FOR 'Freudom AND Justice NO. 93 Ameriška '^movina —iiTi 11 n . AMERICAN IN SPIRIT . ' FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100' Friday, December 12, 1986 - OL LXXXVIII Doma in po svetu - PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV - Direktor CIA William J. Casey trenutno središče pozornosti preiskovalcev iranske zadeve — Nova odkritja na dnevnem redu WASHINGTON, D.C. — Včeraj je newyorski poslovnež Roy M. Furmark pričal na tajnem zasedanju senatnega odbora za obveščevalne zadeve, da je obvestil direktorja CIA Williama Caseyja o tem, da je šel nekaj denarja, pridobljenega od prodaje 0rožja Iranu, v podporo nikaragveškim »contras« gibanju. Furmark je sodelavec saudskega milijarderja in preprodajalca orožja Adnana Khashoggija, ki je bil posredo-valec pri prodaji ameriškega orožja Iranu. Ko Je bil sam pričal pred senatnim odborom, Je bil Casey dejal, da o takšni uporabi od Irana pridobljenega denarja ni nič vedel. Čeprav glavni igralci v igri ZDA-Iran-»contras« še nočejo javno povedati podrob-n°sti te zadeve ali pa trdijo, da nič ne vedo ab se ne spominjajo več, govorijo zadnje dni druge osebe, ki so bile vpletene. Tako je vče-raJ govoril Furmark, v intervjuju s televizijko napovedovalko oz. novinarko Barbaro i alters sta pa včeraj o svojih vlogah govori-a Khashoggi in Manucher Ghorbanifar, Ira-^ec> ki je v tej zadevi predstavljal Iran. Ta va sta podala podrobnosti o tem, kako je Prišlo do financiranja prodaje orožje Iranu, ba sta zanikala, da sta vedela o končni uso-1 denarja, plačanega za ameriško orožje, Poslano v Iran. Dejala pa sta, da sta bila JUnenja, da celo zadevo vodi podpolkovnik liver North, takrat uslužbenec Sveta za na-ctonalno varnost v Beli hiši. North o svoji v*ogi še noče nič povedati. Kot kaže, je pravosodno tajništvo inter-Veniralo v preiskavi FBI, katere namen je bil Pgotoviti, kakšni so odnosi med protisandi-jjlstičnimi gverilci in njihovimi ameriškimi •riančnimi podporniki. Vzrok tej prošnji, je ,akrat baje pojasnilo pravosodno tajništvo, bil, da so v teku občutljiva pogajanja gle-c ameriških talcev v Libanonu. Ako bi bil “I nadaljeval s preiskavo, bi najbrž odkril st>ke med Belo hišo in temi ameriškimi pod-plratelji »contras«. jr Želja predsednika Reagana, da bi se anska zadeva kmalu končala, ne bo uresni-Jna> menijo politični komentatorji. Čeprav upravičena primerjava med to zadevo in Jonovo Watergateovo krizo, dejstvo je, a Je še veliko neznanega glede poskusa ob-°vitve stikov med ZDA in Iranom ter o inskih okoliščinah, ki so iz tega poskusa aJali. Vsak dan prihajajo v javnost novi lie 'n ka^e’ se b° ta proces še nada- p Južnoafriška vlada poostrila cenzuro — ^Ufočanje o notranjih neredih in kritiziranje aue skoraj onemogočeno — Stroge kazni af. J KETORIA, J- Af. — Včeraj je južno-Syr, ki predsednik Pieter W. Botha v imenu ctr°Je v*ade poostril cenzuro nad tiskom in o^ugirni domačimi in tujimi sredstvi javnega * Ve^anja. Odslej ne smejo novinarji poro-ate' ° n°beruh štrajkih, neredih, političnih a|. n(atih, bojkotih, protestnih zborovanjih jn ,ru8'h aktivnostih, ki so kritični do vlade SniSlSlema aPartheida. Novinarji bodo odvi-tke 0c* uradnih vladnih virov za svoje poda-vtia ^0p‘s‘ 'n druga poročila morajo biti PreJ odobreni od vladnih cenzorjev. stro ^a kršilce novih ukrepov so napovedane ver kazni. Dalje, tisti, ki podajajo »sub-des*1Vlle 'zjave<<> bodo lahko kaznovani z ^ etno naporno kaznijo. Menda to velja lake izjave, podane v privatnih pogo-. m i h. Kaj naj bi bila »subverzivna izjava« bo pa ugotovila policija. Domači kritiki sistema apartheida in sploh političnega sistema v deželi so takoj protestirali proti novim ukrepom. Tudi ZDA so izrazile svoje obžalovanje, da je Južna Afrika tako temeljito omejila svobodo tiska in govora. Filipinski gverilci nekajkrat že kršili premirje — Vojaški poveljnik gen. Ramos je pripravljen ukrepati zoper kršilce MANILA, Fil. — Preteklo sredo je začel veljati 60-dnevno premirje, na katerega so pristali komunistični gverilci in vlada predsednice Corazon Aquino. V tem času naj bi se vladni in komunistični pogajalci skušali doseči sporazum, po katerem bi postalo premirje trajno, komunisti pa bi delovali znotraj demokratičnega političnega sistema. Gre za Aquinovo iniciativo, češ da so Filipini sedaj z odstranitvijo režima Ferdinanda Marcosa vendar demokratična dežela in torej smejo svobodno sodelovati vse politične skupine in stranke, ki ta demokratični sistem podpirajo. Že prvi dan premirja je prišlo do več manjših incidentov, v katerih so pa komunisti odgovorni za smrt dveh oseb. Poveljnik vojaških sil gen. Ramos je dejal, da vlada ne bo trpela nobenega kršenja premirja in bo ukrepala odločno zoper kršilce. Doslej še ni prišlo do neposrednih spopadov med komunističnimi in vladnimi silami. — Kratke vesti — Bruselj, Bel. — Državni sekretar George Shultz se udeležuje zasedanja zunanjih ministrov NATO držav. Včeraj so zunanji ministri odobrili izjavo, da je NATO pripravljen v soglasju z ZSSR po vnaprej določenih skupnih ukrepih zniževati število vojakov v obeh vojaških paktih, prav tako zmanjševati količino konvencionalnega orožja, ki ga imata v Evropi oba bloka na razpolago. Shultz tudi skuša prepričati NATO zaveznike, da trenutne težave ZDA glede iranske zadeve niso negativno vplivale na pripravljenost ZDA za nadaljnja pogajanja z ZSSR. Managva, Nik. — Neko revolucionarno prizivno sodišče je potrdilo 30-letno zaporno kazen, izrečeno zoper ameriškega državljana Eugenea Hasenfusa, ki je sodeloval v prevažanju orožja protivladnim gverilcem in bil od sandinistov prijet. Bonn, ZRN — Policija je aretirala 48- letnega uslužbenca obrambnega ministrstva in ga obtožila vohunjenja za Vzhodno Nemčijo. Jiirgen Westphal je fizik. Moskva, ZSSR — V zaporu je umrl 48 let stari oporečnik Anatolij Marčenko. Vse kaže, da je bil Marčenko mučen in da so bile posledice tega vidne na njegovem truplu, katerega so pred pogrebom videla njegova žena in sin. Uradna sovjetska verzija je, da je Marčenko umrl na posledicah možganske kapi in sicer po dolgi bolezni. Bejrut, Libanon — Včeraj so izraelska letala ponovno bombardirala oporišča PLO v bližini Tripolija, 40 milj severno od Bejruta. Oporišča so menda pod kontrolo znanega terorista Abu Nidala. Moskva, ZSSR — V Moskvo je prispel Najibullah, vodja komunističnega režima v Afganistanu. Po vsej verjetnosti se bo srečal s sovjetskim voditeljem Mihailom Gorbačovom. V zadnjem času so sovjetske zasedbene in afganistanske sile dosegle več uspehov v bojih z uporniki. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Raznašalca iščemo— Raznašalca iščemo in sicer za sledeče ulice: Marcella, Neff, Edgerton, E. 185 St., Harland, Sable, East Park, Reese, Schenely in Lake Shore Blvd. Za podrobnosti, pokličite pisarno na 431-0628 ali pa se oglasile osebno. Škof Pevec bo govoril— To nedeljo ima DNU pri Sv. Vidu svoj letni družinski dan. Sodeloval bo škof A. Edward Pevec in sicer pri sv. maši ob 8h zjutraj ter na sestanku in zajtrku, ki bosta v avditoriju takoj po maši. Škof bo govoril o pomembnosti družine. Tako člani kol nečlani DNU sta vabljeni tako na mašo kot na sestanek in zajtrk! Pismo za F. Božiča— V naši pisarni imamo pismo iz Avstralije za g. Franka Božiča. Pošiljatelj je Jakob Božič. Ako kdo pozna omenjeno osebo F. Božiča, je na-prošen, da ga obvešča o tem pismu. Dodatni podatki— K osmrtnici Paula Dolenca, ki je bila objavljena pretekli torek, dodamo, da je bil pokojnik član sledečih društev: DNU pri Sv. Vidu, KSKJ št. 172, Društvo SPB Cleveland, Slovenska Pristava, ter faran pri Sv. Vidu. Žalostna vest— Ivanka Matič je dobila žalostno sporočilo, da ji je v Argentini umrl brat Jože Štefa-nič. Pogreb je bil 13. nov. 1986. Zapustil je ženo Elzo, sinova Joškota z družino in Sil-vota ter brata Martina z družino v Buenos Airesu, doma v Jug. pa še mamo Uršulo, brate Pavleta, Francelna, sestri Tončko Šlefanič in Urši Pavli-čevič, v Nemčiji pa brata Mihaela. Oče Mihael, brata Vinko in Slavko ter sestri Jožica Štefanič in Marija Novakovič so že pok. Novi grobovi Joseph J. Sturm V torek, 9. decembra, je v University bolnišnici po krajši bolezni umrl 70 let stari Joseph J. Sturm, rojen v Middle-branchu, Ohio, vdovec po 1. 1976 umrli Mary, roj. Traven, oče Josepha (Ind.), Elaine McGillicuddy, Kathleen Frak in Williama, 13-krat stari oče, brat Anthonyja in Franka, zaposlen kot strojnik pri Addre-ssograph Multigraph Co. 30 let, do svoje upokojitve 1. 1973. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152 St. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Roberta dop. ob 10. in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes, v petek, pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Krofi jutri— Jutri bo Oltarno društvo pri Sv. Vidu prodajalo krofe v društveni sobi avditorija ob običajnem času. Pridite! Rojstni dan— Mary Zakrajšek, Arcade Avc., je praznovala svoj 94. rojstni dan 10. decembra. Čestitajo in ji želijo vse najboljše družina, ostali sorodniki ter prijatelji in znanci! Zadušnica— V soboto, 13. decembra, ob 5.30 pop. bo v cerkvi sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. sv. maša za Lawrencea Seme ob 16. obletnici njegove smrti. Božičnica— Društvo SPB Cleveland vabi na božičnico, ki bo v nedeljo, 21. decembra, ob 3. uri pop. v avditoriju Sv. Vida. Vsi vabljeni, vstopnine ni. (Dopis na str. 2) Silvestrovanje— Baragov dom vabi na silvestrovanje z večerjo in plesom v sredo, 31. decembra, v prostorih Baragovega doma. Vstopnice po $8.- lahko že dobite v Baragovem domu, 6304 St. Clair Ave., tel. 881-9617. Izredna podpora— Štajerski klub, Cleveland, O., je poklonil $100 v tiskovni sklad A.D. Za izredno naklonjenost se prijaznim Štajercem iskreno zahvaljujemo! Za koroške študente— G. in ga. Maks Ovnič sta darovala $20 za koroške študente v Mohorjevih domovih, v spomin pok. Franceta Zupana. Za dar se lepo zahvaljuje J. Jakopič. Korolanovo silvestrovanje— Vstopnice za silvestrovanje pevskega zbora Korotan, ki bo v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave., so v predprodaji. Vstopnice za silvestrovanje z večerjo so po $20, samo za silvestrovanje pa po $10. Večerjo bodo začeli servirati ob 7h zvečer. Za vstopnice in podrobnosti, pokličite Marijo Nemec na tel. 541-7243. Spominski darovi— Mary Gornik in Ann Gornik Grzybowski, Euclid, Ohio, sla prispevali $10 v naš tiskovni sklad v spomin Hermana Ha-bata. Ga. Val Mavko, Cleveland, O., je prav tako poklonila $10 našemu listu v spomin Jamesa (Mavko) Marko (Brunswick, O.). VREME Vetrovno in hladno danes z verjetnostjo naletavanja snega. Najvišja temperatura okoli 29° F. Deloma sončno jutri z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 26° F. V nedeljo oblačno z možnostjo snega ali dežja. Najvišja temperatura okoli 35° F. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Mike and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche NAROČNINA: Združene države: $33 na leto; $ 1 8 za 6 mesecev; $ 1 5 za 3 mesece Kanada: $42 na leto; $27 za 6 mesecev; $1 7 za 3 mesece Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $45 na leto; za petkovo izdajo $25 Petkova AD (letna): ZDA: $18; Kanada: $22; Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $25 SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $33.00 - year; $18.00 - 6 mos.; $15.00 - 3 mos. Canada: $42.00 - year; $27.00 - 6 mos.; $17.00 - 3 mos. Foreign: $45.00 per year; $25 per year Fridays only Fridays: U.S.: - $18.00 - year; Canada: $22.00 - year Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Published every Tuesday and Friday except the first 2 weeks in July and the week after Christmas. No. 93 Friday, December 12, 1986 ®o^g^J83 Luknje v sodobni zgodovini Oni dan se je izteklo 96 let dolgo življenje najožjega Stalinovega sodelavca in pomočnika Vjačeslava Molotova, ki je bil krutemu, krvoželjnemu sovjetskemu diktatorju desna roka pri vseh njegovih morilskih podvigih od prevzema oblasti do morilčeve smrti I. 1953. Molotov je bil ne le dolgoletni sovjetski zunanji minister, ki ga najbolj dobro poznamo zaradi njegovega škandaloznega prijateljskega pakta s Hitlerjevim zunanjim ministrom Ribbentropom avgusta 1939, ki je povzročil drugo svetovno vojsko, z vsemi groznimi posledicami. Dolgo vrsto let je bil tudi Stalinov prvi minister. V obeh funkcijah je točno vedel za vsa Stalinova grozodejstva, kakor tudi za njih vzroke in razloge. Po Stalinovi smrti je bil odstranjen z vodilnih mest in Nikita Hruščov ga je z obsodbo Stalinovega režima in s tem, da je vrgel Stalinovo truplo iz Leninovega mavzoleja, tudi Molotova dokončno odžagal od političnega življenja. A ta je še živel svojih 30 let pri dobrem zdravju in verjetno v zadovoljivih življenjskih razmerah, pa menda ni napisal iz svojih bogatih skušenj umrlim dikatorjem ene besede. Če kdo na svetu, je Molotov vedel za politične tokove v Sovjetski zvezi, kakor tudi za Stalinovo psihološko in emocionalno razpoloženje, kar vse je tega gnalo v krvavo moritev svojih najožjih sodelavcev in celo prijateljev, da ne govorimo o masovnem krvoprelivanju širom ogromne dežele. Kakšni dragoceni podatki za zgodovinopisje one nesrečne dobe, ki je s krvavo roko posegla tudi našo domovino Slovenijo, so šli z Molotovom v grob! Med tem je postal »stalinizem« sinonim vsega komunističnega zla ne le v Sloveniji, marveč povsod po svetu, kjer se je ta moderna kuga brezbožnega nasilja pojavila in okužila človeško družbo z bacili marksizma. In kdor misli, da jo je konec v Sloveniji, se moti. A odpor in borba proti njej je otežkočena, ker človeštvo ne pozna najbolj subtilnih motivov stalinske mentalitete, ki jih je Molotov poznal iz prvega vira, a odnesel v grob. Nastala je široka zgodovinska luknja, ki je ni mogoče zapolniti z resnico. V manjšem obsegu imamo takih lukenj v zgodovinskem prikazu komunizma v Sloveniji celo dolgo vrsto. Partijski in pozneje uradni dokumenti o začetku in razvoju revolucije so šli verjetno rakom žvižgat. Na pisanih listinah o vrnitvi in pomoru domobrancev, ki bi dale vedeti, kdo je dal ukaz za masovni masaker ter nesrečnih mož in fantov, in kdo so bili njihovi brezdušni morilci, sedi komunistična oblast, ki niti obiska grobov ne dovoli. Kakšna velika zgodovinska vrzel o najbolj tragičnem odseku narodnega življenja! A najbolj očividne so luknje v pomanjkanju dokumentarnih virov, ki bi nesporno razkrili resnico o dogodkih v zvezi z rajnkim ljubljanskim škofom dr. Gregorijem Rožmanom, ki so se odigravali pod sovražno zasedbo Slovenije in komunistično revolucijo. Nobena visoka slovenska osebnost ni bila tako oklevetana in oblatena kot je bil on. In tega gnusnega početja ni konec. Letos se ga je lotil »zgodovi- Prof. Rado L. Lenček — Petinšestdesetletnik SEATTLE, Wash. - Tretjega oktobra je praznoval 65-letni-co svojega rojstva poznani in priznani slavist profesor Rado L. Lenček iz kolumbijske univerze v New Yorku. V svoje iznenadenje in presenečenje marsikoga smo z njim proslavili ta življenjski jubilej ob slovanskem kongresu v New Orleansu 22. novembra 1986. Predvsem znanstveni sodelavci, ki so bili na kongresu: nekateri, ki slavljenca že dolgo poznajo, in drugi, ki ga poznajo predvsem po njegovih znanstvenih delih. Naj naštejem le nekatere: Iz Trsta je prišel prof. Aleš Lokar z gospo; iz Bergena na Norveškem prof. Robert Min-nich z ženo; iz Buenos Airesa dr. Katica Cukjati; iz Kanade prof. Tom Priestley, urednik znanstvene revije Slovene Studies-, iz Ljubljane dr. Dimitrij Rupel, urednik Nove revije-, mag. Rado Genorio, direktor Geografskega inštituta ljubljanske univerze; dr. Silvo Devetak, direktor Inštituta za narodnostna vprašanja; prof. Matjaž Klemenčič, znani raziskovalec slovenske emigracije iz univerze v Mariboru. Dva ducata drugih strokovnjakov in prijateljev, med njimi tudi urednik Ameriške Domovine, so se jim pridružili in izrazili kolegi in prijatelju Radotu iskrene čestitke k uspešnemu znanstvenemu in organizacijskemu delu ter mu želeli še mnogo let uspehov. Z jubilantom sva se spoznala že v gimnazijskih letih. Kmalu bo petdeset let od tega. Vsaj toliko časa tudi že poznam gospo Nino, hčerko dr. Jožeta Lovrenčiča. Njen brat Joža, zdaj v Argentini, je bil moj sošolec. Najine poti z Radotom so se srečavale in križale, oddaljevale in zbliževale vseh petdeset let. Ne bom navajal njegovih priznanih uspehov, ki polnijo tri strani v Primorskem Slovenskem Biografskem Leksikonu (9. snopič, 1983), niti ne bom izpisoval iz preko dvesto pisem, ki sva si jih v letih Amerike izmenjala. Edi Gobec je Radotovo uspešnost očivi-dno prihranil za prihodnje knjige. Kos slovenske zdomske zgodovine je v teh pismih, polnih načrtov in spodbud, ugibanja in nakazovanj, izpeljanih načrtov in velikih upov. Zanimanje za kulturno življenje in delo je rastlo že v gimnaziji. Ko je leta 1940 prišel v Ljubljano iz Novega mesta ter začel z univerzitetnim študijem, smo hitro ujeli njegovo ime v priznanih revijah in zbornikih. Nisem bil presenečen, ko sva se videla pri predavanjih etnologa Nika Zupaniča, ki je Radota usmerjal v etnografsko delo. Po vojni sva se prvič videla v Trstu, kamor je prišel iz Gorice, potem ko je bila prepuščena Italiji. Rado je bil tedaj polno uveden v poučevanje, pisal in objavljal je svoje študije, ukvarjal se je z literarnim in etnološkim, nekajkrat tudi zgodovinskim delom. Z ženo Nino sta skrbela za svoji dve deklici, ki smo ju pozorno spremljali, ko sta hodili v šolo k Svetemu Ivanu. Radotovo ime ali psevdonime, pod katerimi se je javljal, je zaslediti v marsikateri slovenski povojni publikaciji. Nekaj dni pred mojim odhodom v Združene države novembra 1955 me je ustavil na cesti sredi mesta: »Kaj, res gresta?