GEOLOGIJA 37, 38, 153-171 (1994/95), Ljubljana Lower Permian conodonts from the Karavanke Mts. (Slovenia) Stanko Buser Geological Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 2, Sl-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Holger C. Forke Institute of Paleontology, University of Erlangen Loewenichstr. 28, 91054 Erlangen, Germany Abstract The first conodont fauna (4 species) from the "Trogkofel Limestones" of the Karavanke Mts. (Dolžanova soteska) is described and correlated with the fusulinids (3 species) within the same sample. The occurrence of Streptognathodus cf. simplex, Streptognathodus cf. elongatus and Diplognathodus expansus? to- gether with Dutkevitchia complicata indicates a higher age (Asselian) of these limestones than previously thought, because even the Upper Pseudoschwageri- na Limestone (Sakmarian) of the Garnie Alps already yields a Sweetognathus fauna. To avoid misunderstanding in correlations the name "Dolžanova soteska limestone member" is introduced for the white, pale red to red limestone unit, described as "Ttogkofel Limestone" in previous literature. Introduction Previous work The classical locality of Permian beds and fossils in Dolžanova soteska ("Teufels- schlucht" in German) in the Karavanke Mts. is situated in the Tržiška Bistrica valley, about 3 km NE of the tov^^n of Tržič in NW Slovenia (Fig. 1). In it the v^^ell exposed profile occurs in the Upper Carboniferous clastic beds, light grey, pale red and red "Trogkofel" limestones, dark, bedded limestones, Tarvisio breccia, Groden clastics and Upper Permian dolomites and rauhwackes. Although almost a century passed since the first systematic geological studies of these beds, the correct stratigraphie attri- bution of the up to nov^r improperly named light grey, pale red and red "Trogkofel" limestone unit remained still unresolved. Since Geyer (1895) described the stratigraphy of the Garnie Alps, it vi^as gene- rally accepted that the limestones of the Trogkofel are Early Permian in age. At this time the Rattendorf Group (Lov^^er Pseudoschw^agerina Limestone, Grenzland Formation, 154 Stanko Buser & Holger C. Forke Fig. 1. Location sketch-map and detailed position of the Dolžanova soteska limestone Upper Pseudoschwagerina Limestone) didn't exist and he included in his definition of the Trogkofel Limestone also the underlying dark or red, bedded limestones (now Upper Pseudoschwagerina Limestone). The fossils (mostly brachiopods), on which the biostratigraphic correlations were based, mainly came from these bedded lime- stones below. Three years later Schellwien (1898 a) described a fauna from the limestones of the Dolžanova soteska, which he compared with the limestones of the Trogkofel area (sensu Geyer). Between the rich brachiopod fauna, which he later described in his monography (Schellwien, 1900), he also found three ammonoids Agathice- ras aff. uralicum Karpinsky, Popanoceras (Stacheoceras) n. sp., Thalassoceras? microdiscus Gemmellaro. But unfortunately there is neither a description nor a picture of these ammonoids. In the 1930's Heritsch, Kahler & Metz discovered Permian fossils (Sphaerosch- wagerina) of the Grenzland Formation (Heritsch & Kahler, 1932) in the Garnie Alps and clarified the stratigraphy of the different lithostratigraphic units. They esta- blished the Rattendorf Group between the Upper Carboniferous Auernig Group and the Trogkofel Limestone s. str. (Tab. 1). Heritsch (1933, 1938, 1939, 1943) treated fusulinid foraminifera, corals and trilobites from the limestones of the Dolžanova soteska and performed the revision of Schellwien's work (1990) on brachiopods. The limestones were believed to belong to the Trogkofel Limestone (Heritsch, 1938), because of the strong hthologic si- milarities. Kahler F. and Kahler G. (1937, 1941) described "Pseudoschwagerina" camiolica from the dark, bedded limestones in the Dolžanova soteska and "Pseu- doschwagerina" citriformis from a chunk of limestone in the scree of the "Trogko- fel" limestones. Further studies on fusulinids were presented by Kochansky-De- vidé (1956, 1964). An important contribution to stratigraphy and study of fossil assemblage in Permian beds especially from the "Trogkofel" limestone in Dolžanova