DIRECTIONS AND Dy NAMICS OF FLOW AND TRANSPORT OF CONTAMINANTS FROM THE LANDFILL NEAR SEŽANA (SW SLOVENIA) SMERI IN DINAMIKA ODTEKANJA VODE IN PRENOSA KONTAMINANTOV Z ODLAGALIŠČA ODPADKOV PRI SEŽANI (JZ SLOVENIJA) Janja KOGOVŠEK¹ & Metka PETRIČ¹ Izvleček UDK 556.3:504.054(497.4) 556.34.04(497.4) Janja Kogovšek & Metka Petrič: Smeri in dinamika odtekanja vode in prenosa kontaminantov z odlagališča odpadkov pri Sežani (JZ Slovenija) S sledilnim poskusom smo raziskali značilnosti odtekanja vode z odlagališča komunalni� odpadkov pri Sežani na območju Krasa. V dobro prepustno razpoko na škrapljišču ob odlagališču smo injicirali uranin in ugotavljali smeri in �itrosti njegovega pretakanja skozi kraški vodonosnik. Spremljanje pojavljanja sledila v obdobju enega leta in pol je pokazalo dinamiko pre- takanja v smeri izvirov Timave, Brojnice in Sardoča. Podrobno smo opazovali tudi črpališče Klariči, ki predstavlja glavni vir pitne vode za območje Krasa. Za ugotovljeno povečanje kon- centracije sledila le ob zelo visoki� vodostaji � so možne različne razlage, ne izključujemo pa možnosti obstoja slabe in le občasne povezave z odlagališčem. Izračun povrnjenega sledila je poka- zal predvsem odtekanje proti izvirom Timave (delež povrnjen- ega sledila 93 %), maj� en del sledila se je ob počasnejšem pre- takanju pojavil tudi v Brojnici in Sardoču. Na črpališču Klariči naj bi izteklo le 0,003 % injiciranega uranina. Ključne besede: sledilni poskus, odlagališče odpadkov, Sežana, Kras, Slovenija. ¹Karst Researc� Institute ZRC SAZU, Titov trg 2, SI-6230 Postojna, Slovenija, e-mail:, Received/Prejeto: 13.09.2007 COBISS: 1.01 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3, 413-424, POSTOJNA 2007 Abstract UDC 556.3:504.054(497.4) 556.34.04(497.4) Janja Kogovšek & Metka Petrič: Directions and dynamics of flow and transport of contaminants from the landfill near Sežana (SW Slovenia) The c� aracteristics of flow from t� e landfill near Sežana in t� e area of Kras were studied by t� e use of tracer test. In well permeable fissure on t� e karren surface near t� e landfill t� e fluorescent dye uranine was injected in order to study t� e di- rections and velocities of its flow t�roug � t � e karst aquifer. Monitoring of tracer concentrations in t� e period of one year and a � alf enabled us to make some conclusions about t� e dy- namics of groundwater flow in t� e directions towards t� e Ti- mava, Brojnica and Sardoč springs. Detailed observations were organised also at t� e Klariči pumping station, w�ic � is t � e main source of drinking water for t� e Kras region. Increased concentrations of tracer were measured only during extremely �ig � waters. Different explanations are possible, but we can not exclude t� e possibility of a weak, not permanent underground water connection wit� t � e landfill. Calculation of t� e amount of recovered tracer confirmed t� e main flow direction towards t� e Timava springs (recovery rate 93%) and a secondary direc- tion wit� lower flow velocity towards t � e Brojnica and Sardoč springs. Outflow t�roug � t � e Klariči pumping is estimated to only 0.003% of injected uranine. Key words: tracer test, landfill, Sežana, Kras, Slovenia. INTRODUCTION Karstological and � ydrogeological researc� es � ave a long tradition in t� e area of Classical karst or Kras (Fig. 1). Underground water connections between t� e sinking streams from non-karstic surroundings and t� e springs in t� e Trieste bay were proved by several tracer tests. Most of t� e studies were focused on t� e underground flow of t� e Reka river between t� e ponor in t� e Škocjanske jame and t� e Timava springs. Main directions and �ig � veloci - ties of flow t�roug � well permeable karst c � annels were proved. On t� e ot� er � and, different researc� es indicated ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 414 an important s� are of primary rec� arge wit� diffuse in - filtration of precipitation t�roug � t � e karst surface. The t�ickness of t � e vadose zone on Kras can reac� even more t� an 300 m, t� erefore t�is zone � as a significant in- fluence on t� e c� aracteristics of water flow and transport of substances towards t� e karst springs. These general c� aracteristics of t� e area were con- sidered in t� e study of directions and dynamics of flow and transport of contaminants from t� e landfill near Sežana. The landfill is situated on t� e Kras area approxi- mately 2 km nort�-western from t � e town of Sežana at t� e altitude of around 360 m (Fig. 1). It was opened in 1971 and at present t� e total amount of deposited waste is nearly 200.000 t. yearly around 10.000 t of non-� az- ardous waste from four municipalities wit� altoget � er 22.000 in� abitants is deposited (Komunalno stanovan- jsko podjetje 2005). According to t� e new Slovene legis- lation no landfills on karst are allowed, t� erefore for t� e Sežana landfill closing as well as its furt� er maintenance and protection is foreseen. But even before, it is necessary to set t� e monitoring system, w�ic � also includes mea - surements of parameters of groundwater pollution wit� � armful substances. Preparation of t� e monitoring plan is based on adequate � ydrogeological researc� es, because it is necessary to know t� e c� aracteristics of flow from t� e landfill in order to c� oose representative monitoring points and prepare efficient monitoring plan. For t�is purpose one of t � e most effective met� ods on karst are tracer tests. Several were carried out on t� e Kras area in t� e past, but in all of t� em t� e tracers were injected into a sinking stream or into a water flow in a cave. This means direct input into t� e primary drainage Fig. 1: h ydrogeological map of Kras with the results of tracer tests (Legend: 1. Well permeable Cretaceous limestone, 2. Slightly less permeable Cretaceous dolomite, 3. Well permeable Tertiary limestone and dolomite, 4. porous aquifer, 5. Very low permeable Eocene flysch, 6. Timava spring, 7. Spring, 8. pumping station, 9. piezometer, 