to stand and laugh." Mr, Bandi—"Looks like you young boys will show us old-timers a few things." Father M. Sodja—Junior's spiritual director—"I'm proud of you brats." Miss Agnes Klemencic—Junior Holy Name Booster—"Better than I expected, next Sunday's show will be bigger and better." Bill Tome — former president — "Speechlessly surprised." Miss Vida Gregorac—Junior Holy Name Admirer—"Swell show you boys put on."' Miss Helen Pernach—another admirer—"Having a wonderful time." Stanley Frank — "Keep up your work boys, we're all behind you." Folks there are just a few of the spectators which expressed their enjoyment, come down to see the show Sunday night and I am sure you will agree with all the people interviewed. Tony Martincic — "Everything was O. K., to bad the beer ran out." SEE MINSTREL TOMORROW The greatest crowd in the history of St. Vitus attended the jigaboo show last Sunday, the hall ws packed to the doors, and overflowed into the hallway. For over two hours the audience was entertained by the beys, and all the people left the school-hall well satisfied by the entertainment. Due to unforseen circumstances, over 200 people were unable to see the show. However, arrangments will make it possible for everybody to see the show. All tickets dated January 29 will be honored at the box office fcr tomorrow's performance._ 6 2 15 5 YT CLAIM AVF. HE. S670 Beros Studio FOR FINE PHOTOGRAPHS 6116 St. Clair Avenue New . . . Modern . . . Spacious —Every Convenience— Tel. ENdicott 0670 Open Sundays ed by Josephine Sirceley, was a panic and brought the house to roaring at times. The youngsters, Frank Ferlin and Jo Hrastar, as portrayed by these stars added greatly to the play's success. Mary Princ was fine in her role of Mrs. Charlotta Ang-lin as were the teasers, John Toni, Amelia Hrastar and Victoria Hab-jan who would give the youngsters no end of trouble to their own merriment. Mary Chapic was a typical rejuvenated grandma — while Max was recognized immediately with even his tag "Max" being typical of his character roles. The two principals are held for the close for they really did a splendid piecte of acting under such trying conditions. Indeed, the work of Gen Zulich and Louis Pierce as widow and widower respectively trying to catch "non-existent fortunes" was grand. These two were obliged to do the "straight" roles while everyone else had a merry time on the set ridiculing or masquerading as eternal youth. The many involved situations were handled in fine manner. It was really a grand production. The entertainment following the stage hit, i. e. dancing to the smooth swing music of The Melody Club Orchestra really topped a great evening's entertainment. "Ze Critic' ILIRIJA NOTES Our "Kranjski" cobbler has been working away getting his tools and implements into shape for February 19. And Marjana has been busy col lecting all those corks that strangely enough are as numerous as shoe nails in this cobbler's shop. Woe be unto the poor cobbler; he certainly does hear it. On February 19 at the Slovene Home on Holmes Avenue the perturbed cobbler will reassure you that it doesn't pay to mix up with the demon. Even though they (the cobbler and Satan) seem quite contented en the cartoon that you may have noticed in the American Home for some time. It certainly has Jaka worried, the devil we mean. Maybe It would be safer if you stayed on St. Clair for the 19th, Jaka! POSTLUDE: Rose Grill is convalescing at her home now . . . Feeling much better, thank you! . . . Demon, devil, Satan, Lucifer, Brodnik . . . Oh, my goodness, how did Brodnik get mixed up with that gang! Such company, you keep! . . . Our Black-faced gentlemen taking part in the Minstrel Show tomorrow are, among others, Stan Brodnik, and Bill Pla-nišek. The men's chorus shall also participate . . . Repla is Marička, Marička is Mary; Urša is Marjana, and Marjana is Mary; but that Mary isn't this Mary, and this isn't a case of double talk, either. . . . Laddie Habjan, threating everyone all month about his first report since he has been elected as recording secretary. . . . Reminder: "Satan and the Cobbler" at 7:30 p. m. at Slovene Home, on February 19, 1939 YOUNG MEN'S HOLY NAME REVIEW MEETING NOTICE The Young. Men's Holy Name Society will hold its monthly meeting-Thursday, Feb. 9th at 7:30 p. m. in the Study Club Room. All members are urged to attend this meeting' so that final arrangements for the Valentine Dance and Basketball Carnival can be made. Let's see some new faces at this meeting. Remember, beys, there's always room for more new members in the Holy Name Society. Following the meeting members may entertain themselves by playing cards and ping pong. Oh, Yes! Father Celesnik will challenge any