DOI: 10.2478/hacq-2014-0010 HACQUETIA 13/1 • 2014, 79-120 dry grassland vegetation in the transition zone between two biogeographic regions Desislava SOPOTLIEVA1'* & Iva APOSTOLOVA1 Abstract The geographic position of Bulgaria results in a variety of climatic and biogeographic influences on the country's vegetation. We aim to describe the plant diversity of dry grasslands distributed in the transitional belt between the south-eastern European and Mediterranean biogeographic regions in SE Bulgaria, and to reveal if there are any obvious differences in soil properties, presence of life forms and chorotypes between syntaxa. The data set consists of 349 relevés of vascular plants and bryophytes sampled in different semi-natural herbaceous vegetation types. By applying TWINSPAN, we classified 176 relevés of dry grasslands to eight associations and one unranked community. One association and two subassociations are described here for the first time. Data on soil depth, soil moisture, soil pH, humus and total N content, numbers of different life forms and chorotypes were analysed statistically. The dry grasslands in SE Bulgaria were classified into different vegetation classes sharing the same territory: their communities present similarities in species composition and they have similar ratios of hemicryptophytes/therophytes and Euro-Asiatic/Mediterranean species. Dry grassland vegetation occupies mostly shallow and dry soils that vary slightly in pH, humus content and soil moisture between associations. Keywords: Bulgaria, Festuco-Brometea, Helianthemetea guttati, Koelerio-Corynephoretea. Izvleček Različni klimatski in biogeografski vplivi na vegetacijo so pogojeni z geografskim položajem Bolgarije. V članku opisujemo vrstno raznolikost suhih travišč, ki se pojavljajo v prehodnem pasu med jugovzhodno Evropsko in Mediteransko biogeorafsko regijo in razkrivamo, ali obstajajo očitne razlike med sintaksoni v lastnostih tal, življenskih oblikah in horotipih. Podatkovni niz vsebuje 349 vegetacijskih popisov cevnic in mahov, vzorčenih v različnih polnaravnih zeliščnih vegetacijskih tipih. Z uporabo TWINSPAN metode smo klasificirali 176 popisov suhih travišč v osem asociacij in eno nerangirano združbo. V članku sta prvič opisani ena asociacija in dve subasociaciji. Statistično smo analizirali podatke o globini, vlažnosti in pH tal, vsebnosti humusa in skupnega dušika ter število različnih življenskih oblik in horotipov. Suha travišča v JV Bolgariji smo uvrstili v različne vegetacijske razrede na tem območju: združbe so podobne po vrstni sestavi in imajo podobno razmerje hemikriptofiti/terofiti ter Evroazijske/Mediteranske vrste. Suha travišča uspevajo na pretežno plitvih in suhih tleh, ki se med asociacijami malo razlikujejo v pH, vsebnosti humusa in vlažnosti tal. Ključne besede: Bolgarija, Festuco-Brometea, Helianthemetea guttati, Koelerio-Corynephoretea. 1. INTRODUCTION Bulgaria is a small country in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula with diverse relief, climate and geology, as well as a rich flora that is reflected in a large number of different plant communi- ties. Its geographic position determines multiple biogeographic influences. The majority of the country falls under the influence of the Central European bioclimate, resulting in broadleaved deciduous forests as potential natural vegetation. Close proximity to the Mediterranean region i Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 23, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria. E-mail:; * Corresponding author is a reason for the presence of small patches of Mediterranean vegetation types, while in northeastern Bulgaria there are stretches of steppe and forest-steppe vegetation, which are affected by a steppic bioclimate. Bondev (2002) has divided the country into three regions in terms of phy-togeography: European broadleaved deciduous forests, Euro-Asiatic steppe and forest-steppe, and Mediterranean sclerophytic vegetation. They all belong to Takhtajan's Holarctic Kingdom (Takhtajan 1986). According to recent bio-geographic divisions (Gruev & Kuzmanov 1994, Bondev 2002, Asenov 2006), the Mediterranean sclerophytic region is confined to the southernmost territory of Bulgaria, and traditionally is considered as part of Struma and Mesta river valleys which are situated further west from our study area. The Euro-Asiatic steppe and forest-steppe region is distributed in the eastern part of the country, and the rest of the territory is characterised by European deciduous vegetation. Following the biogeographic division suggested by Rivaz-Martmez et al. (2004), the study area falls within the Bulgarian part of the Apennino-Balkan province. It neighbours the Thracian part of the Graeco-Aegean province, and forms the boundary between the Mediterranean and Euro-siberian biogeographic regions. To date, few vegetation studies have been conducted in this part of the country. Sopotlieva (2008) provided an overview of the diversity of the grassland vegetation in her PhD thesis. Several new syntaxa were established, but not effectively published. Studies on halophytic communities and some dry grasslands were conducted in the following years (Sopotlieva & Apostolova 2007, Tzonev et al. 2008, Sopotlieva 2009, Elias et al. 2013). We regard biogeographical division as a tool for ordering and better understanding the driving mechanisms of plant communities' distribution patterns. Based on current knowledge about spatial distribution of biogeographic regions in Bulgaria, we aim 1) to understand vegetation diversity in the transitional belt between the southeastern European and Mediterranean biogeo-graphic regions; 2) to reveal any obvious differences in soil properties, or patterns of life forms and chorotypes between recognised syntaxa in the boundary area between two biogeographic regions, and 3) to publish effectively some newly described syntaxa. Figure 1: Map of Bulgaria with Eurosiberian (1) and Mediterranean (2) biogeographical regions, according Rivaz-Martmez et al. (2004). The study area is outlined (3). Slika 1: Zemljevid Bolgarije z Evrosibirsko (1) in Mediteransko (2) biogeografsko regijo po Rivaz-Martmez et al. (2004). Označeno je raziskovano območje (3). 2. MATERIAL & METHODS 2.1 Study area The study was conducted in the Straldzha-Aytos phytogeographic region (Bondev 2002). It is situated between 42 and 43° N latitude and 26 and 27° E longitude, in southeastern Bulgaria (Figure 1). The total study area is approximately 5 500 sq. km and mostly belongs to the Toundzha river hilly valley. The relief is diverse, including lowlands, as well as hilly regions of the easternmost parts of the Balkan Mountains (Stara planina), Sredna Gora Mountain, and several other isolated hills. The altitude reaches up to 670 m a.s.l. The region is characterised by diverse geology including volcanic rocks (basalts) and sediments (mergels, sandstone and limestone). Vertisols, fluvisols and solonetz soil types are characteristic for the flat areas, while the hills are mainly covered by luvi-sols and leptosols (Ninov 2002). The climate is mild with a mean annual temperature of 12.3 °C and annual precipitation of 531 mm (unpublished data provided by Bulgarian National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences). The majority of the Straldzha-Aytos phytogeographic region is considered a separate, transitional climatic region between Continental and Mediterranean, according to current climatic division of Bulgaria (Velev 2002). 2.2 Vegetation and soil sampling, soil analyses A total of 349 relevés were sampled following the Braun-Blanquet approach (Braun-Blanquet 1965; Westhoff & van der Maarel 1980) in a variety of semi-natural herbaceous vegetation types (dry, mesic and salt-rich). We placed a minimum of one plot in each stand that we subjectively considered visually homogeneous in terms of vegetation structure and floristic composition. All plots were square-shaped with an area of 16 m2 (Chytry & Otypkovâ 2003). The abundance and cover of species were estimated on the nine-grade modified scale of Braun-Blanquet (Westhoff & van der Maarel 1980). The total cover of vegetation was estimated in percentage. Altitude and coordinates were measured by GPS Garmin Etrex Summit (WGS 84 system) with altimeter calibrated by current atmospheric pressure. Slope was estimat- ed by visual deviation from an imaginary vertical line, soil depth was evaluated on a three-level scale (shallow, medium deep and deep) and soil moisture was similarly evaluated as dry, moist or wet. Observed present grazing intensity was coded as follows: 0 - no grazing, 1 - low intensity grazing, 2 - moderate intensity grazing, 3 - intensive grazing. The data set has been entered into the Bulgarian Vegetation Database (Apos-tolova et al. 2012; GIVD ID EU-BG-001) stored in TURBOVEG software (Hennekens & Schami-nee 2001). Nomenclature of the species followed Kozhu-harov (1992) for vascular plants and Natcheva & Ganeva (2005) for mosses. In some cases, we merged narrowly defined species or subspecies as follows: (S) Anagallis arvensis - Anagallis arven-sis, A. arvensis subsp. arvensis, A. arvensis subsp. foemina; (S) Bupleurum commutatum - Bupleurum commutatum, B. commutatum subsp. commutatum, B. commutatum subsp. aequalis; (S) Elymus elon-gatus - Elymus elongatus, E. elongatus subsp. ponti-cus; (S) Elymus hispidus - Elymus hispidus, E. hispi-dus subsp. barbulatus, E. hispidus subsp. hispidus; (S) Hieracium praealtum - Hieracium praealtum, H. praealtum subsp. bauchinii; (S) Onobrychis alba - Onobrychis alba, O. alba subsp. calcarea; (S) Trifoli-um repens - Trifolium repens, T. repens subsp. repens; (S) Vicia pannonica - Vicia pannonica, V pannonica subsp. striata; (S) Taraxacum sp. - Taraxacum species, Taraxacum officinale. The chorotypes are given according to Assyov et al. (2002) for vascular plants and according to Ganeva & Dull (1999) for mosses. Numerous chorotypes are combined in several groups, as follows: Alpine (Alp) - incl. also Alpine-Mediterranean (Alp-Med), Alpine-Balkan (Alp-Bal), subalpine (subAlp); Balkan (Bal) - incl. also Balkan-Anatolian (Bal-Anat), Balkan-Dacian (Bal-Dac), Appenino-Balkan (Ap-Bal), Pannonian-Balkan (Pann-Bal); Boreal - incl. also sub Boreal; European (Eur) - incl. also European-Mediterranean (Eur-Med), European-Pontic (Eur-Pont), European-sub Mediterranean (Eur-subMed), European-North American (Eur-NAm); Europan-Asiatic (Eur-As) - incl. also European-Central Asiatic (Eur-CAs), European-Siberian (Eur-Sib), sub Mediterranean-Asiatic (subMed-As), subMedi-terranean-Siberian (subMed-Sib), European-Oriental-Turanian (Eur-OT), Temperate (Temp; for moss species); Mediterranean (Med) - incl. also Mediterranean-Asiatic (Med-As), Mediterranean-Central Asiatic (Med-CAs), sub Mediterranean (subMed); Pontic (Pont) - incl. also Pontic-Asi-atic (Pont-As), Pontic-Central Asiatic (Pont-CAs), Pontic-Mediterranean (Pont-Med), Pontic-sub-Mediterranean (Pont-subMed), Pontic-Siberian (Pont-Sib). The life forms were assessed based on data on the species' biological types provided by Kozhuharov (1992). Soil samples were collected within the vegetation sample plots at 5-10 cm depth. The samples were air-dried. The pre-treatment of samples for chemical analyses followed ISO 11464:1994 (E). Basic soil properties were measured such as pH, humus and total nitrogen content. Soil reaction was measured in water solution using a 1:5 soil:water ratio and using the Jenway3310 pH-meter (ISO 10390:1994 (E)). Humus was determined according to the modified Turin method (Kon-onova 1966) and total nitrogen content according to the modified Kjeldahl method (Donov et al. 1974). Analyses were performed in the Analytical Laboratory of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia. 2.3 Classification and statistical ANALYSES We applied a "top down" analysis, i.e. in the first step we tried to identify major vegetation types (classes and alliances), and then within the alliances to distinguish different associations. Different numerical methods were used - TWINSPAN with three pseudospecies cut-levels (0, 5, 25%) and Cluster Analysis with different combinations of distance measures and group linkage methods (Relative Sorensen & Flexible beta (P = -0.25); Relative Sorenesen & Ward's method, Relative Euclidian & Ward's method, etc.). TWINSPAN provided the clearest ecological interpretation of the resulting vegetation types and roughly corresponded to the phytosociological alliances. These vegetation types were then checked by the statistical tendency of species to have a joint occurrence in particular vegetation type by use of the Cocktail method (Bruelheide 1995), using the phi-coefficient (Chytry et al. 2002). Based on the results of the Cocktail method, several relevés were manually moved within the groups for better representation of the diagnostic species groups. Finally, the vegetation groups were checked using the Frequency-Positive-Fidelity Index (Tichy 2005). Plant species were ordered in groups by fidelity. The latter was calculated by phi-coefficient of association, applied to the classified data set with equalised sizes of clusters (Tichy & Chytry 2006). As a result 296 relevés were classified into nine alliances (Sopotli-eva 2008). Dry grassland vegetation types were subjected to further classification to association level and analyses on floristic and ecological properties. Associations were established within each alliance after applying TWINSPAN. Vegetation classes, alliances and associations were recognised after referring to the appropriate literature for Central Europe and Mediterraniean region (e.g. Chytry (ed.) 2007; Chytry & Tichy 2003; Klika 1931, 1933, 1934, 1936, 1939; Mucina 1997; Oberdorfer (ed.) 1993; Rivas-Martinez et al. 2001; Royer 1991; Valachovic & Maglocky 1995), as well as for the neighbouring countries (Horvat 1962; Horvat et al. 1974; Horvatic 1963, 1975; Jovanovic-Dunjic 1955; Kojic et al. 1997, 1998; Micevski 1970, 1977, 1978; Pop 1968, 1977; Pop et al. 2002; Roman 1974; Sanda et al. 1997, 1999). The same literature sources were used to allocate species to higher syntaxonomic units. We tested for differences in some environmental and vegetation parameters with one-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) carried out in STA-TISTICA 9 (StatSoft 2009). We tested whether the prerequisites of ANOVA models (normal distribution, equal variance) were sufficiently met by visually inspecting the distribution of the residuals (Quinn & Keough 2002). In addition, we used Tukey's HSD post hoc test at a = 0.05 to identify significant differences among groups of syntaxa. 