ZARJA -THE DAWN ^"89 mam URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE V AMERIKI________________________SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA NUMBER 2 MARCH-APRIL 1999 VOLUME 71 N.G.BWOVMK SLOVENIAN EASTER CUSTOM “Žegen” After the 40 day Lenten observance comes Easter, the greatest holyday of the Christian world. In advance of Easter, on Holy Saturday, Slovenians have a custom of taking symbolic foods to be blessed in church, which is then the first to be eaten breaking the lenten fast. Nancy Bukovnik’s beautiful sketch of “Žegen” is taken from the new SWU cookbook, MORE POTS AND PANS. See page 10 for more. SPECIAL DATES AND EVENTS ZARJA - THE DAWN APRIL 20, Joliet, IL 17-18 Bake Sale, St. Joseph’s Church, After all masses 35, Aurora, MN 11 Community Center, 1:30p.m. MAY 20-23, 1999 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA 23rd NATIONAL CONVENTION, ORLANDO, FL MAY-MOTHER OF THE YEAR PARTIES 5, Indianapolis, IN 13 Luncheon 14, Euclid, OH 4 Dinner, 6 p.m. Call for reservations, Marty Koren (440) 485-4227 or Jennie Fitzthum (216) 261-1196 20, Joliet, IL 11 Dinner, 6:30 p.m., St. Joseph Park Hall Meeting precedes Dinner at 6 p.m. 34, Soudan, MN 12 See Reports 39, Biwabik, MN 2 See Reports 54, Warren, OH 19 Mother-Daughter Luncheon, 1 p.m. (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes of address to: ZARJA - THE DAWN, 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615-1703 NO. 2 MARCH-APRIL 1999 VOL. 71 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published six times per year - šestkrat na leto. Annual Subscription for non-members, $15.00 — naročnina $15.00 letno za ne-članice. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Periodicals Postage Paid at Joliet, IL and at additional mailing offices All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 1. v mesecu. Editor, CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office: 4851 S. Drexel Blvd.,-Chicago, IL 60615-1703 Telephone: (773) 548-8878 Haberman — Zimmer Funeral Homes Traditional to Contemporary Funeral Services - Cremation Services Pre-Arranged Funerals -Title 19 Funeral Trusts ,, .... 805 N. 6th Educational Programs - Serving All Faiths 117 N. Wisconsin Dr. Sheboygan ue«n«*d fumt* Howards Grove 457-7012 Mark S. Zimmer 565-2311 ' ' V1A -Serving Sheboygan A Sheboygan County Since 1873J. v- • — —-s HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MARCH National Officers: Mar. 1 - Cirila Kermavner, National Auditor, Cleve., OH Mar. 8 - Josephine Muster, Past Nat’l Treasurer, 96th Birthday, Joliet, IL Mar. 9 - Victoria Bobence, Past Nat’l Pres., Ely, MN Presidents: Mar. 8 - Mary Zakrajšek, Br. 86, Nashwauk, MN Mar. 11 - Anna Mae Melle, Br. 91, Oakmont, PA Mar. 12 - Josephine Janezic, Br. 43, Milwaukee, WI Mar. 13 - Martha Koren, Br. 14, Cleveland, OH Mar. 16 - Fran Morison, Br. 2, Chicago, IL Mar. 17 - Dorothy Maurin, Br. 28, Calumet, MI Mar. 31 - Adeline Mustonen, Br. 34, Soudan, MN HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN APRIL National Officers: Apr. 21 - Hermine Dicke, Past Scholarship Dir., 87th Birthday, Madison, WI Apr. 24 - Charlotte Laurich, Reg. Pres. MN, Chisholm, MN Apr. 25 - Kathleen Emerson, Women’s Act. Dir. Orion, MI Presidents: Apr. 1 - Frances Korošec, Br. 59, Burgettstown, PA Apr. 3 - Vida Lanari, Br. 39, Biwabik, MN Apr. 4 - Margaret Gricar, Br. 71, Strabane, PA Apr. 10 - Jeanette Killoran, Br. 6, Barberton, OH Apr. 17 - Virginia Uhemik, Br. 74, Ambridge, PA Secretaries: Apr. 14 - Janet Rosenberger, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, PA Apr. 24 - Delores Puhek, Br. 2, Chicago, IL Apr. 26 - Jennie Crea, Br. 52, Kitzville, MN MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! WE HAVE A CONVENTION RAFFLE for a beautiful hand-made Quilt and Doll with 3 outfits handmade by Beverly Menart. See back cover for ticket information. A LONELY PLANET TRAVEL BOOK BY STEVE FALLON SLOVENIA Cost is $16.00 ($13.95 plus $2.05 postage and handling) Slovenian Women’s Union is proud to bring our members and friends the availability of SLOVENIA at nominal cost and convenience. Please send your orders to Slovenian Women’s Union 431 No. Chicago Street . Joliet, IL 60432 JEAN KORSMAN, National President Suggestions to Strengthen and Revitalize Branch Meetings I am concerned about the small number of branches that have elected delegates to our upcoming National Convention in Orlando, FL, May 20-23. I am also concerned that most branches have not enrolled a single new member in many years. Without new members the Zveza cannot grow. Also, many branches have retained the same officers for 10,20, or more years! They claim that “No one else will accept an office.” In some cases the officers feel entitled to be elected over and over again, and never present a slate of new names to the membership. This was never the intent of our founders; nor does it bode well for the future of our organization. New blood in these elected positions will strengthen the individual branches and permit different and free-flowing ideas to the group as a whole. No one person or group of persons should be allowed to dominate the offices and programs of the branch. Those brarches that change officers frequently allow for a more democratic and fair distribution of the perks, power and responsibilities of the office. This revitalizes the meetings and makes them more enjoyable to the whole membership. Everyone has something to offer: please encourage more of your members to get involved by taking an office. In my small branch, accepting an office usually implied several years duration; until last year when a member agreed to be the President “for one year.” That seemed to lessen the pressure and we have a change of officers for this year! Try this approach next December; you might be pleasantly surprised. The same holds true with the selection of delegates to the National Convention. Many qualified persons remain silent and are overlooked while a “volunteer” is elected because she “enjoys these functions,” has ALWAYS gone, or feels entitled because of her loyal membership; none of these are valid reasons. Once you have selected your representative, remember to support her by giving her the information she will need. Discuss the issues she will be required to vote on which will affect you, your branch and the entire SWU. Branches should send any suggestions for changes in the bylaws to me as soon as possible so that I may include them in the proposal to the Convention. V.P. Kathleen Dorchak will be forming her committee for the nomination of National Officers for the next four years. I hope you have studied your bylaws carefully and will recommend individuals who meet those qualifications. Some members were intimidated by a letter sent to all branches in October. The letterhead read “SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA” so others mistook this letter to be a directive from the National Board... This letter was NOT sent from the Home Office. It was sent from Branch 20, Joliet, IL and was their interpretation of the state of our Union now, and their ideas for improvements to be initiated in the future. I am hoping many of you will write to me in the next two months before the National Convention. The whole Union benefits when opinions from across the country are made known to the National Board. Whether you have a compliment or a complaint, please let me hear from you. If you care about the future of our SWU, have concerns about the direction we are taking, or disagree with our priorities, please sit down and write to me. I will make every effort to clarify the Board’s position. I assure you, the present Board has acted with the utmost integrity and diligence in implementing the bylaw changes voted on at our 1995 convenion. With all openness and sincerity, we have worked to improve all aspects of our SWU; from the new billing system to the major repair of the Home Office building; from the renewed attendance of National Officers at Regional Conventions to the production of our exceptional cookbook. All this was undertaken with one object in mind... to help maintain the Slovenian Women’s Union as a priority in the hearts of all its members; and to continue our progression into the 21st century. Preparations for our 23rd National Convention will be finalized, committees will be named from the list of delegates presented, bylaws change recommendations will be discussed, the required audit of the books will be conducted, and other pertinent business will be resolved at the annual Board of Directors meeting, February 18-21 in Joliet, Illinois. We look forward to seeing you all in Florida. NATIONAL SECRETARY - - KEEPING UP-TO-DATE y vye are nearing the completion of the billing process, and it never ceases to amaze me how this seems to stir up people. “How come Josie got her bill, and I didn’t?”, “I should have received bills for my grandchildren, and they haven’t arrived,” “Your invoice (which reads for Annual Membership - and is dated), doesn’t state what year this is for,” “Why don’t you put Slovenian Women’s Union at the bottom of the invoice — so when I send you the top, I know who I wrote the check for?” These are only a few of the true gems that cross our desks. We have come to realize, you cannot please everyone. An officer of one branch called when direct billing first started and stated that her members were upset because all they received was a sheet of paper with the billing on it, and that still is called to our attention. Well, this is why. We can go into expensive statements, preprinted, duplicate in copy, customized anyway we want. Right now we are dealing with an increase in postage, higher prices for ordinary supplies, we do not feel it important nor necessary that we spend money just “to look nice.” I must say that a very small percentage of members, less than 50, have complained. But, if these are things you felt were wrong, and just didn’t want to say anything, now you know the answers. The entire membership, everyone who receives an invoice, owes a big thank you to three people. During the BIG snowstorm, when invoices were piling up as they were printed, Delores Mueller managed to come to my home and picked up as many as were ready and got them into the mail. When the weather conditions improved, Frank and Frances Stepic took over the detail. There are approximately 5,000 invoices to deal with. Each one has to be folded, stuffed in the envelope, sealed and stamped. They take time to try to match up similar addresses, some branches want the invoices sent to them for ALL their members, other invoices have to be held out for credits to be applied. It is a job that demands attention and devotion. These three people have really done the bulk of it. We are so fortunate to have them. If you are saying to yourself, “Oh, I could do that,” then why do we all dread the thought of addressing, folding, sealing, stamping our Christmas cards, thank you notes, etc.? To Delores, Frank and Frances, my deep personal thanks. Many branches still have to submit their list of 1999 officers, and even their delegate information for the National Convention. These mailings were done in November to give everyone sufficient time. If such information is not received in time, the Board of Directors will make a ruling on accepting such information. We hope that you have given deep thought to the bylaws and the proposed changes that your branches would like to see considered. These should already be in the hands of the National Board. If you have proposals and have not submitted them, we suggest that you contact President Jean Korsman for her acceptance/denial of the proposal. We hope to see many of you at the National Convention which will almost be a thing of the past before the next issue of ZARJA. Join us for what will be decisions that will carry us into the new millennium. Respectfully submitted, Evelyn A. Majercik, National Secretary czJ-fah,h,i) to a£C I would like to extend a deep personal thanks to the members of the National Board of Directors who recognized a crisis!conflict in my life, who afforded me certain forgiveness in my reports and who offered their support to me in many ways. The ‘‘sisterhood’’ factor of Slovenian Women’s Union reached its peak for me at our recent Board meeting. I needed it, I accepted it, I appreciated it. Hvala Lepa. Evelyn SCHEDULE FOR THE 23rd NATIONAL CONVENTION THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1999 Delegates will be arriving in Orlando and may submit Credential Forms to the Credential Committee at the Open House. This will take place Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Marriott Hotel. For this “welcome” there will be a sumptuous buffet dinner served. FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1999 The 23rd National Convention will be opened with ceremony and greetings from local officials. Formal Opening is schedule for 8:30 a.m. followed by an address by the Keynote