3 MARCH, 1986 VOLUME 58 ZARJA - THE DA WN (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes of address to : ZARJA — THE DAWN, 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, IL 60608 NO. 3 MARCH, 1986 VOL. 58 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of A merica — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published monthly except January, June & August — izhaja vsak mesec razen januar, junij in avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $10.00 — naročnina $10.00 letno za ne-članice. Publisher:SLO VENI AN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 Telephone (81 S) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, IL All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do I. v mesecu. Editor, CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office, 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, II. 60608 Telephone (312) 847-6679 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MARCH National Officers: Mar. 1 -Cirila Kermavner, Nat’l Vice President, Cleveland, OH Mar. 9 - Victoria Bobence, National Auditor, Ely, MN Mar. 10 - Angela Nico, Regional President, Oglesby, IL Presidents: Mar. 8 -Mary Zakrajšek, Br. 86, Nashwauk, MN Mar. 11 -Anna Mae Melle, Br. 91, Oakrnont, PA Mar. 13 -Martha Koren, Br. 14, Euclid, OH Mar. 13 -Josephine Artac, Br. 102, Willard, W1 Mar. 16 -Frances Morison, Br. 2, Chicago, IL Mar. 18 -Mary Messersmith, Br. 8, Steelton, PA Mar. 20 -Betty Ann Murphey, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, PA Mar. 28 -Dorothy Lamm, Br. 32, Euclid, OH Mar. 31 -Adeline Mustonen, Br. 34, Soudan, MN Secretaries: Mar. 3 - Jennie Flisek, Br. 91, Oakmont, PA Mar. 8 -Mary Podgornik, Br. 99, Elmhurst, IL Mar. 15 - Ann Dickovich, Br. 81, Keewatin, MN MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! 50th ANNIVERSARY MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNEY March 15-16, 1986 Pinky’s Bowling Alleys Milwaukee, Wisconsin National Officers SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Spiritual Advisor ... Rev. Athanasius Lovrenčič, O.F.M. 416 No. Chicago St. Joliet, IL 60432 President..........................Mary Muller 8021 E. Osborne Rd., Apt. 103 Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Secretary..............................Olga Ancel 1115 Frederick St., Joliet, IL 60435 Treasurer.....................Sylvia Vukodinovich 1219 Laura Lane Crete, IL 60417 1st Auditor...................Marion M. Marolt 1512 S. 53rd St., West Allis, WI 53214 2nd Auditor........................Irene Jagodnik 6786 Metro Park Drive, Cleveland, OH 44134 3rd Auditor...................Victoria Bobence Rt. 2, Box 5030 Ely, MN 55731 Editor........................Corinne Leskovar Editorial Office: 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, IL 60608 Scholarship Chairman...............Hermine Dicke 3717 Council Crest, Madison, WI 53717 Youth Director.....................Anna Hodnik 706 Summit Street, Aurora, MN 55705 Cultural Heritage Director.........Irene Odorizzi 2362 Paddock Lane, Reston, VA 22091 REGIONAL PRESIDENTS Wisconsin Stavia Dobersek 4910 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53208 Minnesota Rose Maras 2626 1/2 W. 2nd Ave., Hibbing, MN 55746 Pennsylvania-New York-Washington, D.C. Lucille Smith 37 Latimer, Strabane, PA 15363 Illinois-Indiana Angela Nico 115 Portland Ave., Oglesby, IL 61348 Ohio-Michigan Ann Tercek 21900 Maydale, Euclid, OH 44123 California-Oregon-Washington Mary Jasina 1021 E. Yale, Ontario, CA 91764 Colorado-Kansas-Missouri Frances Simonich 1113 Mahren, Pueblo, CO 81006 FROM THE EDITOR: With apologies to anyone living anywhere but in the midwest! “THE DAYS ARE GETTING LONGER”! I'm going to miss winter. It's the best time for my mind, just as the summer is the best time for my body. In winter, everything is dependent on me, myself. The weather fights me every step of the way. It's a challenge to get places and do things. But, oh, the reward of a sunny, bright, cold and crisp day! I know people who would never take up ice skating, downhill or cross-country skiing, to take long walks in sub-zero cold, just for the fun of it... but, somehow, the cold envigorates them and they become masters over the weather. That makes winter really special! In the summer, everything is taken for granted. Getting around is no problem, there’s more time to get things done and the warmth of the air creates another living style, nicer and more friendly. The beauty of summer is without — the beauty of winter is within. So, I think March is my favorite month of the year. There are days of winter in March and days of summer. Windy, chilly days when winter seems to linger in your bones and are really a challenge... sunny bright days when the warming sun starts to burn your face - it takes you straight into thinking about July's vacation. But, what is best about March is its promise. No other month of the year gives you the feeling that there's a big, wonderful change coming. I know because in March I get the Jackson-Perkins seed catalogue and Dadant's circular for apiary supplies. Dnevi----------------------------------------------- Il5 4 V 3 S Že čutim, kako bom pogrešala zimo. Zima je za moj okus najboljši letni čas, vse moje mišljenje se oplaja v zimi, kakor je na drugi strani poletje čas v katerem se moje telo naužije novih moči in novih energij. Zima je čas, ko je vse kar ostvarjam, zelo odvisno od mene. Borim se z mrzlimi večeri, srečujem se svežimi jutri, ki me sprejemajo s svojo ostrino srepega zraka; včasih je moj korak negotov, hoja nevarna, težko je neovirano doseči zaželjeno mesto... a vse to premagujem, ker hočem, ker ne dopuščam porazu nobene zmage in v nagrado uživam sončno, jasno, mrzlo vzdušje dneva v katerem vse poka in škriplje in je ravno zato osrečujoče. Poznam ljudi, ki ne vedo kaj pomeni drsati, ki ne vedo kaj pomeni spustiti se s strmega hriba v globino, uživati nepredvidljivo slast neznane smučine, sprehajati se ob iezeru, ki tudi tedaj, ko kaže barometer krepko pod ničlo, prinaša svoja sporočila...in vse to samo zato, ker hočem, ker se v mojih žilah pretaka kri, ki nosi moč, življenjske radosti, ki obvladuje vse, tudi vreme! In ravno zato mi je zima vedno izziv, vedno je preizkus mojih moči, je čas, ko ugotavljam, koliko sem močna in kdo sem. Vse drugače je poleti, ko je toplo, ko ne vemo, da je preseči še tako veliko razdaljo igrača, ko ozračje topline ustvarja svežino delovnega poleta v katerem se med drugim tudi poglabljajo vezi prijateljstva, ki so bila skovana pozimi. Zato je ravno marec moj najlepši mesec -je na prelomu: še vedno je tu občutek hladnega, ki pa že napoveduje slutnjo nečesa novega, toplega; to je čas, ki že oznanja, da se odpira nova sezona, čas, ki kar malo priganja k novim načrtovanjem julijskih vročih dni, ki bodo zahtevali počitniško vzdušje. Toda, kaj je tisto, kar je zame najlepše v marcu? Marc je tisti, ki na široko odpira vrata novim perspektivam, novim presenečenjem, novim obljubam, ki bodo bolj sveže, lažje uresničljive in prinesle bodo več bogastva skrušenosti našega vsakdana. Nobeden drugi mesec leta ne daje tako močnega čutenja, ki razširja svoj smehljaj v eno samo drhteče hrepenenje po novem, ki zares prihaja. In res, ravno v marcu dobim Jackson-Perkin’s katalog za semena in sveže pobude, kaj vse naj naredim za moje čebele - oboje je simbol novega, prihajajočega. postajajo daljši JOIN THE 20/20 MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN! a a a.n.ft.gjLajLfl.fl.tt.a.tt.a.c.B.o..tt.9.Q.gj NO. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WI It was gratifying to have a good number of members present at our Christmas meeting in spite of the very cold weather, which was preceded by Holy Mass and Pot Luck. The president,Ruth Sheck, opened the meeting with a prayer for living and deceased members. Included also were the Founder, Marie Prisland and Anna Modiz, past State President and secretary. The president thanked the members for their attendance. We welcomed Mary Renee Ver-tacic, a past scholarship winner, at our meeting. Mary thanked us again for the scholarship. She is presently employed in the office of Hayssen Mfg. Company. Our Spiritual Director, Father Richard Fale, installed our new officers: President — Ruth Sheck, Vice President — Janet Maurin, Secretary — Dorothy Brezonik, Treasurer — Mary Renee Vertacic, Recording Secretary — Aggie Gruenke. Auditors are Mary Udovich, Amelia Sterk, Steffie Vatovetz and Sentinel is Dorothy Behnke. The Sunshine Chairman is Mary Udovich and Dorothy Behnke is Kitchen chairman. At the conclusion of our Christmas Party, we thanked Janet Maurin for playing her CASIO organ. Janet led us in a sing-a-long of several Slovenian songs. At our Feb. meeting-we thanked and honored Margaret Fischer for her many years of diligent and faithful service to Br. No. 1 as secretary and reporter. Pat Slapnik is chairman of our State Convention and 60th Anniversary Sept. 28, 1986 to be held at St. Cyril and Methodius Church, Sheboygan. We are saddened by the deaths of two members, Josephine Podkomaris and Johanna Zore. May they rest in peace. God Bless You and see you at our next meeting. DOROTHY BREZONIK NO. 2, CHICAGO, IL Our Jan. meeting was well-attended, considering it was a cold month. Our officers were sworn in by Fr. Vendelin. Father complimented the officers for the fine work they have done in the past and wished them well for their new term. The chair ladies from our various Christmas parties thanked all the volunteers and helpers for their hard work to make each affair a success, also for the prizes and cakes donated by the membership. Our guest for the evening was Dr. Zvirblis, from the Southwest Chiropractic Clinic. The topic of his visit was “What is Chiropractice?” Members were invited to come to the clinic for a free