Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 06/51 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 8. 2. 2015 5. Nedelja med LETOM 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@ Jezus in bolniki Misli pete nedlje med letom so še posebej posvečene tistim, ki so pomoči po-trebni, tistim, ki trpijo, ki so bolni. Kristusova zapoved ljubezni še posebej velja za take. In oznanjevanje evangelija mora ljudem življenjska bremena blažiti, ne pa oteževati. Veliki trpin stare zaveze Job govori v 1. berilu. Človekovo življenje primerja tlaki, se pravi težkemu delu: »Ali nima tlake človek na zemlji?« Če bi sešteli vse lepe in težke dneve v življenju tega ali onega človeka, bi se verjetno zgrozili nad količino tistih težkih. Zato ni čudno, ko Job vzdihuje: »Tako so mi postali v dediščino meseci polni gorja in truda polne noči in so mi bile dodeljene.« Job se nazorno izraža, ko govori o nočeh bolnika: »Če ležem, mislim: Kdaj bom vstal? Ko se vleče noč, se naveličam preobračanja do svita.« Dolgo-trajno trpljenje ali bolezen človeka zdelata in ni čudno, če začne tak trpin vse bolj temačno presojati. In če nima koga, ki bi mu lajšal gorje, čisto lahko začne izgubljati upanje: »Moji dnevi ... minevajo brez upanja ... Moje oko ne bo več videlo sreče.« V evangeliju srečamo Jezusa, ki najprej poskrbi za Petrovo bolno taščo, ki jo »je tresla mrzlica.« A komaj je bila ozdravljena je takoj začutila tudi sama potrebo, da dela dobro drugim. »In žena jim je stregla«, dodaja Marko. Proti večeru so mu z vseh strani prinesli bolnike in »ozdravil jih je mnogo«, pravi besedilo. Kakšno srce ima Kristus za vsakogar, ki trpi, posebej za bolne! Ves evangelij je poln takih in podobnih prizorov. Zato so tudi kristjani vseh stoletij čutili potrebo in dolžnost, da pomagajo bolnim in so povsod, kjer so jim dovolili, ustanavljali bolnišnice in zavetišča. Značilnosti sodobnega kristjana bi morale biti: čut za bolne in osamele ter onemogle. Pri vsem tem Jezus ni pozabil na svoj ljubezenski odnos do očeta: »Zjutraj,« pravi evangelist, »ko je bilo še zelo temno, je vstal in odšel ter se napotil na samoten kraj in je tam molil.« Črpal je moč za svojo ljubezensko službo. Ko ga je hotel Peter privesti nazaj k množici, mu je odgovoril: »Pojdimo drugam ... da bom tudi tam učil ... In hodil je okoli.« SHPAGHETTI DINNER The Catholic Girls Club hosted our 5th annual spaghetti dinner and it was again a nice night out for our parishioners while helping a worthy cause - our fundraiser this year is going to "cityikidz" which is an organization built to inspire, build and empower children every day! Our CGC has so many people to thank for the success of our Spaghetti dinner; our mom's who always manage to make sure everything is organized and ready to go on our Spaghetti Dinner night, Fr. Drago who is always so willing to help us with printing, our slide show and making sure we have pictures of our event, to Joe and John Horvat, Robbie Letnik and Tom Miklavcic who provided live music for the even ing and created a great environment for everyone to enjoy and of course, to all the parishioners who were able to attend, enjoy and support us in our community efforts. To everyone, Thank you for your support! Ü (D 6:00 p.m. Sat. Feb. 14, 2015 St. Gregory the Great Upper Hall A family oriented event of new & old traditions m ■ал Live Entertainment by — Featuring: Frank, Robert & Tony Letnik Tom Miklavčič, Joe & John Horvat Playing: Retro 80's, Rock, Ska, Traditional Slovenian Music, Plus DJ Joe Horvat Food available for Purchase Kranjske, Coleslaw, Pizza, Krofi Well stocked bar Admission $10, Persons in Full Costume & Children under 15 yrs old $5 Prizes for best costumes! Categories: - 6 yrs and under at 8:00 pm - 7 yrs to 14 yrs at 9:00 pm -15 yrs and older at 10:00 pm 50/50 Raffle at 11:00 pm Come out and have fun! Get a little "crazy" before Lent! Meet your fellow parishioner/Slovenians and introduce the children to one another and to their rich cultural heritage. Your Parish Council An event and facility presented for members and supporters of St. Gregory and the Hamilton Diocese Response: Sing praises to the Lord who heals the brokenhearted. First Reading Job 7:1-4. 6-7 Job finds nothing to relieve his suffering or alleviate his sadness. Second Reading 1 Cor. 9:16-19. 