S.-H. CHANG et al.: SELECTIVE LEACHING AND SURFACE PROPERTIES OF TiNiFe SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOYS 251–257 SELECTIVE LEACHING AND SURFACE PROPERTIES OF TiNiFe SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOYS SELEKTIVNO IZPIRANJE IN POVR[INSKE LASTNOSTI ZLITIN TiNiFe S SPOMINOM Shih-Hang Chang, Jyun-Sian Liou, Bo-Yen Huang National I-Lan University, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, I-Lan 260, Taiwan shchang@niu.edu.tw Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-09-02; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-04-21 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.269 This study investigated the selective leaching and surface characteristics of Ti50Ni50–xFex (x = 1, 2, and 3) shape-memory alloys using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, X-ray diffractometry, electrochemical tests and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. According to our results, the concentrations of Ni and Fe ions selectively leached from each specimen were considerably higher than that of Ti ions. Electrochemical tests revealed a gradual deterioration in the corrosion resistance of the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs as the Fe content in the alloys was increased. X-ray photoelectron-spectroscopy results indicate that the surface of each specimen is primarily made up of a passive TiO2 film. NiO and Fe2O3 oxides, which also formed on the surfaces of the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs, caused a deterioration of the uniformity, undermining the protective effect of the TiO2 films, resulting in a highly selective leaching of the Ni and Fe ions. The Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs exhibit a number of favourable properties compared to the other SMAs; however, high concentrations of selectively leached Ni and Fe ions may pose a risk in biomedical applications, particularly when used as implant materials. Keywords: TiNiFe shape-memory alloys, biomaterials, selective leaching, corrosion, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy V {tudiji je prou~evano selektivno izpiranje in zna~ilnosti povr{ine zlitine s spominom Ti50Ni50–xFex (x = 1, 2, in 3), z uporabo masne spektrometrije z induktivno sklopljeno plazmo, rentgensko difrakcijo, elektrokemijskimi preizkusi in rentgensko fotoelektronsko spektroskopijo. Rezultati ka`ejo, da je bila koncentracija selektivno izpranih Ni in Fe ionov iz vsakega vzorca veliko ve~ja kot pa Ti ionov. Elektrokemijski preizkusi so pokazali postopno zmanj{anje korozijske odpornosti Ti50Ni50–xFex SMA, ko je vsebvnost Fe v zlitinah nara{~ala. Rezultati rentgenske fotoelektronske spektroskopije ka`ejo, da je povr{ina vseh vzorcev predvsem sestavljena iz pasivnih TiO2 plasti. NiO in Fe2O3 oksidi, ki so tudi nastali na povr{ini Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs, poslab{ajo enotnost in ogro`ajo varovalno plast iz TiO2 prevlek, kar ima za posledico bolj selektivno izpiranje ionov Ni in Fe. Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs vsebuje {tevilne ugodne lastnosti v primerjavi z drugimi SMA; vendar pa velika koncentracija selektivno izpranih Ni in Fe ionov lahko predstavlja tveganje pri biomedicinski uporabi, posebno pri implantiranih materialih. Klju~ne besede: TiNiFe zlitine s spominom, biomateriali, selektivno izpiranje, korozija, rentgenska fotoelektronska spektroskopija 1 INTRODUCTION Nickel-titanium shape-memory alloys (TiNi SMAs) are widely used in advanced engineering applications due to their favourable shape memory and superelastic properties.1 Most TiNi SMAs further exhibit a low cytotoxicity and a good biocompatibility2–4 and thus they are also suitable for biomedical applications, such as laparoscopic surgery, stents, shape-memory microvalves, and osteosynthesis devices.5–7 It was reported that sub- stituting Fe for Ni in TiNi SMAs induces the formation of the R-phase during the martensitic transformation and leads to some advanced mechanical properties superior to those of typical TiNi SMAs.8,9 W. J. Moberly et al.10 investigated the deformation, twinning and thermo-mechanical strengthening of Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs. Their results demonstrated that cold- worked and annealed Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs had a refined subgrain size, a high yield strength, and a good ductility. In addition, several studies reported on TiNiFe SMAs with ultra-high internal-friction properties, which are excellent candidates for high-damping applications.11–13 Recently, D. Wang et al.14 established a complete tempe- rature-composition phase diagram that included the pre-martensitic state, martensite and strain glass. They also reported that strain glass forms in TiNiFe SMAs when the Fe doping exceeds the critical value. Several articles reveal that TiNiFe SMAs are candidate materials for biomedical applications. C. Li and Y. F. Zheng15 investigated the electrochemical behaviours of Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs and found that the surface of a Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMA mainly consists of TiO2, which is responsible for the good biocompatibility and anti-corrosion properties of the alloys. T. A. Tabish et al.16 further performed an in-vivo cytotoxic evaluation of TiNiFe SMAs and found that they do not exhibit any appreciable cytotoxic or systematic reactions to living systems. However, when SMAs are used as implant materials, interactions between the alloys and the living tissue can lead to the corrosion of the surface oxide layer, thereby increasing the risk of metal ions being released into the body. These metallic ions pose a Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 251–257 251 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 669.017.13:620.164:543.428.