« Trst je tedaj že prešel v italijansko upravo in je bila naša zaposlitev tam brez prave bodočnosti. Italijansko državljanstvo je bilo predpogoj za stalno zaposlitev. Tega pa tedaj ni bilo mogoče dobiti. Dve leti kasneje smo se videli v Chicagu pri prijatelju Jožetu Planinšiču. Z Bogda- nar« Ivan Jan v listu Delo, kjer ne pove nič novega, le prazno slamo o narodnem izdajalcu Rožmanu mlati z vso vehemenco. Ojunačil se je profesor teologije v Ljubljani dr. Franc Perko in poslal Delu v objavo pismo, v katerem oporeka Janu in spodbija njegove nedokazane trditve o škofu Rožmanu. Dr. Perko prizna, da ob branju Janovega prispevka o škofu Rožmanu človek »vidi, da kljub argumentaciji, ki jo uporablja (Jan), podoba škofa Rožmana ni resnična«. Partijski trud, da bi Rožmanu nalepili etiketo narodnega izdajalca se je pokazal jalov že v dneh sodnega procesa proti škofu v avgustu I. 1946, ko mu obdolžitev partija ne na procesu in ne pozneje ni uspela dokazati. Kar pa velja tu posebej poudariti, je dejstvo, da so vsi arhivi, ki bi naj bili zgodovinarju na razpolago, ob procesu čudežno izginili, med temi zlasti škofov arhiv. Spet velika zgodovinska vrzel, ki se nanjo sklicuje tudi dr. Perko, ko zaključuje svoje pismo Delu takole: »Na resnično podobo škofa Rožmana bomo morali najbrž še počakati, ne samo, da bodo na razpolago vsi dokumenti, tudi razbremenilni, ki so v postopku sodne obravnave proti Rožmanu izginili, ampak tudi zato..., da bo podobo mogoče ocenjevati brez manipulacij z dejstvi in dokumenti.« Isto resnico pribije tudi škofov koroški rojak Lojze Dolinar v Celovškem Zvonu (junij 1 986, Iv. II, str. 89): »Očitek, da je škof Rožman sodeloval z okupatorjem na način narodne izdaje, bo tako dolgo prazen, dokler trenutna oblast ne razgrne vsega arhivskega gradiva, iz katerega bi bilo možno rekonstruirati resničnejšo podobo o škofu Rožmanu. Na sploh pa velja pravilo, da je tisti, ki ima vso oblast nad zgodovinskimi viri, pa te vire vztrajno zaklepa, že vnaprej utemeljeno osumljen, da ne govori resnice.« To so luknje v sodobni zgodovini. L. P. nom Novakom sva študirala na čikaški univerzi, Rado je delal kot risar v tehničnem podjetju. »Ali so ameriške univerze res tako primitivne? Večerni tečaji so otročje preprosti. Ali je kje kaj drugega?« Z Bogdanom sva ga nagovarjala, naj gre na čikaško univerzo naravnost do strokovnjakov, ki bodo razumeli njegovo usposobljenost in študijske načrte. Po nekaj mesecih se je odločil. S tern seje začela njegova ameriška akademska kariera. Leta 1959 je , končal M.A. v Chicagu, tr' leta nato doktorat na Harvar-du. Spremljali smo njegovo pot in se z njim veselili njegovih uspehov. Ko je po končanem doktoratu prišel poučevat na univer- ^ zo Illinois v ChampaguO' j Urbani, smo se ponovno srečevali. Najina obsežna ko;«' spondenca začenja v tem časUj Iz Carbondale, kjer sem uči ? na Southern Illinois University, je le 200 milj do Cham- j pagne-Urbane. Prvo leto je bil Rado tam sam, družina je ostala v Cam-bridgu zaradi šolanja. Oddahnil se je, ko si je uredil dom v Urbani. Pa tudi to le za kratko dobo. Po treh letih je odšel v kolumbijsko univerzo, kjef ^ danes poučuje. Od tedaj 56 srečujemo bodisi na njegovem domu nedaleč od univerze a na simpozijah in kongresih Ameriki in drugod. Razgled11.1 ce s pozdravi me dosegajo 1 Leningrada in Kijeva, Sofije'n Zagreba, Miinchna ali Torou (dalje na str. 3) Vabilo na božičnic® CLEVELAND, O. - DrušP0 SPB Cleveland vse svoje Čla^ j stvo, prijatelje in znance va na sedaj že tradicionalno vsa koletno božičnico, ki bo v nedeljo, 21. decembra, ob ' uri popoldne v avditoriju 5 I Vida. Božične obrede po stari s^ venski navadi bodo opra duhovniki sv. Vida. Vsi bom^ skupaj prepevali naše božične pesmi in si oseb11 voščili vesele božične PraZ,!a ke. Na to božičnico pr'*13^ vsako leto več ljudi in je k splošni sodbi najbolj Pr*sr*'I'J1 božičnica, ki se v splošne | vršijo v tem času. Lepo božično drevesce jaslice pred odrom nam P ričf' rajo božično domačnost, nik Father Božnar nas v bo . ,0ŠtlJ' nem nagovoru uvede v sp° vo božično praznovanje, Prf„ brana so božična berila evangelij, vse navzoče pa '-.ji tveno združujejo naše me*0 čne božične pesmi. Po kratkem božičnem PM gramu so vsi navzoči postre ^ ^ ni z okusnim prigrizkom kaj, da še ljudje potem 111.. posedijo v domačem, prija* ^ skem pomenku. To je re3,^ jetno božično snidenje pr’ja Ijev in znancev, ki se sicer b 5 poredko srečujejo. Pridite, vsak je dobrodo Jože Skrb za slovenski jezik — osrednja tema znanstvenega srečanja Družbe za slovenske študije v New Orleansu Sodelovanje ameriških slovenistov z znanstveniki iz Slovenije, Italije, Argentine in Norveške new YORK, N.Y. - Vsako leto, ob priliki vsedržavne kon-Vencije ameriških slavistov, AAASS (American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Ameriško druženje za pospeševanje sla-v*stiČnih študij). Society for Slovene Studies (Družba za sl°venske študije), prireja v ZVezi s to konvencijo svojo tedno znanstveno konferenco, na katero se zberejo člani Society z vseh delov Združenih držav in Kanade. Letos je bila konvencija ^AASS v New Orleansu, Lou-■siana, od 20. do 23. novem-i dra, in Society for Slovene Studies je za te dni pripravila Program treh samostojnih sek-c‘j> Intela ob tej priliki svoj Javni redni letni občni zbor i ^usiness meeting), in svoj astni družabni večer v Hotelu °ntchartrain. j Poleg ameriških in kanad-I L slovenistov so bili med et°Šnjimi udeleženci konfe- rence tudi znanstveniki iz Slo- J^nije, Italije, Argentine in | 0rveŠke, kar je obogatilo Pro8ram in še posebno dvigni-' 0 simbolično podčrtalo vz- ušje na konferenci. Med gosti °nference so bili: Dr. Katica | T^iati (Univ. of Buenos ^ ^r8entina), dr. Silvo Vetak (direktor Inštituta za 1 !larodnostna vprašanja v n JUbljani), mag. Rado Geno- 1 ‘° (Univ. of Ljubljana), dr. atjaž Klemenčič (Univ. of v*aribor), dr- A|eš Lokar ^ jen*V- °f Urbino, Italija), dr. 1 Martucci, ki je predstav-° l kanadski Conseil de la i' an8uage Francaise, dr. b1 0bert Minnich (Univ. of Ber- V VBlag SPOMIN o- ili i0 P« 10 li- ja na in’ in !»' iP' ib- ‘f r«'! in u$' di' (0-, V" elj' f\ ,0!: SEDMI OBLETNU sMRTl NAŠE SESTF ^ARY farčn r°jena ROZMAN lel Je že minilo, ^0r L'e ved med nami ko °Stna so naša srca, V r 6 sP°minjamo na Te da QrJU prosi zdaj Boga, kjerajh net>eški nam da, ve»P/-0,Wo spet združeni j Je ^čno uživali. Soči: Verderber — s« tePhanie Balogh -n., . Sestra (Florida); °lph Rozman — 1 C|^-J^ub|jana, Slov.). O- iTdec. 198 gen, Norveška), in dr. Dimitrij Rupel (Univ. of Ljubljana). Program konference se je razvijal v treh sekcijah. Prva sekcija je bila posvečena temi Language Maintenance in Linguistically Heterogeneous States (Vzdrževanje jezika v večjezičnih državah). Sekcijo je vodil prof. Toussaint Hočevar (Univ. of New Orleans), predavali pa so: Jean Martucci o »Razvoju sociolingvistične-ga položaja francoščine v kanadskem Quebecu,« Robert Minnich o »Manjšinskih jezikih kot izrazu socialne identitete,« Dimitrij Rupel o »Ohranjevanju narodnih jezikov v socialističnih državah: Položaj slovenščine v Jugoslaviji,« in Silvo Devetak o »Legalnih in političnih vidikih jezikovne enakosti v Sloveniji.« Referate sta diskutirala: Aleš Lokar in prof. Timothy Pogačar (Bowling Green State Univ., Bowling Green, Ohio). Druga sekcija je bila prav tako posvečena problemom jezika. Tema sekcije je bila: Related Languages in Contact: Slovene and Serbo-Croatian (Sorodni jeziki v medsebojnem stiku: slovenščina in srbohrvaščina). Vodil jo je prof. Rado L. Lenček (Columbia Univ., New York), predavali pa so: prof. Radmila J. Gorup (Univ. of California, Berkeley) o »Enklitikah (naslonkah) v slovenščini in srbohrvaščini,« prof. Lew R. Micklesen (Univ. of Washington, Seattle) o »Kontrastivni analizi akcen-toloških struktur slovenščine in srbohrvaščine,« in Olga Ne-deljkovič Univ. of Illinois, Chicago) o »Dveh zamislih jezikov hrvatskih in slovenskih protestantskih piscev.« Tretja sekcija je obravnavala temo: Slovene Migration to America — Past Achievements and Direction of Future Research (Slovensko preseljevanje v Ameriko: Dosedanje raziskave in smeri dela vnaprej). Sekcijo je vodil prof. Jože Velikonja (Univ. of Washington, Seattle). Na sporedu so bili štirje govorniki: Katica Cukjati, ki je govorila o »Perspektivah slovenske emigracije v Argentini,« Mat- jaž Klemenčič o »Slovenski emigraciji v Združene države in o prihodnjih smereh raziskovalnih metod,« Erik Kovačič (Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.) o »Francu Pircu, slovenskem misijonarju in pomirjevalcu v uporih indijanskega plemena Sioux v Minnesoti 1862. leta,« in Rado Genorio o »Slovenski emigrantski skupnosti v Argentini v času med obema svetovnima vojnama.« Podane referate sta kritično razpravljala: Prof. Bogdan Novak (Univ. of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio) in dr. Rudolph M. Susel (urednik Ameriške Domovine in Glasa ADZ). (Podrobneje o tej sekciji poroča prof. Jože Velikonja; poročilo sledi temu dopisu. Ur.) Zaskrbljenost o usodi slovenščine v Sloveniji Osrednja nota konference, ki je vodila obe prvi sekciji, je bila zaskrbljenost na usodo slovenščine v SR Sloveniji in SFR Jugoslaviji. Neposredno so se te problematike, ki že vrsto let vznemirja slaviste na obeh straneh Oceana, dotaknila predavanja prve zgoraj omenjene sekcije, med tem ko je bila druga sekcija v celoti posvečena znanstvenemu-lin-gvističnemu vidiku problema. Sociolingvistično plat vprašanja sta najbolj zadela referata Silva Devetaka (Ljubljana), Dimitrija Rupla (Ljubljana) in diskusijske pripombe Aleša Lokarja (Urbino-Trst). Dve Devetakovi razpravi, na katerima je slonel njegov referat na konferenci, in ki sta bili na voljo udeležencem v lepo pripravljeni brošuri, sta bila posvečena obravnavi ustavnega položaja slovenščine in srbohrvaščine v SR Sloveniji, enakopravnosti jezikov v javni upravi, na sodiščih, v delavskih organizacijah, javnih napisih, v verskih skupnostih; in problemu faktične realizacije ustavnega določila o enakopravnosti jezikov in pisav po ustavnih amandmajih iz 1. 1967 in 1968 in po ustavi iz leta 1974, v delovanju jugoslovanskih zveznih ustanov, predvsem v zvezni skupščini, v zve- Ži vi jen je naše — EN SAM UTRIP — EN KR A TEK HIP — EN SAM POGLED - v dolino solza — EN SAM KORAK - pred Sodnika, Boga, kamor je 19. novembra 1986 stopi! MARTIN MIHELICH V tihi žalosti: žena ZDENKA v imenu ostalega sorodstva. LOMBARD, ILLINOIS MATI MARIJA Mati Marija Dete drži, gleda ga, gleda v mile oči, zraven poje pesem lepo, da Sinko njen laže zasanjal bo... Zunaj je burja, zunaj je mraz, Detece moje, stisni obraz mamici svoji ne vroče srce, da ne dobijo te zlobni ljudje, da ne dobi te Herodež nocoj. Stisni se k meni. Sinko ti moj!... M. Jakopič znem izvršnem svetu, zveznih upravnih organih, v vojaških enotah in diplomatski službi. Devetakovo gradivo je tako predstavilo ustavno in zakonsko podlago jezikovnega položaja v Sloveniji in Jugoslaviji, ni se pa dotaknilo prakse in pozicij srbohrvaščine v Sloveniji. Na drugi strani pa je Dimitrij Rupel, sociolog, slovenski pisatelj in publicist, svoj referat posvetil predvsem problemom sociolingvistične stvarnosti jezikov v današnji Sloveniji. Najprej je opozoril na celo vrsto paradoksov, ki jih Slovencem v Jugoslaviji danes ustvarjajo ustavna določila o idealni enakosti jezikov v lastni republiki in v federaciji. Samo nekaj zanimivih Ruplovih opazovanj te vrste: (1) Kljub vsem idealnim ustavnim določilom, ni dvoma, da je danes v Jugoslaviji slovenščina tretirana kot drugorazredni jezik. (2) Čeprav noben zakon ne zahteva, da Slovenci obvladajo srbohrvaščino, bi to bilo dejansko bistveno potrebno v njihovem lastnem interesu in za njihovo delovanje v zveznih ustanovah. (3) Slovenci — tudi oni, ki delajo v Beogradu — ne znajo srbohrvaščine; ko govorijo in nastopajo, jecljajo v polomljeni jugoslovanščini; samo doma v Sloveniji, ko nastopajo kot »prvi v zakotni vasi« pred svojimi sonarodnjaki in v domačih institucijah, govorijo ta jezik »tekoče«. (4) Če Slovenci pričakujejo, da vsi državljani Slovenije govorijo jezik večine, v slovenščini, ne bi smeli očitati drugim narodom Jugoslavije, če oni pričakujejo, da Slovenci znajo srbohrvaščino. Vendar je bil glavni poudarek Ruplovega referata v ugotovitvi sociolingvističnih dejstev o rabi jezikov v Sloveniji, med njimi zlasti sledečih: (1) Od 70-ih let dalje se je zaradi vedno večje prisotnosti priseljencev iz drugih jugoslovanskih republik pričelo označevati Slovenijo kot republiko »z narodnostno mešanim prebivalstvom,« kar dejansko spreminja status slovenske narodne republike v »republiko z razvijajočim se jugoslovanstvom«; hkrati pa vedno večji dotok delavcev iz drugih republik v Slovenijo vedno bolj spreminja kulturno in jezikovno podobo slovenskih industrijskih centrov. (2) Kljub močni rabi slovenščine v množičnih občilih v Sloveniji, televizijske oddaje in prenosi iz drugih republik večkrat niso prevedeni v slovenščino; prav tako se marsikdaj uporabljajo srbohrvaške učne knjige v predmetih, kjer ni slovenskih učbenikov. (3) Prevajanje srbohrvaških del v slovenščino in slovenskih v srbohrvaščino nihče ne ureja na recipročni osnovi, kar u-stvarja vtis, da je slovenski knjižni trg bolj odprt za srbohrvaška dela kot pa obratno. (4) Z izjemo političnih tekstov, prevajanje iz slovenščine v srbohrvaščino ni niti strokovno niti jezikovno zadovoljivo; veliko škode povzročajo »slovenski« teksti na ekonomskem področju (navodila, brošure, formularji), ki jih za slovenski trg pripravljajo izven Slovenije. (5) Slovenščina je jezikovno ranljiva za srbizme in hrvatizme, ki prihajajo v jezik kot posledica rabe tiskane »intelektualne«, »prestižne« govorice, ali v procesu spontane rasti slovenskega jezika. Osnovna misel diskusijskega referata Aleša Lokarja ob koncu živahnega razpravljanja Ruplovih sociolingvističnih ugotovitev o rabi jezikov v Sloveniji, pa je segla že preko jezikovnega okvira. Prof. Lokar je svoj referat zaključil takole: »Dejstvo je, da so Slovenci v Jugoslaviji danes v paradoksalnem položaju: Še včeraj podjarmljeno ljudstvo stare Evrope, danes — najnaprednejša nacionalna skupina v Jugoslaviji, če ne na celem Balkanu. Če bi hoteli izboljšati splošni položaj v Jugoslaviji, bi bilo važno, da močneje vplivajo na državo in njeno ekonomijo, da dosežejo čim večjo liberalizacijo, ki je zlasti zaželena in potrebna Sloveniji. Dobre možnosti za tak vpliv so imeli Slovenci za časa Tita, ko je njihova beseda imela svojo težo v ozkem krogu odločujoče elite, ki je vodila jugoslovansko federacijo. Kidrič, Kraigher in Kardelj so bili najožji Titovi sodelavci in so lahko pomembno vplivali na vladne odločitve. Po Titovi in Kardeljevi smrti pa so se stvari zelo spremenile in razvoj zadnjih let ni naklonjen slovenskim pozicijam. To je, po mojem mnenju, glavni razlog za večje slovensko nezadovoljstvo z (dalje na str. 6) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 708. MZA Gilbert, Minnesota Predsednica ga. Anica Tushar je sporočila 9. novembra o misijonski prireditvi, ki jo je letos odsek MZA Gilbert praznoval na Aurori, Minnesota, pri gostoljubnem župniku g. Janezu Dolšini. Takole poroča: »Ker se je vreme prav tiste dni spremenilo, je bila udeležba bolj majhna. G. Jože Vovk, ki sedaj uživa svoj zasluženi pokoj v župnišču sv. Antona na Ely, Minn., je daroval sv. mašo za vse naše misijonarje. Lepo se je spomnil njih velikega dela in tudi nam nakazal pot in potrebo za nadaljnje zvesto sodelovanje pri misijonskem delu. Poleg obeh gospodov je bil navzoč tudi g. Janez Šuštaršič, župnik v Ely-ju. Dana je bila vsem prilika za sv. spoved. Petje je vodil g. France Mihelič. Po sv. maši smo se zbrali v dvorani ob kavi in pecivu in tudi tam smo nadaljevali ter razmotrivali misijonska vprašanja. Sodelujoči in tudi tisti, ki niso mogli priti med nas, so darovali lepo vsoto za naše misijonarje, ki bo kmalu razdeljena med vse na terenu. Bilo nas je 20, vendar je bil ta zimski popoldan doživet v zavesti, da smo spet storili nekaj lepega za Boga. Vsem, ki ste prišli, in onim, ki niste mogli biti z nami, se odsek MZA iskreno zahvaljuje za vaš dar v imenu vseh misijonarjev, kakor tudi vsem zahvala za pecivo in vaše sodelovanje preko leta. Za MZA Gilbert, Anica Tushar.