78 79 Slovenščina 2.0, 2019 (1) STATE-OF-THE-ART ON MONOLINGUAL LEXICOGRAPHY FOR GREECE (EL) V o u l a G I O U L I , S t e l l a M A R K A N T O N A T O U Institute for Language and Speech Processing / Athena RIC Athens, Greece Giouli, V., Markantonatou, S. (2019). State-of-the-art on monolingual lexicography for Greece (el). Slovenščina 2.0, 7(1): 78–97. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4312/slo2.0.2019.1.78-97. The authors report on a recent survey on monolingual dictionaries available on the Greek market. General dictionaries outnumber spelling and educational ones and enjoy a prestigious status. Only one general dictionary is digitally born and only two are available through the web, but several are available as CDs. Most of the prestigious dictionaries have received public funding but not all. Lexicography is well considered in Greece where printed dictionaries seem to still have the lead. Keywords: monolingual dictionary, market research, lexicography 79 V. GIOULI, S. MARKANTONATOU: State-of-the-art... 1 I N T R O D U C T I O N This article is a short review of the lexicographic situation in Greece today. We report on an extensive research on the book market and on the biblio- graphic production of the last decades. Our findings were supplemented with the results of a European survey on dictionary use1 (Kosem et al., 2018) that was conducted in the framework of the European Network of e-lexicography (ENeL) COST Action (IS1305)2. Being the broadest survey of dictionary use to date, it covers circa 10,000 participants in nearly thirty countries. We aim to offer a detailed picture of the lexicographic landscape in Greece in terms of available resources and their status. In Section 2 we present our sources of information. Brief information about general, spelling and school monolingual dictionaries is provided in Section 3 and about the format of the dictionaries and the diffusion of internet in Greece in Section 4. In Section 5 we provide some financial information and in Sec- tion 6 we discuss our findings concerning the attitude of the public towards Lexicography. The Appendix is an integral part of this document as it contains the three tables with the results of our market search. 2 S O U R C E S O F I N F O R M A T I O N We used BIBLIONET as a main source of information. BIBLIONET, a books- in-print database, was developed by the National Book Centre of Greece (EKE- BI), the main publishers’ associations and 45 individual publishers. Currently it is maintained by EKEBI (http://www.gbip.gr). For each book, the database pro- vides updated information about its bibliographic record, market availability and indicative prices. The BIBLIONET listings were checked against informa- tion from electronic bookstores and the webpages of major publishing houses. Additionally, we have drawn information from the national infrastructure DYAS (http://dyas-net.gr/dyas/index.php/en/dyas-project.html). DYAS contributes to the European Infrastructure DARIAH (https://www.dariah.eu/), which aims to connect national infrastructures and incorporate the results of local activities in a com- mon European framework. DYAS lists more than 600 monolingual thesauri. 1 http://www.elexicography.eu/events/european-survey-on-dictionary-use/ 2 http://www.elexicography.eu/ 80 81 Slovenščina 2.0, 2019 (1) We also searched OSDEL with the search term εκπαιδευτικά λεξικά ‘education- al dictionaries’ (http://www.osdelnet.gr). OSDEL is the on-line database of books published in Greece and is maintained by a union of authors, translators and publishers. Lastly, we searched the proceedings of the International Conference on Greek Linguistics (ICGL), Euralex International Congress (EURALEX), and eLex in the 21st Century in order to find references to the listed dictionaries in scien- tific publications. We also used a relatively recent study on the state-of-the-art in Greek electronic lexicography (Mantzari and Pantazara, 2014). 3 M O N O L I N G U A L L E X I C O G R A P H Y I N G R E E C E: M A R K E T R E S E A R C H The resources showed that 104 general, school, spelling and abbreviation dic- tionaries of the general Modern Greek language are available on the market right now. Below, we give details about the origins of the general monolin- gual, spelling, and pedagogical dictionaries, their format and their place in the market. 3.1 General monolingual dictionaries The commercially available general monolingual dictionaries along with year of publication and the name of publisher are listed in Table 1, in the Appendix. 