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(2)251(2017) potential health hazard capable of inducing allergic reactions or even promoting the onset of cancer.17–19 Several researches had previously investigated the selective leaching behaviour of TiNi and TiNiCu SMAs20–23; however, the selective leaching of Ti, Ni, and Fe ions released from TiNiFe SMAs has not been studied. Therefore, this study investigated the selective leaching and surface properties of Ti50Ni50–xFex (x = 1, 2, and 3) SMAs using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), an X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, electrochemical tests, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART The Ti50Ni50–xFex (x = 1, 2, and 3) SMAs used in this study were prepared from pure raw titanium (a purity of 99.9 % mass fraction), nickel (a purity of 99.9 % mass fraction), and iron (a purity of 99.98 % mass fraction). The raw materials were re-melted using conventional vacuum arc remelting to form ingots in an argon atmo- sphere. Each ingot was hot-rolled at 900 °C using a rolling machine (DBR150x200 2HI-MILL, Daito Seiki Co, Japan) to form a 2 mm plates, which were then solution-heat-treated at 900 °C for 1 h and quenched in water. The surface oxide layer of a plate was removed using an etching solution of HF:HNO3:H2O at a volume ratio of 1:5:20. Each plate was then cut into bulk samples with dimensions of (30.0  4.0  2.0) mm for charac- terization. The crystallographic features of each Ti50Ni50–xFex SMA were determined using a Rigaku IV XRD instru- ment with Cu-K radiation ( = 0.154 nm) at room temperature. The selective leaching properties of Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs were evaluated by immersing samples in test flasks containing 500 mL of Ringer’s solution. Ringer’s solution was used in selective-leaching tests because it is an isotonic solution similar to bodily fluids and is widely used in in-vitro experiments. Each test flask was maintained at 37 °C in an orbital shaker incubator for 80 d. We then measured the concentrations of the released Ti, Ni, and Fe ions in Ringer’s solution using ICP-MS (Agilent 7500ce). Electrochemical measurements of the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs were performed using an electrochemical work- station (ECW-5600, Jiehan) to determine the cathodic and anodic polarization Tafel curves, where a platinum plate was used as the counter electrode, a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) was used as the reference electrode and Ringer’s solution was used as the test solu- tion. The average corrosion potential (Ecorr) and the average corrosion current density (icorr) values of each specimen were calculated from seven Tafel curves, for which the maximum and minimum values were deleted. The surface chemical composition of the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs was analysed using an XPS device (Thermo Scientific (VGS) K-Alpha) with a monochromatic Al-K radiation source of 1468.6 eV. The survey spectrum of each specimen was measured over a range of 200–1200 eV in 1-eV steps. High-resolution Ti, Ni, and Fe 2p spectra for each specimen were determined in 0.05-eV steps. The XPSPeak 4.1 software was used for the anal- ysis of XPS spectra. 3 RESULTS 3.1 XRD results Figure 1 presents the XRD results of the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs, where each Ti50Ni50–xFex SMA sample exhibits diffraction peaks related to (110)B2, (200)B2, and (211)B2 at approximately 2 = 42.2°, 61.3°, and 77.5°, respectively. Figure 1 further reveals that all of the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs used in this study were in the parent phase at room temperature, indicating that the surface relief, which is normally observed at the R-phase, or the B19’ martensite of TiNi-based SMAs, had no influence on the selective leaching. 3.2 Selective leaching behaviours Figures 2a to 2c present the concentrations of the Ti, Ni, and Fe ions, respectively, which were selectively leached from the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs in Ringer’s solution as a function of the immersion time. Figure 2a shows that the concentration of the Ti ions selectively leached from the specimens was extremely low (< 1·10–8) throughout the 80 d of the immersion. Figure 2b shows that the concentrations of the Ni ions selectively leached from the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs were also extremely low during the first 30 d; however, these concentrations increased significantly to above 1.5·10–6 ppb by day 80. This feature indicates that the selective leaching rate of the Ni ions from the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs is considerably high. As shown in Figure 2c, the concentrations of the Fe ions selectively leached from the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs S.