10. Underground water connection, proved by previous tracer tests, 11. Karst cave (a. Škocjanske jame, b. Kačna jama, c. Labodnica, d. Lazzaro jerko, e. Gabranca, f. jama 1 v Kanjaducah, g. Brezno v Stršinkni dolini), 12. Sinking stream, 13. Surface flow, 14. Landfill, 15. Settlement, 16. State border, 17. Underground water connection, proved by tracer test in 2005). main sampling points (numbers in brown colour): 1. Timava spring, 2. Sardoč spring, 3. moščenice-N spring, 4. Brojnica spring, 5. Klariči pumping station. Sl. 1: h idrogeološka karta Krasa z rezultati sledilnih poskusov (Legenda: 1. dobro prepusten kredni apnenec, 2. nekoliko slabše prepusten kredni dolomit, 3. dobro prepustni terciarni apnenci in dolomiti, 4. medzrnski vodonosnik, 5. zelo slabo prepusten eocenski fliš, 6. izvir Timave, 7. izvir, 8. črpališče, 9. piezometer, 10. s starejšim sledilnim poskusom dokazana podzemna vodna zveza, 11. kraška jama (a. Škocjanske jame, b. Kačna jama, c. Labodnica, d. Lazzaro jerko, e. Gabranca, f. jama 1 v Kanjaducah, g. Brezno v Stršinkni dolini), 12. ponikalnica, 13. površinski tok, 14. odlagališče Sežana, 15. naselje, 16. državna meja, 17. pri sledenju 2005 dokazana podzemna vodna zveza). Glavne točke zajemanja vzorcev (številke v rjavi barvi): 1. izvir Timave, 2. izvir Sardoč, 3. izvir moščenice-N, 4. izvir Brojnica, 5. črpališče Klariči. JANJA KOGOVŠEK & METKA PETRIČ ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 415 c� annels and fast flow towards karst springs, t� erefore ob- tained results are not representative for t� e assessment of t� e c� aracteristics of diffuse infiltration and flow t�roug � t� e vadose zone. Many researc� es, including several carried out on Slovene karst (Kogovšek & Petrič 2006, Trček 2006), proved an important influence of epikarst and vadose zone on t� e c� aracteristics of water flow and transport of substances t�roug � karst aquifers. Therefore to define t� e c� aracteristics of flow of leac� ates from t� e Sežana landfill we decided to carry out a new tracer test wit� t � e injection of tracer into a well permeable fissure at t� e karren surface near t� e landfill. Our main ques- tions were: in w�ic � direction and � ow fast infiltrated precipitation water from t� e landfill flows, � ow fast is t� e transport of � armful substances was� ed out of t� e waste, and in w�ic � springs or water caves t � e appearance of t� ese substances can be expected? Long-term simultane- ous measurements of precipitation, disc� arges and tracer concentrations enabled assessment of influences of pre- cipitation wit� various intensities and durations on t � e appearance of tracer in t� e springs and consequently of t� e influence of t� e vadose zone on groundwater flow. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDy AREA Hy DROGEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS The central part of Kras (Fig. 1) is built of well karsti- fied and well permeable Cretaceous limestone and partly dolomite in t� e t� ickness of more t� an 1000 m (Kranjc 1997). Dolomite layers are slig� tly less permeable and may play a role of a relative isolator. To t� e nort� , sout� and east t� e Cretaceous carbonate rocks pass into bedded and tabular limestone of Tertiary age, w� ic� is also fis- sured and karstified. The carbonate massif is surrounded wit� very low permeable Eocene flysc� w� ic� acts as an important � ydrogeological barrier. There w� ere flysc� is interrupted numerous springs in t� e Trieste bay of t� e Adriatic sea appear. In t� e nort� –western part t� e Kras aquifer is in contact wit� t� e porous aquifer of al- luvial sediments deposited along t� e Soča and Vipava rivers. The massif of Kras is dissected wit� numerous faults also. Directions E-W prevail, but t� ey can turn into directions NW-SE and NE-SW . Along t� e latter t� e Timava springs and some karst caves wit� permanent water flow are situated. It is a typical c� aracteristic of Kras t� at t� ere are practically no superficial streams. Due to a �ig � permea - bility of carbonate rocks and consequently almost imme- diate infiltration of rainwater t� e s� are of surface flow is negligible. On t� e ot� er � and, a dense network of surface drainage is developed on surrounding areas wit� lower permeability. On t� e contact wit� t � e karst aquifer t� ese streams sink underground and flow t�roug � t � e karst system towards t� e springs in t� e Trieste bay. The biggest among t� em is t� e Timava spring (Fig. 2) wit� disc � arges from 9.1 m 3 /s to 127 m 3 /s, and mean disc� arge 30.2 m 3 /s in t� e period 1972–1983 (Civita et al. 1995). The Timava spring � as t�ree main branc � es w�ic � are usually marked wit� numbers 1, 2 and 3. In some previous researc � es t� eir p� ysico-c� emical properties were compared in more details (Reisen� ofer et al. 1998). Alt� oug� some differences were observed, t� ey s� ow similar general c� aracteristics. Several smaller springs are located fur- t� er inland at t� e altitudes from 0.4 to 12 m above t� e sea level. Especially interesting are submarine springs along t� e coast between Timava springs and Trieste. The most important is t� e one near t� e village Nabrežina (Auri- sina), w�ic � is called Brojnica and � as been captured for t� e water supply from 1857 until 1977. The karst aquifer of Kras, w�ic � is drained t �roug � described springs, is rec� arged mainly by primary infil- tration of precipitation t�roug � well karstified surface. Average yearly precipitation on Kras varies from 1400 to 1650 mm, and average yearly evapotranspiration from 700 to 750 mm (Kolbezen & Pristov 1998). So t� e effec- tive precipitation, w�ic � actually rec � arges t� e aquifer, amounts to 700–900 mm. Wit� some numerical estima - tions t� e s� are of suc� primary infiltration in t � e total water balance was assessed to approximately 65% (Civita et al. 1995). Fig. 2: The Timava spring. Sl. 2: Izvir Timave. DIRECTIONS AND Dy NAMICS OF FLOW AND TRANSPORT OF CONTAMINANTS FROM THE LANDFILL