member to a game of Chinese Checkers. Advance information in regards to his skill at the game is that he is pretty good. VALENTINE DANCE It is just one more week to the Young Men's Holy Name Valentine Dance. Latest report on the advance sale of tickets is very satisfying and we are assured of a nice turn-out for this dance. If you wish to have an evening of real entertainment get your tickets now for this gala affair before it will be too late. Admission is only 30 cents which will include your checking. Eddie Sesek and his orchestra will be on hand to dispense their melodious tunes which will soothe your dancing feet. There will be plenty of surprises in store for all those that attend this dance. Tcny Trepal and his crew of interior decorators have promised us that a complete change will be made to the interior of the dance hftll for this gala affair. Mike Anzlin and his smiling bai tenders will be on hand to serve you your favorite drink. If you like to waltz, if you like to swing it, if you like to polka, and if you like to have a good time and to meet seme grand people—then do not forget and come to the Holy Name Valentine Dance next Saturday. Feb. 11th at the St. Mary's Hall at East 156th St. and Holmes Ave. Dancing will start at 8 p. m. So, don't forget the date, place and time. We'll be seeing you then. BASKETBALL CARNIVAL The month of February is the shortest month of the year, but to the Holy Name boys it's the busiest month of them all. What's up now? Why, it's the Basketball Oarni- featuie game of the evening will bring together two class A teams. After the games there will be dancing to Frankie Yankovic's Orchestra. Admission to this carnival is ony 20 cents. THE AFTERMATH Loads of orchids to. the St. Mary's Dramatic Guild for its excellent presentation of that comedy, 'Mama's Baby Boy." And more orchids to the entire cast for its excellent acting. The play was certainly a riot of laughs. Everyone in the audience had a favorable comment for this play thus proving that it was a real success.' Frank Ferlin and Josephine Serce-ley had the audience roaring when they appeared dressed as youngsters. "Cotk" Habjan, a Holy Namer, also had everyone laughing with his foreign dialect. Josephine Hrastar looked cute playing with the doll "My! but you looked young in those short SUNDAY, FEB. 5th—St. Joseph, No. 169, KSKJ Booster Club will sponsor a Minstrel Show at the Slovenian Hall cn Holmes Ave. at 7:30 p. m. Dancing to the Melody Club Orchestra will follow the show. Admission is 50c and 75c. SATURDAY, FEB. 11th—The Young Men's Holy Name will sponsor a Valentine Dance in the church hall at 8 p. m. Admission to the dance is 30 cents which will include checking. Music will be furnished by Eddie Sesek and his Orchestra. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15th—A Basketball Carnival sponsored by the Young Men's Holy Name at the Holy Redeemer Gym at 15712 Kipling Ave. First game will start at 7:30 p. m. Admission is only 20 cents and dancing will follow after the games. SATURDAY, FEB. 18th—Diocesan Sodality Union Dance to be held at Hotel Cleveland. SUNDAY. FEB. 19th—Ilirija Choir will present the operette "Satan and the Cobbler," in Slovenian at the Tuesday, January 31, the Ferfolias again slipped up and gave three games to the Stepka Hats. Although the Stepkas are a strong quint and certainly piled up a score, the Ferfolias kept right on fighting. High fcr the Undertakers was Joe Mauer in both single and three game series with 209 and 597 respectively. Ferfolias—2687 Glcbokar ............................ 165 194 202 Omerza ............................... 191 169 168 Turk .................................... 168 162 147 Mauer .................................. 204 209 185 Urbancic ..............t............. 171 181 171 ning." F. D. R. Jones: •Is there after the evening performance Operator: "Ch yes, to the tu^ * Leu Trotter and his ripp'1"8 thms. Price? Why, just f0;. I going? You can bet on that This is your reporter sayM 1 and bidding you good luck. ; ED PLANISEK REPORTING • Chances seem very for a . team known as the Ferfolia ' itures. They must win tn j four encounters to at least ^ f second or third place and W final playoffs in March. s'' ^ eff with their first foe, the £ Pcrtland-Outhwaite colored « hJ. which is to be played at Clair Recration Center soon-Ferfolia Furnitures had thus than a week and a half oC pi.actlce and also rest, for tbi not played since last week .1 One may wonder, but CoW, yj] "Slim" Frhne is still amazd the lower class teams sta .i spurt all of a sudden. To 0 Furnitures lost two of tlie .j p games which sort of den° , "e: chances to try and stay cl<>se' red; first division. : Q ' More cooperation from tn v , bers plus a little luck migW " Jutr. trick. So be on hand toniB ' . . fcr the most thrilling con«* 899 915 873 Stepkas—2965 Dunkel ................................ 