exam, X-rays, consultation and report. Also on the guest list was Verdean, the daughter of Mary Lauretig, who is manager of the clinic. We were also visited by the Blue Moose, who brought cheer to the ladies. Our Betty Crocker baked a special cake in honor of Gloria and Ray Nusko’s new arrival which makes a Baker’s dozen for them. Members showered Gloria with gifts and best wishes for her and little Richard Michael. Mike Morrison, a member and teacher who attended the space camp, was a host for space day at the Museum of Science & Industry on Wed., Jan. 29th. Space-day was an educational program to co-incide with the flight of a teacher in space, which brought national attention and was a terrible disaster. St. Stephen school attended with our member, Sister Cindy. Tragically, it also became a lesson about the ultimate price it must be. Paid for knowledge television coverage of this event was provided by ABC, NBC, & WGN. Mr. Roman Possedi Sr. passed away. Remember him in your prayers. Mass for the ailing members is on March 13 at 7:00 AM. On the sick list: Frances Jasbec, surgery; Ann Terdin, surgery; Hilda Thorn, and Ann Vucko. Reminder to our members — dues should be paid to be eligible for the May drawing of a year free dues for a lucky winner. A little note of interest; $60 was donated to our branch at the Advent tea. $426.91 was left from the children’s Christmas party. The total of $489.91 was given to Fr. Vendelin for the Baraga Research Fund. Thank you, members, for your co-operation and donations for these worthy causes. The cheer basket is out for every meeting. Father thanks all for their help in aiding our poor of the parish. The money is used for medication, besides the food that is badly needed for the elderly and needy. A special thank you to all SWU members that set up tables and made decorations for the Jan. 26th Baraga dinner. It was sincerely appreciated. Lenten season is approaching and will be upon us within a few short weeks. Let’s make this one as meaningful as possible. Your Reporter, ANN SCIESZKA NO. 10, CLEVELAND, OH Meeting was called to order after 1986 dues collection was made. President, Jean Planisek, led prayers for our sick and deceased members. Candles were lighted for 11 deceased members in 1985. After reports, correspondence was read that included Christmas cards received -some in answer to the many cards we sent to our out-of-town and ill members. Sophie Magayna Scholarship Fund is still open. We thank Mary Laurich for her generous donation. Any monetary gift will be welcome. On the sick list we have Mary Strancar, Mary Tomsic and Tonie Alic. Get well soon from all of us. We would like to thank all the ladies who visit the funeral homes, attend wakes for our members and funeral masses. The families do appreciate your thoughtfullness. Winners of our prizes were Alice Struna and Danielle Susel. After the meeting we enjoyed the baked goods our ladies brought. We send our deepest sympathy to our new member, Helen Suhy, on the loss of her brother, Joseph. Next meeting is March 19th, Wednesday and it’s St. Joseph’s Day. Come at 1 p.m. If you have not paid your dues, please try to attend and take care of this. We wish all our members a Happy Easter. ANN STEFANČIČ ★ The Chieftain, Pueblo, Colo. :' .v’. shwws<' ■.. . photo by John Jaques Interpreter Lissa Farr, left, gives PCC President Tony Zeiss’ congratulations to Terri Novak . . . Miss Novak, center, received her certificate in business and office education At Pueblo, Colorado’s Community College Terri Novak is an exceptional ■graduate. This winter, she completed the course enabfing her to pursue a career in business and office work. She is a most ambitious young woman, highly motivated and ready to tackle a new life and new career. Why is this so different from any other person with Terri’s youth and education? Just because she has had to complete all her work — as a handicapped person, a deaf person, with all its frustrations and difficulties. Terri was helped greatly by the Pueblo Community College which guided her in a program set up with federal funds. She had her own personal interpreter, Lissa Farr, who helped her register for classes, get books and communicate with advisors and teachers. During classes, teachers helped Terri by writing special instructions on the chalkboard and some used overhead projectors and other visuals to help convey the classes! meaning. If Terri had to watch a film on filing procedures, a lamp was brought in to light Lissa’s hands so Terri could “hear” her as well as see the film. Previous to her enrollment at PCC, Terri attended the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind in Colorado Springs, then studied two years at Central High School where she graduated. For two years she also attended the University of Southern Colorado. Right now, Terri is able to type 53 words a minute and file. She can work a calculator and computers. As many other students, Terri is seeking a good job, one that will give her the satisfaction and pleasure doing a good job can bring. We wish her all the luck in the world. Doubtless, Terri will find a lot of success in her future because as she says: “Deaf people are smart, not dumb. We have a right to work just like anyone else.” Terri and her mom are members of Br. 3, Pueblo and her aunt, Mrs. Anna Pachak sent us this interesting story. Our thanks to her. EDITOR NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WI We started the new year with very good attendance at the meeting. Prayers in Slovenian started us off, also remembering the deceased members, Antonia Lubesek, and Mary Glowienka, as well as Frances Udovich. Our sincere sympathy to the families. The reports were all read and accepted. The letter on the Statue of Liberty Restoration drive was read and it was decided that we make a collection among the members present plus money from the treasury and “Z” fund. This was done and I must say, everyone was in favor even tho many of our members belong to other organizations that are asking for donations as well. Many thanks to you all and we wish the project a lot of success. The date of our card party was changed to Sunday, April 27th, 1986. Keep that date in mind. Numerous door prizes were also donated as well as sandwiches and bakery from the birthday girls: Mitzi Anzur, Mary Evanich, Mary Potisk, Mary Kiel, Ann Jelinek and Olga Fredericks. Happy Birthday was sung for them and we enjoyed their treats. Mary Kiel was not present as her husband, Ed, was in the hospital again. Our prayers and hopeful thoughts are with them and we sincerely hope that God gives them both the strength they need at this trying time. Mary Bucovnik is at St. Luke’s Hospital and our prayers go with her as well. I wish her the same success I’m enjoying after surgery. Wishes to all for a Happy Easter! MARY DEZMAN PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE We are in the season of Lent, when many of us make some sacrifice, perhaps helping an ailing friend or neighbor. Shut-ins are particularly gratified for small favors. Our holidays were lonely without families but our new neighbors came with goodies; one family, remembering my plea for a ride to church, invited us to Christmas dinner. Because it was too difficult for my husband to attend, they brought the dinner to us! It was a fantastic gesture of friendship, very much appreciated. Also, during the holidays were invited by Ann Kahovar of Br. 2, a dear friend, and by Mary Matos of Br. 40, who spent the holidays with their families in this area, to join them for a visit. They both brought a touch of nostalgia to us, remembering mutual old friends and happier times. God bless you both. I received a newspaper clipping with pictures and story of the Illinois State Convention held in Oglesby, Illinois. I very much appreciated receiving this since I could not attend myself. This is what keeps our spirits up and gives us hope for the future. The National Board will be meeting March 12,13 and 14th. I have written to the members and State Presidents for reports on their activities. We have much to discuss as our next National Convention in 1987 is not too far away and suggestions will be welcome. Best wishes to all for a Blessed and Happy Easter. May God extend His blessings to you and your families. To our birthday and anniversary celebrants, we wish happiness and joy for the future. As always, I ask for prayers, visits or cards for our ailing members. We have lost many members and friends, including Joseph Erjavec, a dear, long-time friend of S.W.U. Let us ask the Lord to accept them into His heavenly abode for all eternity. May God Walk With You Mary Muller Rev. Athanasius Lovrenčič, ofm: Suffering Suffering is part of our lives; suffering comes in many forms: physical sickness, injuries...then even more on the spiritual side: disappointments, frustrations, rejections etc. To say we will eliminate suffering from our lives means we are not taking life realistically. To live, to be alive is something beautiful; it is a great gift from our Creator. In the original plan God did not include suffering for the human race; it came after disobedience of the first couple. But suffering can be turned into a great a blessing. It was thru suffering that Christ took our sins away and opened the door to eternal life for each one of us. Since we know that suffering will be part of our life, we must decide how to accept the cross. We can protest, we can be angry with God and the whole world and in this way make our life and the lives of those around us miserable, or we can do what Christ did and turn suffering into a blessing. If we are honest we must admit that in difficulties we make greater progress than when everything goes according to our will. When there is problem