« Nabirka ob misijonski prireditvi je znesla $1,011. Tile so darovali ob tej priliki: Ga. Mary Pirjevec $200. Po $100 sta darovala g. Jože Vovk in ga. Jožefa Krulc. Družina Avgusta Kovača je dala $80. Po $60 sta žrtvovala družina Josepha Dolenca in Neimenovani. Po $50 sta dala ga. Josephine Gruden (od tega $41 v avgustu) in družina Johna Tusharja. Družina Rudy Schutte je dala $40. G. Janez Dolšina $25. Po $20 so darovali: družina Pual Bajda, družina Andreja Pučko in ga. Mary Menart, Cilka Zupančič, Katherine Trampusch in Milka Škorjance. Po $15 so dali družina Franka Samsa in ga. Mary Paternost. Po $10 ga. Johana Škrbec, Frank Mihelich, družina Michaela Sodnika in Neimenovana. Po $5 pa ga. Rose Kobe, družina John Puhek in Neimenovani. Za sv. maše v misijonih so darovali: družina Jožeta in Ivanke Levstik, KSKJ Gilbert in ga. Anica Tushar, ga. Mary V ZAHVALO IN LJUBEČ SPOMIN 1921 1986 Globoko potrti ter vdani v voljo Vsemogočnega, naznanjamo vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem, da je po daljši bolezni za vedno zaspal naš ljubljeni mož, oče, stari oče, očim, brat, svak in stric JOHN EVATZ (IVEC) Preselil se je večnost 26. oktobra 1986 v University bolnišnici. Rojen je bil 13. oktobra 1921 v Semiču, Bela krajina, Slovenija. V Ameriko je prišel leta 1939 in bil veteran druge svetovne vojne. Vodil je lastno mesnico na Chickasaw ulici do leta 1953, ko se je pridružil tvrdki Saxon Meats-Euclid Provision kot mesar. Stopil je v pokoj leta 1980. Pokojni je bil direktor Slovenskega društvenega doma na Recherjevi cesti od I. 1964 do 1980, predsednik odbora od 1974 do 1980, ter upravnik klubskih prostorov. Leta 1970 ga je Federacija slov. narodnih domov imenovala »moža leta« za ta Dom. Naš pokojnik je tudi pripadal sledečim organizacijam: Euclidski upokojenci; Klub Ljubljana; Euclidski Veterani; Loyalites št. 158 SNPJ; Club 59ers; Meatcutters Union, Local 427; Fraternal Order of Police Assn., Lodge 15; Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 5275. Mesto Euclid ga je počastilo 28. februarja 1984, ko je proglasilo ta dan kot »John Evatz Dan«. Pogreb je bil 29. oktobra 1986 iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152. cesti v cerkev Church of the Epiphany na Lake Shore Blvd., od tam pa na pokopališče Vernih duš (All Souls). Globoko zahvalo naj prejme Rev. Paul Bresnahan, ki je vodil obrede v cerkvi, za njegove tolažilne besede, in za njegove molitve na pokopališču. Naj Bog stotero poplača vsem, ki so darovali prekrasne vence in cvetlice, za sv. maše, v dobrodelne namene v njegov spomin, ter za številne izraze sožalja. Iz dna srca se zahvalimo vsem, ki so našega ljubljenega prišli kropit, molili za njegovo dušo, se udeležili pogrebnih obredov v cerkvi, dali svoja vozila na razpolago, in ga spremili prav do groba. Prisrčno hvalo naj prejmejo člani in članice organizacij, katerim je pripadal, ki so se v tako lepem številu poslavljali od njega. Najlepša hvala Euclidskim veteranom za častno stražo v pogrebni kapeli in v cerkvi, ter veteranom pogrebcem, ki so nosili njegovo krsto. Lepo se zahvaljujemo vodstvu Slov. doma na Recher cesti za brezplačen prostor za pogreb-ščino, ter ge. Mary Ster in njenim pomočnicam za tako okusno pripravljeno kosilo po pogrebu. Lepa hvala osebju Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda za vso postrežbo in skrbno vodenje pogrebnega sprevoda. Razposlali smo zahvalne kartice vsem, ki so se nas in našega dragega posebno spomnili in za katere smo imeli naslove. Ako kdo take kartice ni prejel, naj nam oprosti in naj s to javno zahvalo sprejme našo globoko hvaležnost. Pri Bogu se zdaj raduješ, k nam na zemljo pogleduješ; mi pa prosimo Boga, da se v nebesih snidemo. Žalujoči ostali: TILLIE roj. Batich — žena; MARY ANN GORDON — hčerka; JOHN, JAMES, WILLIAM in ROBERT — sinovje; GARY GORDON — zet; TERRY, BOBBY in BARBARA — snahe; EMMA WHITWORTH — pastorka; FELIX VIDMAR — pastorek; MARY EVATZ, Butte, Montana — svakinja; MARY IVEC in ANGELA HUTAR — sestri; MATT HUTAR — svak; vnuki, vnukinje, nečaki, nečakinje in ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki in Sloveniji Kuclid, Ohio, 12. decembra 1986. Pirjevec, sr. Agnes Marie Stopnik, ga. Jožefa Krulc. Ga. Mary Pirjevec je poslala svojemu vzdrževancu-duhov-niku večkrat dar v pismu. Varneje je poslati preko MZA škofu vzdrževanca, da pride gotovo v prave roke. Informacije o vzdrževancih, ki jih dobrotniku upravičeno želijo, razpošljamo, čim kake za posameznike dobimo. Ge. Tushar je spet poslala lepe nove ameriške znamke. Bog povrni! MZA Joliet, Illinois, je sporočila 26. novembra po predsednici gdč. Mici Jere-tina, da so imeli 22. in 23. novembra običajno drugo letno prodajo peciva v fari sv. Jožefa za vse naše misijonarje in misijonarke. Bilo je na nedeljo Kristusa Kralja, kot nalašč, da so storili nekaj posebnega za širjenje Njegovega kraljestva na ta dan. Zbranega je bilo tokrat $1,023.25. Prispevkov v denarju je bilo $367; od žrebanja dobitkov $70.50; ostalo je bilo od prodanega peciva. To je bil njihov »jesenski pridelek« za naše misijonarje. Če bi ne bilo toliko dobrih misijonskih duš, bi po sodbi predsednice težko dosegli tak uspeh. Od prve prodaje peciva v letu je odsek že imel $1200. Tako so skupaj 1986. leta zbrali za vse naše na terenu $2,223.25. Kot lansko leto, je MZA Joliet nedavno dobila božična pisma za štiri misijonarje, katerim je predsednica razposlala pomoč MZA za 1985: g. Jožetu Mlinariču v Burundiju ameriških $500. Njegovemu sobratu, salezijancu Avgustu Horvatu v Burundiju, prav tako $500. Frančiškan o. Milan Kadunc v Togu, Afrika, dobi $500. O. Evgen Ketiš, v isti državi, pa $700; $500 kot vsak drugi in $200 od darov posameznikov za njega osebno. Med njimi je bilo $50 od Johna in Mary Petrich v Clevelandu, ob priliki njune zlate poroke. MZA New York je imela misijonsko prireditev 2. novembra, ko so pripeljali slovenski starši otroke v slovensko šolo v cerkev sv. Cirila, ki je letos praznovala 70-letnico obstoja kot župnija za Slovence. Predsednica ga. Helena Klesin je razposlala vabila in listke. Fr. Lojze Jenko je imel nagovor o slovenskih misijonarjih in misijonarkah. Otroci so zapeli vrsto slovenskih pesmi pri misijonski proslavi po deseti sv. maši. Sledilo je kosilo in nato srečolov. Med dobitki je bila vr§ta darov. Miro Zupančič je daroval poseben dobitek, oljnato sliko. Dobitek $100 je dal, kot vsako leto, misijonski pionir g. Vinko Burgar. Družina Ser-jak je darovala iz svoje trgovine s pohištvom mogočno stojalo za TV. Keršmančevi so dali doma izdelano odejo (quilt). Electric cooking pan pa je darovala ga. Sonja Mos-quin. G. Vlaj je spet daroval robo iz svoje trgovine. Tudi ga. Rolih je dala krasno dari- lo. Pecivo so nanesle dobre gospe in tajnica Kristina Zajc je razposlala vsem kasneje zahvalo. Tudi za kosilo je bilo veliko darovanega. Vsem darovalcem naj Bog obilno povrne. Skupno so zbrali na prireditvi $1400 za vse naše misijonarje, kar je blagajnik Burger poslal v Cleveland blagajniku Štefanu Maroltu, s čeki posameznih darovalcev vred. Čim dobimo od njega imenik darovalcev, bomo to objavili. Župniku o. Robertu Mazov-cu OFM ob 70-letnici slovenske župnije sv. Cirila iskreno čestitamo in v imenu MZA za naklonjenost misijonskim pionirjem toplo zahvalo izrekamo. Naj Bog še dolgo krepi v tem velemestu zvesto sloven- ; sko katoliško občestvo, pove- | zano v tej fari. Veseli smo tudi, da je veliki škof Baragu dobil v cerkvi svoje krasno okno. Da bi le skupno izprosil' njegovo beatifikacijo in proglasitev k svetnikom. Molimo v ta namen in priporočajmo se mu! Že po MZA prireditvi sta Vinko in Tončka Burger p°' slala spet za vzdrževanje domačega bogoslovca za eno let° $250, $200 pa v pomoč vsem slovenskim misijonarjem l{[ misijonarkam. Predsednici Klesinovi, vse' mu odboru odseka MZA Ne^ York in vsem garačem z njin1' iskren: Bog povrni! Razdelitev pomoči MZA se je začela. Pisma posameznim misijonarjem in mis'" jonarkam ter čeki zanje so v pripravi. Tudi božična pisma za odseke MZA so na poti. Vs' odseki so v tekočem letu P0 svojih močeh skušali naprav'" ti, kar seje največ dalo. Velik® večina odsekov z vso ljubeznijo sodeluje z osrednjim vod" j stvom MZA in upošteva nasvete odbora in duhovneg® vodja. V povezanosti je naš® moč in letos bo spet najluP^1 dokaz za to v tem, da bo P°' moči razdeljene več kot pml' šnja leta in da bo vsak n® : misijonar(-ka) na terenu preie znatno pomoč za svoje uboge in svoj delokrog. Nekateri P® f še malo več od posameznih na birk za posebne njihove pOire” be. G. Rudi Knez, glavni hi® gajnik MZA, ki zvesto pom3 ga blagajniku Maroltu 0 , MZA Cleveland, je zbolel inie prestal operacijo. Molimo * i njegovo zdravje. I Rev. Charles Wolbang ^ 1 131 Birchmount Road I Scarborough, Ontario ' Canada MIN 3J7 ! c h d n ti k sl Ha ----------- Prijat er s Pharmacf St. Clair A ve. & E. 68 St. 36I-42i; IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVIL* ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVA OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS ^ TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnici o £ i .■ | I' ! V : a si ; 0 i- ' ;a ii- ' 1» 5a >5i o- as je' pa ia- re- ,ia-1 na- ije' Z3 ✓ :S p. Fortunat Zorman Lemont, III. Vpliv Baragove duhovnosti (Nadaljevanje in kunec) Na kratko sem opisal Baragovo pot do mašniškega posvečenja, ker je to potrebno za razumevanje misli, ki sledijo. Zdi se mi potrebno, da poudarim, da je bil Baraga v pojmovanju svojega duhovniškega in misijonskega poklica in zato tudi v svojih molitvenikih in drugih knjigah samostojen. To je treba poudariti, ker je Baraga veliko bral, dobro poznal versko in bogoslovno literaturo in bi površno sklepanje vodilo do zaključka, da samo ponavlja, kar je bral. V njegovih spisih, posebno Pa v molitveniku »Dušna Paša« dobimo misli, ki so še vedno tako sodobne, da bi lah-ko mislili, da so prvikrat izrazne v smernicah in listinah drugega vatikanskega koncila. Zdi se mi potrebno, da je za razumevanje Baragovega duhovniškega poklica upoštevati P°leg Baragove bogoslovne izobrazbe in gorečnosti njego-Vo izkustvo ali doživljanje duhovništva med izvrševanjem duhovniških opravil: med pri-diganjem, katehezo, obhajanjem božje službe in spovedo-Vanjem. O tem ni napisano mnogo, kar pa je zapisano v spisih Dragovih sodobnikov oziro-ma ljudi, ki so ga poznali, se z njim srečali in poznali načine njegove duhovniške službe od kupnih pobožnosti z verniki, nh križevem potu in posebno hlagoslavljanih postaj križeve-8a pota (v Metliki) pa do šte-vilnih vernikov, ki so stali pred Negovo spovednico v zgodnjih arah, do njegovih pridig, za atere je bila cerkev v Šmart-nem premajhna in do njegove Sorečnosti ob obiskovanju °lnikov in previdevanju in do eJstva, da so pri njem verniki ž°Pet lahko začeli prejemati obhajilo — iz vsega tega ahko sklepamo, da je Baraga na svoj oseben način ne le po-^nal, ampak tudi doživljal svoj nhovniški poklic. V tem so |0*°čene značilnosti ali še bo-določena značilnost, v kate-Je navdihnjeno pojmovanje °rega pastirja, pojmovanje ^°lnosti duhovniškega pokli-a- ključ do rešitve krize du-.°VniŠkih poklicev in krize versk ega življenja. ^ araga je doživljal svoj du-j0vnjŠki poklic kot poklic, ki j Prišei od Boga. Kar Bog v °Veku začne, v njem tudi do-p° n'- Misel, ki jo je Baraga . nal iz prvega poglavja do Lipljanom. Baraga je oit . zvestoba v poklicu k v spovednico in na pri-in C°"‘ ^r‘ tem Je odgovarjal hoS°^.e*0va* s Poklicno — du-^vnišk° — milostjo, ki je bila t1j^Vna ne le ob prejemu maš-posvečenja, marveč ^-ed njegovimi duhovniš-skerri°J)rav'h in v dušnopastir- °ko| Vernikih, ki so se zbirali nip n-icga in prihajali k nje-rad'i JS ^°^iv*jai milost. A za-Ztp leSa se ni predajal kvieti-{qs ’ k' se je prav v njegovem P°javljai v raznih obli- kah, marveč je kot dobri pastir posvetil vse svoje sposobnosti božjemu kraljestvu. Sad je bilo njegovo doživeto spoznanje, da se po svojem duhovniškem delu srečuje z milostjo v vernikih, ki so se zbirali okoli njega, poslušali božjo besedo in se udeleževali božje službe ter skupno z njimi opravljali razne pobožnosti; ali pa so prihajali k njemu, da so prejemali zakramentalno odvezo od svojih grehov. Njegovo duhovniško delo za vernike ga je posvečevalo in vodilo do doživljanja milosti, ki je delovala tudi v njegovih ovčicah. V njihovi vernosti je tudi odkril, da je duhovnost preprostega slovenskega ljudstva najuspešnejši dvig k Bogu ali pot k Bogu. V tej duhovnosti preprostega slovenskega ljudstva so bile skrite dragocene slovenske tradicije, ki jih je Baraga prinesel v Ameriko. »Dragocene slovenske tradicije« so bile duhovna dediščina, ki je nastajala skozi dolga stoletja od tistih časov, ko so naši predniki sprejeli katoliško vero. Tu bi šli lahko skozi zgodovinske dobe od zgodnjega srednjega veka, od časov sv. Mo-desta in sv. Cirila in Metoda, do časov protestantske reformacije, ko je preprosto slovensko ljudstvo ostalo zvesto katoliški Cerkvi, ker se ni moglo odpovedati zaupanju in pobožnosti do Marije, ki jih je ščitila v mnogih stiskah, posebno rned turškimi napadi in roparskimi pohodi po slovenskih deželah. Pozabiti ne smemo, da so to časi, ko so katoliška ljudstva, ki so ostala zvesta Rimu, molila k Mariji za pomoč in je bilo turško brodovje, ki je bilo močnejše od krščanskega, premagano pri Lepantu (7. oktobra 1571). In odpor vernega slovenskega ljudstva proti jan-zenizmu, ki mu je duhovščina z nekaj izjemami podlegla. S tem vernim ljudstvom se je srečal Baraga in v njihovi vernosti odkril možnost izvrševanja svojega duhovniškega poklica po vzoru Dobrega pastirja. »Sveto izročilo« Slovenske tradicije ali slovensko izročilo nas spominja na »sveto izročilo«, ki je za Cerkev vir božjega razodetja. In prav po »svetem izročilu« se božje razodetje ohranja. Ne ohranja se v zgodovinskih knjigah in v cerkvenih listinah, marveč po nauku Cerkve, ki ga božje ljudstvo živi. Svetopisemska knjiga-»Apostolska dela« opisuje delo in življenje ter vero Cerkve v apostolskih časih. Apostoli so izvrševali in učili, za kar jih je Jezus Kristus poslal k vsem narodom. »Učite in kr-ščujte...« Obhajanje božje službe v apostolskih časih, njihovo oznanjevanje radostnega o-znanila, ohranjanje vere... vse to je vključeno v »sveto izročilo«, ki ga živi božje ljudstvo pod vodstvom pastirjev (ško- fov), ki so v edinosti z vrhovnim pastirjem (papežem), in njihovih pomočnikov (duhovnikov). Naši predniki so dali »svetemu izročilu« znake (izraze) slovenske duše ali slovenske duhovnosti. Gotovo je, da vse, kar je v slovenskih tradicijah, ni verskega značaja. A tudi katoliški kristjani, ki živijo po »svetem izročilu« kot viru božjega razodetja, imajo poleg verske še druge dejavnosti, ki niso verskega značaja, a vršijo in opravljajo jih skladno z evangeljskim naukom, ki je dano za celotno življenje Kristusovih učencev. To poudarjam, ker nekateri ugovarjajo, da slovensko izročilo ne vsebuje samo verskega življenja. Vsebuje pa vse nauke, ki so dani za življenje kristjana. V tem se ni treba pri tem referatu spuščati v podrobnosti. Glavna misel je, da so »dragocene slovenske tradicije« usposobile Barago in slovenske misijonarje v Ameriki posebno v prejšnjem in v začetku tega stoletja za dušnopastirsko delo med naseljenci raznih narodnosti in misijonsko delo med Indijanci. Iz teh tradicij so se učili približanja človeku tako, daje bil način njihovega misijonskega in dušnopastir-skega dela skladen s Kristusovim naročilom: «Pojdite in učite vse narode...