626 METABOLIC AND HORMONAL DISORDERS Zdrav Vestn | November – December | Volume 89 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3104 1 Department of Paediatric Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, University Children’s Hospital, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Correspondence/ Korespondenca: Nataša Bratina, e: natasa. bratina@mf.uni-lj.si Key words: type 1 diabetes; glycemic control; children and adolescents; telemedicine Ključne besede: sladkorna bolezen; covid-19; telemedicina; presnovna urejenost Received: 4. 6. 2020 Accepted: 27. 9. 2020 eng slo element en article-lang 10.6016/ZdravVestn.3104 doi 4.6.2020 date-received 27.9.2020 date-accepted Metabolic and hormonal disorders Metabolne in hormonske motnje discipline Original scientific article Izvirni znanstveni članek article-type Nationwide digital/virtual diabetes care of children, adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes during a COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia Digitalna/virtualna obravnava otrok, mladost- nikov in mladih odraslih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 1 med pandemijo covida-19 v Sloveniji article-title Youth with Type 1 Diabetes during COVID-19 in Slovenia Mladi s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 1 v času covida-19 v Sloveniji alt-title type 1 diabetes, glycemic control, children and adolescents, telemedicine sladkorna bolezen, covid-19, telemedicina, pres- novna urejenost kwd-group The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest present. Avtorji so izjavili, da ne obstajajo nobeni konkurenčni interesi. conflict year volume first month last month first page last page 2020 89 11 12 626 633 name surname aff email Nataša Bratina 1 natasa.bratina@mf.uni-lj.si name surname aff Klemen Dovc 1 Simona Rajtar Osredkar 1 Darja Smigoc Schweiger Tadej Battelino eng slo aff-id Department of Paediatric Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, University Children’s Hospital, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Klinični oddelek za endokrinologijo, diabetes in bolezni presnove, Pediatrična klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center, Ljubljana, Slovenija 1 Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenija Nationwide digital/virtual diabetes care of children, adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes during a COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia Digitalna/virtualna obravnava otrok, mladostnikov in mladih odraslih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 1 med pandemijo covida-19 v Sloveniji Klemen Dovc,1,2 Simona Rajtar Osredkar,1 Darja Smigoc Schweiger,1,2 Tadej Battelino,1,2 Nataša Bratina1,2 Abstract Background: During coronavirus pandemic disease 2019 (COVID-19) the Government of the Re- public of Slovenia introduced a series of restrictive measures including outpatient clinics closure and a cessation of all elective healthcare visits. To sustain attentiveness to optimal diabetes care, the vast majority of appointments for individuals with type 1 diabetes were transitioned to video digital/virtual visits. Methods: In this prospective observational study, we compared glycaemic control of children, adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes from the Slovenian National Childhood Type 1 Diabetes Registry during the pre-lockdown and lockdown periods. We approached all individu- als with type 1 diabetes, who had a visit scheduled between 15th of March and 20th of May 2020. Results: Out of 326 subjects, 313 (96% response rate) attended a video digital/virtual visit. Gly- caemic control was not impaired during the lockdown period in individuals with type 1 diabetes and has even slightly improved. Mean glucose was 9.3 mmol/l (IQR 8.3–10.3) during the lock- down, compared to 9.5 mmol/l (IQR 8.2–10.9), p = 0.001 during the pre-lockdown period. Conclusion: In a short period of time, we established effective workflows to enable video digital/ virtual visits that provided individuals with type 1 diabetes good clinical support and prevented deterioration of this chronic condition and its acute complications during the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Izvleček Izhodišče: Vlada Republike Slovenije je sprejela vrsto ukrepov za obvladovanje pandemije koro- navirusne bolezni 2019 (covid-19), ki so vključevali tudi začasno prenehanje nenujne zdravst- vene dejavnosti, kot je redna ambulantna obravnava in elektivni posegi. Da bi ohranili primerno presnovno urejenost oseb s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 1, smo v času karantene osebe s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 1 povabili v digitalno/virtualno obravnavo. Metode: V tej prospektivni opazovalni raziskavi smo primerjali presnovno urejenost otrok, mladostnikov in mlajših odraslih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 1 iz slovenskega nacionalnega otroškega registra za bolezen tipa 1 v času pred karanteno in med njo. K sodelovanju smo pov- Slovenian Medical Journal 627 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Youth with Type 1 Diabetes during COVID-19 in Slovenia 1 Introduction On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared coronavirus dis- ease 2019 (COVID-19) a pandemic and a day later the Government of the Republic of Slovenia imposed a series of restrictive measures to contain and manage the possible spread, including outpatient clinics closure and a cessation of all elective healthcare visits and pro- cedures. While diabetes was initially recog- nized as one of the main risk factors for morbidity and