we pull together all the resources and energy of which we are capable. In such moments we make greater progress not only towards our eternal goal, but even as human beings. We realize that with determination, we can achieve high goals. We experience that we are not alone, that God is with us. And we start to see much clearer how important it is that we do not isolate ourselves from other people but share our joys and sorrows with those around us. During the Lenten season Christ is inviting us to enter into His school of the cross and so become better equipped for our life. Suffering, if accepted as meant by God, will not produce weaklings, but heroes. Itrr-- ir: . J| ....11 If-- ■ 1| —lb TRIBUTE TO JOSEPH ERJAVEC Noteworthy newsmakers are men and women of various professions as politicians, artists, doctors, engineers, architects, athletes, writers, singers, actors, teachers and astronauts. Rarely does one hear of professionals in the field of labor or manual workers. Our Ata was one such manual professional. His apprenticeship and first years in his field took place in Chicago in the early and mid-twenties. During the depression, our trips to Chicago included rides to buildings on which he worked. A bricklayer’s straight line was an important factor. His handiwork for over fifty years can be found in many homes and buildings in and around our city, such as St. Joseph parish buildings and St. Francis Academy. His specialty was the construction of fireplaces in the homes. His pride in a job well done was a source of happiness and contentment. He truly lived the code as stated in the Masons and Builders guide: " When we build, let us think that we build forever. Let it not be for the present delight nor for present use alone. Let it be such work as our descendants will thank us for; and let us think as we lay stone on stone, that a time is to come when those stones will be held sacred because our hands have touched them, and that men wilt say, as they look upon the labor and wought substance of them, ‘See! This our father did for us. ’ ” Contributed by his children, Olga, Mildred, Jonita and Ronald NO. 14, EUCLID, OH We await the promise of spring as you read this column, but as I write this, the cold, cruel winter still has us in its firm grip. Reminding all of you to be sure to call in your reservations for the Mother’s Day dinner and meeting which will be held on Tuesday, May 6 at 6:00 where we hold our monthly meetings at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Ave. in Euclid. On that day we will also honor our Woman of the Year, Alice Kuhar. We invite one and all to come and join us for an evening of delectable food cooked by our own Mary Dolsak. It’s also a time for us to meet and socialize with one another and renew old acquaintances. Call Secretary Donna Tome at 481-9374 to place your reservations. The annual mass for the living and deceased members of our lodge was held on Ash Wednesday, February 12 at St. Christine Church in Euclid. This is a time for us to reflect upon all of the members we’ve lost through the years and pray for their souls. Once again our world traveler Ileene Collins and her husband Jay are enjoying the warmth of Cancun, Mexico. We’re busily planning and making arrangements for a card party and bake sale for the fall season and hope to have further news fror you in the near future. Our Sunshine ladies, Rose Rodgers, Fran Erzen and Ileene Collins report that our President Martha Koren had surgery on her feet and is recuperating very nicely at home. We’re looking forward to seeing her at our next meeting. Mary Vidmar has also been on the sick list. We pray for the speedy recovery of all our members and their families. We’ve lost two more dear members this past month. Jennie Stefančič and Agnes Lasch, both very dear to us all. May our gracious Lord and Mother keep watch over their souls and grant them eternal peace. Once again we remind those of you who haven’t paid up their dues to get them in as quickly as possible to Secy. Donna Tome. The job collecting all these monies is a very difficult one, so let’s help Donna by getting in the dues on time. It’ll be greatly appreciated. In closing we wish all of you the top o’ the mornin’ on St. Patrick’s Day! And it’s also time to wish you a Blessed and Happy Easter which is the herald of new life and joy everlasting! ALICE KUHAR NO. 16, SO. CHICAGO, IL Our meeting takes place on the 2nd Thursday of the month. We had no meeting in January but we would like to remind our membership and friends to keep March 23rd, Palm Sunday, 2:00 PM, St. George Church Hall, open for our annual games party. Deepest sympathies to members Mary Putzell and Josephine Schmaltz in the death of their brother Frank Putzell. The Yugoslavian Trade Fair in Chicago’s Loop attracted many Slovenians — among them were Marge Prebil, Sylvia and Marge Spretnjak, Phyllis Perko, Edna Winters, John Blasovich and Ferd Klobučar. The are many silent workers in Branch No. 16. One we wish to say “Thank You” to is Catherine Anderson for keeping our musical library up to date. Thanks for a job well done. Bring your prizes to our March meeting which is the 14th of March. Bring your friends to our games party March 23rd — 2:00 PM — St. George Hall. See you all there. May the Lord, who rewards even a cup of water given in His name, fill your life with the Joy of Living. FRAN B. ZUPANČIČ NO. 17, WEST ALLIS, WI We are now in the season of lent when we sacrifice in some form of repentance, by giving up something we enjoy, a form of self-denial. It is to prepare ourselves for the resurrection of Our Lord on Easter Sunday, a great event in our Catholic lives. With St. Patrick’s Day March 17th we all become Irishmen for a day by wearing the irish green, be it a form of green attire or a shamrock. Just two weeks later, on Sunday, March 30th, we celebrate glorious Easter Sunday, then hopefully Spring is not too far behind. CongratulatiQns to our very active member, Jackie Nimmer, who once again became a proud grandmother and also to Jackie’s mother, Mrs. Josephine Schlossar, who became great grandmother. On Dec. 12th Nancy Behling, Jackie’s daughter gave birth to a bouncing baby boy whom they’ve named Andrew Tom. Sincere congratulations, Tom and Nancy Behling, on your first new addition to the family. By the way, Nancy and Tom reside in Scottsdale, Arizona. Mary Petrich has had her share of problems this past year. Just recently she had a mishap in her home; as she was rushing to answer the telephone she stumbled over a throw-rug and fell, breaking a shoulder bone and injuring her wrist. Mary, keep up your spirits! With your determination and perseverance I’m sure you will come thru this ordeal in fine spirits and be your happy self again! After a short business meeting on May 18th, we will honor our Mother of the Year, Ann Gasparič who is an avid bowler, a wonderful baker of delicious goodies (we are the recipients of her great generosity at many of our functions be it with bakery, prizes or whatever) and she is a willing helper, too, wherever the need arises. She is right there for church, card parties or any other function in our community. Oh, yes, ladies! Here I go begging again! Anyone who wishes to donate home made bakery for our Mother’s Day celebration should please contact our secretary, Yaklich at 545-3716 or president, Marion Marolt at 327-3871. We will hold our annual event in the fall on Oct. 18th and once again we are asking for bakery and prizes for this event as it is our “biggie” fund raiser of the year. President, Marion Marolt will once again enter the hospital for bypass surgery. This operation was to have been done originally in November, 1984. She has now gained enough strength and recuperated so well from the stroke that she is able to undergo this operation. Good luck, Marion. We are all with you. God bless you. In closing, some of you are uncertain as to who our secretary is and you may be in arrears with dues payments. She is Joan Yaklich, 1803 So. 58th St., West Allis, Wisconsin 53214, telephone 545-3716. Happy St. Patrick’s Day and Happy Easter! FRAN PIWONI, Recording Secretary NO. 19, EVELETH, MN The year 1985 was busy for us. In September our branch hosted the state convention. In preparation for the day several extra meetings were held to accomplish the work involved. The officers thank all the members who contributed in different ways to make the day a success. Of the thirteen branches that participated, about 260 members attended. The day started with registration, coffee ’an, and meeting at the Resurrection Church Hall. All attended the 11:15 am mass JOLIET BOWLING LEAGUE IS 50 YEAR CELEBRANT In 1936 Jennie Benedick and Emma Planinšek gathered a few bowling enthusiasts for a season of bowling at Rivals. The following year Jo Sumic organized a four-team league sanctioned by the Women’s International Bowling Association. And thus in the ensuing spring’s Midwest tournament at Rivals the Papesh Tavern won first place. Joliet teams won first place as follows: 1940 - Papesh Tavern in Joliet 1941 - Modern Fur Shoppe the Midwest and National trophies in So. Chicago 1942 - Papesh Tavern in LaSalle 1945 - Modern Fur Shoppe in Chicago 1946 - Papesh Tavern and Papesh Tavern Juniors in LaSalle 1948 - Papesh Tavern Juniors in South Chicago 1955 - Gorsich Food Mart in Joliet 1958 - Papesh Funeral Home in Milwaukee, WI 1964 - Merchka’s Restaurant in Milwaukee, WI 1975 - Fred C. Dames Funeral Home in Joliet 1985 - Tezak Funeral Home in Joliet. Joliet teams participated in every Midwest Slovenian Women’s Union bowling tournament since 1937, the year of the tourney’s inception. Since 1936 and all through the years the Branch’s bowling league has rolled in the Rival’s Bowling Lanes in the Rivals’ three buildings