UDC 528.236.001.1 (497.12) STATE SYSTEM OF PLAIN RECTANGULAR COORDINATES (Draft proposal f or Republic Slovenia) Dr. Miroslav Peterca Ljubljana Received far publication: May 24, 1993 Abstract Far the state system of plain rectangular coordinates a draft proposal of Gauss-Krueger coordinates is given. Geometrically the Gauss-Krueger system is based on GKP widened meridian zones. To achieve greater use of coordinate records the change of coordinate origin is suggested. The UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) should serve as a connection with Europe. Keywords: Gauss-Krueger projection, proposal, Slovenia, system of plain rectangular coordinates, UTM l!NTRODUCTION he technical term „system of plai.n rectangular coordinates" contains surveyin.g-cartographic projection. and system of plain rectangular coordinates, which is based on projection. as a geometrical basi.s. The article deals with: • basic projection and system of plain rectangular coordinates for the territory of Republic Slovenia and, • system for connecting the basic Slovene system with Europe. Geographical position of Republic Slovenia If for adjacent ?1eridians an~ parallels th~ external ma~gins of _s~eets TK 25 are taken, Slovema then occup1es the followmg geograph1cal pos1t1on: AW = 13°22'30" AE = 16°37'30" AE-AW = 3°15' Projection position ofRepublic Slovenia 0°. The rectangular coordinates of the origin are: Yo = 0,0 m, conditionally 500 000 m Xo = O,Om. As opposed to geographical coordinates

45° the origin of the system for RPK listings is moved from the pointAo,