Speaker. Convention meeting will follow and continue all day, with luncheon recess at noon. Adjournment will be approximately 4:30 p.m. Friday evening will be scheduled for a “Mystery Dinner Show” nearby for delegates and guests who wish to join us. SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1999 Convention meeting begins at 8:30 a.m. and continues until 4:30 p.m. with luncheon recess scheduled for noon. In the evening, there will be the Convention Banquet at the Marriott Hotel. Installation of new officers will take place after dinner. SUNDAY, MAY 23, 1999 Delegates and guests will attend a Memorial Service at Mary, Queen of the Universe Shrine preceding mass. Everyone is invited to attend dressed in Slovenian National Costumes. Gathering is at approximately 9 a.m. An excursion to New Smyrna Beach, Florida is scheduled for the afternoon with bus transportation to and from. Delegates are reminded to check their air-schedules for return trips home before making plans to attend the Sunday picnic in case we return to Orlando later than 5 p.m. Events of the Convention! The following is a description of the dinners, etc. that will be offered to all delegates and guests. Prices are listed on the next page. Open House - Thursday evening - “Welcome to Orlando” - We’re together again - let’s celebrate! A buffet dinner in the Pool Pavilion at the Marriott Hotel. The menu will include a variety of salads, entree selections and a dessert table. A cash bar will be provided. Continental Breakfast - Breakfast will be provided in the meeting room on Friday and Saturday. The menu will include assorted juices, sliced seasonal fruit, assorted danish, muffins, breakfast breads, coffee and herbal tea. Deli Buffet Lunch - Lunch will be provided in the meeting room. The Deli Buffet will include salads, sliced fresh fruit, a meat selection, a selection of cheeses, as well as assorted desserts. Sleuth’s Mystery Dinner Show - This mystery show features: audience participation, prizes for successful sleuths, unlimited Michelob, Blush, Chablis or Burgundy wine, soft drinks, coffee, and iced tea. The menu includes: Hors d’oeuvres, fresh dinner rolls and butter, garden salad, choice of entree, fresh vegetable medley, and a “delicious” mystery dessert. Special prices are available for children 3-11 years old. Sleuth’s Mystery Dinner Theater is within walking distance of the hotel. However, transportation will be provided for those who would prefer not to walk or have difficulty in walking. Saturday Banquet - There is a selection between two entrees: Chicken Wellington or New York Strip Steak. Cash bar. All-American Breakfast - The menu will include fresh squeezed orange juice, assorted breakfast bakeries with preserves and butter, fluffy scrambled eggs with choice of bacon or sausage, breakfast potatoes, with fresh fruit garnish, coffee (regular/decaffeinated), and herbal teas. Picnic at SNPJ in Samsula - $5.00 admission. Enjoy a fun-filled afternoon with Florida Slovenes. There will be sandwiches, music, and a cash bar. Transportation from the Airport to the Marriott on International Drive Transportation from Orlando International Airport to the Marriott Hotel on International Drive is provided by Mears Transportation Group. Costs are as follows: Adult one way ...................... $12.00 Adult round trip..................... 21.00 Child one way ........................ 8.00 Child round trip .................... 14.00 (Children under 3 are free, child’s rate - age 4-11 years, adult - age 12 years and up) Procedures when arriving at the Orlando International Airport: Upon arrival look for the Mears Transportation Booth (located curbside at baggage claim level): Terminal “A” - Take Terminal exit through the doors in front of Baggage Claim Carousel No. 5. Terminal “B” - Take Terminal exit through the doors in front of United Baggage United Baggage Claim Carousel No. 8 or Delta Baggage Claim Carousel No. 14. At that time you can purchase a one way or round trip ticket. Round trip tickets are cheaper. Your return ticket will explain how to make your reservations with Mears Transportation to return to the airport for your trip home. PARK HOPPER CONVENTION TICKET CHILD (3-9 years) . ■ I1 m 1« • ■ : ■: . 'Ž -■ v. • -i \l{ rlt* ' m iiiiS iMp i ?v '-f i h|$*> V**(^1''I|, ALL 4 PARKS MEETING/ CONVENTION TICKET ALL 4 PARKS MEETING' CONVENTION TICKET ALL 4 PARKS MEETING/ CONVENTION TICKET Includes unlimited visits to: Magic Kingdom* Park Epcot® Disney-MGM Studios Disney's Animal Kingdom’ Includes unlimited visits to: Magic Kingdom* Park Epcot* Disney-MGM Studios Disney's Animal Kingdom1 Includes unlimited visits to: Magic Kingdom* Park Epcot* Disney-MGM Studios Disney's Animal Kingdom' PLUS: Unlimited visits to Pleasure Island PLUS: Unlimited visits to Pleasure Island PLUS: One visit to Pleasure Island $188.32 $13239 $150.46 $165.87 $125.55 $100.64 ADULT CHILD (3-9 years) < k'O : * ^WL ** Mi mm ' V» s«v V ; "■ $86.37 $68.89 Includes unlimited visits to: Magic Kingdom* Park Epcot* Disney-MGM Studios Disney's Animal Kingdom™ PLUS: One visit to Pleasure Island Detach bottom portion and return order form with payment by APRIL 23,1999 55 MEETING/CONVENTION TICKET Q (Includes Unlimited Visits To Pleasure Island) #__________________Adult Tickets @ $ 188.32 = #_________________Child Tickets (3-9 years) @ $ 150.46 = 45 MEETING/CONVENTION TICKET Q (Indudes Unlmiled Visits To Pleasure Island) #__________________Adult Tickets @ $ 165.87 = #_________________Child Tickets (3-9 years) @ $ 132.29 = 35 MEETING/CONVENTION TICKET O (Indudes One Visit lo Pleasure Island) #__________________Adult Tickets @$ 125.55 = #_________________Child Tickets (3-9 years) @ $ 100.64 = |5 MEETING/CONVENTION TICKET ■ D (Includes One Mia Pleasure bland) #. # Adult Tickets @ $ 86.37 = Child Tickets (3-9 years) @ $ 68.89 = Handling Fee (Price listed includes tax) GRAND TOTAL TOTALS 3.00 ADVANCE PURCHASE TICKETS FOR SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION Tickets Valid May 15-28,1999 NAME__________ ADDRESS_______ CITY, STATE, ZIP. TELEPHONE METHOD OF PAYMENT (Price listed includes tax. Please indude postage & handling fee of $3.00.) O Check Check #_______________________________________________ Check Total $_____________________________________ (Checks made payable to: Walt Disney World Co.) I~~l MasterCard Q Visa Q American Express Credit Card#______________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________________ Exp. Specially priced tickets are available only by returning this order form with full payment by APRIL 23, 1999 to WALT DISNEY WORLD Ticket Mail Order/ P.O. Box 10,030/ Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830 and are not available at the front gates. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Convention tickets, if available on-site, may be priced slightly higher. 246954 Slovenian Women’s Union 23rd National Convention Orlando, Florida May 20-23, 1999 REGISTRATION FORM FOR DELEGATES’ PACKAGES (Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, transporation) Visitors are requested to join the delegates in the following events FULL PACKAGE COST PER PERSON (includes the following:) Thurs. May 20: Open House - Buffet Dinner Fri. May 21: Continental Breakfast Deli Buffet Lunch Mystery Dinner-Show Select One: Honey Glazed Cornish Hen with Stuffing ______ Cheese Lasagna with Meatballs ______ Cheese Lasagna without Meatballs _____________ Prime Rib (add $3.50) _________ $184.00 $36.00 12.00 20.00 30.00 Sat. May 22: Sun. May 23: Continental Breakfast 12.00 Deli Buffet Lunch 20.00 Banquet 35.00 Select One: Chicken Wellington ____________ New York Strip _____ All-American Breakfast 14.00 Attend Mass at Mary, Queen of the Universe Shrine Please circle your response Yes No (Transportation costs not included) Afternoon picnic at SNPJ Farm, at Samsula, FL 5.00 (Transportation costs not included) Name: ________________ Address: _____________ City, State, Zipcode: Telephone: ___________ Make checks payable to: 1999 SWU National Convention Mail by April 28, 1999 to: Kathleen J. Dorchak SWU National Vice President 3088 Markle Drive Silver Lake, OH 44224 VISITOR’S PACKAGE COSTS Visitors are welcome to join the delegates in all their food servings and evening activities FULL PACKAGE (same price as delegates) $184.00 Write if you have other requests and deduct from total. Name of Visitor (guest) _________________________________ Deadline for Registration is April 28, 1999 Please indicate on your registration form if any of your guests are children. We will be able to arrange for a children’s meal with appropriate pricing for some events. Questions?? Call Kathy Dorchak at home (330) 686-1336 or work (440) 349-5836. Some suggestions for visits to entertainment in Orlando Convention Chairman, Kathy Dorchak suggests that those wishing to visit DisneyWorld, Epcot and other entertainments purchase “passes” for admission to these venues according to the offer in this ZARJA. Two day passes will allow open entrance for two days that should be sufficient for most visitors. Members are reminded that the Convention schedule does not allow free time during Friday and Saturday, also part of Thursday and Sunday; therefore, kindly make your plans to visit other places in Orlando area either before or after the Convention meetings. Please contact Kathy for more information and to learn which groups are forming for group travel, etc., from northern cities to Orlando. Craft Sale and Baby Photos Delegates have loyally supported the Convention Craft Sales at all the past conventions and are again asked to do so. Please mark the items for sale with value-pricing. Also, delegates are asked to bring their baby photos for a special display and contest. COME TO SEE US IN ORLANDO! A cordial invitation to all our members living in Florida to visit the 23rd National Convention May 20-23, 1999. The events of the Convention are listed on these pages. Perhaps one of the evening festivities or mass on Sunday, or visit to Samsula? For further information and reservations, please contact the Convention Chairman, Kathy Dorchak. cJ-fzzitagz and O/izvji Irene Planinšek Odorizzi Bonnie Prokup Illinois-Indiana Regional President Having attended the Illinois-Indiana Regional Convention on October 4, 1998 in Joliet, Illinois, at which Bonnie Prokup presided, I was very impressed with her enthusiasm, ideas and friendliness. Her performance at the convention convinced me that there must be ladies like Bonnie in other branches, daughters of officers and members, who can become active in their branches if they are encouraged and requested to become involved. Bonnie is a perfect example of a “SWU leader of today and tomorrow.” This young woman, age 30, elected to a leadership position by the midwest members, has assumed the office of President with the utmost responsibility and dedication. She is an inspiration. With more ladies like Bonnie Prokup, we can be assured that the Slovenian Women’s Union will continue into the next millennium as a vital women’s organization. Bonnie, keep up the fine work! Let’s hear from more young women out there in ZARJA-land. Slovenian Women’s Union Heritage Museum 1 (we) enclose $ ____________________________________________ In honor of_______________________________________ Same and Occasion In memory of_________________________________________________ As a Contribution ___________________________________________ Donor's Name __________________________________ Donor's Address _____________________________________________ Remember those you love and hold most dear with a gift to the Heritage Fund. Please send the donation to Heritage Director, 2362 Paddock Lane, Reston, VA 20191. Your donation will be acknowledged in the HERITAGE HEROES column. The Polka King Respect was paid to the polka king, Frankie Yan-kovic, on his passing, in the show windows of the Heritage Museum. Jonita Ruth Branch 20 prepared the tribute by placing a picture, obituary, Slovenian ribbon, flag and red carnation along with a small button box accordion and a black wreath. Inscribed on the black ribbon were the words, “Sadly missed.” Frankie, as he was lovingly referred to by Slovenian Americans, flew from Florida to Joliet in 1996, to act as mayor of the Annual Grape Harvest Festival held at the end of September. When the first Heritage Festival was held in Joliet in 1978, Frankie and his orchestra were on hand to participate in the event, donating his talent to the festivities. Jolietans, as well as other Slovenes around the U.S. will remember him fondly and through his records, tapes or CDs will recapture the moments when he, with his accordian, sang out the beautiful Slovenian melodies and crowds twirled to his polka rhythms. Bless you, Frankie, for being you and being part of the happy memories of many people! Slovenian Artist Lucille Dragovan, Br. 20, wrote to me recently stating that her Ten Mural Immigrant Project painted in Joliet, IL