Informatica 42 (2018) 175–188 175 A Modification of the Lasso Method by Using the Bahadur Representation for the Genome-Wide Association Study Lev V . Utkin Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, St.Petersburg, Russia E-mail: Yulia A. Zhuk ITMO University, St.Petersburg, Russia E-mail: Keywords: data analysis, feature selection, Lasso, Bahadur representation, genome-wide association study Received: September 24, 2016 A modification of the Lasso method as a powerful machine learning tool applied to a genome-wide associ- ation study is proposed in the paper. From the machine learning point of view, a feature selection problem is solved in the paper, where features are single nucleotide polymorphisms or DNA-markers whose asso- ciation with a quantitative trait is established. The main idea underlying the modification is to take into account correlations between DNA-markers and peculiarities of phenotype values by using the Bahadur representation of joint probabilities of binary random variables. Interactions of DNA-markers called the epistasis are also considered in the framework of the proposed modification. Various numerical experi- ments with real datasets illustrate the proposed modification. Povzetek: Predstavljena je modifikacija metode strojnega uˇ cenja, imenovana Lasso. 1 Introduction One of the important area for a successful application of the artificial intelligence, in particular, machine learning algo- rithms, is the computational biology which can be regarded as a basis for many engineering problems in biotechnology. An interesting task clearly illustrating the application of ar- tificial intelligence to biotechnology problems is a genome- wide association study (GWAS). GWAS examines the as- sociation between phenotypes or quantitative traits and ge- netic variants or genotypes across the entire genome. In the machine learning framework, it can be regarded as one of the methods for a feature selection problem where features are the so-called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or DNA-markers. As pointed out in [12, 15], there are some difficulties of solving this feature selection problem. First of all, the number of SNPsp is typically 10–100 times the number of individualsn in the training sample. This is the so calledp > n (or largep smalln) problem, which leads to difficulty of an oversaturated model. Another difficulty is that SNPs may affect phenotype in a complicated and unknown manner. For example, some DNA-markers may interact in their effects on phenotype. This interaction is called the epistatic effect. A huge amount of the statistical models and methods sol- ving the SNP selection problem have been developed the last decades. A part of methods can be referred to as filter methods [1, 28] which use statistical properties of SNPs to filter out poorly informative ones. A review of filter met- hods in GWAS is proposed by Zhang et al. [53]. Thet-test, Fisher criterion (F -statistics), 2 -statistics, ANOV A tests are the well-known statistical methods for detecting diffe- rential SNPs between two samples in training data. Another part of methods called wrapper methods gene- rally provides more accurate solutions than the filter met- hods, but it is computationally demanding [24]. One of the well-known wrapper methods proposed by Guyon et al. [17] and called the Recursive Feature Elimination has been applied to the gene selection problem for cancer clas- sification. Filter methods and their modifications as well as wrap- per methods may be efficient tools for solving the problems of GWAS. At the same time, a lot of methods of the fea- ture selection use regression models. One of the pioneering and the most well-known papers devoted to the use of re- gression models in SNP selection has been written by Lan- der and Botstein [27]. Methods for constructing the corre- sponding regression models can be referred as embedded methods [25]. They performs feature selection in the pro- cess of model building and cover a lot of well-known ap- proaches, including the Ridge regression, Least Absolute Shrinkage and Lasso techniques [41] which are the most popular and efficient tools in SNP selection problems. The main advantage of using the Lasso method is that it per- forms variable selection and classification or regression si- multaneously. A lot of approaches using the Lasso met- hod and its modifications have been developed for solving the SNP selection problem in the framework of the GWAS [13, 31, 35, 36, 40, 43]. Hayes [18] provided a comprehen- sive overview of statistical methods for GWAS in animals, 176 Informatica 42 (2018) 175–188 L.V . Utkin et al. plants, and humans. Various approaches to SNP selection with the Lasso algorithm and other methods can be also found in papers [16, 22, 33, 46]. The main aim of GWAS is to identify SNPs that are di- rectly associated with a trait, i.e., the standard GWAS ana- lyzes each SNP separately in order to identify a set of signi- ficant SNPs showing genetic variations associated with the trait. However, an important challenge in the analysis of genome-wide data sets is taking into account the so-called epistatic effect when different SNPs interact in their asso- ciation with phenotype. Campos et al. [12] explain some shortcomings of the standard GWAS. They write that the currently identified SNPs might not fully describe genetic diversity. For in- stance, these SNPs may not capture some forms of genetic variability that are due to copy number variation. Moreo- ver, genetic mechanisms might involve complex interacti- ons among genes and between genes and environmental conditions, or epigenetic mechanisms which are not fully captured by additive models. Many statistical approaches make sense under the assumption that only a few genes af- fect genetic predisposition. However, GWAS may be unsa- tisfactory for many important traits which may