-H. CHANG et al.: SELECTIVE LEACHING AND SURFACE PROPERTIES OF TiNiFe SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOYS 252 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 251–257 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 1: XRD pattern for Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs Slika 1: Rentgenogram Ti50Ni50–xFex SMA were approximately 5·10–8 after 80 d. No obvious differences in the concentration of the Fe ions were observed among alloys with different chemical compo- sitions. According to the results shown in Figure 2, the concentration of the Ni ions selectively leached from each of the specimens was considerably higher than that of the Ti and Fe ions, indicating that Ni ions are more easily released from the surface of Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs than the Ti or Fe ions. 3.3 Electrochemical properties Figure 3 presents the selected cathodic and anodic polarization Tafel curves obtained from Ringer’s solution containing Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs. The average corrosion potential (Ecorr) and corrosion-current density (icorr) of each sample are listed in Table 1. The Ecorr values of Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs gradually decreased from approxi- mately –0.379 V to –0.433 V when the Fe content in the alloys was increased from 1 to 3. This indicates that, when immersed in Ringer’s solution, the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs with a lower Fe content exhibit a better corrosion resistance, superior to that of the other SMAs. Table 1 also shows that, in the presence of an elevated Fe content, the icorr values of the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs gradually increased from (3.27±0.86) × 10–7 A/cm2 to (5.52±1.05) × 10–6 A/cm2, demonstrating a gradual increase in the corrosion rate of theTi50Ni50–xFex SMAs when alloys had a higher Fe content. Table 1: The average Ecorr and Icorr values determined according to the cathodic and anodic polarization Tafel curves from Figure 3 Tabela 1: Srednje vrednosti Ecorr in Icorr dolo~ene pri katodni in anodni polarizaciji iz Taflovih krivulj iz Slike 3 Sample Avg. Ecorr (V) Avg. Icorr (A/cm2) Ti50Ni49Fe1 -0.379±0.017 (3.27±0.68)×10–7 Ti50Ni48Fe2 -0.394±0.006 (3.54±0.66) ×10–6 Ti50Ni47Fe3 -0.433±0.007 (5.52±1.05) ×10–6 3.3 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Figures 4a to 4c present the XPS survey spectra of the Ti50Ni49Fe1, Ti50Ni48Fe2, and Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs, res- pectively. Each specimen exhibited significant characte- ristic peaks associated with Ti (a Ti 2p peak at approxi- mately 460 eV), Ni (a Ni 2p peak at approximately 853 eV), O (an O 1s peak at approximately 531 eV), and contamination C (a C 1s peak at approximately 285 eV). S.-H. CHANG et al.: SELECTIVE LEACHING AND SURFACE PROPERTIES OF TiNiFe SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOYS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 251–257 253 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 3: Cathodic and anodic polarization Tafel curves for Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs Slika 3: Taflova krivulja katodne in anodne polarizacije Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs Figure 2: Concentrations of: a) Ti, b) Ni, and c) Fe ions selectively leached from Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs Slika 2: Koncentracije: a) Ti, b) Ni in c) Fe ionov, selektivno izpranih iz Ti50Ni50–xFex SMA Figure 4 also reveals an insignificant Fe 2p peak at approximately 710 eV for each specimen. Figures 5a to 5c present the Ti 2p XPS spectra of the Ti50Ni49Fe1, Ti50Ni48Fe2, and Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs, respec- tively. Figure 5a shows that the Ti 2p characteristic peaks of the Ti50Ni49Fe1 SMA can be divided into four oxidation states, Ti4+, Ti3+, Ti2+, and Ti0, corresponding to TiO2, Ti2O3, TiO, and metallic Ti, respectively.24–26 As shown in Figure 5a, the TiO2 peak was more prominent than the other peaks, indicating that TiO2 was the domi- nant oxide layer on the surface of the Ti50Ni49Fe1 SMA. Figures 5b and 5c show that the Ti 2p XPS spectra of the Ti50Ni48Fe2 and Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs were very similar to that of the Ti50Ni49Fe1 SMA shown in Figure 5a. This suggests that the surfaces of the Ti50Ni48Fe2 and Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs were also primarily composed of a TiO2 oxide layer. Figures 6a to 6c present the Ni 2p XPS spectra of the Ti50Ni49Fe1, Ti50Ni48Fe2, and Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs, respec- tively. Figure 6a shows that the Ni 2p characteristic S.-H. CHANG et al.: SELECTIVE LEACHING AND SURFACE PROPERTIES OF TiNiFe SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOYS 254 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 251–257 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 5: Ti 2p XPS spectra of the surfaces of: a) Ti50Ni49Fe1, b) Ti50Ni48Fe2, and c) Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs Slika 5: Ti 2p XPS spektri povr{in: a) Ti50Ni49Fe1, b) Ti50Ni48Fe2 in c) Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs Figure 4: XPS survey spectra of the surfaces of: a) Ti50Ni49Fe1, b) Ti50Ni48Fe2, and c) Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs Slika 4: XPS-spektri povr{in: a) Ti50Ni49Fe1, b) Ti50Ni48Fe2 in c) Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs peaks of the Ti50Ni49Fe1 SMA can be divided into the metallic-Ni and NiO-oxidation states. We also observed two small shoulders corresponding to the satellite (sat.) peaks of the metallic Ni and NiO near the characteristic peaks. Figures 6b and 6c show that the Ni 2p XPS spectra of the Ti50Ni48Fe2 and Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs were nearly identical to that of the Ti50Ni49Fe1 SMA, suggesting an abundance of metallic Ni atoms on the surfaces of Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs. Figures 7a to 7c present the Fe 2p XPS spectra of the Ti50Ni49Fe1, Ti50Ni48Fe2, and Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs, respectively. Compared to the XPS spectra of Ti 2p and Ni 2p in Figures 5 and 6, the intensity of the Fe 2p XPS spectrum was relatively low. Figures 7a to 7c show that the Fe 2p characteristic peaks of the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs can be divided into Fe2O3 and metallic Fe peaks, in which Fe2O3 is the dominant oxide characterizing the surfaces of Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs. S.