is now complete. The last four murals are entitled: The Procession; A Slovene Wedding; The Harvest; The Picnic. I’ve written about the progress of Lucille’s enormous project since its inception. Now that it finished I want to complement Lucille and her staff for her artistic contribution to the immigrant experience. Kudos Lucille! Lucille in front of one of her most recent works of art, exhibited at the Cultural Center in Lemont, IL Heritage Heroes CONDOLENCES Sincere sympathy is extended to Frances Morison, President of Branch 2 and her sons, on the recent demise of their husband and father, Percy Morison. This news comes as a surprise since he attended the Illinois-Indiana Regional Convention in Joliet on October 4th, 1998, and from outward appearances looked well. Mr. Morison was a vital part of the activities of Br. 2 and along with his sons, supported the efforts of Fran as she planned the many monthly activities for Branch 2. In 1983, Mrs. Morison assumed the presidency of Br. 2 and many generous donations have been made to the Heritage Fune-Museum through the fund-raising efforts of the Mori-sons. Percy will indeed be missed not only by his wife and sons but also by Branch 2. The following donations were made in the memory of Percy Morison. Donated by Kenneth and Irene Odorizzi, $10 Donated by Evelyn Majercik, $5 Another frequent contributor to the Heritage Fund, Sabina Bartol donated $10 in memory of Matilda Terselic, a long standing and active member of Branch 103 and mother-in-law of Mary Lou Terselic, President of #103. Sympathy to the Terselic family. News also arrived of the recent death of Charles Tercek, husband of Ann Tercek, President of Branch 50 and former Regional President of Ohio & Michigan. Our condolences to Ann. The following sent donations in memory of Charles. Donated by Evelyn Majercik, $5.00. Kay Yuratovac, President of Branch 73 sent $20 from the members in memory of Charles Tercek and Catherine Popez, who was a member of Branch 73. The Heritage Fund depends on the support of generous donors such as the individuals mentioned above. A personal letter was sent to each donor but as is my custom, I’m also acknowledging the donations in this column. Hvala lepa. BRANCHES SEND ANNUAL DONATIONS Mary Taucher, Secretary of Branch 47 sent $25 as the annual heritage donation from her branch. And once again, Branch 42, under the leadership of Marge Church, sent their annual donation for heritage. How reassuring it is to know that there are branches out there who remember that there are funds within the organization that depend on members for their donations to accomplish their goals. Thank you again, ladies. A second generous donation this year of $100 was sent by Branch 101 of Bedford Hgts., Ohio. They already have their name on the Museum plaque but are sharing proceeds from their treasury with Heritage for the second time. We can’t thank you enough, dear ladies! ***** THINK HERITAGE! Many thanks to Josephine Lustik, Second National Auditor, for her generous annual donation of $50.00 in memory of her parents, Mary and Joseph Vidmar of Joliet, Illinois. Jo has been a steady heritage contributor and I send appreciation to her for her thoughtful generosity. Whenever I return to Joliet and pass the Vidmar home, memories of Joe’s parents return to me. Not only were they our neighbors but also customers of my parents’ grocery and meat market. If I were an artist, I would paint them, as they are still clearly etched in my memory. May these two Slovenian immigrants rest in peace. Many thanks once again, Jo. ***** Another generous donation arrived from Janice Mueller of LaSalle, Illinois in memory of Olga Jakse Fritz who passed away Oct. 3, 1998. Since becoming a member just a few years ago, she has made many heritage contributions. In the letter accompanying her check Janice wrote: “I am sending the check for the Heritage Museum Fund. Olga was a member of the SWU. She ran a beauty shop for many years in her home... She was a kind and gentle person. I am enclosing a recipe for her Scotch cookies. I never tasted any that could come close to hers." Many thanks to you, Janice, and condolences on the loss of your friend. Kathy, Jonita and Millie Thank you Branch 20 Volunteers On November 15th Pat Figurowski and Jo Lustik participated in a Craft Sale at the Slovenian Cultural Center in Lemont, IL. They took many Heritage items from tee-shirts and aprons to books and cards for their booth. On that same day, Jonita Ruth and Charlene Kobe, President of branch 20, were behind a craft booth selling Slovenian items at the St. Joseph Craft Sale. To these four salesladies of Branch 20, we say, “thanks for spreading the word by promoting items that bear the Slovenian motif.” Four $1,000 Scholarships for 50th Anniversary -1999 High School Graduating Seniors: Apply now for a 1999 scholarship award if you have been actively involved with the Slovenian Women’s Union, graduating this spring and plan to atten an accredited college or university next fall. All required data must be received by March 17, 1999. Write to Mary Turvey, Director, 52 Oakridge Drive, Marquette, Michigan 49855 for application forms and further information. Ann Saari John Bobence 5.00 SWU Scholarship Fund Donations Bill Slogar John Bobence 5.00 June 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998 Gloria Dusek Josephine Nowak 40.00 Br. 20, Joliet, IL Isabelle Russ 5.00 Donor In Honor of Amount Br. 20, Joliet, IL Olga Gregorash 5.00 Br. 20, Jolit, IL Mary Klein 5.00 SWU, Br. 103, Wash. DC Scholarship Fund 23.00 Br. 20, Joliet, IL Mary Fedo 5.00 Anne F. Perhay Scholarship Fund 10.00 Br. 20, Joliet, IL Stella Tezak 5.00 SWU, Br. 2, Chicagi, IL Scholarship Fund 500.00 Br. 20, Joliet, IL Genevieve Krieger 5.00 Dr. Don & Fran Carek Scholarship Fund 500.00 Br. 20, Joliet, IL Elizabeth Delaney 5.00 Keith & Marion Bowers Marie Prisland, Founder 500.00 Br. 20, Joliet, IL Anne Fandak 5.00 Wally&Jo Lustik Scholarship Fund 40.00 Adeline Mustonen Norma Zbasnik 5.00 Justine Pieman Scholarship Fund 10.00 Bill Slogar John Melovasich 5.00 Evelyn Pipoly Scholarship Fund 10.00 Ann Saari John Melovasich 5.00 Anna Kosten Scholarship Fund 5.00 Russell Robertson John Skraba 20.00 Mary Maxin Scholarship Fund 30.00 Ernie & Rosanne Robertson John Skraba 20.00 SWU, Br. 32, Euclid, OH Scholarship Fund 25.00 Agnes Zaverl John Skraba 10.00 SWU, Br. 55, Girard, OH Scholarship Fund 38.00 OlgaFeroni John Skraba 10.00 Josephine A. Misic SWU Foundation 100.00 Mary Melavasich John Skraba 5.00 Dennis & Mary Lou Feroni John Skraba 20.00 in Memory of Joseph & Helvi Mertel John Skraba 10.00 Mr. Mrs. Paul Bledsoe Cecelia Horzen 5.00 Br. 47, Garfield Hts., OH Mary Kastelic 5.00 Rosa & Bebe Lobe Charles Pirtz 5.00 Ann Saari Pauline Lopp 5.00 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Horn Mary Suda 10.00 Bill Slogar Pauline Lopp 5.00 Janvid & Mary Staut Frank Debevec 10.00 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Skraba Janvid & Mary Staut Antonija Vekar 10.00 Jerome, Roger, Br. 5, Indianapolis, IN Mary Huskee (90 yrs.) 10.00 Darrell, Rhonda John Skraba 50.00 Br. 5, Indianapolis, IN Frances Konovsek (90 yrs.) 10.00 Janvid & Mary Staut JohnR. Routar, Jr. 10.00 Br. 5, Indianapolis, IN Mary McCracken 10.00 Janvid & Mary Staut Leo Muskatevc 20.00 1999 is the 50th Anniversary Year of the SWU Scholarship Fund! Please make your donations to help us Keep The Dream Alive! Remember a loved one, or a special occasion with a donation to this Fund. qJo (Rdp (Keep the (£}ream s{five gift to the Slovenian Women's ’Union Qcholarship (Program has been made for H Stouinian. ^Union SJiolauliiji (Pioyicm 0 (iveJ znatois. $ _________________________________ On honor of dVame. and IL>ohot i <5/Vame. (j2>onot \ c/J-daizii __________________________________________ City_____________________________ State_________ Zifi (2ocU Send your donation to Mary Turvey, 52 Oakridge Dr. Marquette, MI 49855 In Celebration of the Scholarship Fund’s 50th Anniversary -we continue with the Biographies of past Scholarship Winners Margaret Hodnik, scholarship winner in 1974, Branch 35 of Duluth, Minnesota has willingly helped promote the Scholarship Fund with her contribution. I attended Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota graduating magna cum laude with a degree in English. ™ After college, I worked in St. Paul for a financial services and insurance company being promoted into successive positions in marketing. I then decided to return to Northern Minnesota, moving to Duluth. I am now an industrial account manager for the local utility company with responsibility for managing all aspects of our working relationships and contracts with two taconite mines, who are large customers as well as major contributors of the economic well-being of the region. My home life is extremely important to me and I attribute this, in part, to my Slovenian and family heritage. I derive great satisfaction from owning and maintaining my home, gardening, cooking, baking, doing needlework and other home arts. I have maintained a great interest in my spiritual growth and development which had its earliest beginnings through the gentle influence of Fr. Steven Savin-shek and family and community members in my home parish. I am a member of the local parish in Duluth. Regarding community involvement, I have participated in a one-on-one reading tutoring program at a local elementary school and other activities that support the well being of children. I wish to thank the Slovenian Women’s Union for preserving and sharing the gifts of our culture and for its support of my formal education. Margaret Hodnik Janvid & Mary Staut Alvin Kaltinger 10.00 Janvid & Mary Staut Julie Trybula 10.00 B ill S logar & Ann Saari Jeanette Smrekar 10.00 Br. 47, Maple Hts., OH Helen Krofl 5.00 Janet Wilson Sophie Stamfel 20.00 Rose T. Roesch Clarence Roesch 10.00 AnnTercek VidaGawenda 10.00 Ann Tercek Robert Sterling 5.00 Br. 16, Chicago, IL Mary Priesol 10.00 Leona Stampfel Trovitch Sophie Stamfel 10.00 Marge Church David Kosak 10.00 Br. 42, Maple Hts., OH David Kosak 10.00 Br. 20, Joliet, IL MaryJoMullin 5.00 Br. 20, Joliet, IL Louise Dobczyk 5.00 Br. 20, Joliet, IL Frances Pajak 5.00 Robert Skul Family Josephine Milosevich 20.00 Ann Saari Mary Stebler 5.00 Bill Slogar Mary Stebler 5.00 Ann Saari & Bill Slogar Sister Boniface 10.00 Barbara Urick John Simonich 5.00 Br. 16, Chicago, IL Martina Martin 10.00 Br. 23,Ely,MN Julia Hegfors 5.00 Bill Slogar Julia Hegfors 5.00 Ann Saari Julia Hegfors 5.00 Br. 16, Chicago, IL Mary Putzell 10.00 AnnL. Hodnik Mary Smolich 5.00 Bill Slogar & Ann Saari Leona Jandrey 10.00 Jennifer Grisham, Joliet, Illinois received a Scholarship award in 1993 and has graciously offered the following: Since my freshman year in college, many wonderful things have been happening in my life. I attended Illinois “ State University for my first two years of college before transferring to the University of Arizona. At the U of A. I majored in Fine Arts with an emphasis in Dance. I received numerous scholarships and awards some of which included: Gayle MacNeil Performing Arts Scholarship, Regents Fine Arts Tuition Waiver, Halderman Performing Arts Scholarship, Dean’s List and Outstanding Senior Dance Division. In 1997, I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, graduating magna cum laude. I now am living in Chicago and am actively pursuing my career in dance. I have performed for the Cerqua/Rivera Art Experience, Asimina Chremos, Paula Frasz and numerous independent choreographers. I have recently been hired to choreograph new works for the Chicago’s Next Dance Festival 1999 and the Duets for My Valentine concert which takes place at the Athenaeum Theatre here in Chicago. In addition to performing, I will be teaching dance to children at the Old Town School of Folk Music. Also, beginning this January I will be attending the Chicago School of Massage Therapy and will graduate in April 2000 as a certified massage therapist. Most recently, I became engaged to be married. My fiance, Michael Dobbs, and I are planning the wedding for June 2000. It will take place at the Rialto Theatre in Joliet, Illinois. I thank the Slovenian Women’s Union for helping me to further my college education. I am grateful to you and very much appreciate all of your assistance. Jennifer Grisham SHELIGA DRUG INC. 6025 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 431-1035 Serving our neighborhoods' daily needs First Midwest Bank ▼J National Association 50 W. Jefferson Street Joliet, Illinois 60431 (815 727-5222 gg HIS HOLINESS, JOHM PAUL II VISITS ST. LOUIS, MD After months of joyful anticipation and much planning, the Holy Father came to St. Louis for two wonderful days - January 26 and 27. Tickets to each event were gotten through lottery drawings at each parish. He arrived about 1 p.m. from a trip to Mexico. Our Archbishop and local reporters went to Mexico to meet him, so we were building up with excitement