be affected by a large number of small-effect, possibly interacting, ge- nes. Limitations and pitfalls of prediction analysis in the framework of the GWAS have been discussed in detail by Wray et al. [47] where it is shown how naive implementati- ons can lead to severe bias and misinterpretation of results. In fact, the epistatic effect can be viewed as gene-gene interaction when the action of one locus depends on the genotype of another locus. At the same time, there are dif- ferent interpretations of the epistatic effect. A fundamental critical review of different definitions and interpretations of epistasis is provided by Cordell [11] where it is pointed out that there are many conflicting definitions of epistasis, which lead to certain problems in interpretations, namely, the statistical interaction may not correspond to the biolo- gical models of epistasis. As indicated by Wan et al. [44], there are mainly three different definitions of gene-gene in- teractions: functional, compositional and statistical epista- sis. We consider only the statistical epistasis which can be regarded as the statistical deviation from the joined effects of two SNPs on the phenotype. At that, the individual SNPs may exhibit no marginal effects. A lot of methods dealing with epistasis effect have been developed last decades [3, 30, 52, 49, 50, 51, 54]. Compre- hensive and interesting reviews of methods detecting inte- racting the epistatic effect were provided by several authors [7, 45]). Analyzing various modifications of the Lasso method applied to the GWAS problems, we can point out that many efficient modifications are based on applying spe- cial forms of the penalty function, which take into account some additional information about SNP markers and the corresponding phenotype values. Some interesting algo- rithms [33, 42] devoted to various penalty functions will be studied in the next section. The use of a specific addi- tional information allows us to improve the GWAS and is considered in the paper. In the present study, we modify the Lasso method by ta- king into account some peculiarities of the double haploid (DH) lines of barley which are very important in the plant biotechnology. According to the DH method, only two ty- pes of genotypes occur for a pair of alleles. From a sta- tistical point of view, we solve a linear regression problem with binary explanatory variables. Our method is based on the well-known adaptive Lasso [56] and takes into ac- count additional information about the correlation between SNPs, frequencies of alleles and expected phenotype va- lues. We propose to use the Bahadur representation [2] by partially applying the ideas provided by Lee and Jun [29] where the authors propose to apply the Bahadur representa- tion to classification problems. The Bahadur representation allows us to compute joint probabilities of SNPs by taking into account the correlation between binary random varia- bles. That is another reason why we analyze only DH lines which produce the binary genotypes. In order to modify the adaptive Lasso, we propose to assign penalty weights in accordance with expected values of the phenotype with respect to a probability mass function somehow defined on the genotype values. In other words, computing the ex- pected values of the phenotype in a special way is a main idea of the proposed method. We show that the proposed modification is directly extended on the case taking into account the epistatic effect. 2 The Lasso method We analyzen double haploid (DH) lines of barley or a po- pulation from n individuals. From a statistical point of view, marker genotypes can be treated as qualitative expla- natory variables, i.e., X j = (x 1j ;:::;x nj ) T is a predictor representing thej-th SNP,j = 1;:::;p. Herex ij is a binary variable, i.e.,x ij 2f0;1g. A quantitative trait of interest or a set of the phenotype valuesy i 2R,i = 1;:::;n, can be regarded as the response vectorY = (y 1 ;:::;y n ) T . We also denote X = [X 1 ;:::;X p ] is a genotype matrix forn lines or individuals or a predictor matrix in terms of statistics; x T i = (x i1 ;:::;x ip ) is a vector of alleles corresponding to thei-th line,i = 1;:::;n. First, we focus on the standard linear regression model y = p X i=1 i X i + 0 + = X + 0 +: (1) Here is a noise variable with the zero-valued expectation; i is the SNP effect, = ( 1 ;:::; p ). Without loss of generality, we assume the predictors and the response are centered, and the predictors are standardi- zed, that is n X i=1 y i = 0; n X i=1 x ij = 0; n X i=1 x 2 ij = 1; X i 2R p : A Modification of the Lasso Method by. . . Informatica 42 (2018) 175–188 177 This implies that the intercept is not included in the regres- sion function. The Lasso is a regularization technique for simultaneous estimation and variable selection [41]. The Lasso estima- tes are defined from the following quadratic programming problem: = arg min 2R p kY X k 2 ; subject to p X j=1 j j j s for somes> 0. The Lagrange formulation is = arg min 2R p kY X k 2 + p X j=1 j j j; where is a nonnegative regularization parameter. The se- cond term is theL 1 penalty which is crucial for the success of the Lasso. The Lasso estimator is usually calculated at a grid of tuning parameters of , and a cross-validation pro- cedure is subsequently used to select an appropriate value of . The Lasso penalizes the regression coefficients by their L 1 norm. However, in order to improve the performance of the Lasso, the regression coefficients can be penalized individually. As a result, we write the weighted Lasso esti- mates as follows: = arg min 2R p kY X k 2 + p X j=1 w j j j j; wherew j > 0,j = 1;:::;p, are weights determined a priori in accordance with some rules. A larger weightw j corre- sponds to a higher penalty and discourages thej-th predic- tor from the model. Conversely, a smaller weightw j exerts less penalty and encourages selection