mortality, mainly due to cardiovascular and renal complications (1), it is reassuring to know that young people, with or without diabetes, are at a lower risk with COVID-19 infection (2-4). However, individuals with chronic conditions, including type 1 diabetes, are at an increased risk for acute compli- cation and chronic condition deteriora- abili vse osebe s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 1, ki so imele predvideno redno obravnavo v času kar- antene med 15. marcem in 20. majem 2020. Rezultati: 313 od 326 (odziv 96 %) se je udeležilo digitalne/virtualne obravnave preko video stika. Presnovna urejenost oseb s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 1 se času karantene ni poslabšala. Povprečna raven glukoze med karanteno je bila celo nekoliko nižja kot v obdobju pred karan- teno: 9,3 mmol/l, tj. IQR 8.3–10.3 med karanteno, v primerjavi z 9,5 mmol/l, tj. IQR 8.2–10.9, p = 0.001 v obdobju pred karanteno. Zaključek: Podatki naše raziskave kažejo, da smo v kratkem času vzpostavili učinkovite de- lovne procese digitalno/virtualno obravnavo preko z video stika. S tem smo osebam s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 1 zagotovili ustrezno klinično podporo med karanteno zaradi pandemije covida-19 in preprečili akutne zaplete ali dolgoročno poslabšanje tega kroničnega stanja. Cite as/Citirajte kot: Dovc K, Rajtar Osredkar S, Smigoc Schweiger D, Battelino T, Bratina N. Nationwide digital/virtual diabetes care of children, adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes during a COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia. Zdrav Vestn. 2020;89(11–12):626–33. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3104 Copyright (c) 2020 Slovenian Medical Journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. tion during this lockdown period due to limitations in access to outpatient clinics and healthcare services. Therefore, to sustain attentiveness to optimal diabetes care and at the same time to minimize the risk of viral transmission with close proximity and to maintain appropriate social distancing (5,6), the vast majori- ty of appointments for individuals with type 1 diabetes were transitioned to dig- ital/virtual visits. Consequently, in-per- son diabetes care was restricted only to individuals who were newly started on insulin therapy or had severe acute com- plications that needed emergency/ur- gent care visit or hospitalization. This study aimed to assess glycaemic control in a cohort of individuals with type 1 diabetes who conducted a digital/ virtual visit during the lockdown period due to COVID-19 pandemic, compared to the pre-lockdown period. 628 METABOLIC AND HORMONAL DISORDERS Zdrav Vestn | November – December 2020 | Volume 89 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3104 2 Material and methods We performed a nationwide prospec- tive observational study of children, ad- olescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes from the Slovenian National Childhood Type 1 Diabetes Registry (7), who had a scheduled visit at the UMC Ljubljana University Children’s Hospital. During the lockdown period between 15th of March and 20th of May 2020, all PWDs were invited to attend a video digital/virtual visit, including a limited video clinical examination when indi- cated. We compared glycaemic control of eligible persons with diabetes (PWDs) before and during the lockdown period. Data on the age of the participants at the onset, the treatment modality (mul- tiple daily injections with or without continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), continuous subcutaneous insulin infu- sion (CSII) with or without CGM, and a hybrid closed-loop) and glycaemic control were collected from the previous in-person visits before the lockdown pe- riod. Participants and their families were instructed to share their device reports with the most recent data using e-mail. Video virtual/digital visit was performed using Zoom or with a telephone call if the Internet was not available at partic- ipant’s home and the scheduled dura- tion of the visit was the same as for the in-person visits (approximately 30 min- utes). During the digital-virtual visits, we collected information regarding se- rious adverse events. Diabetic ketoaci- dosis (DKA) was defined as an event re- quiring hospitalization and intravenous therapy (8), and severe hypoglycaemia (SH) was defined as an event with a se- vere cognitive impairment (including coma and convulsions) requiring exter- nal assistance and hospitalization with intramuscular and/or intravenous ther- apy (9). We extracted data on glycaemic con- trol during the digital/virtual visits from CareLink™ Personal and Accu-Chek Connect™ portal reports. For the present analysis, we included participants who met the following criteria: type 1 diabe- tes for at least 6 months, insulin pump use for at least 3 months, age at baseline visit <23 years, availability of glucose control data in electronic format. The primary endpoint was the median differ- ence in individuals’ mean glucose con- centration between pre-lockdown and lockdown visit. All statistical analyses were conduct- ed using GraphPad Prism 7 (Graph- Pad Software, San Diego, CA). Data are presented as median (IQR). Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test was per- formed to check the differences of paired data. A P-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. The study was conducted in line with the last revision of the Declaration of Helsinki with amendments. Partici- pants/their parents gave their written informed consent for the anonymous reuse of the national registry data for re- search purposes. The study was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of the Re- public of Slovenia (Decision No. 0120- 328/2020/5). 