22-23 Paul makes himself all things to all people -to be able better to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. Gospel Mark 1:29-39 The kingdom of God enters our world through the healing ministry of Jesus. "She began to wait on them." Illustration There's a story about a man - let's call him Sam - who was walking by a river one day when he spotted a woman in the water in obvious distress. Without a moment's hesitation, he jumped in, swam to the woman and guided her safely to the riverbank, where a small group of people had gathered to watch the dramatic rescue. No sooner had Sam made sure that the woman was going to be okay than the shout went up: "There's another one!" Sam leapt back into the river and swam to rescue a drowning man. Our exhausted hero dragged him to the shore and hadn't even got out of the water this time when the cry went up again: "Someone else is drowning!" This time a child was rescued by valiant Sam. By now the crowd had grown to quite a size, so when the eagle-eyed spectators shouted out that there were more people floating down the river, all eyes turned expectantly to Sam. But instead of diving back in, Sam calmly stood up, turned his back to the river and started walking away. Angrily, the crowd challenged him: "Aren't you going to rescue those people?" "You rescue them," Sam said. "I'm going to find out who's throwing people into this river." Gospel Teaching Today's Gospel shows Jesus doing a good deed, as he heals Simon's mother-in-law. Quickly a crowd gathers as word spreads of Jesus' healing powers. It's almost as if Jesus is presented with the suffering of the whole town. And he dives in, curing those who are sick and freeing those caught up by evil spirits. But Jesus faces a dilemma. Is this why he came - to cure sick people, to establish a base here in Capernaum so that those who are burdened can come to him? In the silence of the night, away from the crowds, he is able to look beyond the immediate need and hear his Father's voice speak to him of his true purpose, his real mission. Yes, Jesus is a healer - but his mission is not simply to cure sickness, and he has not been sent just to this one town. Like Sam in the story, Jesus sees that there is a bigger issue at stake, a more urgent and important task he has to accomplish. So although "everybody is looking for" Jesus - doubtless there were more people in need of healing - Jesus does not return to the town but instead heads off for other places. And his intention is not simply to heal, since healing is only one aspect of his mission. He has come to "preach" - to proclaim the good news of the nearness of God's kingdom, of which the healings and the exorcisms are but a sign. Application It's easy for us to be so wrapped up in our lives - the daily routine, the demands that simple existence makes upon us - that we lose sight of our true purpose and calling. Like Job, we can be left struggling with our existence, failing to find a meaning in our lives. Sickness, mental illness, stress and anxiety in particular can so consume us that our life feels like no more than "pressed service" and "hired drudgery". But that highly charged, symbolic good deed of Jesus points a way forward for us: Simon's mother-in-law, totally incapacitated by her illness, is restored by Jesus' touch not simply to health but to service. She is "helped up" by Jesus - and she begins to "wait on them" (the original Greek word means she "ministers" or "deacons" to them). In other words, her encounter with Jesus transforms her suffering into the freedom to serve. This Gospel truth is a lesson the disciples struggle to learn: that true greatness lies in service, for Jesus himself came not to be served but to serve. Jesus' mission was indeed to heal - but this healing was accomplished on the cross, and was a healing of the whole of humanity, indeed the whole of creation. Those of us who, like Simon's mother-in-law, are touched by Jesus are raised to serve like him, to continue his mission of bringing healing and wholeness into our world. So many people are weighed down by burdens of suffering, trapped by external forces of oppression and poverty, or enslaved by internal compulsions and addictions. The response