VSEBINA – CONTENTS PREGLEDNI ^LANKI – REVIEW ARTICLES Aluminium: the metal of choice Aluminij: kovina izbire M. J. F. Gándara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Nanotechnology for ballistic materials: from concepts to products Nanotehnologija za balisti~ne materiale: od izhodi{~ do proizvoda V. M. Castaño, R. Rodríguez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Multi-functional KIc-test specimen for the assessment of different tool- and high-speed-steel properties Ve~funkcijski KIc-preizku{anec za dolo~anje razli~nih lastnosti orodnih in hitroreznih jekel V. Leskov{ek, B. Podgornik. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Nanosilica-reinforced polymer composites Polimerni kompoziti oja~ani z nanosiliko M. Conradi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 IZVIRNI ZNANSTVENI ^LANKI – ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES The fatigue behaviour of aluminium foam Vedenje aluminijevih pen pri preizkusu utrujenosti M. Nosko, F. Siman~ík, R. Florek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Addition of strontium to an Mg-3Sn alloy and an investigation of its properties Dodatek stroncija zlitini Mg-3Sn in preiskava njenih lastnosti M. Öbekcan, A. Ayday, H. ªevýk, S. C. Kurnaz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 The effect of binder on chemically precipitated hydroxyapatite during spray drying Vpliv veziva na kemijsko izlo~eni hidroksiapatit med atomizacijo F. E. Baþtan, E. Demiralp, Y. Y. Özbek, F. Üstel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 Plasma electrolytic saturation of 316 L stainless steel in an aqueous electrolyte containing urea and ammonium nitrate Plazemsko elektrolitsko nasi~enje nerjavnega jekla 316 L v vodnem elektrolitu s se~nino in amonijevim nitratom L. C. Kumruoglu, A. Özel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 Minimization of surface defects by increasing the surface temperature during the straightening of a continuously cast slab Zmanj{evanje povr{inskih napak z zvi{anjem temperature povr{ine kontinuirno ulitega slaba med ravnanjem J. Stetina, T. Mauder, L. Klimes, F. Kavicka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Influence of process parameters on the corrosion resistance of corrugated austenitic and duplex stainless steels Vpliv procesnih parametrov na korozijsko odpornost rebrastih avstenitnih in dupleksnih nerjavnih jekel S. M. Alvarez, A. Bautista, F. Velasco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 Concentration and path-length dependence on the Faraday rotation of magnetic fluids based on highly water-soluble Fe3O4/PAA nanoparticles synthesized by a high-temperature hydrolysis method Odvisnost koncentracije in dol`ine poti od Faradayevega vrtenja magnetnih teko~in na osnovi visokovodotopnih nanodelcev Fe3O4/PAA, sintetiziranih z metodo visokotemperaturne hidrolize S. Küçükdermenci, D. Kutluay, E. Çelik, Ö. Mermer, Ý. Avgýn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 The possibility of copper corrosion protection in acidic media using a thiazole derivative Mo`nost protikorozijske za{~ite bakra v kislem mediju z uporabo derivatov tiazola \. Va{tag, S. Apostolov, M. Had`istevi}, M. Sekuli} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 Energy- and time-saving low-temperature thermomechanical treatment of low-carbon plain steel Prihranki energije in ~asa pri nizkotemperaturni termomehanski obdelavi malooglji~nega plo{~atega jekla H. Jirkova, D. Hauserova, L. Kucerova, B. Masek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 ISSN 1580-2949 UDK 669+666+678+53 MTAEC9, 47(3)259–400(2013) MATER. TEHNOL. LETNIK VOLUME 47 [TEV. NO. 3 STR. P. 259–400 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIJA MAY–JUNE 2013 Electrochemical characterization of the nano Py/DDS/SiO2 film on a copper electrode Elektrokemijska karakterizacija nanoplasti Py/DDS/SiO2 na bakreni elektrodi M. Sharifirad, F. Kiani, F. Koohyar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 Sewage-sludge stabilization with biomass ash Stabiliziranje komunalnega mulja s pepelom biomase P. Pav{i~, D. O{tir, A. Mladenovi~, S. Kramar, M. Dolenec, P. Bukovec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 Dredged mud from the port of Koper – civil engineering applications Mulj iz luke Koper – uporabnost v gradbeni{tvu A. Mladenovi}, @. Poga~nik, R. Mila~i~, A. Petkov{ek, F. Cepak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Automated diagnostics of damage to an aluminum alloy under the conditions of high-cycle fatigue Avtomatizirana diagnostika po{kodbe aluminijeve zlitine pri visoko-cikli~nem utrujanju P. Maruschak, I. Konovalenko, M. Karuskevich, V. Gliha, T. Vuherer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Welded aluminium and magnesium alloys – corrosion and mechanical properties for refrigeration compressors in comparison with deep-drawing steel Varjene aluminijeve in magnezijeve zlitine – korozijske in mehanske lastnosti za kompresorje hladilnikov v primerjavi z jeklom za globoko vle~enje K. G. Kerschbaumer, R. Vallant, N. Enzinger, C. Sommitsch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 Water-vapour plasma treatment of cotton and polyester fibres Obdelava bomba`nih in poliestrskih vlaken s plazmo vodne pare J. Vasiljevi}, M. Gorjanc, R. Zaplotnik, A. Vesel, M. Mozeti~, B. Simon~i~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 STROKOVNI ^LANKI – PROFESSIONAL ARTICLES Influence of sample direction on the impact toughness of the API-X42 microalloyed steel with a banded structure Vpliv usmerjenosti vzorcev na udarno `ilavost mikrolegiranega jekla API-X42 s trakavo mikrostrukturo A. Salimi, H. Monajati Zadeh, M. R. Toroghinejad, D. Asefi, A. Ansaripour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 Experimental and numerical investigation of an air-PCM heat-storage unit Eksperimentalna in numeri~na preiskava enote zrak – PCM za shranjevanje toplote T. Mauder, P. Charvat, M. Ostry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 Experimental investigation of a heat-transfer coefficient Preiskave koeficienta prenosa toplote M. Chabi~ovský, M. Raudenský . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 IN MEMORIAM Prof. dr. Jo`e Rodi~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 M. J. FREIRÍA GÁNDARA: ALUMINIUM: THE METAL OF CHOICE ALUMINIUM: THE METAL OF CHOICE ALUMINIJ: KOVINA IZBIRE María Josefa Freiría Gándara Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, 15704 Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, Spain josefa.freiria@yahoo.es Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-21; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-21 This article summarizes the importance of aluminium as the metal of choice for many applications. Aluminium is a lightweight, durable metal. It is silvery in appearance when freshly cut, is a good conductor of heat and electricity, and is easily shaped by moulding and extruding. Aluminium has two main advantages when compared with other metals. Firstly, it has a low density, about one-third that of iron and copper. Secondly, although it reacts rapidly with the oxygen in air, it forms a thin, tough and impervious oxide layer that resists further oxidation. This removes the need for surface-protection coatings such as those required with other metals, in particular with iron. All the indications are that the growth in the use of aluminium will likely accelerate. It is expected that in the near future the use of aluminium with specifically improved properties will grow in many applications, meeting the increased economic and ecological demands. Considering the entire life-cycle of an automobile, from the extraction of materials to the final disposal, including recycling and reuse applications, aluminium proves to be a potential alternative to steels in future automotive applications. Keywords: corrosion resistance, aluminium alloys, aluminium applications, aluminium in vehicles, CO2 emission, aluminium recycling ^lanek povzema pomembnost aluminija kot izbrane kovine z mnogimi mo`nostmi uporabe. Aluminij je lahka, zdr`ljiva kovina. Je srebrne barve, ko je sve`e odrezan, je dober prevodnik toplote in elektrike in se lahko oblikuje z ulivanjem v kokile in z ekstruzijo. Aluminij ima v primerjavi z drugimi kovinami dve glavni prednosti. Prva je majhna gostota, okrog ene tretjine gostote `eleza ali bakra. Druga: ~eprav hitro reagira s kisikom iz zraka, tvori tanko, trdo in neprepustno oksidno plast, ki prepre~uje nadaljnjo oksidacijo. Zato ni potrebe po povr{inski za{~iti, kot jo zahtevajo druge kovine, {e posebno `elezo. Ka`e, da se bo rast porabe aluminija {e nadaljevala. V bli`nji prihodnosti se pri~akuje, da bo zaradi pove~anja ekonomskih in ekolo{kih zahtev uporaba aluminija s posebnimi, izbolj{animi lastnostmi rastla na mnogih podro~jih uporabe. Z upo{tevanjem celotnega trajnostnega cikla avtomobila, od pridobivanja materiala do odlaganja, vklju~no z recikliranjem in mo`nostjo nadaljnje uporabe, aluminij dokazuje, da je mogo~a alternativa jeklom v prihodnji proizvodnji avtomobilov. Klju~ne besede: odpornost proti koroziji, aluminijeve zlitine, uporaba aluminija, aluminij v vozilih, emisija CO2, recikliranje aluminija 1 INTRODUCTION Aluminium is a light, conductive, corrosion-resistant metal with a strong affinity for oxygen. This combina- tion of properties has made it a widely used material, with applications in the aerospace, architectural con- struction and marine industries, as well as many dome- stic uses. Aluminium is the second most widely used metal in the world today. It is used extensively in aircraft, in building construction, and in consumer durables such as fridges, cooking utensils and air conditioners, as well as in food-processing equipment and cans. Aluminium is not found in its metallic form in nature. It occurs as bauxite, a mixture of aluminium oxides, iron oxides and clay. Manufacturing aluminium metal from bauxite is a complex process. Aluminium is one of the most important metals used by modern societies. Aluminium´s combination of physi- cal properties results in its use in a wide variety of pro- ducts, many of which are indispensable in modern life. Because of its light weight and electrical conductivity, aluminium wire is used for the long-distance transmis- sion of electricity. Aluminium’s strength, light weight, and workability have led to increased use in transpor- tation systems, including light vehicles, railcars, and aircraft in efforts to reduce fuel consumption. Alumi- nium’s excellent thermal properties and resistance to corrosion have led to its use in air conditioning, refrige- ration, and heat-exchange systems. Finally, its malleabi- lity has allowed it to be rolled and formed into very thin sheets used in a variety of packaging. In 1903, the Wright brothers made aviation history when they achieved the world’s first flight powered by a lightweight engine made with aluminium components. Today, aluminium is fundamental to the aviation indu- stry. It was in the 1920s that aluminium shipping appli- cations started to expand due to new alloys becoming available for marine applications. In the 1980s, alumi- nium emerged as the metal of choice for reducing running costs and improving the acceleration of metros, tramways, intercity and high-speed trains. The average volume of aluminium used in passenger cars was significantly increased in 2000. The examples given for its success prove the major breakthroughs in automotive applications for aluminium that have been achieved during recent years by develo- ping innovative light-weight and cost-efficient solutions. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 261–265 261 UDK 669.71:669.715 ISSN 1580-2949 Review article/Pregledni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)261(2013) Vehicle manufacturers must constantly improve their performance at minimum costs. The choice of a material will therefore depend on its price, its mechanical properties and its impact on vehicle production costs. Due to its low weight, good formability and corrosion resistance, aluminium is the material of choice for many automotive applications, such as the chassis, auto body and many structural components.1–4 2 ALUMINIUM PRODUCTION The major raw materials required for aluminium pro- duction are alumina, carbon, power, aluminium fluoride and cryolite. The aluminium industry consumes nearly 90 % of the bauxite mined; the remainder is used in abrasives, cement, ceramics, chemicals, metallurgical flux, refractory products, and miscellaneous products. Virtually all the alumina commercially produced from bauxite is obtained using a process patented by Karl Josef Bayer (Austria) in 1888. Primary aluminium is produced by the electrolysis of alumina dissolved in molten fluoride salt. The process was independently invented in 1886 by Charles Martin Hall (United States) and Paul Louis Toussaint Héroult (France) and underwent continual improvement over the years. The electrolysis of alumina to produce aluminium involves the use of aluminium fluoride, carbon anodes, and large amounts of electricity.5–7 Taking the purity grades of aluminium into account, the aluminium content is usually the main consideration and other elements are considered only as impurities. The common purity grades of aluminium are listed in Table 1.8,9 3 CORROSION RESISTANCE Aluminium’s well-known corrosion resistance is an obvious advantage in road transport. It contributes to a long service life, especially in vehicles that work in conditions that can cause serious corrosion problems. Usually, no painting or other surface protection is required and it is easy to clean. Maintenance is therefore kept to a minimum. Corrosion is an electrochemical interaction between a metal and its environment which results in changes to the properties of the metal and which may often lead to impairment of the function of the metal, the environ- ment, or the technical system of which these form a part. Corrosion can occur locally (pitting), or it can extend across a wide area to produce a general deterioration. A clean aluminium surface is very reactive and will react spontaneously with air or water to form aluminium oxide. This oxide builds a natural protective layer on each aluminium surface with a thickness of around 1–10 nm. The oxide layer is chemically very stable, has a good adhesion to the metal surface, repairs itself and protects the aluminium from further corrosion. The oxide layer can be destroyed in strong acidic or alkaline environments or where aggressive ions are present. Aggressive ions can destroy the layer locally and lead to local corrosion attack (pitting). A typical case for this reaction is the contact between aluminium and chloride ions, which are present in seawater or road salts. Some alloying elements might increase the corrosion resistance of the oxide layer, while others can weaken it. Vehicle manufacturers or fleet operators should contact the alu- minium supplier in any case of critical working condi- tions, like elevated temperatures or aggressive loads. Some general rules need to be applied to prevent corrosion, in most cases to prevent any kind of water trap or areas where condensation can occur. Although aluminium can be used without any surface protection and keeps its natural beauty throughout its life, it is most likely to use different surface treatment methods to optimise its attractiveness and optical appearance and to protect it from severe atmospheric conditions.10 4 ALUMINIUM ALLOYS In aluminium alloys other elements are deliberately added to improve the properties in some way. Many alloys have been developed, the aim being to improve the strength while retaining the desirable properties of aluminium, most notably its lightness and corrosion resistance. In general though, while the addition of an alloying element increases the strength, it reduces the resistance to corrosion, making a compromise of the properties necessary. A possible exception to this is magnesium alloys, which have improved corrosion resistance in marine environments. Aluminium-copper alloys have very poor resistance to corrosion, and sheets are often produced in sandwich form with thin layers of pure corrosion-resistant aluminium on the outside. A summary of typical alloys is given in Table 2.6,7,9 M. J. FREIRÍA GÁNDARA: ALUMINIUM: THE METAL OF CHOICE 262 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 261–265 Table 1: Purity grades of aluminium Tabela 1: Stopnje ~istote aluminija Aluminium content in mass fractions, w/% Major impurities in mass fractions, w/% Some typical uses Silicon Iron 99.95 (high purity) <0.006 <0.006 Extrusion joinery, electrical conductor, anodic trim, foil 99.80 <0.15 <0.15 Plumbing, reflectors, jewellery 99.50 <0.25 <0.40 Chemical plant, tanks, tubes 99.50 w(Si + Fe) < 1.0 % Pots, pans, sheet-metal work Table 2: Aluminium alloys Tabela 2: Zlitine aluminija Major alloy element Content in mass fractions, w/% Product Some typicaluses Copper Up to 4.5 Sheet Extrusions Castings High-strength aircraft parts Manganese 1.25 Sheet Sheet-metal work, pots, pans, etc. Silicon Up to 13 Castings Motor parts, castings of all types Magnesium and Silicon 0.7 Mg 0.4 Si Sheet Extrusions Architectural extrusions Magnesium Up to 5 Sheet Marine uses, boats, fish boxes, beer- can lids, etc. Zinc, Magnesium and Copper 5.8 Zn 2.5 Mg 1.4 Cu Sheet Extrusions High-strength aircraft Aluminium alloys used in the manufacture of commercial vehicles and their accessories are easy to process. They lend themselves to a variety of shaping and joining techniques. Correctly used, aluminium alloys have been developed to offer optimum corrosion resi- stance in all environments. Just one example: the widespread use of unpainted aluminium in marine applications. Aluminium alloys tailored by suitable variations in chemical composition and processing best fit many requirements, like the non-heat-treatable Al-Mg alloys used in chassis optimized for superb resistance against inter-crystalline corrosion and concurrent high strength or the heat-treatable Al-Mg-Si alloys for extrusions and auto-body sheet modified for improved age-hardening response during the automotive paint bake cycle. Moreover, Al-Mg-Mn alloys show an optimum combination of formability and strength achieved by the mechanism of solid solution and deformation hardening due to their specific high-strain hardening. Further improvements in the properties required for specific applications (e.g., surface appearance, corrosion resi- stance, thermal stability) have been achieved by small additions of other alloy elements and/or modified pro- cessing routes, e.g., stretcher strain free (SSF) sheet, avoiding Lüders-lines. Non-heat-treatable Al-Mg-Mn alloys are often applied for automobile parts in larger quantities as hot- and cold-rolled sheet and hydroformed tubes, due to their good formability, which can always be regained during complex forming operations by inter- annealing, where quenching is needed for age hardening. In chassis parts or wheel applications the benefit is twofold, since the weight reduction in the unsprung mass of moving parts additionally enhances driving comfort and reduces noise levels.11–19 5 ALUMINIUM APPLICATIONS: ALUMINIUM IN VEHICLES Aluminium in its pure form is a very soft metal and hence not suited for structural applications. Thanks to the addition of alloying elements such as copper, manga- nese, magnesium, zinc, etc., and thanks to adequate production processes, the physical and mechanical properties can be varied over a great range, making it possible to have suitable alloys for literally all appli- cations. There are challenges with aluminium. Perhaps the biggest challenge is the history of the auto industry. The many years of experience based on steel technology represents a significant barrier for aluminium, especially in the areas of manufacturing, i.e., forming and joining, which are critical to the automotive industry. In the eighteenth century, aluminium was very expen- sive, in spite of the fact that aluminium is a very abundant metal in the earth’s crust. Since that time the cost of aluminium has been on a continuous and steep decline in price based on technological advancements. This trend will certainly continue since there are a great number of initiatives, which will continue this decline in prices. Aluminium can be used for the car body structure and there can be a weight advantage of at least 30 % without any loss of performance. In some cases where very high strengths are demanded, 7xxx series alloys can be used to maintain this significant weight advantage. For a large volume, aluminium solutions are the most cost effective. Castings will be applied for areas where a strong part integration is feasible. Extrusions can easily be applied as straight profiles, but also forming of an extruded profile is a competitive process for high volumes, e.g., as bumper beams. Aluminium is the ideal light-weight material as it allows a weight saving of up to 50 % over competing materials in most applications without compromising safety. Due to the positive experiences and from former successful applications its volume fraction used in cars of all classes and all sizes will grow significantly. Applying full knowledge about the physical processes involved and the microstructure/properties correlation a tuning of properties is possible in order to produce optimum and stable products required for the high demands in automobile applications. The automotive industry has more than doubled the average amount of aluminium used in passenger cars during recent years and will do even more so in the coming years. The automotive industry, in close co-operation with the aluminium industry, has developed and introduced numerous innovative light-weight solu- tions based on established and improved aluminium alloys and optimized aluminium-oriented car design. Synergic effects together with a multi-material exploita- tion can guarantee an optimum design solution. One of M. J. FREIRÍA GÁNDARA: ALUMINIUM: THE METAL OF CHOICE Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 261–265 263 the main advances of aluminium is its availability in a large variety of semi-finished forms, such as shape castings, extrusions and sheet, all suitable for mass production and innovative solutions. Compact and highly integrated parts meet the strong demands for high performance, quality and cost-efficient manufactura- bility. Challenges involved here are mainly joining and surface treatment issues for which many suitable solutions have been developed. Aluminium semis are applied as castings, extrusions and sheet increases, e.g., in engine blocks and power-train parts, space frames, sheet structures or as closures and hang-on parts and other structural components. Material-specific processing routes and individual solutions have been developed in close cooperation with partners and suppliers. With a sound knowledge about the specific material properties and effects excellent light-weight solutions for automotive applications have been successfully applied by the automobile industries. Intensive and continuous collaboration of material suppliers and application engineers provided optimum solutions for sometimes contradicting aspects of the specific requirements, e.g., for the specific material selection and optimum combinations of strength and formability. Safety has become a crucial issue for vehicle manufacturers. Aluminium has the advantage of being much stronger than steel on a weight basis, so that with proper design a lighter aluminium vehicle can be expected to protect vehicle passengers as well (or better) than a heavier steel vehicle. The manufacturing flexibility of aluminium also represents a real advantage for the metal in auto applica- tions. Thus, aluminium is easier to extrude and cast than steel. Other processes, such as semi-solid forming and forging, are finding niches in the automotive business as well. Aluminium sheet applications are increasing at a rapid rate in structural, exterior panels and closure panels. The auto industry is highly competitive and increas- ingly global. Automakers are being challenged not only to meet the expectations of shareholders and customers, but also to answer the growing environmental concerns of society. Aluminium is the third most highly used material in vehicles and is rapidly gaining on its rival materials (iron and steel). Aluminium contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions from road transport. In recent years the potential problem of global warming has provided additional pressure on automakers worldwide to improve fuel economy. Carbon dioxide is considered to be the biggest anthropogenic contribution to global warming. It results primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels, hence the pressure on autos to burn less fuel. However, when one considers material substitutions, such as aluminium for steel, it is necessary to take account of the entire process of obtaining, processing, using and recycling the material.20,21 The automotive industry is known worldwide as being technically advanced and innovative. Based on economic and political pressure to reduce fuel consump- tion and CO2 emissions the efforts for light weight in automobile design and constructions have increased significantly and specific solutions based on the inten- sive use of aluminium as modified or new alloys have been developed in recent decades. Reducing manufacturing costs and tailpipe emissions by using light-weight materials which can be easily recycled or reused are among the major issues in today’s automobile industry. The growing emphasis on total cost and environmental impact has forced the life-cycle cost issue to be the driving factor. Weight savings in the overall car mass is considered to be a major research focus. Aluminium is proven to be among the potential materials capable of achieving weight reduction without sacrificing either vehicle safety or performance. Despite significant technological advantages in aluminium alloys, the use of aluminium alloys to replace traditional materials such as steels has been slow due to the lack of a comprehensive economic analysis of the entire life- cycle of automotive products. In considering the total life-cycle of an automobile covering four stages (pre-manufacturing, manufacturing, use, and post-use), it is apparent that during the operational (use) stage of a vehicle, aluminium is proven to be a reliable alternative for traditional materials currently used in automotive body structures, largely due to its cost-effectiveness and superior performance due to light weight. With gas price variations, the initial cost advantage of using steel in body components gained in pre-manufacturing and manufacturing stages can be overcome during the opera- tional (use) stage of the vehicle, since the lighter alternative provides significant savings in terms of fuel consumption and consequently the generation of air- borne gas emissions. Also, the superior recyclability and reusability of aluminium in the post-use stage outweighs that of traditional materials, despite the higher costs involved in producing primary aluminium. Knowing that the greatest opportunity for weight savings comes from the body structure and exterior closure panels, and that additional weight reduction can be achieved by downsizing the other components such as engine components, it can be considered as achieving a weight reduction by replacing the conventional material used in the vehicle’s construction (i.e., steel) with a lighter mass equivalent material (i.e., aluminium), main- taining the same vehicle design and using the same manufacturing processes for the body components.22–28 6 ALUMINIUM RECYCLING Aluminium is easily and economically recycled. Aluminium does not degrade during the recycling pro- cess, which means it can be recycled over and over again. Recycling aluminium reduces the need for raw M. J. FREIRÍA GÁNDARA: ALUMINIUM: THE METAL OF CHOICE 264 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 261–265 materials and reduces the use of valuable energy resources. Moreover, recycling reduces the amount of waste in landfill. Aluminium is a valuable material to recycle due to the large amount of energy and resources used in the initial manufacture. It can be infinitely recycled. Recycled aluminium is made into aircraft, automobiles, bicycles, boats, computers, cookware, gutters, sidings, wires, cans, etc. 7 REFERENCES 1 M. J. Crooks, R. E. Miner, Journal of Metals, 48 (1996) 7, 13–15 2 Y. Kurihara, Journal of Metals, 45 (1993) 11, 32–33 3 G. P. Syukla, D. B. Goel, P. C. Pandey, All India Seminar on Alumi- nium, New Delhi, 1978 4 Report of Investigation on the Technical Trend of Patent Applica- tions in 2004: Automobile Weight reduction Technologies, Japan Patent Office, 2005 5 J. E. Gould, Projection welding, ASM Handbook, ASM Internatio- nal, Metals Park, Ohio, 6, 1993, 230–237 6 A. S. Russell, Aluminum, McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, McGraw-Hill, New York 1997 7 D. Altenpohl, Aluminum Viewed from within: An Introduction into the Metallurgy of Aluminum Fabrication, Aluminium-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1982 8 U. M. J. Boin, M. Bertram, Journal of Metals, 5 (2005), 26–33 9 K. Grjotheim, B. J. Welch, Aluminium Smelter Technology: A Pure and Applied Approach, 2nd ed., Aluminium-Verlag, 1988 10 G. D. Davis, J. S. Ahearn, J. D. Venables, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A2 (1984), 763–766 11 I. N. Fridlyander, V. G. Sister, O. V. Grushko, V. V. Berstenev, L. M. Sheveleva, L. A. Ivanova, Metal Science and Heat Treatment, Sep- tember (2002), 3–9 12 M. P. Meinel, Product Engineering, 23 (1951), 163–165 13 T. R. Gauthier, W. J. Rowe, Mechanical Engineering, 70 (1948), 505–514 14 W. B. F. Mackay, R. L. Dowdell, Metal Progress, 56 (1949), 331–336, 404, 406 15 P. O’Keefe, Materials and Methods, 33 (1951), 90–104 16 T. P. Fisher, British Foundryman, 66 (1973), 71–83 17 R. F. Shyu, C. T. Ho, Journals of Materials Processing Technology, 171 (2006) 3, 411–416 18 H. Xu, Q. Han, T. 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Surappa, Sadhana, 28 (2003) 1, 319–334 28 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Aluminum Project Fact Sheet: Dynamic Inert Metal Anodes, 2001 Office of Industrial Technolo- gies, Washington D.C., 2001 M. J. FREIRÍA GÁNDARA: ALUMINIUM: THE METAL OF CHOICE Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 261–265 265 V. M. CASTAÑO, R. RODRÍGUEZ: NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR BALLISTIC MATERIALS ... NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR BALLISTIC MATERIALS: FROM CONCEPTS TO PRODUCTS NANOTEHNOLOGIJA ZA BALISTI^NE MATERIALE: OD IZHODI[^ DO PROIZVODA Víctor M. Castaño, Rogelio Rodríguez Centro de Física Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Boulevard Juriquilla 3001, Santiago de Querétaro, 76230 Querétaro, México castano@fata.unam.mx Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-31; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-16 The main trends and materials in protection technologies are briefly reviewed, emphasizing the properties and limitations of p-aramid fibres, widely used in armour systems, particularly in terms of their susceptibility to UV radiation, humidity and chemical attacks. Then, a novel nanotechnology capable of effectively diminishing these effects is described, as well as its application for an actual commercial ballistic vest. Keywords: nanotechnology, ballistic materials, aramid fibres, bullet-proof materials, nanoparticles, degradation Podan je pregled glavnih usmeritev in materialov v tehnologijah za{~ite s poudarkom na lastnostih in omejitvah p-aramidnih vlaken, ki se uporabljajo v oboro`itvenih sistemih s poudarkom na njihovo ob~utljivost za UV-sevanje, vlago in kemi~ni napad. Nato so opisane nove nanotehnologije, ki so sposobne zmanj{ati te vplive, kot tudi njihova uporaba pri dejanskem komercial- nem balisti~nem telovniku. Klju~ne besede: nanotehnologija, balisti~ni materiali, aramidna vlakna, neprebojen material, nanodelci, degradacija 1 INTRODUCTION: THE WORLD OF PROTECTIVE MATERIALS Protection represents an important industry, both economically and socially speaking, that includes, in the broad sense, industrial, laboratory, home and, of course, military protection, with an enormous variety of pro- ducts, from simple plastic gloves to sophisticated and confidential military armour. It is considered a "frag- mented industry", in spite of the high volumes involved, for literally thousands of manufacturers of raw materials, producers of finished goods, distributors at all scales, consultants, etc., operating worldwide with a steady growth rate of around 3 % annually.1–10 In particular, the materials that may be used for personal garment have attracted a great deal of attention in the past few decades. In fact, in December (2003), U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft instructed the National Institute of Justice to implement a new initiative "to address the reliability of body armour...and to examine the future of bullet- resistant technology and testing…"2,11–17 In the particular area of protective materials, thanks to the technological breakthrough of the 1960s that will be discussed later on, the share of the market for high- performance fibres for garment applications of one single company (Dupont) is 60 %, whereas Honeywell has 30 % and Toyobo, with the most recent technologies, has 5 %.3–17 Nanotechnology is already a subject taught not only at universities but also at the industrial level, while the capacities of creating new nanomaterials have been explored only in part.18–32 In the sections below we will focus, among all the ballistic conceivable materials, on those intended for personal protection, particularly on the ballistic vests and related gadgets. 2 MODERN TRENDS IN BALLISTIC MATERIALS Today’s generation of body-armour systems can provide protection at various levels designed to defeat most common low- and medium-energy handgun rounds. However, currently the highest-threat-level ballistic needs in the market are fulfilled by special, high- performance ceramics that tend to be very costly, fragile for standard handling, extremely heavy and very difficult to shape to the requirements of an ergonomic design.3–5 The search for novel polymer-based armour materials dates back to the invention of synthetic macromolecules. Accordingly, some companies have recently publicized some nanofibre-reinforced systems that are expected to provide very attractive weight/protection relationships not only for personal equipment, but also for belly plates for motor vehicles and even aircrafts5, exposed to the impacts caused by dust, birds and other objects, not necessarily by combat conditions, offering an interesting potential market for novel ballistic materials. From the military point of view and according to a recent report3, nanotechnology offers two important Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 267–271 267 UDK 620.3:66.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Review article/Pregledni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)267(2013) advantages: first, the potential to achieve high degrees of miniaturization, which will be reflected in the weight of the equipment and second, the possibility of finding unexpected effects at the nanoscale, which not only will represent a strategic advantage over the enemy, but will also include a possibility of concealing the technology behind a given effect. According to this view, a list of potential applications of nanotechnology for equipping the soldiers of the XXIst century is limited only by imagination, at least according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, which includes 56 specific projects divided into 7 work teams,3 one of them dedica- ted to energy-absorbing materials, an area of obvious relevance for the use of nanoparticles and nanostructured composites, in addition to "smart" materials, of course4. 3 KEVLAR: A TRUE TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION The modern history of ballistic polymers begins with Stephanie Kwolek’s 1966 patent on Kevlar, a para-ara- mid, invented while working with Dupont.6 Chemically speaking, the "para" configuration allows the formation of fibres, as opposed to the "cis" one that is sterically hindered due to the large aromatic groups of the struc- ture. Thus, the discovery of the properties of this mole- cular configuration has led to the development of a whole family of high-performance polymeric materials: the so-called p-aramids. In particular, Kevlar certainly represents a technological revolution not only for armour materials, but for many other important applications, from brake lining to space vehicles, including boats, parachutes, building materials, etc. From the chemistry standpoint, Kevlar is an aromatic polyamide, produced with a condensation reaction of para-phenylenediamine and terephthaloyl chloride, yielding a product with a chemical composition of poly-para-phenylene terephtha- lamide (PPD-T), having the technical name of Kevlar. It is known that aromatic and amide groups of the type contained in the structure of PPD-T provide a high mechanical and thermal strength. One of the important, and not very well known, facts about Kevlar is that it constitutes a type of liquid crystalline polymer. Indeed, when PPD-T solutions are extruded to produce an actual fibre, the liquid crystalline nanodomains align them- selves according to the flow, thus producing a highly anisotropic material, capable of withstanding very high impact energies. For example, the tensile modulus of Kevlar 29, a high-toughness variant used for ballistic vests, is of around 60 GPa, which can be further in- creased to 130 GPa (Kevlar 49) with thermal treatments under tension, increasing the anisotropy of the crystal- lites in the material7. The aromatic rings in the structure of Kevlar provide a high thermal stability, since the corresponding decomposition temperature is nearly 430 °C.8 After the success of the original Kevlar formu- lation, Dupont and a number of other companies have developed a whole family of p-aramids that, along with the other special polymeric materials (e.g., ultra-high- molecular-weight polyethylene –UHMWPE), nowadays constitute the core of the ballistic vest industry. One very important limitation of Kevlar, however, is its susceptibility to degradation due to UV exposure, environmental humidity and the chemicals contained in perspiration (sweat), the conditions that cannot be avoided during in-field operations. A report by the U.S. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory9 reveals that Kevlar "is susceptible to photo-degradation from UV light sources". Photo-degradation is a phenomenon, in which the tensile strength of the fibres is reduced as a result of exposure to UV light sources such as sunlight and fluorescent light. Photo-degradation leads to reduced abrasion and tear resistance in aramid fibres such as Kevlar. This problem is so serious that, for example, the User Instruction, Safety and Training Guide provided to the customers by Lion Apparel (Dayton, Ohio, U. S.) gives the following warning: "Exposure to ultraviolet light (found in the sun’s rays and fluorescent light) will severely weaken and damage the fabrics in your protective clothing after only A FEW DAYS. This is especially true for fabrics of the following aramid materials: Hoechst Celanese Pbi, Dupont Kevlar, Dupont Nomex, Dupont Nomex Omega, Dupont Nomex IIIA, Lenzing P84, Southern Mills Advance, and BASF Basofil." 4 NOVEL BALLISTIC FIBRES One of the most promising recent advances in poly- meric materials for protection garments is the Japanese fibre Zylon10, a poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) (PBO), which has a tensile strength of around twice that of Kevlar and similar commercial p-aramids, such as Twaron (by Teijin Twaron Co.). The amazing properties of Zylon have allowed super light, very comfortable (and very expensive!) vests. However, recent studies9-12 reveal inherent limitations in terms of its degradation under visible light, heat and, particularly, when exposed to humidity and the chemicals commonly found in sweat, which can lead to a 65 % strength loss over a period of only six months.10 Sealing the fabric into some thermo- plastic does not improve much this effect, even at room temperature, due to the capillarity behaviour of the Zylon fibre.12 These important limitations, along with the price, have severely limited the use of an otherwise attractive material. 5 STRATUM nanoPROTECTM: NANOTECHNOLOGY IN ACTION In the above context, armour industry faces an interesting conundrum: the availability of very strong polymeric materials that are highly sensitive to standard V. M. CASTAÑO, R. RODRÍGUEZ: NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR BALLISTIC MATERIALS ... 268 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 267–271 working conditions. A number of solutions have been proposed and tested so far, from protective coatings, to the use of irradiation13–16 to change the molecular confi- guration of polymeric materials such as HIPS, Nylon, Kevlar and Zylon and make them less susceptible to the environment, to the humidity coming from both the ambient and, particularly, from the bearer of the vest (i.e., the sweat). The problem is not simple at all, because the treatment or coating must not only preserve the ballistic properties of the system, but also allow a good deal of comfort that can be affected by stiffening the fibres through crosslinking or surface layers of various kinds. The challenge is, thus, too great for the standard technology of ballistic materials, as it can be corroborated by the fact that the leading industries in the field have spent years and enormous amounts of money to produce an environmentally stable garment to no avail. An opportunity for nanotechnology is then to find a solution using the unique characteristics of nanoscale systems. Indeed, ceramics are known to have a very high resistance to UV degradation, as compared to poly- mers.17–30 Their brittleness and specific density, however, prevent their use in a garment. By chemically attaching suitable ceramic nanoparticles to the surface of the fibre, one is able to effectively shield the material against UV without changing any other property. This can be done with a proper reaction between the nanoparticles and the previously modified Kevlar 29 fibre, using an organic coupling agent for the fibre and the particles.31–34 The problem of humidity is a more complicated one, since the common paradigm is to offer a physical barrier to the water molecules. The obvious difficulty is to ensure, at a molecular level, that the barrier keeps its integrity during the use, enduring bending, shear and all the typical abuses of a military garment. Chemically functionalized nanoparticles linked to organic structures offer a possibility of presenting a chemical barrier to water molecules. This has a number of unique advan- tages: first, no need to have a 100 % continuous coverage of the surface; second, no danger of detachment as with a coating, and third, no change in the other relevant physical and chemical properties of the fibre.34 The above hypothetical scheme has been applied to an actual armour vest, first commercially produced by Parafly, S. A.,17 under the trade mark of STRATUM nanoPROTECTM, and currently by QUANTICORP.33 The proprietary technology includes a multicomponent network, which uses, among other materials, Kevlar 29, to which chemically modified nanoparticles were attached during the fabrication process. Photographs of the modified Kevlar 29 fabric can be appreciated in Figures 1 and 2. In the case of STRATUM nanoPROTECTM, the Kevlar fibres were thermally treated to become ribbon- like fibres that changed, after the weaving, into a cloth with a better resistance to bullet penetration. This impro- vement is essentially due to an increase in the resistance to fibre openings in the fabric as a bullet penetrates the vest. Figure 3 displays a photograph of a standard V. M. CASTAÑO, R. RODRÍGUEZ: NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR BALLISTIC MATERIALS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 267–271 269 Figure 3: Detail of a standard Kevlar fabric using threads with a cylindrical shape Slika 3: Detajl navadnega kevlarskega tkanja z uporabo niti z valjasto obliko Figure 1: Overview of Kevlar-based STRATUM nanoPROTECTM fabric Slika 1: Videz tkanine STRATUM nanoPROTECTM, ki temelji na kevlarju Figure 2: Detail of the fibres Slika 2: Detajl vlaken Kevlar fabric employing threads with a cylindrical shape, where a clean hole produced by a projectile 9 mm is clearly observed. STRATUM nanoPROTECTM is then one of the first commercial examples of an effective use of nanotech- nology in armour devices. Nanotechnology added very significant UV and chemical resistance to the ballistic performance of the vest, which fulfils the international regulations in the area, being a unique garment. Figure 4 shows a photograph of a STRATUM nanoPROTECTM vest. 6 CONCLUDING REMARKS Today, the area of materials for various types of protection represents a unique opportunity for nanotech- nology, though perhaps not to develop brand new systems with amazing properties in a short term, but to overcome some of the serious limitations of the current technologies discussed above. Some other desirable features for armour garments can be achieved with current techniques available to many groups working in nanosystems throughout the world. In particular, the development of adequate variations of the nanotech- nology products described above, specifically Zylon and other high-performance ballistic fibres,35 is currently under way and will be reported separately. Acknowledgements The authors are indebted to Dr. Domingo Rangel, Dr. Genoveva Hernandez and Mrs. Carmen Vazquez for their support in various stages of this project. 7 REFERENCES 1 Market Report, Protective Clothing and Body Armour Industry: Fire, Chemicals and Bullets, Business Communications Co., Inc., 2002 2 U. S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, Statement regarding body armour safety initiative, December 24, 2003 http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocpa 3 MIT Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, Natick Soldier Centre (http://composite.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www .iol.co.za/index.php%3Fclick%5Fid=116%26art%5Fid=iol10734737 48336F362%26set%5Fid=1)(http://web.mit.edu/isn/research/researc hprojects.html) 4 Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (Department of Defence, U.S.A.) Newsletter, 38, 2001 5 US Global Nanospace, Inc. (http://www.usgn.com) 6 http://www1.dupont.com/NASApp/dupontglobal/corp/index.jsp 7 C. O. Pruneda, W. J. Steele, R. P. Kershaw, R. 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Velasco, Polysaccharide nanocomposites reinforced with modified graphene: oxidation and keratin grafting, Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res., 51 (2012) 9, 3619–3629 V. M. CASTAÑO, R. RODRÍGUEZ: NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR BALLISTIC MATERIALS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 267–271 271 V. LESKOV[EK, B. PODGORNIK: MULTI-FUNCTIONAL KIc-TEST SPECIMEN FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF ... MULTI-FUNCTIONAL KIc-TEST SPECIMEN FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF DIFFERENT TOOL- AND HIGH-SPEED-STEEL PROPERTIES VE^FUNKCIJSKI KIc-PREIZKU[ANEC ZA DOLO^ANJE RAZLI^NIH LASTNOSTI ORODNIH IN HITROREZNIH JEKEL Vojteh Leskov{ek, Bojan Podgornik Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia vojteh.leskovsek@imt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-01-31; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-04-02 Depending on the differences in the balanced alloy composition and steel processing technology, the properties of tool and high-speed steel, like temper resistance, hot yield strength, ductility and toughness, thermal fatigue and shock resistance, as well as wear resistance can differ considerably among the same type of steel. A high hot-yield strength, a high temper resistance and a good ductility tend to result in a high resistance to thermal fatigue, while a resistance to mechanical and thermal shocks depends on the ductility and toughness. However, the properties of tool and high-speed steels also depend on the final vacuum- heat-treatment process. Normally, hardness and fracture toughness are used to determine the influence of vacuum-heat- treatment parameters and to optimize them for the specific operating conditions of the tool. However, there are also other tool properties which are equally important and need to be taken into consideration. To determine such a wide range of properties, different test procedures and different test specimens are required since none of the standard tests alone is capable of providing the relevant properties completely. Currently the best overall appraisal of tool and high-speed steel applicability seems to be a combination of fracture toughness, bending or compression testing and in specific cases of impact or small-punch creep tests. The aim of the paper is to show the possibility of using a single KIc-test specimen for the determination of such a wide range of properties, being important for tool and high-speed steels. Besides that, the usability of KIc-test specimens for the assessment of technological properties such as nitridability, machinability, wear resistance, etc. was confirmed. Keywords: tool steel, vacuum heat treatment, characterization, fracture toughness Odvisno od razlik v sestavi in tehnologije izdelave jekla lahko pri isti vrsti orodnega ali hitroreznega jekla mo~no variirajo lastnosti, kot so: odpornost proti popu{~ni krhkosti, natezna trdnost v vro~em, duktilnost in `ilavost, odpornost proti termi~nemu utrujanju in udarcem, kot tudi odpornost proti obrabi. Visoka meja elasti~nosti v vro~em, velika odpornost proti popu{~anju in dobra duktilnost se izra`ajo v visoki odpornosti proti termi~nemu utrujanju, medtem ko sta odpornost proti mehanskim udarcem in termi~nim {okom odvisni od duktilnosti in `ilavosti. Vendar pa so lastnosti orodnega in hitroreznega jekla odvisne tudi od procesa kon~ne vakuumske toplotne obdelave. Navadno se uporabljata trdota in lomna `ilavost za ugotavljanje vpliva parametrov vakuumske toplotne obdelave in za njeno optimiranje pri orodjih, namenjenih specifi~nim razmeram pri uporabi. Vendar obstajajo tudi druge lastnosti orodja, ki so enako pomembne in jih je potrebno upo{tevati. Za dolo~anje tako {irokega podro~ja lastnosti so potrebne razli~ne vrste preizkusov in razli~ni preizkusni vzorci, saj nobena standardna preizkusna metoda ni sposobna ugotavljanja vseh lastnosti. Trenutno najbolj{e presojanje uporabnosti orodnih in hitroreznih jekel omogo~a kombinacija lomne `ilavosti, upogibne ali tla~ne trdnosti in v posebnih primerih udarni preizkus ali "small-punch" preizkus lezenja. Namen ~lanka je prikazati mo`nost uporabe KIc-preizku{anca za dolo~anje razli~nih lastnosti, pomembnih za orodna in hitrorezna jekla. Poleg tega je bilo potrjeno, da KIc-preizkusni vzorec omogo~a tudi dolo~anje tehnolo{kih lastnosti, kot so sposobnost za nitriranje, obdelovalnost, obrabna odpornost in druge. Klju~ne besede: orodno jeklo, vakuumska topotna obdelava, karakterizacija, lomna `ilavost 1 INTRODUCTION The forming industry is confronted with ever-increas- ing demands for higher productivity, lower production costs and more complex products, which together with an increased focus on advanced, high-strength, low- weight materials put increased requirements on tools and dies.1–4 Consequently, this means strengthened property requirements for the tool and high-speed steels, includ- ing temper resistance, hot yield strength, ductility and toughness, wear resistance, thermal fatigue and shock resistance.5,6 Furthermore, with the tool design being pushed to the very limit of the material strength, any unexpected deterioration in the tool material properties will eventually lead to premature and unwanted tool failure. Therefore, tool and high-speed steels are conti- nuously subjected to the development, both in the direction of improved properties as well as better quality with reduced properties’ deviation. Many of the tool- and high-speed-steel grades used today have been developed over a period of several decades. The most significant developments to date are the balanced chemical composition and the introduction of specific, technologically optimised production steps for an optimally annealed condition. Depending on the differences in the balanced alloy composition and the optimised processing route, the material properties can differ considerably among the same type of martensitic tool and high-speed steels. A high hot-yield strength, a high temper resistance and a good ductility tend to result in a high resistance to thermal fatigue. The resistance to mechanical and thermal shocks depends mainly on the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 273–283 273 UDK 539.42 ISSN 1580-2949 Review article/Pregledni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)273(2013) ductility and toughness, but to some extent it is also related to a high yield strength. Finally, the hardness and microstructure will define the friction, the wear and the anti-galling properties of the tool. All the properties of tool and high-speed steels depend not only on the balanced chemical composition and the processing route, but also greatly on the final vacuum-heat-treatment process, which defines the final microstructure. Real metallic materials, i.e., tool steels, usually have a multi-phase microstructure with carbide precipitates and non-metallic inclusions. When the tools are subjected to loads, local stress concentrations will occur next to these hard, non-deformable, wear-resistant particles, which, if stresses cannot be released through micro-yielding of the matrix, will accelerate tool breakage.7–9 Traditionally, a trade-off between a tough matrix and hard, wear-resistant carbide precipitates was required. Vacuum heat treatment, on the other hand, allows the optimization of the tool-steel microstructure, which satisfies ever greater demands on the properties of tools and dies, particularly in respect of a greater fracture toughness, while maintaining or even increasing the hardness and wear resistance.10 In this respect the hardness and fracture toughness, KIc, were found to be the most suitable parameters when optimizing the final vacuum heat treatment of tool and high-speed steels.11 Despite the enormous variety of tooling operations, some basic properties of tool materials are common to almost all applications. These properties are the ductility, toughness and hardness.8,10,12 Ductility and toughness prevent instantaneous fracture of the tool or tool edges due to local overload, while a high hardness prevents any local plastic deformation. However, ductility, toughness and hardness are more or less mutually exclusive properties, which means the prevention of instantaneous tool failure is often connected with a critical hardness level that must not be exceeded in a specific application. On the other hand, a low hardness may lead to a prema- ture thermal shock, despite the associated high toughness level. Therefore, for a given hardness, the ductility and toughness of the tool should be as high as possible to ensure a good cracking resistance.10 Besides hardness, ductility and toughness there are also other tool steel properties that are becoming equally important as we move towards more and more complex tools. These include creep and wear resistance, bending strength, elastic properties under bending as well as compressive properties at room and elevated tempera- tures. Finally, the time and costs required to produce a tool depend on the technological properties, like high- speed machinability, grindability, nitridability, etc. Although all these properties can be determined using standard test methods, each one requires specific and often quite unique test specimens, which are expensive and not always easy to produce. Furthermore, different geometries of standard specimens mean different heat- treatment conditions, which makes it practically impossi- ble to directly correlate the properties of tool and high-speed steels after the final heat treatment. Therefore, the aim of this research work was to determine the applicability of a single KIc-test specimen for the determination of a very wide range of properties in the final heat-treated condition, which are important for tool and high-speed steels. Furthermore, work is intended to show the potential of KIc-test specimens for optimizing the final vacuum heat treatment of tool and high-speed steels. 