3. RESULTS Dry grasslands make up the majority of the studied vegetation. We assigned 176 relevés of dry grasslands collected in the Straldzha-Aytos phy-togeographic region to eight associations and one unranked community (Table 1). 3.1 SYNTAXONOMICAL sCHEME AND NOMENCLATURAL NOTEs Our syntaxonomical scheme mainly follows the traditional concepts for Festuco-Brometea and Koelerio-Corynephoretea, but also proposals of Rodwell et al. (2002) for the position of Trifolion cherleri within higher units, and recent investigations of Bulgarian grasslands, especially for Sat-urejion montanae (Pedashenko et al. 2013). Class: Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. & Tx. ex Klika & Hadac 1944 Order: Festucetalia valesiaca Soo 1947 Alliance: Festucion valesiacae Klika 1931 Association: Bothriochloetum ischaemi Krist 1937 subassociation: typicum subassociation: asperuletosum cynanchi-cae Sopotlieva & Apostolova 2014 [see below] Association: Festuco valesiacae-Stipetum ca-pillatae Sillinger 1930 Association: Medicagini-Festucetum valesiacae Wagner 1941 Association: Trifolio arvensis-Festucetum va-lesiacae Sopotlieva & Apostolova 2014 [see below] Chrysopogon gryllus-community Order: Stipo pulcherrimae-Festucetalia pallentis Pop 1968 Alliance: Saturejion montanae Horvat et al. 1974 Association: Euphorbio myrsinitae-Bothri-ochloetum ischaemi R. Jovanovic 1955 sub-ass. medicaginetosum rhodopaeae Sopotlieva & Apostolova 2014 [see below] Class Helianthemetea guttati (Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1952) Rivas Goday & Rivas-Martinez 1963 Order: Helianthemetalia guttati Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1940 Alliance: Trifolion cherleri Micevski 1970 Association: Erysimo-Trifolietum Micevski 1977 Association: Poo bulbosae-Achilletumpseudo-pectinatae Sopotlieva 2009 Class: Koelerio-Corynephoretea Klika in Klika & Novak 1941 Order: Corynephoretalia canescentis Klika 1934 Alliance: Thero-Airion Tx. ex Oberdorfer 1957 Association: Vulpietum myuri Philippi 1973 Nomenclatural notes on new syntaxa Associations Trifolio arvensis-Festucetum valesiacae Sopotlieva & Apostolova ass. nov. hoc loco Typus: Relevé 5 in Table 5 of this publication [Holotypus hoc loco] Diagnostic species: Odontites serotina, Potentilla neglecta, Herniaria hirsuta, Carex praecox, Ely-mus hispidus. Subassociations Bothriochloetum ischaemi Krist 1937 asperuletosum cynanchicae Sopotlieva & Apostolova subass. nov. hoc loco Typus: Relevé 51 in Table 2 of this publication [Holotypus hoc loco] Differential species: Asperula cynanchica, Trifolium arvense, Bromus squarrosus, Euphorbia myrsinites, Teucrium polium, Koeleria nitidula, Convolvulus cantabrica, Ceratodon purpureus, Chrysopogon gryllus, Minuartia caespitosa, Heli-anthemum salicifolium. Euphorbio myrsinitae-Bothriochloetum ischaemi R. Jovanovic 1955 medicaginetosum rhodopaeae Sopotlieva & Apostolova subass. nov. hoc loco Typus: Relevé 14 in Table 7 of this publication [Holotypus hoc loco] Differential species: Grimmia pulvinata, Echinops ritro, Paronychia cephalotes, Medicago rhodo-paea, Weissia wimmeriana, Scleranthus annuus, Sedum acre, Ajuga chamaepytis, Inula aschersoni-ana, Crupina vulgaris, Didymodon acutus, Heli-anthemum salicifolium, Koeleria nitidula, Bom-bycilaena erecta, Hypericum rumeliacum, Minu-artia caespitosa, Hippocrepis ciliata, Pleurochaete squarrosa, Centaurea ovina subsp. besserana, Koeleria brevis. 3.2 Outlines of vegetation types The association Bothriochloetum ischaemi (Table 2) includes plant communities dominated by Dichanthium (Bothriochloa) ischaemum. They have a closed horizontal structure with total coverage ranging between 70 and 100%. Total species richness is 239 vascular plant species and average number of species per relevé is 24. The biological spectrum of the association shows a predominance of hemicryptophytes (50%), but also significant presence of therophytes (46%). Other groups as chamaephytes (2%), cryptophytes (1%) and species with unidentified life form (1%) play a negligible role in the communities. The association is characterised by high presence of species with continental-steppic distributions (including European, Euro-Asiatic and Pontic chorotypes). They share 54% of the total floristic composition. The Euro-Asiatic species prevail (26%). Surprisingly, Mediterranean species are the second most numerous group represented by 24%. The regional specificity is revealed by 16 Balkan endemic species. Ecology: Communities of both subassociations occupy low altitudes, but stands of asperule-tosum cynanchicae occur on steeper and preferably southern slopes (Table 9). Soil pH shows similar values, but the typical subassociation occupies soils more enriched by organic matter than aspe-ruletosum cynanchicae (Figure 3). Figure 2: Stand of Bothriochloetum ischaemi asperuletosum cynanchicae close to Dragantsi village. Slika 2: Sestoj asociacije Bothriochloetum ischaemi asperuletosum cynanchicae v bližini vasi Dragantsi. The heterogeneity within the sampled communities was the reason for defining two subassociations: typicum and asperuletosum cynanchicae. Asperuletosum cynanchicae (Figure 2) is a new subassociation and includes communities of more xerothermic environments as compared to the typical one. It is distinguished by 12 differential species (see Table 2). According to our results, the differential species group of subass. typicum should be supplemented by Achillea setacea, Rumex pulcher, Carduus nutans and Bromus arvensis, which show high constancy there. On the other hand, Crepis setosa has extremely broad distribution and should be excluded from the differential species group of the typical subassociation. Figure 3: Diagrams for a) humus content, b) total N content and c) pH of soils for the ten studied plant communities. Slika 3: Grafi za a) vsebnost humusa, b) skupen dušik in c) pH tal v desetih proučevanih rastlinskih združbah. Numbers represent the following syntaxa: 1 - Bothriochloetum ischaemi typicum, 2 - Bothriochloetum ischaemi asperuletosum cynanchicae, 3 - Festuco valesiacae-Stipetum capillatae, 4 - Medicagini-Festucetum valesiacae, 5 - Trifolio arvensis-Festucetum valesiacae, 6 - Chrysopogon gryllus community, 7 - Euphorbio myrsinitae-Bohtriochloe-tum medicaginetosum rhodopaeae, 8 - Erysimo-Trifolietum, 9 - Poo bulbosae-Achilletum pseudopectinatae, 10 - Vulpi-etum myuri o: mean value; □: ± standard error; • : outliers; ♦: extremes T non-outlier range; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Distribution: Bothriochloetum communities are distributed all over the study area. Remark: The original diagnosis of this association made by Krist in 1937 was not avilable. In the overview on Dichanthium (Bothriochloa) ischaemum communities in Romania, Pop (1977) did not included any source from this author. The association Festuco valesiacae-Stipetum capil-latae represents communities dominated by Festuca valesiaca and Stipa capillata (Table 3). Total cover varies between 50 and 95%. A total of 113 vascular plants were recorded in this association, with an average of 24 species per relevé. Although both dominant species are hemicryp-tophytes, the biological spectrum of the association shows a prevalence of therophytes (50%). Hemicryptophytes make up almost all the other half of species (47%). Less numerous are cryp-tophytes (2%), chamaephytes (0.9%) and other, not specified species (1%). Mediterranean (27%) and Euro-Asiatic (21%) species prevail. Regional characteristics are linked to nine Balkan species. Ecology: The habitats of this association are distributed between 120 and 330 m a.s.l. altitude and over a wide range of aspects. Soils are shallow, dry (100% of stands), with relatively high humus content and slightly acidic reaction (mean pH 6.23) (Figure 3). Distribution: Communities of this association are distributed predominantly in the northern part of investigated area. The association Medicagini-Festucetum valesiacae includes closed stands (average vegetation cover 88%), dominated by Festuca valesiaca or Dichanthium (Bothriochloa) ischaemum (Table 4). A total of 109 species are recorded within this vegetation type, while the mean species richness per relevé is 35 species. Hemicryptophytes prevail (55%), but with a significant presence of therophytes (43%). Chamaephytes and cryptophytes are represented only by one species each. Mediterranean choro-types prevail, representing 33% of species, and within this group the sub-Mediterranean species are most common (20% of all species). Balkan endemics are 5.5% of the species of the association. Ecology: This vegetation type was recorded on slightly inclined, north and west facing slopes. Soil properties show slightly alkaline soil reaction (Figure 3). Distribution: Stands of association are registered all over the study area. The association Trifolio arvensis-Festucetum valesiacae includes species rich (mean 28.9 species per relevé, total 124 species) dry grasslands dominated by Festuca valesiaca (in most relevés). This vegetation type could be considered as transitional between Festuco-Brometea and Koelerio-Corynepho-retea due to its floristic composition and presence of characteristic species from both classes (Table 5). More than half of species are hemicryptophytes (54%), but the therophytes are also numerous (42%). Cryptophytes are 3%, and there is only one species with unidentified life form (0.8%). Euro-Asiatic species prevail (24%) in the floristic composition, followed by Mediterranean (20.2%). Endemic plants are represented by eight Balkan species. Ecology: This community occupies slightly inclined slopes of various aspects, at altitudes between 120 and 324 m a.s.l. Soils are humus poor with slightly acidic reaction (Figure 3). Distribution: This association occupies small areas in different parts of the studied region. A community dominated by Chrysopogon gryl-lus is recognised by the analysis within the Fes-tucion valesiacae alliance (Table 6). It remains unclassified as does not contain a well defined group of diagnostic species, as well as heterog-enous floristic composition and ecological pat-terrns. The vegetation has closed horizontal structure, with the highest mean of total coverage among all vegetation units presented here, but low plant diversity. The biological spectrum shows that hemicriptophytes represent 58%, and therophytes 38%, of the community's total species number. More numerous within the community are the Euro-Asiatic (27%) species. Ecology: This community develops mostly on flat terrains at various altitudes. Soils are of medium depth with very diverse humus content ranging between 0.95 to 10.64%. Soil reaction is slightly acidic (pH 5.85) to neutral (pH 7.02) (Figure 3). Distribution: Chrysopogon gryllus dominated communities were found in all parts of the studied region. Open dry grasslands on calcareous terrains are classified within the Euphorbio myrsinitae-Bothri-ochloetum association and particularly as a proposed new subassociation, the medicaginetosum rhodopaeae (Table 7, Figures 4 and 5). This vegetation is characterised by the absence of any Figure 4: Stand of Euphorbio myrsinitis-Bothriochloetum medicaginetosum rhodopaeae with Inula aschersoniana at Karabair hill. Slika 4: Sestoj asociacije Euphorbio myrsinitis-Bothriochloe-tum medicaginetosum rhodopaeae z vrsto Inula aschersoniana na hribu Karabair. Figure 5 (Slika 5): Medicago rhodopaea Velen. evident dominant