65. Of them, the dictionaries numbered 3,22,31 are the most highly consid- ered and widely used ones. The ENeL Survey also showed that the dictionary under the number 62 is widely used. The dictionaries under the number 3 and 22 have been produced by the Academy of Athens and the University of Thessaloniki respectively. The dictionary under the number 31 was produced by a private publisher and was supervised by George Babiniotis, Prof. of Lin- guistics at the University of Athens. Despite their origins, none of the diction- aries numbered 3, 22 and 31 (and no other dictionary) is considered a national symbol according to the ENeL survey results. 62 was produced by a publisher. 3.2 Spelling dictionaries and their status The 14 commercially available spelling dictionaries are listed in table 2 in the Appendix. Almost all major dictionary publishers have released one spelling 81 V. GIOULI, S. MARKANTONATOU: State-of-the-art... dictionary at least. A tendency for publishing spelling dictionaries just after the release of a general or a school dictionary can be detected in our data sug- gesting that spelling dictionaries are a by-product of the dictionary develop- ment procedure. The ENeL survey shows that spelling dictionaries are in wide use even in the internet era. A possible explanation for this fact might be their size and price. Despite their popularity, however, they do not enjoy the status of the general dictionaries. 3.3 Special monolingual dictionaries The 24 cxommercially available school dictionaries are listed in Table 2 in the Appendix. Since 2002, Greek lexicographic activity has shifted from large-scale, general use dictionaries to specialised pedagogical dictionaries targeted at foreign language learners (Rundell, 1998), (Bullon, 2006) and school students3. This is especially true for dictionaries for schools. In 2002, the Ministry of Education and the Pedagogical Institute of Greece initiat- ed a series of dictionaries as part of a national project; they aimed at the reformation of school curricula and the development of teaching material (Gavrilidou et al, 2008). The series consists of two dictionaries for primary school (pupils 6-9 and 10-12 years) and one dictionary for the secondary education students (aged 12-15) compiled on the basis of carefully designed lexicographic and pedagogical specifications. These dictionaries filled the gap in pedagogical lexicography but they have not been updated since then. Their printed versions are distributed free of charge to students in all public schools; they are also available on the market for a fee for students of private schools and all other interested parties. Their electronic versions are freely available as e-books (in pdf format) from the official site of the Greek Min- istry of Education. Dictionaries compiled to suit the needs of foreign learners of Greek are bilin- gual and fall out of the scope of this enterprise. Only the “Dictionary of Greek 3 We adopt Tarp (2012)’s definition of school dictionary: “a learner’s dictionary (or ped- agogical dictionary) especially designed to assist school children in learning languages (whether a native or a foreign language) and scientific and practical disciplines”. Con- sequently, we did not list dictionaries for younger ages, i.e., pre-school children and toddlers, since most of them use a basic vocabulary and pictorial illustrations and short stories instead of definitions. 82 83 Slovenščina 2.0, 2019 (1) as a Foreign Language4” is an available monolingual pedagogical dictionary for school students that learn Greek as a foreign language. It was compiled by the University of Athens in 2007 as part of a national project and it is freely available as an e-book. 4 D I C T I O N A R Y F O R M A T Nearly all the listed dictionaries are available in paper/book format and only few are offered as a CD-ROM. Sometimes, the CD-ROM edition is available as a stand-alone product at a lower price; others can also be purchased as e-books (in pdf format) but they cannot be adjusted to devices other than personal or portable computers. Only two dictionaries are available on the web: (a) the Dictionary of Standard Modern Greek by Manolis Triantafyllidis5 (numbered 22 in Table 1) and (b) the Dictionary of Modern Greek Language6 (numbered 10 in Table 1). Dictionary (a) is also available in paper/book format; a digit- ised version is available via a portal dedicated to the Greek language operated by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The web interface is designed to provide combined access both to other online dictionaries and to textual data. The newly-released dictionary (b) is only browser based, but as yet, it has not been adapted to small screens such as the screen