before his arrival. After a reception at the airport by religious and civic leaders, as well as President Clinton, he proceded by motorcade in Popemobile to Archbishop Rigali’s home for lunch and rest. Early in the morning, the young people had gathered for a parade from the Gateway Arch to the Kiel Center (home of St. Louis Blues Hockey team) for a “Light of the World Youth Conference.” They filled the Center and the overflow crowd gathered in a 6-block area park nearby. There was singing, speakers and activities. The Holy Father arrived for an early evening prayer service amidst applause, shouts, music and tears of the nearly 20,000 gathered inside and outside. There were large screens placed around so everyone could see. He urged the young people to be the light of the world and encouraged them to consider the religious life. He was presented with a Mitre, a hockey stick, and a Blues’ jersey with his name on it and the No. 1. He smiled and said “so I am prepared to return once again to play hockey,” which brought another roar from the crowd. The next day’s schedule was a 9:30 a.m. mass at the TWA Dome. There were 110,000 people there and everything was well organized and went smoothly. We all arrived by shuttle buses from throughout the Archdiocese, leaving home as early as 2:30 a.m. and everyone had to be seated, for security reasons, by 7:30 a.m. There was singing and music while waiting for the Pope to arrive. He toured the entire area in the Popemobile, before going to the altar. The mass was a very moving experience. There were hundreds of volunteers who helped with transportation, ushering, food concessions and communion distribution. Volunteers wore yellow vests and those who accompanied a priest during communion, carried yellow and white umbrellas to identify their location. All received communion within a 20-minute period. That evening, there was an interfaith vesper service at the Cathedral Basilica. Another 2,000 were packed in to hear the Pope speak of the historic ecumenical event at which a Jewish Rabbi read from the Book of Isiah, and clergy of other religions were there and presented him with a proclamation, announcing the creation of “Faith beyond walls.” Hundreds stood outside the cathedral for his departure to the airport, where another group of civic and religious leaders, and children, bid him farewell. During all these events, there was much applause, shouts, prayers and tears of joy. What a wonderful blessing for all of us. Jo A nee I NEW S.W.U. COOKBOOK! Dedicated to Hermine Dicke Enjoy it and share it with your family and friends The PERFECT gift for all occasions Features of the NEW cookbook include: 600 Great Recipes with easy formats 171 NEW recipes from our members Place your order now -$18.00 per book, postpaid noRffiS-FANS ■ • • V- v AUTHENTIC SLOVENIAN RECIPES: Favorites of three generations Detailed Instructions Origins of regional recipes Historical Information Maps and notes of interest! Heritage illustrations by renowned artist, Nancy Bukovnik SLOVENIAN - AMERICAN COOKBOOK_____________ Make checks payable to: Slovenian Women’s Union (or S.W.U.) Mail to: 431 North Chicago Street Joliet. IL 60432 Please allow three weeks for delivery On the Cover: SLOVENIAN EASTER CUSTOMS Holy Saturday: Blessing of Food On the day before Easter Sunday, ceremonious traditions bring much joy and satisfaction to people who profess the Catholic faith in Slovenia. They observe customs that are decades old and deeply intertwined with their religion and bring them closer to the meaning of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. After a 40-day Lenten observance comes Holy Week that begins with Palm Sunday and ends with Easter. So, on Holy Saturday, with everything coming to a climax, the people enter into the spirit of it with enthusiasm and happiness. Holy Saturday preparations are a family project, although the main activity takes place in the kitchen. The housewife prepares certain foods that will be blessed that day and the daughters get ready to carry the food basket(s) to church. Dads and sons are in the fields joining their neighbors in what will later be a very rousing welcome to Easter! The Basket: Although the size of the basket may vary according to the familiy’s desires, it is usually large, with a handle, and smoothly woven. When filled, it is covered with a linen cloth that is embroidered or decorated with designs depicting the Easter motif - namely, the lamb, cross, banner, etc. Most families have this cloth only for the Easter food basket. The Food: The following items of food are prepared and gently placed into the basket in a beautiful arrangement. Meat - ham, pork, beef (whatever is preferred) depicts the body of Jesus; Sausage - are the ropes that bound Jesus as He was taken from Golgotha; Bread - baked in a round or circular shape means the crown of thorns; Horseradish root - represents the nails that were used to crucify Jesus, or may mean the crucifixion itself; Eggs - hard cooked and colored red, they represent the drops of Jesus’ blood. If not colored, (white) can represent the Tomb from which Jesus resurrected; Orange - is the sponge that was offered to Jesus with a bitter drink. In some areas the family’s favorite bread is also put into the basket such as “potica” or “vrtenica” (Prekmurje). The Blessed Food Basket Ritual: In American-Slovenian communities and parishes there is usually a schedule for the Food Blessing in church on Holy Saturday when the priest sprinkles the baskets with holy water as he blesses each item of food. In Slovenia this is done either on Holy Saturday or early Easter morning. The prepared Easter Food Basket is brought to church by the housewife or daughter in the family - this is a special honor for her. In Koroška, the moment she leaves her house and heads for church with her basket, there is gunfire sounding from the nearby fields as the boys begin to shoot - as an expression of joy at the ending of Lent. Such gunfire also sounds when the girls are returning home from church with the blessed food... it’s one shot per girl, and for an exceptionally pretty girl, there may be two shots fired! In Gorenjska there is a “race” of young maidens out of church to see who will get home first. The winner of this race is assured, by legend, that she will be married that year! This crowd of girls running out of church and down the village streets is fun for everyone to watch and cheer! Once the basket gets home, it is placed on the table until the time for the distribution to each member of the family; they gather early Easter Sunday morning to eat this blessed food before anything else. At the town of Kremenik in the Poljanska dolina area and in certain villages in Notranjska, the basket is first placed outside the door or on the window sill to be accessible to the “Pope’s blessing” that comes (airbom) from Rome and is supposed to keep the family safe all year long. There is another legend they follow in Prekmurje, that if the basket is carried among the trees in an orchard, and touched by them, the trees will be more productive that year. It’s a beautiful Easter custom to have the food blessed, and then to have the family participate in its consumption - all the while reminiscing on the religious meaning of this holy day. Editor CORINNE LESKOVAR: MORE POTS AND PANS About the Artist: NANCY BUKOVNIK The focus of our new cookbook was always clear. We wanted a book that reflected the good work of our former cookbook editor, Hermine Dicke. We wanted a lot of new recipes from our members. We wanted to search out Slovenian recipes that have not as yet been printed either in the previous cookbooks, or our ZARJA; in other words, to find good recipes of Slovenian foods from other sources. And, finally, we wished for a way to combine all these aspects into a book that would be beautiful and would reflect, in an artistic way, how we feel about our ethnic inheritance. Cleveland artist, Nancy Bukovnik, came to us through the efforts of Prof. Edi Gobetz of the Slovenian Research Center in Cleveland. Asking him for his guidance, Nancy’s name was the first name mentioned. Her work was already known to us through her sketches for Christmas and Mother’s Day cards; one on the ZARJA cover picture in 1991 was selected because the Madonna, dressed in a Slovenian national costume, is so unique and lovely. And now, Nancy’s art is a part of our beautiful new cookbook and we are most proud to share it with our children, grandchildren, and others interested in the cooking we members of Slovenian Women’s Union love. In order to better acquaint you with Nancy, our new member and cookbook illustrator, read on. Nancy Bukovnik graduated with honors from Monticello College in Godfrey, Illinois, where she was art editor of Monticello Times, and from The Cleveland Institute of Art, where she was a finalist for the Gund Award. A self-employed artist, commissioned by individuals and corporations throughout America, she has illustrated numerous publications, ranging from commercial directories for Ohio Bell to children’s books and school texts. She received many prizes and awards, including the Gold Medal Award from the Cleveland Society of Communicating Arts, CA Magazine Award for Excellence, and Award of Distinction for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Graphic Communications at the Chicago I Exhibit. Proud of he* Slovenian heritage, she still knows Slovenian language and has diversified and enriched her art by incorporating many Slovenian motifs. She is a member of various American art groups and also of the Arts Committee of the Slovenian Research Center of America, Inc. Dear Nancy, thank you so much for your art! The whole book is a delight because of it! It’s compelling cover picture invites everyone to buy it! SWU is truly grateful! BISHOP ANTON MARTIN SLOMŠEK FIRST SLOVENIAN SAINT! On Sunday September 19, 1999, the Holy Father, John Paul II will proclaim Anton Martin Slomšek as Blessed, the first step in the beatification process of sainthood in the Roman Catholic Church. It will take place in the city of Maribor, the seat of Slomšek’s episcopate. This once-in-a lifetime event will be attended by many Slovenians from around the world and you are invited to join the group leaving Chicago on or about September 6th for an 18 day tour that will bring you to Maribor on Sept. 19th. Other features include 10 days touring the most beautiful places in Slovenia and concluding with a visit to Budapest in Hungary. Visit to Medjugorje The famous Marian Shrine and Pilgrimage Center at Medjugorje will be the first stop on this tour, with additional sightseeing along the Adriatic coastline. The group of midwestemers who are planning this trip have already had two very successful excursions to Slovenia. The itinerary is custom designed to include the most beautiful sights, highest class restaurants and deluxe or first class hotels throughout. Join us for MANY SPLENDORS OF SLOVENIA TOUR III. Corinne Leskovar, (773) 275-1115 For inquiries, information and reservations, please contact Rudi Crnekovic, at Priority Travel, 35 W. Wacker Dr., Suite 3450, Chicago, IL 60601, telephone (312) 782-7340. MANY SPLENDORS OF SLOVENIA TOUR III: SEPT. 6-23, 1999 Preliminary Itinerary:----------------------------------------------- Day 1: Arrival at Dubrovnik. Welcome and transfer to First Class Hotel. Dinner and overnight. Day 2: Morning tour of ancient city of Dubrovnik. Lunch and afternoon excursion to Locrum Island. Dinner and overnight. Day 3: Day at Medjugorje after morning drive. Visit to “Hill of Apparition.” Accommodations and meals at a “pension” (rooms with private facilities.) Day 4: Split - morning drive. Lunch and afternoon visit to Diocletian’s Palace and Cathedral. Open air market. Dinner at a fish resturant and overnight a First Class Hotel. Day 5: Drive to Plitvice Lakes - (“a wonder of the world”). Lunch and afternoon tour of the national park. Dinner and overnight at Plitvice. Day 6: Čatež - morning drive. Free day at Health and Beauty Spa. Dinner at Castle restaurant at Mokrice (13 c.) Day 7: Čatež - Novo Mesto - Žužemberg - Muljava - Ljubljana. Morning at leisure in Čatež. After lunch, afternoon visit to Novo Mesto, then along Krka River to Ljubljana. Dinner and overnight at First Class Hotel. Day 8: Ljubljana - tour of city. Dinner at local restaurant with music (zither). Day 9: Ljubljana - Bled - Bohinj Drive to Blejska Dobrava, walk through Vintgar mountain gorge, across Pokluka to Bohinj. Cable car ride to top of Mt. Vogel (1922 m). Lunch by the lake and afternoon drive to Bled, the Island, and stop for dinner. Overnight Ljubljana. Day 10: Idrija - Divje jezero - Poljanska dolina - Škofja Loka -Ljubljana. Visit to Idrija, its Museum, Gerwerkenegg Castle (16th c.). See some of the beautiful Idrijske čipke (laces) and Divje jezero, place where Camiolan Primrose grows. Dinner at Škofja Loka, attractive, restored medieval town. Overnight