189 186 180 L. Novak ............................ 189 203 223 Kubic .................................... 218 207 193 Ribic ................................... 183 200 197 Stanco ................................ 195 205 197 pants." John Toni, Lou Pierce and' Slovenian Hall on Holmes Ave. at Gen Zulich really played their parts marvelously. And not to forget Mary 7:30 p. m. Dancing to the Melody Club Orchestra will follow the per Princ, Mary Chapic, Amelia Hra- formance. Admission is 50 and 75 star, and Victoria Habjan—they also | cents. THE SLOVENIAN UNION OF HOLY NAME SOCIETIES Sunday, January 29th, four Slovenian parishes sent delegates and representatives of their respective Hcly Name Societies to the quarterly meting held at St. Lawrence Schoc-l Hall. A sermon was preached by Canon Oman in the church and then followed Solemin Benediction and the Litany of the Most Holy-Name of Jesus. A goodly number of members assembled in the school hall. Among the clergy in attendance were the Rt. Rev. Monsignor.- Ponik-var and ftribar, Canon Oman, Father Slapsak and Fther Baznik. The meeting was of particular interest in this" that the members were conscious of the need of real and practical Catholic Action among the laity. To this end several iar-reaching resolutions were made. One of them to the effect, that a severe protest in writing > ■ to be made to a certain company for tolerating in its employ a man who vilifies the Catholic Church in public statements made in a certain so-called "progressive" daily. His downright ties regarding the priests and their Catholic parishioners were more than any decent person could stomach so the Holy Name men will take action to silence these falsehoods. The present- officers of the united Holy Namč Societies were re-elected for another term. This column takes the present occasion of congratulating the re-elected officers -and wishing them success in their work. VESPER SERVICE All the Catholic Boy Scout Troops of Greater Cleveland will participate in a grand demonstration of faith to be held at St. John's Cathedral on E 9th and Superior Avenue on Sunday, February 12th. The vesper service will be preceeded by a short parade from the Central Armory to St. John's Cathedral. All Boy Scouts of Troop No. 216 will assemble at the Armory at 2:00 p. m. Transportation will be arranged for at the committee meeting to be held next week. ST. LAWRENCE CYO TEAM BOASTS VICTORY Before a cheering crowd in Holy Name High School gym the 7th and 8th grade basketball quintet registered a sweeping victory over St. Wen-ceslaus of Maple Heights by a score of 20 to 3. Eddie Kenik and Lawrence Turk led the scoring with 6 points credited to each. These two lads Were beautifully assisted by Tony Psenicnik, Joe Zupančič and Frankie Turk. The boys will meet St. Theresa's Quintet Saturday at 1:15. How about another victory? You smashed these opponents in a practise game, remember? SODALITY NEWS There will be a St. Valentine's Day Social at the school hall held by the Sodality for sodalists, their grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunts and neices, (for women only) on Wednesday, February 15th at 8:00 p. m. There will be an exchange of valentines and prizes for the funniest and the nicest (valentine, of course). Games, cards, songs, refreshments are also on the MENU. There were two Sodality members who walked up to the altar last month. Mary Blatnik became the lovely bride of Louis Barle and Julia Tekaucic spoke her undying fidelity to Louie Sustersic. It seems that the Louies are getting all the breaks these days. We wish the double couple health and happiness in their KEEP YOUR HAIR YOUNG! Keep its life and lustre. You can, with BOHAR'S exclusive method permanent wave. BOHAR'S method aids hair care, improving, conditioning and producing a wave and curls set to suit your fancy. Bohar's Barber & Beauty Shop 6023 St. Clair Ave.—ENdicott 9691 15 YEARS IN SAME LOCATION . married life. Do not forget; "once a Scdalist, always a Sodalist." Cur vice-prefect Miss Frances Ai-disek is vacationing at Miami Beach, Florida and on her way back is stopping at Washington, D. C. We hope it isn't politics that has "got' you, Frances! Our deep sympathies go out to one of our very active and prominent sodalists, Miss Albina Russ, on lier recent bereavement occasioned by the death of her dear father. Ws are assurd that the Sodaists will make a remembrance of him in their pray ers. HONOR ROLL OF ST. LAWRENCE SCHOOL Semi-final examinations over, we can boast of a fine number of hon cr pupils, a real credit to our school. GRADE EIGHT Vida Silbitzer ................................ 