of a tablet or a mobile phone. Only the Small Dictionary of Modern Greek (numbered 33 in Table 1) is cur- rently available as an application for smartphones and tablets. To the best of our knowledge, only two dictionaries available on the market to- day are digitally born7: “Synonyms and antonyms Thesaurus of Modern Greek” (Patakis Publications 2005) and the “Dictionary of Modern Greek as a foreign language” (University of Athens, 2007). In both cases, LEXICOGRAPHOS, a language independent software for editing and authoring monolingual and bi- lingual dictionaries and for publishing dictionaries to hardcopy was employed (Tsalidis et al, 2010). We have not included “Synonyms and Antonyms” in the list with the general dictionaries of Modern Greek. 4 Throughout this document, we use the English title provided by the publisher/develop- er, where available. 5 http://www.greek-language.gr/greekLang/modern_greek/tools/lexica/triantafyllides/ search.html?lq= 6 http://lexicon-neohel.patakis.gr/el/ 7 Neither of them is available on line. 83 V. GIOULI, S. MARKANTONATOU: State-of-the-art... A note on the internet diffusion in Greece follows with information from two sources. Overall, Greece scores low but not the lowest in the use of internet in Europe. Internet World Stats (http://www.internetworldstats.com/eu/gr.htm): In Greece, in June 2016 there were 7,072,534 Internet users (65.6% of the population). Eu- rostat: In Greece, in 2016, Internet access and use statistics - households and individuals (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Archive: Internet_access_and_use_statistics_-_households_and_individuals): 1) At EU-Member State level, the lowest proportions of households with access to the internet in Europe were registered in Bulgaria (64 %) and Greece (69 %) as well as the lowest broadband connectivity rates (Bulgaria 63 % and Greece 68 %). 2) Share of daily users in Greece: 57 %. 3) More than one fifth of the population were non-internet users. 5 F U N D I N G O F D I C T I O N A R I E S A N D T H E C U R R E N T B U S I N E S S M O D E L Table 1 shows that most of the commercially available dictionaries of Modern Greek have been produced by private enterprises and only two of them by academic units. Nearly all are available as printed books, the exception being dictionary numbered 10 in Table 1 that at the moment is available only as a web service and users have to register before using it. The average cost of a monolingual Greek dictionary is 24 euros but prices dif- fer significantly. Of the two publicly funded large monolingual dictionaries (numbered 3 and 22 in Table 1), the dictionary under number 3 is available as a printed book at a relatively modest fee given its status and size8. The dic- tionary under number 22, on the other hand, is freely available on the web9 but there is no printed version of it. The four pedagogical dictionaries (num- bers 13–16 in Table 2) commissioned by the Greek Ministry of Education were publicly funded and are available free of charge for pupils attending public 8 This fact caused the reaction of many columnists, academics and the general public; this reaction was reflected in the press and the digital media. 9 http://www.greeklanguage.gr/greekLang/modern_greek/tools/lexica/triantafyllides/ in- dex.html 84 85 Slovenščina 2.0, 2019 (1) schools. Paying with a subscription is not used as there are few to none dic- tionaries available on the web or through apps. Dictionary 10 in Table 1 that is the only one available as a web service, can be searched free of charge by registered users but fees for various levels of usage have been announced. Recently a new business model for the promotion of literary products helped newspapers and publishing houses join forces to increase paper/hard copy press circulation along with advertising and promoting dictionaries: printed versions of dictionaries were offered with the Saturday or the Sunday news- papers at a very low cost. In most cases, special editions were offered such as cheaper editions or series of small volumes with external discriminative fea- tures that set them apart from the versions available on the market for a fee. The Greek audience seems to consider publicly funded dictionaries better than the commercial ones. The commercial dictionaries released by the private- ly-run Κέντρο Λεξικολογίας (Lexicology Centre) seem to benefit from the rep- utation owed to Prof. G. Bambiniotis who supervises the lexicographic work. 6 T H E A T T I T U D E O F T H E G E N E R A L P U B L I C I N G R E E C E T O- W A R D S D I C T I O N A R I E S A N D L E X I C O G R A P H Y The ENeL Survey has revealed