every Monday at 6 p.m. Six teams make up the league. Of the many groups organized for the pleasure and benefit of the members the bowling league alone remains today. A league bowler since 1955, Dorothy Horvat enjoys the sport, the comradery of her fellow-bowlers and the SWU tournaments and has no plans for quitting. Bowling with Dorothy these many years are Vickie Bernikas, Millie Briski and Marge Wajchert. Officers for 1985-86 are: president Barbara Yattoni, vice-president Polly Bick, secretary-reporter Genevieve Klainsek, treasurer Carol Doszak, sunshine Dorothy Horvat and sergeant-at-arms Mary Ann Pluth. The Joliet league and tournament sponsors for nearly 25 years have been: Branch No. 20, Merichka’s Restaurant, Fred C. Dames Funeral Home, Northwest Club, American Slovenian Home and Tezak Funeral Home. Reporter celebrated by Fr. Athanasius Lovrenčič, O.F.M. At 1:00 pm a banquet was held at the Eveleth Holiday Inn. Dinner entertainment was provided by Tony Menart and Tom Bobich. After dinner our program started with Toastmistress, Mary Intihar, welcoming all members and guests. Special remarks were made by Victoria Bobence, Supreme Auditor, Ann Hodnik, National Youth Director, and Rose Maras, State President. The guest speaker was Fr. Athanasius Lovrenčič. Our branch would like to thank him for taking the time to be with us on this special day. We are looking forward to attending the 1986 convention in Hibbing. On December 3, the annual Christmas party was held at DeLuxe Cafe. The catered dinner was attended by sixteen members, each bringing a gift for a nursing home patient. In 1985 two of our members passed away. Mary Charnowski died in February and Jenny Bezek died in October. This coming February a meeting has been scheduled to select a Mother of the Year. Our dinner honoring the mother will be held in May. The exact time and date will be set at the February meeting and announced in the Resurrection Church bulletin. We hope many of our members will be able to attend this occasion. VIDA LANARI, Sec’y NO. 20, JOLIET, IL As of Feb. 2rd, the team standings are as follows: W L Merichka’s Restaurant 38 28 S.W.U. Br.20 371/2 28'/2 Northwest Recreation 36 30 Tezak Funeral Home 32'/2 331 /2 Fred C. Dames Fnl. Home 28 38 Slovenian Home 26 40 Top bowler is Vickie Bernikas with an average of 166 pins. Vickie also holds the high Scratch Series of 576. High Scratch Game of 234 was bowled by Judy Kozol followed by a 220 game bowled by Carol Doszak. We have a few new bowlers this year, namely: Jo Anne Papesh, Lil Ferguson and Marge Mutz. They replaced Ann Kobe, Beth (Adamic) Lilek and Judy (Hrubos) Abberante. We are always looking for new NO. 20, JOLIET, IL This month, we have several of our members who are recovering from illnesses and surgery and we look forward to seeing them up and about real soon. Frances Ukovich is our oldest member, 103 years old. She will celebrate her birthday on March 25th and has recently been hospitalized; Anna Mae Lukančič BOWLING NEWS bowlers, either as regulars or subs. If interested in bowling the 1986-87 season, please contact any officer of Br. 20. And, hearty welcome to the new gals this year! Get well wishes to Marge Mutz and Agnes Lovati. We miss you - get well soon. Congratulations to Frank and Barb Yattoni on their 25th Wedding Anniversary which they celebrated on Feb. 3rd. We extend deepest sympathy to Mary Ann Pluth on the death of her brother-in-law, John Pluth, of California. O.K. girls, let’s knock those pins down! We have about 8 weeks of bowling in this season to improve our averages. Good luck! See you at the SWU Midwest Tournament in Milwaukee! GEN KLAINSEK, Secretary has had back surgery, Marge Mutz also has not been well; Theresa Shepich suffered broken ribs, Josephine Buchar had hip replacement surgery, and Anne Dehm is recovering from surgery, also. To each, a speedy recovery. It’s dues paying time again; if your dues are paid by April, you will be eligible for the drawing that will be held for a year’s free dues. If you are 50th MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT Takes place Saturday and Sunday, March 15-16, 1986 at Pinky’s Bowling Lanes, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Hostess branch is No. 43, Milwaukee. Bravo, ladies! Good luck and good bowling! We’ll be rootin’ for you! A few representative photos from the past reminds us that 50 years of the SWU Bowling activity spans not only years but miles. Antonia Tanko Turek was the first bowling director for teams in the Cleveland area. She is seen center on the left photo. Bowlers and bowling enthusiasts will remember many of the groups and faces on this page. With these memories, we re-live some of “the good ole’ days!” The history of the Joliet Bowling league is outstanding and they are the backbone of the present Association which meets this month in Milwaukee. Teams from the midwest will attend and show us that bowling as a team sport is still one of the greatest in the world! Many congratulations to all who have enjoyed the sport under the auspices of S.W.U. ... all thru these years! SWU Members contribute to Bishop Rozman Memorial Fund Dear Editor: As president of the Bishop Rozman Memorial Fund, I would like to thank all the SWU contributors for their enthusiastic and generous support lor the successful campaign to furnish the library and reading room of the St. Modest Student Center in Celovec, Austria. The support also made possible the portrait of the late Bishop Gregory Rozman, Bishop of Ljubljana in the library. (The following excerpt is from a letter from the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Janez Hornbock, director of the St. Modest Society (Mohorjeva Družba) who witnessed the dedication August 20, 1985.) On Aug. 20, 1985, the 25th anniversary of his death, a holy Mass was jointly celebrated for our late Bishop Gregory Rožman in the student center of Saint Modest. It was joyful and moving to see so many coneelebrating priests, (they were attending the 24th meeting of Slovenian priests from abroad) who, deeply touched, gazed at the beautiful painting of Bishop Rožman (the artistic work of Prof. Joseph Cintron of Cleveland). It was on this occasion, the occasion of the blessing of the bishop's picture, that there were a goodly number of priests present, on whom Rožman had conferred the Sacrament of priesthood and, at least some of them, went into exile with him. The Rev. Avguštin Čebul, Rožman’s fellow countryman, said the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Standing alongside the painting lie added: “Let the picture recall to us, let the picture remind us, let this picture bind us and also unite us,” During the blessing, the chorus of priests and all those present rang out mightily in song. After the blessing, the portrait was taken to the reading-room and there mounted at the appropriate place prepared on the wall. Beside the picture is a copper plaque with a dedicatory and thankful inscription. The wording has already been printed in the American Home Newspaper of Cleveland, Ohio. Herewith most grateful thanks to Mr. Joseph Zelle, the president of the committee for “The Bishop Rožman Memorial Fund", the entire committee, and all the numerous benefactors. To each one separately and to all together for all the support to (he Mohorjeva in general, I gratefully say: “GOD REPAY!” - and pleasant Carinthian greetings. Director of Mohorjeva Družba, (Msgr.) Janez Hornbock Thanking you and all members of SWU with very best regards - Z najlepšim slovenskim pozdravom! Yours truly, Joseph Zelle, Cleveland, Ohio unable to attend our meetings, send your dues to Agnes Lovati, our Financial Secretary. Helen Horwath, our Heritage Museum Chairperson, reported the Open House held at the Home Office during the Christmas Season was most successful. She and Jean Govednik, co-chairpersons, were very pleased at the interest shown by those attending. Future plans include exhibits by various articles and a possible outdoor cafe. Many, many interesting artifacts are in the Museum; attend the next open house, you may even experience a desire to dig deeper into your own Slovenian roots. We have again experienced the loss of two of our members: Mary Kunstek, a 33 year member and Marie Gregorich, a 47 year member and a former cadet. To their families, our deepest sympathy. Our sympathy also to Mary Ann Pluth, on the death of her brother-in-law, John Pluth; and to Phyllis and Lynn Terlep on the death of their mother and grandmother, Jennie Stanislaus. Wedding congratulations to Alicia Ann Yattoni and David Revord who were married recently. Alicia is the daughter of member, Barb Yatoni. Vacation fever has really begun; Linda and Jack Hotuyec spent 10 days in Hawaii; Florida was the vacation site for Alex and Dolores Plut, Jo and Dick Tezak, Alice and Chuck Stiglich, Leonard and Dolores Suhadolc and Evelyn and Lou Mauro. Hope the Groundhog is correct with his prediction — these suntans make me jealous!! At our January meeting the choice for our Woman of the Year was announced. Chosen was Mary Anzelc; she will be honored at our May meeting. Congratulations Mary, keep up the good work! Our congratulations to Helen Horwath, who was chosen as Woman of the Year by St. Genevieve Society KSKJ — she, too, is a busy lady. We will not have a March meeting; it was decided to cancel because of tournaments scheduled at that time. Our next meeting will be on April 15th, which will begin our evening series. The meeting will begin at 7 PM. Happy Easter to all our members, see you at the next meeting. HELEN PLUT NO. 23, ELY, MN Although weather was cold, 20 below zero, 32 members were present at the meeting. New officers: Ann Saari, pres., Gert Mosnik, vice-pres.; Angela Mobilia, sec’y; Helen Strukel, treas. Mary Palcher