species, as well as by high species richness. The biological spectrum is as follows: hemicryptophytes: 64%, therophytes: 29%, cryptophytes and chamaephytes: 4% each. Mediterranean chorotypes represent 28% of the association's species. Endemics are represented by thirteen Balkan and one Bulgarian endemic species. Ecology: The communities develop on steep slopes with predominantly southern exposition at altitudes between 145 and 356 m a.s.l. Soils are very shallow and the presence of bare rock is common. Humus content is on average 5.04 %, and total nitrogen content is the highest here among the sampled vegetation types (Figure 3). Distribution: Stands of this subassociation were found in the northwestern part of the Straldzha-Aytos region (Karabair hill, the slopes of Stara Planina Mt., above Shivachevo town and east of Sliven town, Svetiiliski hills and slopes of Sredna gora Mt., close to the town of Nova Zag-ora). The spatial distribution of this subassociation is linked to Triassic limestones. The association Erysimo-Trifolietum has been thoroughly described by Sopotlieva & Apostolova (2007) (see Table 1 in Sopotlieva & Apostolova 2007). It includes predominantly closed and species rich communities. The dominant species vary among its different stands. Ecology: This vegetation type occupies the highest altitudes of the study area and it develops on slightly inclined slopes. Total N content is relatively low, while soil reaction varies from medium acidic (5.44) to neutral (7.06) (Figure 3). Distribution: Most of the stands are in the western part of study area and only scattered stands were found in the eastern part. The association Poo bulbosae-Achilletum pseudo-pectinatae includes communities with semi-open to closed stands of the Balkan endemic species Achilleapseudopectinata (syn. A. depressa), co-dominated by Poa bulbosa and Thymus striatus (see relevés 1-8 in Table 1 in Sopotlieva 2009). Detailed information about this association is published by Sopotlieva (2009). Ecology: The communities develop on shallow or medium depth dry soils, on predominantly south or west exposed slightly inclined slopes. Distribution: It is distributed in the northeastern part and specifically on Mala Aytoska Mt. and on hills close to the town of Karnobat. Only one relevé originates from the central part of Straldzha-Aytos region (Konyovo village, Sliven district). Three stands dominated by Vulpia myurus, were classified within the Vulpietum myuri association (Table 8). They are characterised by high total cover, but poor species richness (they have the lowest mean number of species per relevé). Hemicryptophytes prevail, being represented by 21 species (55%) and 16 species are therophytes (42%). The majority of species are Euro-Asiatic (34%), followed by Mediterranean (21%) and European (18%) species. Ecology: This vegetation type occupies slightly inclined slopes. Soils are dry, shallow or of medium depth, with low humus content (0.62%) and slightly acidic reaction. Distribution: Stands are distributed in the southern (Zlatari village), eastern (Devetak village) and northern (Lozica village) parts of the study area. 3.3 Environmental and floristic PECULIARITIES OF THE VEGETATION types The biological features such as species richness and total plant cover tend to be more diverse, and split the studied communities in four major groups (Table 9). Koelerio-Corynephoretea vegetation, represented by Vulpietum myuri, shows the lowest species richness. In contrast, the sub-Mediterranean vegetation of Helianthemetea guttati, represented by Erysimo-Trifolietum, is the most species rich. Vegetatation coverage has low values for the relatively species rich communities (Euphorbio myrsinitae-Bothriochloetum, Festuco valesiacae-Stipe-tum capillatae), while a closed structure prevails in communities composed of tufted grasses (Chrys-opogon gryllus-community, Bothriochloetum ischae-mi typicum). Total vegetation cover varies widely within most vegetation types. The altitudinal range within the study region is not large. However, the lowest altitudes in the lowlands are occupied by ruderal-like communities of the typicum subassociation of Bothriochloe-tum ischaemi. Due to widespread agricultural usage of lowland territories, most established semi-natural dry grassland types occur on slightly inclined slopes of hills with shallow soils and very similar soil characteristics in terms of pH and total N (Table 9 and Figure 3). Almost all vegetation plots (95%) occur on dry soils. The most common type of land use in the studied grasslands was grazing (82% of plots), with 46% of the active pastures being used at low intensity. Studied grasslands are of secondary origin and have been managed by grazing for long time. Recently, the grazing pressure has reduced considerably and during the field research many of the sampled plots were in abandoned pastures. Low intensity grazing maintains the grasslands in their current state. Rarely, intensive grazing was recorded in Bothriochloetum communities and in stands with high abundance of Festuca valesiaca. (Figure 6). Euro-Asiatic and Mediterranean chorotypes prevail in the species composition in all plant communities (Table 10). Usually, these main chorotypes have very similar proportions. A difference of more than 10% between European-Asiatic and Mediterranean elements occur only in two plant associations - Medicagini-Festucetum and Vulpietum myuri. Adventive and Alpine species appear in species composition accidentally. Endemics are represented by Balkan species. Hemicryptophytes are the most species rich life form among all studied dry grassland types besides the Festuco-Stipetum association. Thero-phytes have a significant presence within all the identified types, which is a result of the pronounced Mediterranean influence. a) ■ medium depth soils □ shallow soils ■ Intensive grazing □ low intensity grazing □ moderate intensity grazing □ no grazing Figure 6: Percentage of a) soil depth categories and b) grazing intensity categories within the ten studied plant communities. Syntaxa are as in Figure 3. Slika 6: Odstotek a) kategorij globine tal in b) kategorij intenzivnosti paše v desetih proučevanih rastlinskih združbah. Sintaksoni so označeni kot na sliki 3. 87 Brought to you by | National & University Library Authenticated | Download Date | 8/26/14 4:59 AM 4. DISSCUSSION Dry grasslands in southeastern Bulgaria are represented by Central European vegetation types, such as Festuco valesiacae-Stipetum capillatae, Med-icagini-Festucetum and Vulpietum myuri, as well as vegetation types typical for Southeastern Europe (Bothriochloetum and Chrysopogon gryllus-commu-nities) and sub-Mediterranean herbaceous vegetation, like Euphorbio myrsinitae-Bothriochloetum and Erysimo-Trifolietum. Occupying the same territory under a sub-Mediterranean climatic influence, all established communities share similar floristic characteristics (see Table 1). Vegetation types that belong to different classes are rather rich in sub-Mediterranean species and thero-phytes. We found that sub-Mediterranean choro-types share high percentage of the species composition in almost all vegetation types, which strongly indicates the influence of the relatively warm climate of this area. Chamaephytes seem to be the prevailing life form traditionally associated with temperate regions, but therophytes also have a significant share and constitute up to half of all species in all associations. Bothriochloa (Dichanthium) ischaemum is widespread across Bulgaria and is a typical dominant species of dry grasslands in the lowlands and the lower mountain zone. So far, the association Bothriochloetum ischaemi has been recorded in northern (Tzonev 2002) and northeastern Bulgaria (Apostolova & Meshinev 2006). The association is widespread also in Romania (Pop 1977). Our new records from southeastern Bulgaria enlarge its areal to the South. A prevalence of hemicryptophytes is more pronounced in Romanian communities, reaching up to 72%, while the proportion of therophytes is not higher than 20-30% (Pop 1968, 1977; Roman 1974; Pop et al. 2002). The number of therophytes in our samples is higher. The distribution of Festuco valesiacae-Stipetum capillatae is known for the area of Central Europe, from central Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia to Hungary (Chytry et al. 2007). This correlates with the position of the association in the classification scheme of Royer (1991) in the "western group associations" of the suballiance Eu-Festucenion rupicolae Soo 1971. However, the association is also given for Ukraine, together with other associations dominated by Stipa cap-illata as Stipetum capillatae Dziubaltowski 1925, Jurineo calcareae-Stipetum capillatae (Kukovitsa et al. 1994) Kukovitsa in V. Solomakha 1996, Carici humilis-Stipetum capillatae Tkachenko, Movchan & V. Solomakha 1987 (Solomakha 1996). Communities of Stipa capillata co-dominanted by Festuca valesiaca and Bothriochloa (Dichanthium) ischaemum with similar species composition are classified within the association Stipetum capillatae (Hueck 1931) Krausch 1961 by Romanian researchers (Sanda et al. 1997, Pop et al. 2002). Horvat et al. (1974) mention the association Festuca valesiaca-Agropyrum pectinatum-Stipa capillata Pu§caru-Soroceanu 1963 as part of the steppe vegetation in Dobruja. In our opinion, the studied communities in Bulgaria show a higher degree of floristic similarity with Central European ones than with the steppe communities of Romania. At the same time, our communities contain a significant presence of Koelerio-Corynephoretea species and Balkan endemics that distinguishes them from Central European stands. Another Central European vegetation type recorded in the study area is Medicagini-Festucetum. Its position in Royer's syntaxonomical scheme is also in the "western group of associations". However, the same author proposed that some of its stands to be classified within Salvio-Festucetum pontico-romanicum Ciocirlan 1968, and therefore to the "southern group of associations", which are distributed in Central and Eastern Romania, Bulgaria and probably part of Ukraine (Royer 1991). In our samples classified within Medicagini-Fes-tucetum, the number of character species seems to decrease towards the southern localities. The prevalence of sub-Mediterranean species and the presence of Balkan endemics give reason to propose a new sub-association or variant. However, due to the limited number of relevés and restricted study region, a more precise classification is avoided at this time. These data conclusively demonstrate that the range of the association Medicagini-Festucetum reaches Bulgaria. Collection of more vegetation data from Bulgaria and comparison with the communities from southern Romania will allow a better determination of the internal heterogeneity and geographical differentiation within this association. The proposed new plant association Trifolio arvensis-Festucetum valesiacae is a good example of the observed transitional character of dry grassland vegetation in southeastern Bulgaria. Diagnostic species with high fidelity and constancy are considered also as diagnostic for Festuco-Brometea (Festuca valesiaca, Chondrillajun-cea, Potentilla neglecta) or Koelerio-Corynephoretea (Trfolium arvense, Rumex acetosella). In this association, the representation of species typical for Festucion valesiacae is poor. On the other hand, there is a significant number of species with high constancy for the class Koelerio-Corynephoretea that differentiate the new association from Fes-tuco valesiacae-Stipetum capillatae and Medicagini-Festucetum valesiacae. Festuca valesiaca has broad distribution and naturally takes part in many different communities. The new association differs from the other known Festuca valesiaca communities described in the literature. Among the species with high constancy in the associations Galio-Festucetum valesiacae R. Jovanovic 1956, Festucetum valesiacae Borisavljevic 1955 and Trifolio-Festucetum valesiacae Diklic & Nikolic 1972, only Festuca valesiaca is found in our data (Jovanovic-Dunjic 1956, Borisavljevic et al. 1955, Diklic & Nikolic 1972). Constant species of these associations, such as Potentilla argentea, Teucrium chamaedrys, Hypericum perforatum, Lotus corniculatus and others, were not found in our communities. The above mentioned associations are rich in mesophilic species missing in our relevés, for example Fragaria vesca, Plantago media, Dactylis glomerata, Leucanthemum vulgare and Festuca pratensis. Chrysopogon gryllus is a widely distributed species in Bulgaria and one of the main dominants in the herbaceous vegetation of lowland and lower mountain zones. Its communities are classified within Festucion valesiacae and Chrysopogono gryl-li-Danthonion calycinae (Tzonev 2002, Meshinev et al. 2005, Apostolova & Meshinev 2006, Vassilev 2012). The associations Thymo pannonici-Chrys-opogonetum grylli Donitâ et al. 1992, Chrysopo-gono-Caricetum humilis (Soo 1930) Zolyomi 1958 