NEAR SEŽANA ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 416 Additionally, t� e Kras aquifer is rec� arged by sink- ing streams from t� e surrounding area. The most im- portant is t� e contribution of t� e Reka river w� ic� sinks into t� e Škocjanske jame at t� e sout� –eastern border of Kras. As it was proved by several tracer tests, w� ic� are described in t� e next subc� apter, it reappears again in t� e springs of t� e Trieste bay. In t� e period 1961–1990 t� e lowest measured disc� arge of t� e Reka river at t� e gaug- ing station Cerkvenikov mlin was 0.18 m 3 /s and t� e mean disc� arge 8.26 m 3 /s (Kolbezen & Pristov 1998). In t� e time of extremely � ig� waters its disc� arge can reac� up to more t� an 300 m 3 /s. Less important is t� e contribution of t� e inflows from t� e sand and gravel sediments in t� e Soča and Vipava river basins, as well as from t� e ponors of t� e Raša river, Sajevče brook and sinking streams near Dolenja vas and Senožeče (Fig. 1). In t� e karst aquifer between t� e sinking points of t� e surface streams and t� e springs, t� e underground water is accessible in some deep caves and bore� oles. The dept� to t � e water table is considerable. On t� e eastern part of t� e aquifer t� e water is found during low water level in t� e Škocjanske jame at 210 m a.s.l. The water ta- ble lowers towards t� e Kačna Jama to 156 m, in t� e cave of Labodnica (Trebiciano Abyss) t� e water is found at 12 m, in t� e bore� oles near Klariči at 2 m, w�ile in t � e im- mediate vicinity of t� e Timava springs at 0.4 m above sea level (Civita et al. 1995). A fast increase of t�is level is controlled by � eavy rainfall and at �ig � waters t � e system is extremely filled up. Water table in t� e caves rises by 30 m in t� e western part and by more t� an � undred meters at east. Access to t� e underground water flow is possible in some ot� er deep caves also. On t� e Slovene side of t� e border suc� caves are Jama 1 v Kanjaduca � and Brezno v Stršinkni dolini. In several caves t� e oscillations of wa- ter table are regularly monitored (Cucc�i & Zini 2002, Gabrovšek & Peric 2006). In t� e pumping station near Klariči karst water � as been pumped out for t� e water supply of 5 communes in t� e Kras region since 1983. The exploitation wells are located at t� e altitude 16 m in t� e bottom of t� e karst doline approximately 4 km nort� ern from t� e springs of Timava. At t� e moment 3 wells wit� t � e diameter of 0.6 m and t� e dept� of 70 m are active. The water table is about 2 m above sea level. Up to 250 l/s of water can be pumped at present from all t�ree wells. In t � e first stage t� e water is pumped up to t� e water reservoir Sela na Krasu at t� e altitude 275 m, w� ere also t� e water treatment station is located. From t�is reservoir water is distributed to users t�roug � an extended water supply system w �ic � covers practically t� e w� ole Kras area. PREVIOUS TRACER TESTS First tracer tests in t� e Kras area were carried out at t� e beginning of 20 t� century, and several tests wit� artificial tracers were performed in t� e following years. Obtained results enable better understanding of t� e c� aracteristics and directions of groundwater flow at different � ydro- logical conditions (Fig. 1 and Tab. 1). Injection point Date of injection Tracer Proved connection Appar. flow velocity Reference Reka river (Škocjanske jame) 23.12.1907 LiCl Timava spring Brojnica spring 162 m/h 128 m/h Timeus 1928 Reka river (Škocjanske jame) 28.1.1913 Uranine Labodnica Cave 97 m/h Timeus 1928 Reka river (Škocjanske jame) 3.7.1962 Uranine, Tritium Labodnica Cave Brojnica spring Timava spring Boljunec spring 200 m/h 50 m/h 86 m/h 104 m/h Mosetti 1965 Labodnica Cave 1908 Uranine Timava spring 100 m/h Timeus 1928 Vipava river (near Vrtoče) 20.5.1910 LiCl SrCl 2 Doberdob Lake Timava spring 104 m/h Timeus 1928 Sajevče brook 29.6.1987 Uranine Timava spring 24 m/h Habič 1989 Senožeče brook 29.6.1987 Phages Timava spring Sardoč spring Moščenice spring 86 m/h ? 65 m/h Habič 1989 Raša river (near Dolenja vas) 29.6.1987 Rhodamine Timava spring Sardoč spring Moščenice spring ? ? ? Habič 1989 Tab. 1: Results of previous tracer tests. JANJA KOGOVŠEK & METKA PETRIČ ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 417 Environmental tracers were observed also. It was proved by c� emical and isotopic analyses t� at besides autogenous rec� arge also t� e inflow from t� e alluvium of Soča river � as an important contribution to t� e waters w�ic � are pumped for t � e drinking water supply at t� e Klariči pumping station (Urbanc & Kristan 1998, Doctor et al. 2006). CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SEŽANA LANDFILL The landfill near Sežana (Fig. 3) is situated on karst ter - rain at t� e lit� ological contact between Upper Cretaceous limestone and dolomite. Carbonate rocks are tectonically crus� ed in several directions (mainly E-W , NW-SE and NE-SW). Detailed tectonic-lit� ological mapping in t� e scale 1:2.500 s� owed t� at in t� e landfill area broken and fissured zones prevail, w�ic � are favourable for t � e verti- cal flow of water (Kogovšek et al. 1996). Rocks are cov- ered wit� t �in, often interrupted layers of soil wit � small protection function. The result of described c� aracteris- tics is fast infiltration of water and substances dissolved in it from t� e surface into t� e underground. Based on t� e comparison of available data on water table in t� e caves of Kras t� e t�ickness of t � e vadose zone below t� e land- fill was estimated to range between 185 and 225 m at dif- ferent � ydrological conditions. In spring 1996 t� e leac� ates from t� e Sežana landfill were analysed in more details (Kogovšek 1996). Alt� oug� t� e landfill is situated on karst terrain, t� e deposition of fine organic mud at t� e lower margin enabled accumula- tion of a small amount of leac� ates. A pipe was installed t� ere t�roug � w �ic � accumulated water is drained. The first sample was taken at t� e pipe