initialed the new otticers. Reports read and accepted. All agreed to send $25 to Joliet for the Statue of Liberty Restoration Fund. Mary Thoren is on the sick list. Nice dessert was served by A. Mobilia S. Davidson, M. Palcher, M. Petritz, A. Godec. Molly Zupančič won the door prize, a pair of knitted slippers. “B” was played and enjoyed. Please note, Helen Strukel is the collector of dues. Dawn Club held the meeting Jan. 13th with 48 present. New officers took over: Molly Grahek, pres.; Jeanette Vidmar, sec’y; Sally Davidson, treas. Valentine party was held Feb. 10th at the church hall. Committee was picked to help at the party, a nice lunch was served and “B” played. Mary Petritz won the door prize. KRIS GARNI, Recorder NO. 24, LA SALLE, IL Just a little bit of news from La Salle. Our sick members are reported as recovering very nicely and we look forward to having them back with us very soon. Mary Piletič had surgery recently and we were surprised to see her at the recent K.S.K.J. dinner honoring 50 year members. Mary won’t stay down long. Rev. Bernard Horzen was also in attendance and is doing well. It was also good to see a couple of our members there who have been homebound much of the time, Anna Plantan and Anna Lushina. K.S.K.J. honored Anna Klopcic for having served as secretary of St. Ann’s Lodge, No. 139 for 50 years with a special gift. Our deepest sympathy to Gale Nowik whose husband, Edward, passed away on January 28th. He is also survived by a daughter, Mary Jean and son, Edward, Jr. and four grandchildren. He was the son-in-law of Angela Strukel who was our long time Secretary. May God grant his soul Eternal Rest. Just a reminder — don’t forget your 1986 dues. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, March 20 at 7:00 p.m. in the La Salle Catholic School Library — Resurrection Building. Plan to attend and contribute suggestions and ideas for this year’s activities. Wishing all a Happy and Blessed Easter. ANNE MARIE WANGLER, Reporter NO. 25, CLEVELAND, OH Decisions at our last meeting were; to have a mass once a year for living and deceased members of the branch; then we need to have a fundraiser. We decided on having good prizes such as; $100; $50; $25. Tickets are going to be sold at meetings and we are going to mail them to you if you wish so. They will be 3 for a dollar. Sophie Genovese is our new member - welcome Sophie! We also have some ladies who were in and out of the hospitals lately: Anna Fortuna, Frances Kotnik, Mary Turk, Frances Novak and Josephine Stanic. We hope you feel better soon and may you never see another hospital again. Thank’s to Caroline Rozic for her cute Christmas decorations and Ann Skully, Jennie Feme, Mary Yeraj, Josie Sustarsic, Mary Turk for their monetary gifts. A thank you also to Angela Kovac, Josie Mohorčič, Jennie Strumbel for the good food they made and served. Marie - Marcia - Telic just slipped away, so quietly, so peacefully. We will miss her very much as a friend and as a recording secretary. She was almost 30 years our historian. She left a big gap the in Jaksic, Drobnič, Debevec families as with us. Yet, we can fill the gap with good memories and the love she had for everyone. Thank you. Marica, for everything. Peace be with you forever. • Wish a happy, blessed Easter to all, may the infinite love of the risen Christ be with you. CIRILA KERMAVNER NO. 32, EUCLID, OH We began the first meeting of the new year with installation of officers conducted by the past president, Hermine Strainer. President, Dorothy Lamm, presented each with a fresh carnation. Our heartiest congratulations to Mary and John Tushar who celebrated their 59th Wedding Anniversary in January and also to Helen and Frank Kovačevič on their 39th. We wish them many more. The only birthday celebrant present was Jo Gornik. We won’t reveal her age but we wish her many more, too. Mary Golobic and daughter, Joann Florjančič, will be going to Florida for a short vacation - then on to Irvin, Texas to visit another daughter, Cynthia Judd, and her family. Ann Chin char is recuperating after a fall in which she broke her wrist in two places on her right hand. Caroline Frank also had surgery on her wrist. Best wishes to both for a speedy recovery. Rose Brancely’s granddaughter, Rhoda Horton, had a baby girl named Rose Marie, on Dec. 8th Congratulations! Representatives to Klub Društev for the coming year are Dorothy Lamm and Emily Kersman. Representing our branch at the annual shareholders meeting in February were Vicky Holny, Hermine Strainer and Josephine Comenshek. At the March meeting, Hermine Srainer will conduct a Rosary service. It is a beautiful ritual and we hope to see a larger attendance. ESTHER GARBINCUS, Your Reporter NO. 33, DULUTH, MN Twenty-two members attended the Jan. 8 meeting with the officers as hostesses. Rene Doble reported $75.90 in knife sales. She will be leaving on trip to Arizona. Trips are being planned in April to the Twin Cities and later to Win-nepeg, Canada. Juniors planned swimming party with lunch on Jan. 31. Elsie Bergman was to be February Queen. Izona Borich missed the $15.00 attendance prize. Our prayers of sympathy for Julia LeBrasseur, in the tragic death of her 34 year old son, Nick who was found shot in Mpls. Also for Cora Jones, father; Ann (Nick) Mrak, brother. Prayers for sick members: Shirley Hoppenyan, Dolores Heski and Donna Carl. The brightest note of this report is rather personal — with a new granddaughter for this reporter! LOIS M. PELANDER NO. 34, SOUDAN, MN Branch No. 34 of Soudan had a busy meeting on January 15, the first meeting we have had since November. Another good turnout, thanks. During our meeting we were told that our auditors, Sophie Zavodnick and Angela Planton had again found our books to be in order. We plan to do something special when our Slovenian Women’s Union celebrates 60 years of existence on December 19, 1986, we usually do not meet in December but we agreed to observe this anniversary in some way. It was brought to our attention that Fr. Stalzer was conducting a campaign “Slovenians for the Lady” to ask all Slovenians to contribute toward the restoration project of the Statue of Liberty; our members can give their donations either to me or to Tory Bobence. This project should be close to all of us since most of our parents or grandparents saw “The Lady” when they came from the old country. I myself have recollections of my father telling about it. Our branch has named me, Adeline Mustonen, as their “Mother of the Year” and I will be honored at our May meeting — this will be something I will be looking forward to. I remember when my mother was named Mother of the Year also! Our parish has lost a good and longtime member, Joseph Skala Sr., a brother of two of our members, Mayme Musich at the Ely Nursing Home and Agnes Tekautz of Tower— Joe’s wife. Anne, was a good and faithful member of Branch No. 34 and attended our meetings even though it was hard for her to get around because of her disability due to polio. We offer our sympathy to the Skala family -- also surviving are Matt and Frank Skala of Tower. Florida bound right after the holidays were Agnes Tekautz, Angeline Morin and Mary Vollendorf, being joined lately by Mary Gornick. Ann “Inky” Stefanich has gone to California, Angeline Grahek has gone out West again-leaving this cold weather-but it won’t be long now and the weather will change. Molly Wilson and Helen Chiabotti Easter Special FREE EASTER BASKET with... “POVOTICA” (po-vo-teet-za) Delicious European Pastry, handmade with thin layers of sweet bread & rich filling. (Derived from a Slavic word meaning “to swirl” Povotica simply was named for the swirled appearance when sliced.) Bernice’s traditionally hand makes each loaf the “Old Country” way with your choice of fillings... ...Original English Walnut, Cream Cheese, or Apple. Only $9.95 for each 24 oz. golden brown loaf. Order now! (Orders placed before 3/25/86 receive a FREE Easter Basket with each loaf ordered when you mention this ad.) CALL TOLL-FREE 1400-BERNICE 9t & 04** Uta*f tfO**, . . . . . "/J oiU-OU 'Wo+U ^__________Baimd it ^ oj Amm\ica!____________________ggi SZ O .tr O ^ Q. E o LU QC Q o V -T3 U> O ~ « "5 ^ ° QC T3 o™ Li-o CLa. LU m Q8 CC” oa 7± TD < 2. S £ DC — "D 'n £ * Cl -d) TD o a> < TD O O 03 o O ČT Ml 03 y| H d) * a* 0) < 03 O O) w o III •- •» w z o p! A_° db ms M HI □ H 3 E 2 Q. N I ► Ž * IU * < n < o P o > o a. V) Ul o 2 K III a «0 ig co “ 00 «CM Es Off "a Z O •T S M -£ £ oj — DC 5» Li “ >■ 5 3 till M O > ” $ r» n were hostesses for our meeting which included cupcakes served with a candle and singing Happy Birthday to Mary Gornick. The attendance prize was brought by Ann Stefanich (a nice bag of homemade noodles) and was won by Angela Planton. During our social hour Frances Tanko, Margaret Mesojedoc, Angela Jamnick and Mary Frances Jamnick were winners. Our meeting in February was on Wednesday, the 19th, after Lenten services. The attendance prize was brought by Lucille Svatos. Lucille is also vacationing in Arizona and Texas. We are trying to learn the hymn “Our Common Bond” in the hope that we can join the Aurora branch in knowing the song at our Minnesota Day next year—Lorraine Berg is doing a great job in accompanying us but we could use a director! May all of you have a blessed Easter with your families, Easter is a favorite holiday for me—I enjoy Holy Week services, Zegen on Holy Saturday and remembering all the things we did when we were young to prepare ourselves and homes for Easter, it was a very special time for us. ADELINE MUSTONEN, Reporter NO. 35, AURORA, MN The turn-out at the February meeting was great! Twenty-four members were present, including one youth member, Katie Martinetto. Everyone is getting “Cabin fever” and glad to get our for a Sunday afternoon. A Penny Auction was held. Members each brought items and then, the crowd deposited tickets on the ones they would like to win. There was a beautiful selection. The proceeds were enough to pay the dues for our senior members. This is a good way to raise some extra money without a whole lot of work. Our mother of the year celebration will be May 4th after the regular meeting at 2:00 p.m. We will be inviting our State President, Rose Maras and hope she will be able to attend. One new member has joined us. She is Erika Hodnik. Welcome. Hostesses for February were Phyllis Turk, Ann Mismash, Mary Hudy, Chris Klandar and Dorothy Ceglar. Waiting for spring... DOROTHY CEGLAR, Sec’y NO. 38, CHISHOLM, MN It’s been some time since I’ve written in ZARJA, so I am here again, now to report on our news. We have a new slate of officers for 1986 with the exception of yours truly who still remains secretary and Josie Zupancich who still is one of the auditors. Our new president is Charlotte Laurich, Vice-President is Jennie Marinkovich. Sec.