of the corresponding predictor [55]. The penalized Lasso can be reformulated as the standard Lasso problem [6]. If we introduce new covariates and re- gression coefficients as e x ij =x ij =w j ; i = 1;:::;n; e j = j w j ; then the weighted Lasso problem can be rewritten as fol- lows: = arg min 2R p Y e X e 2 + p X j=1 e j ; where e and e X are the vector and the matrix with elements e j ande x ij , respectively. Zou [56] proposed one of the methods for determining the weightsw j such thatw j = 1=j init;j j, where init;j is a prior estimator of j , for example, the least square esti- mator. The corresponding Lasso problem is referred as the adaptive Lasso, and it has many nice properties improving the performance of the Lasso. Moreover, it can be a basis for constructing the boosting Lasso [6]. The Lasso has many interesting properties which make the method to be very popular. At the same time, Zou and Hastie [57] point out that in spite of success of the Lasso it has some limitations, in particular, if there is a group of variables among which the pairwise correlations are very high, then the lasso tends to select only one variable from the group and does not care which one is selected. In other words, the Lasso tends to put all the weight on the selected variable. On the one hand, this is a shortcoming. Many methods have been proposed to overcome this obstacle, for example, the so-called the elastic net [57] where the esti- mates are defined by = arg min 2R p Y e X e 2 + 1 p X j=1 e j + 2 e 2 : However, the elastic net requires to assign an additional pa- rameter 2 whose value is a priori unknown. On the other hand, in contrast to the ridge regression which tends to se- lect all of the correlated variables and make the correspon- ding coefficients to be equal, the Lasso selects a group of correlated variables and “isolates” it. A special choice of the penalty term on the basis of some prior information about SNPs or about an exploited ge- nome selection model itself may lead to a series of useful or important properties of the regression or classification model corresponding to the Lasso. Liu et al. [33] tried to apply the observed fact that there exists a natural grou- ping structure in SNPs and, more importantly, such groups are correlated. The authors proposed a new penalization method for group variable selection which can properly ac- commodate the correlation between adjacent groups. Their method referred to as smoothed group Lasso is based on a combination of the group Lasso penalty and a quadratic penalty on the difference of regression coefficients of adja- cent groups. Liu et al. [33] assume that SNPs are divided into J groups, each with size d j , j = 1;:::;J, according to their physical locations and correlation patterns. As a results, the vector = ( 1 ;:::; J ) is defined for groups of SNPs, but not for separate SNPs, j is the vector of pa- rameters corresponding to SNPs from thej-th group. The authors consider the quadratic loss function of the form: l( ) = Y J X j=1 X j j 2 : HereX j is ann d j matrix corresponding to thej-th group [33]. There are two main difficulties of using the above considered method. First, it is rather hard from the compu- tation point of view. Second, we have to know a priori the grouping structure SNPs. An interesting approach for dealing with correlated co- variates was proposed by Tutz and Ulbricht [42]. Their method utilizes the correlation between predictors expli- citly in the penalty term. Coefficients which correspond to 178 Informatica 42 (2018) 175–188 L.V . Utkin et al. pairs of covariates are weighted according to their marginal correlation. The correlation based penalty is given by Q ( ) = p 1 X i=1 X j>i ( i j ) 2 1 ij + ( i + j ) 2 1+ ij : Here ij denotes the empirical correlation between thei-th and thej-th predictors. If we have the positive correlation, i.e., ij ! 1, then the first term in the sum becomes domi- nant. When ij ! 1, then the second term becomes do- minant. Both these cases lead to the approximate equality i j . In case of uncorrelated predictors and ij ! 0, the corresponding model is reduced to the ridge regression. Another model proposed by Park and Hastie [38] con- structs sets of indicators representing all the available fac- tors and all possible two-way interactions in order to fit gene-interaction models with the data consisting of ge- notype measurements and a binary response. The obtained grouped variables are used in the path-following algorithm for the group-Lasso method. In order to take into account different probabilities of fe- ature values, in particular, to take into account the allele frequency, Zhou et al. [55] proposed a weighted Lasso penalty in the Lasso method such that the weights are as- signed in accordance with the following sources of prior knowledge. First, Zhou et al. [55] considered genotyping errors such that the unreliable variants should be penali- zed more. Second, they pointed out that the allele frequen- cies can be used in accordance with an idea of Madsen and Browning [34] where it was proposed to take the weight w = 2 p (1 ) for a variant with population frequency by arguing that this scheme assigns smaller penalties to rarer variants as suggested by classical population genetics theory. 3 The proposed method 3.1 Motivation for a new penalized method The considered in previous sections modifications of the Lasso are efficient tools for solving the GWAS and SNP se- lection problems. Their performance has been experimen- tally shown by many authors [13, 22, 23, 31, 33]. Howe- ver, every real application problem has some peculiarities whose accounting might improve the regression method. Let us mention these peculiarities. 