REVIJA ZA ELEMENTARNO IZOBRAŽEVANJE JOURNAL OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Vol. 13, No. 4 , pp. 497-474, December 2020 Piano Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Music Schools in the Republic of Croatia Mirna Sabljar,1 Siniša Opic2 & Jasna Šulentič Begič1 Potrjeno/Accepted 3. 2. 2020 Obj avlj eno /Published 10. 12. 2020 iUniversity J. J. Strossmayer, Academy of Arts and Culture, Osijek, Croatia 2 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Zagreb, Croatia Corresponding author/ Korespondencni avtor Keywords: piano teaching, one-to-one teaching, music schools, piano teachers, job satisfaction Ključne besede: poučevanje klavirja, individualno poučevanje, glasbene šole, učitelji klavirja, zadovoljstvo pri delu. UDK/UDC: [37.011.3:78] :331.101.32 Abstract/Izvleček This is the first major research targeting a specific group of teachers, shaped with the idea of gathering empirical indicators of piano teachers' job satisfaction. More than half of music schools' piano teachers participated (N=253) from all the counties of the Republic of Croatia. The results have shown that piano teachers are moderately satisfied, that there are no differences when it comes to gender, nor with the type of school where they teach. Teachers with more years of experience are more satisfied with their work, similar to teachers who have advanced in their professional area. The results can contribute to improving teaching practice and effectiveness, with the further outcome being pupils achieving higher educational attainments. Zadovoljstvo učiteljev klavirja v Republiki Hrvaški pri delu Prispevek prinaša rezultate prve velike raziskave, katere cilj je bila specifična skupina učiteljev, izvedene z namenom zbiranja empiričnih pokazateljev zadovoljstva učiteljev klavirja pri delu. Sodelovala je več kot polovica (N = 253) učiteljev klavirja v glasbenih šolah iz vseh županij Republike Hrvaške. Rezultati so pokazali, da so učitelji klavirja zmerno zadovoljni, da ni razlik glede na spol in tip šole, v kateri poučujejo. Prav tako kot učitelji, ki so napredovali na svojem strokovnem področju, so bolj zadovoljni tudi učitelji z več leti delovne dobe. Rezultati lahko prispevajo k izboljšanju prakse poučevanja in k večji učinkovitosti pri doseganju rezultatov, to so učenci z višjimi učnimi dosežki. DOI Besedilo / Text © 2020 Avtor(ji) / The Author(s) To delo je objavljeno pod licenco Creative Commons CC BY Priznanje avtorstva 4.0 Mednarodna. Uporabnikom je dovoljeno tako nekomercialno kot tudi komercialno reproduciranje, distribuiranje, dajanje v najem, javna priobčitev in predelava avtorskega dela, pod pogojem, da navedejo avtorja izvirnega dela. ( EH University of Maribor Press revija za elementarno izobraževanje 498_Journal of elementary education Introduction Elementary and middle music schools in the Republic of Croatia are mostly part of the public educational system, and only a small number belongs to the private sector. The classes in music schools include one-to-one instrument lessons and group classes, which are those in theoretical music subjects (MZOS and HDGPP, 2008; MZOS and HDGPP, 2006). Instrument lessons are organized and conducted by music instructors who are instrumentalists, teachers who have acquired their education at academies, higher education institutions for educating professional musicians. Their activity is conducted in a specific educational context, in one-to-one teaching, which is the best type of teaching and learning (Zlatar, 2015; Carey, 2008 via Carey and Grant, 2014; Davidson and Jordan, 2007; Rojko, 1996; Rojko, 1987). In one-to-one teaching, the teacher and the pupil communicate directly, and the teacher's knowledge, skills and attitudes are directed to teaching a single pupil in one class lesson. This way of organizing lessons in instrument playing is rooted in the music-pedagogical tradition from the earliest times of organized lessons in instrument playing, and it is present in formal and informal, institutionalised and non-institutionalised teaching and instrument playing lessons, at all educational levels, across the world, and equally in Croatia's music schools, and some other European countries (Kavčič Pucihar and Rotar Pance, 2017; Creech and Gaunt, 2012; Parkes and Wexler, 2012; Gaunt, 2011; Chmurzynska, 2009; Davidson and Jordan, 2007; Schmidt, 1992). One-to-one teaching, specifically in instrument playing, involves a pedagogical space for teacher action in which the teacher's role is extremely important because multiple studies (e.g. Davidson, Moore, Sloboda, Howe, 1998; Manturzewska, 1990; Mackworth-Young, 1990; Sosniak, 1985) have shown that the teacher's personality, expertise and the way they shape the class and teach, are factors that directly influence pupil achievement. Types of research on processes in one-to-one instrument teaching have shown that the teacher and the pupil enter a special pedagogical relationship; teachers, regardless of the educational level, operate through a special emotional relationship with their pupils, and their influence on the pupils is extremely strong and important (Nerland and Hanken, 2002 via Burwell, Carey and Bennett, 2017; Creech and Gaunt, 2012; Gaunt, 2011). Other than that, the teacher and the pupil are in an isolated space, called the "black box" in the literature or, more poetically, the "secret garden", because no other pupils are present in the class, and it is a challenge to determine what happens during the teaching process (Chmurzynska, 2012; Hyry-Beihammer, 2010; Hanken, 2008; M. Sabljar, S. Opic & J. Sulentic Begic: Piano Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Music Schools in the Republic of Croatia Young, Burwell and Pickup, 2003; Rostvall and West, 2003). All this points to the fact that the feelings teachers bring to lessons with their pupils in one-to-one teaching are