soteska was provided by Ramovš (1961, 1963, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1980), the extra- ordinary authority on it. The rare trilobites from the "Trogkofel" limestone were studied by Hahn et al. (1970). Lower Permian conodonts from the Karavanke Mts. (Slovenia) 155 Table 1. Historical review of the lithostratigraphic subdivisions in the Garnie Alps and correlation with the Dolžanova soteska limestone The stratigraphie subdivision and regional extension of the larger part of the Permian beds in the Karavanke Mts. were elaborated during investigations for the new geolo- gical map by Buser and Cajhen in 1978. Buser (1974, 1980) established the position of the "Trogkofel" limestone in Dolžanova soteska below the dark bedded limesto- nes with Sphaeroschwagerina. Interesting for stratigraphy is the work by Pečar (1987) who determined a new brachiopod species in the "Trogkofel" limestone and ascer- tained that the Upper Carboniferous quartz conglomerate is overlain by the "Trogkofel" limestone. All mentioned researchers of Permian beds in Dolžanova soteska assigned the grey, pale red to red limestones to the Trogkofel Stage without hesitation, which in the type region of the Carnic Alps is of latest Sakmarian to Artinskian age. Buser (1974, 1980) and Pečar (1987) established the position of this limestone between the quartz conglomerate and the overlying dark bedded limestones with Sphaeroschwagerina. However, they did not deduce from this fact the possibility that the "Trogkofel" И- mestones of the Dolžanova soteska do not correlate with the true Trogkofel limesto- nes in age. Geological setting of Dolžanova soteska The Upper Carboniferous and Permian beds outcrop in Dolžanova soteska in a 10km long and 3km wide east-west trending belt (Fig. 1). In spite of the very com- pHcated structure of the Karavanke Mts. this belt of younger Paleozoic beds is of relatively simple tectonics. A major obstacle to observations is the dense cover of several metres of weathering residue and of limestone slope talus. However, in the Dolžanova soteska the considered beds are well exposed, as the gorge cut deep into the rock sequence. The Upper Carboniferous beds dip southwest below the Permian beds, therefo- re in the gorge from south to north gradually older beds are exposed. The Upper Carboniferous marine molasse beds are developed as shales, quartz sandstones and conglomerates with several metres thick intercalations of black limestones. In Dolžanova soteska the predominantly massive quartz conglomerate, consisting of pebbles of quarzite and subordinately lydite in the upper part, attains about 180m thickness. The conglomerate is overlain by a 30cm thick black calcarenitic limesto- ne with numerous crinoid fragments. The contact between conglomerate and lime- stone is uneven, very wavy and the conglomerate is intensely weathered and limoni- tized along the contact with the limestone. Laterally a 30cm thick sheet of quartz sandstone appears between the conglomerates and limestones. In the basal part of the calcarenitic limestone also quartz pebbles occur (Fig. 2). The uneven and limo- nitized surface of the conglomerate most probably represents an erosion that occu- red during the uplift of the sea bottom as a result of the tectonic phase near the boundary between the Upper Carboniferous and Lower Permian (Buser, 1974, 1980). lm of grey limestone hes above the calcarenitic limestone that interbeds with up to several cm thick sheets of dark marl and shale. Upwards aim thick bed of dark grey biomicritic limestone follows. This limestone has the same dip as the ba- sal contact plane in the conglomerate (212/75). Above the biomicritic limestone 50 cm Fig. 2. Detailed stratigraphie column at the transition from the underly- ing quartz conglomerate to the lower part of the Dolžanova soteska limestone 156 Stanko Buser & Holger C. Forke Lower Permian conodonts from the Karavanke Mts. (Slovenia) 157 of black mudstone is interbedded w^ith micaceous siltstone. 