interesting facts about the attitude of the gen- eral public towards dictionaries and lexicography. Despite the fact that Greek is a lesser-spoken language, the number of monolingual dictionaries available on the market is remarkable. However, according to the survey results, dic- tionaries that are no longer available on the market are still widely used. Dic- tionaries such as “Λεξικόν της Πρωίας” and “Δημητράκος” that were highly considered during the second half of the 20th century at least and had a great impact on Greek Lexicography are still in use. Besides conventional lexicographic resources, survey respondents also opt for Wiktionary and Google Translate. However, this result may be slightly bi- ased because the Wikipedia community of Greece supported the ENeL survey wholeheartedly. People in Greece do not seem to be really familiar with corpora and corpus use. On the bright side, the portal for the Greek Language at the University of Thessaloniki provides access to textual corpora (journalistic and pedagogical 85 V. GIOULI, S. MARKANTONATOU: State-of-the-art... texts) and supports combined search in the corpora and the dictionaries host- ed. Other corpora10 are only known to academics and professionals who work on Language Technologies, Translation and Lexicography and to students. Recently, highly considered private schools have included courses on new technologies but, of course, they are addressed to a minority. In the ENeL Survey corpora featured in two questions, namely whether users would rank high a dictionary that is corpus-based and/or a dictionary that provides examples extracted from corpora. The criteria were in competition with other desired features of a good dictionary but, despite that, they did not range too low in the responses of the Greek audience. The general public in Greece is not familiar with electronic lexicography let alone crowdsourcing and its exploitation in lexicography. The younger gener- ation is more familiar with such practices, especially the students – a fact that was also reflected in the European survey on dictionary use. Lexicography is well-considered in Greece given the following facts: 1) Lexicography has been included as a taught module in most graduate and, especially, post-graduate courses in Greek Universities. 2) The Greek Ministry of Education has financed the compilation of spe- cialized pedagogical dictionaries (discussed in Sections 3–6). 3) Greek universities have been involved in the compilation of dictionar- ies, for instance the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Uni- versity of Patras (Kokkinakis et al, 1998). 4) The Academy of Athens has produced and maintains an important dictionary of the general language (numbered 3 in Table 1). 5) There is an important production of (predominantly printed) diction- aries by private enterprises. 6) A private company (Lexicography Center), supervised by Prof. Babiniotis, has produced a series of very popular lexica; of them, the dictionary under number 31 in Table 1 is very prestigious and has be- come extremely popular. 10 Namely, the Hellenic National Corpus (Hatzigeorgiu et al, 2000) and the Corpus of Greek Texts (Goutsos, 2010). 86 87 Slovenščina 2.0, 2019 (1) The body of research on the use of general dictionaries by the general public in Greece is small. We have consulted the relevant recent publications and have listed them in Section 2. However, these publications only partially cover the field as the first one is about existing electronic dictionaries and the second one only about the use of dictionaries in school. Literature on the use of dic- tionaries in the classroom is given in Μάντζαρη (2011). 7 C O N C L U S I O N We report on the results of a research focused on monolingual dictionaries in Greece. The main objective of this short review was to present the current situation of Greek lexicography in terms of available resources, format of the dictionaries available on the market and the current business model. The atti- tude of the general public towards dictionaries and lexicography seems to be rather positive even though alternative reference sources are also employed (ie., Wikipedia). However, the majority of the monolingual dictionaries are still printed rather than digital. In this regard, there is still room for adopting new technologies in lexicography. A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S We acknowledge support of this work by the European Network of e-lexicog- raphy (ENeL) COST Action (IS1305). R E F E R E N C E S Bullon, S. (2006). The Use of Corpora in Pedagogical Lexicography. In Pro- ceedings of the 13th NIJL International Symposium Language Corpora: Their Compilaltion and Application. Tokyo, Japan. 