Ljubljana. Day 11: Gornji Grad - Logarska dolina - Zreče/Rogla A day reserved for the Upper Savinja Valley with numerous waterfalls, springs and gorges surrounded by 2000 m peaks. En route visit to Cathedral at Gornji Grad and the museum of sacred vestments at Radmirje and lunch at a holiday farm. Dinner and overnight at Zreče or Rogla on Pohorje mountain range (1500 m). Day 12: Zreče-Ptuj - Maribor From Rogla to Ptujska Gora, en route visit Štatenberg, an 18th c. baroque manor, the Pilgrimage Church of Blessed Mother, the Castle of Ptuj and the oldest town in Slovenia, Ptuj. Dinner at local restaurant and overnight in Maribor. Day 13: Maribor for Pope’s visit and Beatification ceremonies. Day 14: Maribor - second largest town in Slovenia, visit to the Grajski trg and scenic park, visit to Lent oti the Drava riverfront. Lunch at Slovenske Gorica area and overnight at Moravske Toplice. Day 15: Balston - Budapest Morning Drive across Slovenian border to Hungary, along the great Balaton Lake to capital of Hungary, Budapest. Dinner and overnight at Deluxe Hotel. Day 16: Budapest Sightseeing of city on the Danube, the former cities of Buda and Pest are linked by a series of graceful bridges, some of which you will cross during the morning sightseeing tour: The Parliament, Royal Palace, Castle Hill area, fisherman’s Bastion, Coronation Church. Dinner at Csarda and overnight. Day 17: Return to USA VEDA PONIKVAR: FROM OUR HERITAGE KITCHENS As the doldrums of January and February vanish, people the world over look to March and April as the harbingers of Spring. March can be cold and blustery, or warm with the fragrance of early spring woodland blossoms. This year, the whole month of March is marked with Lenten rituals. The solemness is enriched with the observance of St. Patrick’s Day on the 17th and St. Joseph’s Day on the 19th. Easter Sunday falls on April 4th. It is a Christian festival that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the most important Holy day of the Christian religion. Before Jesus was bom, the people living in northern Europe had a goddess called Eostre, the goddess of Spring. Every springtime, the people held a festival for her. The name of our spring festival, Easter, comes from the name Eostre. Easter Sunday is very special in many homes. It is a time of beautiful Easter Sunday services, followed by wonderful dinners. From the Slovenian kitchens come delicious menus that include ham with walnut potica, yummy strudels, rich mouth-watering Krofi, Šarkelj, and Žolca. VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE From Branch 38 member, loyal Frances Zalec shares two of her special recipes. ROŽIČEV A POTICA (St. John’s Bread or Carob Potica) Dough: 1 cup hot milk \ cup butter 1 teaspoon salt l/2 cup sugar 2 packages yeast K cup warm milk 2 eggs 4l,2 cups flour Heat milk. Add butter to melt. Stir in salt and sugar. Cool to warm. Dissolve yeast in cup warm milk. Stir into warm milk mixture. Add eggs and 21;2 cups of flour. Beat at high special with mixed 2 minutes. Add 2 more cups of flour, by hand. Stir until blended. Knead very little-just until dough is slightly sticky, adding more flour sparingly, if needed. Place in greased bowl and turn to grease top of dough. Cover and let rise until double in bulk. About one hour. When doubled, place on flour-covered cloth and with rolling pin roll to about 29x32 inches. Spread with filling. Filling (Rožičev nadev) 1-12 oz. package of St. John’s bread powder or flour, or 1 l,i cups of Carob powder 1 cup hot milk or sweet cream l,i stick butter 1 teaspoon lemon rind 1;8 teaspoon cinnamon l/i cup sugar 1;8 cup honey (optional) l'i cup raisins (optional) Stir the St. John’s bread or Carob into the hot milk or cream. Add softened butter, lemon rind, cinnamon, sugar and honey. Mix well. Add ]/3 to 1,2 cup more milk if necessary, to spread easily. Spread filling to within one inch of rolled dough. Strew raisins over top; sprinkle with a little more sugar. On narrow side, roll up dough. Cut in half and place in two well greased 131/2 by 4*72 inch pans. Cover. Let rise 1 hour. Brush with egg yoke mixed with a little water. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes. (Editor’s note: Fresh St. John’s Bread was plentiful in the early twenties and thirties. It is now hard to find in grocery stores and is available in our eastern states. The seeds must be removed and the St. John’s bread ground if one wishes truly Rožičeva Potica). * * * * * * * * This recipe is shared by Gert Zakrajšek, Br. 38 Corresponding Secretary. BEST EVER COLE SLAW DRESSING 1 cup oil 3/4 cup white vinegar 1/i cup sugar 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon celery seed 1 medium onion grated Blend in blender and refrigerate. Shake well before using. To your sliced cabbage, add a small amount of red cabbage, carrot, and celery. 5|c $ $ $ sje % jjc Shared by Yours Truly-Rolls that you can’t stop eating CARAWAY CLOVERLEAF ROLLS 2 packages active dry yeast \l2 cups warm water 1 cup whole wheat flour cup sugar cup vegetable oil 2 teaspoons Caraway seeds 11;2 teaspoons salt 3^2 to 4 cups all purpose flour In mixing bowl dissolve yeast in water. Add whole wheat flour, sugar, oil, caraway, salt, and 2 cups of all purpose flour. Beat until smooth. Add enough of remaining flour to form a soft dough. Turn onto a floured board and knead until smooth and elastic -about 6 to 8 minutes. Place in greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover and let rise until doubled - about 1 hour. Punch dough down. Divide in half. Then divide each half into 36 pieces, shape into balls, and place 3 balls in each greased muffin cup. Cover and let rise until doubled, about 30 minutes. Bake at 375 degrees 15 to 18 minutes or until golden brown. A Blessed and Happy Easter to everyone from all of us in Minnesota. flCTIUITIES NO. 2, CHICAGO, IL Meeting: 2nd Thurs. St. Stephen’s lower hall Our first meeting of ’99 was scheduled as usual for the 2nd Thursday of the month, however, our area was hit with the “Blizzard of 99” on meeting day in January. Because we had snow drifts 5’ or more and could not get out of our houses we had to re-schedule for the following week. Finally, we were able to “Celebrate the New Year” - Ray Nusko had the hall decorated for our New Years party, Joe Worth cheered us with pretty red carnation bouquets on each table. There were 25 members present. Our hall was also draped and memorial prayers were said for the members we lost since our last meeting: Percy Morison, Maria Pecarich and Evelyn Tome. The new officers for 1999 were installed by Rose Mary Litwin. Discussed the National Convention/ Florida. We Jiad such a great time at the last convention in San Francisco, we are still talking about it. I think most of us left our hearts there. We are sending 2 delegates and 2 alternates (D. Puhek, J. Železnikar, R.M. Litwin and Rigler). We are hoping that those members who are unable to attend the monthly meetings will be able to make the trip to Fla. Everyone will have a good time and I know that the chairperson, Kathy Dorchak has worked really hard to get this together. The convention is also work for those who are sent by their branches. If you have anything you would like brought up, problems you would like solved, changes that need to be corrected, people you would like on the Board, please call Fran Morison. Br. 2 purchased a full page ad for $100.00 in the Convention ad book. We were each given the cutest little smiley face pins, which were made by Percy before he died. Marija Rigler was voted as our “Mother of the Year”. She always prepares the Slovenian potato salad at Zveza Day Picnic and she is in charge of the kitchen at our meetings. Ray Ceferin, son of Victor and Rose Ceferin, (all members of Br. 2), recently became engaged to Melanie Fuller. They are planning to get married in June of 2000. Ray is a 1992 graduate of Northern Illinois University. Melanie is a 1996 graduate of Illinois State. They both currently work in downtown Chicago. Good luck to Melanie and Ray on their recent engagement! juuuuuifi-fl a.O-tt.iLajuuuuuuLaju The new cook books are on sale at the S.W.U. Office/Joliet. They are really nice. If you are interested, please send a check for $18.00 and it will be sent to you. (Address: S.W.U. Home Office, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432. Tel: (815) 727-1926). Remember: The Slovenian Mass is said the first Sunday of each month by Father Peter Lah at St. Stephen’s: 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Father Stan is in the hospital, please remember him in your prayers. Also, remember in your prayers all our sick and those in nursing homes; Albie Toplak Cecich, Anna Szieska, Danica Vlahovič, Mary Vrhovnik, Frances Jasbec, Bernice Foley, Josie Squok. A card or call would really cheer them up. We have lost another very active member, Mrs. Josie Lukaszewski. Besides S.W.U. Br. 2 and Sr. Women of St. Stephen’s, she was active in many other organizations, especially the 25th Ward Democratic Organization. Josie was a very talented lady, she was an artist; her hands were never still, they were always flying making something for someone. She will be missed by many. Our condolences to her family and to her sister Helen Fitzgerald and her family. Remember her in your prayers that she will rest in peace. Heartfelt sympathy to the Jagar family. Just as we finalized this ZARJA, we learned of the passing of our 56-year member, on Feb. 18th, Mary Jagar who was well known in our circle. She was buried from St. Stephen’s and our members prayed and attended the funeral. May she rest in peace. Thanks to TV station EWTN - we were privileged to see our Holy Father, Pope John Paul on his visit to Mexico and St. Louis. It was all so touching and beautiful. We hope he can make a return visit to Chicago. March 11 - Bring your favorite dish for our St. JosephTable. It will be fun. April 4 - We will celebrate Easter -our last in the 20th century. Our condolences to the Franciscan Fathers on their loss of Father Warren Petemal. He, attended St. Stephen’s School and had his first Mass at St. Stephen’s June, 1943. Also, to the Sisters of Lemont on their loss of Sister Mary Aloysius Madic. May they rest in peace. Try to get a new member for Zveza - we need them! “Come and share a pot of tea... my home is warm and my friendship free.” Love, DAISY NO. 3, PUEBLO, CO Meeting: 1st Tues. St. Mary’s Church Hall After our meeting was opened with a prayer, a memorial tribute was given for Mary Karlinger and Mary Kambich. Josephine Krašovec was unanimously chosen as our Mother of the Year. She is very worthy of this honor. The books were audited by yours truly, Pauline Pauchick, and Katherine Kochevar and were found to be in perfect order. I, Pauline Pauchick, will be a delegate for SWU No. 3 to the SWU National Convention in May in Orlando, Florida. Illinois/Indiana State Convention The Illinois/Indiana State Convention was held on October 4, 1998 in Joliet, Illinois and hosted by Branch 20. This was a special year for Branch 20 as they were also celebrating their 70th year. Prior to the breakfast any members who arrived early were welcomed at our newly decorated Slovenian Heritage Museum. The lovely volunteers greeted us at the front door, invited us in to browse around, shop and then later to eat Potica, apple strudel and drink coffee. This was a treat for most of the ladies since it was the first time they had seen our Museum. Prior to our 9:30 a.m. meeting Branch 20 arranged a delicious breakfast. We had a wonderful turnout for our meeting including many of our National Officers. The meeting was opened with a prayer from Father David followed by an introduction of the head table. In attendance were Kathleen Dorchak - National Vice President, Evelyn Majer-cik - National Secretary, Beverly Menart - National Treasurer, Cirila Kermavner - 1st Auditor, Pat Figurowski -2nd Auditor, Jo Lustik - 3rd Auditor, Irene Odorizzi -Heritage Director, Mary Turvey - Scholarship Fund Director, Corinne Leskovar - Zarja Editor, Genevieve Buol -Illinois/Indiana State Vice President, Char Kobe - Branch 20 President and Father David Stalzer - Spiritual Advisor of Br. 20. Genevieve Buol read minutes from the 1997 State Convention held in LaSalle, Illinois. We had seven of nine branches in attendance and giving delegate reports. Reports from the two branches that were unable to attend were read; their presence was sadly missed. Unfortunately our branch 22 from Bradley, Illinois is left with only a few members with most of them over the age of 90. The other branch missing was Br. 5 from Indianapolis; they had prior commitments. It seems that all of our branches are facing the same problem of how to get the younger members involved. We talked about getting a committee together to see if we could come up with some ideas. We also talked about how important the ZARJA magazine and Corinne Leskovar is to us. This magazine is what keeps us all together and without it we will loose our sisterhood. Next year’s State Convention is still up in the air as we are waiting to see if Br. 22 will host the Convention in Bradley, Illinois. Daisy Zelznikar and I offered to actually do the work if Br. 22 would make the few preliminary arrangements that would be necessary. Several members from the National Office were also given the chance to say a few words. Kathleen Dorchak spoke to all of us about the upcoming National Convention. Mary Turvey had a wonderful speech including words she wrote about her grandmother, Marie Prisland that she wished to once again share with everyone. Corinne Leskovar spoke about the new cookbook and Evelyn Majercik talked about the secretary’s position. Overall it was a successful meeting lasting well over one hour. We had to make sure we were in St. Joseph’s Church for 11:30 a.m. Polka Mass. This was my first Polka Mass of many to come. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The reception was held at the Empress Grand Ballroom. The dinner was opened with a welcome from the Toastmis-tress Bertha Planinšek Hofer followed by Anna Mae Lukančič singing the Star Spangled Banner. The Slovenian Singers continued with the Slovenian Anthem. The evening also included dinner, 70th anniversry recognitions and a presentation by the Veselje Folk dancers from the Slovenian Cultural Center of Lemont. The day was a huge success with many thanks going to the Co-chairpersons, Father Dave Stalzer, Jonita Ruth and Pat Figurowski. They went above and beyond the call of duty! Also many thanks to everyone who came from far away including all of those special ladies and men who came from the rest of the country to help celebrate Joliet’s 70th Anniversary and to attend our State Convention! Bonnie Pohar Prokup State President Anna Klun brought the mystery gift which was won by Helen Kaplan. Hostesses Elsie Kocman and Lillian Galich served us strudel, which was delicious. After the meeting adjourned, Bingo was played. St. Mary’s Church once again had a spaghetti dinner and bake sale in February. Many of our members helped with this project. Congratulations are in order for Anthony Perko for academic honors. He attends Pitts Middle School and is the son of Ursula and Charles Perko and grandson of Josephine and Charles Perko and Anna Knific. Worthy of mention is Gina Golob, wife of Danny Golob, daughter of Bernice and Rudy Krašovec and granddaughter of Mary Hiza. Gina is in Romania with a group in a humanitarian mission ministering to orphans in an orphange there. She is to be commended for giving of her time for this. We are all getting familiar with Grant Macklem as I have mentioned Grant and his numerous achievements many times. Congratulations are again in order for Grant as he was named on the dean’s list for the fall semester in the college of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He is the son of Roger and Mary Macklem and grandson of Frances Ondovchik. As always, get well wishes are extended to the people who are ill; remembered in our prayers are the home-bound and condolences are extended to all who have lost loved ones. PAULINE PAUCHICK NO. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, IN Meeting: 1st Thurs. SND, from May to Dec. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, despite all the snow in Indiana. Next time come and see me in Texas! We dipped down to the 30’s for a week and back up to the 60’s and 70’s in January and February. Spring is on the way to Indiana (at least I hope so). Our annual holiday party and meeting was held on December 3, 1998. I think everyone who attended had a good time. Election of officers took place and a motion was made to keep the current officers. They graciously agreed to remain. What would we do without these ladies! Our Officers Phyllis Fon - President Mary Frances Mohr - Sec.-Treas. Dolores Konechnik - Rec. Secretary Special thanks to Arlene Krebs for her help in setting up for the meeting and then attending to the clean up after the meeting. A special mini-raffle was held to benefit Cardinal Ritter High School. Dolores Konechnik was the winner of a miniature nativity set. Thanks to all those members who participated. Our annual spring meeting and luncheon will be held on Thursday, May 13, 1999, at 11:00 a.m. at the Slovenian National Home. Please mark your calendar. At that time we will be honoring our 50-year members, Florence Banich and Stella Watson. It is not often that you hear of someone, who has been a part of something for 50 years, so please try and attend. Also, we will honor our members of the year, Betty Dragan and Theresa Lambert. This honor is our way of saying thank you to these ladies for all their years of support. Congratulations to Paul Barbarich, St. Al’s KSKJ, Paul’s mother Mary Barbarich (SWU Branch 5 member), and his father, Pete, for all the work that they did to organize the first Sausage Supper that was held on January 23, 1999 at Holy Trinity Catholic Church. It was a huge success. Be sure to call any one of the officers for a copy of the new SWU cookbook. I already have my copy and it is really great! It is hard to get past the photograph of our Br. 5 member Betsy Fon, in traditional Slovenian dress, but I finally did. Wow! I just have to get off the couch and to the kitchen to whip up these great dishes. Members News: Congratulations to Katie Fon on her recent engagement to Pat Poole. The wedding plans are underway for next year. Love from Texas, BARBARA MOHR NO. 6, BARBERTON, OH Meeting: 1st Sun. Slovene Center Valentines are in the air! Christmas, New Years, just flew by. Did not get an annual Christmas bulletin out for 1998. All dues are same as 1998. I have a 1-800 mumber for every one to call. (1-800-707-1278). If no answer leave message will get back. My mailing address is: P.O. Box 8308, Myrtle Beach, SC 29578-8308. I will get all mail that was sent to old address. Be patient. I’m not as young as I used to be. A lot have already sent dues to home office, that’s fine. Either way will get them paid. Have a safe and warm winter. Health and prosperity in 1999. LINDA K. LAMBRIGHT NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WI Meeting: 3rd Thurs. St. Peter’s Church Hall except July & Aug. Snow! Snow! Snow! everywhere! We had to cancel our Jan. meeting because of it! I’m glad my freezer was full so I did not have to go out shopping! Our Christmas party in early Dec. was terrific. It was really well organized. So, a big thank you to the committee for a job well done. Not getting together for a couple of months this winter, we miss seeing our faithful members. We again lost two of them: Christine Boyance, whom we thank for her many years of loyal membership and Angie Fuzer, a transfer member from Br. 17. Christine was always glad to be with us and we thank her loyal chauffeur, Evelyn Launch. She was also a member of USPEH chorus and the group sang at the funeral mass. A nice tribute to her and thanks to the chorus for all their extra time and efforts in keeping our Slovenian heritage alive. Angie and her husband owned Fuzer’s Plumbing company. She was not able to attend our meetings due to health problems. May they both rest in peace. Our snowbird, Leona Zigman is in Florida at this writing. Let’s hope the weather will cooperate so we can get together. The ladies tell me they miss the meetings. Stay healthy and happy! Happy Easter to all! MARY KIEL NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA Meeting: 1st Thurs. Slovenian Hall on Mariposa St. I have just returned from our February meeting and we had a Valentine Party. Our group seems to get smaller and smaller but it doesn’t lack for enthusiasm and friendship. We had a cake and sang Happy Birthday to Vice President, Louise Petrusich; Secretary, Moreen Spencer’s husband, Don had to go back to the hospital. He has had more than his share of difficulties and our prayers and get well wishes are with you, Don. Long time member, Rose Skoff is now residing at Sunnyside Hacienda Convalescent Home. Also, there is good friend, Anne Judnich. Ladies, you are thought of often. There isn’t much news here on the West Coast and I still haven’t gotten used to thinking so far ahead. Wishing everyone a blessed Easter and a beautiful Spring. “Friendship is as necessary as the sun, as constant as the stars and as rewardiong as Spring after a long Winter...” BEVERLY JACKSON NO. 14, EUCLID, OH Meeting: 1st Tues., 6 p.m. Slov. Society Home What a strange winter (once again)! We enjoyed warm spring-like weather until Christmas Day, when we got our first snow. So we indeed had a ‘White Christmas’. But as soon as 1999 arrived we faced bitter cold (as low as -35° F wind chill) and ice. Now that we’re past the mid-point of January, we are once again facing balmy weather and hopefully will see tomorrow at 50°! Election of oficers was held at our November meeting with the following result: Martha Koren, President; Jennie Fitzthum, Vice Pres.; Addie Humphreys, Recording Secy.; Diane Varney, Treas./Secy.; Rose Rodgers, Sun- Congratulations! SWU Crest indicates the 70th Anniversary of this branch in 1999. shine Lady; Josephine Kastigar, Flag Bearer; Jennie Fitzthum, Sentinel; Antoinette Zabukovic and Stana Grill, Auditors; Alice Kuhar, Reporter; Rev. Frank Sterk of St. Christine’s Church, Spiritual Advisor. It was decided at our last meeting that we will honor all of our members of No. 14 as Mothers and Women of the Year at our Tuesday, May 4th Dinner event which starts at 6:00 p.m. Remember to call in your reservations for members and guests for our Mothers Day Dinner to Marty Koren at (440) 485^4227 or to Vice Pres. Jennie Fitzthum at (216) 261-1196. Our Christmas Party was another enjoyable evening spent with members and friends. Larry Varney was busily selling tickets for the drawing, Ed Koren kept himself busy as our bartender, and Jennie Fitzthum and Vera Bajec were at the door checking us in. Diane Varney and Jennie Fitzthum also arrived early to decorate the hall into another Winter Wonderland. Thanks to guests Jimmy Slapnik and wife June for their donation of a beautiful large poinsettia plant, and to all the ladies who brought along gifts used as door prizes. Esther Podboy and Diane Varney were certainly busy passing out the gifts to the winners. Many thanks to all! Pat Milavec celebrated her birthday with us as we serenaded her with a Happy Birthday tune. Once again we were served a luscious home-style meal prepared by Sophie Mazi and her very capable assistants. Don Gorjup thanked everyone for their hospitality and thanked Sophie for the delicious meal, all in Slovenian! It has become a tradition that our Christmas Dinner end with carols sung by songbirds Tillie Spehar, Mary Mohar, Agnes Tome, Mary Stražišar (Gateway), DonnaTomc, Ann Cekada, and Stana Grill. These beautiful nostalgic tunes brought many a tear to our eyes. Thank you ladies! Congratulations to Antoinette and Joe Zabukovec who will be celebrating 50 Golden Years. Ruth and Frank Korelec spent a wonderful sun-filled vacation in Puerto Vallarta. Marty and Ed Koren were on their way to Las Vegas following this party. And yours truly is packed and ready to leave on an Alpine Masters at Sea with musicians Hank Haller, Jerry Schneider and Walt Groller. We’ll visit the exotic islands of Aruba, Curacao, Margarita Is- land, Barbados and St.Lucia. Deepest sympathy to the families of our dear departed members, Mary Mersnik who passed away in December and Mary Stražišar (Kewanee) who died Nov. 30 at age of 93. May our Dear Lord and Blessed Mother keep our loved ones in Their loving arms. Hope you get to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with perhaps green bagels. Make a small ‘butara’ for Palm Sunday. Have a Happy and Blessed Easter Season ‘Vesele Velikonočne Praznike’. ALICE KUHAR NO. 16, SO. CHICAGO, IL Meeting: 2nd Saturday, 1 p.m. Monthly except Jan.