and Dauco guttati-Chrysopogonetum grylli Pope-scu & Sanda 1978, reported for Romania, are assigned to the alliance Festucion valesiacae (Sanda et al. 1997, Sanda et al. 1999). Chrysopogonetum grylli Soo 1939 (recently considered as a syntaxo-nomical synonym of Thymo pannonici-Chrysopo-gonetum grylli; Sanda et al. 1999) is known for the many geographically distinguished subassociations (e.g. oltenicum Buia et al. (1959) 1960; dobrogicum Dihoru 1970; moldavicum Bârcâ 1975; campinensis Borza 1959; transsilvanicum Csûros & Niedermaier 1966; praemoesicum Roman 1974; banaticum Borza 1962) described by Romanian vegetation scientists. Chrysopogon gryllus is considered as diagnostic for various syntaxonomical categories by Ilijanic & Topic (1989), who have reviewed its communities in the territory of former Yugoslavia. According to Kojic et al. (1998), this species occurs in many associations within Festucion valesiacae (e.g. Trifolio montani-Chrysopogonetum grylli Veljovic 1967, Chrysopogono-Festucetum valesiacae Veljovic 1971, Bromo squarrosi-Chrysopogonetum grylli Kojic 1959), Festucion rupicolae (Chrysopogonetum pannonicum Stjepanovic-Veselicic 1953, Chamaecytiso austria-cae-Chrysopogonetum grylli Butorac 1989, Trifolio campestri-Chrysopogonetum grylli Butorac 1989, Thymo-Chrysopogonetum grylli Stojanovic 1983, Inulo-Chrysopogonetum grylli Stevanovic 1984) and Chrysopogono-Danthonion calycinae (Agrostideto-Chrysopogonetum grylli Kojic 1959, Teucrio-Chrys-opogonetum grylli R. Jovanovic 1954, Koelerio graci-lis-Chrysopogonetum grylli Vuckovic 1985 (Kojic et al. 1998) in Serbia. Chrysopogon gryllus also has a diagnostic role also in Erysimo-Trifolietum Micevski 1977 and He-lianthemo-Euphorbietum thessalae Micevski 1973 (Trfolion cherleri, Helianthemetea guttati) in Macedonia. It is a dominant species in Nardo-Callu-netea-communities in continental parts of Western Croatia (Ilijanic et al. 1972). Chrysopogon gryllus has a wide ecological plasticity and its distribution optimum is in the Balkans and Romania (Tzonev 2002). This is a reason why the species is referred to as diagnostic for various syntaxa. It also explains the different approaches for the classification of the communities hosting Chrysopogon gryllus, from describing one broad and heterogeneous association (Thymo pannonici-Chrysopogonetum grylli) in Romania on the one hand, and on the other hand its use by Serbian researchers to describe many geographically restricted associations that reflect differentiation in environmental characteristics. Our Chrysopogon gryllus-dominated communities have diagnostic species for Festucion valesiacae and Festuco-Brometea, which gave us reason to treat them as subordinated to these higher syntaxa. Significant heterogeneity of the sampled relevés did not allow the identification of a particular association. Vegetation on calcareous stony terrains in the Straldzha-Aytos region is distinct from the above mentioned vegetation types and rather corresponds to the association Euphorbio myrsinitae-Bothriochloetum. Comparison of species composition and constancy classes between stands of southeastern Bulgarian (Table 7, column A) and eastern Serbian associations (Table 7, column B, according Horvat et al. 1974) shows much similarity. However, the presence of the Bulgarian endemic Medicago rhodopaea, justifies the proposal of a new sub-association. We established two plant associations within the Trifolion cherleri alliance, described in detail by Sopotlieva & Apostolova (2007) and Sopot-lieva (2009). The position of Trifolion cherleri in higher syntaxonomic units is still questionable (Sopotlieva & Apostolova 2007, Custerevska et al. 2012) and probably will be solved by a large scale analyses of Balkan dry grasslands (K. Vassilev et al. in prep.). The Koelerio-Corynephoretea class was registered in the study region for the first time in Bulgaria. Vulpietum myuri represents pioneer vegetation and was very rarely observed. Similar communities for Romania, Germany and Slovakia have been assigned to Filagini-Vulpietum Oberdorfer 1938 (Korneck 1993, Valachovic & Maglocky 1995, Sanda et al. 1999). According to Valachovic & Maglocky (1995) Vulpietum myuri is a synonym of this association, but we follow here the view of Sadlo et al. (2007). Recently, the vegetation of Thero-Airion was also found in Bulgaria (Pedashenko et al. 2013), which enlarges the area occupied by Koelerio-Corynephoretea vegetation. 5. CONCLUSIONS Dry grasslands in the transitional zone between Continental and Mediterranean regions in southeastern Bulgaria were floristically distinguished in this study and classified within the two main classes of Festuco-Brometea and Helianthemetea guttati. Sharing the same territory, communities of these classes also share a lot of species, and have similar ratios of hemicryptophytes/thero-phytes and Euro-Asiatic/Mediterranean species. Both vegetation types occupy mostly shallow and dry soils. There is no significant difference between the associations in terms of soil properties such as pH, humus content, soil moisture, etc. Classification to certain vegetation types is rather complicated because of the gradual floris-tic and ecological differentiation between sampled communities. We identified associations known for Central Europe such as Bothriochloe-tum ischaemi, Festuco-valesiacae-Stipetum capilla-tae, Medicagini-Festucetum, but with the presence of more Mediterranean species and therophytes in the study area. Trifolio arvensis-Festucetum vale-siacae is established as a new association distributed all over the study area, and probably with widespread occurence in the country. Saturejion montanae should be considered as more widely distributed in Bulgaria than previously thought. It is confined to calcareous terrains with a lot of rock outcrops that allows for rich biodiversity and endemism. We defined the new subassociation medicaginetosum rhodopaeae as an endemic vegetation sub-type within the Balkan association Euphorbio myrsinitae-Bothri-ochloetum. The class Koelerio-Corynephoretea has been sampled for the first time by Sopotlieva (2008), but recently new data were obtained (Pedashenko et al. 2013) that indicate the necessity of further research in the rest of the country. According to our results, the vegetation at the boundary between the European and Mediterranean biogeographic regions represents widespread syntaxa from both zones. However, in the transitional area the diagnostic species for high rank syntaxa mix. It is highly probable that additional new vegetation types could be found in the study area. Research will be continued in this area to expand the knowledge about the vegetation in the contact zone of these two climate types. Acknowledgements This study was partly financially supported by the Bulgarian National Fund "Science Researches" by the grant DMU03 115/13. 12. 2011. 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Festuco-Brometea Petrorhagia prolifera 54 36 58 73 27 9 39 71 33 Thymus striatus 62 82 100 91 45 68 67 100 33 Eryngium campestre 94 82 100 73 100 32 89 43 67 Chondrilla juncea 31 27 33 73 9 23 50 29 33 Dichantium ischaemum 100** 73 58 18 18 64 39 43 33 Astragalus onobrychis 21 18 58 27 36 23 11 71 Asperula cynanchica 31 45 58 45 27 59 22 Chrysopogon gryllus 7 27 25 45 100** 73 33 Achillea setacea 38 18 42 45 64 9 14 Centaurea rhenana 10 18 9 9 23 22 14 Convolvulus cantabrica 6 27 9 18 45 22 29 All. Festucion valesiacae Festuca valesiaca 40 55 100 100 64 59 50 57 Stipa capillata 2 100** 17 9 9 18 6 14 Linaria genistifolia 4 36 18 9 5 11 29 Teucrium chamaedrys 10 9 33 18 14 6 Ass. Bothriochloetum ischaemi Rumex pulcher 20** 9 Ass. Festuco valesiacae-Stipetum capillatae Melica transsilvanica 27** Alyssum alyssoides 1 27** 8 9 5 Ass. Medicagini-Festucetum valesiacae Medicago falcata 4 58** 9 Ass. Trifolio arvensis-Festucetum valesiacae Odontites serotina 1 27** Carex praecox 12 36** Potentilla neglecta 25 18 25 73** 9 11 57 Elymus hispidus 5 27 36** 9 Hemiaria hirsuta 33 55 50 73** 9 14 28 29 Chrysopogon gryllus-community Nonea pulla 18** Galium verum 17 18 50 64 73** 5 33 All. Saturejion montana Anthylis vulneraria 59** Leontodon crispus 1 8 45** 17 Melica ciliata 9 36** 6 Rhodax canus 18** Achillea clypeolata 1 27 8 18 18 45 29 Alliumflavum 1 18 9 23 6 Satureja montana 9 Ass. Euphorbio myrsinitae-Bothriochloetum subass. medicaginetosum rhodopeae Grimmia pulvinata 55** Echinops ritro 1 59** 11 Paronychia cephalotes 45** Medicago rhodopaea 41* Number of relevés 81 11 12 11 11 22 18 7 3 Weissia wimmeriana 41** Sedum acre 5 27 8 77** 6 14 . Ajuga chamaepytis 4 41** Inula aschersoniana 36** Crupina vulgaris 1 32** Didymodon acutus 27** Agropyron cristatum 27** Hippocrepis ciliata 27** Jurinea consanguinea 27** Helianthemum salicifolium 7 9 17 18 64** 29 . Linum tenuifolium 23** Pleurochaete squarrosa 23** Fumana procumbens 9 9 36** Teucrium polium 20 36 50 36 18 95** 33 57 . Centaurea ovina subsp. besserana 18** Koeleria penzesii 18** Euphorbia myrsinites 17 27 33 68** 11 43 . Paliurus spina-christi 1 9 23** Koeleria brevis 14** Hypericum rumeliacum 4 9 8 9 41** 17 14 . Cl. Helianthemetea guttati Arenaria leptoclados* 43 36 17 64 32 33 29 33 Trifolium campestre* 31 18 33 55 36 89** 14 . Trifolium scabrum* 28 18 50 36 18 18 22 43 . Psilurus incurvus 11 18 17 18 61** . 33 Trachynia distachya 6 9 17 14 Arenaria serpyllifolia* 7 6 Cynosurus echinatus 9 9 11 . 33 Aira elegantissima* 28** All. Trifolion cherleri Taeniatherum caput-medusae 64 27 25 45 45 9 28 29 67 Trifolium angustifolium 17 9 17 18 27 61** . 33 Erysimum diffusum 1 9 8 9 23 28 14 . Trifolium arvense* 14 36 8 73 9 78** 86** . Rumex acetosella 2 36 27 61** . 33 Trifolium cherleri 1 18 5 28 29 . Trifolium striatum 19 8 27 36 28 . 33 Vulpia ciliata 9 28** Logfia minima 33** 14 . Linaria pelisseriana 22** Sedum caespitosum 8 6 Ass. Erysimo diffusi-Trifolietum angustifoli Lotus angustissimus 9 39** Stachys angustifolia 28** Jasione heldreichii 22** Trifolium strictum 22** Hieracium praealtum 2 8 28** Sanguisorba minor 14 18 25 18 36 50 78** Brachythecium albicans 28** 14 . Achillea crithmifolia 7 9 9 33** Agrostis canina 1 17** Vicia grandiflora 2 9 22** Euphorbia cyparissias 9 8 18 41 44** Dianthus pinifolius 1 5 17** Hieracium hoppeanum 11** Koeleria macrantha 11** D. SOPOTLIEVA & I. ApOSTOLOVA: DRY GRASSLAND VEGETATION in THE ZONE BETWEEN two BIOGEOGRAPHIC REGIONS Number of relevés 81 11 12 11 11 22 18 7 3 Verbascum adrianopolitanum 11** Centaurium erythraea 11** Gypsophila muralis 11** Trifolium diffusum 11** Verbascum thapsiforme 11** Euphrasia stricta 11** Ass. Poo bulbosae-Achilletumpseudopectinatae Achillea depressa 18 100** Koeleria simonkaii 2 9 5 43** Medicago rigidula 30 27 33 18 71** Cl. Koelerio-Corynephoretea Poa bulbosa* 57 64 75 64 36 77 78 100 67 Medicago minima 43 36 83** 18 18 50 22 14 Syntrichia ruralis 12 27 25 9 9 55 28 29 Ceratodon purpureus 7 27 8 18 9 5 39 71 ** Centaurea diffusa 33 27 50 18 9 11 43 33 Anthemis ruthenica 21 18 8 18 61** 57 Bombycilaena erecta 17 9 33 50** 28 Apera spica-venti 7 9 18 9 14 67 Acinos arvensis 9 32** 6 Scleranthus annuus 2 8 50** Sideritis montana 1 18 73** 11 14 Sedum acre 5 27 8 77** 6 14 Cerastium pumilum 20 45 27 9 17 Filago lutescens 7 18 9 6 14 All. Thero-Airion Scleranthus perennis 11 27 8 27 9 44 71 ** 33 Dasypyrum villosum 27 18 25 18 18 11 14 33 Potentilla argentea 5 18 27 33 33 Filago vulgaris 17 9 9 18 22 33 Ass. Vulpietum myuri Vulpia myurus 21 18 8 9 9 5 39 14 100** Other species (occuring > 7 syntaxa) Plantago lanceolata 65 9 58 73 45 9 61 29 33 Bromus squarrosus 27 36 42 27 9 45 39 29 33 Crepis setosa 59 36 50 45 64 32 50 57 100 Potentilla inclinata 23 18 42 27 36 36 28 14 Koeleria nitidula 6 36 8 45 27 50 50 14 Xeranthemum annuum 12 45 8 9 9 27 11 29 Erodium cicutarium 12 9 25 27 9 22 14 Veronica arvensis 33 36 17 9 9 5 17 14 Galium tenuissimum 20 9 17 36 18 5 28 43 Aegilops triuncialis 23 25 9 27 9 6 14 33 Centaurea caliacrae 6 9 33 9 9 5 43 33 Carduus nutans 15 25 18 27 9 6 33 Bromus tectorum 4 27 8 9 9 11 14 Erodium cicutarium 12 9 25 27 9 22 14 Percentage constancies are given. Superscript symbol (**) present phi-values above 0.30 (only species with a statistically significant affinity to a cluster according to Fisher's exact test with P <0.01 are included). Species affiliation to alliances and classes follow literature (see text). Superscript symbol (*) shows species considered as diagnostic for both Helianthemetea guttati and Koelerio-Corynephoretea. On the association level species are arranged according decreasing phi-values. Main groups: A - class Festuco-Brometea; B - class Helianthemetea guttati; C - class Koelerio-Corynephoretea subgroups: a - alliance Festucion valesiacae; b - alliance Saturejion montanae; c - alliance Trifolion cherleri; d - alliance Thero-Airion Table 2: Relevés of the association Bothriochloetum ischaemi (Krist. 1937) I. Pop 1977. No. of relevé g altitude [m] S aspect ot £ cover [%] U number of species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 CO 1/1 \D OI^CO^OOI/^^O^OI^ (N m CO CK CK CK o ^ iri co (N CO (N .