1–8. Gavrilidou, M., Giouli, V. and Lambropoulou, P. (2008). The Greek High School Dictionary: Description and issues. In Bernal, E., and DeCesaris, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the XIII Euralex International Congress (EU- RALEX 2008). Barcelona, Spain. Institut Universitari de Linguistica Apli- cada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. 515–524. Goutsos, D. (2010). The Corpus of Greek Texts: A reference corpus for Mod- ern Greek. Corpora 5(1), 29–44. 87 V. GIOULI, S. MARKANTONATOU: State-of-the-art... Hatzigeorgiu, N., Gavrilidou, M., Piperidis, S., Carayannis, G., Papakostopou- lou, A., Spiliotopoulou, A., Vacalopoulou, A., Labropoulou, P., Mantzari, E., Papageorgiou, H., and Demiros, I. (2000). Design and Implementation of the Online ILSP Greek Corpus. In Gavrilidou et al (eds.) Proceedings of the second international conference of language resources and eval- uation (LREC), 1737–1740. European Language Resources Association (ELRA). Athens, Greece. Kokkinakis, G., Dermatas, E., Koutsogeorgopoulos, E., and Giouli, V. (1998). Ανάπτυξη Ηλεκτρονικών Λεξικών στο Εργαστήριο Ενσύρματης Τηλεπικοινωνίας του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών. [Development of Elec- tronic Dictionaries in the Wire Communications Laboratory of the University of Patras]. In Studies for the Greek Language, 19th Annu- al Meeting of the Linguistics Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Institute of Modern Greek Studies. Manolis Triantafyllidis Foundation. Kosem, I., Lew, R. et al. (2018). The image of the monolingual dictionary across Europe. Results of the European Survey on Dictionary Use and Cul- ture. International Journal of Lexicography 2018 (1), 1–23. doi: 10.1093/ijl/ ecy022 Mantzari, E. and Pantazara, M. (2014). Γενικά και ειδικά ηλεκτρονικά λεξικά της νέας ελληνικής. [General and specialised electronic lexica of Modern Greek]. In Kotzoglou, K., et al (eds.). Selected Papers of the 11th Interna- tional Conference on Greek Linguistics, 968–986. Rhodes, University of the Aegean (in Greek). Rundell, M. (1998). Recent trends in English Pedagogical Lexicography. In- ternational Journal of Lexicography 11(4), 315–342. Tarp, S. (2011). Pedagogical Lexicography: Towards a New and Strict Typolo- gy Corresponding to the Present State-of-the-Art. Lexikos. 21(1):217-231. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5788/21-1-44 Tsalidis, C., Pantazara, M., Panagiotis, M. and Mantzari, E. (2010). NLP tools for lexicographic applications in Modern Greek. In Granger, S. and Paquot, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the eLex2009: eLexicography in the 21st Century: New Challenges, New Applications. Université Catholique de Louvain. Cahiers du CENTAL No 7, 457–462. 88 89 Slovenščina 2.0, 2019 (1) Ευθυμίου, Α. and Μητσιάκη, M. (2007). Το πρώτο μου λεξικό ως εργαλείο διδασκαλίας της ελληνικής σε αλλόγλωσσους [My first dictionary as a tool for teaching Greek to non-Greek speakers]. In K. Ντίνας and Α. Χατζηπαναγιωτίδη (eds.), Η ελληνική γλώσσα ως δεύτερη/ξένη - Έρευνα, Διδασκαλία, Εκμάθηση. Πρακτικά διεθνούς συνεδρίου, Φλώρινα, 12–14 Μαΐου (2006). University of Western Macedonia. Thessaloniki, Universi- ty Studio Press. Μάντζαρη, Ε. (2011). Μονόγλωσσα ελληνικά παιδαγωγικά λεξικά: ζητήματα σχεδιασμού και διδακτικής αξιοποίησης [Monolingual Greek educational lexica: issues of design and of educational exploitation]. PhD thesis. Uni- versity of Patras. STANJE ENOJEZIČNE LEKSIKOGRAFIJE: GRČIJA Prispevek predstavlja nedavno raziskavo o enojezičnih slovarjih, ki so na voljo na grškem trgu. Splošni slovarji so številnejši od pravopisnih in šolskih, hkrati pa imajo prestižnejšo vlogo. Zgolj en splošni slovar je izvorno digitalni, le dva pa sta na voljo na spletu; nekaj jih je na voljo na zgoščenkah. Večina prestižnih slovarjev je bila financirana z javnimi sredstvi in grška leksikografija uživa do- ber sloves, primat pa imajo tiskani slovarji. Ključne besede: enojezični slovar, tržna raziskava, leksikogafija To delo je ponujeno pod licenco Creative Commons: Priznanje avtorstva-Deljenje pod enakimi pogoji 4.0 Mednarodna. / This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share- Alike 4.0 International. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 89 V. GIOULI, S. MARKANTONATOU: State-of-the-art... A P P E N D I X Table 1: General dictionaries of Modern Greek. Dictionary title in greek Dictionary title translit- erated Year Re-ferred Fund- ed Print- ed Cd Rom E- book Price € 1 Ελληνικό λεξικό τσέπης Eliniko lexiko tsepis 2013 no pub- lisher yes no no 5,6 2 Μικρό ελληνικό λεξικό Mikro eliniko lexiko 2007 no pub- lisher yes no no 8 3 Χρηστικό λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Xristiko lexiko tis neoelinikis γlosas 2014 yes pub-licly yes no no 48 4 Ηλεκτρονικό ελληνικό λεξικό Ilektroniko eliniko lexiko 2009 yes pub- lisher no yes no 19,9 5 Μικρό ερμηνευτικό λεξικό Mikro erminef- tiko lexiko 2009 no pub- lisher yes no no 10,9 6 Τέλειο λεξικό της δημοτικής γλώσσας Telio lexiko tis δimotikis γlosas 1995 no pub-lisher yes no no 18,66 7 Λεξικόν της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσης Lexikon tis neas elinikis γlosis 1971 no pub-lisher yes no no 145 8 Νέο λεξικό της δημοτικής Neo lexiko tis δimotikis 199 no pub- lisher yes no no 19,7 9 Ορθογραφικόν και ερμηνευτικόν λεξικόν της ελληνικής γλώσσης Orthografikon kai erminefti- kon lexikon tis elinikis γlosis 1969 no pub-lisher yes no no 9,59 10 Μεγάλο Λεξικό της Νεοελληνικής Γλώσσας Meγalo lexico tis Neoelinikis Γlosas 2016 no pub-lisher no no no 11 Μικρό νεοελληνικό λεξικό Πατάκη Mikro neoe- liniko lexiko Pataki 1994 no pub-lisher yes no no 7,65 12 Σύγχρονο λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Siγχrono lexiko tis neoelinikis γlosas 1995 no pub-lisher yes no no 18,04 90 91 Slovenščina 2.0, 2019 (1) Dictionary title in greek Dictionary title translit- erated Year Re-ferred Fund- ed Print- ed Cd Rom E- book Price € 13 Συνοπτικό λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Sinoptiko lexiko tis neoe- linikis γlosas 1997 no pub-lisher yes no no 0,5 14 Νέο ελληνικό λεξικό της σύγχρονης δημοτικής γλώσσας Neo lexiko tis siγχronis δimo- tikis γlosas 1995 no pub-lisher yes no no 57,54 15 Νεοελληνικό λεξικό Neoeliniko lexiko 2007 no pub- lisher yes no no 7,13 16 Το μικρό λεξικό της νεοελληνικής To mikro lexiko tis neoe- linikis 2001 no pub-lisher yes no no 4,78 17 Λεξικό νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Lexiko neoe- linikis γlosas 2002 no pub- lisher yes no no 8,3 18 Σύγχρονο λεξικό τσέπης Siγχrono lexiko tsepis 2008 no pub- lisher yes no no 10,2 19 Λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής Lexiko tis neas elinikis 2003 no pub- lisher yes no no 8,59 20 Λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας με αναγωγή στην αρχαία ελληνική Lexiko tis neas elinikis γlosas me anaγoγi stin arχea eliniki 2002 no pub-lisher yes no no 45,43 21 Το μεγάλο λεξικό της γλώσσας μας To meγalo lexiko tis γlo- sas mas 2005 no pub-lisher yes no no 42,75 22 Λεξικό της κοινής νεοελληνικής 1998 yes pub-licly yes/no no no 69,24 23 Ερμηνευτικό ορθογραφικό μονοτονικό λεξικό της δημοτικής Ermineftiko orθoγrafiko monotoniko lexiko tis δimo- tikis no pub-lisher yes no no 7,32 24 Μονοτονικό λεξικό της δημοτικής Monotoniko lexiko tis δimo- tikis 1990 no pub-lisher yes no no 19,14 25 Ορθογραφικό, ερμηνευτικό, μονοτονικό λεξικό της δημοτικής Orθoγrafiko, monotoniko lexiko tis δimo- tikis 1990 no pub-lisher yes no no 7,17 91 V. GIOULI, S. MARKANTONATOU: State-of-the-art... Dictionary title in greek Dictionary title translit- erated Year Re-ferred Fund- ed Print- ed Cd Rom E- book Price € 26 Λεξικό των πιο απαιτητικών λέξεων της νέας ελληνικής Lexiko ton pio apetitikon lexeon tis neas elinikis 2015 no pub-lisher yes no no 36 27 Μικρό λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας Mikro lexiko tis neas elinikis γlosas 2006 yes pub-lisher yes no yes 34 28 Λεξικό για το σχολείο και το γραφείο Lexiko γia to sχolio ke to γrafio 2004 no pub-lisher yes no no 58 29 Λεξικό για το σχολείο και το γραφείο Lexiko γia to sχolio ke to γrafio 2004 no pub-lisher yes no no 0 30 Λεξικό για το σχολείο και το γραφείο Lexiko γia to sχolio ke to γrafio 2004 no pub-lisher yes no no 58 31 Λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας Lexiko tis neas elinikis γlosas 1998 yes pub- lisher yes no no 96 32 Λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας Lexiko tis neas elinikis γlosas 1998 no pub- lisher yes no no 92 33 Μικρό λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας Mikro lexiko tis neas elinikis γlosas 2013 no pub-lisher yes/ iphone no no 34 34 Μικρό λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας Mikro lexiko tis neas elinikis γlosas 2006 no pub-lisher yes no no 28 35 Λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας Lexiko tis neas elinikis γlosas 2004 no pub- lisher yes no no 7,03 36 Λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας Lexiko tis neas elinikis γlosas 2004 no pub- lisher yes no no 10,5 37 Λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας Lexiko tis neas elinikis γlosas 2004 no pub- lisher yes no no 13,55 38 Λεξικό νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας Lexiko tis