on 14 Marc� 1996 at t� e end of a dry period of t�ree weeks wit � out precipita- tion, w� en existing snow cover was finally melted. The second sample was taken on 4 April 1996 after intensive rain (125 mm t�ree days before) w � en fres� water was flowing t�roug � t � e pipe, and t� e t�ird one at t � e end of April 1996 following a period of t�ree weeks wit � only scarce precipitation. The first and t� e t�ird samples were “old” leac� ates, accumulated for longer time on t� e sur- face and exposed to t� e processes of degradation and oxi- dation. In t� ese samples �ig � values of specific electrical conductivity (SEC up to 9000 µS/cm), c� lorides (up to 800 mg/l), o-p� osp� ates (up to 5 mg/l) and nitrates (up to 19 mg/l) were measured. The c� emical oxygen de- mand (COD) was up to 900 mgO 2 /l and t� e bioc� emical oxygen demand (BOD 5 ) up to 80 mgO 2 /l. In fres� leac � - ate of t� e second sample lower values of SEC, c� lorides, o-p� osp� ates and nitrates, and �ig � er values of COD (more t� an 2000 mgO 2 /l) and BOD 5 were measured. Less intensive precipitation, w�ic � is infiltrated only into t� e wastes, enables partial degradation of easy de- gradable organic pollution. But more intensive precipita- tion can pus� it deeper into t � e karstified rock, into t� e vadose zone of karst aquifer, w�ic � is an important milieu for furt� er degradation also. At t� e conditions of �ig � waters after intensive rains t� e pollution can reac� t � e main groundwater flow t�roug � t � e c� annels of p�reatic zone and flows towards t� e karst springs, in t� e example of t� e Sežana landfill mainly towards t� e Timava springs. Based on previous researc� es of t� e vadose zone above t� e Pivka Cave near Postojna (Kogovšek 1987) it was concluded t� at during t� e percolation t�roug � fissured karst rocks of t� e vadose zone t� e processes of self-puri- fication are limited to a certain degree, w�ic � depends on t� e conditions in karst aquifer, c� aracteristics of flow and types of contaminants. Waste waters from t� e Sežana landfill were in 1996 polluted mostly wit� organic pollution (COD values more t� an 2000 mgO 2 /l) of w�ic � approximately one t�ird is biologically degradable. The products of degra- dation (c� lorides, nitrates, sulp� ates, p� osp� ates, carbon dioxide, and ot� ers) are important factors in t� e process of karstificaton, w�ic � increases t � e permeability of flow pat� s from t� e surface deeper into t� e karst aquifer. This results in faster flow and lower self-purification. And in suc� conditions not only soluble components are was � ed out of t� e wastes wit� precipitation, but small, non-solu - ble organic pollutants can be transported also (Kogovšek 1996). Fig. 3: The Sežana landfill (photo: N. Ravbar). Sl. 3: Odlagališče Sežana (Foto: N. Ravbar) DIRECTIONS AND Dy NAMICS OF FLOW AND TRANSPORT OF CONTAMINANTS FROM THE LANDFILL NEAR SEŽANA ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 418 PRECIPITATION AND Hy DROLOGICAL CONDITIONS IN THE TIME OF TRACING The Environmental Agency of t� e Republic of Slovenia operates wit� t � e precipitation station near t� e water res- ervoir Sela na Krasu. We obtained data on daily precipi- tation for t� e period from 1 Marc� 2005 to 17 January 2006. Additionally, at t� e Sežana landfill we installed a raingauge Onset RG2-M to measure precipitation in 15- minutes intervals in t� e period from 21 April 2005 to 23 Marc� 2006 (Fig. 6). Some differences between t � e two stations were observed, and to demonstrate t� e condi- tions in t� e w� ole Kras area t� e data from bot� locations were considered. The initial transfer of tracer t�roug � t � e vadose zone was initiated by t� e precipitation in t� e area of t� e landfill. Common disc� arges of t� e Timava springs are reg- ularly measured by t� e water supply company ACEGAS, w�ic � is responsible for t � e management of t� e springs. We obtained from t� em daily data on disc� arges for t� e years 2005 and 2006 (Fig. 6). For comparison disc� arges of t� e Reka river are presented on t� e Figure 6 also. They are regularly measured at t� e automatic gauging station Cerkvenikov mlin and data are available on t� e web page of t� e Environmental Agency (Podatki 2005). After t� e period of low waters in t� e first part of t� e year 2005 t� e disc� arges of Timava increased after inten- sive rains in April, but no extreme values were measured. During t� e summer disc� arges remain relatively low in spite of frequent raining, and also in September and Oc- tober no significant increases of disc� arge were observed. Only after intensive rain at t� e end of November 2005 t� e disc� arges increased over 100 m 3 /s. INJECTION AND SAMPLING A karren surface at t� e sout�-western margin of t � e landfill was selected as t� e injection point. A solution of 38 kg of uranine in 400 l of water was injected into a karst fissure on 20 April 2005 at 1:10 p.m. and was� ed off wit� 12 m 3 of water (Fig. 4). The sampling points (Fig. 1) and t� e sampling plan were c� osen based on known � ydrogeological condi- tions and results of previous tracer tests. In t� e peri- od from t� e start of t� e test till t� e middle of January 2006 samples were taken once per day at t� e Timava 2 (more t� an 270 samples), Sardoč (200 samples) and Brojnica springs (more t� an 260 samples), and once or twice per day at t� e Klariči pumping station. At first two t� e water samples were collected manually in dark glass bottles by t� e co-workers of t� e ACEGAS company. More t� an one mont� t� ey sampled t� e Moščenice-N spring also. At t� e Brojnica spring an automatic sampler ISCO 6700-A was installed (Fig. 5). At Klariči t� e sam- ples were taken by t� e co-workers of t� e water supply company Kraški vodovod (near 300 samples), but fluo- rescence was measured (in � ourly intervals) in situ by Fiber-optic Fluorometer LLF-M also. In t� e time of low and medium waters numerous blind samples (around 250 up to December 2005) were taken at