-July-Aug. St. George’s Hall Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Welcome to Spring, 1999! May I digress? We had a most enjoyable Christmas party attended by about 30 members and friends. Edna is really the hostess with the mostest - prizes that is! She had so many, that some of us came away with three gifts. Father David also enjoyed the afternoon with us. It was so nice to see and visit with Matilda and Ned Voss and Matilda’s brother, John Dominikovich, our former mailman. The Voss’ granddaughter Debbie will be wed on May 22 to Adam Schabes. Congratulations to the Vosses on the birth of their fourth great granddaughter Kelsey Bergman - bom May 18, 1998. Congratulations to Andrea and Ed Krai on celebrating forty five years of togetherness in January. A group of about twenty five members of the Krai clan enjoyed the ski slopes in Man-celona, MI. I hope that every one had fun and came home intact. Dolores O’Brien spent three weeks in Ingalls hospital. She sustained a knee injury in a fall. We hope and pray that it’s all better now. Ana Lustig had cataract surgery on both eyes - one in January - the second in February. Hopefully you are enjoying the gift of sight again, Ana. It was so nice to receive a phone call from Jane Szymonik, a long time member and acquaintance. Jane, too, is homebound. Please keep our home-bound and ailing members in your prayers. Our condolences to our members on the loss of their loved ones. To Edna Winters on the loss of her sister, Helen Miller - to Sandra - Helen’s daughter and to her sisters Gloria and Jo Anne. To the family of our dear member, Mary Putzell, who passed away on Dec. 16. Mary was a twenty-five year member - a wonderful person. To Mary Ann Skibee and her family, Susan, Donna and Ronald on the loss of husband and father Clifford “Bud” Skibee. To Teenie Tomasic on the loss of her Joe’s mother. May they and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Please make a special effort to attend our meetings - I guarantee you will enjoy it. C’mon down! Vida is our delegate to the national convention in Florida. She would appreciate some input from you - my phone number is still 773-646-0705. Call me! Our dear member, Zora Yurkus, age 90, passed away on February 15th. She was a loyal member for 62 years! Zora served the SWU as a National Officer for several years, from 1949 to 1952. She was very active in our branch helping to organize the Br. 16 Drill Team Cadets and the Bowling teams - a few times they brought home first place trophies from SWU Tournaments. In the last few years, she resided at the Hammond-Whiting Convalescent Home. To her sisters, Ruth Cubra and Helen Milanovich, both long time members, our sincere condolences and may she rest in peace! Best wishes to all Josephs and Josephines, and a Blessed and Happy Easter to all. Na svidenje! M.A.P. A popular Joliet, Illinois group, the Polka Mass-sters have recently released an audio tape and CD of the Polka Mass as well as pre-Mass hymns. The collection taken at each church at which the Polka Mass-sters play is always given to a charitable organization. Copies of their music are available by mail from the Tezak Funeral Home, 459 N. Ottawa Street, Joliet, IL 60432 or by calling (815) 722-0524. Tapes cost $10.00 each ( + $2.25 postage & handling); CDs are $15.00 ( + $2.25 postage & handling). Thank You from Br. 20! The 70th Anniversary Committee would like to extend sincere thanks to the many members and their families who participated in the Anniversary Celebration Oct. 4th, 1998. It certainly took a lot of people to make this event the success it was! Let us just mention some of the outstanding co-workers: Andy Ancel got us 15 cases of wine at a good price, then took them to Ed and Olga Ancel’s house where they were stored. Millie Pucel and Olga helped Jonita and I to put labels and ribbons on those bottles. Geri Thayer made all the labels needed for different things. Bobby Kaluza make the beautiful, huge banner that hung behind the head table Dianne Govednik, Jean Govednik, Mollie Gregorich and Dorothy Mahan decorated with beautiful carnations and put together the envelope packets with the little novelties given to each guest. For the Open House in Saturday night at the Heritage Museum, these same four ladies were there to make a most impressive scene. Chuck Franze got a truck and helped us transport boxes and boxes of things to the Empress from various locations. Josephine Lustik, Marcia Judnick and Sue Tezak took care of all the bakery donations served at the Open House and the breakfast table at the Illinois-In-diana State meeting. To all members who helped in so many ways, big and small, we could’t have done it without you! Thank you. Pat Figurowski and Jonita Ruth Invitation Croatian Cultural Club, 1030 N. Hickory St. in Joliet, IL will be having a Beef Stew and Polenta Dinner, Sat., April 10 at the club on Hickory St. The menu includes sirloin tip beef stew, polenta, salad, dessert and coffee. Tickets are $7.00 and may be purchased at the club in advance, or at the door. Carry outs will be available. For more information please call 815-725-6481 or 815-723-3154. Jim & Pat Policandriotes (815) 744-3393 Br. 20, Joliet Granddaughters are precious -even more so in SWU Tee-shirts! Our National Auditor, Pat Figurowski sent her granddaughter Elizabeth Clara Gonzalez one of our “It’s in every Slovenian” tee-shirts! Doesn’t she look adorable on this picture with her mother, Victoria? She’ll look even prettier when she grows big enough to wear it! Thanks to Pat for sharing it with us! The family lives in New York City, and mom, dad, and baby are all our members of Br. 20. NO. 20, JOLIET, IL Meeting: 3rd Tues. except June to Sept. St. Joe’s Park Hall Dear members: Sorry our ZARJA magazines have been so late in coming, but our POTS & PANS COOK BOOKS took preference because the orders have been stupendous. 10,000 were ordered and now are being shipped. Jonita Ruth has been very busy shipping these books to you from our Joliet office and she deserves a big “THANK YOU!” However, I think we’re back on track and you will be getting your ZARJAs on time. We had a very good time at our January meeting and had a good turnout. The officers provided the wonderful food and we enjoyed the melodious sounds of “Stay Tuned” string band. We also had installation of officers by Fr. David Stalzer. I guess we all did such a good job, we were all voted in again. The following info regarding our upcoming meetings is as follows: March 16 - Tuesday - Meeting at St. Joseph Park -1 p.m. - After our regular meeting tonight, we will play Bingo and have a Silent White Elephant Auction. Everyone is asked to bring a gift item (unwrapped) to be auctioned. Come and celebrate St. Joseph and St. Patrick Day with us. Hostesses for tonight are Millie Pucel and Olga Ancel. April 17 and 18 - Saturday and Sunday - SWU Br. 20 Bakery Sale at St. Joseph Church before and after all the masses. We need everyone’s cooperation to make it a success. You will be called for donations, either bakery or money, please be generous. Chairpersons are Marie Scheidt and Helen Min-nick. Proceeds will be used for the Br. 20 Scholarship Fund. April 20 - Tuesday - Meeting at St. Joseph Park - 7 p.m.: After our regular meeting tonight, our guest speaker is Ronald Erjavec, Vice President of the First Midwest Trust Co. He will talk about Trust and Investments. Be sure to attend this most informative meeting to get the qualified advice you need on your investment strategy. Hostesses are Dolores Krzysciak and Dorothy Sur-man. May 11 - Tuesday - St. Joseph Park Hall - Banquet (note Change to Second Tuesday due to National Convention the following week): This is our final meeting of the year. We close it with a Dinner Banquet honoring our Woman of the Year. A special tribute to Our Lady of Brezje is planned. We will have a short meeting at 6 p.m., dinner to follow at 6:30 p.m. The Br. 20 Scholarship Awards are to be presented, also. Our entertainment this evening will be the Joliet Croatian Kolo Dancers. May 20-24 - Thursday thru Monday: Don’t forget the SWU National Convention in Orlando, Florida. Travel to this unforgetable vacation spot; it is only an every four year event. We would like to have a large group going, so make plans to come with us. If you are interested, please call Jonita Ruth at 727-1926 or 726-6990. Also, watch Emma Planinšek 1899 - 1990 "The dear inspiration of my life journeyed to her eternal reward but her footsteps have left an indelible mark on my heart Lovingly remembered IRENE Mrs. Planinšek was the President of Branch #20, Joliet, Illinois for 47 years. the ZARJA for more information. Mary Lee Demick, daughter of Rich and Mary Kay Demick is on the waiting list to become the first female firefighter for the city of Joliet. Now ranked 7th on the eligibility list, she is poised to change the face of a department that has never been penetrated by the female gender. Good luck to her! Mr. & Mrs. Dick Tezak celebrated their 50th Anniversary Jan. 22nd starting with a Polka Mass at St. Joe’s Church and later with friends and relatives at St. Joe’s Park. Also, Ron and Kathy Kramerich celebrated their 29th Anniversary on Valentine’s Day. Dodie Regis, daughter of Erin Regis, won the Continuing Education Scholarship from Br. 20, SWU. She graduated with honors from the U. of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Dec. 20th with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders. She will be going to grad school for Speech Pathology. Nice going, Dodie! She is another example of our successful youth. The following people are on our “Get Well” list: John Konopek, Joe Wolf, Jo Goron, John Jakovich, Mary Babich, Victoria Bemikus, Lil Brule, Bea Fothergill and Bea Matesh. Hope you are feeling better at this time. Sympathy to the family of Helen Janke, our 53 year member, wife of the late Arthur Janke, former Mayor of Joliet, 1943-1955. And sympathy to the family of Frank J. Adamich, Louise (Hotuyec) Koenig, Frank E. Kramarich, father of Ron Kramerich, Mary Ann Boyle, sister to Joseph Strle, Betty Scholp on the death of her sister Rosemary; sympathy to the family of Theresa R. Oblak and to Jo Ann Morrison on the death of her father. May they all rest in peace. A correction of the misunderstanding regarding the brunch at the Yovan Tavern restaurant in Depue, 1L in September, was furnished by Mary Jermene, Mrs. Edward Jermence and Anne Debord. Thanks again. It was very enjoyable. See you in Florida!!! KATHY STONICH, still waiting anxiously for your calls at 727-3177 JL8JUL WE NEED ZARJA OF MAY-JUNE, 1991 Do you have the copy of ZARJA-The Dawn for May-June, 1991? If you have saved it and can spare it, please send it to the SWU Home Office, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432. Thanks. NO. 22, BRADLEY, IL Meeting: 3rd Tuesday every other month Members’ Homes Is La Nina’s outburst of Jan. 2nd a thing of the past? We hope so, for everyone became “sick of it” and yearned for Spring. We had been spoiled by December’s mild weather but God arranged it that way to enable our getting to our Christmas luncheon-meeting at LaVilletta “a breeze”. Our welcomed guest was Katie Ochwat of Texas, home for the holidays to be with dad, Leo Rittmanic and sister, Barbara. Hostesses of the day were Barbara Rittmanic, Helen Sebas-tiani, May me Brassier and Emma Lus-tig. With us in spirit was our much-traveled member, Mary Anne Barothy of Indianapolis, writing from Georgia where she was house-sitting for a friend on European tour, while back in Indianapolis, a friend of Mary Anne’s was dog-sitting for her Max. That’s what friends are for! We enjoyed hearing from her and thank her for thinking of us. Some business was taken care of: the annual contribution to St. Joseph Church; the Woman of the Year selection, and election of officers. All members are recognized as Women of the Year, and the same officers will serve another term under the able leadership of Mollie McIntyre, president. Mollie was given special mention for her work. The next meeting will be March 16 at Hardee’s with Gabrielle Lustig and Toni Legris hosting. A few Bingo games and many drawings for prizes filled the social hour. It was a happy afternoon, thanks to the hostesses! Birthday greetings to our members who observed another year of life in the month of January — Marge Planton, Elizabeth Kinder, Emma Znidarsich, Gabrielle Lustig and Mary Anne Barothy, and we anticipated a special birthday for a very special friend, Leo Rittmanic, who was 94 years young in February. We wish only the best life can offer to all our celebrants! That lonely olive in your martini glass has a long ancestral history, dating back to 8000 years of cultivation! Na zdravje! EMMA LUSTIG HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP (Graduating Eighth Graders) BR. 20, JOLIET, ILLINOIS OFFERS THE FOLLOWING SCHOLARSHIPS TO ITS MEMBERS Adult Continuing Education Scholarship In honor of our branch’s Anniversary, we are pleased to announce the availability of funds for members 21 and over who may pursuing advanced or continuing education. The award in the amount of $1,000. and will be granted to any qualified adult member in need of financial assistance. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 1. Member of SWU a minimum of 5 years, and must be 21 years or older. 2. A citizen of the United States. 3. Must be actively pursuing an advanced degree, or currently in an educational program, either in college or vocational education. 4. There must be an indication of financial need. 5. The applicant must be working toward a degree or certification, and must be making satisfactory academic progress (with GPA of C + or better). 6. The applicant may not be in default or owe a refund on a federal grant or federal education loan. The following items need to be forwarded to the Scholarship Committee in care of Barb DeLaney (see below): 1. A letter identifying your need for the award. 