—.—.—(N SENSW. .NE. EWE SWWWWSW. N E NSEE WWWWN E NWNEW 75 95 75 95 90 85 100 98 90 70 90 85 70 95 90 100 90 90 90 90 90 85 90 100 95 100 90 90 90 90 95 95 95 25 26 26 30 23 23 25 29 22 21 23 40 22 20 18 20 23 24 20 24 20 33 23 13 21 23 19 24 23 25 28 20 18 typicum Th H H H H H Th H H Th Th H H Th H H H H H Th H Th H H Th H H H H Character species for the association smed-as Dichanthium ischaemum +4 2a 1 Differential species for the subassociations eur-as Crepis setosa cosm Cynodon dactylon eur-as Lolium perenne submed Achillea setacea eur-as Rumex pulcher eur-med Carduus nutans eur-as Bromus arvensis eur-sib (S) Trifolium repens eur-med Asperula cynanchica eur-sib Trifolium arvense submed Bromus squarrosus submed Euphorbia myrsinites pont-med Teucrium polium Nam(adv) Conyza canadensis pont Koeleria nitidula pont Convolvulus cantabrica temp Ceratodon purpureus pont-med Chrysopogon gryllus eur-med Minuartia caespitosa submed Helianthemum salicifolium Festucion valesiasacae pont Festuca valesiaca eur-as Medicago minima eur-as Astragalus onobrychis bal-dac Dianthus pallens submed Xeranthemum annuum eur-as Medicago falcata eur-sib Scabiosa ochroleuca submed Teucrium chamaedrys pont-sib Linaria genistifolia Festuco-Brometea 2b 44 2a + + + 43 2b 1 2a 1 + 3 + + 2a 2b + 444 + 4 2a + 2b 3 V + + + ++ r ++ +. + + 1 ++ + ++ + + 1 . + 1 + + + ++ V + 1+ 1 ++ 1 2b . 1+ 2b + 4 .1 + 1 +. 1. 2a + 1 IV . . 2a 2b + 4. + 3. +3 1 1+ 2a 1+ ++ + 2a 2b IV .+. + .+ 2b . +. .+ + ++ + 2a . 1+ 1 1 + + + 2a . III + . + r +. +. .r r r +. r. r r +r II + . r r .r r .+ r. .r r II + . 2a +. + .+ 1 + 2b +. + 2b 2a II r .r + I + + ++ + 1 + H pont-med Eryngium campestre 2a + ++++ r+ + 1 + 1 1 + + 1 + 1 + + + +++ + + + 1 1+ + Th pont-med Petrorhagia prolifera + + + . 2m + + + + . + . ++.+ + + + . . + + . + + .r + H submed Thymus striatus 2a + 2a + . . 1. . 1 . 2a + .1 2b..... + . . . . + . 1 2a 2a H eur-sib Chondrilla juncea r . . . . + . + . ......+ . + . . .r + H eur-as Galium verum + +. . . . . + . . . . + . . H pann-bal Achillea crithmifolia .r . . +..... H subboreal Sanguisorba minor + ... r . + . . Th submed Xeranthemum cylindraceum 2a . 1.. H cosm Poa angustifolia . 2m . 1 Th eur-med Alyssum desertorum + . . . .+ . + . . . . . . . + . + . H submed Centaurea rhenana . + . . . . +..... H eur Euphorbia cyparissias + + . . . .r Th submed Alyssum hirsutum .....+ . . . + . . H eur-med Salvia pratensis r . . r. H bal-anat Scabiosa argentea + . . . + . . H eur Erysimum diffusum . . . + . +V . IV 2a II H I + + + r + + + + r+ + + + + + Tabela 2: Popisi asociacije Bothriochloetum ischaemi (Krist. 1937) I. Pop 1977. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 cotNmiritNm^ocoinincc SWSEEE S S S SE SNNWESWWWWNSES S SNNWEWSNEESE SWNW . .SWSNSWESSWNSSSE £ 95 90 90 85 90 85 90 100 75 90 85 90 95 90 85 85 90 75 100 95 75 75 75 95 85 90 80 95 85 80 85 70 90 80 100 90 95 95 100 95 95 100 95 90 95 90 80 80 £ 20 24 24 24 22 19 16 23 23 24 30 25 28 21 28 41 36 34 34 26 27 28 29 23 26 29 19 24 25 21 22 20 20 18 13 30 26 14 22 25 10 23 34 20 14 19 23 25 (J asperuletosum cynanchicae 4 2a + + 4 4 2a 2m 2b 2b 2a 2a + 1 3 4 3 3 2b 1 2a 2b 2a r r 4 3 3 2a r 3 2a + + 5 4 1 + 2a 3 5 5 5 + 5 4 3 4 V + + + . + + . + . . + . + + r + + + . + + + + . . + 2a 1 + . .....+ + . . . .......r . + ++ ++ + 1+ + + + r + + 3 + + 1 . . + . . + + + + . + ++ . . + + . + . + + . . . . + . + 1 . . + . + + + + + 1 + + . + . . + . + 1 .....1 .+ + + .+ + . . r + . + . . + . + 2m. + . + + . . . + + + . + . 2m + + ++ 2a . . r + r . r . . + + + . . . + + . + . . 1 + + + . 1 + 2a . + + + . . . 2a r + + r . ++ + . + . . + . . + . + . . + + . + . . 2a + . + + . r . + . . + . . 1 2a 1 + . . + . 2a . 4 . 2b . 4 . . + . . 4 . . + .+ . 2b . . + . + 2a 1 1 + + 1 . . . 1 3 2b 2a 2b 1 . 2a 2b 1 2b 1 3 5 3 + + . 1 2a 1 + + 2a 2b 2b . + + 1 + . + 1 . + + 1 1 + . . + 1 + . + + r + . . . . . . + . . . . + . . . + 2a + . . + . 2a + 1 1 1 . + . . . . + . . . r . . . 1 2a + 2m + 2b 2a . . 2b + . . + 2m . . . . 2a + . . + 2a 1 + . . . + + + 2a + ++ + + + 1 1 2a r 1 1+ ++ + . + ++ . . + + . + + + . . 1 + + . + 2a 2b 2a 1 2a . 1 2b 2a + 1 2a 2b 1 2b 2a . r . + r + . + + + ++++ + + + 1 + + + + + +. . . + . .++. .+ r+ 2a + . +r + + + +1+ + + + +1+ + 2b + + + . V . . . +.....++. + . . . .1 +......++.11 . . . + . . + 1 +.....+ + +..++.....r ... + . ++ + 2a + 3 + + +++ + ++ r + + + + + + + r+ + ++ r 2a ++ r 2a + + ++ + + + . + + + + + + +r + r+ + . + + + + No. of releve 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 H eur-sib Knautia arvensis H eur-med Artemisia santonicum s. patens Koelerio-Corynephoretea H eur-as Poa bulbosa Th eur-as Arenaria leptoclados H pont-med Centaurea diffusa Th eur-med Trifolium campestre Th submed Anthemis ruthenica Th eur-as Filago vulgaris Th subboreal Vulpia myurus Th med-as Trifolium scabrum Th eur-med Bombycilaena erecta Th eur-as Arenaria serpyllifolia Th boreal Filago lutescens Th submed Scleranthus polycarpos Th subboreal Erodium cicutarium Th submed Psilurus incurvus H eur-med Scleranthus perennis H eur-submed Rumex acetosella H cosm; temp Syntrichia ruralis Th submed Silene subconica Other species H cosm Plantago lanceolata Th eur-as Taeniatherum caput-medusae H eur-sib Cichorium intybus Th eur-as Herniaria hirsuta H subboreal Potentilla neglecta Th eur-med Medicago rigidula Th eur-sib Veronica arvensis H submed Dasypyrum villosum H eur-as Potentilla inclinata Th eur-as Aegilops triuncialis Th submed Carthamus lanatus Th eur-med Trifolium striatum H eur-as Dactylis glomerata H cosm Convolvulus arvensis H eur-med Lotus corniculatus Th med Trifolium angustifolium Th pont-as Galium tenuissimum Th eur-med Cerastium pumilum Th submed Nigella arvensis Th med Trifolium retusum Th bal Centaurea caliacrae H eur-as Astragalus hamosus Th boreal Setaria viridis H eur Carduus acanthoides Th med Trifolium setiferum Th submed Trifolium pallidum H eur-as Ononis spinosa H eur-sib Carex praecox H submed Cynosurus echinatus H pont-Cas (S) Elymus hispidus Th eur-as Geranium rotundifolium Th boreal Bromus mollis Th eur-med Logfia arvensis Th boreal Bromus tectorum Th submed Alyssum strigosum Th submed Velezia rigida Th cosm (S) Anagallis arvensis 2b 1 2b +3 1 + + + . . . . + r + 2b 3 3 2b . .+ +. ++ +++ + . . + 2b r + . . . . + . + . + + + . . + . . . 2b . . +1 .+ 3r + . . . + . + + 1 . . + r . . . + r + . + + . . + 1 2m . . + . 1 r + + . +1 +. 2a + 2a . 2b 4 .+.+ + . + . .+ + +.+ r 1 2a . 2b 2m . 2a r + . . 1 2b . 2a + + . . . 1 + . . . + . . . + . . 2a + 2a 1 2b . . 1 . + + + 1 2b + + r . + + . . . . + . 2a . . 2a 2a . 1 IV . + + + . . . 1 + 1 + . + .1. + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ + 2a 3 2a 1 5 + + 2m 2b 2m + 2m 2a + r + + + r + r . . + + + + + + + . . + + + . + . 2a 1 + 1.. + 1 + + + . . 2a + + 1 + + + + + + + . . 1 + + 1 + r + + 2a r + 2a + + + 2a 1 . +. ++ + 2m 2m 2m 2m ++ + + ++ + + + + + r+++ + r ++ + 2a + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 2a + + + + +++ + + + + + + + + + + + r + + + r + + + + + + + + + + + + D. Sopotlieva & I. Apostolova: Dry grassland vegetation in the zone between two biogeographic regions 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 2b 2b 2b + + . . 3 2a 2b 2a + . + . . + + . 1 + + . + 1 . + . . 1 + . . 1.1 . + + + . + . . + + . r + + + . + + + + + + + . . + + . + + + . + + 1 + + + . + + +.++. + . . . ........1. ........+ . 1 3 2a . 2b 2b 2a + 2a 2b . 2a 1 + . .++. + 1. . . + r ... + .. + ... . . + + + . . . 1 . . . . . + . + .... + .. ........+ . . . ..... 2m . + . . . + . .++.1.1. . . . . . + . + . . . + + . . . + . . + 2a + + + . . + 2a . + . + . . 2a . + . + 1.. + . . + . + . + + . 1 . 1 . 2a . . . + . . . . . . . 2a . . . ++.... + . + . . + . . . . . + 1 + + + . + + . + + . + . + . + . . . . r . . 1 2m . . + . + . . + 2a + + + + .......r . + r . + . . + . 2m 3 r . . + ++++ 11 . 2b + + . . . + + + + + . . + 1 r + . 1 . . . . + . + + r . + . 1 . + 1 1 . + + . + + + + . . . . 1 2b . r r + + . . + . 1 .1. + . . + . + . . + . . + + . + . + . . + + . + + + . r + + . 2a + + . + + . . . . + . . + . . + 3 . . 3 + . . + . . . . . . . + + 1 . r + + + + + 1 + . + 1 r . . 2a + + + + + . + + . + r + + . + . 2a + 2b 1+ . . + + . + + . + . 2a 2m . . + + . + + . . + + + . . + + . + . . . . . + + . + + . + . . . . + + + . . . . . + . . + . + r + + . +. ++ + . + + . . . . + . . . . . . . + . . . + . 1 . . + + + + . + + . . 1 . + . . . + . . + . . 5 2m . 2a ......+ . . + . . + + + + +.+ 2b . + 11+ + . . . + . +....... ........+ . . . . . . + . + 1 + + . + . r . 1 ++ .1 +++++ I + + + + + + + . + + r 1 . + 1 + + + ++ + r + + + ++ + + + + +5 + + + + + . + + + + 4 + + r + + + + + + + r + + + + r.+ + . + + + + r1 + + + + + + + ++ rr 3 + + + + + r+ + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + . + No. of relevé 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 H eur-submed Achillea collina H eur-as Echium vulgare Th eur-as Daucus carota Th med Trifolium echinatum H eur-sib Anthemis tinctoria Th eur-med Vicia hirsuta Th med-as Trachynia distachya Th cosm Chenopodium album Th med-Cas Bromus japonicus Th med Sherardia arvensis Th eur-as Torilis arvensis Th med Aegilops geniculata Th cosm Capsella bursa-pastoris Th eur-as Torilis nodosa H (S) Taraxacum sp. H eur-submed Phleum pratense Th eur Dianthus armeria H submed Rorippa thracica Th eur-as Medicago lupulina Th pont-med (S) Bupleurum commutatum Th submed Trifolium incarnatum Th eur-med Centaurea solstitialis Th cosm Polygonum aviculare H cosm Verbena officinalis Th med Bupleurum flavum Th pont-med Cephalaria transsylvanica Th eur-as Phleum subulatum H pont Potentilla argentea H submed Marrubium peregrinum Th subboreal Apera spica-venti H boreal Hordeum murinum H pont-med Ajuga chamaepytis H eur-med Agrimonia eupatoria H eur-sib Inula hirta H med Scorzonera laciniata H eur-med Hypochaeris radicata H eur-med Sedum acre H med Euphorbia niciciana Ch alp-med Helianthemum nummularium Th subboreal Tragus racemosus Th med-Cas Cruciata pedemontana H bal Hypericum rumeliacum Th submed Sideritis montana Th med Scolymus hispanicus H boreal Rumex crispus H bal Peucedanum vitijugum H pont-med Achillea coarctata Th med Linum bienne Th eur-med Bilderdykia dumetorum 2m 2m r . + . + . + + + . . + + . + 2a + r + + .r 2m 1 + . + + 2m + 2a 2a + + + + + + r + + + 3 + + + + + + + + + 2m + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + r + + + + + + + 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 ..................+..............++............. ........++...........r..........++.....r.......r ...............+......................+.......+ . ...................................+ . . +......... ...................................+.....+...... ...................................+......+..... ..............+ ... +...........+................. + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . . ................................... 2m . . + + . 1 . . + . . . ..............+............+........+.....+..... ...............+......................+......... + . . + + . . + . . . . . + . . . + + . . . + . + + + . . . . . . . . . . + + . 3 + . . . 1... 1 . + . . . . + . 1 + + + + + + + + r + + . + + 5 + + + + + + + . . 