CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT of elektro gorenjska group for year 2017 We carefully enhance the power network to promote sustainable development of the region. We are here for you. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 565 TABLE OF CONTENTS A. BUSINESS REPORT 13 1 OVERVIEW OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS IN ELEKTRO GORENJSKA GROUP IN YEAR 2017 1S 2 MANAGEMENT REPORT OF THE PARENT COMPANY 1B 2.1 Corporate governance statement 20 2.2 Supervisory Board Report 22 S PRESENTATION OF ELEKTRO GORENJSKA GROUP 2B 5.1 Structure of Elektro Gorenjska Group and associated companies 2B 5.1.1 Elektro Gorenjska Company identity card 29 5.1.2 Gorenjske elektrarne Company identity card S0 3.1.3 GEK Vzdrževanje Company identity card 31 5.1.4 ECE Company identity card S2 5.1.5 Soenergetika Company identity card SS 5.2 Other related companies or related legal entities S4 S.S Main activities and fields of business S4 5.4 Main area of operation SS 5.5 Main technical data SS 5.6 Management and governance of companies in Elektro Gorenjska Group S6 5.6.1 Management and governance of Elektro Gorenjska Company S6 5.6.2 Management and governance of Gorenjske elektrarne Company S9 3.6.3 Management and governance of GEK Vzdrževanje Company 39 5.7 Share capital and ownership structure 40 5.7.1 Share capital and ownership structure of Elektro Gorenjska Company 40 5.7.2 Share capital and ownership structure of Gorenjske elektrarne Company 41 3.7.3 Share capital and ownership structure of GEK Vzdrževanje Company 41 S.B Vision, mission and values of the group 41 5.9 Key strategic guidelines of the Group 42 5.9.1 Key strategic guidelines of Elektro Gorenjska Company 42 5.9.2 Key strategic guidelines of Gorenjske elektrarne Company 42 3.9.3 Key strategic guidelines of GEK Vzdrževanje Company 43 5.10 Analysis of the environment and its impact on the operations of the group 4S 5.10.1 General economic environment and economic trend forecasts 4S 5.10.2 Presentation of the industry 44 S.10.S Network charge and price of electricity 4S 5.10.4 Energy legal environment of group's operation in year 2017 46 5.10.5 Contract with SODO 47 4 MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY SYSTEMS 49 4.1 Integrated quality management system (iSVK) of Elektro Gorenjska, Company 49 4.2 Integrated quality management system of Gorenjske elektrarne Company S2 4.S Risk management in Elektro Gorenjska Company SS 4.5.1 Business risks SB 4.5.2 Financial risks S9 4.S.S Operating risks 60 4.4 Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board, Internal Audit and Risk Management 61 4.5 Risk management in Gorenjske elektrarne Company 62 5 BUSINESS ANALYSIS OF THE GROUP 67 5.1 Production of electricity 67 5.2 Quantities of distributed electricity 69 S.S Quality of electricity supply (Contract with SODO) 70 5.4 Investments 7S 5.5 Maintenance of energy facilities 77 5.6 Development and design 79 4 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 4 5.7 Financial performance criteria of the group 81 5.7.1 Significant indicators 81 5.7.2 Structure of assets and liabilities 82 5.7.3 Structure of revenue and expenditure 84 5.7.4 Cash flow statement 85 6 MARKETING AND SALES 86 7 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES 88 8 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 89 8.1 Care for employees 89 8.1.1 Demographic structure in the group 89 8.1.2 Employment 90 8.1.3 Employment of persons with disabilities 91 8.1.4 Education 91 8.1.5 Educational structure of employees 93 8.1.6 Employee motivation and remuneration 93 8.1.7 Annual interviews 94 8.1.8 Organizational culture 94 8.1.9 Employee satisfaction and commitment 95 8.1.10 Relations between employees and management in the Group 96 8.1.11 Care for employees and related groups outside working hours 97 8.1.12 Communication with employees 97 8.1.13 Connecting the employees and wider community 97 8.1.14 Health and safety at work 97 8.2 Concern for the environment 99 8.2.1 Management of important environmental aspects in year 2017 99 8.2.2 Environmental communication 103 8.3 Care for the public interest - social responsibility 103 8.3.1 Communication with local community and social responsibility 103 8.3.2 Communication with business partners 104 8.3.3 Communication with media 104 8.3.4 Communication with customers 104 8.3.5 Communication with shareholders and financial public 104 8.3.6 Communication with influential public 105 9 EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE 105 B. FINANCIAL REPORT 107 10 MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT 109 11 AUDITOR'S REPORT 110 12 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF ELEKTRO GORENJSKA GROUP FOR BUSINESS YEAR ENDED AS AT 31. 12. 2017 112 12.1 Statement of financial position of Elektro Gorenjska Group as at 31. 12. 2017 112 12.2 Profit or loss account of Elektro Gorenjska group for business year ended as at 31. 12. 2017 114 12.3 Statement of other comprehensive income of Elektro Gorenjska group for business year ended as at 31. 12. 2017 115 12.4 Cash flow statement of Elektro Gorenjska group for business year ended as at 31. 12. 2017 116 12.5 Statement of changes in equity of Elektro Gorenjska group for the business year ended as at 31. 12. 2017 117 a) From 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017: 117 b) From 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: 118 13 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENT 119 13.1 Reporting company and group structure 119 13.2 Basis for compiling the consolidated financial statements 119 13.2.1 Statement of compliance 119 13.2.2 Basis for measurement 119 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 5 13.2.3 Functional and presentation currency 119 13.2.4 Use of significant estimates and judgements 120 13.2.5 New accounting standards and interpretations not yet in force 121 13.3 Summary of significant accounting policies 124 13.3.1 Basis for consolidation 124 13.3.2 Intangible assets 125 13.3.3 Tangible fixed assets 126 13.3.4 Investment property 127 13.3.5 Assets received and leased 128 13.3.6 Financial instruments 128 13.3.7 Stocks 131 13.3.8 Other assets 131 13.3.9 Capital 131 13.3.10 Provisions 131 13.3.11 Assets acquired free of charge 132 13.3.12 Other liabilities 132 13.3.13 Deferred tax liabilities and tax receivables and income tax 133 13.3.14 Revenues 133 13.3.15 Expenditure 133 13.3.16 Consolidated cash flow statement 134 13.3.17 Basic return per share 134 13.4 Determination of fair value 134 14 NOTES TO THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 135 14.1 Intangible assets 135 14.2 Tangible fixed assets 136 14.3 Investment property 138 14.4 Long-term financial investments 141 14.5 Stocks 144 14.6 Short-term financial investments 144 14.7 Short-term operating receivables 144 14.8 Other current assets 145 14.9 Cash and cash equivalents 146 14.10 Capital 146 14.11 Provisions 148 14.12 Long-term liabilities 151 14.13 Other long-term liabilities 153 14.14 Deferred tax liability 155 14.15 Short-term financial liabilities 155 14.16 Short-term operating liabilities 155 14.17 Other short-term liabilities 155 14.18 Off-balance sheet records 156 15 NOTES ON PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ITEMS 157 15.1 Net sales revenues 157 15.2 Capitalized own products and own services 157 15.3 Other operating revenues 158 15.4 Acquisition cost of goods sold and cost of material used 158 15.5 Costs of services 159 15.6 Labour costs 160 15.7 Write-offs 160 15.8 Other operating expenses 161 15.9 Financial revenue from shares 161 15.10 Financial expenses from financial liabilities 161 15.11 Recognized profit or loss for investments valued using the equity 162 15.12 Income tax 162 15.13 Deferred tax liabilities and deferred taxes 162 16 NOTES ON OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ITEMS 163 17 NOTES ON CASH FLOW ITEMS 164 18 FAIR VALUES 165 6 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 6 19 CAPITAL MANAGEMENT 167 20 TRANSACTIONS WITH AFFILIATES 168 20.1 Transactions with group companies 168 20.2 Transactions with the Republic of Slovenia 168 20.3 Transactions with companies directly or indirectly owned by the Republic of Slovenia 169 20.4 Transactions with management and supervisory board 169 21 AUDITING COSTS 172 22 FINANCIAL RISKS 173 23 EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE 179 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 7 INDEX OF FIGURES Figure 1: Graphic image of the Group 23 Figure 2: Elektro Gorenjska Company identity card 24 Figure 3: Gorenjske elektrarne controlled company identity card 25 Figure 4: GEK Vzdrževanje controlled company identity card 26 Figure 5: ECE associated company identity card 27 Figure 6: Soenergetika associated company identity card 33 Figure 7: Area of supply of electricity distribution companies 35 Figure 8: Organization chart in Elektro Gorenjska Company 36 Figure 9: Organization chart of Gorenjske elektrarne Company 39 Figure 10: Organization chart of GEK Vzdrževanje Company 39 Figure 11: Changes in the number of shareholders of Elektro Gorenjska Company from 31. 12. 2013 to 31. 12. 2017 40 Figure 12: Ownership structure of Elektro Gorenjska Company as of 31. 12. 2017 (in %) 40 Figure 13: Supply model 44 Figure 14: Organization of electricity supply in Slovenia 45 Figure 15: Areas of operation of electricity distribution companies in Slovenia 45 Figure 16: Integrated quality management system within EG, d.d. Company 49 Figure 17: Monitoring of iSVK operation within EG, d. d.Company 51 Figure 18: PDCA circle (the Demingo approach in the dynamics of all processes) 51 Figure 19: Risk severity 53 Figure 20: Identified risks according to their severity (share) 54 Figure 21: Identified risks according to their type (share) 54 Figure 22: Classification of identified risks in Elektro Gorenjska Company 54 Figure 23: Individual types of risks according to their severity 55 Figure 24: Risk assessment matrix 55 Figure 25: Dynamic impact of risks on the Company's operations according to their share of impact value (solvency aspect) 56 Figure 26: Share of dynamic impact of risks according to their severity 56 Figure 27: Share of dynamic impact of risks by individual types of risks 56 Figure 28: Layout of risks in Elektro Gorenjska, d.d. after the last assessment in 2016 57 Figure 29: Evaluation of risks 62 Figure 30: Share of supports in revenues 62 Figure 31: Production in MWh from 2000 to 2017 63 Figure 32: Share of revenues from the sale of electricity to the wholesaler and final customers in the company's total revenues from revenues from the sale of electricity 64 Figure 33: Electricity produced (in MWh) in the period 2015-2017 67 Figure 34: Electricity produced (in MWh) in HE by months of year 2017 67 Figure 35: Electricity produced (in MWh) in FE and SPTE by months of year 2017 67 Figure 36: Share of individual power stations in total amount of electricity produced in year 2017 68 Figure 37: Changes in distributed quantities of electricity and GDP from 2013 to 2017 69 Figure 38: Number of final customers from 2015 to 2017 69 Figure 39: Maximum peak power from 2015 to 2017 70 Figure 40: SAIDI - Average time of duration of all unannounced long-term interruptions 71 Figure 41: SAIFI - Average number of all unannounced long-term interruptions 71 Figure 42: MAIFI and MAIFIe - average number of all momentary interruptions 72 Figure 43: Share of losses in the network from 2015 to 2017 73 Figure 44: Parameter SAIDI for unplanned long-term interruptions (own causes) in the period 2012-2017 73 Figure 45: Parameter SAIFI for unplanned long-term interruptions (own causes) in the period 2012-2016 74 Figure 46: Average duration of all long-term interruptions of individual European countries 74 Figure 47: Share of the network in the cable design from 2015 to 2017 76 Figure 48: Construction of new or renovation of old transformer stations and low-voltage cable conduits from 2013 to 2017 76 Figure 49: Share of measuring points in the remote measurement system in years from 2015-2017 76 Figure 50: Sources of investment financing in 2017 77 Figure 51: SAIFI - Average number of announced interruptions per customer in years 77 8 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 8 Figure 52: SAIDI - Average time of duration of announced interruptions per customer in years 78 Figure 53: Geographical view of the network status on 12. 12. 2017 78 Figure 54: Changes in maintenance costs from 2013 to 2017 (in €) 79 Figure 55: Information on the number of project documentation made from 2013 to 2017 80 Figure 56: Changes in balance sheet total in the period 2015-2017 82 Figure 57: Structure of assets as of 31. 12. 2017 and 31. 12. 2016 83 Figure 58: Structure of funds as of 31. 12. 2017 and 31. 12. 2016 83 Figure 59: Composition of profit or loss (in €) 84 Figure 60: Operating profit or loss (in €) in the period 2015-2017 84 Figure 61: Structure of operating expenditure 84 Figure 62: Financial result in the period 2015-2017 (in €) 85 Figure 63: Net profit in the period 2015-2017 (in €) 85 Figure 64: Changes in the number of employees in from 2013 to 2017 89 Figure 65: Shares of employees in Elektro Gorenjska Group according to age groups 90 Figure 66: Share of new employees with at least high professional level of education at the time of employment 90 Figure 67: Review of the scope of training in the number of days and number of trainings 92 Figure 68: Average level of education in companies and Elektro Gorenjska Group from 2013 to 2017 93 Figure 69: Ideal organizational culture 95 Figure 70: Commitment of employees in Elektro Gorenjska in year 2017, compared with Slovenian and the best global organizations 95 Figure 71: Commitment of employees in Elektro Gorenjska Group in year 2014, compared with global and Slovenian organizations 96 Figure 72: Number of accidents at work 98 Figure 73: Gravity of injuries 98 Figure 74: Frequency of injuries 98 Figure 75: Shares of electricity generation from renewable sources in Gorenjske elektrarne in the period 2005-2017 (%) 101 Figure 76: Environmental savings of reduction of CO2 emissions due to production of electricity in hydro power stations, solar power stations and co-generation units in the period 2005-2017 Figure 77: Environmental saving of CO2 emission reduction due to production of electricity in solar power stations in the period 2005-2017 Figure 78: Sponsorships and donations of the Group in year 2017 INDEX OF TABLES Table 1: Other important information on Elektro Gorenjska Company (in €) Table 2: Other important information on Gorenjske elektrarne company (in €) Table 3: Other important information on GEK Vzdrževanje Company (in €) Table 4: Other important information on ECE Company (in €) Table 5: Other important information on SOENERGETIKA Company (in €) Table 6: Main technical data on electric power distribution network Table 7: Main technical data of the production units Table 8: Share owners with capital share exceeding 1 percent as of 31. 12. 2017 Table 9: Data and economic trends forecasts Table 10: Unannounced long-term interruptions according to type of network in year 2017 Table 11: Announced long-term interruptions in year 2017 Table 12: Number of momentary interruptions per customer in year 2017 Table 13: Consistency of power quality parameters with the SIST EN 50160 standard on high voltage level for year 2017 Table 14: Change in cash and cash equivalents Table 15: Fluctuation rate in Elektro Gorenjska Group Table 16: Information on disabled employees Table 17: Education and trainings in the period from 2015 to 2017 Table 18: Educational structure of employees in Elektro Gorenjska Group as at 31. 12. 2017 102 102 104 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 41 43 70 71 71 72 85 91 91 92 93 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 9 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AGEN AMI BDP BTP CIM DCV VAT DDPO DO DV EE EURIBOR EZ-1 FE GJS SODO HE IKT IT KBV kW MHE MM MWh LV LVN OS OVE Contract with SODO, d. o. o. RTP SAIDI SAIFI SDH MV SODO SPTE TP TR HV VZD ZGD-1 Agency of Republic of Slovenia for Energy Advanced Meter Infrastructure Gross domestic product Technical data base Common information model Distribution management center Value Added Tax Corporate Income Tax Distribution network Overhead power line Electricity Euro Interbank Offered Rate is an interbank offered rate for deposits in Euro, which is formed on the European interbank market Energy act Photovoltaic power station Public service obligation relating to the activity of the electricity distribution system operator Hydroelectric power station Information and communication technology Information technology Cable conduit Kilowatt hour Small hydroelectric power station Measuring point Megawatt hour Low voltage Low-voltage network Fixed assets Renewable energy sources Contract on electricity infrastructure lease and provision of services for electricity distribution system operator Transformer substation System Average Interruption Duration Index System Average Interruption Frequency Index Slovenian Sovereign Holding Medium voltage Distribution network system operator Cogeneration of heat energy Transformer station Transformer High voltage Health and safety at work Companies act 10 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 ACHIEVEMENTS OF ELEKTRO GORENJSKA GROUP €6.974.762 25000 of realized 20,000 net profit 15, 000 15,000 0,000 5,000 35,405 35,323 I 36,105 40,000 35,000 30,000 8 o 350,000 25,000 ^ a) 20,000 I > 12550,,000000 _aj 0,000 £ 5,000 0 2015 2016 2017 [] EBIT (€000) 20 EBITDA (€000) Q Net profit (€000) — Sales revenues (€000) 1,103,725 1.103 GWh of distributed electricity 1,120,000 1,100,000 1,080,000 1,060,000 1,0220,000 1I,0^0,000 1,000,000 2015 | | Quantities of distributed electricity (MWh) 1,068,347 2016 2017 52 GWh of electricity generated 60,000 58,000 56,000 54,000 52,000 50,000 48,000 46,000 2015 2016 2017 | Quantities of generated electricity (MWh) Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 11 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON OPERATION OF ELEKTRO GORENJSKA GROUP 2015 2016 2017 IMPORTANT FINANCIAL INFORMATION Sales revenues (€000) 35,405 35,323 36,105 EBIT (€000) 6,645 8,601 8,384 EBITDA (€000) 16,999 19,611 20,016 Pre-tax profit (€000) 8,098 8,150 7,998 Net profit (€000) 7,239 7,194 6,975 Value added (€000) 28,986 31,960 32,956 Assets (€000) 213,797 222,131 232,099 Capital (€000) 145,144 149,634 155,011 SIGNIFICANT INDICATORS Current ratio 0.8 1.0 1.3 Profability rate of revenue (%) 18.7 19.4 19.1 Share of labour costs in value added (%) 41.4 38.6 39.3 Return on assets (ROA) in % 3.3 3.3 3.1 Return on equity (ROE) in % 5.1 4.9 4.6 NETWORK, PRODUCTION SAIDI (average duration time of unplanned interruptions longer than 3 min/customer) 13 15 20 SAIFI (average number of unplanned interruptions longer than 3 min/customer) 0.6 0.6 0.7 Number of customers connected to the distribution network 88,610 88,911 89,361 Quantities of distributed electricty (MWh) 1,042,193 1,068,347 1,103,725 Quantities of generated electricity(MWh) 50,608 57,681 52,099 SHARE DATA Total number of shares 17,286,376 17,286,376 17,286,376 Net profit per share (€) 0.4 0.4 0.4 Book value of share (equity/No. of shares) in € 8.4 8.7 9.0 EMPLOYEES Costs of education per employee (€) 335 322 498 Share of employees that attended the trainings (%) 76.1 90.6 81.1 Average level of education 6.1 6.2 6.2 Number of employees at the end of the year 305 307 308 Number of employees (average) 309 307 307 Consolidated Business Report Energy system is one of the main players in the transition to a low-carbon society; most of the changes are and will be in the field of distribution. Distribution companies present a sustainable development infrastructure, which is why we build robust and reliable networks. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 15 1 OVERVIEW OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS IN ELEKTRO GORENJSKA GROUP IN YEAR 2017 JANUARY ■ In Elektro Gorenjska network, the peak load increases strongly due to extremely low temperatures. Record peak power is achieved - 196.4 MW. ■ Elektro Gorenjska continues with the AMI project, which brings complete overhaul of the measuring system. In 2016 more than13,100 meters were replaced, which is by 9 % more than planned. ■ Elektro Gorenjska successfully completes the annual review of the implementation of the Family-Friendly Company measures. ■ In Gorenjske elektrarne they perform a regular annual overhaul in the largest hydroelectric power station - the Savica hydroelectric power station. FEBRUARY ■ Representatives of Elektro Gorenjska participate in the 4th Energy and Regulation Forum. ■ Representatives of Elektro Gorenjska attend the largest conference in the field of distribution and transmission of electricity, gas and water and the Distrubutech trade fair in the USA. At the conference, Elektro Gorenjska presented the approach of comprehensive construction of new information systems, in the concrete case focusing on the integration platforms GIS and CIM. ■ Elektro Gorenjska prepares and presents to the Supervisory Commission of the EU the final report, on the basis of which the decision on the successful completion of INCREASE project was issued. ■ In the framework of the strategic project Management of Organizational Culture Elektro Gorenjska with a survey concludes the first part of activities for increasing the commitment of employees. ■ Gorenjske elektrarne announces three projects for entry into the support scheme on the Public Invitation to register projects for generating electricity from renewable energy sources and in high-efficiency cogeneration: solar power station Merkur 3, hydroelectric power stations Cerklje - 280 and 15 kW and renovation of hydroelectric power station Standard. MARCH ■ Elektro Gorenjska upgrades the internal website Središče EG, which is more user-friendly. ■ Gorenjske elektrarne successfully apply for a call for implementation of pilot activities in the field of e-mobility. Received funds will unify the electric charging stations owned by the Elektro Gorenjska Group and conduct activities with the purpose of efficient management of charging stations. APRIL ■ Economic Interest Grouping of Electricity Distribution in Portorož organizes 3. strategic conference of Slovenian electricity distribution companies titled Digital transformation of Slovenian electricity distribution. ■ Elektro Gorenjska started with activities for the establishment and certification of the information security system based on meeting the requirements of standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013. ■ Elektro Gorenjska participates in 19. Summit of Slovenian Energy Managers -Energy Managers' Days 2017. ■ Elektro Gorenjska, through the OEI and OCI questionnaires among its employees, again measures the organizational culture and organizational effectiveness of both companies. 16 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 16 ■ Elektro Gorenjska attends the international conference ICOLIM2017 (International Conference On Live Maintenance) in Strasbourg, where models of approach and methods of performing live work on all voltage levels from around the world are presented. ■ At the solar power plant on the Merkur Primskovo shopping centre in Kranj Gorenjske elektrarne install power optimizers of Israeli manufacturer Solar Edge. MAY ■ Representatives of the Russian delegations from Tatarstan visit Elektro Gorenjska. They are introduced to the company's operation and the SEP remote reading system. ■ Elektro Gorenjska switches to the new digital radio system DMR after the test period. ■ Elektro Gorenjska Group, with 15 papers, participates in the 13th Slovenian Power Generation Conference CIGRE-CIRED in Maribor. ■ Within the strategic project Management of organizational culture, 186 employees from the Elektro Gorenjska Group participate in the second group coaching, which is part of the project (activities) for increasing the commitment of employees (the project is called Employee virtues). ■ Gorenjske elektrarne participate in the 26. panel discussion Communal Energy. ■ Gorenjske elektrarne attend EUREM education, where they acquire the necessary knowledge and useful tips for more efficient energy management. JUNE ■ In Elektro Gorenjska, training for internal auditors of the ISO/IEC 27001 system, information security management system takes place. ■ Representatives of Elektro Gorenjska attend the 24. international biennial conference CIRED, in Glasgow. ■ During the Green Week at the Matija Valjevec Primary School Gorenjske elektrarne conduct the lectures on solar power, ways of saving with energy, hydro power plants, comprehensive view of energy and renewable energy sources. ■ Gorenjske elektrarne successfully run two projects at the Energy Agency's public call: construction of HE Cerklje with power 280 kW and renovation of energy facility HE Standard with power 340 kW. ■ Gorenjske elektrarne at the end of 2016 in cooperation with the Regional Development Agency of the Gorenjska region BSC successfully run on the European project E-trail, which will enable the complete management of the charging infrastructure in Slovenia. At the end of June in Škofja Loka, together with the municipality, they open one of the ten charging stations that are part of the project JULY ■ At the seat of the company Elektro Gorenjska the 23rd regular session of the General Meeting of Elektro Gorenjska takes place, where shareholders decide on the distribution of profits, grant discharge to the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, appoint new members of the Supervisory Board and a certified auditor. ■ Elektro Gorenjska issues a leaflet with useful information about the company in Slovenian and English for 2016. ■ Elektro Gorenjska issues the Consolidated Annual Report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2016 in English. AUGUST ■ New four-year term begins for the members of the Supervisory Board representing the shareholders of Elektro Gorenjska, d. d. ■ Elektro Gorenjska issues the Report on Environmental Management and Health and Safety Report for year 2016. SEPTEMBER ■ A press conference of the Economic Interest Association for the Distribution of Electricity takes place in the Old City Power Station in Ljubljana, where five chairmen of the distribution companies' management boards in Slovenia (Elektro Ljubljana, Elektro Maribor, Elektro Celje, Elektro Primorska, Elektro Gorenjska) highlight the development role and the importance of distribution for implementation of the strategy of the Republic of Slovenia and present proposals Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 17 for the development of a sustainable and feasible Energy Concept of Slovenia for the competent ministry. ■ Newly established company GEK Vzdrževanje, d. o. o., subsidiary company of Gorenjske elektrarne, starts doing business independently. OCTOBER ■ Elektro Gorenjska successfully passes an external assessment of Integrated Quality Management System: reassessment of ISO 9001:2015, regular assessment of ISO 14001:2004 regular assessment of BS OHSAS 18001:2007, transitional assessment of ISO 14001:2015 and certification assessment - 2.part ISO/IEC 27001:2013. ■ Representatives of Elektro Gorenjska attend London's first TDX-ASSIST development project meeting. Key focus of this project is directed to testing and introducing state-of-the-art information and communication technologies in the framework of vertical connections between distribution and transmission network operators. ■ Representatives of Elektro Gorenjska attend the third renewal workshop on ways of executing live work on low and medium voltage in Šempeter pri Celju. ■ Representatives of Elektro Gorenjska attend the 61st international congress in the field of quality and excellence in Bled, where they present good practice in the company at the lecture titled EFQM model as the key strategic and operational tool towards the digital era. ■ Chairmen of management board of the five Slovenian electricity distribution companies meet at the highest level with the representatives of the distribution network operator of the Croatian electricity industry in order to strengthen the already existing cooperation, including the mutual exchange of good practices and participation in the projects. ■ Gorenjske elektrarne approach the replacement of the membrane on the soft dam of the hydroelectric power station Sava. ■ Gorenjske elektrarne together with Šenčur Municipality successfully complete the project of efficient energy management. Project included optimization of measuring points on school facilities that includes a primary school, a sports hall and a kindergarten. NOVEMBER ■ For the integration of technical information systems (CIM), a two-month trial operation begins, as after successfully passing the takeover testing (SAT tests), Elektro Gorenjska successfully transferred the software from the test environment into the production environment. ■ Representatives of Elektro Gorenjska participate with their papers at the 10th panel discussion on informatics in Slovenian energy industry. ■ Elektro Gorenjska receives the quality standard ISO 27001 - information security management system. ■ Gorenjske elektrarne in cooperation with the municipalities open power charging station in Tržič, Preddvor and Radovljica. DECEMBER ■ At the end of the year Elektro Gorenjska and Gorenjske elektrarne together with their business partners once again allocate funds for business gifts to the program ■ Hurricane wind and the broken trees cause problems also on the Elektro Gorenjska network. Wind over Slovenia destroys more than 1.3 million cubic meters of trees. According to the Slovenian Forest Service, it is the case of the worst damage to forests due to wind in the last twenty years. ■ By building, using and promoting the electricity in transport in the local communities, Gorenjske elektrarne implements development goals in the field of e-mobility. 18 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 18 2 MANAGEMENT REPORT OF THE PARENT COMPANY In year 2017, the Elektro Gorenjska Group generated €36 million in sales revenue, and the pre-tax profit amounted to €8 million. It has taken into account the key objectives and recommendations of the operator SDH, d. d., in the management of the investments of electricity distribution companies in 2017. In line with the approved annual plans, it successfully implemented the set goals. For investment projects of over 350, whose main objective is to build a robust and stable network with the help of advanced technologies, it spent €17 million. Robust and stable network is fundamental for the increased need for electricity Business operations in 2017 were most influenced by the consistent implementation of the strategy of Elektro Gorenjska. Growth of electricity distribution and increased demand for peak power were also characteristic due to the increased economic intensity and increased use of heat pumps. Compared to 2016, electricity consumption increased by 3.3 %; 1,103 GWh of electricity was distributed to users in Gorenjska region. Share of losses on electricity transferred in year 2017 was 4.31 %, which is 0.86 percentage points less than the planned and recognized losses under the regulatory framework of the Energy Agency. We build a robust network; 73 % of the network has been built in the underground cable form By the end of 2017, the share of the medium-voltage network underground was 63 % and the share of the low-voltage network was 83 %. In total, Elektro Gorenjska Company has the largest share of the underground cable network in Slovenia; it amounts to 73 %. In 2017, 52 kilometres of new mediumvoltage cables and 95 kilometres of low-voltage cabling were laid. Knowing that electricity consumption will increase in the future, we carefully plan, upgrade and build a robust and stable distribution network that will enable the integration of new electricity consumers (e-mobility, decarbonisation of heating, transport, etc.). With digitized services, we are more efficient and accessible to the user In the case of end users, in accordance with plans, we are switching measuring systems and replacing them with advanced ones. We will achieve our goal that in 2021 all users in Gorenjska region will be equipped with advanced measurement systems. By the end of 2017, we have already installed more than half of the meters; more than 12,000 are installed annually. They enable remote data transfer across different communication paths. We have been dealing with digital transformation and consequently changing of the business model of operations in the company for many years. We upgrade our management, security and control systems and telecommunication systems, we also invest in modern information solutions to digitize, automate and, above all, simplify procedures for end-users. With their help we optimize the operation of the network, increase its efficiency and business economics. Through proactive involvement in Research and Development projects, we confirm our leading role in the field of introducing new technologies. Through active participation in international research and development projects we are continuously building the reputation of an innovative and reliable partner. Participation in projects enables us to successfully integrate state-of-the-art technology systems that provide appropriate demonstration environments that are important in the implementation and evaluation of new concepts for the management and operation of distribution networks. Company currently participates in three projects: STORY (Added value of STORage in distribution sYstems), TDX-ASSIST (Coordination of Transmission and Distribution data eXchanges for renewables integration in the European marketplace through Advanced, Scalable and Secure ICT Systems and Tools) in EASY-RES (Enable Ancillary Services By Renewable Energy Sources). In the framework of the STORY project, Elektro Gorenjska has foreseen two demonstrations of the use of a larger energy storage, while in the other two R & D projects the partners will pay special attention to the introduction and testing of state-of-the-art information and communication technologies in the framework of vertical connections between distribution and transmission network operators and the potential of exploiting an increasing number of generating units from renewable sources in providing modern system services for the reliable and efficient operation of both distribution and transmission networks. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 19 Strategic Guidelines Company Elektro Gorenjska follows the adopted strategy 2016-2018, which defines nine strategic goals. Goals are defined by responsible persons, activities and tasks, and enable a comprehensive and systematic system for monitoring the implementation of the strategy with a balanced indicators system. In cooperation with employees and owners, the strategy is revised annually and adapted to the situation on the electricity market. In cooperation with the Supervisory Board, we determine the scope of risks that the company assumes in achieving its objectives. The purpose of risk management is to identify the priority risks (compliance with legislation, project management, quality of service, human security, etc.), address them and take measures to control them within acceptable limits. In 2018 we will actively continue with the project of organizational culture management, whose key goal is to increase the level of commitment of employees. As the ambassador of corporate integrity we will spread awareness of the importance of doing business in accordance with legislation and ethical standards as one of the basic principles of socially responsible activity in the Slovenian economy in general. Model of business excellence and business in line with the quality policy is a constant of the company, which we continue in 2017. In 2018 we again approached the amendment of strategy for the period 2018-2020. We strive for excellence and support local development Elektro Gorenjska is the holder of four quality standards: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 27001, which the company successfully certifies each year. In 2017, we successfully passed the ISO standard: IEC 27001 - Information Security Management System. Company owns the full family-friendly company certificate and is the only distribution company that received the highest national award of the Republic of Slovenia for Business Excellence (PRSPO) for achievements in the field of products and services quality and business quality. Every year we perform an annual self-assessment according to the EFQM model, through which we can identify opportunities and improvements in the areas of business. Company is also recognized in the field of sponsorship and donation projects. In accordance with its capabilities, it helps the general public and returns to the environment in which it operates. In 2017, we sponsored a number of sponsorship and donation projects, thus helping to develop the region. As an important economic entity in Gorenjska, also in 2018 we will participate in socially responsible projects. Chairman of the Board mag. Bojan Luskovec 20 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 20 2.1 Corporate governance statement Companies in Elektro Gorenjska Group inform the shareholders and public that they operate in accordance with applicable regulations and acts in force in the companies. Management of the individual company represents the company as well as manages the business independently and at its own risk. In this it adopts the decisions in accordance with the strategic goals of the company and to the benefit of the shareholders. Companies in the Group comply with the documents adopted by the Slovenian Sovereign Holding (hereinafter SDH): Corporate Governance Code for Companies with Capital Assets of the State, Recommendations and expectations by the Slovenian Sovereign Holding, procedures and code of conduct for members of managerial and supervisory bodies in companies with capital investments of the state. Applicable regulations important mainly for the operations of the parent company and parent company statute are published on the company's web site ( Other acts in force for group companies are available on the web pages of SDH In year 2017 companies in the Group have not derogated essentially from the principles, procedures and criteria imposed by the stated SDH documents. Parent company declares that it does not respect code provisions or recommendations in regulating issues that are regulated by the law or that the company regulates in accordance with the provisions of the statute in different way than defined by the codes, or in cases when non-statutory conducts are not prescribed in its acts or when conducts are not determined as legal obligation. Parent company believes that supervisory board members are professional, responsible and independent in performing the tasks in accordance with the provisions of the stated acts by SDH. The parent company informs all supervisory board and committees members about changes and amendments in SDH acts, as well as about trainings organized by SDH free of charge. We do not have recorded a diversity policy in group companies and we do not implement it as stipulated by the Companies Act-1. We have a one-member Management Board, Supervisory Board members from representatives of the shareholders are elected by the General Meeting, while two employee representatives are elected by the Workers' Council. In group companies, candidates for a job and employees in group companies are not discriminated based on gender, age, race and religion. Management Board of each company is responsible for keeping proper accounts and the establishment and provision of internal controls, the selection and application of accounting policies and the safeguarding of company assets. Group companies in the establishment and operation of internal controls pursue the following main objectives: ■ accuracy, reliability and completeness of the accounting records and the true and fair financial reporting, ■ compliance with laws, regulations, internal regulations and ■ effectiveness and efficiency of operations. We strive to provide the control system effective and efficient in terms of risk management and at the same time cost-effective. So we maintain: ■ transparent organizational scheme, ■ clear accounting policies and their uniform application throughout the Elektro Gorenjska Group, ■ effective and full staffed accounting function, ■ efficient and modern accounting and business information system, ■ regular internal and external audits of business processes and operations of the entire company. Financial controls are based on the principles of division of responsibilities, truthfulness, updating of records, reconciling the balance in the accounts with the actual situation, separation of records from the implementation of the business and the professionalism and independence of accountants. Accounting controls are closely related to the general and application controls in the field of information technology, which among other things, ensure restricting and monitoring of accesses and the completeness and accuracy of data capture and processing. Control mechanisms referring to individual fields of operation are presented in more detail in chapter 4.3 - Risk management in Elektro Gorenjska Company. We believe that the current system of internal controls enabled successful operation of Elektro Gorenjska Group, functioning in accordance with the rules and fair and transparent financial reporting. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 21 Elektro Gorenjska Company also declares that the management of the controlling company actively followed and directly controlled the operations of the controlled company Gorenjske elektrarne and financial investments of ECE d. o. o., and indirectly the controlled company of the subsidiary Gorenjske elektrarne, GEK Vzdrževanje Company, in accordance with the strategic guidelines with the purpose of reaching the set business goals. In leading and managing the controlled company and its controlled company, it has pursued the same standards of corporate management applicable for the controlling company in Elektro Gorenjska Group. Company Elektro Gorenjska will respect the recommendations of new SDH acts in the future too and in 22 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 22 2.2 Supervisory Board Report Supervisory board report on verification of the annual report of elektro gorenjska, d. d., and consolidated annual report of elektro gorenjska group for business year 2017 according to article 282 ZGD-1. 1. Supervisory board operation in year 2017 In 2017, the supervisory board continued with its regular and settled supervision of the company's operations. In addition to regular supervision, it continued to operate in accordance with the new practices introduced, for which it successfully worked throughout the mandate, but still introduced other innovations. In year 2017, the supervisory board met at thirteen regular sessions and two correspondence session, where it adopted a total of 122 decisions. In their decisions, all members of the Supervisory Board acted independently and in accordance with the statements given and transparently published on the company's website. They prepared appropriately on the topics of the individual sessions, gave constructive proposals and comments, as well as adopted decisions in accordance with their respective responsibilities. Members of the supervisory board carried out their work diligently and responsibly with the duty of careful and conscientious management, in accordance with the fundamental function of supervision over the management of the companies and based on the competences as defined mainly in the Companies Act (ZGD-1), statute of the company and rules of the supervisory board. In its work, the supervisory board members acted in accordance with the recommendations and expectations of the Slovenian Sovereign Holding and Corporate Governance Code for Companies with State capital investment. Management board commented on the fulfilment of the above acts and recommendations in the statement on corporate governance, which is a component part of the annual report. Successful implementation of good supervisory practices was successfully continued and upgraded, in addition to regular monitoring of the management's reports on the implementation of strategic projects, it paid a great deal of attention to the supervision of investment projects and the implementation of public procurement procedures, on the basis of which it introduced regular half-yearly comprehensive reporting on investments. With this, it will be able to act more swiftly, in accordance with its competences, if necessary. Supervisory board continued with the already established practice of self-assessment and in 2017 conducted another evaluation of its work (the work was evaluated in 2016). Due to certain changes in the composition of the supervisory board that occurred since the last self-assessment, for the employee representative this was the first self-assessment. Based on the analysis of the answers and common findings, decisions and proposals were adopted to the management board, especially regarding education for supervisors in the area of current innovations in the field of energy. Company actively formulates and changes its strategy and adapts to market conditions, which are also the consequences of changes in the functioning and emphasis of content at the SB. Changes are also visible in other areas, and the supervisory board also actively participates. As already pointed out, in addition to regular business operations, the supervisory board also monitored quarterly the condition of seven strategic projects from the company's strategy for the period 2016-2020. In 2017, status changes were also made in the framework of group companies, since the procedure of the spin-off from the subsidiary Gorenjske elektrarne, d. o. o., to a newly established company GEK Vzdrževanje, d. o. o., which started operations on 1 September, 2017. In the Elektro Gorenjska Group, there are now three companies: Elektro Gorenjska, d. d., Gorenjske elektrarne, d. o. o., and GEK Vzdrževanje, d. o. o. Supervisory board monitors operations in subsidiaries in accordance with their respective competencies and good corporate governance practices. With regard to corporate governance, the management board, based on a review carried out by the external auditor of SB, made recommendations for the introduction of new practices, which the administration gradually started to introduce. 2. Composition of the Supervisory Board in year 2017 In 2017, the supervisory board completed its four-year mandate as the mandate of all four shareholder representatives ended on 27 August 2017. Term of office of members appointed by employees' representatives to the SB on 8 August 2015 expires on 8 August 2019. Supervisory Board operated in the following composition in year 2017: ■ mag. Samo Logar, chairman of the supervisory board, ■ mag. Tedo Djekanovic, deputy chairman of the supervisory board, ■ Andrej Koprivec, member, Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 23 ■ Elvis Durakovic, member (from 1. 1. 2017 to 27. 8. 2017), ■ Franjo Curanovic (from 28. 8. 2017 to 31. 12. 2017), ■ mag. Dominik Ovniček (representative of employees) and ■ Iztok Štular, member (representative of employees). At the 23rd regular annual general meeting of the company on 7 July 2017, the former chairman of the supervisory board and his deputy and Andrej Koprivec were reappointed for the new term (2017-2021), and instead of Elvis Durakovic, a new member was appointed - Franjo Curanovic. This ensured the continuity of the work of the supervisory board, after the voting and appointment among the members of the supervisory board at the founding session of the supervisory board for individual functions in the SB, the continuity of the SB presidency and other functions in the SB was ensured. Members of the supervisory board with their knowledge and experience complement each other, since different professional and theoretical competences are represented. Supervisory board is composed in such a way that members have all the necessary professional competences for effective control over the company's operations. Contribution of both employees' representatives, who show great commitment in following the sessions of the supervisory board and supervisory board committees, should be emphasized, and based on good knowledge of the company, they contribute to efficient supervision of the business. 3. Verification of company's operations and work of the management in year 2017 During the year, the supervisory board verified operations of the company mainly based on the quarterly reports from the company's management and obtained data on operations (monthly evaluations of operations of Group companies). Members of the supervisory board mainly focused on the following: ■ regular business of the companies, mainly the parent company and companies in the Elektro Gorenjska Group, Gorenjske elektrarne, d. o.o., and GEK Vzdrževanje, d. o. o., with an emphasis on the current monitoring of business and financial reporting ■ monitoring the procedure of spin-off of maintenance part from subsidiary company Gorenjske elektrarne, d. o. o., to the newly established company GEK Vzdrževanje, d. o. o., ■ monitoring the operations of company ECE, d. o. o., as a major financial investment, which, due to its activity, is also interesting for further consolidation in the field of market and production activities, with which the SB was also acquainted, ■ monitoring of the implementation of the general meeting decisions, in particular with regard to the exercise of an authorization to the management board for the purchase of own shares, ■ monitoring larger investment projects, ■ monitoring of strategic projects after the revision of the strategy for period 2016-2020, ■ control over contracts, which need the supervisory board consent according to the provisions of the statute, ■ monitoring public procurement procedures, ■ forming proposals for the decisions at the regular general meeting, ■ monitoring risks. According to the stated areas of work, it is especially necessary to highlight the following activities of the supervisory board: ■ Supervisory board regularly monitored operations of the group companies, discussed quarterly information and evaluations on group companies' operations, and was devoted to realization of the business plan for year 2017. ■ In accordance with the ZDG-1 supervisory board verified and approved the audited annual report of Elektro Gorenjska, d. d., and audited consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2016, and composed a written report of the supervisory board on verification and approval of the stated reports for business year 2016. ■ In accordance with the changes in the statute, the supervisory board participated in preparing the proposals for decisions of the 23rd regular general meeting session, which took place on 7 July 2017. Supervisory board proposed to the general meeting to approve the work of the chairman of the management board for the financial year 2016, and grant a discharge, and proposed the appointment of members to the supervisory board for the next term of office. After the selection procedure of the audit committee it proposed the general meeting a company 24 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 24 BDO Revizija, BDO Revizija, d. o. o., Cesta v Mestni log 1, 1000 Ljubljana for the implementation of the authorized audit in the 2017. ■ Supervisory board regularly monitored all nine strategic projects from the renewed strategy of Elektro Gorenjska, d. d., as the parent company in the Elektro Gorenjska Group for the period 2016-2020, which completed some of the strategic projects from the previous strategy, and adding that the new ones, so that the supervisory board now supervised quarterly the strategic projects. ■ Supervisory board regularly took note of reports on the review of individual projects in the company and, in particular, in the field of investment projects, recommended to the management board to improve its project management. It also introduced a new reporting practice (twice a year, the management board is obliged to report to the supervisory board on the status of all projects in the business plan). ■ Supervisory board was regularly informed about the operations of the group companies and the operations of ECE, d. o. o., which represents a major financial investment. ■ Supervisory board continued with the practice of acquainting the supervisory board with public procurement matters, already at the time of the introduction of the PP (in the form of information), to which the supervisory board, in accordance with the statute, gave its consent. In addition, it regularly checked reports on public procurement procedures implemented (including those that did not require the consent of the SB) and recommended to the management board the use of methods and other good practices in the field of public procurement (the introduction of an electronic auction, the introduction of negotiations, the introduction of other PP procedures in accordance with the amendments to the sectoral law), all in order to optimize the assets of the company. ■ In accordance with the statute of the company, the supervisory board gave consent to nine legal transactions above the value of €718,980.61 (the entry into force of the statute in 2016 resulted in a decrease in the amount of legal transactions for the prior consent of the SB to the gross value of transactions exceeding 1 % of the company's share capital). ■ In accordance with the Energy Act (EZ-1), the supervisory board gave consent to the transmission of 110 kV portable equipment to ELES in accordance with the specified deadline. ■ Supervisory board gave its consent to the Charter of Internal Audit in the Elektro Gorenjska Group. ■ On the basis of the provisions of the company's statute, within the framework of the consideration of the Business Plan of the company Elektro Gorenjska, d. d. for 2017 with a financial projection for the years 2018 and 2019 with the assurance of the management that the company will respect the provisions of the Regulation on the conditions and procedures of borrowing of legal persons from Article 87 of the Public Finance Act, and with the assurance that the company is able to hire and repay the planned debt, the supervisory board gave its consent to the company's borrowing. ■ In accordance with the Act Governing the Remuneration of Managers of Companies (ZPPOGD), the supervisory Bboard appointed other rights of the chairman of the management board and adopted benchmarks for the variable part of the chairman of the management board for 2018. ■ Due to the expiration of the term of office of the chairman of the management board in the year 2018, the supervisory board chose the most appropriate procedure for the conduct of the election and the appointment of the chairman of the management board in accordance with the new provisions of the company's statute. Supervisory board can determine that in given circumstances the management reacted appropriately to economic and natural situation as well as to expressed will of the company's shareholders, above all the majority shareholder, and has led the company successfully. It is also commendable for cross-border assistance in eliminating the consequences of wind damage with the neighbouring Austria, which has also led to the strengthening and integration with energy companies outside Slovenia. 4. Cooperation with the Chairman of the Board In the past year, supervisory board always worked very well with the chairman of the board. Management submitted materials for the sessions to the supervisory board in time, in writing, and additionally interpreted them orally at the sessions. For the supervisory board the management prepared reports on implementation of decisions regularly, with the introduction of new practices also reports on non-implemented decisions and other reports requested from the management by the supervisory board. Members of the supervisory board had all requested and appropriate reports, information and data available to them, so that based on them they could monitor and control company's operations and made their decisions responsibly. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 25 Supervisory board considers the cooperation with the management in the past year to be successful. 5. Operation of supervisory board committees In 2017, two committees operated within the supervisory board, whose mandates terminated on 27 August 2017 because their membership was connected to the mandate of the supervisory board. Consequently, the changes in membership in one of the committees were large and the other remained unchanged. 5.1. Audit committee Permanent audit committee within the supervisory board of the company has been operating successfully since 2011. At its meeting on 3 October, 2013, the supervisory board appointed the audit committee of the supervisory board of Elektro Gorenjska, d. d., with a term of office until 27 August 2017 (second term of office of the audit committee). Following the election of the new SB at the general meeting of shareholders, changes were made to the fact that the newly appointed SB member became also a member of the audit committee, and an external member of the audit committee was also newly appointed. Notwithstanding this fact, the work of the audit committee took place smoothly and continuously, as the chairman of the committee was the same throughout the year. Composition of the audit committee from 1 January 2017 to 27 August 2017 was as follows: ■ Andrej Koprivec, CFA, FCCA, SB member, chairman of the audit committee, ■ Elvis Durakovič, SB member, member of the audit committee, ■ dr. Andrej Baričič, external member of the audit committee. Third mandate of the audit committee (2017-2021) is composed as follows: ■ Andrej Koprivec, CFA, FCCA, SB member, chairman of the audit committee, ■ Franjo Curanovič, SB member, member of the audit committee, ■ prof. dr. Simon Čadež, external member of the audit committee. Audit committee in the above composition was appointed at the founding session of the supervisory board on 14 September 2017 and it operated until the end of the financial year. In 2017, it met at twelve regular and one correspondence sessions. Committee was chaired by chairman Andrej Koprivec, CFA, FCCA throughout the year. Members of the committee regularly attended the sessions. Apart from correspondence, to all the sessions of the committee the chairman of the company's management board and the internal auditor were invited, along with individual reporters. In accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the audit committee, the members of the supervisory board were kept informed both by invitations to the meetings of the audit committee and by the minutes of the committee meetings, while the chairman of the audit committee reported quarterly to the supervisory board on the work of the committee. Below we present the substantive points of the work of the audit committee in the financial year 2017: Annual report 2016: Committee discussed the annual report of the company Elektro Gorenjska, d. d., annual report of the subsidiary company Gorenjske elektrarne, d. o. o., and the consolidated annual report of the Elektro Gorenjska Group. Regarding the consideration of the annual report, the committee met with the partner and audit coordinator of the audit company KPMG and discussed the report of the external auditors. Business Plan and current operations: Committee discussed the business plans of the parent company and subsidiary for the period 2018-2020 and proposed them to the supervisory board for approval. Committee reviewed quarterly business results of the companies in the Elektro Gorenjska Group and reported it to the supervisory board. Internal audit: Audit committee worked closely with the internal auditor. In 2017, the committee discussed the annual report on the work of the internal audit for 2016, discussed the internal auditor's reports on all conducted internal audits and monitored the implementation of the recommendations made. It discussed the work plan of the internal audit for 2018 and proposed it to the supervisory board for approval. In co-operation with the internal auditor, the committee conducted the process of selecting an external auditor of corporate governance auditing. Audit committee met with the external auditor of the internal audit quality audit and discussed the results of the audit. 26 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 26 Corporate governance: In June and July 2017, an independent external auditor conducted an audit of corporate governance. Audit committee met with the auditor and discussed in detail the audit report. Auditor gave a positive opinion on the corporate governance system of the company and did not find any deficiencies in relation to the functioning of the audit committee. Selection and cooperation with the external auditor: Audit committee conducted the procedure for selecting an external auditor of the financial statements and forwarded the proposal to the supervisory board. General meeting of the company appointed the proposed contractor - BDO Company - as auditor of the financial statements for 2017. Risk management: Committee discussed the internal audit report on the functioning of the risk management system and took note of the changes in this area. Self-assessment: at the beginning of 2017, the audit committee carried out a self-assessment of its work in 2016 and, in this respect, proposed to the supervisory board the adoption of appropriate decisions. 5.2 Nomination Committee Within the supervisory board the nomination and human resources committee of the Elektro Gorenjska, d. d., has been operating the whole year in the following composition: ■ mag. Samo Logar, chairman, ■ mag. Tedo Djekanovic, member, ■ Milena Pervanje, external member. In year 2017, the Nomination Committee had six sessions, of which five were regular and one correspondence. All members of the committee were present at all sessions, as well as both members of the SB, representatives of employees. Committee adopted a total of 19 decisions. In the year 2017, the committee focused mainly on: ■ processes of identification of successors in the EG group, ■ examining the most appropriate ways of appointing the chairman of the management board in accordance with the company's new statute and submitting a proposal to the SB, ■ analysis of responses after self-assessment of the work of the supervisory board and preparation of improvements and recommendations for future work, ■ determination and proposal of the SB for the adoption of benchmarks for the variable part of the chairman of the management board receipts for 2016. 6. Position of the supervisory board to audit report 2017 At the 9th session of the audit committee on 15 May 2017, when a revised Annual Report of Elektro Gorenjska, d. d. and revised Consolidated Annual Report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 were discussed, the representatives of the audit firm BDO Revizija, d. o. o. from Ljubljana, which audited the financial statements of the companies for year 2017, were present. At the 10th regular session of the Supervisory Board held on 4 June 2018, at the examination of the audited Annual Report of the company Elektro Gorenjska, d. d., and the audited Consolidated Annual Report of the Elektro Gorenjska Group for 2017 the supervisory board was acquainted with the decisions of the audit committee regarding the reports, and found that the auditor carried out the audit in accordance with the legislation and the rules on auditing. Supervisory board had no comments on the independent auditor's report, and its position on the audit report was positive. Audit committee and the supervisory board found that the auditors issued a positive opinion. 7. Approval of the annual and consolidated report 2017 and proposal for the use of distributable profit Management of the company submitted the annual report and consolidated annual report, including the audit report, to supervisory board for verification within the legal deadline. Audit committee verified the annual and consolidated report and audit report in detail and gave its opinions and views. Based on the regular monitoring of operations of the company and other companies in the group and a detailed verification of the stated reports, the supervisory board has established that the report for year 2017 is composed in accordance with the regional legislation and regulations and in a clear and transparent Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 27 manner represents true and fair views of the assets, liabilities, financial position, income statement and comprehensive income of the company. Annual and consolidated reports for year 2017 are composed in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act and valid international accounting standards. Besides the parent company, the Elektro Gorenjska Group includes another company Gorenjske elektrarne, proizvodnja elektrike, d. o. o., which is in 100 % ownership of the parent company, and company GEK Vzdrževanje, d. o. o., which is in 100 % ownership of Gorenjske elektrarne, d. o. o. Company. All Group companies closed the business year with profit. Total distributable profit of Elektro Gorenjska, d. d., for the year 2017 amounts to €2,418,286.50, which represents 1.62 % of the total capital or 3.36 % of the company's share capital as at 31 December 2017. Management board will propose to the general meeting of shareholders that the distributable profit in 2017 is fully paid out to shareholders in the form of dividends in the amount of €0.14, which is more than 2 cents per share or 16.67 % increase in dividends per share compared to last year's pay-out. Management board will propose to the general meeting that the dividend payment will be made on 26 July 2018 to those shareholders who will be listed on the company's share register on 25 July 2018. Supervisory board verified the proposal for the use of accumulated profit, and agrees with the proposal of the management board. After the supervisory board members verified the annual report and consolidated report of the company for year 2017 and had no comments, the supervisory board adopted this supervisory board report on verification and approval unanimously at the 10th regular session on 4 June 2018. In Kranj, 4. 6. 2018 mag. Samo Logar. Chairman of the Supervisory Board r 28 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 28 3 PRESENTATION OF ELEKTRO GORENJSKA GROUP 3.1 Structure of Elektro Gorenjska Group and associated companies Elektro Gorenjska Group consists of the controlling company Elektro Gorenjska and its controlled company Gorenjske elektrarne, which is in 100 % ownership of Elektro Gorenjska Company, and GEK Vzdrževanje Company, which is in 100 % ownership of Gorenjske elektrarne. As associated companies the group also considers ECE company, where Elektro Gorenjska has a 25.6744 % ownership share, and associated company Soenergetika, where Gorenjske elektrarne has 25 percent share. There was a change in the composition of the group in 2017. Subsidiary company Gorenjske elektrarne established a new subsidiary GEK Vzdrževanje, d. o. o. Cut-off date of the merger by acquisition was on 1 January 2017, while entry in the companies registry on 1 October 2017. None of the companies in the group has any subsidiaries. Figure 1: Graphic image of the Group □ elektro, eorenjska □ Gorenjske elektrarne 100 % SOENERGETIKA 25 % GEK VZDRŽEVANJE 100 % Management of a directly dependent company is carried out directly on the basis of the founders' decisions, since the subsidiary does not have a supervisory board. In 2017, there were nine decisions of the founder issued for the company Gorenjske elektrarne. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 29 3.1.1 Elektro Gorenjska Company identity card Name: Abbreviated name: Business address: Web site: E-mail address: Registration number: VAT identification number: Core activity code: Legal form: Company register entry number: Date of company register entry: Place of court's register entry: Share capital as of 31. 12. 2017: Number of shares as of 31. 12. 2017: Chairman of the Board: Supervisory board chairman: ELEKTRO GORENJSKA, podjetje za distribucijo električne energije, d. d. Figure 2: Elektro Gorenjska Company identity card ELEKTRO GORENJSKA, D. D. Ulica Mirka Vadnova 3 a, 4000 Kranj Phone: 080 30 19 Fax: 04 20 83 600 5175348000 SI 20389264 35.130 electricity distribution joint-stock company 1/00259/00 27. 1. 1998 Kranj District Court €71,898,060.69 17,286,376 mag. Bojan Luskovec mag. Samo Logar 31. 12. 2017 31. 12. 2016 Carrying amount of capital 149,685,337 144,131,812 Carrying amount of assets (balance sheet total) 226,097,928 215,661,746 Year 2017 Year 2016 Net profit of the business year 7,164,584 6,861,669 Table 1: Other important information on Elektro Gorenjska Company (in €) » Elektro Gorenjska Group consists of the controlling company Elektro Gorenjska and its controlled company Gorenjske elektrarne, which is in 100 % ownership of Elektro Gorenjska Company, and GEK Vzdrževanje Company, which is in 100 % ownership of Gorenjske elektrarne. 