1. First of all, our aim is not to find the “best” regression model for the given information, but to select SNPs which impact on the smallest (largest) values of the phenotype, for example, on the heading date early flo- wering of barley in the studied applications. This does not mean that the whole fitted regression model is not important for us. We have to combine two above aims. This can be done by introducing the weighted Lasso penalties of a special form. This form has to take into account in the first place the smallest values of phe- notype. Smaller values of the phenotype produce lar- ger weights, whereas larger values of the phenotype should be also considered. It would seem that we can assign the weights to phenotype values with respect to their closeness to the minimal phenotype value. Ho- wever, the phenotype values are random and depend on environment conditions. Moreover, the smallest phenotype value does not mean that its value is cau- sed by the corresponding genotype. This implies that we cannot assign weights to the available phenotype values. The main idea underlying the method is to as- sign weights to expected values of the phenotype with respect to a probability mass function somehow defi- ned on the genotype values. 2. The genotype values corresponding to every SNP in the studied application make up a binary vector. The dependence of SNPs leads to dependence of the cor- responding binary vectors which can be estimated. 3. The allele frequencies and correlations indirectly im- pact on the smallest values of the phenotype. 3.2 A method for computing weights for the Lasso By extending the ideas proposed by aforementioned aut- hors [34, 42, 55], we define the weighted Lasso penalty in a new way. The main idea is the following. We define the average contribution of every SNP to the mean phe- notype value. These contributions or their function are no- thing else but the weightsw k in the adaptive Lasso. They have to take into account the probabilities of alleles, the correlations between SNPs and the phenotype values. The next question is how to determine the average contribution of every SNP. It can be carried out as follows: 1. For every genotype vectorx j (thej-th line), we com- pute joint probabilities (x kj ;x ij ) of all pairs (k;i) of SNPs by taking into account correlations between pairs of random variables (SNPs). 2. For every pair(k;i), we compute the mean phenotype value R ki as the expectation of phenotypes with re- spect to the joint probabilities (x kj ;x ij ) over all li- nes or individuals. 3. The average contribution of every, sayk-th, SNP into the phenotype is computed by averaging the mean phenotype valuesR ki over alli = 1;:::;p. 4. The weights or their function for the adaptive Lasso are defined by the average contributions. Below we consider every step in detail. A Modification of the Lasso Method by. . . Informatica 42 (2018) 175–188 179 3.3 Bahadur representation The main idea for using the joint probability (x jk ;x ji ) is to take into account the correlation between SNPs with in- dicesk andi. For every pair of SNPsX k andX i , we have to determine the joint probability (x kj ;x ij ),i = 1;:::;p, i6= k, of thej-th individual. It can be computed by using the so-called Bahadur representation proposed by Bahadur [2]. The Bahadur representation takes into account the cor- relation between binary variables, and it can be written in the case of two binary variables with numbersk andi as (x k ;x i ) = x k k (1 k ) 1 x k xi i (1 i ) 1 xi (1+ ki u k u i ): (2) Here k is the probability of an allele for thek-th SNP or its allele frequency, i.e., k = Prfx k = 1g; ki is the correlation coefficient between thek-th and thei-th SNPs which is defined as ki = E[U k U i ], where the random standardized variableU k takes the valuesu k such that there hold U k = X k k p k (1 k ) ; u k = x k k p k (1 k ) : Note that the first term in the right-hand side of the ex- pression for (x k ;x i ) represents the joint probability mass function under condition that variablesX k andX i are sta- tistically independent. The second term includes the inte- raction from the first order up to the second. Note also that U k should be evaluated by estimating k . The corresponding estimates of parameters k , u k , ki denoted asb k ,b u k ,b ki are computed by means of the follo- wing expressions: b k = n X l=1 x kl =n; b ki = n X l=1 b u kl b u il =n; wheren is the number of individuals and b u kl = (x kl b k ) p b k (1 b k ) is thel-th observed value of variableU k . It should be noted that the Bahadur representation can be written also for joint probabilities of three, four, etc. variables. [32] mention a property of the Bahadur repre- sentation such that the joint probability distribution of any subsetx 1 ;x 2 ;:::;x t can be written as follows: (x 1 ;:::;x t ) = t Y i=1 xi i (1 i ) 1 xi 0 @ 1+ X Qf 1;:::;tg;jQj 2 Q Y k2Q u k 1 A : Here Q represents i1;:::;i k if Q = fi 1 ;:::;i k g andjQj denotes the number of elements inQ. The main disadvan- tage of the Bahadur representation is the large number of parameters and hard computations required for getting the probabilities. Therefore, we restrict our study only by pro- babilities of two variables. It should be noted that the Bahadur representation has been used in some classification models. One of the inte- resting models for discriminant analysis of binary data was proposed by Lee and Jun [29]. The main contribution of [29] is that they proposed to take into account the corre- lation between variables or, more exactly, estimates of the correlation by means of the Bahadur representation. There are pros and cons of using this model when the number of variables is larger than the number of observati- ons. For example, Bickel and Levina [4] suppose that clas- sification rules ignoring the correlation structure often per- form better in this case. However, Lee and Jun [29] show by means of various experimental studies that the correla- tion should be taken into account in all cases. In spite of arguments of [29] in defense of the correla- tion analysis for high-dimensional data, there is a risk of incorrect estimates of interactions of the large order. More- over, it is practically impossible to compute the correspon- ding joint probabilities when the number of SNPs is rather large. Therefore, we propose an approach which partially uses joint probabilities of variables and partially takes into account the correlation between the variables. 