-Treas., was supposed to be a new member, Kathy Sandvick but due to illness, she will not be able to serve so our loyal Kathy Knuth remains as Sec.- Treas. Fran Lucas is the other auditor with Josie;and Mary Ruth Cameron is our hospitality chairperson. We had a lovely Christmas party at the Valentini Cafe and over 60 ladies attended. We exchanged gifts, had a cocktail hour and a lovely steak dinner. For entertainment we had four of our members sing some Slovenian songs. They were Char Laurich, Jennie Marinkovich, Fran Techar and Mary Ruth Cameron accompanied by Mike Laurich, Char’s son. They were dressed in our Slovenian costumes and did a marvelous job. They entertained many groups during the holiday season. Mike Laurich is a young accordianist who plays with the East-West Buttonaires from Chisholm and other Range towns. With our Christmas party over and the beginning of the new year, we hope to have another successful year. Welcome to our new branch officers. Plans are already brewing for our Mother of the Year banquet. In February we had a President’s Day Card Party. Also, we want to mention that we donated money to the following good causes: Salvation Army, Food Chisholm Food Shelf, Close-up Program, Catholic Basket, African Food Drive, Fuel Bill for our Catholic Church and at our January meeting we offered to donate $100 to the SLOVENES FOR THE LADY - Statue of Liberty Fund Drive. Branch 38 extends wishes to all our sisters. Have a happy, healthy year ahead. Happy Easter to all. ROSE NIEMI, Rec. Sec’y Happy Birthday, Mary! Mary Gornick, charter member of Branch No. 34, Soudan, MN was honored by the branch at their regular meeting on January IS, 1986. Mary has had continuous membership since April 3, 1936. She claims the longest membership of our branch. Born Mary Tekautz in Soudan, on January 17, 1906, she is the mother of Mary Ann Berg of Tower, MN and Margie Ahearn of Scottsdale, Arizona, and has 11 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Mary’s husband, Joseph, died in 1971 and a son, Joseph, is also deceased. Mary was also honored at an open house celebration at her home on January 19 and she looked especially nice on that day. Mary is faithful in her attendance at our meetings and is a youthful 80 years! We congratulate her and may she have many more birthdays! GREETINGS FROM YOUR YOUTH DIRECTOR: 1 hope all branches have checked their junior membership to see that all eligible members are notified about our S.W.U. Scholarships and the deadline for application. Since junior members do not receive the ZARJA, they may not be aware of our scholarship program. At our Minnesota Day convention, 1 was surprised to learn that some of our adult members didn’t know about it. Evidently they don’t read the magazine very thoroughly. 1 was saddened to learn of the death of our beloved sister and friend, Albina Uehlein. She was the Women’s Activities Director and staunch supporter of the Slovenian Women’s Union. She was an inspiration to all of us. We ask God to grant her eternal rest and peace. We would like to recognize our talented junior members in the ZARJA. Please write and tell us about their involvement in school, church or community projects. Easter is celebrated in March this year and 1 am asking junior members to send drawings, poems and stories about Spring. Does your family carry on any family traditions? Get busy right now because the deadline is April 1st. Remember you get a monetary reward when it’s published. 1 would ask that parents or grandparents encourage or prod the youngsters to contribute to our ZARJA Junior Page. Keep on the lookout for prospective junior members and enroll them into the S.W.U. The dues are 20~o~BTnnnr5TnnrgTryrr^ AAA e 3 „ o praznike vsem ! AB-AB-All AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!] ŠTUDENTSKI SKLAD SENATORJA L AU SC H ETA Ko smo 2. novembra 1985 na slavnostnem večeru praznovali 20. obletnico naše ustanovitve tukaj v prestolici, smo tudi praznovali častitljivo 90. obletnico rojstva našega znanega rojaka senatorja Lauscheta s sodelovanjem neštetih drugih gostov. Senatorju na čast smo pričele zbirati za študentski sklad. V ta študentski sklad bi rade povabile tudi druge podružnice širom naše nove domovine. Kako bomo dale lepše priznanje našemu zaslužnemu rojaku, kot s tem, da omogočimo eni mladi članici naše organizacije nadalnje šolanje s pomočjo sklada, ki je bil ustanovljen v čast in priznanje za vsa dobra dela ob 90. letnici tega zaslužnega možaka. Naš mlajši slovenski rod potrebuje dobrih zgledov starejših rojakov! Celotna vsota Senator F. Lausche Scholarship Fund je $1,000.00. Darovi washingtonskih rojakov, njihovih prijateljev in naše majhne podružnice so nanesli dobro polovico, za preostalo vsoto pa se obračamo z vljudno prošnjo na vse druge podružnice, da bi prispevale po svojih močeh. Dekleta, katera bodo dobivala podporo za študij Iz tega sklada, bodo pa tudi koristila Slovencem, ker pričakujemo od njih, da bodo v prvi vrsti ostale zavedne slovenske Američkanke in bodo s svojim znanjem in zmožnostmi obogatile bodoče slovenske rodove. Našemu senatorju Lauschetu pa poklanjamo najlepši šopek s tem skladom za ohranjanje slovenstva. Svoje prispevke, prosimo, pošiljajte naravnost na naslov: Hermine Dicke, Scholarship Committee, 3717 Council Crest, Madison Wl 53717. Pri darovih prosimo navedite, da je dar namenjen za sklad senatorja Lauscheta. Nika B. Kovačič Podružnica 103, Washington, D.C. zidarska dela. Nekaj pridnih žen in deklet je vso cerkev očistilo. Dolga po zaslugi vaščanov ni. Tako sem malo povzela iz cerkvenega oznanila iz moje Menišovske župnije, kjer so župljani še vedno pripravljeni pomagat svojemu župniku v teh težkih časih. V mesecu marcu so zagledale luč sveta sledeče naše članice; Jelka Germek, Elizabeth Pirman in Andreyanna Zalar. Prav tako v tem mesecu marcu je praznik sv. Jožefa. Tako Jožetom, Pepcam in Jožicam želimo vsem zdravja in božjega blagoslova še na mnogo srečnih dni. Prav iskrene pozdrave vsem čitateljicam našega mesečnika ZARJA od JULKE KLAMMER V BLAG SPOMIN POKOJNI MARY BOŠTJAN! V globoki žalosti se spominjamo članice pevskega društva Dawn in sicer naše organizatorke Mary Boštjan. Mary je ustanovila zbor leta 1967 in je bila prva predsednica do leta 1972. Pozneje je bila izbrana za častno predsednico. Čeprav potem ni več pela z nami, se je vedno zanimala za naš napredek, nas vzpodbujala in gmotno podpirala in se z nami veselila uspehov. V tej dobi smo uspešno prepevale celih 15 let. Ko smo leta 1983 prenehale s koncerti in sicer iz zdravstvenih razlogov članic in njih soprogov, nas je Mary prosila in dajala korajžo, naj obdržimo zbor Dawn aktiven v prid S.Ž.Z. Potrudimo se dobiti novih pevk in nadaljevati s koncerti! Bog ji bodi bogat plačnik! Njeni duši naj sveti večna luč in naj počiva v miru! To so želje članic društva Dawn S.Ž.Z. Mary Kokal Josip Jurčič DESETI BRA T Roman Ilustriral MAKSIM GASPARI Povsod poznan, nikjer doma, Kjer vleže uro se poslednjo, Tam smrt mu domovanje d& Fr. Levstik DRUGO POGLAVJE Kdor pozna življenje, dejanje in nehanje, misli in prepričanja, kakršna so bila nekdaj po pripovedih naših starih slovenskih očakov, ki, gluhi in slepi za spačeni novi svet, vedno le čase svojih in svojih prednikov dni hvalijo: ta mi bo pritrdil, da je bilo pred štrideset in več leti med našim narodom veliko več kaj čodovitega zgodi? Kdo dandanes še kaj ve? Le kakov sleparček še pride, da človeka opehari.« Tako pravijo dedje. Koliko časa že ni bilo slišati o desetem bratu! V poprejšnih časih se je pa še vendar včasih naletel, ki je rojen deseti sin iz matere, s čudovitimi lastnostmi in zmožnostmi obradovan, po božji namembi preganjan, od hiše do hiše po širokem svetu hodil, za srečo povedoval, zaklade pokazoval, pesmi pel in pravljice pravil kakor nihče drugi. Ljudje so ga častili, radi videli in mu dali živeti in spati. Pač pride v kako hribsko dolino še zdaj semtrtje kak raztrgan in umazan peripatetikar, ki mu robato po domače pravimo berač, ki se izdaja za desetega brata; toda svet je postal neveren, manj gostoljuben ko nekdaj in tudi današnji deseti bratje niso tisti ko nekdaj, malo vedo, in kakor očetje trdijo — »niso drugega ko goljufje«. Ta čudna prikazen, namreč pomanjkanje pravih desetih bratov, dš se menda samo tako razlagati, da slovenske žene niso več take, da bi za vrstjo po letih deset sinov rodile. A pustimo taka premišljavanja bolj izurjenim mislecem in vrnimo se rajši k svojima popotnikoma. Tiho je korakal človek, katerega je Lovretu deklica imenovala desetega brata, konju pred gobcem in mladenič je imel časa dovolj, v mesečini opazovati to čudno podobo. Bil je človek kakih štrideset let star, toda že mu je hrbet hotel lesti v dve gubi. Na sebi ni imel drugega ko srajco iz najdebelejšega platna, kakor ga sprede slovenska mati, dolge hlače iz iste tvarine, nekdaj na črno pobarvane, zdaj že zarjavele in pod koleni jako blatne in razcefrane, an glavi pak mu je čepel rjav klobuk s širokimi krajevci in čez oglavje z belo nitjo prevezan. Da mu hlače niso uhajale, branila je usnjeta oprtavnica, na križ čez ramo razpeljana. Večerni zrak je bil precej hladen, Lovretu se je celo mrzlo zdelo, vendar je stopal deseti brat bosonog. Da bi pa kdo ne mislil, da črevljev nima, nosil je je z bekovo trto prevezane čez ramo. Kaka dva pota se je nazaj na Lovreta ozrel ter ga ostro Pri tej priliki je Kvas videl obleki popolnoma primeren obraz. Lice ja kazalo kosti, katere so imele voljo in nagon, vsemu obličju štirivoglato podobo ustvariti. Strani sta bili upadli in širok nos je ošabno nosnice v zrak molil. Vrh malih sivih oči so se v sredi zrasle obrvi predrzno visoko vihale gori v čelo, katero se ni veliko videlo iz zmršenih las. Dasiravno ga je deklica bila potolažila, da se ni treba bati desetega brata, vendar je Lovreta nekaj čudno spreletelo, ko je na širokem polju po noči sam bil s takim ne malo neznanskim človekom. Ko je pa čez nekaj časa v dalji zapazil luč, ohrabrilo ga je to nekoliko in mislil si je: kaj mi more storiti, enega samega se ne bom bal. Da bi poprej čas minil, začne pogovorž njim. »Koliko je še do grada?