crucial because their job satisfaction or dissatisfaction may be reflected in their teaching, and even their commitment to work, because Koludrovic and Reic Ercegovac (2008 via Koludrovic, Jukic and Reic Ercegovac 2009, p. 237) point out that "the key factor in commitment to work is job satisfaction since it influences the teacher's motivation to work and for personal engagement in school." This implies that teachers who are dissatisfied with their work are unable to fully commit to their work, which has repercussions regarding their teaching, relationships with pupils and the class atmosphere (Koludrovic et al., 2009). It is important to establish what has an impact on the increase in satisfaction with pedagogical work because this could allow us to keep quality teachers in the education system (Coolahan and Murphy, 2003 via Morgan and O'Leary, 2004). Music teachers play a central role in creating a learning environment, especially when their pupils see them as models to whom they look up (Campbell, 1991 via Figueiredo, 2019). It can be concluded that when it comes to piano teachers, job satisfaction exerts an impact not only on the atmosphere in instrument lessons, but also on the education outcomes for pupils and their attitude towards music. In conclusion, researching how teachers feel at their work yields important data that could ultimately contribute to the quality of their teaching and to improved pupil educational achievement (Zembylas and Papanastasiou, 2004 via Gkolia, Belias and Koustelio, 2014). Job Satisfaction Theories Job satisfaction can be observed from two angles: as an individual category of each working person, or as a category bound to a certain group of persons who perform the same job or a similar type of work, which will be marked as a summative estimate attitude of a group of workers at a certain job. When observed as a single category, job satisfaction is an experience of each individual, and tied to the individual's attitudes, which combine psychological, physical, and environmental assumptions about feeling good at work. The concept was introduced into the scientific discourse by Hoppock in 1935 (Hoppock, 1935 via Shukla, 2014). In 1959 F. Herzberg was the first to study the factors of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction (Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman, 1959; Novak, Lausic, and Jandric Nisevic, 2008) and to introduce the two-factor theory of job satisfaction (Herzberg et al., 1959) which represents the thesis of two sets of factors influencing the feeling of being satisfied 500 revija za elementarno izobraževanje Journal of elementary education by one's job: motivational and hygienic. The motivational factors of job satisfaction are intrinsic motivators and are tied to "achievements, respect, job independence, responsibility, success (advancement), personal growth" (Herzberg, 1959 via Novak et al., 2008, p. 110). These intrinsic motivators are tied to job content (Brnad, Stilin and Tomljenovic, 2016), and they affect the feeling of satisfaction among workers. The hygienic factors are extrinsic motivators: management policy regulating policy and administration, surveillance, relationships, working conditions, pay, status and safety; these prevent dissatisfaction, but they do not stimulate worker engagement (Brnad et al., 2016). The Job Characteristic Model by Hackman and Oldham (1974 via Alini Mat Ali et al., 2014) is the second theoretical postulate behind job satisfaction, and it includes five elements that influence job satisfaction: 1. possession of various skills; 2. traits of the work task; 3. significance of the work task; 4. possession of autonomy when doing a job, and 5. getting feedback. Those elements influence how a person feels, but they also influence the outcomes and results of performing a job, which involves feelings of job satisfaction and motivation, or conversely, if there is a lack of satisfaction, it can even result in quitting the job. The third, dispositional theory of job satisfaction, introduced by Judge et al. (1998), explains how job satisfaction is influenced by an individual's disposition. The individual's dispositions, such as self-respect, general self-efficiency, control locus and neuroticism, and their presence in every individual, have an impact on the feeling of job satisfaction (Judge et al., 1998). Judge et al. (1998) begin from the assumption that all humans have innate traits, personal dispositions that are seen through expression of self-respect evaluations, general self-efficiency, locus control and neuroticism, and which influence their feeling of job and life satisfaction, i.e., a person will perceive their job based on how they feel (Bryant III, 2012). Some studies have suggested that higher levels of self-respect and self-efficiency lead to higher levels of job satisfaction, and lower levels of neuroticism are key in experiencing a higher level of job satisfaction. Thus, job satisfaction, according to this theory, is in symbiosis with the person's physical state. By defining the person's disposition, managers, and in the case of teachers, principals or senior staff in the school's management structure, could react and implement changes in the working environment to better satisfy certain types of dispositions and thus create workplace conditions more suitable for achieving each worker's satisfaction. Moreover, satisfaction depends on the characteristics of a certain job. Since job satisfaction is important in all types of work, the same applies to teachers' jobs at all levels of M. Sabljar, S. Opic & J. Sulentic Begic: Piano Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Music Schools in the Republic of Croatia education, and especially teachers who work as instrument teachers in music schools in one-to-one teaching. Teachers, especially those teaching instrument