of Christ - of the Christian - is to do more than simply ask "Why?" We are called to engage actively, by proclaiming the nearness of God's kingdom through lives of loving service. canadian slovenian historial society 11th general annual meeting At Dom Lipa Board room 52 Neilson Drive, Toronto We are inviting all members and friends of CSHS to attend the 11th General annual meeting to be held on Saturday February 21th 2015, starting with the registration at 9:30 a.m. The executive members of the Board will present the reports of the activities in the past year. You will have the opportunity to visit the Archives office. Join us and help us preserve the history of Canadian Slovenians. All members and friends of CSHS welcome! kanadsko slovensko zgodovinsko društvo enajsti redni letni občni zbor v Domu Lipa Board room 52 Neilson Drive, Toronto Vabimo vse člane in prijatelje KSZD, da se udeležijo enajstega rednega letnega občnega zbora, ki bo v soboto 21. februarja 2015 v spodnjih prostorih Doma Lipe (Board Room), pričenši z registracijo dopoldne ob 9:30. Odboriniki vam bodo predstavili poročila o delu v preteklem letu. Ob tej priliki si lahko ogledate Arhivsko pisarno. Le združeni lahko ohranjamo zgodovino kanadskih Slovencev. Vsi člani in prijatelji KSZD dobrordošli! Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor-vaje шщщь -л i > i!% Vaje za župnijski mešani I jQ J pevski zbor bodo v četrtek А ' 12. februarja. Pojemo na prvo postno nedeljo 22. februarja. dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti ♦ 8. februar: Zaradi napovedi slabega vremena ne bo maše v Savi in Londonu. ♦ 14. februar: Pustovanje v župnijski dvorani, začetek ob 6:00 p.m. ♦ 15. februar: Bled - Valentine's Day-lunch ♦ 18. februar: Pepelnica-začetek posta ♦ 1. marec: CWL-KŽZ - Bazaar ♦ 1. marec: Sv. Jožef - Občni zbor/Annual General Meeting -11:00am ♦ 3. marec: Lipa Park - 5:30 p.m. - Občna seja ♦ 8. marec: Triglav-London: ob12:15 p.m. maša v dvorani društva & Koline. - Bled: Members General Meeting ♦ 15. marec: SAVA -1:00 p.m. maša Bled: Dan žena - banquet (Oto Pestner) ♦ 22. marec: Banket društva sv. Jožefa - maša bo ta dan SAMO ob 10:00 a.m. občni zbor: 12. april 2015_ Datum letošnjega župnijskega občnega zbora smo na zadnjem srečanju članov župnijskega pastoralnega sveta prestavili na nedeljo,12. aprila. Ker odslej škofija zahteva, da oddamo finančno poročilo do konca februarja, je premalo časa še za dobro pripravo Občnega zbora. Prosimo, da razmislite, če bi bili pripravljeni postali člani župnij-skega sveta -vsako leto rabimo nekaj novih članov. cwl-kžz bazaar: march 1st, 2015_ A reminder that our CWL Bazaar will be held on Sunday, March 1, 2015. Lunch tickets are now available before and after each mass. You can also contact Theresa Sarjaš directly for reservations: 905-560-1218. Although the Bazaar is organized and run by our dedicated CWL members, a large portion of our fundraisers go towards helping our church so we turn to our parish members for support. To help make our Penny sale and Raffle tables a success, any donations that you are able to make would be welcome and very much appreciated. Donations can be dropped off with our ladies selling lottery and lunch tickets before and after masses in the boxes provided. We ask that donations be dropped off by early Saturday morning so that we have enough time to organize our tables for our bazaar the following day. We are also very appreciative of the baked goods the ladies of our parish contribute to the bazaar - we all know that it just wouldn't be the same without your Pecivo! Your baked goods can be dropped off in the upper hall on Saturday Feb. 28th in the morning. Thank you in advance for your contributions. The Bazaar is coming up soon and the Catholic Girls Club will be organizing and running the children's center again this year. We are in need of prizes and donations to create a great experience for the kids here at our parish. Any help you can give us with this would be really appreciated. We are going to have our teddy bear corner again, so any gently used or new teddy bears that you can spare would also be a great help to us. The Catholic Girls Club will be having an IMPORTANT meeting on Sunday Feb. 15th after 11am mass to discuss and organize the