30 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 30 3.1.2 Gorenjske elektrarne Company identity card Figure 3: Gorenjske elektrarne controlled company identity card Name: Abbreviated name: Business address: Web site: E-mail address: Registration number: VAT identification number: Founder: Legal form: Core activity code: Date of company register entry: Place of court's register entry: Share capital as of 31. 12. 2017: Director: GORENJSKE ELEKTRARNE, podjetje za proizvodnjo električne energije, d. o. o. GORENJSKE ELEKTRARNE, D. O. O. Stara cesta 3, 4000 Kranj Phone: 04 20 83 531 Fax: 04 20 83 512 1658298000 SI 76567788 Elektro Gorenjska, d. d. limited liability company 35.111 production of electricity in HE generation facilities 4. 1. 2002 (amendment 21. 9. 2004) Kranj District Court €13,684,880.11 Aleš Ažman, MBA Table 2: Other important information on Gorenjske elektrarne company (in €) Year 2017 Year 2016 Net profit of the business year 407,545 638,923 31. 12. 2017 31. 12. 2016 Carrying amount of capital Carrying amount of assets (balance sheet total) 17,985,486 18,568,703 18,169,222 19,223,207 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 31 3.1.3 GEK Vzdrževanje Company identity card Name: Abbreviated name: Business address: Registration number: VAT identification number: Founder: Legal form: Core activity code: Date of company register entry: Place of court's register entry: Share capital as of 31. 12. 2017: Director: GEK Vzdrževanje, družba za vzdrževanje in storitve, d. o. o. GEK VZDRŽEVANJE, D. O. O. Stara cesta 3, 4000 Kranj Phone: 04 20 83 531 Fax: 04 20 83 512 7239360000 SI 53409540 Gorenjske elektrarne, d. o. o. limited liability company 68.320 management of real estate on a fee or contract basis 27. 2. 2017 Kranj District Court €121,050.64 Matej Kuhar Figure 4: GEK Vzdrževanje controlled company identity card 31. 12. 2017 Carrying amount of capital 138,283 Carrying amount of assets (balance sheet total) 383,068 Year 2017 Net profit of the business year 18,544 Table 3: Other important information on GEK Vzdrževanje Company (in €) S2 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 3.1.4 ECE Company identity card Figure 5: ECE associated company identity card Name: Abbreviated name: Business address: Web site: ECE, energetska družba, d. o. o. ECE, D. O. O. Vrunčeva 2a, 3000 Celje Call center: 0B0 22 04 Fax: 0S 62 09 SS9 E-mail address: Registration number: VAT identification number: Founders: Legal form: Core activity code: Company register entry number: Date of company register entry: Place of court's register entry: Share capital as of 31. 12. 2017: Director:,, 6064892000 SI 55722679 Elektro Celje, d. d.; Elektro Gorenjska, d. d., limited liability company 35.140 trade of electricity 2015/37235 1. 10. 2015 Celje District Court €3,436,767.65 mag. Sebastijan Roudi Table 4: Other important information on ECE Company (in €) 31. 12. 2017 31. 12. 2016 Carrying amount of capital 1B,174,00S 1B,206,204 Carrying amount of assets (balance sheet total) 44,07S,76S 4S,999,4S2 Year 2017 Year 2016 Net profit of the business year 2,0S4,7SS 1,SSS,114 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 3.1.5 Soenergetika Company identity card 33 Name: Abbreviated name: Business address: Registration number: VAT identification number: Founders: Legal form: Core activity code: Company register entry number: Date of company register entry: Place of court's register entry: Share capital as of 31. 12. 2017: Director: SOENERGETIKA Gorenjske elektrarne, Holding Slovenske Elektrarne, Domplan in Petrol, družba za proizvodnjo elektrike in toplote, d. o. o. SOENERGETIKA D. O. O. Stara cesta 3, 4000 Kranj 3700054000 SI 26004330 Elektro Gorenjska, d. d., Holding Slovenske Elektrarne, d. o. o., Domplan, d. d., in Petrol, d. d. limited liability company 35.112 Production of electricity in thermal, nuclear power stations 2010/6818 26. 2. 2010 Kranj District Court €1,020,000.00 Aleš Ažman, MBA Figure 6: Soenergetika associated company identity card 31. 12. 2017 31. 12. 2016 Carrying amount of capital 1,833,993 1,887,749 Carrying amount of assets (balance sheet total) 3,135,261 3,895,850 Year 2017 Year 2016 Net profit of the business year 546,067 634,839 Table 5: Other important information on SOENERGETIKA Company (in €) 34 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 34 3.2 Other related companies or related legal entities Elektro Gorenjska Company identifies its related persons on the basis of provisions of the International Financial Reporting Standards, mainly the IAS 24 and IAS 28, Companies Act (ZGD -1) and the Corporate Income Tax Act (ZDDPO-2). Elektro Gorenjska does not have direct or indirect ownership of at least 20 % of value or number of shares or shares in capital, management or control in any other company, except in the ones already mentioned. Company also does not control other companies on the basis of a contract in a way that is different from relations among unrelated persons, or has no significant influence in any of the other companies. 3.3 Main activities and fields of business Important registered activities of the group according to standard classification are the following: ■ distribution of electricity (activity code 35.130), ■ construction of other civil engineering projects n.e.c (activity code 42.990), ■ other building completion and finishing (activity code 43.390), ■ other specialized construction activities n.e.c. (activity code 43.990), ■ wired telecommunications activities (activity code 61.100), ■ renting and operating of own or leased real estate (activity code 68.200), ■ other engineering activities and related technical consultancy (activity code 71.129). ■ production of electricity in HE generation facilities (activity code 35.111), ■ other production of electricity (activity code 35.119), ■ management of real estate on a fee or contract basis (activity code 68.320). In general, activities of Elektro Gorenjska Group can be arranged in the following categories: ■ activity of electricity distribution, which is connected with the implementation of contractually agreed services for Company SODO Maribor (hereafter also activity Contract with SODO) and presented in more detail in chapter 3.10.4 - Energy legal environment of group's operation in year 201',-, ■ other non-energy market activities, which include mainly execution of new constructions and other services for the needs of the group as well as for external clients or market (hereafter also other services for the market or other activities); ■ production of electricity in hydropower stations (HE) and production of electricity in solar or photovoltaic power stations (FE) as well as high-efficiency cogeneration of heat and electric (SPTE); ■ solar power stations engineering and monitoring; ■ projects of efficient energy use and energy management; ■ maintenance of energy devices and other maintenance services. » Elektro Gorenjska Company has its distribution network set on the area of 2,091 km2, which amounts to more than 5,000 kilometers of grids and helps providing reliable and quality supply of electricity to more than 89,000 customers. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 35 3.4 Main area of operation Main area of operation of Elektro Gorenjska Group includes north-eastern part of Slovenia - Gorenjska region. Elektro Gorenjska Company has its distribution network set on the area of 2,091 km2, which amounts to more than 5,000 kilometers of grids and helps providing reliable and quality supply of electricity to more than 89,000 customers. In this area we can also find hydropower plants of Gorenjske elektrarne. Figure 7: Area of supply of electricity distribution companies Companies Elektro Gorenjska, Gorenjske elektrarne and GEK Vzdrževanje have their headquarters in Kranj. Company Elektro Gorenjska has another plant in Žirovnica and eight local inspectorates: Bohinj, Cerklje - Visoko, Jesenice - Kranjska Gora, Kranj, Radovljica - Bled, Škofja Loka - Medvode, Tržič and Železniki. 3.5 Main technical data 31. 12. 2017 31. 12. 2016 Powerlines 110 kV 102,340 m 102,323 m Powerlines 35 kV 20,299 m 20,299 m Powerlines 20 kV 609,961 m 639,503 m Powerlines 10 kV 0m 0m Total powerlines 732,600 m 762,125 m Cable conduits 110 kV 3,319 m 3,319 m Cable conduits 35 kV 158 m 158 m Cable conduits 20 kV 993,059 m 942,328 m Cable conduits 10 kV 6,416 m 6,416 m Total cable conduits 1,002,952 m 952,221 m Total LV network 3,317,505 m 3,701,646 m Total network 5,053,057 m 5,415,992 m Transformer substations 13 13 Substations 8 7 Transformer stations 1,376 1,370 Table 6: Main technical data on electric power distribution network Source: Elektro Gorenjska, internal data, 31. 12. 2017 36 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 36 Table 7: Main technical data of the production units Rated output power Rated output power PN (kW) PN (kW) 2017 2D16 Hydroelectric power stations 12,297 3,281 1,28C 12,297 Solar power stations 3,281 SPTE 1,28C Source: Gorenjske elektrarne, internal data, 31. 12. 2C17 3.6 Management and governance of companies in Elektro Gorenjska Group 3.6.1 Management and governance of Elektro Gorenjska Company Company management bodies are: management, supervisory board, and shareholders' meeting. MANAGEMENT Single-member administration is appointed by the supervisory board of Elektro Gorenjska Company. Management was appointed for a period of four years on 16 September 2014. In accordance with the statute the management is authorized for all issues of organization and managing of the company. Based on the law, statute, and rules of procedure of the supervisory board the management of the company is obliged to exhaustively and exactly introduce to the supervisory board the course of transactions and company's condition at least four times a year. Chairman of the Board in Elektro Gorenjska Company is mag. Bojan Luskovec. Individual organizational units are managed by executive directors. Administration office is comprised of management assistant, technical director, internal auditor, and quality advisor to the management. MANAGEMENT Figure S: Organization chart in Elektro Gorenjska Company ADMINISTRATION 4 OFFICE OU DISTRIBUTION NETWORK 4 OU FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SERVICES h OU GENERAL AND TECHNICAL SERVICES f SUPERVISORY BOARD Competence and composition of the supervisory board are defined by the statute of the company. Supervisory board consists of six members, four of them being representatives of the capital and two of them representatives of the employees. Members of the supervisory board are elected for the period of four years and can be re-elected. Members of the supervisory board, which are representatives of the capital, are appointed to the supervisory board by the shareholders' meeting with a simple majority vote of the present shareholders. Two members representing the employees are appointed by the company's works council. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 37 Based on the decision of the General Meeting the members of the supervisory board in addition to the attendance fees in the amount of €275 receive also monthly payment for performing the function in the amount of €942 per member or €1,412.50 to which the chairman of the supervisory board is entitled. Remuneration of supervisory board members in 2017 are presented in chapter 20.4 - Transactions with management and supervisory boar . To all representatives of capital in the supervisory board the term of office expired on 27 August 2017. Composition of the supervisory board in the period from 1. 1. 2017 to 27. 8. 2017 was as follows: SUPERVISORY BOARD EG, d. d. 1 Function Term of office from Term of office until mag. Samo Logar chairman 27. B 1. 2013 27. B 1. 2017 mag. Tedo Djekanovic deputy chairman 27. B. 2013 (as a deputy chairman since 3. 9. 2015) 27. B 1. 2017 Andrej Koprivec member 27. B 1. 2013 27. B 1. 2017 Elvis Durakovic member 27. B 1. 2013 27. B 1. 2017 mag. Dominik Ovniček member B. B 1. 2015 B. B i. 2019 Iztok Štular member B. B 1. 2015 B. B i. 2019 Since 28 August 2017 the composition of the supervisory board has been as follows: SUPERVISORY BOARD EG, d. d. 1 Function Term of office from Term of office until mag. Samo Logar chairman 28. 8. 2017 (as a chairman since 14. 9. 2017) 2B. B i. 2021 mag. Tedo Djekanovic deputy chairman 28. 8. 2017 (as a deputy chairman since 14. 9. 2017) 2B. B i. 2021 Andrej Koprivec member 2B. B 3. 2017 2B. B i. 2021 Franjo Curanovic member 2B. B 3. 2017 2B. B i. 2021 mag. Dominik Ovniček member B. B 3. 2015 B. B S. 2019 Iztok Štular member B. Í 3. 2015 B. B S. 2019 AUDIT COMMITTEE OF ELEKTRO GORENJSKA SUPERVISORY BOARD In year 2017 until 27 August 2017 a permanent audit committee of Elektro Gorenjska supervisory board (audit committee) operated. Its mandate started in October 2013 in the following composition: AUDIT COMMITTEE SB EG d. d. Function Term of office from Term of office until Andrej Koprivec chairman 3. 10. 2013 27. B. 2017 Elvis Durakovic member 3. 10. 2013 27. B. 2017 dr. Andrej Baričič member 3. 10. 2013 27. B. 2017 At its 1st regular session in 2017-2021 mandate the supervisory board on 14 September 2017 adopted a decision on appointment of the Audit Committee of Elektro Gorenjska, d. d. Supervisory Board, in the following composition: AUDIT COMMITTEE SB EG d. d. Function Term of office from Term of office until Andrej Koprivec chairman 14. 9. 2017 2B. B. 2021 Franjo Curanovic member 14. 9. 2017 2B. B. 2021 dr. Simon Čadež member 14. 9. 2017 2B. B. 2021 38 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 38 NOMINATION COMMITTEE OF ELEKTRO GORENJSKA SUPERVISORY BOARD In year 2017, until 27 August 2017, a permanent Nomination Committee of Elektro Gorenjska Supervisory Board, whose mandate entered into force in April 2017, operated in the following composition: KOMISIJA ZA IMENOVANJA IN KADROVSKE ZADEVE NS EG, d. d. Function Term of office from Term of office until mag. Samo Logar chairman 17. 4. 2014 27. 8. 2017 mag. Tedo Djekanovic member 17. 4. 2014 27. 8. 2017 Milena Pervanje member 17. 4. 2014 27. 8. 2017 At the same session as the audit committee was appointed, the supervisory board also adopted a decision appointing the Nomination committee of Elektro Gorenjska supervisory board composed of: KOMISIJA ZA IMENOVANJA IN KADROVSKE ZADEVE NS EG, d. d. Function Term of office from Term of office until mag. Samo Logar chairman 14. 9. 2017 28. 8. 2021 mag. Tedo Djekanovic member 14. 9. 2017 28. 8. 2021 Milena Pervanje member 14. 9. 2017 28. 8. 2021 Term of office of the committee is bound to the term of office of the supervisory board, which is also defined in the Rules of procedure of the nomination committee of Elektro Gorenjska supervisory board. SHAREHOLDERS' MEETING In year 2017 the management convened one regular session of the general meeting of shareholders, namely on 7 August 2017. There were 87.69 % of all votes of shareholders entitled to vote present at the 23rd regular general shareholders' meeting of Elektro Gorenjska, d. d., Company. At the meeting shareholders voted on six items on the agenda, which was published in the convening of the general meeting on the web portal of the Agency for Public Legal Records and Related Services. Shareholders of the company got acquainted with the revised annual report and consolidated annual report for year 2016, with the auditor's opinion and written report of the supervisory board on the verification and confirmation of the Elektro Gorenjska Company annual report and consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for the business year 2016. Shareholders decided on the use of distributable profit, which amounted to €2,170,771.70 as at 31 December 2016. At the meeting the decision was adopted, namely that main part of the distributable profit in the amount of €2,072,951.16 is distributed to the shareholders as dividends in gross amount of 0.12 per share. Remainder of the distributable profit in the amount of €97,820.54 represents the profit brought forward that will be decided on by the general meeting in the coming years. Company paid dividends on 28 September 2017 to those shareholders who, as shareholders of the company, were listed on the company's share register on 27 September 2017. For business year 2016 a discharge for the management and the supervisory board separately was awarded. General Meeting also appointed new shareholder representatives to the Supervisory Board. General Meeting appointed a Certified Auditor for the business year 2017, namely thea auditing company BDO Revizija, d. o. o., from Ljubljana. In accordance with Chapter 3 of Article 247 of the Companies Act, the Management Board informed the Shareholders' Meeting of the Company's report on the purchase of own shares in the business year 2016. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 39 3.6.2 Management and governance of Gorenjske elektrarne Company Since its establishment Gorenjske elektrarne Company has been in 100 % ownership of its founder and sole partner of the company, that is Elektro Gorenjska Company. Company has one controlled company, namely GEK Vzdrževanje Company with 100 % share, and it also has a 25 % share in Soenergetika Company, which it controls together with three other equal partners. Financial statements of the company are included in group financial statements of the parent company Elektro Gorenjska which is also the final parent company. HEAD OFFICE Figure 9: Organization chart of Gorenjske elektrarne Company DIRECTOR'S OFFICE PROJECT MANAGEMENT Company's director is Aleš Ažman, MBA. Company's management is carried out directly on the basis of the founders' decisions, since the company does not have a supervisory board. Chairman of the Management Board of the parent company, as well as the General Meeting of Shareholders, regularly monitor the company's operations. In the year 2017, nine decisions of the founder were issued to the company Gorenjske elektrarne. Supervisory Board of the parent company is also familiar with the operations. 3.6.3 Management and governance of GEK Vzdrževanje Company GEK Vzdrževanje Company was established by the spin-out of maintenance activities from the company Gorenjske elektrarne and is 100 % owned by the company Gorenjske elektrarne. Financial statements of the company are included in the consolidated financial statements of the parent company Elektro Gorenjska, which is also the ultimate parent company. HEAD OFFICE i MAINTENANCE SERVICE Figure 10: Organization chart of GEK Vzdrževanje Company MACHINERY GROUP ELECTRO GROUP Company's director is Matej Kuhar. Company's management is carried out directly on the basis of the founders' decisions, since the company does not have a supervisory board. Director of Gorenjske elektrarne company, as well as the General Meeting of Shareholders, regularly monitor the company's operations. In the year 2017, five decisions of the founder were issued to the company GEK Vzdrževanje. Supervisory Board of Elektro Gorenjska is also familiar with the operations. 40 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 40 3.7 Share capital and ownership structure 3.7.1 Share capital and ownership structure of Elektro Gorenjska Company On 31 December 2017 share capital of Elektro Gorenjska Company amounted to €71,898,061. It is distributed to 17,286,376 of ordinary registered unit shares (designation EGKG). All shares are shares of one category. On the basis of the decision of the 22nd general meeting, which took place on 23 August 2016, the company until 31 December 2017 purchased from the previous owners 12,901 of own shares (0.075 % of all shares). Figure 11: Changes in the number of shareholders of Elektro Gorenjska Company from 31. 12. 2013 to 31. 12. 2017 500 400 300 200 100 0 445 427 422 287 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Figure 12: Ownership structure of Elektro Gorenjska Company as of 31. 12. 2017 (in %) Republic of Slovenia Other shareholders - legal entities Financial companies Other shareholders - individuals Kapitalska družba, d. d. Kapitalska družba, d. d. - PPS Investment companies SDH, d. d. Participants of internal distribution Own shares □ : ] 8.21 4.27 3.53 2.5 1.0 0.58 0.31 0.12 0.07 _L _L _L 79.42 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 Company has no authorized capital. In 2017 the Elektro Gorenjska Company had no transactions with own shares on a regulated market. As of 31 December 2017, 96.35 % of company shares were in the ownership of the Republic of Slovenia and legal entities, which represent 16.67 % of all shareholders. According to the balance as at 31 December 2017 the largest shareholder, holding a 79.42 percent share, is the Republic of Slovenia. It is followed by Kapitalska družba holding 2.50 percent share and Sava Re with 1.62 percent share. As at 31 December 2017 the largest ten owners held a total of 91.23 percent share of the company. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 41 Ownership exceeding 1 % Table 8: Share owners with capital share exceeding 1 percent as of 31. 12. 2017 Republic of Slovenia Kapitalska družba, d. d. Sava Re, d. d. 13,728,882 280,000 431,933 79.42 2.50 1.62 Pivovarna Laško Union, d. o. o. 270,648 1.57 BAU 1, d. o. o. 268,252 1.55 DUTB, d. d. 207,200 1.20 DZS, d. d. 200,000 1.16 Total 15,386,915 89.01 3.7.2 Share capital and ownership structure of Gorenjske elektrarne Company Share capital of Gorenjske elektrarne Company (€13,684,880) represents an investment in the capital and has been in 100 % ownership of the founder and sole partner of the company - Elektro Gorenjska Company, since its establishment. 3.7.3 Share capital and ownership structure of GEK Vzdrževanje Company Share capital of GEK Vzdrževanje Company (€121,051) represents an investment in the capital and has been in 100 % ownership of the founder and sole partner of the company Gorenjske elektrarne Company, since its establishment. 3.8 Vision, mission and values of the group Vision of the group ELEKTRO GORENJSKA To all of the inhabitants and business in our distribution area we ensure top quality electricity supply in the Republic of Slovenia. We are a company with its own concession for electricity distribution. We guarantee sufficient resources for business, for annual renovations of at least 3 % of electricity power infrastructure and its expansion at least to the extent of 1 % per year. By influencing the regulatory environment and development of additional market activities within Elektro Gorenjska Group we strive for a reasonable return for all shareholders. GORENJSKE ELEKTRARNE Gorenjske elektrarne Company's vision is to become the most successful company in the production of electricity on the Slovenian market among companies in the industry, with more than 10 employees, by 2020. Performance is measured by increasing value added per employee, which is the highest in the industry. GEK VZDRŽEVANJE We are a competitive company for maintenance of energy facilities in the region. Mission of the group ELEKTRO GORENJSKA Equitable and reliable access to electricity for all with a superior user experience. GORENJSKE ELEKTRARNE Company's mission is to produce energy in an environmentally friendly manner and provide services in order to increase the efficient use of energy and to provide for a better future coexistence of mankind and nature. GEK VZDRŽEVANJE With professional and efficient services we achieve customer satisfaction. With our knowledge and experience, we increase the production of renewable energy sources. 42 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 42 Values of the group EXCELLENCE AND PROFFESIONAL COMPETENCE We are target-oriented. KNOWLEDGE AND COOPERATION We share knowledge, experience and positive energy with our colleagues and partners. BUSINESS INNOVATION We implement services and processes in line with market trends. KINDNESS AND OPENNESS We maintain friendship and sociability. QUALITY AND TRUST We induce customers' confidence. RESPONSIBILITY AND DILIGENCE We assume responsibility. 3.9 Key strategic guidelines of the Group 3.9.1 Key strategic guidelines of Elektro Gorenjska Company In September 2016 supervisory board of Elektro Gorenjska Company confirmed the strategy of the company for the period 2016-2020. Key elements for implementation of the strategy are strategic projects, which determine concrete tasks and their execution. They are used to define in detail the activities, deadlines, advantages, opportunities and expectations necessary to reach the strategic goals. Advantage of pre-set strategic projects is in quick detection of eventual troubles, additional challenges and meaningful integration with other projects in the company. Strategy of Elektro Gorenjska Company precisely defines seven strategic projects being implemented in the company. They are: ■ Acquisition of own concession for the distribution of electricity, ■ Integration of technical information systems (CIM), ■ Management of organizational culture, ■ Connection of subsidiary and capital investments with strategic partners, ■ Implementation of system services for SO (system operator), ■ GIS (geographic information system), ■ Optimizing IT support with the purpose of further improving the company's operations, ■ Acquisition of the status of critical infrastructure for the ICT part of the distribution network, ■ Development of the business model of exploitation of advanced metering infrastructure. 3.9.2 Key strategic guidelines of Gorenjske elektrarne Company Key strategic guidelines of Gorenjske elektrarne Company are: ■ increasing the share of environment friendly production, ■ restructuring of the company from electricity production company into the energy management company, ■ modernization of automation and monitoring in order to increase the efficiency of the existing production facilities, ■ implementation of projects on the basis of self-sufficiency system (net metering), ■ to become a recognized service provider for increasing energy efficiency, ■ to become an important player in the field of e-mobility, ■ to exploit new business opportunities associated with energy environmental protection, ■ to set up and market its own system for centralized control over data of energy consumption, ■ renovation of production facilities with the purpose of including them in the operating supports system. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 43 3.9.3 Key strategic guidelines of GEK Vzdrževanje Company Key strategic guidelines of GEK Vzdrževanje Company are: ■ Reliable maintenance of energy facilities that ensures maximum operational readiness with minimal congestion for our customers at a high level of occupational safety and protection of property. ■ Continuous professional training of employees, improvement of processes and services. 3.10 Analysis of the environment and its impact on the operations of the group 3.10.1 General economic environment and economic trend forecasts Table 9: Data and economic trends forecast Indicators for RS Slovenia 2017 Forecast 2018 2019 2020 BDP (real growth, %) 5.0 5.1 3.8 3.2 Employment (growth, %) 2.8 2.4 1.5 0.8 Unemployment (rate %) 9.5 8.0 7.2 6.7 Inflation (DEC/DEC, %) 1.7 1.8 2.1 2.3 Inflation (year average, %) 1.4 1.5 1.9 2.3 Average gross salary per employee (real growth, %) 1.3 2.5 2.6 2.0 Labor productivity - GDP per employee (real growth, %) 2.2 2.7 2.2 2.4 Spring Forecast of Economic trends 2018, UMAR - Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development Spring Forecast of Economic Trends, prepared by the Office for Macroeconomic Analysis and Development for 2018, envisages high and broadly based economic growth (5.1 %), while the continuation of the conjuncture is forecast for 2019 (3.8 %). Key reasons for this year's continued high growth will continue to be high growth in exports and investment, with higher growth in disposable income, private consumption growth will continue to accelerate. In the coming years, the slowdown in economic growth will be mainly due to a gradual slowdown in the growth of foreign demand and demographic factors, which will be reflected in the lower growth in the employment and consumption of households. Inflation will remain relatively low this year (1.5 %), while in the next two years it will moderately increase (slightly above 2 %). After a slightly higher inflation last year, which followed a period of very low price growth or deflation, similar price developments on average are expected for this year too. This is mainly due to the relatively low raw material prices. Under the influence of high economic growth and, in particular, personal consumption, basic inflation will rise above 2 % this year. Based on data for previous years, we find that electricity consumption is largely linked to economic growth or GDP growth. Considering that the Spring Forecast of Economic Trends forecasts a relatively high GDP growth for the next few years, we expect growth in consumption or distribution of electricity as well. 44 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 44 3.10.2 Presentation of the industry Participants on the electricity market are producers of electricity, electricity traders, and suppliers supplying electricity to end customers. From electric power stations to customers electricity is transmitted through transmission and distribution networks, which are the responsibility of electricity distribution operators. Figure 13: Supply model Source: Energy Agency Gorenjske elektrarne Company is engaged mainly in the production of electricity. Electricity is produced by electric power stations, which use different renewable (e.g. water, wind, sun) and non-renewable (e.g. coal, oil, gas, nuclear fuel) sources of energy. Gorenjske elektrarne Company produces electricity in hydro and solar power stations and in heat and electricity co-generation facilities. Opening of the market for household customers enables also selection of electricity in terms of the manner of production or in terms of the energy source used. Elektro Gorenjska operates in the sector of electricity supply, namely in that business segment of electricity supply which ensures the distribution of electricity to final consumers. Implementation of electricity supply and consequently organization of the market are among other subject to some fundamental characteristics of electricity as a product: ■ in general it cannot be replaced with another product (has no substitutes), ■ is essential for economic activity and daily life, ■ consumption in the long run depends on the level of economic activity, ■ current consumption is highly dependent on daylight and temperature, ■ storage of electricity is not possible (current knowledge of storage technology is not yet sufficient to significantly change those fundamental properties), ■ in principle at any given moment the generated quantity must be equal to the consumed quantity, ■ any imbalances between production and consumption have an immediate effect, ■ supply options depend on the characteristics of the network (on network restrictions), ■ price of electricity among other things is affected by the prices of primary energy used to produce electricity. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 45 Organization of electricity supply in Slovenia is shown in the figure below: PRODUCTION TRADING TRANSMISSON DISTRIBUTION a ! §i ! n I I Market activity Non-market activity SUPPLY à Source: Energy Agency While electricity generation, electricity trading and supply of electricity to end-customers are market activities, with free competition between suppliers, the management of the transmission system and distribution network management are non-market, regulated activities, and are implemented on the basis of the concession granted by the state. Tasks of the system operator of the electricity transmission network provides a public company Elektro - Slovenija d. o. o. (ELES). High-voltage network, which includes objects 400, 220 and 110 kV, provides reliable and quality power supply to large customers and distribution companies. ELES carries out tasks related to the maintenance, development and construction of transmission network, management and operation of the transmission network and the provision of ancillary services. Implementation of tasks of the distribution operator is the responsibility of company SODO d. o. o. Since the company SODO d . o. o. does not have capacity for the implementation of activities ( does not have its own infrastructure necessary for the implementation of the electricity distribution system, it does not have its own staff and skills needed to perform the operation, planning and development of the distribution network), it concludes contracts for the lease of the network and the provision of services for the distribution operator with five electricity distribution companies, which operate in a specific geographical area. Figure 14: Organization of electricity supply in Slovenia Figure 15: Areas of operation of electricity distribution companies in Slovenia Due to the characteristics resulting from the ownership of the electricity distribution infrastructure, distribution companies do not operate outside their geographic area - in this respect we can speak of a natural monopoly. 