230cm of grey micace- ous siltstones follow, which are tectonically strongly deformed and folded. The silt- stone is covered by a 180 cm thick package of dark grey mudstone and marl. In li- mestones within the mudstone very numerous crushed brachiopod valves occur. It is most probable that Pečar (1987) found the brachiopod Capillomesolosus herit- schi in these beds, which is, however, more frequent in the red and pale red lime- stones of Dolžanova soteska. The content of mudstones decreases in the grey limestone, which passes into light grey, pale red and red massive limestones that have been called up to now "Trogko- fel" limestones. This limestone is the main subject of this investigation and is called Dolžanova soteska limestone further on. The horizon, in which the colour changes, is not more than 2m thick. Upwards greyish to pale red limestones follow, which pass into the characteristic red limestones. In the latter the rich fauna of brachiopods as well as crinoids and common fusulinids occur. Schellwien's (1900) brachiopods originated from an ancient quarry 150 m north of the upper bend of the road throu- gh Dolžanova soteska. The limestones form more than 100 m high cliffs on the ea- stern side of the road. The limestone continues westwards across the Tržiška Bistri- ca. The length of the outcropping belt of limestone that is on the average 95 m thick amounts to about 2.5km. The Dolžanova soteska limestone is of intense red colour in its highest part. From this limestone the samples for conodonts were collected in the steep cliff several ten metres above the road and above the abandoned quarry. Fig. 3. Detailed stratigraphie column from the upper part of the Dolžanova soteska limestone 158 Stanko Buser & Holger C. Forke The stratigraphie position of the considered Dolžanova soteska limestone can be observed about 100 m above the road and the abandoned quarry, since the interme- diate area is covered by limestone rubble. Here the meat red limestone is overlain by brownish and greyish platy crinoid limestone that passes upwards into cinnabar red crinoid limestone (Fig. 3). On the upper surface of the limestone beds thin co- atings of red-violet silty mudstone occur. This limestone is about 4m thick. Upwar- ds about 5 m of grey red thicker bedded limestones follow. The crinoid limestone is overlain by 5 m of limestone breccia that consists of 5 to 30 cm sized fragments of biomicritic and crinoid limestone with brownish grey calcareous-sihceous cement. Laterally, quartz conglomerate and sandstone of approximately 1.5 m thickness may occur above the breccia. The breccia is overlain by 3 m of micritic dark grey limestone that is covered by a 10m thick package of black limestone in alternation with black shale. The rock outcrops at the upper road curve. Upwards an about 200m thick succession of grey, thick bedded limestones with abundant Sphaeroschwagerina follows. The type locality of Spha- eroschwagerina camiolica (Kahler & Kahler, 1937) is situated in this limesto- ne at this upper bend of the road. The characteristic pyramids of the Dolžanova so- teska, and also the part of the rocks through which the road tunnel was driven about a century ago, consist of these dark bedded limestones. The Lower Permian succession is terminated by a clastic sequence of interbed- ded quartz sandstones, conglomerates and shaly mudstones. The Middle Permian Tarvisio breccia and the violet-red clastics of the Groden Formation were deposited above these clastics. Systematic paleontology Conodonts Classification after Sweet, 1988 Phylum Conodonta Pander, 1856 Class Conodonta Branson, 1938 Order Ozarkodinida Dzik, 1976 Family Idiognathodontidae Harris & Hollingsworth, 1933 Genus Streptognathodus Stauffer & Plummer, 1932 Type-species Streptognathodus excelsus Stauffer & Plummer, 1932 Streptognathodus cf. simplex Gunnell, 1933 PI. 1, figs. 3-6 Material: 18 specimen DSB 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 27, 30, 32, 33. Description: - Carminiscaphat with a slender, lanceolate platform. Specimen have a inward-downward trending curvature of platform immediately posterior to the end of the carina. Free blade long with 8-10 denticles, the second and third are the largest. Carina short and fused, 1-2 separated nodes are sometimes developed posterior to carina. Lower Permian conodonts from the Karavanke Mts. (Slovenia) 159 - Platform is divided by a median groove and possesses transverse ridges, which may