95.2 Edwin Perko ................................... 94.5 Josephine Kozumplik .................... 93.7 Antonia Tekaucic ............................ 92 Vida Kuznik ...'.:....:;.,........................ 92 Rosalia Kuhel ................................ 91.6 Joseph Mustar ............................... 91.6 Agatha Silbitzer ............................ 91.6 Anna Marie Jeric ...,.................... 91 Anton Psenicnik .............................. 91 Dorothy Hadola ............................... 90.3 Frank Turk ..................................... 90.2 Victor Kuznik ................................. 90 Dorothy Gross .................................' 90 Albert Rozman ................................ 90 GRADE SEVEN Clarence Turk .................................. 92.5 Frances Skebe ................................ 92.1 Robert Arko .................................... 91.5 GRADE SIX Marion Mauer ................................ 95.6 Margaret Yanchar ........................ 95.4 Albina Skocaj ................................ 94.6 Betty Fortuna ................................ 93.6 Bridget Nose .................................. 92.2 Rose Marie Cergol ........................ 90 Raymond Strekal .......................... 90 Mary Stokar .................................. 90 GRADE FIVE Anthony Lekan ................................ 93.8 Bernadette Supan .......................... 93.2 Donald Ferfolia ................................ 92.5 Dorothy Skerl ................................ 91.4 Ralph Hrovat ................................ 90 Rose Levak ...................................... 90 Florence Yanchar .......................... 90 Ludmilla Z agar .............................. 90 Bernadine Zefrin ............................ 90 GRADE FOUR Mary Pucell .................................... 94.6 Hattie Kuznik ................................ 92.8 Ruth Nose ........................................ 92.2 Rose Marie Zaletal ........................ 91.7 Edith Merhar .................................. 90 Raymond Peskar ...,........................ 90 Joan Zaletal .............,..................... 90 GRADE THREE Louis Supan ...................................... 95.7 Ann Marie Perko .......v................. 95.5 Dorothy Skocaj .............................. 95.2 Joseph Fortuna ..............'.................. 94.8 Mary Ann Gliha ............................ 92.5 Bernadette Malley ........................ 92.5 Ruth Stemberger .......................... 92.4 Elizabeth Colnar ........................... 92.2 Louis Kusa ...................................... 91 Joseph Jajcinovic ........................ 90.7 Dorothy Russ ................................ 90.7 Frank Hrovat .................................. 90.1 Richard Jeric ................................ 901.1 Dorothy Pobega ............................ 90 GRADE TWO Maryann Supan Margaret Mauer Frances Adler Victor Kordan Rose Mary Prosin Rosalia Rajar Ann Marie Sever Mary Jane Shuster Elaine Pucell Angela Sustercic Richard Tekaucic "DOUBLE WEDDING" Two pairs are getting married on our stage next Sunday, February 12 at 2:00 p. m. and again at 8:00 p. m. It must be this pre-lenten madness, so don't miss it. It's a rollicking play, one that will leave you in a merry humor for the next six weeks. Our Slovenian players will give you their best performance so don't be slow in giving them your wholehearted support by making this a "date." 974 1001 990 Since being a member of the Serenades Glee Club who are staging a minstrel show, I would like to invite each and everyone who is in for leads of laughs and tunes of yesterday and. a selection of popular songs which I am sure will be enjoyed by all. Invitations are especially extended to the St. Vitus Holy Name Juniors who also staged a minstrel show Sunday, Jan. 29 and which was attended by the Serenaders. A real treat in store for those who attended. Operator: 'Information." F. D. R. Jones: Tinformation'?" Operator: "Yes." F. D. R. Jones: "When, where and what time is the gala show by the minstrels being held?" Operator: "Sunday, Feb. 12, at the Slov. National Home, East 80th St. off Union Ave.; the curtain rising at 2:30 for a matinee performance and again at 8 o'clock in the eve- staged between the Ferfolias Fortland-Outhwaite fives. of' this fray Will be in n«*1,, , ' edition. Be on hand to lo?