3.4 Average contributions of SNPs In order to determine the average contribution of thek-th SNP into the mean value of the phenotype, we consider all possible pairs of SNPs such that one of the SNPs in every pair is thek-th SNP, i.e., we are interesting in consi- deringp 1 pairs of SNPs with numbers(k;1);:::;(k;k 1);(k;k +1);:::;(k;p). Every pair, say (k;i), determines a mean phenotype valueR ki corresponding to this pair of SNPs as follows: R ki = P n j=1 (x kj ;x ij )y j P n j=1 (x kj ;x ij ) : (3) In other words, we can compute the expected phenotype value under condition that every phenotype valuey j is pro- duced by the subset of the genotypes corresponding to the k-th and thei-th SNPs. The measureR ki can be regarded as a contribution of thek-th and thei-th SNPs to the mean phenotype value. Then the contribution of the k-th SNP denoted by e R k into the mean phenotype value can be determined through averaging the measuresR ki , i.e., it is computed as e R k = 1 p 1 p X i=1;i6=k R ki : (4) It is obvious that the smaller values of the measure e R k give us significant or top ranked SNPs and exert less pen- altyw k , i.e., we can introduce an increasing functiong such that w k =g(1=j init;k j): 180 Informatica 42 (2018) 175–188 L.V . Utkin et al. One of the possible functions which will be used in nu- merical experiments is w k = e R k min k=1;:::;p e R k max k=1;:::;p e R k min k=1;:::;p e R k ! q : (5) Here q is a positive real which defines how changes of the difference between e R k and min k=1;:::;p e R k impact on changes of weightsw k . The numberq can be regarded as a tuning parameter whose optimal value can be obtained by means of the cross-validation procedure. In sum, the obtained weights take into account the cor- relation between SNPs, the allele frequencies, binary data and the fact that the smallest (largest) values of the phe- notype are more important in comparison with other va- lues because we are looking for the SNPs which impact on the values of some trait with predefined properties, for ex- ample, the heading date of barley should be as small as possible. At the same time, we do not need to directly use the obtained weights and to implement the adaptive Lasso algorithm. It has been mentioned in the previous section that the adaptive Lasso can be transformed to the standard Lasso by means of introducing new covariates e x ij =x ij =w j . Finally, we write the following SNP selection algorithm. Algorithm 1 The SNP selection algorithm. Require: Y = (y 1 ;:::;y n ) T is the response vector (phe- notype values),X = [X 1 ;:::;X p ] is the binary predictor matrix (genotype values). Ensure: = ( 1 ;:::; p ) is the vector of the regression coefficients (degrees of the SNP effect). repeat k 1 Compute joint probabilities (x jk ;x ji ), i = 1;:::;p, i6= k, for allj = 1;:::;n, by means of the Bahadur representation (2) Compute the mean phenotype valuesR ki , for alli = 1;:::;p,i6=k, by means of (3) Compute the average mean phenotype value e R k by means of (4) Compute the weightsw k by means of (5) Compute new variablese x ik =x ik =w k ; i = 1;:::;n. untilk>p Compute e opt by using the standard Lasso with e and e X instead of e andX. Compute k = e k = e R k ,k = 1;:::;p. Let us indicate the main virtues of the proposed met- hod. First of all, it does not require to develop special algo- rithms for solving the optimization problem for computing the vector of regression coefficients . The obtained pro- blem is solved as the standard Lasso algorithm after refor- mulating the penalized Lasso. Second, the method is rather general because we could change the weights in (5) in accordance with our goal. For example, in one of the applications, we have aimed to mi- nimize the mean heading date of barley as the mean phe- notype value. However, we could aim to maximize, for ex- ample, the amount of grain protein. In this case, we change (5) by taking decreasing functiong as follows: w k = max k=1;:::;p e R k e R k max k=1;:::;p e R k min k=1;:::;p e R k ! q : Here the larger values of the measure e R k give us more sig- nificant SNPs and exert less penaltyw k . Third, we consider not only correlations between SNPs, but also joint probabilities accounting for correlations. The joint probabilities are more informative in comparison with the correlation coefficients. Fourth, we have simplified procedures for computing the joint probabilities. This substantially reduces the computa- tion time. 3.5 The proposed method with epistatic effect A lot of studies devoted to the epistatic effect (see, for ex- ample, [5]) consider extension of the so-called main effect model (1) on the interaction model which can be written as Y = p X i=1 i X i + X i 0 are weights penalizing the additional parameters ij , i < j, i;j = 1;:::;p, in accordance with the rules of the adaptive Lasso [55]. It can be seen from the previous section that the weight or contribution of the pair of the k-th and the i-th SNPs into the phenotype values can be determined by the mean phenotype valueR ki obtained by means of (3). It is inte- resting to note that, in contrast to the k-th SNP contribu- tion e R k obtained in a heuristic way (5), the valueR ki is the expectation of the phenotype with respect to the probabi- lity mass function (x kj ;x ij )= P n j=1 (x kj ;x ij ). So, the weightw ij can be directly computed as w ij = R ij min ij R ij max ij R ij min ij R ij q : A Modification of the Lasso Method by. . . Informatica 42 (2018) 175–188 181 In order to take into