pass sometimes the median groove, especially in the posterior part. On the ante- rior part of parapets nodes or small costae are developed and separated from the carina or fixed blade by deep furrows. The parapet of the inner side is usually so- mewhat longer than the outer one. - Oral surface of carina, transverse ridges and accessory nodes with a honeycomb ultrastructure. Streptognathodus cf. elongatus Gunnell, 1933 PI. 1, figs. 7-9 Material: 13 specimen DSB 3, 4, 6, 15, 16, 20, 23, 25, 26, 31. Description: - Carminiscaphat with a lanceolate platform. Specimen have a inward-dovmward trending curvature of platform immediately posterior to the end of the carina. - Free blade long with 8-10 denticles, by which the second and third are the lar- gest. - Carina short, fused, seldom a single node is developed posterior to the carina. - Platform is divided by a median groove and possesses transverse ridges, which may pass sometimes the median groove, especially in the posterior part. On the ante- rior part of parapets nodes or small costae are developed and separated from the carina or fixed blade by deep furrows. The parapet of the inner side is usually so- mewhat longer than the outer one. The inner side of platform has a slight inden- tation in the anterior part, where the nodes are developed. - 1-4 accessory nodes are attached at the inner side of the platform margin. - Oral surface of carina, transverse ridges and accessory nodes with a honeycomb ultrastructure. Discussion: Streptognathodus cf. elongatus is distinguished from Strept. cf. simplex in a somewhat slender, elongate platform, which lacks an indentation and accessory nodes. Ellison (1941) regarded Streptognathodus simplex and Strept. elongatus as synonymous. Kozur and Mo s 11er (1976) stated that the holotype of Streptognathodus elongatus has accessory nodes, but Streptognathodus simplex has not. They considered that Streptognathodus simplex is intermediate in his morphological features between Streptognathodus elegantulus Stauffer and Plum- mer, 1932 with a deeper, more V-shaped median trough, longer carina and shorter transverse ridges and Streptognathodus barskovi Kozur, 1976 vdth a shallow groo- ve, broad platform and small, long transverse ridges. Streptognathodus nodulinearis Chernykh and Reshetkova, 1986 is similar in the development of accessory nodes to Streptognathodus elongatus. In a preliminary report about the conodonts of the C/P boundary type section (Aidaralash, Southern Urals) Chernykh and Ritter (1994) suggested a subdivision of streptognathodontid morphotypes because of the phyletic development of accès- 160 Stanko Buser & Holger C. Forke sory nodes. Our specimen could be assigned to the unornamented and pseudo-no- dular morphotype, which occurs there immediately below the C/P boundary. Family Anchignathodontidae Clark, 1972 Genus Hindeodus Rexroad & Furnish, 1964 Type-species Spathognathodus cristulus Youngquist & Miller, 1949 Hindeodus minutus (Ellison, 1941) PI. 1, fig. 2 *1941 Spathodus minutus Ellison n. sp. - Ellison, S. 120, Taf. 20, Fig. 50-52. 1973 Spathognathodus minutus (Ellison, 1941) - Merrill, S. 305-308, Taf. 1, Fig. 1-14, Taf. 2, Fig. 1-28. 1975 Anchignathodus minutus (Ellison, 1941) - Behnken, S. 297, Taf. 1, Fig. 16-18, USA, Leonardian. 1975 Ozarkodina minuta (Ellison, 1941) - Perlmutter, S. 102-103, Taf. 2, Fig. 26-30, Kansas, Penn.-Permian. 1986 Anchignathodus minutus (Ellison, 1941) - Ritter, S. 146, Taf. 4, Fig. 1, 5, USA, Wolfcampian. 1989 Hindeodus minutus (Ellison, 1941) - Wang & Higgins, S. 279, Taf. 13, Fig. 6, 7, S-China, Karbon + Perm. 1991 Hindeodus minutus (Ellison, 1941) - Brown et al., without description, Taf. 2, Fig. 12, 13, Illinois Basin, Desmoinesian (Pennsylvanian). Material: 1 specimen DSB 1. Description: - Carminiscaphat. - Free blade short and thin. - Cusp high with a triangulate form and a fine striation on the surface. Transition from cusp to the denticles of the carina with a distinct step. Carina possesses 11 discrete denticles. - Oral surface of platform smooth. - Basal cavity widest anteriorly. Family Sweetognathidae Ritter, 1986 Genus Diplognathodus Kozur & Merrill, 1975 Type-species Spathognathodus coloradoensis Murray & Chronic, 1965 Diplognathodus expansus? (Perlmutter, 1975) Pl. 1, fig. 1 *1975 Ozarkodina expansa Perlmutter n. sp. - Perlmutter, S. 98-99, Taf. 3, Fig. 1-16, Kansas, Council Grove Group, Pennsylvanian. 