3 Results We have contacted 326 PWDs (147 males), mean (SD) age was 13.6 (4.5) years, age at type 1 diabetes onset was 7.3 (4.3) years, and the duration of type 1 diabetes was 6.3 (4.4) years (Figure 1). During the lockdown period, we have completed 313 digital/virtual visits (96% response rate). The mean age of the 13 non-responders was 15.9 years and 629 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Youth with Type 1 Diabetes during COVID-19 in Slovenia HbA1c 8.1% (65 mmol/mol). Twenty-six children have been diag- nosed with type 1 diabetes within the six months prior to the lockdown and were invited to their first/second follow-up as a virtual visit (age 10.8 years and HbA1c 9.0% (74.9 mmol/mol). We included 234 individuals who provided glucose data reports for both periods, excluding chil- dren with a recent diagnosis of type 1 di- abetes, individuals treated with multiple daily injections and individuals that did not provide a sufficient amount of da- ta for the analysis (Figure 1). Their last measured median HbA1c prior to lock- down period was 7.5% (IQR 7–8.1) (58.5 mmol/mol (53.0–65). There were on av- erage 3.8 months between the visits. Data on glycaemic control between the two periods are presented in Table 1. During the lockdown period, the medi- an glucose concentration of 9.3 mmol/l (IQR 8.3–10.3) was slightly lower com- pared to the pre-lockdown period glu- cose concentration of 9.5 mmol/l ((IQR 8.2–10.9), p = 0.001) (Figure 2). Sim- ilarly, there was a slight improvement among CSII users (p<0.001), while there was no change in glycaemic control be- tween the two periods among HCL users and CSII users with CGM (Figure 3). There was no significant difference in a median change of glucose concentra- tion towards baseline between visits con- ducted in the first part of the lockdown, compared to the second part (p = 0.195). There was no difference in coefficient of variation (CV) of mean glucose, while there was a modest increase in total daily insulin dose and in the amount of car- bohydrates consumed, and a decrease in the number of glucose measurements performed between the two periods (Ta- ble 1). There were no severe hypoglycaemic events, DKA, SARS-CoV-2 infections or any other severe adverse events re- quiring hospitalization during the whole observational period among our study participants. Figure 1: Study flowchars. Data are median (IQR). CGM – continuous glucose sensor, CSII – Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, HCL – Hybrid closed-loop, MDI – Multiple daily injections. Assessed for eligibility (n = 326) Digital/virtual visit (n = 313) Data analysis (n = 234) Treated with CSII (n = 113) Treated with CSII + CGM (n = 84) Treated with HCL (n = 37) Type 1 diabetes < 6 months (n = 26) Treated with MDI (n = 47) Lack of enough data (n = 6) Non-responders (n = 13) Table 1: Metrics of glycaemic control. Data are median (IQR), CH – Carbohydrates, CV – Coefficient of variation, SD – Standard deviation, TDD – Total daily dose of insulin. Pre-lockdown period Lockdown period P value Mean glucose (mmol/l) 9.5 (8.2–10.9) 9.3 (8.3–10.3) 0.001 CV of mean glucose (%) 41 (36–50) 41 (35–51) 0.348 SD of mean glucose (mmol/l) 4.1 (3.5–5.3) 4.0 (3.3–5.0) 0.046 TDD (units/day) 30.7 (16.1–46.7) 34.5 (17.8–48.0) <0.001 Number of glucose measurements 6.8 (5.3–8.0) 6.4 (4.7–8.0) 0.011 Amount of CH consumed (g/day) 173 (113–216) 179 (130–225) 0.039 630 METABOLIC AND HORMONAL DISORDERS Zdrav Vestn | November – December 2020 | Volume 89 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3104 4 Discussion Diabetes care witnessed a dramatic change during the COVID-19 pandem- ic. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was thought that digital/virtual diabetes care approaches would become avail- able only if it was possible to demon- strate their long-term safety, efficacy and cost-effectiveness (10). In reality, many institutions had to adopt digital/virtual care in a matter of days, have successful- ly done so, and it has become the fore- front of diabetes care in these challeng- ing times (11-15). Our observation that glycaemic control in individuals with type 1 diabetes has not worsened during the lockdown period, and has even slightly improved, is reassuring. Simi- larly, a small study including 22 school and preschool children reported im- proved glycaemic control among CGM users (16). One possible explanation could be that temporary slowing down and omitting routine obligations could have favourable effects on glucose con- trol in the short term (12,15). A recent report demonstrated that individuals with type 1 diabetes who stayed at home during the lockdown period improved their glycaemic control, while the latter remained unchanged in individuals who continued to work (15). We report a nationwide glycaemic control data of children, adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes during a COVID-19 pandemic as accessed with digital/virtual diabetes care. In a rela- tively short period of time, despite many challenges, we had to establish effective workflows, including communication with PWDs and their families, and ad- justing the time of their appointment with a transition to digital/virtual en- vironment. In this period, we have ap- Figure 2: Median of participant’s mean glucose concentration during the pre-lockdown (blue) and lockdown (green) periods. Data are median (IQR). p = 0.001 Pr e- lo ck do w n Lo ck do w n G lu co se c o n ce n tr a