Klariči. Wit� in t� is period no intensive rainfall events were observed, and t� is is t� e reason w� y no blind samples were taken at � ig� waters. TRACER TEST IN APRIL 2005 Fig. 4: Injection of tracer on 20 April 2005 at the margin of the Sežana landfill. Sl. 4: Injiciranje sledila 20. aprila 2005 pri odlagališču Sežana. Fig. 5: Installation of the automatic sampler at the Brojnica spring. Sl. 5: postavitev avtomatskega zajemalnika v izvir Brojnico. JANJA KOGOVŠEK & METKA PETRIČ ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 419 Additionally, 5 series of samples were taken simul- taneously in all t�ree branc � es of t� e Timava spring to compare uranine concentrations, but no significant dif- ferences in t� e appearance of tracer were observed. So t� e concentrations measured in Timava 2 were regarded as representative for t� e Timava springs. Fluorescence was measured in laboratory by a Lu- minescence spectrometer LS 30, Perkin Elmer (E ex =491 nm, E em =512 nm) wit� detection limit of 0.005 ppb (1 ppb=1 mg/m 3 ). First measurements were carried out immediately after sampling and t� en also later w� en possible suspended particles in t� e samples were de- canted. Low, uncertain concentrations were additionally c� ecked several times wit� simultaneous testing and ad- justing of pH. RESULTS OF TRACING In daily samples of t� e Timava 2 spring first traces of uranine (0.015 ppb) were detected on 2 May 2005 at 8 a.m. (Figs. 6 and 8). For t� e appearance of tracer t� e rain (20 mm) on 24 and 25 April 2005 was decisive. Then concentration began to increase faster on 7 May. The breakt�roug � curve reac � ed its maximum 0.48 ppb on 13 May 2005. This reaction was probably a result of ad- ditional rain in t� e period from 5 to 10 May (42 mm), w�ic � pus � ed additional tracer t�roug � t � e vadose zone. All t�is time t � e disc� arges of t� e Timava springs were decreasing. More intensive outflow of tracer from t� e va- dose zone was initiated again by precipitation on 17 and 18 May 2005 (32 mm). Also t� e disc� arges of t� e Timava spring started to increase on 18 May and reac� ed t� e maximum of 57 m 3 /s on 20 May 2005. Suc� conditions � ad an important influence on t� e transport of uranine t�roug � t � e vadose zone and t� e karst c� annels towards t� e Timava springs (Fig. 7). Afterwards concentrations of uranine were de- creasing until 25 May w� en t� ey reac� ed t� e value 0.01 ppb. The next, but less intensive appearance of tracer was observed in t� e following week wit� t� e peak con- centration of 0.05 ppb on 29 May 2005. Therefore t� e maximal apparent flow velocity v max towards t� e Timava spring (regarding t� e first appearance of tracer detect- ed at time t max ) was 76 m/� and t� e dominant apparent flow velocity vd om (regarding t� e first peak of t� e break- t� roug� curve C max detected at time t dom ) 39 m/� (Tab. 2). As usually t� e parameter ap- parent flow velocity is used in order to emp� asise t� at t� e air distance D between t� e injection point and t� e sampling point is regarded as t� e flow distance and not t� e actual flow pat� t� roug� t� e vadose and p� reatic zones w� ic� can not be measured or defined. In t� e following pe- riod t� e tracer was slowly was� ed out of t� e system and in some water waves t� e concentrations were slig� tly increased. In t� is period t� e � ig� est value of 0.1 ppb was observed during � ig� waters in t� e beginning of Decem- ber 2005. At t� e end of t� e obser- vation period in September 2006 after a precipitation event t� e concentration of uranine increased again. This s� ows t� at at least a Fig. 6: Concentrations of uranine in the Timava spring, discharges of the Timava springs and Reka river, and precipitation at the Sežana landfill (precipitation measured until 23 march 2006). Sl. 6: Koncentracije uranina v izviru Timave, pretoki Timave in Reke ter padavine na območju odlagališča Sežana (padavine merjene do 23. marca 2006). Tab. 2: Estimation of the apparent velocities of groundwater flow. Spring D (m) C max (ppb) t max (days) v max (m/h) t dom (days) v dom (m/h) Recovery (%) Timava 21350 0.48 12 76 23 39 93 Brojnica 14155 0.14 30 20 31 19 Sardoč 21655 0.02 Klariči 21980 0.01 DIRECTIONS AND Dy NAMICS OF FLOW AND TRANSPORT OF CONTAMINANTS FROM THE LANDFILL NEAR SEŽANA ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 420 t� e summer 2006 no samples were taken (Fig. 6). Until 19 May 2005 only small oscillations of uranine concentrations slig� tly above t� e detection limit were mea- sured in daily samples of t� e Brojnica spring. Then on 20 May, one mont� after t � e injection, t� e concentration increased and a nice break- t�roug � curve was observed. Its s� ape was similar to t� e one of t� e Timava spring, only t� e peak concentration wit� 0.14 ppb on 21 May 2005 was significantly lower (Fig. 8). The concentration decreased to 0.005 ppb on 26 May 2005. But during t� e next day, similar to t� e conditions observed at t� e Timava spring, it started to increase again and t� e sec- ond breakt�roug � peak wit � t� e maximum value in t� e beginning of June 2005 was formed. Slig� tly increased concentrations were detected again during �ig � waters in t� e autumn of 2005. Cal- culated maximal apparent velocity of flow towards t� e Brojnica spring was 20 m/� and dominant apparent flow velocity 19 m/�. No data on disc� arges of t� e Brojnica spring are available t� erefore t� e calculation of recovered amount of tracer was not possible. But according to our field observations t� ese disc� arges were significantly smaller t� an t� e disc� arges of Timava springs. Also measured concentrations of uranine were low, so it can be assessed t� at t� e outflow t�roug � t � e Brojnica spring was less t� an 1 % of injected tracer. Oscillations of tracer concentrations around t� e de- tection limit were observed by regular daily sampling at t� e Sardoč spring in t� e period of one mont� after t � e injection. Then on 22 May 2005 t� e concentration in- creased