playing, are models for their pupils, and their job satisfaction and methods of class performance are very important. When it comes to general education teachers, it has been established that satisfaction and class performance are in direct connection (Chamundeswari, 2013), which is also applicable to teachers in music schools. Research on Teacher Job Satisfaction The importance of job satisfaction is backed up by the finding that by 2000, around 5000 research studies dealing with this theme had been conducted (Spinelli and Canavos, 2000 via Perkmen, Cevik and Alkan, 2012). In numerous types of research and in "various science disciplines" (Gkolia et al., 2014, p. 110), the phenomenon of job satisfaction has been studied. Various studies regarding differences between classroom teachers and subject teachers, teachers of different schools or professors at higher education institutions, have been conducted in Croatia in various contexts which cause job satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Jurcec and Rijavec (2015) have questioned the differences between classroom and subject teachers at general education schools regarding life satisfaction, positive and negative emotions, and emotional exhaustion. Classroom teachers are more satisfied with their life and work, and less emotionally exhausted; they are more focused on their job as a calling or a career, and not as a source of income, unlike subject teachers. These conclusions were confirmed in the study by Miklec (2010 via Jurcec and Rijavec, 2015), which showed that classroom teachers are more satisfied with their job compared to subject teachers. Vidic (2009) studied the distribution of job satisfaction among classroom and subject teachers by a series of parameters: pay, co-workers, the principal, advancement, the job itself and overall satisfaction. Classroom teachers are in general more satisfied with their jobs in all parameters, and the author explained the results with the fact that subject teachers can also do other jobs, while classroom teachers know that by having chosen the college they attended, they would be working exclusively in class teaching; thus, they do not face possible uncertainty when it comes to changing jobs. Radeka and Soric (2006) interviewed elementary and high school teachers in Zadar County (N=462) and established that teachers claim satisfaction with their job and self-competence; a rise in job satisfaction along 502 revija za elementarno izobraževanje Journal of elementary education with improved estimates of working conditions has also been noted, as well as living standards, the teacher's job reputation and their qualifications for doing the job. A third of the teachers interviewed have thought about leaving their job; these pointed out dissatisfaction with low living standards, low social reputation, and poor professional qualifications Pavin (2005) researched differences in job satisfaction among teachers in grammar schools and vocational schools (N=1044). The satisfaction factors in this study included communication and direct work with pupils, pupil progress, the sense of the teacher's being involved in the pupil's development, pupil activity in class, as well as the job characteristics: communication with colleagues and parents, creativity, and dynamism in the job. Dissatisfaction is caused by the material state of the school, out-of-date teaching aids, poor building infrastructure in the workplace, outdated curriculums, programs and teaching methods, large classes, pupil's material status and the position of the teaching profession in society, as well as the way the principal and administration treat them. Moreover, dissatisfaction is stimulated by professional specialization and advancement, monitoring and grading pupils, and the pupils' level of class motivation. Vocational school teachers point out lack of discipline, motivation, and disrespect for the teachers as sources of dissatisfaction, which is different from grammar school teachers, who expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of subject choice which would lead to various program orientations of grammar school pupils. Pavin, Rijavec and Miljevic-Ridicki (2005) interviewed classroom teachers (N=1334) and subject teachers (N=2134) in 121 schools. They established that the greatest source of satisfaction is working, communicating and cooperating with pupils, but also colleagues, the cognitive progress of their pupils, a sense of class enjoyment among pupils and their active participation, a sense that they mediate their knowledge to pupils, and the pupil's good achievements which are the result of their teaching. Also, an important source of satisfaction is the feeling of vocation value and witnessing pupils' satisfaction and happiness. The causes of dissatisfaction pertain to the schools' material state, the status of the teaching profession in society and, from a materialistic point of view, the extensive administrative part of the job, overly extended curriculum and programs requiring that teaching time should be used for everything to be carried out and marked. Zuzic and Miljkovic Krecar (2014) researched the factors in job pleasure among higher education teachers (N=69) according to their place of employment: public or private. Satisfaction is found by all in how interesting the job is, its dynamics, creativity, a feeling of accomplishment and autonomy; however, not being involved in the decision process is for both M. Sabljar, S. Opic & J. Sulentic Begic: Piano Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Music Schools in the Republic of Croatia groups a predictor of dissatisfaction, as well as the least important job predictor, while dissatisfaction is associated with income. The interviewed teachers place a different value only on the satisfaction that comes from relationships with professional associates