neas elinikis γlosas 2003 no pub- lisher yes no no 37,71 39 Κιβωτός της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Kivotos tis neoelinikis γlosas 2009 no pub-lisher yes no no 47,7 92 93 Slovenščina 2.0, 2019 (1) Dictionary title in greek Dictionary title translit- erated Year Re-ferred Fund- ed Print- ed Cd Rom E- book Price € 40 Ερμηνευτικό λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Ermineftiko lexiko tis neoe- linikis γlosas 2001 no pub-lisher yes no no 4,64 41 Το μεγάλο λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας To meγalo lexiko tis neoe- linikis γlosas 1999 no pub-lisher yes no no 43,34 42 Εύχρηστο ερμηνευτικό λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Efχristo ermi- neftiko lexiko tis neoelinikis γlosas 1998 no pub-lisher yes no no 18,58 43 Το μικρό ερμηνευτικό λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας To mikro ermineftiko lexiko tis neoe- linikis γlosas 1998 no pub-lisher yes no no 17,96 44 Το μεγάλο λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας To meγalo lexiko tis neoe- linikis γlosas 1980 no pub-lisher yes no no 24,77 45 Το μεγάλο λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας To meγalo lexiko tis neoe- linikis γlosas 1998 no pub-lisher yes no no 123,84 46 Λεξικό σπανίων νεοελληνικών λέξεων Lexiko spanion neoelinikon lexeon 2007 no pub-lisher yes no no 15 47 Νέο υπερλεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Neo iperlexiko tis neoelinikis γlosas 1999 yes pub-lisher yes yes no 32,61 48 Επίτομο λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Epitomo lexiko tis neoelinikis γlosas 1992 no pub-lisher yes no no 29,91 49 Το επίτομο λεξικό της γλώσσας μας To epitomo lexiko tis γlo- sas mas 1991 no pub-lisher yes no no 10,47 50 Λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας Lexiko tis neas elinikis γlosas 1998 no pub- lisher yes yes no 71,34 51 Σύγχρονο λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Siγχrono lexiko tis neoelinikis γlosas 2004 no pub-lisher yes no no 9,82 93 V. GIOULI, S. MARKANTONATOU: State-of-the-art... Dictionary title in greek Dictionary title translit- erated Year Re-ferred Fund- ed Print- ed Cd Rom E- book Price € 52 Σύγχρονο λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Siγχrono lexiko tis neoelinikis γlosas 2006 yes pub-lisher yes no no 24,26 53 Σύγχρονο λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Siγχrono lexiko tis neoelinikis γlosas 2007 no pub-lisher yes no no 15,83 54 Σύγχρονο νεοελληνικό λεξικό Siγχrono neoe- liniko lexiko 1993 no pub- lisher yes no no 6,12 55 Λεξικό της νεοελληνικής Lexiko tis neoelinikis 1990 no pub- lisher yes no no 20,19 56 Ορθογραφικό και ερμηνευτικό λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Orθoγrafiko ke ermineftiko lexiko tis neoe- linikis γlosas 2004 no pub-lisher yes no no 20,18 57 Λεξικό ορθογραφικό - ερμηνευτικό της νέας ελληνικής Lexico orθoγrafiko - ermineftiko tis neas elinikis 2011 no pub-lisher yes no no 9,7 58 Ορθογραφικό- ερμηνευτικό λεξικό νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Orθoγrafiko - ermineftiko lexiko tis neoe- linikis γlosas 1997 no pub-lisher yes no no 8,7 59 Λεξικό της νεοελληνικής Lexiko tis neoelinikis 1999 no pub- lisher yes no no 40 60 Σύγχρονο λεξικό της ελληνικής Siγχrono lexiko tis elinikis 1975 no pub- lisher yes no no 55 61 Νέο λεξικό της ελληνικής Neo lexiko tis elinikis 1998 no pub- lisher yes no no 36,68 62 Μείζον Φυτράκη λεξικό της ελληνικής γλώσσας Mizon Fitraki lexiko tis elini- kis γlosas 2011 yes pub-lisher yes no no 45 63 Τσέπης Φυτράκη λεξικό της ελληνικής γλώσσας Tsepis Fitraki lexiko tis elini- kis γlosas 2009 no pub-lisher yes no no 13 94 95 Slovenščina 2.0, 2019 (1) Dictionary title in greek Dictionary title translit- erated Year Re-ferred Fund- ed Print- ed Cd Rom E- book Price € 64 Μικρό ελληνικό λεξικό Mikro eliniko lexiko 2009 no pub- lisher yes no no 28 65 Αντιλεξικόν - ή Ονομαστικόν της Νέας Ελληνικής Γλώσσης. Antilexikon i Onomastikon tis Neas Elini- kis Γlosis 2008 yes pub-lisher yes no no 79,5 Table 2: Spelling dictionaries of Modern Greek. Dictionary title in greek Dictionary title translit- erated Year Re-ferred Fund- ed Print- ed Cd Rom E- book Price € 1 Μικρό ορθογραφικό λεξικό Mikro orθoγrafiko lexiko 2008 pub-lisher yes no no 5,9 2 Ορθογραφικό λεξικό Orθoγrafiko lexiko 2008 pub- lisher yes no no 9,9 3 Ορθογραφικό νεοελληνικό λεξικό τσέπης Orθoγrafiko neoeliniko lexiko tsepis 1995 pub-lisher yes no no 6,02 4 Νεότατο ορθογραφικό λεξικό της δημοτικής γλώσσας Neotato orθoγrafiko lexiko tis δimo- tikis γlosas 1985 pub-lisher yes no no 10,65 5 Ορθογραφικό μονοτονικό λεξικό της δημοτικής Orθoγrafiko monotoniko lexiko tis