to 0.010 ppb. In t� e following days concentra- small amount of injected tracer is still stored in t� e karst aquifer. Based on t� e comparison between measured ura- nine concentrations and disc� arges of Timava t� e amount of recovered tracer was calculated (Fig. 7). In t� e period from t� e injection of tracer in April 2005 until t� e end of September 2006 (17 mont� s in total) almost 35 kg of uranine (93% of injected amount) was was� ed out t�roug � t � e Timava springs. This s� are is probably even �ig � er considering t� e fact t� at in a s� ort interval during Fig. 7: Comparison between precipitation and recovered amount of tracer in the Timava spring (precipitation measured until 23 march 2006). Sl. 7: primerjava med padavinami in količino povrnjenega sledila skozi izvir Timave (padavine merjene do 23. marca 2006). Fig. 8: Concentrations of uranine in the Timava, Sardoč and Brojnica springs and Klariči pumping station, and discharges of the Timava springs. Sl. 8: primerjava krivulj koncentracije sledila v izvirih Timava, Sardoč in Brojnica ter v črpališču Klariči po injiciranju uranina 20. aprila 2005 na območju odlagališča Sežana in narejeni pretoki izvirov Timave. JANJA KOGOVŠEK & METKA PETRIČ ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 421 tions were decreasing and after 5 days t� e detection limit was reac� ed again (Fig. 8). During �ig � waters in autumn 2005 concentrations of uranine increased up to a maxi- mum level of 0.02 ppb. Alt� oug� t � e tracer appearance in t� e Sardoč spring was weak, a secondary underground water connection wit� t � e landfill can be confirmed considering t� e s� ape of t� e breakt�roug � curve and its similarity wit� t � e curves of ot� er observed springs. But in comparison wit� t � e Timava spring t� e amount of re- covered tracer at t� e Sardoč spring was very low. In t� e Klariči pumping station t� e concentrations of tracer were measured wit� field fluorometer, but also water samples for t� e laboratory analysis wit� t � e lumi- niscence spectrometer were taken once or twice per day in t� e water reservoir Sela na Krasu. Measured values were in general below t� e detection limit (Fig. 8). In t� e spring 2005 four individual (in single samples) increases of t� e concentration of uranine to 0.010 ppb were ob- served, but suc� individual peaks are not sufficient to confirm t� e underground water connection. Following slig� tly more intensive precipitation in t� e second � alf of September 2005 t� e concentrations were �ig � er again in two samples. Similar s� ort-term oscillations were ob- served in ot� er springs and we infer t� at t� ey were only a reflection of a natural outflow of pollution from t� e karst aquifer after a dry summer period. After intensive precipitation at t� e end of November and in t� e beginning of December 2005 t� e karst aqui- fer was filled wit� water. At t � e Klariči pumping station t� e tracer concentration increased to 0.015 ppb. These values were only slig� tly above t� e detection limit, but t� ey were measured in several successive samples. In t� e studied karst area between t� e landfill and t� e springs in t� e Trieste bay a water flow t�roug � t � e main conduits is dominant, but in t� e conditions of a significant rise of water table groundwater can spill over in a broader area wit� lower permeability. From t � e obtained results we can infer t� at at extreme � ydrological conditions and flowing slowly t�roug � smaller fissures only a slig � t amount of injected tracer reac� ed t� e Klariči pumping station in a s� ort water wave. Calculated amount of recovered tracer at Klariči (considering t� e quantity of pumping 140 l/s) is very low (approximately 1 g of uranine). This would mean t� at only 0.003 % of t� e injected quantity was detected at t� e Klariči pumping station. On t� e ot� er � and, we can not exclude t� e possibility t� at measured increased con- centrations were t� e result of a natural outflow of pollu- tion from t� e catc�ment. To accept or reject t �is � ypot� - esis we would need to analyse some blind samples taken at similar � ydrological conditions of �ig � waters. In t � e frame of t� e described researc� suc � analysis was not possible, but after a certain period in t� e future (w� en all injected tracer will be was� ed out) we could get t� e necessary information by t� e analysis of series of samples taken in adequate � ydrological conditions of very �ig � waters. CONCLUSIONS Infiltrated precipitation and leac� ates from t� e Sežana landfill flow underground t�roug � t � e karst aquifer to- wards t� e Timava springs (Fig. 1). The first appearance of uranine (12 days after t� e injection) was initiated by t� e rain event (20 mm) 5 days after t� e injection (25 and 26 April 2005). In t� e following days until 23 May 2005 t� e most significant part of t� e breakt�roug � curve was observed wit� t � e outflow of 35% of injected tracer (Figs. 6 and 7). It was caused by precipitation in t� e time from 5 to 11 May 2005 (42 mm) and later from 17 to 18 May 2005 (32 mm). The �ig � est concentration of uranine (0.48 ppb) was measured 23 days after t� e injection on 13 May 2005. The disc� arges of Timava springs and Reka river were in recession until 17 May, so no faster trans- port t�roug � t � e karst c� annels towards t� e springs was generated (Fig. 6). Only t� e increase of disc� arge of Ti- mava in t� e period from 18 to 20 May 2005 from 26 to 57 m 3 /s and t� e increase of disc� arge of Reka from 1 to 3.4 m 3 /s caused important transport of tracer. A comparison wit� t � e observations of water perco- lation and transport of tracer t�roug � one � undred me- ters t�ick vadose zone above t � e Postojna Cave (Kogovšek 2007) in t� e same period indicates t� at t� e structure of t� e vadose zone below t� e landfill enables relatively fast water flow. Precipitation events at t� e end of April and in t� e beginning of May 2005 pus� ed t� e tracer t�roug � t� e vadose zone towards t� e p�reatic zone