2 RELEVANT TOOL STEEL PROPERTIES 2.1 Ductility, toughness and hardness Ductility and toughness were found to be the most relevant properties in terms of the resistance to total failure of tool and high-speed steels, being a result of mechanical or thermal overloading.8,12 However, these are two different material properties, even though both are too often referred to as toughness since the opposite of both is brittleness. Unfortunately, no standardised tests for the determination of toughness or ductility are in common use and although some data are available, the use of different test methods leads to confusion. The importance of ductility and toughness for tool-steel performance depends a lot on the tool geometry.12 In the case of smooth un-notched surfaces the ductility and the fracture stress are the relevant material properties. However, if sharp notches or cracks are present, which is more critical, the toughness is the most relevant property. From this point of view, tool and high-speed steels should be optimised in terms of ductility for the un-notched regions, and in terms of toughness for the notched regions. The most reliable measure of toughness is the plain- strain fracture toughness. The same value of fracture toughness should be found for specimens of the same material but with different geometries and with a critical combination of crack size and shape and fracture stress. Within certain limits, this is indeed the case, and infor- mation about the fracture toughness can be used to predict the failure for different combinations of stress and crack size and for different geometries.13 Although standardized methods for a fracture-toughness determi- nation are available,14,15 their applicability is limited in the case of hard and brittle materials, such as tool and high-speed steels.10,11,16 Due to the high notch sensitivity, the manufacture of a sharp fatigue crack is difficult and expensive. On the other hand, a method based on a circumferentially notched and fatigue-precracked tensile specimen17,18 (Figure 1) has been found to be the most promising alternative method.11,17,19 The fatigue crack in the specimen can be obtained without producing any disturbing effect on the fracture toughness of the steel if such a crack is obtained in the soft-annealed condition, i.e., prior to the final heat treatment.19 V. LESKOV[EK, B. PODGORNIK: MULTI-FUNCTIONAL KIc-TEST SPECIMEN FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF ... 274 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 273–283 The advantage of the KIc-test specimen over the standardized CT specimen (ASTM E399-90) lies in the radial symmetry, which makes the specimen particularly suitable for studying the influence of the microstructure on the fracture toughness. The advantage relates to the heat transfer, which provides a completely uniform microstructure.19,20 Furthermore, in the case of KIc-test specimens the fatigue crack can be created with rota- ting-bending loading before the final heat treatment.11,19 And finally, for KIc-test specimens, plain-strain con- ditions can be achieved using specimens with smaller dimensions than those of conventional CT test speci- mens. Shen Wei et al.21 proved that for circumferentially notched and precracked round-bar tensile specimens, plain-strain conditions are achieved when D  1.5 (KIc /Rp0.2)2 and L  4  D (Rp0.2 is the yield stress). In the case of circumferentially notched and fatigue- precracked tensile-test specimens showing linearly elastic behaviour up to fracture, the fracture toughness KIc can be calculated using equation (1) 22: K P D D dIc = − +⎛⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ 3 127 172. . (1) where P is the load at failure, D is the outside non- notched diameter, and d is the diameter of the instantly fractured area, i.e., the diameter of the ligament next to the crack. Eqn. (1) is valid as long as the condition 0.5 < d/D < 0.8 is fulfilled. It is known that the fracture toughness of conventionally produced tool steels depends on the specimen orientation.23 It is the highest for crack propagation perpendicular to the rolling direction and the lowest for a crack propagating along the rolling direction. Therefore, the way how specimens are taken from the master block is very important and to be on the conservative side specimens should be taken in a short transverse direction. Besides toughness also the hardness of tool and high-speed steels greatly depends on the vacuum-heat- treatment procedure, with both properties being mutually related. The hardening mechanism is different for as-quenched and fully-heat-treated tool steels. In the as-quenched tool steel, mostly the work-hardening and solid-solution hardening affect the steel’s hardness. Tempering then leads to the precipitation of carbide particles and a significant decrease of the carbon content in a solid solution of martensite as well as of the density of dislocations. Thus, the hardness of fully-heat-treated tool steels is mainly the result of precipitation hardening and, to a small extent, solid-solution hardening. A high hardness is required to facilitate a high resistance to plastic deformation and wear. However, with a high hardness the toughness is reduced, which can lead to cracking. Therefore, for a given hardness level, the fracture toughness of tool and high-speed steels should be as high as possible to ensure a good cracking resi- stance. 2.2 Bending strength The standard bend testing, which is widely used to measure the bending fracture strength of tool and high-speed steels is considered to be the most reliable and to give a great deal of information regarding the toughness and the ductility of the material. According to the ASTM E290-09 standard,24 bend testing can be performed under 3- or 4-point loading. The bending moment diagrams show that for each mode compression stress is present on the concave side of the specimen, which for the 4-point mode is constant in a central span between the two inner supports, the opposite to the peak concentration under the central support of the 3-point method. Stresses under bending can be calculated using simple conventional theory, but only if the stress throughout the specimen remains below the limit of proportionality. If the limit of proportionality is exceeded than the calculated stress will be higher than the actual stress, which in the extreme case of fully plastic deformation reaches 1.5 times the actual stress value. Hoyle and Ineson25 showed that by progressively correcting the calculated stress, taking into account the limit of proportionality, a curve similar to the tensile curves can be obtained. An analysis of such a corrected curve can provide data related to the toughness properties, and more important, the behaviour of tool and high-speed steels. By performing experiments in the elastic region of high-speed steel, it was found that the test can discriminate between the elastic behaviour of good and bad specimens.25 This can be quantified by using an empirical relationship L/, the ratio of the actual limit of proportionality L to the fracture stress , taken at a given hardness. Another parameter obtained from the bending-test curve is the amount of plastic deformation, or more correctly the deformation beyond the limit of proportionality. This parameter is used to determine the energy to fracture. Finally, with bend testing the modulus of elasticity is also obtained. V. LESKOV[EK, B. PODGORNIK: MULTI-FUNCTIONAL KIc-TEST SPECIMEN FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 273–283 275 Figure 1: Circumferentially notched and fatigue-precracked KIc-test specimen (all dimensions are in milimeters) Slika 1: KIc-preizku{anec z obodno zarezo in utrujenostno inicialno razpoko (vse dimenzije so v milimetrih) 2.3 Compression properties For tool and high-speed steels in the hardened and tempered condition the compression properties are considered to be of far greater importance than the ten- sile properties. Namely, their ductility in the hardened and tempered condition is low and therefore not easily revealed in a tensile test. The compression properties of tool and high-speed steels at room and elevated tempe- ratures can be determined using standard test methods ASTM E9-09 26 and ASTM E209,27 respectively. The parameters obtained from the compression test include the compressive strength, the compressive yield strength and the strain-hardening exponent. Compressive strength correlates with the hardness of tool steel, while the strain-hardening exponent describes its ductility. 2.4 High-speed machinability The trend among toolmakers is to abandon the old strategy of roughing and machining a piece of steel, hardening it, finishing and grinding it, eroding features impossible to cut, and polishing the surfaces. With the introduction of high spindle-speed machines, which can create an excellent surface finish that needs little or no polishing, toolmakers prefer high-speed machining (HSM) in hardened conditions. In the case of HSM com- plex tool geometries can be machined in a single ope- ration, thus eliminating many time-consuming operations and reducing costs. Since HSM combines the roughing, semi-finishing, and finishing operations of hardened steel, spindles with high speed to allow fine step-overs for finishing and with an adequate amount of torque for roughing are required. Today, the HSM of hardened and tempered tool and high-speed steels with an unin- terrupted cut is possible up to a hardness of about 65–67 HRc.28 HSM is different from conventional machining and to make it work a completely new philosophy needs to be adopted.29 The understanding begins with the definition of high-speed machining. Rather than using the conven- tional definitions based on spindle speed, tool-tip speed, or bearing ratio, it has to be defined in terms of fre- quency. According to this, HSM occurs as the tooth-pass frequency approaches a substantial fraction of the domi- nant natural frequency of the machine-tool system.29 A definition based on tool-pass frequency gives engineers a tool for eliminating chatter and its deteriorating effect on tool wear, surface finish, and machine life. Machinability as well as the HSM of different tool and high-speed steels can vary considerably. Factors largely influencing the machinability of tool steels are the chemical compo- sition, the microstructure, the hardness, non-metallic inclusions and residual stresses. However, the main factor generally regarded as influencing the machina- bility of a tool steel is its hardness. The harder the material is and the more carbides it has the more difficult it is to machine. 2.5 Grindability As grinding is an important operation in the final pro- duction of many components from tool and high-speed steel, the grindability of the material in the hardened and tempered condition can have important consequences for productivity and economics. Tool and high-speed steels have a high hardness and wear resistance, which makes them difficult to grind, especially when using alumi- nium-oxide wheels. Furthermore, high temperatures generated during the grinding of tool and high-speed steels lead to thermal damage in the form of surface oxidation, softening, tensile residual stress generation and re-hardening.30 Therefore, one needs to differentiate between thermal sensitivity, a material’s tendency to be damaged at high temperatures, and grindability, the material’s effect on the cutting ability of the abrasive grits.31 Hardened and tempered tool and high-speed steels are composed of tungsten-molybdenum carbides (1400 HV) and vanadium carbides (3300 HV) in a matrix of martensitic steel. It was found that the vanadium content and the size of the vanadium carbides are the dominant factors affecting the grindability of high-speed steel.32 According to König and Messer33 grindability can be expressed by the G-factor, i.e., the ratio of ground mate- rial volume to grinding wheel volume lost. By taking the equivalent carbide content (ECC), based on the stoichio- metric sum of the carbide-forming elements in mass fractions w (ECC/% = w(W) + 1.9 · w(Mo) + 6.3 · w(V)), it was shown that the G-ratio is decreasing with increased ECC.33 When comparing conventional and powder metallurgy (P/M) tool steels the G-ratio for latter can be up to 7 times higher, thus indicating better grindability.34 In this case better grindability is the result of a smaller carbide size found in the P/M steels.32 Besides the G-ratio, being an adequate way to mea- sure grindability, the rate of power increase represents a more meaningful measurement. Quantitatively, the machinability and grindability can be determined on the basis of a tribological evaluation as well as by measuring the forces during cutting or grinding.35 Thus, the instru- mented wedge grinding test (WGT),36 involving the measurement of grinding forces in the tangential and radial directions as well as the contact zone temperature, gives the capability of characterizing the material behaviour resulting from the grinding operation. 3 EXPERIMENTAL 3.1 Material and vacuum heat treatment To demonstrate the applicability and potential of KIc-test specimens (Figure 1), ESR high-speed steel AISI M2 (delivered in the shape of rolled, soft-annealed and peeled bars 20 mm × 4000 mm) with the following chemical composition (mass fractions): 0.89 % C, 0.20 % Si, 0.26 % Mn, 0.027 % P, 0.001 % S, 3.91 % Cr, 4.74 % V. LESKOV[EK, B. PODGORNIK: MULTI-FUNCTIONAL KIc-TEST SPECIMEN FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF ... 276 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 273–283 Mo, 1.74 % V, and 6.10 % W was used. KIc-test speci- mens were cut from the delivered bars in the direction of rolling and due to the high notch sensitivity of the hardened high-speed steel, a fatigue pre-crack of about 0.3 mm was created prior to the final heat treatment using a rotating-bending loading. All the KIc-test speci- mens were then quenched in a horizontal vacuum furnace, using N2 at a pressure of 5 bar. After the last preheat the specimens were rapidly heated (25 °C/min) to the austenitizing temperature of 1180 °C or 1230 °C, soaked for 2 min and then gas quenched to a temperature of 80 °C. Finally, high-pressure, gas-quenched KIc-test specimens were double tempered for 1 h, which was carried out in the same furnace at 9 different tempering temperatures (Table 1). For each tempering temperature at least 16 KIc-test specimens were prepared. 3.2 Material properties evaluation The fracture-toughness measurement on the KIc-test specimens was performed at room temperature using an Instron 1255 tensile-test machine and a special specimen fixture, which provided complete axiallity of the tensile load. The cross-head speed was 1.0 mm/min, the speed used for standard tensile-test specimens. During each tensile test the tensile-load/displacement relationship until failure was recorded, which for all KIc-test speci- mens investigated showed linearly elastic behaviour, thus confirming the validity of Eqn. (1). After the tensile test the notch-section diameter d and the radial distance of the crack initiation site from the fatigue crack frontline x were measured for each frac- tured surface using an optical microscope. The analysis of the fractured surfaces was followed by a Rockwell-C hardness (HRc) measurement, performed on each half of the individual KIc-test specimen using a Wilson 4JR hardness machine. One half of the fractured KIc-test specimen was then used to make a cylindrical 4-point bending-test specimen (5 mm × 60 mm), with the bending test carried out according to the ASTM E290-09 standard.24 The 4-point bending-test specimens were prepared by high-speed turning, using Sandvik SNMG 120408 K15 cutting inserts, a feed rate of 0.1 mm/r, a depth of cut of 0.15 mm and a cutting speed of 100 m/min.28 After high- speed turning, cylindrical specimens were further ground by high-speed, centreless grinding (HSCG, vg = 63 m/s) in order to obtain the prescribed average surface rough- ness of 0.2 μm. During the preparation of the 4-point bending-test specimens, high-speed turning and grinding procedures were also used to evaluate the high-speed machinability and grindability of the investigated high- speed steel. The high-speed machinability was analysed in terms of the evolution of the cutting inserts’ flank and the notch wear and appearance of the chips. On the other hand, the effectiveness of the grinding and grindability were assessed on the basis of the final surface roughness, achieved on 4-point bending-test specimens. In spite of the fact that the G-ratio is normally used to measure the effectiveness of the grinding wheel, we rather focused on the quality of the ground surface. The other half of the fractured KIc-test specimen was cut 6 mm below the fractured surface in order to prepare a metallographic sample for the fracture and microstruc- ture examination. A further 12.5 mm down compression test specimen (10 mm × 12.5 mm) was cut from the fractured KIc-test specimen and tested on an Instron 1255 test machine at room temperature according to the ASTM E9-09 standard.26 The compression-test results included the compressive yield strength, the compressive strength, the modulus of elasticity and the strain-harden- ing exponent. 4 RESULTS 4.1 Fractography and metallography Through an analysis of the fractured surface the main crack-nucleation site can be identified. As shown in Figure 2a, the main crack-nucleation site does not coincide with the fatigue crack frontline in the case of high-speed steels.11 For all the investigated specimens the main crack-nucleation site was found to be slightly away from the fatigue crack, with typical Chevron lines designating the crack initiation and the direction of propagation. Furthermore, no crack re-initiation in the very tip of the existing fatigue crack could be observed. A higher magnification of the crack-nucleation site, denominated also as the weak spot, revealed the site to be composed of large carbide clusters and strings and a region of dimpled ductile fracture (Figure 2b). The presence of the weak spot leads to an over estimation of the fracture toughness. Blunting of the fatigue-crack tip due to its branching out causes a constraint effect and displaces the region of maximum stresses and crack re-initiation from the area close to the surface more into the bulk, ahead of the fatigue-crack frontline.19 Consequently, the apparent fracture tough- ness is elevated. In such cases a statistical analysis of the V. LESKOV[EK, B. PODGORNIK: MULTI-FUNCTIONAL KIc-TEST SPECIMEN FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 273–283 277 Table 1: Tempering temperatures used in the vacuum furnace Tabela 1: Temperature popu{~anja v vakuumski pe~i Tempering temperature (°C) 500 520 540 550 555 560 580 600 630 KIc-test specimens group A TA = 1180 °C A1 A2 A3 A4 – – A7 A8 A9 KIc-test specimens group B TA = 1230 °C B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 measured fracture toughness vs. the position of the weak spot should be employed. If a linear correlation coeffi- cient R is larger than 0.6 the fracture toughness obtained on a statistically relevant number of specimens (>10) is already the true value. Otherwise, a linear extrapolation to the fatigue-crack frontline (i.e., x = 0) should be per- formed.19 In the present case, for all specimen groups, the linear correlation coefficient R was between 0.8 and 0.95, thus confirming the validity of the measured fracture-toughness values. Polishing the fractured surface and the preparation of metallographic specimens reveal the microstructure of the high-speed steel after a particular vacuum heat treat- ment. Microstructures for KIC-test specimens austenitized from 1230 °C and tempered at temperatures between 500 °C and 600 °C are shown in Figure 3. The micro- structure of the investigated high-speed steel consists of tempered martensite, fairly well dispersed undissolved eutectic carbides and some stabilised retained austenite in the matrix. The amount of retained austenite is reduced with increased tempering temperature and becomes nearly absent above 580 °C. A lower austeni- zing temperature of 1180 °C was found to produce a similar microstructure. However, it resulted in a higher volume fraction of undissolved carbide particles, which can be up to three times higher. Quantitative metallo- graphy and microscopy, including Scanning Electron Microscopy with Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction (SEM/EBSD), further enable a detailed determination of the eutectic carbide type, size and volume fraction, the cumulative fraction of undissolved eutectic carbides and carbide clusters, and the volume fraction of retained austenite. 4.2 Fracture toughness and hardness The fracture toughness and hardness values for two austenitizing temperatures are presented in the tempering diagram, shown in Figure 4. For both austenitizing temperatures the fracture toughness shows a peak value of more than 15 MPa m1/2 at the lowest tempering tem- perature of 500 °C, which coincides with the relatively high volume fraction of stabilised retained austenite and the low hardness (60–61 HRc). By increasing the tem- pering temperature the hardness level of the investigated high-speed steel was increasing before reaching a peak value of 64–66 HRc between 560 °C and 570 °C, which was followed by a further decrease in the hardness. However, at about the same hardness, the under-tem- pered specimens quenched from the same austenitizing temperature, show a higher fracture-toughness value. For example, after vacuum quenching from 1230 °C and double tempering at about 620 °C the investigated high- speed steel achieves a hardness of 63 HRc and a fracture toughness of 8.5 MPa m1/2. The same hardness, but with an approximately 30 % higher fracture toughness, can be obtained by using a tempering temperature of 510 °C (Figure 4). The use of a lower austenitizing temperature results in a reduced hardness and an increased fracture toughness, with the difference becoming more evident at higher tempering temperatures. These results clearly show that the high volume fraction of stabilized retained austenite in under-tempered high-speed steel signifi- cantly improves its fracture toughness. V. LESKOV[EK, B. PODGORNIK: MULTI-FUNCTIONAL KIc-TEST SPECIMEN FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF ... 278 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 273–283 Figure 2: a) Typical fractured surface of a KIc-test specimen from high-speed steel and b) main crack-nucleation site Slika 2: a) Zna~ilna povr{ina preloma KIc-preizku{anca iz hitrorez- nega jekla in b) mesto nukleacije razpoke Figure 4: Tempering diagram for the investigated AISI M2 high- speed steel Slika 4: Diagram popu{~anja pri preiskovanem hitroreznem jeklu AISI M2 Figure 3: Typical microstructure of group B KIc-test specimens auste- nitized from 1230 °C Slika 3: Zna~ilna mikrostruktura skupine B KIc preizku{ancev, avste- nitiziranih iz 1230 °C Based on the fracture toughness KIc and the ultimate tensile stress u, estimated from the Rockwell-C hard- ness, the fracture stress f can be calculated.37 A reduction in the fracture stress is observed, when the defect size, represented by carbides and carbide clusters, exceeds a critical value.10 This gives us a tool to estimate the critical defect size in vacuum heat-treated high-speed steel depending on the austenitizing and tempering tem- peratures. For example, in the case of an austenitizing temperature of 1230 °C and a tempering temperature of 500 °C the critical defect size is in the range of 3–5 μm, while it is reduced to about 1 μm for a tempering tempe- rature of 560 °C, at the same time showing a faster drop in the fracture stress with the defect size (Figure 5). 4.3 Bending and compression strength The results of the bending and compression tests, performed on 6 groups of specimens (A1, A4, A9, B1, B4 and B9) are shown in Figures 6 and 7. The bending strength of the investigated high-speed steel is increasing for both austenitizing temperatures as the tempering temperature gets higher. In the case of an austenitizing temperature of 1180 °C the bending yield strength yB and the bending strength B reached maximum values of 4000 MPa and 4150 MPa at the highest tempering temperature of 630°C. By increasing the austenitizing temperature to 1230 °C the bending yield strength and the bending strength are reduced by about 15 %, as shown in Figure 6. The compressive strength of the vacuum heat-treated high-speed steel shows the same dependency on the tempering temperature as displayed by the Rockwell-C hardness, with the peak values (yC 3000 MPa, C 3600 MPa) reached at the intermediate tempering temperature of 550 °C. However, no noticeable diffe- rence in the compressive strength was observed between the two austenitizing temperatures used (Figure 7). On the other hand, the strain-hardening exponent, indicating the ductility of the material, shows a steep decrease with increasing tempering temperature, while an increase in the austenitizing temperature has the opposite effect, as shown in Figure 7. The strain hardening exponent of the investigated high-speed steel, austenitized from 1180 °C, was reduced from 0.18 down to 0.04 as the tempering temperature increased from 500 °C to 630 °C. When using a higher austenitizing temperature of 1230 °C the strain-hardening exponent also increased, indicating better ductility. For under-tempered specimens (Ttemp = 500 °C) it increased to 0.31 and for specimens tempered at 630 °C to 0.07 (Figure 7). 4.4 High-speed machinability and grindability In order to evaluate the high-speed machinability behaviour of vacuum heat-treated high-speed steel investigation of cutting inserts was carried out. In the V. LESKOV[EK, B. PODGORNIK: MULTI-FUNCTIONAL KIc-TEST SPECIMEN FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 273–283 279 Figure 6: Bending-test results for vacuum heat-treated AISI M2 high-speed steel Slika 6: Rezultati upogibnega preizkusa za vakuumsko toplotno obde- lano hitrorezno jeklo AISI M2Figure 5: Example of the calculated fracture stress Slika 5: Primer izra~unane napetosti loma Figure 7: Compression test results for vacuum heat-treated AISI M2 high-speed steel; curves for c are obtained with quadratic regression Slika 7: Rezultati tla~nih preizkusov vakuumsko toplotno obdelanega hitroreznega jekla AISI M2; krivulje c so dobljene s kvadratno regresijo absence of a systematic observation of the cutting inserts as a function of time the observed difference in the appearance of the cutting inserts at the end of the tool life was used to draw qualitative information. In most cases a stable evolution of the wear along both the rake and flank surface was observed, being a result of one or a combination of the following modes; namely, abrasive wear along with progressive micro-chipping, notching, localized chipping and final destruction of the edge. A comparison of the cutting inserts’ worn edge used to machine specimens tempered at 500 °C (A1) and 550 °C (A4), together with the machined surface and the corres- ponding chips is shown in Figure 8. In the case of a worse machinability tendency for notch formation and adhesion of the work material to the cutting insert was evident. However, when the work material adhesion was postponed, as was the case for the specimens tempered at 550 °C (Figure 8b), the tool life was sufficiently pro- longed (10 %). Indirect evidence of better machinabi- lity also comes from the appearance of the chips, which for the higher tempering temperature become more con- tinuous, longer and smoother (Figure 8b). From the investigation performed it can be concluded that the high-speed machining of vacuum heat-treated high-speed steel poses no technical problem. However, it was observed that even at a comparable hardness level, the increase in the carbide content observed for the lower austenitizing temperature contributed to a deterioration in the machinability of high-speed steel. At this point it should be pointed out that proper cutting inserts (material and micro-geometry) and cutting conditions have to be selected to achieve the optimal tool life. In spite of the fact that normally the G-ratio of a grinding wheel is used to measure the grinding efficiency, our focus was on the quality of the ground surface. Therefore, the surface roughness of the 4-point bending-test specimens (A1, A4, A9, B1, B4 and B9) was analysed after grinding. The results are summarized in Table 2. Table 2: Surface roughness after high-speed centreless grinding Tabela 2: Hrapavost povr{ine po "centreless" bru{enju z veliko hitrostjo Rough- ness 4-point bending test specimen A1 A4 A9 B1 B4 B9 Ra/μm 0.21 0.18 0.19 0.21 0.20 0.18 Rmax/μm 1.88 1.62 1.82 1.85 1.82 1.81 For the selected high-speed centreless grinding para- meters and specimens austenitized from 1180 °C (group A) the smoothest surface with a minimum average roughness of 0.18 μm was reached in the case of speci- men A4, tempered at 550 °C. In the case of specimens austenitized from 1230 °C the surface quality was found to improve with an increased tempering temperature, as shown in Table 2. In terms of the roughness level, no noticeable difference was observed between the two austenitizing temperatures used. However, SEM micro- scopy of the surface after high-speed machining and cen- treless grinding revealed that for a higher austenitizing temperature (group B) the undissolved eutectic carbide particles were pulled out, which was not the case for group A specimens, austenitized from 1180 °C. 5 DISCUSSION The properties required from the tool and high-speed steels greatly depend on the application and the process the tool will be used for. In some instances the wear resistance is the main concern, requiring a high hardness V. LESKOV[EK, B. PODGORNIK: MULTI-FUNCTIONAL KIc-TEST SPECIMEN FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF ... 280 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 273–283 Figure 8: High-speed machinability test results for: a) specimen A1 (t = 8.5 mm) and b) specimen A4 (t = 9.2 min); 1) edge of the cutting insert at the end of the test, 2) machined surfaces and 3) associated chips Slika 8: Rezultati preizkusa obdelovalnosti z veliko hitrostjo za: a) vzorec A1 (t = 8,5 mm) in b) vzorec A4 (t = 9,2 min); 1) rob rezalne plo{~ice na koncu preizkusa, 2) obdelana povr{ina in 3) pripadajo~i ostru`ki at sufficient fracture toughness, while in others the fatigue properties and the resistance to crack propagation are more important, demanding a high fracture toughness and bending strength. Thus, the combination of different tool properties becomes important and should be opti- mized for a specific tool through proper vacuum heat- treatment. Besides tempering diagrams displaying the fracture toughness and hardness as a function of the austenitizing and tempering temperatures (Figure 4) diagrams combining other tool and high-speed steel properties can also be prepared in order to relate the pro- perties of the material to its performance. For example, when looking for toughness, a properties combination of fracture toughness and bending or compression yield strength should be used (Figures 9a and 9b), and for ductility, a combination of fracture toughness and strain hardening exponent should be used (Figure 9c). How- ever, an accurate comparison and correlation of different material properties, as exemplified in Figure 9d, combining the fracture toughness, the strain hardening exponent and the bending yield strength is only possible when different specimens are vacuum heat-treated under identical conditions, not only in terms of temperature and time, but more importantly in terms of heat transfer and microstructure uniformity. As already mentioned, due to the axial symmetry and uniform heat transfer the KIc-test specimens are parti- cularly suitable for studying the influence of vacuum heat-treatment parameters on the microstructure of metallic materials and consequently on their properties. Since different test specimens can be made from the same KIc-test specimen, a proper correlation between the different material properties can also be carried out and statistically analysed if using relevant number of KIc-test specimens. After measuring the fracture toughness, using the KIc-test specimen, two halves of the test sample are obtained, as shown in Figure 10. Both parts can be used for a Rockwell-C or Vickers hardness measurement. Then, from one of the halves a metallographic specimen (10 mm × 6 mm) is cut for analysis of the fractured surface and the microstructure just below the fracture. V. LESKOV[EK, B. PODGORNIK: MULTI-FUNCTIONAL KIc-TEST SPECIMEN FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 273–283 281 Figure 10: Versatility of KIc-test specimen Slika 10: Vsestranskost KIc-preizku{anca Figure 9: Examples of tempering diagrams combining different properties required from tool material (a–c); a) bending yield strength and fracture toughness, b) compression yield strength and fracture toughness, c) fracture toughness and strain hardening exponent, and d) diagram combining fracture toughness, strain hardening exponent and bending yield strength Slika 9: Primeri popu{~nih diagramov, ki kombinirajo razli~ne lastnosti, zahtevane od materiala orodja (a–c); a) meja te~enja pri upogibu in lomna `ilavost, b) meja te~enja pri tlaku in lomna `ilavost, c) lomna `ilavost in eksponent napetostnega utrjevanja in d) diagram, ki kombinira lomno `ilavost, eksponent napetostnega utrjevanja in mejo te~enja pri upogibu From the same part of the KIc-test specimen, also the compression test specimen (10 mm × 12.5 mm) is cut and used to determine the compressive strength, the compressive yield strength and the strain-hardening exponent, correlating with the ductility of the steels. The remaining can be used for an evaluation of the creep resistance using the small-punch method (8 mm × 0.5 mm), the thermal conductivity, the wear resistance or for an assessment of technological properties such as nitridability, suitability for hard coating deposition, etc. The other half of the fractured KIc-test specimen is used to manufacture a 4-point bending test specimen (5 mm × 60 mm) for an assessment of the bending strength. During the manufacturing the high-speed machinability and grindability in the hardened and tempered conditions can also be evaluated. If bending properties are not required a modified specimen with a circumferential notch (r = 10 mm, z = 1 mm) for instrumented impact ZR testing25 can be prepared. An instrumented impact test provides the initial and maximum fracture force, the total fracture time, the time to maximum fracture force, the force-time diagram and the work used. The main advantage of such an impact test lies in the possibility to obtain a single fracture without shattering. This allows further examination of the fractured surface, including X-ray diffraction. 6 CONCLUSIONS In the present paper the multi-functional KIc-test specimen is presented. The idea is to minimize the costs for tool and high-speed steel characterization. Due to the fact that none of the standard tests alone is capable of describing all the relevant properties, more than one test is required. Besides this, the test results need to be related to the service behaviour of the tool and high- speed steels. With the use of a KIc-test specimen, it is possible to simultaneously assess basic properties such as hardness, fracture toughness, bend and compressive strength etc., which can be directly correlated to the vacuum heat- treatment parameters and microstructure obtained. In this way the heat treatment of the tool and high-speed steels can be optimized for a specific application. The other properties such as wear and creep resistance, machina- bility, grindability, nitridability, hard-coatings adhesion etc., can be determined and correlated to the microstruc- ture as well as between each other. As a result of the relatively simple and economical manufacturing of the axially symmetric KIc-test speci- men, a sufficient number of specimens (10–20) for stati- stical analyses can be produced, allowing an accurate and reliable evaluation of the tool and high-speed steel properties. 7 REFERENCES 1 R. Ebara, K. Kubota, Failure analysis of hot forging dies for automo- tive components, Eng. Fail. Anal., 15 (2008), 881–893 2 B. A. Behrens, E. Doege, S. Reinsch, K. Telkamp, H. Daehndel, A. Specker, Precision forging processes for high-duty automotive com- ponents, J. Mater. Process. Technol., 185 (2007), 139–146 3 M. Bayramoglu, H. Polat, N. 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Silica/polymer nanocomposites are dominating the polymer and composite literature as well as a variety of applications, many industrial products and other significant areas of current and emerging interest. This review will give a general overview of the leading and most commonly used techniques and strategies for the preparation of both silica fillers and silica/polymer nanocomposites, followed by a discussion of the main characterization methods, mechanical testing, properties and applications. Typical examples of different systems will be reported and referred to the corresponding references for more detailed descriptions. Keywords: nanosilica, polymers, composites V sklopu hitro razvijajo~e se panoge, imenovane nanotehnologija, so dobili polimerni nanokompoziti pomembno vlogo na podro~ju raziskav in razvoja. Polimerni silicijevi dioksidni nanokompoziti dominirajo tako v literaturi, namenjeni raziskavam polimerov in kompozitov, kot tudi v {tevilnih aplikacijah ter industrijskih produktih. V tem preglednem ~lanku se bomo osredinili na splo{ni pregled vodilnih in najpogosteje uporabljenih tehnik ter strategij za pripravo tako silicijevih vklju~kov kot tudi polimernih silicijevih dioksidnih nanokompozitov. Sledila bo razprava o glavnih metodah karakterizacije silika/polimernih nanokompozitov, mehanskih preizkusov, o lastnostih ter njihovih aplikacijah. Predstavljeni bodo primeri razli~nih polimernih silicijevih dioksidnih kompozitnih sistemov skupaj z ustreznimi referencami za podrobnej{i vpogled. Klju~ne besede: nano silicijev dioksid, polimeri, kompoziti 1 INTRODUCTION Polymer (nano)composites have been extensively studied over a long period of time. They are generally organic polymer composites mostly filled with inorganic fillers. Their properties combine the advantages of the inorganic filler material (i. e., rigidity, thermal stability) and of the organic polymer (i. e., flexibility, ductility, processability). However, the main advantage of these composites is characterized by the volume fraction and size of the fillers. If the fillers decrease in size from the micro- to the nanoscopic scale, unique properties of polymer nanocomposites are emphasized as the small size of the fillers leads to a dramatic increase in the interfacial area as compared with the ordinary com- posites. This interfacial area then creates a significant volume fraction of the interfacial polymer with the properties different from the bulk polymer even at low filler loadings.1,2 Reinforcement agents such as glass particles,3,4 ceramic particles,5 layered silicates,6–8 metal particles,9 rubber plastics10 and thermoplastics11,12 have already been successfully used. Several researchers have studied the effects of the particle size and volume fraction on the mechanical response of polymer composites.13–17 There are a few analytical models based on the crack propa- gation along the particle surfaces taking the interspacing between the particles into account18 as well as mathe- matically considered trapping, pinning and bridging of the crack front on the particles.19–21 It has been shown that the fracture phenomena of the composites filled with nanometer-sized particles differ from the behaviour of the composites filled with micrometer-sized or larger filler particles. However, among the numerous polymer composites, silica/polymer nanocomposites are the most commonly reported in the literature and are also employed in a variety of applications, such as electronics, automotive and aerospace industries as well as used in many industrial products due to their good mechanical cha- racteristics22. In order to further improve the properties of silica/polymer nanocomposites, their preparation, characterization, mechanical properties and applications have become quickly expanding fields of research in the past few years. The aim of this review is to give a general overview of the leading and most commonly used techniques and strategies for the preparation of both silica fillers and nanosilica/polymer composites, followed by a short dis- cussion of the main characterization methods, mecha- nical testing, properties and applications. Typical examples of different systems are reported and referred to the corresponding references for more detailed descriptions. 2 PREPARATION OF SILICA FILLERS Silica particles normally exist in a form of a fine, white amorphous powder or colloid suspension. Its most Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 285–293 285 UDK 678.84:66.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Review article/Pregledni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)285(2013) important characteristic is an extremely large surface area and a smooth nonporous surface, which can promote a strong physical contact when embedded in a polymer matrix. Nowadays silica particles are commercially available in all sizes ranging from nanometer to micrometer; however, several researchers still synthetize particles on their own. Two main methods have been developed for silica-particle formation: the sol-gel method and the microemulsion method.23 In 1968, however, Stöber and Fink24 introduced a simple synthesis of monodisperse spherical silica particles starting with tetraethyl ortho- silicate (TEOS 98 %), deionized water, ammonia (25 %) and absolute ethanol (99.9 %) as the alkoxide precursor, hydrolyzing agent, catalyst and solvent. In the process, two mother solutions are prepared, one containing ammonia–water, and the other containing TEOS–etha- nol. The two solutions are mixed in a thermostatically controlled water bath (50 ± 1) °C. After 60 min, the resulting spheres are separated from the liquid phase with centrifugation and then ultrasonically dispersed in deionized water. Finally, the particles can be dried in an oven at 50 °C to obtain white powder. Note that using this method, the final particle size critically depends on the reagent concentrations, molar ratio and reaction temperature. As shown in Figure 1 good monodispersity of silica spheres can be obtained with this method.25 The dispersion of silica fillers and, consequently, the compatibility between the polymer and silica have a crucial impact on the mechanical properties of silica/ polymer composites. As most of the polymers are hydrophobic in nature, it is important to improve the interfacial interaction between the matrix and silica via silica-surface modification, which can also improve its dispersion in the matrix at the same time. In general, the surface of silica fillers can be successfully modified with either chemical or physical methods. Modification of silica via a chemical interaction involves a modification of its surface with modifying agents (i. e., silanes) or grafting polymers. The most common way of making silica hydrophobic and polymer compatible, is silanization. We can find a long list of silane coupling agents that generally have hydrolysable and organofunctional ends and can be represented as RSiX3. X stands for hydrolysable groups, typically chloro, methoxy or etoxy gropus, and R stands for the organo group that has to be chosen according to the properties of the polymer. Silanes are attached to the silica surface through the reaction of hydrolysable groups with the hydroxyl groups on the silica surface while the alkyl chains interact with the polymer26 (Figure 2). Hydrophobicity, on the other hand, can be success- fully increased by grafting the polymer chains to silica particles either with a covalent attachment of end-func- tionalized polymers to the surface or with an in-situ monomer polymerization. If silica is modified via a physical interaction, the procedure usually involves surfactants or macromole- cules adsorbed onto its surface. In principle, a polar group of surfactants is adsorbed to the surface of silica by an electrostatic interaction. As a consequence, the physical attraction between the silica particles within agglomerates is reduced, making silica particles easy to incorporate into a polymer matrix.27 M. CONRADI: NANOSILICA-REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES 286 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 285–293 Figure 2: Schematic presentation of the silica-surface modification by trisilanol heptaisobutyl silesquioxane (IB5(SiO3/2)8(OH)3) via a cova- lent bonding26 Slika 2: Shematski prikaz modifikacije silicijeve povr{ine s trisilanol heptaisobutil sileskvioksanom (IB5(SiO3/2)8(OH)3) na osnovi kova- lentne vezi26 Figure 1: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of SiO2 particles prepared according to the Stöber procedure, a) 650 nm silica particles, b) 240 nm silica particles25 Slika 1: SEM-slika SiO2 delcev, sintetiziranih po metodi Stöberja, a) silicijevi delci 650 nm, b) silicijevi delci 240 nm25 3 COMPOSITE PREPARATION The main concern in composite preparation is the mixing process and the obtained homogeneous silica dispersion in the polymer matrix. Therefore, prior to the composite preparation, the compatibility between the two components has to be assured to avoid silica agglomeration, using one of the methods described in the previous section. The simplest method of silica/polymer composite preparation is direct mixing of silica into the polymer matrix, i. e., by melt or solution blending. Besides blend- ing, sol-gel processes and in-situ polymerization are also widely used among the preparation techniques. 3.1 Blending Melt blending is the most commonly used method in composite preparation due to its efficiency and opera- bility. In the process, the polymer and the inorganic filler (i. e., silica) are sheared in the melt at a temperature equal or greater than the melting point of the polymer. Under suitable conditions the material exfoliates and disperses to the desired extent. This technology is very versatile and can be applied to various polymers.28–31 It is also possible to add swelling and compatibilizing agents in order to improve the exfoliation and reach a better adhesion between the two major components. Solution blending, on the other hand, is a liquid-state powder-processing method that allows a good molecular level of mixing. Solution blending can be achieved by either dissolving only the polymer matrix or dissolving both the matrix and the nanoparticles. 3.2 Sol-gel process The sol-gel process is a synthesis route consisting of the preparation of a sol, the successive gelation and the solvent removal. Within the past decades sol-gel processes have been widely used to synthesize novel organic/inorganic composite materials. In the case of composites, the goal is to carry out the sol-gel reaction in the presence of polymeric molecules (i.e., the organic phase) containing functional groups that improve their bonding to the inorganic phase. This is a very successful reinforcement technique that can generate filler particles within a polymer matrix. 3.3 In-situ polymerization In-situ polymerization is a very effective and fast way to construct a nanocomposite material. In this method, the fillers are first pretreated with appropriate surface modifiers and then added directly to the liquid monomer during the polymerization stage. Using the solution method, fillers are added to a polymer solution using solvents such as toluene, chloroform and acetonitrile to integrate the polymer and filler molecules. 4 CHARACTERIZATION A homogeneous distribution of finely dispersed fillers in a silica/polymer composite is a prerequisite for obtaining good mechanical properties of the end material. In a composite, interfacial interaction between the fillers and the polymer matrix plays a crucial role in toughening the composite. In order to achieve a high particle/polymer area and to distribute the mechanical stresses within the composite, the composite has to consist of homogeneously distributed filler particles which are not agglomerated. Therefore, prior to further mechanical testing, the chemical structure, morphology and microstructure of the composites must be analysed. 4.1 Infrared and Raman spectroscopy Infrared and Raman spectroscopy are normally used to confirm the surface modification of the silica fillers implemented in a polymer matrix. Building up a modi- fier layer around the silica particles can be followed by inspecting the spectra of the filler32,33 or the vibrational bands of the surface modifier, the intensities of which depend on the number of the filler surface sites occupied by the modifier. In Figure 3, typical IR transmission spectra of the silica-surface modifier trisilanol (IO7) POSS, polymer polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 30 nm silica/PVC and 130 nm silica/PVC composites are presented.34 The silanol groups of open-cage POSS do not spontaneously lead to condensation, as silanols of other simple alkoxysilanes, but preferentially interact with the active sites on the surface of the filler.35 Normally, the bands attributed to trisilanol POSS are weak because the Si-O-Si bands are covered by the same band of silica spheres. However, a closer inspection of the peak intensity of the band at 2907 and 2953 cm–1 indicates a progressive occupation of the accessible sites on the silica surface. A compa- rison of the infrared spectra in the C-H region of trisilanol POSS (Figure 3 zoom), modified silica/PVC M. CONRADI: NANOSILICA-REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 285–293 287 Figure 3: IR transmission spectra of trisilanol (IO7) POSS, PVC, 30 nm silica/PVC and 130 nm silica/PVC composites34 Slika 3: IR-transmisijski spektri trisilanola (IO7) POSS, PVC-ja, kompozitov silicijev dioksid-PVC 30 nm in silicijev dioksid-PVC 130 nm34 composite and bulk PVC revealed the presence of trisilanol POSS on the silica surface. The C-H band at 2953 cm–1 was also present in the spectrum of the bulk PVC and could be seen in the spectrum of the PVC composite as well. Surprisingly, the C-H band at 2907 cm–1 surpasses the band at 2953 cm–1 because of the presence of isooctyl groups on the surface. In Figure 4 typical Raman spectra of composite silica/PVC recorded as a function of the size of silica spheres is presented. In the Raman spectrum of PVC, polarized lines are observed at 639, 695, and 1435 cm–1. The band at 1435 cm–1 is assigned to the CH2 scissors vibration and a broad doublet-like band envelope in the region of 600-700 cm–1 was attributed to C-Cl stretching vibrations.36 For comparison, we recorded the Raman spectrum of pure, bulk, 600 nm silica spheres, which have a very weak response in the fingerprint range (i.e., 500–2000 cm–1) and also in the CH region. Inside the composites under investigation, we, therefore, used the mapping of silica spheres. The average spectrum of silica mapping in Figure 4 indicates a modification of the silica spheres as the spectrum includes the bands of pure silica and the bands of trisilanol IO7 POSS. In addition, PVC has a similar response in the CH region. A successful modification of 30 nm silica/PVC and 130 nm silica/PVC composites was further identified with an elevated band at 2912 cm–1. This band reveals the isooctyl structure of POSS mostly because the other bands are not so strong in the Raman spectra. 4.2 Scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and trans- mission electron microscopy (TEM) are the most common methods used in the morphology evaluation. In Figure 5 we see typical SEM micrographs of POSS-silanated, 130 nm silica/PVC composites. We can see that a 130 nm silica/PVC composite consisted of 3D-ordered silica particles. SEM micrographs also revealed (Figure 5b) that the 3D silica-particle structure was ousted towards the film surface, frequently encountered with polymers consisting of two phases with a poor mutual compatibility due to their different chemical compositions. Typical examples are polymers with a low surface energy obtained with an addition of fluoropolymers or fluorosilanes.37 Another example of SEM imaging in composite- morphology characterization is an analysis of the fracture surface of a composite filled with a very low amount of silica fillers, i.e., less than volume fraction 1 %. Due to the small amount of silica fillers it is not possible to observe isolated particles or an arrangement of particles as shown previously in Figure 5; however, the information on the particle inclusion can be revealed with an analysis of the properties of fracture surfaces. In Figure 6 typical fracture surfaces of the neat epoxy and diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A surface- treated, 30-nm and 130-nm silica/epoxy composites are presented.38 Prior to the SEM imaging the samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and broken by hand in order to observe the natural crack propagation in the composite. The inclusion of silica fillers in the epoxy matrix is confirmed by an increased roughness of the composite’s M. CONRADI: NANOSILICA-REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES 288 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 285–293 Figure 4: Raman spectra of pure 600 nm silica spheres, trisilanol (IO7) POSS, the average spectrum of silica mapping, pure PVC, 130 nm silica/PVC and 30 nm silica/PVC composites34 Slika 4: Ramanski spektri neobdelanih 600 nm silicijevih delcev, trisilanola (IO7) POSS, povpre~nega spektra silicijevega mapiranja ~istega PVCja ter 130 nm silika/PVC in 30 nm silika/PVC kompo- zitov34 Figure 5: a) Top-view and b) side-view SEM micrographs of a silica/PVC composite composed of volume fraction 30 % of POSS- silanated, 130 nm silica fillers34 Slika 5: SEM-pogled: a) z vrha in b) pogled s strani kompozitov silicijev dioksid-PVC, sestavljenih iz volumenskega dele`a 30 % POSS-silaniziranih silicijevih dioksidnih vklju~kov 130 nm34 fracture surface as compared to the smooth surface of the pure epoxy. Both silica and epoxy composites break in sharp fracture lines and characteristic steps decorated with a fish-skin-like microstructure (Figure 6d) that also indicates an increased brittleness compared to the pure epoxy. The roughness of the fracture surface, however, slightly decreased with the decreasing particle size. Transmission electron microscopy can serve as a very useful tool for determining the exact size and distribution of the embedded nanoparticles. In Figure 7 a typical micrograph of the metal nanoparticles embedded in a polymer matrix is presented. 