ti o n ( m m o l/ l) 5 10 15 20 25 0 Figure 3: Median of participant’s mean glucose concentration during the pre-lockdown (blue) and lockdown (green) periods for different treatment modalities. Data are median (IQR). CGM – continuous glucose sensor, CSII – Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, HCL – Hybrid closed-loop, MDI – Multiple daily injections. CS II (n = 11 3) CS II+ CG M (n = 8 4) HC L ( n = 37 ) 0 5 G lu co se c o n ce n tr a ti o n ( m m o l/ l) p = <0.001 NS NS 10 15 20 631 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Youth with Type 1 Diabetes during COVID-19 in Slovenia proached all individuals included in the Slovenian National Childhood Type 1 Diabetes Registry (7) with a scheduled visit during the lockdown, and have demonstrated this approach feasible and yielding a high response rate (96%). To do so, families needed access to ap- propriate technologies, such as a smart phone, tablet or a computer, an internet connection, and access to online device portals. PWDs and their families, how- ever, still had to download data from their devices and share only their report forms with a summarized glycaemic control data. This highlights the need for the policymakers and device manu- facturers to enable safe, convenient and reliable data sharing with their health- care providers, other family members or caregivers through open-source plat- forms (17). During the whole observational pe- riod, there were no severe acute com- plications of type 1 diabetes requiring hospitalization or an urgent care vis- it, and no other severe adverse events; none had COVID-19. Two children out of seven diagnosed with type 1 diabe- tes in this lockdown period had DKA at admission, which is a comparable to recently reported prevalence in this re- gion (18). As there have been reports of several cases of newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes or DKA in children with known type 1 diabetes with delayed admission to hospital due to the closed service for non-COVID-19 care, it is of utmost im- portance to adequately recognize ear- ly clinical signs of hyperglycaemia and prevent DKA (5). In our country, sup- port and consultations are offered via an emergency 24/7 telephone line for all children with type 1 diabetes, their fam- ilies, caregivers, and primary healthcare providers, regardless of the treatment modality. We offered additional digital/ virtual visits to all PWD in need, espe- cially where there was a deterioration of glycaemic control, a major change in in- sulin dosing recommended, or a need for psychological support. As acute hyper- glycaemia also causes cognitive impair- ment (19), we kept our focus on Time in Range within the recommended targets (20). In addition to physicians, we also provided contacts with a dietician and a psychologist. Limitations of this analysis include the observational design and retrospec- tive analysis. Glycaemic control evalu- ation was possible only for PWDs who provided an electronic format of their data. A possible solution for glucose control evaluation when reliable elec- tronic data are not available could be an at-home HbA1c testing (21). Glycaemic control metrics were extracted from de- vice report files without an access to raw data files. Consequently, we were not able to calculate recommended CGM metrics (including time in ranges) that were not presented in software-generat- ed device reports. Additionally, in this pilot study we were unable to evalu- ate the impact of digital/virtual care on glycaemic control. We plan to evaluate this, together with additional factors, in- cluding quality of life, attitude towards digital/virtual care, socioeconomic sta- tus and physical activity, in a follow-up study in the near future. While there are possible benefits of digital/virtual care, including lower costs, less travel-related hurdle, especially when consulting fam- ilies from remote areas, and allowing for easier social distancing (14,22), there are larger future studies needed to evaluate to what extend digital/virtual care could complement face-to-face approach in the future. 632 METABOLIC AND HORMONAL DISORDERS Zdrav Vestn | November – December 2020 | Volume 89 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3104 5 Conclusion In summary, for individuals with type 1 diabetes and their families, it is essential to have necessary team sup- port including physicians, dieticians and psychologist, especially during these unprecedented times. In this study, we demonstrated that a digital/virtual visit is a feasible alternative in specific clini- cal circumstances, such as COVID -19 pandemic. The future will show to what extent this modality of diabetes care will be utilized in routine clinical practice. 6 Funding The authors received no funding for this manuscript. 7 Author contributions KD, TB and NB contributed to con- ception and design of the study, data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation, and drafting of the manuscript and gave final approval for submission. SRO and DSS contributed to data acquisition, made critical revisions for important intellectual content, and gave final approval for submission. NB is the guarantor of this work and, as such, had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. References 1. Holman N, Knighton P, Kar P, O’Keefe J, Curley M, Weaver A, et al. Risk factors for COVID-19-related mortality in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in England: a population-based cohort study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2020;8(10):823-33. 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