account the interactions and to im- plement the method for epistasis detection, we apply a two- stage procedure (see the Screen and Clean method propo- sed by Wu et al. [48] for example). The first stage is for constructing the main effect model and searching for marginal significant SNPs by using the proposed penalized Lasso method with weightsw k determined from (5). Then only top ranked SNPs and pairs of SNPs composed from the significant ones are used in the interaction penalized Lasso model. The main idea here is to again use the Ba- hadur representation, namely, the mean phenotype values R ki computed by means of (3). This is a very important place because we do not need to repeatedly compute the mean phenotype values. They have been computed during construction of the main effect model. We do not provide here an algorithm for computing the optimal vectors and because it is just a simple exten- sion of the algorithm given above. 4 Numerical experiments The Lasso method in numerical experiments is regarded as a special case of a general problem solved by means of the R-package “glmnet” developed by Friedman et al. [14]. The tuning parameter is computed by using the function cv.glmnet() with 10-fold cross validation. Below we use indices of SNPs instead of their full titles for short. 4.1 Data sets Numerical experiments are carried out on three populations of double haploid (DH) lines of barley: 1. The first dataset consists of 93 DH lines of barley described in [8] and [9]. Phenotyping and genoty- ping data are available at Oregon Wolfe Barley Data (OWBD) and GrainGenes Tools. The lines are ana- lyzed with respect to seven phenotypic traits: spike length (SL) in cm; grain number (GN); floret number (FS); hundred grain weight (HGW) in g of 100 grains; plant height (PH) in cm; spike number (SN); heading date (HD) in days. The linkage map consists of 1328 markers (SNPs). 2. The second dataset consists of 92 DH lines of barley obtained from the Dicktoo x Morex cross and described by several authors [20, 19, 37]. Phenotyping and genotyping data are available at . We ana- lyze the lines with respect to two phenotypic traits: heading date with and without vernalization with an 8-h light/16-h dark photoperiod regime. The linkage map consists of 117 markers. 3. The third population dataset includes 150 DH lines of barley obtained from the Steptoe x Morex cross [10, 21]. Phenotyping and genotyping data are avai- lable at The linkage map consists of 223 markers. The lines are analyzed with respect to the heading date (HD) trait, which is measured in 16 environments, and grain yield (GY) trait, which is measured in 6 environments. 4.2 Missing data Missing marker data in all the datasets are estimated by means of the following heuristic procedure which can be regarded as some modification of the well-known method ofK-nearest neighbors. Suppose the vectorX i correspon- ding to thei-th SNP has a missing value at thek-th position, i.e., X ik is missing. By using the specific Hamming dis- tance between the vectorX i and all vectorsX j ,j = 1;:::p, j 6= i, we select K nearest neighbors X i1 ;:::;X i K or K closest vectors. In order to take into account the missing values, they are excluded from computing the Hamming distance. That is why we use the specific Hamming dis- tance in order to compare vectors with different numbers of missing elements, i.e., we compute the distance per one element of X i . The imputed value is that represents the maximum of the K values at the k-th position of all the nearest neighborsX i1k ;:::;X i K k . 4.3 Error measure From each of the (synthetic or real) data sets we randomly select two distinct subsets: a training data set ofn exam- ples to learn the model, and a test data set ofn test instances to evaluate the performance of the algorithms. The perfor- mance is assessed by means of the mean square residual (RMSR), which is defined by RMSR = P ntest i=1 (y i ^ f(x i )) 2 n test ; where ^ f is the function estimated by the proposed method, and ^ f(x i ) is the predicted value of the phenotype valuey i for each i 2 f1;:::;n test g. The error measure RMSR is computed from repeatedly random drawing training and test data sets and by averaging over the runs. The smal- ler the values of the average error measure are, the bet- ter the corresponding method. We use the one-fold-cross- validation, i.e., n test = 1. This is because the number of lines is very small in comparison with the number of SNPs and we cannot reduce them. 4.4 The first dataset First, we investigate DH lines of barley from OWBD. Va- lues of the RMSR for the first dataset are shown in Table 1, where the first column corresponds to seven traits ana- lyzed, columns 2-5 illustrate the RMSR by using only 40 top ranked SNPs. At that, we study cases when the accu- racy is determined for all lines (All lines) and for the first 10 lines with the smallest values of phenotypes (First 10 182 Informatica 42 (2018) 175–188 L.V . Utkin et al. lines). Abbreviations S.L. and P.L. denote the standard and new proposed Lasso methods, respectively. One can see that the proposed method provides better accuracy for the most traits. It does not mean that it can be successful in all cases. It is seen from Table 1 that the proposed met- hod by traits PH and HD does not outperform the standard Lasso. Perhaps, another function determining the weights w k fromR k could provide better results, but we did not find it. In addition, we can observe from Table 1 that use only of top ranked SNPs gives outperforming results in compa- rison with taking all SNPs for modelling GWAS. The same can be said about considering all lines and the first 10 lines. Table 2 illustrates how the error measures depend on the reduced number of top ranked SNPs which are used for constructing the GWAS for the spike length trait. We take the fixed value of q = 0:25. It can be seen from Table 