« Za sklep naj še omenim, da je v mislih tega referata tudi odgovor za krizo duhovnih poklicev. Kriza izvira iz izkoreninjenosti duhovnikov in vernikov iz narodnih tradicij, v katerih je vsakemu narodu skladno izraženo »sveto izročilo«. Prof. Rado L. Lenček petinšestdesetletnik (Nadaljevanje s str. 2) ta. Ko smo se na jesen leta 1959 poslavljali od Chicaga, smo se začeli šele prav zavedati, kako pujne so strokovne vezi med nami. Rado je takrat odhajal na Harvard, Bogdan Novak je ostal v Chicagu, Marjan Mera-la je edini imel pred seboj »pravo službo« knjižničarja v Davisu v Kaliforniji, jaz sem bil začetnik na univerzi v Car-bondalu, Jože Bernik je končava! pravo v Chicagu, Marija Bernik se je izpopolnjevala na univerzi Northwestern v čikaš-kem predmestju Evanston. Hoteli smo ostati v stikih in smo tudi iskali stike z drugimi. Iz tega dogovora je nastal moj prvi seznam slovenskih profesorjev na ameriških univerzah in kolidžih, temu naj bi sledil seznam drugih izobražencev. Iskali smo poti, kako seznaniti ameriški svet s slovensko prisotnostjo. Rado je ves čas zagovarjal uveljavljanje na strokovnih poljih, kajti le preko take resne strokovnosti nas bo zunanji svet poznal in priznal. Po njegovi iniciativi je prišlo do ustanovitve Društva za slovenske študije (Society for Slovene Studies) leta 1973, v kateri je prvih deset let Rado nosil glavno breme iniciativ in organiziranja. Iskal je stike z znanstvenimi ustanovami in jih ojačil; dosegel je priznanje za organizacijo in za svoje delo, vrinil je »Slovenske študije« v dokaj zaprt svet ameriških znanstvenih ustanov. S skromnimi sredstvi, z osebnimi odpovedmi in neštevilnimi poskusi. Rado je za Društvo zavzet in tudi občutljiv, če kdo ne verjame v njeno pomembnost. Rado je z Društvom zajel znanstvenike po svetu, od slavistov v Vzhodni Evropi do zgodovinarjev v Nemčiji in Avstriji, gospodarstvenikov v Italiji in na Švedskem, mnogo od njih neslovenskega pokole-nja. Tako Društvo od vsega začetka ni bila organizacija izseljencev za izseljence, ampak okvir, v katerem so slovenski problemi predstavljeni svetu. Revija, ki jo Društvo izdaja, gre v roke posameznikom in pomembnim ustanovam po svetu. Kjer se predstavim kot Slovenec, me hitro vprašajo: »Gotovo poznate Radota Lenčka?« Vezi se pletejo iz roda v rod. Nedavno sem iskal, kje sta se poznala dr. Joža Lovrenčič, oče Radotove žene in moj oče, Narte Velikonja. Bila sta si po letih vrstnika, oba sta bila gojenca goriškega Alojzijevišča v prvih letih tega stoletja. Zato smo se Lovrenčičevi in Velikonjevi poznali. Radota sem spoznal v gimnaziji. Med Slovenci težko izgineš; če le malo dvigneš glavo, te v majhnem svetu opazijo. V širokem svetu je treba napraviti mnogo več, da te opazijo. Rado je v tem uspel. Da bi še dolgo dvigal glavo ter s tem dokazoval našo prisotnost. Najlepša hvala gre prof. Carole Rogel, hčerki Janka Roglja, ki je slavje v New Orleansu omogočila. Prijatelji in znanci želijo Radotu še mnogo uspešnih let in si želijo, da bi skupaj prebili še obilo podobnih proslavljanj, pa najsi bodo kjerkoli. Jože Velikonja ISKRICA Mnogi ljudje so predobro vzgojeni, da bi govorili s polnimi usti, brez pomislekov pa govorijo s prazno glavo. MALI OGLASI V najem se odda 2 sobi z večjo kuhinjo in kopalnico, spodaj. Blizu sv. Vida. Kličite 431-2994. Carst Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 Edina Slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spominikov General Office Help Needed Typing, bookkeeping, filing, 10 key adding machine. Must speak or understand Slovenian. Some experience would be helpful. 881-5158. (x) APT. TO RENT Lake Shore, near E. Park Dr. 1 bdrm., garage, appliances, air, very clean, no pets. $195 per mo. Call 486-3078 after 6:30 p.m. (93-94) For Rent 5 Ige rms dn. Basement & Furnace. St. Vitus vicinity. Adults only. No pets. Call 431-7015. Mesto oskrbnika Slovenska pristava ima odprto mesto za oskrbnika prostorov Slov. pristave v Har-persfieldu, O. Kdor se zanima, naj pokliče 216-486-8862. (90-94) Odda se stanovanje. Hiša ima pet lepih, čistih sob in kopalnico. Severno od St. Clairja na Quinn Ct. Nič živali. Kličite 361-3716. (90-93) Slanovanje Oddajo se tri neopremljene sobe na prvem nadstropju, blizu sv. Vida. Kličite 881-5679 ali 942-6750 med 6. in 7. uro zvečer. (90-93) Ugodno prodam obnovljeno, nedokončano hišo, na Willoughby Hills z 2 akri (ali 6, če želite). Za ogled pišite na: Mr. Babuder, 2275 River Rd., Wlby. Hills OH 44094, tel. 266-7378 od 8. do 5. pop. (90-96) For Sale by Owner Mod. 3 bdrm Euclid Col. Form. Din. rm. Lge family rm. Great family home. Good cond. — 692-0633. (x) PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning and repairs. Albert Koporc Jr. Call 481-4391 or 481-8648. (91-94) FOR RENT 2 apts., up. 4 rms & bath each. Newly decorated. St. Vitus! area. 431-8998. she was a 10-year-old by the name of Mary Urbanija. ,he. her mother, and another sister left Domžale, Gorenjko, and came to join their ather and husband, a custom tailor, who settled in the E. 9th and St. Clair area in 1902. Mrs. Marinko has through er entire lifetime had explicit aith in the Blessed Mother, 'jho has protected and aided er over the rough spots ’ r°ughout the years. She recalled her trip over the Atlantic: ‘When our boat got to the 'piddle of the ocean, it was so choppy, it was so bad, that it 'Vas rocking back and forth, and water was coming over the I thought we’ll never get . ere,” she said. “But how Jubilant and happy we were '''hen we were getting closer to pp' York and America. When we finally saw the ^autiful Lady of Liberty in e distance, we were jumping Up and down, and we were all Recent Death PAUL DOLENC Paul Dolenc passed away in 15 sleep Dec. 8 at his home. ^ He was born in Spodnje Bit- Je> Slovenia, on Feb. 22, the 10th of 12 children. ( he beloved husband of An- ^ (nee Iglič), he is also sur- k ed by three sisters, a J^jher, five children and ^ht grandchildren. immigrated from u,Ustria on Dec. 12, 1956. He was n . naturalized an American ‘2en on Nov. 22, 1963. y. aul was a member of St. KSkS Holy Name Society, ^ J 172; Proti Koministični °rci, and Slovenska Pristava. ^•shop Pevec St. Vitus tyS‘; Yitus Holy Name Socie-^°ld its annual Family-Sunday with the 8 a.m. aue Restauranl Open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 3 6415 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland Anna Gjerek, manager FORMER JUDGE EDMUND J. TURK Attorney-at-Law (ODVETNIK) Total Legal Services Slovenian National Ht^me E. 65th & St. Clair • 391-4000 f NEW EDITION! I 3rd PRINTING! Slovenian-International Cookbook POTS & PANS Make dishes that you remember from mom’s kitchen! Soups; klobase; štruklji; 12 kinds of poticas; apple, cherry, | lemon, cheese strudels! 304 pages of the best recipes from P hundreds of sources! All kitchen-tested! A perfect gift for any <7 homemaker! Spiral bound - wipe-clean pages! ( ! f ! Issued by the Slovenian Women’s Union celebrating the 60th Anniversary! $9.00per copy plus $1.00 postage and handling A book of laughter, love and tears: ROŽE Z MOJIH VRTOV Flowers from my gardens A selection of poetry by Mary Štangelj Murn that will bring 'o you some laughter, much love and possibly, a few tears, too, as | the poet shares with you times to remember. 5» $8.50 per copy plus $1.00 postage and handling. ^ Send orders to: o Slovenian Women’s Union \ 431 No. Chicago St. t Joliet, IL 60432 § (815) 727-1926 “IT PAYS TO BE INDEPENDENT” sP NDEPENDENT AVINGS BANK • 6 Month to 60 Month Certificates $1,000.00 Minimum. High Rates. • Variable Rate Checking* $100.00 Minimum to Open Account. $500.00 Waives Monthly Service Charge. -Balances $1,000.00 and greater earn variable rate Balances $100.00 thru $999.99 earn 5.25% e 5.50% Passbook $10.00 Minimum. No Service Charge. 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 488-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd., Willoughby Hilla, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Pearl Rd., Parma Hit., Ohio 44130 845-8200 A Subsidiary of Independent Share Corp. MEMBER FSLIC Federal Savings * Lean Insurance Corp You/ Saving« Injured lo *100,000 J BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio GRDINA 17010 Lake Shore Blvd 1053 E. 62 St. 531-6300 431-2088 A trusted tradition for 82 years. Saturday, Dec. 13 J Circle 77 Mladi Slovenci I6' annual Christmas Conc^ 6:30 p.m. at West Slovene National Home, ^ ^ W. 130 St. For tickets cl 433-1941 or 888-1454. Saturday, Dec. 13 < St. Mary Magdalene No. 162 KSKJ Adult 3j Youth Christmas Party 3* p.m. at St. Vitus Social R00 Sunday, Dec. 14 Slovenian Women’s Branch 50 Family Style D*11 J and Entertainment, 1 Collinwood Slovenian j 15810 Holmes Ave. For1 J and tickets call 442-064 261-3615. Sunday, Dec. 14 ,) KSKJ Youth Christmas P3^! at 3 p.m. at (Newburgh) nian Home on E. 80th St' J lodges St. Lawrence No- ^ St. Joseph No. 146, and Anne No. 150.' To All Readers. . . American Home Newspaper (Ameriška Domovina) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 12, 1986 2 T'Iip Rpvzt Prp^Pilt ITvpr®^r,:Er,s,^rts1&‘^r,s,^r^1Er,:&,lr,^r-Pj*g>^a.aa»- -»- i I CSdl. l ▼ d .6^»e.^».D/=c^s.o^ao/».QJa.cioo^»o< by Vince Gostilna It was December of 1934. The nation was still in the deep throes of an economic depression. Able-bodied men, many with large families to support, were out of work. Our St. Clair area was especially hard hit. Many of our pioneer immigrants were unskilled laborers — and they were the first to be laid off. It was a week before Christmas. Snowflakes were gently wafting to the ground. A sandy-haired lad of nine was gazing intently into the window of the Smrekar Variety Store pn St. Clair Ave. His eyes were as big as saucers for the little youngster was view- ing the many gleaming Christmas toys in the window. Tinkertoys, Erector Sets, toy trains, all failed to capture his attention. Instead, the nine-year-old focused his wide eyes on a green wind-up toy model of that year’s Chrysler Airflow automobile. While other cars were still square-shaped and boxlike, this Airflow Chrysler was ahead of its time in auto styling. It had front headlights and tail lights that operated just like a real car. Hurridly the blond-haired lad rushed into the store. Excitedly he inquired of the owner, friendly Mrs. Smrekar, “How much is that green Chrysler in the window?” The amiable smiling proprietress answered, “Sonny, it’s a well-made toy and it sells for $1.98. Hastily the corduroy-knickered boy sped home and informed his mother of the wonderous sight he had seen at the store. His mom, in the process of preparing supper, beef soup with a lot of bones and not so much meat, replied, “So you say you like that toy car that sells for $1.98. Well, I don’t know if Santa will bring the kids very much this year. You know times are bad, young man. After all, she reflected, her husband only worked two or three days a week. Even worse, there were rumors that the company he worked for would probably go into upon bankruptcy. And beside, a $1.98 would be much better spent on bare essentials such as food and wearing apparel. The boy’s two older brothers, hearing their youngest member of the family speak glowingly of the shiny Chrysler toy, took him aside and said, “Forget about that car, you’ll probably get a new shirt and a bag of assorted nuts from St. Nick.” Well, Christmas finally dawned, and our fair-haired lad rushed downstairs to see what Santa had deposited under the Christmas tree. To his amazement, there under the spreading pine branches was his beautiful little Chrysler. He couldn’t contain his enthusiasm, jumping up and down and shouting with uncontrolled emotion, “It’s the best Christmas present that anyone could ever receive!” And how do I know about this story — well, you see, I was that little boy! 1 sincerely hope that you, too, will find it possible to find time to reflect on some of your most cherished Christmas memories during the coming busy holidays. A Most Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. Greece, Italy and Yugoslavia by E. A. Ryavec Gaye and 1 were fortunate to visit Greece, Italy and Yugoslavia from 26 September to 2 November. The following report is not in chronological order since my emphasis is on St. Peter’s which is presented Story of the Poinsettia On Christmas eve a child was seen crying — rubbing her eyes with dirty fists. She wished to visit the Christ Child’s crib and present a gift to the Infant. But she had nothing. As she sobbed a figure appeared and pointed out that some weeds with interesting leaves growing nearby would be suitable, as it wasn’t the gift itself that was important but the love that caused it to be given. Doubtfully the child pulled the weeds and went toward the crib. Suddenly her hands held bright red flowers — the poinsettia — as the green leaves changed into red. Since then the poinsettia has become the Christmas flower. Christmas Wishes Loving Father, help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and the Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus’ sake. Amen. Robert Louis Stevenson first. Viewing the basilica of St. Peter is alone worth the trip to Europe. When you enter St. Peter’s, you cannot help feeling overwhelmed by the tremendous size of the building and the marble interior and the beautiful statuary. The building is 203 yards long. The dimensions of other well known cathedral churches are marked in inlay on the floor of the central nave to enable you to compare the size of St. Peter’s to other cathedrals. The first basilica on the historical burial site of St. Peter was erected by Constantine, the first Christian emperor, and consecrated in AD 326. After a thousand years the building became unsafe because of numerous sackings and lack of maintenance. After the bubonic plague swept Europe in the mid 1300s, the population of Rome was reduced to a few thousand survivors. Contemporary chroniclers reported wolves roaming at Peter’s. the 15th century, the Popes of night in the vicinity of St. Starting in the beginning of the Renaissance began to rebuild Rome with beautiful new edifices. The present St. Peter’s was built during the 16th and early 17th centuries, being consecrated in 1626. Michelangelo’s dome and his “Pieta” are treasures which can only be truly appreciated (Continued on page 3) Legend of the Holly Bush The night the holy family fled out of Bethlehem, they heard King Herod’s soldiers coming close to them. Mary took her little one and laid him on the ground beneath a lovely holly bush where he would not be found. King Herod’s soldiers hurried past, and all were unaware the infant whom they sought, was safe within the holly’s care. The Christ Child blessed the holly then so it would always be forever green — a sign of hope and immortality. HE A THER Aimlessly I meander down a gravel road past roadside chestnuts grimly bare aleer at valley willows almost shed, at fallow fields ayawn for winter sleep. Again I see the drumlin hill to which an eon past We fled the bogland sedge and burdock slope to clasp a fern, hemlock rest. A hundred poplars on ahead survey stakes her backyard rape, a crane swoops poised above her stoop, a shovel scrapes the basement floor. Gone’s her velvet touch with the flood of time, her ebb-tide footsteps vanished in the flow. Only the blue sky stays. A distant raven crows somewhere away. ANTHONY AMBROŽIČ MICHAEL TELICH Res. Tel 731-1140 Sun Financial Group SunLife of Canada and affiliates Wellesley Hills, MA 02181 The Telichs Serving You Since 1921 WISH YOU A Merry Christmas John R. Telich, Sr. C.L.U. Chartered Financial Consultant*^. Res. Tel 731-6643 2*9 .1129 333 Babbitt Rd. No. 301 Mid-West Bank Bldg. Euclid, Ohio 44123 Combined over 100 Years of Service Call us to Serve You 289. 