because the teachers from private schools are happier with these. When variables such as age, work experience and gender were introduced into the study, it was established that in both groups, female teachers were more satisfied with their pay, older teachers were more satisfied with their working conditions, and teachers with more work experience found how interesting their job was to be the most important predictor of satisfaction. All teachers find working conditions important, but teachers from public higher education institutions are more satisfied with them. Pernjek and Matic (2015) researched job satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors among teachers of German Language in Croatia, and concluded that the dissatisfaction factors are time and psychological load, the way the schooling system has been developed, the influence of the job on one's health, protection from job loss, promotion opportunities, pay and reputation in society. The satisfaction factors are working with children, relationships with pupils, success in a given class, success in educational tasks, long holidays, chances for self-realization, colleague cooperation and support, and the greatest satisfaction (90%) is working with children. In Slovenia, Kapun, Kesina and Cagran (2009) questioned teachers from nine-year elementary schools (N=104) about job satisfaction according to four factors: material (working conditions, pay, job safety), personal (promotion opportunities, professional development, freedom, independence), social (being informed about school activities, relationships with colleagues and superiors), autonomy, and job creativity (permanence, reputation and job creativity, psychological and physical job complexity). They concluded that there were no differences in job satisfaction when it comes to the age of the pupils being taught, and teachers with more work experience found greater satisfaction in autonomous-creative and material factors. Teachers who have shortened work hours are also more satisfied, and they are also more satisfied with individual development and autonomous-creative work. Of the teachers with a permanent job, the ones with more work experience are more satisfied than their younger colleagues. Numerous global studies have questioned the connection between teachers' competence and their feeling of job satisfaction because the teachers' competence is also an important predictor of achieving job satisfaction. Arifin (2015) concluded, among high school teachers (N=117) in the Indonesian city of Jayapura, that competence is positively, 504 revija za elementarno izobraževanje Journal of elementary education but not significantly, tied to job satisfaction. Contrary to that, Devi (2007 via Arifin, 2015), Labbai (2008 via Arifin, 2015) and Waluyo (2013 via Arifin, 2015) have pointed out in their research that the development of human potential by improving skills has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. Akram et al. (2015) researched the connection between job satisfaction, teacher competence and commitment to work in Pakistan on a sample of 1100 high school teachers from 120 schools, and established that job satisfaction is positive and significantly connected to the feeling of competence, and the same was established by Selvam (2012 via Akram et al. 2015) and Naseema (1994 via Akram et al. 2015), and Gupta and Mir (2013 via Akram et al. 2015). In a study conducted by Shukla (2014), it was determined that there was a slight, but not significant connection between job satisfaction and teacher competence, a very low, positive connection between job devotion and teacher competence, and there was no greater difference between the level of teacher competence with high and average job satisfaction in India among teachers of elementary education. Teachers who are satisfied with their job are also more committed to it. Different results can be found in a study by Singh and Kumar (2013), where a connection between job satisfaction and feeling of competence was established with teachers of higher education institutions in India; healthy and positive, supportive surroundings, manifested through successful teaching, are equally important to teachers of both genders, from both rural and urban parts of the country, but also among differently qualified teachers. Chamundeswari (2013) discovered that job satisfaction and class performance were significantly positively tied among high-school teachers in India, although that connection differs depending on the type of high school where the teachers work. As for music teachers, a few research studies have been made so far. Heston et al. (1996 via Bryant III, 2012) researched job satisfaction among orchestra directors (N=120) in the US state of Iowa, and the factors were the following: pupil success, parent support, class, administrative support, pupil participation in events, colleague support, professional development, income, acknowledgement and financial support. The greatest job satisfaction is caused by pupil success, along with administrative and parent support, but these are also the factors that cause the most dissatisfaction. As for stress relief at work, according to the interviewees, the most important factors were spouse and colleague support. In Malaysia, Jamaludin and Mohd Ghazali (2012) studied the factors creating satisfaction or dissatisfaction among music teachers in high school (N=8). M. Sabljar, S. Opic & J. Sulentic Begic: Piano Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Music Schools in the Republic of Croatia Teachers are satisfied with their job, especially when their pupils learn to play an instrument, when they achieve success at school performances, by the intrinsic motivation they feel when teaching music, with work conditions and pay, but they think they should be additionally paid for the