5 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES One of the primary reasons for adding inorganic fillers to polymers is to improve their mechanical performance through optimization of the balance between the strength/stiffness and the toughness of a composite. The mechanical response of composites strongly depends also on the silica content and size and is generally characterized with respect to different properties, such as the tensile strength, flexural strength, hardness, impact strength, fracture toughness, etc. 5.1 Tensile-strength test With the tensile test we analyse stress  and strain  that are determined from the measured load and deflec- tion using the original specimen cross-sectional area S0 and length l0 as follows:  = F/S0,  = dl/l0 Typical stress-strain curves of pure PVC and POSS-silanated silica/PVC composites with two types of silica fillers, 130 nm and 30 nm in diameter, are summa- rized in Figure 8. For silica/PVC composites, the trend reported in Figure 8 can be divided into four stages before the material breaks: the initial linear elasticity, nonlinear transition to global yield, region of necking and strain softening. However, the stress-strain behaviour of pure PVC is different, typically with a broad constant stress regime for increasing the strain without a pro- M. CONRADI: NANOSILICA-REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 285–293 289 Figure 6: a) Hand broken fracture surfaces of pure epoxy, b) composite with the volume fraction 0.5 % diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A surface-treated, 30-nm silica fillers, c) composite with 0.5 % diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A surface-treated, 130-nm silica fillers and d) a fracture surface detail – a fish-skin-like microstructure – of the 130-nm silica/epoxy composite38 Slika 6: a) Lomna povr{ina vzorcev ~istega epoxyja, b) kompozita, obogatenega z volumenskim dele`em 0,5 % z diglicidil etrom bisfenola A povr{insko obdelanih 30-nm silicijevih vklju~kov, c) kompozita, obogatenega z volumenskim dele`em 0,5 % z diglicidil etrom bisfenola A povr{insko obdelanih silicijevih dioksidnih vklju~kov 130 nm in d) detajl lomne povr{ine – mikrostruktura ribje ko`e v kompozitu silicijev dioksid-epoksi 130 nm38 Figure 7: TEM micrograph of the Fe2O3 nanoparticles embedded in the polypropylene (PP) matrix Slika 7: TEM-slika Fe2O3 nanodelcev v mre`i polipropilena (PP) nounced necking or strain softening before the sample breaking. In the low strain portion of the curves all the investigated samples followed Hooke’s law giving us the information on the composite modulus of elasticity E. As shown in Table 1, we observed a 30–40 % increase in E, making 30 nm and 130 nm silica/PVC composites stiffer. This large increase in elastic modulus is due to a large amount of silica particles. Another material proportion that we can obtain from the stress-strain diagram is the maximum tensile strength (UTS). A significant strengthening is observed in both 30 nm and 130 nm silica/PVC composites, 20–30 %, respectively (Table 1). An opposite response is, however, observed for the elongation at break depending on the silica size in the PVC matrix (Table 1). In contrast to the increased stiffness of 30 nm and 130 nm silica/PVC composites, their elongation at break that is lower than for pure PVC (15–30 %) indicates an embrittlement effect upon an addition of silica fillers. 5.2 Three-point bending test The three-point bending test (3PB) covers the determination of flexural properties of a material by measuring the deflection of a sample under applied load. Figure 9 shows a typical stress-strain curve for the samples under investigation, diglycidyl ether of bisphe- nol A surface-treated silica composites and the neat epoxy. Table 2 lists the corresponding material pro- portions obtained with the 3PB test: elastic modulus (E), maximum tensile strength (UTS) and elongation at break. We observed an approximately 10–20 % increase in E and UTS for both composites compared to the pure epoxy. The experimental scattering of both the Young’s modulus and the UTS was less than 10 %. The incorpo- ration of silica fillers, on the other hand, caused a decrease in the elongation at break, which implies an increase in the composite brittleness. 5.3 Fracture toughness The fracture-toughness test is designed to characterize the toughness of a material in terms of the critical-stress-intensity factor, KIC, and the energy per unit area of a crack surface or the critical strain energy M. CONRADI: NANOSILICA-REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES 290 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 285–293 Figure 9: Typical stress-strain curves of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A surface-treated silica/epoxy composites and the neat epoxy as obtained with the 3PB test38 Slika 9: Z upogibnim preizkusom (3PB) dobljen zna~ilen diagram napetost – deformacija z diglicidil etrom bisfenola A silaniziranih kompozitov silicijevega dioksida-epoksi in ~istega epoksija38 Table 1: Elastic modulus (E), tensile strength (UTS) and elongation at break of POSS-silanated silica/PVC composites and pure PVC eva- luated with the tensile test34 Tabela 1: Z nateznim preizkusom dobljen elasti~ni modul (E), maksi- malna natezna trdnost (UTS) in raztezek pri pretrgu POSS-silani- ziranih kompozitov silicijev dioksid-PVC in ~istega PVC34 Sample E/GPa UTS/MPa elongation atbreak (%) PVC 1.7 89.9 7.0 PVC + 60 % vol. frac- tions of SiO2 30 nm 2.4 112.1 6.0 PVC + 60 % vol. frac- tions of SiO2 130 nm 3.0 122.2 4.9 Table 2: Elastic modulus (E), tensile strength (UTS) and elongation at break of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A surface-treated silica/epoxy composites and the neat epoxy evaluated with the 3PB test38 Tabela 2: Z upogibnim preizkusom (3PB) dobljen elasti~ni modul (E), maksimalna natezna trdnost (UTS) in raztezek pri pretrgu z diglicidil etrom bisfenola A silaniziranih kompozitov silicijev dioksid-epoksi in ~istega epoksija38 Sample E/GPa UTS/MPa elongation atbreak (%) Epoxy 2.6 127 10.0 Epoxy + 0,5 % vol. frac- tions of SiO2 130 nm 3.0 141 9.6 Epoxy + 0,5 % vol. frac- tions of SiO2 30 nm 2.8 138 9.0 Figure 8: Typical stress-strain diagram for pure PVC and silica/PVC composites with POSS-silanated, 130 nm and 30 nm silica fillers as obtained with the tensile-strength test34 Slika 8: Z nateznim preizkusom dobljen zna~ilen diagram napetost- deformacija ~istega PVCja in kompozitov silicijev dioksid-PVC, obogatenih s POSS-silaniziranimi 130 nm in 30 nm silicijevimi dioksidnimi vklju~ki34 release rate, GIC, at the fracture initiation. In the experi- ment, the load-deflection curves are measured as shown in Figure 10. The fracture toughness, KIC, is then calcu- lated by using linear elastic fracture mechanics:39 K SP BW fIC c /= 3 2 ( ) where { } f ( ) . ( )( . . ( )( ) / ) = − − − + + − 3 199 1 215 3 93 2 7 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 2/ = a W 0 S and Pc are the span length and the maximum load; B, W and a0 are the thickness, the width and the pre-crack length of the specimen. In Figure 10 diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A surface-treated silica composites and the neat epoxy show a linear response until the brittle fracture occurs. The extracted experimental results for the fracture toughness, KIC, for the composites and the neat epoxy are listed in Table 3, showing a fracture toughness increase by 25–30 % with the addition of silica fillers. Table 3: Fracture toughness of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A sur- face-treated silica composites and the neat epoxy38 Tabela 3: Lomna `ilavost z diglicidil etrom bisfenola A silaniziranih kompozitov silicijev dioksid-epoksi in ~istega epoksija38 Sample KIC/(MPa m1/2) Epoxy 0.66 ± 0.05 Epoxy + 0.5 % vol. fractions of SiO2 130 nm 0.91 ± 0.06 Epoxy + 0.5 % vol. fractions of SiO2 30 nm 0.93 ± 0.06 5.4 Charpy impact strength test The Charpy test is used to evaluate the amount of absorbed energy by a material during a fracture, there- fore giving us information on the impact toughness of the material. An example of the Charpy impact strength test results is in Table 4, presenting the impact energy and the impact resistance for diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A surface-treated silica composites and the neat epoxy. Table 4: Impact energy and impact resistance of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A surface-treated silica composites and the neat epoxy38 Tabela 4: Energija pri prelomu in odpornost proti prelomu z diglicidil etrom bisfenola A silaniziranih kompozitov silicijevega dioksida- epoksi in ~istega epoksija38 Sample Impact energyEimp/J Impact resistance Rimp/(kJ/m2) Epoxy 0.19 ± 0.02 6.4 ± 0.7 Epoxy + 0.5 % vol. frac- tions of SiO2 130 nm 0.26 ± 0.02 8.9 ± 0.6 Epoxy + 0.5 % vol. frac- tions of SiO2 30 nm 0.33 ± 0.03 10.8 ± 0.7 The addition of silica particles increases the impact resistance as well as the impact energy up to 60 %. Surprisingly, the results of the Charpy impact test are also strongly influenced by a particle diameter. 6 APPLICATIONS As shown earlier, nanosilica-reinforced polymer composites significantly improve the mechanical pro- M. CONRADI: NANOSILICA-REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 285–293 291 Figure 10: Load-deflection curves of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A surface-treated silica composites and the neat epoxy38 Slika 10: Diagram sila – deformacija z diglicidil etrom bisfenola A silaniziranih kompozitov silicijev dioksid-epoksi in ~istega epoksija38 Figure 11: SEM micrographs of POSS-silanated, a) 600 nm and b) 30 nm silica/PVC composite coatings on the AISI 316L surface45 Slika 11: SEM-slike POSS-silaniziranih kompozitnih prevlek silici- jevega dioksida-PVC a) 600 nm in b) 30 nm na povr{ini AISI 316L jekla45 perties of the end material and exhibit some unique properties allowing many potential applications. Silica/ polymer nanocomposites have been reported to be used in coatings,40,41 optical devices,42 electronics,43 photo- resist materials,44 etc. In most cases silica/polymer nanocomposites are used as protective coatings, either to improve the mechanical characteristics of the substrate material (i. e., wear, scratch, abrasion resistance) or to insure the corrosion resistance in various environments. Corro- sion-protection nanosilica/polymer coatings on metallic substrates, for example, provide an effective physical barrier between the metal and its environment containing aggressive species, such as enhanced chloride-ion con- centration, O2 or H+. A uniform dispersion of nano- particles (i.e., SiO2) in a chosen polymer matrix with desirable characteristics (i. e., epoxy) is shown to increase the surface hydrophobicity (i.e., the self-clean- ing effect) and to improve the adhesion between the composite coating and the metallic surface.26,45–47 In Figures 11a and b we can see an example of a POSS-silanated silica/PVC coating adsorbed on a steel substrate of type AISI 316L. Figure 12 further presents potentiodynamic measurements of these coatings in a 3.5 % NaCl solution at room temperature indicating an improved anticorrosion behaviour in a chloride-ion-rich environment as compared to the clean AISI 316L surface. Potentiodynamic curves reflect the decreased corrosion-current densities and corrosion potentials for the silica/PVC-coated AISI 316L substrates. 7 SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK A modification of a polymer matrix with silica fillers allows significant increases in the modulus and strength contributions of the matrix to the overall composite properties. Obtaining the optimum properties for the nanocomposites, however, requires an excellent homo- geneous dispersion of the fillers, as the tendency of the silica particles to agglomerate can seriously affect the achievable properties. Therefore, to provide a strong interfacial interaction between the inorganic particles and the polymer matrix, silica fillers must have suitably modified surfaces. The end result is a composite with unique and significantly improved mechanical properties having a high ability to transfer the stresses from the polymer matrix to the embedded particles. This allows the silica/polymer nanocomposites to be used in a variety of applications and industrial products successfully replacing the classical materials. Although much work has already been done on the silica/polymer nanocom- posites, more research is needed to further understand the complex filler-matrix relationship that would allow a step forward and even enable a synthesis of the nano- composites with controllable properties through tailoring the interfacial interaction between silica and a polymer matrix. Acknowledgement The author gratefully acknowledges the Slovenian programme P2-0132, "Fizika in kemija povr{in kovin- skih materialov" of the Slovenian Research Agency for its support. 8 REFERENCES 1 A. C. Balazs, T. Emrick, T. P. Russell, Nanoparticle polymer com- posites: Where two small worlds meet, Science, 314 (2006), 1107–1110 2 R. Krishnamoorti, R. A. Vaia, Polymer nanocomposites, Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics, 45 (2007), 3252–3256 3 J. 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NOSKO et al.: THE FATIGUE BEHAVIOUR OF ALUMINIUM FOAM THE FATIGUE BEHAVIOUR OF ALUMINIUM FOAM VEDENJE ALUMINIJEVIH PEN PRI PREIZKUSU UTRUJENOSTI Martin Nosko, Franti{ek Siman~ík, Roman Florek Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Ra~ianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovakia ummsnoso@savba.sk Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-10; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-22 The aim of this work was to study the fatigue behaviour of aluminium foam during compression-compression cyclic loading under an applied load. The reason was to estimate the amount of load for a fatigue life of 105 cycles with or without a small amount of permanent plastic deformation determined to be less than 1 mm. The samples were subjected to cyclic loading under various forces (proportion of level force estimated from a uni-axial compression test) in one given direction due to the elimination of the foam anisotropy. Moreover, the fatigue behaviour of the aluminium foam under compression-compression cyclic loading is described macroscopically. It was revealed that 50 % of the applied load estimated from the uni-axial compression test is sufficiently low for a fatigue life 105 cycles in the case of a foam density of 0.211 ± 0.007 g cm–3. Keywords: aluminium foam, fatigue life, level force, endurance limit Cilj tega dela je bilo preu~evanje vedenja aluminijevih pen pri preizkusu utrujenosti s tla~no-cikli~no tla~nim obremenjevanjem v odvisnosti od uporabljene obremenitve. Razlog je bil ugotoviti obremenitev za zdr`ljivost za utrujenost do 105 ciklov brez majhne plasti~ne deformacije, manj kot 1 mm ter z njo. Vzorci so bili cikli~no obremenjeni z razli~nimi silami (proporcionalno ravnote`ni sili, ugotovljeni pri enoosnem tla~nem preizkusu) v eni smeri, da bi izlo~ili vpliv anizotropije pene. Poleg tega je makroskopsko predstavljeno vedenje aluminijeve pene pri preizkusu utrujenosti s tla~no-cikli~no tla~nim obremenjevanjem. Ugotovljeno je, da je 50 % obremenitve, dobljene pri enoosnem tla~nem preizkusu, dovolj, da pena z gostoto 0,211 ± 0,007 g cm–3 pri utrujenostnem preizkusu zdr`i 105 ciklov. Klju~ne besede: pena iz aluminija, zdr`ljivost za utrujenost, stopnja sile, maksimalna obremenitev 1 INTRODUCTION Aluminium foam is known in industry as a good candidate material for the cores of sandwich panels due to its good stiffness-to-weight ratio.1–4 The effect of com- position, manufacturing parameters, sound-absorption properties and electrical behaviour on the foams’ properties was already studied for example in3,5–8. The deformation mechanism of aluminium foam during uni-axial compression and during uni-axial com- pression-compression cyclic loading was studied in5,9–15 macroscopically and by using X-ray computed tomography and surface strain mapping. These studies were focused on determining the deformation modes and revealing the structural character responsible for ore- mature yielding. Our study is focused on contributing to an estimate of the force at which the aluminium foam can be used for 105 compression-compression cyclic loadings. 2 EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 Material Alporas® aluminium foamed block of composition Al + 1.5 % Ca + 1.6–3 % TiH2 2,8 was used for the study. Since the aluminium foam block is anisotropic,8,16,17 the middle area of the block, which is characterized by the presence of the largest amount of non-uniformities within the structure (the presence of the elongated pores, pore agglomerates, fractured pore faces, microstructural in-homogeneities, etc.) was chosen for an estimation of the level force. The density of the represented area is 0.211 ± 0.007 g cm–3. Uni-axial compression-compres- sion cyclic loadings were performed on a material testing system device (MTS 810) using cubic samples of dimension a = 45 mm. The deformation mechanism on the macro-scale was revealed using a digital camera set on an MTS device 2.2 Estimation of the level force The uni-axial load-stress behaviour of the aluminium foam has been studied elsewhere5–7 and is shown in Figure 1a. It covers three regions: the elastic region at low loads (includes the hardening region) ended by peak stress, the long load-strain plateau wherein localized plastic collapse propagates from one cell band to another. After all bands collapse densification region of rapid rise of load starts. The level force (responsible for the plastic collapse of the first cell band within the sample5–7) was estimated as an average from 25 uni-axial compression tests accord- ing to the DIN norm18 to 2200 N. It should be noted that 10 of the 25 samples showed a load peak well below (1000 N and 1800 N, respectively) due to the occurrence of large, elongated pores within the structure of the represented area. 2.3 Compression-compression fatigue behaviour To find out the relation between the ultimate pro- portions of the level force (LF) and the fatigue behaviour Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 295–298 295 UDK 669.71:620.178.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)295(2013) the samples were loaded by forces increases from 50 % to 90 % LF with a step of approximately 5 % and 10 %. The samples were subjected to compression-compres- sion cyclic loading according to Figure 1b during the period over 105 cycles. The fatigue life is defined as the number of cycles corresponding to the onset of an abrupt strain jump. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Deformation mechanism As presented in Figure 2a, the compression-com- pression S-N curves during the cyclic loading are comparable for applied fraction of LF, but the onset of the yielding starts after different number of cycles. While in the case of 90 % LF, it is achieved immediately after the cyclic loading, in case of 69 % LF it starts after 30000 cycles and is characterized by changes in the strain-rates. In the case of 63 % LF, it is achieved after approximately 97000 cycles, which is almost the defined endurance limit (105 cycles) – see detail in Figure 2b. It suggests that the fatigue life (in case of a rigid material – rapid coalescence and growth of cracks, in the case of foamed material – evolution and subsequent collapse of weak pore bands) is mainly affected by the proportion of the loading force and the mechanism of fatigue damage is delayed with a decrease of the fraction (%) LF. The deformation mechanism during compression- compression cyclic loading can be described through S-N curves and is revealed macroscopically in Figure 3. The principle of evolution of the plastic deformation and its spreading within the sample during uni-axial com- pression and cyclic loading is similar.9–12 Immediately after loading in the elastic region, the uniform evolution of the plastic hinges within the whole samples was observed. The buckling and bending of the pore walls (Figure 3a, b) together with the continuous evolution of the plastic hinges follows as the deformation continues into the "hardening region" and through the hardening region.12 These features are responsible for the loss of stiffness associated with a continuous shortening before the abrupt strain jump presented in Figure 2b. The abrupt strain jump is related to a macroscopically viewed plastic collapse of a group of pores within the defor- mation bands (Figure 3b, c) and causes changes in the strain rate due to the softening effect after the collapse.12 Subsequently, in the vicinity of the already plastically deformed group of pores the whole deformation band M. NOSKO et al.: THE FATIGUE BEHAVIOUR OF ALUMINIUM FOAM 296 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 295–298 Figure 2: Compression-compression S-N curves; a) representation of the different fatigue life with respect to the proportion of LF, b) detail of the S-N curve Slika 2: Tla~no-tla~ne S-N-krivulje; a) predstavitev razli~ne zdr`lji- vosti pri utrujenostnem preizkusu v odvisnosti od LF, b) detajl S-N-krivulje Figure 1: a) Typical uni-axial compression load-strain curve with definition of the level force (LF), b) description of the applied load during the compression-compression cyclic loading Slika 1: a) Zna~ilna krivulja sila – raztezek z opredeljeno stopnjo sile (LF), b) videz uporabljene obremenitve med tla~no-cikli~no tla~nim obremenjevanjem closes up and the process is repeated within the other region of the foamed sample (Figure 3c, d), also accompanied by changes in the strain rate (Figure 2a, No.11). However, the changes in the strain rates are omitted if the loading is performed with a high proportion of LF, as presented in Figure 2a No.14. Vice-versa, no permanent deformation occurs if the loading is performed by a small proportion of LF to overcome the load of the plastic collapse of the pore band, as seen in Figure 2a No.10. 3.2 Estimation of LF As seen in Figure 4, the fatigue behaviour of the foam is very sensitive to the proportion of LF = 2200 N. While during loading at 50 % LF (Figure 4a), all the samples achieved the endurance limit, the increment of LF causes a decreased number of samples and is responsible for the premature shortening of the samples accompanied by changes in the strain rate, as presented in Figures 4b to d. In case of 63 % LF, two of the six samples achieved the endurance limit without premature shortening; if 70 % of LF is applied, only one from three samples reaches the limit, as presented in Figure 4c. During cycling at 90 % LF (Figure 4d), all the samples collapsed immediately after loading without changes in the strain rate. 4 CONCLUSION It was revealed that a 50 % of level force is sufficient for uni-axial compression-compression cyclic loading to achieve an endurance limit of 105 cycles with no significant deformation, estimated to be less than 1mm. In the elastic region, only the creation of plastic hinges during the loading occurs, but in the region of hardening the buckling and bending of the cell walls start, which overcomes the reversible elastic deformation. The tests were performed on samples chosen from an area with the presence of the largest amount of non-uniformities within the structure at 50 % LF. This suggests that 50 % LF is the force that prevents the buckling and bending of cell faces responsible for the plastic collapse of pore bands. A force above 50 % LF causes continuous damage to the foam before the endurance limit is achieved. Acknowledgements The authors thank APVV-0647-10 Ultralight and the Slovak Grant Agency - VEGA grant No. 2/0191/10 for funding this work. Material support from Gleich® GmbH is gratefully acknowledged. Infrastructure was supported by CEKOMAT 2 with ID 26240120020. The project is signed as OPVaV-2008/4.1/01-SORO. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. F. Ashby, A. G. Evans, L. J. Gibson, J. W. Hutchinson, H. N. G. Wadley, Metal Foam: A Design Guide, Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn 2000 2 J. Banhart, Prog. Mater. Sci., 46 (2001), 559–632 3 F. Simancik, J. Jerz, J. Kovacik, P. Minar, Metall. Mater., 35 (1997), 265–277 4 A. M. Harte, N. A. Fleck, M. F. Ashby, Inter. J. Fatigue, 23 (2001), 499–507 M. NOSKO et al.: THE FATIGUE BEHAVIOUR OF ALUMINIUM FOAM Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 295–298 297 Figure 4: S-N curves for compression-compression cyclic loading for various LF proportion; a) 50 %, b) 63 %, c) 70 % and d) 90 % Slika 4: S-N-krivulje za tla~no-cikli~no tla~no obremenjevanje pri razli~nih LF-razmerjih; a) 50 %, b) 63 %, c) 70 % in d) 90 % Figure 3: Deformation mechanism during compression-compression cyclic loading in a macroscopic view; a) un-deformed sample, b) buckling of the pore faces within the pore band, c) plastic collapse of the pore band and the creation of another one and d) continuous shortening Slika 3: Deformacijski mehanizem med tla~no-cikli~no tla~nim obre- menjevanjem v makroskopskem pogledu; a) nedeformiran vzorec, b) uklanjanje por v pasu por, c) plasti~no posedanje pasu por in nasta- janje drugih por, d) neprekinjeno skraj{anje 5 U. Ramamurty, A. Paul, Acta Mater., 52 (2004), 869–876 6 E. Koza, M. Leonowicza, S. 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ADDITION OF STRONTIUM TO AN Mg-3Sn ALLOY AND AN INVESTIGATION OF ITS PROPERTIES DODATEK STRONCIJA ZLITINI Mg-3Sn IN PREISKAVA NJENIH LASTNOSTI Mediha Öbekcan1, Aysun Ayday1, Hüseyin ªevýk2, Süleyman Can Kurnaz1 1Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Sakarya, Turkey 2Mersin University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Mersin, Turkey ckurnaz@sakarya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-13; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-27 The effect of strontium additions in mass fractions of (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1) % to a magnesium alloy (Mg-3Sn) was investigated in this work. The alloys were gravity cast under a controlled atmosphere. The mechanical properties and the microstructures of the above alloys were examined and recorded. The results revealed that an addition of strontium to the above alloy had significantly affected its microstructure. The X-ray diffraction results showed that in all of the obtained alloys the main phases were -Mg and Mg2Sn, and that the strontium-based intermetallics were not detected. The hardness values increased with the increasing strontium content. The highest yield strength, tensile strength and elongation were exhibited by the Mg-%3Sn-%0.1Sr alloy. Keywords: Mg-Sn alloy, Sr addition, mechanical properties V tem delu je bil preiskovan u~inek dodatka masnih dele`ev stroncija (0,05; 0,1; 0,2; 0,5 in 1) % magnezijevi zlitini (Mg-3Sn). Zlitine so bile gravitacijsko lite v kontrolirani atmosferi. Preiskane in ugotovljene so bile mehanske lastnosti in mikrostruture navedenih zlitin. Rezultati so pokazali, da dodatek stroncija pri tej zlitini mo~no vpliva na mikrostrukturo. Rezultati rentgenske difrakcije so pokazali, da so glavne faze -Mg, Mg2Sn v preiskovanih zlitinah, niso pa bile odkrite intermetalne faze na osnovi stroncija. Vrednosti trdote so nara{~ale z nara{~ajo~o vsebnostjo stroncija. Najvi{ja meja plasti~nosti, najvi{ja trdnost in najve~ji raztezek se je pokazal pri zlitini Mg-%3Sn-%0,1Sr. Klju~ne besede: zlitina Mg-Sn, dodatek Sr, mehanske lastnosti 1 INTRODUCTION There have been various investigations to identify the properties of magnesium and its alloys with regard to their use in industrial applications due to their low density in comparison with the other commercial, low-density alloys such as aluminium.1–5 Generally, magnesium alloys are based on the Mg–Al system. For example, aluminium-containing magnesium alloys will have an Mg17Al12 compound, which adversely influences the mechanical properties at high temperatures.6,7 It is therefore important to add another alloying element to reverse such an effect. Such elements are strontium (Sr), calcium (Ca) and tin (Sn).8,9 In this work aluminium-free magnesium alloys were used (Mg-3Sn). 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK The alloys were melted in a stainless-steel crucible using an electric-resistance furnace facilitated with a CO2-0.2SF6 atmosphere. Commercially pure magnesium, tin and Mg-%20Sr were used in this case as shown in Table 1. The melt was held at 760 °C for 10 min, then stirred to ensure a homogeneous distribution of all the alloying elements. The melts was then poured into a preheated steel die at 270 °C. Cross-sections were taken from similar areas of all the castings and ground down to 1200 grit using silicon carbide papers. The cross-sections were then polished down to 1 μm samples using abrasive diamond wheels. The specimens were chemically etched using an acetic picric acid compound (5 ml of acetic acid, 6 g of picric acid, 10 ml of distilled water, 100 ml of ethanol), then examined using a JOEL scanning electron microscope (SEM). The second lot of cross- sections were taken from similar areas of all the castings. The sections were ground using silicon carbide papers before examining them with an X-ray diffraction [(XRD) Rigaku D-Max 1000 X-ray diffractometer with Cu K radiation] machine to identify their compounds and phases. Table 1: Chemical compositions of the investigated alloys (mass fraction, w/%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava preiskovanih zlitin (masni dele`i, w/%) Alloys Composition Mg Sn Sr 1 Mg-3Sn 96.8 2.97 – 2 Mg-3Sn-0.05Sr 96.5 2.92 0.046 3 Mg-3Sn-0.1Sr 96.1 2.94 0.09 4 Mg-3Sn-0.2Sr 95.9 2.97 0.183 5 Mg-3Sn-0.5Sr 95.9 2.94 0.45 6 Mg-3Sn-1Sr 95.7 2.89 0.92 Brinell hardness tests were performed on all the cross-sections using a diameter ball 2.5 mm with an Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 299–301 299 UDK 669.721.5:669.892:620.17 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)299(2013) applied load of 31.25 kg. Tensile tests were carried out using an Instron 3367 universal testing machine with a fixed ram speed of 0.2 mm/s at ambient temperature. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The XRD results shown in Figure 1 revealed that the main phases were -Mg and Mg2Sn. The XRD results, on the other hand, failed to show any Mg-Sr- and Sn-Sr- based intermetallics in any of the tested castings. Here the results are in agreement with the study made by Hongmei Liu.9 The SEM images shown in Figure 2 revealed that the microstructures of these alloys mainly consisted of the primary -Mg surrounded by the boundary of the Mg2Sn phase. It is very clear that the primary -Mg in the strontium-free alloy 1 is much bigger than those seen in alloys 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The intermetallics (Mg2Sn), on the other hand, appear to be smaller and more nodular than those of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The increase in the strontium content influenced the formation of a large Mg2Sn phase, which also influenced the mechanical properties. Figure 3 shows the results of the energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) obtained for alloy 6. The figure shows that stron- tium was completely dissolved in the Mg2Sn inter- metallic, which influenced its final shape. The hardness increased and was directly proportional to the increase in the strontium content as shown in Figure 4. The tensile and the yield strengths increased only up to alloy 3, then they decreased for alloys 4, 5 and 6. The elongation results showed a similar manner as seen in the cases of the tensile and yield strengths. It is clear from Figure 4 that the yield and tensile strengths reached their maximum of about 78 MPa and 157 MPa when 0.1 % Sr was used. The hardness, on the other hand, reached a maximum of 40 BH when 1 % Sr was used. The reason for the increase in the tensile and yield properties in the case of alloy 3 can be clearly attributed to its microstructure. It is very clear from the microstruc- ture that the longitudinal shape of the Mg2Sn inter- metallic has influenced the increase in its tensile and yield strengths. M. ÖBEKCAN et al.: ADDITION OF STRONTIUM TO AN Mg-3Sn ALLOY AND AN INVESTIGATION ... 300 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 299–301 Mg Sn Sr O 1 79.266 9.935 0.961 9.837 2 80.628 8.260 0.699 10,412 3 84.764 4.952 2.634 7.649 4 75.648 11.145 0.438 12.770 5 71.894 11.235 2.091 14.780 6 98.733 1.267 – – Figure 3: EDS analysis of alloy 6 Slika 3: EDS-analiza zlitine 6 Figure 1: XRD spectrums of selected alloys Slika 1: XRD-spektri izbranih zlitin Figure 2: SEM micrographs showing microstructures of: a) alloy 1, b) alloy 3 and c) alloy 6 Slika 2: SEM-posnetki mikrostrukture: a) zlitina 1, b) zlitina 3 in c) zlitina 6 4 CONCLUSIONS 1. The microstructures of all the above alloys consisted of the -Mg and Mg2Sn phases. 2. The strontium addition modified the microstructural shapes of the intermetallics. 3. The addition of Sr affected the UTS, yield and elon- gation only to a certain extent. 4. The hardness increase was directly proportional to the increase in strontium. 5 REFERENCES 1 A. Yu, S. Wang, N. Li, H. Hu, Journal of Materials Processing Tech- nology, 191 (2007), 247–250 2 H. Hu, Journal of Materials Science, 33 (1998), 1579–1589 3 H. Q. Sun, Y. N. Shi, M. X. Zhang, Surface and Coating Technology, 202 (2008), 2859–2864 4 W. Huang, B. Hou, Y. Pang, Z. Zhou, Wear, 260 (2006), 1173–1178 5 T. A. Leil, N. Hort, W. Dietzel, C. Blawert, Y. Huang, K. U. Kainer, K. P. Rao, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 19 (2009), 40–44 6 S. Kleiner, O. Beffort, A. Wahlen, P. J. Uggowitzer, Journal of Light Metals, 2 (2002), 277–280 7 H. Liu, Y. Chen, H. Zhao, S. Wei, W. Gao, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 504 (2010), 345–350 8 S. Li, B. Tang, D. Zeng, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 437 (2007), 317–332 9 H. Liu, Y. Chena, Y. Tang, S. Wei, G. Niu, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 440 (2007), 122–126 M. ÖBEKCAN et al.: ADDITION OF STRONTIUM TO AN Mg-3Sn ALLOY AND AN INVESTIGATION ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 299–301 301 Figure 4: Mechanical test results for the alloys: a) hardness and b) strength and strain Slika 4: Rezultati mehanskih preizkusov zlitin: a) trdota in b) trdnost in deformacija F. E. BAÞTAN et al.: THE EFFECT OF BINDER ON CHEMICALLY PRECIPITATED HYDROXYAPATITE ... THE EFFECT OF BINDER ON CHEMICALLY PRECIPITATED HYDROXYAPATITE DURING SPRAY DRYING VPLIV VEZIVA NA KEMIJSKO IZLO^ENI HIDROKSIAPATIT MED ATOMIZACIJO Fatih Erdem Baþtan, Ezgi Demiralp, Yýldýz Yaralý Özbek, Fatih Üstel Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical and Metarials Engineering, Esentepe Campus, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey yyarali@sakarya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-17; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-22 The synthesis of appropriate calcium phosphate powders for thermal-spraying applications is a fundamental, crucial stage in the production of bioceramical coatings coupled with the desired characteristics. The performance, lifespan and quality of the resulting biological coating in-vivo is largely dependent on the coating morphology, phase composition, particle size and the crystallites of the spray powders. In order to achieve very reliable coatings from thermal-spray processes, spherical powders of a specified size distribution are recommended. The aim of this work was to produce hydroxyapatite powder with a chemical precipitation method and to reshape it in a spray dryer and investigate the effect of binder on the powder structure to provide an insight into the preparation and characterization aspect of HA powders using the spray-drying process. Ethanol, pure water and polyvinilalcohol (PVA) + ethanol were used as the binder. Different temperatures were applied in the spray dryer. Then, the precipitated, spray-dried powders were examined for morphology. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), (EDX) and ICP were used to characterize the specimen powders. Keywords: hydroxyapatite, chemical precipitation, spray dryer, ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) Sinteza primernega prahu kalcijevega sulfata za termi~no napr{evanje, povezana z `elenimi lastnostmi, je osnovna in klju~na faza pri izdelavi biokerami~nih prevlek. Uspe{nost, zdr`ljivost in kvaliteta biolo{ke prevleke v `ivo je mo~no odvisna od morfologije prevleke, fazne sestave, velikosti delcev in kristalnih zrn napr{enega prahu. Za zagotovitev zelo zanesljivega premaza se priporo~a uporaba prahu z okroglimi delci dolo~ene porazdelitve velikosti zrn. Cilj tega dela je izdelati prah hidroksiapatita (HA) z metodo kemijskega izlo~anja, s preoblikovanjem z atomizacijo in preiskati u~inek veziva na strukturo prahu, da bi dobili vpogled v na~ine priprave in karakterizacijo HA-prahov z atomizacijo. Kot veziva so bili uporabljeni etanol, ~ista voda in polivinil alkohol, (PVA) + etanol. Pri atomizaciji so bile uporabljene razli~ne temperature. Nato je bila pregledana morfologija atomiziranega prahu. Karakterizacija vzorcev prahov je bila izvr{ena z vrsti~no elektronsko mikroskopijo (SEM), rentgensko difrakcijo (XRD), energijsko disperzijsko rentgensko spektroskopijo (EDX) in induktivno sklopljeno plazmo (ICP). Klju~ne besede: hidroksiapatit, kemijsko izlo~anje, atomizacija, induktivno sklopljena plazma ICP 1 INTRODUCTION Bone is formed by collagen fibres and hydroxyapatite natural bone tissue can be considered as a composite consisting of a mineralized collagen matrix.1 Hydro- xyapatite (HAp) Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 and other related calcium phosphate minerals have been evaluated as implant materials for many years due to their good biocompatibility and bioactivity as well as their simi- larity with the inorganic components of the hard tissues in natural bones. Their Ca/P ratio of 1.5–2.0 makes them an excellent choice for most dental and orthopedic appli- cations in the form of bioceramic coatings. Moreover, HA has been used as a biological chromatography support in protein purification and DNA isolation. Also, HA is currently used for the fraction and purification of a wide variety of biological molecules, such as subclasses of enzymes, antibodies fragments and nucleic acids.2–6 Several methods, such as precipitation, solid-state synthesis, hydrolysis, wet chemical, hydrothermal and sol-gel methods have been used to prepare synthetic HAp. The synthetic HAp is used for coating in medical applications. The HAp coating produced by plasma-spraying tech- nology combines the mechanical advantages of a metal substrate with the excellent biological properties of HAp. Some important factors are the particle size, particle size distribution and particle morphology, which affect the lifetime and quality of the resulting biological coating.7,8 These important factors determine the flow charac- teristics in the powder-feeding systems and the melting behavior in the plasma jet.2,3 The hydroxyapatite powder size is very important for a thermal-spray coating system. Therefore, we have to increase the size of the powder for a good flow rate. The spray-dryer system was used to adjust the particle size. The spray-drying method is a kind of granule production technique. The advantages of this method are very simple and the particle size can be controlled quite easily. The process parameters are the slurry concentra- tion, the compressed-air flow rate and the liquid flow rate, which are affected by the specific surface area and size distribution of the final products.4 The morphology of the powders is generally spherical, the other morpho- logies are, for example, mushroom-like,9 doughnut-like,9 hollow structures10 etc. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 303–306 303 UDK 66.09 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)303(2013) In this study we fabricated HAp powders with the chemical precipitation method and the produced powders were granulated as spherical powders using the spray- drying method by controlling the process parameters. Different binders (pure water, PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) and ethanol) were used for the slurry. The resultant spherical powders were investigated to see the effect of binders on the powder properties (morphology and particle size distribution). The final spherical powders were prepared as bulk materials and sintered. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) were used to characterize the powders and the bulk materials. 2 MATERIALS AND METHOD HAp particles were synthesized by a chemical pre- cipitation method, with calcium nitrate tetrahydrate (Ca(NO3)2·4H2O) as the calcium source, phosphoric acid (H3PO4) as the phosphorous source, and ammonium hydroxide(NH4OH) as the pH regulator. (Ca(NO3)2 · 4H2O) and (H3PO4) were separately dissolved in distilled water continuously for 30 min. The dissolved solutions were mixed together and added (NH4OH) to obtain the initial pH values of the reaction solutions as 11.00. The mixture was stirred at a speed of 250 r/min. The resulting suspension was aged for 24 h at room temperature and then filtered. The product was washed with water to remove the residual impurities. The precipitated powders were dried at 105 °C to remove the undesired impurities. The dried powders were mixed with pure water, and PVA and ethanol were used as a binder to obtain a slurry for the spray dryer. Inlet temperatures of 175 °C, 190 °C and 200 °C and a 1.5 bar pressure were chosen for the spray drying. The final product was shaped as a bulk material and sintered at 1050 °C for 1 h. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The XRD result of the hydroxyapatite after the sin- tering process is shown in Figure 1. The peaks are sharp and match with the reference hydroxyapatite peaks. The powder has a crystalline structure. These results revealed that hydroxyapatite with a chemical precipitation method could be produced. Also, the composition of the powder was given in Table 1 (i.e., the results of the ICP). It was shown that the powder not only has Ca and P elements, but also has Fe, Mg and Zn. Figue 2a shows that the powders had an irregular, and an angular shape distribution, and also range widely. The SEM micrographs of the powder in Figures 2b and 2c revealed that the powders produced by spray drying had a less spherical and porous microstructure. The high degree of porosity could be due to the elimination of the binder that was used in the binding and agglomeration of the spray-dried powder. Moisture and gases were also released and eliminated as a result of spray drying at an elevated temperature of 200 °C.11 Also, these porosities appear as a small surface depression (Figures 2c and 2d), which may be mini- mized and the material restored to a denser structure through calcination or sintering. Visible colour changes were seen in powder. The colour changes were due to the presence of manganese ions or other transition-metal elements located in the crystal lattice structure. Although they may not have any significant effect on the biocom- F. E. BAÞTAN et al.: THE EFFECT OF BINDER ON CHEMICALLY PRECIPITATED HYDROXYAPATITE ... 304 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 303–306 Figure 2: a) Hydroxyapatite microstructure before spray drying, b) after spray drying (175 °C, 1.5 bar, ethanol), c) (200 °C, 1.5 bar, etha- nol), d) (175 °C, 1.5 bar, ethanol + PVA) Slika 2: a) Mikrostruktura hidroksiapatita pred atomizacijo, b) po ato- mizaciji (175 °C, 1,5 bar, etanol), c) (200 °C, 1,5 bar, etanol), d) 175 °C, 1,5 bar, etanol + PVA) Figure 1: XRD peaks after sintering Slika 1: XRD-spekter po sintranju Table 1: ICP analysis result Tabela 1: Rezultati ICP-analize Composition Amount in mass fractions, w/% PO4 61.05 Ca 38.50 Fe 0.0030 Mg 0.12 Zn 0.0068 patibility of HA, the consumer acceptance should be duly considered.12 When the binder is ethanol for drying, the optimal parameters are 175 °C inlet temperature and 1.5 bar pres- sure, for pure water the optimal parameters are 175 °C inlet temperature and 1.5 bar pressure.13 Spherical particles are seen in Figure 2b. The powders have a porous structure because of the early evaporation of the ethanol. A porous and hollow structure with the slow diffusion of solute and a quick solvent evaporation were obtained.14 Irregular particles are seen in Figure 2c. Increasing the inlet temperature results in quick evapo- ration of the moisture, but a high temperature may cause chemical/physical distortion.15 The spherical and porous particles are seen in Figure 3. Ethanol + PVA were chosen as binders. The results are same as those obtained from the ethanol-added samples. The PVA affected only the particle size. After the particle size analysis, it was seen that the particle size increases with increasing PVA addition for a good binding. The average particle sizes were 27 μm and 41 μm for the ethanol and ethanol + PVA, respectively. It was shown in Figures 3a and 3b that spherical particles were obtained at both 175 °C and 190 °C, but it seems that particles have moisture because of the insufficient inlet temperature for drying in Figure 3a. Increasing the temperature made the particles dry. Particles have less porosity when using pure water for the binding. Because the pure water’s evaporation tempe- rature is higher than the ethanol’s, the binder holds together all particles during the process.15 4 CONCLUSIONS Hydroxyapatite powders could be produced by a chemical precipitation method and reshaped with a spray dryer. The change in the binder impacted on the spray-drying parameters. The optimal inlet temperatures are 175 °C for ethanol and 190 °C for pure water. The type of binder was affected by the particle structure. A volatile binder resulted in a lower particle density and the particles had more porosity. The binder holds together all the particles, and increasing the amount of the binder (like PVA) increases the particle size. Spray-dried powder with the correct particle size is converted to flame spheroidized powder so as to improve the microstructural characteristics and the stability of the powder. A spherical geometry is very desirable for enhanced flowability and deposition consistency, which would eventually give rise to high-quality bioceramic coatings. 5 REFERENCES 1 F. Chen, Z. C. Wang, C. J. Lin, Materials Letters, 57 (2002), 858–861 2 O. Kikuo, A. I. Mikrajuddin, L. Wuled, I. Ferry, Preparation of func- tional nanostructured particles by spray drying, Advanced Powder Technol., 17 (2006) 6, 587–611 3 S. W. K. Kweh, K. A. Khor, P. Cheang, An in vitro investigation of plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite (HA) coatings produced with flame- spheroidized feedstock, Biomaterials, 23 (2002) 3, 775–785 4 E. S. Thian, K. A. Khor, N. H Loh, S. B. To, Processing of HA-coated Ti–6Al–4V by a ceramic slurry approach: an in vitro study, Biomaterials, 22 (2001) 11, 1225–1232 5 A. Afshar, M. Ghorbani, N. Ehsani, M. R. Saeri, C. C. Sorrell, Some important factors in the wet precipitation process of hydroxyapatite, Materials & Design, 24 (2003) 3, 197–202 6 E. Lugscheider, M. Knepper, K. A. Gross, J. Thermal Spray Tech., 1 (1992) 3, 215–222 7 S. W. K. Kweh, K. A. Khor, P. Cheang, Journal of Materials Process- ing Technology, 89–90 (1999), 373–377 8 A. J. Wang, Y. P. Lu, R. F. Zhu, S. T. Li, X. L. Ma, Powder Tech- nology, 191 (2009), 1–6 9 H. Liang, K. Shinohara, H. Minoshima, K. Matsushima, Analysis of constant rate period of spray drying of slurry, Chem. Eng. Sci., 56 (2001), 2205–2213 F. E. BAÞTAN et al.: THE EFFECT OF BINDER ON CHEMICALLY PRECIPITATED HYDROXYAPATITE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 303–306 305 Figure 3: a) After spray drying (175 °C, 1.5 bar, pure water), b) (190 °C, 1.5 bar, pure water) Slika 3: a) Po atomizaciji (175 °C, 1,5 bar, ~ista voda), b) (190 °C, 1,5 bar, ~ista voda) 10 R. Sun, Y. Lu, K. Chen, Materials Science and Engineering C, 29 (2009), 1088–1092 11 F. E. Bastan, Kimyasal Çöktürme Yöntemiyle Gümüþ Ýlaveli Hidro- ksiapatit Üretimi ve Spray Dryer ile Þekillendirilmesi, Master thesis, Sakarya university, 2012 12 S. W. K. Kweh, K. A. Khor, P. Cheang, The production and characte- rization of hydroxyapatite (HA) powders, Journal of Materials Pro- cessing Technology, 89–90 (1999), 373–377 13 T. Baþargan, Püskürtmeli Kurutucuda Hidroksiapatit-Polimer Malze- melerin Hazýrlanmasý, 2010 14 K. Mehsana, Spray Drying Technology, An Overview, 2009 15 R. Chumnanklang, T. Panyathanmaporn, K. Sitthiseripratip, J. Su- wanprateeb, Freeform Fabrication of Hydroxyapatite via Three Dimensional Printing, Materials Science and Engineering, 27 (2007) 4, 914–921 306 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 303–306 F. E. BAÞTAN et al.: THE EFFECT OF BINDER ON CHEMICALLY PRECIPITATED HYDROXYAPATITE ... L. C. KUMRUOGLU, A. ÖZEL: PLASMA ELECTROLYTIC SATURATION OF 316 L STAINLESS STEEL ... PLASMA ELECTROLYTIC SATURATION OF 316 L STAINLESS STEEL IN AN AQUEOUS ELECTROLYTE CONTAINING UREA AND AMMONIUM NITRATE PLAZEMSKO ELEKTROLITSKO NASI^ENJE NERJAVNEGA JEKLA 316 L V VODNEM ELEKTROLITU S SE^NINO IN AMONIJEVIM NITRATOM Levent Cenk Kumruoglu, Ahmet Özel University of Sakarya, Engineering Faculty, Metallurgy and Materials Department, Esentepe-Sakarya, Turkey lkumruoglu@sakarya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-30; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-13 Plasma electrolytic saturation (PES) is an environmentally friendly electrochemical process that allows altering the surface chemistry and grain size of metallic substrates, negatively biased in an aqueous electrolyte containing ionic species such as N, O and C. Wear- and corrosion-resistive nanocrystalline layers consisting of carbides, nitro carbides, borides and nitro-carbon oxides could be fabricated with PES in short treatment durations. In this study, PES was performed on 316 L stainless steel in an electrolyte containing urea and ammonium nitrate with several treatment durations from 5 s to 30 min. The surface morphology, topography and microstructure were investigated with X-Ray diffraction, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy, a surface profilometer and microhardness testing. The wear and friction properties were evaluated using a ball-on-plate, linear, reciprocating wear test at 1 N to 3 N applied loads with an alumina ball against both the treated and untreated substrates. It was found that PES can increase the wear resistance and mechanical properties of 316 L stainless steel. Keywords: plasma electrolysis, saturation – diffusion, nitriding, wear, 316 L Plazemsko elektrolitsko nasi~enje (PES) je okolju prijazen elektrokemijski postopek, ki omogo~a spreminjanje povr{inske kemije in velikost zrn v kovinski podlagi, ki je neustrezna v vodnem elektrolitu, ki vsebuje ione N, O in C. V kratkem ~asu je mogo~e s PES izdelati obrabno in korozijsko obstojne nanokristalne plasti iz karbidov, nitrokarbidov, botidov in nitro-karbo-oksidov. V tej {tudiji je bil PES uporabljen pri nerjavnem jeklu 316 L v elektrolitu, ki je vseboval se~nino in amonijev nitrat in so bili ~asi obdelave od 5 s do 30 min. Preiskovana je bila morfologija povr{ine, topografija in mikrostruktura z rentgensko difrakcijo, svetlobno mikroskopijo, vrsti~no elektronsko mikroskopijo, energijsko disperzijsko spektroskopijo, s povr{inskim profilometrom in meritvijo trdote. Obraba in torne lastnosti so bile ocenjene z metodo kroglica na plo{~i z linearnim izmeni~nim obrabnim preizkusom pri obte`bi od 1 N do 3 N s kroglico iz Al2O3 na obdelani in neobdelani povr{ini. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da PES lahko pove~a odpornost proti obrabi in izbolj{a mehanske lastnosti nerjavnega jekla 316 L. Klju~ne besede: plazemska elektroliza, nasi~enje – difuzija, nitriranje, obraba, 316 L 1 INTRODUCTION To improve and alter the surface properties of metallic substrates with a plasma-electrolytic-saturation process,1–7 interstitial atoms like C, N, O and species are diffused into the surface of a biased substrate from an aqueous medium containing interstitial atoms under the appropriate plasma conditions like specific temperature, potential, duration.1–5 Plasma electrolysis is a special thermo-chemical-mechanical process employing electro- lysis in an aqueous solution under particular conditions, for instance specific potential, current, electrolyte and durations.1–7 Plasma electrolysis is a complex process, which couples physical metallurgy and electrochemical events, such as heating a work piece in a cathodic regi- me2,4 (gas liberation, spark ignition, continuous plasma envelope, and arcing regime), where phase transforma- tions and deformations occur simultaneously. For the PES process, the selection of an electrolyte is relatively simple; for example, for the nitrocarbusing the electrolyte is composed of C/N-containing organic com- pounds in a conductive solution, e.g., KCl or Na2CO3. In contrast to conventional pack and liquid-based treat- ments using cyanide, various ecologically friendly orga- nic compounds can be used to provide, with plasma thermal decomposition, desirable carbon/nitrogen ions and/or atoms for the treatment. PES can have a consi- derable strengthening effect on steel substrates. Even though a wide range of materials has been treated using a plasma-electrolytic-saturation technique,2 very few studies exist in the literature that report on the wear resistance of oxy-nitrided or oxy-carbon-nitrided 316 L stainless steel. To evaluate the saturation phenomena and wear behaviour of the oxy-nitrided layer, different elec- trolytes, process durations and dry, reciprocating. sliding tests have been conducted. The modified phases on the surface were investigated with XRD (Rigaku) applying the standard 2 -scan from 20 to 90 degrees and cross- sections of saturated layers were revealed with optical microscopy (Nikon) and scanning electron microscopy (JEOL 6600) with energy dispersive spectroscopy. The Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 307–310 307 UDK 621.357:669.058 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)307(2013) surface roughness and microhardness of the samples were measured using a surface profilometer (Tencor P6) and a microhardness tester (Shimadzu HMV). 2 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES The testing coupons (10 mm × 20 mm × 1.5 mm) made from 316 L stainless steel were used as the sub- strate materials. The nominal composition of a substrate in mass fractions was Cr 18 %, Mn 1.6 %, Ni 10 %, C 0.02 %, Mo 2.1 %, N < 0.02 %, Fe balance. Prior to PES, the substrates were polished to Ra  0.05 μm from 240 to 1200 grit with the emery paper and then with the alumina solution. The PES was carried out by using 24 kW DC power supply and in a specially designed instrumented rig shown in Figure 1. Two types of elec- trolyte at 25 °C were chosen as given in the following formulas, m(E1) = 4 kg urea, 40 g KOH and 4 l di-water (cond. 8 mS) and m(E2) = 4 kg ammonium nitrate, 4 l di-water, 20 g KOH (cond. 180 mS). The substrates were biased negatively and treated for 5 s and (1, 15 and 30) min at the potentials varying from 100 V (for E2) to 300 V (for E1). The breaking potentials were 550 V for E1 and 350 V for E2. The electrolyte was pumped from the container to the bottom surface of the samples and then the potential was increased manually to fix the plasma envelope. The treated surfaces were tested using the following parameters: the normal loads of 1 N and 3 N, the track length of 10 mm, the frequency of 5 Hz, the sliding speed of 0.1 m s–1 and the sliding distances of 100 m and 1200 m. The average value of the friction coefficient was measured in both reciprocating directions of the bearing ball. The CSM tribometer was used for the wear tests. Before and after each test, both the sample and the alumina ball (10 mm) were cleaned ultrasoni- cally in acetone and dried with hot air. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Recent studies have revealed that plasma saturation can produce compound nitrides and oxide phases, e.g., (Fe,Cr)2O4, Fe3O4+FeN, CrN, (N).3–6 The XRD patterns of the samples treated with E1 and E2 are given in Figures 2a and b. SEM and OM studies revealed that the surfaces consist of Fe, Cr2O4, Fe3O4, FeN0.076 and a N saturated layer that is 3 μm to 40 μm thick. In addition to the mixture phases, Fe2O3 was detected in the sample saturated in urea for 5 s. According to the Fe-O binary system and the phase-stability diagram, Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 can be formed at 400 °C, depending on the oxygen con- centration, and FeO is not stable below 570 °C. In the Fe-O system, a larger amount of oxygen causes a forma- tion of hematite at high temperatures. However, in the H2 atmosphere, Fe2O3 may be reduced to Fe3O4.8 In plasma electrolysis hydrogen can be produced at the cathode.3 Hence, longer plasma durations may cause the formation of larger and thicker amounts of Fe3O4 and a broadening of the XRD lines. SEM-EDS analyses proved the nitro- gen, oxygen and carbon diffusions for both plasma pro- cesses (Figure 3). The microhardness testing was performed on the saturated layers. The maximum value of 535 HV was observed for the PES using the urea electrolyte for 30 min. However, the hardness testing L. C. KUMRUOGLU, A. ÖZEL: PLASMA ELECTROLYTIC SATURATION OF 316 L STAINLESS STEEL ... 