3.10.3 Network charge and price of electricity Final price of supplied electricity for the customer that is charged for consumed electricity together with the network charge by the electricity supplier, is according to EZ-1 composed of the following items: ■ electricity price formed freely on the market, ■ network charges and contributions: ■ network charge for transmission (set by AGEN), 46 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 46 ■ network charge for distribution (set by AGEN), ■ contribution for market operator operations (set by the Government), ■ contribution for energy efficiency (set by the Government), ■ contribution for ensuring the production of electricity from renewable energy sources and high-efficiency cogeneration (set by the Government), ■ excise duties on electricity (set by the Government), ■ value added tax (set by the Government). Price of electricity is set by the suppliers of electricity and created freely on the market. Legal relationship between final customers and suppliers is specified in the contract of purchase and sale of electricity and general terms and conditions, which are different depending on household or business consumption. Price for the network charge and the contributions is the price that the client pays for the use of electricity system and includes the network charge, which is determined by AGEN and contributions laid down by the Government. Network charge is intended for the payment of the public utility distribution system operator. As a basis of the methodology for calculating network AGEN uses the non-transaction method of postage stamps. This stems from the system of uniform tariff items, which are charged to end customers according to the measuring point by the responsible electricity operator. Contribution for operation of market operator is contribution intended for covering the costs of market operator Borzen, d. o. o., excluding the operation of the Support center. Contribution for energy efficiency is intended to increase the energy efficiency. It is calculated for each consumed kilowatt hour of electricity in high, low or single tariff. Contribution for ensuring support for the production of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration and renewable energy sources (OVE and SPTE) is aimed at promoting the production of electricity from renewable sources and high efficiency cogeneration. It is charged on the billing capacity in kilowatts. Excise duty on electricity is determined by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia as a state budget income. Excise duty amounts to €3.05, and €1.8 for each MWh of consumed electricity for large consumers (above 10,000 MWh). Value Added Tax (VAT) is determined by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia as a state budget income and is accounted for in the amount of 22 % of the net electricity price (composed of all the elements presented). Revenues from network charges are, by definition, income of the system operator of the distribution network. Bills for the network charge and contributions to the final customer are issued by the company Elektro Gorenjska in its own name and on behalf of SODO. End customers, who have a combined electricity bill, are charged for the network charge and contributions, together with the electricity, by the electricity supplier in its own name and on behalf of SODO as well. 3.10.4 Energy legal environment of group's operation in year 2017 Operations of the Elektro Gorenjska Group are regulated. Main rules and regulations relating to electricity supply and electricity production are: ■ Energy Act, ■ Companies Act, ■ Construction, spatial planning, spatial management and environment protection act, ■ General Administrative Procedure Act, ■ Directive 2009/72/ES of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity, ■ General conditions for supply and consumption of electricity from electricity distribution network, ■ Decree on the method for the implementation of public service obligation relating to the electricity distribution system operator, and public service obligation relating to the electricity supply to tariff costumers, Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 47 ■ Decree on the concession for performing public service obligation relating to the activity of the electricity distribution system operator, ■ Legal Act on the methodology determining the regulatory framework and network charge for the electricity distribution system, ■ Price list for the use of network (network charge and supplements to the network charge), ■ Rules on the system operation of electricity distribution network, ■ Decree supplementing the Decree laying down the list of goods and services subject to price control measures, ■ Decree on energy infrastructure, ■ Decree on measures and procedures for the introduction and interoperability of advanced electric power metering systems, ■ Legal act on the rules for monitoring the quality of electricity supply, ■ Legal Act on the identification of entities in the data exchange among participants in the electricity and natural gas markets, ■ Decree on the division of the 110 kV network into the distribution and transmission systems, ■ Decree on the terms and conditions and methods of borrowing, ■ Waters Act, ■ Construction Act, ■ Environment Protection Act, ■ Excise Duty Act. 3.10.5 Contract with SODO Company SODO d. o. o. does not own the electricity infrastructure for the implementation of GJS DO. On 21 June 2007 Elektro Gorenjska Company, which owns the electricity infrastructure in the area of Gorenjska, concluded a contract on the lease of electricity distribution infrastructure and the provision of services for the distribution system operator (Contract with SODO). To this agreement three annexes have been concluded, namely on 28 December 2007, on 16 April 2010 and on 11 October 2010. For reasons of transparency on 29 February 2012 a new contract with SODO between SODO and Elektro Gorenjska was signed, which replaced the agreement of 2007, and to which the following five annexes were concluded: ■ 18. 9. 2012 annex No. 1, ■ 26. 11. 2013 annex No. 2, ■ 30. 9. 2014 annex No. 3, ■ 27. 1. 2016 annex No. 4 and ■ 27. 1. 2017 annex No. 5. Annex No. 5 to the Contract with SODO refers to the regulatory period from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2018 and focuses on: ■ commitment to making-out and harmonizing the standards for regulated services of both contracting parties, ■ method and payment for elaboration of long-term study "forecasts on load and electricity consumption, ■ manner of implementation of joint public procurement for the purchase of advanced measuring equipment, ■ invoicing, payment and billing of services that EG performs for SODO, ■ model of stimulating and penalization of managing the technical losses in the network, ■ charging of interim deficit and surplus of the network charge, ■ charging of deficit and surplus in the regulatory years 2012, 2013 and 2014, ■ monitoring of services performed by EG for SODO, ■ charging for the rental of electricity infrastructure that SODO rents from EG. 48 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 48 On the basis of Annex 5 from 1 January 2016 onwards Elektro Gorenjska Company no longer performs operations related to the coverage of losses in the distribution network and operations of coverage of electricity supply (electricity purchases for emergency and urgent supply and unjustified consumption). Since that date the company has been stimulated or penalized at the expense of controlling the volume of losses in the network. Amount of stimulation or penalization is taken into account in the context of services the company performs for SODO. Under the Contract with SODO Company Elektro Gorenjska is making out the bills for use of network to end users of the distribution network on the basis of the respective in force Act determining the methodology for charging for the network charge, the methodology for setting the network charge, and the criteria for establishing eligible costs for electricity networks, but also in accordance with other regulations, mainly the EZ-1. Elektro Gorenjska Company has been making out these bills on its own behalf and for the account of SODO. End users settle the received bills on the transaction account of the Elektro Gorenjska Company. Invoiced amounts represent liabilities of the company Elektro Gorenjska to SODO d. o. o. and therefore do not constitute revenue of Elektro Gorenjska. In accordance with the Contract with SODO Elektro Gorenjska hires electricity infrastructure to SODO and performs contracted services, which generally can be divided into the following groups: ■ maintenance of adequate electricity infrastructure, ■ organization and implementation of emergency service, ■ management and operation of electricity distribution network, ■ network development planning, ■ monitoring and establishing the quality of supply, ■ electricity measuring, ■ implementation of services connected with the distribution network access, and other services for the network users, ■ connecting the users, ■ other services for the network users. For electricity infrastructure leased and for implementation of services presented before, Company Elektro Gorenjska has been making out bills for rent and implemented services to SODO Company. These revenues represent approximately 79 % of entire company's revenues or 73 % of entire group's revenues. Elektro Gorenjska charges amounts for rent and services in monthly advance amounts based on annual values of Decision on a regulatory framework for the period 2016 - 2018, issued by the Energy Agency. In March SODO Company carries out a preliminary calculation for the previous year. Calculation is based on the unaudited financial statements. It is followed by the final statement, which is based on audited financial statements prepared by the Agency for Energy. Both accounts are prepared on the basis of the provisions of the Legal Act on the methodology determining the regulatory framework and network charge for the electricity distribution system. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 49 4 MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY SYSTEMS 4.1 Integrated quality management system (iSVK) of Elektro Gorenjska, Company Since year 2011 the Company has an integrated quality management system (iSVK) in the framework of which it meets the quality policy commitments of Elektro Gorenjska, d. d. With the quality policy, which is part of the business policy, the company's management is committed to following the vision in the long run and achieving the set goals in line with strategic orientations. In doing so, it will promote the culture of a company based on quality, risk management, information protection, employee and environmental protection, investing in employees, ensuring their commitment and satisfaction through the principles of reconciling professional and private life and ultimately committing to constant improvement. In 2017, the company upgraded the existing iSVK with the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard and now meets the requirements of the following certification systems: ^^^^^^^^ ■ system SVK (standard ISO 9001:2015), ■ system SRO (requirements of standard ISO 14001:2015) ISO 9001 ČM91 ■ system VZD (standard BS OHSAS 18001:2007) and IS0 14001 E-149 ISO/IEC 27001 1-061 ■ system SVI (requirements of standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013). BS OHSAS 18001 H-039 Companies in the Elektro Gorenjska Group do not have a joint quality management system, as each company performs its own activity. iSVK does not only meet the requirements of the certification systems, but also integrates and ensures the coherent operation of the company also with the requirements three non-certification systems: ■ requirements for risk management (system OT, standard ISO 31000), ■ requirements for obtaining the Family-friendly company certificate (certificate DPP), and ■ requirements arising from social responsibility (standard ISO 26000). INTEGRATED QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Figure 16: Integrated quality management system within EG, d. d. Company ISO ISO 14001 SYSTEM SRO CORPORATE COMMUNICATION ISO ISO 9001 SYSTEM SVK SYSTEM OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT OHSAS 18001 SYSTEM VZD ISO ISO 31000 SYSTEM OT El a Family Friendly Enterprise FAMILY-FRIENDLY COMPANY ISO ■■mi*' ISO 26000 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ISO ISO/IEC 27001 SYSTEM SVI INTERNAL/EXTERNAL ASSESSMENTS OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT 50 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 50 Quality policy is realized by the vision of reaching the following main long-term goals of integrated quality system (iSVK): ■ care for the proper business planning and sustainable development of the company; ■ quality is planned and realized by all employees (each one is responsible for the qua lity of his/ her own work and this way they contribute to the company's business appearance); ■ realizing quality operation is set towards reducing the operating costs and at the same time high professional level of activity implementation; ■ management enables conditions and methods to establish and maintain a quality system by providing its constant growth; ■ care for the continual improvement in all fields of the iSVK, like: quality management system (SVK), risk management (OT), responsible environmental management (SRO), health and safety at work quality (VZD), data safety (SVI) as well as in the field of balancing business and private lives of employees (DPP); ■ care for constant informing, training, and motivation of all employees, which results in higher employee loyalty and satisfaction; ■ commitment of the company to meet legal and other requirements in the field of iSVK; ■ company's commitment to the public availability of all iSVK data. Besides internal and external assessments we verify the coherence of iSVK operation also by: ■ identifying the trends of quality of business processes through reports by executive directors of OU that are forwarded to the management consultant for quality; ■ quarterly report by iSKV administrator on achieving the results on business processes quality and are expressed as SVK records for the period; ■ reports that specify the situation in areas of identified risks; ■ monitoring the key indicators (also weekly), which are promptly discussed in case of major; ■ continuous monitoring of implementation and effectiveness of the processes, where process administrators regularly report to their superiors and results are discussed on meetings with the Heads of services in individual OU. Understanding and managing interconnected processes as well as requirements of iSVK contributes to the company's success and effectiveness in achieving vision, strategy and mission, as it enables risk management and good business cooperation with final customers, employees, owners and the environment. Company controls the iSVK Integrated quality management system through established bodies within the company, which carefully supervise and control operations of their own field: ■ Quality committee, ■ Environmental management system council, ■ Health and safety at work management system council and ■ Data protection system council. Result of continuous activities in all fields of operation and management of the company was the highest national award for business excellence for year 2012, which confirms that Elektro Gorenjska Company meets the demanding criteria of the European model of excellence EFQM and that it operates balanced according to the fundamental principles of business excellence. Improvement processes in accordance with the European model of business excellence (EFQM) are carried out continuously in Elektro Gorenjska Company. Proof of excellence in performance and comparability at European level is also the EFQM certificate, which is why we have been recorded in the database of successful European organizations operating and living according to the EFQM model, which of course means that the company is committed to continuous improvement and to continuous growth on its path to excellence Systematic implementation of policies, strategies and objectives and organization plans are enabled by clear and mutually linked processes, which are optimized, managed, controlled and improved every day. Result of constant activity in all areas of company's operation is checked since 2013 onwards by self-assessment of operation, through which the company monitors its progress and ensures that risks are not realized. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 51 In 2017 the company Elektro Gorenjska, d. d., monitored and controlled its business with the help of 42 identified and interconnected business processes, which it manages through laws, organizational regulations and work instructions. Operation of business processes was monitored with the help of 195 established quality indicators, and 29 identified risks. In the systematic management of operation iSVK there were 88 improvements / measures given, which proves that the company delivers on the commitment to continuous improvement and to continuous growth. Growth trends of quality of individual business processes of Elektro Gorenjska Company are checked quarterly and are addressed at the Quality Committee, where activities of other management systems are also reported on. Number of business processes, quality indicators, improvements and risks 250 200 100 Figure 17: Monitoring of iSVK operation within EG, d. d. Company 2D13 2D14 2D15 2D16 2D17 ocena 2D1S | | No. of business processes Q^] No. of quality indicators Q^] No. of recognized risks Q^] No. of improvements — Linear (No. of business processes) — Linear (No. of quality indicators) — Linear (No. of recognized risks) — Linear (No. of improvements) In 2017, Elektro Gorenjska Company successfully passed the verification of the relevance of the introduction of new requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 standard and the new system, the information security system (SVI system) based on meeting the requirements of the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard. Besides good functioning of the systems efficiency of the system is contributed also by good communication, regular checking and monitoring of the functioning of all systems within iSVK, and, ultimately, continuous improvement. PROCESS(C) MEASUREMENT Verification of standards and objectives, application-A PROCESS(A) IMPROVEMENTS Flow of knowledge and connections, application-! Top down approach P 1 D A Company V Strategy and policy f D P Tactics and development policy 2 D A rionnrtmont C A Department "N^ Findings and 3 D suggestions C A Individual C Findings and suggestions C Bottom up initiative PROCESS(P) PLANNING Flow of ideas and insights, application-E PROCESS(D) IMPLEMENTATIONS Material and finance flow, application-P Figure 18: PDCA circle (the Demingo approach in the dynamics of all processes) Improvements that are dictated to us on one side by the quality standards and provided by the Demingo approach (PDCA circle, which helps the company make sure to support its processes with relevant resources, manages them and identify potential improvement opportunities and takes appropriate action) are treated systematically. 52 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 52 In 2017 88 proposals - measures, improvements were given, contributing to both the system operation as well as enhancing the employees to look for improvements and additional measures that have a favorable effect on the good performance of the company and encourage further commitment of employees and environmental management. As every years so far also in 2017 we successfully passed the external audit of certification management systems. In the process of audit of certification management systems only one non-compliance has been established in the field of environmental management. A total of 36 recommendations were made (9 SVK, 8 SRO, 6 VZD and 13 SVI), which we have systematically dealt with and, given their importance also taken into account. E2D 31 In the field of work-life reconciliation, 2017 marked the end of the three-year implementation period of the Family-Friendly Company project. On the basis of the prepared report, the auditor confirmed the correctness of the implementation of the Family measures, made some recommendations and praised our work and the regularity of the documentation Fripnrllv in the field of work and family reconciliation. Within the framework of the Family-Friendly Company Enterprise project, the company performs the measures correctly and in accordance with the set goals. Since 2015, Elektro Gorenjska Company has been implementing 16 family-friendly measures. With the chosen measures, we strive for the overall well-being of our employees at the workplace, thereby informing them that we care about them and that they are co-creators of common achievements and successes. 4.2 Integrated quality management system of Gorenjske elektrarne Company In the Company quality and excellence are reflected in business processes established according to standard ISO 9001:2015 and excellence model EFQM. As the first company in the electric power system it has established an energy management system according to standard ISO 50001:2011, which improves energy efficiency. It currently manages the following two certified systems: j ■ quality management system according to requirements of ISO 9001:2015, Q-1864/2017-12-16 and ■ energy management system ISO 50001:2011, En-014/2016-11-11. I5PHW1 En-OH Focus of the energy management was the integration of standard EN 50001:2001 into the quality management system and thereby establishing a connection with the SIST EN 9001:2015 standard. We are introducing improvements in the monitoring approaches and activities of implementation of the ISO 50001:2011 standard, which we received in the certification process in November 2016. Through ISO 50001:2011 standard, the company has developed and implemented an energy policy and set a framework and targets and action plans which take into account legal requirements and information about significant energy use. Further we are developing new services in the field of energy efficiency and energy management for use in our own and marketing projects. Therefore references represented by quality standards are important and are provided by the standard in the field of energy management. At the end of 2017, we established the quality management system following the revision of the ISO 9001:2015 standard with the expanded requirements of the chapters of the context of organization, leadership, risk and opportunity handling, competence, awareness, evaluation and process changes that resulted from the reorganization of the company by spin-out of maintenance activities in a controlled company GEK Vzdrževanje and establishment of Gorenjske elektrarne Group. Redefining the interconnected processes of both companies in the group and improving is a permanent task in the future. Quality policy and energy management are continuously communicated to all employees. Company strives that the policy is understood and implemented at all levels of the company. Company carries out internal audits of quality management systems. Purpose of these audits is twofold, namely: ■ continuous checking whether the prescribed procedures are carried out in the manner as specified in the documents. This way we get feedback on any deviation in the earliest possible stage, to be able to act as quickly as possible. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 53 ■ we are constantly looking for solutions for an even more efficient implementation offset procedures. Audits give us useful information for further improvements. In the period 2018 - 2020 the company will continue with its activities in the field of improvements, monitoring of legislation in terms of processes, in terms of energy management and in terms of environmental management and in accordance with the new requirements it will modify and supplement the existing processes. 4.3 Risk management in Elektro Gorenjska Company In Elektro Gorenjska Company we are aware of the risks that are a component part of our operation. We are also aware that only a comprehensive and systematic risk management can be effective. For this purpose, in 2011, the company Elektro Gorenjska started to set up a risk management system. Risk management system is one part of our integrated quality management system. Management of risks is an important condition for successful and efficient reaching of the set long-term business goals. In 2016 Elektro Gorenjska Company acceded the upgrade and supplement of the risk management system. Basic document which lays down rules and procedures for the basic risk identification, assessment and monitoring in the process of identifying and managing risks is »Procedures titled Identifying and assessing the risks in Elektro Gorenjska, d. d. Comprehensive risk management system is recognized as a process and is part of an integrated system of quality management. Process of risk management itself also includes the identification, assessment, planning and implementation of responses and information, communication and control of risks and their control measures, including reporting on the risks to which the company is or might be exposed in its operations. Foundation of risk management is their identification and assessment of individual risk severity. Risk severity is assessed as a product of two dimensions of risk: probability of risk materialization and extent of the damage, which materialization of the risk could represent for the company. Probability Impact 1-Minor 2-Small 3-Moderate 4-Big 5-Catastrophic 1-Almost impossible 2-Very unlikely 3-Possible 4-Very likely 5-Almost certain Figure 19: Risk severity | | Big risk Q^] Significant risk Q^] Medium and low risk Highest authority of the risk management in Elektro Gorenjska Company is Committee for Quality. Responsibilities and obligations of the Elektro Gorenjska quality committee include the following: ■ definition of new risks identified, including key documents, ■ definition of important sources necessary for risk management, ■ systematic treatment and assessment of already identified risks, ■ approval of measures for risk management. Primary task of the risk management system is a systematic analysis and evaluation of already identified risks, and continual identification of new ones. In Elektro Gorenjska Company risks are separated according to their area of impact and depending on their severity. 54 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 54 Left figure 20: Identified risks according to their severity (share) Right figure 21: Identified risks according to their type (share) 10.34 % High risk Significant risk Medium and low risk Financial risk Business risk Operating risk Figure 22: Classification of identified risks in Elektro Gorenjska Company Risks according to SEVERITY High risk □ Operation of own information system □ Methodology of Energy Agency and other regulations in the field of electricity distribution □ Defects and general average □ Change of contract with SODO □ Information security Significant risk □ Credit risk of customer payments □ Liquidity risk □ Attacks on infrastructure, terrorism □ Non-functioning of internal controls and incidence of fraud □ Failure to comply with the voltage quality requirements □ Adverse outcome of denationalization processes □ Inadequate payment of EG services by SODO □ Lack of investment assets □ Public procurement implementation process □ Compliance of implementation of Elektro Gorenjska Company strategy □ Dispute with trade unions □ Risk of investments in subsidiaries □ Risk of serious injury and death at work □ Reduction of network efficiency Medium and low risk □ Extraordinary expenses (penalties) □ Implementation of technically or economically unjustified investments □ Failure to achieve commercial quality requirements □ Non-compliance with contractual obligations and quality of external contractors services □ Failure to comply with requirements for continuity of supply □ Non-compliance and unethical business □ Interest rate risk □ Lack of adequate staff □ Influence on environment □ Reduction of distributed electricity quantity Risks according to TYPE Financial risks □ Extraordinary expenses (penalties) □ Credit risk of customer payments □ Liquidity risk □ Inadequate payment of EG services by SODO □ Interest rate risk □ Lack of investment assets □ Risk of investments in subsidiaries Business risks □ Operation of own information system □ Implementation of technically or economically unjustified investments □ Methodology of Energy Agency and other regulations in the field of electricity distribution □ Attacks on infrastructure, terrorism □ Failure to achieve commercial quality requirements □ Non-compliance with contractual obligations and quality of external contractors services □ Failure to comply with the voltage quality □ Failure to comply with requirements for continuity of supply □ Non-compliance and unethical business □ Adverse outcome of denationalization processes □ Defects and general average □ Lack of adequate staff □ Compliance of implementation of Elektro Gorenjska Company strategy □ Dispute with trade unions □ Change of contract with SODO □ Information security □ Influence on environment □ Reduction of distributed electricity quantity □ Reduction of network efficiency Operating risks □ Non-functioning of internal controls and incidence of fraud □ Public procurement implementation process □ Risk of serious injury and death at work Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 55 Risks recorded in the catalog of risks are constantly monitored and regularly evaluated according to the following key parameters: probability of occurrence and impact of the emergence of a risk before and after the implementation of measures to reduce exposure. Financial risks according to severity (share) Business risks according to severity (share) Operating risks according to severity (share) Figure 23: Individual types of risks according to their severity | | High risk Q^] Significant risk Q^] Medium and low risk According to the obtained assessment of the individual severity group of risks, which are products of the likelihood of risk occurrence and impact, we classify risks into three groups according to their size of severity of treatment and represent a rough orientation regarding the level of the control system, the monitoring of risks or their control. 5 10 15 20 25 4 8 12 16 20 3 6 9 12 15 2 4 6 8 10 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 24: Risk assessment matrix Probability •-► | | High risk (critical risk) Q^] Significant risk (needs to be monitored) Q^] Medium and low risk Occurrence of loss or damage resulting from materialization of risk can have negative impacts on the business success of the company. Aim of Elektro Gorenjska Company is the identification and management of risks in order to gain the opportunities and benefits to increase our competitiveness. For this purpose we, in Elektro Gorenjska, decided to upgrade the risk management system, and in year 2015 we acceded to quantification of risks, which was our basis for the upgrade of the risk management system with dynamic calculation of the value impact of risks on operation. As a rule, the dynamic impact of risks on the company's operations is updated at least once a year or compulsorily with a major change, which could consequently have an impact on the company's operations. 56 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 56 Figure 25: Dynamic impact of risks on the Company's operations according to their share of impact value (solvency aspect) 1OO % 9O % SO % 7O % O 6O % m 5O % - Ö 4O % SO % 2O % 1O % O % Other risks with financial dynamic impact lower than €0.0150 mio (9.96 %) EG - 5 Inadequate payment of EG services by SODO (2.00 %) EG - 21 Risk of serious injury and death at work (2.07 %) EG - 3 Reduction of network efficiency (3.31 %) EG - 10 Defects and general average (3.71 %) EG - 11 Attacks on infrastructure, terrorism (5.36 %) EG - 25 Compliance of implementation of Elektro Gorenjska Company strategy (6.92 %) EG - 17 Adverse outcome of denationalization processes (6.99 %) EG - 7 Failure to comply with the voltage quality requirements (7.54 %) EG - 23 Operation of own information system (10.00 %) EG - 31 Protection of information (10.31 %) EG - 6 Change of contract with SODO (12.30 %) EG - 1 Methodology of Energy Agency and other regulations in the field of electricity distribution (19.53 %) 19.53 % 12.3D % 1D.31 % 1D.DD % 7.54 % 6.99 % 6.92 % 5.36 % 3.71 % 3.31 % 9.96 % Other risks 2.DD % 2.D7 % T T T T T T T T T EG - 5 EG - 21 EG - 3 EG - 1Q EG - 11 EG - 25 EG - 17 EG - 7 EG - 23 EG - 31 1-1 EG - 6 EG - 1 Figure 26: Share of dynamic impact of risks according to their severity 1CC 90.42 % SC 6C 4C 2C 6.31 % 3.27 % C ■ Financial risks Business risks Operating risks Figure 27: Share of dynamic impact of risks by individual types of risks 6C 5C 4C SC 2C 1C C r 55.85 % 40.37 % 3.78 % I I High risk Significant Medium and risk low risk Risk management system in addition to the description and evaluation of risks also includes the management measures as well as criteria and indicators for risk control. With the establishment of systematic monitoring of risks and the involvement of all employees, the risk management process has become part of strategic management of the company. Identified and assessed risks and recognized internal control system are the basis for the work of internal audit, which provides an estimate of the performance of risk management. Risks at the system level are managed through compliance with the requirements of the integrated management system, which also includes: quality management system ISO 9001, environment protection system ISO 14001, health and safety at work system OHSAS 18001 and information security management system ISO /IEC 27001. Identified risks depending on their impact on the operations of the company are combined in three major groups: business risks, financial risks, and operating risks. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 57 Also in 2017, large part of the identified risks in Elektro Gorenjska Company referred to business risks related to activity of implementing the contract on the lease of electricity infrastructure and implementation of services for SODO, d. o. o., as the company creates a vast majority of its revenues under this contract. EG-1 EG-17 Figure 28: Layout of risks in Elektro Gorenjska, d. d. after the last assessment in 2016 EG - 3 EG - 13 EG - 26 EG - 30 EG - 2 EG - 4 EG - 8 EG - 28 EG - 5 EG - 7 EG - 11 EG - 25 EG - 27 EG - 21 EG - 10 EG - 23 EG - 31 EG - 12 EG - 6 EG - 9 EG - 18 EG - 19 EG - 29 EG - 15 EG - 16 EG - 14 EG - 20 _L _L 2 3 Probability 5 4 3 2 0 4 5 Legend: Legend of influence degree: EG - 1 Methodology of Energy Agency and other regulations in the field of electricity distribution EG - 2 Reduction of distributed electricity quantity EG - 3 Reduction of network efficiency EG - 4 Extraordinary expenses (penalties) EG - 5 Inadequate payment of EG services by SODO EG - 6 Change of contract with SODO EG - 7 Failure to comply with the voltage quality requirements EG - 8 Failure to comply with requirements for continuity of supply EG - 9 Failure to achieve commercial quality requirements EG - 10 Defects and general average EG - 11 Attacks on infrastructure, terrorism EG - 12 Credit risk of customer payments EG - 13 Lack of investment assets EG - 14 Liquidity risk EG - 15 Interest risk EG - 16 Lack of adequate staff EG - 17 Adverse outcome of denationalization processes EG - 18 Non-compliance and unethical business EG - 19 Non-compliance with contractual obligations and quality of external contractors services EG - 20 Public procurement implementation process EG - 21 Risk of serious injury and death at work EG - 23 Operation of own information system EG - 25 Compliance of implementation of Elektro Gorenjska Company strategy EG - 26 Non-functioning of internal controls and incidence of fraud EG - 27 Dispute with trade unions EG - 28 Implementation of technically or economically unjustified investments EG - 29 Influence on environment EG - 30 Risk of investments in subsidiaries EG - 31 Protection of information 1 - Potential business loss is =< €100,000 2 - Potential business loss is > €100,000 and =< €0.5 mio 3 - Potential business loss is > €0.5 mio and =< €2 mio 4 - Potential business loss is > €2 mio and =< €10 mio 5 - Potential business loss is > €10 mio Legend of degree of probability of occurrence: 1 - Occurrence of unwanted events is completely unique. (Frequency: at least once in a period of 21 years.) 