time spent working outside of regular class, when they have rehearsals with ensembles. Teacher dissatisfaction is portrayed through relationships with colleagues and the principal, the amount of administrative work they must do outside of their working hours, and with the perception of music teachers among colleagues. One of the indicators of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction among teachers is quitting the job, and the factors in such a decision are key for teachers' job satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Madsen and Hancock (2002) researched what causes teachers to quit and the exhaustion of teachers who have completed their education at the same university in the last ten years. They conducted the study in 1995 and repeated it in 2001 with the help of two questionnaires: after completion of studies and after six years in the workforce. On a sample of 137 music teachers, they established that the rate for job quitting in American schools in the first six years of teaching is 34%, while in the first ten years of teaching it is 17%. A total of 34.4% of music instructors have given up teaching, i.e. one-third of graduate teachers are not still teaching six years after graduation, but they often remain in the profession (Madsen and Hancock, 2002). On the one hand, the administration, school and parent support are reasons for staying, but teachers who have left their profession point out that they were often influenced by personal reasons, followed by disagreement with the administration. Nevertheless, some of the teachers who no longer teach in schools have remained in music in other capacities, as performers, or giving private lessons, playing in military bands or are currently parent educators. In the USA, Russell (2008) interviewed string instrument teachers (N=304) about their job projections after one and five years of working. He researched the factors that can influence career decisions. The interviewees were divided into those remaining in the profession, those who were going to switch schools and those who had quit their jobs. Most of the teachers planned to stay in their positions the following year, but only half of them in the following five years. The working culture, perception of music's importance in curriculums, satisfaction with pupil characteristics, psychological factors and the teachers' socio-economic status are all reasons on which the teachers base their thoughts about staying and developing their careers. In the USA, Hancock (2008) studied the reasons for general education teachers who teach music subjects quitting their jobs (N=1931). In the research, various teacher characteristics, school conditions, efficiency, support, and 506 revija za elementarno izobraževanje Journal of elementary education pay were analysed. Significant factors in job quitting or change are age (younger than 30 or those between the ages of 30 and 39), working in private and high schools, extracurricular load, the school's care system regarding teachers, administration and parent support pay and pay satisfaction. Women are at higher risk of quitting their jobs than men, and Hancock (2008) lists other types of research as well (e.g. Gissmer and Kirby, 1991; Gritz and Theobald, 1996; Madsen and Hancock, 2002; Theobald 1990) in which the same was concluded, and all for personal reasons, such as being paid less during maternity leave. Moreover, teachers in high schools are at greater risk, as well as those who do additional jobs in private and public schools. In the state of Georgia, Bryant III (2012) conducted research with 139 instrument teachers who were also ensemble and orchestra directors, seeking an answer to the question of which factors lead to high levels of job satisfaction: administrative support, pupil participation and pay. Blackwell (2018) compared teachers in private studios (N=622) and music teachers in general education K-12 schools (N=976) on how developed their job skills were, how necessary these were to their work, and how the development of those skills contributed to job satisfaction. The results showed that teachers find the following issues very important: developing social relationships, management skills, project leading skills, persuasive speech skills, written expression, creative thinking, receiving feedback, extensive knowledge and education and critical thinking. More than 50% of the participants stated that their institutions enabled them to develop project management skills, persuasive speech skills, written expression, and critical thinking skills. Teachers working in their studios are less satisfied with work safety and the balance between work and personal life. In Croatia, Franceschi and Reic Ercegovac (2017) questioned piano teachers (N=69) regarding their job satisfaction. They established the extent to which teachers are satisfied with their jobs; 61% of them estimated their satisfaction with the highest scores, and it was also determined that job satisfaction and success depend on the prizes their pupils had been awarded at competitions, their pupils attending seminars, and that other professional specializations are an additional boost to teachers in their work. Skojo and Sabljar (2016) researched elements of piano teacher job satisfaction, as well. The factors that make these teachers satisfied are competence, establishing a pleasant class atmosphere, class engagement, motivation to work in class, pupil communication, self-creativity in class, achieving teacher authority in class, and participating in professional specializations. Dissatisfaction is projected through the inability to carry out the intended program and wanting program revision. M. Sabljar, S. Opic & J. Sulentic Begic: Piano Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Music Schools in the Republic of Croatia Sabljar (2019) researched the