2 that the optimal number of top ranked SNPs is 40. It is interesting to observe also that the standard Lasso weakly depends on the SNP number. Table 3 is similar to Table 1, but RMSRs in Table 3 are obtained by taking into account the epistatic effect. By comparing Tables 1 and 3, we can see that the consideration of epistasis allows us to construct a more accurate model. Moreover, the proposed method outperforms the standard Lasso even for traits PH and HD which distinguished from other traits and illustrated worse results with the proposed method (see Table 1). This is a very important fact showing that joint probabilities of pairs of SNPs as well as correla- tions between SNPs may improve the GWAS. Table 4 shows the top ranked SNPs or their pairs with the largest 10 weights obtained by means of the standard Lasso and the proposed method. Moreover, Table 4 shows the chromosomes where the corresponding SNPs are loca- ted. One can see that the largest weight has a pair of SNPs 997 1279. This implies that impact of the epistatic effect is very significant. It is interesting to note that the both met- hods select this pair of SNPs as the most significant one. 4.5 The second dataset Let us study the dataset consisting of 92 DH lines of bar- ley obtained from the Dicktoo x Morex cross. Tables 5 and 6 contain error measures for the Dicktoo x Morex dataset by considering two traits mentioned above. At that, Table 5 is obtained without taking into account the epistatic ef- fect. In Table 6, the results are represented under condition of epistasis. Comparison of the tables shows that the use of condition of epistasis allows us to get outperforming re- sults. Table 7 shows the top ranked SNPs or their pairs with the largest 10 weights obtained by means of the standard Lasso and the proposed method for the heading date wit- hout vernalization. 4.6 The third dataset The third dataset consists of 150 DH lines of barley obtai- ned from the Steptoe x Morex cross. Values of the RMSR for the third dataset are shown in Table 8. It can be seen from the table that the proposed method provides outper- forming results. Table 9 shows also reduced values of the RMSR for the case of taking into account the epistatic ef- fect. Comparing Tables 8 and 9, we can conclude that the model taking into account the epistatic effect significantly improves the regressor accuracy when the model is con- structed by using only 40 top ranked SNPs. Moreover, the standard Lasso method also shows better results when the epistatic effect is considered. It should be noted that the results given in Tables 8 and 9 is obtained for a certain value ofq, namely, forq = 0:8. However, it is interesting to analyze how the valueq impact on numerical results by using the third dataset. Figs. 1-4 depict the difference D between RMSRs of the proposed and standard Lasso methods for the HD trait. The larger the values ofD are, the better the corresponding proposed method. The positive values of D say that the proposed method outperforms the standard Lasso for the correspon- ding values ofq. It can be seen from Figs. 1-4 that there is an optimal value ofq for every condition of the model use such thatD achieves its maximum at thisq. For example, it follows from Fig. 1 that the best results by using only top ranked SNPs can be obtained by q = 0:8. If we use all SNPs and analyze the first examples, then the optimal value ofq is0:5 (see Fig. 2). The same conclusions can be inferred from pictures illustrating the methods taking into account the epistatic effect (see Figs. 3-4). Table 10 shows the top ranked SNPs and their pairs with the largest 10 weights obtained by means of the standard Lasso and the proposed method for the grain yield trait. It is interesting to note that the use oft-statistics for com- puting weights of SNPs by the same parameters for GY trait gives the following 10 top ranked SNPs: 82 81 83 84 85 79 86 130 129 80 : One can see that the most top ranked SNPs concentrated around the SNP with index 82. This is the obvious inte- raction of genes in a group of SNPs located at the same chromosome. 5 Conclusion The results of numerical experiments and the logic under- lying the proposed method have demonstrated that the pro- posed method outperforms the standard Lasso for many real datasets. Moreover, it takes into account the epista- tic effect or the SNP-SNP interaction. It should be noted that the proposed method is very simple from a computa- tion point of view. It does not require to develop a special software. The standard software (package “glmnet” in R) can be used for the method. A Modification of the Lasso Method by. . . Informatica 42 (2018) 175–188 183 Figure 1: Difference between RMSRs of the standard and proposed Lasso methods for top SNPs. It can be seen from the Bahadur representation that one of the crucial elements of the proposed method is a set of correlation coefficients between SNPs. It should be noted that they often use in GWAS as additional information. Ho- wever, the correlation coefficients do not contain all proba- bilistic information about impacts of SNPs on values of a phenotype. The joint probabilities taking into account the correlation between SNPs can be viewed as a way for con- structing association between SNPs and traits. We have analyzed DH populations of barley. According to the DH method, only two types of genotypes occur for a pair of alleles, i.e., everyx ij takes only two values. At the same time, in diploid method, three genotypes occur, i.e., everyx ij takes three values. In this case the Bahadur repre- sentation cannot be applied, but the Sarmanov-Lancaster expansion [26, 39] can be used 1 . This is a direction for further research. Of course, we have used a heuristic procedure by taking pairs of SNPs for computing R ki by means of (3). We could consider joint probabilities of three and more SNPs. However, the increase of SNP numbers for computing the joint probabilities is impossible when the total number of SNPs is rather large. In this way, we can propose a multi- step procedure when the large set of top ranked SNPs is consequently determined by computing the joint probabi- lities of SNP pairs at the first step, then by computing the joint probabilities of SNP triples but from the reduced set obtained at the previous step. This procedure can be con- tinued. At that, we could use the ridge regression in order to avoid a situation when a very small number of SNPs are obtained at some step. However, this is a direction for furt- her research. The above modification may be very useful when the number of lines or individuals is small. 