1990 Diplognathodus expansus (Perlmutter, 1975) - Ding & Wan, without de- scription, Taf. 3, Fig. 6, 12-13, 15-18, 20-22, N-China, Taiyuan Fm. 1990 Diplognathodus n. sp.? H - V. Bitter & Merrill, Taf. 4, A-L, (Material Perlmutter). Lower Permian conodonts from the Karavanke Mts. (Slovenia) 161 Material: 1 specimen DSB 2. Description: - Carminiscaphat. - Free blade thin, w^ith a cusp and 4 denticles, decreases in height posteriorly. The transition to the carina takes place w^ithout a distinct step in height. - The posterior part is developed as a spatulate carina without pustulose ultrasculpture. - Oral surface of platform is smooth, margin of platform is wavy. - The basal cavity is expanded. Remarks: The type Pa elements of Diplognathodus expansus were reexami- ned by V. Bitter & Merrill (1990) under SEM. The holotype and some of the pa- ratypes have a pustulose ultrasculpture on the carina and were therefore assigned to the genus Sweetognathus. The other specimen without pustulose ultrasculpture were left as Diplognathodus n. sp.? H. As described in Forke (1995) some speci- men of Diplognathodus expansusl in the material of the Upper Pseudoschwageri- na Limestone (Sakmarian) of the Carnic Alps bear a single row of secondary pustu- les on the spatulate carina. Fusulinids Order Foraminiferida Eichwald, 1830 Suborder Fusulinina Wedekind, 1937 Superfamily Fusulinacea V. Möller, 1878 Family Boultoniidae Skinner & Wilde, 1954 Subfamily Boultoniinae Skinner & Wilde, 1954 Genus Boultonia Lee, 1927 Type-species Boultonia willsi Lee, 1927 Boultonia willsi Lee, 1927 PI. 2, fig. 4 *1927 Boultonia willsi Lee, n. sp. - Lee, S. 10-11, Taf. 2, Fig. 1-4, N-China. 1970 Boultonia willsi Lee, 1927 - Kochansky-Devidé, S. 230, Taf. 4, Fig. 7-16, Westkarawanken, ob. Rattendorfer Schichten, Trogkofelkalk?. 1980 Boultonia willsi Lee, 1927 - Kahler F & Kahler G., S. 190, Taf. 1, Fig. 6, Forni Avoltri (Carnia). Material: Several slightly obUque sections DSB 1. Occurrence: Common together with Dutkevitchia complicata and Quasifu- sulina cf. tenuissima in the Dolžanova soteska limestone member. Description: - Shells of small size, elongate-fusiform with a minute proloculus (25 цт), first whorl almost round, later increases markedly in length. 4-5 volutions in mature specimen. - Wall is thin, two-layered with a dark outer layer (tectum), and light inner layer (diaphanotheca?). - Septa are very thin and regularly fluted. - Chomata are distinct in the later whorls. 162 Stanko Buser & Holger C. Forke Family Fusulinidae V. Möller, 1878 Subfamily Fusulininae V. Möller, 1878 Genus Quasifusulina Chen, 1934 Type-species Fusulina longissima V. Möller, 1878 Quasifusulina cf. tenuissima (Schellwien, 1898) PI. 2, fig. 3 Material: 3 axial sections DSB 1 [3], DSB 2, DSB 3, 1 subaxial section DSB 1 [2]. Occurrence: Common together with Dutkevitchia complicata and Boultonia willsi in the Dolžanova soteska limestone member. Description: - Shell cylindrical with bluntly rounded poles. Species reaches length of 6-7mm and diameter of 1.7-1.8mm in 4-5 volutions, giving a form ratio of -3.4. - Proloculus large (-400цт), sometimes ovoid or dent in the middle part. - Spirotheca is composed of a tectum and a thin keriotheca? with uneven thickness. - Septal fluting is moderately and regular across the entire shell. In axial sections therefore round arches appear. - Chomata and phrenothecae are absent. - The conspicuous axial fillings are characteristic for the genus, which are develo- ped in this species almost in all volutions. Family Schwagerinidae Dunbar & Henbest, 1930 Subfamily Schwagerininae Dunbar & Henbest, 1930 Genus Dutkevitchia Leven & Shcherbovich, 1978 Type-species Rugosofusulina devexa Rauzer-Chernoussova, 1937 Dutkevitchia complicata (Schellwien, 1898) Pl. 2, figs. 1, 2 *1898 Fusulina complicata Schellwien, n. sp. - Schellwien, S. 249-50, Taf. 20, Fig. 1-7, Karawanken. 1972 Rugosofusulina complicata complicata (Schellwien, 1898) - Bensh, S. 80-81 (russ.). Taf. 17, Fig. 2, 3, Süd-Fergana, Karatschatyr. 