2 - Event is not particularly probable, but cannot be excluded. (Frequency: at least once in a period of 180 years.) 3 - Event can happen only occasionally over a period of time, the more likely it is a random event. (Frequency: at least once in a period of 6 years.) 4 - Event can happen several times over a certain period, it is an often threat . (Frequency: at least once in a period of 4 years.) 5 - Probable event occurs often with a constant risk. (Frequency: at least once in a period of 2 years.) 58 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 58 Business risks thus relate to the ability of long-term and stable provision of adequate electricity infrastructure, human, material and financial resources for the implementation of the core activities of the company (electricity distribution), and are followed by the financial and operating risks. 4.3.1 Business risks Modification of the contracts with SODO Annual contracts with SODO contain increasing number of provisions that are disadvantageous for EG. In the future the following might occur: transfer of ownership of EG assets to SODO, transfer of task implementation to SODO, transfer of cash flow to SODO. All of the above reduces the autonomy of EG operation. Severity: High risk. Methodology of the Energy Agency and other regulations in the field of electricity distribution Revenues referring to infrastructure lease, electricity for losses and payments for services rendered are determined by the Agency through Act determining the methodology for charging for the network charge and the criteria for establishing eligible costs for electricity networks. In accordance with the Act there is a risk of lower income due to: failure to achieve the required cost-effectiveness, changes in legislation or regulations. Severity: High risk. Defects and averages Due to weather conditions, faults on devices or unintentional interventions by third parties, defects and averages of different size may occur. Severity: high risk. Failure to achieve the requirements of the Energy Agency: commercial To achieve adequate commercial quality it is necessary to employ the necessary qualified staff and have a sufficient level of resources. Severity: medium and low risk. Non-accomplishment of the Development plan or necessary investments: voltage quality To achieve adequate voltage quality it is essential to carry out the necessary investments or follow the long-term Development plan. Deviations in terms of investments may occur due to: lack of investment funds, as annual regulatory framework does not follow the Development plan; late approval of long-term loans to finance investments by regulatory bodies; increase of environmental restrictions that prolong, complicate or prevent the placement of electricity facilities in space; disputes with the owners of the land, which complicates placement of electricity facilities in the space; late approval of investments and provision of conditions for implementation, which is to the greatest extent impacted by the adoption of the annual business plan of EG; possible non-fulfillment of contracts by external contractors and suppliers. Severity: significant risk. Reducing the amount of energy distributed Company's revenues may be reduced at the expense of smaller quantities of electricity distributed which is reducing due to: economic crisis and/or increasing own production and self-sufficiency (netmetering). Consequently, SODO realizes lower revenue from network charge, which is the basis for payment of rent and services to the distribution companies according to the Agency decision. Costs of EG are not in decline, as it has to continue to maintain the existing electricity infrastructure. Severity: medium and low risk. Failure to achieve the maintenance plan: continuity of supply Deterioration of continuity indicators may occur due to: lack of maintenance resources; limited employment of qualified staff; insufficient robustness of the network, which is achieved manly through cabling; insufficient automation of the network. Severity: medium and low risk. Reduction of network efficiency Reduction in the efficiency of the network can occur mainly due to: connection of instable generation sources (e.g. solar power plants), when network has high power and low energy and stranded investments - EG carries out investments in accordance with development plans, due to collapse of the major client infrastructure remains unused, inadequate dynamics of network development (priorities e.g. reinforcement of network). Severity: significant risk. Attacks on infrastructure, terrorism Risk represents the possibility of intrusions in the ICT, IT and DCV systems, destruction or damage to individual facilities and theft of parts of the infrastructure. Severity: significant risk. Implementation of technically or economically unjustified investments Risk that the company makes investments that are not technically or economically justified. Severity: medium and low risk. Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 59 Adverse outcome of denationalization processes Denationalization procedures for MHE Sava, MHE Jelendol and MHE Pristava cause additional costs related to extended court procedures and additional financial requirements of the new owner. Company is at the stage of problem solving, which can have a significant financial impact in the event of return of objects in kind and payment of compensation to new owners. Severity: significant risk. Personnel risk or lack of adequate staff involves the loss of key personnel, the lack of skilled personnel and the provision of competent personnel, as well as the conduct of employees who are not in compliance with the regulations and internal acts of the company. Through reorganization and retirement, which is not replaced by new employees, the company faces a reduction in the number of employees. This increases the workload of employees who remain in the company. Because of the overload of individuals, the possibilities for errors increase. There may also be desires for departures. We try to fill the departures from the company with internal resources, which do not always have an adequate educational structure. This may be the reason for the poor quality of work. Individuals who are unmotivated and therefore less successful in their work do not perform their work within the deadlines or they perform it unprofessionally, they also have a negative impact on the performance of individual projects. These events are happening almost certainly, and the impact on the business is insignificant. Severity: medium and low risk. Disputes with trade unions Company may suffer loss of revenue or damage due to disagreements between the administration and the demands of workers (strike) and other causes, such as, for example, the activities of managing the company according to the requirements of the owners, which can trigger the dissatisfaction of the workers. Severity: significant risk. Operation of own information system Due to inadequate operation of its own information system or connections with a single entry point at Informatika, d. d. (PERUN IIS portal) there may be a failure to fulfil the provisions of legislation and contractual obligations (SODO - EG contract) in managing processes and recording changes in the life cycle of the user, the preparation of measurement and accounting data, and the invoicing of network usage and contributions according to Energy Act. Consequently, incorrect connections or user disconnections, wrong financial flow between actors (users - EG - SODO - suppliers - ELES - Energy Agency - Borzen) and claims for damages can also occur. Severity: high risk. Non-compliance with contractual obligations and quality of external contractors services constitutes a risk that the supplier does not deliver or otherwise fail to meet its contractual obligations (supplier's bankruptcy, poor quality of the material, etc.), which results in a delayed implementation of the project or a problem in ensuring the distribution of electricity. Impact of such an event on the company would be insignificant, but there is a likelihood of this happening. Severity: medium and low risk. Risk of information security Within the activities of the company Elektro Gorenjska, d. d., loss of, disclosure or the invasion of business and personal data may occur, which may lead to a violation of the law, and in the worst case it may jeopardize the company's performance. Severity: high risk. Compliance of implementation of Elektro Gorenjska Company strategy EG Company has a strategy set up. Strategy is based on the orientations of the company's business model, the electricity distribution strategy and the orientations given by the key actors (SDH, the competent ministry) that are integrated into the company's operations. Severity: significant risk. Risk of influence on environment Company can have an indirect or direct impact on the environment through its operation. To this end, environmental aspects are identified, over which watches the environemnt management council. Risks are managed by monitoring and compliance with environmental legislation, meeting the requirements of the ISO 14001 environmental management standard, training and regular performance audits. Severity: medium and low risk. 4.3.2 Financial risks These kinds of risks in the company are connected with the ability to create financial income, control financial expenses, maintain the value of financial assets, control financial liabilities and ensure competitive and long-term solvency. Credit risk of customer payments On the basis of the Contract for leasing the electricity distribution infrastructure and the provision of services to the operator, the company collects customer payments in its own name and for the SODO, d. o. o., 60 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 60 account. In addition, the company also carries out marketing services in market activities. There is a higher risk in that, despite the unpaid due customers' claims, the company must settle all liabilities to SODO in accordance with the Contract and its annexes. Based on past experience, there is a likelihood that this event certainly happens. It is estimated that such a situation would have a moderate impact on the business or liquidity, since it is estimated that non-payment may come primarily from business customers in the network charge charging segment. In part, the company has recognized and covered possible write-offs of receivables in accordance with the regulation, but only up to 0.2 % of the charged network charges (approximately €51,000 per year). In the current situation, when the company has never had major expenses from claim revaluation, the largest risk is represented by receivables from market activities, which are not covered by regulation and therefore could have a direct impact on the business. Severity: significant risk. Risk of short-term insolvency or liquidity risk Company could have major liquidity problems, mainly due to uneven inflows and outflows, and long-term procedures for obtaining long-term loans and possibly larger uncontrolled exceeding planned investments. In the event of an inability to pay major obligations, the impact on the business would be moderate. In the event of a late acquisition of a long-term loan, there is a high likelihood of such an event occurring. Severity: significant risk. Inadequate payment of EG services by SODO Inappropriate payment of EG services by SODO may occur due to: requirements for provision of services that are not subject to a contract with SODO, dispute concerning the quality of the service performed and charged by the EG, inadequate decision of the Agency to determine the regulatory framework. Severity: significant risk. Interest risk Company borrowed more than half of long-term loans at a variable interest rate that could increase in the event of a greater economic activity and measures of central banks in the EU, which would have a direct negative impact on the result of operations due to higher financing costs. The event may occur in the following years. Severity: medium and low risk. Extraordinary expenses (penalties) represent the risk of receiving: penalties for Energy Act violation and secondary legislation, penalties for maintenance violations, penalties for pollution. Severity: medium and low risk. Lack of investment funds Company fails to provide funds for the realization of planned investments due to the lack of own funds and the inability of the company to borrow to the necessary extent. There is a likelihood that the event happens almost certainly, especially if the distributed energy is lower than planned, which consequently affects the result of operations. Investment funds can also be reduced due to the payment of dividends to owners. Such an event would have little impact on the company's financial position. In the long term, however, this risk is increased, as, due to smaller investments in infrastructure, there could be a lower quality of voltage, greater power interruptions and poorer commercial quality. Risk of investments in subsidiaries Company Elektro Gorenjska has the following important investments: Gorenjske elektrarne 100 % share; ECE 25.6744 % share; Informatika 9.56 % share. Investment values represent an impact risk (positive or negative) on the operating result of the parent company. Bad business result of investments has a potential impact on the profit or loss of the parent company or the owner. Severity: significant risk. 4.3.3 Operating risks In the framework of operating risks the company will continue to focus on the following: ■ Risk of serious injury and death at work For the company, there is a risk of serious injuries and deaths at work, which may be the result of incorrect procedures at work, negligence of employees and external influences. Likelihood of such an event is common, above all due to strict legislation in this field. If the risk materializes, it would have a small financial impact on the operations. Severity: significant risk. ■ Public procurement implementation process Public procurement procedures may entail the submission of audit requests by tenderers, delays in the initiation of public procurement procedures, causing a delay and a threat to investment. There is also the risk that an inadequate number of tenderers who meet the tender conditions will apply to the tender. There may also be discussions between providers that increase the costs of the company. Severity: significant risk. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 61 ■ Non-functioning of internal controls and incidence of fraud Due to insufficient internal controls, the company can lose revenue or has damage. In order to eliminate various risks that could jeopardize the company's performance and cause greater material damage, the company has concluded property insurance with insurance companies (single policy of property insurance). 4.4 Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board, Internal Audit and Risk Management In the company Elektro Gorenjska, functions of risk management and internal audit are established, which are organized within the parent company and cover the scope of the entire group: ■ Internal audit function is managed by an internal auditor who functionally responds and reports to the supervisory board's audit committee, and administratively reports directly to the chairman of the parent company's management. ■ Risk management system is run by a risk management coordinator reporting to the internal auditor, the risk management council for a particular area, and the chairman of the parent company's management. In autumn 2012, the scope of risk management and the role of the coordinator for risk management in the company Elektro Gorenjska was taken over by the Quality Management Advisor, who oversees the operation of the integrated management system in the company. At its 1st regular meeting on 14 September, 2017, the Supervisory Board appointed Mr. Andrej Koprivec as a member of the Audit Committee from the Supervisory Board of Elektro Gorenjska Company, who was also appointed as Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Elektro Gorenjska, and Mr. Franjo Curanovic. From professional experts qualified for accounting and auditing who completed their education for obtaining the title certified auditor, auditor, certified accountant, accounting officer, proven internal auditor, certified taxpayer and similar, was appointed prof. dr. Simon Čadež. Internal audit in Elektro Gorenjska has been functioning as an independent function since 2012. Basis for its operation is the Internal Audit Charter, approved by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of the EG. In its work, it is committed to adhering to the International Framework for Professional Practice in Internal Auditing. Objective of the internal audit activity is to provide assurances regarding the risk management of companies within the Group and to add value with advice at all levels in terms of risk management, asset protection and improving the efficiency and quality of operations. Annual internal audit work plan is prepared on the basis of the risk analysis of companies in the EG group. It is adopted by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of the company. Internal audit reports on its work and results to the EG management and quarterly to the audit committee. Both the Management Board and the Audit Committee are informed of all audits carried out, their findings and recommended measures or improvements. In 2017, the Internal Audit carried out eight audits. It paid special attention to the field of orders, measurements and calculation of electricity, investments and acquisition in the parent company and subsidiary, the management of the car park and the risk management system in the parent company. In addition, it was constantly monitoring the implementation of the recommendations made. Internal audit within the framework of individual audits assesses and checks the adequacy and effectiveness of the operation of internal controls. Internal audit estimates that the internal control system in the company is in place and appropriate, but there are possibilities for its improvement, to which it refers with the issuing of recommendations. Within its work, internal audit also focused on managing the risk of fraud and the management of IT risks. On the basis of the examinations carried out, it is estimated that the internal control system is in place and functioning to prevent significant fraud. It also estimates that IT risks are properly managed. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 62 4.5 Risk management in Gorenjske elektrarne Company Company Gorenjske elektrarne is aware of the need for timely and up-to-date identification of all types of risks. On this basis, the Company adopted the Rules for the Identification and Assessment of Risks. Risk management is a process for identifying and evaluating, managing and controlling possible events that could have an adverse impact on the company. Risk management involves providing appropriate assurances in order to achieve the company's objectives. In order to assess the impact of risks in the company, we use adjectives insignificant, small, moderate, high and disastrous, with the financial and operational aspect of the business being influenced by the rating, and the rates are also financially quantified. Basis of the final risk management is their identification and assessment of the severity that the company assesses as a product of the probability of risk materialization and effects on the company's operations and is graphically depicted in the matrix below. Figure 29: Evaluation of risks Probability Impact 1-Minor 2-Small 3-Moderate 4-Big 5-Catastrophic 1-Almost impossible 2-Very unlikely 3-Possible 4-Very likely 5-Almost certain | | Big risk Q^] Significant risk Q^] Medium and low risk In the Company the following risks are considered the key ones: Reduction of supports for electricity generated from RES Gorenjske elektrarne Company recognized as one of the major risks the risk of reducing supports for electricity generated from renewable energy sources. In this context, we evaluate the risk that the government will, in any way, reduce the already approved supports within a single power plant or source of production by means of a regulation or a decree. We consider the risk as significant; unfortunately, the risk belongs to a segment that we cannot directly influence. In the calculation of the potential impact, on the basis of the data for 2017, it was calculated that the general reduction of supports of 20 % for the company at the annual level wou ld amount to €238,852 less revenue, while the general reduction of 40 % already amounts to €461,705 less revenue. Graph below shows the share of revenue from supports in total revenues and in revenues from the sale of electricity. Due to the declining electricity price, the graph shows the trend of increasing the share of revenues from supports in (total) revenues from 2013 to 2016. Trend is reversed in 2017. Share of supports in electricity sales revenues Share of supports in entire revenues 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 63 Indirectly, we can avoid the risk or mitigate its materialization with other revenue sources, especially in the area where revenues are not linked to supports for electricity produced. Risk of weather conditions Gorenjske elektrarne Company is decisively linked to weather conditions in its primary activity, electricity production. About 90 % of the volume production comes from hydroelectric plants whose production is decisively affected by the amount of precipitation. It can also swing +/- 25 % around the long-term average. Also, the operation of solar power plants depends on the insolation, and the operation of the SPTE on mile or cold winters. Risks are also associated with changes in climatic conditions due to the warming of the atmosphere. Company Gorenjske elektrarne is experiencing climate change in the form of growing extremes. Thus, we have longer and stronger drought periods and several weather events with extremely high precipitation. Both cases mean lower production for HPPs, because in the event of flash floods, HPPs should be stationary for safety reasons. Risk of weather conditions is assessed as important, and the annual maximum impact is evaluated annually to €478,962. The latter is calculated on the basis of the established maximum deviations in production from the last ten-year average in each segment (HE, MFE, CHP) and taking into account the selling price of electricity in 2017 (also separately by sources of production). 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Figure 31: Production in MWh from 2000 to 2017 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 After 2000, when the installed power of HPP facilities owned by Gorenjske elektrarne is comparable, the hydrological conditions played a key role in achieving electricity generation at the threshold. The lowest production was in the observed period of 2003, amounting to 41,953 MWh, and the highest in 2014, which amounted to 70,938 MWh. Company manages this risk primarily through a development policy that is intensely focused on diversifying revenue sources and introducing new types of revenues from energy efficiency projects, thus reducing the share of sold electricity in sales revenues in the long run. At operational level, the Company manages the risk of production volatility by optimizing the maintenance of production facilities, thereby minimizing the extent of production downtime. Market risk - lowering the sales price of electricity Gorenjske elektrarne Company is exposed to fluctuations in the market price of electricity when selling electricity produced. It moves in correlation with economic trends, and it can also be significantly influenced by external shocks, such as the failure of major production units in the European context, or a change in the policy guidelines for electricity generation, for example, the abandonment of production in nuclear power plants. Price of electricity in the Slovenian market is in correlation with the prices formed within the European stock exchanges. In the observed period of the year until 2017, a downward trend was observed as a result of low electricity prices on European stock exchanges, which is also reflected in the market price of electricity in Slovenia. Reduction in the average price of electricity sold from HPPs is further influenced by the abolition of supports for HE facilities over 15 years old. Any change in the selling price of €1/MWh is reflected in the business result of €+/- 50,000 per indicative annual output of 50,000 MWh. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 64 Figure 32: Share of revenues from the sale of electricity to the wholesaler and final customers in the company's total revenues from revenues from the sale of electricity 80 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0 % 2012 2013 2014 Share of market revenue in electricity sales revenues 2015 2016 2017 Share of market revenue in entire revenues It is evident from the figure that the share of revenues from the sale of electricity to final customers or wholesaler in total revenues or in electricity sales revenue is reducing, which is in line with the general global decrease in the market price of electricity. Company manages the market risk or risk of fluctuations in electricity sales prices mainly by the ongoing monitoring of all factors that affect the price and the consequent anticipation of price developments. On the basis of analyses, the Company decides to sell electricity for future periods when it considers the price to be favourable. Customer is selected on the basis of the best offer. Risk of fluctuations in electricity prices is significantly controlled by the Company by selling the production of individual power plants in the system of operating supports. Borzen, for each kWh produced, adds a difference in the form of support. Through the system of operating supports, the Company generates approximately 35 % of total electricity sales revenue. Price of electricity rose in 2018. Company, however, actively placed itself on the brink of falling electricity prices and, following the example of foreign companies, began to restructure its core business and operations. In order to further grow and achieve satisfactory returns for the owner, the transformation of a company from the electricity generation company to the energy management company is of key importance. Availability of production capacity As a concessionaire, the Gorenjske elektrarne Company must regularly maintain water infrastructure facilities and aquatic land owned by it, in accordance with the Program for the operation and maintenance of water infrastructure facilities, which is adopted by the competent ministry. Loss of production in combination with the machinery breakdown as a result of average, unplanned downtime and poor maintenance can make a significant loss of revenue for the Company. Therefore, the Company ensures that failure of production units does not occur by performing regular monitoring, enhanced monitoring in case of adverse weather conditions and planned and ongoing maintenance. In the event that a production failure occurs, the Company, by engaging employees and own funds or with the help of outsourcers, ensures the elimination of faults as soon as possible. All production facilities are also mechanically protected and fire protected, while the largest five solar power plants are insured also in the event of a loss of income from the machinery breakdown or fire. Impact of Qes requirements Qes is the economic minimum flow that must be provided when capturing water for generating electricity from the HPPs. Possible change, especially in the direction of the increase in Qes due to the introduction of water permits (previously a concession), would mean a decrease in production capacity in the hydrological sector and a consequent decrease in revenues in this segment. Company Gorenjske elektrarne has been carrying out activities to manage this risk for a long time (cooperation with other electricity producers from the HPPs and dialogue with the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning). At the moment, the regulation that governs this area has not yet been adopted. On the other hand, the measure in terms of limiting the materialization of the risk is towards the diversification of revenues that is the generation of new types of revenue, currently primarily in the area of efficient energy use. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 65 Credit risk In accordance with the risk identification and risk management policy, the Company Gorenjske elektrarne has also recognized credit risk or the risk of default by customers. Company approached the risk by sending reminders, individually agreeing on payments, compensating, issuing the accounts of default interest and, in extreme cases, through a personal recovery process and legal enforcement. Company is exposed to the additional credit risk in the process of investing in the purchase of receivables through the online exchange platform »Borza terjatev«. Risk is managed in such a way that all purchased receivables are secured by the seller, either by blocking the TRR or by the insurance instrument - enforcement draft. In recent years, the Company has no outstanding receivables. Majority of receivables are paid on the due date or within 30 days after the due date. Currency risk Currency risk is a financial risk and presents a risk of financial loss due to changes in the value of one currency compared to another. Company was not exposed to currency risks in 2017. Interest rate risk Interest rate risk means the possibility of a loss due to unfavourable interest rates on the market. Company had a loan received which was fully repaid in May 2017. Since May, the Company has not been in debt, therefore it is not exposed to interest rate risk. Risk of insolvency Risk of insolvency is the risk that the Company will face difficulties in collecting the financial resources needed to meet its financial obligations. Company did not face this risk in 2017. IT-risk In the context of IT risk, we identified the following risks: risk of data security against external intrusions and abuses, risk of unreliable business support due to unreliability of the system, risk of quality of IT services by external IT provider. Company considers the risk as a significant risk, however, due to its specificity, the influence cannot be evaluated. Company manages the risk through a binding contract with an information service provider. Non-economy of purchases and inadequacy of investments In the context of the risk of non-economy of purchases, we mainly recognize the risk of purchasing material and services at prices that significantly deviate from average market prices. In the case of investments, we recognize the risk of implementing economically ineligible investments. We consider the risk as a high risk, but the impact itself cannot be evaluated. Company manages the risk through the process of obtaining more bids for the same material or service, and of course with procedural instructions and measures in the entire system of purchasing materials, services and investments. To this end, the Company adopted two rules, namely Rules on Procurement of Materials and Services, and the Organizational Regulation for risk management of high value purchases. Operation in accordance with these rules is regularly monitored and checked. Risks related to safety and health at work In this segment, we primarily recognize the risk of serious injuries and death at work. We assess the risk as a high risk, and we assess the potential impact on the annual level to €100,000. Company manages the risk by compulsory use of protective equipment, training and implementation of other legislative requirements in the field of safety and health at work. Similarly, all employees are collectively accidentally insured. Environmental risks In operation of hydroelectric power plants, environmental risks arise in terms of the impact of power plants on the environment, groundwater and fish in waters. The greatest risks are the installation of mechanical and electrical devices that contain oils and, where in case of a possible discharge pollution of the environment and water could occur. In the operation of cogenerations, the risks are due to oils in devices. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 66 In the case of solar power plants we should consider environmental risks in the decomposition of photovoltaic modules at the expiry of their service life or if unexpected damage and material defects occur. In the Company's storehouse, we have various oils that pose a threat to the environment if an outflow into the groundwater and into the river occurred. Company manages environmental risks with high standards in the construction of production facilities and the placement of production facilities into space. In the waterproof areas, instead of conventional oils, the synthetic organic esters MIDEL are installed. We work with fishing clubs that provide us with knowledge and help to ensure high ecological standards. With the maintenance requirements of hydraulic devices, we order a fish catch at the fishermen. Possible interventions in the riverbed are dealt with professionally, on the basis of prepared solutions with the elaboration of a water management company and with minimal environmental impacts. Company has concluded insurance to reduce risks, insofar as all preventive measures would still exceptionally result in ecological damage. » Company manages environmental risks with high standards in the construction of production facilities and the placement of production facilities into space. In the waterproof areas, instead of conventional oils, the synthetic organic esters MIDEL are installed. We work with fishing clubs that provide us with knowledge and help to ensure high ecological standards. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 67 5 BUSINESS ANALYSIS OF THE GROUP 5.1 Production of electricity In year 2017 the group generated a total of 52,099 MWh of electricity, which is by 9.7 % less than in year 2016, which was an above-average water year. It generated electricity in 15 own hydro power stations (hereafter HE), and one power station the company manages. Electricity was generated also by 17 solar power stations (hereafter FE) in the area of Gorenjska region and one solar power station in Maribor (which is rented) and one solar power station in Nova Gorica. Besides that the company produced heat and electricity in five high-efficient cogenerations. 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2D1S □ HE □ FE □ SPTE 2D16 2D17 Figure 33: Electricity produced (in MWh) in the period 2015-2017 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAJ JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Figure 34: Electricity produced (in MWh) in HE by months of year 2017 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 — FE JAN — SPTE FEB MAR APR MAJ JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Figure 35: Electricity produced (in MWh) in FE and SPTE by months of year 2017 Of renewable energy sources the company Gorenjske elektrarne uses water sources (hydro power stations) as well as solar energy (solar power stations) and natural gas (cogenerations). 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 68 Operation of hydro power stations to a great extent depends on natural resources - current rainfall, which impacts the quantity of water in water courses, as hydro power stations do not have their own accumulations in general (with the exception of Lomscica HE). This means that in the event of heavier rainfall high-rise waters spill over devices, so hydro power stations are not able to utilize high waters for electricity production. In dry seasons water courses dry out heavily, which again means limited and in extreme cases even disabled electricity production. Quantity of produced electricity in hydro power stations does not only depend on the quantity of water, but also on difference in altitude of the water drop, geographical location of individual power station and other characteristics influencing electricity production in hydro power plants. Advantage of utilization of hydro power is mainly the use of renewable energy sources, while its weakness is fluctuation of production according to water availability. Construction of hydro power plants also represents a great intervention in the environment and brings high investment costs. Besides that in the regime of water course utilization we need to consider also requirements set by fishermen and environmentalists. In solar power plants it is mainly about direct transformation of solar radiation into electricity. Main advantages of solar energy utilization are: environment friendliness, possibility of supply in remote areas, production and consumption at the same location. Main problem of solar energy utilization occurs due to different solar radiation. Co-generation of electricity and heat is simultaneous production of electricity and heat. It represents the method of converting the fuel energy into electricity, where main part of heat, which occurs as side product during this conversion, is put to good use. Different technologies enable the use of various fuels with different efficiencies. What all technologies have in common is the total more efficient process of converting the energy for the good use of the heat, which is otherwise present in traditional thermal power plants. Advantage of acquiring electricity in this way is mainly in efficient conversion of fuel energy into useful heat and electricity. Mentioned ways also reduce the dependence on the existing ways of acquisition of electrical energy. Following figure presents the share of individual power plants in total revenues from the sale of electricity for 2017. Figure 36: Share of individual power stations in total amount of electricity produced in year 2017 24 20 16 12 57.4 % □ SPTE □ FE □ HE _J_I - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ninininifliriiriin .■.n.i.n.n.n.n.n.n.n.n.H, 1 _l_L _l_L _l_L 3 ¡g 5 j S LL 3 uj hj ¡0 LL CM < CM ^ < o uj * ° n £ * =5 d O uj > m 0 > O < uj o 9 -J s 1 9 S K £ uj S § § s K V> ™ 5) - z 3 £ t s » ■3 S 3 _ o ¡4 < o: < o 06 -J t ^ O >0 5 8 2 S ° > Ž o m < c o o < ^ uj x Q a. S ^ o iZ > >N g >0 O < !< 2 x S 3 * t« s s s uj z >n 2 x 3 2 t % o uj N < " S 3 9 ct ^ u >w 2 uj £ 1 z >B >3 I >"> Si > N g x 3 o Q uj t uj os tO D ££ D >U 3 < Z * of "J Ct > UJ t: > s I o Zi UJ UJ f u. u. h. O < < O Z P >t3 3 £ S k ■los ££ -i O q. uj s o: i uj 3 1 a. uj S uj cg < < o: Ž Si 3 3 Š te w ^ uj i ml s x uj 8 4 0 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 69 5.2 Quantities of distributed electricity In year 2017 there were 1,103,725 MWh of distributed electricity through the network of Elektro Gorenjska Company or 3.3 % more than in year 2016 (1,068,347 MWh). In year 2017 household customers within the network of Elektro Gorenjska Company were distributed 340,181 MWh of electricity, which is by 1.8 % more than in year 2016 (334,300 MWh). Business customers within the company's network were distributed 763,544 MWh of electricity, which is by 4.0 % more than in year 2016 (734,047 MWh). We believe that the reason for somewhat larger quantities of distributed electricity in year 2017 is further improvement of economic situation compared to year 2016 and thus higher productivity of primarily business customers. 1,150 1,100 1,050 1,000 950 900 850 800 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 6.00 % 5.00 % 4.00 % 3.00 % 2.00 % g 1.00 % 0.00 % -1.00 % -2.00 % Figure 37: Changes in distributed quantities of electricity and GDP from 2013 to 2017 □ GWh — BDP Distributed quantities of electricity as well as the number of final customers in the distribution area of Elektro Gorenjska are growing each year. 89,600 89,400 89,200 89,000 88,800 88,600 88,400 88,200 2015 Number of final customers 2016 2017 Figure 38: Number of final customers from 2015 to 2017 » In year 2017 there were 1,103,725 MWh of distributed electricity through the network of Elektro Gorenjska Company or 3.3 % more than in year 2016. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 70 Maximum peak loads per year are shown in the following figure. Maximum peak load 5.3 Quality of electricity supply (Contract with SODO) Users of electricity expect the electricity to be available when they need it (reliability/continuity of supplies) and that all devices operate safely and satisfactory (power quality). In addition every day new customers appear as well as increasing number of electricity producers, which are connecting to the distribution network or wish to change the conditions of their connection. Number of services are needed, which have to be performed in an expected time and way foreseen by the legislation. Quality of electricity supply thus includes: ■ continuity, ■ power quality and ■ commercial quality or quality of services offered by the company to network users. Continuity Continuity has been followed in accordance with the legislation. Analysis has shown that in year 2017 the indicators are within the prescribed limits. Table 10: Unannounced long-term interruptions according to type of network in year 2017 Own Foreign Force majeure Total Total urban 0.186 3.570 0.473 19.149 0.108 1.238 0.536 11.437 0.005 1.369 0.044 291.680 0.299 6.177 1.546 20.633 Total mixed 0.067 1.882 0.170 28.055 0.028 0.171 0.139 6.106 0.022 3.219 0.204 147.544 0.117 5.272 0.448 45.081 Total rural 0.414 14.288 1.051 34.515 0.088 1.119 0.437 12.697 0.259 19.842 2.423 76.638 0.761 35.249 1.925 46.318 Total 0.667 19.741 1.695 29.574 0.224 2.528 1.112 11.266 0.285 24.430 2.671 85.594 1.177 46.699 5.478 39.664 I I SAIFI (interr./cust.) Q SAIDI (min/cust.) Q CAIFI (interr./cust.) Q CAIDI (min/interr.) 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 71 SAIFI (interr./cust.) SAIDI (min/cust.) CAIFI (interr./cust.) CAIDI (min/interr.) Total urban 0.056 7.959 0.297 141.503 Total mixed 0.055 10.914 0.292 197.648 Total rural 0.133 18.934 0.704 142.314 Total 0.245 37.807 1.293 154.624 Table 11: Announced long-term interruptions in year 2017 Rural Urban Total 2017 Table 12: Number of momentary interruptions MAIFI 2.7 1.7 4.4 per customer in year 2017 MAIFIe 1.8 0.9 2.7 200 150 100 50 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 2013 2014 2015 2016 Figure 40: SAIDI - Average time of duration of all unannounced long-term interruptions 0 i i i 2013 ■ i 2014 2015 i i i 2016 1 2017 Proper 23.58 16.60 13.27 15.24 19.74 Planned 50.90 67.07 44.28 48.54 37.81 Foreign cause 4.68 4.47 2.03 3.48 2.53 Force majeure 42.85 102.02 0.29 8.80 24.43 | | Force majeure 1 1 Foreign cause 1 1 Planned 1 1 Proper 3.5 | Figure 41: SAIFI - Average number of all unannounced long-term interruptions Proper 0.93 0.49 0.58 0.61 0.67 Planned 0.53 0.45 0.34 0.36 0.24 Foreign cause 0.12 0.20 0.06 0.12 0.22 Force majeure 0.64 1.82 0.01 0.24 0.29 I I Force majeure Q^] Foreign cause Q^] Planned Q^] Proper 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 72 Figure 42: MAIFI and MAIFIe - average number of all momentary interruptions MAIFI 6.0 13.1 2.9 4.7 4.4 MAIFIe 2.2 3.1 2.7 Q MAIFI Q MAIFIe We find that situation in the field of power quality has not changed substantially compared to year 2016. Cause for inconsistent voltage conditions is mainly the flicker, which is transmitted from transmission 110 kV network and spreads to lower voltage levels. In year 2017 other parameters were throughout the measurement in accordance with the requirements of SIST EN 50160 standard. During the year we received thirteen official complaints on the condition of voltage quality on the low-voltage level, of which five proved to be justified. We try to eliminate inconsistencies as quickly as possible and within statutory deadlines. We estimate that voltage quality status in the area of Elektro Gorenjska is good and that with the construction of communication and measuring infrastructure on the LV level we would even further improve the process of establishing and eliminating the inadequate voltage conditions. Table 13: Consistency of power quality parameters with the SIST EN 50160 standard on high voltage level for year 2017 Facilities Number of weeks under control Deviation Uef Harmonica Fliker Imbalance Signal voltages Frequency No. of voltage drops No. of voltage increases Consistency KEE Number of inconsistent weeks No. of consistent weeks No. of inconsistent weeks RTP Jesenice 110kV 50 0 0 49 0 0 0 79 25 1 49 RTP Radovljica 110kV 50 0 0 49 0 0 0 199 11 1 49 RTP Tržič 110kV 50 0 0 48 0 0 0 76 33 2 48 RTP Primskovo 110kV 50 0 0 47 0 0 0 83 34 3 47 RTP Zlato polje 110kV 50 0 0 48 0 0 0 82 37 2 48 RTP Labore - DV Okroglo 110kV 50 0 0 47 0 0 0 79 34 3 47 RTP Škofja loka 110kV - Okroglo 50 0 0 21 0 0 0 103 39 29 21 RTP Škofja Loka - DV Kleče 110kV 50 0 0 23 0 0 0 102 43 27 23 14 » 12 10 u 2013 2014 2015 2016 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 73 Commercial quality In most commercial quality parameters for year 2017 we established that average achieved values of indicators were essentially better than the limits of minimum quality standards. In parameter Average time to issue consent for connection the reason for lower share of services above the limit value (15 %) was the fact that data according to the General Administrative Procedure Act (ZUP) refer to summary and declaratory proceedings together. ZUP otherwise defines that in summary proceedings permissible time of issue of the order is 30 days, while in declaratory proceedings, where oral hearing is implemented as well, it is 60 days. With parameter Average time taken to answer written questions, complaints or requests of users, the share of services over the threshold (10 %) in most cases refers to the complaints of account data associated with the identification of the correct operation of the meter. In these cases it is necessary, before replying to the complaint, for the measurement service to properly check the meter, which may take longer than eight working days. With parameter Average time needed to eliminate the defect counter share of implemented services above the threshold (15 %) refers to defects we discovered on our own, without receiving the complaint from the user. Quality of network also relates to the share of network losses, which decreases from year to year. In 2015 the share of losses on the transferred electricity amounted to 4.65 %, in 2016 it reduced to 4.58 %, while in 2017 it amounted to 4.31 %. Figure 43: Share of losses in the network from 2015 to 2017 Comparison with data from other distribution companies in Slovenia and data from other European countries Elektro Gorenjska Company constantly strives to ensure the highest possible level of quality of customer care. From the company's annual reports for 2016 and the data provided by individual companies in 2017 and the reports on the quality of electricity supply in 2015 (the latest known data), which measures quality based on data on power continuity, it follows that in this area Elektro Gorenjska is the most successful among all distribution companies. This is illustrated in the following two figures. 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ll D Figure 44: Parameter SAIDI for unplanned long-term interruptions (own causes) in the period 2012-2017 Elektro Gorenjska Elektro Maribor Elektro Primorska Elektro Ljubljana 2012 Q 2013 Q 2014 Q 2015 Q 2016 Q 2017 Elektro Celje 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 74 Figure 45: Parameter SAIFI 3.00 for unplanned long-term interruptions (own causes) 2.50 in the period 2012-2016 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 i fclLto Elektro Gorenjska Elektro Maribor Elektro Primorska Elektro Ljubljana Elektro Celje 2012 □ 2013 □ 2014 Q 2015 Q 2016 Q 2017 Fact that Elektro Gorenjska Company is very successful in the field of quality of supply is also confirmed by the information that the company reaches significantly lower values of SAIDI and SAIFI indicators for unplanned long-term interruptions of its own cause than those defined in the Act on the methodology for determining the regulatory framework and the methodology for charging the network charge for Electricity Operators (Act) issued by the Energy Agency. SAIDI target level of the SAIDI parameter specified in the Act is 90 min/customer, and the target level of the SAIFI indicator is 2.35 interrupt/ client. SAIDI indicator reached the value of 19.74 min/customer in 2017 and the value of the SAIFI indicator was 0.67 interruptions/customers. Also, from the latest available comparison with other European countries, which relates to the period up to 2014, it can be seen that the company is among the best in the quality of supply segment. Figure 46: Average duration of all long-term interruptions of individual European countries 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Austria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Ireland France Italy Greece Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Hungary The Netherlands Germany Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Great Britain 0 Considering the fact that the value of the SAIDI indicator in Elektro Gorenjska Company in 2014 amounted to 16.6, we can conclude that this value is very similar to the value achieved by the best three European countries: Switzerland, Denmark and Germany. Considering that the value of the indicator did not change significantly in the years 2015-2017 and remains relatively low (in 2017 it is 19.74), we can conclude that the company is very successful in this segment and on the side of the best. In order to maintain quality, the company will behave economically in further investments in electricity infrastructure, so that any further additional improvement of its quality would not bring be too high or, even disproportionate investment costs. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 75 5.4 Investments In year 2017 Elektro Gorenjska Group invested €17.03 mio. 97 % of entire realization refers to investments of the regulated activity. Major investments are presented below. Within investments in high-voltage network which amounted to €4 mio, the major ones are: ■ 110 kV DV RTP Jesenice-RTP Kranjska Gora: We continued with the activities for reconstruction on the basis of the maintenance regulation for the public benefit. In 2017 we thus carried out the installation of the new 16 standing places in the area of Dovško polje. In winter, we arranged easements and gained consensus. At the end of the summer, however, there was a physical implementation according to the already established procedure. Works were done in full in August and September. ■ RTP 110/20 kV Radovljica: In the first quarter we started construction works for the new 110 kV switchyard. After pre-preparation of the construction site with the injection of the supporting wall, we proceeded to excavate the construction pit, followed by the base plate, the basement part and the first panel, and then the remaining skeletal part and the roof. Building was completed and ready for installment of GIS equipment in the second quarter of the year. In addition to the building, we also built a cable kinet up to 20 kV part and arranged the exterior of the building. In the third quarter, 110 kV GIS equipment was delivered and installed. A highvoltage test of 110 kV part was carried out, and at the end of the year of secondary equipment and 110 kV connections. ■ RP 20 kV Bled: At the beginning of the year, a building permit was obtained for the reconstruction of the building. Demolition of the roof part with the clamp for the DV was carried out. Barrier between the "living" and "dead" part of the switchboard was made inside the switchboard. This was followed by demolition of partition walls, excavation of walls, sub-foundation of existing foundations and excavation for cable cellar part. In the renovated and reconstructed facility, new MV-cells and derived connections to the new switchboard were installed in the autumn. In 2019 we are still waiting for rehabilitation and reconstruction of the second part of the building. Facility will now be treated as RP. Value of investments in medium and low-voltage network in year 2017 amounted to €9 mio. ■ In 2017 we carried out the expansion and processing of the MV network, in particular the remediation of critical areas of the network, in order to provide better robustness of the network. A large part of the funds were spent for the connection of a new client Messer oxygen production plant with a peak power of 6 MVA on Trata, which was included in the new 20 kV loop between Škofja Loka RTP and RP Trata. Within the Brnik airport complex, we have built a new 18-pipe cable sewage for the needs of both new and existing customers, which will be powered by the new Brnik RP that will be built in 2018. Priority was also invested in the reconstruction of 20 kV lines by cabling . Funds were allocated for the cabling of the 20 kV network in the area of Sorica, from Gosteče to Sora near Medvode, from Cerklje to Češnjevka and the villages below Krvavec, for cableway to Šmarjetna Gora, from Podljubelj to Ljubelj, etc. By doing this, we eliminated some of the most critical points on the 20 KV network, where frequent power failures occurred due to wind and ice. ■ Due to a somewhat smaller realization at HV facilities, we have increased the realization on low voltage facilities, especially in the field of regulating LVN cables in parts, where we carried out construction works in the past together with municipalities, thus creating a backup cable duct for subsequent needs. We also continued with this practice in municipalities that have already built their own communal infrastructure with their own or European funds. ■ In 2017, the trend of the increase in the number of new buildings and the increase in the connection power continued, which affected the larger extent of the expansion and strengthening of parts of the LV-network. Funds were also devoted to the processing of measuring points in accordance with the typification within the AMI project, thus simultaneously regulating the measuring points by individual facilities in accordance with the accepted typification. ■ There were 17 renewed and 22 new or replacement transformer stations built. ■ Around 95 km of low-voltage network in a predominantly cable version was renovated and newly built. ■ Instead of renewal of the power lines, they were reconstructed with newly constructed mediumvoltage cables with a total length of about 52 km. Result of constant and targeted investments is also reflected, among other things, in increasing the share of the network in the cable design. 76 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 Figure 47: Share of the network in the cable design from 2015 to 2017 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 2015 2016 2017 MV and HV voltage (%) LV voltage (%) The following figure shows figures about the construction of new or renovation of old transformer stations and low-voltage cable conduits from year 2013 to 2017. Figure 48: Construction of new or renovation of old transformer stations and low-voltage cable conduits from 2013 to 2017 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 95 66 60 58 - 35 47 45 17 31 39 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 I I Transformer stations Q^] LV cable conduits (km) Among other investments (€4 mio) the following were significant: ■ telecommunications and protection (initiating a transition to a new digital radio system for voice communications), ■ measuring devices (AMI project), ■ business and technical equipment, ■ implementation of CIM integration platform, ■ beginning of the renovation or integration of the new GIS, ■ automation of HE Sava and HE Skofja Loka, ■ installation of optimizers at MFE. As illustrated in the following figure, the group each year increases the share of measuring points in the remote measurement system. Growth of the share in year 2017 was 10.22 percentage points. Figure 49: Share of measuring points in the remote measurement system in years from 2015-2017 50 40 30 20 10 0 2015 2016 2017 Share of measuring points in the remote measurement system (%) 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 77 Sources for financing investments in year 2017 were the following: 5.5 Maintenance of energy facilities Elektro Gorenjska implements all tasks of the distribution network system operator in its geographical area. Among these tasks maintenance of electricity infrastructure is of special significance. We implement these tasks successfully mainly due to optimum organization and competences of employees, who are closely connected to everyday developments on the field. Knowing the local environment, local situation and organizing and deciding on all aspects of maintenance are the key to quality electricity supply today and in the future too. In year 2017 mainly preventive maintenance on the infrastructure was performed with the aim of reducing the likelihood of a failure of facility's component part or system, which is achieved with appropriate interventions executed according to the criteria, which are determined in advance. Preventive maintenance included inspection of electric power devices, execution of clearings in power lines and low-voltage overhead lines corridors, revision of transformer stations, switches, transformers, protection devices, carrying out control measurements and operating tests of protective devices and maintenance of machinery and equipment in all hydropower plants, while appropriate measurements were executed also on solar power plants and cogenerations. Preventive maintenance included inspection of the state of electric power devices, revision of machines and devices in hydroelectric power stations, as well as the implementation of control measurements, functional tests of the operation of devices and tests of the operation of protective devices in power plants. As in previous years also in the 2017 we continued to actively perform audits of transformer stations with the method of work under tension (DPN). Following charts show the share of contribution on the value of the indicators or simulation of the value thereof in the case, it would be necessary to carry out the work without power. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Figure 51: SAIFI - Average number of announced interruptions per customer in years □ SAIFI □ SAIFI DPN 78 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 Figure 52: SAIDI - Average time of duration of announced interruptions per customer in years DPN - live work DA - diesel generator 120 100 80 J 60 40 20 0 82 51 18 67 23 44 48 49 2012 2013 □ SAIDI Q SAIDI DPN Q SAIDI DA 2014 2015 2016 6,5 30 38 2017 2 0 Each year as part of routine maintenance we carry out approximately 300-350 audits transformer stations. As in the past few years, also in 2018, we plan to continue the implementation of audits in transformer stations with DPN method (work under voltage). Field of curative maintenance in year 2017 represented another kind of maintenance, which is unpredictable in terms of time and it can only be roughly estimated based on the past events. Reasons for failures were various, from weather conditions, failure of equipment to cause of damage by a third party. Problems were also caused by local storms and heavier downpours in summer months. In 2017, due to strong winds in December, major defects occurred in the area of Jezersko and Bohinj. We also need to stress the influence of modern technological devices and solutions, which technically ensure fulfillment of strict criteria of reliability of electricity supply and have an indirect effect also on reduction of maintenance costs. They undoubtedly include modern high and medium-voltage equipment, capturing data systems and distribution network remote control (RCC - remote control centers), automation of medium voltage network by remote control switches, systems of power quality registration, telecommunication systems, modern software and similar. » Each year as part of routine maintenance we carry out approximately from 300 to 350 audits transformer stations. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 79 1,600.00 1,400.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 g 800.00 0 ± 600.00 400.00 200.00 0 2013 1 I Curative Preventive 2014 2015 2016 2017 Figure 54: Changes in maintenance costs from 2013 to 2017 (in €) 5.6 Development and design In the field of research and development of distribution network provision there is a development service organized in Elektro Gorenjska Company within its business processes. This way the company ensures systematic use of knowledge acquired with research and also practical experience. Work scope provides necessary knowledge for the needs of development of new technologic solutions, systems, and processes of electricity distribution and other services, which the company is obliged to provide in accordance with its mission. Costs of scientific and research work related to development and design are presented also in the accounting report, chapter 15.5 - Costs of services. By preparing modern development plans the development service directsthe investmentsin new devicesand provides for suitablerenovationsofthe existing devices, mainly by introducing new and modern technologies. Tasks are performed in the following fields: ■ planning the consumption and production of electricity (making of development plans according to EZ-1, data processing for studies, conference papers, justifications and users, cooperation in preparing and processing of BTP and making of consumption and production prognoses), ■ development of Elektro Gorenjska network (cooperation in studies, planning, and processing of HV, MV, and LV networks, solutions for larger customers, network formation, studies' reviews and proposals of new ones, cooperation in preparing the conditions for connection to the network and counseling), ■ introduction of new technologies and typing (following and introducing new technologies and typing, preparing project works and cooperating in creation of concepts and plans). In Elektro Gorenjska Group business processes are implemented in accordance with the valid legislation, which prescribes the company to use modern technologies as well. For this purpose the group together with education institutions and companies with research departments in the field of electricity distribution technologies in accordance with the annual investment program introduces also new progressive products. Introduction of new technologies is conditional on the progress in the field of development, current demands of the company, and possibilities within the framework of annual investment programs. For the purposes of certain investments from the 2017 investment plan, different expert studies, preliminary studies, concepts, and different project documentation in the mentioned development fields have been made in cooperation with the education institutions. Investments, which foresaw acquisition of mentioned development documents, are for the most part technologically more demanding and are expected to cover the following investment fields: ■ field of 110 kV distribution lines, ■ field of 110 kV transformer stations, ■ field of 20 kV distribution networks (20 kV DV and cable network), ■ field of TP 20/0.4 kV (transformation station of 20 kV network), ■ field of LV distribution network, ■ field of telecommunications and control systems. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 80 In year 2017 preparation of development study REDOS 2040: development of electricity distribution network of Slovenia was taking place. In the field of development and implementation of modern distribution technologies, Elektro Gorenjska continues to actively participate in a series of research and development projects co-financed by the European Union. In 2017, the Story and TDX-ASSIST research and development project took place. In the Story project, Elektro Gorenjska is responsible for the implementation of two demonstration examples of the use of a larger power storage. Project is implemented by a consortium of 18 European partners on the basis of the obtained co-financing from the EU Commission tender-H2020-LCE-2014-3, Topic LCE-08-2014, Local / Small scale storage. Project explores and practically demonstrates state-of-the-art ways of storing energy in distribution networks. In the framework of the project, Elektro Gorenjska provides a demonstration environment for testing the technological solution for the use of a storage tank, which will in the future be indispensable for ensuring reliable and at the same time economically efficient distribution of electricity in conditions of high penetration of diffuse sources. In 2017, Elektro Gorenjska in a consortium of 13 partners started the TDX-ASSIST project (Coordination of Transmission and Distribution Data for eXchanges for renewable integration in the European marketplace through Advanced, Scalable and Secure ICT Systems and Tools), with particular attention to introducing and testing of state-of-the-art information and communication technologies in the framework of vertical connections between distribution and transmission network operators. Project envisages the two-phase implementation of the project objectives in a practical case of unloading the distribution network, also called Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR) or Dynamic Voltage Management (DVM). In the first phase, for the implementation of the foreseen functionalities an integration of existing technological systems will be carried out, and in the second phase the solution will be realized through the introduction of the CIM platform and the most up-to-date communication protocol MQTT. Demonstration example will allow real-time advanced system services to be provided and at the same time answer questions related to the practical implementation of information-communication solutions for the future. Elektro Gorenjska also actively participated in the preparation of project documentation and candidacy on one of the EU Horizon 2020 tenders. Figure 55: Information on the number of project documentation made from 2013 to 2017 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 331 330 248 264 63 58 49 261 53 80 2013 2014 2015 I I Foreign projects ("H Projects for Elektro Gorenjska 2016 2017 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 81 5.7 Financial performance criteria of the group 5.7.1 Significant indicators Safe level of indebtedness of the Group is monitored by the indicator, which expresses the ratio of NET FINANCIAL DEBT / EBITDA. As at 31 December 2017 this amounted to 2.3, which is the same as at the end of 2016. Degree of unacceptable indebtedness represents the value of the indicator that would exceed the value of 3.5. This commitment is used by some of the banks in the existing credit agreements. 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.6 2.6 2.3 2.3 1 2015 2016 2017 Plan 2017 Level of indebtedness 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.8 2015 2016 Current ratio 1.3 1.0 2017 nian 2017 Current ratio shows the solvency. In comparison with 2016 it is by 0.3 percentage points higher. Recommended value of the current ratio is equal to 1. Main activity of the Group is the provision of services for SODO and transmitting electricity infrastructure in the lease, under which we have provided the major part of regular monthly inflows, so we believe that the value of the indicator below 1 is still adequate and would not pose problems to the group in terms of its liquidity. Value of the indicator is largely influenced by short-term financial obligations, which represent the short-term part of long-term loans (amounts, which in accordance with the depreciation plans of loans mature throughout the next year and are smoothly and without delays settled from a positive operating cash flow), which are hired to provide constant investment in electricity infrastructure and from which, according to the regulation an appropriate yield is recognized as well. Profit ratios tell us that the group generated profits of €18.8 to €100 of achieved revenue, which was €0.3 of profit less than in 2016. Value added was in the group Elektro Gorenjska in relation to 2016 higher by 3.1 % as a result of lower costs of materials. Share of labor costs in value added was compared to 2016 higher by 0.6 percentage point. 