1 A rather simple presentation of the Sarmanov-Lancaster expansion and its usage can be found in the paper I. Goodman and D.H. Johnson, Multivariate dependence and the Sarmanov-Lancaster expansion, 2005, Figure 2: Difference between RMSRs of the standard and proposed Lasso methods for all SNPs. Figure 3: Difference between RMSRs of the standard and proposed Lasso methods for top ranking SNPs with epista- sis. Figure 4: Difference between RMSRs of the standard and proposed Lasso methods for all SNPs with epistasis. 184 Informatica 42 (2018) 175–188 L.V . Utkin et al. Table 1: RMSRs for the standard and proposed Lasso for OWBD. Top ranked SNPs All SNPs All lines First 10 lines All lines First 10 lines Trait S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. SL 1:760 0:583 1:596 0:515 3:280 4:429 2:594 3:845 GN 75:62 71:62 61:16 57:96 140:6 139:3 103:8 110:0 FS 77:86 79:59 50:39 40:78 162:0 158:9 75:68 74:60 HGW 0:134 0:121 0:094 0:085 0:209 0:186 0:147 0:137 PH 24:92 24:92 16:23 16:23 237:5 237:5 147:5 147:5 SN 17:96 16:53 8:847 8:285 27:71 27:92 12:73 12:66 HD 31:08 31:08 29:12 29:12 130:3 130:3 82:50 82:50 Table 2: RMSRs for the standard and proposed Lasso for OWBD by different numbers of top ranked SNPs. All lines First 10 lines SNP numbers S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. 20 1:412 1:116 1:396 1:177 40 1:392 0:550 1:392 0:443 60 1:393 0:680 1:393 0:611 80 1:393 1:548 1:393 1:569 Table 3: RMSRs for the standard and proposed Lasso for OWBD with epistasis. Top ranked SNPs All SNPs All lines First 10 lines All lines First 10 lines Trait S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. SL 0:815 0:724 0:697 0:652 2:866 3:638 2:622 2:630 GN 51:67 52:97 45:25 42:23 85:15 86:13 77:27 77:43 FS 44:99 70:42 33:19 27:53 72:00 102:1 51:17 50:86 HGW 0:077 0:056 0:069 0:052 0:156 0:107 0:118 0:098 PH 46:08 33:69 43:13 39:97 254:2 247:0 219:8 249:1 SN 12:21 10:42 6:842 5:274 24:26 23:84 13:34 10:71 HD 31:08 29:05 29:12 25:79 130:3 133:4 82:50 78:47 Table 4: Top ranked SNPs and their weights for the standard and proposed Lasso for OWBD HD with epistasis. S.L. P.L. SNP chromosome SNP chromosome 997 1279 6 6 3:421 997 1279 6 6 3:401 138 1 3:314 903 325 5 2 3:193 896 5 3:176 1101 6 2:764 1101 1152 6 6 2:750 138 1 2:661 734 4 2:683 896 5 2:634 670 273 4 2 2:542 1101 1152 6 6 2:583 324 903 2 5 2:128 725 4 2:493 1096 976 6 6 1:877 670 273 4 2 2:012 997 526 6 3 1:826 734 4 1:629 903 325 5 2 1:706 1101 976 6 6 1:447 Table 5: RMSRs for the standard and proposed Lasso for Dicktoo-Morex without epistasis. Top ranked SNPs All SNPs All lines First 10 lines All lines First 10 lines Trait S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. unvernalized 43:74 44:68 18:13 17:87 63:57 60:77 26:57 27:43 vernalized 79:56 78:37 27:95 26:49 108:3 106:7 26:46 25:81 A Modification of the Lasso Method by. . . Informatica 42 (2018) 175–188 185 Table 6: RMSRs for the standard and proposed Lasso for Dicktoo-Morex with epistasis. Top ranked SNPs All SNPs All lines First 10 lines All lines First 10 lines Trait S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. unvernalized 34:33 38:85 24:08 17:63 58:63 58:28 30:46 27:81 vernalized 38:41 62:26 17:28 17:11 124:0 119:8 33:32 32:14 Table 7: Top ranked SNPs and their weights for the standard and proposed Lasso for Dicktoo-Morex HD with epistasis. S.L. P.L. SNP chromosome SNP chromosome 112 7 7:860 112 7 7:238 22 2 6:387 110 7 5:242 110 7 5:296 20 2 4:426 20 2 4:074 22 2 4:377 113 7 2:26 113 7 3:55 51 3 1:684 21 2 2:645 59 84 4 5 1:394 50 3 2:398 84 5 1:261 49 113 3 7 1:627 19 2 1:002 84 5 1:174 49 3 0:980 33 50 2 3 1:037 Table 8: RMSRs for the standard and proposed Lasso for Steptoe-Morex without epistasis. Top ranked SNPs All SNPs All lines First 10 lines All lines First 10 lines Trait S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. HD 79:05 41:95 78:68 43:73 46:62 51:37 57:49 46:66 GY 104:0 78:99 95:81 74:24 137:3 140:4 151:3 163:9 Table 9: RMSRs for the standard and proposed Lasso for Steptoe-Morex without epistasis. Top ranked SNPs All SNPs All lines First 10 lines All lines First 10 lines Trait S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. S.L. P.L. HD 77:15 40:31 78:52 39:14 44:12 51:52 50:15 47:26 GY 87:48 23:00 78:63 18:61 156:5 161:8 192:8 171:1 Table 10: Top ranked SNPs and their weights for the standard and proposed Lasso for the Steptoe-Morex GY with epistasis. S.L. P.L. SNP chromosome SNP chromosome 82 3 9:562 82 3 13:158 53 2 7:067 53 2 6:687 81 3 5:278 222 114 7 4 5:355 29 1 4:62 29 1 5:089 42 53 2 2 4:126 68 2 4:599 20 1 3:693 20 1 3:543 111 4 3:510 108 4 3:338 68 2 2:377 154 19 5 1 3:156 72 2 2:348 154 45 5 2 3:028 203 7 1:675 108 105 4 3 2:881 186 Informatica 42 (2018) 175–188 L.V . Utkin et al. References [1] W. Altidor, T.M. Khoshgoftaar, J. Van Hulse, and A. Napolitano (2011) Ensemble feature ranking met- hods for data intensive computing applications. In B. Furht and A. Escalante, editors, Handbook of Data Intensive Computing, pages 349–376. Springer, New York. [2] R.R. Bahadur (1961) A representation of the joint distribution of response to n dichotomous items. In H. 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