Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)1, Ljubljana UDK621.3:(53 + 54 + 621 +66), ISSN0352-9()45 Dejan Križaj", Walter Bonvicini"^, Slavko Amon 'university of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Laboratory for Electron Devices, Ljubljana, SLOVENIA # INFN / Area di Ricerca, Trieste, Italy Keywords: semiconductors, radiation detectors, high-energy particles, high-energy particle detectors, monocrystalline silicon solid-state detectors, high-resistivity substrates, FOXFET structure, Field-OXide mosFET transistor, numerical modeling, semiconductor devices, oxide charges, dynamic resistances, biasing, accumulation layers Abstract: FOXFET structure is used to bias detector structures built on high ohmic substrates. Its basic advantage is device simplicity and high dynamic resistance. However, several design parameters and processing imperfections can influence operation of the device. The work presents analysis of operation of the FOXFET structure using numerical device simulation. The floating strip junction has been modeled by a zero current source applied to the strip junction. The oxide charges, forming accumulation of carriers at the semiconductor/oxide interface significantly influence the strip potential and result in current flow of carriers from the strip to the drain through the bulk, avoiding the accumulation layer. Dynamic resistance of the FOXFET structure has been modeled by numerically differentiating the Vs/ls data, and show decrease of dynamic resistance with increasing strip current, consistent with the measurement results. Ključne besede: polprevodniki, detektorji sevanja, delci visokoenergijski, detektorji delcev visokoenergijskih, detektorji polprevodniški monokristalni silicijevi, substrati visokouporovni, FOXFET MOSFET strukture poljskooksidne, modeliranje numerično, naprave polprevodniške, naboji v oksidih, upornosti dinamične, določanje točk delovnih, plasti akumulacijske Povzetek- FOXFET struktura nadomešča uporovni element potreben za priključitev polprevodniškega detektorja radiacije, procesiranega na visoko-ohmskem substratu, na napajanje. Glavna prednost te strukture je enostavna zgradba ter visoka dinamična upornost, pomanjkljivost pa močan vpliv procesnih parametrov in še posebno strukturnih neidealnosti. V tem delu je predstavljena analiza delovanja FOXFET strukture s pomočjo numerične simulacije. Plavajoč spoj strip/substrat (spoj brez priključene napetosti) je modeliran z ničnim tokovnim virom priključenim na strip Naboj v oksidu povzroči akumulacijo nosilcev na površini spoja polprevodnik/oksid in močno vpliva na potencial stripa ter povzroči, da tok nosilcev naboja od stripa proti ponoru ne teče ob površini polprevodnika pač pa preko notranjosti polprevodnika. Dinamična upornost FOXFET strukture je bila modelirana s pomočjo numehčnega odvajanja krivulje Vs/ls in kaže na zmanjšanje dinamične upornosti z večanjem toka stripa, kar je v skladju z rezultati meritev. 1. Introduction: Silicon strip detectors are gaining innportance for detection of particles in high-energy physics experiments. Such detectors are particularly suitable for detection of high-energy particles with high energy and spatial resolution. In recent years an increased number of applications in other fields - especially medicine - have emerged as well. Strip detectors are built on very high resistivity (almost intrinsic) silicon wafers, enabling full substrate depletion at reverse voltages of few tens of volts. Such detectors are basically constructed by rows of diffused pn junctions (strips), with a spacing between the strips ranging from a few up to few tens of microns and a corresponding pitch (width of the strip -f distance between the strips), depending on the required spatial resolution of the detector. The particle hitting and crossing the detector generates electron-hole pairs that are following electric field established by reverse biased strip junction and are collected by the strip and the backplane electrodes. The signal can be detected as an increase of the reverse current, known as a DC method /1/. Instead of measuring the current increase, an AC method can be applied, where the signal is detected as a change in the collected charge /1 /. This can be accomplished by placing a MOS electrode over the strip junction (Fig. 1) that is responding to the change in the strip charge by the change of a gate charge. For high resolution at low temperatures a direct coupling is suitable due to low input capacitance. The advantage of the first concept is also a well controlled leakage current. A charge sensitive preamplifier is very suitable as a feedback