connection between job satisfaction feelings and estimates of competence development in teachers and concluded that for the feeling of job satisfaction, the most significant factor is the development of psychological competences, followed by the development of pedagogical ones, while the development of musical competences is of marginal significance. Following from this study, another has been carried out and is presented in this paper; this study questions the sense of job satisfaction through variables of gender, years of work experience and the type of school where the teachers work, as well as possession of a professional title. Methodology The research aims to establish specifics in piano teacher job satisfaction by considering gender, years of work experience, type of school and professional title. The study was designed with the aim of gathering empirical indicators regarding piano teacher job satisfaction in Croatia's music schools, which could contribute to improvements in teacher practice and thus influence teacher efficiency, with the further aim of achieving higher educational achievement among pupils. Through insight into the summative attitude of job satisfaction feelings, the gathered data will concern piano teachers' job satisfaction. Piano teachers (N=253) working in the music schools of Croatia participated in the research. The sample comprises teachers from all the counties, as well as the City of Zagreb. The sample is representative because the total population of piano teachers in 2012 was 520 and they worked in 93 elementary schools, 28 high schools and in 20 private music schools (Zlatar, 2015). Since the sample in this study is exclusively made up of teachers working in public music schools, the sample amounts to more than 50% of the total number of teachers, so the results can be generalised. There are significantly more women in this sample (N=202; 79.8%) than men (N=39; 15.4%), and some participants (N=12; 4.7%) did not want to define their gender. The variable distribution of the years of work experience (sorted into categories) is up to nine years (N=79; 31.2%), 10-19 years (N=77; 30.4%), more than 20 years (N=92; 35.4%), and some participants (N=5; 2%) did not state their years of experience. According to the type of school, piano teachers either work in music elementary (N= 90; 35.6%) or music high schools (N=161; 63.6%), and two participants (0.8%) did not reply to this question. 508 revija za elementarno izobraževanje journal of elementary education It is important to note that music high schools comprise joint elementary and high: i.e., the sample includes teachers who teach only in music elementary and those who teach in both music elementary and music high schools. As for the possession of a title or the lack thereof, the sample includes 190 (75.1%) teachers with no title, 30 (11.9%) mentor teachers, 13 advisor teachers (5.1%) and 20 teachers (7.9%) who stated something else or did not reply. The Instrument Along with the demographic gender data, years of work experience, type of school and professional titles, the generalized Scale of job satisfaction (Ho and Au, 2006) was also used, which is based on the Scale of life satisfaction; it was adapted with statements for piano teachers. The teachers had five statements to estimate: JS 1 — Being a piano teacher is very close to what I consider ideal; JS 2 — The conditions in which I perform the work of a piano teacher are excellent, JS 3 — I am satisfied with the job of a piano teacher, JS 4 — Until now, I have achieved the important things I want as a piano teacher, JS 5 — If I were to choose my career again, I would hardly change a thing, their estimates of job satisfaction were measured by a scale of seven degrees, from 1 — It doesn't apply to me, to 7 — It fully applies to me. Research Hypotheses According to the aims of the research, which were to establish specifics in piano teachers' job satisfaction using variables such as gender, years of work experience, type of school and possession of professional qualifications, the feeling of job satisfaction was problematized by seeking differences and connections between these variables and job satisfaction. Accordingly, the following hypotheses were stipulated in this paper: H1 There is no statistically significant difference between male and female teachers in job satisfaction. H2 There is no statistical connection between the teachers' years of work experience and their job satisfaction. H3 Teachers who work exclusively in music elementary schools are statistically more significantly satisfied with their job than their colleagues working in both music elementary and music high schools. M. Sabljar, S. Opic & J. Sulentic Begic: Piano Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Music Schools in the Republic of Croatia H4 Teachers who have professional titles are statistically more satisfied with their job than teachers who have no professional titles. Results and Discussion Based on the data collected and processed, Table 1 shows the basic values of the job satisfaction variable. Table 1: Descriptive values of the composite variable - job satisfaction Range Min Max Mean Std. Deviation Skewness Kurtosis Mode JS_1 6 1 7 5.77 1.186 -1.287 1.582 6 JS_2 6 1 7 5.22 1.610 -.919 -.090 6 JS_3 5 2 7 6.14 1.031 -1.559 2.890 7 JS_4 6 1 7 5.23 1.318 -.640 -.044 6 JS_5 6 1 7 5.36 1.542 -.761 -.421 6 Legend: JS 1 — Being a piano teacher is very close to what I consider ideal JS 2 — The conditions in which I perform the work of a piano teacher are excellent JS 3 — I am satisfied with thejob of a piano teacher JS 4 — Until now, I have achieved the important things I want as a piano teacher JS 5 — If I were to choose my career again, I would hardly change a thing As is clear from Table 1, the arithmetic means are slightly high, which indicates moderate job satisfaction (mod. on