1980 Dutkevitchia complicata (Schellwien, 1898) - Leven & Shcherbovich, ohne Beschreibung, Taf. 8, Fig. 7, Darwas. 1986 Dutkevitchia complicata (Schellwien, 1898) - Isakova & Nazarov, S. 42-43 (russ.). Taf. 7, Fig. 3, S-Ural, Assel. Lower Permian conodonts from the Karavanke Mts. (Slovenia) 163 1989 Rugosofusulina complicata (Schellwien, 1898) - Zhang et al., ohne Beschrei- bung, Taf. 1, Fig. 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, N-China, Taiyuan Fm. 1993 Dutkevitchia complicata (Schellwien, 1898) - Vachard, S. 100, 102, Taf. 4, Fig. 4, 9, Griechenland, Mt. Beletsi. Material: 3 axial sections DSB 1 [1], [2], [4]. Occurrence: Frequent together wdth Quasifusulina cf. tenuissima and Boultonia willsi in the Dolžanova soteska limestone member. Description: - Subcylindrical to nearly ovoid species with rounded poles, at- tains length from 7-9mm and width about 3mm in 4-5 volutions (L/W = 2.4-3.14). - Proloculus large (300-420 цт) with a thick wall (40 цт). First 2-3 whorls almost globose, in later whorls the shape becomes more elongated. - Spirotheca is composed of a tectum with a smallscaled rugosity and a coarse alve- olar keriotheca. Wall thickness on average from 30 цт in the first up to 90 цт in the last whorl. - Septa deep and strongly fluted throughout the whole chambers. The septal arches reach in axial sections from bottom to top of the chamber, are thickened in the upper part and have steep flanks. - Chomata are absent, phrenothecae can sometimes occur. Remarks: Dutkevitchia complicata was described by Schellwien (1898b) from Tržič, Slovenia (which is the next town on the street from Dolžanova soteska), be- cause he didn't know the exact "locus typicus". S cheli wi en mentioned that they occur together with Quasifusulina tenuis- sima in grey to yellowish limestones. Faunal affinity and stratigraphie correlations The stratigraphie occurrence of the genus Dutkevitchia is not well defined at the moment. However, the similar Dutkevitchia dastarensis (Bensh, 1972) was found in the "Obere kalkarme Schichtgruppe" (Auernig-Group) of the Garnitzen Section by Kahler F. and Kahler G. (1982). Dutkevitchia expansa (Lee, 1927), which has conspicious axial fillings in the inner volutions, occurs in the Lower Pseudoschwa- gerina Limestone. Dutkevitchia complicata is described from a red limestone in the Trogkar Section (assigned to the Trogkofel limestone) by Forke (1995), where it occurs together with Robustoschwagerina sp. This form differs from herein descri- bed species in having a more elongate, subcylindrical shape in the outer volutions. The occurrences of the genus Dutkevitchia are well correlatable vdth the C/P boundary type sections in Southern Urals and especially the Darvaz region as well as with Chinese 164 Stanko Buser & Holger C. Forke Fig. 4. Bioclastic wackestone with echinoderm frag- ments, fusulinids, brachiopodes and ostracods, x 10 sections, where they are reported from Uppermost Carboniferous to Sakmarian de- posits. Dutkevitchia complicata seems to be restricted to the Asselian and Sakma- rian. The absence of the genus Sphaeroschwagerina in the studied material, which is the index fossil of the Asselian seems to depend on facies. Kahler F. and Kah- ler G. (1941) described Sphaeroschwagerina citriformis from a loose chunk of the Dolžanova soteska limestone. The dark limestones above yield Sphaeroschwageri- na camiolica (Kahler & Kahler, 1937). Closely similar species (cf. Rauzer-Cher- noussova, 1960) were often assigned by Russian and also Japanese researchers to Sphaeroschwagerina pav lovi (Rauzer-Chernoussova, 1938), which is a wide- spread Asselian fusulinid. Sphaeroschwagerina camiolica is also common in the Grenzlandformation of the Garnie Alps. The fusulinid genus Quasifusulina as well as the conodont Hindeodus minu- tus are long-ranging species (Carboniferous -Permian) and have therefore no strati- graphical value. Diplognathodus expansus? (some with a single row of nodes on the carina) are found together with Sweetognathus in the Upper Pseudoschwagerina Limestone and Trogkofel limestone? (Forke, 1995). Diplognathodus expansus {Dipl. n. sp.? H by V. Bitter & Merrill, 1990) is recorded from the Bennett Shale to the Grouse Limestone (Council Grove Group) in Kansas, U.S.A.. In