308 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 307–310 Figure 2: XRD of substrates saturated with electrolytic plasma with: a) urea and b) with ammonium nitrate Slika 2: XRD podlage, nasi~ene z elektrolitsko plazmo: a) s se~nino in b) z amonijevim nitratom Figure 1: Schematic drawing and picture of the PES setup Slika 1: Shematski prikaz PES-sestava cannot be performed on the PES substrates using an ammonium nitrate electrolyte because of the rough and thin hardened layer. On the other hand, the surface hard- ness was measured as 550 HV using light indentation loads such as 10 g (Figure 4). Recently, the post-oxida- tion treatment was studied on nitrided layers.9 The studies suggest that a thin Fe3O4 layer improves the wear resistance of a nitrided layer.9 PES may be described as a single-step compound diffusion process that enables both nitriding and post oxidation. Nitriding can be performed in a relatively low temperature range of 400–600 °C.2,3 In PES, the surface of the substrate may reach this tempe- rature in a few seconds.3 It is possible to heat a substrate above the nitriding temperatures; if the temperatures increase the oxidation may occur on the nitrided layer because of the oxygen atoms in the electrolyte. The wear behavior and the friction coefficient of the saturated layers sliding against the alumina ball 10 mm under a load of 3 N is shown in Figures 5a and b, respectively. It can be seen that the wear resistance of the substrate saturated for (1, 15 and 30) min in the E2 electrolyte is much greater than that of the untreated substrate. The untreated sample was marked with the symbol "0". Also, there are a small drop for the PES 1 min and sharp drops for the PESs 15 min and 30 min in the friction coeffi- cient over the sliding distance 1200 m. The Fe3O4 layer on the saturated steel may cause this kind of friction behavior.9 The wear resistance of the substrate treated with the urea electrolyte was improved after the PES 15 min. On the other hand, a good result was observed for the PES 3 min. This may be related to both an increase in the surface hardness and the thickness of the oxy- nitrided layer. The thin layers (treated for 5 s) were probably delaminated at the onset of the wear test because there was no significant change in the friction coefficients of both electrolyte groups. Below the sliding distance 100 m the wear resistance of the PES layers treated for 5 s in the ammonium nitrate electrolyte was 2.5 times better than that of the untreated substrate, while for the sample treated for 30 min the wear resistance was 10 times higher than that of the untreated one and the worn track was very thin and hardly L. C. KUMRUOGLU, A. ÖZEL: PLASMA ELECTROLYTIC SATURATION OF 316 L STAINLESS STEEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 307–310 309 1 w/% 2 w/% 3 w/% 4 w/% C 21.41 C 1.007 C 3.120 C 3.385 N 0.000 N 0.678 N 0.498 N 0.000 O 41.10 O 38.96 O 19.400 O 2.017 Fe 35.06 Cr 9.472 Cr 22.418 Cr 18.07 Ni 1.898 Fe 47.94 Fe 44.217 Fe 68.78 Mo 0.519 Ni 1.579 Ni 9.984 Ni 7.540 100.0 Mo 0.354 Mo 0.363 Mo 0.199 100.0 100.0 100.0 Figure 3: Cross-section SEM view and EDS analysis of a saturation layer (1 min with E1) Slika 3: Prerez (SEM) in EDS-analiza nasi~ene plasti (1 min z E1) Figure 5: a) Wear properties of PES layer for 3 N and 1200 m sliding distance and b) the friction coefficient Slika 5: a) Obrabne lastnosti PES-plasti pri 3 N in 1200 m drsne poti in b) torni koeficienti Figure 4: Cross-sectional microhardness profile of saturated samples Slika 4: Mikrotrdota na pre~nem prerezu nasi~enih vzorcev observed (Figure 6a). On the other hand, the wear-test results for the samples treated with the urea solution were slightly better than the results for the ammonium nitrate electrolyte (Figure 6b). 4 CONCLUSIONS The electrolytes containing urea and ammonium nitrate can be used for the surface saturation of 316 L stainless steel. The PES layers consist predominantly of the FeCr2O4, FeN and Fe3O4 phases. In short PES dura- tions, Fe2O3 was observed with the other phases because of the low substrate temperature. At the beginning of PES, the expanded austenite can be formed with an atomic diffusion; however, an increase in the temperature of the substrate gives rise to a formation of metal (nitro) oxides. The H2 gas at the cathode causes a reduction of hematite; so a stable mix of the FeCr2O4, FeN0,076 and Fe3O4 phases can be formed on the surface. These phases increase the hardness and reduce the friction coefficient, thus increasing the wear resistance. There was no scaling or delaminating of the oxide layers under the all-mecha- nical tests. The value of the breaking potential depended on the conductivity of the electrolyte. The breaking potentials of the electrolyte were 550–600 V for the conductivity of 8 mS (E1) and 300–350 V for the conductivity of 180 mS (E2). The layer thickness increases with the treatment time, resulting in an associated increase in the surface hard- ness. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. Aliofkhazrae, A. S. Rouhaghdam, T. Shahrabi, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 460 (2008), 614–618 2 A. L. Yerokhin et al., Surface and Coatings Technology, 122 (1999) 2–3, 73–93 3 C. Cionea, PhD thesis, The University of Texas At Arlington, 2010 4 T. Paulmier, J. M. Bell, P. M. Fredericks, Thin Solid Films, 515 (2007), 2926–2934 5 P. Taheri, C. Dehghanian, Transaction B: Mechanical Engineering, 16 (2009) 1, 87–91 6 L. C. Kumruoðlu, A. Özel, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 25 (2010) 9, 923–931 7 L. C. Kumruoglu, D. A. Becerik, A. Ozel, A. Mimaroglu, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 24 (2009), 781 8 Lin et. al., Thermochimica Acta, 400 (2003), 61–67 9 M. L. Fares, K. Chaoui, J. Le Coze, Surf. Interface Analysis, 41 (2009), 4549–4559 L. C. KUMRUOGLU, A. ÖZEL: PLASMA ELECTROLYTIC SATURATION OF 316 L STAINLESS STEEL ... 310 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 307–310 Figure 6: Wear properties of PES layer for 3 N and 100 m sliding distance for both electrolytes Slika 6: Obrabne lastnosti PES-plasti pri 3 N in 100 m drsne poti za oba elektrolita J. STETINA et al.: MINIMIZATION OF SURFACE DEFECTS BY INCREASING THE SURFACE TEMPERATURE ... MINIMIZATION OF SURFACE DEFECTS BY INCREASING THE SURFACE TEMPERATURE DURING THE STRAIGHTENING OF A CONTINUOUSLY CAST SLAB ZMANJ[EVANJE POVR[INSKIH NAPAK Z ZVI[ANJEM TEMPERATURE POVR[INE KONTINUIRNO ULITEGA SLABA MED RAVNANJEM Josef Stetina, Tomá{ Mauder, Lubomir Klimes, Frantisek Kavicka Brno University of Technology, Technicka 2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic stetina@fme.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-31; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-23 Surface temperatures of cast slabs on small-radius segments as well as on the unbent areas belong to the parameters that affect the surface quality of continuously cast slabs. Older machines for continuous casting were designed with regard to the quantity (the amount of cast slabs) rather than the quality of the production. Therefore, an adaptation of the secondary cooling is required in order to obtain the desired surface temperatures. The modification consists of a dynamic control of the secondary cooling, surface-temperature monitoring by means of a numerical model of the temperature field as well as a prospective replacement of the cooling nozzles. In order to optimize and control the secondary cooling, characteristics of the nozzles, especially the influences of the water-flow rate, air pressure, casting speed, surface temperatures and heat-transfer coefficient under the nozzles have to be known. Moreover, the heat-transfer coefficient can also be influenced by the age of the nozzles. The paper deals with the relationships between these influences and their impacts on the temperature field of a cast slab. The results are presented for the 1530 mm × 250 mm slabs that are cast in Evraz Vítkovice Steel where the main author’s dynamic, 3D solidification model is used, in its off-line version, to control the production interface. The results can be used for the preparation of a real casting process. Keywords: optimization of the temperature field, surface temperature of a slab, characteristics of nozzles, continuous casting Temperatura povr{ine ulitega slaba pri segmentih z majhnim radiusom, kot tudi na neukrivljeni povr{ini, spada k parametrom, ki vplivajo na kvaliteto povr{ine kontinuirno ulitega slaba. Starej{e naprave za kontinuirno ulivanje slabov so bile pripravljene bolj za ve~jo zmogljivost kot pa za kvaliteto. Zato je potrebna prilagoditev sekundarnega ohlajanja, da se zagotovi doseganje `elene temperature povr{ine. Prilagoditev sestoji iz dinami~ne kontrole sekundarnega hlajenja, kontrole temperature povr{ine z numeri~nim modelom temperaturnega polja, kot tudi morebitna zamenjava hladilnih {ob. Optimiranje in kontrola sekundarnega hlajenja je mogo~a s poznanjem zna~ilnosti {ob in {e posebno vpliva hitrosti pretoka vode, tlaka zraka, hitrosti ulivanja, temperature povr{ine in koeficienta prenosa toplote pod {obami. Poleg tega na koeficient prenosa toplote lahko vpliva tudi starost {ob. Ta ~lanek obravnava odnos med na{tetimi vplivi in njihov u~inek na temperaturno polje ulitega slaba. Predstavljeni so rezultati za ulit slab 1530 mm × 250 mm. Avtorjev dinami~ni 3D-model strjevanja se uporablja za kontrolo vmesnika pri proizvodnji in te~e v off-line-verziji. Rezultati se lahko uporabijo kot pripravljalno orodje za realni postopek ulivanja. Klju~ne besede: optimiranje temperaturnega polja, temperatura povr{ine slaba, zna~ilnosti {ob, kontinuirno ulivanje 1 INTRODUCTION The presented in-house model of the transient- temperature field of the blank from a slab caster (Figure 1) is unique as, in addition to being entirely 3D, it can work in real time. The numerical model covers the temperature field of the complete length of the blank (i.e., from the meniscus inside the mould all the way down to the cutting torch) with up to one million nodes.1 The concasting machine (caster) for the casting of slabs (Figure 1) has the secondary-cooling zone sub- divided into thirteen sections due to the convection of a greater amount of heat from the voluminous slab casting. The first section engages the water nozzles from all sides of a slab. The remaining twelve sections engage air-mist cooling nozzles, positioned only on the upper and lower sides of the concasting. It is therefore very important to determine the correct boundary conditions for a numeri- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 311–316 311 UDK 621.74.047:519.61/.64 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)311(2013) Figure 1: Radial caster and positions of the nozzles along the slab caster in 13 individual zones Slika 1: Livni stroj z radijem in pozicija {ob vzdol` naprave za uliva- nje slabov v 13 posameznih podro~jih cal model of the temperature field2 taking into account a real caster that has many types of nozzles with various settings positioned inside a closed cage. A real caster contains a total of 8 nozzle types and geometrical lay- outs. The aim is to modify the secondary cooling zones 6, 8, and 10 so as to increase the surface temperature of a slab in a small radius at the point of the straightening. Currently, the Lechler 100.638.30.24 air-mist nozzles are installed in the cooling zones 6, 8, and 10 (Figure 2). 2 MODEL OF THE TEMPERATURE FIELD OF A SLAB The presented in-house model of the transient-tem- perature field of the blank from a slab caster (Figure 1) is unique as, in addition to being entirely 3D, it can work in real time. It is possible to adapt its universal code and apply it to any slab caster. The numerical model covers the temperature field of the complete length of the blank (i.e., from the meniscus inside the mould all the way down to the cutting torch) with up to one million nodes. The temperature field of the slab passing through a radial caster with a large radius can be simplified with the Fourier-Kirchhoff equation, where only the vz com- ponent of the velocity is considered. ⋅ = ⎛⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ + ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ + ⎛⎝ ⎜ ⎞c T x k T x y k T y z k T z ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ⎠ ⎟ + + ⋅ ⋅ +c v T z Qz ∂ ∂  source (1) Equation (1) must cover the temperature field of the blank in all three stages: above the liquidus temperature (i.e., the melt), the interval between the liquidus and solidus temperatures (i.e, the so-called mushy zone) and beneath the solidus temperature (i.e., the solid phase). It is therefore convenient to introduce the thermodynamic function of specific volume enthalpy Hv = c T, which is dependent on the temperature and also includes the phase and structural heats (Figure 3). Heat conductivity k, specific heat capacity c and density are thermophysical properties that are also the functions of temperature. Equation (1) therefore takes the following form: ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ H x k T x y k T y z k T z v = ⎛⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ + ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ + ⎛⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ +v H zz v∂ ∂ (2) The unknown enthalpy of the general node of the blank in the following instant ( +  ) is given by the explicit formula: H H QZ QZ QY QYvi j k vi j k i j i j i j i, , ( ) , , ( ) , , , ,(  = + + + +1 1 j QX QX x y z + + + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 1 )     (3) Figure 3 indicates how the temperature model for the calculated enthalpy in equation (3) determines the un- known temperature3. All the thermodynamic properties of cast steel, dependent on its chemical composition and the cooling rate, enter the calculation as the functions of temperature.3 This is therefore a significantly non-linear task because, even with the boundary conditions, their dependence on the surface temperature of the blank is considered here. The boundary conditions are, therefore, as follows: 1. T T= cast the level of steel (4a) 2. − =k T n ∂ ∂ 0 the plane of symmetry (4b) 3. − = ⋅ −k T n htc T T ∂ ∂ ( )surface mould inside the mould (4c) J. STETINA et al.: MINIMIZATION OF SURFACE DEFECTS BY INCREASING THE SURFACE TEMPERATURE ... 312 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 311–316 Figure 2: Diagram of the measurement configuration of the cooling effects of a nozzle Slika 2: Prikaz konfiguracije meritve hladilnih u~inkov {obe Figure 3: Enthalpy function for steel showing the phase and structural changes Slika 3: Krivulja entalpije jekla, ki prikazuje fazne premene in spre- membe v mikrostrukturi 4. − = ⋅ − + −k T n htc T T T T ∂ ∂ ( ) ( )surface amb surface 4 amb 4 within the secondary and tertiary zones (4d) 5. − =k T z q ∂ ∂  beneath the rollers (4e) The boundary conditions are divided into the area of the mould, the area of the secondary cooling and the area of the tertiary cooling. The initial condition for the investigation is the setting of the temperature in individual points of the mesh. A suitable temperature is the highest possible temperature, i.e., the pouring temperature. The explicit difference method is used for solving this problem. The characteristic of this method is that the stability of the calculation is dependent on the magnitude of the time step. The model uses a method for adapting the time step, i.e., the time step entered by an operator is merely a recommendation and the software is modifying it throughout the calculation.4 3 HEAT-TRANSFER COEFFICIENT OF THE NOZZLE The cooling by the air-mist water nozzles has the main influence and it is, therefore, necessary to establish the relevant heat-transfer coefficient of the forced con- vection. Commercially sold models of the temperature field describe the heat-transfer coefficient beneath the nozzles as a function of the incident quantity of water per unit area. They are based on various empirical relationships. However, this procedure is undesirable. The model discussed in this paper obtains its heat-trans- fer coefficients from the measurements of the spraying characteristics of all the nozzles used by the caster on the so-called hot plate in an experimental laboratory and for a sufficient range of operational pressures of water and a sufficient range of casting speeds of a slab. This approach represents a unique combination of an experi- mental measurement in a laboratory and a numerical model for the calculation of the non-linear boundary conditions beneath the cooling nozzle. A laboratory device enables separate measurements of individual nozzles. It includes a steel plate mounted with 18 thermocouples, heated by an external electric source. The steel plate is heated to the testing tempera- ture, than it is cooled by a cooling nozzle. On the return move the nozzle is covered with a deflector, which enables the movement of the nozzle without cooling the surface. This device measures the temperatures beneath the surface of the slab – again by means of thermo- couples.5 The laboratory device allows the setting of: • the nozzle type, • the flow of water, • the air pressure, • the distance between the nozzle and the investigated surface, • the surface temperature, • the shift rate. Since the cooling nozzle 100.638.30.24 for the minimum water flow appeared to be too intense, the measurements were made for the smaller nozzle 100.528.30.24 (Figure 4). Based on the temperatures measured in dependence of the time, the heat-transfer coefficients (htc) are cal- culated with an inverse task. They are then processed further using an expanded numerical and identification model and converted to the coefficients of function htc(T,y,z) (Figure 5), which express htc in dependence of the surface temperature and also the position of the con- casting with respect to the nozzle. The Lechler air-mist nozzles show a low dependence of the heat-transfer coefficient on the slab surface temperature. The value of htc on the surface of a slab, as it enters the secondary- cooling zone, significantly affects the process simulation with respect to the temperature field, the metallurgical length and also the other technological properties. It, therefore, affects the prediction of the quality of a slab. J. STETINA et al.: MINIMIZATION OF SURFACE DEFECTS BY INCREASING THE SURFACE TEMPERATURE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 311–316 313 Figure 5: Heat-transfer coefficient as a function of the surface tempe- rature Slika 5: Koeficient prenosa toplote v odvisnosti od temperature po- vr{ine Figure 4: Characteristics of the Lechler nozzles 100.638.30.24 and 100.528.30.24 Slika 4: Zna~ilnosti {obe Lechler 100.638.30.24 in 100.528.30.24 In order to be able to simulate this boundary condi- tion within the numerical model as accurately as possi- ble, it is necessary to conduct an experimental measure- ment on each nozzle in the secondary-cooling zone. Each of the eight nozzles was measured separately with the hot model, on which the hot surface of the slab, cooled by a moving nozzle, can be modelled. The tem- peratures measured on the surface of the model can be entered into an inverse task to calculate the intensity of spraying, which, in turn, can determine htc with a special mathematical method. Figure 5 presents the measured values of the heat- transfer coefficients processed by the temperature model software. For the nozzle configuration, there is a graph of the 3D graph (Figure 6) of the heat-transfer coeffi- cient beneath the nozzle. These graphs are plotted for surface temperatures from 800 °C to 1000 °C. 4 TEMPERATURE FIELD The setting of the secondary cooling and its opti- mization is a very complicated problem. The graph in Figure 7 shows the resultant temperature fields for indi- vidual cooling curves. This basic set of graphs serves the user making it possible to assess which of the cooling J. STETINA et al.: MINIMIZATION OF SURFACE DEFECTS BY INCREASING THE SURFACE TEMPERATURE ... 314 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 311–316 Figure 6: Heat-transfer coefficient for the Lechler air-mist nozzle: a) nozzle 100.638.30.24 with the water flow of 2.2 L/min and air pressure of 0.2 MPa, b) nozzle 100.528.30.24 with the water flow of 2.2 L/min and air pressure of 0.2 MPa, c) nozzle 100.528.30.24 with the water flow of 1.5 L/min and air pressure of 0.2 MPa Slika 6: Koeficient prenosa toplote pri Lechler {obi za ustvarjanje zra~ne megle: a) {oba 100.638.30.24, pretok vode 2,2 L/min, zra~ni tlak 0,2 MPa, b) {oba 100.528.30.24, pretok vode 2,2 L/min, zra~ni tlak 0,2 MPa, c) {oba 100.528.30.24, pretok vode 1,5 L/min, zra~ni tlak 0,2 MPa Figure 7: Temperature history along the caster for different configurations of secondary cooling in zones 6, 8 and 10: a) nozzle 100.638.30.24 with the water flow of 2.2 L/min per nozzle, b) nozzle 100.528.30.24 with the water flow of 2.2 L/min per nozzle, c) nozzle 100.528.30.24 with the water flow of 1.5 L/min and air pressure of 0.2 MPa Slika 7: Zgodovina temperature vzdol` livne naprave za razli~no izvedbo sekundarnega hlajenja v conah 6, 8 in 10: a) {oba 100.638.30.24, pretok vode skozi {obo 2,2 L/min, b) {oba 100.528.30.24, pretok vode skozi {obo 2,2 L/min, c) {oba 100.528.30.24, pretok vode 1,5 L/min, zra~ni tlak 0,2 MPa curves is optimal for the given cast steel3. Figure 7a shows the surface temperature of the slab in the caster using nozzle 100.638.30.24 with the secondary-cooling flow of 2.2 L/min per nozzle. Figure 7b shows the tem- perature for the same conditions, but only for zones 6, 8, and 10 using nozzle 100.528.30.24. Figure 7c shows the surface temperature for the water flow of 1.5 L/min for nozzle 100.528.30.24 in zones 6, 8, and 10. These cal- culations show that the new nozzles increase the surface temperature at the straightening point of a small radius by about 100 °C, while with the higher water-flow rates a new nozzle can cool as intensely as the original nozzle. Figure 8 shows the temperature field in the cross-section at the straightening point using the same parameters as for Figure 7. The increase in the surface temperature in the straightening point on the small-radius surface has definitely helped to reduce the surface defects of cast slabs. This conclusion is also confirmed by the macro- structure figures that were made for two slabs of 1530 mm × 250 mm and a steel grade S275. Figure 9a shows the macrostructure of the steel that was cast with the previous setup of the cooling (the Lechler nozzle 100.638.30.24 with the flow rate of 2.2 L/min) and Figure 9b presents the macrostructure obtained with the use of the new setup of the cooling (the Lechler nozzle 100.528.30.24 with the flow rate of 1.5 L/min). The new setup of the cooling has been used on the caster since July 2012, and therefore the statistical evaluation of the surface defects from the operational data is not yet available. 5 CONCLUSIONS It has been proved that the value of the heat-transfer coefficient on the surface of the slab and the heat withdrawal in the secondary-cooling zone significantly affect the process simulation from the viewpoint of the temperature field, the metallurgical length and also the other technological properties. Moreover, these para- meters also influence the surface quality of cast slabs and therefore they enable us to predict the quality of the slabs. In order to simulate the boundary condition of the numerical model as accurately as possible, it is necessary J. STETINA et al.: MINIMIZATION OF SURFACE DEFECTS BY INCREASING THE SURFACE TEMPERATURE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 311–316 315 Figure 9: Macrostructure of the slab before and after the adjustment of the secondary cooling of steel S 275: a) nozzle 100.638.30.24 with the water flow of 2.2 L/min per nozzle, b) nozzle 100.528.30.24 with the water flow of 1.5 L/min per nozzle Slika 9: Makrostruktura plo{~e pred prilagoditvijo sekundarnega hla- jenja jekla S 275 in po njej: a) {oba 100.638.30.24, pretok vode skozi {obo 2,2 L/min, b) {oba 100.528.30.24, pretok vode skozi {obo 1,5 L/min Figure 8: Temperature field at the cross-section of the slab at the straightening point: a) nozzle 100.638.30.24 with the water flow of 2.2 L/min per nozzle, b) nozzle 100.528.30.24 with the water flow of 2.2 L/min, c) nozzle 100.528.30.24 with the water flow of 1.5 L/min Slika 8: Temperaturno polje na prerezu slaba v to~ki ravnanja: a) {oba 100.638.30.24, pretok vode skozi {obo 2,2 L/min, b) {oba 100.528.30.24, pretok vode skozi {obo 2,2 L/min, c) {oba 100.528.30.24, pretok vode skozi {obo 1,5 L/min to conduct experimental measurements for each nozzle in the secondary cooling zone. For this purpose, all the used nozzles were measured separately with the hot model, with which the hot surface of the slab, cooled by a moving nozzle, can be modelled. The original 3D numerical model of the temperature field was used for optimizing the surface temperatures of cast slabs6. The results are presented for the 1530 mm × 250 mm slabs that are cast in Evraz Vitkovice Steel, Czech Republic. The performed optimization proved that a proper replacement of the cooling nozzles in the secondary cooling zone and a reduction of the flow rate through the nozzles can help to increase the surface temperature of a cast slab in the straightening point so that the surface defects can be reduced. Besides, it was also shown, for a particular pair of the Lechler nozzles, that although a nozzle is replaced with a smaller one, in the cases of higher flow rates, it can have the same cooling intensity as a larger nozzle. Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the project GACR P107/11/1566 founded by the Czech Science Foundation, project ED0002/01/01 of the NETME Centre, and Specific Research FSI-J-12- 22. The co-author, the recipient of the Brno PhD Talent Financial Aid sponsored by the Brno City Municipality, also gratefully acknowledges the financial support. Nomenclature c specific heat capacity J/kg K htc heat transfer coefficient W/(m2 K) Hv volume enthalpy J/m3 k heat conductivity W/(m K) T temperature K Tamb ambient temperature K Tcast melt temperature K Tsurface temperature in unbending part K q specific heat flow W/m2 QX, QY, QZ heat flows W Qsource internal heat source W/m3 x, y, z axes in given direction m vz casting speed in given direction m/s density kg/m3  Stefan-Bolzmann constant W/m2 K4  emissivity – time s 6 REFERENCES 1 J. P. Birat, The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel, Casting Volume, 11th edition, Alan W. 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Popela, An Implementation of Progressive Hedging Algorithm for Engineering Problems, In Mendel 2010 – 16th Inter- national Conference on Soft Computing, Brno, BUT, 2010, 459–464 J. STETINA et al.: MINIMIZATION OF SURFACE DEFECTS BY INCREASING THE SURFACE TEMPERATURE ... 316 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 311–316 S. M. ALVAREZ et al.: INFLUENCE OF PROCESS PARAMETERS ON THE CORROSION RESISTANCE ... INFLUENCE OF PROCESS PARAMETERS ON THE CORROSION RESISTANCE OF CORRUGATED AUSTENITIC AND DUPLEX STAINLESS STEELS VPLIV PROCESNIH PARAMETROV NA KOROZIJSKO ODPORNOST REBRASTIH AVSTENITNIH IN DUPLEKSNIH NERJAVNIH JEKEL Sandra M. Alvarez, Asunción Bautista, Francisco Velasco Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Materials Sci. and Eng. Dept – IAAB, Avda. Universidad 30, Leganés, Madrid, Spain asuncion.bautista@uc3m.es Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-09-06; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-13 The main objective of this work is to study the influence of the forming process on two corrugated, lean, duplex stainless steels (DSSs): UNS S32001 and UNS S32304. Both grades have been recently proposed as alternative materials to the austenitic UNS S30403 grade for manufacturing reinforcement bars to be embedded in concrete structures, exposed to corrosive environments. Hot-worked (HW) corrugated bars of both DSSs are analyzed and their corrosion behaviour is compared with that of the HW and cold-worked (CW) corrugated bars of S30403. The corrosion performance is characterized through cyclic polarization curves in 8 different solutions that simulate those contained inside the pores of concrete in different circumstances. The obtained results justify a great interest in the studied lean DSS grades with respect to their use as reinforcements. Moreover, it is proved that the corrugated surface of a bar is clearly less corrosion resistant than the centre of the bar. The processing method of producing reinforcements influences not only the pitting susceptibility but also the pitting morphology. Keywords: corrosion, stainless steel, reinforcements, processing, lean duplex Glavni cilj tega dela je {tudija vpliva postopka izdelave na dve rebrasti dupleksni nerjavni jekli brez molibdena (DSS): UNS S32001 in UNS S32304. Obe vrsti jekla sta bili predlo`eni kot nadomestni material za avstenitno jeklo UNS S30403 za izdelavo palic za oja~anje, ki se vgradijo v strukture iz betona, ki so izpostavljene korozivnemu okolju. Vro~e izdelane (HW) rebraste palice obeh DSS so bile analizirane in njihovo korozijsko vedenje je primerjano z vro~e (HW) in hladno izdelanimi (CW) rebrastimi palicami iz jekla S30403. Korozijsko vedenje je ocenjeno z uporabo krivulj pri cikli~ni polarizaciji v 8 razli~nih raztopinah, ki simulirajo teko~ine, ki so v porah betona v razli~nih okoli{~inah. Dobljeni rezultati potrjujejo veliko zanimanje za uporabo preu~evanih jekel DSS z nizko vsebnostjo molibdena za oja~itev betona. [e ve~, dokazano je, da je rebrasta povr{ina palic nedvomno bolj korozijsko odporna kot sredina palice. Metoda izdelave oja~itvenih palic vpliva poleg ob~utljivosti na jami~asto korozijo tudi na morfologijo korozijskih jamic. Klju~ne besede: korozija, nerjavno jeklo, oja~itve, izdelava dupleksnega jekla z malo Mo 1 INTRODUCTION The use of stainless-steel corrugated bars instead of carbon steel bars in those parts of reinforced concrete structures that are more exposed to corrosion is one of the most reliable strategies for assuring the durability of a structure.1 Initially, austenitic grades were used with this objective.2 Duplex stainless steels (DSSs) have shown a good corrosion resistance in many media. With respect to the reinforced concrete exposed to aggressive environments, corrosion studies have shown advantages of the tradi- tional UNS S32205 DSS reinforcements in comparison with the most common austenitic grades3,4 and they started to be used for corrugated bars about ten years ago. Recently, two more economical DSSs have been proposed for their use in concrete,5 not for replacing the S32205 reinforcements used in extremely aggressive conditions, but as an alternative to the corrugated bars of the austenitic UNS S30403 grade. UNS S32304 DSS, considered in the present study, has a low Mo-content and it has been known for years. Since 2003 its use has been growing in desalinization industries, marine applications or production processes, replacing the austenitic UNS S31603 steel. UNS S32001 is the other DSS evaluated in this study. It is a very novel DSS grade, lower alloyed than S32304, with smaller Ni and Cr contents, i.e., cheaper. There are scarce references about the corrosion beha- viour of these lean DSS grades and most of the studies consider the environments very different form concrete. Special chemical characteristics of the solution inside concrete pores introduce factors that modify the protec- tive ability of the passive layers on stainless steels. These characteristics are different from the ones shown by the materials that are exposed to the atmosphere or to other environments.6 Most authors also agree that a higher alkalinity in a pore solution has a positive impact on the corrosion behaviour of stainless steel,4–8 though the issue remains controversial.9 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 317–321 317 UDK 669.14.018.8:620.19 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)317(2013) Moreover, to be used as reinforcements in concrete structures, the stainless steels must be hardened during the processing10 and their surface must be formed into corrugations to assure a good adherence with the con- crete. There are factors that many of the previous corrosion studies on stainless steels in simulated pore solutions have not considered, as they were carried out in stainless steels that were not formed as corrugated bars.11–14 However, recent studies suggest that the form- ing process of corrugated bars can dramatically affect the corrosion behaviour of austenitic stainless steels in alkaline solutions with chlorides.15 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK Four different stainless-steel grades were considered in the study, two corrugated, lean, duplex stainless steels (DSSs): the UNS 32001 and UNS S32304 hot-worked (HW) corrugated bars and two austenitic UNS S30403, HW and cold-worked (CW) corrugated bars. The pro- ducts were manufactured by Roldán S. A. (Acerinox Group, Spain). The diameters of the corrugated bars con- sidered in the study as well as their chemical composi- tions can be seen in Table 1. The chemical compositions of the bars were experimentally determined with X-ray fluorescence (XRF), using a Spectre XEPOS equipment. The corrosion behaviour of different places (core and surface) of the corrugated stainless steels was characte- rized with cyclic polarizations curves, using an EG&G 263A galvanostat- potentiostat from Princeton Applied Research. Electrochemical measurements were carried out in the solutions that simulate those contained in the concrete pores in different conditions. Saturated Ca(OH)2 solutions (pH  13), simulating non-carbo- nated concrete, with four different NaCl contents in mass fractions were used: (0, 0.5, 1 and 5) %. The saturated Ca(OH)2 solutions, whose pH values decreased to about 9 due to CO2-bubbling, were used to simulate the behaviour in carbonated concrete. Chloride contents of (0, 0.5, 1 and 5) % were also considered for carbonated solutions. The testing procedure was based on the ASTM G61 Standard. Cyclic polarization curves were carried out using a three-electrode cell. A saturated calomel elec- trode (SCE) was used as the reference electrode and a stainless-steel mesh as the counter-electrode. Samples of the corrugated stainless-steel bars acted as working elec- trodes. The measurements were carried out after a 48-h exposure of the stainless-steel samples to the testing solution to assure the correct stabilization of the corro- sion potential (Ecorr). The sweeping rate was 0.17 mV/s. The potential was reversed when the current densities reached a value of 10–4 A/cm2. To study the corrosion behaviour of a corrugated surface, samples 2 cm of the real surfaces of the bars were exposed to the corresponding testing media. The corrosion behaviour of the non-corrugated materials was analyzed exposing the samples from the centres of the bars to the testing solutions. For the samples from the centres of the bars, an Avesta cell was used to assure the absence of crevices that could interfere with the measu- rements. An analysis of the morphology of the attack after the polarization curves was carried out with scanning elec- tronic microscopy (SEM) using a Philips XL30 equip- ment. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The polarization curves of the corrugated surfaces and the centres of the stainless-steel bars clearly exhibit different shapes, as can be seen in Figure 1, where the curves corresponding to the non-carbonated solutions with 5 % NaCl are shown. For the samples without corrugations (Figure 1a), the pitting potential (Epit) is well defined and corresponds with very sharp current increases. On the other hand, in the tests carried out on the real surfaces of the bars (Figure 1b), the current increase after Epit is less pronounced. It must be pointed out that on certain materials exposed to particular testing conditions, no corrosion occurred during the test. This is the case, for example, of the centre of the HW S32304 bar in a non-carbonated solution with 5 % NaCl (Figure 1a), where the current increase does not correspond to any corrosion phenomenon but it is due to the water decomposition through reaction 1: 4OH–  2H2O + O2 + 4e – (1) In the case of a sudden current increase and the absence of hysteresis during the reverse cycle, the potential value confirms that no corrosion has taken place during the test. The Epit – Ecorr distance is widely considered to be a reliable way of measuring the resistance to localized corrosion. The Ecorr values of all the systems considered in this study are very similar. The Epit values plotted in S. M. ALVAREZ et al.: INFLUENCE OF PROCESS PARAMETERS ON THE CORROSION RESISTANCE ... 318 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 317–321 Table 1: Diameters of corrugated bars and experimentally determined chemical compositions of the studied stainless steels Tabela 1: Premer rebrastih palic in eksperimentalno dolo~ena kemijska sestava preiskovanih nerjavnih jekel Stainless steel Diameterd/mm Main alloying elements, w/% S Si Mn Cr Ni Mo N C Fe CW S30403 10 0.001 0 0.361 1.45 18.30 8.68 0.27 0.050 0.023 Bal. HW S30403 16 0.001 2 0.298 1.42 18.37 8.74 0.27 0.055 0.026 Bal. HW S32001 16 0.001 0 0.681 4.14 19.98 1.78 0.24 0.124 0.025 Bal. HW S32304 16 0.002 0 0.651 1.54 22.70 4.47 0.26 0.153 0.017 Bal. Figures 2 and 3 can be an adequate tool for comparing the corrosion behaviours of stainless steels in different conditions. It is very interesting to find a significant decrease in the corrosion resistance of the bars due to the changes to the corrugations taking place during the forming process. Figure 2 shows the difference between the Epit values of the studied stainless steels in carbonated solutions, with the measurements carried out on the corrugated surfaces or in the centres of the bars. As in some cases the definition of Epit is not easy, the potential, at which the anodic current reaches the value of 10–4 A/cm2, has been chosen as the criterion for determining this parameter. The marked difference between the Epit values, corresponding to the corrugated surface and to the other regions of a bar, emphasises the effect of the process parameters. It would be risky to extrapolate the results of the stainless steels processed in the way different from that of the corrugated bars to the performance in con- crete, though it has been often done in literature. These data confirm the trend observed in the recently published work on more traditional austenitic stainless steels.15 The minor corrosion resistance of a corrugated surface of stainless steel has been explained with a more deformed microstructure and a higher stress concentration in the corrugation than found in the centre of the bar.15 Diffe- rent grain sizes and grain morphologies of the corruga- tions and of the centres of the bar were studied pre- viously for the reinforced bars considered in our earlier work,16 and the obtained results proved that the corru- gations exhibit a highly deformed microstructure with a reduced grain size. In the carbonated solutions without chlorides, no corrosion was detected for any of the studied stainless steels. Moreover, the centres of the HW S32304 bars proved to be immune to corrosion during the polarization tests carried out independently of the chloride content of the carbonated solution. However, during the polariza- tion of the corrugated surfaces of HW S32304 in the presence of chlorides, current increases corresponding to a corrosive attack were detected, even with 0.5 % NaCl. For the other three studied stainless-steel grades, a localized corrosion always occurred during the polari- zation tests in the carbonated solutions with chlorides. S. M. ALVAREZ et al.: INFLUENCE OF PROCESS PARAMETERS ON THE CORROSION RESISTANCE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 317–321 319 Figure 3: Differences between the Epit measured for the centres of stainless-steel bars and for the corrugated surfaces in non-carbonated Ca(OH)2 solutions with different chloride contents. Conditions with- out the plotted Epit values correspond to tests where no corrosion takes place. Slika 3: Razlika med izmerjeno Epit za sredino nerjavne palice in za rebrasto povr{ino v negazirani raztopini Ca(OH)2 z razli~no vsebnost- jo kloridov. Primeri brez prikazane Epit ustrezajo preizkusom, kjer se korozija ni pojavila. Figure 1: Polarization curves in non-carbonated Ca(OH)2 solutions with 5 % NaCl: a) centres of the bars, b) corrugated surfaces Slika 1: Polarizacijske krivulje v negazirani raztopini Ca(OH)2 s 5 % NaCl: a) sredina palice, b) rebrasta povr{ina Figure 2: Differences between the Epit measured in the centres of stainless-steel bars and on corrugated surfaces in carbonated Ca(OH)2 solutions with different chloride contents Slika 2: Razlika med izmerjenim Epit v sredini palice iz nerjavnega jekla in na rebrasti povr{ini v gazirani raztopini Ca(OH)2 z razli~no vsebnostjo kloridov For all the materials the Epit of the corrugated surface is much lower than the Epit of the centre of a bar. As expected, in all the cases an increase in the chloride content of the solution causes a decrease in the resistance to localized corrosion, i.e., a decrease in Epit. In Figure 3, the Epit values detected in non-carbo- nated solutions are plotted. It can be seen that, at a higher pH, it is more difficult to cause corrosion during the test. In the solutions without chlorides, no corrosion occurs in any of the cases and the centre of HW S32304 is immune to the attacks in the testing media with chlorides, as reported for pH  9. Besides, no corrosion occurs during the polarization in the solutions with 0.5 % NaCl on the centres of the other studied bars. In the case of the 1 % NaCl testing solution, no corrosion was found on the centres of HW S30403 or HW S32001. The corrugated surfaces of the bars prove again to be much more prone to corrosion. For this type of samples, the only condition where no pitting is detected is HW S32304 with 0.5 % NaCl. The important influence of the microstructural changes occurring in the surfaces of the corrugated bars during the forming process is again clearly proved. If the results from Figures 2 and 3 are used to compare the corrosion behaviours of different grades, it is demonstrated that HW S32304 is clearly more corrosion resistant than any of the studied austenitic grades. Despite the volatility of the prices in the market, it can be considered that a S32304 grade can cost about 9 % less than a S30403 grade. This result justifies the great interest in this DSS grade that is seen as an alternative for the traditional austenitic grade used in these applications, as S32304 has a better performance and it is somewhat more economical. The DSS S32001 grade can be estimated to be about 15 % cheaper than the austenitic S30403. The results of the corrosion tests carried out indicate that the corrosion resistance of both grades are quite similar, or that the corrosion resistance of the cheap, new DSS grade is even better. In addition to Epit, another interesting parameter, which can be obtained from the polarization curves, is the maximum intensity (imax) reached during the measurements. All the curves are programmed to reverse the potential sweep when a current intensity of 10–4 A/cm2 is reached. When no corrosion occurs, imax is 10–4 A/cm2, as the current quickly decreases when the applied potentials decrease. When pits are formed during the anodic polarization, the current still increases as the potentials start to decrease due to the important autocatalytic effect of the localized corrosion. The higher the imax, the more dangerous is the pitting morphology. As an example, the values of this parameter for sixteen tested conditions of HW S32001 were plotted in Figure 4. If the conditions, under which no corrosion takes S. M. ALVAREZ et al.: INFLUENCE OF PROCESS PARAMETERS ON THE CORROSION RESISTANCE ... 320 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 317–321 Figure 5: Images of different morphologies of the attacks that appear on the centre of a bar and on the corrugated surface. The pits after the polarization of HW S32001 in non-carbonated Ca(OH)2 solutions with 5 % NaCl: a) corrugated surface, b) center of the bar. Slika 5: Posnetki razli~nih morfologij napada, ki se pojavi v sredini palice in na rebrasti povr{ini. Jamice po polarizaciji HW S32001 v negazirani raztopini Ca(OH)2 s 5 % NaCl: a) rebrasta povr{ina, b) sre- dina palice. Figure 4: Differences between the imax values obtained with the polarization curves for the centres and the corrugated surfaces of duplex HW S32001 bars in carbonated and non-carbonated Ca(OH)2 solutions with different chloride contents Slika 4: Razlike med vrednostmi imax, dobljene iz polarizacijskih krivulj iz sredine in iz rebraste povr{ine dupleksnih palic HW S32001 v gazirani in negazirani raztopini Ca(OH)2 z razli~no vsebnostjo kloridov place, are not considered (0 % NaCl and the centre of the bar for 0.5 and 1 % NaCl at pH  13), it can be seen that the samples from the centre of the bar, though less susceptible to corrosion than the corrugated surfaces, suffer from a more aggressive attack than when it occurs on the surface. The same conclusion is reached if the results for the other four studied materials are analyzed. It can also be seen in Figure 4 that chlorides have an important influence on the increase of imax. An observation of the morphology of the pits after the polarization curves confirms the idea deduced from the imax values. As it can be seen in Figure 5, the polarization causes small, shallow pits widely distributed on the most deformed regions of the surface of the corrugation. In the centre of the bar, polarizations cause scarce, but much bigger pits that can be much more dangerous. 4 CONCLUSIONS The susceptibility to pitting corrosion on the corru- gated surface of corrugated stainless steel is always much higher than in the centre of the bars of the same material. The forming process clearly decreases the corrosion resistance of stainless steel used as a reinforce- ment material in concrete structures. The attack that appears on the corrugated surfaces of stainless steels during an anodic polarization is less localized and less dangerous than the attack that appears in the centres of the bars. The new lean DSSs for reinforcing bars are very interesting options for substituting the traditional auste- nitic S30403 bars. S32304 clearly exhibits a better corro- sion behaviour being also somewhat cheaper. S32001 is highly interesting from an economic point of view and its corrosion results are similar, even slightly better, than those of S30403. 5 REFERENCES 1 U. Nürberger (Ed.), Stainless steel in concrete, State of the art report, Publication n° 18, Institute of Materials, London, 1996 2 L. Bertolini, P. Pedeferri, Corrosion Reviews, 20 (2002), 129–152 3 A. Bautista, G. Blanco, F. Velasco, A. Gutiérrez, S. Palacín, L. Soriano, H. Takenouti, Materiales de Construcción, 57 (2007), 17–32 4 A. Bautista, G. Blanco, F. Velasco, Cement and Concrete Research, 36 (2006), 1922–1930 5 S. M. Alvarez, A. Bautista, F. Velasco, Corrosion Science, 53 (2011), 1748–1755 6 A. Bautista, G. Blanco, F. Velasco, A. Gutiérrez, L. Soriano, F. J. Palomares, H. 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CONCENTRATION AND PATH-LENGTH DEPENDENCE ON THE FARADAY ROTATION OF MAGNETIC FLUIDS BASED ON HIGHLY WATER-SOLUBLE Fe3O4/PAA NANOPARTICLES SYNTHESIZED BY A HIGH-TEMPERATURE HYDROLYSIS METHOD ODVISNOST KONCENTRACIJE IN DOL@INE POTI OD FARADAYEVEGA VRTENJA MAGNETNIH TEKO^IN NA OSNOVI VISOKOVODOTOPNIH NANODELCEV Fe3O4/PAA, SINTETIZIRANIH Z METODO VISOKOTEMPERATURNE HIDROLIZE Serhat Küçükdermenci1,5, Deniz Kutluay2, Erdal Çelik3,4, Ömer Mermer1, Ýbrahim Avgýn1 1Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ege University, Bornova 35100, Izmir, Turkey 2Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Izmir University, Uckuyular 35290, Izmir, Turkey 3Center for Fabrication and Applications of Electronic Materials (EMUM), Dokuz Eylul University, Týnaztepe Campus, 35160, Izmir, Turkey 4Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, Týnaztepe Campus, 35160, Izmir, Turkey 5Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Balikesir University, Campus of Cagis 10145, Balikesir, Turkey serhat.kucukdermenci@ege.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-09-13; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-16 In this study, highly water-soluble Fe3O4/PAA (polyacrylic acid) nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized by a high-temperature hydrolysis method. We report the first demonstration of the concentration and path-length dependence on the Faraday rotation (FR) for a magnetic fluid (MF) synthesized by this novel method. Experiments were performed in the DC regime (0–6 × 10–2 T) at room temperature. Measurements were carried out with 5–3.33 mg/ml and 1.18 mg/ml samples in cells (2, 5, 7 and 10) mm. The maximum rotation was recorded as 0.96° cm–1 for the 3.33 mg/ml concentration in the cell 10 mm. It was found that the magnetic fluid behaves with a distinctive phenomenon in different sized cells although its concentration was the same. The role of the different parameters on the FR was discussed via spatial limitations imposed by the cells and a premature saturation term. This work provides a new insight for FR investigations of MFs including highly water-soluble magnetic NPs. Keywords: magnetic fluids, water soluble Fe3O4/PAA-nanoparticles, Faraday rotation V tej {tudiji so bili sintetizirani visokovodotopni Fe3O4/PAA (poliakrilna kislina)-nanodelci (NPs) z metodo visokotemperaturne hidrolize. Poro~amo o prvih predstavitvah odvisnosti koncentracije in dol`ine poti od Faradayevega vrtenja (FR) za magnetno teko~ino (MF), sintetizirano po tej novi metodi. Preizkusi so bili izvedeni v DC-re`imu (0–6 × 10–2 T) pri sobni temperaturi. Meritve so bile izvr{ene z vzorci 5–3,33 mg/ml in 1,18 mg/ml v celicah (2, 5, 7 in 10) mm. Maksimum vrtenja je bil ugotovljen kot 0,96° cm–1 pri koncentraciji 3,33 mg/ml v celici 10 mm. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da magnetna teko~ina izkazuje zna~ilne pojave v celicah razli~ne velikosti, ~eprav je bila njena koncentracija enaka. Vloga razli~nih parametrov na FR je bila razlo`ena s prostorskimi omejitvami, ki jo povzro~ijo celice in z uvajanjem izraza za prezgodnjo prenasi~enost. To delo zagotavlja nov vpogled v preiskave Faradayevega vrtenja (FR) magnetnih teko~in (MFs), vklju~no z visokovodotopnimi magnetnimi nanodelci (NPs). Klju~ne besede: magnetne teko~ine, vodotopni Fe3O4/PAA-nanodelci, Faradayevo vrtenje 1 INTRODUCTION Magneto-optic (MO) effects occur in gases, liquids, and solids. In general, solids exhibit the strongest MO effects, liquids exhibit weaker effects, and gases exhibit the weakest effects.1 FR in MFs has been demonstrated in the visible,2 near-infrared,3,4 and mid-infrared5 regi- mes. The wavelength dependence of FR and Faraday ellipticity was investigated by N. A. Yusuf and co-wor- kers.6 MO experiments were performed on size-sorted iron oxide (-Fe2O3) MFs.7 Water-based MF samples were synthesized by the coprecipitation method followed by a size-sorting process. Davies and Llewellyn8 have reported measurements on FR in highly diluted samples of Fe3O4 and CO particle MFs. From their results they concluded that FR is governed by magnetization. Yusuf et al.9 have reported measurements on FR in a relatively concentrated sample. The MO response of MFs depends on various para- meters including particle size, the concentration of the particles, the externall applied magnetic field, tempera- ture, and the kinds of particles, surfactants, and carrier fluids.10 Due to the large variety of MFs, measurements of the MO effects of MFs have still not been reported so widely for novel ones and each new sample should be carefully analyzed. In 2007, the Yin group synthesized novel superpara- magnetic magnetite colloidal NPs which can self-assem- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 323–327 323 UDK 66.017:537.622 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)323(2013) ble into one-dimensional (1D) particle chains and exhibit excellent tunable photonic properties.11,12 Since then, there has been a widespread interest in these NPs and their applications. Despite their tremendous potential in various applications, interesting fundamental questions which refer to their colloidal crystallization with and without a magnetic field remain unanswered. Therefore, in this paper we report the first demonstration of the con- centration and path-length dependence on FR for MF based on these NPs. Here we report the results of an investigation of long-term stable MFs including highly water-soluble NPs showing FR in the DC regime (0–6 × 10–2 T) at room temperature. Water-based MF samples were synthesized by a novel high-temperature hydrolysis method. The different relationships between the chain length and the concentration obtained by different workers may be attributed to the dependence of the chain length on other parameters such as the field, temperature and spa- tial limitations imposed by the cells used in containing the sample under investigation.13–15 In our previous work16 we measured the FR for 14 different concentra- tions from 1.8 mg/ml to 5 mg/ml in a cell 10 mm. It was observed that the FR increases for higher concentrations (from 1.18 mg/ml to 3.33 mg/ml). The maximum rota- tion was recorded as 0.96 °/cm for 3.33 mg/ml and this was named the critical concentration (CCRITICAL). It was found that rotation tends to decrease when the concentra- tion is higher than CCRITICAL (for 4 mg/ml and 5 mg/ml). We chose three samples and repeated the measurements for 2–5 mm and 7 mm cells additionally for observing the path-length dependence on the FR and investigating the spatial limitation factor on MO effects. 2 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS The synthesis of Fe3O4 NPs was explained in detail in our previous report16 and is summarized here. For the synthesis, diethylene glycol (DEG, 99.9 %), anhydrous ferric chloride (FeCl3, 97 %), sodium hydroxide (NaOH, 96%), and polyacrylic acid (PAA, Mw = 1800) were ob- tained from Sigma-Aldrich. Distilled water was used in all the experiments. All the chemicals were used as received without an further treatment and/or purification. For the synthesis of the Fe3O4 NPs a NaOH/DEG solu- tion was prepared by dissolving 100 mmol of NaOH in 40 m of DEG at 120 °C under nitrogen for 1 h. Then, the light-yellow solution was cooled to 70 °C (stock solution A). Using a 100 ml three-necked flask equipped with a nitrogen inlet, a stirrer and a condenser, 10 mmol of FeCl3 and 20 mmol of PAA were dissolved in 41 ml of DEG under vigorous stirring. In this method, DEG is not only a reducing agent but also a solvent in the reaction. The solution was purged with bubbling nitrogen for 1 h and then heated to 220 °C for 50 min (stock solution B). Subsequently, 20 ml of NaOH/DEG solution was injected rapidly into the above solution. The reaction was allowed to proceed for 2 h. The black color of the solu- tion confirmed the formation of magnetite nanoclusters. The resultant black product was repeadedly washed with a mixture of ethanol and water and collected with the help of a magnet. The cycle of washing and magnetic separation was performed five times. A one-pot synthesis was conducted for the Fe3O4/PAA nanoparticles, and thus no extra separate process was needed for the surface modification. The polyol method is based on the theory that NPs will be yielded upon heating precursors in a high-boiling-point alcohol at elevated temperature. DEG is chosen here as the solvent inasmuch as it can easily dissolve a variety of polar inorganic materials due to its high permittivity ( = 32) and high boiling point (246 °C). PAA is used as the capping agent, on which the carboxylate groups show strong coordination with Fe3+ on the Fe3O4 surface and the uncoordinated carboxylate groups extend into the water solution, rendering particles with a high water dispersibility. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the Fe3O4 NPs was performed on a Phillips EXPERT 1830 diffractometer with Cu K radiation. The XRD data were collected over the range of 10–80° (2 ) with a step inter- val of 0.02° and a preset time of 1.6 s per step at room temperature. Particle size distributions of the NPs were measured using a Zetasizer 4 Nano S dynamic light scattering (DSL, Malvern, Worcestershire, UK). The light-scattering measurements were carried out with a laser of wavelength 633 nm at a 90° scattering angle. The magnetic measurements were carried out using a LakeShore 7400 (Lakeshore Cryotronics) vibrating-sam- ple magnetometer (VSM) at 300 K. For the FR experi- ments we used a Thorlabs model HGR20 2.0 mW, 543 nm laser source, a GMW Electromagnet Systems model 5403 electromagnet, a Kepco power supply model BOP 20-5M, a LakeShore Model 455 DSP Gaussmeter, a Stanford Research Systems Model SR830 DSP lock-in amplifier, a New focus model 2051 photo detector, a ILX Lightwave model OMM – 6810B optical multimeter and a model OMH – 6703B silicon power head. 3 RESULTS Figure 1 shows the XRD pattern of PAA-coated Fe3O4 NPs synthesized by the high-temperature hydroly- sis method. Note that the (220), (311), (400), (422), (511), and (440) diffraction peaks observed for the curves can be indexed to the cubic spinel structure, and all the peaks were in good agreement with the Fe3O4 phase (JCPDS card 19-0629). It is clear from Figure 2 that the average diameter of the Fe3O4/PAA NPs obtained from the DLS analysis is approximately 10 nm. The magnetic properties of the NPs were measured at 300 K using the VSM. As given in Figure 3, the satu- ration magnetization was determined as 38.8 emu/g. Worth nothing here is that the NPs showed no remanence S. KÜÇÜKDERMENCI et al.: CONCENTRATION AND PATH-LENGTH DEPENDENCE ON THE FARADAY ROTATION ... 