« »Popred boš tam, kakor pojdejo spat,« odgovori deseti brat z glasom, ki je bil vse drugo prej ko prijazen. »Ali ste vi znani zgospodo?« vpraša dalje Lovre. Njegov drug se grozovito zasmeje, potem pa reče: »Ti si šema! Zakaj me pa vikaš? Jaz sem Martinek Spak, deseti brat, kakor vsi otroci vedo. Če nočeš, da bi se ti kdo smejal, ki je bolj neumen ko ti, tako me pošteno tikaj, pa utegneva še prijatelja biti v teh letih, kar boš šolmaštraril na Slemenicah!« »Kako pa veš, kdo sem!« vpraša Lovre čudeč se. »Saj si me vprašal, če sem kaj znan na Slemenicah,« odgovori Martinek in se zopet smeje na vsa usta. Čudni graščaki morajo to biti, h katerim pridem, da vsako spremembo v svojem družinskem in domačem življenju zaupajo takim ljudem, mislil je Kvas sam pri sebi. »Ker je videti, da so ti povedali, da bo tak in tak človek pride,« reče Lovre, »moram misliti, da si star znanec v gradu. Zato mi lehko poveš, kakova je gospodična, gospa, gospod?« »O, prav lehko ti to povem,« odgovori Martinek. Pa nočeš? Zakaj ne?« »Ti nekaj rad povprašuješ,« odgovori Spak. »Zato mi moraš dovoliti, da te še jaz eno reč vprašam. Kako sem ti kaj jaz všeč?« Rekši je čudoviti človek Kvasa tako ostro pogledal s svojimi malimi, svetlimi očmi, daje bilo mladeniča skoro strah. Vendar na misel mu je prišlo njegovo smešno vprašanje, povesil je oči in s posiljenim smehom je odgovoril: »Prav dobro si mi všeč, prijatelj, zakaj pa ne?« »No, jaz ti bom povedal, da mi tudi ti dopadeš. Mislil boš morda, in kakor bi se še lehko imenoval, bo ti še prav prišel v sili, zato ga le dobro poznaj. Zdaj ti bom pa povedal najprvo to, kar si vprašal. Kakova je gospica? Da mlad človek, sosebno če še ni grd, da bi ga pes oblajal, kakor pravijo, da sem jaz, — rad pozve za deklico, pred ko za baburo, to je že stara reč. Z grajsko Manico se midva prav dobro pomeniva. Morda si že v mestih lepšo videl ali pa ne. Gospod in gospa tudi nista napačna, pa to boš že še vse videl in skusil.« »Ali si že ti dolgo tu v okolici?« vpraša Kvas. »Kar mi je mati umrla,« reče Spak nekako zamolkleje pri tem vprašanju. »Kje si pa doma? Kako je to, da po svetu ne hodiš, ker praviš, da si deseti brat?« »Jaz sem doma, kjer so dobri ljudje, kjer po mojem jeziku govore. Nimam svojega zapečka, pa se ne pritožim zato. Če ne verjameš, da sem deseti brat, pa pusti. Misli, kolikor hočeš, pa malo govori, če nočeš, da se ti kaj ne zgodi. Zdaj pa molči o tem in kaj veselega govori. Jaz imam poskočne in vesele ljudi rad. Juheja, hopsasa!« In kakor bi bil naenkrat ves drugi, poskoči od tal, zažene črevlje z rame daleč od sebe proč in leti zopet po nje. Kvas ni mogel razumeti vsega tega. »Človek mora biti malo prismojen,« mislil si je. »Ali znaš peti, prijatelj škric?« vpraša ga Spak. »Malo, pa zdaj ne pojem. Ti zapoj!« Spak vzdigne glavo proti mesecu, odpre široka usta in hreščaje začne robato pesem: Stara baba Iskerca Jedla sok iz piskerca, Migala s suho brado, Hčer zmerjala je tako: Če boš v cerkvi ti na moško stran, Kjer Martin stoji mi razcapan, Tak obračala oči, Če bo hodil na naš prag Tebe gledat Martin Spak, ha, ha! kaj ni lepa, pesem od mene, kaj?« »To si sam zložil? No poj do konca! Takih sem še malo slišal.« »Le čakaj, prijatelj suknjač, to in nekatero ti bom še zapel, če se bova lepo gledala na Slemenicah. Še srečo ti bom povedal, če hočeš, precej nocoj. Samo to si izgovorim, da se mojih sovražnikov ogiblješ.« »Kdo pa je tvoj sovražnik?« »To boš izvedel, preden bo dva, tri dni. Na Slemenicah ga boš videl vsak dan.« Prideta na travnik. Pri poti je stalo na samem košato lipovo drevo, ki je fantastično molilo svoje goste veje v tiho, krasno mesečno noč. Na zapadu se je videla s hribca prijazna lučca izmed sadnega drevja, grajske strehe so se v mesečini svetile. Mladeniča so zopet obšle prijetne in otožne misli vred, ko je zagledal svoje novo stanovanje pri tujih ljudeh. »Tu pod lipo grajska Manica sedeva; tu sem ji srečo povedal,« pravi deseti brat. »Saj nič ne veš,« odgovori mladenič, »kako prihodnost bom imel jaz?« »Ti boš nekaj doživel ta gori, česar se ti še ni senjalo nikdar. Le dobro ogledaj grad, mesec sveti lepo, pomnil ga boš do smrti, pomnil boš tudi desetega brata, čeravno mu ne veruješ, do groba ga boš pomnil.« Glas Spakov je bil pri teh besedah popolnoma različen od prejšnje govorice, nekako temen in strašan, tako da je mladeniča malo osupnil. In ker se je ravno ta trenotek luna skrila začasno za oblak, prešinila ga je tembolj neka čudna čut; rajši bi bil že v gradu, ko tu s tem pol norim človekom na samotnem polju. Dasiravno kakor izobražen človek ni trohice verjel na vraže, obšla ga je vendar misel, da Martin Spak res kaj več ve ko navadni ljudje. Lehko je misliti, da je kraj, kjer sedeva in sanjari lepa deklica, najsi bo tudi nam neznana, mikaven za mladeniča, čigar »srce je prazno« in samo hrepeni po nečem, česar um ne ve vselej razložiti. Zatorej je Lovre, ko se je luna med tem zopet izza oblaka prikazala, pazljivo ogledal mesto okoli »grajske lipe«. Ozek pa dolg travnik se je raztezal po dolini. Razen lipe je rastlo samo še gosto vrbovo grmičje ob malem šumečem potoku, ki se je zvijal ravno mimo krasnega drevesa. Pod lipo, katere deblo bi bilo komaj dva moška obsegla, bila je okoli in okoli napravljena klopica in tla so bila razhojena, očiten dokaz, da je Spak resnico govoril, rekši, da hodijo dostikrat le-sem grajska gospoda, sosebno pa Manica. Prijazna sprehajališča imam že, da bi le še vse drugo dobro bilo, mislil si je Lovre. »Sitno je po noči priti; ali ne bi mogel tod v kaki krčmi prenočiti?« vpraša Lovre. Ko odgovora ne dobi, obrne se nazaj in pogleda za Martinom. Nikjer ga ni bilo. Lovre si ni mogel razložiti, ni kam ni zakaj ni kedaj mu je izginil. Ostalo mu ni drugega na izbiranje, kakor po belo potresenem potu v grad jezditi, katerega je imel pred očmi. Na Slemenice ga je peljala pot proti zadnjemu majhno navkreber. Grajsko poslopje je bilo precej prostorno, štirioglato in v dva gorna (stropja). Dasiravno je bilo zidano, kakor se je iz stavbe dalo soditi, že v novejšem, to je ne v srednjem veku, poznalo se je vendar, da so stavitelji malo v mislih imeli take čase, v katerih je dobro, če se dom da braniti. Zato je okrog in okrog spodnji del zida imel obliko male trdnjave in majhna, jako zamrežena okna. Gosto sadno drevje je rastlo okrog in okrog gradu po hribcu; samo proti severu je bil svet nekaj bolj kamenit in gol. Zato so tam stali hlevi in druga gospodarska poslopja. Zadaj se je svet naglo vzdigoval do strmega holma, na katerem je Kvas na hiter pogled zapazil rogovilasto zidovje, razsip stanovanja nekdanjih gospodov na Slemenicah. Luč, ki je gorela v gradu od zdolaj in v prvem nadstropju, prepričala je Kvasa, da še družina in gospoda ne spe. NADALJEVANJE PRIHODNJIČ -O ~ -CV ~~ ~ »IV* " »O**" Ko Alelujo zapojo zvonovi, z naravo se nam porodi iivljenje — vse sive misli dajmo za zelenje bodimo kakor sonca so sinovi. Straiar. PEVSKO DRUŠTVO “DA WN” S.Ž.Z. Na zadnjem sestanku so bile volitve odbornic. Imenik društva ostane enak od lani. Predsednica: Pauline Krall Podpredsednica: Josephine Trunk Ta/nica in blagajničarka: Antoinette Zabukovec Preglednica: Stella Kostick Prevajalka v slov.: Mary Kokal Članice so sklenile in darovale $500.00 za šolski sklad v spomin pokojne Mary Boštjan. Globoko sožalje našima članicama Veri Bajec in Mary Kokal ob izgubi njunih soprogov. Pevke Dawn so se v velikem številu zbrale v pogrebnem zavodu in lepo zapele tradicijonalne žalostinke ob krsti Josepha Bajec in Josepha Kokal. Naj počivata v miru. Na sestanku smo tudi sklenile, da se bomo sestajale vsaj enkrat na mesec. Zapele bomo naše lepe slovenske pesmi, ki jih imamo ogromno na razpolago - nekako v zalogi. Pripravljene smo sodelovati na Zvezinih obletnicah. Prosimo, da nas društva obvestijo en mesec prej, ker moramo pripraviti program. Veselo Alelujo vsem! MARY KOKAL i*ihi — ohoska pesnica Velike in male in stare kokoške, nesite nam jajčec tja v slamnate koške. Glej, kako so pridne te naše živali in skoro ti koški jim bodo premali. Ti jajčki okrogli, njih vsak bo še pisan, rdeče, rumeno in modro porisan. -tf- -tf- -it- —T- -tf- -tr- -tj- -tr- —o- Gregor Mali: VELIKA NOC APOSTOLA JANEZA Legenda Na velikonočno nedeljo, ko je bila še tema, je šla Marija Magdalena k Jezusovemu grobu. Videla je, da je kamen od groba odvaljen. Tekla je, in to povedala Petru in Janezu, učencu, ki ga je Jezus ljubil. Peter in Janez sta takoj hitela k Gospodovemu grobu. Oba sta tekla. Ker je bil Janez mlajši, je Petra prehitel. Prišel je prvi k