only t �roug � �ig � ly permeable flow pat� s (similar to t� e trickle I, w�ic � was proved in a long-term study of t � e vadose zone in t� e Postojna Cave as t� e most permeable of t� e t�ree observed trickles). In t� e less permeable parts of t� e va- dose zone t� e tracer was temporary stored. Suc� storage of infiltrated precipitation was dominant also in t� e fol- lowing period until t� e middle of August 2005, t� erefore in t� e meantime only traces of uranine were detected at t� e Timava springs. We can infer t� at during t�is sum - mer t� e Timava springs were mainly rec� arged from ot� er parts of t� e aquifer (Timeus 1928, Bidovec 1967, DIRECTIONS AND Dy NAMICS OF FLOW AND TRANSPORT OF CONTAMINANTS FROM THE LANDFILL NEAR SEŽANA ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 422 Doctor et al. 2006). The total amount of precipitation in t� e period of 5 mont� s after injection from July to t� e end of November 2005 was almost 600 mm (measured at t� e landfill), but due to a �ig � evapotranspiration and t� e storage wit�in t � e vadose zone t� e transfer of tracer t�roug � it was relatively low (10%). Hig � er concentra- tions of tracer at t� e Timava springs were observed again at t� e end of November 2005 w� en more intensive and larger precipitation started, as well as in spring 2006. We can conclude t� at t� e transport t�roug � t � e vadose zone � as a decisive influence on t� e transfer of tracer or by analogy of contaminants from surface to- wards karst springs. It depends not only on t� e quantity and intensity of precipitation, but on t� e amount of water previously stored in t� e vadose zone also. Apparent dominant flow velocity in t� e conditions of low disc� arges of Timava (around 30 m 3 /s) was ap- proximately 39 m/� (Tab. 2). Almost 42% of injected tracer was recovered t�roug � t � e Timava springs in t� e first two mont� s after t� e injection, and approximately 93% in t� e period of 16 mont� s until September 2006 (Fig. 7). Probably smaller amounts of tracer were was� ed out following eac� more intensive precipitation event in t� e period after t� e end of t� e described researc� also. The underground water connection wit� t � e Bro- jnica spring was proved also. The maximal measured concentration of tracer was 0.14 ppb, w�ic � is 3.5-times lower t� an in t� e Timava spring. The first appearance of tracer was observed only 31 days after t� e injection following t� e increase of disc� arges after a precipitation event. The apparent dominant flow velocity was 19 m/� (Tab. 2). Even lower concentrations were measured in t� e Sardoč spring 33 days after t� e injection. In t� e Klariči pumping station t� e concentrations of uranine were in t� e initial period of 5 mont� s con- stantly below t� e detection limit. Only in some individ- ual samples in September 2005 slig� tly �ig � er concen- trations were detected. They were probably caused by a natural outflow of pollution from t� e karst aquifer after a dry summer period. At t� e end of t� e period of very �ig � waters in t � e beginning of December 2005 t� e con- centrations of uranine reac� ed up to 0.015 ppb in sev- eral samples (at t� e same time a breakt�roug � curve was observed at t� e Timava springs also). These increased values could be a result of a natural outflow of pollution from t� e catc�ment again, but it is possible also t � at in t� e conditions of very �ig � waters groundwater can spill over from t� e primary drainage pat� into a broader area wit� lower permeability. At extreme � ydrological condi- tions and flowing slowly t�roug � smaller fissures only a slig� t amount of tracer (some permiles) reac� ed t� e Klariči pumping station in a s� ort water wave. We can say t� at no permanent underground water connection between t� e landfill and t� e Klariči pumping station ex- ists and t� at suc� connection could be activated only at some exceptional events and in s� ort time periods. It was proved by tracer test t� at infiltrated water from t� e Sežana landfill flows towards t� e Timava and Brojnica springs. Therefore bot� springs are suggested as t� e points of monitoring of groundwater quality in t� e area of influence of t� e landfill. Alt� oug� a possible in - fluence of t� e landfill on t� e Klariči pumping station is very low, also t�is location was selected as t � e monitor- ing point due to its exceptional importance for t� e water supply in t� e Kras region. Based on described results and our previous expe- riences some guidelines for t� e monitoring can be em- p� asised. The monitoring plan s� ould be adjusted to � ydrological conditions, because t� e pollution signal can be expected at monitoring points after eac� more inten - sive precipitation event due to a more intensive was� - ing out of contaminants from t� e landfill. Additionally, previously stored polluted water from t� e vadose zone below t� e landfill is pus� ed towards t� e p�reatic zone, in w�ic � t � en t� e transport towards t� e karst springs is very fast. As t� e conditions in karst are c� anging very fast t� e frequency of sampling s� ould be adapted to � y- drological conditions. More detailed sampling during a selected water wave from t� e beginning of t� e increase of disc� arge, t�roug � t � e disc� arge peak and t� en in t� e recession p� ase back to t� e initial state is suggested in order to get more representative results. Observation of selected water waves in spring and autumn is proposed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to t� ank Prof. Dr. Franco Cucc�i and �is researc� team from t � e Department of Geological, Envi- ronmental and Marine Sciences, University of Trieste for t� eir � elp in t� e organisation of t� e tracer test. For t� e organisation of sampling at t� e springs of Timava, Sardoč and Moščenice-N, and for disc� arge data we would like to t� ank t� e water supply company ACEGAS from Tri- este and especially Mr. Paolo Sossi for �is special care and interest. For t� e organisation of sampling at t� e Klariči pumping station we would like to t� ank t� e co-workers JANJA KOGOVŠEK & METKA PETRIČ ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 423 of t� e water supply company Kraški vodovod Sežana. For co-operation in t� e preparative arrangements we would like to t� ank Andrej Juren (GeoSi d.o.o., Geological In- stitute). The tracer test was supported by t� e Institute of Mining, Geology and Geotec�nology from Ljubljana, and by t� e public company Komunalno stanovanjsko podjetje Sežana, w�ic � is t � e manager of t� e landfill. REFERENCES Bidovec, F., 1967: The Hydrosystem of Karstic Springs in t� e Timavo Basin.