*^ Correction tin last week's of thp Serenaders' Minstfe), which is to be held on Feb V1 at the Slovenian National 14j. Pug E. 80th St., off Union Ave. l( j^. mental and vodal solos plus a cent colored show is on everyone attending this !tier a Southern Plantation." Leu Trotter's band after tU« and plenty of refreshments-^, i<]a] Again reminding each a",j ] . one about the Ferfolia r ? Balloon Dance to be held . • M 1939 at the Slovenian NatW£ ^ on 80th St. off Union Ave. Jerry Mazanec's popular 'Mi tet. Admission a ..mere 35c. $ 10 j date to be on hand at th® Hop. So long till . . . m HELLO! What a wonderful word . . . after you haven't appeared in a column fcr ages and ages and finally return from your wayward wanderings. . . . Well, we thank our well-wishers, ye scribes of news from other sections, for the kind things they've said from time to time about us. We have finally resolved to join the circle again, and we'll try to be regular from now cn with whatever news we can find from week to week in this neck of the woods. For, spirit has moved interested souls to awake and bestir themselves so that we now have hopes for an eventual corps of correspondents and collaborators. Joseph Jarc, the new prexy of our Alumni, concluded that something must be done about more and better publicity for this district. He soon found kindred repercussions in the heart of his bosom-friend Rudy Krall and much of this effusion is their work. Frank Primoznik promised to do his share, and others will undoubtedly soon join the staff of news gatherers and column chatterers. There really is no reason why talents like Mary Gombachs, Irene Mlach's, Anne Prosen's and others' should not be used for entertainment and edification of general public. They are all, or were, workers on their highschool papers and members of journalism classes. Talent' galore, but, sad to say, too muci. under unappreciative bushels! HOLY NAME NEWS And lots of it, too. Stirred by activity among the young men elsewhere ours decided to do something about it in connection with the great feast of the Society. Sons joined their dads on that Sunday, and it was a truly inspiring sight to see so many who declared themselves willing to resuscitate the slightly defunct Holy Name Juniors. Their first meeting on Jan. 16th was attended by some 36 of our young men. Following older fellows were elected officers: Rudy Krall, president, Joe Gcmbach, vice president, Joe Jarc secretary; and Clarence Rupar, treasurer. , , ' /. ; Regular meetings are to take place every third Monday night. We hope, all local young men will keep this day in mind and make it a point to come regularly from now on. Soijje of the lads were conspicuous by their absence at that first meeting, but they most likely had serious reasons, Well just get together and arrange dates and other matters so they won't interfere too often! Our Junior High and grade school boys also responded enthusiastically when appealed to for the formation of a Holy Name Cadet corps. All boys from the fifth grade up in our own school joined. Public school boys are also very welcome. In fact, some told us right after original announcements that they are very much interested. All we have to do now about these H. N. Cadets is to find ways and means for regular meetings. Which we'll surely solve somehow during this month. OUR ALUMNI Well, they're still among us! A comparatively small percentage of the Grads are still gathering quite regularly at monthly meetings and keeping intimate contact with affairs at their Alma Mater. Of course, many are very busy with their highschool work and find it almost impossible to spare an evening a month; but, they assure us they are with us in spirit and show that by occasional active participtiaon. The January meeting saw installa- Pot lie' hi tion of new officers who a^' Jarc president; Rudy Krai1' ident; Margie Zgonc, secret*^ ;0 the excellent work their ^ ft Anne is doing there. WW 8c know, is one of us! S0"Je''' ; can't escape the though1 / H(|j( copy of that commendation^ gratulations should have ^ < ■;c our St. Christine's »»V, 'ča drs. Ropert certainly dldd; . .iiat; she came and sa'fl.js< ^ fills should shut up the ff «0 Aho keep on yelling, eh xauols are no good!" 1 utf ju. Mrs. Ropert. You know, 0 / cn the back feels good t0 $ "fit But Annie Ropert is one we hear good things 9 ^ Godec from No. Vines >s s j proud of the work her Afy ',j<;t ng at Euclid Central. )t]j, is making her teachers t 5! «hat she is in their classro0^ we heard of Dolores Lesn ^ (Continued on pa6e Jj^ .+++++++++4--M-*******'' j TURN TO PAGE & „ b fS' FOR MORE INTER* jUij jfF ARTICLES AND ■ "t'1*4*'l?'t'i''1''1'* ton, ALL FLOOR MOV* iti; REDUCED 'o] Refrigerators, Washers, Radios, Sweepers, Ironers, &r AH nationally known Easy Terms. h #8 NORWOOD APPLl FURNITURE 6104 St. Clair & ' h* 819 E. 185th Open evening9' ELECTRIC FLOOR SAP FOR REH^ Anybody can finish this easy way. Ina1" Collinwood Ut 711 EAST 152nd SXP _MUUberry h h k %