2. A transcript of your most recent semester grades (if applicable) from the institution you are attending. 3. A current, signed Federal Tax Return. Mail the above information to: Br. 20 Scholarship Program Mrs. Barbara J. DeLaney, 2209 Greengold Ave., Crest Hill, IL 60435 For questions please call (815) 727-1926 or (815) 726-1345. NOTE: To maintain objectivity, the information requested will be kept confidential and the identity of the applicants will not be divulged to scholarship committee members. Each applicant will be given a number and the scholarship committee will not know the identity of the applicant they are reviewing. Identity will be revealed after the applicant is approved. The Slovenian Women’s Union, Br. 20 is pleased to announce the availability of a high school Scholarship for academically qualified eighth grade students who wish to attend a Catholic high school. The Scholarship, in the amount $500, will be awarded to applicants who meet the following criteria: 1. Must be a current 8th grade student and must be a member of Br. 20 for two full years. 2. Applicant must have been accepted at one of the Catholic high schools, and be enrolled for the fall semester. 3. Scholastic ability must be proven. A written recommendation from the school principal or eighth grade teacher should include an estimate of the applicant’s ability to perform and complete high school work. Recommendation must also include an evaluation of applicant’s character and code of behavior. 4. A statement from the applicant outlining his or her individual or family membership in Br. 20, plus an overview of involvement in branch activities. This statement must be fowarded to the branch president for signature. Completed application form and requested data is to be sent to: Br. 20 Scholarship Program Mrs. Barbara J. DeLaney 2209 Greengold Ave., Crest Hill, IL 60435 Deadline for submit!' _ )mpleted application is April 15, 1999. Envelopes postmarked after due date cannot be accepted. To maintain objectivity in awarding the Scholarship names of the applicants will not be published by the Scholarship Chair. Each applicant will be assigned a number so that committee members will not know which applicant they are reviewing. Scholarship will be presented to the winners at the branch’s May meeting/Woman of the Year Banquet. One scholarship per family per year. If you are interested contact Barbara DeLaney for application papers. Phone number (815) 744-9422. HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS (Current High School Students) The Slovenian Women’s Union, Br. 20 is pleased to announce the availability of $500 Scholarship for academically qualified high school students who wish to continue their education in a Catholic high school, or are planning to transfer from a public to a Catholic high school. The Scholarship will be awarded to an applicants who meets the same criteria as for Graduating High School Seniors who have been accepted and are enrolled for the fall semester at a Catholic high school. NO. 23, ELY, MN Meeting: 1st Monday St. Anthony’s Church Hall Sept. thru May Branch 23 of the Slovenian Women’s Union, Ely, Minnesota, met on Nov. 2, 1998 at St. Anthony’s Church Hall. Opening remarks were made by President Jane Yadlosky; and Installation of officers was held with the following being installed: President, Beverly Lobe; Vice President, Gloria Smuk; Recording Secretary, Marcy Zupec; and Secretary-Treasurer, Pat Lammi. The officers were installed by President Jane, and will serve for two years. Angela Godec has been selected as Mother/Woman of the Year, and will be honored at our dinner in May. The lunch committee for the evening consisted of Frances Strukel, Gertrude Mosnik, Molly Grahek, Dorothy Grahek and Valerie Osaben. Our Christmas party was held at Ver-tin’s. Those planning the party were Jean Polyner, Agnes Zaverl, Chris Cadari, Mary Debeltz, Molly Marolt, Mary Starkovich, Rose Stupnik, Betty Zupec, Maryanne Pulis and Mary Folio. No meeting was held. Entertainment was by the “Over the Hill Duo.” Pins were presented to members for 50 years or over. Members then played Bingo after a delicious dinner; and a good time was had by all. The door prize was won by Mary McNeal. 50/50 drawings were won by Rose Stupnik and sixty members were in attendance. Submitted by, MARCY ZUPEC, Reporter WvW vCfw” NO. 24, LA SALLE, IL Meeting: 3rd Thurs. Catholic School Library Mar.-Apr.-May-June Sept.-Oct.-Nov. We had a very nice Christmas party on December 3, at the Uptown Grill in La Salle. The weather was quite warm and we had 23 members in attendance, and one guest, 5 week old Adam Len-kaitis whose mom Cathy brought him to the party. A very beautiful baby and so good too. The tables were very attractive with favors at each place made by Minnie Carter and Adele Gensler and the poinsettia plants as centerpieces. These were given as door prizes to Jo Savnik, Fannie Piletič, Theresa Kinczewski, Rosemary McLaughlin, Mary Ann Pieczynski, and Frances Puetz. It was great to have Wanita Helmer at our party after a stay before Thanksgiving in the Hospital in Springfield again. Please let her be home for good. Our long time Treasurer, Anna Serri, passed away on January 9th after a long illness. She became a 50-year member in 1993. We could always depend upon Anna to bake when the occasion for extra sweets came along. She attended every meeting and outing as long as she could and we missed her whe she wasn’t able to be with us. She is survived by her husband of 64 years, Dominic, and two daughter, Pat Serri at home, and Janice (Michael) Bly of Waukegan, and 2 grandchildren. She is also survived by 3 brothers and 5 sisters. The funeral mass was held in Resurrection Church on Monday afternoon, January 11. The SWU funeral ritual prayer was said at the funeral home by Adele Gensler, Helen Swietek and Anne Wangler. More of the members wanted to be with us but the weather was bitterly cold and deep snowdrifts and icy paths and roads kept them away. Anna will be remembered in our prayers - that God will grant her Heavenly Peace. Our sincere sympathy to her family. Our Secretary, Betty Stack, has been having some health problems and is an Out Patient at IVC Hospital again. We hope you will be feeling better soon Betty, as we have a busy year ahead. Theresa Wellner was hospitalized on Christmas Day and seemed to be doing so well, and then another set back this past week. We pray that you will be back with us soon, Theresa. Remember our sick and shut-in members with your prayers. I do want to remember our birthday celebrants; those who will add another year in March are: Junior member Josephine Pohar Brady, Theresa Kinczewski, Helena Millman, Mary Gertrude Piletič, Mary Hewitt and Trese Hollerich. April will find Mary Jean Weihman, Adele Gensler, Marianne Schweickert, Theresa Wellner, Frances Jean Ficek, Mary Ann Brunner, Junior member, Ashley Collins, Ann Cassidy, Debbie Pohar and Mary Ann Potthoff enjoying their birthday cakes. Our next meeting will be held on March 18, in La Salle Catholic School meeting room at 7:00 p.m. Barb Pohar will serve as Hospitality Chairman at that time. In April we will meet at 7:00 p.m. in the La Salle Catholic meeting room - the date is April 15, at that time Bonnie Prokup will serve as Hospitality Chairman. We’ll be wishing Bonnie, our Illinois State SWU President and our delegate, Jo Grabowski, and our Alternate, Mary Ann Brunner Godspeed and looking forward to their reports from the National SWU Convention in Orlando, FL in May. Plan to join us as we gather together. It’s always a very pleasant evening and I look forward to seeing more of you in attendance. ANNE M. WANGLER, Reporter Ron Strle Proprietor Stefanich's Restaurant 457 North Scott Street Joliet, Illinois 60432 (815)722-9751 Fax (815) 722-5750 At Your Service During Life’s Most Difficult Moments Louis “Ron" Zefran Connie Rodriguez Frank J. Zefran Lois M. Zefran Debbie Zefran Jerry 1-800-249-9150 (773) 847-6688 žZs.fzcu2 cz^-fomz., 1941 West Cermak Road, Chicago, IL 60608 NO. 25, CLEVELAND, OH 2nd Sunday, 1:30 p.m. St. Vitus Social Room Our November meeting opened with prayer recited by our long time member Mary Urbančič. Our President Fran Gazvoda is the delegate to the Convention with Peggy Moore as the alternate. Our Christmas party was held at Sterle’s Country House on Dec. 12th. Everyone was generous with their gift exchange. Some time in the future we agreed to assemble and visit the Cultural Gardens... probably April or May 1999... Our deepest sympathies to the family of Agnes Turk who passed away. She was secretary for many years at the Rectory at St. Vitus Church. It was a concelebrated mass with Bishop A. Edward Pevec as the main celebrant. Many parishioners, friends and relatives were in attendance. She will be missed by all. May her memory be eternal. Na svidenje v Večnosti.... Get well wishes to all our shut-ins and happy birthday to all December, January, February and March honorees. Our officers are Fran Gazvoda, Ann Clemence, Jan Krivacic, Jo Valenčič and Jo Perpar... Congratulations and hopes for another fruitful year. Congratulations to our member, Fanny Bowley, a student at Rose-Hul-man, who is a successful actress and has taken a leading role in their musical show. Fanny’s grandma is Frances Kosch and mom, Karen, all also our members. We wish Fanny lots of luck in her future acting endeavors! EMILEE JENKO NO. 32, EUCLID, OH Meeting: 3rd Wed., 6:30 p.m. Euclid Public Library, Erie Room Good day members. I have some important news to report. Our meeting place and time have changed; the new location will be at the Euclid Public Library in the Erie room, and the new time will be at 6:30 p.m. This goes into effect immediately. So, starting March 17,1999 our meeting will be held there. I have some bad news. Mary Golobic’s husband, Frank passed away and Emily Jelenic’s husband passed away, also. Sending our love and condolences to you and your families. Sending good wishes to everyone for good health this year. Happy St. Patrick’s Day and have a blessed Easter. ADRIENNE JAGER NO. 34, SOUDAN, MN Meeting: 3rd Wed., 1 p.m. St. Martin’s Church Hall Jan. to May; Sept., Oct. & Nov. Things are becoming busy with Branch 34, with our planning for the Mother of the Year celebration in May and hosting the Minnesota Day Convention in September. We met for our first meeting of the new year on January 20, with a good number present. Installed as new officers were: Pres. Adeline Mustonen, Vice Pres., Agnes Mattson, Sec. Treas. Victoria Bo-bence, Rec. Sec. Emma Betoume, and Auditors Mary Gomick and Theresa Berg. Again Helen Adkisson was the installing officer and did her duties efficiently and meaningfully. Thanks again, Helen! Our books have been audited and were signed by Auditors Mary Gomick and Angela Tekautz — Angela is now at the nursing home in Ely but she was glad to give her approval. We set the date of May 12, 1999, to honor our Mother of the Year, Theresa Berg. Plans will be made later for this celebration. Theresa shared a letter with us that she had received from member, Sophie Spollar, who now makes her home in Virginia. Her address is Rouchleau Apts. #409, Vir- ginia, MN 55792. We surely miss you, Sophie, and hope we will get to see you come spring. As our meeting progressed, the national convention was discussed. Victoria Bobence has agreed to be our delegate and all of us were happy she accepted this nomination. We know she will be an excellent delegate, with much experience concerning the SWU. We thank you, Tory! Since the last time I wrote an article, we lost one of our dear members, Anne Frazee, who was a social member but thoroughly enjoyed being with us when she was able. Anne died at the nursing home in Cook. The “Tribute to Deceased Member” was said for Anne. Our sympathy to her family from all of us. Our charter member, Mary Gomick, was remembered with a card signed by all of us at our meeting for her birthday on January 17, Mary was 93 years old. She was unable to help out this year as co-hostess with Helen Adkisson and we missed her. Also at our meeting, Agnes Tekautz and Theresa Berg won prizes, the door prize was won by Margie Skala. Our next meeting on February 16 had Adeline Mustonen and Emma Betoume as hostesses, the door prize brought by Adeline. We were reminded also about the new cookbook that is offered for sale by the SWU - send $18.00 to the Slovenian Women’s Union, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432. We have much to look forward to and these will be busy days for Br. 34. A Happy Easter to all of you. ADELINE MUSTONEN, Reporter ^■tankie Spetlch °o° °o° °o° 2o9 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAJI Join me for Button Box classes. Everyone has fun! Minnesota....Frankenmuth Cleveland ....Milwaukee For details & reservations O ^ Call 1 330 - 336 - 9196 or write Keyboard Cue Corporation PO BOX 564 Barberton OH 44203 o LM usic for the Button Box 5 Books & Cassettes •/\ccoxAU>ns^ jA- /a\NO. 35, AURORA, MN ^