Children's center at the Bazaar. prešernov večer_ Prešernov Večer, petek 13. februarja, 2015 AT Brown's Line, Toronto at 7:45 p.m. You are all invited to attend one of the most important events in our community. Prešernov Večer 2015. Program that we are presenting, is a pure showcase of our local musical talent, combined with live presentation from one of the most recognized speaking personalities in Slovenia, Professor, Dr. Janez Bogataj. Short title "SLOVENIA CELEBRATES" "Our ideal is a European man, different by appearance, but only one in his strive. Let us be one in spirit and love, but let us preserve our faces!" Obvestilo hamiltonskega škofa Douglasa THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF ONTARIO (CPSO) are consulting the public regarding their proposed policy about Professional Obligations and Human Rights. It is a troublesome policy in that it seeks to limit the moral and ethical rights of physicians in matters related to conscience. The Hamilton Diocesan website will provide helpful information for you by Tuesday of this week so that you can better understand this situation and take part in the consultation process. Bishop Crosby encourages all parishioners to respond to the consultation. Responses must be submitted before February 20th. Discernment Retreats in March Have you thought about the priesthood or religious life? If you would like to learn how to listen to God's call in your own life, and how to follow that call in your own vocational discernment, then this retreat is for you. Open to people 18 years old and older: March 13-15 (for men) and March 20-22 (for women). To register or to find out more visit and click on the "Discernment Retreat" tab. come and see weekend_ "Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest." (Matthew 9:38) Hosted by St. Peter Seminary in London, a Come and See Weekend offers a special opportunity for men considering a vocation to diocesan priesthood to reflect on the call of God in their lives, immerse themselves in Seminary life, and interact with seminarians who can share and witness from personal experience. Offered the weekend of March 6 to 8 at St. Peter Seminary beginning with registration on the Friday evening between 7:00 and 7:30 p.m. and concluding with lunch on Sunday afternoon at about 2:00 p.m. The weekend is open to men who are in grade twelve and older. Please feel free to contact Father Kuzma at the Vocation Office of the Diocese of Hamilton at for further information or to register as a participant. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in lii Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -don bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. OD 8. 2. 2015 DO 15. 2. 2015 svete maše - masses Nedelja - Sunday 5. Ned. med letom 8. februar Hieronim, redovnik za žive in rajne župljane ff Ivan in Frančiška Miketič f Albin Žagar ff Starši Ivan in Danica, brat Lojze ff Za pokojne člane društva 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 noon 4:00 p.m. Sin Ivan z družino Mary Zabukovec Ivan Mihelič (Sava-Breslav) London - St. John the Divine Ponedeljek Monday f Frank Novak 7:00 p.m. Žena Romana 9. februar f Janez Recek Družina Recek Apolonija, mučenka Torek - Tuesday 10.februar Po namenu 8:00 a.m. n.n. Sholastika, redovnica Sreda - Wednesday ff Pokojni iz družine Kastelic 7:00 p.m. Vid Kastelic z družino 11.februar f Andrej Pahulje Karla in Tomaž Pahulje Lurška Mati Božja Za zdravje Lojzka Saje Četrtek - Thursday 12.februar Evlalija, mučenka f Jože Lehner 7:00 p.m. Mama Cilka f Ana Škrban Sestrična Vera z možem Petek - Friday f Gašpar Lucija 7:00 p.m. Družina Gergyek 13.februar f Andrej Pahulje Mama Zinka Jordan, redovnik ff Anton in Štefan Gomboša Julija Sagadin z družino Sobota Saturday Po namenu f Anna Selšek 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. n.n. Mia Goodfellow and family ff Anna in Janez Selšek Družina Krminac 14.februar ff Starši Vengar in sorodniki Tilka Vengar in družina Valentin, Zdravko Sv. Cirl in Metod ff Pokojni Sorodniki f Jože Jerič Tilka Vengar in družina Žena z družino Nedelja - Sunday 6. Ned. med letom 15.februar Klavdij, redovnik za žive in rajne župljane f RudiHanc f Izidor Zabukovec, obl. 9:30 a.m. Ivan in družina Kirec 11:00 a.m. Žena z družino