2$0s ! ! I s I Season’s Greetings from the Members of St. Clair * Business Association 6111 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, O. 44103 | The St. Clair Business Association | was established to provide the business-| men of the community a forum for the f mutual exchange of ideas. It further { dedicates itself to motivate the effective f cooperation and communication necessary f for the instilling of pride, the establish-! ment of confidence, resulting in the | creation of a more wholesome I community atmosphere. Support Your Member Merchants Merry Christmas and Happy New Year JOSEPH GORNICK 21550 Nicholas Ave., Euclid, Ohio Merriest of Christmas Holidays and Happiest of New Years! Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! i Dr. Frank A. MRŠNIK • Family Dentistry • I 848 E. 185 ST. Cleveland, 0.44119 . 4 81 - 0 1 1 7 e Happy Holidays! p Rome... (Continued trom page 2) by actually seeing them. Michelangelo’s “Pieta” stands spotlighted above the altar in the chapel to the immediate right of the main entrance. It is protected by a bullet proof glass screen since a deranged person, armed with a hammer, struck it in 1972. The damages have been repaired by skillful reconstruc- 1 tion. Michelangelo was only i 25 when he sculpted this most ! outstanding of works in the ! entire history of the arts. Before entering St. Peter’s it is suggested you have a guide book so that the many masterpieces can be identified and explained. We were in Rome for a few days in mid-October. The weather was sunny and warm as was our entire trip from Los Angeles via Miami to England then to Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia and return via Spain to the States. Even in October in Rome we found the air downtown to reek with noxious auto exhaust products similar to our Los Angeles smog in summer. From a weather viewpoint, if you can, visit Rome at the end of October/early November or in the springtime. Buy a good guide book to Rome. The information therein is invaluable, especially that on thievery. You are advised to do as the Romans do to reduce your risks of loss of money and/or property. Categories in one guidebook include “On foot,” “in a Car,” and “in public transportation” and precautions are listed under each category. For example, you are cautioned to not carry cash in a handbag, brief case or in an outside or back pocket. I wore my light raincoat as did my wife as a shield. Our hands were not encumbered but free to pick up rocks or whatever. We carried minimum cash. Very fortunately we stayed with a cousin of mine in a suburb of Rome heavily policed from the next door Carabinieri Barracks so that our passports and valuables were safe. Theft is the greatest danger facing visitors to Rome with injury caused by reckless drivers a close second. Constantly be on the alert and travel in groups or pairs. We are indebted to our relatives in Rome for an initial night auto tour which included Vatican City, Castle St. Angelo, the Colosseum, some of the Columns, Forums, Aurelian Walls, aqueducts monuments and other antiquities along with significant public buildings and the U.S. Embassy and the Ambassador’s home and some delightful dining-out. The next two days were spent mainly in walking to see more of Rome’s treasures. Besides St. Peter’s, this included a number of the Piazzas, including del Popolo, di Spagna (Continued on page 4) jfrom all of ufi to all ol pou Best Wishes for The New Year Mayor and Janet VOINOVICH and Family Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Holiday Greetings j GABRIEL Insurance Agency | 22090 Lake Shore Blvd. Euclid, Ohio 44123 731-6888 731-1423 | Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our friends | LOUIS AND MARY PRHNE 2465 Heron Dr. Englewood, Florida 33533 Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto Frank Stropnik 20350 Trebeč Ave. Euclid, Ohio 44119 ^ VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE in SREČNO NOVO LETO! Heinz Mikota, D.D.S. \ Office Hours By Appointment 5 j Tel. 431-3772 Cleveland, Ohio 44103 6420 St. Clair Ave. $ | Wishing You and Yours « | A Merry Christmas \ | and A Happy New Year a } Maple Heights Catering \ ft 17330 Broadway 663-7733 Maple Heights a I Al Terček Orchestra | 48 College St. I Hudson, Ohio i 656-1954 * AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 12, 1986 4 ‘J?'®'*?'®??«® ■Bern'ssrasrcra'® tH1 'fei, 'šst ^ MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR From the employees of: EUCLID FOREIGN MOTORS INC. SWEDISH STEEL RADIAL TIRES PIRELLI STEEL RADIAL TIRES ! I 1 I 19901 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44117 Phone: 481-6106 4 V_/ i I ! I s f ! I ^ ft flyj, *. ', •, ai' f ! BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS SEASON « AND HAPPY NEW YEAR VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO VAM ŽELI Žele Funeral Homes, Inc. Dva razširjena in prenovljena »pogrebna zavoda: £ Office: 452 E. 152 St. — 481-3118 6592 St. Clair Ave. — 361-0583 DOSTI PROSTORA ZA PARK AN J E VZORNA IN PRVOVRSTNA POSTREŽBA! HAPPY HOLIDA YS Mr. John E. LOKAR Owner of L & M Candy Co. EUCLID, OHIO ^ Holiityt OSE- * ‘Holidt/t Oi IV- 'Hwr ‘HolitUyt Rome... (Continued from page 3)_ and della Rotunda. In the mwm>MffiemwM9ms&mm r r SEASON’S GREETINGS. We’d like to thank you for your support during 1985 and hope we can be of continued service in 1986. We wish you a healthy and happy new year. John R. Telich, Sr. CLU Chartered Financial Consultant Sun Financial Group SunLife of Canada and affiliates Wellesley Hills, MA 02181 289-7729 333 Babbitt Rd. Mid-West Bank Bldg. Euclid, Ohio 44123 289-2505 3k vieRRV c*Ristmas >' /\ jfei/'v Happy New Year Mrs. Dorothy URBANCICH 22601 Chardon Road — Euclid, Ohio 44117 CAPifOL BEVERAGE WINES AND BEERS The Perfect Party Place to Shop for All Your Party Needs • Free Home Deliveries Every Day * S Open Monday thru Saturday 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. » 6104 St. Clair Ave. 361-1229 { ALL CANNED POP — $6.99 A CASE 942-1977 I l - I I 's ^ 7430 Mentor Ave. Open Sundays —- High power beer and wine — OPEN HOLIDAYS — L ^tay Baraga's love for CHRIST ignite an intense LOVE h all hearts. PRAY FOR THE CANONIZA TION OF BISHOP FREDERICK BARAGA. I MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR S BRICKMAN & SONS f ! Cause of BISHOP FREDERIC BARAGA ^ay the example and spint of Bishop Baraga, who 'abored so zealously to announce the Good News 'n his time, bring about in your hearts a rebirth of love of the Christ Child at this Christmas time. Father Charles J. Strelick, Executive Director Agnes B. Rufus, Directress of Promotion 1 I ! i i ! St l u a _ a a U ft I o ft ft 0 ft C7 ft ft o ft ft ft w [ 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 f Rome... (Continued from page 4) what Romans call their city! Of course, we could spend a month and still not see more than a small portion of Rome. We hope someday to see more of Rome and Yolanda (a Rijavec who fled from Trnovo) and her husband (presently the youngest Italian General) who comes from an old Piedmontese military family. We are looking forward to a visit this summer from their son Renato for three months of intensive English study. In response to an invitation from another counsin’s family in Magione, Italy, we attended the wedding of the son of Alda (Rijavec) Braconi. The Ri-javecs in Magione were initially transferred there when the Italian Fascist government dispersed many Slovenians to other areas of Italy in the 1920s. Alda’s father, J. Goruppe’, had been the government forester at Lokve and Trnovo. The wedding was a joyous occasion with some 200 guests alone at the dinner reception in honor of Stefano and Oriana Braconi. I was the only relative of Stefano’s (on his mother’s side) at the wedding. My wife and I were honored by being placed at the head table at the request of Stefano’s father, Pepe Braconi, the Postmaster of Magione. The genial uncle of the bride was insistent in saluting me with Slovenian toasts of “Nazdraviti,” “Živijo” and finally “Dober Jutro.” The reception was held at the Castel Rigone high in the hills overlooking Lake Trasimeno and was a feast of truly Olympian size and delight. On another day we were driven the short distance to Lake Trasimeno and observed many tourists from England and Germany staying at the resort hotels there. They went to Rome, Perugia ana other sights on charter buses which were parked there. The village is tranquil with clean air and water, good fishing with reasonable rooms and excellent cuisine — a most restful place with friendly people. In reading of the Etruscans who, had settled Perugia, there was a statement that after the Roman takeover many of the Etruscans moved north to the Lake Trasimeno area. I observed many blond and light com-plexioned persons in the area who appeared to be natives. We were fortunate to have a short visit to the ancient (first Umbrian then Etruscan) city of Perugia which is close by Magione and Trasimeno. Perugia stands on the top of a little group of hills, like Rome, and is one of Italy’s great centers of art. The Fontana Maggione (Great Fountain) dates back to 1275 and reflects the level of culture in the 13th century. The Great Fountain has always been treasured by the people of Perugia as their (Continued on page 6) 0SŽ2L * ‘Holidays OvtC * ‘Holidays * ^‘ppy 7 m ‘Holidays 3] 1 j The Board of Directors j OF THE Slovenian Society Home Euclid, Ohio Wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year \ # t »v- rr im I VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! BIG BOUQUET Flower and Gift Shop 480 East 200 St. Euclid, Ohio 44119 Telephone 486-4343 I 1 THE NORWOOD MEN’S SHOP 6217 St. Clair Ave. 881-1393 Vesele božične praznike m srečno novo leto želimo vsem našim odjemalcem in vsem rojakom. Hvala za zaupanje, priporočamo se na bodoče. MERRY CHRISTMAS SEASON AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR I i £ _______________________ I ! ! HAPPY HOLIDA YS SLOVENIAN SAUSAGES — $2.59 or $2.39 - 10 lbs. COOKED AND RAW ŽELODEC — $2.69 lb. — REP A — RICE AND BLOOD SAUSAGES — $1.59 lb. WE ALSO HAVE COTTAGE HAM AND HOME MADE SALAMI, ŠUNKA, HOME MADE SAUERKRAUT HAMS — BONELES, SEMI and OLD FASHIONED WHOLE — PORK LOINS Whole or Sliced R & D Sausage Co. 15714 Waterloo - Cleveland Phone 692-1832 Angela Ratajc Moser — Manager i \ \ 'šit ~hzz.,. ‘šOt AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 12, 1986 *^**^»< kiSi4 *iži* *i2i4 Ssi* fciSi4 *i2i4 ‘isi* fciSi* *isi4 »is;« *, °«»75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!i »75!« »75!« »75!< »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »: Merry Christmas v and Happy New Year J<£Ofo^ ^ S from „ AGFA CAMERAS & FILMS | CANON — Yashica — Minolta Cameras KODAK — Cameras, Film, Paper, Chemicals, Color & Black & White VIVITAR Flash & Accessories § | Complete Darkroom Supplies & much more. | | KOBY PHOTO SUPPLIES, Inc « $ 3240 Superior Ave. 431-4970 « Innerbelt—Superior Exit, 2nd traffic light east } -------------------- I sX-t i Happy Holidays — Vesele Praznike Re-Nu Auto Body Co. Inc a I \ $ 982 E. 152 St. i COMPLETE AUTO BODY REPAIR | — Free Estimates — Phone: 451-3830 i JOHN POZNIK, Prop. I LONGAR’s MARKET Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 4030 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Open Daily: 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Longar, son Francis, and granddaughter Margaret Ann | ^ tiim S* p PATRI A WORLD-WIDE SELECTED FOOD AND GIFTS % MANY SLOVENIAN IMPORTED ITEMS § 794 E. 185 St. 531-6720 | ! A Blessed Christmas and Prosperous New Year to Co-workers, All Customers, and All Friends ! i Slovenian Sewing Shoppe — Frangie’s Fashions Owners FRANK in ANGELA FUJS i 475 East 200 St. 692-2099 ! Rome... (Continued from page 5) most precious heritage. Our approach from one of the lower parking lots was by foot through undergound passageways always climbing until we emerged just below the Great Fountain. The Etruscan walls of Perugia are one of the best examples of ancient fortifications. Perugia with its impressive architecture, art, monuments and many churches is a reward of beauty for the tourist. The best time to visit is in October or April/May. Before going to Perugia we enjoyed Venice, especially the Grand Canal to Lido Island and St. Mark’s Square, the Basilica of St. Mark’s along with the Clocktower and the Belltower. Two days there was most inadequate. All one can say is that Venice is a must see place for people who appreciate beauty in art, especially sculpture which appears to be endless! Again, suggest visit in October or in the Spring. The hotel rates are outrageously high during the summer or high season. We stayed at the Austrian Hotel for one night in very comfortable and quiet quarters with an excellent breakfast for about $64.00 (at the start of the low season). Staying in Novo Gorica or in Gorica, one can drive to Venice, enjoy a full day and then return in the evening. Of interest, there are Yugoslav motor launches moored just past St. Mark’s to take tourists to the Dalmatian coast cities. Before going to Venice we enjoyed some of Athens and a little bit of the Peloponnesus for a week. We stayed just south of Glyfada on the Ap-polon coast away from the Athens Airport which is north of Glyfada, a modern beach resort. In checking with various people it appeared that with over 700 islands in Greece, many much the same, we should concentrate on a one day trip to the largest island, the Peloponnesus. This trip was most rewarding ($34 each with lunch). The bus leaves Athens passing the monastery of Daphni, then skirts the Bay of Eleusis some 80 km to the Corinth Canal which since 1893 has separated the Peloponnesus from the mainland. The “chemical cloud” that hangs over much of Athens comes from the Bay’s refineries and cement factories. The bus stops at the Corinth Canal so that you can look down from the bridge to the canal some 285 feet beneath you which is a big deep canal some 4 miles long connecting the Ionian Sea with the Aegean Sea. Continuing to Old Corinth you have an opportunity to see many of the ancient Hellenic and Roman ruins there. St. Paul first brought the message of Christianity to Corinth in AD 50 and delivered his messages from atop a rock piling called Bema (pulpit) to the Corinthians. At this period an- (Cnnlinued on page 7) »jr« »jn »j;« »j;« »j;« »j;« »j;« »j;« »j;« »j;« » j^« »;•;« »j;« »j;« *j£« »;*;« ** *«»75!« »75!« »75!» »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!«»75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« *75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!« »75!«» i ] i MERRY CHRISTMAS Nosan’s Slovenian Home Bakery, Inc. Open Mon., Dec. 22 Open Tues., Dec. 23 Open Wed., Dec., 24 6413 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Phone: 361-1863 HAPPY NEW YEAR I Holiday Greetings and Love to i Grandma and Grandpa Frank ! i FROM | Lauren and Robert Kalina 6 ^ Dallas, Texas i______________________________________ c Best Wishes for a Joyous Holiday Season Emilee Beauty Salon 6412 St. Clair Ave. — Cleveland, Ohio Phone — 431-6224 Emilee Jenko — Owner 0 1 i i I MERRY CHRISTMAS CEBAR’S Euclid Tavern 595 E. 185 St. 4819509 TO ALL OUR SLOVENIAN AND CROATIAN FRIENDS, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR From Frank J. Cebuly Sr., Tony M., Tony F., and Rose A. Cvelbar I e EXflt <\ai Kim’bm «i 5 We have a variety of the latest Avsenik, Slak and other Slovenian artists, albums, and tapes from Europe. 