1 + . . . + . . + r + + 3 + + + + + + + + + + r + + + + + + + + + + + Table 3: Relevés of the association Festuco valesiacae-Stipetum capillatae Sillinger 1930. Tabela 3: Popisi asociacije Festuco valesiacae-Stipetum capillatae Sillinger 1930. No. of relevé 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 fi & altitude [m] 284 208 307 168 212 255 332 278 227 258 123 s £ & c aspect E N SE NE NE S S S S W S = ta =2 c cover [%] 75 85 85 95 80 65 65 50 85 75 90 = u number of species 29 20 25 21 14 31 33 22 20 36 13 C u 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Character species for the association H pont-med Stipa capillata 2b + + 3 4 + 4 2a 4 3 4 V H pont Festuca valesiaca 2b 2a 2b 2b + + III Festucion valesiacae H smed-as Dichanthium ischaemum 2b 1 1 3 + 2a 2a + IV H eur-med Asperula cynanchica + + 2a 1 1 III Th submed Xeranthemum annuum + 1 + + + III H pont-med Teucrium polium + 1 1 + II Th eur-as Medicago minima + + + 1 II H pont-med Chrysopogon gryllus + 2a + II H submed Euphorbia myrsinites + + + II H pont-sib Linaria genistifolia r + r r II H eur-as Astragalus onobrychis + + I Th submed Helianthemum salicifolium + I H submed Teucrium chamaedrys 2a I Festuco-Brometea H submed Thymus striatus 1 1 2a 1 2a + 1 1 + V H pont-med Eryngium campestre 1 2a + 1 + 1 + + + V Th pont-med Petrorhagia prolifera + + + + II H eur-sib Chondrilla juncea + + + II H pont Convolvulus cantabrica 1 2a 1 II H bal Achillea clypeolata 1 1 + II H submed Achillea setacea 1 + I H eur-as Galium verum 2a + I H subboreal Potentilla neglecta 2a + I H submed Centaurea rhenana + + I H bal-anat Scabiosa argentea + I Th eur-med Alyssum desertorum + I K med Alliumflavum + + I H cosm Poa angustifolia + I H eur Erysimum diffusum + I Ch pont-med Fumana procumbens + I Koelerio-Corynephoretea H eur-as Poa bulbosa 1 3 1 1 1 2b + IV Th eur-sib Trifolium arvense + + 1 + II Th eur-as Arenaria leptoclados 1 2a + 1 II Th eur-sib Veronica arvensis + + + + II Th eur-med Alyssum alyssoides + + + II H eur-med Scleranthus perennis 3 1 + II Th med-as Trifolium scabrum + + II Th boreal Bromus tectorum + + + II Th submed Silene subconica r + + + II No. of relevé 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H cosm;temp Ceratodon purpureus 2a + 1 II Th pont-med Centaurea diffusa r + r II H eur-med Sedum acre + + + II H cosm;temp Syntrichia ruralis + + + II Th eur-med Trifolium campestre + 1 I Th subboreal Vulpia myurus + + I Th boreal Filago lutescens + + I Th submed Psilurus incurvus + + I Th submed Anthemis ruthenica + + I Th subboreal Apera spica-venti + I Th subboreal Erodium cicutarium + I Th eur-as Filago vulgaris + I Th eur-as Herniaria glabra + I H eur-as Phleum phleoides + I Th eur-med Bombycilaena erecta Other species + I Th eur-as Herniaria hirsuta + + + + + + III Th eur-as Taeniatherum caput-medusae 1 r + II H pont-Cas (S) Elymus hispidus + + 2a II Th submed Bromus squarrosus r + + + II Th eur-as Crepis setosa + + + + II H cosm Convolvulus arvensis + + + + II H submed Marrubium peregrinum + 2a + II H pont Koeleria nitidula 1 1 2a + II Th eur-med Medicago rigidula + + + II Th boreal Setaria viridis + + + II H bal-dac Melica transsilvanica r r + I Table 4: Relevés of the association Medicagini-Festucetum valesiacae Wagner 1941. Tabela 4: Popisi asociacije Medicagini-Festucetum valesiacae Wagner 1941. No. of relevé 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 s fi s e p altitude [m] 194 200 199 207 115 2ó9 225 228 329 273 253 1ó5 fr m r o & o aspect W N W N NW SE N N W W N W n ta f ife or o h cover [%] 95 85 90 85 95 75 85 95 75 85 95 90 st n 3 C number of species 21 31 21 25 22 23 23 25 30 24 23 29 o C 1 2 3 4 5 ó 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Character species for the association Th eur-as Medicago minima 2b 1 + 2a 1 + + + + + V H eur-as Poa bulbosa 1 1 + 2m 2a 2a 2a 3 IV H eur-as Medicago falcata + + + + + + + III H eur-as Astragalus onobrychis + + + + + + 2a 1 III Festucion valesiacae H pont Festuca valesiaca 2b 2a 3 2b 3 2b 3 5 2b 4 4 3 V H eur-med Asperula cynanchica + + + + + + + III H Smed-as Dichanthium ischaemum 2b 2a 2b 2b 1 2a r III H pont-med Teucrium polium + 2a 1 + + + III H submed Teucrium chamaedrys + + + + II H submed Euphorbia myrsinites r + + + II Th submed Helianthemum salicifolium + 1 I H pont-med Stipa capillata + + I Th submed Xeranthemum annuum + I H eur Euphorbia cyparisias 1 I Festuco-Brometea H pont-med Eryngium campestre 1 1 + + + + 1 r + + + + V H submed Thymus striatus 1 + 1 2a 2b + + 1 2b 1 + 2a V Th pont-med Petrorhagia prolifera + + + + + + + III H submed Achillea setacea 1 + + + + III H eur-as Galium verum + 1 1 1 + + III H pont-med Chrysopogon gryllus 2b 1 + II H eur-sib Chondrilla juncea r r + r II H subboreal Sanguisorba minor r + + II Th eur-med Alyssum desertorum + + + II H subboreal Potentilla neglecta + + + II H bal Achillea clypeolata + I H bal-anat Scabiosa argentea + I H (S) Hieracium praealtum + I Th eur-med Trifolium striatum + I Ch alp-med Helianthemum nummularium 2a I H eur Erysimum diffusum + I Koelerio-Corynephoretea H pont-med Centaurea diffusa r + + + + + III Th med-as Trifolium scabrum + 1 + + 1 + III Th eur-med Bombycilaena erecta + + + + II Th eur-med Trifolium campestre + + + + II Th subboreal Erodium cicutarium + + + II H cosm; temp Syntrichia ruralis + + 1 II Th submed Psilurus incurvus 2m + I Th eur-med Alyssum alyssoides + I No. of relevé 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Th eur-sib Trifolium arvense + I H eur-med Sedum acre + I Th submed Anthemis ruthenica 1 I Th subboreal Vulpia myurus 2m I Th boreal Bromus tectorum 1 I Th eur-sib Veronica arvensis + + I Th submed Silene subconica + I Th eur-as Arenaria leptoclados + + I Th eur-sib Scleranthus annuus + I H eur-med Scleranthus perennis + I H cosm; temp Ceratodon purpureus Other species 1 I H cosm Plantago lanceolata . + +1 + + + + III Th eur-med Crepis setosa + + + + + + III H eur-as Potentilla inclinata +. .+ + + + III Th eur-as Herniaria hirsuta .+ .+ + + + + III Th submed Bromus squarrosus .+ .+ 2a + + III Th eur-med Medicago rigidula 1 1 .+ 1 II Th eur-as Taeniatherum caput-medusae . 1 .+ + II H submed Dasypyrum villosum .r + + II H eur-med Carduus nutans .+ + + II H eur-sib Cichorium inthybus + r r II Th eur-as Aegilops triuncialis .+ 1 + II Th bal Centaurea caliacrae + + + 1 II Table 5: Relevés of the association Trifolio arvensis-Festucetum valesiacae Sopotlieva & Apostolova 2013. Tabela 5: Popisi asociacije Trifolio arvensis-Festucetum valesiacae Sopotlieva & Apostolova 2013. No. of relevé 1 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 s fi s e p altitude [m] 168 259 33l 245 292 333 268 199 150 324 284 fr m r o & o aspect SE N NE N NE S N W NW SW W n ta f ife or o h cover [%] 95 95 95 85 85 90 95 90 85 85 90 st n 3 u number of species 23 2l 25 35 42 28 31 22 33 26 26 o U 1 2 3 4 5 6 l 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Diagnostic species for the association H subboreal Potentilla neglecta + + + + + + + + IV Th eur-as Herniaria hirsuta + + + + + + + + IV H eur-sib Chondrilla juncea + + r + + + + + IV K pont-submed Ornithogalum umbellatum + r + + 1 III Th eur Odontites serotina + + + II Festucion valesiasacae H pont Festuca valesiaca 3 5 4 3 3 4 4 4 lb 3 4 V H eur-med Asperula cynanchica 1 + + + + III H pont-med Chrysopogon gryllus 1 + r la + III H pont-med Teucrium polium + la + + II H eur-as Astragalus onobrychis 1 lb la II H smed-as Dichanthium ischaemum + + I Th eur-as Medicago minima la + I Th submed Helianthemum salicifolium 1 1 I H eur Euphorbia cyparissias r 1 I H submed Teucrium chamaedrys + + I H pont-sib Linaria genistifolia + + I H med Plantago subulata 1 I Th submed Xeranthemum annuum r I H pont-med Stipa capillata r I Festuco-Brometea H submed Thymus striatus + la + 1 + la la + la la V H pont-med Eryngium campestre + + + 1 1 + + + IV Th pont-med Petrorhagia prolifera + + + + + + + + IV H cosm Plantago lanceolata + la 1 + 1 + + + IV H eur-as Galium verum la la lb + 1 + la IV H submed Achillea setacea + 1 + + + III H bal Achillea clypeolata 1 1 I H submed Centaurea rhenana r I Th submed Xeranthemum cylindraceum 1 + I H bal-anat Scabiosa argentea + I H pann-bal Achillea crithmifolia + I Th eur-med Alyssum desertorum + I Th submed Alyssum hirsutum + + I K med Allium flavum r I H pont Convolvulus cantabrica + I H cosm Hypericum perforatum + I H eur Erysimum diffusum r I Koelerio-Corynephoretea Th eur-sib Trifolium arvense + + + + + r 1 1 IV H eur-as Poa bulbosa 1 1 + + la la + IV No. of relevé 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Th eur-as Arenaria leptoclados + + + + + + + IV Th eur-med Trifolium campestre 1 + + + + 1 III Th eur-as Taeniatherum caput-medusae + + + + + III Th med-as Trifolium scabrum + + + + II H eur-submed Rumex acetosella + + + + II H eur-med Scleranthus perennis + + 1 II Th eur-med Trifolium striatum + + + II Th subboreal Erodium cicutarium r + + II Th submed Anthemis ruthenica r + r I Th pont-med Centaurea diffusa 1 + I H cosm;temp Ceratodon purpureus + + I H eur-as Phleum phleoides + + I Th eur-sib Veronica arvensis + I Th subboreal Vulpia myurus + I Th boreal Filago lutescens r I Th boreal Bromus tectorum + I Th submed Scleranthus polycarpos + I Th eur-med Alyssum alyssoides + I Th subboreal Apera spica-venti + I Th eur-as Filago vulgaris + I H cosm;temp Syntrichia ruralis Other species + I Th eur-as Crepis setosa + + + r + III H pont Koeleria nitidula + + + 2b + III Th eur-med Cerastium pumilum + + + + + III H pont-Cas (S) Elymus hispidus + 2a + + II Th submed Bromus squarrosus + + + II H eur-as Potentilla inclinata + + + II H cosm Convolvulus arvensis + + + II Th med Trifolium retusum 2a + + II Th pont-Cas Galium tenuissimum + + + + II H eur-sib Carex praecox 1 + r 2m II Th eur-as Erysimum repandum + + + II Th submed Trifolium pallidum + + + II H eur-as Echium vulgare r r r r II Th med Trifolium setiferum + + + I Table 6: Relevés of the community of Chrysopogon gryllus. Tabela 6: Popisi združbe Chrysopogon gryllus. No. of relevé 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 s fi s e p altitude [m] il9 i9O 165 195 2S5 165 191 i28 S69 Si6 Si5 c m r o t o aspect S N W NE NW N N NW S n ta f ife or o h cover [%] iOO iOO 95 95 iOO iOO 95 iOO iOO 95 S5 st n 3 u number of species il 22 iS iS 2O 14 2O 25 28 2l SS o u i 2 3 4 5 ó l S 9 iO ii 12 B 14 15 H pont-med Chrysopogon gryllus Festucion valesiacae 5 4 S S S 2a 4 i 2b + S V H pont-med Eryngium campestre r + + i + i + + + + + V H submed Achillea setacea + + + + + + + IV H pont-med Festuca valesiaca 2a 2b 4 + 2m + i IV H eur-med Asperula cynanchica + + r II H eur-as Astragalus onobrychis + i 2a + II H bal-dac Dianthus pallens + + + II Th submed Xeranthemum annuum + I H pont-sib Linaria genistifolia + I H pont-med Stipa capillata 2a I H pont-med Teucrium polium + + I H smed-as Dichanthium ischaemum r + I H bal-dac Achillea clypeolata Festuco-Brometea r i I H eur-as Galium verum + 2a 2b + + + + + IV H submed Thymus striatus + + + + 2a III H cosm Plantago lanceolata + + + + + III H pont Potentilla argentea i + + II H subboreal Sanguisorba minor + + i + II Th pont-med Petrorhagia prolifera + + + II H subboreal Potentilla neglecta i I Th submed Xeranthemum cylindraceum + + I H eur-sib Chondrilla juncea + I H eur-submed Melica ciliata r I H pont Convolvulus cantabrica + + I H submed Centaurea rhenana Other species + I Th eur-as Crepis setosa + + + i + + + IV Th eur-as Taeniatherum caput-medusae + + 2m + + III H eur-as Dactylis glomerata 2a + S 2a II H eur-med Lotus corniculatus r + + 2a II H eur-submed Rumex acetosella + + + II Th eur-med Trifolium striatum + 2a + S II H eur-as Lolium perenne + + + 2m II K pont-submed Ornithogalum umbellatum + + r II Th eur-med Trifolium campestre i + + i II H eur-as Potentilla inclinata + + + + II Th eur-med Cerastium pumilum + + + II H eur-med Carduus nutans r r r II H eur-as Poa bulbosa + + 2a i II H pont Koeleria nitidula + i + II Th eur-as Aegilops triuncialis + 2m 2m II Th med Trifolium angustifolium + + i II jfollBJSUOJ ^ c C3 CJ sad^jo-ionj suuoj ajiq - == a = H 1= ö> tí e tt e - + a 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 M ■d T H ■S e X ft 5 3 = H £ "C ¡i K s ■s e e - T s & I Number of releves 33 48 11 12 11 11 22 18 7 3 Altitude [m] Slope [°] 213 ±64' 8 ± 6' 222±56' 241±61'bc 11±7' 13±8'b 221±56'b 262±66'bc 223±77'bc 273±58bc 294±39c 12±6'b 11±7'b 9±8' 18±8b 7±6' 242±88abc 13±5ab 234±33abc 10±8ab <0.001 <0.001 Species richness [number] Total cover [%] 23.5±4.8'1 90±8' ' 24.0±6.0'b 24.0±7.5'bc 88±8'b 77±13cd 24.8±3.4'bcd 28.9±5.9bcd 22.5±6.7'b 30.0±5.9cd 31.4±5.6d 88±7'bc 90±4'b 97±5' 73±13d 87±7'bc 24.6±5.3abcd 77±11bcd 15.3±4.0a 93±3abc <0.001 <0.001 Table 10: Percentage of chorotypes and main life forms in the species composition of the nine studied plant associations. Abréviations are as in Figure 3. Table 10: Odstotek horotipov in glavnih življenskih oblik v vrstni sestavi devetih proučevanih rastlinskih asociacijah. Okrajšave so kot na sliki 3. Bot. isch. Fest. val.-St. cap. Med.-Fest. val. Trif. arv.-Fest. val. Chys. gr.-comm. Euph. myr.-Bot. isch. subass. med. rhod. Erys. dif.-Trif. ang. Poo. bul.-Ach. pseud. Vulp. myuri Number of relevés 81 11 12 11 11 22 18 7 3 Total no. of species 239 113 109 124 124 130 161 77 38 Chorotypes Adv 0.8% 1.8% 0.9% 0.8% 0.8% - - - - Alp 0.8% - 0.9% - 0.8% 0.8% 0.6% - - Bal 6.1% 6.2% 5.5% 6.5% 4.8% 10.0% 5.6% 9.1% 2.6% Boreal 5.9% 8.9% 6.4% 7.3% 6.5% 2.3% 6.2% 11.7% 5.3% Bul - - - - - 0.8% - - - Cosm 4.6% 4.4% 4.6% 5.7% 5.7% 2.3% 3.7% 6.5% 5.3% Eur 19.3% 15.0% 17.4% 19.4% 18.6% 15.4% 18.6% 13.0% 18.4% Eur-As 25.5% 21.2% 16.5% 24.2% 27.4% 20.0% 23.0% 22.1% 34.2% Med 23.9% 27.4% 33.0% 20.2% 19.4% 27.7% 29.8% 20.8% 21.1% Pont 9.6% 14.2% 12.8% 13.7% 15.3% 18.5% 10.6% 16.9% 10.5% Unknown 2.9% 0.9% 1.8% 2.4% 0.8% 2.3% 1.9% - 2.6% Life forms Hemicryptophytes 50.2% 46.9% 55.1% 54.0% 58.0% 63.9% 54.0% 50.1% 55.3% Therophytes 46.4% 49.5% 43.1% 41.9% 37.9% 28.5% 42.2% 46.8% 42.1% APPENDIX Table 2: Relevés of the association Bothriochloetum ischaemi (Krist. 