Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice / From the ornithological notebook 154 the night was moonless, the sky was almost cloudless and the wind and temperatures were very mild. At around 21:30, when we were a little less than 1 km away from Sv. Vid, we suddenly but clearly heard two or three successive mating calls of a male Little Crake from the drainage channel running along the road. The bird was in a very dense and impassable 1 to 3 m high vegetation belt at a distance of around 5 to 10 m from us on the opposite bank of the channel. The drainage channel on this spot runs parallel to the road and borders on small vegetable and fruit gardens on its other side. After a couple of minutes we compared the heard voices with the recordings we had brought with us [Feindt, P. (1968): Vier europäische Rallenarten. – Eigenverlag] for the sake of certainty. D. Rucner [Rucner, D. (1952/53): Birds of the Neretva valley. – Larus 6/7: 53–138] reported only one collected specimen from the lower Neretva region, shot on 2 Apr 1949 at Njivice. Other so far unpublished data were obtained in the lower Neretva valley during the census of Bittern and other reed birds carried out between 26 Apr and 2 May 2001 (see Sackl et al. 2003). During the census, Dominik Bombek, Barbara Pihlak and Jakob Smole heard, in the evening of 28 Apr 2001, mating calls of a single male in the reed beds near Opuzen. The same group heard one calling male again in the reed beds near Sv. Vid early in the morning of the following day (29 Apr 2001). The short calls were repeated only few times and the absence of reaction to the tape corresponds very well with explosive calls, one to two syllables long. On the grounds of our data, an occasional Little Crake’s breeding in the lower Neretva is therefore possible. Peter Sackl, Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum, Raubergasse 10, A-8010 Graz, Austria, e-mail: peter.sackl@stmk.gv.at Jakob Smole, Cafova 4, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia, e-mail: jakob.smole@kiss.si ^oketa Gallinago media Great Snipe – 4 ind. observed on 17 Sep 2003 on the rocky side of Velo blato on Pag island (UTM WK01, N Dalmatia) in addition to 1 Greenshank Tringa nebularia, Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos, Ruff Philomachus pugnax, and Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria Dne 17.9.2003 sem se odpravil na obhod Velega blata na Pagu. Na zahodni strani jezerca sem opazil zelenonogega martinca Tringa nebularia, med hojo ~ez kamenje malega martinca Actitis hypoleucos, togotnika Philomachus pugnax, za njima pa {e zlato prosenko Pluvialis apricaria, sicer dobro skrito v tamkaj{nem kamenju. Ve~ te`av sem imel s ~oketo, saj sem jo tokrat videl prvi~. ^oketa se v hrva{kem Primorju sicer redko pojavlja [Rucner, D. (1998): Ptice hrvatske obale Jadrana. – Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej, Ministrstvo razvitka i obnove, Zagreb]. Tokrat pa so se ve~krat spreletele tik pred mano kar {tiri in pristale nekoliko dlje. Na vodi so {tevil~no prevladovali ~opasti ponirki Podiceps cristatus in liske Fulica atra. Med temi pa so plavale posamezne race – reglja Anas querquedula, sivka Aythya ferina, konopnica Anas strepera in `li~arica A. clypeata. Iz skoraj popolnoma suhe krajine je priletel veliki {kurh Numenius arquata. Dejan Bordjan, Ulica 8. februarja 50, SI-2204 Milklav`, Slovenija, e-mail: dejanonih@email.si ^ebelar Merops apiaster European Bee-eater – 12 ind. on 25 Apr 2003 near Bobovi{~e on the west side of Bra~ island (UTM XJ10, central Dalmatia), and 2 ind. on 27 Apr 2003 near Sutivan (UTM XJ10) Na biolo{kem taboru na Bra~u se je skupina za ptice 25.4.2003 mudila pred mestom Bobovi{~e na zahodni strani otoka. Tja smo prikolesarili in ob majhnem slanem mo~virju po~ivali. Pred odhodom smo na majhni razdalji opazili samca gril~ka Serinus serinus in ko smo si ga ogledovali, sem zasli{al neko znano ogla{anje. Takoj sem z daljnogledom sledil ogla{anju in hitro pre{tel dvanajst ~ebelarjev. Dne 27.4. sem opazoval {e dva osebka pri Sutivanu. Dejan Bordjan, Ulica 8. februarja 50, SI-2204 Milklav`, Slovenija, e-mail: dejanonih@email.si Rde~a lastovka Hirundo daurica Red-rumped Swallow – between 13 and 20 Sep 2003 four Swallow species observed on their migration across the Sea of Karin near Zadar (UTM WJ18, N Dalmatia): House Martins Delichon urbica (which were prevalent in flocks with more than 300 individuals), Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica (seen in smaller flocks or individually), Red-rumped Swallows (mixed flocks with House Martins, especially juveniles, but also in flocks of adults with up to 100 individuals), and a single Sand Martin Riparia riparia. Additionally, a larger group of Crag Martins Hirundo rupestris was observed in the nearby Paklenica (UTM WK30). Med 13.9. in 20.9.2003 sem dopustoval ob Karinskem morju vzhodno od Zadra. Tam so me `e od samega za~etka spremljale zelo {tevilne mestne lastovke Delichon urbica, venomer v jatah s po ve~ kot 300 osebki. Med njimi so bile tudi kme~ke lastovke Hirundo rustica, a so bile precej redkej{e in v manj{ih jatah. Najve~krat sem jih videval posami~, redko pa v jatah s po ve~ deset osebki. Tretja vrsta lastovke je bila rde~a lastovka. Sprva sem videl samo posamezne osebke, kasneje se je izkazalo, da so med mestnimi tudi mnogi mladostni osebki rde~ih lastovk. Naslednje dni sem videl ve~ odraslih tudi v jatah, ki so {tele tudi do 100 osebkov. To ka`e na dokaj mo~ne populacije te vrste na Hrva{kem, katere {iritev je bila zaznana {ele v zadnjih 50 letih [Kralj, J. (1997): Ornitofauna Hrvatske tijekom posljednih dvjesto godina. – Larus 46: 1–112]. Prav na koncu sem opazil {e breguljko Riparia riparia v me{ani jati mestnih, kme~kih in