4 Melodija Button Box Accordions from Slovenia I 25th Anniversary Year Merry Christmas and Happy New Year [ ! I i Tony’s Polka Village 971 E. 185 St. 4 81 - 75 1 2 Open Monday thru Friday 10 to 6 Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Christmas Eve until 4 New Show on Sundays — 50,000 Watts Stereo WCPN 90.3 FM — 1 till 2 p.m. SEASON’S GREETINGS from ] Cimperman Market i SMOKED SAUSAGE & FRESH MEATS 1115 Norwood Rd. 361-0566 f | WISHING YOU f THE HAPPIEST OF HOLIDAYS FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Phone 641-0046 JOSEPH L FORTUNA JOHN J. FORTUNA MARY ANN (FORTUNA) TRŽAŠKA JAMES R- TRŽAŠKA We wish all our friends a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with Health, Peace and Happiness! ŽELIVA VSEM PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ TER ZDRA VO IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Družina Dan in Mollie POSTOTNIK Mollie K. in Dan T. f 'Aa-A- SAFEWAY Tire Company 4623 Superior Ave. Cleveland, O. 44103 j Phone: 881-1737 Season’s Greetings VSEM SODELAVCEM ODJEMALCEM IN PRIJATELJEM ŽELIVA VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO USPEHA POLNO NOVO LETO I ’/4£RfZY CHRISTMAS SLOVENSKO ŠIVALNO PODJETJE Frangie’s Fashions Lastnika Frank in Angela Fujs 475 E. 200 St. Phone 692-2099 S Rome... (Continued from page 6) dent Corinth was the richest and, by reputation, most free-living city in Greece. In AD 51 St. Paul agitated against the morals of the Corinthians which led to a riot. Though arrested, he was released by the Roman Official in charge. In one of his messages to the Corinthians, St. Paul, in asking for donations to the poor, urged his listeners to give for “God loves a Cheerful Giver” - what a marketeer! Enclosed is a picture of the reported place where St. Paul spoke to the people of Old Corinth. For me, to be there was an emotional experience. Nearby one sees the Temple of Apollo, the Agora and other antiquities. We went on to Mycenae which is included in all sightseeing tours of the Peloponnesus. Homer called Mycenae “rich in gold” and gave geographic descriptions which were proven accurate by Heinrich Schliemann, a wealthy German amateur archeologist who began excavations there in 1874. He transformed legend into history. Schliemann’s finds of gold and ivory ornaments, vessels, weapons, and death masks at Mycenae are now in the National Archeological Museum in Athens which we visited the next day. The entrance to the acropolis here is by the famous “Lion Gate.” Close by are shaft-graves where Schliemann found gold death masks and other treasures. The “Tomb of Agememnon” and the other six giant beehive tombs are adjacent to the acropolis. We departed Mycenae through the fertile Argolis plain to Nafplio where we had a delicious Greek lunch overlooking the Aegean Sea. After lunch we drove to Epidaurus to visit the 4th century BC outdoor theater, famous for its astonishing acoustics and then drove north to the Corinth Canal on the new national scenic drive along the coast. From there, we continued on to Athens arriving some 12 hours after we had left. The Athens weather was sunny and warm. Our remaining days were most enjoyable. Taking the No. 21, 28, or No. 29 buses into the center of the city (where practically all of the city buses park before returning) we were close by the great sights with the Acropolis high above us. From this outdoor bus terminal, bus No. 3 takes you up near the Acropolis in a few minutes. Then you walk up a steep path and many, many steps to the Acropolis with its many temples, shrines, statues and other famous buildings such as the Parthenon and the rock of the Areopagos where St. Paul preached his Sermon to the Athenians. We chose to walk down from the Acropolis to the old town, the Plaka, going by the Agora, the center of ancient Athenian (Continued on page 10) I i i I Družina Janez in f I f I Marija Semen Willoughby Hills, Ohio ŽELI VSEM PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ IN ZDRAVO, SREČNO NOVO LETO Precision Grinding Corp. PRECISION GRINDING AND GENERAL MACHINGING 6717 St. Clair Ave. Phone: 391-7294 Želimo vsem rojakom vesele božične praznike in vso srečo v novem letu! VESEL BOŽIČ • SREČNO NOVO LETO CITY MOTORS INC. i ™ t> O ^ > > D O > š ‘ o < H h 0 Is - s t* M O CD i O O) ! 5413 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Frank Tominc Tel: 881-2388 1 I I l l l l P i i 0 n 0 1» 0 & 0 0 o 0 1» 0 1» tl £ fl č. 0 tl š s 0 «> § 0 Sl 0 tl 0 » s č t 1 z $ £ i Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Prosperous New Year Grdina Funeral Homes vs* HOLIDA Y GREETINGS Nottingham Tavern 18526 St. Clair Ave. 531-6289 FAMILY STYLE FOOD SERVED Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto Emilee and Rikk Jenko s> tl č č a f .0 a 0 S» § 0 ti § a 0 a a a 0 a a p ! 16114 Huntmere Cleveland 44110 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 12, 1986 THREE FA VORITE RECIPES Editor: Enclosed are three recipes that I would like to share with your readers: Cheese Ball, Molded Cranberry Salad, and Nectar Mince Pie. I have been a subscriber for over a year now and want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I enjoy your newspaper. Best wishes for a very happy holiday season to everyone at American Home. (Miss) Anne Louise Voitik Joliet, Illinois CHEESE BALL 3 3-ounce packages of Philadelphia Cream Cheese 1 jar Roka Bleu Cheese (Kraft) 1 jar Old English Cheese (Kraft) 3 ounces Bleu or Roquefort Cheese Favorite Holiday Recipes -hfppr 'A * «JE3S- ‘»•ppy MOLDED CRANBERRY SALAD 2 cups cranberries I cup cold water l cup superfine sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 envelope gelatine 2 tablespoons cold water, additional 1/2 cup finely cut celery 1/2 cup chopped nuts Lettuce Mayonnaise Cook cranberries with one cup of water for 20 minutes. Press through sieve to keep] back skins, add sugar, salt,, [and gelatine which has been softened in the two tablespoons of water, and stir until all are dissolved. It may be necessary to reheat the mix-| ture. When cold and almost at thel POPCORN TREE Butter or margarine 8 cups popped popcorn I cup sugar 1/3 cup light corn syrup 1/3 cup water Styrofoam cone 12 inches setting point, fold in celery I onion, grated - (the size of land nuts and turn into mold an egg) Ithat has been previously dip- l clove of garlic, put through Iped in cold water. The mold I high with a 3 1/2-inch base a garlic press, or minced (should be dried and a little j Wood picks Few drops of red and yellow I vegetable oil spread on the in-food coloring Iside. This makes for easy un- Allow cheeses to soften at Imolding. Chill, unmold, and room temperature. jgarnish with lettuce. Serve Combine cream cheese, Roka jwith mayonnaise if you wish, cheese, and Old English cheese I Makes 6 small molds or I and beat until creamy. Add (two- to three-cup mold. —Anne Louise Voitik Joliet, Illinois, Bleu or Roquefort cheese, and beat until thoroughly blended. Add grated onion and garlic and beat. Add red and yellow food coloring, a drop at a time, until desired peach color is achieved. Chill in refrigerator until stiff enough to form into a ball. Form into a ball and roll in chopped walnuts or pecans. Serve with assorted crackers. —Anne Louise Voitik Joliet, Illinois NECTAR MINCE PIE 1/2 cup of granulated sugar 1/2 cup of corn syrup (light or dark) 1/2 teaspoon salt (scant) 1/4 cup Crisco or margarine 2 eggs 1/2 cup of mincemeat 1/2 cup of seedless raisins 1/2 cup chopped walnuts 1/2 cup chopped pecans 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons orange juice I tablespoon lemon juice Combine sugar, corn syrup, salt, and shortening and bring to a boil. Beat the eggs and add raisins, mincemeat, nuts, vanilla, and fruit juices. Gradually add the hot syrup; cool. Make one recipe of pie crust. Line a 9-inch pie tin and pour in the cooled filling. Then roll out the other half of the dough for the top crust. Moisten the edge of the bottom crust. Put on the top crust and seal the edges. Prick the top crust several times to allow steam to escape. Bake in a hot oven (425°) for 30 to 35 minutes. (This is a rich pie, but very delicious!) —Anne Louise Voitik Joliet. Illinois VAL’S CRUMB-TOP APPLE PIE TOPPING I noticed your Indian Crumb-Top Apple Pie| recipe. I make a simila dessert using apples or an other fruit. Since we an watching our sugar intake l| always use sweetener in-l stead of sugar. Then for the topping here is my recipe: (I had to measure the amount, since I usually just “pour” the crumbs into a small skillet.) 1 cup Graham Cracker crumbs (I buy the packaged kind in the baking section at the supermarket) 1/2 stick margarine, melted 1/4 tsp. cinnamon Sweetener to equal 3 Tablespoons sugar (don’t use Equal-brand) Combine ingredients and spread over the fruit. I prepare the fillings just as I would for pies (using sweetener for sugar), cornstarch with cherries and spices as usual. Mrs. James A. (Val) (Stray) Burnside Indianapolis, Ind. LACE COOKIES 1 1/2 c. oatmeal 1 1/2 c. light-brown sugar 2 Tbs. flour 1/2 tsp. salt 2/3 c. melted butter 1 egg, slightly beaten 1/2 tsp. vanilla Preheat oven to 350°. Mix together oatmeal, sugar, flour and salt. Stir in melted butter. Add egg and vanilla and mix thoroughly. Bake on ungreased cookie sheets until lightly brown, about 5 minutes. Small gumdrops Green foliage (optional) Place the popcorn in a large buttered bowl. Combine sugar, corn syrup, and water in a 1-quart saucepan. Cook over medium heat, without stirring, until syrup reaches 240° F on a candy ther mometer, or forms a soft ball when a small amount is dropped into a cup of cold water. Pour hot syrup over popcorn. Immediately mix and toss the popcorn with two forks until well coated. Working rapidly, pull off small amounts and form into balls of graduated sizes, placing them on waxed paper. When ready to assemble, place a pick in each ball and stick into the Styrofoam cone to form the tree, using smaller balls for the top. Place gum-drops on picks and insert to resemble ornaments. Decorate with green foliage if desired. Popcorn may also be made into 12 popcorn balls or 3 balls of graduated size to form a snowman. SAND TARTS 1/4 lb. butter 11/2 c. -sugar 1 egg 2 c. flour 1/4 tsp. salt 1 egg white, slightly beaten 1 tsp. cinnamon Preheat oven to 400°. Beat butter until softened. Add 1 1/4 cups of the sugar; beat until creamy and smooth. Add egg; mix thoroughly. Add flour and salt and beat until well blended. Chill dough for 30 minutes. Roll out dough on lightly floured surface until very thin. Brush dough with beaten egg white. Mix the remaining 1/4 cup of sugar with the cinnamon; sprinkle over dough. Cut with cookie cutters and bake on ungreased cookie sheets for about 6 minutes or until edges of the cookies turn slightly golden. ''tm.ppy- *)!Wr * 'Uohdtyt WE3U * WoMs/f FRUITCAKE 1 cup sugar 1 cup sour cream or milk 6 eggs (beaten separately) 1 package dates (cut in pieces, 1/2 lb. currants 1/4 lb. lemon pee! 1 cup glazed cherries 1 cup walnuts 1/2 teaspoon mace 1 nutmeg (grated) 2 cups flour 1 cup butter 3/4 cup liquor or rum 1 teaspoon soda 1 lb. raisins 3/4 lb. citron 1/4 lb. orange pee! 1 cup whole amonds, blanched 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon cloves ' 4 rings glazed pineapple Wash all fruits thoroughly, let dry. Prepare blanched almonds. Cream butter and sugar thoroughly, and add egg yolks, liquor and a little flour. Mix rest of flour with nuts and raisins and currants, add to mixture. Add citron, lemon and orange peel, dates, cherries and spices. Add grated nutmeg and pineapple. Lastly, beat in egg whites and fold into mixture. Put into well greased and wax-paper-lined Angel Food pan, 3/4 full. Bake at 250 degrees or lower for two hours. Mary Marsich Grilc Pompano Beach, Fla. CLASSIC FRENCH SILK PIE (For bittersweet-chocolate fans, decrease the sugar to 3/4 cup. 3/4 cup butter, softened (no substitute) 1 cup granulated sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar 3 squares (1 oz. each) of unsweetened chocolate, melted and cooled 3 eggs 9-inch baked pie shell 1 cup chilled heavy or whipping cream 2 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar In mixer bowl beat butter until light and fluffy. Gradually sprinkle in granulated sugar. With mixer at high speed beat in vanilla, cream of tartar and chocolate. Add eggs one at a time, beating 3 minutes after each addition and scraping bowl. Pour into pie shell. Cover and refrigerate 3 to 4 hours or until set. Or cover with plastic wrap and freeze at least 8 hours. (If pie is frozen, remove from freezer 15 minutes before serving.) In chilled mixer bowl beat cream and confectioners’ sugar until stiff. Top pie with whipped cream. Makes 8 servings, 580 calories each. STEAK AND SAUERKRAUT ROLLS 11/2 lbs. flip steaks 1/2 lb. sliced bacon 1 targe can sauerkraut 1 pkg. onion soup 1/2 teas, pepper 3/4 cup boiling water 1 cup flour (on platter) First drain sauerkraut (reserve liquid for gravy if tartness is desired). Cut bacon into small pieces, brown in frying pan, till nice and brown. Drain, add to sauerkraut. Cut steak into serving pieces, spread into a row, top each piece with a mound of kraut and bacon mixture, roll up tightly, fasten with a heavy rounded toothpick. Lay rolls in platter, cover with flour, brown in large fry pan with 1/2 cup, hot fat, to which 1 J teas, sugar was added. (This gives rolls a rich brown color.) Remove rolls to roaster. Drain fat from frying pan, stir in 2 tablespoons flour and mix together all particles loosened. Add the onion soup mix and 3/4 cup boiling water. Add this mixture to rolls in roaster. Bake 2 hours at 325 degrees. —Josephine Trunk Cleveland BUTTER STRUKLE 4 cups flour 4 teasp. baking powder 4 tablesp. shortening 1 cup lukewarm water 1/2 cup sugar 11/2 teas, salt 2 eggs (beaten) l cup melted butter Sift dry ingredients together. Cut in shortening as for pie :rust. Add beaten eggs and water. Knead till smooth and blistered. Divide dough in two, grease top, lightly cover and let rest 1 hour. Cover table with cloth and flour lightly. Roll 1 piece into circle, add some melted butter in center, fold over for a few minutes. Unfold dough, slip hands under dough(palms upward) and gently pull dough over all the table until paper thin. Spread with the remaining warmed butter and roll up very tightly.Cut into 6” strips. Close ends by pinching. Drop into boiling, salted water. Cover, cook for 1/2 hour. Drain and cut into 1/2-inch slices. Top with buttered bread crumbs. P.S. — This dough may also be used for strudels. —Josephine Trunk ANGEL STACKS 1 pound cake 1 can chocolate syrup 1 bag coconut Cut pound cake into squares. Pour chocolate syrup onto a plate. Dip cake squares into chocolate syrup and then roll in coconut. Refrigerate. 9 AMLA Lodge 6 Observes 75th Anniversary Klemenčič of East Park Dr., and Fay Gulich of Highland e'Rhts enjoy the dinner dance. Fay was honored as a 50-year ^ber this year. N Ark0 Supreme Board Auditing Committee ktiv.^enian Woman of the Year for 1987) enjoys the les in the company of Josephine and AMLA Supreme ary Louis F. Boldin. ^°, husband of the late Sylvia Banko (leading AMLA and secretary of Lodge 6 for many years) is with 1,1 Banko, new secretary of the lodge, and friend. V r, ^ Kovansek are proud to be present at the special K y is »n the National Board of American Fraternal °'v by James V. feline D. Debevec Joseph F. Petrie, Jr., president of AMLA Lodge Slovenski Dom No. 6 is Master of Ceremonies at the lodge’s 75th anniversary celebration held Saturday, Dec. 6, at the Slovenian Society Home in Euclid. The festivities consisted of a dinner at 6 p.m., a short program featuring the same group which sang for the lodge 50 years ago — Slovan. The Joe Fedorchak Orchestra played for dancing. Over 425 persons attended the event which was dedicated to former secretaries Albina Vesel and her daughter, Sylvia Banko, who passed away , a few months ago. During her career with AMLA Sylvia had brought in close to $2 million in fraternal insurance. At each table was a copy of the 12-page tabloid newspaper in which editor Joseph Petrie recalled with words and photos the 75 year history of the lodge and outlined its many fraternal activities. The paper was printed by American Home Publishing Co. and included in last Friday’s Ameriška Domovina. Also on the table was a scroll depicting the story of St. Nicholas as honored by the Slovenians along with a miniature switch to be used in case of misadventure by precocious youngsters. A particularly good address was given by Yugoslav Council Ivo Vajgl recognizing the observance of Sveti Miklavž in the old country as opposed to the modern celebration in the U.S., and in particular his personal experience. Euclid Mayor Tony Giunta and AMLA President Stanley Ziherl also offered warm words of congratulations. fjJ; • lit:: : m m TkA ■' ....... Entertaining guests during the program are Olga Klancher and Jane Poznik, duet from Glasbena Matica. Rev. Francis Paik, pastor of St. Christine parish in Euclid at the head table along with Caroline Lokar, active Slovenian fraternalist. Joe Ambrosie, Ann Zak, Marie Orazem, secretary of St. Anne’s Lodge 4, Peggy Dobnikar, secretary of Eastern Stars No. 51 and Pauline Smith are part of the celebration. Euclid Mayor Tony Guinta (left) chats with American Home publisher James V. Debevec. Ann (vice president of AMLA Lodge St. Cecilia No. 37) and Louis Sile, president of AMLA Lodge Ribnica No. 12 of Willowick. At right are Carol Czeck, secretary of Lodge No. 12 and Carol’s husband (standing) Charles of Wickliffe. Carol is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silc. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 1 2, 1986 ameriška domovina, december Tony’s Two Bits SEASON’S GREETINGS by Tony Nemec \y \y VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN A European jet plane was winging its way toward John F. Kennedy Airport in New York. As it approached, the pilot established radio contact. “Hello, tower, this be the pilo' Yablonka, aboard flight 621 from Moscow.” “Hello, flight 621,” answered the air traffic controller. “What is your height and position?” “I be five feet nine inches tall, and I be in front of the plane.” SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽELI VSEM KNIFIC Insurance Service Inc. 820 E. 185 St. 481-7540 Rudy Knific, lastnik in sin Don “No, what I want to know is what is your altitude?” “I think the party chairman is doing a good job.” VS s Why did the European helicopter crash? It got chilly up there, so the pilot turned off the hig overhead fan. V* tS When the Commissar 0 Education was visiting a model elementary school in Albania, he patted an honor student on the head and asked-1 “Who is your father, young comrade?” ( | “My father is Karl Marx.^ “And who is your mother. “My mother is the Conl ^ munist Party.” “Very good. And when yol| grow up, what do you mo5 want to be?” ‘.‘An orphan.” Sleep faster. We need tin pillows. Sir, I never forget a face ' but in your case I’ll be gla^10 make an exception. Rome, at Trevi Fountains with Gaye and Renato (an actor and model. He plans to visit the Ryavecs next summer. Old Corinth - Bema as seen by Gaye and (author) Ernie. Rome... (Continued from page 7) public life which has the best preserved temple in Greece, the Thission, and the Tower of the Winds. With the aid of a pocket guide to Athens, we went to the National Archeological Museum and other museums and some of the Byzantine churches as well as taking some of the recommended walks in the city. Also, contrary to many news reports, Greek people were very friendly — many started conversations in halting English with us on the buses and told us that they hoped we would come back. The first day in Athens we found that I had been overcharged (in drachmas) for an 8 mile ride about $7 instead of the $2 normally charged. When I told this to other Greek taxi drivers they asked for some identification of the man. I told them he had lived in Boston and spoke English very well. Everyone expressed genuine indignation that one of them would cheat. We were honestly dealt with and heard no; reports of (Continued on page 11) MERRY CHRISTMAS AND l HAPPY NEW YEAR | JOSEPHINE TRUNK (t 17609 Schenely Ave. — Cleveland rjoooui T i MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS 55th/St. Clair v Auto Care Service Center Complete Mechanical Repai{ — Towing — Phone: 361-4697 5505 St. Clair Avenue FRANK GRUBISA Cleveland, Ohio 441^ | Europa Travel Service s 911 E. 185 St. 692-1700 Cleveland, Ohio 44119 VSEM NAŠIM KLIJENTOM IN PRIJATELJEM ŽELIMO VESELE IN ZADOVOLJNE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE TER VSO SREČO V NOVEM LETU HVALA ZA VAŠO PODPORO IN SODELOVANJE V PRETEKLEM LETU! Urejujemo potovanja v domovino in ostalo •Po vseh kontinentih in po Amerikah - Po zraku, po morjih in po suhem - Pošiljanje ^ daril in urejevanje dokumentov - Potovanja » svojcev iz domovine v Ameriko na obiske in * za stalno naselitev - Postrežemo - govorimo in pišemo tudi v jeziku Vaše rojstne domovine - Pridemo tudi na dom. JEROME A. BRENTAR, lastnik * v '1> ■ \ r .si ■i VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO v ZELI Dr. Sonja K. Glavina ZOBNA ORDINACIJA Euclid Medical Plaza, 26300 Euclid Ave. Euclid, Ohio 44132 Telephone: 261-3330 VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO STAN F. MEZIC INSURANCE 22021 Euclid Ave., Euclid, OH 44117 531-3223 _____ S 5 Belokranjski Klub, Cleveland, Ohio ŽELI VSEM ČLANOM, PRIJATELJEM IN VSEM SLOVENSKIM ROJAKOM VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Rome... (Continued from page 10) cheating from other tourists. We finally got to Novo Gorica from Rome for what we had planned to be a 10 day visit in Slovenia and 3 days in Kapfenberg, Austria. We were happy to see my Uncle Poldo Plesničar, now 90, and his wife, Sofka, now in her early 80’s. They are both in good health and spirits in Trnovo with its invigorating fresh and clear air. Our 5 days of visiting relatives in Trnovo, Šmartno, Ljubljana and Novo Gorica were saddened when we found that my cousin Justina’s husband, Martin, was in the Ljubljana Hospital under observation for possible surgery. A highlight of our trip was a short visit to one of Ljubljana’s over 100 kindergarten and child care centers, which provide care for small children, some less than one year old. Since nearly 50% of all employed in Slovenia are women, the school system does well in providing modern child care facilites, with dedicated trained teachers and aides to teach and care for the young children (based on my observations and conversations with relatives and friends). We were very impressed with the high ratio of teachers and aides to children (which we had observed also in Japan). Of most importance, the children from the age of about 2 and up appeared to be generally happy and engrossed in their activities. The younger ones were taking naps or just having an early lunch depending on which room you looked in. Of course there were a few little ones crying and being comforted and loved by the aides. (With the economy in a great crisis - some 400 dinars to the dollar - fathers and mothers must both work hard and long hours). We found the facilities very well designed for the needs of young children and for preventive health care as well as being spotlessly clean. We were thrilled to hear the Kindergarten class sing for us, their American visitors. I thanked them and told them where my parents came from, where I was born, Cleveland, and where we lived, Santa Monica (in Slovenian). T *-- - This is a picture of my dear cousin Justina (Rijavec) Kaušek former Superintendent of the Ljubljana Kindergarten and Child Care Centers. She is the only woman to have been (Continued on page 12) WtiJC Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Slovenian Village ? Restaurant 6415 St. Clair Ave, Cleveland Open Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. « i Anna Gjerek, manager MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR | ! i if- i f- f Smrekar Hardware 6112-14 St. Clair Ave. 431-5479 BOŽIČNE VOŠČILE VSEM OD TIVOLI ENTERPRISES, INC. 6419 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 431-5296 f l i f Louis V. Jerin 669 Joralemon St. Belleville, N.J. 07109 DRUŠTVO SLOVENSKIH PROTIKOMUNISTIČNIH BORCEV - Cleveland, Ohio želi članom, sobojevnikom, vsem rojakom in njihovim družinam božičnega miru in blagoslova ter vso srečo v novem letu! S > s m 33 ■ > O o š o < o m n m S m m 33 p - VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO VOŠČI Eddie Turk’s Service Motor Tune-up - Tires Batteries • Brake Service Corner E. 61st and St. Clair Ave. 361-9140 Cleveland, Ohio __________ •#i ““ tmm •• “• «■» Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all CO 00 O) a f f l_________________________________ VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO VSEM ODJEMALCEM, PRIJATELJEM ? IN ZNANCEM ŽELI L & M Tobacco and Candy Co. 784 East 185 St. f 531-8777 CANDY - CIGARE - CIGARETE IGRAČE NA DEBELO L.—.'._____ CO 00 O) cc LU 00 5 LU o LU Q > o o Q < •CO oc LU Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year FROM Louis Slapnik & Son, FLORISTS 431-1126 — 391-2134 We can supply you with all your Christmas Needs: Greeting Cards, potted plants, gifts, etc. City & Suburban deliveries, Master & Visa cards accepted May the happiness of Christmas and the spirit it conveys Be with you And your loved ones Through a year of happy days. Ferfolia & Sons Funeral Home | 5386 Lee Rd. at Broadway f Maple Heights — 663-4222 | Louis L. Ferfolia - Donald L. Ferfolia | Donald B. Ferfolia - Anthony Ferfolia f f 486-7979 481-4544 Razinger Auto Rental Hearse, Limousine and Removal Service Rudolph F. Razinger, President 131 East 194 St. — Euclid, Ohio 44119 Best Wishes for the Holiday Season SEASON'S GREETINGS 'Holiday^ •Hippy- Hclidt/t Paufich IN ACTION E. 160th & Waterloo CLEVELAND, OHIO SPECIALTY ADVTG. 481-«300 TROPHIES I. AWARDS 486-8900 I ! the button ! PR A V VESEL BOŽIČ IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽELITA VSEM GOSTOM IN PRIJA TEU EM Mary Hribar in Mary Šuštaršič, solastnici BECKER TAVERN 1194 East 71 St. Tel.: 881-5235 Collision Specialists Expert color matching Lake Auto Body & Frame Tel. 361-1919 American and Foreign Car Repairs Rust work our specialty Slovenian owner Bill Modic a> C 6 N (0 ® k_ “" a. © >o >n o O c _o »o 0) 2 ■55 ^ (A C (D — > i I Self-Defense Classes for Women The St. Clair-Superior Coalition’s Personal Security Committee announces the formation of instruction “Self-Defense Classes for Women.” Ladies, it’s time you learned to protect yourself, feel more confident and aware as you travel the neighborhood and the city. The Self-Defense Classes will be taught by a professional instructor and include vocal instruction as well as “hands on” demonstration and practice. The classes last three weeks and meets two hours each week. The cost is only $7.50. Classes begin Monday, Jan. 5 at 6:00 at the St. Clair-Superior Coalition Office, 6408 St. Clair Avenue, and will meet on Monday the 12th and 19th. You must pay and register for the class in advance at the SCSC Office. Any one under 18 must have written permission from a parent/guardian. For more informaton please contact Yvonne at the SCSC office at 881-0644. Rome... (Continued from page 11) honored by the Slovenian Government with a Zagctr award (an annual award to outstanding teachers) for her dedicated public service. She is not a Party member. Also while in Ljubljana we got together with Dr. Andrej Rijavec (Professor at Ljubljana University) who had met my younger brother. Dr. Karl Ryavec (Professor at the University of Massachusetts) some years ago in America. Of interest, his father (from Trnovo), Major Jože Rijavec was in King Peter’s army and then in ihe early '40s was with a Slovenian Brigade in North Africa. In 1944 as a result of the Subašič agreement between King Peter and Tito, Slovenian soldiers in other countries could return and fight with the Partisans which Major Rijavec did strictly with a patriotic motive. Later in 1948 Lieut. Col Jože Rijavec left the Yugoslav Army since he did not choose to join the Communist Party. He became a librarian ai Ljubljana University well known in his licld. We enjoyed visiting again the huge Farmer’s Market and the Old Town. At one of the many museums, we enjoyed the caricatures and illustrations of Maksim Gasperi whose w’orks were featured in a special display. The newly completed Cankarjev Dom is an outstanding cultural center which one should see. There is now a monument to Pregel, a Slovenian Nobel Prize winner for chemistry, who is a Professor at a Swiss University. We had hoped to go on to Vienna and to Kapfenberg where I have relatives but we l^to/fieturn hjpimfi,early. ) AZ- BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ED PIKE Lincoln-Mercury Inc. 9647 Mentor Ave. Mentor, Ohio 44060 I 942-3191 | (Cleveland) s____________ 357-7533 (Mentor) f $ P b f i o b o t> I p b $ i f 5> I b f I VESELE PRAZNIKE želi SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! Stanko in Ivanka VIDMAR 22400 Lakemont Ave. Euclid, Ohio 44123 VEsilE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE " IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! Hinko in Maria Zupančič 6704 Schaefer Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 krv' h*-' **' f HAPPY HOLIDAYS from JAMES W. TEKAVEC ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Admitted to Practice in Ohio and Florida 330 Standard Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio 44113 621-4810 Season/s Greetings PHONE: 531-0066 ! GLOBOKAR’S Marathon Service General Repairs*Tune-UpaIgnilion Brakes*Rust Treat»V- heel Balance 17600 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland, O. 44119 HOLIDA Y GREETINGS! Slapnik’s Shoppe 6620 St. Clair Avenue Happy Holidays MERRY CHRISTMAS — HAPPY NEW YEAR Lake County Foreign Cars Service Inc. (AUTO PARTS WAREHOUSE ALSO) 3380 No. Ridge Rd. — Perry, Ohio 44081 Joe VidmafFrank Vidmar*Leo Vidmar 951-1577 (TOLL FREE) — 259-2991 Motor rppairs»bod y repawpainting I or ‘^ported cars and some small domestic autos 1 . CENTURY TIRE SERVICE ls3«0 W: atertoo Rd. 531-3536 Slovenian Village Restaurant Features Interesting Specialties The Slovenian Village Restaurant located in the Slovenian National Home building, 6417 St. Clair Ave., besides a full line of delicious standard home-cooked meals, features a variety of ethnic specials. For example on Monday there is Boiled Beef, Stuffed Cabbage, or Roast Beef. On Tuesday, the special is Tripe Stew or Rishota. Wednesdays featured are Segedin Goulash, Meatloaf or Kidney Stew. Then on Thursdays Chicken Paprikash or Stuffed Peppers are the special selections. Fridays features are Goulash and Polenta, Fish, Cordon Bleu, or Tripe Stew. Saturdays Roast Chicken or Cordon Bleu are specials. The Slovenian Village Restaurant also is offering breakfasts beginning at 8 a.m. Lunches feature a wide variety of entres including Roast Pork, Breaded Pork Chops, Weinerschnitzel, Veal France, Porter House Steak, T-Bone Steak. Of course, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, cheese sandwiches, BLTs, Slovenian sausages, grilled ham are always available. There is a selection of wines and beer. Drop in and wish the new Slovenian owner, Anna Gjerek, good luck in her fine restaurant featuring HOME-COOKING, not frozen, pre-prepared food. Their children can also be found either helping to prepare the food or waiting on tables. Oh yes, apple or cheese strudel is also available for one dollar. Lorain Dinner-Dance set for Dec. 13 On Saturday, Dec. 13 a first-annual Christmas Dinner-Dance will take place at the Lorain Slovenian National Home, 3114 Pearl Avenue at East 31st Street in Lorain. Music will be by the A1 Bat-tistelli Orchestra. Dinners will be served from 6 to 8 p.m. in the clubroom. Donation is $10 per person. Dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Main Auditorium. There will be a $2.50 admisson fee for those wishing only to dance. Prizes will be given, and there will be a special appearance by the Lorain Slovenian Folk Dancers and Santa Claus. For dinner reservations, please call (216) 282-5381. 94 Years Young Mary Zakrajšek of Arcade Ave., celebrated her 94th birthday on Wed., Dec. 10. Best wishes from her family and friends. 3LF. Optical Center Many thanks to our patrons for their wholehearted support in the past and we hope to serve you in the future. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Complete eye examination by Dr. Scott Bannerman — CONTACT LENSES — John Fuduric 775 E. 185 St. 6428 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland 44119 Cleveland 44103 Tel.: 531-7933-34 Tel.: 361-7933 “We own and operate our own plant" JAY-DEE CLEANERS Phone — 731-7060 CLEANING, PRESSING and ALTERATIONS “QUALITY CLEANING” 7 a.m. — 6:30 p.m. 878 E. 222 St. — Euclid, Ohio 44123 SUPERIOR BODY | 6605 St. Clair Ave. Tel. 361-1633 I Želimo vesele božične praznike in srečno tj novo leto vsem našim naročnikom q in prijateljem. J V naši popravljalnici avtomobilov boste dobili najboljše delo, najnižje cene in ljubeznivo postrežbo. SEASON’S GREETINGS Bella Bonne Creations Precision Cuts for Guys and Gals Let Us Discover your Loveliness 6116 Glass Avenue 881-4376 MARIE J. AZMAN MERRY CHRISTMAS RED KLIR COMPANY House Replacement Windows Thank you for your patronage 662-1079 Aluminum Siding — Awnings Storm Windows — Doors — Gutters ‘‘RED KUR WAS HERE” JOE KLIR RED KLIR { AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 1 2, 1986 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 12, 1986 jviore ch&istmaš DA BI BLAGODEJEN MIR IN SREČA VLADALA V VAŠIH DOMOVIH IN VAŠIH SRCIH MED BOŽIČNIMI PRAZNIKI IN V NOVEM LETU da bi potovali vedno prijetno in udobno, da bi radostni uživali naravne krasote Slovenije, morja in neba ter vseh krajev, ki jih boste obiskovali VAM IZ VSEGA SRCA ŽELITA lastnika najstarejše slovenske potniške pisarne Kollander World Travel Inc. 971 E. 185 St. — Tel.: 692-2225 Offices in Cleveland, New York and Chicago Mr. in Mrs. August Kollander SEASON'S GREETINGS FROM THE CITY OF EUCLID Mayor Anthony J. Giunta MICHAEL KOSMETOS - President of Council EDWARD SUSTARSIC - Council-at-Large FAY MILLER - Council-at-Large DON MALONE - Council-at-Large WILLIAM DeMORA - Ward 1 NICK MARINO - Ward 4 Judge ROBERT F. NICCUM — Euclid Municipal Court — Lawrence Hupertz, President and Members of The Euclid Independent Coalition Club Paid for by the Euclid Independent Coalition Club Vesele in blagoslovljene božične praznike ter srečno novo leto želimo sorodnikom, ter vsem prijateljem in znancem Družina Toneta Vegel _ Aibin Resnik Food Market 3583 E. 81 St. Cleveland, O. 44105 Phone 641-5471 SEASON’S GREETINGS from Norwood Drug, Inc. Discount Prescription Center FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY Frank Krašovec — Rudolph Kozan 808 E. 185 St. Tele. 531-9188 Nicknames This is a further listing of nicknames from our (St. Clair) area. Most of these fellows were members of an AMLA (American Mutual Life Association - fraternal life insurance) baseball team, the Cleveland Slovenes No. 14, backed by Mr. John Sušnik, their president for many years. French — Brinovec Hymie — Vidmar Zeke — Kurent Murph — Lunder John — Lunder Dean — Koren Red — Brancel Fute — Brancel Lute — Andrulis Lace — Hlad Dutch — Hlad Speed — Koshel Connie — Kolenc Shoestring — Mihelčič Iggie — Jeraj Jingo — Vesel Spoke — Kostanjšek Christy — Krajc Špaga — Zupančič It was a pleasure reminiscing about the glory days, when they were champs. Mrs. Brinovec More by I. M. Ne/.re In response to the Nov. 25 article asking readers for nicknames of persons in the Greater Cleveland area, I have the following to add: Brown — Prijatel Bony — Champa Birchie — Kromar Birdie — Kromar Hippo — Kromar Anky — Novak Curly — Rupnik Slip — Shriner Twin — Louis and Frank Jerse Yellow — Levstik Spider — Kelly, Henry Ermacora Murphy — Merhar Spider — Paik Jasper — Ed Buehner Lefty — Souček Yanks — Arko Crane — Arko Joker — Arko Add on to “Gone Forever Department” — those krinkly and silvery calendars issued by the grocers and butchers around this time of year. In the old days, due to economic conditions, a kid did not do too well during the Christmas gift giving season. A standard gift was a pencil, orange, some candy or a pair of sox, or a small cheap toy. More emphasis was focused on the religious aspects of the season. Nowadays, a parent armed with plenty of cash and a charge card, takes the offspring to a department or electronic store and buys the latest in battery operated or electronic toys and gadgets, dolls, trains, TVs, video cassettes, etc. Will close now. Have an exceptionally pleasant holiday season. Good health. And to “Snops Kuham” I really enjoyed your literary effort. IN/ I/1 Sims Buick 481-8800 21601 Euclid Ave. Stan Sims — President Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To All Our Slovenian Friends Mayor and Mrs. Anthony Giunta and Family EUCLID, OHIO VESELE PRAZNIKE A BLESSED CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MEMBERS AND FRIENDS St. Vitus Lodge No. 25 KSKJ President: Joseph Baškovič Vice-Pres.: Joseph Hočevar Secretary: Al Orehek Rec. Sec’Y” John Hočevar Treasurer: John Turek Cleveland, Ohio _ ExternalJnsurqnce_ since_1895__ Duhovniki in sodelavci slovenske fare Sv. Vida V Cleveland, Ohio voščijo vsem faranom in slovenskim rojakd11 po svetu žegnane botične praznike ter obil° božjega blagoslova in miru v novem letu MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR fi* J7 MERRY CHRISTMAS f AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR I Judge August and 1 Elaine Pryatel f ----------------- if Season’s Greetings I FROM In Judge Robert F. NICCUM and Family Wife Shirley and Douglas, Laurie, and Janet EUCLID MUNICIPAL COURT SEASON’S GREETINGS AMERICAN SLOVENE CLUB Vesel božič in srečno novo leto želiva vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem. Karol in Agnes BOJC 2110 Algonquin Rd. — Euclid, O. yOŠČIMO VSEM PRIJA TEL JEM IN ZNANCEM vESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Season’s Greetings — Fritz’s Tavern 991 East 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Phone 481-9635 FRITZ AND RUTH HRIBAR I l f i % P i I f f ?» f i \ l p x i i o f Meeting The January meeting of Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 10 will be held on Wed., Jan. 21 at 1 p.m. at Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. After the business meeting our belated Christmas Party will be held at 3 p.m. at the hall. We cordially invite our members to attend. A gift exchange will take place. Please notify me by the Jan. 15 deadline, at 531-7635 if you will attend. At that time we will honor our 50-year members. Also our new badges will be given to all members. Please notify me if you plan to attend the party. Ann Stefančič Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will be selling krofe on Sat., Dec. 13 at the usual time and place. In Memory Joseph Gornick of Euclid, donated $80.00 to the American Home newspaper in memory of Joseph Mrhar. Thank you, Joe, for your very generous donation. In Memory Editor: Enclosed is a check in the amount of $100.00 donated in memory of Mr. Frank Sterle, of the Slovenian Country House restaurant, who passed away on Nov. 8, 1986. Sincerely, Mr. Peter Domanko Mr. Frank Vodopivec Helmar Construction Co. Inc. Richmond Hts., O. Ed.Note: Thank you very much, gentlemen, for your very generous donation in honor of a great man, and a great Slovenian. Donates $100 The American Slovene Club donated $100 to the American Home newspaper. Thanks a million, ladies, for your very generous gift. The custom of giving gold rings as favors at 16th century weddings led one gentleman to distribute rings valued at over j£4,000 at the marriage of one of his servants! When Queen Victoria wed in 1840, she ordered that rings bearing the royal profile in gold and the legend Victoria Regina be given to guests. WMmmMWMMmnmwM&MwwMmmeMm 15 $ i i f i $ % I I 1. f I I I ! FROM i I f ! P I i i ( I f r 1 FANNY’S Restaurant A Family Tradition Since 1947 Sty Home Cooking at Family Prices Hours Mon. - Sat. 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sunday 11:30 - 7 p.m. — Closed holidays 353 E. 156 St. Cleve. 531-1231 James A. SLAPNIK, Jr. FLORIST- CVETLIČAR 650 E. 185 St. 531-7887 BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS SEASON AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS! Happy Holidays Azman & Sons Market 6501 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland 44103 — 361-0347 — Louie Jr., Billy Jr., Ed, Frank Jr. I | P i MERR Y CHRISTMAS - HAPPY NEW YEAR iV* '0 Bill’s Automatic Vi Transmission Service Automatic Transmission Specialists 4 Speed Differential Clutch Hydraulic — Ultramatic — Dynaflow Power Glide — Power Flite — Fordomatic — Turbo-Glide —- Jet-Away Bill Modic, 1311 East 55th Street, Cleveland 44103 > 391-9188 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 12, 1986 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 12, 1986 100 Attend St. Clair Pensioners Meeting to Clear Up Old Business Although the weather was rainy and miserable on Thursday, Nov. 20, it was a very pleasant surprise to see the great turnout at the meeting. Yes, almost 100 loyal members filled the meeting room, again proving that the St. Clair Pensioners Club is very much alive. If you have doubts of this, join up and see for yourself. Since we do not have a meeting in the month of December, (only a Christmas Dinner and Social) the November meeting is used for clearing up old business, and also for the election of officers for the coming year. Because of the satisfactory performance of the current officers, the members, with confidence, reelected the same board for the year 1987. They are as follows: Marge Kaus, president; John Skrabec, 1st v/pres.; Frances Kotnik, 2nd v/pres; Jan Krivacic, recording secretary; and Stanley Frank, secretary/treasurer. Our auditors are again Jewel Karpinski, Nettie Malnar, and Hattie Gorgan. We have a change in our kitchen staff, who’s responsibility is to prepare the sandwiches and coffee for after meetings. Frances Tavzelj and Irene Reiman, together, served in this capacity for a number of years. Due to some recent surgery, Fran informed us that she could not continue, at least for the present. Irene, feeling the strain of other personal obligations, feels that she, too, cannot continue. Our sincere thanks in appreciation to both for a job well done. The new members of the kitchen staff, both volunteered, and so appointed are: Mary Primožič, and Sophie Genovese. Thanks to them, we can look forward to the continuation of the after meeting sandwich and coffee. Our bingo chairman, Phil Curtis, deserved a “thank you” for a job well done during the past year. He has agreed to continue in 1987. His only plea is for more bingo players. Special thanks to Bertha Vidmar and Jan Krivacic for voluntarily handling the split-the-pot drawings, since its beginning, and agreeing to continue in that capacity. Of course, if anyone wishes to assist from time to time, report to Bertha. A new committee was formed about mid-year. It is a “Special Events Committee.” It’s function is to be the organizing body for all special events that come up during the course of the year, and also to dream up new ideas. The chairman of this committee is Ed Karnak. He heads a very energetic staff, and we will see the first results at the Christmas Dinner. For the past year, our 2nd V/P, Frances Kotnik, has SPECIAL OFFER The American Home ethnic newspaper is continuing a special promotion seeking new subscribers to the Ameriška Domovina newspaper. It will last until Dec. 31, 1986. Between now and then, persons wishing to subscribe to the Ameriška Domovina for the first time (or have not been a subscriber for the last five years) can receive the paper at a ridiculously low price — just $15.00 a year for the twice weekly or $10.00 a year for the Friday (half English) edition. IN ADDITION, any college student or person in the military service may receive the twice weekly edition for — get this — just $10 a year, or the Frfday (half or more English) for — $5.00 a year. REMEMBER: This is for FIRST TIME SUBSCRIBERS ONLY and does not apply to renewals or anyone who has dropped their subscription in the last five years. This is too good an offer to be passed up. Please send rican Home □m>’ own subscription ^en(j to Amey □a gift subscription 6t\7 St- c'a‘r Udaily at $15.00 Cieve\and, tin UFridays at $10.00 Ocollege or military daily at $10 Ocollege or military Friday at $5.00 for one year to: Name. Street. City, State, Zip MY Name__________ MY Address. MY City, State, Zip. □ Please send a______ . card indicating my gift. ____________________________________________________________________________1 graciously accepted the task of mailing cards to reported sick members, and for other special occasions. She also keeps attendance records. She will continue in that capacity again. Our thanks to Fran for her spirit of cooperation and willingness. 1 cannot conclude my meeting report without mentioning the presence of our THREE 90 YEAR YOUNG MEMBERS. All three were there. Mike Vidmar and Andy Kavchnik both, as you know, celebrated their 90th this year. They very seldom miss a meeting. We are proud of them. A special salute to the third member of this trio. At 91, hale and hearty, Anton Pelko, whenever the opportunity permits, travels all the way from Brookpark, where he resides now with his daughter, to attend a meeting. Mind you, he needs to take two buses and also the rapid transit to make the trip. He says, “I like to come to St. Clair to the meetings.” May he enjoy many more years of good health. Our members are looking forward with interest to our coming Annual Christmas Dinner and Social on Thursday, December 18. Festivities will begin at 1:30 p.m. The committee has been very busy with plans, and I am sure that those attending will not be disappointed. Of course, we will miss those unble to attend, especially missed will be those who unfortunately, due to serious illness or confinement will be absent. Among these are: Agnes Kosec, now recuperating at the Country Place Nursing Home, at 1919 Bishop Road, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Josephine Stanič now residing at Indian Hills Nursing Center, 1500 East 191st Street, Euclid, OH 44117. Ursula Unetič seriously ill, is now confined at home at 1134 East 76th St., Cleveland, OH 44103. Jane Lube suffered a stroke, underwent major surgery, was in a nursing home for therapy, has now been transferred back to Charity Hospital. Anyone wishing to send her a card, best sent it to her home at 1084 Addison Rd., Cleveland, OH 44103. Frances Tavzelj as we reported, underwent major surgery and is recuperating at home at 1098 East 66th St., Cleveland, OH 44103. Minnie Szatkowski, after a brief hospital stay, is now convalescing at her daughter’s home in Eastlake. The list grows. 1 now have received word of additional members confined to hospitals. They are: Mary Jeraj who injured her back in a fall. Jennie Macerol entered Charity for some needed surgery. And John (Pinky) Trinko, with back problems, will be scheduled for surgery soon. All three are in St. Vincent Hospital. We extend our wishes and prayers for a quick healing and speedy recovery for all of those listed. To you our readers and friends I say that it would be nice of you to remember them with a card of 1 wiieer and a prayer, especiall! at this Christmas season. Le them know that they ari remembered. 1 know that i will be appreciated. Several months ago, Rozalit Cendol, a long time membet entered, and after a brief sta) returned home. On Novembc 29 her life came to an end. Sli was laid to rest on DecefflW 1st. May she rest in peace. T all, a happy and blesstf Christmas, and may the nej year hold much health, happiness Stanley J- Fraflj Secretary ■■Deaths^ DOROTHY AVSEC , Dorothy Avsec, 58, pasSi away recently. She was 'j wife of Joseph, mother ^ Kathleen Dickinson, Dianfj Denise, Jim and Tom, sister Kate Verderber, Sopnj Novak, Paula Tiedman, V'jJ Neagle, Donald Gerbec, alJ the following deceased: Wright, Edward, John Adolph; grandmother i Dawn and Jill, mother-in-3 of William Dickinson. Family received friends J Zak Funeral Home, 6016 Clair Ave. Funeral Mass at j Vitus, interment at All So Cemetery. ANNA KRAJC Anna Krajc (nee Hrasti 79, died recently. .1 She was the wife of A ^ the late Ma^ El* Maf daughter of the tare ‘”71 and Mary (nee Golob). S1S of Josephine Novak, Mesarchik and Brunswick (dec.). Services were held at t*ie . . Funeral Home, 6016 St. Ave. on Sat., Nov. 29. was at St. Vitus Church. H1 ment at Whitehaven Met00 Park Cemetery. Christmas Kronski Natural Hickory Smoked KielbflS*1 The Unique Gift Everyone Will Enjoy* Just Call... We’ll Do The Rest 5 Ib. Kronski Gift Box 18.95 10 Ib. Kronski Gift Box 35.90 20 Ib. Kronski Gift Box 69.80 Prices Include Shipping We Can Ship Anywhere In the U.S.A. — Call Now! Toll Free 1-800-443-3833 CORPORATION SAUSAGES P.O. BOX 1539 ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING 82902-1539 J