34,000 33,000 32,000 o 31,000 o * 30,000 29,000 28,000 27,000 42.6 39.6 2015 2016 2017 Plan 2017 43.0 42.0 41.0 40.0 39.0 38.0 37.0 36.0 Value added was in the group Elektro Gorenjska in relation to 2016 higher by 3.1 % as a result of lower costs of materials. | | Value added (in €000) Share of labour costs in value added (in %) EBITDA as a proxy cash flow was in 2017 by €0.4 million higher than in 2016. EBIT as a result of the operations is by €0.2 million lower than in 2016. Profit before taxes was by €0.15 million lower than in 2016. Lower profit before tax, EBIT and EBITDA in 2017 were mainly due to lower operating revenues. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 82 Values of the indicators ROA and ROE is relatively low, but in regards of the industry, and regulation, in which the group operates, they are above average. It is a fact that the values of the indicator ROA adversely affect constant investments. At the same time it must be emphasized that only with constant investments we are able to pursue one of the tasks of the mission namely to provide quality and reliable electricity distribution. Reliability of power supply on the distribution network is measured by the indicators SAIDI and SAIFI (more on quality is explained in chapter 5.3 - Quality of electricity supply (Contract with SODO), the value of which is the best among the distribution companies and is the result of constant investment in electricity infrastructure. In order for the group to achieve value of ROA indicator higher by 0.1, it should realize either by €0.2 mio higher net profit or decrease the assets of the company by €4 mio. 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 5.1 3.3 4.9 3.3 3.1 2015 2016 2017 — ROA (%) — ROE (%) Vrednost kazalnikov ROA in ROE 4.2 2.8 Plan 2017 1410,000 130,000 120,000 H0,000 000,000 90,000 £50,000 136,901 136,432 177,077 104,105 107,290 H2,530 93,805 2015 2016 2017 Plan 2017 Operating revenue and value added per employee Operating revenue per employee in year 2017 amounted to €136,432 and were by 0.3 % lower than in year 2016. Value added per employee in year 2017 amounted to €107,290 and was by 3.1 % higher than in 2016, which is the result of lower costs material and lower average number of employees. 5.7.2 Structure of assets and liabilities Figure 56: Changes in balance sheet total in the period 2015-2017 235,000 230,000 225,000 220,000 215,000 210,000 205,000 200,000 2015 | | Balance sheet total (in €000) 2016 2017 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 83 Assets On the last day of year 2017 the assets of Elektro Gorenjska Group amounted to €232,098,882 (31. 12. 2016: €222,130,774) and have increased by 4.5 % compared to the balance on the last day of year 2016. Long-term assets increased by 2.6 % in year 2017, while short-term assets increased by 32.9 %. 240,000 220,000 200,000 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 Figure 57: Structure of assets as of 31. 12. 2017 and 31. 12. 2016 2017 2016 | | Long-term assets (in €000) Q^] Short-term assets (in €000) Long-term assets represent 92.0 % of all group's assets. Among them tangible fixed assets representing 94.7 % of all long-term assets are the most important. Value of tangible fixed assets increased by 2.5 % or by €4,988 thousand in year 2017. Besides tangible fixed assets long-term assets also consist of the following categories (explained in more detail in chapter 14 - Notes on statement of financial position): ■ intangible fixed assets, which increased by €235 thousand in 2017, ■ investment property, whose value decreased by 2.3 % or €52 thousand, ■ long-term financial investments, whose value in year 2017 decreased by 0.3 % or by €23 thousand, and ■ long-term operating receivables, whose value increased by €235 thousand, ■ other long-term assets which decreased by 46.3 % or €38 thousand, and ■ deferred tax assets in the amount of €29 thousand. Capital and debts As at 31 December 2017 Elektro Gorenjska Group reached a ratio between equity and debt capital in the amount of 2:1, which is similar as at the end of year 2016. In the structure of liabilities capital represents 66.8 % of the entire balance sheet total. In year 2017, capital increased by 3.6 % or by €5,377 thousand. Long-term liabilities, mostly long-term banking credits, represented as of 31. 12. 2017 27.0 % of all funds. In year 2017 they increased by 6.7 % €3,954 thousand. Short-term liabilities represented 6.2 % of all funds and have increased by 4.6 % or €637 thousand in year 2017. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 84 5.7.3 Structure of revenue and expenditure In year 2017 Elektro Gorenjska Group achieved a pre-tax profit in the amount €7,997,828. Figure 59: Composition of profit or loss (in €) 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 -1,000,000 8,098,063 8,150,446 7,997,828 2015 I I Operating result Financial result 2016 Pre-tax profit 2017 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 As can be seen from the picture above, profit before tax is mainly affected by the operating profit, above all the basic activities Contract with SODO and electricity production. Figure 60: Operating profit or loss (in €) in the period 2015-2017 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 6,603, 8,601,106 8,383,905 2015 2016 2017 I I Operating revenues Q^] Operating expenses — Operating result 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Operating profit or loss for year 2017 amounted to €8,383,905. Compared to year 2016 it was by €217 thousand lower, both due to lower operating income and higher operating expenses. Somewhat worse operating results was mainly due to worse hydrology and, consequently, lower production and sale of electricity. Structure of operating expenditure for years 2017 and 2016 is shown in the figure below: Figure 61: Structure of operating expenditure 2 % 3 % Year 2017 Year 2016 | | Write-offs Labour costs Costs of goods, material and services Other operating expenses 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 85 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 2015 2016 I I Financial revenues Financial expenses Financial result 2017 2.000,000 1.500,000 1.000,000 500,000 0 -500,000 -1,000,000 Figure 62: Financial result in the period 2015-2017 (in €) Financial result in year 2017 was negative and it amounted to €-386,076. Negative result is mainly influenced by interest for loans received from banks for financing investment and interest due to interest rate swap (interest rate hedging). 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 7,239,406 7,194,476 6,974,762 2015 2016 | | Pre-tax profit Income tax Deferred taxes Net profit 2017 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Figure 63: Net profit in the period 2015-2017 (in €) 5.7.4 Cash flow statement in € Cash flows from operating activities Cash flows from investing Cash flows from financing activities Change in cash and cash equivalents 2016 18,692,934 18,180,524 -15,231,292 -16,816,873 889,956 -586,781 4.351,598 776,870 Table 14: Change in cash and cash equivalents In 2017 Group Elektro Gorenjska increased the value of cash and cash equivalents by €3.6 million, as it the positive cash flow from operating and financing activities was higher than the negative cash flows from investing. Negative cash flow from investing was due to investments, as the industry in which the Elektro Gorenjska Group operates is technologically very intensive. New acquisitions of intangible and tangible assets were mainly financed by drawing on long-term loans in the amount of €10 mio, and partly funded by the positive cash flow from operations. Outflows from financing activities mainly represent expenditures for the repayment of financial liabilities, and are increased by the payment of dividends and the repurchase of own shares. Proceeds from the financing the group needed to meet the investment plan. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 86 6 MARKETING AND SALES In accordance with the development plans we carry out the necessary investments in the electricity network to provide reliable and quality supply of electricity to users in the area of Gorenjska region. Annually we perform more than 350 investment projects in regulated activities, which are aimed at improving the living conditions of customers and allow further development in the Gorenjska region. We also offer end-users some marketing services in different areas, namely: ■ Implementation of power checks, energy advisory service and solutions for more efficient use of electricity We advise our users, implement various types of energy sources and consumption analysis, we create programs with measures of consumption management and efficient electricity use and prepare appropriate investment documentation. Service is particularly interesting for business users. ■ Implementation of different planning services For users we create complete project documentation for all electricity power facilities, underground and overhead power lines of all voltages, transformer stations (TP, RP, RTP), and low-voltage connecting conduits with account measurements. We advise and help in preparing main files and urbanism of energy facilities, planning of cogeneration units, hydro power and solar power plants, projects for public and street lighting, preparation of projects for electricity infrastructure of industrial, commercial, trade and/or residential zones, and we also cooperate in preparation of electrical installations in buildings. In 2017, the impact of economic growth was also reflected in the number of prepared design services. We carried out 330 projects for our own needs and 80 for external subscribers. ■ Execution of maintenance and works of power facilities and devices by using modern technologies, knowledge and years of experience We offer competitive services in the field of work performance for all types of transformer stations 10-20/0,4 kV, low- and medium-voltage underground and overhead power lines, low-voltage connections for all types of consumption, relocations, recoveries and reconstructions of electricity power facilities, devices and lines. In the field of electricity power facilities and devices maintenance we offer contractual implementation of regular checks, measurements and audits of transformer stations, connection-measuring points, devices and lines on the low- and medium-voltage level by monitoring operational state and record keeping. We offer users also implementation of live work on low-and medium-voltage levels. This method acquires significance over the years, in 2017 we carried out 61 live works, of which 26 on the LV level, and 35 on the MV level, where we were cleaning the MV devices. ■ Implementation of various types of measurements We implement voltage quality measurements under the standard SIST EN50160, load diagrams and measurements on electricity power cables using VLF method. We have a special vehicle fitted with fault-finding and diagnostic equipment on LV and MV cable conduits. We also implement calibration and security settings of separation as well as other protection for hydro and solar power plants and other dispersed production, and inspections of electrical power elements by thermo-vision. ■ Efficient energy use projects Among the projects of energy efficiency the most important are projects of the so-called contractual assurance of energy savings. Contractual assurance of energy savings is a contractual obligation to exploit the available economic potential for energy savings, including financing measures necessary for efficient energy use. Contractor shall assume all the costs of the design, financing and implementation of energy efficiency measures, and investments shall be reimbursed in the form of a share in the achieved reduction in energy costs, which is a consequence of the implementation of energy efficiency measures. Contracts are usually concluded for a period of 5 to 15 years, depending on the business interest of the entities. At the end of the contract the owner or the user of the infrastructure gets the entire amount of saved energy costs, while they need to re-assume the costs of operation of the devices. Gorenjske elektrarne have successfully implemented many such projects through several projects of changing the lighting, replacement of compressed air compressors and in the field optimization of measuring points. For most projects, the company also acquired grant funds. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 87 ■ Energy management Within the product the customers are offered identification of measures to reduce consumption and reduce energy costs, the implementation of these measures, implementation and financing of the project at no cost to the client and making recommendations to optimize consumption and reduce energy costs. After the successful implementation the provider and the client share a technically demonstrable savings namely depending on whether the project required investments or not, and for how many years the contract on the implementation of measures is concluded. For this purpose, own information system GEKenergija was also developed, which is designed to control the energy flows in the company and provide support to the energy and environmental management, and allows for continuous cost management. In 2018 we will continue developing the application in terms of reporting system with the purpose of the application representing a unique tool for physical and cost control of energy flows in buildings. ■ E-mobility E-mobility represents a relatively new concept of sustainable and environmentally friendly mobility. Strategic development of the infrastructure and networks of electric vehicles are also encouraged by the European Union with the directives and objectives to which they are committed by all EU members, as well as Slovenia with its vision of the transition to a low-carbon society by 2050. In the area of greenhouse gas reduction, one of the European Union's (EU) targets is also 20 million electric vehicles on world roads by 2020. In order to encourage the introduction of electric cars, we decided to buy the first electric car Kangoo ZE, for which we received the approval of Eco Fund subsidies. To drive the electric car we will use green electricity produced from our own production facilities with zero carbon footprint. In 2015, we invested in building the first green station for quick charging of electric cars on the location of the shopping center Merkur Primskovo in Kranj. In year 2017 we added this one another ten own e-charging stations, and started managing another four. In 2017 we established a back office and connected to the SUPP system managed by Elektro Ljubljana. We plan further increase of our own network of e-charging stations, and offer the e-charging stations management also to the wider market. ■ Other market services We offer users rental of diesel generators to the power of 550 kilowatts and rental of working vehicles with a lift or hydraulic platform for working at height. » In accordance with the development plans we carry out the necessary investments in the electricity network to provide reliable and quality supply of electricity to users in the area of Gorenjska region. Annually we perform more than 350 investment projects in regulated activities, which are aimed at improving the living conditions of customers and allow further development in the Gorenjska region. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 88 7 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES Appropriate IT support is a precondition of a successful operation of the company. In 2017 we successfully carried out the transition to the new information system ERP in the company GEK Vzdrževanje and started the switch to a new information system in the subsidiary company Gorenjske elektrarne. In year 2018, all companies in Elektro Gorenjska Group will operate with their own and modern information system, which enables more efficient and, in particular, more economical management of the group. The CIM project has been successfully completed, which will enable Elektro Gorenjska to connect data from all IT solutions into a common data bus in the future. In addition to the aforementioned project, it is necessary to emphasize the successful integration of information support for the segment of insolvent procedures and enforcement, where we successfully completed the computerization of both processes. We have also successfully informatised the information of users during maintenance work and the process of determining the design list. In 2017 the company also started the renovation of the information platform of the geographic information system. Along with the modernization of the ERP information system, the upgrade of the disk array and the replacement of server equipment were performed at the central location of the controlling company. Replaced equipment will be used as spare equipment at a spare location. In addition to the information, the company also upgraded the telecommunication network. In 2017, the digitalization of the radio part of the communication network was entirely completed. At the base stations, the (digitized) remote control system was upgraded. System of radio-based voice communications was completely replaced. Almost all microwave radio connections between base stations were replaced and updated. Latter offer the data backbone for further upgrade of communication with terminal devices (counters, measuring centres, remote control ...) through the new M2M BWA system. A project has also begun to renovate both communication technologies and terminal devices for the needs of protection and management of the high and medium voltage network. With the implementation of the tender for the supply and installation of the container data centre, which was carried out in 2017, we will contribute significantly to the reliability of the operation of both the communication and information system. At the end of 2017, in the framework of the reorganization of the company, we established an independent organizational unit of Informatics Services, thus laying the foundation for even greater orientation of the group towards informatization, automation of processes in the company, and the digitization of the company and the group. » Appropriate IT support is a precondition of a successful operation of the company. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 9 B SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Elektro Gorenjska Group set its sustainable development clearly - with set goals, environmental strategy integrated with the business strategy, and achieved results clearly presented. Group operates according to the system that we demonstrate our responsibility where we operate. Today's cooperation must enable conditions for the quality of life to the future generations too. We realize that through energy. 8.1 Care for employees Carefully planned recruitment policy, striving for continuous development and education of employees, effective reward system, and monitoring the commitment and employee satisfaction and measurement of organizational culture, are the main guidelines of the personnel management in the group Elektro Gorenjska. Our employees are our strategic advantage, so colleagues are stimulated to follow the group's strategy and to be innovative in searching for opportunities and discovering new ways in the times of quick changes. As we want to become learning organizations we stress equality, open information, and organization culture, which stimulates cooperation and with it occurrence of ideas anywhere in group, so we are able to find opportunities faster and adapt to changes. We place great emphasis on interpersonal communication. Collaboration among employees actively creates the best conditions for work, including conditions to facilitate the achievement of personal and business goals. We want every employee in the group to do what they are best at. 8.1.1 Demographic structure in the group On 31 December 2017 Elektro Gorenjska Group had 308 employees. Compared to the situation as at 31 December 2016, number of employees increased by 1 workers. There were ten terminations of employment, of which 4 retirements. In this year we had 11 new employments. On 31 December 2017 the group had 6.16 % employees employed with fixed-term employment, which is by less than 2 percent more than in year 2016. In year 2018 the number of employees will remain at approximately the same level. 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 340 277 31 32 MI 2013 344 281 31 32 ML 305 307 308 275 30 a 277 30 M 280 15 13 ■_ 2014 2015 2016 2017 Figure 64: Changes in the number of employees from 2013 to 2017 | | Elektro Gorenjska Gorenjske elektrarne Elektro Gorenjska Prodaja / ECE GEK Vzdrževanje Group On 1 January 2017 part of activities (GEK Vzdrževanje) was spin-out of Gorenjske elektrarne. Besides the parent company Elektro Gorenjska and subsidiary Gorenjske elektrarne the Group includes also GEK Vzdrževanje. At the end of year there were 78.25 % of men and 21.75 % of women employed in the Group. If we exclude Elektro Gorenjska Prodaja Company, which is no longer a member of the group and whose structure was predominantly female, the percentage is entirely comparable with the previous years and closely connected with the primary activity of all three companies. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 90 Average age of employees in the group is increasing. At the end of the year it was 44.8 years, which is by 0.7 year higher according to the previous year. This shows the fact that employees are retiring later. Analysis of groups of employees according to age shows that in year 2017 there were the most employees in the age group between 46 and 55 years, namely 35 % of all employees. Older age structure in GEK Vzdrževanje Company has the strongest impact on older age groups as there 85 % of all employees belong to the last two age groups. Figure 65: Shares of employees in Elektro Gorenjska Group according to age groups 1 % | | To 25 years Q^] From 26 to 35 years Q^] From 36 to 45 years Q^] From 46 to 55 years Q^] Over 55 years 8.1.2 Employment Human resources planning is a constituent part of strategic and annual plan of the companies. We seek to gain ambitious and professional new workers. In the process of selection and choice of employees to all candidates we provide equal opportunities, regardless of gender or other circumstances. With the purpose of better recognition of job-seekers and possibility of candidate selection we have prepared an employment questionnaire, which can be found on the individual company's web sites. High school and faculty students are given opportunity to do compulsory practical training and occasional student work. This way they get to know the company and work, while we meet potential job candidates. Development, changes, and needs of the work process request more and more of knowledge and high level of competence of our employees therefore we mainly employ highly educated staff. Figure 66: Share of new employees with at least high professional level of education at the time of employment 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 66.67 % 40.00 % 66.67 % 50.00 % 63.64 % 100.00 % 45.45 % 100.00 % 75.00 % 37.50 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 50.00 % 41.67 % 100.00 % 66.67 % 50.00 % | | Elektro Gorenjska Gorenjske elektrarne Elektro Gorenjska Prodaja / ECE Group Throughout the years we have been keeping the high share of employees from electro-technical fields and of electro-technical and engineering fields in Gorenjske elektrarne Company and GEK Vzdrževanje Company, as they are closely related to the main activities of the companies. Fluctuation of personnel in the Group is small. Fluctuation mainly emerges due to departure of workers for retirement and to lower extent also due to fixed-term employments. Fixed-term employments are used with increased volume of work or due to substitution of the worker. Very rarely individuals decide for the termination of the employment contracts on their own. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 91 2013 2014 2015 2016 Elektro Gorenjska 2.13 % 1.41 % 2.83 % 2.82 % Table 15: Fluctuation rate in Elektro Gorenjska Group 2.10 % Gorenjske elektrarne 6.06 % 3.13 % 6.25 % 3.23 % 11.76 % Elektro Gorenjska Prodaja 5.88 % 3.03 % GEK Vzdrževanje - - - - 13.33 % Group 2.87 % 1.72 % 3.17 % 2.86 % 3.14 % 8.1.3 Employment of persons with disabilities On 31. 12. 2017 there were 7 disabled persons employed in the group. In accordance with the statutory quota of employing disabled persons, which amounts to 6 % for Elektro Gorenjska, the group would have to employ approximately 17 disabled persons. In year 2017 by signing the contract with two social enterprises Elektro Gorenjska made use of the possibility of claiming replacement quota fulfilment for 33 disabled persons. Companies Gorenjske elektrarne and GEK Vzdrževanje both employed less than 20 workers in 2017, so they were not subject to the quota. ELEKTRO GORENJSKE GEK GORENJSKA ELEKTRARNE VZDRŽEVANJE Table 16: Information on disabled employees 2016 2017 2016 2017 2017 Number of employed disabled persons as at 31. 12. 7 7 0 0 0 Number of disabled persons for contribution as at 31. 12. 10 10 2 0 0 Amount of contribution in a year 52,030 49,022 12,177 0 0 Number of realized disabled persons in year, based on contracts with social enterprises 24 33 0 0 0 Worker with a recognized category of disability is secured an appropriate position of employment in accordance with the decision of the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute mainly by the reorganization of the working process. So far we were able to ensure suitable jobs and preserve employments to all disabled persons. 8.1.4 Education Much attention is given to the appropriate staff education. Employees receive various forms of education and vocational training, with a large proportion of them being in the field of health and safety at work. Because of the specific branch in which we operate, the employees are obliged to regularly restore the professional examinations required by the work with power supply equipment. We are proud of our colleagues, who finish education and acquire higher level of education along with their working and family obligations. If only possible, we enable them work at a more demanding position, where new knowledge can be used and they are able to invest into their own progress and the progress of the company. We wish to introduce into the organizational culture a wish for constant, permanent training, improvement, and education. Proof that we have actually stimulated the employees for that is in their great interest for education. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 92 Table 17: Education and trainings from 2015 to 2017 Item description 2015 2016 Employees on trainings (in %) 76.05 90.55 81.11 Average number of training days per average number of employees (days) 2.26 days 2.36 days 2.82 days Costs of education and training per employee (in €) 335 322 398 Number of employees acquiring higher level of education on the basis of education contract 8 9 10 Figure 67: Review of the scope of training in the number of days and number of trainings Within the strategic project Managing of the organizational culture, which is defined also in the revised strategy of Elektro Gorenjska Company 2016-2020, in year 2017 we continued with trainings for the Heads in the field of managing the soft skills, while employees that are in constant contact with the customers received workshops on telephone communication. In order to optimize financial resources we make use of various offers for free trainings and transfer of knowledge between employees. In the category transfer of knowledge we also include sharing of experiences, familiarizing employees with innovations and cooperation between employees at work. Greater involvement of employees in education with fewer costs is being achieved also through the use of e- learning and encouraging employees to independently search for information or data. We take care of proper filing and accessibility of materials that employees receive on trainings. We have an electronic library, which is located on the internal website and material libraries in individual companies, which store the material obtained by employees in seminars and other kinds of trainings. 1,050 1,000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 710 687 1,000 867 697 670 2014 Total number of training days 2015 Total number of records 2016 2017 Satisfaction of participants with trainings and their efficiency is monitored by a questionnaire, which each participant is required to complete. » Within the strategic project Managing of the organizational culture, which is defined also in the revised strategy of Elektro Gorenjska Company 2016-2020, in year 2017 we continued with trainings for the Heads in the field of managing the soft skills. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 93 8.1.5 Educational structure of employees Average level of education has been increasing with years, mainly due to new employments of highly competent workers and education of employees to acquire higher levels of education. Table 18: Educational structure of employees in Elektro Gorenjska Group as at 31. 12. 2017 Elektro Gorenjska Gorenjske elektrarne GEK Vzdrževanje Group Level of education 31. 12. 2017 Number Structure (%) Number Structure (%) Number Structure (%) Number Structure (%) Doctoral level (9) 2 0.7 % 1 6.7 % 0 0.0 % 3 1.0 % Master's degree (8) 18 6.4 % 2 13.3 % 0 0.0 % 20 6.5 % University level (7/2) 54 19.3 % 6 40.0 % 1 7.7 % 61 19.8 % Graduate level (7/1) 39 13.9 % 3 20.0 % 1 7.7 % 43 14.0 % Post-secondary level (6) 44 15.7 % 2 13.3 % 0 0.0 % 46 14.9 % Secondary level (5) 74 26.4 % 1 6.7 % 8 61.5 % 83 26.9 % Three-year vocational level (4) 49 17.5 % 0 0.0 % 3 23.1 % 52 16.9 % Two-year vocational level (3) 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % Primary school (1) 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % Total employees 280 100.0 % 15 100.0 % 13 100.0 % 308 100.0 % Average level of education in Elektro Gorenjska Group as at 31 December 2017 amounted to 6.16 - with level 6 representing high-school education. Level of education in the group stayed the same according to the previous year. 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 6.03 6.12 6.09 [—6.16 16 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Figure 68: Average level of education in companies and Elektro Gorenjska Group from 2013 to 2017 | | Elektro Gorenjska Gorenjske elektrarne Elektro Gorenjska Prodaja GEK Vzdrževanje Group 6 8.1.6 Employee motivation and remuneration Offering privileges is one of the segments in employee remuneration whose aim is to increase employee satisfaction and improve the quality of work. Employee remuneration is connected also with reassignments. In employees we are looking for creative potentials, that is why knowledge and skills of the employees are remunerated with progress of their professional career. This way we try to preserve high level of motivation and increase competitiveness of the internal labor market. Departures from the companies are mainly substituted by internal reassignments, above all with more demanding, managing or professional posts. This way we preserve internal inclusion of the employees and assuming of larger responsibility. In accordance with the needs of the working process we increase occupancy of more demanding jobs. Changes are much more frequent in Elektro Gorenjska Company than in its subsidiaries due to diversity of activities and higher number of employees. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 94 Whenever there is a need for employment in managerial posts, we usually offer the opportunity to already employed workers. Whenever possible we also try to listen to our coworkers that wish to change the field of work. Individual worker's performance is established at the annual interview, where the Head and the employee go through the realization of tasks and goals and achievement of requested competences set at the previous annual interview. From our employees we expect initiative in the field of giving proposals. Based on the systematic measures in this field, mainly in the adopted Rules on innovation, several innovation proposals have occurred. We also implement mentorship for newly employed workers, who already have experience but do not know the company, its operation and details from their new job, or for workers that change their field of work entirely within the company. 8.1.7 Annual interviews One of the most scheduled methods of acquiring feedback is definitely annual interview. Reasons for the implementation of annual interviews are: ■ employees can find out how they are doing, where they are, and where they are going; ■ it gives employees a chance to express their opinion, ideas, and viewpoints; ■ employees get a real opportunity for a detailed interview about their work, can talk about their future in the company, and say how they see their progress; ■ employees get acquainted with their opportunities and possibilities in the company and at the same time motivated for better performance; ■ Head can establish employees' attitude to work and needs for training, as well as become aware of the employees thinking about what they are doing well and what could be done better; ■ annual interviews enable that employees together with the Head discover eventual deficiencies in work processes, which can be improved in the next years by the company. Interviews are a rough estimate of the achievement of the objectives, tasks and competences for the past year and the setting of objectives for the next year and plan of training and development of employees. Each year the process of implementation of the annual interviews lasts for 3 months, 96 % of the interviews were carried out. 8.1.8 Organizational culture Strategy of Elektro Gorenjska Company for period 2016-2020 defines the strategic project Managing of organizational culture, which aims at establishing a constructive organizational culture among employees. Gorenjske elektrarne and GEK Vzdrževanje joined this strategic project as well. In year 2013 we analyzed the actual situation and we set the concept of ideal organizational culture that we want to achieve. With the help of quality tools the companies' management defined expected behaviors of employees, with emphasis on constructive behaviors styles marked with orange in the figure. We measured organizational culture once again in year 2017, this time we made no changes to the ideal culture and we are still following the one set out in 2013. This means that we expect inclusion, cooperation, assuming of responsibility and target orientation from our employees. Such behaviors will contribute to their self-realization, higher commitment and growth, and organizational efficiency. Passive defensive styles and aggressive defensive styles of behaviors should be represented as little as possible. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 95 Analysis of the responses from the questionnaires in year 2013 revealed a gap between the ideal and the actual culture. Based on the results of the survey conducted in 2017, this gap is smaller, but it still exists. We established that increasing the constructive behavior and reducing passive defensive and aggressive defensive behaviors will be reached most effectively through quality management and highest involvement of employees in solving business challenges, work processes, making decisions and assuming responsibility. That is why in the period of the strategic project we educated the Heads with soft skills trainings. We measured with the M/I tool what their influence on coworkers was. By using the HOW model we try to include all employees in the solving of business challenges. With personal coaching in year 2016 in Elektro Gorenjska we raised the education of management and Heads to a higher level. We continued with this practice in 2017 by including more Heads on lower levels as well and in form of team coaching sessions, we expanded that to more than a half of the employees. 8.1.9 Employee satisfaction and commitment We ensure that employees feel comfortable in their working environment. Feedback on comprehension of a working environment and relations in the company is received from employees by anonymous survey on the satisfaction. This way with colleagues we actively create optimal conditions for work, thus also the conditions to facilitate the achievement of personal and professional business goals. Our goal is that everyone does what they are the best in. By implementing various measures we try to rectify the established negative effects. In year 2017 we measured the level of commitment only in Elektro Gorenjska. In recent years, we have measured the commitment criteria alone, while in 2016 we have for the first time used the Gallup methodology. Gallup is one of the best and most experienced global companies in the field of analysing and increasing the commitment of employees, which has been present in over 20 world countries for more than 80 years and has more knowledge in this field than any other company in the world. Figure 70: Commitment of employees in Elektro Gorenjska in year 2017, compared with Slovenian and the best global organizations I I Actively committed Q^] Uncommitted Q^] Actively uncommitted 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 96 Gorenjske elektrarne Company was included in the survey for the last time in 2014, so commitment of the employees in the Group is presented for that year. Figure 71: Commitment of employees in Elektro Gorenjska Group in year 2014, compared with Actively uncommitted global and Slovenian organizations Uncommitted 21 % 18 % 10 % ] 7 % 1 7 % Committed 55 % J 49 % 48 % U 37 % 24 % 33 % 42 % U 56 % 67 % | | Average in Slovenia Q^] Average of global organization (according to Gallup) Q^] Best in Slovenia | | 2014 GROUP EG Q^] Best global organizations (according to Gallup) Results of the surveys carried out in the Group show that compared to Slovenian organizations the company has a higher percentage of committed employees. Committed employees are highly loyal, have a positive attitude to quality and to control processes, while the company provides them with superior working environment with an effective system of education. Compared with the best third of the global companies in the coming years we will try to reduce the actively uncommitted and uncommitted in favor of an increase in the proportion of committed employees. We certainly contributed to the increase of the employee satisfaction by acquiring the full certificate Family-friendly Company. Company Gorenjske elektrarne did not accede to obtain the certificate, but it signed a mutual agreement and bound to implementation of all measures parent company adopted. 8.1.10 Relations between employees and management in the Group Management pays particular attention to the dialogue with different representations of the employees. There are two unions operating within the Group. Each company has formed its works council, which provides for appropriate information and chance of submitting the opinions of all employees. Cooperation with the bodies takes place in the form of regular sessions between the company's management and representatives of union and works council. Sessions are convened at least once in three months, if necessary also more frequently. There are always chairman of the board or the vice president and a member of the management present at the sessions. This way it is additionally taken care of the employee information about the operation of the companies, current activities, and plans for the future. The persons present at these sessions can express their initiatives, opinions, and highlight problems the employees face every day. Companies have a signed Company agreement with the two unions and an agreement on the manner of cooperation of the workers in company management with the works council. Both documents precisely define the rights and obligations of the partners, which further contributes to good cooperation between the representatives of the union, works council, and management, which all together contributes to better social security of all employees. Representatives of employees and trade union representatives actively participated in agreeing on rights from employment, organizing and amending acts and taking care of employees in accordance with their way of working. In addition to enforcing regular legal rights, trade unions also take care of the social life of employees. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 97 8.1.11 Care for employees and related groups outside working hours In the Elektro Gorenjska Group, in 2017, support was provided to employees in various ways, including in activities outside the working environment. We paid particular attention to the children of employees and pensioners. The regulation and implementation of the principle of social security of employees is part of the group's business policy. One of the segments that takes care of the good social status of employees is also the joint decision of the partners to agree on the financing of supplementary pension insurance for employees in the energy sector and thus also in the Elektro Gorenjska Group. All employees in the group are also accidentally insured. Inclusion in the retirement plan (PN1 K) - voluntary supplementary pension insurance - increases the social security of employees in retirement age. 8.1.12 Communication with employees In the group conducting effective internal communication with employees is demanding, since employees are located in different locations, as well as perform various types of work in the field. Consequently, direct and indirect communication channels for communicating with employees are used. Direct communication is carried out on meetings and events, which are annually organized for employees (Company Day, New Year's employee party, sports games, etc.). Due to the diversity of jobs events are an opportunity for socializing and getting to know the employees who do not work together on a daily basis. In the Group we publish: ■ internal gazette Elgo, which is received by employees, pensioners, and scholarship holders. Once a year it is forwarded also to our business partners. In the Gazette we present current events and projects of the company, and provide also documentary, education, culture, art, sport, and social contents; ■ E-monthly is sent to all employees to their electronic inboxes every first Friday of the month. It provides updated information about important events, projects and other activities in Elektro Gorenjska Group. To communicate with the employees we use: ■ Intranet which is intended for information to employees about activities of the companies in Elektro Gorenjska Group. It serves as a tool to access key programs and applications, presents information and content about the company that employees need daily to perform their tasks. ■ Due to the diversity of the employees work traditional notice boards are intended for those employees who spent most of their time on site due to the nature of their work (field work). ■ Gazette of electricity generating industries Naš stik, which is published by Elektro Slovenia, offers the employees a wider perspective on comprehension of energy industry we operate in. Our Head of corporate communication is a member of the newspaper council and it is her task to make sure the company is well presented on its pages. 8.1.13 Connecting the employees and wider community We stay in touch with our employees even when they retire. We inform them about the novelties through our internal gazette Elgo, we also invite them to different events related with the activities of the companies. 8.1.14 Health and safety at work Safe and health innocuous work contributes significantly to the company's successful operations and improves performance. Bad conditions in workplaces can lead to undesirable consequences: injuries at work, health disorders, illness, excessive stress, etc. The Health and Safety at Work Service of Elektro Gorenjska is therefore constantly in charge of adequate and safe working conditions, and draws attention to compliance with safety rules at work that employees perform. We had five accidents at work in Elektro Gorenjska, d.d., in year 2017. All injuries were lighter. Cause of the four injuries was mechanical factors, such as falls of objects, work equipment and walking. One injury occurred due to electric shock when the worker came into contact with the low voltage section at the transformer station. 98 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 Due to work-related injuries workers were absent from work in a total of 105 working days, which is less than in year 2016. Quality indicator of frequency of injuries telling us what percent of workers were injured amounted to 1.7 %. Quality indicator telling us the number of lost working days per injury amounted to 21 days. Charts below represent data showing number of injuries at work in Elektro Gorenjska, gravity of injuries and frequency of injuries compared to electricity distribution of Slovenia. Figure 72: Number of accidents at work 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 | | Accidents at work 6 5 4 3 2 Figure 73: Gravity of injuries 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 I 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 | | Elektro Gorenjska Q^] Slovenian electricity distribution - average Figure 74: Frequency of injuries 3.0 2.5 2.0 Î 1.5 er 1 1.0 0.5 0.0 2013 2014 2015 | | Elektro Gorenjska Slovenian electricity distribution - average 2016 2017 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 99 Besides the health and safety at work service in the past year the safety and health at work was watched over also by the Health and Safety at Work Council, which: ■ discussed new legislation in the field of occupational safety and health and integrated it into the company's working environment, ■ address dangerous events and propose measures to remedy irregularities and deficiencies, ■ dealt with injuries at work occurring in our and other power distribution companies, ■ carried out an internal audit in terms of safety and health at work and realized all recommendations of external and internal assessment. What important things await us in year 2018? In the field of training from the point of view of safe and healthy work, in 2018, we are waiting for the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of occupational safety and health and the extension of worker authorization. Based on job risk assessment, certain employees will also be trained to provide first aid at workplaces. In the field of work equipment checks we are waiting for an overview of all work equipment used for safe operation on power plants. These are voltage testers, grounding sets and insulation bars. We are also awaiting annual reviews of personal protective equipment for work at height, vehicles with lifting baskets, mobile cranes and a bridge lift in a warehouse. In the context of health care, we will continue to carry out preventive medical examinations, carry out TBE and influenza vaccinations and inspections of pigment marks on skin intended for field workers who will want it. We will continue with our efforts of purchasing high quality personal protective equipment which workers will be happy to wear or use. Within the framework of the Task Force on Safety and Health at Work and Fire Safety (within GIZ), we will work together to develop new Safety Rules for Construction and Assembly Work and Safety Guidelines. We will try to bring the level of safety and health at work in Elektro Gorenjska to an even higher level. Challenge that awaits us in the future is to make sure the employees feel in their hearts and understand that health is our greatest asset and the energy that they possess. 8.2 Concern for the environment Proper and responsible environmental management is included in the strategic guidelines of Elektro Gorenjska Company. It is based on adopted environmental policies and sustainable development guidelines; results and progress in this area are monitored through measurable environmental indicators. Systematic approach to environmental management is provided within the Environmental Management Council on the basis of the principles of the ISO 14001 standard, and the success of the results can be influenced by every employee in their everyday work, taking into account internal instructions. An external assessments of the acquired standards are conducted annually in the company. Objectives of the Environmental Management Council (SRO) include: ■ prevention of environment pollution on locations of power facilities and works related (spills of dangerous oils); ■ control of individual effects by measurements and with it taking into account noise, radiation and light pollution; ■ encouraging employees to separate waste collection in order to reduce the quantities of the remaining disposed waste; ■ rational use of energy. 8.2.1 Management of important environmental aspects in year 2017 In addition to regular activities that include monitoring of changes in environmental legislation, introduction of necessary changes and optimizations in implementation processes, awareness raising of employees and external operators and implementation of environmental programs objectives, the most important achievement in 2017 was the adaptation of the environmental management system to the new standard ISO 14001:2015. Certificate was received in November after the successfully implemented external assessment of quality management system in October. An important novelty 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 100 required by the new standard in comparison with the previous standard ISO 14001:2004 is monitoring the life cycle of the product or service. It covers the entire life cycle from the extraction of raw materials and the processing of materials, transport, manufacture, distribution, use, maintenance and repairs all the way to the final disposal at the landfill or decommissioning. In the company Elektro Gorenjska, we monitor 14 environmental indicators, which were not significantly changed in the previous year. Their values are mostly within the intended objectives. In examining and assessing environmental aspects for 2018, we will also identify the possibilities of fulfilment and optimization of the life cycle in each aspect in order to reduce the overall environmental impact as much as possible. Waste management We provide for integrated control of useful and useless waste. Useful waste is forwarded to agents, which use them for further processing. Similarly organized is also collection of paper and cardboard packaging as well as used toners and cartridges, which are sent for ecologic further processing. Costs of utilities are followed with the quality indicator. Management of dangerous substances (oils, fuel, other liquids) Despite the extremely robust network of Elektro Gorenjska, namely more than 73 % of our distribution network goes underground, individual events and weather inconveniences still can cause faults and eventual environmental impacts on the remaining distribution network. All identified dangerous substances are stored in appropriate boxes and facilities, which ensure high level of control and security. Procedures and manners of storing and transporting dangerous substances are well defined. Every two years we remove waste oils that are collected in special containers in the ecological island (collection point). At the end of 2017 we recorded an extraordinary environmental event. On 13 December, 2017, when Kazina Jezersko transformer station was due to interruption on the 20 kV power line due to wind for a few days supplied through a diesel engine, in the automatic pumping of fuel from a tank into an aggregate due to a fault on the automation of the pumping system, about 400 litres of oil was spilled. Rehabilitation of the contaminated area was carried out by a special firefighting unit for the neutralization of hazardous substances from Kranj. In order to prevent the possibility of spill in the future, an additional pipe will be installed between the unit and the tank, which, in the event of a failure of pumping automation, will ensure the oil spill from the generator back to the tank. Noise, electromagnetic radiation and light pollution of energy devices In designing and installing new electricity power facilities the company considers the law, which defines harmful impacts on the environment, like noise, electromagnetic radiation (EMS) and light pollution. Noise caused by the transformers in transformer stations (MV/LV) does not exceed the limits defined by the existing rules. According to the law in transformer stations (HV/MV) noise monitoring is executed every five years, wherever it is necessary. According to the previous EMR measurements we have established that excessive levels do not occur outside of protected areas of energy devices, so no additional measures of protection against radiation were necessary. Despite that we execute periodical measurements of EMR in transformer stations (RTP) according to the law and raise public awareness on electromagnetic radiation. In the energy facilities, the area of sanitary and rain water was regulated In 2017, we continued with the realization of the objectives of the environmental program, which refers to the outflows of sanitary and rain waters. Objectives of the program are adapted to the requirements of the Decree on the Discharge and Cleaning of Municipal Waste Water, which by 31 December 2021 specifies the deadline for connecting facilities to the public sewage network or the arrangement of small treatment plants and oil catchers. In 2017, a connection to the public sewerage network of the facility KN Cerklje, business-residential building Visoko and RP Trata was carried out. For the RP Naklo, a watertight septic tank and rainwater driers were arranged, and for the RP Bled facility a demarcation to the energy and non-energy part (or business-residential building), which also included the reconstruction of the waste water discharge system. In 2018, we plan to continue the activities at the facilities of RTP Skofja Loka and RTP Labore. Environmental care in work processes In 2017, we were raising awareness of employees in the group about the rational use of energy products and the proper disposal of waste generated in work processes. With the help of the services provided by the subsidiary company Gorenjske elektrarne, in 2017 we finalized the system of regulation and control of the heating and cooling system of the office building at the location of the head office of the parent company. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 101 Most newly-acquired official gasoline powered vehicles have a lower carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, thus implementing the European Commission's guidelines for maximum permissible emissions of 95 g / km by 2020. Environmental criteria are also part of the selection process of suppliers. Environmental savings from hydro power stations Production of electricity delivered into the network and into the internal network of end users from hydro power stations represents 90.55 % share of production, from solar power stations 7.06 % share and from cogeneration 2.39 % share of entire production. 100 80 60 40 20 3 ° 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 I I Hydro power stations Solar power stations 8 7 6 5 4 2 0 Figure 75: Shares of electricity generation from renewable sources in Gorenjske elektrarne in the period 2005-2017 (%) In year 2017 total production of ecologically clean electricity in hydro power stations of Gorenjske elektrarne was 46,818 MWh. Electricity produced in hydro power stations gives environmental savings, namely according to the methodology of the Energy Efficiency Center from Jožef Stefan Institute in CO2 calculation (0.5 kg CO2/kWh) for year 2017 there was a reduction of 23,409 tons of CO2 emissions. Total CO2 reduction from hydro power stations, solar power stations and co-generation of electricity and heat of Gorenjske elektrarne Company in year 2017 was by 25,851 tons of CO2 emissions. » Total CO2 reduction from hydro power stations, solar power stations and co-generation of electricity and heat of Gorenjske elektrarne Company in year 2017 was by 25,851 tons of CO2 emissions. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 102 40,000 35,000 30,000 I 25,000 o u 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 Figure 76: Environmental savings of reduction of CO2 emissions due to production of electricity in hydro power stations, solar power stations and co-generation units in the period 2005-2017 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 I I Hydro power stations Q^] Total production (hydro power stations, solar power stations and cogeneration) Environmental savings from co-generation units In year 2017 total production of electricity from cogeneration units using natural gas into the distribution network and internal network of final customers was 1,236 MWh, which represents 2.39 % share of all electricity produced in Gorenjske elektrarne. Environmental savings from co-generation of electricity are reduction of 617.6 tons of CO2 emissions. Environmental savings from solar power stations In year 2017 total production of electricity from solar power stations into the distribution network and internal network of final customers in Gorenjske elektrarne Company was 3,648 MWh, which represents 7.06 % share in total electricity produced in Gorenjske elektrarne. Electricity produced in solar power stations gives environmental savings, namely according to the methodology of the Energy Efficiency Center from Jožef Stefan Institute in CO2 calculation (0.5 kg CO2/kWh) for year 2017 by 1,824 tons of CO2 emissions. Cumulative environmental saving of CO2 emissions from solar power stations from year 2005 to the end of 2017 was 10,179.3 tons of CO, emissions. 0 Figure 77: Environmental saving of CO2 emission reduction due to production of electricity in solar power stations in the period 2005-2017 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 103 8.2.2 Environmental communication By raising awareness and educating various public we build high environmental awareness and responsibility of all employees. ■ Contents on correct and responsible environmental management are included in the introductory training for new employees. ■ We regularly write about approaches and methods to protect the environment in the internal magazine and on internal websites. ■ We acquaint the public with environmental topics through publications on our website, in the media and various consultations and roundtables. ■ We work with professional, scientific and educational organizations. ■ When siting major power facilities in the area (eg. Distribution power line between Bohinj and Železniki) we also prepare meetings with the residents, and they also learn about activities, results and plans related to responsible environmental management. In the framework of the Environmental Management Council, also in 2018, with advice and actions, we will take care of reducing the amount of waste, as well as for more efficient use of energy products in the company. On the internal website we publish manuals on the proper separation of waste, which are of additional help to the employees. 8.3 Care for the public interest - social responsibility In communication with different stakeholders of the public the Company follows the two core objectives - to create a positive dialogue and to provide clear and transparent information to the public, with which it cooperates. In communicating important business decisions, business developments and innovations in the field of services and products our professional services provide targeted communications activities both with internal and external public. Productive, efficient, clear and transparent communication with individual stakeholder groups are the responsibility of the management, executive directors of organizational units, individual professional workers and service for corporate communications. Placement of electricity infrastructure is a lengthy and demanding process. Understandable communication with residents and a clear presentation of the ultimate benefits for the inhabitants are a key emphasis we are following in any space intervention. We provide for the transparent publication of data on web pages, and we also actively cooperate with representatives of local communities. We report about communication with employees in more detail also in chapter 8.1.12. - Communication with employees. 8.3.1 Communication with local community and social responsibility Sponsorships and donations Companies in Elektro Gorenjska Group are strongly integrated into the local environment. Projects that we financially support, follow the identity of the group companies and approved strategy. Through projects in various fields we recognize opportunities where with our knowledge, financial resources or other resources we can contribute to progress. We support the work of non-profit organizations, associations, societies and clubs in the field of sport, culture and education, health, humanitarian projects and other socially useful activities. Projects are selected on the basis of the internal rules, which define quality criteria and social relevance of the project. We consider short-term as well as long-term positive effects on companies in the group, local community and environment we operate in. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 104 In year 2017 there was a total of €44,627 of funds in the group allocated to sponsorships and a total of €60,430 to donation projects. Figure 78: Sponsorships and donations of the Group in year 2017 I I Culture Q^] Science, research activity Q^] Humanitarianism Q^] Sport 8.3.2 Communication with business partners In accordance with good business customs the group provides for the permanent communication with its business partners. With our key partners we strengthen our relations at the charity event at the end of the year, and we inform them about the activities of the companies in the Group regularly in the internal gazette, through financial publications and other communication channels that we use. At the end of the year, the Group carried out the traditional charity meeting where together with the business partners they gathered financial resources and allocated them to the program for its operation in year 2018 in Gorenjska region. Socially responsible program informs the young and the elderly population of the traps of different forms of addiction and in particular presents solutions that modern society forgets. 8.3.3 Communication with media Professional services in this field ensure regular and proactive communication with the media. They encourage positive and neutral presence in the media and understanding of the electricity contents with regular answers to journalists' questions, socially responsible content and by proactively identifying and communicating the more complex topics. Effectiveness of our relationship with the media is measured in the company by annual media analysis, daily content analysis and in-depth analysis based on qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the relevant posts. In year 2017 there were 191 posts in media mentioning Elektro Gorenjska Company. 8.3.4 Communication with customers We communicate with our customers through: ■ traditional and electronic mail (,, where we collect offers of different companies as well as user letters (applications, claims, complaints, etc); ■ free telephone line 080 30 19, which operates continuously 24 hours a day, every day of the year. On the phone number we accept user notifications on power outages, and we forward different information about the network that final end users need; ■ company's website, where users besides other information can follow schedules of planned disconnections of electricity on the Elektro Gorenjska distribution network; ■ application Moj EG account, available on the web site, with the help of which business users can govern activities in the field of network activity (they can obtain data on past consumption, submit consumption status and other). 8.3.5 Communication with shareholders and financial public We follow the recommendations of the owner or the investment manager, as well as the current legislation, so all company's data, concluded deals, and sponsorship and donation projects are reported on the web site and katalog-informacij-javnega-znacaja. We provide for a regular, open and exact communication with all interested public. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 105 8.3.6 Communication with influential public Contents related to regulation and legislation, as well as arrangements between different institutions, is regularly and openly communicated with key influential public. They include government institutions of the republic of Slovenia as the majority owner, Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of Finance and other important institutions. 9 EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE Consolidated Financial Report Key challenges in the energy sector will be dictated by the growth in demand for electricity and higher consumption. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 109 10 MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT Management board of Elektro Gorenjska hereby approves the financial statements published and presented in this annual report and all other component parts of the consolidated annual report. Consolidated annual report provides a true and fair picture of the financial condition of the group. Management board of Elektro Gorenjska company certifies that International Financial Reporting Standards were used and relevant accounting principles were applied in drafting the consolidated financial statements and that accounting estimates were prepared according to the principles of prudence and due diligence. Management board of Elektro Gorenjska Company approved the financial statements of the group prepared for the financial year 2017 on 17 April 2018. Management board of Elektro Gorenjska is responsible for appropriate accounting in the company, for adoption of appropriate measures to protect the property and other assets, and hereby certifies that financial statements were prepared on a going concern basis and in line with the relevant legislation and International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union. At any time within 5 years after the year in which it was necessary to levy the tax, tax authorities may check the company's operations, which may result in an additional tax liability, default interest and penalties for corporate income tax or other taxes and charges. Management of the company has not been acquainted with any circumstances that could cause eventual significant liability in this respect. Kranj, 17 April 2018 Chairman of the Board Bojan Luskovec, M. Sc. 62 Consolidated annual report of Elektro Gorenjska Group for year 2017 110 11 AUDITOR'S REPORT Trt; 'EJHSlMHfl tlMLJ 1 Wlll'li ><» I Fi< -HtlBnm V i-Ive Li'jttjj--: ni'EMKWT lOPrtWE WPQKT čf with (.he Kunndttirtll Ethfcs iUjuHrrJj Board fir «imiH**«' ft* 9f fiAUJ PmfnlaTittf jtciuuncanu flESBA Code) topther with Hie rtftfcaL ifflL-iimthai arc relevant tn or audit of ih* (¡nannal KaLMttAli ^ ilovd'Vi. IrtJ «t hM WHLKlourOLWf trhml m«XHt«Kin to MLtadirce wtiti these rpqulrcmcoili and the littfctode. Vfe txtten- Lhal the audit evidence ue haw ifttWhed li lufflttMil ki<4 IppnteAiH to IWltfi 4 Utftf fnr Div fl|IIM rtfifc- —rtfT financial waterrwri tor the year, ended December ll. 2014 m iudKM try MMtV » jS0mibi|l[y U (4 <¥44 Chr- Vh^r V^retmv.^ *Ad. ki V>. mnHStr whe*Ntf (he pther InfcmuilDn b materially mewmtent wnh iDOjdldjtEif hnincM iHaterrenti, itfiutilHy rt^diHtMU « -iu' ^ |h* wtft pf ijilw'whr j^tirf xo tO ^(irlaily fnKitactd. ttr luwl on the «mrk m- hjvr perTcrmedt. w cnHlude i.haL IMir lie material rrriutatement of Lftn tti<*t ^re^nat^. «i V* r«|ijlrrt if r«0OT than WHI^ evgardt 10 ||>«f pr«rtm "t ifpert fi the follD^tnj: (XheflniomwlTtFi HiOniMttrtt Willi* fcriHriiOftWlXimJiliWncUfl [UUmetm n a(| mpett Other Inr-pimOTlen If in bne with rcpJUIcry rrqulnninfliaFid Bawd 6n nor W*4#dfie Ahd flf Ihf iimpiny and Itf crwlronmint. cttalned Arlm the audit, m mit tri a I Ircrafctcrcl» werr foj the prepvatkm i*i' ptTentaliin & [he OVrKHkUsi.ri L»1. 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HA* [vrt Jih J tWHW flf (h# IHmdOU iicludlrtfl the diu^ji«, wbi(hor l* Ihuntul Utatemefits nqHTicirl Ute undcrlylnt IrAIMitWl. Md bi t manier LhdL ad*™ f*lr (trtmLUiM, □btiln surr^bfK. ^vrconit» aimht rvtden« mardln« the HUMill iftfirirjdOrt V [hi nr h^lnm Hlrdd« «lihln (h* Gttoift to tn opiftkm on the comcriklaled Nnancln stolenwrti. We art irspo~uiblc rDr Vw directkmr nvtfvlildn vid pMvfnj^« r-1 (he poup Wt ntfniln ulrty ru>|>iKHilfJc for (Hjr -Si^JH QQwUW tit [he A mill: wmDUh and rhe iLC+Mswy board regMTDnf. amimG other maLteft, (hi Eflvr>ed kope and timirs df (h« audit l^l'ktM aud>( 'lAdlnp, Mclv4lr>G Slp"1^"*1 driKiucm n r^lffTLjL iHjfltriJ (hAI w* KttfHliy CkjflfH (KIT Hldlt. Wt al»provide iJw iift* {lanntKeettv3 the iivervtKHVtnvd irtha MALftnettl th«L