1937) I. Pop 1977. species occurring in 2 or fewer relevés: Chamomilla recutita (Th, Eur-As, 13:+, 43:+); Verbascum banaticum (H, Bal-Dac, 4:+, 60:r); Tribulus terrestris (Th, Eur-As, 1:+, 55:+); Consolida regalis (Th, Eur-Med, 22:+, 75:+); Goniolimon collinum (H, Pont, 1:r); Myosotis stricta (Th, Eur-As, 12:+, 51:+); Lathyrus nissolia (Th, Eur-sMed, 22:+, 75:+); Trifolium hybridum (H, Eur-Med, 16:2a, 60:2a); Matricaria trichophylla (Th, Med, 75:+, 76:+); Crepis sancta (Th, subMed, 10:r); Plantago major (H, Boreal, 17:r); Achillea clypeolata (H, Bal, 12:+); Astracantha thracica (Ch, Bal, 13:r); (S) Vicia pannonica (Th, Eur-Med, 26:r); Trifolium suffocatum (Th, subMed, 3:+); Homalothecium lutescens (H, 30:3); Achillea nobilis (H, Eur-As, 1:2b); Silene conica (Th, subMed-As, 12:+); Verbascum xanthophoeniceum (H, Bal-Anat, 16:r); Sisymbrium orientale (Th, Eur-As, 8:r); Galium verticillatum (Th, Med-As, 4:+); Falcaria vulgaris (H, Eur-As, 29:+); Tragopogon pratensis (H, Eur-Med, 21:r, 28:+); Geranium molle (H, Eur-Med, 20:+, 31:+); Bromusscoparius (Th, subMed, 14:+, 17:+); Carex spicata (H, Eur-As, 12:+, 23:+); Coronilla varia (H, Eur-Med, 6:1); Centaurea calcitrapa (H, Med, 9:+); Melilotus officinalis (Th, Eur-As, 17:r); Scorzonera hispanica (H, Med, 9:+); Trifolium aureum (Th, Eur-Sib, 60:+, 65:+); Koeleria simonkaii (H, Bal, 44:1, 63:2a); Leontodon crispus (H, Pont-Med, 35:r); Tragopogon orientalis (H, Eur-Med, 53:r, 69:r); Dianthus moesiacus (H, Bal, 40:+); Crucianella angustifolia (Th, Med, 46:+, 69:+); Trigonella monspeliaca (Th, subMed, 56:r, 64:+); Bupleurum apiculatum (Th, Bal, 46:+, 80:+); Ziziphora capitata (Th, Med, 61:+); Geraniumpusillum (Th, Eur-Med, 43:r); Sedum hispanicum (H, Eur-Med, 51:1); Onobrychis caput-gali (Th, subMed, 65:3); Plantago lagopus (Th, Med, 35:r); Trifolium affine (Th, Bal-Anat, 64:1); Bryum elegans (H, 45:+); Scorzonera lanata (H, Med, 47:+); Dianthus roseoluteus (H, Pont-Sib, 50:+); Dianthus pinifolius (H, Bal-dac, 59:+); Phascum cuspidatum (H, umeren, 45:+); Cerastium dubium (Th, Eur, 61:+); Poapratensis (H, cosm, 68:+); (S) Onobrychis alba (H, subMed, 48:1); Crupina vulgaris (Th, subMed, 69:+); Lathyrus aphaca (Th, subBoreal, 72:1); Caucalis platicarpos (Th, Eur-CAs, 76:r); Alopecurus pratensis (H, Eur-As, 75:+); Ornithogalum narbonense (K, Med, 33:+); Rosa canina (Ch, subMed, 52:r); Cardaria draba (H, Eur-Med, 71:1); Valerianella sp. (69:+); Veronica polita (Th, Eur-As, 78:+); Stachys germanica (H, Eur-subMed, 48:+, 50:+); Galium album (H, Eur-As, 73:+); Ajuga genevensis (H, Pont, 76:+); Odontitesserotina (Th, Eur, 57:+); Myosotis sp. (69:+); Dorycnium herbaceum (H, Eur-Med, 52:2a); Geranium dissectum (Th, Eur-As, 76:r); Eurhynchium hians (H, 33:+); Orlaya grandiflora (Th, Ap-Bal, 46:+); Paliurus spina-christi (Ch, Eur-As, 46:r); Ranunculus sardous (Th, Eur-Med, 68:+); Vicia cracca (H, Eur-As, 52:+); Agrostis canina (H, Eur-Sib, 68:+); Medicago orbicularis (Th, Eur-Med, 34:+); Echinopsritro (H, Eur-Sib, 67:+); Alyssum tortuosum (H, Pont-Med, 13:+); Stipa capillata (H, Pont-Med, 50:1, 59:r); Allium flavum (K, Med, 47:r); Phleum phleoides (H, Eur-As, 36:+); (S) Hieracium praealtum (H, 48:+, 60:1); Fragaria viridis (H, Eur-Sib, 41:+,46:+); Alyssum alyssoides (Th, Eur-Med, 51:+); Ventenata dubia (Th, Pont-Med, 60:r); Hordeum bulbosum (H, Eur-As, 24:+, 53:2a); Trifolium cherlen (H, Med, 1:+); Vicia grandiflora (H, subMed, 72: +, 75:+); Scleranthus annuus (Th, Eur-Sib, 39:+, 64:r). Localities: 1. Dalak Chalabair loc., NE from Kermen, 42.51339° N, 26.28025° E, 18.07.2004; 2. Chukarka village, Burgas distr., 42.64371° N, 27.11221° E, 13.07.2005; 3. S from Zlati vojvoda village, Sliven distr., 42.57842° N, 26.18539° E, 18.07.2004; 4. S from Tenevo village, Yambol distr., 42.33451° N, 26.54058° E, 11.06.2004; 5. S from Vodenichane village, Yambol distr., 42.53231° N, 26.69298° E, 02.07.2005; 6. By the road Yambol-Elhovo, S from cross-road to Tenevo village, Yambol distr., 42.35561° N, 26.57036° E, 15.07.2004; 7. NE from Ovchi kladenets village, Yambol distr., 42.23864° N, 26.20544° E, 21.07.2004; 8. E from Rechitsa, Sliven, 42.62945° N, 26.28969° E, 03.06.2004; 9. NW from Rosa village, Yambol distr., 42.42406° N, 26.40272° E, 16.07.2004; 10. between Kozarevo and Kalchevo villages, Yambol dist., 42.44173° N, 26.59862° E, 30.06.2004; 11. NE from Krushovo village, Burgas distr., 42.55444° N, 27.07307° E, 11.07.2005; 12. E from Izvorishte village, Burgas distr., 42.66028° N, 27.43617° E, 21.07.2005; 13. E from Kozarevo, Tvarditsa, Sliven distr., 42.46031° N, 26.62372° E, 30.06.2004; 14. S from Troyanovo village, Burgas distr., 42.54496° N, 27.14339° E, 11.07.2005; 15. between Kozarevo and Kalchevo villages, Yambol dist., 30.06.2004; 16. hill between Chokoba and Bezmer villages, Yambol distr., 09.06.2004; 17. E from Zheleznik village, Burgas distr., 42.56714° N, 26.91149° E, 02.07.2005; 18. S from Karnobat, Burgas distr., 42.62547° N, 26. 98660° E, 29.06.2005; 19. S from Smolnik village, Burgas distr., 42.52488° N, 26.92806° E, 05.07.2005; 20. NW from Irechekovo village, Yambol distr., 42.49553° N, 26.72015° E, 17.06.2005; 21. between Ekzarh Antimovo and Zhitosvyat villages, Burgas distr., 42.48860° N, 26.97875° E, 05.07.2005; 22. Maglen village, Burgas distr., 42.73323° N, 27.36793° E, 22.07.2005; 23. Golemiya bair loc., NW from Irechekovo village, Yambol distr., 42.49116° N, 26.74852° E, 17.06.2005; 24. NW from Voynika village, Yambol distr., 01.07.2004; 25. W from Detelina village, Burgas distr., 42.56347° N, 27.02275° E, 11.07.2005; 26. NW from Karnobat, Burgas distr., 42.63651° N, 26.94968° E, 29.06.2005; 27. S from Krumovo gradishte village, Burgas distr., 42.60185° N, 26.93290° E, 29.06.2005; 28. between Ekzarh Antimovo and Zhitosvyat villages, Burgas distr., 42.49419° N, 26.97703° E, 05.07.2005; 29. between Sadievo and Dryankovets villages, Burgas distr., 42.67682° N, 27.32084° E, 22.07.2005; 30. S from Parvenets village, Yambol distr., 42.41991° N, 26.85475° E, 02.07.2005; 31. Golemiya bair loc., NW from Irechekovo village, Yambol distr., 42.49173° N, 26.75367° E, 17.06.2005; 32. W from Detelina village, Burgas distr., 42.56438° N, 27.02272° E, 11.07.2005; 33. W from Detelina village, Burgas distr., 42.56438° N, 27.02272° E, 11.07.2005; 34. N from Mirolyubovo village, Burgas distr., 42.65397° N, 27.36315° E, 21.07.2005; 35. S from Palauzovo village, Yambol distr., 42.52381° N, 26.73799° E, 02.07.2005; 36. SW from Karnobat, Burgas distr., 29.06.2005; 37. E from Karnobat, Burgas distr., 42.64586° N, 27.02229° E, 13.07.2005; 38. E from Malka polyana village, Burgas distr., 42.64233° N, 27.24806° E, 25.07.2007; 39. N from Korten village, Sliven distr., 42.55508° N, 25.99200° E, 12.07.2005; 40. between Karnobat and Dragantsi village, Burgas distr., 42.61250° N, 26.98975° E, 05.07.2005; 41. Boztepe loc., E from Kamenovo village, Sliven distr., 42.54154° N, 26.13032° E, 19.07.2004; 42. Idemir hill, SW from Kermen, Sliven distr., 42.51616° N, 26.24355° E, 18.07.2004; 43. Azmashka mogila loc., Hadzhi Dimitrovo village, Sliven distr., 42.53870° N, 26.41424° E, 08.06.2004; 44. N from Sadievo village, Burgas distr., 42.66933° N, 27.32442° E, 23.07.2005; 45. NE from Bozadzhii village, Sliven distr., 42.48268° N, 26.33966° E, 16.07.2004; 46. S from Konyovo village, Sliven distr., 42.51088° N, 26.16263° E, 19.07.2004; 47. N from Korten village, Sliven distr., 42.55640° N, 25.98573° E, 12.07.2005; 48. N from Korten village, Sliven distr., 42.55554° N, 25.98958° E, 12.07.2005; 49. Mirolyubovo village, Burgas distr., 42.63849° N, 27.36152° E, 21.07.2005; 50. between Izvorishte and Bryastovets villages, Burgas distr., 42.66612° N, 27.45120° E, 21.07.2005; 51. N from Sadievo village, Burgas distr., 42.66961° N, 27.32397° E, 23.07.2005; 52. E from Polski Gradets village, Sliven distr., 42.18546° N, 26.12583° E, 21.07.2004; 53. between Izvorishte and Bryastovets villages, Burgas distr., 21.07.2005; 54. N from Kableshkovo village, Burgas distr., 42.67146° N, 27.55190° E, 23.07.2005; 55. Sarnena Sredna gora Mt., between Staro selo and Kamenovo villages, Sliven distr., 42.56093° N, 26.14154° E, 19.07.2004; 56. W from Karnobat, Burgas distr., 29.06.2005; 57. E from Karnobat, Burgas distr., 42.64609° N, 27.02644° E, 13.07.2005; 58. E from Karnobat, Burgas distr., 42.64801° N, 27.02742° E, 13.07.2005; 59. Hill between Kovachite and Mladovo villages, Sliven distr., 42.55644° N, 26.21116° E, 18.07.2004; 60. Hill between Chokoba and Bezmer villages, Yambol distr., 42.49382° N, 26.38229° E, 09.06.2004; 61. W from Kaloyanovo village, Sliven distr., 42.67240° N, 26.44070° E, 23.06.2005; 62. S from Parvenets village, Yambol distr., 42.41694° N, 26.85969° E, 02.07.2005; 63. Malak Topchii hill, between Karnobat and Detelina village, Burgas distr., 42.60602° N, 27.00560° E, 11.07.2005; 64. N from Korten village, Sliven distr., 42.55653° N, 25.98458° E, 12.07.2005; 65. W from Glufishevo village, Sliven distr., 42.54491° N, 26.31444° E, 09.06.2004; 66. Hill between Veselinovo and Mogila villages, Yambol distr., 42.51435° N, 26.57119° E, 15.06.2004; 67. By the road Yambol-Elhovo, S from cross-road to Tenevo village, Yambol distr., 15.07.2004; 68. S from Stamovo (Han Asparuh) village, 42.41620° N, 26.85365° E, 14.07.2004; 69. S from Peshtersko village, Burgas distr., 42.73288° N, 27.33456° E, 22.07.2005; 70. between Izvorishte and Bryastovets villages, Burgas distr., 42.66513° N, 27. 45106° E, 21.07.2005; 71. E from Karnobat, Burgas distr., 42.65403° N, 26.91887° E, 23.07.2005; 72. W from Medovo, Burgas distr., 42.70296° N, 27.55550° E, 23.07.2005; 73. E from Stratsin village, Burgas distr., 42.76537° N, 27.48149° E, 23.07.2005; 74. SE from Zhitosvyat village, Burgas distr., 42.45625° N, 26.98731° E, 02.07.2005; 75. N from Mirolyubovo village, Burgas distr., 42.65403° N, 27.36101° E, 21.07.2005; 76. between Sadievo and Dryqnkovets villages, Burgas distr., 42.67826° N, 27.32107° E, 22.07.2005; 77. SW from Dragantsi village, Burgas distr., 42.56339° N, 26.97769° E, 05.07.2005; 78. N from Karanovo village, Burgas distr., 42.65030° N, 27.18485° E, 11.07.2005; 79. N from Hadzhiite village, Burgas distr., 42.61142° N, 27.07072° E, 13.07.2005; 80. hills S from Kermen, Sliven distr., 42.49107° N, 26.27134° E, 16.07.2004; 81. E from microdam, Nauchen village, Sliven distr., 42.55370° N, 26.08693° E, 20.07.2004. Table 3: Relevés of the association Festuco valesiacae-Stipetum capillatae Sillinger 1930. Species occurring in 2 or fewer relevés: Ornithogalum umbellatum (K, Pont-subMed, 6;+); Dasypyrum villosum (H, subMed, 1:1, 4:1); Cichorium intybus (H, Eur-Sib, 1:r); Potentilla inclinata (H, Eur-As, 4:2a, 9:+); Plantago lanceolata (H, cosm, 6:+); Galium tenuissimum (Th, Pont-CAs; 6:+); Achillea depressa (H, Bal, 7:1, 11:+); Tnfolium retusum (Th, Med, 7:+); Centaurea caliacrae (Th, Bal, 7:+); Trifolium pallidum (Th, subMed, 6:+); Trachynia distachya (Th, Med-As, 9:+); Stachysgermanica (H, Eur-subMed, 6:r); Bromus japonicus (Th, Med-CAs, 1:+, 4:+); Nigella arvensis (Th, subMed, 1:+, 4:+); Phleum subulatum (Th, Eur-As, 4:+); Conyza canadensis (Th, Nam(adv), 1:+); Bilderdykia dumetorum (Th, Eur-Med, 4:+); Carduus acanthoides (H, Eur, 6:+); Tragus racemosus (Th, subBoreal, 7:+); Vicia sp. (6:+); Elymus repens (H, Boreal, 6:+); Verbascum densiflorum (H, subMed, 6:r); Erysimum repandum (Th, Eur, As, 6:+, 7:+); Myosotis stricta (Th, Eur-As, 1:+); Trifolium cherleri (H, Med, 3:1, 8:+); Logfia arvensis (Th, Eur-Med, 6:r); Tribulus terrestris (Th, Eur-As, 1:1); Trifolium angustfolium (Th, Med, 1:+); Achillea coarctata (H, Pont-Med, 3:+, 10:+); Sanguisorba minor (H, subBoreal, 9:+, 10:+); Portulaca oleracea (Th, adv, 7:+); Sideritis montana (Th, subMed, 8:+, 9:+); Viscaria vulgaris subsp. atropurpurea (H, Eur-Sib, 8:+); Viola arvensia (Th, Eur, 8:+); Onobrychis caput-gali (Th, subMed, 9:2a); Acinos arvensis (Th, Eur-Med, 9:+); Linum bienne (Th, Med, 9:+); Salvia pratensis (H, Eur-Med, 9:r); Sedum hispanicum (H, Eur-Med, 10:1); Daucus carota (Th, Eur-As, 9:r); Hypericum rumeliacum (H, Bal, 10:+); Koeleria simonkaii (H, Bal, 11:+); Stachys leucoglossa (H, Bal, 10:+); Velezia rigida (Th, subMed, 10:+); Alyssum strigosum (Th, subMed, 10:+); Trigonella monspeliaca (Th, subMed, 10:+); Orlaya grandiflora (Th, Ap-Bal, 10:+); Scrophularia canina (H, Eur-Med, 10:r); Bryum capillare (H, Temp, 10:+). Localities: 1. NE from Izvorishte village, Burgas distr., 42.66149° N, 27.44725° E, 23.07.2005; 2. E from Venets village, Burgas distr., 42.64422° N, 26.36200° E, 29.06.2005; 3. W from Nauchen village, Sliven distr., 42.56536° N, 26.08056° E, 20.07.2004; 4. NE from the town of Aytos, 42.72169° N, 27.24446° E, 25.07.2005; 5. E from Venets village, Burgas distr., 42.64373° N, 26.86331° E, 29.06.2005; 6. Izvorishte village, Burgas distr., 42.65629° N, 27.43556° E, 21.07.2005; 7. between the town of Aytos and Peshtersko village 42.73009° N, 27.32797° E, 22.07.2005; 8. W from Gorno Aleksandrovo village, Sliven distr., 42.65694° N, 26.61849° E, 16.06.2004; 9. Pamucite locality, NE from Polski Gradets village, Sliven distr., 42.19784° N, 26.12378° E, 21.07.2004; 10. slopes of Sredna gora Mt., N from the villages of Bratya Kunchevi and Rumanya, Stara Zagora distr., 42.50638° N, 25.86973° E, 22.07.2004; 11. N from Vratitsa village, Burgas distr., 42.59851° N, 27.17150° E, 11.07.2005. Table 4: Relevés of the association Medicagini-Fes-tucetum valesiacae Wagner 1941. species occurring in 2 or fewer relevés: Trifolium angustfolium (Th, Med, 2:+, 4:+); Lotus corniculatus (H, Eur-Med, 4:+, 8:+); Aegilops geniculata (Th, Med, 1:2m, 2:1); Carthamus lanatus (Th, subMed, 1:+, 2:+); Astragalus hamosus (H, Eur-as, 1:1, 6:+); Dianthus moesiacus (H, Bal, 3:+, 9:+); Dianthus pattens (H, Bal-dac, 3:1); Marrubium peregrinum (H, subMed, 1:+, 11:+); Lolium perenne (H, Eur-As, 2:+); Trifolium pallidum (Th, subMed, 4:+); Bupleurum flavum (Th, Med, 4:+); Linum bienne (Th, Med, 4:+); Coronilla varia (H, Eur-Med, 4:+); Trachynia distachya (Th, Eur-As, 4:1, 10: 2m); Stachys germanica (H, Eur-subMed, 3:+); Hypochaeris radicata (H, Eur-Med, 5:+); Nigella arvensis (Th, subMed, 5:+); Trifolium setiferum (Th, Med, 3:+); Hypericum rumeliacum (H, Bal, 4:+); Phascum cuspidatum (H, Temp, 3:1); Ononis spinosa (H, Eur-As, 4:1, 10:r); Setaria viridis (Th, Boreal, 5:+); Bryum rubens (H, 3:+); Onobrychis gracilis s. Gracilis (H, Pont-Med, 4:r); Elymus repens (H, Boreal, 3:+); Phleumpratense (H, Eur-subMed, 2:+); Ornithogalum umbellatum (K, Pont-subMed, 3:+, 12:+); Centaurea stereophylla (H, Pont, 3:+); Cynodon dactylon (H, cosm, 7:+); Haplophyllum suaveolens (H, Med, 6:+); (S) Onobrychis alba (H, subMed, 6:+, 10:+); Velezia rigida (Th, subMed, 6:+); Potentilla pedata (H, Med, 6:+); Queria hispanica (Th, subMed, 6:+); Trifolium incarnatum (Th, subMed, 7:+); Trifolium suffocatum (Th, subMed, 7:+); Koeleria nitidula (H, Pont, 8:+); Medicago lupulina (Th, Eur-As, 8:+); Trigonella monspeliaca (Th, subMed, 8:+); Dactylis glomerata (H, Eur-As, 8:r); Polygonum aviculare (Th, cosm, 9:+); Galium tenuissimum (Th, Pont-CAs, 9:+, 12:+); Achillea coarctata (H, Pont, Med, 10:+); Leonthodon crispus (H, Pont-Med, 11:+); Minuartia caespitosa (H, Eur-Med, 12:1); Scleranthus polycarpos (Th, subMed, 12:1); Sedum caespitosum (H, Med, 12:+); Portulaca oleracea (Th, adv, 12:+). Localities:1. Hill between the villages of Vese-linovo and Mogila, Yambol distr., 42.51435° N, 26.57119° E, 15.06.2004; 2. NE from Kamenets village, 42.34660° N, 26.75043° E, 01.07.2004; 3. E from Venets village, Burgas distr., 29.06.2005; 4. W from Polski Gradets village, Sliven distr., 21.07.2004; 5. E from Malka Polyana village, 42.62700° N, 27.24925° E, 25.07.2005; 6. Slopes of Stara planina Mt., N from Gorno Aleksandrovo village, Sliven distr., 42.65974° N, 26.63966° E, 16.06.2004; 7. Hill S from Zlati vojvoda village, Sliven distr., 42.57842° N, 26.18539° E, 18.07.2004; 8. Svetiiliiski hills, Polsko Padarevo village, Sliven distr., 42.45191° N, 26.08582° E, 11.06.2005; 9. S from town of Karnobat, 42.62766° N, 26.99434° E, 05.07.2005; 10. N from Korten village, Sliven distr., 42.55682° N, 25.98334° E, 12.07.2005; 11. Malak Topchii hill, between Karnobat and Detelina village, 42.60705° N, 27.00412° E, 11.07.2005; 12. E from Dragantsi village, Burgas distr., 42.56876° N, 26.98893° E, 05.07.2005. Table 5: Relevés of the association Trifolio arvensis-Festucetum valesiacae Sopotlieva & Apostolova 2013. Species occurring in 2 or fewer relevés: Potentilla argentea (H, Pont, 6:+, 7:2a); Cichorium intybus (H, Eur-Sib, 2:r, 7:+); Medicago rigidula (Th, Eur-Med, 4:+, 5:+); Trifolium angustifolium (Th, Med, 4:+, 11:+); Polygonum aviculare (Th, cosm, 4:+, 5:+); Dasypyrum villosum (H, subMed, 2:+, 6:r); Vicia sp. (4:+ 5:+); Setaria viridis (Th, Boreal, 7:+); Carduus nutans (H, Eur, Med, 2:r, 9:r); Marrubium peregrinum (H, subMed, 1:r, 2:r); Centaurea caliacrae (Th, Bal, 6:+); Carthamus lanatus (Th, subMed, 1:+); Lolium perenne (H, Eur-As, 1:+); Bromus arvensis (Th, Eur-As, 1:+); Phleum subulatum (Th, Eur-As, 5:+); Berteroa incana (H, Pont, 2:+); Ajuga genevensis (H, Pont, 9:2a); Bupleurum rotundifolium (Th, Eur-As, 2:r); Aegilops triuncialis (Th, Eur-As, 1:2a); Bilderdykia dumetorum (Th, Eur-Med, 5:+); Carduus acanthoides (H, Eur, 4:+); Tragopogon dubius (H, Eur-Med, 2:r, 9:r); Tragus racemosus (Th, subBoreal, 5:+); Euphorbia agraria (H, subMed, 9:1); Hypericum thasium (H, Bal, 3:r); Astragalus hamosus (H, Eur-As, 1:+); Iris suaveolens (K, Bal, 9:+); Brachythecium rutabulum (H, Temp, 9:+); Hypnum cupressiforme (H, Temp, 9:+); Potentilla pedata (H, Med, 9:1); Portulaca oleracea (Th, adv, 5:+); Centaurea solstitialis (Th, Eur-Med, 4:+); Sanguisorba minor (H, subBoreal, 4:+, 11:+); Leontodon cichoraceus (H, subMed, 4:r); Bupleurum affine (Th, subMed, 4:+); Medicago orbicularis (Th, Eur-Med, 5:+); Allium vineale (K, Eur-Nam, 6:+); Dianthus moesiacus (H, Bal, 6:+, 8:+); Thesium simplex (H, Bal-dac, 6:r); (S) Anagallis arvensis (Th, cosm, 7:+); Tragopogonpratensis (H, Eur-Med, 8:r); Coronilla varia (H, Eur-Med, 8:+); Phascum cuspidatum (H, Temp, 8:+); Centaurea stereophylla (H, Pont, 8:+); Phlomis herba-ventis (H, Eur-As, 8:+); Euphorbia nicaeensis (H, Eur-Med, 8:+); Bryum rubens (H, 8:+); Inula hirta (H, Eur-Sib, 10:+); Carduus candicans subsp. globifer (H, 10:+); Dianthus armeria (Th, Eur, 10:+); Lotus corniculatus (H, Eur-Med, 11:+). Localities: 1. Drakata loc., NW from Slamino, Yambol distr., 11.06.2004; 2. E from the town of Karnobat, 42.64695° N, 27.02333° E, 13.07.2005; 3. Slivova mogila hill, town of Tvarditsa 42.68585° N, 25.91407° E, 09.06.2005; 4. SW from Izvorishte village, Burgas distr., 42.65685° N, 27.43546° E, 21.07.2005; 5. SE from Bryastovets village, Burgas distr., 42.66712° N, 27.47598° E, 21.07.2005; 6. Peshtersko village, Burgas distr., 42.73028° N, 27.32726° E, 22.07.2005; 7. SW from Bata village, Burgas distr., 42.73011° N, 27.48065° E, 23.07.2005; 8. E from Venets village, Burgas distr., 42.64110° N, 26.84054° E, 29.06.2005; 9. S from Malenovo village, Yambol distr., 42.55194° N, 26.76805° E, 22.06.2005; 10. between Sokolova and Dragovo villages, Burgas distr., 42.63995° N, 27.08967° E, 13.07.2005; 11. Ognen village, Burgas distr., 42.69614° N, 26.80961° E, 26.06.2005. Table 6: Relevés of the community of Chrysopogon gryllus. species occurring in 2 or fewer relevés: Cynosurus echinatus (H, subMed, 9:3); (S) Elymus hispidus (H, Pont-CAs, 1:2m); Tragopogon pratensis (H, Eur-Med, 5:r); Trifolium hybridum (H, Eur-Med, 3:+, 8:+); Dianthus armeria (Th, Eur, 7:+, 8:r); Cynodon dactylon (H, Cosm, 5:+);Torilisnodosa (Th, Eur-As, 1:+); Bromus tectorum (Th, Boreal, 9:1); Bromus mollis (Th, Boreal, 8:1); Echium vulgare (H, Eur-As, 7:r); (H, Cosm, 9:+, 10:+); Convolvulus arvensis (H, Cosm, 9:+, 10:+);(S) Trifolium repens (H, Eur-Sib, 7:+); Dasypyrum villosum (H, subMed, 4:+, 10:2m); Veronica arvensis (Th, Eur-Sib, 1:+); Geranium rotundifolium (Th, Eur-As, 9:r); Bromus arvensis(Th, Eur-As, 4:2b); Vulpia ciliata (Th, Med-As, 7:+); Hordeum bulbosum (H, Eur-As, 4:+); Apera spica-venti (Th, subBoreal, 10:+); Cichorium intybus (H, Eur-Sib, 5:+, 10:r); (S) Taraxacum sp. (H, 8:+); Rumex pulcher (H, Eur-As, 1:r); Tragopogon dubius (H, Eur-Med, 9:r); Berteroa incana (H, Pont, 9:1); Vulpia myurus (Th, subBoreal, 9:1); Lotus angustissimus (Th, Med-As, 6:1); Poa pratensis (H, Cosm, 6:2m); Rorippa thracica (H, subMed, 9:+); Nigella arvensis (Th, subMed, 1:+); Filago vulgaris (Th, Eur-As, 6:1, 7:+); Trifolium scabrum (Th, Med-As, 10:+, 11:+); Bromus squarrosus (Th, subMed, 4:+); Torilis arvensis (Th, Eur-As, 6:+); Hypochaeris radicata (H, Eur-Med, 7:r, 8:+); Trifolium pallidum (Th, subMed, 5:+, 11:+); Vicia grandiflora (Th, subMed, 5:+); Agrimonia eupatoria (H, Eur-Med, 9:r); Achillea collina (H, Eur-subMed, 6:+); (S) Elymus elongatus (H, Pont-SMed, 6:3); Agrostis capillaris (H, Boreal, 4:+); Filipendula vulgaris (H, Eur-Med, 8:+); Paliurus spina-christi (Ch, Eur-As, 9:r); Galium verticillatum (Th, Med-As, 9:+); Vicia hirsuta (Th, Eur-Med, 1:+); Goniolimon collinum (H, Pont, 10:2a); Trifolium aureum (Th, Eur-Sib, 8:1); Viola tricolor (Th, Eur-As, 9:+); Galium aparine (Th, Eur-As, 9:+); Poa sylvicola (H, Eur-As, 4:+); Noneapulla (Th, subMed, 2:r, 10:+); Phleum subulatum (Th, Eur-As, 10:3); Poa angustifolia (H, Cosm, 9:+); Achillea crithmifolia (H, Pann-Bal, 8:+); Bupleurumflavum (Th, Med, 4:+); Galium tenuissimum (Th, Pont-CAs, 1:+, 7:+); Phleum pratense (H, Eur-subMed, 6:+); Bromus japonicus (Th, Med-CAs, 10:2m); Minuartia caespitosa (H, Eur-Med, 8:+); Potentilla pedata (H, Med, 3:+); Ajuga genevensis (H, Pont, 10:+); Medicago minima (Th, Eur-As, 2:+);Helianthemum nummularium (Ch, Alp-Med, 2:2m); Medicago falcata (H, Eur-As, 2:+); Carthamus lanatus (Th, subMed, 2:+); Asyneuma anthericoides (H, Bal, 2:+); Trifolium arvense(Th, Eur-Sib, 11:1); Fumana procumbens (Ch, Pont-Med, 11:+); Potentilla pilosa (H, Eur, 11:+); Allium vineale (K, Eur-Nam, 11:+); Hypericum rumeliacum (H, Bal, 11:+); Phleumphleoides (H, Eur-As, 11:+); Scleranthus perennis (H, Eur-Med, 11:+); Herniaria hirsuta (Th, Eur-As, 11:+); Centaurea caliacrae(Th, Bal, 11:+); Haplophyllum suaveolens (H, Med, 11:+); Centaurea diffusa (H, Pont-Med, 11:+); Syntrichia ruralis (H,Cosm; Temp, 11:+); Erysimum repandum (Th, Eur-As, 11:+); Erodium cicutarium (Th, subBoreal, 11:r); Ceratodon purpureus (H, Cosm; Temp, 11:+); Portulaca oleracea (Th, Adv, 11:+); Trifolium retusum (Th, Med, 11:+); Carduus acanthoides (H, Eur, 11:+); Localities: 1. N from Venets village, Burgas distr., 42.64406° N, 26.80502° E, 26.06.2005; 2. between Veselinovo and Mogila villages, Yambol distr., 42.51435° N, 26.57119° E, 15.06.2004; 3. E from Devetintsi village, Burgas distr., 42.59531° N, 26.83205° E, 23.06.2005; 4. W from Savino village, Yambol distr., 42.33759° N, 26.27544° E, 29.06.2004; 5. NE from Elenovo village, Sliven distr., 42.38495° N, 26.15897° E, 14.06.2004; 6. S from Stamovo (Han Asparuh) village, Stara Zagora distr., 14.07.2004; 7. Svetiiliski hills, between Ezero and Radevo villages, Sliven distr., 42.44348° N, 26.06228° E, 11.06.2005; 8. Kayriaka hill, S from Hanovo, Yambol distr., 08.06.2004; 9. Svetiiliski hills, 42.42224° N, 26.13721° E, 11.06.2006; 10. SW from the town of Karnobat, 42.63281° N, 26.94546° E, 29.06.2005; 11. Dabnik village, Burgas distr., 42.63643° N, 27.51047° E, 21.07.2005. Table 7: Relevés of the association Euphorbio myrsin-itae-Bothriochloetum ischaemi R. Jovanovic 1955 sub-ass. medicaginetosum rhodopaeae Sopotlieva & Apos-tolova 2013. Species occurring in 2 or fewer relevés: Carduus nutans (H, Eur-Med, 9:r, 19:r); Hypericum thasium (H, Bal, 8:+, 9:r); Cerastium pumilum (Th, Eur-Med, 6:+, 9:+); Taeniatherum caput-medusae (Th, Eur-As, 7:r, 9:+); Muscari sp. (K, 7:+, 19:+); Reseda lutea (H, subBoreal, 14:r); Coronilla scorpioides (Th, subMed, 16:+); Echium vulgare (H, Eur-As, 6:r); Phleum subulatum (Th, Eur-As, 7:r); Veronica arvensis (Th, Eur-Sib, 6:+); Iris sp. (K, 7:r); Achnatherum bromoides (H, subMed16:1); Anthericum liliago (H, subMed, 17:+); Phascum cuspidatum (H, Temp, 18:+); Bryum argenteum (H, Temp, 12:+); Tortella flavovirens (H, subMed, 5:1); Weissia controversa (H, Temp, 13:1); Petrorhagia prolifera (Th, Pont-Med, 18:+, 22:+); Vulpia myurus (Th, subBoreal, 7:+); Tragopogon dubius (H, Eur- Med, 3:+); Trifolium cherleri (H, Med, 6:r); Ceratodon purpureus (H, Temp, 14:+); Galium tenuissimum (Th, Pont-CAs, 9:+); Velezia rigida (Th, subMed, 14:+); Onobrychis degenii (H, Bal, 15:r); Centaurea salonitana (H, Pont-Med, 16:r); Galium octonarium (H, Med-CAs, 16:+); Bupleurum apiculatum (Th, Bal, 15:2a); Anthemis tinctoria (H, Eur-Sib, 10:r), Genista sessilifolia s. Trifoliata (Ch, subMed, 10:2a); Potentilla sulphurea (H, subMed, 13:r); Asyneuma limonifolium s. limonifolium (H, Ap-Bal, 17:r); Pterocephalus papposus (Th, Med, 20:+); Crepis sancta (Th, subMed, 20:r); Koeleria simonkaii (H, Bal, 20:r); Verbascum banaticum (H, Bal-Dac, 20:r); Scrophularia canina (H, Eur-Med, 20:r); Alyssum alyssoides (Th, Eur-Med, 20:+); Achillea coarctata (H, Pont-Med, 21:1); Stachys leucoglossa (H, Bal, 21:+); Dianthus pinifolius (H, Bal-Dac, 21:+); Potentilla pilosa (H, Eur, 21:+);Centaurea caliacrae (Th, Bal, 22:+); Trigonella monspeliaca (Th, subMed, 22:+). Localities: 1. S from the town of Shivachevo, Karabair hill, 42.63708° N, 26.06470° E, 19.07.2005; 2. Tvarditsa town, Tepyata hill, 42.68141° N, 25.95564° E, 09.06.2005; 3. Karabair hill, Binkos village, 42.64122° N, 26.08435° E, 15.06.2005; 4. Karabair hill, Binkos village, 42.65040° N, 26.09269° E, 15.06.2005; 5. Tvarditsa town, Golina hill, 42.68245° N, 25.92630° E, 09.06.2005; 6. Tvarditsa town, Golina hill,, 42.68375° N, 25.92518° E, 09.06.2005; 7. Svetiiliyski hills, 42.43351° N, 26.15047° E, 11.06.2005; 8. Tvarditsa town, Tepyata hill, 09.06.2005; 9. Tvarditsa town, Tepyata hill, 42.68164° N, 25.95451° E, 09.06.2005; 10. Karabair hill, Binkos village, 42.64068° N, 26.08257° E, 15.06.2005; 11. S from Shivachevo town, Karabair hill, 42.63763° N, 26.06706° E, 19.07.2005; 12. Shivachevo town, close to old lime-kilns, 42.63709° N, 26.03591° E, 19.07.2005; 13. Svetiiliyski hills, Dyadovo village, 42.43958° N, 26.03478° E, 11.07.2005; 14. S from the town of Shivachevo, Karabair hill, 42.65076° N, 26.03798° E, 19.07.2005; 15. Shivachevo town, close to old lime-kilns, 42.63743° N, 26.03710° E, 19.07.2005; 16. Between the villages of Binkos and Seliminovo, 42.64787° N, 26.12901° E, 15.07.2005; 17. Between the villages of Binkos and Seliminovo, 42.64885° N, 26.12825° E, 15.07.2005; 18. S from the town of Shivachevo, Karabair hill, 42.65268° N, 26.03948° E, 19.07.2005; 19. Karabair hill, Binkos village, 42.65061° N, 26.09136° E, 15.06.2005; 20. South slopes of East Stara planina Mt., N from Glushnik village, Sliven distr., 42.66522° N, 26.50144° E, 05.06.2004; 21. N from Karanovo village, Sliven distr., 42.51823° N, 25.89938° E, 22.07.2004; 22. N from Asenovets village, Sliven distr., 42.54326° N, 25.94406° E, 12.07.2005.