73 Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis on the shoreline of the river Bosut near Andrijaševci village (Figure 10). During the observation, the Little Grebe was half-way down to the throat of the heron but still alive and moving its legs. It was not confirmed whether the heron successfully swallowed the grebe. On 15 Jan we all visited the Našička Breznica fishponds that were almost completely frozen at the time. There was a small open surface on one of the ponds that held several waterbirds  – 328 Mute Swans and 16 Common Coots, amongst others. A few Mute Swan carcasses were lying on the ice and a group of 5-6 Common Coots were feeding on one of them (Figure 11). The carcasses were most probably opened by Common Ravens Corvus corax and Hooded Crows Corvus cornix that were present there, too. None of these behaviours had been observed by us before and we have not found similar cases published yet. Adrian Tomik, I. Meštrovića 74, HR–31326 Darda, Croatia, e–mail: tomikadrian@gmail.com Marina Grgić, Vukovarska 64, HR-32221 Nuštar, Croatia, e–mail: marina.grgic123@gmail.com Josip Ledinšćak, A.G.Matoša 16, HR-31500 Našice, Croatia, e–mail: jledinscak@yahoo.com Dora Dvoržak, Braće Radića 46, HR-31500 Našice, Croatia, e–mail: doradvorzak@gmail.com Mala uharica Asio otus Long-eared Owl  – few feathers found on the remote island of Mrčara near Lastovo on 19 Jul 2017, probably belonging to the wintering birds in the area Mala uharica je na Hrvaškem pogosta vrsta, najverjetneje stalnica (Kralj et al. 2013), njeno pojavljanje na oddaljenih hrvaških otokih pa je slabo poznano. Dne 19. 7. 2017 sva na otoku Mrčara (42°46'24"N, 16°47'20"E), zahodno od otoka Lastovo, v gozdu alepskega bora Pinus halepensis naletela na več peres male uharice (slika  12), ki po najinih podatkih z otoka Lastovo še ni poznana. Glede na obrabo so bila peresa na terenu že kar nekaj časa, tako da je verjetno šlo za peresa iz časa prezimovanja. Na samem otoku Mrčara ni primernih odprtih lovišč za malo uharico, zato je gnezdenje manj verjetno. Kot večja in od kopnega dokaj oddaljena kopnina v Jadranskem morju ima Lastovo poseben pomen na t. i. jadranski selitveni poti ptic Figure 10 / Slika 10: Grey Heron Ardea cinerea trying to swallow a Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis on the shoreline of river Bosut near Andrijaševci village / Siva čaplja skuša pogoltniti malega ponirka (photo: M. Grgić) Figure 11 / Slika 11: Common Coots Fulica atra feeding on the carcass of Mute Swan Cygnus olor on Našička Breznica fishponds / Liske se prehranjujejo s truplom Laboda grbca (photo: M.Grgić) Acrocephalus 37 (172/173): 63–77, 2017 Slika 12 / Figure 12: Deveto primarno letalno pero male uharice / Ninth primary feather of Long-eared Owl Asio otus, otok Mrčara pri Lastovu, 19. 7. 2017 (foto: Al Vrezec) 74 (Schneider-Jacoby 2001), očitno tudi za sove. Jadranski otoki pa so lahko prezimovalna ali vsaj preletna območja na selitvi sovjih vrst z izraženimi selivskimi ali vsaj klateškimi lastnostmi, zato morda najdbe “nepričakovanih” sov na jadranskih otokih morda le niso tako nepričakovane (Denac & Vrezec 2005). Sicer pa sodeč po pojočih samcih, ki sva jih poslušala na otoku Mrčara, gnezdita najmanj dva para velikih skovikov Otus scops. Enej Vrezec, Pražakova 11, SI–1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Al Vrezec, Pražakova 11, SI–1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e–mail: al.vrezec@pms-lj.si Črna gora / Montenegro Moustached Warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon Tamariskovka – vrsta je bila večkrat opazovana v Ulcinjskih solinah (UTM CM54, JV Črna gora) jeseni leta 2006; za vrsto so znani le zgodovinski podatki According to the first bird checklist for Montenegro after the country gained its independence from the former FR Yugoslavia in 2006, only some historic records of Moustached Warbler exist for Montenegro (Saveljić & Jovićević 2015). During waterbird surveys within the framework of the EuroNatur’s Adriatic Flyway project, two Moustached Warblers were seen in the Ulcinj Salina on 24 Sep 2006 (M. Kercek & B. Stumberger, EuroNatur database). In addition, on 9 and 11 Nov of the same year we observed at least three birds feeding in the narrow reed-beds along the Salina’s main canal (Figure 13). Besides its typical behaviour of cocking the tail above the head when excited, the pictures taken on this later occasion show plumage and some structural features, summarized in Kennerley & Pearson (2010), which separate Moustached from Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus. Although we know of no other records despite regular visits of the area by ornithologists, the species may be a regular migrant and winter visitor in marshlands (knetas) on the Albanian and Montenegrin sides of the Bojana-Buna river delta. Peter Sackl, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Weinzöttelstraße 16, A–8045 Graz, Austria, e–mail: peter.sackl@museum-joanneum.at Tina Petras, Balos 7, SI–4290 Tržič, Slovenija, e–mail: tina.petras@gmail.com Bolgarija / Bulgaria Black Stork Ciconia nigra Črna štorklja – opisana sta prva primera uporabe umetnih materialov v gnezdih te vrste v Bolgariji. Nests of Black Storks are usually situated on large trees or rocks avoiding the human proximity (del Hoyo et al. 1992, Iankov 2007). The Bulgarian population of 500-600 breeding pairs constitutes 5% of the European one (Birdlife International 2015), and the species is listed as vulnerable in the National Red Data Book (Golemanski 2015). The shallow nesting concavity in the middle of its massive nest of branches is mainly covered with fresh moss, as well as grasses and twigs added (Glutz von Blotzheim & Bauer 1987, Simeonov et al. 1990, Figure 13 / Slika 13: Moustached Warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon, Ulcinj Salina, Montenegro, 11. 11. 2006 (photo: P. Sackl) Iz ornitološke beležnice / From the ornithological notebook