Jezusovemu grobu. Vendar si ni upal stopiti v grob. Samo pogledal je vanj in videl natleh platnene prte. Vonj dišečih rastlin, ki je prihajal iz groba, ga je razvedril. V njegovem srcu je zažarelo upanje, da je morda le res, da je Gospod vstal. Tedaj se je približal k Gospodovemu grobu Peter. V njegovem srcu ni bilo tolažbe, odkar je Jezus umrl in so ga položili v grob. Njegov obraz je bil bled, upadel od žalosti. Le oči so mu skrivnostno žarele. Janez je stal pred grobom. Peter ga je potisnil na stran in mirno, toda odločno stopil v Gospodov grob. Dobro je videl, kako se je sklonil in ogledaval povoje na tleh. Ko se je Peter spet zravnal, je stopil v grob tudi Janez. Toda nobene besede ni izpregovoril s Petrom. Oba sta molčala. Grob je bil že prej prazen. V grobu so ostali povoji, platneni prti in potrjevali upanje, da je Gospod res vstal. Janez je veroval. Peter se je spotaknil ob posodo, v kateri so bile dišeče rastline. To ga je zbudilo iz zamišljenosti. Pokleknil je in spoštljivo vzel prt, v katerega je bilo zavito Gospodovo telo. Ko qa je držal v rokah in ga gledal od blizu, je svet strah pretresel vse njegovo telo in ga več ur potem ni zapustil. Vera v Jezusovo vstajenje je v Petru našla trdno podlago. Hitro sta odšla iz groba in zapustila vrt. Vsa pretresena sta dolgo molčala. Spregovoril je Janez: “O svojem vstajenju nam Gospod ni veliko govoril. Ne! Govoril nam je, toda mi ga nismo razumeli.” Peter je prikimal z glavo v potrdilo teh besed. Janez je nadaljeval: “Zvečer se moramo zopet vsi, ki smo njegovi učenici, zbrati. Zdaj verujem, da se čudeži še niso končali in da bomo kmalu videli svojega Učenika.” Janezove oči so žarele v upanju. Njegove noge so postale lahke in pripravljene za pot, ki jo je moral narediti. Moral je namreč iti obiskat Marijo, svojo mater, ki ga je sprejela za sina pod križem. “Dragi prijatelj Janez, če se čudeži še niso končali, se tudi ne bo končalo naše trpljenje. Ker nas je Odrešenih napravil deležne svojega življenja, nas bo napravil deležne tudi svojega trpljenja. Ti si tega najbolj vredan. Jaz sem svojega Učenika, ko je _ bil obsojen na smrt, zatajil. Mnogo nas je iz strahu pred Gospodovimi sovražniki zbežalo. Skrili smo se, ker smo se bali trpljenja. Juda, ki zdaj ni več naš, je izdal našega Gospoda. Postal je žrtev teme. Obupal je in se obesil.” Petru so prišle solze v oči. Janez je pripomnil: “Vse to se je zgodilo zato, ker je bila to volja našega Gospoda. Vendar tudi naše slabosti nam morejo biti v korist, ker nam pomagajo, da lažje razumemo napake bližnjega.” Ko sta se Janez in Peter tako pogovarjala, sta prišla do hiše, kjer je Janez prebival. Prijazno sta se poslovila. Toda Peter ga je še ustavil. “Poročilo o vstajanju bo nepopisno razveselilo njegovo mater Marijo. Meč sedmerih bolečin je presunil njeno dušo. Tudi njene bolečine prinašajo vsemu svetu rešenje. Izroči ji moje pozdrave.” Peter je nato hitro odšel. Janez je stopil v hišo. Jezusova in sedaj tudi njegova mati je tedaj pripravljala hrano. Janez se je ves iz sebe čudil, da more Marija v tolikih bridkosti misliti tudi na njega. Rekel ji je: “Nikar ne delaj tega. Ti se vendar mati mojega Gospoda. Zato mi ne smeš več streči." Vzel je iz njenih rok posodo, v kateri so bile pripravljene ribe. Janez je pričel govoriti z Marijo in ji povedal, kaj sta s Petrom doživela pri grobu. Od smrti njenega sina Jezusa ga Marija ni pogledala s svojimi nebeško lepimi očmi. Vedno jih je povešala in vedno so bile napolnjene s solzami. Marija ga je sedaj pogledala s svojimi milimi očmi, v katerih je žarela njena materinska ljubezen in sreča. “Torej veruješ, da je moj Sin res vstal?” “Verujem! Tvoj Sin je luč, ki jo je poslal na svet nebeški oče, da bo razsvetljila vse nevernike. Toda bojim se, da mu bodo sovražniki tudi po vstajenju stregli po življenju, pravtako njegovim prijateljem.” “Oditi moraš od mene in govoriti ljudem, kar si videl.” Sveti Janez se je odločil, da bo šel čimprej po svetu oznanjat skrivnost Kristusovega Vstajenja in njegove velike ljubezni do ljudi, ker je daroval zanje svoje življenje. “Marija, božja Mati, Kraljica apostolov, prosi zame.” Marija je tedaj dvignila svoje roke in prvikrat pokrižala svojega novega sina Janeza z znamenjem svetega križa. ANA GABER ŠT. 2, Chicago, IL VSEM ČITATELJICAM ŽELI ZARJA LEPO VELIKO NOČ Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 VV. Greenfield Ave. Phone: 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 FRED C. DAMES FUNERAL HOME Joel L. Dames Mark L. Dames Jon P. Dames 251 N. CENTER AT CAMPBELL JOLIET, ILLINOIS 60435 PHONE AREA CODE 815/726-5211 A Name to Remember TEZAK FUNERAL 459 North Ottawa Street HOME Joliet, IL 60435 First in service since 1908 Phone 772-0534 Slovenian Women’s Union proudly presents: Slovenian-International Cookbook SENSATIONAL BESTSELLER POTS & PANS $8.00 Books on Slovenian Immigrants and Pioneers FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA $5.00 hardbound — $3.50 so ft bound FOOTSTEPS THROUGH TIME $6.00 For orders, send remittance plus $1 postage per book to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION 431 NO. CHICAGO ST., JOI.IET, II I.. 60435 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN (19071981) ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embahners CHICAGO.IL. 60608 847-6688 GEREND HABERMANN Funeral Home SHEBOYGAN, Wl 53081 □ Union National Bank & Trust Co. of Joliet Jefferson at Ottawa Street Phone 727-5222 COMPLETE BANKING AND TRUST SERVICES GRDINA FUNERAL HOMES CLEVELAND, OHIO 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 1053 East 62nd St. 431-2088 Cookbook Order Form Pots & Pans Slovenian - International Cookbook Please send me_________copies at $8.00 cach plus $1.00 for postage and handling per book. NAME ___________________________________ - Address __________________________________ City ________State ________Zipcode _______ Make checks payable to and send order to: Slovenian Women’s Union, 431 No. Chicago Si., Joliet, IL 60432. “FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART” DAVY’S COLUMN The First Easter Hi Boys and Girls, Just imagine that first Easter morning. The 11 apostles were in hiding somewhere, still not believing what had happened in the last couple of days. A couple of Roman guards where placed at the Tomb. They probably, for their lives, couldn’t understand why they were guarding the grave of a dead Jew, but it was an easy way to make a day’s wages. Some of the women-folk decide to set out to the tomb to perfume the body of Jesus. (Due to the Sabbath, He wasn’t buried properly according to Jewish tradition) We know for sure that one of the women was Mary Magdeline. If the Blessed Mother was among the women is not quite certain. Some readings say yes, some say no. Perhaps at the time the women were going to the tomb, Jesus was visiting with his mother. Then when they arrived at the tomb, they discovered it to be empty. What about those poor Roman guards? One can’t help but feel a little sorry for the chaps. They didn’t even know why they were there, then the stone moves and the tomb is empty! Pilote wasn’t going to like this. Imagine the joy and excitement Mary Magdeline felt when the Lord spoke to her. How would you feel if someone dear to you, whom you thought dead, was alive. She ran to tell the apostles. They must have thought she really went off the deep edge, until finally, Peter and John, thought that maybe, just maybe, and ran to the Tomb... A Happy and Blessed Easter to you and yours. DAVY RIDDLES When little Jimmy returned home from summer camp, his parents asked him if he had been homesick. “Not me,” he replied, “Some of the kids were, though — the ones who had dogs.” —Parts Pups Sign on a fruit stand: “Don’t squeeze me until I’m yours.” —Parts Pups “Oh, Mother,” cried the little boy when he saw a snake for the first time. “Come here quick! Here’s a tail wagging without any dog! —Parts Pups A career, no matter how great, can never take the place of love. —Muhaliu Jackson, Ebony, Quote A mother, preparing for dinner guests, sent her little girl upstairs to bed and reminded her to say her prayers. The next morning the mother asked, “Did you say your prayers last night?” “Well, 1 kinda did,” said the little girl. “I got down on my knees and began to say my prayer; then suddenly I thought that God must get tired of hearing the same old prayer, so I snuggled in bed and told Him the story of “The Three Bears.’ ” —Leltie Floorc, Quote The boy was practicing his violin lesson in the house. His sister was playing with the family dog on the porch. As the boy scraped away, the dog howled dismally. Finally, the sister shouted, “For goodness’ sake, Johnny, can’t you play something the dog doesn’t know?” —L.S. Hembree, Quote Answer to Puzzle on page 17: Mailbox JIIIMIHIIMIIIHIIIDi MIIMMIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIII' DATES TO REMEMBER I Mar. 16 - CARD PARTY, Br. 54, Warren, OH, 2 p.m. Apr. 27 COMMEMORATIVE MASS, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wl, 8:45 am, Coffee afterward at church hall I MOTHER OF THE YEAR PARTIES! May 27 - Br. 35, Aurora, MN, 2:00 p.m. May 4 - Br. 81, Keewatin, MN, after 10:30 a.m. Mass May 13 - Br. 42, Maple Hgts., OH { May 14 - Br. 43, Milwaukee, WI May 18 - Br. 17, West Allis, WI, after meeting May 18 - Br. 41, Cleveland, OH, Mass at St. Mary’s on 5 Holmes, dinner afterward ’"lllMMIItlllllHtltMHtMMiHIIHtllllllltlMllt •UMIHHIHMIMIIHIIIMIHIHIHIIIIHItUlfllHHIIIIHIIIIIHIIMIItltMIIMIIIttlHltllMtHHHIIHHIHIHIIIIItllllHIIHIIIHf Independent 1 gpAVlNGS i 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 ? 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 j 2765 SOM Center Rd„ Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 I 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 ; 2ND CLASS POSTAGE PAID CHICAGO ILLINOIS