324 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 323–327 or coercivity at 300 K, i.e., they exhibited superparamag- netic behavior. The particle content is 20 mg for various concen- trations with the addition of distilled water from 4 ml to 17 ml. The NPs kept dispersing well after the MF had been standing for more than 4 weeks and no sedimenta- tion was observed for all the samples. Maintaining long- term stability can make these kinds of MFs ideal candidates for optical devices. The FR measurements for 14 different concentrations from 1.8 mg/ml to 5 mg/ml in a 10 mm cell were shown graphically in Figure 4. The maximum FR of these measurements was shown in Figure 5. We chose three concentrations for investigating the effect of cell size on the FR measurements. The chosen concentrations were: 3.33 mg/ml CCRITICAL, for which we measured the maxi- mum FR; 1.18 mg/ml, for which we measured the weakest FR before CCRITICAL; and 5 mg/ml, for which we measured the lowest FR after CCRITICAL. The measure- ments were repeated for 2–5 mm and 7 mm cells for these concentrations. For sample 14 (Table 1) the FR was found to be less than 0.1 degree in the 2 mm thick cell. For the samples that have same concentration but in different cell sizes, the magnetization must be the same at a particular field since all have an equal magnetic dipole moment per unit volume. Therefore, if the FR is only governed by magne- tization, it would be the same value for these samples. In order to explain the results, we can introduce terms to the S. KÜÇÜKDERMENCI et al.: CONCENTRATION AND PATH-LENGTH DEPENDENCE ON THE FARADAY ROTATION ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 323–327 325 Figure 3: Hysteresis loops of superparamagnetic nanoparticles at room temperature Slika 3: Histerezna zanka super paramagnetnih nanodelcev pri sobni temperaturi Figure 2: Particle size distribution of Fe3O4 NPs synthesized by high-temperature hydrolysis Slika 2: Razporeditev velikosti nanodelcev Fe3O4, sintetiziranih z me- todo visokotemperaturne hidrolize Figure 1: XRD pattern of PAA-coated Fe3O4 NPs synthesized by high-temperature hydrolysis Slika 1: Rentgenska difrakcija (XRD) s PAA, prekritega z Fe3O4 nanodelci, sintetiziranimi z metodo visokotemperaturne hidrolize Figure 4: FR concentration dependence for 10-mm cell Slika 4: Odvisnost FR od koncentracije pri celici 10 mm Figure 5: Maximum FR graph of samples for 10-mm cell Slika 5: Predstavitev FR maksimumov vzorcev pri celici 10 mm Faraday rotation which is due to the chain formation and is given by: C ( ) ( )B VBl B= (1) where C(B) is the Faraday rotation due to the chain formation, B is the local field, l(B) is the chain length at field B and V is the Verdet constant. For a homogeneous colloidal system of single-do- main fine ferromagnetic particles, the Faraday rotation is given by: M S ( ) ( ) B C M B M = (2) in which M(B) is the Faraday rotation at magnetic field B, M(B) is the magnetization of the sample at magnetic field B, MS is the saturation magnetization of the sample and C is a constant. Both the magnetization of the sample and the chain formation FR for the MFs can be expressed as shown below:   ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )B C M B M VBl B B B= + = + S M C (3) Here, C is a constant that can be found the at high field assuming that saturated chain length has no change.14 This artificial saturation can be referred to as "premature saturation" and utilized to explain the diffe- rent behavior of the same sample but in a different cell thicknesses. Since samples 1 and 14 were less imposed effect of chain formation, their initial slopes in various cell thick- ness do not diverge too much in the 0–2 × 10–2 T. Never- theless, at the optimum concentration, sample 3 which has the maximum effect of chain formation, despite the same amount of NPs, the initial slope in different thick- ness cells is quite different. We also observed that the FR of the same concentra- tion fluids reached saturation at higher fields for a longer path length (Figure 6). This effect might be the result of premature saturation phenomena of the mean chain length in fluids. Notably, for samples 3 and 14, changing S. KÜÇÜKDERMENCI et al.: CONCENTRATION AND PATH-LENGTH DEPENDENCE ON THE FARADAY ROTATION ... 326 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 323–327 Figure 6: FR of three different concentrated MF in different size cells including: a) sample 1 (concentration: 20 mg/(4 ml)), b) sample 3 (concentration: 20 mg/(6 ml)) and c) sample 14 (concentration: 20 mg/(17 ml)). The dimensions of the cells are indicated on the figures. Slika 6: FR treh magnetnih raztopin (MF) z razli~no koncentracijo pri celicah z razli~no velikostjo: a) vzorec 1 (koncentracija: 20 mg/(4 ml)), b) vzorec 3 (koncentracija: 20 mg/(6 ml)) in c) vzorec 14 (kon- centracija: 20 mg/(17 ml)). Velikosti celic so ozna~ene na slikah. Table 1: Maximum FR of three different concentrated MF in four different cells Tabela 1: Maksimum za FR pri treh razli~nih koncentracijah MF v 4 razli~nih celicah Sample number Concentration (mg/ml) FR maximum degree (°/cm) Cell size (mm) 2 5 7 10 1 5.00 0.3 0.36 0.43 0.49 2 4.00 0.87 3 3.33(CCRITICAL) 0.15 0.37 0.6 0.96 4 2.86 0.83 5 2.50 0.78 6 2.22 0.70 7 2.00 0.65 8 1.82 0.56 9 1.67 0.48 10 1.54 0.44 11 1.43 0.37 12 1.33 0.35 13 1.25 0.30 14 1.18 <0.1 0.13 0.22 0.28 of saturation values on FR with different cell size indicates premature saturation of the chain length. 4 DISCUSSION The dipole-dipole interactions can be described as F = 3μ2 (1 – 3 cos2 )/l4, where μ is the induced magnetic moment, is the angle between the dipole and the line connecting the dipoles, and l is the center-center distance between two particles. When two dipoles are aligned head-to-end, the dipole interaction is an attraction Fma = –6(μ2/l4). While they are aligned side by side, the inte- raction becomes a net repulsion Fmr = 3(μ2/l4). Along the magnetic field, the particles attract each other and form chains due to the head-to-end alignment of dipoles.17 The formed chain length varies with applied mag- netic field and the concentration of the MF. The FR is not only governed by the magnetization of the fluid but also by the chain formation. The dimension of the cell in the field direction plays an important role in the length and number of chains formed in the sample. For short path length, a "spatial limitation" on the chain length is imposed, resulting in a "premature saturation" of the length. Jones and Niedoba18 had a drop of undiluted fluid sandwiched between two parallel glass cover slips and placed normal to the optical axis of a microscope. The magnetic field was applied parallel to the axis of the microscope, i.e., perpendicular to the plane of the thin-film sample. In this experimental arrangement Jones and Niedoba observed the number of chains per unit volume, n, and found it increased rapidly with the applied field. The experimental set up used by Jones and Niedoba put a severe limitation on the length of the formed chains and led to premature saturation in the chain lengths, as was suggested by Fang et al.19 It is worth mentioning that for thin samples, the chain length approaches the thickness of the sample at very low fields and saturates prematurely. Consequently, the chain length is not expected to increase any further with the field but rather an increase in the number of chains is observed. If the Faraday rotation is only governed by the magnetization of the sample, then the saturation will take place at practically the same applied field for the same sample, regardless of the thickness of the sample. The difference in the saturation field is attributed to the chain formation in the sample. As was mentioned above, this chain formation may prematurely saturate in thin sam- ples due to the physical limitation imposed on the sample. 5 CONCLUSIONS In summary, high-quality Fe3O4/PAA NPs for MF formation were successfully synthesized. We report the first demonstration of the concentration and path-length dependence on the FR for MF synthesized using this novel method. We have demonstrated the FR of highly water-soluble MF measured in the 0–6 × 10–2 in the DC regime. The effects of both spatial limitations imposed by the cells and the chain concentration were observed on the FR. We observed that the chain length is also determined by the physical dimensions of the sample. Four different cells were used for the path-length experi- ments. The FR of the same concentration fluids with shorter path lengths reached saturation at lower fields as a result of the premature saturation of an average chain length. The experimental results shed some light on the role of agglomeration and chain formation in the FR. Magneto-optical effects in the magnetic fluids have a promising potential for technological and industrial applications as well as their academic importance. These measurements can help to understand the MO behavior of the MFs, including highly water-soluble magnetic NPs. Acknowledgements The authors specially wish to thank Dr. Yavuz Öztürk for many helpful discussions. 6 REFERENCES 1 M. J. Weber, CRC Handbook of Laser Science and Technology, vol. V. Part 3, no. CRC Press, Boca Raton 1995 2 X. Chen, S. Pu, X. Hu, Y. Xia, Z. Di, Appl. Phys. Lett., 211106 (2006), 89 3 C. W. Du, X. D. Liu, Z. G. Li, R. Birngruber, Y. T. Pan, J. Appl. Phys., 73 (1993), 6142 4 Y. Xuan, Q. Li, X. Fang, Nanoscale Res. Lett., 237 (2011), 6 5 M. M. Maiorov, J. Magnetism and Magnetic materials, 252 (2002), 111–113 6 N. A. Yusuf, Japn. J. Appl. Phys., 819 (1989), 28 7 D. Jamon, J. J. Rousseau, V. Cabuil, D. 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KÜÇÜKDERMENCI et al.: CONCENTRATION AND PATH-LENGTH DEPENDENCE ON THE FARADAY ROTATION ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 323–327 327 \. VA[TAG et al.: THE POSSIBILITY OF COPPER CORROSION PROTECTION IN ACIDIC MEDIA ... THE POSSIBILITY OF COPPER CORROSION PROTECTION IN ACIDIC MEDIA USING A THIAZOLE DERIVATIVE MO@NOST PROTIKOROZIJSKE ZA[^ITE BAKRA V KISLEM MEDIJU Z UPORABO DERIVATOV TIAZOLA \en|i Va{tag1, Suzana Apostolov1, Miodrag Had`istevi}2, Milenko Sekuli}2 1University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Trg D. Obradovi}a 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 2University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Trg D. Obradovi}a 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia miodrags@uns.ac.rs Prejem rokopisa – received:2012-09-14; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-22 Assessing financial losses on an annual scale, it was determined that the world economy loses about 2.2 trillion US dollars as a result of the corrosion of materials. The most significant losses are caused by the corrosion of metals. Against corrosion, metals can be protected in several ways: by cathodic protection or anodic protection, by the use of inhibitors, or by using various protective coatings that can be metallic, non-metallic, organic or inorganic. In this paper, the possibility of the corrosion protection of copper was investigated in acidic media using inhibitors. The inhibitor properties of 5-(4’-dimetylamino- benzylidene)-2,4-dioxotetrahydro-1,3-thiazole, (DABDT) were tested on copper corrosion in an acidic sulphate-containing solution (0.1 mol dm–3 Na2SO4, pH = 3). Using potentiostatic polarization measurements, the inhibitor efficiency of DABDT as a function of concentration was determined and the mechanism of its adsorption on the copper surface was defined. It was found that the DABDT thiazole derivative acts as mixed inhibitor on copper corrosion in acidic media. In the investigation range, increasing the concentration results in a better inhibition efficiency of the DABDT. Keywords: copper, corrosion, thiazole derivatives, polarization measurements Ocena finan~nih izgub na letnem nivoju je pokazala, da svetovna ekonomija izgubi okoli 2,2 milijardi ameri{kih dolarjev kot posledico korozije materialov. Najpomembnej{e izgube so povzro~ene s korozijo kovin. Proti koroziji lahko kovine za{~itimo na ve~ na~inov: s katodno oziroma anodno za{~ito, z uporabo inhibitorjev ali razli~nih za{~itnih prevlek, ki so lahko kovinske, nekovinske, organskega oziroma anorganskega izvora. V tem prispevku je bila raziskana mo`nost protikorozijske za{~ite bakra v kislem mediju z uporabo inhibitorjev. Lastnosti inhibitorja iz 5-(4’-dimetilaminobenziliden)-2,4-dioksotetrahidro-1,3-tiazol, (DABDT), so bile preizku{ene pri koroziji bakra v kislem mediju, ki je vseboval raztopino (0,1 mol dm–3 Na2SO4, pH = 3). S potenciostati~nimi meritvami polarizacije je bila dolo~ena u~inkovitost DABDT kot funkcija koncentracije in mehanizem njegove adsorpcije na povr{ino bakra. Odkrili smo, da se DABDT-derivati tiazola vedejo kot me{ani inhibitorji pri koroziji bakra v kislem mediju. V raziskanem obmo~ju se je z nara{~anjem koncentracije DABDT izbolj{ala u~inkovitost zadr`evanja korozije. Klju~ne besede: baker, korozija, derivati tiazola, meritve polarizacije 1 INTRODUCTION In accordance with recent estimates it has been calculated that the effect of corrosion on the US economy in 2012 exceeds 1 trillion dollars per year for the first time.1 Taking into account this fact, it is clear that corrosion is the cause of significant losses in the economy of each country and therefore falls within one of the important factors of the global financial and energy crisis. It is understandable, therefore, that the great interest and tendency to reduce losses as a result of the corrosion of construction materials is to be kept to a minimum. Copper and its alloys have good characteristics and a wide range of industrial applications. They have the largest number of applications as conductors of elec- tricity and heat. Copper shows excellent performance as a structural material, because among other things, it is resistant to corrosion over a wide range of pH values. However, it is known that in aggressive media, copper is susceptible to corrosion, due to the lack of a protective passive layer in the acidic environment2. Copper as a structural material is often exposed to acidic conditions, e.g., during its purification, electro polishing or during the removal of corrosion products from the heat trans- missions. The most commonly used acid in these pro- cesses is sulphuric acid. The protection of copper in these processes in an acidic environment is usually accomplished with corrosion inhibitors.3–5 Organic compounds that contain hetero-atoms such as nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen, or conjugated double bonds have shown good inhibition properties against copper corrosion.6–8 This kind of organic molecules can be adsorbed at the metal-solution interface, which will reduce the corrosive attack on the metal in acidic media.9,10 The degree of corrosion protection of these molecu- les depends on the strength of the interaction between the organic molecule and the metal surface atoms. The thiazole derivatives are an interesting group of nitrogen- and sulphur-containing organic compounds Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 329–333 329 UDK 620.197.3:669.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)329(2013) that act as inhibitors against the dissolution of copper in acidic electrolytes. The aim of this study is to investigate and interpret how the thiazole derivative 5-(4’ -dimetylaminobenzyl- idene) -2,4- dioxotetrahydro-1,3-thiazole, (DABDT), inhibits the copper corrosion in aerated 0.1-M Na2SO4 at pH = 3. 2 EXPERIMENTAL Reagent-grade chemicals (Merck) and double- distilled water were used to prepare the electrolyte of 0.1-M Na2SO4 at pH = 3; the pH was adjusted to 3.0 using diluted sulphuric acid. The investigated thiazole derivative was 5-(4’-dime- tylaminobenzylidene)-2,4- dioxotetrahydro-1,3-thiazole (DABDT) (Figure 1). Figure 1: Structure of the investigated thiazoles Slika 1: Struktura raziskanih tiazolov All the experiments were conducted in the open atmosphere and at room temperature. Due to the low solubility of the tested thiazole derivative, the inhibitor was first dissolved in 20 ml of ethanol. Weight-loss measurements were carried out on copper coupons (6 cm × 1.5 cm × 0.2 cm) in 0.1 mol dm–3 Na2SO4 at pH = 3 for different inhibitor concentra- tions (0.001 mmol dm–3–0.01 mmol dm–3). The coupons immersed in the test solutions were allowed to stand for one week in an air atmosphere. For the electrochemical measurements a three-elec- trode cell was used. High-purity copper rods (99.99 % Cu) with an exposed area of 0.7 cm2 were used as the working electrode, a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) was used as the reference electrode and platinum was used as the counter electrode. Before using, the working electrode was wet-polished with SiC papers (grit sizes of 800 and 1200), rinsed with acetone and double-distilled water. All the measurements were made at room tempe- rature. The polarization measurements were performed at five different inhibitor concentrations in the concen- tration range 0.001–0.01 mmol dm–3. The measurements were carried out when the open-circuit potential (OCP) was stabilized at 5 mV/5 min. The potential was scanned between the OCP and 300 mV/SCE in both the cathodic and anodic directions at a scan rate of 10 mV min.–1 A PC-controlled potentiostat (VoltaLab PGZ 301) was applied. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Weight-loss measurements A weight-loss measurement for monitoring a metal’s corrosion rate is a very usefully technique because of its simplicity and reliability.11 The weight losses of the copper electrodes were determined after 7 d of immer- sion in the blank (0.1 mol dm–3 Na2SO4, pH = 3) and the inhibitor-containing solutions. Table 1 shows the weight loss of copper and the protection efficiency of the inve- stigated thiazole derivative. The protective efficiency, /%, of the DABDT mole- cules was calculated using the following equation:12 (%) = − ⋅ W W W 0 0 100 where W0 and W are the weight losses of the copper coupons in the blank and inhibitor-contains solutions. Table 1: Results of weight-loss measurements Tabela 1: Rezultati meritev zmanj{anja mase c /mmol dm–3 W/mg cm–2 /% 0 1.54 – 0.001 0.80 48 0.003 0.54 65 0.005 0.25 84 0.007 0.20 87 0.01 0.14 91 It is clear from Table 1 that the corrosion rates were reduced in the presence of the DABDT derivate. The inhibition efficiency, as given in Table 1, is found to increase with the increase in the concentration of the inhibitors. 3.2 Potentiostatic measurements Potentiostatic polarization measurements were performed to determine the optimal concentration of DABDT and its inhibition efficiency on copper corrosion in acidic media (pH = 3). The polarization measurements were in the range of the concentration 0.001 mmol dm–3 to 0.01 mmol dm–3 at the room temperature. Figure 2 shows the anodic and cathodic polarization plots of the copper electrode in the blank and inhibitor- containing solution (c = 0.05 mmol dm–3). The obtained polarization curve in the blank and the inhibitor-containing solution are typical for copper in an acidic solution. The cathodic part of the polarization curves related to the oxygen reduction reaction: O H H O22 4 4 2+ + ⇔ + −e and the anodic part related to the copper dissolution: Cu Cu Cu Cu+ ⇔ + ⇔ + + − + − e e2 In the blank solution, at low over potentials, the cathodic polarization curves are linear but after approxi- \. VA[TAG et al.: THE POSSIBILITY OF COPPER CORROSION PROTECTION IN ACIDIC MEDIA ... 330 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 329–333 mately –300 mV/SCE the dependence begins to deviate from linear due to diffusion phenomena, and in these fields the measurements were not made. In the anodic part of the curve a significant dissolution of copper is evident. As Figure 2 shows, the presence of the DABDT thiazole derivative induced a significant decrease in the cathodic current density and at low over-potentials there is an insignificantly small reduction of the anodic current density. It can be concluded that the investigated thiazole acts primarily as a cathodic inhibitor against copper corrosion, hindering the oxygen reduction reaction in acidic media. The inhibitor’s presence in the corrosion solution does not cause a large shift of the corrosion potential. In Table 2 are the electrochemical parameters, such as the corrosion potential (Ecorr) and the corrosion current density (jcorr), which were obtained by Tafel extrapolating the anodic and cathodic parts of the polarization curves and the inhibitor efficiency of the DABDT molecule. The inhibitor efficiency of the DABDT molecule was calculated using the following equation: (%) = − ⋅ j j j 0 0 100 where, j0 and j are the corrosion-current density measured on the copper electrode in the blank and inhibitor-containing solutions. The obtained results are comparable with those calculated from the weight loss measurement (Table 1). A small difference can be observed with several authors.13–15 This difference can be attributed to the fact that a gravimetric measurement gives an average corrosion rate, whereas instantaneous corrosion rates were obtained using polarization methods. As can be seen from Table 2 the corrosion rate in the presence of DABDT molecules depended on the concentration of the thiazole. The inhibitor efficiency increased with the increase in the concentration of thiazole. In the investigated concentration range, the maximum concentration of 0.01 mmol dm–3 produced the best inhibitor efficiency. A higher concentration of inhibitor could not be tested because of the low solubility of the DABDT. The increasing inhibitor efficiency with the concentration indicates that DABDT molecules protecting the copper from corrosion via the adsorption onto the metal surface. During the adsorption onto the metal surface the inhibitor molecules are replacing the water molecules that are pre-adsorbed at the metal surface. According to Bockris,16 the adsorption of an organic molecule at the metal/solution interface may be written according to the following displacement reaction: inh n inh n(sol) (ads) (ads) (sol)H O H O+ ⇔ +2 2 where n is the number of water molecules removed from the metal surface for each molecule of adsorbed inhibitor. The interactions of the organic molecules at the electrical double layer change its properties and structure. Changes in the structure of the electric double layer occur due to the fact that the inhibitor molecules are larger than the water molecules. Organic molecules also have a lower value of the dielectric constant than the water molecules, which reflects in the properties of the double layer as the reduction of its conductivity. Adsorption isotherms provide information about the interaction among the adsorbed molecules themselves and their interactions with the electrode surface.17 The values of the degree of surface coverage, , (Table 3) calculated from the following equation18: = −1 0 j j \. VA[TAG et al.: THE POSSIBILITY OF COPPER CORROSION PROTECTION IN ACIDIC MEDIA ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 329–333 331 Table 2: Electrochemical parameters of copper corrosion in the pre- sence of different concentrations of DABDT Tabela 2: Elektrokemijski parameteri korozije bakra v razli~nih kon- centracijah DABDT c/mmol dm–3 Ecorr/mV jcorr/μA cm–2 /% 0 –58 14.16 – 0.001 –18 7.71 46 0.003 –11 4.87 66 0.005 –20 2.74 81 0.007 –12 1.61 89 0.01 –26 1.54 90 Table 3: Copper surface coverage in a different inhibitor concen- tration Tabela 3: Obseg prekritja povr{ine bakra pri razli~nih koncentracijah inhibitorja c/mmol dm–3 0.001 0.455 0.003 0.656 0.005 0.807 0.007 0.886 0.01 0.898 Figure 2: Polarization curves for copper electrodes with and without the thiazole derivatives (c = 0.005 mmol dm–3) Slika 2: Polarizacijske krivulje za bakrove elektrode brez derivatov tiazola in z njimi (c = 0,005 mmol dm–3) were used to determine the isotherm that best describes the adsorption process. The best correlation between the experimental results and the isotherms described above was obtained using Bockris-Swinkels isotherm:16,4 [ ] ( ) ( ) 1 1 1 − ⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ = + − − n n n n n Kc where is the surface coverage, n is the number of water molecules substituted, c is the inhibitor concentra- tion and K is the constant of the adsorption process. Figure 3 shows the Bockris-Swinkels isotherms obtained from copper in the presence of different con- centrations of thiazole, where f is equal to the left part of the Bockris-Swinkels isotherms, Knowing the value of K provides the possibility of calculating the basic thermodynamic parameter, the standard free energy of the adsorption is Gads. The con- stant of adsorption, K, is related to the standard free energy of adsorption, ΔGads, with the following equation:19 Table 4 reports the data from Bockris-Swinkels iso- therm and the value of ΔGads for the adsorption process of the investigated thiazole derivative. Table 4: Value of the adsorption constant, K, the number of replace- ment water molecules, n, the regression coefficient, R, and the stan- dard free energy of adsorption, Gads, for the DABDT molecule Table 4: Vrednosti adsorpcijske konstante K, {tevilo nadome{~enih molekul vode n, regresijski koeficient R in standardna prosta energija adsorpcije Gads za molekulo DABDT ln K n Gads/kJ mol–1 R 13.55 1 –43.5 0.981 The high value of the adsorption constant, K, indi- cates that the adsorption process of the DABDT mole- cules takes place relatively quickly on the copper surface. The results in Table 4 show that the DABDT molecule is adsorbed on the copper surface, replacing one molecule of water. The number of water molecules that is replaced can be seen as an indicator of the position of the inhibitor molecules on the surface of the copper. The small number of water molecules suggests that the thiazole molecules are vertically oriented in relation to the copper surface. The negative values of Gads ensure the spontaneity of the adsorption process and the stability of the adsorbed layer on the copper surface. Generally, the values of Gads are used to determine the type of interac- tion between the organic molecules and the metal surface atoms. It is well known that the values of Gads of the order of –20 kJ mol–1 or lower indicate physisorption; those of order of –40 kJ mol–1 or higher involve charge sharing or a coordinate type of bond between metals and organic molecules.20,21 In case of DABDT molecules the calculated values of Gads are slightly more negative than –40 kJ mol–1, and therefore indicate that the ad- sorption mechanism of this thiazole derivative on copper in acidic sulphur-containing media was typically chemi- sorption. The ability to form a chemical bond with copper and the good inhibition efficiency of the DABDT molecules (90 %) can be explained by the characteristics of dime- tyl-amino groups, which are present in the molecule at position 5. In the DABDT molecule the dimethyl-amino group has a great influence on the distribution of the electron density around the active site of the thiazole molecule and therefore its inhibitor activity. The dime- tyl-amino group has a positive inductive and resonance effect. These effects are powerful electron-donating effects, providing an increase of the electron density of the active centre of the thiazole molecules (sulphur atom). According to this the unshared pair of electrons in the sulphur atom can strongly interact with the copper uncompleted d-orbitals to provide a protective chemi- sorption film and better copper protection in the acidic media. 4 CONCLUSION In this paper the possibility of the corrosion protec- tion of copper in acidic media using a DABDT derivative was investigated in an acidic sulphate-containing solu- tion (0.1 mol dm–3 Na2SO4, pH = 3) using potentiostatic polarization measurements. From the obtained results, it can be concluded: 1. The investigated derivative, DABDT, shows a good inhibition efficiency (90 %) towards the copper corrosion in the acidic sulphate-containing solution. 2. DABDT acts as a mixed copper corrosion inhibitor. Compared to the blank solution in the presence of these molecules there is a slowdown in the cathodic reaction as well as the anodic process of the metal dissolution. 3. The best inhibition efficiency was obtained for the concentration 0.01 mmol dm–3. \. VA[TAG et al.: THE POSSIBILITY OF COPPER CORROSION PROTECTION IN ACIDIC MEDIA ... 332 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 329–333 Figure 3: Bockris-Swinkels isotherms Slika 3: Bockris-Swinkelsove izoterme 4. DABDT protects the copper surface from corrosion by adsorption. 5. The adsorption of these molecules on the copper surface happens as a fast and spontaneous process, following the Bockris-Swinkels isotherms by replacing one water molecule on the copper surface. 6. Adsorption leads to the formation of a chemical bond between the thiazole derivative DABDT and the copper atoms. 7. There is a good inhibition efficiency of the tested compound achieved due to the presence of strong electron-donating N(CH3)2 groups. Acknowledgments These results are the part of project No. OI-172013, which is supported financially by the Serbian Ministry of Education and Science. 5 REFERENCES 1 http://www.g2mtlabs.com/cost-of-corrosion/ 17. 2. 2012 2 C. 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ENERGY- AND TIME-SAVING LOW-TEMPERATURE THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT OF LOW-CARBON PLAIN STEEL PRIHRANKI ENERGIJE IN ^ASA PRI NIZKOTEMPERATURNI TERMOMEHANSKI OBDELAVI MALOOGLJI^NEGA PLO[^ATEGA JEKLA Hana Jirkova1, Daniela Hauserova2, Ludmila Kucerova1, Bohuslav Masek1 1University of West Bohemia, The Research Centre of Forming Technology – FORTECH, Univerzitni 22, 306 14 Pilsen, Czech Republic 2COMTES FHT, a.s., Prumyslova 995, 334 41 Dobrany, Czech Republic h.jirkova@email.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-09-21; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-16 Reduction of energy is one way of cutting the cost of finished steel products. In this context heat treatment is a costly stage of the production. This paper presents a method of reducing soft-annealing times. The method termed as ASR (accelerated spheroidization and refinement) was employed for improving the cold formability of the ferrite-pearlite steel. In this study, plain low-carbon RSt-32 steel was used as the experimental material. The influence of deformation below the Ac1 temperature on grain refinement and carbide spheroidization, as well the influence of the temperature cycling around the Ac1 temperature within the temperature intervals of various widths were explored. In addition, attention was paid to the effects of the holding time between deformation steps and to the amount of deformation heat. The initial lamellar pearlite was converted into a recrystallized structure with fine ferrite grains of about 3 μm and fine spheroidized cementite. The final hardness was about 150 HV10. This is by about 25 % lower than the hardness of the initial ferrite-lamellar pearlite structure. Significant time and energy savings can be reached as the treatment shortens the thermomechanical exposure from several hours to several minutes. Keywords: pearlite morphology, soft annealing, incremental deformation Zmanj{evanje porabe energije je ena od poti za zmanj{anje stro{kov kon~nih jeklenih proizvodov. V tem kontekstu je toplotna obdelava draga faza proizvodnje. ^lanek predstavlja metodo za zmanj{anje ~asa mehkega `arjenja. Metoda, ozna~ena z ASR (pospe{ena sferoidizacija in zmanj{anje zrn) je bila uporabljena za izbolj{anje hladne preoblikovalnosti feritno-perlitnega jekla. Za eksperimentalni material v tej {tudiji je bilo uporabljeno malooglji~no jeklo RSt-32. Preiskan je bil vpliv deformacije pod temperaturo Ac1 na zmanj{anje velikosti zrn in na sferoidizacijo karbida, kot tudi vpliv nihanja temperature okrog Ac1 v razli~no {irokih temperaturnih intervalih. Dodatna pozornost je bila posve~ena {e u~inku ~asa zadr`anja med posameznimi deformacijami in na dele` deformacijske toplote. Za~etni lamelarni perlit se je pretvoril v rekristalizirano strukturo z drobnimi zrni ferita, velikosti okrog 3 μm in drobno sferoidiziranim cementitom. Kon~na trdota je bila okrog 150 HV10. To je okrog 25 % ni`je od trdote za~etne strukture s feritom in lamelarnim perlitom. Mogo~e je dose~i pomembne prihranke v ~asu in energiji, saj termomehanska obdelava skraj{a potreben ~as od nekaj ur na nekaj minut. Klju~ne besede: morfologija perlita, mehko `arjenje, prirastek deformacije 1 INTRODUCTION Reducing soft-annealing times is one of today’s efforts in cutting down the production costs of cold- formed parts. Initial microstructures of the materials suitable for cold forming have a high formability. Such microstructures can be obtained through spheroidization of the cementite shape in pearlite. Cementite can be spheroidized using several standard heat-treatment procedures. These include the following: a) isothermal annealing at a temperature slightly below Ac1, b) soaking at a temperature just above Ac1 with slow cooling in the furnace, or with a hold just below Ac1, c) thermal cycling in the vicinity of Ac1 1. In this context, the new ASR (accelerated spheroidization and refinement) procedure is highly effective2,3 (Figure 1). It is an energy-saving thermomechanical-treatment procedure based on incremental deformation. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Experimental Material The experimental material was cold-drawn, plain, structural steel RSt37 (S232 JRC) (Table 1). The as-received microstructure consisted of ferrite and lamellar pearlite. The ultimate strength, yield strength, elongation and hardness of the as-received material were 516 MPa, 450 MPa, 20 % and 200 HV10, respectively. The pearlite fraction found with an image analysis was 9 %. The ferrite-grain size was approximately 30 μm. The Ac1 temperature found by dilatometric testing was 777 °C. 2.2 ASR Trial To obtain the resulting microstructure of a very fine ferrite with spheroidized cementite, a number of process- ing parameters had to be optimised: the strain magni- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 335–339 335 UDK 669.15-194:539.377 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)335(2013) tude, the deformation temperature and the holding time upon deformation. The effects of deformation heat and thermal cycling in the vicinity of Ac1 were explored as well. The processing was performed in a thermomecha- nical simulator.4 With the aim to reduce spheroidization times as much as possible, pearlitic cementite lamellae must be not only fractured but also shifted further apart (Figure 1). This is why the schedules with two deformation steps were used for the initial experiment (Table 2). The first step was the tensile deformation with a strain magnitude of  = 0.3, whereas the second step included intensive com- pressive deformation. The strain magnitude  varied from 1.7 to 0.3 (Table 2). The effects of a 300 s hold following the deformation upon recrystallization were mapped. The soaking temperature and the time were 740 °C and 10 s, respectively. The heating rate was 30 °C/s. The schedules were followed by air cooling. The effect of the thermal cycling between 740 °C and 780 °C, i.e., around Ac1, for 50 s (Table 3) was investi- gated. Two schedules were designed: one included deformation prior to the thermal cycling and the other was without deformation. An additional schedule included soaking at a reduced temperature of 700 °C and a thermal cycling within the range of 700–780 °C for 50 s. The effect of deformation heat on the specimen temperature and carbide spheroidising was explored in the subsequent schedules (Table 4). At 700 °C, the ten- sile and compressive deformations with the magnitudes of 0.3 and 0.4 were applied with varied holding times between the deformation steps. The holding times were between 5–30 s and 5–9 deformation cycles were used. Finally, the specimens were water quenched for the mapping of the microstructure evolution. While the initial schedules included deformation at a constant temperature, the additional schedules were used to explore the effects of the non-isothermal deformation, during which the specimen was cooled in air (Table 5). The increase in the specimen temperature due to deformation heat, the microstructure evolution and its morphology, the refinement and, in particular, the spheroidization processes were examined. A soaking temperature of 700 °C was used in both schedules of this stage. H. JIRKOVA et al.: ENERGY- AND TIME-SAVING LOW-TEMPERATURE THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ... 336 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 335–339 Figure 1: Scheme of the newly developed ASR process Slika 1: Shematski prikaz novo razvitega postopka Table 1: Chemical composition of the RSt37-2 (S232 JRC) steel in mass fractions (%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava jekla RSt37-2 (S232 JRC) v masnih dele`ih (%) C P S Mn Si N 0.08 0.022 0.023 0.65 0.16 0.004 Table 2: Thermomechanical-treatment parameters used for exploring the effect of magnitude of compressive strain and the impact of the hold Tabela 2: Parametri termomehanske obdelave, ki je bila uporabljena za iskanje velikosti tla~nih napetosti in vpliv ~asa zadr`evanja TA/°C  Tension+ compression Hold upon def. (s) HV10 Rm/ MPa A5mm/% 740 0.3 + 1.7 – 166 465 8 0.3 + 1.7 300 121 421 20 0.3 + 0.8 300 143 – – 0.3 + 0.3 300 141 – – Table 3: Effect of thermal cycling on microstructure evolution Tabela 3: Vpliv toplotnega nihanja na razvoj mikrostrukture TA/°C  Tension + compression Temp. range (°C) HV10 Rm/ MPa A5mm/% 740 0.3 + 1.7 740–780 146 426 22 740 – 740–780 145 479 37 700 – 700–780 149 / / Table 4: Impact of deformation heat on microstructure evolution during a repeated deformation Tabela 4: U~inek deformacijske toplote na razvoj mikrostrukture med ponavljanjem deformacij TA/°C No. of def.steps Time between def. steps (s) HV10 Rm/ MPa A5mm/% 700 9 30 150 352 22 9 10 155 – – 9 5 197 260 14 5 30 140 – – 9 30 water 189 502 22 Table 5: Impact of non-isothermal deformation on microstructure evolution Tabela 5: Vpliv neizotermne deformacije na razvoj mikrostrukture TA/°C No. of cycles Hold time betweendef. (s) HV10 700 9 1 225 700 9 0 192 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Effects of Strain Magnitude and Holding Time Using the ASR schedule with the soaking tempe- rature of 740 °C and the tensile and compressive defor- mations ( = 0.3 + 1.7), we broke up the cementite lamellae into the particles (Figure 1) of about 1 μm and refined the ferrite grains. The obtained microstructure showed a notable banding. The observation made with a scanning electron microscope revealed that the cementite spheroidization was extensive. The material’s hardness, the ultimate strength and the A5mm elongation were 166 HV10, 465 MPa and 8 %, respectively (Table 2). The elongation was rather low. Then, an additional 300 s hold was incorporated, following the tensile-compressive deformation, to promote the recrystallization and to improve the carbide-spheroidising conditions. This hold caused a ferrite coarsening, a local carbide spheroidization and a more uniform distribution of carbides in the ferrite matrix (Figure 2). These microstructure changes were reflected in a low hardness of 121 HV10 and a low strength of 421 MPa. Recrystallization led to a higher elongation of 20 % (Table 2). However, the amount of the strain used is too large for some technical applications. At the edges of the test specimen, where the nominal strain was somewhat lower, the ASR process appeared to be less intense. Based on this finding, two schedules were proposed, where the amount of strain in the second deformation step was decreased from  = 1.7 to 0.8 and 0.3 (Table 2). The total strain levels in these schedules were  = 1.1 and  = 0.6. The reduction in the total amount of strain was reflected in the reduced hardness values of 143 and 141 HV10. The specimens treated with both schedules contained large lamellar-pearlite colonies. 3.2 Effects of Thermal Cycling on Microstructure Evolution This stage of the study was aimed at verifying the theory that the thermal cycling with the upper limit above Ac1 accelerates cementite spheroidization through a repeated dissolution of cementite and a formation of new nuclei (Table 3). Using the schedule with the thermal-cycling range of 740–780 °C, i.e., in the vicinity of Ac1, the specimen microstructure consisted of the ferrite with the grain size of above 20 μm and the pearlite colonies along the grain boundaries with the hardness of 145 HV10 (Table 3, Figure 3). When a lower heating temperature of 700 °C and a cycling within a wider tem- perature range were used, the resulting microstructure was coarser but showed the same hardness. The incorporation of a two-step tensile-and-compressive deformation cycle ( = 0.3 + 1.7) at 740 °C, prior to the thermal cycling in the range of 740–80 °C led to a finer H. JIRKOVA et al.: ENERGY- AND TIME-SAVING LOW-TEMPERATURE THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 335–339 337 Figure 2: 740 °C/10 s – 2-times deformation step: tension + com- pression ( = 2.1) with a hold of 300 s Slika 2: 740 °C/10s – 2-krat stopnja deformacije: nateg + stiskanje ( = 2.1) z zadr`evanjem 300 s Figure 4: Effects of thermal cycling in the temperature range of 740–780 °C with deformation Slika 4: U~inek toplotnih ciklov z deformacijo v temperaturnem podro~ju 740–780 °C Figure 3: Effects of thermal cycling in the temperature range of 740–780 °C without deformation Slika 3: U~inek toplotnih ciklov v temperaturnem podro~ju 740–780 °C brez deformacije microstructure with a similar hardness value (Table 3, Figure 4). The grains were fully recrystallized and had a size of approximately 10 μm. In none of these cases the cementite precipitation within the ferrite grains occurred and the pearlite morphology was mainly lamellar. 3.3 Effects of Deformation Heat on Microstructure Evolution At this stage of the study, the feasibility of the cementite spheroidization and microstructure refinement by applying deformation heat alone was explored. This deformation heat was to be generated by means of a two-step deformation at 700 °C, combined with the pauses of varying lengths (Table 4). The schedule with 9 deformation cycles and 30 s pauses led to an increase in the specimen temperature to 720 °C over the first 5 deformation cycles. The fine, elongated ferrite microstructure with disintegrated pear- lite islands and a hardness of 150 HV10 was obtained (Figure 5). Cementite was predominantly found along the ferrite-grain boundaries. However, there were some particles within the ferrite grains as well. The micro- structure was substantially refined by the forming process. The ferrite-grain size was approximately 5 μm and most of the cementite particles were globular. The steel in this condition had a strength of 352 MPa and an elongation of 22 % (Table 4). Where 10 s pauses bet- ween deformation cycles were used instead of the 30 s ones, the resulting extent of recrystallization was lower. The final microstructure showed a strong banding and disintegrated, globular pearlite islands indicating the flow direction. The fact that the pauses were shorter by 20 s had no significant impact on the hardness. However, reducing the pauses further to 5 s led to a large increase in the hardness amounting to 197 HV10. The micro- structure was similar to that obtained in the previous case. Where the number of deformation cycles was reduced from 9 to 5, the coarser ferrite was recrystallized (Figure 6). Its hardness was 140 HV10 (Table 4). The pearlite colonies disintegrated partially, remaining lamellar in character and situated on the ferrite-grain boundaries. 3.4 Impact of Non-Isothermal Deformation on Micro- structure Evolution The last series of optimisation schedules was aimed at exploring the deformation schedules similar to the previous ones, except that the specimen was not kept at the heating temperature during either the deformations or the deformation pauses (Table 5). As the specimen was cooled in still air, the pause between deformation steps was either 1 s or zero. The schedule with 1 s pauses between deformations led to a specimen failure in the 6th cycle at 520 °C. The deformation heat was not sufficient to compensate for the heat losses, which is why the specimen temperature H. JIRKOVA et al.: ENERGY- AND TIME-SAVING LOW-TEMPERATURE THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ... 338 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 335–339 Figure 6: 700 °C/10 s – 5-times tension + compression ( = 4), 0 s pause between deformation cycles Slika 6: 700 °C/10s – 5-krat nateg + tlak ( = 4), 0 s premora med cikli Figure 7: Effects of non-isothermal deformation without pauses Slika 7: U~inek neizotermne deformacije brez premora Figure 5: 700 °C/10 s – 9-times tension + compression ( = 7.2), 30 s pause between deformation cycles Slika 5: 700 °C/10 s – 9-krat nateg + tlak ( = 7.2), 30 s premor med cikli deformacije could not exceed 700 °C. The continuous deformation without pauses generated a deformation heat that increased the specimen temperature to 724 °C. The temperature decreased below 700 °C no sooner than during the 4th deformation cycle. In this case the speci- men failed during the 7th cycle at 680 °C. Both schedules resulted in highly distorted microstructures with the fine, ferrite-grain and banded, elongated areas with globular cementite (Figure 7). Large strains led to the hardness values of 225 and 192 HV10. 4 CONCLUSION The experimental programme consisted of a gradual optimisation of the low-temperature thermomechanical treatment of the RSt37-2 structural steel. It was found that the processes of carbide spheroidi- zation, grain refinement and cementite redistribution from the bands formed upon deformation are governed by the pause between deformation steps. Other important preconditions for a successful ASR process include the presence of strain components of sufficient intensity capable of breaking up and separating fragmented cementite particles through a plastic deformation. The spheroidization process can be accelerated substantially under these conditions. The optimum results of the expe- rimental ASR process were achieved using the schedule with the soaking temperature of 740 °C and two-step tensile-compressive deformation with the following 300 s pause. This procedure led to a microstructure with fine, ferrite-grain and globular carbides. The yield strength of the resulting material was approximately 200 MPa, its ultimate strength was 421 MPa and the elongation was 20 %. Acknowledgements This paper presents the results achieved in the project GA CR P107/10/2272 "Accelerated Carbide Spheroidi- zation and Grain Refinement in Steels". The project has been subsidised from specific resources of the state budget for research and development. 5 REFERENCES 1 A. Kamyabi-Gol, M. Sheikh-Amiri, Spheroidizing Kinetics and Optimization of Heat Treatment Parameters in CK60 Steel Using Taguchi Robust Design, Journal of Iron and Steel Research Inter- national, 17 (2010) 4, 45–52 2 B. Masek, H. Jirkova, L. 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ELECTROCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE NANO Py/DDS/SiO2 FILM ON A COPPER ELECTRODE ELEKTROKEMIJSKA KARAKTERIZACIJA NANOPLASTI Py/DDS/SiO2 NA BAKRENI ELEKTRODI Meysam Sharifirad1, Farhoush Kiani2, Fardad Koohyar2 1Department of Chemistry, Teacher Research Bojnord, Iran 2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran fardadkoohyar@yahoo.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-09-21; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-13 The electroactive copolymer of pyrrole (Py) and 4.4’-diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS) was synthesized electrochemically in 4 M H2SO4 and ethanol medium. Both electrochemical synthesis and characterization of the copolymer deposited on a copper electrode were carried out using cyclic voltammetry. The voltammograms exhibited different patterns of behavior with different feed concentrations of Py. Equimolar concentrations of Py and DDS demonstrated a very efficient growth of the copolymer film on the surface of the copper. The scan rate exerted little effect on this copper copolymer film, revealing the film excellent electroactive adherent properties. The effect of pH on the copolymer film showed that the polymer was electrochemically active up to pH 7.0. A spectroelectrochemical analysis of the copolymer film, carried out on an indium tin oxide (ITO) plate, showed multicolor electrochromic behavior when the applied potential was changed. The polymer was characterized with the UV-Vis and FTIR spectral studies. The formation of the polymer through the N-H group was understood from the single N-H stretching vibrational frequency at 3050 cm–1. The surface morphology was studied using a SEM analysis and the grain size of the copolymer was measured using XRD studies and was found to be 50 nm. The electrical conductivity of the copolymer was 5.98 × 10–2 S cm–1, as determined using a four-probe conductivity meter. Keywords: 4.4’-diaminodiphenyl sulfone, cyclic voltammetry, SEM, nanosize, copper electrode Elektri~no aktiven kopolimer pirola (Py) in 4,4’-diaminodifenil sulfona (DDS) je bil sintetiziran elektrokemijsko v mediju 4 M H2SO4 in etanola. S cikli~no voltametrijo je bila narejena elektrokemijska sinteza in karakterizacija kopolimera, nanesenega na bakreno elektrodo. Voltamogrami prikazujejo razli~ne spektralne vzorce pri razli~nih koncentracijah dodanega Py. Ekvimolarna koncentracija Py in DDS izkazujeta u~inkovito rast kopolimerne plasti na povr{ini bakra. Hitrost skeniranja ima majhen u~inek na bakrovo kopolimerno plast, razkrije pa odli~ne elektroaktivne lastnosti. U~inek pH na kopolimerno plast je pokazal, da je plast elektrokemi~no aktivna do pH 7,0. Spektroelektrokemi~na analiza kopolimerne tanke plasti na plo{~i iz indij-kositrovega oksida (ITO) je pokazala ve~barvno elektrokromno vedenje, ~e se je uporabljeni potencial spremenil. Polimer je bil ocenjen z UV-Vis- in FTIR- {tudijami spektra. Nastanek polimera preko N-H-skupine je razumeti kot N-H razteznostna vibracijska frekvenca pri 3050 cm–1. Morfologija povr{ine je bila preu~evana s SEM-analizo, velikost zrn kopolimera je bila izmerjena z XRD in ugotovljeno je bilo, da je velikosti 50 nm. Elektri~na prevodnost kopolimera, izmerjena z merilnikom prevodnosti s {tirimi sondami, je bila 5,98 × 10–2 S cm–1. Klju~ne besede: 4,4’-diamino difenil sulfon, cikli~na voltametrija, SEM, nanovelikost, bakrena alektroda 1 INTRODUCTION Progressive research in the field of conducting polymers has led to the development of the materials with a great potential for commercial applications, including lightweight batteries, light-emitting diodes,1 capacitors,2 electrochromic devices,3,4 optical and elec- tronic devices.5 Conducting-polymer films have shown promising applications in the field of biosensors and bioelectrochemistry by providing an active matrix with controlled morphology for immobilization of biological materials as well as transduction of electrical signals.6,7 If an electrode surface is modified with a conducting- polymer film, then the modified electrode can be used as a sensor.8–10 Polyaniline is among the most important organic conducting polymers having a high conductivity but poor processability.11 In order to increase its pro- cessability and utility, researchers studied the derivatives of polyaniline prepared with different methods. Homo- polymerization of aniline derivatives has been effective in the preparation of substituted polyanilines. Increased torsional angles and the presence of a substituent result in a decreased orbital overlap of electrons and nitrogen lone pairs; however, substituted polyanilines exhibit conjugations and conductivities that are significantly lower than those of polyaniline.12 Several researchers have employed different post treatments after the syn- thesis of polymer films; however, there are no systematic studies on this aspect. On the other hand, when a poly- aniline layer was deposited first and the electropolyme- rization was continued in a solution of 4.4’-diamino- diphenyl sulfone (DDS), a progressive transformation of the electrochemical behavior of the original polyaniline film was observed. The polyaniline promotes the polymerization by providing electrocatalytic sites and nucleation centers. Thus, the conducting polyaniline surface is protected well and leads to a better modifi- cation. Chemical polymerization of DDS also leads to newer polymers. Interestingly, both newly formed poly- mers are found to have a nanostructure. The preparation Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 341–347 341 UDK 678.7:544.6 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)341(2013) of nanostructured conducting materials has become an important branch of materials research.13 Many research groups have reported various kinds of polymer nanocom- posites, like polyaniline, PEDOT, and polypyrrole.14–16 Hence, it seemed interesting to study the formation and properties of the new nanostructured polymeric material produced with a reaction of polyaniline and DDS during redox cycling. DDS, an important pharmaceutical com- pound, is used as an antileprotic drug.17–19 Utilization of the materials of biointerest for the preparation of newer nanopolymeric materials assumes their importance in the present environment. They are also used in the sorption and transport of carbon dioxide20–22 and cured in epoxy networks.23 Here we present the results obtained from a formation of a nanosized electroactive polymer through an electrochemical and chemical polymerization of 4.4’-diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS) and the characteri- zations of the new polymer. The electrical conductivity of the copolymers increased greatly, from 6.00 × 10–4 S cm–1 to 2.55 × 10–1 S cm–1, with the increasing aniline content. The UV-Vis spectroelectrochemical studies performed on these copolymer films revealed their electrochromic sites corresponding to individual units. In another study an electroactive conducting polymer, poly(pyrrole-co-4.4’-diaminodiphenyl sulfone), was prepared from pyrrole and 4.4’-diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS) using cyclic voltammetry on a copper electrode surface.24,25 The present study reports an electrochemical synthesis of a new nanosized poly(Py-co-DDS) and its characterization with the SEM, XRD, and FTIR tech- niques. Furthermore, the solubility in different solvents, conductivity and electrochromic behavior of the copolymer were evaluated and reported. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK Pyrrole (Merck; 99 %) was distilled before use and all the test solutions were freshly prepared. DDS and methanol were purchased from Merck. Nano SiO2 (Allderich, Germany, 40 nm diameter particles) and a phosphate buffer solution (PBS) with a pH of 7.0 as the electrolyte were prepared with 0.1 M NaH2PO4– Na2HPO4, while the pH was adjusted with 0.1 M HCl and 0.1 M NaOH. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was carried out using a Potentiostat/Galvanostat EG&G Model 263 A, USA, with a PC and an electrochemical set up con- trolled with the M 270 software. A Pt grid was utilized as a counter-electrode and the reference electrode was Ag/AgCl (KCl: 3 M). The working electrode was either a copper (99.99 % purity) disk or a rectangular sheet (an area of 0.2 cm2). The electrodes were mechanically polished with abrasive paper (2400 grade) and rinsed with distilled water and finally dried under an argon flow before each electrochemical experiment. After the depo- sition the working electrode was removed from the elec- trolyte and rinsed with double distilled water and then dried in air. The FTIR transmission spectrum of the polypyrrole coating was recorded in the horizontally attenuated, total reflectance mode in the spectral range of 400–500 cm–1 using a Bruker spectrometer, Vector Series 22, Germany. Spectroelectrochemical studies were per- formed in a quartz cuvette with a path length of 1 cm utilizing an optically transparent working electrode, an indium tin oxide (ITO) plate (10  cm–2), a Pt counter electrode, an Ag/Ag+ reference electrode and a compu- ter-controlled JASCO V-530, UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were taken using a VEGA HV (high potential) 1 500 V at various magnifications. A conducting poly(aniline-co-diamino- diphenyl sulfone) was synthesized and characterized and it was shown that the reactivity of 4.4’-diaminodiphenyl sulfone was greater than that of aniline.26 Our electroche- mically synthesized copolymer of aniline and 4.4’-dia- minodiphenyl sulfone exhibited novel electrochromic properties.26 In this paper, the electrochemical copolyme- rization of pyrrole (Py) with 4.4’-diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS) and nanoparticles of SiO2 is presented. The solubility of copolymers was studied with various organic solvents. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Electrochemical copolymerization of pyrrole, 4.4’-diaminodiphenyl sulfone and nanoparticle SiO2 Figure 1 shows the cyclic voltammogram of 0.01 M DDS in 4 M H2SO4, 0.1 M SiO2 and the ethanol mixture obtained between –1 V and 1.5 V at a scan rate of 100 mV s–1 on a copper electrode. The voltammogram exhi- bits one broad oxidation peak at 0.2 V in the first cycle. The anodic peak is caused by an oxidation of the amino group in the phenyl ring of DDS in 4 M H2SO4, 0.1 M SiO2 and ethanol medium. After the completion of the M. SHARIFIRAD et al.: ELECTROCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE NANO Py/DDS/SiO2 FILM ... 342 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 341–347 Figure 1: Cyclic voltammetric behavior of 0.01 M DDS and SiO2 in 4 M H2SO4 and ethanol at a scan rate of 100 mV s-1 using a copper working electrode Slika 1: Vedenje pri cikli~ni voltametriji 0,01 M DDS in SiO2 v 4 M H2SO4 in etanolu pri hitrosti skeniranja 100 mV s–1 z uporabo bakrene delovne elektrode tenth cycle, the working electrode was washed with ultrapure water and a light brown film was seen on the surface of the copper electrode. The film was thin and further growth was inhibited due to its low conductivity. Figure 2 represents the cyclic voltammograms of the growth of PPy on a stationary copper electrode in 4 M H2SO4, 0.1 M SiO2 and ethanol medium with a potential range of –1 V to 1.5 V and a scan rate of 100 mV s–1. In the first anodic scan, a peak corresponds to the oxidation of PPy to produce a Py cation radical (PyR) that was observed at 0.2 V. Another peak observed in this first cycle at 1.03 V was due to the oxidation of ethanol.27 The CVs of the second and subsequent cycles during the electrochemical polymerization of Py show two anodic peaks at 0.3 and 0.8 V. The progressive increases in the current of the peak at 0.3 V suggest a continuous for- mation of PPy films on the surface of the copper elec- trode. The cyclic voltammogram of 0.01M DDS, 0.1 M SiO2 and 0.01 M PPy in the 4 M sulfuric acid and ethanol is presented in Figure 3. The potential range applied and the scan rate selected here are the same as in the previous cases. The CVs show two oxidation peaks at –0.5 V and 1 V in the first cycle representing the forma- tion of a pyrrole cation radical (PyR) and a 4.4’-diamino- diphenylsulfone cation radical (DDSCR), respectively. These peaks were assigned to the reduction of polymer products formed with a reaction between the interme- diate species PyCR and DDSCR, respectively. According to the CVs recorded during the further cycles, i.e., the second to the tenth cycles, one oxidation and one reduc- tion peak at 0.8 V and 0.3 V, respectively, appeared and they were both intensifying during these cycles. Thus, the CVs recorded during the copolymerization of 0.01 M DDS, 0.1 M SiO2 and 0.01 M Py in the 4 M sulfuric acid and ethanol clearly differ from the CVs recorded during the homopolymerization of either Py or DDS alone. The twin redox characteristics28 noticed for the polymeri- zation of Py were virtually merged into a single redox process in the cases of the copolymerization of Py and DDS. The above mentioned oxidation and reduction waves disappeared and one anodic and one cathodic peak appeared at 0.8 V and 0.3 V, respectively. These redox peaks show an effective increase of the current from the second cycle onwards. At the end of the tenth cycle, a dark-green copolymer film was observed on the surface of the copper electrode. Copolymers were prepared from different molar feed ratios of Py and the copolymer formation was influenced by the Py concentration. The concentration of a Py mo- nomer was plotted against the total charge of the forma- tion of electroactive, oxidative, conducting copolymer M. SHARIFIRAD et al.: ELECTROCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE NANO Py/DDS/SiO2 FILM ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 341–347 343 Figure 3: Cyclic voltammetric behavior of 0.01 M DDS, 0.01 M Py and SiO2 in 4 M H2SO4 and ethanol at a scan rate of 100 mV s–1 using a copper working electrode Slika 3: Vedenje pri cikli~ni voltametriji 0,01 M DDS, 0,01 M Py in SiO2 v 4 M H2SO4 in etanolu pri hitrosti skeniranja 100 mV s–1 z uporabo bakrene delovne elektrode Figure 4: Plot of the charge vs. Py concentration (obtained from the CVs of copolymerization for varying concentrations of Py from 0.002 to 0.016 and 0.01 M of DDS in the 4 M H2SO4, 0.1 M SiO2 and ethanol mixture) Slika 4: Odvisnost naboja od koncentracija Py (dobljeno iz CV pri kopolimerizaciji za razli~ne koncentracije Py od 0,002 do 0,016 in 0,01 M DDS v me{anici 4 M H2SO4, 0,1 M SiO2 in etanola) Figure 2: Cyclic voltammetric behavior of 0.01 M Py and 0.1 M SiO2 in 4 M H2SO4 and ethanol at a scan rate of 100 mV s-1 using a copper working electrode Slika 2: Vedenje pri cikli~ni voltametriji 0,01 M Py in 0,1 M SiO2 v 4 M H2SO4 in etanolu pri hitrosti skeniranja 100 mV s–1 z uporabo bakrene delovne elektrode films (Figure 4). Figure 4 shows that the total charge is on a rapid increase due to the increase in the Py concen- tration until Py reaches 0.01 M, when the increase in the charge slows down depending on the Py concentration. These observations indicate an increasing number of Py units in the copolymer formation. 3.2 Effect of the scan rate The copolymer film of poly(pyrrole-co-4.4’-diamino- diphenyl sulfone-SiO2) was washed with ultrapure water and a monomer-free background solution and then the film was scanned in the solution in the range of 0 mV to 1.5 mV. The cyclic voltammogram presented in Figure 5 resembles that of the electroactive polymer obtained during the copolymerization of Py and DDS. The main oxidation-peak current increased linearly (Figures 5 and 6) as the scan rate increased from 50 mV s–1 to 300 mV s–1 indicating the presence of the electroactive copo- lymer film. 3.3 Effect of pH The copolymer film formed on the surface of the copper electrode was washed with ultrapure water and a monomer-free solution. Then the film was scanned in the monomer-free solution and the pH range between 4 and 9 was considered. The voltammetry range between 0 V and 1.5 V was considered. The CV (Figure 7) resembles that of the electroactive polymer obtained earlier. The maximum current was observed for pH 7 and the mini- mum for pH 4. The peak voltammetric current decreased with the increasing pH (Figure 7), indicating an involvement of H+ ions. The film was also first cycled at a high pH of 7.0 (Figure 7). Thus, when the copolymer film was scanned at pH 4 the increase in the current was due to the change in the dopant. The effect of pH was studied on the copolymer films of Py, SiO2 and DDS at various monomer concentrations and similar results were observed. 3.4 UV-Vis spectra and conductivity of copolymers In-situ UV-Vis spectroelectrochemistry provides a useful tool for studying the electropolymerization and intermediate products analysis.29 To study the spectro- electrochemical properties of the copolymer, the copolymer film was electrochemically deposited on an ITO glass plate at a constant potential of 1.2 V vs Ag/Ag+. To ensure a consistent content of the electro- active polymer on the electrode surface between poly- M. SHARIFIRAD et al.: ELECTROCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE NANO Py/DDS/SiO2 FILM ... 344 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 341–347 Figure 7: Effect of the pH variation from 4 to 9 on the poly(Py-co- DDS/SiO2)-film-coated copper electrode in the acidic, neutral and basic media Slika 7: Vpliv spreminjanja pH od 4 do 9 na poly (Py-co-DDS/SiO2) plast, ki prekriva bakreno elektrodo, v kislem, nevtralnem in alkalnem mediju Figure 5: Effect of the scan-rate variation on the cyclic voltammetry of the poly(Py-co-DDS/SiO2)-film-coated copper electrode from 50 mV s–1 to 300 mV s–1 in the 4 M H2SO4 medium Slika 5: Vpliv spreminjanja hitrosti skeniranja od 50 mV s–1 do 300 mV s–1 v mediju 4 M H2SO4 na cikli~no voltametrijo poli (Py-co- DDS/SiO2) plasti, ki pokriva bakreno elektrodo Figure 6: Effect of the scan-rate variation on the poly(Py-co-DDS/ SiO2)-film-coated copper electrode from 50 mV s–1 to 300 mV s–1 in the 4 M H2SO4 medium Slika 6: Vpliv spreminjanja hitrosti skeniranja od 50 mV s–1 do 300 mV s–1 v 4 M H2SO4 na poly (Py-co-DDS/SiO2) plast, ki prekriva bakreno elektrodo merizations, the same amount of charge was passed during copolymerization. After deposition, the blue, oxidized ITO-adhered films were washed with the monomer-free electrolyte solution before recording the spectra at various applied potentials in the 0.1 M H2SO4 medium. Since all of the copolymer films are blue in their oxidized state, each film was subsequently reduced to determine whether there was a direct correlation between the monomer compositions and electrochromic response. As an illustration, the spectra of the copolymer films obtained from 0.3 M pyrrole, 0.1 M SiO2 and 0.1 M DDS at various applied potentials are presented in Figure 8. When the applied potentials changed from 0 V to 1.5 V, the spectra exhibited absorption bands at 320 nm and 390 nm; the former one may be due to a -* transition and the latter one may be a benzenoid band. As the applied potential expanded to the oxidation side, the film color changed from yellow to blue. Apart from these bands, an additional broad band was observed in the visible region. The wavelength maxima of this band depended on the applied potentials. When an applied potential changed from 0.0 V to 0.8 V, an absorption band was obtained between 320 nm and 390 nm, exhi- biting neutral yellow due to the formation of cation radicals (polaronic forms). As the potential varied from 0.0 V to 0.8 V, the absorption band shifted to the lower- energy side, i.e., a bath chromic shift was observed. The non-conducting blue film may be formed because of the fully oxidized copolymer. The feed ratio of the DDS monomer increased to 0.5 M and the film was coated as previously. After the deposition, the oxidation film was dark blue, indicating a higher amount of DDS in the copolymer. Here the -* transition and benzenoid bands were also observed. The conductivity of this copolymer film was measu- red with a four-probe conductivity meter. At room tem- perature the conductivity of the copolymer, poly(Py-co- DDS/SiO2), was determined to be 5.98 × 10–2 S cm–1. Thus, the conductivity of the copolymer is lower than that of Py/SiO2 (6.68 × 10–2 S cm–1) and higher than that of polyDDS/SiO2 (6.01 × 10–3 S cm–1). 3.5 FTIR spectral behavior of copolymers The IR spectrum, Figure 9, reveals the presence of different species involved in the fabrication of the composite polymer. The bands at (3470, 3350, and 3215) cm–1 correspond to the N-H stretching vibration, whereas the bands at (3050, 2970, and 2850) cm–1 result from the aromatic C-H stretching vibration. The peak at 1600 cm–1 is due to the stretching deformation of the quinone ring. The 1280 cm–1 band is assigned to the C-N stretching in the secondary aromatic amine, whereas the peaks at 1080 cm–1 and 1150 cm–1 represent the aromatic C-H in-plane bending modes. The out-of-plane deforma- tion of C-H in the 1.4-disubstituted benzene ring is located at 835 cm–1. The bands at 1302 cm–1 and 555 cm–1 correspond to the S=O stretching and S=O bending mode, respectively, of the sulfone group of the PDDS shift of their frequency and intensity in poly(Py-co- DDS/SiO2) to 1308 cm–1 and 576 cm–1, respectively. 3.6 SEM and XRD Chemically copolymerized materials were characte- rized with a SEM analysis. A SEM photograph (Figure 10a) of the copolymer formed from 0.3 M Py/SiO2 and 0.02 M DDS showed a leave-like structure. This irregu- lar structure confirmed the formation of the copolymer. The grain size of the material is 60 nm. When the con- centration of DDS increased to 0.03 M, the formed copolymer exhibited only small changes in the structure (Figure 10b). When the incorporation of DDS increased M. SHARIFIRAD et al.: ELECTROCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE NANO Py/DDS/SiO2 FILM ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 341–347 345 Figure 9: FTIR spectral behavior of poly(Py-co-DDS/SiO2) Slika 9: FTIR-spekter poly (Py-co-DDS/SiO2) Figure 8: Spectroelectrochemical behavior of 0.3 M pyrrole, 0.1 M DDS and 0.1 M SiO2 deposited on an ITO plate in the 0.1 M H2SO4 medium with various applied potentials Slika 8: Spektroelektrokemi~no vedenje 0,3 M pirola, 0,1 M DDS in 0,1 M SiO2, nanesenih na ITO-plo{~i v mediju 0,1 M H2SO4 pri raz- li~nih uporabljenih potencialih to 0.1 M, the SEM photograph (Figure 10c) exhibited different, irregular, broken nanostructures. The crystalline regions in the copolymers are charac- terized by the presence of relatively sharp peaks. The amorphous regions are visible due to broad, low intensity peaks. The X-ray diffraction profile (Figure 11) of the copolymer indicates a substantial degree of crystalinity in the doped forms. The base form of the copolymer with low DDS/SiO2 exhibited less crystallinity than the highly doped form. The use of the Scherrer equation is the pri- mary technique for determining the size or thickness of the polymer crystallites. The crystallite size of the copo- lymer was determined by employing the XRD results and the Scherrer equation (1): L K =   ( ) cos2 (1) Here K is the shape factor of the average crystallite (the expected shape factor is 0.9),  is the wavelength (usually 0.154056 nm), is the peak position and FW is the full width at half maximum. By employing the above method, the crystallite size of the copolymer was deter- mined as 50 nm confirming the presence of nanostructu- red copolymers. This is the first report on the crystallite size of a copolymer of pyrrole/SiO2 and 4.4’-diamino- diphenyl sulfone. However, earlier findings showed a similar result for poly 4.4’-diaminodiphenyl sulfone.24 4 CONCLUSION The copolymer of pyrrole and 4.4’-diaminodiphenyl sulfone was prepared electrochemically using the continuous-cycling method in a solution of 4 M H2SO4, SiO2 and ethanol, with different concentrations of both pyrrole and 4.4’-DDS. The copolymer formation was more significant with the feed concentrations of 0.01 M Py and 0.01 M 4.4’-DDS and exhibited a varying, cyclic voltammetric behavior. The synthesized poly(Py-co- DDS/SiO2) films demonstrated a good adherence in acidic and neutral solvents and were found to be electroactive. The copolymer films were responsive up to pH 7.0 in the acid and neutral media. The formation of the copolymer, poly(Py-co-DDS/SiO2), was further ascertained from the FTIR and SEM data. The XRD results revealed the formation of a nanosized copolymer. These results indicate that the copolymers herein can be used in the development of dynamic electrochromic devices and their conducting films can be used to modify the electrodes that are used as sensors. 5 REFERENCES 1 P. K. H. Ho, J. S. Kim, J. H. Burroughes, H. Becker, S. F. Y. Li, T. M. Brown, F. Cacialli, R. H. Friend, Nature, 404 (2000), 481–484 M. 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PAV[I^ et al.: SEWAGE-SLUDGE STABILIZATION WITH BIOMASS ASH SEWAGE-SLUDGE STABILIZATION WITH BIOMASS ASH STABILIZIRANJE KOMUNALNEGA MULJA S PEPELOM BIOMASE Primo` Pav{i~1, Danijel O{tir2, Ana Mladenovi~3, Sabina Kramar3,4, Matej Dolenec4, Peter Bukovec5 1PMA d.o.o., Tbilisijska 61, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2VIPAP d.d., Tovarni{ka 18, 8270 Kr{ko, Slovenia 3Zavod za gradbeni{tvo Slovenije, Dimi~eva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 4Naravoslovnotehni{ka fakulteta, A{ker~eva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 5Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, A{ker~eva 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia primoz.pavsic@pma-lj.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-10-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-23 By mixing the sewage biodegradable sludge and biomass ash a stable composite is formed. A study showed that, in this way, a building material with a compressive strength of about 2 MPa is produced, which can be used mainly for landfill covers, road-shoulder management, road-base stabilization and rehabilitation of degraded areas. An analysis of the chemical composition of the water eluate from the composite showed that the new composite material is inert and, as such, does not pose a threat and does not burden the environment. From the sustainable-development point of view this kind of waste-residue management presents an optimum – a zero waste solution. Keywords: biodegradable sewage sludge, stabilization, biomass ash, composite construction material Z me{anjem komunalnega biomulja in pepela biomase se tvori stabilen kompozit. Raziskave so pokazale, da tako pridobljen gradbeni material s tla~no trdnostjo okoli 2 MPa lahko uporabimo na obmo~ju deponij komunalnih odpadkov za dnevne in kon~ne prekrivke, za ureditev bre`in in bankin, pa tudi kot podlago za gradnjo transportnih poti in sanacijo degradiranih obmo~ij. Tudi analiza kemi~ne sestave izlu`ka iz kompozita je pokazala, da je novi kompozit inerten in kot tak{en ne obremenjuje okolja. Z vidika trajnostnega razvoja je tak{na re{itev optimalna, saj je rezultat predelave uporaben produkt (predelava "zero waste"). Klju~ne besede: komunalni biomulj, stabilizacija, pepel biomase, kompozitni gradbeni material 1 INTRODUCTION In the waste-water treatment process large amounts of biodegradable sewage sludge are produced. Sewage sludge, due to its high organic content, a presence of pathogenic bacteria, heavy metals and organic pollu- tants,1 poses a major environmental problem. Up-to-date biodegradable sewage sludge management mainly includes composting and reuse in agriculture, recycling with anaerobic digestion or thermal treatment for energy utilization and landfilling.1 Unfortunately, the reuse of biodegradable sewage sludge in agriculture is often impossible due to the presence of bacteria and heavy metals, while energy utilization and landfilling still burden the environment. In addition, the management of different waste-ash residues is environmentally very demanding. However, some of these products were already successfully applied in the field of construc- tion,2–5 though this is not true of the ashes from biomass combustion. Alternatively, biodegradable sewage sludge and biomass ash can be treated in the same process.6 By mixing waste-biomass ash and biodegradable sewage sludge, a composite construction material for specific purposes can be obtained.7 From the sustainable-deve- lopment point of view this presents an optimum – a zero waste solution. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK For assessing the mechanical properties of the composite material, cube samples (150 mm × 150 mm × 150 mm) were prepared by mixing biodegradable sewage sludge with biomass ash cooled to ambient temperature in the 1 : 1 mass ratio. The compressive strength of the composite was determined according to SIST EN 12390-3 after (7, 14, 28, 56 and 90) d of curing the specimens in moist (100 % air moisture) and for some specimens (after 7, 28 and 56 d) also in wet conditions (submerged in water). During the mixing process the changes in the temperature and pH level were monitored. The eluate was obtained from the composite after 28 days of curing the specimens in moist conditions according to SIST EN 1744-3:2002 at the liquid/solid (L/S) ratio of 10 : 1. Inorganic parameters of the composite eluate, biomass- ash eluate and biodegradable sewage sludge were determined by the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP MS) according to SIST EN ISO 17294-2:2005, ISO 16772:2004-modif. and SIST EN ISO 10304-1:2009, respectively. The effect of stabili- zation on microbiological quality of the material was assessed with the aerobic mesophilic bacteria count Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 349–352 349 UDK 69.004.8:658.567.1 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)349(2013) before and after the stabilization according to the internal method of the Pulp and Paper Institute Laboratory. For this purpose samples were kept in aseptic conditions, diluted in a Ringer’s solution and spread on a standard plate count agar. After a 2 d incubation period at 37 °C, a colony count was performed. To gather more information on the processes accompanying the stabilization, the mineral compositions of raw materials (sludge, ash) and composites were also determined with the X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) using a Philips PW 3710 diffracto- meter and Cu K(alfa) radiation. Powdered samples were scanned at a rate of 2°/min, over the range of 2–70° (2Q). The results were stored on a PC and analysed by the X’Pert HighScore Plus diffraction software. In addition, selected samples were analysed with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), using a Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100 spectrometer. Sixty-four signal- averaged scans of the samples were acquired. Powder pellets were pressed from the mixtures of the samples with KBr at a ratio of about 1 : 200. The FTIR spectra were recorded with a spectral resolution of 4 cm–1 in the range of 4000–400 cm–1. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Biodegradable sewage sludge used in this study originates from an aerobic, biological, waste-water-treat- ment plant at the company VIPAP d.d., where industrial and municipal waste waters are treated. It represents a fluid component with 0.84 % of dry matter with a pH of 7.1 and conductivity of 318 mS/m. As seen in Table 1, concentrations of inorganic substances in the biodegra- dable sludge, when compared to the limit values concerning discharge of waste water,8 are not environ- mentally problematic. The mineral composition, deter- mined with XRD, showed that the sludge consists of calcite, quartz, dolomite and clinochlore (Figure 1). P. PAV[I^ et al.: SEWAGE-SLUDGE STABILIZATION WITH BIOMASS ASH 350 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 349–352 Table 1: Inorganic parameters of biomass-ash and composite eluates, and of biodegradable sewage sludge Tabela 1: Anorganski parametri izlu`kov pepela biomase in kompo- zita, ter koncentracije preiskovanih parametrov v biomulju Parameter Biodegradablesewage sludge Biomass ash Composite after 28 days pH 7.1 12.5 11.9 Conductivity (μS/cm) 3180 7370 18 Inorganic parameters mg/L mg/kgs.s. mg/kgs.s. As 0.010 <0.02 <0.02 Ba 1.2 59 2.7 Cd <0.0005 <0.005 <0.005 Total Cr 0.0035 <0.01 0.016 Cu 0.19 <0.07 0.08 Hg <0.01 <0.004 <0.01 Mo 0.0077 <0.05 <0.05 Ni 0.0050 0.048 <0.01 Pb <0.005 <0.05 0.066 2102416 Sb 0.0026 <0.006 0.018 Se <0.001 <0.01 <0.002 Zn 0.58 0.12 <0.1 Cl- 44.7 25.3 15.6 F- <1.0 4.5 <2 SO42– 50.6 <5 8.6 Note: mg/kgs.s. – milligram per kilogram of dry matter Figure 1: X-ray diffraction pattern of biodegradable sludge (BM), biomass ash (VPPZ1) and the composites after 3, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90 days (VPK-1 to VPK-6, respectively) Legend: C-calcite, T-talc, P-portlandite, Q-quartz, L-lime, G-gehlenite, CC-clinochlor, D-dolomite, Py-pyrite; CACH1: Ca8Al4O14CO2*24H2O, CACH2: Ca4Al2O14CO9*11H2O, CaCh1H: Ca4Al2O6Cl2 *10H2O Slika 1: Difraktogram komunalnega biomulja (BM), pepela biomase (VPPZ1) in kompozitov po 3, 7, 14, 28, 56 in 90 dneh (VPK-1 do VPK-6) Legenda: C-kalcit, T-lojevec, P-portlandit, L-apno, G-gehlenit, CC-klinoklor, D-dolomit, Py-pirit, CACH1: Ca8Al4O14CO2*24H2O, CACH2: Ca4Al2O14CO9*11H2O, CaCh1H: Ca4Al2O6Cl2 *10H2O Biomass ash is a residue from a steam boiler K5 at VIPAP d.d. According to the inorganic parameters of the eluate (Table 1) this material is classified as a non-hazar- dous waste.9 The ash consists of free lime (CaO), portlandite (Ca(OH)2), gehlenite, calcite, quartz, pyrite, talc, and an amorphous phase. In the process of mixing the biodegradable sludge and biomass ash a stable matrix is formed. As re- cognized experimentally, the optimum mass ratio of biodegradable sludge (liquid component) and biomass ash is 1 : 1. This ratio ensures an adequate hardening time (starting at 285 min, ending at 1140 min) and workability of the produced material. During mixing, the temperature is elevated up to about 45 °C and the pH value exceeds 12. This reduced the mesophilic bacteria count from 2.6  1011 CFU/g a. s. to 2.2 × 105 CFU/g a. s., thus, the microbial activity was effectively inhibited and the obtained composite product does not pose a health threat10 when used for the intended purpose. Furthermore, analyses of the eluate from a cube sample of the composite after 28 days of moist curing (Table 1) showed, that the new composite material is inert9 and, as such, environmentally acceptable. Mechanical proper- ties, assessed with the compressive-strength determina- tion, are time dependent (Figure 2). The compressive strength after 28 d ranged from 1.7 MPa (moist curing) to 1.8 MPa (wet curing – saturated). As seen from the compressive-strength evolution, the process of hydration was not yet completed after 28 d. The compressive strength after 57 d increased up to about 2 MPa or even up to 3 MPa (saturated). Although the qualitative mineralogical composition of the composites (Figure 1) consisted of talc, dolomite, portlandite, calcite, gehlenite and quartz, and did not change with time, we can observe that the amounts of free lime and portlandite are reduced, but the amount of calcite is increased. During the curing period new hydration products were also observed, namely, calcium carboaluminate (chloride) hydrates Ca8Al4O14CO2 × 24H2O (CACH1), Ca4Al2O14CO9 × 11H2O (CACH2) and Ca4Al2O6Cl2 × 10H2O (CAChlH), where the CACH1/CACH2 ratio is changing with the curing time. The formation of new products during the curing was also confirmed with FTIR spectra (Figure 3) that show an obvious difference when comparing the initial materials and the composites. This is especially indicated by the shift of bands in the range of 1015–1075 cm–1 towards the lower wave- numbers after the stabilisation of the composite, and by the appearance of three additional bands at around (3675, 3621 and 3530) cm–1 ascribed to the newly formed hydrates. 4 CONCLUSIONS The study showed that the stabilization process of biodegradable sewage sludge with biomass ash in a mass ratio of 1 : 1 effectively inhibits further microbial activity and the associated degradation. In the process a stable composite is formed with a 28 d compressive strength of about 1.7 MPa. In the process of hydration the amounts of free lime and portlandite were reduced, whereas the amount of calcite increased due to the carbonation of the composite. During this period, hydration products were generated – namely, the calcium carboaluminate hydrates. An analysis of the chemical composition of the water eluate from the composite showed that the new composite material is inert and, as such, does not pose a threat for the environment. This kind of composite can be used as a construction material mainly for landfill covers, road-shoulder management and road-base stabi- lization, as well as rehabilitation of degraded areas. In view of sustainable development the described waste- residue management presents an optimum – a zero waste solution. P. PAV[I^ et al.: SEWAGE-SLUDGE STABILIZATION WITH BIOMASS ASH Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 349–352 351 Figure 3: FTIR spectra of biodegradable sludge (BM), biomass ash (VPPZ) and the composites after 3, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90 days (VPK-1 to VPK-6, respectively) Slika 3: FTIR-spekter komunalnega biomulja (BM), pepela biomase (VPPZ) in kompozitov po 3, 7, 14, 28, 56 in 90 dneh (VPK-1 do VPK-6) Figure 2: Compressive strength of the composite vs. the curing time Slika 2: Odvisnost tla~ne trdnosti kompozita od ~asa negovanja 5 REFERENCES 1 V. Grilc, G. D. Zupan~i~, M. Ro{, Alternativni na~ini sodobnega ravnanja z odve~nim blatom iz biolo{kih ~istilnih naprav, Zbornik referatov / [Simpozij z mednarodno udele`bo] Vodni dnevi, Portoro`, 2006, 99–109 2 H. K. Lam, J. P. Barford, G. McKay, Utilization of incineration waste ash residues as Portland cement clinker, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 21 (2010), 757–762 3 M. A. Daous, Utilization of Cement Kiln Dust and Fly Ash in Cement Blends in Saudi Arabia, JKAU: Eng. Sci., 15 (2004) 1, 33–45 4 M. M. Al Bakri, H. Mohammed, H. Kamarudin, I. Khairul Niza, Y. Zarina, Review on fly ash-based geopolymer concrete without Portland Cement, Journal of Engineering and Technology Research, 3 (2011) 1, 1–4 5 D. J. White, Fly Ash Soil Stabilization for Non-Uniform Subgrade Soils, Volume I: Engineering Properties and Construction, Guide- lines (IHRB Project TR-461, FHWA Project 4), Iowa Highway Research Board, Federal Highway Administration, 2005 6 F. ^ernec, J. Zule, Stability properties of biosludge-wood ash com- posites, International Conference Waste Management, Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development (ICWMEGGSD’07 - GzO’07), Ljubljana, 2007 Available from World Wide Web: http://www.srdit.si/gzo07/papers/ 97FCernec_FinalPaperGzO07.pdf 7 P. Pav{i~, Poro~ilo o rezultatih raziskav biomulja stabiliziranega z ostanki gorenja kotla K5 v dru`bi VIPAP, PMA d.o.o., 2011 8 Uredba o emisiji snovi in toplote pri odvajanju odpadnih voda v vode in javno kanalizacijo, Uradni list RS, 2007, 45 9 Uredba o odlaganju odpadkov na odlagali{~ih, Uradni list RS, 2011, 61 10 T. Rupel, T. Pavlica, P. Planina, J. Vidrih, S. Glas, T. Car, L. Kobola, M. Lu{icky, D. Bo{njak, D. Sabotin, Smernice za mikrobiolo{ko varnost `ivil, ki so namenjena kon~nemu potro{niku, IVZ RS, 2005 Available from World Wide Web: http://www.mz.gov.si/fileadmin/ mz.gov.si/pageuploads/mz_dokumenti/zakonodaja/varnost_hrane/pes ticidi/smernice_za_mikrobiolo__ko_varnost___ivil.pdf P. PAV[I^ et al.: SEWAGE-SLUDGE STABILIZATION WITH BIOMASS ASH 352 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 349–352 A. MLADENOVI] et al.: DREDGED MUD FROM THE PORT OF KOPER – CIVIL ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS DREDGED MUD FROM THE PORT OF KOPER – CIVIL ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS MULJ IZ LUKE KOPER – UPORABNOST V GRADBENI[TVU Ana Mladenovi}1, @eljko Poga~nik2, Radmila Mila~i~3, Anica Petkov{ek4, Franka Cepak5 1Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, Dimi~eva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Salonit Anhovo, Joint-Stock Co., Vojkova 1, 5210 Deskle, Slovenia 3Department of Environmental Sciences, Jo`ef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 4University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Jamova 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 5Luka Koper, d. d., Vojkovo nabre`je 38, 6501 Koper, Slovenia ana.mladenovic@zag.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-10-02; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-08 The Port of Koper, one of the biggest and the most important ports in the Northern Adriatic Sea, is constantly faced with the problems caused by the accumulation of marine sediments inside the port, disturbing some of the port’s crucial operations. However, these sediments can be viewed as a potential raw material and, in order to define the best way of using them in the civil-engineering field, an extensive research project has been launched. The preliminary results of this project are presented and discussed in the paper. So far the project has given two main results: first, the concentration of heavy metals in the aqueous leachates is low and, secondly, in their present state, the sediments are too wet, so that there are only limited possibilities for drying them out naturally. For this reason additional technological treatment will be needed. Keywords: dredged mud, civil-engineering applications Luka Koper, kot eno najpomembnej{ih pristani{~ v severnem delu Jadranskega morja, se nenehno spopada s te`avo akumulacije sedimentov na plovnih poteh, kar povzro~a te`ave pri najbolj kriti~nih delovnih zmogljivostih pristani{~a. Po drugi strani ta material lahko obravnavamo kot potencialno surovino v gradbeni{tvu. V prispevku so podani preliminarni rezultati interdisciplinarnih raziskav, ki ka`ejo naslednje: prvi~, koncentracija te`kih kovin v izlu`kih je nizka in drugi~, v stanju, kot je, je sediment preve~ vla`en, da bi ga bilo mogo~e osu{evati z naravnimi postopki in je zato potrebna dodatna tehnolo{ka obdelava. Klju~ne besede: mulj, uporaba v nizkih gradnjah 1 INTRODUCTION The Port of Koper is one of the biggest and the most important ports in the Northern Adriatic Sea, and it is primarily transit oriented. It is a multi-purpose port with two piers, 26 berths, and 12 specialized terminals. One of its main problems is related to a constant accumu- lation of marine sediments inside various parts of the port, resulting in disturbances to some of its most crucial operational capacities. A total of 80000 m3 of sediments have to be removed annually. The sediment found in the Port of Koper is a mixture of clay and silt (henceforth referred to as mud) and represents the kind of waste, for which there is insufficient disposal space along the Slovenian coast (Figure 1). According to the slogan "No waste here, just resources!" this sediment can be viewed as a potential raw material. In order to define the best way of using it in civil-engineering applications, an extensive research project is under way. Some of the preliminary results are presented and discussed in the paper. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Materials and methods In January 2012 several batches of mud were taken from the temporary deposits at the end of Pier I (the mud from Basin 1) and Pier II (the mud from Basin 2). All the material was homogenised and divided into subsamples for the targeted analyses – except for the chemical analy- ses, which were performed on the mud from each loca- tion separately and, additionally, on the sample from Basin 3. Quantitative mineralogical compositions were determined using X-ray diffraction (Phillips PANalytical Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 353–356 353 UDK 69.004.8:658.567.1 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)353(2013) Figure 1: The mud in the temporary landfill at Koper Port Slika 1: Mulj na za~asni deponiji v Luki Koper X’Pert PRO equipment with Cu K radiation). Powdered samples were scanned at a rate of 2 °/min, over the range of 2–70 ° (2 ). A particle-size analysis was performed using a Cilas 920 laser granulometer in the water as a suspension media. The samples for the thermal testing were heated in cylindrical pots, made of inert materials, by applying a temperature scan of 10 °C/min at room temperature, up to 1400 °C. A STD 2960 Simultaneous DTA-TGA analyser was used, complemented with the Universal Analysis for Windows 95/98/NT software tool, edition 2.5H. Several geomechanical tests were performed in order to evaluate the basic properties and behaviour of the mud under loaded conditions. The most crucial test was the edometer test carried out according to SIST/ISO/TS 17892-5:2004. In order to evaluate the environmental impact, the extent of pollution was estimated by determining the total metal concentrations, by identifying the most hazar- dous, highly mobile metal fractions and by partitioning the metals into easily, moderate soluble, and sparingly soluble fractions. For this purpose various sequential extraction procedures were applied.1–3 Special attention was paid to the estimation of the content of the highly mobile, biologically available fractions of metals in the sediments. The total metal concentrations in the sedi- ments and in various stages of the sequential-extraction procedure were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) on an Agilent 7700x ICP-MS. A CEM Corporation CEM MARS 5 Microwave Acceleration Reaction System was used to digest the sediments. Mechanical shaking of the samples was performed with a Vibromix 40 elliptical, orbital shaker. The samples were centrifuged using a Hettich Universal 320 Centrifuge, and a WTW 330 pH meter was used to determine the pH values. 2.2 Reagents Merck suprapur acids and Milli-Q water (Direct-Q 5 Merck suprapur acids and ultrapure water) were used for the preparation of the samples and standard solutions. All the other reagents were of the analytical reagent grade. A Stock IV CertiPUR ICP Multi Element Stan- dard Solution containing (1000 ± 10) mg L–1 element concentrations in 1 mol L–1 HNO3 was obtained from Merck. Sartorius 0.45 μm cellulose nitrate membrane filters with 25 mm diameters were used in the filtration procedure. 2.3 Determination of the total metal and aqueous leachate concentrations 0.2 g of a dry homogenised sediment was weighed in a Teflon tube, and microwave-assisted digestion using a mixture of HNO3, HCl and HF was applied according to the procedure proposed by [~an~ar et al.3 All the analy- ses were performed in triplicates. In order to determine the element concentrations of the aqueous leachates, 10 g of each sample were shaken for 24 h with 100 mL of water, centrifuged and filtered through 45 μm membrane filters. The elements in the aqueous leachates were determined by ICP-MS. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSION 3.1 Particle-size analysis The results of the particle-size analysis showed that the majority of the grains had a dimension of less than 2 mm, and that the quantity of the grains with a size of 63 μm or less varied between 75 % and 97 % by mass. About 40 % by mass of the grains were under 5 μm, i.e., within the clay size range. 3.2 Mineralogical composition The quantitative mineral composition of an average sample of the mud determined by XRD is presented in Table 1. The results show that clay minerals, i.e., illite, chlorite and Ca montmorillonite, made up more than 40 % of the investigated mud. These results are in good correlation with those obtained by Ogorelec4. Table 1: Quantitative mineral composition of the mean sample of mud Tabela 1: Kvantitativna mineralna sestava povpre~nega vzorca mulja Mineral % by mass Illite/muscovite 25 Chlorite 20 Quartz 21 Calcite 19 Feldspar 9 Dolomite 3 Pyrite 2 Ca montmorillonite 1 3.3 Thermal analysis Within the range between 200 °C and 450 °C a strong exothermic peak was observed. This peak represents an oxidation of organic matter and dewatering of clayey mineral assemblages and probably some amorphous Fe-Al oxide gels (Figure 2). Within the temperature interval between 400 °C and 500 °C the S + O2  SO2 reaction takes place, which is due to the decomposition of pyrite into pyrrhotite and free oxygen, which reacts at the same time with H2+; H2 + 1/2O2  H2O within the temperature range of 530–580 °C, producing another exothermic peak.5 At a temperature of about 580 °C the   inversion of quartz and a likely dehydroxylation reaction of kaolinite6 occur. In the same endothermic interval, illite loses its constitutive water, which is caused by dehydroxilation of the octahedral sheet, as the hydro- xyl groups of the tetrahedral sheet are gradually removed up to a temperature of 850 °C.7 The second endothermic peak at about 600 °C and another, smaller one, at around 700 °C can be attributed to chlorites.3 The third and A. MLADENOVI] et al.: DREDGED MUD FROM THE PORT OF KOPER – CIVIL ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS 354 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 353–356 fourth endothermic peaks form a decarbonatization inter- val: (a) calcium carbonate derived from marine fauna skeletons, i.e., a biogenic carbonate; (b) dolomite; and (c) terrigenic carbonate.8 The final exothermic peak, at approximately 800 °C, belongs to various phase trans- formations of amorphous Fe-Al minerals.6 3.4 Geomechanical parameters The initial research was focused on determining the basic physical and mechanical parameters that are crucial for evaluating a possible stabilization of the mud. It was concluded that the content of the water in the mud is extremely variable (from 55 % to 95 % by mass) and that the density of the untreated material is very low so that it is not possible to stabilise it in its existing form. It can be seen, from the edometer curves, that, at an effec- tive normal pressure of 200 kPa, it is possible to achieve a pore coefficient of between 0.9 and 1.1, which corres- ponds to the moisture content of between 33 % and 40.7 %. Only at such moisture contents (i.e., between 33 % and 40 %) the material is close to the state when a chemical stabilization by means of inorganic binders, e.g., fly ash, lime, cement and their various combina- tions, is technically and technologically feasible. 3.5 Environmental analysis In order to estimate the extent of pollution, the total element concentrations and the concentrations in the aqueous leachates were determined. From the results of these analyses and a comparison with the limiting values prescribed by the existing legislation for the inert and non-hazardous waste, it is clear that the highest total element concentrations were found in the sediment from Basin 3. The elevated total element concentrations were observed in the case of Cr (within the range from 200 mg/kg to 380 mg/kg), Ni (within the range from 140 mg/kg to 175 mg/kg) and As (within the range from 15 mg/kg to 40 mg/kg), i.e., the concentrations that are higher than those found in the sediments elsewhere in the Slovenian costal area.3 In general, the concentrations in the aqueous leachates are also the highest for the sediment from Basin 3, but still lower than the limits set by the legislation for the inert waste leachates.9 In order to estimate the partitioning of the elements between the easily and sparingly soluble sediment fractions, a 6-step sequential-extraction procedure was also performed. The data obtained indicated that the measured concentration of the elements in the easily soluble fractions was, in general, very low. The only exception was Mo. The partitioning of Mo is presented in Figure 3. It is clear that the easily soluble fraction (i.e., the water-soluble fraction and the exchangeable fraction) makes up about 25 % of the sediment from Basin 1 and about 10 % of the sediment from Basins 2 and 3. It can be concluded that, with regard to the total heavy-metal concentrations, the concentrations in the aqueous leachates and the partitioning of the elements between easily and sparingly soluble sediment fractions, the sediments from the basins of the Koper Port can be used as a secondary material in civil engineering. 4 CONCLUSIONS Preliminary results show that the mud from the Port of Koper does not represent a threat to the environment with regard to heavy-metal pollution. However, due to its salt content it is not possible to plan the use of this mud in the areas outside the Port of Koper. It is planned to use an appropriate treatment to fix the chlorides within the building composite. Due to a high quantity of water in the mud, it will be more economical to stabilize it with a drying-out process, using suitable technology. Acknowledgments The results were obtained within the ARRS project "Sediments in aquatic environments: their geochemical and mineralogical characterization, remediation and use as secondary raw materials", 2011–2014. A. MLADENOVI] et al.: DREDGED MUD FROM THE PORT OF KOPER – CIVIL ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 353–356 355 Figure 2: TGA-DTA analysis Slika 2: TGA-DTA analiza Figure 3: Partitioning of Mo between various phases (I: Water- soluble, II: Exchangeable, III: Bound to carbonates, IV: Bound to Fe and Mn oxides, V: Bound to organic matter, VI: Residual fraction) in sediments (B1, B2 and B3) from Luka Koper Slika 3: Porazdelitev Mo med razli~ne faze sedimenta (B1, B2 in B3) iz luke Koper: (I: vodotopni, II: izmenljivi, III: vezan na karbonate, IV: vezan na Fe in Mn okside, V: vezan na organsko snov, VI: te`ko topni ostanek) 5 REFERENCES 1 A. [ömen Joksi~, S. A. Katz, M. Horvat, R. Mila~i~, Comparison of single and sequential extraction procedures for assessing metal leaching from dredged costal sediments, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 162 (2005), 265–283 2 R. Mila~i~, J. [~an~ar, S. Murko, D. Kocman, M. Horvat, A complex investigation of the extent of pollution in sediments of the Sava River, Part 1, Selected elements, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 163 (2010), 263–275 3 J. [~an~ar, T. Zuliani, T. Turk, R. Mila~i~, Organotin compounds and selected metals in the marine environment of Northern Adriatic Sea, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 127 (2007), 271–282 4 B. Ogorelec, M. Mi{i~, J. Faganeli, P. Stegnar, B. Vri{er, A. Vukovi~, The recent sediment of the Bay of Koper (Northern Adriatic), Geolo- gija, 30 (1987), 87–121 5 G. Locher, Mathematical models for the cement clinker burning pro- cess, ZKG International, 55 (2002), 29–50 6 R. C. Mackenzie, The differential thermal investigation of clays, Mineralogical Society (Clay Minerals Group), London 1957, 456 7 J. H. Araújo, N. F. da Silva, W. Acchar, U. U. Gomes, Thermal decomposition of illite, Material Research, 7 (2004), 359–361 8 @. Poga~nik, J. Pav{i~, A. Meden, Geological records as an indicator of the thermal characteristics of mudstones within the temperature range of decarbonatisation, Mater. Tehnol., 43 (2009) 3, 157–163 9 Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 61/11, 2011 A. MLADENOVI] et al.: DREDGED MUD FROM THE PORT OF KOPER – CIVIL ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS 356 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 353–356 P. MARUSCHAK et al.: AUTOMATED DIAGNOSTICS OF DAMAGE TO AN ALUMINUM ALLOY ... AUTOMATED DIAGNOSTICS OF DAMAGE TO AN ALUMINUM ALLOY UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF HIGH-CYCLE FATIGUE AVTOMATIZIRANA DIAGNOSTIKA PO[KODBE ALUMINIJEVE ZLITINE PRI VISOKO-CIKLI^NEM UTRUJANJU Pavlo Maruschak1, Igor Konovalenko1, Mykhailo Karuskevich2, Vladimir Gliha3, Toma` Vuherer3 1Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University, 46001 Ternopil, Ukraine 2National Aviation University, Aircraft Design Department, Komarova Ave. 1, 03058 Kyiv, Ukraine 3University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia maruschak.tu.edu@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-10-02; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-12 An identification and quantitative analysis of the deformation relief of the aluminium alloy for an aircraft construction based on a digital-image processing has been performed. The behaviour of defects has been assessed on the basis of diagnostics results for individual stages of the deformation process. It has been established that the individual stages of the damage-accumulation process are characterised by the values of integral-image parameters. Based on the consecutive processing of the data on the surface cyclic deformation, the main regularities of the propagation of defects have been found. Theoretical preconditions have been substantiated and experimental results obtained. Keywords: fatigue, surface, digital image, diagnostics, accumulated damage, defect propagation, evaluation Identificirali in kvantitativno analizirali smo relief deformirane povr{ine aluminijeve zlitine za gradnjo letal. Temelj obojega je izdelava digitalne podobe povr{ine vzorcev. Oceno vedenja defektov omogo~ajo rezultati diagnostike posameznih stopenj deformacijskega procesa. Ugotovili smo, da so te stopnje med akumulacijo po{kodbe zna~ilne po vrednostih integralnih parametrov slike. Na osnovi zaporedne obdelave podatkov cikli~ne deformacije na povr{ini smo ugotovili glavne zakonitosti pri {irjenju defektov. Tako smo dokazali teoreti~ne predpostavke in pridobili eksperimentalne podatke. Klju~ne besede: utrujanje, povr{ina, digitalna podoba, diagnostika, akumulirana po{kodba, {irjenje defekta, vrednotenje 1 INTRODUCTION An analysis of the loading conditions of modern civil aircrafts, the existing methods for evaluating the accu- mulated fatigue damage, the peculiarities of fatigue damage of aviation structural materials and the results of the previous fatigue investigations allowed formulating an approach to solving the problem of a quantitative evaluation of the accumulated fatigue damage of the aircraft structural elements1. However, the technological complexity of many of the existing instrumental methods for evaluating the accumulated fatigue damage as well as their insufficient accuracy and reliability limit the use of these methods for practical purposes.2 The initial diagnostics of the contemporary aircraft- skin condition involves the search and identification of the fatigue damage using the visual-control methods. It is known that the incubation period of the fatigue damage accumulation is, in many cases, reflected in the visual signs, which determine the possibility of both qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the accumu- lated fatigue damage.3 The quantitative evaluation of the accumulated damage at the initial stage of fatigue allows predicting the place and the time of a fatigue-crack appearance. At the stage of designing aviation equipment such a prediction reduces the cost of a full-scale fatigue tests significantly due to shortening their duration, and, at the stage of operation, it allows increasing the reliabi- lity of aircrafts and safety of flights.4 A deformation relief is formed on the surface of the cladding layer of aluminium alloys under the stresses corresponding to the loading conditions of many struc- tural elements during operation and testing. Stress con- centration causes a prior formation of the relief in the vicinity of riveting holes, glue-cooking points, etc., which are the areas of potential failures. A surface defor- mation relief is observed at several scale levels. Using the optical microscopy the signs of a relief can be observed at the meso- and macro-levels.5 The need for substantiating and implementing the objective indicators of the deformation-relief intensity as the characteristics of the accumulated fatigue damage is obvious. The solution of this problem, by means of an analysis of damaged-surface images, will be shown below. The dependencies that allow predicting the residual life are of the most practical importance. Such dependences can be obtained on the basis of the data on deformation-relief-parameter evolution.6 It is proposed herein to use the integral parameters obtained by analysing the investigated surface images. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 357–361 357 UDK 620.178.3:669.715 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)357(2013) They allow evaluating the fatigue damage of the alumi- nium alloy for the aircraft construction. 2 DEFORMATION-RELIEF-EVALUATION TECHNIQUE The specimen geometry is shown in Figure 1; the specimen was tested with cantilever bending at R = 0, max = 147 MPa. The analysis of the deformation relief was performed near the stress concentrator (a hole with a diameter of 1.0 mm). In the process of testing we recorded the surface condition in the vicinity of the stress concentrator after an application of cyclic loading, the number of loading cycles necessary for the initiation of a fatigue crack with a length of 1.0 mm, and the number of loading cycles leading to a complete failure. The specimen surface con- dition was evaluated by analysing its photo images obtained in a series after a certain number of loading cycles. The images taken with a photo camera (Figures 1b to d) were transformed into grayscale images with the brightness function I(x,y). The absolute values of hori- zontal and vertical gradients were calculated for every pixel of an image: ∇ =I x y I x y xx ( , ) ( , )∂ ∂ , ∇ =I x y I x y yy ( , ) ( , )∂ ∂ (1) where x N m∈ , y N n∈ (m and n are the width and height of an image, respectively): The mean values of horizontal and vertical gradients were used for a generalised evaluation of the condition of the surface investigated: G I mn I x y x y G I mn I x y x y x x x mn y y y = ∇ = ∇ = ∇ = ∇ ∫∫ 1 1 11 ( , ) ( , ) d d d d 11 mn ∫∫ (2) The gradient allows determining the predominant direction of the defect propagation and the nonunifor- mity degree of the surface investigated.7 A low mean value of the gradient indicates an insignificant variation of intensities along the given axis of an image. In practice this shows a more uniform picture of the deformation relief in a certain direction8 and indicates the coordinate axis that corresponds to the predominant direction of the defect propagation. In order to enhance the informative features corresponding to the elements of the damaged surface, binary transformation was applied to the obtained grayscale images.9 This resulted in black-and-white images of the damaged surface with the intensity function IB, in which white pixels correspond to the background and black ones to the objects of the deformation relief (Figures 1e to g). The most general parameter that allows evaluating the degree of specimen damage using the obtained images, is the relative area of defects: S S m nd = ⋅ ⋅100% (3) where S is the number of deformation relief pixels in an IB image. The distribution of deformation relief elements along the image axes is described with horizontal Hx and vertical Hy histograms:8 H y I x yx x m ( ) ( , )= = ∑ 1 , H x I x yy y n ( ) ( , )= = ∑ 1 (4) Each element of a histogram contains a number of pixels that correspond to the objects of the deformation relief, in columns and lines of the image analysed, respectively. Histogram functions (4) contain the basic information about the distribution of the deformation relief along the coordinate axes of an image. For a generalised evaluation of the surface damage based on histograms it is proposed in8 to use the mean values of histograms  x S n= / and  y S m= / (where S is the general number of black pixels). However, it is reasonable to use these parameters during multiple measurements under similar conditions with a permanent rectangular watch window. During laboratory testing of different specimens, especially under different con- ditions of the surface defect nucleation, the mean values of histograms contain little information. In addition, in the case of a rectangular watch window the values of μx and μy are scaled differently (relative to the image P. MARUSCHAK et al.: AUTOMATED DIAGNOSTICS OF DAMAGE TO AN ALUMINUM ALLOY ... 358 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 357–361 Figure 1: a) Scheme of the specimen investigated; examples of the deformation relief after 15, 100, 711 thousand loading cycles: b), c), d) initial image and e), f), g) binary image Slika 1: a) Shema vzorca za preiskavo; primer reliefa deformirane povr{ine po 15, 100, 711 tiso~ obremenilnih ciklih: b), c), d) za~etna slika in e), f), g) binarna slika dimensions) and are inconvenient for a comparison, while in the case of a square watch window they become similar. For a quantitative evaluation of the histogram view (4) a spectral analysis of the functions was performed. Using the fast Fourier transformation the histogram functions were presented in the form of a row: H y A k n y H x A k n x x xk x k K y yk y x ( ) cos( ) ( ) cos( ) ≈ − ≈ − = ∑ 2 2 0 π π   k K y = ∑ 0 (5) The number of the harmonics of histograms Kx and Ky was chosen in such a way as to ensure that the accu- racy of presenting a histogram function as a sum of harmonics is not lower than the limit value of : H y A k n y H x A k n x x xk x k K y yk x ( ) cos( ) ( ) cos( ≈ − ≤ ≈ − = ∑ 2 2 0 π π   y k K y ) = ∑ ≤ 0  (6) The mean amplitudes of the spectrum of the func- tions of the horizontal Aax and vertical Aay histograms were taken as the informative parameters: A K Aax x xk k K x = − = ∑1 1 1 , A K Aay y yk k K y = − = ∑1 1 1 (7) The mean amplitude of the spectrum yields the quantitative evaluation of the damage propagation along the image axes. Its higher values correspond to a higher degree of damage along the given axis. Thus, while comparing the values of Aax and Aay it is possible to get information about the size and predominant direction of the surface-defect propagation. The presence of the pairs of generalized characte- ristics – the mean gradients Gx, Gy and the mean ampli- tudes of the spectrum Aax, Aay – allows obtaining the complex integrated characteristics of the image analysed in two, mutually perpendicular, coordinate directions. 