- Hydrology of Fractured Rocks, 1, 263-274, AIHS, Louvain. Civita, M. & F. Cucc�i & S. Garavoglia & F. Maranzana & B. Vigna, 1995: The Timavo � ydrogeologic system: an important reservoir of supplementary water re- sources to be reclaimed and protected.- Acta carso- logica, 24, 169-186, Ljubljana. Cucc�i, F. & L. 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ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 424 V raziskavi s sledilnim poskusom na odlagališču komu- nalni� odpadkov pri Sežani smo iskali odgovor na nasled - nja vprašanja: v kateri smeri in kako �itro se v podzemlju pretaka infiltrirana voda z območja odlagališča, kako �it - er je transport škodljivi� snovi, ki ji � je ta voda sprala iz odloženi� odpadkov in v kateri � izviri � ali jama � z vod - nim tokom la� ko pričakujemo pojav te� snovi. Vzpored - no merjenje padavin, pretokov in koncentracij sledila v daljšem obdobju je omogočilo določitev vpliva različno izdatni� in intenzivni � padavin na pojavljanje sledila v izviri� in s tem oceno vpliva vadozne cone na podzemno pretakanje infiltrirane vode. Območje odlagališča (Sl. 3) je del Krasa, ki ga gradi- jo pretežno zakraseli in dobro prepustni kredni apnenci in deloma dolomiti in je praktično brez površinski� to - kov (Sl. 1). Napaja se primarno z infiltracijo padavin in sekundarno s ponikalnicami z nekraškega obrobja, praz- ni pa skozi kraške izvire v Tržaškem zalivu. Največji med njimi so izviri Timave s srednjim pretokom 30,2 m 3 /s (Sl. 2), v nji� ovi neposredni bližini je izvir Sardoč, zelo za- nimiv pa je podmorski izvir Brojnica pri Nabrežini (Sl. 5). Ob morju ali globlje v notranjosti celine so še številni drugi izviri. V črpališču Klariči pa zajemajo podzemno vodo za vodookrbo peti� občin na območju Krasa. Na Krasu so bili v preteklosti izvedeni številni sledilni poskusi, s katerimi je bila dokazana primarna smer pretakanja proti izvirom Timave (Sl. 1). Ugotov- ljene so bile visoke navidezne �itrosti pretakanja, ki so značilne za tok skozi kraške kanale in kažejo na dobro in �itro komunikacijo vode v obravnavanem vodonosniku. V vse� poskusi � pa je bilo sledilo injicirano v ponikal - nico ali vodni tok v podzemni jami. Da bi ugotovili način odtekanja izcedni� vod s sežanske deponije, je bil zas - novan nov sledilni poskus z injiciranjem sledila v sistem škrapelj na robu odlagališča. V razpoko smo 20. aprila 2005 injicirali raztopino 38 kg uranina (Sl. 4). Rezultati sledenja so prikazani na slika� 1, 6, 7 in 8. Navidezna dominantna �itrost pretakanja proti izvirom Timave znaša 39 m/�. Skozi izvire Timave je v prvi � dve � meseci� izteklo skoraj 42 % injicirane količine, medtem ko je do septembra 2006 (v obdobju 16 mesecev) izteklo okoli 93 % sledila. Padavine konec aprila in maja so potis- nile sledilo do podzemnega toka Reke le po prepustnejši� pote�, v slabše prepustni � deli � vadozne cone pa so se padavine s sledilom tedaj le s�ranjevale. Nadaljnje pa - davine do srede avgusta so se pretežno s�ranjevale, kar pojasnjuje neizrazito pojavljanje sledila ob ni� anji� pretoka Timave. Očitno so izviri Timave tedaj dobivali vodo pretežno iz drugi� delov vodonosnika. V skoraj 5 mesečnem obdobju od julija do konca novembra 2005 je padlo na območju odlagališča skoraj 600 mm dežja, a je bil prenos sledila skozi vadozno cono sorazmerno ma- j� en (10 %). Do ponovnega izrazitejšega prenosa sledila skozi izvire Timave je prišlo šele konec novembra 2005. Rezultati so pokazali, da je za prenos sledila oz. topni� kontaminantov s površja do kraški� izvirov odločilen prenos skozi vadozno cono, ki pa je odvisen ne le od količine in intenzivnosti padavin, temveč predvsem od pred� odne zapolnjenosti vadozne cone z vodo. Sledilni poskus je dokazal tudi povezavo odlagališča z Brojnico pri Nabrežini. Uranin se je pojavil šele 31 dni po injiciranju, ko so se vodostaji voda po padavina� zvišali. Izračunana dominantna �itrost pretakanja v tej smeri je bila 19 m/�. Še manj izrazito se je sledilo pojavilo v izviru Sardoč 33 dni po injiciranju. V črpališču Klariči so bile koncentracije večinoma pod mejo detekcije, zabeležili smo le nekaj neznačilni� povišanj. V začetku decembra 2005 ob koncu obdob- ja zelo visokega vodostaja, ko je prišlo do ponovnega prenosa sledila skozi izvire Timave, pa je več zapored- ni� vzorcev dosegalo koncentracije do 0,015 ppb. Skle - pamo, da ne gre za stalno odtekanje iz smeri odlagališča proti črpališču Klariči, ampak bolj za izjemne in časovno omejene dogodke, ko se la� ko ob zelo visoki� vodosta - ji� podzemna voda iz območja primarni � drenažni � poti, ki so usmerjene proti izvirom Timave, precedi tudi v širše območje proti severu in njen zelo maj� en del (nekaj tisočink odstotka) in z večjo zakasnitvijo doseže tudi črpališče v Klariči�. Po drugi strani pa ne moremo izključiti niti možnosti, da so povišane koncentracije po- sledica naravnega iztoka onesnaženja iz kraškega vodon- osnika. Da bi la� ko potrdili ali zavrgli to zadnjo �ipo - tezo, bi morali analizirati serijo slepi� vzorcev, ki bi bili odvzeti v podobni� �idrološki � pogoji � zelo visoki � vod. Žal v okviru opisane raziskave taka analiza ni bila možna, la� ko pa bi jo izvedli naknadno, ko bi injicirano sledilo v celoti izteklo iz sistema. SMERI IN DINAMIKA ODTEKANJA VODE IN PRENOSA KONTAMINANTOV Z ODLAGALIŠČA ODPADKOV PRI SEŽANI (JZ SLOVENIJA) POVZETEK JANJA KOGOVŠEK & METKA PETRIČ