all variables is 6, while in JS 3, it is 7). The span of replies on all variables is the maximum (except JS 3), which indicates that the variables cover the spectrum of possible replies well — from complete job dissatisfaction to complete satisfaction. All the features are homogenous, since all variables are CV<35% (Coefficient of Variation). According to the raised M (arithmetic mean), the distributions are asymmetrically left, in accordance with the direction of the scale (negative polarization). The variables vary from leptokurtic (JS 1, JS 3) to platykurtic distributions, in accordance with the sampling variability. To test the hypotheses, a composite variable of job satisfaction was constructed (M=5.54; SD=0.92768). H1, which assumed no statistically significant difference between male and female teachers in job satisfaction, was tested with the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U Test (owing to disproportion in the subsamples being compared). The results of the 510 revija za elementarno izobraževanje Journal of elementary education test (U=3878.5; p=0.879) confirm the first hypothesis, which assumed that there would be no statistically significant difference between male and female teachers in job satisfaction. The result shows that male and female teachers are equally satisfied with their jobs. Since the scale is generalized and measures the personal experience of one's job, but not the different factors of satisfaction present in other studies (e.g., Franceschi and Reic Ercegovac, 2017; Skojo and Sabljar, 2016; Bryant III, 2012) and in research conducted with different measuring instruments, it is assumed that the results would be different. Nevertheless, overall, piano teachers of both genders are equally satisfied with their jobs. Testing the second hypothesis, which related job satisfaction to years of work experience in the correlation part of the research scheme, a nonparametric coefficient—Spearman was used, and the results are shown Table 2. Table 2: Correlation experience in years .254** .000 248_ ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). As is seen in Table 2, there is a statistically low positive connection between teachers' experience and their satisfaction; thus H2, which assumed that there would be no statistical connection between teachers' work experience and their job satisfaction, can be discarded. This implies that, to some extent, teachers' satisfaction grows with years of working in school because those with more years of experience are more satisfied with their jobs. The result is in accordance with Podsen's theoretical postulate on teachers' career phases (Podsen, 2002 via Bryant III, 2012), which explains how the development of the teacher/teacher expertise is divided into four phases according to age and teaching experience: beginner teachers (1-5 years), specialist teachers (6-10 years), leader teachers (11-20 years) and supervisor teachers (more than 20 years). Spearman's Rho total job Correlation Coefficient satisfaction „. .. .. .. Sig. (2-tailed) N M. Sabljar, S. Opic & J. Sulentic Begic: Piano Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Music Schools in the Republic of Croatia Each phase of the teaching profession is characterized by a growth in expertise, knowledge and the art of teaching-teacher competences that have an impact on job satisfaction. Alongside maturing in the teaching profession, job satisfaction is also on the rise because teachers with more work experience manage better in their profession, they have more knowledge and they feel more pedagogically competent in their professional development (Sabljar, 2019). Such a result is in accordance with earlier research studies that questioned the connection between competence and the feeling of job satisfaction (Arifin, 2015; Akram et al., 2015; Singh and Kumar, 2013; Erikson, 1959 via Bryant III, 2012; Podsen, 2002 via Bryant III, 2012). However, in Bryant's III (2012) research, that was not confirmed because no significant statistical connection between career phase and job satisfaction was found. Moreover, after teaching for years, teachers change their basic professional focus towards performance, thus becoming increasingly teachers, i.e. they now gain their professional identity from being teachers rather than performers (Mills, 2004a; 2004b). This is another reason why years of experience correlate with satisfaction. The third hypothesis assumed that teachers who worked exclusively in music elementary schools (N=90) would be statistically more significantly satisfied with their job than their colleagues working in both music elementary and music high schools (N=161). This hypothesis was linked to existing research in Croatia confirming that classroom teachers are more satisfied with their job than subject teachers (Sliskovic, Buric and Knezevic, 2016; Jurcec and Rijavec, 2015; Koludrovic, Jukic and Reic Ercegovac, 2009; Vidic, 2009). Jurcec and Rijavec (2015) also list a range of international studies (e.g., Bogler, 2002; Brunetti, 2001; Klecker and Loadman, 1997; Perie, Bakeri Whitener, 1997) confirming that elementary school teachers are more satisfied with their job than high school teachers. For testing H3, a non-parametric Mann-Whitney U Test was used. The results (U=7840.5; p=0.279) reject the hypothesis; i.e., no difference between the subsamples was confirmed. There are two reasons to explain why teachers might be equally satisfied: formal education and job characteristics. Regarding the former, piano teachers have the same level of formal education whether they work in elementary or high schools; thus, they are prepared to work with different pupil age groups. As for the latter, teachers working in high schools have pupils from both elementary and high schools; they work in the same conditions one-to-one teaching provides, and with higher classes and program demands, the hourly pay rate rises; in comparison with classroom teachers who have up to 30 pupils and subject teachers for whom the number rises to a few hundred, it is clear that their satisfaction level is different. 