capacitance of charge amplifiers can be chosen to be very stable and thus minimize the noise of the system /1/. Each strip should be appropriately biased in order to establish total depletion of the detector. One way of achieving this is by the use of polysilicon resistors /2/. This technique is well appreciated due to low susceptibility to oxide charges and operating conditions. On the other hand, additional processing steps increase de- v=o Biasing resistor Front-end preamplifier An improvement of the reach-through concept is gained by placing a MOS electrode between the strip and the biasing junction /4,5,6/. This biasing structure is known as a FOXFET structure (Fig. 2). FOXFET is basically a MOSFET transistor with a gate over the field-oxide, drain acting as a biasing junction and source as a strip. However, its operation differs significantly from a usual MOSFET operation. First of all, FOXFET is built on high-resistivity substrates ( > 1 kn-cm) resulting in significant depletion region spreading from the reverse biased drain/substrate junction and second, the source junction is at the same time used as an active detector structure. Furthermore, source junction does not have externally applied voltage, but attains a potential from depletion layer spreading from the reverse biased drain/substrate junction in a similar manner as the floating guard-ring termination structure for improvement of breakdown voltages of high-voltage devices /7/. Substrate a) V<0 From-csKi preamplifier KCfuioili clecficinic.s V = 0 Con pi ing CapaciiüJ' Biasing resistor Substrate Fromcnd pieaniplii'ier Floatin.i^ strip (Source I (.OUpllfU' Capaciloi Readout eiecironics Gated punch-through = t'OXI-'tri' structure Gate Drain Substrate Back bias electrode Fig. 2: FOXFET structure. b) Back bias electrode V<0 Fig. 1: Detector structure biasing schemes: DC coupled structure (a), AC coupied structure (b). vice complexity and thus the cost of the device. Another possibility has been introduced by biasing the strips through the neighboring junction, that is reverse biased toward the substrate /3/. A depletion layer spreads from the biasing junction toward the strip, establishing a strip potential close to the biasing junction one. This is an inexpensive concept as no additional processing steps are required. However, depletion layer spreading from the biasing strip is significantly depending on the density of the oxide and interface charges. This is especially noticeable on high resistivity substrates. The requirement for proper operation of the detector built on high-resistivity material and biased through the FOXFET structure is to assure total depletion of the strip/substrate junction and at the same time enable high dynamic resistance of the FOXFET structure. In this paper a numerical device modeling approach has been used in order to analyze the operation of the FOXFET structure. 2. DEVICE MODELING OF THE FOXFET STRUCTURE Most of the current understanding of the FOXFET structure originates from the measurements on the test structures and complete detector structures with FOXFET biasing /4,5/. In this work, a numerical device modeling approach has been applied to analyze and evaluate the influence of principal design parameters on the FOXFET operation. In the past, FOXFET structure has been modeled by either solving only the Poisson equation /4/ or by full drift-diffusion equations /8/. However, in both cases the strip junction has been externally biased by a voltage source (voltage boundary condition), which does not enable correct analysis of the FOXFET structure, as the strip junction should be left floating (unbiased). For proper modeling of a FOXFET structure, we have applied a zero current boundary condition to the strip junction, that enables analysis of FOXFET structure operation that is comparable to operation of a real device. Two-dimensional simulation with SPISCES /9/ device simulation program, incorporating full drift-diffu-sion model, has been used for this purpose. vg Vs=float. 1Vd=U 2f:x) uin Xox (FOX) ,'iP < _' xj=H5nni .subslrate (N„j) Fig. 3: Vb>0 Dimensions and parameters of the simulated FOXFET structure. The dimensions of the simulated structure are shown in Fig. 3, while typical simulation parameters were: substrate doping (n-type) concentration Nsub = 3.8-10''''cm"® (resistivity, p-type junction with Gaussian doping profile with surface doping concentration Nsurf=1.10"'® cm"® and junction depth Xj=0.5 i-im, oxide thickness xox=1 fim with fixed oxide charges of QF/q = 1.10''^ - 8.10'''' cm"2, substrate thickness Wsub=300 (im, channel lengt L = 13 jim and carrier lifetimes 'Cn=i:p=0.5 msek. 3. OPERATION OF THE FOXFET STRUCTURE Normal operation of the FOXFET structure is obtained by applying reverse bias between the drain and the backplane (drain connected to the ground, backplane to a positive potential). As the strip can in practice be very long (few centimeters), an additional current drawn by the strip can be modeled by an increased injected current using a current source generator attached to a strip contact. Gate contact is usually connected to the drain contact, drain junction thus acting similar to a junction equipped with a field-plate termination /7/. By varying the gate voltage, depletion layer spreading from the drain to the strip junction is modulated and thus a control over the strip potential is obtained. Q) o c OJ -»—' w Q a) Fig. 4: dV=tV '' i.....'.....r-r'j'i r 216 220 Distance 224 ......P»^ [Mm] b) 6 8 10 Distance [Mm] FOXFET structure with zero oxide charge at 30 volts reverse bias: equipotentlal lines and hole concentration (a), hole and electron concentrations at the semiconductor/oxide interface (b). 3.1 Influence of the oxide charges Operation of the FOXFET structure depends strongly on. the content of the oxide and interface charges. This is especially significant as already a small amount of oxide charges induces a charge at the semiconductor/oxide interface which can be significant comparing to charge obtained by a reverse biased junction (depleted substrate area). If no oxide charges are assumed (only a theoretical case), depletion layer width calculated for an abrupt one-dimensional structure with Nsub=3.8-10''''cm"2 at built-in voltage is more than 40 ^m. For typical channel lengths of about 10/.im this means that the strip/drain junctions are in reach-through condition already at no reverse voltage applied. The area between the drain and the strip is completely depleted of carriers and the strip potential is close to the drain potential for increased drain/backplane reverse bias. Fig. 4 shows equipoten-tial lines and hole concentration in the channel region as well as electron and hole concentrations at the interface for a structure without oxide charges at 30 volts of reverse bias and zero gate voltage. Electron concentration is negligible while hole concentration is increased in the channel region at the surface. Potential of the strip is practically identical to the drain E 13- 0 O C rö w Q 212 216 220 224 228 232 a) Fig. 5: Distance [pm] one, which does not enable proper operation of the FOXFET structure. However, an increased strip/drain voltage can be obtained by a positive gate voltage, increasing electron concentration at the surface and thus slowing depletion layer spreading from drain to strip junction. The presence of oxide charges significantly alters the behavior of the device. Several kinds of charges are present in the oxide, depending on the starting material, processing and operation of the device /10/. However, altogether they are of a positive sign /10/, inducing in n-type semiconductor accumulation of electrons at the oxide/semiconductor interface. Accumulation of electrons acts similar to locally increased donor doping concentration. This results in reduced depletion layer spreading from the drain to the strip junction (depletion layer increases inversely proportional to the square root of the doping concentration) and thus a potential difference between the junctions is increased. Fig. 5 shows equipotential lines and electron concentration for the same operating conditions as in Fig. 4 but with inclusion of fixed oxide charges of QF/q=10" cm"^. Instead of a hole concentration, in this case an accumulation of electrons at the surface is shown. As a consequence, equipotential lines are denser between the drain and the strip junction and the strip potential differs b) I I I I n pTTp-1 I I I I I I I I [ p 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Distance [jjm] FOXFET structure with oxide charge Qf/q= 10^ cm'^ at 30 voits reverse bias: equipotential lines and electron concentration (a), hole and electron concentrations at a semiconductor/oxide Interface (b). E IL d) O C ca Q a) Fig. 6: 216 220 224 228 Distance [[jm] 19-= 18-5 17-s 16 16-5 14-? 13-5 12-5 11-= 10-= 7-2 X—X Electron Cone (,'cm3) 3.10 cm" ) the strip potential changes very weakly for further increased oxide charge densities. The reason is depletion layer spreading, avoiding the electron accumulation region at the oxide/semiconductor interface and reaching the strip junction from the bulk of the device. QF=0 cm"^ ▼ QF=1.10"c • QF=3.1011cm.2 • QF=5-10"cm"^ • QF=11012cn>2 Reverse Bias [VJ Fig. 7: Strip potentiai as a function of drain/baci