North China Diplognathodus expan- Lower Permian conodonts from the Karavanke Mts. (Slovenia) 165 Fig. 5. Bioclastic wackestone with fusulinids, and large fragments of phylloid algae (Eugonophyllum sp.). Internal structure mostly dissolved and filled with fine peloidal micrite, x 10 sus (wfith some uneven secondary pustules on the spatula; Ding & Wan, 1990, p. 135) appears in the upper part of the Streptognathodus elongatus-S. wahaunsen- sis-S. fuchengensis assemblage zone, w^hich correlates w^ith the Sphaeroschwage- rina fusulinid zone. Neither in the Southern Urals type sections nor in the South China sections (Wang & Higgins, 1989; Wang, 1994) the genus Diplognathodus is reported from Gzhelian to Low^er Sakmarian deposits. Because no universally accepted taxonomy exists for the Upper Carboniferous- Lower Permian Streptognathodus, it is difficult to give a precise correlation for this species. Therefore, independent on exact taxonomic assignation, the widest range of Streptognathodus elongatus and Streptognathodus simplex is from Upper Carbo- niferous (base of Gzhehan) to Lower Permian (Sakmarian) strata. Microfacies Several additional samples were thin sectioned for microfacies study. They indi- cate a wide variety of shallow subtidal to intertidal? platform carbonates. The thin sections of the sample from where the conodonts and fusulinids were obtained, are bioclastic wackestones. The bioclasts are mostly echinoderm fragmen- ts, as well as common fusulinids, smaller foraminifera, bryozoans, brachiopods and ostracods (Fig. 4). Large, unbroken phylloid algal blades are present, but their in- ternal parts are normally not preserved (Fig. 5). They appear as moulds, filled with sparry calcite or fine peloidal micritic sediment after dissolution, showing geopetal 166 Stanko Buser & Holger C. Forke structures, which could be also seen in some shelter pores of brachiopods. The phylloid algae were encrusted by Tubiphytes or red algae {Claracrusta sp.). Sponges, ga- stropods and trilobites are rare. Conspicious is the strong bioturbation (agglutina- ted worm tubes) of the sediment. Conclusions Although a latest Carboniferous age could not be strictly excluded for the grey, pale red and red limestones, an Asselian to earliest Sakmarian age seems more likely, because Diplognathodus expansus? as well as Dutkevitchia complicata are reported only from Lower Permian deposits at the moment. If the contact to the overlying dark, bedded limestones is sedimentary indeed, the upper range is limited because of the occurrence of Sphaeroschwagerina camiolica (Asselian). Compared to the Carnic Alps these limestones are older than the Trogkofel limestones of the type locality and even as the Upper Pseudoschwagerina Limestone, which yields Sweetognathus inor- natus and Sw. aff. whitei without any species of Streptognathodus. Therefore the grey, pale red and red limestones from which the conodonts and fusulinids were obtained can not be called "Trogkofel" limestones no longer, but should be named after the Dolžanova soteska - the Dolžanova soteska limestone. 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(Perlmutter, 1975) la Lateral view, DSB/1 [1], x 160 Ib Upper view of spatulate carina showing lack of a pustulose ultrasculpture, DSB/1 [1], X 600 2 Hindeodus minutus (Ellison, 1941) Lateral view, DSB/1 [2], x 80 3-6 Streptognathodus cf. simplex Gunnell, 1933 3a Upper view, DSB/1 [11], x 80 3b Lateral view, DSB/1 [11], x 80 4-6 Upper views of different growth stages, DSB/1 [5], x 80, DSB/1 [12], DSB/1 [14], X 120 7-9 Streptognathodus cf. elongatus Gunnell, 1933 7 Upper view of a juvenile specimen, DSB/1 [26], x 120 8a Lateral view, DSB/1 [3], x 80 8b Upper view, DSB/1 [3], x 80 8c Enlarged part of accessory nodes, DSB/1 [3], x 400 9a Upper view, DSB/1 [4], x 80 9b Enlarged part of weakly developed accessory nodes, DSB/1 [4], x 300 170 Stanko Buser & Holger C. Forke Plate 2 1,2 Dutkevitchia complicata (Schellwien, 1898) 1 Slightly oblique section DSB/1 [1], x 10 2 Axial and sagittal section DSB/1 [4], x 10 3 Quasifusulina cf. tenuissima (Schellwien, 1898) Axial section DSB/3, x 10 4 Boultonia willsi Lee, 1927 DSB/2, X 50 Lower Permian conodonts from the Karavanke Mts. (Slovenia) 171