δimotikis pub- lisher yes no no 5,69 6 Ορθογραφικό λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας Orθoγrafiko lexiko tis neas elinikis γlosas 2008 pub-lisher yes no no 42 7 Νέο ορθογραφικό λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Neo orθoγrafiko lexiko tis neoe- linikis γlosas 2005 pub-lisher yes no no 6,02 8 Νέο ορθογραφικό λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Neo orθoγrafiko lexiko tis neoe- linikis γlosas 2002 pub-lisher yes no no 14,63 95 V. GIOULI, S. MARKANTONATOU: State-of-the-art... Dictionary title in greek Dictionary title translit- erated Year Re-ferred Fund- ed Print- ed Cd Rom E- book Price € 9 Νέο ορθογραφικό λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Neo orθoγrafiko lexiko tis neoe- linikis γlosas 1997 pub-lisher yes no no 6,88 10 Ορθογραφικό λεξικό της νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Orθoγrafiko lexiko tis neoe- linikis γlosas 1997 pub-lisher yes no no 6,19 11 Ορθογραφικό λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής Orθoγrafiko lexiko tis neas elinikis 2006 pub-lisher no no yes 3,9 12 Ορθογραφικό λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής για το δημοτικό Orθoγrafiko lexiko tis neas elinikis γia to δimotiko 2006 pub-lisher no no yes 3,9 13 Ιδιότυπο ορθογραφικό λεξικό Iδiotipo orθoγrafiko lexiko 1995 pub-lisher yes no no 3,05 14 Ορθογραφικό νεοελληνικό λεξικό τσέπης Orθoγrafiko neoeliniko lexiko tsepis 1996 pub-lisher yes yes no 8,44 Table 3: School dictionaries of Modern Greek. Dictionary title in greek Dictionary title trans- literated Year RefErred Fund- ed Print- ed Cd Rom E- Book Price € Free 1 Ελληνικό λεξικό ιδανικό για το σχολείο Eliniko lexik iδaniko γia to sχolio 2008 pub- lisher yes no no 14,1 no 2 Ένα λεξικό σαν παραμύθι Ena lexiko san paramiθi 2009 pub- lisher yes no no 14,9 no 3 Παιδικό λεξικό εικονογραφημένο Peδiko lexiko ikonoγrafi- meno 2009 pub- lisher yes no no 14,9 no 4 Τι είναι αυτό; Μικρό εικονογραφημένο λεξικό Ti ine afto? Mikro ikonoγrafi- meno lexiko 1990 pub- lisher yes no no 10,2 no 5 Ορθογραφικό λεξικό της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας για το δημοτικό Orθoγrafiko lexiko tis neas elinikis γlosas γia to δimotiko 2009 pub- lisher yes no no 5,71 no 96 97 Slovenščina 2.0, 2019 (1) Dictionary title in greek Dictionary title trans- literated Year RefErred Fund- ed Print- ed Cd Rom E- Book Price € Free 6 Το πρώτο μου λεξικό To proto mu lexiko 2001 pub- lisher yes no no 11,26 no 7 Μεγάλο λεξικό του δημοτικού Meγalo lexiko tu δimotiku 2001 pub- lisher yes yes no 20,00 - 6,00 no 8 Περιεκτικό λεξικό του δημοτικού Periektiko lexiko tu δimotiku 2011 pub- lisher yes no no 11,45 no 9 Το λεξικό του δημοτικού To lexiko tu δimotiku 2001 yes pub- lisher yes no no 4 no 10 Το πρώτο μου λεξικό για το δημοτικό To proto mu lexiko γia to δimotiko 2000 pub- lisher yes no no 22,93 no 11 Μαθητικό λεξικό για το δημοτικό Maθitiko lexiko γia to δimotiko 2009 pub- lisher yes no no 17,32 no 12 Το πρώτο μου λεξικό 2007 pub- lisher yes no no 22,82 no 13 Ερμηνευτικό λεξικό νέας ελληνικής Α΄, Β΄, Γ΄ γυμνασίου Ermineftiko lexico neas elinikis A’, B;, Γ’ Γimnasiu 2008 yes publicly yes no no 8,63 no 14 Το λεξικό μας: Ορθογραφικό, ερμηνευτικό λεξικό Δ΄, Ε΄, ΣΤ΄ δημοτικού To lex- iko mas: Orθογrafiko, ermineftiko lexiko Δ’, Ε’, ΣΤ’ δimotiku 2007 yes publicly yes no no 2,88 no 15 Εικονογραφημένο λεξικό Α΄, Β΄, Γ΄ δημοτικού Ikonoγrafi- meno lexiko A’, B’, Γ’ δimotiku 2007 yes publicly yes no no 5,22 no 16 Λεξικό της Ελληνικής ως ξένης γλώσσας Lexiko tis Elinikis os xenis γlosas 2007 yes publicly yes no yes 0 yes 17 Το λεξικό μου To lexiko mu 2005 yes no no 20,29 no 18 Μικρό λεξικό νεοελληνικής γλώσσας Mikro lexiko neoelinikis γlosas 1998 pub- lisher yes no no 11,7 no 19 Λεξικό νεοελληνικής γλώσσας για μαθητές γυμνασίου Lexiko neoe- linikis γlosas γia maθites γimnasiu 1997 pub- lisher no no 10,56 no 97 V. GIOULI, S. MARKANTONATOU: State-of-the-art... Dictionary title in greek Dictionary title trans- literated Year RefErred Fund- ed Print- ed Cd Rom E- Book Price € Free 20 Το μικρό μου λεξικό (Ορθογραφικό, ερμηνευτικό, για μαθητές δημοτικού, γυμνασίου) To mikro mu lexico (Orθoγrafiko, ermineftiko, γia maθites δimotiku, γimnasiu) 2003 pub- lisher yes no no 8,97 no 21 Το μαθητικό πολυλεξικό To maθitiko polilexiko 2002 pub- lisher yes no no 10,1 no 22 Λεξικό Δημοτικού σχολείου Lexiko Δimo- tiku Sχoliu 2008 yes yes no 0 free in news- pa- pers 23 Μεγάλο μαθητικό λεξικό Μeγalo maθitiko lexiko 2009 pub- lisher yes no no 9 no 24 ΓΚΙΚΑ ΛΕΞΙΚΟ ΕΝΝΟΙΩΝ ΓΕΝΙΚΗΣ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ GIKA LEX- IKO ENION GΕΝΙΚΙS PEΔIAS 1998 pub- lisher yes no no 15.85 no