-H. CHANG et al.: SELECTIVE LEACHING AND SURFACE PROPERTIES OF TiNiFe SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOYS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 251–257 255 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 7: Fe 2p XPS spectra of the surfaces of: a) Ti50Ni49Fe1, b) Ti50Ni48Fe2, and c) Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs Slika 7: Fe 2p XPS-spektri povr{in: a) Ti50Ni49Fe1, b) Ti50Ni48Fe2 in c) Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMA Figure 6: Ni 2p XPS spectra of the surfaces of: a) Ti50Ni49Fe1, b) Ti50Ni48Fe2, and c) Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMAs Slika 6: Ni 2p XPS-spektri povr{in: a) Ti50Ni49Fe1, b) Ti50Ni48Fe2 in c) Ti50Ni47Fe3 SMA 4 DISCUSSION According to the Ti 2p XPS spectra in Figure 5, the Ti atoms near the surfaces of the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs were covered mainly with a film of a TiO2 oxide. This result can be explained with a high thermodynamic stability of TiO2.27–30 Furthermore, the TiO2 films that formed on the surfaces of Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs are highly corrosion resistant, which leads to extremely low selec- tive leaching of the Ti ions, as demonstrated in Fig- ure 2a. In contrast, Figure 2b shows that comparatively higher concentrations of Ni ions were leached from the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs, indicating that the selective leaching rate of the Ni ions was much higher than that of the Ti ions, which was, in turn, due to an abundance of metallic Ni atoms on the surfaces of the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs, as shown in Figure 6. Figure 2b also reveals that the con- centrations of the Ni ions selectively leached from the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs gradually increased with an increase in the Fe content in the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs. This corres- ponds to the fact that the corrosion resistance of the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs gradually deteriorated with an increase in the Fe content of the alloys, as revealed by Figure 3. As shown in Figure 2c, the concentration of the Fe ions selectively leached from the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs was approximately 50 ppb, which is much lower than that of the Ni ions. This is a direct consequence of the fact that the Fe content in the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs was below 3 atomic percent. As shown in Figure 7, this find- ing also corresponds to the fact that most Fe atoms on the surface of a specimen were in the form of Fe2O3 oxides, rather than metallic Fe. A previous study found that extremely low concen- trations of Ti and Ni ions were selectively leached from Ti50Ni50 SMAs and attributed this to a passive TiO2 surface film inhibiting the ion movement.23 However, during the current study, we observed high concentra- tions of selectively leached Ni and Fe ions. This suggests that the NiO and Fe2O3 oxides that formed on the surfaces of the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs caused a deterioration of the uniformity of the TiO2 oxide films and, therefore, of their protective effect. Thus, despite the fact that the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs exhibit a number of properties not found in the other SMAs, the high concentrations of selectively leached Ni and Fe ions may pose a health risk in biomedical applications. A further surface modifica- tion is necessary if the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs are to be considered as implantation materials in human bodies. 5 CONCLUSION All of the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs used in this study were in the parent phase during the selective leaching tests. The concentrations of the Ti ions selectively leached from the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs were extremely low be- cause the Ti atoms near the surface of the alloys under- went oxidization to form passive TiO2 films. The con- centration of the Ni ions selectively leached from the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs gradually increased with an increase in the Fe content in the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs, which can be explained with the fact that the corrosion resistance inversely correlated with the Fe content in the alloys. The concentrations of the Fe ions selectively leached from the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs were approximately 5× higher than those of the Ti ions. The high concentrations of the Ni and Fe ions released from the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs were probably caused by the fact that the NiO and Fe2O3 oxides, formed on the surfaces of the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs reduced the uniformity of the TiO2 oxide films and thereby compromised the protective effect of the films. Selectively leached Ni and Fe ions may pose a risk in biomedical applications; therefore, a surface modifi- cation is required if the Ti50Ni50–xFex SMAs are to be used as implant materials. 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