3 REGULARITIES IN DAMAGE ACCUMULATION Cyclic loading forms a deformation relief on the surface of structural aluminium alloys, the intensity of which indicates the level of the accumulated fatigue damage.10 The relief of this type was observed on both the standard specimens for the fatigue tests in a broad range of loading conditions and the specimens prepared from the skin of the An-24 aircraft; both were tested under stresses close to the operational ones.1–3 The results of the investigations carried out using the methods of optical and electronic microscopy show the appropriateness of using the deformation-relief term and applying it as a diagnostic parameter of fatigue damage.1,2 Figure 2 shows the dependence of the calculated integral image parameters on the number of loading cycles. An increase in the Sd parameter indicates an increase in the degree of damage to the surface investigated. According to the experimental data, in the P. MARUSCHAK et al.: AUTOMATED DIAGNOSTICS OF DAMAGE TO AN ALUMINUM ALLOY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 357–361 359 Figure 2: Dependence of integral parameters of deformation relief on: a) cyclic loading of a specimen, N: general area of defects Sd, b) mean horizontal and vertical gradients Gx and Gy, c) mean amplitudes of the spectrum, Aax and Aay Slika 2: Odvisnost integralnih parametrov reliefa utrujenosti od: a) cikli~ne obremenitve vzorca N: skupna povr{ina defektov Sd, b) pov- pre~en horizontalni in vertikalni gradient Gx and Gy, c) srednja amplituda spektra Aax and Aay cases of up to 100,000 loading cycles, fast growing surface defects take place (Figure 2a). At the same time, after 100,000 loading cycles the deformation relief changes insignificantly. The quantitative analysis of the kinetics of the changes in the deformation-relief orientation during cyclic loading of the aluminium alloy is performed. It is found that cyclic loading of 80,000 cycles causes a for- mation of a complex system of shears on the specimen surface. At this stage, an intense saturation of the surface with deformation shears takes place. Individual crystal blocks and their conglomerates sometimes ascend and sometimes descend above the surface, while their forma- tions coalesce in groups and the sizes of defects increase gradually. This dynamic chaos is a depiction of the dynamic, cooperative dislocation processes at the micro- and meso-levels.1,5 Nearly identical values of the gra- dients during the first phase of the investigation reflect the chaotic disorderly process of defect nucleation. Later on the relief acquires an orderly orientation. Lower values of the vertical gradient (as compared to the horizontal one) show that along the vertical axis the picture of the deformation relief is more uniform, while along the horizontal axis sharper changes in the image intensity are observed. Thus, lower values of the gradient correspond to the direction, along which the areas of the surface damage stretch. A monotonous increase in the Gx and Gy parameters confirms the results obtained earlier,11 indicating self-similarity and scaling of the formed de- formation structures. The mean amplitudes of the spec- trum of histogram functions Aax and Aay (Figure 2c) duplicate, to a certain extent, the dependence presented in Figure 2a; however, they allow characterising the surface failure process in two coordinate directions. Higher values of the vertical amplitude indicate a more significant damage in this particular direction. The quantitative parameter of fatigue failure is found and it allows assessing the surface condition and the defect propagation direction within the section analysed based on the analysis of the surface saturation with visual signs of the deformation relief (Figure 3). The chosen diagnostic parameter of damage and the technique of its quantitative evaluation allow considering the developed method as the express diagnostic of fatigue failure. 4 GRADED NATURE OF THE DEFORMATION-RELIEF DEVELOPMENT The first stage is the fast accumulation of defects on the surface analysed. The structural non-uniformity causes a formation of residual stress fields, which relax partly by means of forming sliding bands, extrusions and intrusions in the individual grains of the material12. Characteristic structural traces of the localisation are observed in macro extrusions in the form of the aggre- gates of "ridges" ("hills"). An intense formation of the deformation relief takes place. This stage accounts for approximately 15–20 % of the general number of cycles to the onset of crack formation. The second stage is the slowing down of microplastic shears of the grains of the material, coalescence of indi- vidual sections of the deformation relief and saturation of the system. Although the damage accumulation pro- cess (deformation relief) is slowed down at this stage as compared to the previous one, its course is quasistatio- nary. It is this that allows using it for technical diagno- stics of a damaged-surface condition with a view to predicting the limit state. The limit state refers to the nucleation of a fatigue crack with the length of 1.0 mm that can be identified by means of optical control. The limiting value of damage parameters was considered as the last one in the row of values that were obtained before the moment of the fatigue-crack formation. 5 CONCLUSIONS A technique has been developed for evaluating the aluminium-alloy surface condition by analysing its image and calculating its integral parameters, including the general area of damage, the mean gradients along the coordinate axes, and the mean amplitude of the spectrum of histogram functions along the coordinate axes. The basic factor that allows using the proposed technique is P. MARUSCHAK et al.: AUTOMATED DIAGNOSTICS OF DAMAGE TO AN ALUMINUM ALLOY ... 360 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 357–361 Figure 3: a) Horizontal and b) vertical histograms for depicting the deformed surface after 15, 100, 711 thousand loading cycles Slika 3: a) Horizontalni in b) vertikalni histogram za opisovanje deformirane povr{ine po 15, 100, 711 tiso~ obremenilnih ciklih the saturation of the material surface with the visual signs of the relief that are detected with the methods of optical microscopy. For the quantitative characteristic of the relief, the damage parameters can be used and they allow analysing the variation of spatial orientation of the defects caused by a deformation within the surface, on which the signs of localised strain are absent. The main regularities in the accumulation of fatigue damage on the surface of an aluminium alloy have been established. The possibility of using the developed tech- nique for determining the accumulated fatigue damage under high-cycle fatigue is substantiated. 6 REFERENCES 1 M. Karuskevich, O. Karuskevich, T. Maslak, S. Schepak, Int. J. of Fatigue, 39 (2012), 116 2 S. R. Ignatovich, Materials Science, 47 (2011), 636 3 Y. G. Gordienko, R. G. Gontareva, J. S. Schreiber, E. E. Zasimchuk, I. K. Zasimchuk, Adv. Eng. Mater., 8 (2006), 957 4 M. V. Karuskevich, E. Yu. Korchuk, A. S. Yakushenko, T. P. Maslak, Strength of Mat., 40 (2008), 693 5 L. S. Derevyagina, V. E. Panin, A. I. Gordienko, Physical Mesome- chanics, 11 (2008), 51 6 E. E. Zasimchuk, M. V. Karuskevich, A. I. Radchenko, Strength of Materials, 22 (1990), 1855 7 P. V. Yasnii, I. V. Konovalenko, P. O. Marushchak, Materials Science, 45 (2009), 291 8 A. Hassani, H. Ghasemzadeh Tehrani, Crack detection and classi- fication in asphalt pavement using image processing, in Pavement Cracking: Mechanisms, Modelling, Detection, Testing and Case Histories, CRC Press, Chicago 2008, 891–896 9 I. V. Konovalenko, P. O. Marushchak, Optoelectronics, Instrumen- tation and Data Processing, 47 (2011), 360 10 P. Yasniy, P. Maruschak, I. Konovalenko, Strain, 47, (2011), 238 11 M. V. Karuskevych, I. M. Zhuravel’, T. P. Maslak, Materials Science, 47 (2011), 621 12 Yu. G. Kabaldin, S. N. Murav’yev, Russian Engineering Research, 27 (2007), 513 P. MARUSCHAK et al.: AUTOMATED DIAGNOSTICS OF DAMAGE TO AN ALUMINUM ALLOY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 357–361 361 K. G. KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES FOR REFRIGERATION COMPRESSORS IN COMPARISON WITH DEEP-DRAWING STEEL VARJENE ALUMINIJEVE IN MAGNEZIJEVE ZLITINE – KOROZIJSKE IN MEHANSKE LASTNOSTI ZA KOMPRESORJE HLADILNIKOV V PRIMERJAVI Z JEKLOM ZA GLOBOKO VLE^ENJE Klaus Günther Kerschbaumer, Rudolf Vallant, Norbert Enzinger, Christof Sommitsch Institute for Materials Science and Welding, Kopernikusgasse 24, 8010 Graz, Austria rudolf.vallant@tugraz.at Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-10-03; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-12 Increasing the energy efficiency of household refrigeration appliances as a result of legal requirements is more and more important (2010/30/EUEG2010 Directive). This means that the equipment with the energy efficiency lower than D can no longer find its place in the European trading. In this investigation aluminium alloys (AW5083-O, AW6181-T4) and a magnesium alloy (AZ31) were selected via a material selection. They are compared to the currently used deep-drawing steels (DD11, DD13) with respect to the corrosion and strength properties of similar overlap-welded joints. To verify the corrosion properties the neutral salt spray test (NSS) and the fruit acid spray test were performed with an overall test duration of 480 h. The type of corrosion, its influence on the corrosion rate and the strength of the welded joints were evaluated. Magnesium shows a very high corrosion and therefore cannot be used uncoated, like deep-drawing steel. The aluminium alloys show only slight selective corrosion phenomena and are, from the welding and corrosion point of view, an attractive alternative to steel. Due to a higher thermal conductivity of aluminium, in comparison with steel, a higher energy efficiency of the cooling compressor is expected. Keywords: MIG/CMT-P welding, aluminium, magnesium, corrosion, deep-drawing steel, fruit acid, neutral salt spray test, tensile test, AW5083-O, AW6181-T4, AZ31, DD11, DD13, DIN 8985, DIN ISO 6227 Vedno bolj postaja pomembno pove~anje energijske u~inkovitosti gospodinjskih hladilnih naprav kot posledica legalnih zahtev (2010/30/EUEG2010 Directive). To pomeni, da oprema z energijsko u~inkovitostjo, manj{o od D nima ve~ mesta v evropski trgovini. V tej raziskavi sta bili pri izbiri materiala izbrani aluminijevi zlitini (AW5083-O, AW6181-T4) in magnezijeva zlitina (AZ31). Primerjane so s sedaj uporabljanima jekloma za globoko vle~enje (DD11, DD13) glede na korozijo in trdnostne lastnosti podobnih zvarov s prekrivanjem. Za preverjanje korozijskih lastnosti sta bila izvr{ena preizkusa v nevtralni slani komori (NSS) in preizkus s {kropljenjem sadne kisline v povpre~nem trajanju 480 h. Na zvarjenih spojih je bila ocenjena vrsta korozije, vpliv na hitrost korozije in na trdnost zvarjenih spojev. Magnezij izkazuje veliko korozivnost in ga zato ni mogo~e uporabljati brez povr{inske za{~ite tako kot jeklo za globoki vlek. Aluminijevi zlitini izkazujeta samo rahle selektivne korozijske pojave in sta s stali{~a varjenja in korozije zanimivi kot alternativa za jeklo. Zaradi ve~je toplotne prevodnosti aluminija v primerjavi z jeklom se pri~akuje tudi ve~ja energijska u~inkovitost kompresorja za hlajenje. Klju~ne besede: MIG/CMT-P-varjenje, aluminij, magnezij, korozija, jeklo za globoki vlek, sadna kislina, nevtralni preizkus {kropljenja s slanico, natezni preizkus, AW5083-O, AW6181-T4, AZ31, DD11, DD13, DIN 8985, DIN ISO 6227 1 INTRODUCTION The main focus of the technological development of household cooling compressors is on an "energy-effi- ciency improvement" stimulated by the increased compe- tition, cost pressures and a stricter EU legislation1,2 for cooling compressors. Furthermore, the noise reduction in service and an improvement of the corrosion properties are important aims for a long-term system improvement of household cooling compressors. These future require- ments can be met, in part, by finding a new, innovative housing material. Currently, the steel materials DD11 and DD13 are used for deep-drawn, almost spherical housings.3 The main problem is, however, that the material corrosion resistance in the above mentioned application is not satisfactory. Preliminary studies have shown that alumi- num and magnesium alloys have a potential to replace the steel materials. For a material-selection process, according to Reuter4, the following housing requirements have been defined: • the minimum static strength of 85 MPa for the maxi- mum internal pressure of 40 bar • MIG or equivalent weldability • the materials should be industrially formable (cold or hot forming) • hermetic-gas proofness The Al-alloys AW5083-O (annealed) and AW6181- T4 (naturally aged) and the magnesium alloy AZ31 were selected as suitable candidates for further investigations. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 363 UDK 669.715:669.721.5:620.193 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)363(2013) Corrosion investigations of these base materials and their similar welded joints in the neutral salt spray (NSS) and fruit acid spray tests (FS) have been performed. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Base materials and weld filler metals MIG pulsed-arc welding was used for the annealed, AlMgMn, wrought alloy AW5083-0 and the naturally aged, AlMgSi, wrought alloy AW6181-T4. For the deep-drawing steels DD11 and DD13, MAG pulsed-arc welding was applied. The CMT+P welding procedure was applied for magnesium AZ31. The sheet thickness of the materials was 3 mm, except for the 2.5 mm AW6181-T4. The filler metals were selected according to the recommendations of DVS 09135 and Davis.6 The AlMg5 filler was selected for AW5083-O, and AlSi5 for AW6181-T4. Considering the Böhler Welding Guide for DD11 and DD13, the G3Si1 (EMK6) filler was used7. For the AZ31 sheet, Kammer8 recommends AZ61. AM509 was used as it easily meets the strength require- ments of 85 MPa. It is notable that the AlSi5 filler metal has only about 50 % of the strength of the AW6181-T4 sheet. Never- theless, it was used as the hot-cracking susceptibility of 6000 alloys can be significantly reduced according to Davis.6 The 440 MPa yield strength of the G3Si1 weld metal is much higher than the 170 MPa yield strength of deep-drawing steels, as there is no even matching filler available. The chemical compositions and mechanical properties of the examined sheet alloys and filler metals are summarized in Table 1.3,7,9–12 2.2 Experimental set-up and investigations 2.2.1 Welding experiments In Figure 1 the joint geometry and welding torch position are shown schematically for different material combinations. The top and bottom sheets were positioned with an overlap of 20 mm and clamped on the welding table. The welding experiments were carried out with a Fronius TPS4000+CMT welding machine. The torch was conducted with an ABB robot IRB140. The torch angle  varied between 45° and 50° depending on the material combinations. The contact tip distance K. G. KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... 364 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 Table 1: Chemical analyses and mechanical properties of sheet alloys (GW) and weld-filler metals (FM) Tabela 1: Kemijska analiza in mehanske lastnosti plo~evin (GW) ter varilnega dodajnega materiala (FM) material BM / FM element AW5083-O (BM)10 AlMg5 (FM) 11 6181-T4 (BM) 10 AlSi5 (FM) 11 DD11 (BM) 3 DD13 (BM) 3 EMK 6 (FM) 7 AZ31 (BM) 12 AM50A (FM) 9 Si 0.4 <0.25 0.7–1.1 4.5–6.0 0.9 0.1 Fe 0.4 <0.4 0.15–0.5 <0.6 balance balance balance 0.008 Cu 0.1 <0.1 0.25 <0.3 0.01 Mn 0.4–1.0 0.05–0.2 0.4 <0.15 0.6 0.40 1.49 0.2 0.26–0.60 Mg 4.0–4.9 4.5–5.5 0.6–1.0 <0.2 balance balance Cr 0.05–0.25 0.05–0.2 0.15 - Zn 0.25 <0.1 0.3 <0.1 1.0 0.22 Ti 0.15 0.06–0.2 0.15 <0.15 Be - <0.0003 0.1 <0.0003 others 0.15 <0.05 0.15 <0.05 Al balance 3 4.4-5.4 C 0.12 0.08 0.08 P 0.045 0.03 S 0.045 0.03 Rp0.2/MPa 145 110 125 40 170 170 440 170 125 Rm/MPa 300 240 235 120 <440 <400 530 240 230 A5/% 22 17 23 8 28 33 30 17 10 Figure 1: Welding-torch positions for similar overlap welded joints Slika 1: Pozicija varilnika pri enako debelih prekrivnih varjenih spojih covers from 12 mm to 15 mm. The contact point of the welding wire at the lower sheet for all the material combinations is about 1.5 mm away from the fillet weld root. For all the welding experiments optimised parameters were used to get good wetting at the weld flank. For AW5083-O and AW6181-T4 the welding parameters refer to Kerschbaumer13. The fillet welds of deep-draw- ing steels were welded utilising the optimised parameter sets of the company ACC Austria for the 30 mm/s weld speed. For the Al und Mg experiments the welding speed of 15 mm/s was selected. The forehand angle varied between 0° (AW5083-O, AZ31) and 5° (AW6181-T4, DD11 and DD13). The shielding gases of 50 : 50 Ar and He and Corgon 18 (which is 18 : 82 CO2 and Ar) were used for Al, Mg and steel welding. The energy input varied between 0.9 kJ/cm (AZ31) and 3.4 kJ/cm (DD13). Aluminium and DD11 were welded with a similar energy input. All the welding parameters are listed in Table 2. 2.2.2 Tensile and corrosion tests From the welded overlap joints the 50 mm × 180 mm samples for corrosion and shear tests as well as metallo- graphic investigations were prepared and the 50 mm × 100 mm ones were prepared from the base materials, Figure 2. The shear strength of the joints was tested according to EN ISO 9018:200614 utilizing a Zwick RMC100 tensile-testing machine. The free clamping length was adjusted to 120 mm. The strain rate (traverse speed) was 2 mm/min at room temperature. For com- parability, the measured fracture forces were converted to the tensile strength (50 mm sample width, 3 mm or 2.5 mm sheet thickness). The arithmetic mean and the standard deviation have been calculated for each sample. The corrosion resistance of the welded joints and base materials was investigated using the neutral salt spray test (NSS) according to EN ISO 9227:200615 as well as the fruit acid spray test (FS) according to DIN 8985.16 Corrosion testing was performed using a Köhler corrosion chamber HKT500. The samples were taken out after (2, 6, 24, 48, 96, 168, 240 and 480) h, documented macroscopically with a digital reflex camera Nikon D50 and the mass gain was determined with a scale of the company Denver Instrument MXX-612 with an accuracy of 0.01 g, according to DIN 50905-1.17 Due to a limited number of the samples the determination of the mass loss after removing the corrosion product was not carried out. After 240 h and 480 h metallographic investigations with LOM (Zeiss Z1m) and REM (Zeiss 1415VP) and the tensile-shear tests were performed to detect the impact of corrosion on the weld strength. K. G. KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 365 Table 2: Welding parameters for the selected material combinations/TPS 4000/CMT Tabela 2: Parametri varjenja za izbrane kombinacije materialov /TPS 4000/CMT Base material AW5083-O AW6181-T4 DD11 DD13 AZ31 Filler metal AlMg5 AlSi5 EMK6 EMK6 AM50 Current type Pulse Pulse Pulse Standard CMT+P Sheet thickness (mm) 3 2.5 3 3 3 Shielding gas/quantity (L/min) 50 : 50 Ar:He 17 50 : 50 Ar:He 17 Corgon 18 18 Corgon 18 18 50 : 50 Ar:He 17 rapdefaultWire feed drive (m/min) 7.1 5.8 7.5 11.5 11 Voltage U/V 19 24.6 23.3 29.4 12.3 Current I/A 123 113 244 344 113 Welding speed v/(mm/s) 15 15 30 30 15 Energy input E/(kJ/cm) 1.55 1.85 1.90 3.37 0.93 Comments = 0°  = 50° LBK -2 = 5° forehand  = 50° = 5° forehand  = 50° = 5° forehand  = 50° LBK-1 = 0°  = 50° Figure 2: Corrosion samples; a) welding joint for tensile-shear test and metallography; b) base material Slika 2: Vzorci za korozijo; a) varjeni spoj za natezni stri`ni preizkus in metalografijo; b) osnovni material 3 RESULTS 3.1 Theoretical background 3.1.1 Deep-drawing steel In saline solutions or brines, uniform- or shallow- pitting corrosion occurs, and occasionally there is also pitting corrosion, if chloride is deposited locally.18–20 In the seawater with a salt concentration of about 29.2 g/l shallow pitting or pitting corrosion appears on deep- drawing steel. In the hydrochloric acid the corrosion rate increases linearly with the temperature and acid concen- tration.18,20 In organic acids iron is corrosion resistant as long as the access to oxygen is prohibited. Generally, the uniform corrosion attack increases with an increase in the organic-acid concentration.18,20 3.1.2 Aluminium In the atmosphere the less noble aluminium (with an electrochemical potential of –1.66 V) forms an Al2O3 dense oxide layer. This oxide layer causes a chemical resistance in the pH range of 4.5 to 8.8. For lower and higher pH values, i.e., for acidic or alkaline attacks the passive layer is dissolved and a uniform corrosion takes place. In chloride media aluminium shows pitting, intergranular corrosion and stress-corrosion cracking. In drinking water aluminium and Al2O3 are resistant unless the Al2O3 layer is mechanically damaged, e.g., due to grinding.18,19,21–25 In milk aluminium forms an oxide layer with a good resistance. It is attacked by salt, hydrofluoric acid and alkali.18 Aballe has found in his work that precipitates [Al(Mn, Fe, Cr) and Al(Si, Mg)] cause the pitting in AW5083-O. The precipitates Al(Mn, Fe, Cr) are more noble than the base material matrix and the corrosion takes place in the Al matrix.26,27 An intergranular corrosion attack is formed along the Mg2Si precipitates at the grain boundaries in AW61814-T4. The following precipitates stimulate an intergranular corrosion attack: CuAl2 in 2xxx28, Mg2Al3 in 5xxx25, MgZn2 in 7xxx25 and Mg2Si29 or CuAl228 in 6xxx. There are two types of intergranular corrosion, dependent on the nobility of the grain boundaries. The less noble Al8Mg5 precipitates in the 5xxx alloys30,31 and the MgZn2 precipitates in the 7xxx alloys are dissolved anodically. With the more noble grain-boundary precipitates like Mg2Si or CuAl2, the surrounding matrix material is dissolved.18,19,22,24,32–35 3.1.3 Magnesium In the chloride-containing atmospheres and in salt solutions magnesium is not resident, as the protective oxide layer MgO is dissolved. In natural brines magne- sium-salt crystals are formed that dissolve easily in water. Therefore, no further protective oxide layer is formed because in an aqueous chloride solution the passive layer is dissolved and no other corrosion protection is in place. In neutral media like humid air, MgO is transformed into a protective Mg(OH)2 layer2. Manganese and zinc have a positive effect on the corrosion resistance of magnesium, where the Zn content must be below 3 %. When alloying aluminium and magnesium, the corrosion resistance in salt water increases18,20,21,30,33,36–38. 3.2 Corrosion behaviour in the salt spray and fruit acid tests Macroscopically a distinct difference in corrosion behaviour between the welded and base-material sheets is visible if the NSS and FS tests are compared. The steel sheets show a relatively thick rust layer after a 480 h NSS test, whereas after a FS test only a slight rust layer can be seen. It is noticeable that during the FS test rust layers are formed only on the welded steel joints, not on their base sheets. In the case of magnesium pitting can be seen macroscopically after the NSS and FS tests. In the case of aluminium both AW5083-O and AW6181-T4 show formations of white corrosion products (aluminum hydroxide) during the NSS and FS tests and they are more distinctive for the latter (Figures 3a and b). 3.2.1 Salt spray test (NSS) – metallographic investigations Base materials After 480 h, on the AW5083-O surface, a few small pitting sites could be detected with a stereo microscope (Figure 4a), while AW6181-T4 showed no pitting. Both alloys were covered with white corrosion products that were more pronounced on AW6181-T4, Figure 4b. The steel and magnesium sheets showed strong corrosion K. G. KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... 366 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 Figure 3: Corrosion samples after 480 h: NSS test (left), FS test (right) Slika 3: Vzorci s korozijo po 480 h: NSS-preizkus (levo), FS-preizkus (desno) K. G. KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 367 Figure 5: Corrosion after the NSS test/cross-section details in LOM: a) AW5083-O, 240 h; b) AW5083-O, 480 h; c) AW6181-T4, 240 h; d) AW6181-T4, 480 h Slika 5: Korozija po NSS-preizkusu; detajli prereza, svetlobna mikroskopija (LOM): a) AW5083-O, 240 h; b) AW5083-O, 480 h; c)AW6181-T4, 240 h; d) Aw6181-T4 po 480 h Figure 4: Corrosion after the NSS test/surfaces shown with a stereo microscope: a) AW5083-O, 480 h, b) AW6181-T4, 480 h; c) AZ31, 240 h; d) DD11, 240 h Slika 4: Korozija po NSS-preizkusu; povr{ine, prikazane s stereomikroskopom: a) AW5083-O, 480 h, b) AW6181-T4, 480 h; c) AZ31, 240 h; d) DD11, 240 h already after 240 h. On the AZ31 sheet, a porous white corrosion product was formed, Figure 4c. The steels show abundant red rust, whereat the first signs of corrosion occurred already after a few hours, Figure 4d. The cross sections confirm the pitting corrosion for the AW5083-O alloy observed after 168 h with the stereo microscope. Significant pits were found after 240 h. Figure 5a shows a pit depth of about 0.16 mm observed with a light optical microscope (LOM). Primary precipi- tates and impurities containing Fe, Si and Mg were detected at the bottom of the pit with an energy-disper- sive X-ray analysis (EDX) using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), Figures 6a and b. These precipitates behave electrochemically nobler and get exposed to the corrosion. The pitting progress into the depth from 240 h to 480 h is marginal (Figure 5b). The AW6181-T4 alloy shows intergranular corrosion (IG) starting in the small pitting areas and reaching a depth of about 0.1 mm (Figures 5c and d). The corrosion progress from 240 h to 480 h shows no further increase in the depth but spreading. The first superficial corrosion attack was visible already after 2 h. On closer examination, primary K. G. KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... 368 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 Figure 6: SEM and EDX of Figure 5: a) and b) AW5083-O, detail 6.1; c) and d) AW6181-T4, detail 6.2 Slika 6: SEM- in EDX-posnetka podro~ij na sliki 5: a) in b) AW5083-O, detajl 6.1; c) in d) AW6181-T4, detajl 6.2 Figure 7: Corrosion after 480-h NSS/base-material cross sections in LOM: a) DD11 – uniform corrosion and shallow pitting; b) AZ31 grinded sample – uniform corrosion; c) AZ31 non-grinded sample – severe corrosion attack Slika 7: Korozija po 480 h NSS; prerez osnovnega materiala, svetlobna mikroskopija (LOM): a) DD11 – enakomerna korozija in plitve jamice; b) AZ31 bru{eno – enakomerna korozija; c) AZ31 nebru{eno – resen pojav korozije precipitates could be detected. In the SEM investigations no secondary phases (T4 aged) could be found, Figures 6c and d. The cross section of the DD11 steel shows uniform corrosion and shallow pitting. It can be expected that DD13 has a similar corrosion behaviour, Figure 7a. The magnesium alloy AZ31 exhibits a strong depen- dence on the initial surface roughness. Generally, the grinded samples have uniform corrosion and shallow pits, which are then fortified in depth. But the non-grin- ded AZ31 samples show a very strong local-corrosion attack combined with uniform corrosion. After 480 h almost the entire 3-mm sheet was dissolved, i.e., corroded as seen in Figures 7b and c. This significant difference can be attributed to the effect that a corrosive medium adheres less on the surfaces with low roughness. Welded joints In general, no effect of the used welding parameters on the corrosion behaviour was detected, compare13. The corrosion attack after 480 h was analyzed in the cross sections of the fillet welds, Figure 8. Pitting corrosion occurred at the heat affected zone (HAZ) of alloy AW5083-O and in the AlMg5 weld metal. At the weld edges and the fusion line, local corrosion was detected, too. Furthermore, the surface pores in the AlMg5 weld metal were found to be the starting points for pitting and crevice corrosion as seen on Figure 9, compare.13 Sanchez-Amaya39 also found this corrosion beha- viour with the corrosion tests involving a mixture of NaCl and H2O2. In the investigations of Mutombo in 201140, AW5083-O was MIG-welded with both filler metals, AlMg5 and AlSi5, to a Y-joint and tested in 3 % NaCl. He traced the corrosion start back to the existing surface pores. The tough AlMg5 weld and HAZ showed pitting. The AW6181-T4 welded joints showed no corrosion at the fusion line or on the AlSi5 weld metal. K. G. KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 369 Figure 8: AW5083-O welded joint/fillet-weld cross section in LOM prior to the NSS test; hydrofluoric acid/alcoholic etchant Slika 8: AW5083-O varjeni spoj; prerez zvara, svetlobna mikroskopija LOM pred NSS-preizkusom; kislina HF in alkoholno jedkalo Figure 9: Welded AW5083-O joint cross sections in LOM/corrosion after the 480 h NSS test/local corrosion at the fusion line and weld-metal surface pores: a)–d) details 9.1 and 9.2 from Figure 8 Slika 9: Svetlobna mikroskopija (LOM) pre~nega prereza zvara AW5083-O; korozija po 480 h NSS-preizkusa; lokalna korozija na liniji taljenja in pore na povr{ini materiala zvara: a)–d) detajli 9.1 in 9.2 s slike 8 The welded steel joints showed an intense corrosion attack along the fusion line and selective corrosion of the G3Si1weld metal, Figures 10a to d. The AZ31 welded joints were manufactured only from the grinded magnesium alloy and were NSS tested. Figures 11a and b shows strong and partially localized corrosion on the AM50 weld metal as well as on the base material. Obviously, the bottoms of the formed cavities (large pits) act as starters for more pitting corrosion progressing into the depth. 3.2.2 Fruit acid test (FS) – metallographic investigations Base materials For AW5083-O, pitting corrosion of about 0.1 mm in depth occurred after the 240 h FS test. Continuing the corrosion test to 480 h, the pits did not progress in depth but grew wider, to about 0.6 mm, Figures 12a and b. This was caused by an electrolytic dissolution of metal in an acidic medium, compare.10 In contrast, AW6181-T4 shows intergranular corrosion after 240 h (0.15 mm deep), just slightly progressing in depth (0.18 mm) during the 480 h FS test. However, the IG corrosion spread by about 2–3 mm in width after 480 h, Figures 12c and d. The DD11-steel base material exhibits pitting corrosion after the 240 h and 480 h FS tests. In the etched cross section, partial IG corrosion could be found, too, Figures 13a to c. The results of the corrosion K. G. KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... 370 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 Figure 11: Welded AZ31 joint, grinded – cross sections in LOM/ corrosion after the 480 h NSS test: a) lower weld edge; b) upper weld edge – strong corrosion of the AM50 weld metals and the base metal Slika 11: Zvarjen AZ31 spoj, bru{eno – pre~ni prerez, svetlobna mikroskopija LOM; korozija po 480 h NSS-preizkusa: a) spodnji rob zvara, b) zgornji rob zvara – mo~na korozija AM50 zvarjene kovine in osnovnega materiala Figure 10: Welded steel-joint details – cross sections in LOM/corrosion after the 480 h NSS test/local corrosion at the fusion line: a) DD11; b) DD13; c and d) G3Si1 weld metal Slika 10: Detajli zvarjenega spoja jekla – pre~ni prerez s svetlobno mikroskopijo (LOM); korozija po 480 h NSS-preizkusa; lokalna korozija na liniji taljenja: A) DD11; b) DD13; c) in d) G3Si zvarjena kovina behaviour of the DD13-steel base material are quite similar to the DD11 results. The grinded AZ31 magnesium base material shows shallow pitting after the 240 h FS. Contrary to the NSS, during the 480 h test the corrosion progresses strongly, whereat localized corrosion and pitting arise, especially at the backside of the sample, Figures 14a and b. K. G. KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 371 Figure 14: Corrosion of AZ31 after the FS test/cross-section details in LOM: a) 240 h; b) 480 h Slika 14: Korozija AZ31 po FS-preizkusu; detajli pre~nega prereza, svetlobna mikroskopija (LOM): a) 240 h; b) 480 h Figure 13: Corrosion of DD11 steel after the FS test/cross-section details in LOM: a) 240 h; b) 480 h; c) 480 h, etched with Nital Slika 13: Korozija DD11 jekla po FS-preizkusu; detajli pre~nega prereza, svetlobna mikroskopija (LOM): a) 240 h; b) 480 h; c) 480 h, jedkano z nitalom Figure 12: Corrosion after the FS test/cross-section details in LOM: a) AW5083-O, 240 h; b) AW5083-O, 480 h; c) AW6181-T4, 240 h; d) AW6181-T4, 480 h Slika 12: Korozija po FS-preizkusu; detajli pre~nega prereza s svetlobno mikroskopijo (LOM): a) AW5083-O, 240 h; b) AW5083-O, 480 h; c) AW6181-T4, 240 h; d) AW6181-T4, 480 h Welded joints After the 240 h FS test, alloy AW5083-O exhibits pitting corrosion at the fusion line and on the base material. After 480 h distinct pitting is found in the AlMg5 weld metal, too. At the weld edges a strong localized corrosion attack is found along the marked fusion line, whereat the corrosion depth remained to be about 0.8 mm between 240 h and 480 h, Figures 15a to c. The welding joint AW6181-T4 does not lead to the corrosion of the weld edges or the AlSi5 weld metal. Here the IG corrosion is found on the base material as shown in Figures 12c and d. After the 240 h FS test, the welded DD11-steel joint shows local corrosion at the weld edges. The shallow-pitting corrosion in the G3Si1 weld metal can be seen after 480 h, Figures 16a and b. These results are similar to the ones for the NSS test, Figure 10a. In the AM50 weld metal of the AZ31 magnesium joint, a notable amount of pores appeared. They had no significant influence on the corrosion behaviour during the FS test. Figures 17a and b shows shallow pitting corrosion as well as crevice corrosion at the cold weld edge after 240 h. These results are less critical than those related to the strong localized corrosion in the NSS test. K. G. KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... 372 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 Figure 15: Welded AW5083-O joint cross sections in LOM/corrosion after the FS test: a) 240 h; b) 480 h, lower weld edge; c) 480 h, upper weld edge (see Figure 8) Slika 15: Pre~ni prerez zvarjenega spoja AW5083-O, svetlobna mikroskopija (LOM); korozija po FS-preizkusu: a) 240 h; b) 480 h, spodnji rob zvara; c) 480 h, zgornji rob zvara (glej sliko 8) Figure 17: Welded AZ31 joint, grinded – AM50 weld metal details/ corrosion after the 240 h NSS test: a) lower weld seam; b) upper weld seam Slika 17: Spoj zvarjenega AZ31, bru{eno – detajl AM50 zvara; korozija po 240 h NSS-preizkusa: a) spodnji {iv zvara; b) zgornji {iv zvara Figure 16: Welded DD11-steel joint details – corrosion after the FS test: a) 240 h; b) 480 h, G3Si1 weld metal Slika 16: Detajli zvarjenega spoja DD11-jekla; korozija po FS-preizkusu; a) 240 h; b) 480 h G3Si1 zvar 3.3 Corrosion influence on the welded-joint strength The tensile-shear test results before and after the corrosion testing are shown in Figures 18a and b. The fracture forces were recorded and standardized with the initial cross-sectional area (50 mm × 3 mm and 50 mm × 2.5 mm for AW6181-T4). The fracture location for all the welded shear- test samples runs along the fusion line. In the as-welded condition, the DD11 and DD13 steels had the highest weld strength (352 MPa and 298 MPa). The difference is due to the lower carbon content of DD13. AW5083-O samples show a weld strength of 274 MPa and AW6181-T4 a strength of 113 MPa. Magne- sium AZ31 has the lowest weld strength that is 104 MPa. Considering the influence of the corrosion time and corrosive medium, the following can be observed: NSS test The DD13-steel weld showed a 12 % drop in the strength, to 309 MPa, and the DD11 weld strength depletes even by 26 %, to 222 MPa, after the 480 h NSS test. In contrast, no loss in the strength was found for both aluminium alloys. Due to the severe corrosion attack, the strength of the magnesium AZ31/AM50 weld joint decreased significantly, by 78 %, down to 23 MPa, Figure 18a. FS test The DD11-steel weld strength decreased to a value of 331 MPa (–6 %). However, for DD13 no loss of strength was detected. Also, for the AW5083-O/AlMg5 and AW6181-T4/AlSi5 weld joints no effect of corrosion occurred after 480 h. The weld strength of AZ31 decreased sharply to 62 MPa (–40 %), Figure 18b. 3.4 Approximation of the base-material-corrosion mass losses and rates Weight measurements were performed on the 50 mm × 100 mm base-material samples, see results in Figure 19. To calculate the mass loss per unit area (g/m2) For- mula 1 was used. Therefore, the chemical composition of the resulting corrosion products (MenXm) on the sample surfaces must be known. Their respective compositions from the literature are Fe2O3 for iron41, Al2O3 for aluminum10,42 and Mg(OH)2 for magnesium8. According to DIN 50905, part 243, the mass loss per unit area and the corrosion rate can be calculated for the supposed uniform surface corrosion. It must be noted that the alu- minum samples showed irregular or localized corrosion. For pitting corrosion, selective corrosion and intergra- nular corrosion, DIN 50905, Part 344 describes the evaluation of the corrosion samples by determining the thinning. But in order to obtain comparability for all the tested materials, a simplified uniform surface corrosion was presumed. Applying Formula 2 and Formula 3, the material-loss rates can be calculated43. The mass-loss rate per unit area was calculated with difference ma from mass loss ma at time tn reduced by the mass loss of the previous evaluation time t(n – 1). m m A m A n A m Aa r, Me r, X = − = + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ Δ Δ Formula 1: Mass loss per unit area 17 v m tdiff ad d = Formula 2: Mass-loss rate per unit area (g/m2h) 43 w v diff diff= ⋅8 76. Formula 3: Corrosion rate (mm/a) 43 Legend: ma… Mass loss per unit area (g/m2) –m… Mass loss (g) +m… Mass increase (g) A… Surface (m2) n*Ar,Me… n · relative atomic mass of corrosion product MenXm m·Ar,X… m · relative atomic mass of non-metal X (oxy- gen) in composition MenXm vdiff… Mass loss rate per unit area (g/m2h) dma… Differential mass loss per unit area (g/m2) dt… Differential time between single tests (h) … Base material density (g/cm3) The calculation results are the following: K. G. KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 373 Figure 18: Welded-joint strength over the corrosion testing time; a) NSS; b) FS test Slika 18: Trdnost zvarjenega spoja v odvisnosti od ~asa korozijskega preizku{anja; a) NSS-; b) FS-preizkus 3.4.1 NSS test In Figure 19a the mass gains of all the examined materials during the period of 480 h are shown. Four samples were evaluated for each base material. Non- grinded magnesium AZ31 (line 6) initially shows the highest mass increase. After 240 h the mass decreases due to the loss in the corrosion product. The mass increase in the grinded AZ31 samples (line 5) is much lower and even below the steel mass increase. The DD11 (line 3) and DD13 (line 4) steels show the same mass gain up to 96 h. Thereafter, DD13 corrodes more signifi- cantly. Aluminium AW5083-O (line 1) and AW6181-T4 (line 2) tend towards pitting and intergranular corrosion, causing very low mass gains. 3.4.2 FS test In Figure 19b the mass loss over the testing time for all the tested materials is exhibited. It can be seen that AZ31 (line 5) and DD13 (line 4) are forming adherent corrosion layers up to 2 h. All the other materials (AW6181-T4, AW5083-O and DD11) show neither an increase nor a decrease. Up to 24 h all the samples gain weight due to the formation of corrosion products. Afterwards, until the test end, a steady weight loss for all the samples is observed (except for the AW5083-O increase up to 48 h). After 48 h steels DD11 (line 3) and DD13 (line 4) sustain a strong weight loss, i.e., approxi- mately 1.25 g. By comparison, the 0.3 g weight losses in the aluminium alloys are quite low. The weight loss in AZ31 after 480 h amounts to 0.45 g. While drying the AZ31 samples, flaky corrosion products fall off the samples that cannot be included in the mass loss. 3.4.3 Mass loss per unit area – the NSS test The standardized mass losses after 240 h for steels DD13 (1250 g/m2 – line 4), DD11 (1000 g/m2 – line 3) and non-grinded magnesium AZ31 (800 g/m2 – line 6) progress relatively linear, Figure 20a. At 480 h the corrosion for DD11 decreases stronger than for DD13. Non-grinded AZ31 shows a negative mass loss after 480 h due to the corrosion product falling off. The grinded AZ31 (line 5) shows a constant and much lower mass loss of just corrosion until the test end, whereat the corrosion product adheres on the sample due to the low surface roughness. AW5083-O (line 1) and AW6181-T4 (line 2) show a very low mass loss as expected. 3.4.4 Mass loss per unit area – the FS test Figure 20b shows that steels DD11 (line 3) and DD13 (line 4) have the highest mass loss. From 96 h onwards the loss increases quite linearly up to approximately 240 g/m2 after 480 h. For the materials AW6181-T4 (25 g/m2), AW5083-O (50 g/m2) and AZ31 (87 g/m2) the mass loss is considerably lower. K. G. KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... 374 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 Figure 20: Mass loss per unit area over the 480 h test period: a) NSS test, b) FS test Slika 20: Zmanj{anje mase na enoto povr{ine med preizkusom 480 h; a) NSS-preizkus, b) FS-preizkus Figure 19: Base-material mass changes over the 480 h test period, a) NSS test b) FS test Slika 19: Spreminjanje mase osnovnega materiala med preizkusom 480 h, a) NSS-preizkus b) FS-preizkus 3.4.5 Corrosion rate – the NSS test For the steels at the beginning of the NSS test, the corrosion rates are quite high, i.e., around 12 mm per year at instant 6 h. The non-grinded magnesium AZ31 exhibits a tremendous corrosion rate of 52 mm per year, but the grinded AZ31 shows just 8.4 mm per year. To the contrary, the aluminium alloys show low or immeasu- rable corrosion rates (AW6181-T4: 2.2 mm per year; AW5083-O: 0.0 mm per year ) at instant 6 h. By continuing the test, the corrosion rates decrease more or less to 240 h and fall down further at instant 480 h for all the materials, Figure 21a. The reason for these materials’ passivation is probably the adherent corrosion products on the sample surfaces acting as corrosion barriers. At the end of the NSS test, the steels (0.6 and 2 mm per year for DD11 and DD13) have the highest and the aluminium alloys (AW5083-O and AW6181-T4, each having 0.04 mm per year ) the lowest corrosion rate, see Table 3. 3.4.6 Corrosion rate – the NSS test The maximum corrosion rates were found at instant 6 h for AW6181-T4 (13 mm per year), AW5083-O (10 mm per year), AZ31 (5.6 mm per year) and DD13 (0.9 mm per year). Steel DD11 (1.5 mm per year) shows its maxi- mum at instant 24 h. Thereafter, the corrosion rates of the Al and Mg alloys fall significantly and only slightly for the steels. At the end of the FS test AW6181-T4 (0.2 mm per year) and AW5083-O (0.3 mm per year ) show the lowest corrosion rate. On the other hand, DD11 (0.5 mm per year ) and DD13 (0.7 mm per year) have a signi- ficantly higher rate and AZ31 (1.4 mm per year) has the highest rate, Figure 21b and Table 3. 4 DISCUSSION The type of corrosion in the salt spray test (NSS test) and fruit acid test (FS test) is as follows: Aluminium alloys exhibit localized corrosion. It is notable that the progress in pitting for AW5083-O and intergranular corrosion for AW6181-T4 is reduced during the testing time. The grinded magnesium alloy AZ31 shows a stronger tendency for localized corrosion in the FS test than in the NSS test. The non-grinded AZ31 is not applicable as a very heavy corrosion attack appears. The corrosion behaviours of deep-drawing steels DD11 and DD13 are quite similar. In the NSS test mainly uniform corrosion or shallow pitting arises and in the FS test a partial pitting corrosion is observed. Note that the mass changes due to the corrosion in the NSS test for the steels and magnesium alloy are two to three times higher than in the FS test. Because of the localized-corrosion behaviour of aluminium alloys their mass change is marginal. Similarly, the corrosion rates at certain testing times in the NSS test are multiple com- pared to the FS test for the steels, Table 3. It is remarkable that in the NSS test adherent corro- sion layers are formed on all the materials and the sam- ples gain in weight. In contrast, the corrosion products drain off in the FS test making the samples lose weight. The corrosion behaviour of the welded joint AW5083-O in the NSS and FS tests is similar. Here the pitting and localized corrosion was found at the fusion line and also at the weld edges on the AlMg5 weld metal. Amazingly, the AW6181-T4 welded joints showed no corrosion at the fusion line or on the AlSi5 weld metal, but just the IG corrosion on the base material. The corrosion attack on the AZ31 magnesium welded joint was stronger in the NSS test than in the FS. In the former a strong and partially localized corrosion on the AM50 weld metal and on the base material occurred. In the latter only shallow pitting corrosion was found. The welded steel joints showed an intense corrosion attack at the fusion line in the NSS and FS tests. The corrosion of the G3Si1 weld metal was selective in NSS and took the form of shallow pitting corrosion in the FS test. The degradation of the tensile-shear strength of the steel welding joints is stronger in the NSS (up to 25 %) than in the FS test. Due to a very high strength loss of the AZ31 magnesium this joint is not applicable. It is a K. G. KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 375 Figure 21: Corrosion-rate behaviour over the 480 h test period: a) NSS test b) FS test Slika 21: Spreminjanje hitrosti korozije med preizkusom 480 h: a) NSS-preizkus, b) FS-preizkus benefit of aluminium alloys that they show no influence of corrosion on the welding-joint strength. 5 CONCLUSIONS Basically, the results of this investigation program allow a technical comparison between the influences of the two relevant corrosion media on the household cool- ing compressor shells. The currently used deep-drawing steels cannot be used without an anti-corrosion coating (KTL). Due to a low strength and even a poor corrosion resistance, it is not advisable to use AZ31 as a housing material for household cooling compressors. The overall result regarding weldability, corrosion resistance and joint strength proves that aluminium alloys can bring improvements to the future compressor shells. 6 REFERENCES 1 ceced. 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KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... 376 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 Table 3: Comparison of the mass-loss rates v/(g/(m2 h)) and corrosion rates w/mm per year in the NSS and FS test intervals Tabela 3: Primerjava hitrosti izgube mase v/(g/(m2 h)) in korozijska hitrost w/mm na leto pri NSS- in FS-intervalih preizku{anja Material Neutral salt spray test (NSS test) Fruit acid spray test (FS test) 96–168 168–240 240–480 96–168 168–240 240–480 v g/(m2 h) w (mm/y) v g/(m2 h) w (mm/y) v g/(m2 h) w (mm/y) v g/(m2 h) w (mm/y) v g/(m2 h) w (mm/y) v g/(m2 h) w (mm/y) DD11 1.80 2.01 5.53 6.16 0.54 0.60 0.84 0.94 0.39 0.44 0.47 0.52 DD13 2.71 3.02 8.01 8.91 1.85 2.06 0.62 0.69 0.29 0.33 0.58 0.65 AW5083-O 0 0 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.04 0.23 0.76 0.02 0.07 0.1 0.33 AW6181-T4 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.04 0.15 0.48 0.07 0.24 0.07 0.22 AZ31 0.14 0.73 0.24 1.22 0.27 1.35 0.13 0.66 0.17 0.84 0.27 1.37 35 G. 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Marx, Aluminium Handbuch. s.l., VEB Verlag Technik, Berlin 1969 43 DIN 50905 Teil 2, Korrosion der Metalle-Korrosionsuntersuchun- gen-Teil 2, Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin 1987 44 DIN 50905 Teil 3, Korrosion der Metalle-Korrosionsuntersuchungen – Teil 3, Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin 1987 K. G. KERSCHBAUMER et al.: WELDED ALUMINIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOYS – CORROSION AND MECHANICAL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 363–377 377 J. VASILJEVI] et al.: WATER-VAPOUR PLASMA TREATMENT OF COTTON AND POLYESTER FIBRES WATER-VAPOUR PLASMA TREATMENT OF COTTON AND POLYESTER FIBRES OBDELAVA BOMBA@NIH IN POLIESTRSKIH VLAKEN S PLAZMO VODNE PARE Jelena Vasiljevi}1, Marija Gorjanc1, Rok Zaplotnik2, Alenka Vesel2, Miran Mozeti~2, Barbara Simon~i~1 1Department of Textiles, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, A{ker~eva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Department of Surface Engineering and Optoelectronics, Jo`ef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia marija.gorjanc@ntf.uni-lj.si, barbara.simoncic@ntf.uni-lj.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-10-05; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-13 This study deals with the treatment of cotton and polyester fibres with a low-pressure, inductively coupled RF plasma, in which the water vapour from the fibres was used as a plasma-forming gas. Cotton, which is a hydrophilic, natural, cellulose fibre and polyester, which is a hydrophobic, synthetic, polyethylene terephthalate fibre, were used. Plasma characteristics during the treatment were investigated using optical emission spectroscopy (OES). The morphological and chemical changes in the fibre surfaces induced by plasma treatment were analysed using atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The optical emission spectra showed the presence of OH and H radicals at the beginning of the plasma treatment, whereas a CO Angstrom band appeared in the spectra recorded during the plasma treatment of both fibres. The cotton fibre roughness showed a three-fold increase after the plasma treatment that increased the surface area by approximately 8 %. The changes in the polyester fibre roughness were much less distinct and the surface area increased by approximately 3 %. The plasma treatment induced an increase in the O/C atomic ratio by approximately 43 % for cotton and 56 % for polyester fibres. The etching action of the water-vapour plasma was thus found to be more effective on the surface of cotton fibres than on polyester fibres. However, the water content of polyester fibres was sufficiently high to cause an oxidation of the fibre surface that was even higher than the oxidation of cotton. Keywords: water-vapour plasma, effectiveness of treatment, cotton, polyester, water content, morphological and chemical changes Raziskava vklju~uje obdelavo bomba`nih in poliestrskih vlaken z nizkotla~no induktivno sklopljeno RF-plazmo vodne pare. Izvir vodne pare kot delovnega plina so bila vlakna bomba`a, predstavnika hidrofilnih naravnih celuloznih vlaken, in vlakna poliestra, predstavnika hidrofobnih sinteti~nih polietilenteraftalnih vlaken. Lastnosti plazme med obdelavo tekstilnih vzorcev so bile preiskane z opti~no emisijsko spektroskopijo (OES). Morfolo{ke in kemijske spremembe povr{in plazemsko obdelanih vlaken so bile analizirane z mikroskopijo na atomsko silo (AFM), z vrsti~no elektronsko mikroskopijo (SEM) in rentgensko fotoelektronsko spektroskopijo (XPS). Opti~ni emisijski spektri so na za~etku obdelave s plazmo pokazali prisotnost OH in H radikalov. Med plazemsko obdelavo obeh vrst vlaken so bili v opti~nih emisijskih spektrih opazni tudi trakovi, ki izvirajo iz prehodov radikalov CO. Po obdelavi s plazmo se je hrapavost povr{ine bomba`nega vlakna trikrat pove~ala, kar je vplivalo na pove~anje specifi~ne povr{ine za pribli`no 8 %. Spremembe v hrapavosti so bile pri poliestrskem vlaknu manj izrazite, specifi~na povr{ina vlaken se je pove~ala za pribli`no 3 %. Po obdelavi s plazmo se je na povr{ini obeh vrst vlaken pove~alo razmerje O/C, in sicer za 43 % pri bomba`u in za 56 % pri poliestru. Glede na vsebnost vode v tekstilnih vzorcih je imela obdelava s plazmo vodne pare ve~ji u~inek jedkanja na bomba`nih kot na poliestrskih vlaknih. Kljub temu je poliester vseboval dovolj vodne pare, da se je povr{ina vlaken v plazmi oksidirala. Oksidacija na poliestru je bila celo ve~ja kot na bomba`u. Klju~ne besede: plazma vodne pare, u~inkovitost obdelave, bomba`, poliester, vsebnost vode, morfolo{ke in kemijske spremembe 1 INTRODUCTION Non-equilibrium gaseous plasma is a unique techno- logy for treating the surfaces of fibrous polymers without affecting their bulk properties.1–9 Accordingly, plasma systems using different power sources, pressures, elec- trode configurations and gasses have been used to generate plasma discharges and treat polymers.10–20 Oxygen-containing plasma increases the specific surface area and surface energy of polymers, which results in an incorporation of oxygen-containing groups, such as C–O, O–C=O and C=O.21–26 Plasma discharges in water vapour can potentially be used in a wide range of applications.27–32 Water-vapour plasma is superior to the other plasma-forming gasses because of its unique pro- perties, i.e., an extremely high enthalpy, environmentally safe conditions, a relatively low cost and an endless amount of plasma-forming gas.33 Water-vapour plasma generates a high concentration of OH radicals that can further dissociate to H and O radicals,34–36 although the probability of a dissociation of OH radicals is lower than that of a dissociation of water molecules (some of the OH radicals remain undissociated).36 The first effect of a plasma treatment is the functionalization of the polymer surface, which is followed by etching reactions. These reactions are initiated by an H-atom abstraction and formation of a free radical.35,37–40 Cotton and polyester are the two most important and widely used polymers in the textile industry. They differ from each other in their chemical and morphological structures, and the amounts of water content. There are several publications dealing with the influence of diffe- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 379–384 379 UDK 677:677.21:677.494.674 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)379(2013) rent plasma discharges on the surface properties of cotton or polyester, but these two polymers were rarely investigated together under the same plasma parameters. The aim of this study was to investigate the surface changes of cotton and polyester after a treatment with water-vapour plasma under the same plasma parameters. The water vapour from the fibres was used as a plasma- forming gas. The low-pressure plasma was chosen as an environmentally friendly (pre)treatment of the textiles, water vapour was chosen as an environmentally safe and cheap plasma-forming gas that is already present in the fibres, and the same plasma parameters were chosen to investigate the surface changes occurring on the two different yet most commonly used polymers. Additio- nally, plasma treatment was observed using OES, where the optical spectra were recorded during the treatment of textiles. The changes to the fibre surfaces were investi- gated using SEM, AFM and XPS analyses. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Materials and methods Scoured, bleached and mercerised cotton woven fabric (119 g/m2) made by Tekstina, d. d., Ajdov{~ina, and washed polyester woven fabric (67 g/m2) made by Velana, d. d., Ljubljana, were used in the study. Low-pressure, inductively coupled, radiofrequency (RF) plasma was used for the treatment. Our RF reactor scheme was previously presented in detail.27 The plasma was created using a fixed frequency of 27.12 MHz, an output power of approximately 5 kW, a pressure of 20 Pa and a current of 0.4 A. Water vapour was used as a work- ing gas. The fabric was the source of the water vapour. The fabric samples were treated for 30 s. 2.2 Analyses and measurements The water content of the fabric samples was deter- mined according to the standard SIST ISO 6741-1:1996. The plasma treatments were observed using optical emission spectrometry. An Avantes AvaSpec-3648 opti- cal spectrometer with a 3648-pixel CCD detector array and a 75 cm focal length was used. This spectrometer records the optical emission spectra in the wavelength range of 200–1100 nm with a resolution of 0.5 nm. The sample morphology was evaluated using a JEOL JSM 6060 LV scanning electron microscope. The sam- ples were coated with a thin layer of gold before obser- vation. The sample surface topography was evaluated using an atomic force microscope (AFM/MFM – Veeco Dimension 3100) in the contact mode. Surface scans of 1 μm2 square areas were performed at 22 °C in atmo- sphere for different sample positions using a scanning rate of 1.51 Hz. Images with a resolution of 256 × 256 lines were obtained using the Nanoscope software with a Flatten filter. From the AFM analyses, the mean rough- ness (Ra; the arithmetic average of the deviation from the centre plane), root-mean-square roughness (Rms; the standard deviation of the Z-value within a given area) and surface area (SA; a three-dimensional given region) were calculated as the mean values of 10 AFM scans of different sample regions. The standard error of the mean was calculated to perform statistical analyses. The sample-surface chemical compositions were analysed with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy using a PHI-TFA XPS spectrometer (Physical Electronics Inc). The analysed areas had a diameter of 0.4 mm and a depth of approximately 3–5 nm. The sample surfaces were excited with the X-ray radiation from a mono- chromatic Al K source at a photon energy of 1486.7 eV. The sample-surface chemical compositions were quanti- fied on the basis of the XPS peak intensities measured for two different spots on the sample using the MultiPak v7.3.1 software from Physical Electronics that was supplied with the spectrophotometer. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Inductively coupled RF plasma excited at the ulti- mate pressure emitted the spectra shown in Figure 1. As water remained in the samples, the residual atmosphere was mostly water vapour. Therefore, hydrogen emission lines were the main lines that were visible in the optical emission spectra recorded at the beginning of the treat- ment (Figure 1). Hydrogen is a good emitter of radiation, which is why the intensities of the Balmer series emission lines are so high. Water molecules dissociate into the hydro- gen and oxygen atoms, but in the OES spectra of the inductively coupled plasma at the ultimate pressure, the oxygen lines are not present, whereas the excitation ener- gy of oxygen atoms is much higher than the excitation energy of hydrogen atoms. Nitrogen emission bands are J. VASILJEVI] et al.: WATER-VAPOUR PLASMA TREATMENT OF COTTON AND POLYESTER FIBRES 380 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 379–384 Figure 1: OES spectra of the plasma, generated at the ultimate pressure before etching Slika 1: OES-spektri plazme, ustvarjene pri kon~nem tlaku pred jed- kanjem present in the spectra because of the small leakages in the system. The optical spectra recorded during the treatment of the samples (Figures 2 and 3) revealed several CO Ang- strom-band emission lines as well as a broad continuum between 400 nm and 700 nm that most likely resulted from a partial overlapping of the radiative transitions within CO molecules. The CO emission lines are attri- buted to the etching of the cotton and polyester samples. OES is a qualitative technique and, therefore, the density of particles cannot be determined from these measure- ments. However, CO is a poor emitter and from the high CO emission lines, we can conclude that the etching was efficient. The time evolution of the etching was recorded after the CO Angstrom band (0, 2) emission peak was obser- ved. To eliminate the effects of different spectrometer optical-fibre positions, the CO emission line (519 nm) was normalised with the H line. The time evolution of the normalised CO emission line during the sample treat- ment is presented in Figure 4. Better etching was achieved for the cotton samples when compared with the polyester samples. The etching rate for both samples increased monotonically with time. This etching increase was attributed to the thermal effects: the samples underwent heating during the treat- ment that increased the etching rate. The etching effects of the water-vapour plasma treat- ment were further examined using SEM and AFM analyses. The SEM images of cotton and polyester fibres before and after the plasma treatment are presented in Figure 5. Under the used plasma parameters, the impuri- ties on the cotton surface were cleaned and removed (Figures 5a and c). The same plasma parameters did not induce such changes to the polyester surface (Figures 6a and c). The plasma treatment did not cause any visible J. VASILJEVI] et al.: WATER-VAPOUR PLASMA TREATMENT OF COTTON AND POLYESTER FIBRES Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 379–384 381 Figure 5: SEM images of: a), b) untreated cotton and c), d) plasma- treated cotton fibres; 500-times magnification was used for a) and c), 6500-times magnification for b) and d) Slika 5: SEM-posnetki vlaken: a), b) neobdelanega bomba`a ter c), d) s plazmo obdelanega bomba`a; a) in c) 500-kratna pove~ava in b) in d) 6500-kratna pove~ava Figure 3: OES spectra of the plasma during the etching of polyester Slika 3: OES-spektri plazme med jedkanjem poliestrskega vzorca Figure 4: Time evolution of the CO emission peak (519 nm), normalised with the H line during the treatment of: a) cotton and b) polyester Slika 4: ^asovni razvoj emisije vrha CO (519 nm), normaliziranega s H-~rto, med obdelavo vzorca: a) bomba`, b) poliester Figure 2: OES spectra of the plasma during the etching of cotton Slika 2: OES-spektri plazme med jedkanjem bomba`nega vzorca morphological surface changes on cotton (Figures 5b and d) or on polyester fibres (Figures 6b and d), indi- cating that the bulk properties of both types of fibres remained unchanged. AFM analyses showed the changes in the nanotopo- graphy that were induced by the water-vapour plasma treatment of both samples (Figure 7). The quantitative evaluation of the nanotopography changes is presented in Figure 8 in terms of Ra and SA. As the calculated Rms values had the same trend as the Ra values, they are not presented in the paper. The plasma treatment produced a three-fold Ra increase in the cotton fibres, but did not cause significant changes in the poly- ester fibres (Figure 8a). The calculated SA values ob- tained after the plasma treatment were also higher for cotton than for polyester fibres (Figure 8b). For cotton and polyester, the SA values increased by approximately 8 % and 3 %, respectively. These results are in agree- ment with the obtained OES results. A higher etching effectiveness of the water-vapour plasma during the cotton treatment was caused by a different water content of the sample, i.e., 6.9 % for cotton and 0.5 % for poly- ester. A higher fibre water content leads to a higher level of reactive plasma species in the discharge, which contributes to an enhanced etching effect. The XPS analyses (Table 1) suggest that the oxida- tion of plasma-treated cotton and polyester is not depen- dant on their water contents. After a plasma treatment, the atomic concentration of carbon (C1s, 285 eV) decreased and the atomic concentration of oxygen (O1s, 533 eV) increased in both cases. The calculated J. VASILJEVI] et al.: WATER-VAPOUR PLASMA TREATMENT OF COTTON AND POLYESTER FIBRES 382 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 379–384 Figure 7: AFM scans of: a) untreated cotton, b) plasma-treated cotton, c) untreated polyester and d) plasma-treated polyester fibres Slika 7: AFM-posnetki vlaken: a) neobdelanega bomba`a, b) s plazmo obdelanega bomba`a, c) neobdelanega poliestra in d) s plazmo obdelanega poliestra Figure 8: a) Mean roughness, Ra, and b) surface area, SA, of cotton and polyester samples Slika 8: a) Srednja vrednost hrapavosti, Ra, in b) specifi~na povr{ina, SA, bomba`nih in poliestrskih vzorcev Table 1: Elemental compositions of the fabric-sample surfaces deter- mined with a XPS analysis Tabela 1: Elementarna sestava povr{ine vzorcev tkanin, dobljena z XPS-analizo Sample Elemental composition in mole fractions (%) Atomic ratio O/C x(C) x(O) Untreated cotton 69.4 30.6 0.44 Plasma treated cotton 61.3 38.7 0.63 Untreated polyester 72.0 28.0 0.39 Plasma treated polyester 62.2 37.8 0.61 Figure 6: SEM images of: a), b) untreated polyester and c), d) plas- ma-treated polyester fibres; 500-times magnification was used for a) and c), 6500-times magnification for b) and d) Slika 6: SEM-posnetki vlaken: a), b) neobdelanega poliestra ter c), d) s plazmo obdelanega poliestra; a) in c) 500-kratna pove~ava in b) in d) 6500-kratna pove~ava increases of the O/C atomic ratios were 43 % for cotton and 56 % for polyester. Despite a low water content of the polyester sample, the fibre oxidation during the plasma treatment was successful. 4 CONCLUSIONS A low-pressure water-vapour plasma was used for treating cotton and polyester fabrics. The source of the water vapour was the fabric itself. The basis of this research was to investigate the surface changes in the two chemically and morphologically different textiles when the same plasma parameters were used. Before and after the plasma treatment the surface properties of cotton and polyester fibres were evaluated and compared using the XPS, SEM and AFM analyses. The plasma treatment of the textiles was observed using an OES analysis. The results showed that the etching rate increases with the treatment time for both types of polymers due to the sample heating during the plasma treatment. The etching effect of the low-pressure water- vapour plasma was more pronounced for the hydrophilic cotton fibres than for hydrophobic polyester fibres. The cleaning effect on the surface of the cotton fabric was observed, when the surface impurities were removed. Under the used plasma parameters, surface morphology of the fibres remained unchanged for both types of polymers, indicating that the bulk properties of the fibres remained undamaged. The water content of both types of polymers was sufficiently high to achieve a good oxidation of the fibre surfaces. This preliminary research is very important for understanding what is happening during plasma treat- ment of cotton and polyester and how the same plasma parameters influence the surface changes made to these two most important and widely used polymers. Since cotton and polyester are also used together as a cotton/ polyester blend, the results will help us with our further research focusing on the water-vapour plasma (pre)treat- ment of blends. 5 REFERENCES 1 G. Borcia, C. A. Anderson, N. M. D. Brown, Surf. Coat. Technol., 201 (2006) 6, 3074–3081 2 C. Canal, P. Erra, R. 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SALIMI et al.: INFLUENCE OF SAMPLE DIRECTION ON THE IMPACT TOUGHNESS ... INFLUENCE OF SAMPLE DIRECTION ON THE IMPACT TOUGHNESS OF THE API-X42 MICROALLOYED STEEL WITH A BANDED STRUCTURE VPLIV USMERJENOSTI VZORCEV NA UDARNO @ILAVOST MIKROLEGIRANEGA JEKLA API-X42 S TRAKAVO MIKROSTRUKTURO Ahmadreza Salimi1, Hossein Monajati Zadeh1, Mohammad Reza Toroghinejad2, Davod Asefi1, Amir Ansaripour1 1Department of Materials Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, P.O. Box 517, Isfahan, Iran 2Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran salimy.ahmadreza@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-13; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-23 The layering of a microstructure parallel to the direction of the material flow during the hot working process is called banding. In the present paper, the severity of ferrite-pearlite banding in the API-X42 microalloyed steel and its effects on the impact energy are studied. Specifically, the impact toughness is examined in the cases of banded and non-banded samples along two directions, perpendicular and parallel to the rolling, and the obtained results are compared. Metallographic examinations, together with the Charpy impact tests at 0 °C and –18 °C, were done for both directions, parallel and perpendicular to the rolling. The results showed a dependence of the impact energy on the sample direction relative to the rolling to be larger with the banded than the non-banded sample. The difference between the impact energies for the directions parallel and perpendicular to the rolling was also noticed to be caused by the increasing anisotropy index. Keywords: API-X42 steel, pearlite-ferrite banding, impact energy Usmerjanje mikrostrukture vzporedno s smerjo vro~ega preoblikovanja se imenuje trakavost. V ~lanku je predstavljena {tudija preprostosti feritno-perlitnih pasov v mikrolegiranem jeklu API-X42 in njihov vpliv na udarno energijo. Specifi~no je primerjana udarna `ilavost med vzorci s trakavo in netrakavo mikrostrukturo vzdol` dveh smeri, pravokotno in vzporedno s smerjo valjanja. Opravljene so bile metalografske preiskave in udarni preskusi Charpy pri 0 °C in –18 °C vzporedno in pravokotno na smer valjanja. Rezultati so pokazali odvisnost udarne energije glede na usmerjenost vzorca pri valjanju, relativno bolj v trakavih kot v netrakavih vzorcih. Pri nara{~ajo~em indeksu anizotropije je bila opa`ena razlika med energijo udarca pri vzporedni in pravokotni smeri valjanja. Klju~ne besede: jeklo API-X42, perlitno-feritni trakovi, udarna energija 1 INTRODUCTION The layering of a microstructure parallel to the direction of the material flow during the hot working process is called banding. Generally, banding is classified into two major categories. The microscopic bands include deformation bands, transformation bands and shear bands, and the macroscopic bands include carbide banding in tool steels, layered ferrite-pearlite structure of rolling in low-carbon alloy steels and martensite banding in heat-treated alloy steels.1–4 Because of these various micro and macro features, there is no universally accepted definition of banding. More- over, there are clearly various mechanisms that can cause these structures. Ferrite-pearlite banding may occur due to a segre- gation of some alloying elements during solidification after casting and hot-working processes.5 When steel is slowly cooled from the austenite region, the pro-eutec- toid ferrite is formed initially in the areas with a rela- tively low number of austenite-stabilizing elements, whereas pearlite is formed in the areas with more austenite-stabilizing elements after being cooled down to the temperatures below the eutectoid line, creating a banded microstructure containing successive pearlite and ferrite areas.6 There have been several studies on the effect of banding on mechanical properties7–9. Working on heavily banded 0.3 % carbon steel, Jatczak et al.10 found little or no effect on the anisotropy of tensile properties, while a significant anisotropy of the reduction in area and impact properties was discovered. They also observed a very small change in mechanical properties in longitudinal direction as well as in impact properties and ductility in transverse direction due to homogenization. Grange11 found that both banding microstructure and longitudinally directed inclusions cause anisotropy in the mechanical properties of 0.025 % C and 1.5 % Mn steel, eliminating the decrease in anisotropy caused by banding; however, this decrease is trivial if numerous inclusions are elongated in longitudinal direction. In some studies, the effect of banding and specimen orien- tations on the fracture toughness has been investigated and it has been shown that banding has a significant Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 385–389 385 UDK 539.42:621.77.014.2 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)385(2013) effect on the rolling-plane anisotropy.12–14 However, little has been done to examine the differences between banded and non-banded samples in different directions. In the previous researches, the samples with a banded structure were selected, and after the study of structural and mechanical properties, the same steel was heat treated, by normalizing or annealing it, to remove micro- structural banding.2–15 The potential problem of this method is that this treatment makes it possible to prepare samples of the same steel in a virtually non-banded ver- sus severely banded conditions; however, the differences in the chemical-composition distribution, grain size and inclusion morphology during heat treatment are inevi- table. So, they can affect the accuracy of the results. In this study, the impact properties of several API-X42 steel samples with different bandy degrees of the ferritic- pearlite structure after hot rolling have been investigated. No heat treatment was done on the samples to reduce the banding phenomenon. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE In this study, the initial production data of 50 samples of the API-X42 steel were obtained. Among them, 16 samples with the same chemical composition were selected. The chemical composition in mass fractions (%) is 0.12 C, 0.905 Mn, 0.21 Si, 0.007 P, 0.003 S and 25 N (μg/g). The samples were investigated with optical metallography. Metallographic specimens were prepared in accor- dance with the guidelines and recommended practices given by ASTM-E3 Methods. Their images provided by an optical microscope at the magnification of 100 and 500 were also taken. To investigate just the banding effects and remove the other effects of metallurgical variables, samples with the same grain size and chemical composition and with very low amounts of inclusions have been selected. The banding in API-X42 is the ferrite-pearlite banding. Hence, the banded samples and non-banded ones were separated from each other by using the Assessing the Degree of Banding or Orientation of Microstructures standard (ASTM-E1268). The aniso- tropy index (AI) was estimated from the following equation: AI = NL/NLII (1) where NL and NLII are the mean numbers of the feature interceptions with the test lines respectively perpen- dicular and parallel to the deformation direction per length unit of the test lines. For a randomly oriented, non-banded microstructure, AI has a value of one. As the degree of orientation or banding increases, AI increases, too. For the impact testing (according to the ASTM-E23 standard), three samples from each plate in a direction perpendicular to rolling and three samples in parallel with the rolling direction were prepared as shown in Figure 1. (At the state A, the test piece is perpendicular to the rolling direction and the notch is parallel to rolling. At the state B, the test piece is parallel to the rolling direction and the notch is perpendicular to rolling and the pendulum strikes the test piece in the direction parallel to rolling). The Charpy impact tests at 0 and –18 °C were done. The amount of the absorbed energy was determined for each test piece. Finally, the mean of the three results for each temperature was reported as the final result. The fracture surface was coated with nickel to be prepared for examining the crack-propagation path in normal view of the fractured face. Nickel prevents damaging the studied fracture surface. Then the back of the broken test-piece notch was investigated with SEM microscopy. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2 shows two metallographic images used for determining AI for the two cases of highly and poorly banded microstructures. The results for the classified specimens after the metallography, the anisotropy index and the impact energy, are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Relationship between the impact energy and the anisotropy index for the two temperatures of 0 °C and –18 °C Tabela 1: Odvisnost med udarno energijo in indeksom anizotropije za dve temperaturi, 0 °C in –18 °C No. of piece AI Impact energy, J (–18°C) (0°C) 1A 2.07 46.4 63.0 2A 2.18 55.4 67.5 3A 1.57 67.9 72.3 4A 1.55 67.4 74.0 1B 2.07 84.0 87.9 2B 2.18 88.8 89.7 3B 1.57 78.6 83.0 4B 1.55 79.6 85.0 In accordance with the banding standard, the optimal state is achieved when AI is equal to 1. It means that the A. SALIMI et al.: INFLUENCE OF SAMPLE DIRECTION ON THE IMPACT TOUGHNESS ... 386 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 385–389 Figure 1: Schematic representation of the sample direction relative to the plate rolling direction Slika 1: Shematski prikaz smeri vzor~enja in usmerjenost plo{~e glede na smer valjanja number of NL must be equal to the number of NLII. By increasing it to a number higher than 1, NL is higher than NLII, and the microstructure becomes more banded. According to Table 1, all the measured values of AI are greater than 1. This indicates that all the samples are banded. But two series of more banded specimens containing the test pieces 1A, 2A, 1B, 2B and two series of less banded specimens containing the test pieces 3A, 4A, 3B, 4B can be singled out. Three-dimensional metallographic microstructure images of samples 4A and 2B are shown in Figures 3a and 3b, respectively, as the samples with a poorly and a highly banded microstructures. As can be seen, the banding phenomenon is more visible in the direction parallel to the rolling cross- section. The relationship between the impact energy and AI for the eight test pieces examined in the directions of A and B, is shown in Figure 4. According to Figure 4, in the samples of series A, the impact energy is reduced with an increase in AI. As the samples of series B behave differently, an increase in AI causes an increase in the impact energy. About a 40 % increase in AI results in about a 10 % increase in the impact energy of B samples and about a 25 % decrease in A samples. This increasing and decreasing of the impact energy caused by the increasing banding can be attributed to the crack-growth path in the banding layers of the impact sample. Schematic representations of the crack-growth paths from samples A and B are shown in Figure 5. According to this figure, in the A sample the crack A. SALIMI et al.: INFLUENCE OF SAMPLE DIRECTION ON THE IMPACT TOUGHNESS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 385–389 387 Figure 3: Three-dimensional images of metallographic samples 4A and 2B as the two samples with a low and a high AI Slika 3: Tridimenzionalna slika metalografskega vzorca 4A in 2B kot dva vzorca z nizkim in visokim indeksom anizotropije AI Figure 2: Two examples of a: a) banded structure and b) non-banded structure, for which the anisotropy index was determined Slika 2: Primer: a) trakave mikrostrukture in b) mikrostrukture brez trakavosti, za katero je bil dolo~en indeks anizotropije Figure 4: Dependence of the impact energy on the sample direction (A and B according to Figure 1) and AI at –18 °C Slika 4: Odvisnost udarne energije od usmerjenosti vzorca (A in B na sliki 1) in indeksa anizotropije AI pri –18 °C moves along the path of the layers placed on each other, while in the B sample the crack movement is perpen- dicular to the layers and is encountered by different layers on its path. So, a stronger banding is more harmful for the A sample and more useful for the B sample. This is because more layers on the crack-growth path can absorb more energy. According to Table 1 and Figure 3, the 1B and 2B test pieces that have a high AI, absorbing more energy before the fracture, while the 3B and 4B test pieces that have a low AI absorbing less energy and allowing the fracture to occur. In addition, the minimum value is related to the 3B sample having the lowest AI. It means that banding can be useful to impact properties if the pendulum impact on the test piece is in the direction perpendicular to the rolling. A crack can deviate from its main path due to grain boundaries, flow lines, inclusions and banding. It can be seen in Figure 2 that in the banded samples the distance between the ferrite and pearlite is smaller than in the non-banded samples and the crack is forced to encounter many more phases on its path. Also, the phase continuity is a more important factor in the case of highly banded samples than in the case of poorly banded samples. The reason for this is the fact that when phases are continuous, a crack is forced to encounter many more phases on its path. On the other hand, due to the discontinuity of the phases in the poorly banded samples, a crack may follow a longer path before encountering another phase. This can be better seen in Figure 6, which shows a SEM image of the section perpendicular to the fracture surface of sample 2. This figure implies that the crack path has been serrated while crossing the ferrite-pearlite banded structure. The crack path on this figure is perpendicular to the plate. So, during the crossing, it has been involved with the structures of ferrite and pearlite. This caused a change in the path and can be the reason for an increase in the absorbed impact energy in B similar to the banded samples. The A banding structure can also be compared to a fiber composite or a composite with constant reinforcing particles, in which the reinforcing phase is located in the field phase. The fracture in the direction perpendicular to A. SALIMI et al.: INFLUENCE OF SAMPLE DIRECTION ON THE IMPACT TOUGHNESS ... 388 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 385–389 Figure 7: Difference in the impact energies for the A and B samples at –18 °C and 0 °C Slika 7: Razlika v udarni energiji pri dveh vzorcih A in B pri –18 °C in 0 °C Figure 5: Schematic image representing the crack-growth path in the A and B banded samples Slika 5: Shematski prikaz poti rasti razpoke v trakavih vzorcih A in B Figure 6: SEM image of a crack-growth path in the cross-section perpendicular to the fracture surface of sample 2B Slika 6: SEM-posnetek poti rasti razpoke na preseku pravokotno na povr{ino preloma vzorca 2B the fibers is more serious than the one in the parallel direction. Figure 7 shows the differences in the impact energies for the two directions, perpendicular and parallel, of the rolling. In a study on an aluminum composite, in which the SiC reinforcing particles are used in two forms, an elongated and a random orientation in the aluminum matrix, the sample with a random distribution showed no difference in the fatigue crack growth in the two directions, the perpendicular and parallel, while the sample with an elongated reinforcement showed an obvious difference.16 Also, the repeated impact tests at the zero tempera- ture indicated a similar behavior shown in this diagram, and the diagram in Figure 4 shows that with the increasing AI the differences in the impact energies for the two directions, the perpendicular and parallel, increase from 11 J to 37 J. Therefore, the direction of the samples has a significant effect on the banded samples, reflected in the impact-test results. Due to a more homogeneous microstructure of the non-banded samples or the samples with a lower AI, the mechanical pro- perties are not very dissimilar for different directions and are close to the homogeneous state. However, at the temperature of –18 °C the amount of the impact energy in the banded samples was slightly smaller than at the temperature of 0 °C. This shows that banding has a larger effect on the impact properties at lower temperatures. 4 CONCLUSION 1. Impact energy shows an obvious dependence on the sample direction. As AI increases (which is an index of banding), the impact energy decreases in the rolling direction, while it increases in the direction perpendicular to rolling. 2. With the increasing AI the differences in the impact energies for the two directions, perpendicular and parallel, increase. 3. At lower temperatures banding has a greater influ- ence on impact properties. Acknowledgments The technical and financial support of the Mobarkeh Steel Complex to the present research is gratefully acknowledged. 5 REFERENCES 1 ASTM International, Metals-Mechanical Testing, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 2009 2 J. D. Verhoeven, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 9 (2000), 286–296 3 X. P. Liang, H. Z. Li, L. Huang, T. Hongc, B. Ma, Y. Liu, Transac- tions Of Nonferrous Metals Society Of China, 22 (2012) 6, 1270–1279 4 S. W. Hwang, J. H. Ji, K. T. Park, Materials Science and Engineer- ing: A, 528 (2011), 7267–7275 5 L. E. Samuels, Light Microscopy of Carbon Steels, ASM Interna- tional, 1999, 81–124 6 H. Chandler, Heat Treater’s Guide, Practices And Procedures For Irons And Steels, 2nd ed., ASM International, 1995 7 L. Hellner, T. O. Norrman, Jernkont. Ann., 152 (1968), 269–86 8 W. A. Spitzig, Metallurgical Transactions A, 14 (1983), 271 9 A. S. Bor, Iron Steel Inst. Jpn. Int., 31 (1991), 1445–46 10 E. F. Jatczak, D. J. Girardi, E. S. 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MAUDER et al.: EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF AN AIR-PCM HEAT-STORAGE UNIT EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF AN AIR-PCM HEAT-STORAGE UNIT EKSPERIMENTALNA IN NUMERI^NA PREISKAVA ENOTE ZRAK – PCM ZA SHRANJEVANJE TOPLOTE Tomas Mauder, Pavel Charvat, Milan Ostry Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technicka 2896/2, Brno, Czech Republic ymaude00@stud.fme.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-27; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-14 The phase-change materials (PCMs) are quite promising heat-storage media for applications that require a high heat-storage capacity in a relatively narrow temperature interval. One of the areas of the latent-heat-storage application is thermal-energy storage in solar air systems, where a lower heat-storage temperature leads to an increase in the overall efficiency of the system. The paper deals with numerical and experimental investigations of the thermal performance of an air-PCM heat-storage unit. The studied unit contained 100 aluminum containers filled with a paraffin-based PCM. Both experimental and numerical investigations were done for a constant air temperature at the inlet of the heat-storage unit. Keywords: heat exchanger, PCM, simulation Materiali s fazno premeno (PCM) so obetavni mediji za shranjevanje toplote za uporabo, ki zahteva veliko kapaciteto shranjevanja toplote v relativno ozkem temperaturnem intervalu. Eno od podro~ij uporabe shranjevanja latentne toplote je shranjevanje toplotne energije v solarnih sistemih, kjer nizka temperatura shranjevanja toplote pove~uje splo{no u~inkovitost sistema. ^lanek obravnava numeri~ne in eksperimentalne preiskave toplotne zmogljivosti enote zrak – PCM za shranjevanje toplote. Preiskovana enota je sestavljena iz 100 aluminijevih vsebnikov, napolnjenih s parafinskim PCM. Eksperimentalne in numeri~ne preiskave so bile izvr{ene za konstantno temperaturo zraka, pri vhodu v napravo za shranjevanje toplote. Klju~ne besede: izmenjevalnik toplote, PCM, simulacija 1 INTRODUCTION Most of the solar thermal systems cannot effectively operate without thermal storage.1 Water is generally used as a heat-storage medium in water-based solar systems, but it is less practical for air-based systems. The rock beds, where solid materials (usually pebbles) are used for heat storage,2 can be used in air-based solar thermal systems, but they have certain disadvantages. The rock beds use a lot of space, they are difficult to clean, the air-flow distribution in the beds is usually non-uniform causing highly non-uniform temperature distribution in the heat-storage medium and thus decreasing the energy efficiency of the system. In order to achieve a higher heat-storage density, the rock beds need to be heated up to high temperatures leading to a decrease in the overall energy efficiency. Promising media for thermal storage in these applications are phase-change materials.3 The phase change of a material provides a rather high thermal-storage capacity (and also energy-storage density) in a narrow temperature interval around the melting point of the material.4 Latent heat is absorbed or released when the material changes phase from solid to liquid or from liquid to solid. The most commonly used PCMs are paraffins, fatty acids and esters, and various salt hydrates.5 2 HEAT-STORAGE UNIT PCM-based heat-storage units can be of various designs. The studied heat-storage unit had a rather simple design (Figure 1). It was a thermally insulated box that contained 100 aluminum panels filled with the PCM (arranged in 5 rows). The Rubitherm CSM panels were used in the unit. The panels have the dimensions of 450 mm × 300 mm × 10 mm and each of them can accommodate approximately 700 ml of PCM. The panels were filled with the Rubitherm RT42 paraffin-based PCM. The RT42 has a melting range from 38 °C to 43 °C, heat-storage capacity of 174 kJ/kg (in the tem- perature range between 35 °C and 50 °C) and a thermal conductivity of 0.2 W/(m K). The overall heat-storage capacity of the unit was 12.3 kJ (3.4 kW h) in the temperature interval between 25 °C and 55 °C. In the situations when the unit is not fully charged it can make sense to reverse the air-flow direction in the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 391–394 391 UDK 536.65:519.61/.64 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)391(2013) Figure 1: Schematic view of the heat-storage unit Slika 1: Shematski prikaz enote za shranjevanje toplote discharging mode (in comparison to the charging mode – as indicated in Figure 1) in order to increase the outlet air temperature and, thus, to increase the efficiency. Another issue is the position of the PCM panels in the unit. When the panels are positioned horizontally the PCM in the fully melted state collects at the lower part of the panel and there will be an air gap between the PCM and the upper surface of the container. That gap can significantly influence the heat transfer between the PCM and the air passing through the heat-storage unit. The volume change between the solid and liquid state is rather significant for many PCMs (it can be larger than 15 %) and thus some empty space needs to be kept in the containers to allow for that volume change. An expe- rimental set-up was prepared in order to investigate the thermal performance of the unit. The experimental set-up consisted of the unit, a fan, an electric air heater, and the temperature and air-velocity probes connected to a data logger (Figure 2). The experiments were carried out at a constant air-flow rate throughout the unit and a constant inlet air temperature. 3 NUMERICAL MODEL OF THE UNIT The simulation tool TRNSYS 17 was used for nume- rical investigations. TRNSYS 17 is a 1D simulation tool that can be used for energy-performance simulations of systems and buildings. A schematic of the numerical model of the heat-storage unit is shown in Figure 3. Simulations were done for 5 rows of the CSM panels with 20 panels in each row as was the case in the expe- rimental investigations. Since there are 19 geometrically equal air channels between the CSM panels, only one channel was modeled. Actually, assuming the planar symmetry, only a half of a channel with a half of the CSM panel thickness was modeled. The numerical model of the heat transfer including a phase change in the PCM unit was implemented in MATLAB and connected to TRNSYS.6 The numerical model for the heat transfer in the PCM created in MATLAB is based on the implementation of the 1D heat-transfer equation that includes the source of the latent heat of the phase change:6 ∂ = ∂ + ∂ ∂t cT k T x Q( )  2 2 (1) where represents the density, c denotes the heat capa- city, k stands for the thermal conductivity, t is the time, T represents the temperature and x is the spatial coordi- nate. The term Q in equation (1) can be expressed as follows: Q H f t =  ∂ ∂ s (2) where H denotes the latent heat and fs is the solid fraction that represents the ratio between the solid and liquid phases. If fs = 0, the material is in the liquid state and, therefore, only thermo-physical properties related to the liquid state are considered. Conversely, if 1 fs = 0, the material is in the solid state. The theoretical analysis of solidification is based on the equilibrium with the assumption that a complete diffusion occurs between the solid and liquid phases. A simple premise is to assume that the latent heat increases linearly with the tem- perature: f T T T Ts L L S = − − (3) In equation (3) TS and TL represent the solidus and liquidus temperatures, respectively. The solution of equation (1) strictly depends on the initial and boundary conditions. The initial condition describes the tempe- rature distribution for t = 0: T x t T x( , ) ( )= =0 0 (4) T. MAUDER et al.: EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF AN AIR-PCM HEAT-STORAGE UNIT 392 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 391–394 Figure 2: Experimental set-up Slika 2: Eksperimentalni sestav Figure 4: Detail of the computational domain Slika 4: Detajl ra~unske domene Figure 3: Simplification of the storage unit for the numerical model Slika 3: Poenostavitev naprave za shranjevanje za numeri~ni model The numerical model takes into account the Neumann type of boundary conditions determined by the heat fluxes q on the surface: − ∂ ∂ = = T x x f q( , ) 0 (5) The adiabatic boundary condition ( q = 0) is used at the plain of symmetry in the middle of the container. A detail of the computational domain is shown in Figure 4. The communication between the TRNSYS model and the MATLAB model is described below. The computations started from a given initial temperature profile in the PCM layer (temperatures tpcm1 to tpcmn). A constant temperature across the layer was assumed in the simulations. The heat flux q i at the surface of the aluminum wall of the container was obtained from the TRNSYS model. No thermal resistance between the PCM and the container wall was assumed and the wall temperature ts2 was considered to be equal to the temperature tpcm1. The heat flux obtained from the TRNSYS model was then used as an input for the MATLAB model for the PCM layer. The MATLAB model provided a new value of the tpcm1 that was used for calculating the heat flux in the next time step in the TRNSYS model. A time step of 60 s was used in the TRNSYS model while the MATLAB model used a much shorter time step of 1 s in line with the stability condition. The stability condition for explicit formula was used according to7. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 5 shows the comparison of experimental and numerical results for the heat-storage rate in the unit. The heat-storage rate was obtained from the air-mass- flow rate and the air temperatures at the inlet and the outlet of the storage unit. The air temperature at the inlet of the unit in the heat-storage period was 58 °C and the air-flow rate was 230 m3/h. Though a constant air tempe- rature at the inlet of the unit is of rare occurrence under real operating conditions, it is very illustrative for the theoretical analyses. There are certain discrepancies between the predicted and measured heat-storage rates. The electric air heater used in the experiments had an output of 2 kW, but since the heater needed some time to reach that output the measured heat-storage peak is not as sharp as in the case of numerical simulations. The current version of the simulation model neglects the heat loss to the surroundings. This is one of the reasons for the increasing discrepancies over longer periods of time. At a certain point the air-temperature difference between the inlet and the outlet of the unit is not due to the storage rate but due to the thermal loss of the unit. Another reason for discrepancies is associated with the air flow inside the unit. Though the heat transfer in the case of the air flow between two parallel planes is well described in the literature, the uncertainty remains about the air-flow rates in particular air channels. The melting of the PCM is yet another source of uncertainties. A proper simu- lation of the melting and solidification requires a complex 3D numerical model that takes into account the convection in the liquid PCM as well as the PCM volu- me change (to address the void formation during soli- dification). The heat-release rates can be seen in Figure 6. The air temperature at the inlet of the unit was 25 °C during the heat-discharge period. The air-flow rate was the same as in the heat-storage period. Again, there is a relatively good match between the numerical and experimental results at the beginning of the heat-release period, but the discrepancies increase with the elapsed time. The heat- release rate peaks at more than 2 kW at the beginning of the heat-release period, but it very quickly drops to around 1 kW when the sensible heat above the melting range is released. The differences between the numerical and experimental results can be explained with the non-uniform air-flow rates in the air channels between the panels. The numerical model assumes that the air-flow rates in all the air channels are the same and, therefore, the heat fluxes stored to, or released from, all the panels in one row are the same. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 391–394 393 T. MAUDER et al.: EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF AN AIR-PCM HEAT-STORAGE UNIT Figure 6: Heat-release rates Slika 6: Hitrost spro{~anja toplote Figure 5: Heat-storage rates Slika 5: Hitrost shranjevanja toplote 5 CONCLUSION A 1D simulation model of a heat-storage unit with a PCM for thermal-energy systems using air as a heat carrier was developed. The model of the unit was created with the use of coupling between the TRNSYS 17 simulation tool and the in-house MATLAB model for PCMs. An experimental setup with a test heat-storage unit was put together in order to validate the developed numerical model experimentally. The comparison of experimental and numerical results revealed certain discrepancies in the predicted and measured tempe- ratures and energies. The simulation model neglected the heat loss to the ambient environment, the uncertainties associated with the air-flow inside the unit and it used a rather simple approach to the model phase change of the PCM. The necessary communication between TRNSYS and MATLAB also significantly slowed down the simulations. To address all these issues a more advanced model of a heat-storage unit implemented as a TRNSYS type (programmed in C++) is under development. Acknowledgement The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the project GACR P101/11/1047 founded by the Czech Science Foundation, project ED0002/01/01 – NETME Centre, and the Specific Research Project FSI-J-12-22. 6 REFERENCES 1 M. Muhieddine, É. Canot, R. March, Various approaches for solving problems in heat conduction with phase change, International Journal on Finite Volumes, 6 (2009), 20 2 S. Jaber, S. Ajib, Optimum design of Trombe wall system in Medi- terranean region, Solar Energy, 85 (2011), 1891–1898 3 D. L. Zhao, Y. Li, Y. J. Dai, R. Z. Wang, Optimal study of a solar air heating system with pebble bed energy storage, Energy Conversion and Management, 52 (2011), 2392–2400 4 P. Pinel, C. A. Cruickshank, I. 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RAUDENSKÝ: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF A HEAT-TRANSFER COEFFICIENT EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF A HEAT-TRANSFER COEFFICIENT PREISKAVE KOEFICIENTA PRENOSA TOPLOTE Martin Chabi~ovský, Miroslav Raudenský Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Technická 2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic chabicovsky@LPTaP.fme.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-31; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-11-22 A special piece of apparatus was developed to study the cooling of hot steel surfaces using full-cone nozzles. This apparatus allowed the movement of the test sheet in a vertical direction, up and down. Experiments with different water pressures and flow rates were conducted. It was observed that the value of the average heat-transfer coefficient increased with an increase in the water pressure for all the surface-temperature range and the dependence of the heat-transfer coefficient on the water-impingement density is linear in the region of stable film boiling. A mathematical model based on a regression analysis for predicting the heat-transfer coefficient in the region of stable film boiling was developed. Keywords: cooling, impingement density, full cone nozzles, heat-transfer coefficient Razvita je bila posebna naprava za preu~evanje ohlajanja vro~e povr{ine jekla s podro~jem s {obami. Ta naprava omogo~a vertikalno pomikanje preizkusne plo~evine dol in gor. Izvr{eni so bili preizkusi z razli~nimi tlaki vode in hitrostmi pretokov. Opa`eno je bilo, da nara{~a srednja vrednost koeficienta prenosa toplote z nara{~anjem tlaka vode za vsa obmo~ja temperature povr{ine in da je linearna odvisnost med koeficientom prenosa toplote in zmanj{evanjem gostote vode v obmo~ju stabilne tanke plasti pri vrenju. Na osnovi regresijske analize je bil razvit matemati~ni model za napovedovanje koeficienta prenosa toplote v obmo~ju stabilne tanke plasti pri vretju. Klju~ne besede: ohlajanje, zmanj{evanje gostote, podro~je s {obami, koeficient prenosa toplote 1 INTRODUCTION The spray cooling of vertically moving, hot, stainless- steel sheet was studied in the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Laboratory. The temperature range from 900 °C to 200 °C was covered by these experiments. The experi- ments with different water-impingement densities were conducted. The dependence of the heat-transfer coeffi- cient (HTC) on different water-impingement densities (mL) has been studied by many authors, but it is known that different nozzles and test conditions provide different results. It is also known that in the range of stable film boiling, the heat-transfer coefficient is inde- pendent of the surface temperature and that it is mostly influenced by the water-impingement density. It was shown in1 (Figure 1), that the dependence of the heat-transfer coefficient on the impingement density is linear for water temperatures under 20 °C and water-impingement densities of 100–2000 kg /(m2 min). 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCESS An experimental apparatus developed for the vertical moving of a hot-test, stainless-steel sheet was used in the experiments (Figure 2). The hot-test sheet with a thick- ness of 1 mm moved vertically up and down, and it was cooled by three rows of collectors with full-cone nozzles. The collectors were connected through a pump to a water tank with an adjustable water temperature. Each collec- tor was directly connected to a manometer. The heater, which heated the test sheet to 900 °C, was on the top of the experimental apparatus. Four thermocouples of type Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 395–398 395 UDK 536.2:519.233.5 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(3)395(2013) Figure 1: Heat-transfer coefficient as a function of the impingement density1 Slika 1: Koeficient prenosa toplote v odvisnosti od zmanj{evanja gostote1 K were welded on the rear side of the test sheet. The distance between the thermocouples was 20 mm (Figure 3). The holder of the test sheet was equipped with a position sensor and data logger, which recorded the information about the test-sheet temperature and the position. The test sheet was heated in a furnace at a temperature of 900 °C and then moved up/down under spraying nozzles until it was cooled to a temperature of 200 °C. The movement of the test sheet was conducted with a velocity of 3 m s–1. The distance between the nozzles was 40 mm, while the distance between the collectors was 330 mm, and the distance from the nozzle orifice to the test sheet was 250 mm. An example of the nozzle configuration and photographs of the experiment are shown on the Figure 4. The experiments were made with a water temperature of 40 °C and differed only in terms of the pressures. The pressures and water-impinge- ment densities used in experiments are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Measured experiments Tabela 1: Rezultati meritev preizkusov Experiment Water pressurep/bar Water impingement density (kg m–2 s–1) 1 0.2 3.3 2 1.3 9.7 3 4.3 18.8 4 6 22.6 3 RESULTS The measured temperatures were recomputed to the surface temperatures (sprayed/cooled side) for the location of the temperature sensors by the inverse task.2 An example of the four computed surface temperatures is shown in the Figure 5. The heat-transfer coefficient was then computed using the inverse conduction algo- rithm.3 The average heat-transfer coefficient (average value over the length of the cooling section, i.e., 660 mm) was computed for all the measured experiments. Their comparison is shown in the Figure 6. It is evident M. CHABI^OVSKÝ, M. RAUDENSKÝ: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF A HEAT-TRANSFER COEFFICIENT 396 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 395–398 Figure 2: Experimental apparatus Slika 2: Preizkusna naprava Figure 3: Rear side of the test sheet with marked positions of the thermocouples Slika 3: Zadnja stran preizkusne plo~evine z ozna~enimi polo`aji termoelementov that the average heat-transfer coefficient is increasing with the increasing water pressure (impingement density) and the Leidenfrost point increases with the increasing water-impingement density. The average heat-transfer coefficient is increasing with the decreasing of the surface temperature in the region of the film boiling. It is caused by thinning of the vapor layer. Lowering the surface temperature under the Leidenfrost temperature is connected with a change in the type of boiling. Film boiling is changed into transition boiling and this change in the type of boiling leads to a sharp increase in the heat-transfer coefficient. It was also observed that the dependence of the heat-transfer coefficient on the water-impingement density is linear in the region of stable film boiling (Figure 7). The first derivative of the regression functions is increasing with the lowering of the surface temperature (Table 2). The constant in the regression functions represents the measured natural convection and radiation. The result for a surface temperature of 900 °C is in good agreement with the result presented in1 (Figure 7). The regression functions presented in the Table 2 can be used to extrapolate or interpolate the average heat-transfer coefficient for different water-impingement densities in the region of stable film boiling. This model can only be used for predicting the heat-transfer coefficient for para- meters (type of nozzles, water temperature, configuration of nozzles, etc.) that were used in the experiments from which the regression analysis was made. Table 2: Regression functions Tabela 2: Regresijske funkcije Surface temperature, T/°C Regression function 600 HTC = 212 mL +128 700 HTC = 166 mL +138 800 HTC = 123 mL +149 900 HTC = 113 mL +159 4 CONCLUSION Experiments with horizontally oriented nozzles and vertically moving hot sheet were conducted. Different water-impingement densities were tested. It was observed that the heat-transfer coefficient increases with an increasing water-impingement density at all the M. CHABI^OVSKÝ, M. RAUDENSKÝ: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF A HEAT-TRANSFER COEFFICIENT Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 395–398 397 Figure 7: Regression functions for predicting HTC Slika 7: Regresijske odvisnosti za napovedovanje HTC Figure 5: Example of computed surface temperature Slika 5: Primer izra~unane temperature povr{ine Figure 4: a) Nozzles configuration, b) spraying nozzles, c) nozzles spraying the hot test sheet Slika 4: a) Razporeditev {ob, b) razpr{ilne {obe, c) {obe, ki {kropijo vro~o preizkusno plo~evino Figure 6: Comparison of experiments Slika 6: Primerjava preizkusov surface temperatures and the Leidenfrost point increases with an increasing water-impingement density. The dependence of the heat-transfer coefficient on the water- impingement density is linear in the film boiling regime. The functions for predicting the average heat-transfer coefficient in the surface temperature range from 600 °C to 900 °C were determined. Acknowledgement The research in this paper was supported within the project No. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0188, HEATEAM – Multidisciplinary Team for Research and Development of Heat Processes. 5 REFERENCES 1 R. Jeschar, U. Reiners, R. Scholz, Heat transfer during water and water-air spray cooling in the secondary cooling zone of continuous casting plants, Proceeding of the 69th Steelmaking Conference, Washington, 69 (1986), 551–521 2 M. Pohanka, K. A. Woodbury, A Downhill, Simplex method for computation of interfacial heat transfer coefficients in alloy casting, Inverse Problems in Engineering, 11 (2003), 409–424 3 M. Raudensky, Heat Transfer Coefficient Estimation by Inverse Con- duction Algorithm, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 3 (1993) 3, 257–266 M. CHABI^OVSKÝ, M. RAUDENSKÝ: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF A HEAT-TRANSFER COEFFICIENT 398 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 395–398 IN MEMORIAM PROF. DR. JO@E RODI^ (26. 5. 1931–3. 3. 2013) Od{el je prof. dr. Jo`e Rodi~. Od{el je metalurg, ki je bil eden izmed in`enirjev, zaslu`nih za to, da je meta- lurgija prerasla iz dobro razvite obrti v in`enirsko stroko. Slovenska metalurgija se je razvila v pomembno teh- ni{ko vedo v Sloveniji in postala prepoznavna v vsem evropskem prostoru. Od{el je in`enir praktik, vodja razvoja, ki se je hitro zavedel, da napredek tehnologije in proizvodov ni ve~ mogo~ samo na podlagi izku{enj, marve~ je postalo znanje temelj poznavanja metalur{kih in tehnolo{kih procesov ter zgradbe trdnih kovin. Zapo- slovali so ga teko~i in razvojni problemi proizvodnje in proizvodov `elezarne na Ravnah, podpiral je tudi raziskovanje in sofinanciranje nove raziskovalne opreme, ki je presegalo interes podjetja. Zavedal se je razlike med znanostjo in znanjem. Znanost nastaja v strogo nadzoro- vanih razmerah dela laboratorijev, znanje pa je le tisti njen del, ki ga je mogo~e vgraditi v tehnolo{ke procese, kot jih omogo~ajo proizvodna oprema in dosegljive surovine za izdelavo jekla. Delo dr. Jo`eta Rodi~a je {e danes eden od temeljev proizvodnje orodnih jekel in elektropretaljevanja pod `lindro, dveh danes vitalnih delov podjetja Metal Ravne. Poleg strokovnega delovanja je bil tudi odli~en peda- gog, ki je znal izbrati {tevilne mlade sodelavce. Ti so se razvili v vrhunske in`enirje in strokovnjake na svojem podro~ju. Bil je izrazit zagovornik timskega dela in uva- janja ra~unalnikov ter procesnega vodenja izdelave jekla. Zaradi svoje komunikativnosti je bil poznan v {tevilnih dr`avah in pridobil si je {tevilne prijatelje {iroko po svetu. Bil je med ustanovitelji in dolgo leta tudi ~lan uredni{kega odbora revije Materiali in tehnologije ter zagovornik vsakoletne konference Materiali in tehnolo- gije v Portoro`u. Kot avtor ali soavtor je objavil {tevilna znanstvena in strokovna dela pri nas in v tujini ter na konferencah. Leta 1987 se je tedanji direktor Metalur{kega in{ti- tuta v Ljubljani upokojil in dr. Rodi~ je prevzel vodenje in{tituta. V svojem mandatu je poskrbel tudi za novo investicijo v pilotno proizvodnjo in{tituta, to je v sistem horizontalnega kontinuirnega ulivanja tanke `ice iz materialov, ki se uporabljajo za navarjanje trdih plasti in drugih specialnih zlitin. @al pa je ta tehnologija, kljub svoji naprednosti, zaradi hitrega ni`anja cen teh mate- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 399–400 399 rialov, torej iz ekonomskih razlogov, postala nekonku- ren~na in se je nehala uporabljati. V mladih letih je bil aktiven smu~ar, zagovornik {porta pa je ostal vse `ivljenje. Njegova zasluga je razvoj plavalnega {porta na Ravnah na Koro{kem. Sin in h~i sta bila prvaka v smu~anju in plavanju ter bila ~lana dr`avne reprezentance. Prof. dr. Jo`e Rodi~ je bil ves ~as aktiven tudi na podro~ju zbiranja podatkov s podro~ja lastnosti orodnih jekel in obdelave podatkov ter njihovega sistemati~nega urejanja. @elel si je izdelati katalog o orodnih jeklih ter te podatkovne zbirke povezati v u~inkovit ra~unalni{ki program za izbiro orodnih jekel. S tem se je aktivno ukvarjal tudi {e po upokojitvi. @al pa mu je na~rte pre- kri`ala prehitra smrt, ki ga je ustavila sredi izvajanja svojih idej in na~rtov. Prof. dr. Jo`eta Rodi~a se bomo spominjali kot veli- kega strokovnjaka s podro~ja orodnih jekel, kot odprtega in za novosti dovzetnega ~loveka ter velikega ljubitelja svojih vnukov. doc. dr. Matja` Torkar Glavni in odgovorni urednik Materiali in Tehnologije 400 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 3, 399–400