512 revija za elementarno izobraževanje Journal of elementary education On the other hand, the music school organization conditions, the administration, and school equipment in Croatia are all at a fairly high level, in both elementary and high schools; this is supported by the result for the JS 2 statement - The conditions in which I perform the work of a piano teacher are excellent (mod 6). Accordingly, our opinion, although aware that it is the basic feeling of satisfaction detected among piano teachers, is that the results of this hypothesis reflect the real situation, and that Croatian piano teachers are equally satisfied with their job, regardless of the type of school in which they work. The H4 hypothesis predicted that teachers with professional titles would be statistically more satisfied with their jobs than teachers with no professional titles. This hypothesis is based on the promotion regulations because, for teachers to advance to the status of mentor or advisor, they have to fulfil a whole set of conditions: extra specialization, results from their pupils entering competitions, giving lectures at specialized meetings etc., through which they accumulate points for their work, and all those activities showcase their competences. As was shown earlier, the connection between feelings of competence among piano teachers and job satisfaction has been proven in several studies. To test the H4 hypothesis, a non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis H Test was used. The variable distribution for professional title is as follows: no title, 190 teachers (81.5%), 30 mentors (12.95%), and 13 advisors (5.6%). The test results (H=7.944; p=0.019) confirm the presence of differences among the three subsamples on the dependent variable of job satisfaction. For a more detailed confirmation of differences among pairs of subsamples, Pairwise Comparisons were conducted (Figure 1). As is visible in Figure 1, advisor teachers are more satisfied with their jobs than colleagues with no professional title because there is a statistically significant difference between teachers with no professional title and those with the highest title of advisor. From the values portrayed in Figure 1 and the accompanying table, and through the Kruskal-Wallis H Test results, it is clear that mentor teachers and advisor teachers are more satisfied with their jobs than teachers with no professional title, which is in accordance with the results presented earlier in this paper. This result has implications for teaching because some research studies (Celep, 2000 via Akram et al., 2015) indicate that more competent teachers will have a better chance of achieving the desired teaching outcomes if they are satisfied with their job M. Sabljar, S. Opic & J. Sulentic Begic: Piano Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Music Schools in the Republic of Croatia Pairwise Comparisons of Professional Titles Each nsde shows ttv» sampte average rank-of pnoress.oiial tEtles Sdmplel -S aropteZ Tea Statistic Sid. Err4r Std. Tt-sJ SllDMic Si j. Adj.Sig. no title-mentor -30.607- 13.310 ■ 1.5450 .us S56 no title-advisor >9.275 ,039 mentor-ativjsor -27.255 27.326 -1221 222 J667 Each row Tasla th? nulHijfpctth&siis Ttial ch* Sample I arid S ami Is 2 (tistiiiiutions ar^ ibe sanw Asymptolio srymfican':« p-sid-id ^sisi 41« displayed Tkig sigjitr.ranc^ i&k^i 15 Figure 1: Pairwise comparisons Conclusion The specifics of a piano teacher's job, which include direct interaction with pupils, direct communication, one-to-one teaching, and orientation towards the individual pupil, require teachers who are satisfied with their job. Even though this research sought to estimate general job satisfaction, without establishing which factors affect satisfaction, i.e. dissatisfaction among teachers, the results show the overall satisfaction of piano teachers. The results are encouraging, both for the profession and for school leadership. Piano teachers who work in public state schools are moderately satisfied with their jobs; there is no statistically significant difference between teachers regarding gender or type of school. Teacher satisfaction rises with years of work experience. Teachers who have the title of mentors or advisors are more satisfied with their job, especially advisor teachers, where a statistically more significant difference between advisor teachers and teachers with no title was noted. 514 revija za elementarno izobraževanje journal of elementary education This study constitutes the first major research on a targeted and specific group of music instructor-instrumentalists, i.e., piano teachers. The results are exceptionally important because they paint a picture of the general attitude of piano teachers towards their job. 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Strossmayer Osijek, Academiy of arts and culture Osijek, Ulica Kralja Petra Svačica 1/F, 31000 Osijek, e-mail: Višja predavateljica, Univerza J. J. Strossmayerja Osijek, Akademija za umetnost in kulturo Osijek, Ulica Kralja Petra Svačica 1/F, 31000 Osijek, e-pošta: Siniša Opic, PhD Full professor, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Savska 77, 10000 Zagreb, e-mail: Redni profesor, Univerza v Zagrebu, Fakulteta za izobraževanje učiteljev, Savska 77, 10000 Zagreb, e-pošta: Jasna Šulentic Begic, PhD Associate Professor, University of J. J. Strossmayer Osijek, Academiy of arts and culture Osijek, Ullica Kralja Petra Svačica 1/F, 31000 Osijek, e-mail: Izredna profesorica, Univera J. J. Strossmayerja Osijek, Akademija za umetnost in kulturo Osijek, Ullica Kralja Petra Svačica 1/F, 31000 Osijek, e-pošta: